Success Women's Magazine May 2021

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SUCCESS Women's Magazine

MAY 2021


COACHES Meet the wonder women of coaching

Get in the GRANTS GAME



SUCCESS Women's Magazine


COACHES Meet the wonder women of coaching

MAY 2021

Get in the GRANTS GAME




Dr. Sonja Stribling and Dr. Cheryl Wood


Success Women’s Conference under the direction of

Kearn Cherry, Dorothy Wilson, Tiffany Bell

Dr. Cheryl Wood Dr. Cheryl Wood is driven by her past to continue moving forward in the rewarding, successful life she now leads. She grew up in poverty and was always made to believe that she would be just another statistic adding to the number of young Black girls who become teenage mothers and remain in poverty. As a teenager, she held onto no dreams. “I just contemplated what it would be like to live a life that was better than poverty,” she says. Today, Dr. Wood is an international empowerment speaker, TEDx speaker, 14-time best-selling author, and master speaker development coach who specializes in equipping women to unleash the power of their voice and transform lives with their stories. She has trained women leaders across the United States and abroad including South Africa, India, France, United Kingdom, and the Bahamas. She has been featured on and in ABC, Forbes, Huffington Post, Essence, Black Enterprise, Rolling Out, Sheen Magazine, Fox 5 News, Fox 45 News, Good Morning Washington, The Washington Informer, The Baltimore Times and Afro-American Newspaper. She has delivered keynote presentations for NASA, Verizon, Capital One, The United Nations, Blacks In Government, Federally Employed Women and Congressional Black Caucus, to name a few. “I remain adamantly committed to breaking that stereotype for myself and becoming an inspiration for disadvantaged young girls (and women) [to show them] that you never have to be a product of your environment. You can give yourself permission to rise above your environment and soar!” she says. She knows about overcoming hardships and how important it is for one to believe in herself. “When I first started my business, my biggest challenge was my own toxic mindset. I didn’t believe I could be a

giant in the world because I was more focused on what I didn’t have than what I did have, which caused me to count myself out of a lot of opportunities. It caused me to play small and safe instead of taking big risks, and it caused me to devalue my worth and undercharge for my services. I had to work hard to master my mindset and uplevel my thinking so that my attitude, behaviors, and actions would reflect the new mindset that I was enough just as I was.” Dr. Wood encourages women to value their worth and to persevere. She tells her clients: “You are a unique, one-of-a-kind masterpiece that no one can duplicate. The world needs your gifts and talents, so don’t play small and assume that you can’t make an impact on other people’s lives. There’s a segment of the population who have been divinely assigned to you, and they will stay stuck until you show up to serve them. So, start where you are -- don’t despise small beginnings -- and stay consistent. Be curious enough to keep looking for the thing that makes you feel alive and that is as important to you as breathing is. Once you have found your lane, refuse to quit or give up just because the full manifestation of what you want doesn’t happen overnight. Nothing is more important than your discovering your soul purpose and having the patience for it to manifest. When you commit to walking in your purpose, your life will never be the same and neither will the lives of those touched by your impact and your legacy! You owe it to yourself to go on your personal journey of self-discovery and purpose and to never give up!” She stresses that every woman should give herself permission to create a life she is in love with instead of just settling for “existing” in life.


Dr. Wood’s projects and plans promise to keep her busy and to put all that energy to good use. She is in a partnership with the No. 1 motivational speaker in the world (and a guru whom she has looked up to for her entire speaker career), Les Brown. • YOU ARE ENOUGH on June 25-27, 2021 ( • SpeakerCon2021, themed UNLEASH YOUR UNDENIABLE IMPACT, on Nov. 4-7, 2021. Both events also will be book anthology projects where over 140 entrepreneurs share messages of inspiration to empower, encourage, and motivate others.

“I am committed to empowering women globally to make their fingerprint count and create a legacy starting today! This is important to me because too many women get so consumed with their RESPONSIBILITIES that they neglect their POSSIBILITIES and later in life find themselves feeling a void and unfulfilled. I want women to know they do not have to choose one or the other -- they get to accomplish both -- they can be a great wife, mother, friend AND a world changer walking in their individual purpose while making an impact on other people’s lives! Every human being is put here for a purpose, and that purpose is bigger than any role or title we hold. So, I want to remind women that no one is going to make their purpose a priority until they do.” Dr. Wood explains. She says one of the biggest lessons she has learned throughout her journey is that success if never free. “No one is going to GIVE it to you just because you deserve it. You must be willing to invest in your own success through a combination of sweat equity and financial investments. And when you know who you are becoming and you can visualize your success before it manifests, you become willing to invest more often and at a level that scares because you know that ultimately your ‘harvest’ will come in! You can’t plant excessively and never reap the harvest.” Today, Dr. Wood says she is filled with gratitude that she is not only surviving beyond the environment of poverty that she was raised in, but she is thriving at a level she never imagined was possible. “I get teary-eyed thinking about the fact that the girl who was raised in a single-parent household in an inner-city housing project with no college degree is now helping to transform lives all across the world and operating a seven-figure business that positions my children and grandchildren to come from wealth! Today, I take pride in being a living testimony that IT IS POSSIBLE, IF YOU CAN DREAM IT, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT!” She credits her success to her energy, her tenacious spirit, and her deep-seated commitment to lift others as she climbs. These are the attributes that make her unique. “I love what I do, and it shines through in my energy when working with clients. I don’t have to fake it because it is organic -- that’s what happens when you do what you’re born to do. My tenacious spirit keeps me in the game no matter what. I don’t believe in giving up just because it gets hard, I get knocked down, I get discouraged, or I don’t get what I want immediately... I just keep showing up and working until what I want is right in front of me. And I LIVE my life by the rule of lifting as I climb. All the success in the world means nothing if you don’t reach back and help others to get to where they want to be. I never want to be at the top by myself. I want to bring as many other women with me as possible!”

Dr. Sonja Stribling She is driven by her desire to never see another woman experience the life she lived when she didn’t know my value and purpose.

IN THE WORKS I Own My Power Summit will take place October 2021 or January 2022

When Dr. Sonja Stribling was a teenager, she dreamed of becoming Wonder Woman, the superhero whose life seemed perfect and who helped so many people in their time of need. At times throughout her journey, though, Dr. Stribling might have seemed to be the one who needed rescuing. She became a mother at the age of 15, was raped and left for dead when she was 17. She went through a lengthy divorce after 18 years of marriage, lost houses and cars, and became clinically depressed. Today, this retired U.S Army major and combat veteran, recipient of the Barack Obama Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, and former Bravo network TV host who has been featured on NBC, Fox, TV One, and The Word Network uses her training and experience to lead thousands to their own victories and to show them how use their inner power to ascend to their next-level life and business. About the challenges she overcame, she says: “Yes, I know all this sounds so traumatic, but my point of sharing this information and my personal journal of my life is to show you that although we may experience tragedy in our lives, we can still muster up courage and strength and use the negative energy to create a life we deserve and desire. But it takes an inner power that many are challenged with discovering.” These days Dr. Stribling is the chairwoman of the Born to Be Powerful® Academy, home of Women Speak and Grow Rich® Mastery Course and Kitchen Table CEO®. Her firm’s courses, events, and results-based coaching programs equip emerging and established women influencers, entrepreneurs, and game changers to use their life experience and knowledge to build their coaching and speaking empires. She shares her trade secrets about how she turned her pain into power by shifting her mindset to have a purposeful and fulfilled life and how she generated $250,000 in one day and grew her business to $1 million

in 12 months and the process she uses for her company to consistently generate $500,000-plus monthly in a world where the average coach generates $24,000 annually. She is driven by her desire to never see another woman experience the life she lived when she didn’t know my value and purpose. Also, she wants her children to have legacy. “I truly believe the edict, ‘If you didn’t come from a wealthy family, let a wealthy family come from you.’” Her message is for women to know they are more than a mother to their children, wife to their husbands and the caregivers to their families. “Although, those are great positions to have, we are called to do even the more. We are called to live a fulfilled life and become someone else’s superhero. How, you ask? By sharing our life experiences and knowledge to help someone else have a more fulfilling life, experience love, and/or have a booming business.” In her life’s journey, she has learned that life is what you make it. “One shouldn’t wait on opportunities to present themselves; they should create their own opportunities. As a mother of three boys and a divorcee after being married for 18 years, I know all too well the mindset of a woman who wanted more but just didn’t know what that more was or how to get to it.” She tells women that there is no better time than now to be a woman. “More importantly, there’s no better time than now to be a woman in business as a coach and speaker. Consider using your life experiences and knowledge to serve others to their next level,” she says. “I believe that if we know our P.O.W.E.R, own our P.O.W.E.R. and stand in it, we can be and do anything we desire.” Her own ventures are flourishing. Here Born to Be Powerful Academy successfully operates as a women’s gateway to their next-level lives and businesses. “We help women who lack confidence and guidance to build a highly successful coaching and speaking business. We now conduct boot camps helping women launch and build their coaching and speaking businesses, she says. And she has published a new book, “No More Damn Excuses... a Woman’s GUIDE TO GAINING CONFIDENCE AND STEPPING INTO YOUR SUPER POWER.” She is also preparing for her first I Own My Power Summit, which will take place October 2021 or January 2022. While Dr. Stribling might not have become the television version of Wonder Woman, she has become a superhero to many in need. She says: “I have used my superpower to help other women have a fulfilled life and a booming business.”

