Success Women's Magazine September 2021

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SUCCESS Women's Magazine






Get ready to ROAR into 2022!



krystal by KAREN BRYANT

Krystal Ben, who founded and owns Hair Fetish Glueless Wigs, is also a real estate investor and is in the vending business. When Covid hit, she knew she needed a creative way to help her salon clients who couldn’t get to see her in person. So, she came up with her Mobile Glueless Wig vending machine, which is located at the Keesler Air Force Base Exchange in Biloxi. “Since Covid, most of my customers on base could not leave, so I wanted to make my business accessible to them. It feels fantastic to be able help them without them leaving off base,” she says. She is motivated by her attitude that one must keep going, regardless of the challenges one faces. “No matter how hard or impossible something may seem, if you keep moving toward that goal, you will accomplish it if you stay in motion.” Following her own advice to keep moving, Krystal is busy working on her next venture, Party on Wheels, which she is developing with her husband, Maurice. “We are planning to have our party bus available at the top of 2022. We will do it all, from hosting parties to large group transportation. This will be something that will fit every age range,” she explains. She offers encouragement to anyone who reads her story. “You didn’t stumble on the article by accident,” says Krystal. “If you are planning or dreaming of starting that new business, today is the day to start! If I can do it, so can you.” Krystal and Maurice are the parents of two daughters, Taylor and Joy.

when covid hit, this wig maker transformed her business to reach her clients


Join the #1 NonProfit CEO Network

Doing what MATTERS By Darienne Mobley Doing What Matters is my new tagline for my company. It fits the clients I work with because we’re all trying to do what matters. We all have long lists and want the crazy of our lives to be headed somewhere. As individuals and organizations, we have got to start taking a look at our lists and asking some questions to determine our priorities. I was recently asked to be on a panel of women leaders. One of the questions was — When have you ever felt that you were doing too much and had to stop to reassess what your priorities were? This made me laugh because I have “I had to keep all been doing too much for most of my the plates spinning career. There are several reasons for at all times.” that, and as I look back, I can see that I created much of my crazy! First, I had a limiting belief that I was not good enough. You have all heard me say this before. I believe we all share this belief to some extent, but today I am only speaking for me. That belief meant I had to say yes to everything and to do it better than anyone else. I had to keep all the plates spinning at all times. Think of how exhausting that sounds. All that activity somehow kept the small voice in my head quiet for a little while, until I dropped a plate or made a mistake, and then the voice was yelling at me again. Second, I never had my own priorities. Yours were just as important to me as mine. If you needed my help, I was right there for you. I felt proud that other people needed me. But, at the end of the day, all of your work got done and I was still there cringing over my unfinished task list. Third, I had never learned to say “no” with grace. If I ever said “no” to any request for my time and energy, I added on a lie too – my aunt had just died, my family was having a reunion – whatever I could think of to get out of something instead of saying the truth. “I can’t help with that project at this time,” would have been enough to say. You must pick who you can say no to. But I bet there are times you are asked to take on something in your life and work — that you could say no to —

but don’t. We don’t say no because we’re afraid people won’t like us, or they will think we don’t have it all together if we are too stressed to take on anything else. Whatever the reason, we allow others to own our priorities. Doing what matters requires us to take inventory of that list and to prioritize it with a few key questions. And then to make sure that you get your A items done every day. B’s and C’s will always get done. It is the A’s that keep us up at night. Questions to ask to Do What Matters: • Does this need to be done this week? • Is it mine to do? Can you delegate it? Can you hire someone to do it? • Can I reasonably get these A items done this week looking at my calendar? • And, the most powerful part of doing what matters, is then putting you on your list. Dinner with your husband, exercise, friendships, spiritual practices. These need to be scheduled.