Tiffany D. Bell

Leader. Advocate. World-Class Professional. Profitable NonProfit With the definition of professionalism lingering amongst the uncertainty of trendy culture, Tiffany D Bell stands as proof that business reliability is far from being a lost art in this generation. Combining unequivocal poise and diligence with a natural refinement, Tiffany is known best for her exemplary leadership, compassion, and unyielding ability to balance cultural demand with a professional vernacular, unmatched by most. Tiffany D. Bell is a multidimensional leader, influencer, and communal advocate. Having spent more than two decades providing the best in managerial, administrative, and servant leadership, Tiffany is often counted as one able to execute at high levels, regardless of unforeseen circumstances, quintessential business pivots, or various setbacks. As the nonprofit CEO of Gulfport, MS, Tiffany encourages women to make positive life choices. Connecting her faith in God with an innate ability for servant leadership, she walks out an intentional effort to impact young women’s lives with the hope of the Gospel. As one on a mission to show them how to step forward in their power when faced with difficult circumstances, Tiffany can translate 25 years of experience in community outreach and leadership training into a formidable blueprint made for transforming young women’s lives. She is co-director of Success Women’s Conference, recently named a Top 10 Conference for Professional Women by Essence Magazine. Held annually, women from all over the nation flood the MS Gulf Coast to be inspired, connected, empowered, and recharged by internationally known speakers and coaches. Attendees leave the conference with a greater sense of confidence and elevated in all life areas, both professionally and in their personal lives. When Tiffany D. Bell is not out serving her community, changing lives throughout Mississippi and abroad, she is a proud mother of two sons and a grandmother with a firm belief in creating a legacy for her children and grandchildren for years to come.

Email: | 228-365-8887

Our Nonprofit Pro offers a four month program for nonprofit startups. Receive specialized help in the following areas: Board Development, Developing a Successful Fundraising plan, Program Development, Nonprofit Budget, Community Partnerships & Engagement, Ethical leadership. Effective nonprofits have winning strategies in place for each of these areas. Let’s partner together to help your nonprofit advance it’s mission, grow your community, and strengthen our nation as a whole. WHAT WE TEACH

1. Identify effective strategies to increase donor retention at your organization 2. How to build an engaged and supportive board 3. How to position, brand, and market your nonprofit for more effective teams and community engagement

Kearn Cherry Kearn Cherry is called the “Butts in the Seats Queen”. She is a speaker, coach, entrepreneur, and #1 Bestselling author. She has been creating events and conferences for almost 20 years. She also helps individuals become extremely visible as a Visibility Coach. She is the coach of “Creating Your Own Event” especially virtual. She is the owner of PRN Home Care for 24 years with over 30 years in the healthcare. She is co-founder and director of Success Women’s Conference with over 17,000 virtually. She is the creator of Power Up Summit and Level Up Virtual Summit. In 2001, Kearn Cherry effortlessly graced the pages of one of the most popular publications in the world, Essence Magazine. Featured in both their local, and international publications; Kearn was recognized as the “Comeback Queen”, confirming her commitment to exemplify dynamic business agility. Today, Kearn is a familiar face on several Magazine covers, all testifying to the entrepreneurial giant, she truly is. Out of many publications highlighting

her expertise; Speakers Magazine, VIP Magazine, Sheen Magazine, Courageous Woman Magazine, Glambitious Magazine and her very own, Power-Up Speakers Edition Magazine; are amongst her favorites. Giving birth to Amazon #1 best-selling book; Trailblazers Who Lead: Unsung Heroes, and #1 International Bestseller “Make It Happen”. In the midst of its release, Kearn also facilitated two innovative web-conferences; the “Level-Up Virtual Summit” and the “Power Up Summit”. Both by which, featured the best of multi-generational entrepreneurs, influencers, authors, and business professionals; all offering top-tier advice, recommendations, and business exhortation to professionals, entrepreneurial hopefuls, and those facing the unforeseen challenge in maintaining a successful business during a global crisis. She often says “When one door is close try the next one, if it’s close go around to the back, if not Create Your OWN, but never give up.”

Get Visible and Create Your Own Profitable Event

They will know how to create a profitable event and increase their visibility WHAT WE TEACH

1. Visibility Increases Profitability 2. Creating events increases collaborations 3. Your Network increases Your Net worth | | | Clubhouse - kearncherry | |

Dorothy P. Wilson Dorothy P. Wilson is a best-selling editor and author, speaker, originator, chieftain, and the CEO and Founder of FaithInspiration Network, Live Your Faith Out Loud Conference and DWilson & Associates Publishing & Marketing; and Publisher of Gulf Coast Woman Magazine, a successful periodical, reaching an estimated 64,500 in print monthly, and more than 113,000, online. Dorothy harnesses an outstanding propensity for pioneering and exhorting people, into their true life’s purpose, by way of groundbreaking facilitation, and organizational leadership. She is co-founder and director of Success Women’s Conference, which has attained national respect; proudly honored, as one of the Top 5 conferences, for professional women, in the United States. Whether it be through the vocation of her diverse platforms such as: The Business Success Accelerator coaching program, the creations and management of various magazines and book projects, or in the reach of SWC, Dorothy is intentional about her mandate to inspire and transform women.

Business Success Accelerator • Clarity about your focus, brand and messaging. • Winning strategy with metrics, processes and prioritization. • Resources and tools to ensure success. A Written Blueprint for Business Success. WHAT WE TEACH

1. The problem isn’t your goals; it’s your mind-set and strategy. Fix them. 2. People buy people and promises first, products and services secondly. 3. Vision + Systems + Processes + Priorities + Right People = SUCCESS. | 15-minute Discovery Appointment:

Warriors Walk To Wellness My clients receive a caring, 1:1 coaching experience that is individualized in accordance with their values and cultural beliefs. In my practice, the client enters a partnership. They are the experts because they know themselves better than anyone so we create a co-partnership that builds on their strengths, identifies barriers to the change they wish to see, and co-create goals based on their priority areas for change. Included in all of my signature programs are weekly, 60-minute coaching sessions, workbooks and/or other materials, and accountability measures that include follow-up emails, texts, and/or phone calls based on client preference. We live in a generation full of energized professionals, longing to provide innovative solutions for the everchanging wellness industry. Equipped with an exceptional vernacular on the matter is the bravura comprised professional, Jean Turner. Jean Turner is an Retired Army & Iraqi War Veteran, Author, International Speaker, Holistic Health Nurse Coach, Licensed Minister, and the CEO of The “Spirit of a Warrior Life Enterprises, LLC”, a specialty created to help others draw on their innate strength to overcome obstacles, reclaim their life, and be the healthiest version of themselves that they can be. Under her business umbrella, Jean uses the mediums of podcasting and her radio show, Health Chat w/Coach Jean, self-care coaching sessions, non-fiction books, workbooks, and signature wellness programs that afford her clients to exceed their intended results. Tenured in the nursing profession for over 30 years, Jean Turner empowers both her patients and clients to take charge of their health: Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit.


The first truth is that health is multidimensional. There are several dimensions of wellness. Every week on both my radio show and podcast, I reiterate this truth: An imbalance in any dimension of wellness creates disharmony (i.e. Disease or “DisEase”) throughout our entire being. This is holistic health! Caring for the whole person! Secondly, how we care for our body during periods of “wellness affects our prognosis and recovery should we find ourselves in what I call a “suddenly” health crisis (i.e. a car accident or sudden illness such as COVID,) And lastly, we don’t know how resilient we are until resilience is a requirement! True resiliency is revealed during challenges but God’s strength dwells in us and enables us to be resilient in the midst of challenging times.


Lee Mariano

The possibility of transforming lives is not attained, without compassionate leaders, committed to an unyielding gift, of inspiring others. Championing that principle with exceptional grace; is the dynamic life enthusiast, Lee Mariano. Lee Mariano is an author, speaker, business guru, and CEO and founder of Alexidom Coaching; a multifaceted coaching specialty centered around helping clients increase their self-confidence, reclaim their personal power, and rediscover their identity, so that they can successfully achieve their goals; and attain the life they desire most. Reputed for her impressive career and expertise as a C-Suite Executive and Senior Leader, Lee proves her tenure in people management and career coaching to be quintessential; equipping her with the dedication and insight needed, to help clients transform their very own lives. Lee Mariano’s mantra is simple: Show up with confidence. Speak with authority, and get things done. Lee merges an ability to help others, with a deep sentiment for education, authorship, advocacy, and communal service. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business management and has served her country as a US Marine Corps Veteran. She is also a USA Bestselling Author and champions domestic violence advocacy; as she herself, is a proud survivor. Lee uses her experiences as a survivor to influence women to reinvent themselves, speak their personal truth, and begin again; some of the many attributes she offers through her coaching practice. Her intention is clear: Lee wants women to stop hiding behind the labels that others have placed on them, and to remain resolved to their purpose and the possibility of creating their own future. When Lee is not out helping to empower women through Alexidom Coaching, she is a beloved member of her chosen community, a cherished mother, and friend. Lee Mariano. Speaker. Advocate. Guru.

Step Into Your Power

I help my clients increase their selfconfidence, reclaim their personal power, and rediscover their identity, so that they can successfully achieve their goals and have the life they desire most. Within my program, I help women remove the labels others have placed on them, shed the fear that has paralyzed them, and eliminate the uncertainty they feel about the future. WHAT WE TEACH

1. Show Up every day as your whole person, unapologetic, and knowing the power you hold inside. 2. Show Out by using the strength and power of your voice. 3. Change the Game so people know you’ve arrived and you are a powerhouse ready to make things happen.

Email: | Facebook: @AlexidomCoaching Instagram: @coachleemariano | Clubhouse: @leemariano

Dr. Karen Hills Pruden

Dr. Karen Hills Pruden is the Career Elevation Expert for women seeking senior leadership positions. She has 20+ years of experience in HR leadership; influencing employees through speaking, coaching, workshops, and 10 book publications. She is a multi-preneur and global speaker. Dr. Pruden transformed her life from a teenage bride to a doctor making over 6 figures. Her mantra is simple, ‘No Excuses, Make It Happen!’ Dr. Pruden works as a Chief Human Resource Officer/Assistant Vice President, CEO of Pruden Global Business Solutions Consulting, and Founder of Sister Leaders Conference. Sister Leaders is a global community of diverse exceptional female leaders of every generation who are past, present and future female leaders who share knowledge, experiences, networks, and resources to create a legacy of exceptional female leaders. Its goal is to connect and create a global multigenerational female leadership community. Dr. Pruden credits education for opening doors to her professionally. She serves on several boards and committees namely the Legacy Council of Black Brand ®, MomAdvocate Foundation, and City of Virginia Beach Police

Citizen Recruiting Task Force, Hampton Roads Community Foundation Black Giving committee, City of Virginia Beach Ad Hoc Achievable Dreamers Academy committee and the Mayor’s African American Roundtable. A graduate of Yale University Women’s Leadership Program, Dr. Pruden has been interviewed on television on: Roland Martin Unfiltered, WAVY, WTKR, and WVEC. Dr. Pruden has been a featured speaker at Virginia SHRM, Society for Diversity, Black Wall Street, SpeakerCon, VCU, Global Fluency, EmpoweringHER, NAACP, and Peninsula Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Pruden is an award winning professional being Recognized by Governor Northam (VA) for work in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, ACHI Magazine Author of the Year, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Leader Award, ACHI Magazine Woman of Influence and recently the 2021 Leading the Charge For Equity Award.

Career Elevation Female Leadership Accelerator • Engaging and Leading Employees in Multi-Level Organizations. • How to Facilitate Organizational Change With Minimal Disruption. • How to Forecast and Monitor Your Business With Analytics WHAT WE TEACH

1-Your Continued Success Is Reliant Upon Your Professional Growth. 2-Sometimes Failure and Loss Show Up Before Success. 3-You Cannot Lead Soley on Emotions. Consult the data for the real feedback. LinkedIn: DrKarenHillsPruden | Instagram: DrKarenHillsPruden |

Noreen N. Henry

Victorious Living Culture Empowering steps and tools to overcome their circumstances to victory, with learning key essentials to creating victorious habits. WHAT WE TEACH

1. Gaining the right knowledge. 2. Success begins with awareness 3. The importance of our thoughts and words

Noreen N. Henry is a Victorious Living Strategist, who is known for her knowledge, wisdom, and instant results. One of her passions is transforming lives from defeat to victory. She is a coach, speaker, trainer, author, and health educator. She is a 6x #1 international best seller, and authored 18 books. Noreen experienced many adversities that led to her learning tools to be victorious. As a result, she founded “Victorious Living Culture,” that is a “Victorious Living” movement,” where her services help countless individuals turn their situations into victory. Noreen’s native residence is London, England, and migrated to the States in her late teens. She obtained an AAS degree, and various certificates and diplomas. She is currently enrolled in International School of Ministry’s Bachelor’s degree program. Noreen completed the Cornell’s Women’s Entrepreneur program and AmplifyHER Voice Speaker & Mentorship Certification Program. She continues to take courses to craft her talents. Noreen is an ordained minister, and certified Biblical Counselor. She is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors, 4 Corners Alliance, John Maxwell Team Member, Toastmasters International, and Promote-Her. Noreen is also certified in: Administrative Assistant, Cake Baking and Decorator, Biblical Counseling, and is a GSC Leader. She has acquired “Another Seat At The Table: Inclusion and Diversity Compliance License.” Noreen has been featured on Gratitude Girls, Author in Business, National Black Book Festival, Conversations with Lady Linda, Kingdom Purpose Talk, Courageous Woman Magazine, SNAPD Downtown Toronto, AmplifyHer Magazine, and various other media outlets. She created the “Unleash Your Greatest Potential, Living Your Best Life NOW! Annual Event, and now has a TV talk show called “Victorious Living With Noreen.” Noreen is passionate about victorious living and cares a great deal about mankind. The song “People Help the People” was dedicated to Noreen by one of her nieces. | Facebook: noreen.n.henry | Instagram: victoriousnoreen LinkedIn: noreen-n-henry-72056913 | YouTube:

a s s e Van n o s n Joh How To Open, Manage & Sustain A Transitional Housing Facility A blueprint and templates to assist them at opening their own transitional housing facility. WHAT WE TEACH

1. The Fight Is Fixed no matter what 2. Mindset must be changed in order to move forward. 3. You can live a life of victory

In life, finding your feet can be a daunting experience and cause a feeling of unpreparedness and inadequacy that gnaws at your sense of worth and impedes your progress. Dunamis Dominion, LLC and The Fight Is Fixed-, LLC are companies determined to reach these types of people. The goal is to act as a bridge between selfdefeating thoughts and realization of dreams. Vanessa “Fireball” Johnson is a native New Yorker with a southern flare from her roots in South Carolina. She is the CEO of Vanessa Johnson Enterprises, LLC which acts as the umbrella for the aforementioned companies as well as Sonship Publishing House, Camouflage Housing Services and Dunamis Homes of Divine Intervention, Inc. She is an ordained Pastor, Prophetess, and Life of Victory Strategist who uses practical principles from the Word to help people confront and overcome the traumas and obstacles they face. She believes in taking these principles to the “streets” and has a deep desire to help women of every nationality; a passion to teach from her own experiences. She knows too well how trauma can set people off on destructive paths. Life has exposed her to childhood sexual molestation, sexual abuse, and domestic violence between the ages of 16 and 22. Now 51 years old, she has turned it around by applying those same principles to her own life. Despite tears, frustration, and depression, her relationship with God has never wavered. She has been diligent about gaining the tools necessary for victory as she trusts God’s Spirit over outside influence and considers it her purpose to help as many people as possible. | Facebook: Life of Victory Strategist - Vanessa Johnson Instagram: Vanessa Johnson Enterprises | LinkedIn: Vanessa Johnson Email: or

e u q i n o M . r D Flemings Dr. Monique Flemings is a wife, mother, conference speaker, educator, coach, minister entrepreneur, and author. Dr. Monique’s diverse background as a physical therapist, a minister and educator allow her to serve people from a unique perspective. With over four decades of diverse leadership experience, Dr. Monique has traveled the world teaching, and building people. She has served in numerous aspects of ministry including Senior Pastor and Associate Pastor. Recently featured by the International Association of Women, as an inuencer she continues to mentor women globally. As an educator in academia, Dr. Monique has served as the Director of Clinical Education for Fox College Physical Therapist Assistant Program and Adjunct Professor at Governor’s State University Physical Therapy Program. She served as the Coordinator for Students Interest for the Illinois Physical Therapy Association. She is an author having written 5 books of her own and serving as a contributing writer for 5 other books. Dr. Flemings most recent book, Mastering Transitions is a powerful tool providing language for navigating through seasons of transitions. Mastering Transition has been used as curriculum for youth groups, transitional living facilities nationwide. Dr. Flemings is the visionary of Monique Flemings Enterprises and a Transition Specialist Coach. Through coaching and digital education, her clients seek her expertise in leadership, transition, and personal development. She is a resuscitator of purpose with a unique gift of wisdom and practicality. She has successfully coached clients and organizations through

seasons of transition. Her signature coaching program Transition and WIN and Crushing Fear are known for their ability to pull purpose out of her client. She continues her M3 Masterclass designed specically for women exploring their ministry call beyond the pulpit. Dr. Flemings serves as an Associate Pastor and Director of Aliate Churches for All Nations Collective an urban church planting organization.