connect with darienne Darienne Mobley, PCC President. Darienne Inc. 225-610-2685

The Great Resignation 2021 Is this for you? By Donna Hicks Izzard I believe that you don’t have to quit your job to win. You don’t have to take part in “The Great Resignation.” During this pandemic, many employees are taking a stand: They will no longer tolerate discrimatory practices, salary disparity, workplace bullying, lack of promotional or training opportunities, or work/life balance issues. You can use this opportunity to win! Turn the negative aspects of the pandemic into a positive proposition for yourself. Are you really ready to resign and start that business? Or are you jumping on the bandwagon because it’s the thing to do? Corporations are considering offering different incentives for employees to try to keep their workforce intact. Corporations are competing to attract the talent they need. Sign-on bonuses that were typically offered only for C-suite positions are now being offered for entry-level positions. These are signs of the times. You can either position yourself as a company that employs people to service a company, or you can bill yourself as a consultant. Take this time to leverage your position in your current company. What else can you do? Do you desire a promotion? Do you want to cross-train in another position? I believe this is the time for the rise of the “the great employee.” You can use this opportunity to position yourself to win. Many people get excited about the idea of starting a small business, and they decide to resign from their jobs, but lack planning can lead to failure. There is more to starting a business than designing a logo, securing a domain name, and creating social media content. The Great Resignation is for you if: • You have six months to one year of monetary resources • You have an in-demand skill set • You are credit-card debt-free • You are not running solo • You are committed to be proactive with training and development You don’t have to resign to win. • You can share your insights with your employer to

create work/life balance • At your employer’s expense, you can learn skills that are in demand • You can get necessary certifications • You can test your business idea • You can ask for more learning opportunities • You can create a digital platform while you continue to work. This formula is for those considering whether to resign: Your decision should be based on how quickly you can hit your break-even point. The options are listed below: 1. If you can generate revenue fast enough to use only 33% of your personal exit runway (the amount of money you have in reserve), you should leave your job. 2. If you can generate revenue fast enough to use only 50% of your personal exit runway, you can leave your job, but you better make sure you’re right. 3. If you leave your job for a venture that requires 50%+ of your personal exit runway to be safe, you should stay at your job. Use this time to make a “Great Decision To Win”; it’s your life.

About donna Best-selling author, international speaker, women empowerment leader and multiple-revenue-streams strategist, Donna Hicks Izzard is a woman with vision. As intuitive as she is inspirational, she helps highly successful corporate professionals and faith based leaders to blend their expertise and brilliance into profitable, passion-fueled businesses while maintaining their full-time careers and ministries. Under Donnas’ tutelage and enlightening insight, her clients become more than entrepreneurs with side hustles—they become CEOpreneurs with multiple revenue streams.

I am Kearn, the Master Collaborator, also known as the "Butts in the Seats Queen" and "Master of the Pivot" My expertise is in visibility. I also coach business owners, Organizational Directors, and Entrepreneurs how to launch their own profitable events, conferences, and anthologies. As co-founder of Success Women's Conference, Creator of Power Up and Level Up Summits, I am a 23+ year entrepreneur that has been throwing successful summits and collaboration events for over 17 years. Are you looking to increase your visibility? Do you need to grow your individual platform, your business, and your bank account? If yes to any of these, the answer is simple... You need to increase your visibility. I have created Visibility Packages sure to take your business and brand to new heights. Visit the link below to get started. Master Collaborator • Author • Speaker • Coach




Best Selling Author Kearn Cherry Presents...

trailblazers who lead Authors! r o ll f a C Renee Huffman

Stephanie Wall

Lee Mariano

Noreen Henry

Enola Pillard

Michelle Thomas

Monique Flemings

Marie Hall

Felice Gillum

Rita Green

Felicia Bell

Shmeka Gibson

Vera Thomas

Nadia Francois

Dr. Yolanda Jerry

Dr. Karen Hills Pruden

Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson

Master Collaborator • Author • Speaker • Coach




Queens Book

Recognizing authors, co-authors anthology visionaries, new releases


ANTHOLOGY SPECIAL | $50 per co-author (no minimum) Scan to reserve ad space

BOOK PROMO AD | $149 full page ad | $249 two pages


Hosted by Kearn Cherry

FREE Power Up Your Visibility Masterclass Power Up your visibility for your business and your brand. Learn how to increase your visibility, grow your community, earn more stages, have more Impact, and Increase your sales. *First 100 receive a free gift during the class. FREE Create a Profitable Event Masterclass Stop having parties and create a profitable event. Learn how to host your own profitable event, key tools to creating a profitable event, book Speakers & Guests, set the stage, create events Live vs. In-Person. *First 100 receive a free gift during the class. Visit the link below to register.

Master Collaborator • Author • Speaker • Coach



Every man has a story. It's time to tell it.

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Has your website been updated?

Are you nurturing your email list?

Is your back office organized?

Is your tech all set for that

amazing virtual conference?

Are the social media strategies

you have in place working?

Has your course been published

or has it gone evergreen yet?

What vibe is your brand giving off

in the virtual space?

Let's talk.

Rita Green

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