• Crushing Fear • Mastering Transitions Strategies for rising above fear and winning in any aspect of life. Understanding the unknown zone and transitioning with purpose WHAT WE TEACH

1. Toxic relationships are a result of identity issues connected to fear. 2. Transitions are full of purpose. 3. The unknown zone is the place of incredible creativity | fear

Vision & Legacy Strategic Coach Coach program is geared to help individuals move their vision from paper to reality, from reality to implementation, from implementation to creating a lasting legacy for future generations. Coaching programs are for individual who desire open either a profit or nonprofit business and passionate about becoming an entrepreneur. WHAT WE TEACH

Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson is author, founding nonprofit CEO of Matthew House Chicago serving and celebrating thirty plus years of serving individual who are homeless. She is a progenitor, inspired by her parents who are one of the leading entrepreneurial family in Chicago teaching their children to strive to make jobs and not just get a job.

Three truths of Coaching are 1) Guidance and value of having a business plan for both profit or nonprofit business 2) Developing a Supportive Team 3) Learning to PITCH your business


Constance Woulard

Constance Woulard is the Divisional Nursing Director for Wellpath Recovery Solutions. In this role, she is accountable for nursing practice and quality encompassing sites within the United States, to include Washington, Colorado, Alaska, Massachusetts, South Carolina, California, Texas and Florida. Ms. Woulard is a motivational speaker, a best-selling author, mentor, and nursing educator. She is a faculty adjunct with the University of North Carolina and nursing graduate coach for Instructional Connections, Incorporated. She has also served on the Arizona Board of Nursing, where she was cochair of the education committee. In her limited spare time, she enjoys baking, cooking her specialty dishes, such as Creole gumbo, and is a grill master. Ms. Woulard studied chemistry and English at the University of Southern Mississippi.

She later obtained certication in secondary education. She received a bachelor of science in Nursing from William Carey University, Masters of Science in Nursing Education from William Carey University, and a post master’s certicate in nursing administration from Duquesne University. Ms. Woulard is inspired by a true desire to serve others. She embraces meeting the needs of others, mentally and spiritually where they are. She is motivated by service to others and mentoring upcoming leaders in today’s workplace. She is an esteemed member of Chi Eta Phi. She also received the Healthcare Hero Award by Becker’s Healthcare Report, a nationally acclaimed healthcare magazine. Her nursing career has been dedicated to creating high quality, reliable systems of care and developing the next generation of nurses and health care professionals to lead in these ever-changing times.

Leading in Today’s World: Meeting People Where They Are Enhanced leadership skills and training, improved communication skills, self-awareness as a leader WHAT WE TEACH

Authenticity—know yourself as a leader, motivation, collaboration | Anointededucator@instagram LinkedIn/constancewoulard

a d l e r e S . r D Herbin

Serelda L. Herbin is the CEO and Founder of Coaching That Cares by Serelda, LLC, a company that coaches current and future leaders from all walks of life, young and old. She is a leader who cares about the success, destiny, and purpose of all people but has a genuine heart for at-risk youth. She is also a published author of her most recent book, From At Risk To At The Top, that focuses on how to overcome obstacles in spite of one’s circumstances. She is a retired Army Officer (serving her last job at the The Pentagon in Washington, DC), a disabled combat veteran (served in war in Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia) and served abroad for many years during her military career. She has held leadership positions in the Army at all levels and have worked with and advised senior leaders and subordinates throughout her career. Of all the titles, accolades, achievements, and accomplishments, Serelda is most proud to be a servant of Jesus, a servant for Jesus, and a servant made by Jesus. Her passion is to motivate youth, namely at-risk youth, to operate at their max potential regardless of their life circumstances. She has a powerful testimony of her life and inspires and draws her motivation to help others through that testimony. Her life’s motto is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Serelda Herbin Direction. Armation. Aspiration. Inspiration. Self-Discovery WHAT WE TEACH

1. You Are Not Your Circumstance. 2. Give Yourself a Chance. 3. Map Out Your Plan. |

Tanika Craig-Speaks

Lifeshift Group LLC Courage to take action, strategies to stay consistent and tools to pay it forward

Tanika Craig-Speaks, aka “Dr. Resilience,” is a workpreneur, transformational speaker, mentor, and strategy expert. For more than 20 years, she has devoted a great deal of her work to enriching all aspects of individuals’ lives. She is a ball of energy aligning with all things motivational and never leaves home without her clapper. Her favorite things are High heels, French Fries, and Laughter. As the founder of LIFEshift Group, LLC, a program that provides a non-judgmental environment for youth and young adults to be engaged and supported to overcome challenges transitioning into young adulthood while meeting their academic, professional, and personal goals. By far, her greatest accomplishment is helping thousands of individuals with self-discovery and nding resiliency after unfortunate circumstances. She has an MBA degree with a specialization in Social Entrepreneurship. She’s ercely passionate about helping underdogs build a life that aligns with their purpose and shows them what is truly possible.


Find a dose of disruption to build resilience. 1.The Causes 2.The Consequences 3.The Cures

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a l o y a F . r D a c i l e D

Winning in Life with Coach Fayola People will gain the keys to winning in life to increase their happiness, finances, and influence. WHAT WE TEACH

1. Adversity is your best friend because it helps you to connect with your authentic self. 2. You were created to provide something unique in the world. 3. Being true to yourself is the key to a life of success.

Dr. Fayola Delica is a native of Miami, FL. Dr. Delica is truly your modern-day renaissance woman. This firecracker is your Passion and Purpose Activator. She helps you to live out loud by living out your divine purpose in the areas of business, the nonprofit sector, and ministry. In addition, she is an International TV Host, Influence Specialist, and Governmental Strategist. She is also an International Award-winning: • Ministry Leader • Healthcare Professional • Serial Entrepreneur • Motivational Speaker • Beauty Queen • Best-selling Author winning the number-one spot several times on Amazon Dr. Delica has been speaking since she came out of her mother’s womb. She had to reinvent herself from being an ICU nurse to being homeless because she lost everything during the economic crash of 2008. Dr. Delica found her voice by accident during the darkest time of her life. Over the last seven years, she has been speaking in churches, schools, and community events as well as at conferences and conventions, locally and abroad. Her signature topics are entrepreneurship, empowerment, and health/wellness. She works with entrepreneurs, ministers, and professionals. She has been recognized on local, state, national, and international platforms on various TV shows, magazines, and podcasts. Also, Dr. Delica holds several leadership roles in various nonprofit organizations, businesses, and ministries as well as founded a number of her own businesses, non-profit organizations, and ministries. She is truly on a mission to change the world by empowering, inspiring, and motivating people to live life to the fullest. Give your dreams life by connecting with Dr. Delica.

W: | E: | LinkedIn: Facebook: @fayoladelicallc | Twitter: @fayoladelicallc | Instagram: @fayoladelicallc Clubhouse: @drfayoladelica | YouTube: Dr. Fayola Delica | Podcast: Bossing Up Podcast, coming soon…

r r a B n a Je Jean Barr is the founder of Top Achievers Sales Training, a veteran Sales Trainer & Master Sales Coach championing productivity, performance and prot for Sales Professionals and Companies alike. She has trained and coached 1000’s of individuals and teams locally, nationally and internationally over the last 38 years. She brings simplicity to complexity and believes sales is not about HARD SELL. Its about empowering conversations that elicit emotional connection SO pivotal to closing the sale. Jean has led sales training workshops with a proven success rate of increasing sales by 30%+ for over 3 decades and knows that companies want the reassurance of working with a leading sales training company. Her key point of difference is focused on the “inner game” of sales. To improve productivity, performance and thereby prot in a business one needs to not only look at the linear hard skills, but also the non linear soft skills and interweave the two. Jean see’s rst hand the pain that comes with lack of performance in the sales arena. She believes sales does not have to be hard, it can be exhilarating fullling and rewarding if prociency is built in key EQ area’s.

Jean Barr Understanding why your value proposition is so important to be able to differentiate yourself from the opposition WHAT WE TEACH

1. Your value proposition should be unique 2. Your greatest opposition is each and every client or prospective client 3. Sales and leadership is about communication

Love, The Huggins, LLC Achieve Higher Self-Awareness/ Confidence; Discover Your Identity and Purpose; Learn to Repurpose The Pain of Your Past; Set Healthy Boundaries; Assistance in Goal Setting / Planning; Improved Sense of Purpose, Emotional Well Being, and Overall Satisfaction with Your Life WHAT WE TEACH

I am a wife, a mother, and a proud Navy veteran. As a Personal Development and Family Life Coach, I empower women to strengthen their families by helping them to free themselves of emotional bondage and repurpose their pain so they can walk in Passion and Purpose.

1. You are responsible for your own happiness. 2. Your past is what powers your purpose. 3. You are a solution for someone else’s problem.

I believe women are the anchor of the family and play such an important role in its success. My goal is to embrace, empower and enlighten women in order to strengthen the family. When we do this, we strengthen our communities and our society, which helps to make the world a better place.


Collette Conner

I didn’t allow the challenges of single parenthood to stop me from reaching for all God had for me. No more wounds just scars which are reminders that I am more than a conqueror. As a Minister, I have an unquenchable thrist to see the captives free. As a Life Coach, I long to show others the way and path I’ve walked. As an International Speaker, I desire to touch many souls with my voice. Lastly, as the Podcast Host of ‘KeepingYour Sanity While Single Parenting’, I want all single parents to know God has not forgot about them. My passion is seeing singleparents protect their personal power all while walking out their purpose. My goal is to encourage, inspire and empower single parents to overcome life adversities by staying focused on the big picture.

Power In The Pivot How to activate their purpose. How to execute their purpose. How to accelerate their purpose. WHAT WE TEACH

You must activate your purpose. You must execute your purpose. You must accelerate your purpose. | Facebook: @collettetconner Instagram: @collettetconner | LinkedIn: @collettetconner | Twitter: @collettetconner Keeping Your Sanity While Single Parenting Podcast

h s i n o v e D Sharon Leid Sharon Devonish Leid, CEO of NetStruc PR, Publicity Strategist, PP Speaker, and Coach, TV Host, and Author. Sharon has over 20 years of experience in Public/ Community and Media Relations. Starting in 2015, she began NetStrucPR. Sharon’s main goal is to help entrepreneurs to get featured local, regional, and national media outlets. She also coaches and consults entrepreneurs on how to find the right media, how to show up and show out for the media, and the do’s and don’ts when pitching. Some of her clients have been featured on Here and Now ABC 7 with Sandra Bookman, 107.5FM WBLS, 103.9FM The Toya Beasley Show, Fox5 NY, News 12, CNN, New York Times, Bloomberg News, ABC, Essence, Black Enterprise, WHUR, Good Morning Washington DC and so many more. Sharon has created strong relationships with many media outlets throughout her career. Sharon is the Founder of Ladies of 3rd Thursday, a monthly business networking organization that provides professional and personal development resources. Ladies of 3rd Thursday helps entrepreneurs and businesses network, nd resources to help build their business, and help create business relationships. On top of her PR work and Ladies of 3rd Thursday, Sharon does speaking engagements and Masterclasses on the Importance of having PR for your brand and why community engagement is benecial to a business. She also speaks to college students who are aspiring to be entrepreneurs. Sharon is a Wife to her business partner and high school sweetheart for over 25 years, a mother to 3 sons, and a passionate individual who loves to help others.


Landing the Right Media & Maximizing on it How to show up for the media, How to land their interviews, how to search for the right media platforms, meeting national reporters, journalist and editors WHAT WE TEACH

1. Your Story Matters 2. Be Bold with your Expertise 3. Never give up when dealing with the media

Sher Downing Dr. Downing is a consultant and industry coach and the CEO & Founder of Downing EdTech Consulting, a company specializing in the strategic planning, creative development and executive services for developing former higher education eLearning and IT personnel with specialized skills to nd their next options. With over thirty years’ experience in higher education including leading online learning and technology initiatives for public, private, and for-prot higher education institutions, Downing understands the vendor to client, educator to technical expert relationships and the impact it has on organizations. She is host of the EdTech Speaks podcast, founder of the Speakers Resource Group membership service, a best-selling international co-author, regular contributor to Forbes, HBR Ascend, and Medium and serves as a university board trustee, university law school board member, international speaker and presenter.

From Sweatpants to CEO - transitioning your talent in the EdTech eld. Guidance in transitioning and creating a purposeful career in the tech and education world. WHAT WE TEACH

1. It’s acceptable to want more out of your career. 2. You can create a career through freelance options or a full-time appointment. 3. Women can create an impactful space in the EdTech eld.

Tashaya Singleton Tashaya Singleton is the creator of “Secrets of Earning: Business Success Strategic Intensive”. She is the Founder of TJS Financial Solutions, LLC, with over a decade of experience in training business owners, and employees of Fortune 500 Companies and a Global 100 Company. She has facilitated hundreds of Workshops and Training Classes in the Areas of Personal Growth, Business Development, Insurance and Financial Services. Tashaya hosts the podcast “The Secrets of Earning Money Show” which was inspired by her book “The Secrets of Earning Money Without A Job: How You Can Get $300 $1,500 Within 30-Days!”. And she is dedicated to helping women take control of their personal economy and life.

Secrets of Earning: Business Success Strategic Intensive • Clarity on their unique talents and their next best step. • Condence to move forward and elevate their business. • A 90-Day Business Success Strategic Plan WHAT WE TEACH

1. Use what they already know to create nancial success. 2. Take consistent action, on a regular basis. And, even the smallest steps move you closer to your goal. 3. Success begins and ends in a person’s mind. So, controlling your thoughts and environment are essential to achieving success.

Facebook, Instagram, Clubhouse: @TashayaInspires Email: | Telephone: (757) 951-5358 LinkedIn:

Tomaka T. Ravenell, is an Certied Life Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Mentor, and Radio Host! She is the Founder of Complete Woman, a Women’s Healing Empowerment, Life Coaching, Mentoring, and Event Curating Company. Complete Woman explores open dialog in a group setting, or one on one either connecting women, or reconnecting the woman within herself, while inuencing positive change. She is a dedicated advocate, as a voice crying out for hurting women and teens! As an encourager, Tomaka spreads positivity, helping women be accountable with a detailed plan and goal setting through coaching, mentorship, healing and self-awareness. In addition to mentoring, Tomaka supports personal growth and healthy relationships between self and the world around us. Her personal story of overcoming her own childhood trauma, and failed relationships charted her on a journey focused on faith and spiritual healing, which lead to an undiscovered place of purpose. These specic strategies are now a part of her practice with clients, so they can embark on a path of self-acceptance through healing. Tomaka funnels her strategic mindset into event curating. Her most accomplished event series are her signature Chat & Chew gatherings and Vision Board parties. She is committed to bridging the gap between generations, races and cultures of women by using this platform to provide a safe space, judgement free for open and honest dialog. The goal is to repair damaged connections between female relationships, with a strong focus on the African American community! Tomaka believes good food, love and a Godly positive environment is powerful enough to heal the soul. This atmosphere prepares the heart to open and conversation to ow, while breaking down walls that may restrict free expression.

Complete Woman The steps to lasting transformation WHAT WE TEACH

1. True Healing 2. Redirection 3. Live in their owned truth


e c i n a J . r D n a m t r o F r e k o o H

Adult Daughter/Mother Relationship Mastery

The solution to reducing misunderstandings and confrontations in the adult daughter/mother relationship through a live six week group online course, access to Adult Daughter/Mother Relationship Mastery FB support group,free copy of the award winning book “The Secrets to How Not to Throw Mama From the Train” and other special gifts. WHAT WE TEACH

1. Communication is the foundation for all relationships. 2. Relationships are journeys, not destinations. 3. The mother/daughter relationship effects all of our personal and professional relationships.

Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman, E.D., DTM, is a motivational speaker, an authentic keynote speaker, an author and relationship coach. Dr. Jan believes that communication is the foundation for all relationships, both personal and professional. Her mission is to improve the quality of relationships through the use of effective communication. She is a member of Women’s Speakers Association, Global Woman Club, International Association of Women, and was recognized by the National Association of Professional Women as the 2013/2014 Professional Woman of the Year for leadership in public speaking. She was also selected as the 2019 and 2021 female entrepreneur to watch by Woman Entrepreneur Magazine and a finalist for the Honorary Global Woman 2021 award. Her articles appear in Global Achievers and Woman Entrepreneur Magazines, to name a few. Dr. Fortman’s award-winning book, “The Secrets to How NOT to Throw Mama from the Train,” focuses on the relationship between adult daughters and their aging mothers, and the communication patterns that cause difficulties in the relationship that effects all aspects of our lives. Her book entitled “The Little Book of BIG Behavior Interventions” presents the common misbehaviors of pre-k and elementary school children and the nonverbal communication that forecasts misbehavior. Her keen insight on why young children misbehave in their classrooms is popular with teachers who are faced with challenging misbehaviors. “Harness the Power of Purpose - How to Monetize your Personal and Business Journey” is introduced with her chapter “Is Your Voice Being Heard.” or 1-877-667-7325

Daphene Booker-Harris Daphene Booker-Harris is a multi-site childcare provider and serial entrepreneur located in the heart of Memphis, TN. She is affectionately known as the Preschool Icon. She teaches childcare professionals and entrepreneurs how to build high revenue-generating protable service-based businesses using her signature framework that has helped her produce a $1m + empire and multi-endeavor suite of businesses. Her goal is to help eliminate the overwhelm of growing a business and provide her clients with the support they need to build an iconic brand. When Daphene started in the childcare industry many years ago, there wasn’t a leader in this space offering mentorship and guidance, so she leaned on the vision that God gave her, rolled her sleeves up, and created Global Preschool Consulting, LLC in 2014. When Daphene is not empowering her staff to manage her multiple childcare facilities, she hosts business retreats around the country, mentoring the youth in her community, and or spending quality time with her husband, children, and business besties.

Iconic Business Development Intensive A high impact coaching program where I walk you through a three-step framework that will show you how to build a highrevenue generating, protable and sustainable business. You will walk away knowing what to say and do to build the business of your dreams. WHAT WE TEACH

1. a game plan to protect your assets 2. You will know how to build the RIGHT business systems that will empower you to establish a healthy work-life balance AND maximize your growth 3. You will know how to generate qualied leads and learn exactly what to say and do to gain loyal customers like clockwork

To book a complimentary session with Daphene, you can reach her at

Dr. Nycole Lyles-Belton Dr. Nycole Lyles-Belton People I coach will receive strategies to assist them with the following: Healing From Life’s Traumas, Overcoming Low Self-Esteem, Life After Divorce: Landing On Your Feet, Taking Pain and Turning it into Purpose, Passion and Profit, Personal &Business and Ministry Brand Development, Marketplace Ministry, Building An Online Presence, Developing a Positive Mindset, Awakening Your Passion, SelfDiscipline (Mind, Body & Soul), Abstinence and Celibacy, Intentional Success and Goal Setting, Positive Body Image, Veganism And Much More WHAT WE TEACH

1.Healing is a Choice and We Owe Ourselves the Opportunity to Implement and Fulfill a Complete Healing Process. 2. What Has Happened In Your Life Has Not Happened to You But Instead It Has Happened FOR You. When You Change Your Perspective, You Will Change Your Life. 3. Falling Apart is the Perfect Opportunity to Find Yourself and Become the Person You Always Wanted to be.

Dr. Lyles-Belton aka “Dr. NYC” is the Founder and CEO of, Greatness In You, Inc. an organization for girls and women based on the belief that all are destined for Greatness in spite of and because of their past. Her unyielding no-nonsense approach to living a life of resiliency is the result of the challenges she has overcome. These challenges include but are not limited to surviving the loss of children, a traumatic divorce and ultimately surviving a suicide attempt. Dr. NYC has earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Special Education as well as a Masters and PhD in Leadership in Educational Administration. She is currently continuing her education by pursuing her second PhD, a PhD in Developmental Psychology. Dr. NYC is a Youth Pastor in her home church, New Shiloh located in Atlantic City and has been featured multiple times on The Word Network, TCT, Atlanta Live and Various Television Networks, Radio Shows, Magazines, Blogs and Newspapers. Dr. NYC is a highly sought-after speaker and she empowers the masses across the world by facilitating numerous workshops, master classes, conferences and seminars as a Keynote Speaker and Event Host. Dr. NYC is also a Life Coach and a Mentor. Most recently she developed her very own Consulting Firm for Businesses and Ministries, Consulting with Dr. NYC. She has penned three books, “30 Days to Greatness: An Inspirational Journey to the Greatness In You”, “Losing You Is Not An Option! Get Back Up and Fight!” And “You Survived! Now What?” Currently, she is set to release her fourth book entitled, “Whips, Chains & Handcuffs: The Dangers of Self-Inicted Pain and Self-Administered Bondage” and her fifth book, “I Forgive Me For Me!” Dr. NYC’s passion to empower is a known calling on her life, which she upholds with the utmost respect.

Email: BookDrNYC@Gmail.Com | Facebook: @DrNycoleLylesBelton | Instagram: @DRNYC7 Clubhouse: @DRNYC7 | YouTube: @DrNycoleLylesBelton |

Dr. Yolanda Jerry Advocacy is centered at the heart of every Philanthropist. Echoing that notion at its nest; is the diversied professional, Dr. Yolanda Jerry. Dr. Yolanda Jerry is a Best-Selling Author, speaker, business guru, and CEO and Founder of YJ Empowerment Solutions LLC and YJ Inspires, a multidisciplinary advocacy program, invented to help clients push beyond their past traumas, and elevate to the next level, both personally and professionally. Affectionately known as the “Empowerment Advocate”, Dr. Jerry is reputed for her innate ability to exhort multi-generational audiences through her powerful and relatable messages; as she passionately advocates for truth, healing, resiliency, and personal growth. Adding to her philanthropic capacity, Dr. Yolanda Jerry is also a retired Air Force veteran and CoFounder of Bridging The Gap Transitional Age Youth Program. As a highly respected member of both local and national community, Yolanda has been featured and headlined in well-respected publications. One of Yolanda’s most celebrated features was an article she wrote called “The Day I Decided to Leave”. A compelling survivor’s testament so impressive, it was chosen by highly respected, serial producer and screen writer, Shonda Rhimes, to be displayed in her online storytelling periodical column, “Shondaland” in 2020. When Dr. Yolanda Jerry is not out advocating for those in need. She is a loving partner, mother, and friend.

Trauma/Abuse Recovery Coaching • Help you develop awareness and acceptance for what has happened. • Coach you along your healing journey and honor the person you are today. Encourage you to embrace all the possibilities for your future. WHAT WE TEACH

Accept the past, Focus on the now, Impact the future

Website: | Facebook: Instagram: | E-mail:

. A l a t s y Cr Hairston

Visionaries are charged with the responsibility of design, clarity, and innovation; in order to create tangible benets, for generations to come. Setting the standard by example; is multifaceted business extraordinaire, Crystal A. Hairston also known as “Coach Pressed Diamond.” Crystal A. Hairston has mentored many youths, and remains an undeniable asset, to her local community. She continues to contribute to the mandate of communal acquisition and sustainability under the umbrella of Walterboysss, LLC. She wants people to know that reaching the reality of their dreams is a possibility, and with her help, she wants to see that possibility for the world. When Crystal is not out providing hope through her organizations, she enjoys spending time with her two daughters and three grandsons, also known as the Walterboysss. Crystal incorporates her vision for the community through every fabric of her being, sharing that same mandate, with family. Showing no plans of stopping, Crystal remains an elite example, of what could happen to the world, if we all dreamed a little bigger.

Coach Pressed Diamond Personal and business development skills, increased self esteem and confidence in reaching their goals. WHAT WE TEACH

You will never go wrong doing the right thing! When you are doing your best, even in hard times, TRUST the process. Follow your dreams and turn them into reality. | Crystal A. Hairston on Facebook and Instagram

Dr. Nichole Peters Dr. Nichole Peters is an professional certified life coach, media mogul, international motivational speaker, executive producer, journalist, publisher and #1 best selling author of many books. In 2020, Dr. Nichole received her PHD in Leadership and Biblical Studies. In 2019, she received two honorary doctorates in Christian education and counseling. She is the CEO/Founder of Believe In Your Dreams Academy, publishing and television. Dr. Nichole loves reaching back coaching Women and youth who suffered from traumatic experiences to become Believe Warriors by snatching back their power of self-love through Supernatural PRAYERS, natural healing/wellness retreats and empowerment conferences. She is a die hard advocate for domestic violence survivors. Many Surviving Believe Warriors calls her “The Breakthrough Catalyst” of this hurting era that we live in now. The passion and the power in her voice when she speaks is reaching millions of wounded souls from all around the world. Over the past decade, Dr. Nichole garnered a social media following of over 80,000 with an international reach of 4.2 million. She is also the Founder/ CEO of Women of Love, Power and Respect. She stands bold as a lion to deliver many powerful messages of hope and healing to all the hurting muted souls to break every chain that is holding them back. By always snatching back their healing power to believe in themselves, plus others in every aspect of their lives, and to always live off real love and not abuse. Come on my sisters we got this! Want to learn more about Dr. Nichole, text DREAMS to 64600.

Believe Warriors Academy Each client will receive two 30 minute one on one coaching on “Developing a powerful mindset of BELIEVING.” All clients will also receive 4 virtual group conference calls on “How to Unleash Your Believe Power and Rock your way into 6 figures or higher.” Bonuses will given out to each client who complete the class which will includes: A mini Believe start up package, workbook, and branding materials. WHAT WE TEACH

1. Anything Is possible for those who truly believes. 2. Snatch back your power now by taking control of your mindset. 3. Believing In Your Dreams requires you to unleash the power that rocks right inside of you. Text DREAMS to 64600 Instagram: @ceobelieveinyourdreams | Facebook: @luvpowerrespect | Twitter: @luvpowerrespect

a n i t e h p e Dr. N Serrano Dr. Nephetina L. Serrano Relationship Expert, Marriage Counselor, Certied Life-Coach, Inspirational Empowerment Speaker, #1 Best Selling Author, Certied Counselor Mentor Co-founder of Covenant Marriages, Covenant Rescue 911, and Covenant Marriages Institute. She supports couples in transitional phases within their marriage to achieve balance and stability in life and in business through Biblical principles to build a more effective communication in marriage and in relationships. Dr. Nephetina and husband Dr. Richard Serrano Co-host their show “Your Marriage Matters” on Dominion TV in over 35 countries around the globe. Some of the countries, US, Nigeria, UK, South Africa, Australia, India, Mexico, Uganda, US Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Ghana, Zimbabwe, China, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Guyana, Canada, Fiji Islands and more… Dr. Serrano co-authored the book, THE MARRIAGE CORPORATION which Highlights the organizational needs of a covenant marriage. She is the Publisher of Marriage CEO Magazine, “For the Entrepreneur Who Leads, Building Legacy” a publication tailored to meet the relationship needs of couples especially those in

leadership positions in the community, in the market place and ministry. It also provides a learning platform for singles preparing to embark on their marital journey. Dr. Serrano has received many awards and certicates including; City Council of the City of Philadelphia CITATION Honoring and Recognizing her contribution to women. The Echoes of Africa, The Mayor’s Commission on African and Caribbean Immigrant affairs, Women of Wealth, “Publishers Golden Eagle Award” ACHI Women of Inspiration Award and more. Other Books includes: Make It Happen #1 International Best Seller When Doves Cry “Stories That Heal” The Price of Greatness #1 Best Seller Stilettos Stand Diaries Exposed The Birthing Place “Five Fold Ministry” This Is How I Fight My Battle Ain’t No PLAN “B” No Matter What

NEPHETINA L SERRANO You will be encouraged uplifted and inspired to break free from generational hindrances that have kept you from being who you were purposed to be as an individual I will support you to achieve balance and stability in life and in business through Biblical principals to build a more effective communication in your marriage and in relationships. WHAT WE TEACH


Christina Warner Christina Warner is an author, advocate, business coach and having reached the top 1% rank of the Air Force, she has a high propensity for helping clients establish entrepreneurial ventures. As veteran she has over 22 years of experience-based leadership, coaching and team building she has a drive to help others realize their truest potential.

Consulting with Joy Steps to get your business started WHAT WE TEACH

1. You can do it. 2. If it were easy everyone would do it. 3. Consistency gets results.

Email: | Phone: 301.888.6881

Dr.Nikki Zeigler was truly “Born to Lead.” As a prolific Speaker, Branding and Masters Coach she has been anointed to bring out the inner leader in others. With her background and expertise in Marketing, Branding and Public Relations as well as Advertising, Nikki has set her sights and energy on making a difference by empowering Pastors, Churches, Leaders, Artists and Business Owners to reach for the stars, achieve their goals and fulfill their God-given Destiny. Dr.Nikki is the Founder of The Herpernuer Network is an organization geared towards helping Christian women in the Marketplace by identifying strengths and challenges as entrepreneurs to expand their knowledge in branding, finances, and faith. She also is the Publisher of The HBCU Magazine is an Business Professional Lifestyle Publication for HBCU Community.Dr.Nikki is the Founder of The Life Coach University, it helps certifity Public Speakers, Life,Business,Grieving,Master Coaches around the World and also Certify Events Managers and Wedding Planners. Even though she is always hard at work serving in her community or building an empire, Nikki is wife of Pastor Jerimiah Zeigler of Destiny Word Christian Center in Montgomery, Alabama and the mother of four beautiful girls Chelsi, Caniya, Grace and Chloe and one son Caleb. Nikki’s experience in the field of Marketing and Branding over the last 15 years has built her an impressive resume and she has been blessed to work for such notable entities as Hope Today Magazine, Bishop Henry Fernandez Kyle Searcy Ministries, Bishop T.D.Jakes, Bishop Clarence E. McClendon, Gospel Today Magazine, Stellar Awards ,Faith On Mobile, Donald E. Battle Ministries, Pastor Shawn Jones, Heart and Soul Magazine, Stellar Awards, BMW, Dr.Juanita Bynum, Mega Fest , Sony Pictures, Cynthia Bailey and Jerimiah Zeigler Ministries many more.


1. Uplifted 2. Encourage 3. Motivate


How to be more

socially confident By Tiffany D. Bell Some people have social confidence to spare. It’s easy to see that some children are seemingly born with great social confidence, while others are not. Social confidence seems to come and go for most adults. A serious lack of social confidence can lead to isolation and stifle career growth. If there’s one part of your life in which it pays to be confident, it’s in your social interactions. Use these strategies to increase your social confidence and feel comfortable in all social situations: 1. Practice. Every person who crosses your path is a practice partner for your social skills. The more practice you get, the better you’ll become at interacting with others. The better you become, the more confident you’ll feel. There are all kinds of things you can practice: • Eye contact • Small talk • Non-verbal communication • Telling jokes • And more 2. Rehearse. Imagine yourself being successful socially. Before you head into a social situation, rehearse in your mind. See yourself being confident and competent. Imagine others responding to you in a positive way. In time, you’ll learn to feel the same way out in the real world. 3. Adopt an effective attitude. It’s not a matter of life and death. No one is judging you or spending any of their time thinking about you. In fact, they’re probably wondering what you’re thinking about them. • Interacting with people in a social context should be fun and pleasant. Have a reasonable perspective on the situation. 4. Focus on self-development. When you feel better about yourself, you’ll be more socially confident. Whether that means getting in shape, learning a new skill, or meditation, any enhancements you make will leave you feeling more confident.

5. Learn. Learn about communication. Pick one area, such as nonverbal communication, and become an expert. Then, get out and practice. When you’ve mastered that, pick a new area to learn about. The more you know, the better you’ll become. That leads to real confidence. 6. Avoid the need to be perfect. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to be the funniest person at the party. You don’t have to be the most charming person in the bar. Perfection is an unreasonable goal that leads to anxiety and a lack of confidence. 7. Join a social group. You know a group of people who hang out together. It might be at work. It might be a friend who has a separate group of friends. See if you can join, too. Finding the right group of people can boost your social confidence. • Perhaps you already have a group of friends. Spend more time with them. Or, you might form your own group and become the social director! 8. Combine social events with activities you’re good at. Are you a great softball player? Join a softball league. Are you an expert at riding a motorcycle? Join a motorcycle club. Find an activity you excel at and turn it into a social activity. • Make a list of everything you do better than the average person. Now, find a way to do that in a group setting. You might join a band, a chess club, or a group who square dances on the weekends. Think about how much your life would change if you were more socially confident. How would it impact your career? How would your social life be affected? It’s hard to think of any potential downside to having greater social confidence. If you weren’t lucky enough to be born with perpetual confidence, you’ll want to grow and nurture this important attribute.

connect with tiffany Tiffany Bell is a nonprofit consultant, coach, author, and speaker. She is not only co-director of Success Women’s Conference, but she is also the founder of Uncommon Courage, a platform created to inspire and equip women to find, embrace, and connect with their unique voice and purpose with confidence.

3 speakers on the rise Dr. Carla Franklin is a speaker, author, elder and life coach. She helps women shift their mindsets to overcome limited thinking to pursue their dreams. WHAT DRIVES HER

I always thought I wasn’t good enough. I lived in the shadow of what everyone else thought and said. However, I’ve learned that I had dreams and desires of my own. I discovered in the night season of my life that I began to dream. My midnight was producing vision for my day. I began see that I was possible. I learned that there was more to me than I had ever imagined.

Dr. Carla Franklin

Jacqueline Lulu Brown Jacqueline Lulu Brown is a dynamic women’s empowerment consultant, ICF certified coach, and licensed minister. She’s coached and mentored women and young girls internationally. During her 40-plus years as a C-Suite information technology and engineering “thought leader,” Jacqueline Lulu discovered that women in their careers, business, and ministry were feeling the heavy burden of silently carrying their “unsaid.” These unsaid challenges are often not openly discussed for fear of ultimately revealing one’s true self.


I want to encourage and empower women to believe in themselves. If you believe in yourself, anything is possible. There is Jacqueline Lulu is now CEO of Revolution Ascension LLC, a women’s empowerment consulting firm. Client outcomes are spiritual alignment, authenticity, and unleashing one’s divine feminine power. Jacqueline Lulu values diversity, service, individuality, and equality. She believes every woman deserves a bright, shining life that sings to their soul. She hosts weekly radio & TV segments, “Be Real Be Raw Be You with Lulu - The Lulu Experience” on iWorship96 FM, an International Christian radio station and Black-House channel on the XOD streaming platform. Lulu is an international best-selling coauthor of the book “31 Ways of Influence.” Naturally philanthropic, “Lulu” serves as chairperson on the board of directors for “The Way-Out Ministries INC,” a 501c3 corporation, and she is the organization’s chief program officer (CPO). WHAT DRIVES HER

My vibrational frequency is high energy, dynamic, and uplifting. I’m a go-getter with a fire in my belly for prayer, transforming lives, and making a meaningful impact on others. I embrace my crazy, wild and (sometimes) foolish imagination. I was named after the cartoon character, Little Lulu. Growing up, I was constantly called crazy, busy body, loud, outrageous, confrontational, noisy, disruptive. I was told that the things I believed possible were impossible and that I “lived in fantasyland.”

glory after the trauma. There is victory after the battle. There is joy and fulfillment after whatever is your “this.” Your faith will reveal the glory of your experiences if you are willing to keep moving and pressing forward. My passion is to help navigate the journey. KEY LESSONS LEARNED

The key lessons that I’ve learned are that my past created opportunities for me to grow and soar to new heights. Yesterday charted the course for the blessings and victories I manifest today. I learned the value of being my authentic self. I am amazing. I hold the pen that writes the script for my future. Therefore, I must be willing to release reciting the language of the old manuscript and communicate the great potential that awaits as I create my novel success story.

I’ve discovered that what some deemed as ‘crazy’ was in reality my genius. I’m driven by love. It inspires me, encourages me, and motivates me to continue spreading Revolution Ascension’s message. HER MESSAGE

We share a message of Divine Feminine POWER, and it is not as a mantra; rather, it is a changed mindset with complete transformation. Here’s the truth: there are no limits in our greatness. That thing holding us back is often our “unsaid.” It’s the gate blocking our way, and we simply need to look inside to find the key. KEY LESSONS LEARNED

I’ve learned:

1. Authenticity and being one’s true self from the place of our Divine Core is our “TRUE” seat of power. 2. Showing up in excellence yields a measure of “worldly” success; however, spiritual alignment and operating in one’s genius and gifting is the ultimate ASCENSION to one’s highest self. 3. Taking calculated risks without being reckless givess magnificent results.


Lee Mariano Lee Mariano is an author, speaker, business guru, and CEO and founder of Alexidom Coaching, a multifaceted coaching specialty centered on helping clients increase their self-confidence, reclaim their personal power, and rediscover their identity so that they can successfully achieve their goals and attain the life they desire most.

Lee Mariano’s mantra is simple: Show up with confidence. Speak with authority, and get things done. Lee merges an ability to help others with a deep sentiment for education, authorship, advocacy, and communal service. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business management and has served her country as a US Marine Corps Veteran. She is also a USA bestselling author and champions domestic violence advocacy, as she herself, is a proud survivor. Lee uses her experiences as a survivor to influence women to reinvent themselves, speak their personal truths, and begin again -- some of the many attributes she offers through her coaching practice. Her intention is clear: Lee wants women to stop hiding behind the labels that others have placed on them and to remain resolved to their purpose and the possibility of creating their own future.

I’m the daughter of a single teen mom who had to learn the art of independence at a very young age. As I watched my mother work so hard to create a good life for us, I knew I wanted something more for my future, for my career. I remember all the messages I’d received at a young age. College wasn’t an option. Becoming a corporate executive was out of the question. But that wasn’t the life I wanted. I left home at 18 and joined the US Marine Corps. I knew if I wanted to jumpstart my future, I needed to be bold and do something unexpected. I served in the military for just under eight years, but it was the most impactful decision I could have made for myself, and it paved the way for the person I would become. Being a woman of color, my challenges in corporate America were much different from my time in the military, but no less impactful. There were moments when I had to prove my value and show my worth to be given the credibility and validation of the position I held. When I was first promoted to an executive level position, and that first moment I walked into the boardroom was eye-opening. That space wasn’t created for me, so I had to bring my own seat to the table and create a place where my voice could be heard. HER MESSAGE

My entire focus is on helping women get where they want to be. I want to help women stop hiding behind the labels that others have placed on them and to remain resolved to their purpose and the possibility of creating their own future. I work with women who feel overlooked, under-appreciated, or ignored, but they’re tired of playing small. They’re done with staying silent and minimizing who they are to make others feel comfortable. I work with them on their journey to evolve, change, and grow as they remove the barriers and beliefs holding them back.

I focus on helping my clients increase their self-confidence, reclaim their personal power, and rediscover their identity so that they can successfully achieve their goals

and have the life they desire most. It’s time to remove the labels others have placed on them, time to shed the fear that has paralyzed them and the uncertainty they feel about the future. By outside standards, I’ve lived a life of success. But I also knew that my purpose in life was larger than working for a large corporation and serving only that population. It was important to me that I provide service and support to women, and particularly women of color, who did not have access to coaches to help them change their lives and level up their careers. Having a coach has typically been a corporate or executive luxury, but coaching is something that should be available to everyone who wants transformational change and is willing to put in the work. KEY LESSONS

1. I had to recognize that my story has power. My voice is amplified every time I speak about my journey and what I’ve gone through. Even during those moments when I was afraid of rejection, I did it anyway. 2. I understand what it’s like to be at the bottom and climb my way to the top. I’ve seen both sides of the coin and had to make a decision about my life and future. My strength comes from my ability to stand up and face my demon, face the judgment and ridicule. Ultimately, I recognized that if I wanted to push forward and have the life I wanted, I could never give up on myself or my goals. 3. Probably one of the most important lessons I learned is that I belong at the table wherever the decisions are being made. I learned to stop apologizing for my presence and my success, because I’d earned my place.

3 tips for securing funding

How to Get in the Grants Gamee By Dr. Tonya Blackmon

Since COVID-19, the backdrop of the world economy has changed significantly. Rising unemployment rates and surprising business closures have led to increased job losses, and homelessness has skyrocketed due to the global pandemic. People from around the world have had to adjust and find ways to ensure their families have what they need to survive. In this article, you will learn how businesses can adjust, pivot, and use grants to help scale or create new revenues today. Top suggestions to securing grants and growing any business. 1. Incorporate your business through the secretary of state. When a person wants to start a new venture and/ or launch a new business idea, a strategic plan will be needed. Experts encourage business owners to form good business plans before launching their ideas. Recently, the United States government has offered several programs to support existing businesses during these challenging times. However, many people were unable to apply because they did not have their documents in order. Remember, incorporate your new or existing business. All business owners should strive to have a legit business with proper documentation. 2. Hire a reputable government business coach or hook up with your local SBA or SCORE for free services. Today, business owners really do not have to develop their businesses alone. For those who are seeking reputable business coaches, the Better Business Bureau, SBA, PTAC and SCORE have created networks of coaches and consultants. Hiring or connecting with free PTAC consultants has helped business owners save time and money. Not only can they help business owners navigate the government grants playground, but they will also assist with completing the steps to becoming an authorized government contractor or vendor, which is needed to apply for government contracts and/or bids.

3. Find out what the U.S. government really buys and sell that item/service to them. The US government spends billions of dollars yearly on products and services. They buy toilet paper, fund nonprofit programs, share funds to build transitional houses, need bounce houses for parties, hire contractual professional trainers, etc. Wise business owners not only build the capacity to do the work or provide the services sought by the government, but they also search daily for new opportunities and have developed a strategy to apply and win potential government opportunities. What is your business forecast? The future can be bright and profitable for business owners, but we all must plan for unforeseen challenges. COVID-19 has taught us to be prepared for extraordinary disasters. If you did not have access to the internet or were not connected to social media, would you be able to generate cash from your business? How do your customers receive your services and/or products when disasters strike? Does your business have multiple cash flow streams? If you are not already connected in the government grants system, try it. Some businesses have excelled during the pandemic, and others have closed or created new product lines. Remember the tips: Incorporate Your Business through the Secretary of State, hire a reputable government business coach or hook up with your local SBA or SCORE for free services, and find out what the U.S. government really buys and sell that item/service to them. This is how any business can get start applying for and winning government grants and/or bids.

connect with tonya Dr. Tonya Blackmon loves hearing business stories; connect with her at Instagram @onlydrtonyab


Dorothy Wilson

Kearn Cherry

NOVEMBER 15-21, 2021

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