SUHAIL - V-04, Issue-15 (English)

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FROM THE VICE CHAIRPERSON’S DESK Dear Colleagues Welcome to the 2017’s last edition of Suhail, our SBGH family newsletter.

Designed & Published by Media and Communications Division Suhail Bahwan Group [Holding] LLC P.O. Box: 169, PC 100 Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Phone: +968 2465 0037 Email:

First of all, I would like to thank you all for your support and dedication during the year that has just gone by. The past year as well as the couple of years before has had significant impact on our business, but I would not blame market challenge as the only reason. Challenges are always integral part of any business and every year ahead will bring its own challenges. However, they are not insurmountable if we continue to work together towards a common goal, keep focussed on our priorities and targets, tackle challenges with positive attitude and put our customers first. I strongly believe that this commitment, if we all share, will surely take us to new heights. It’s important for us to use our time wisely and move forward as decisively and swiftly as we can in 2018. That will only be possible with your continued dedication and teamwork. As the saying goes, if you sow seeds of dedication, hard work and commitment, you will surely enjoy fruits of happiness and success.

DISCLAIMER SUHAIL is an internal newsletter meant exclusively for SBGH employees. Although immense care has been taken, we request our readers to bear with us in case of any errors and omissions. Please send us your feedback, comments, contributions and suggestions to

Once again, I would like to thank you all for your support and dedication during the past 12 months. I look forward to another busy and productive year ahead, and wish you all a very happy year ahead. With very best wishes,

Amal Suhail Bahwan


......................................................... October-December 2017 | Issue 15

Grand show of love, pride and . . . . . . . . . .joy . . . .marks 47th National Day


03-10 Omani Women’s Day celebrated with a motto 13-14 Vice-Chairperson reviews construction progress of Bahwan Tower Dubai 15 Human Resources Launches Automization 22 of Sales Performance Bahwan Travels opens Biman Bangladesh Airlines’ sales office in Hamriya 11 27 Bahwan Healthcare Centre organizes Blood Donation Camp 33 Finance and Accounts Division Enjoy a Day-Out 40 BPT conducts demo of Mobile Mapping System for clients 46 51-52 Are You Stressed? 12 ..........................


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Grand Show of Love, Pride and Joy Marks 47th National Day A grand show of love, pride and joy marked the 47th National Day celebrations, when hundreds of employees from the Group companies gathered at the foyer of the Group’s headquarters Al Rawaq in Qurum. Ms. Amal Suhail Bahwan, Vice Chairperson, joined the employees to cut a ceremonial cake and greeted the visionary leader and the architect of Oman’s modern renaissance, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said wishing him long and healthy life and peace and prosperity to Oman and its people. On the occasion, Ms. Amal Bahwan presented prizes to winners of the SBGH “National Day Employees Poetry Competition” held earlier as part of the National Day celebrations. She also announced the winners of the “Best decorated divisions” on the occasion.

Later Ms. Amal Bahwan visited the divisions and companies under the group located at Al Rawaq and wished all the employees on marking the 47th National Day. As a curtain raiser to the National Day celebrations, a video was produced by Media and Communications Division in which employees recorded their love for Oman, His Majesty and our Group and greeted one and all for the national day. Our headquarters looked colourful during the day with national flag colour designs on the foyer while at night it shined with national colours in LED lights.

Employees with Creative Talents Honoured During National Day Celebrations As part of the 47th National Day celebrations under the directives of Ms. Amal Suhail Bahwan , Vice Chairperson, two competitions were announced for employees- a “poetry competition” and a ‘Best Decorated Division’ competition to encourage creative talents and teamwork among employees. Several employees displayed their poetry skills in English and Arabic where in a team of judges selected the award winning entries. Mr. Sulaiman Yousuf Al Kharousi and Adil Al Balushi from Bahwan Healthcare Centre and Ms. Muna Marhoon Al Hadhrami from MiTech won prizes for best poetries in Arabic while Mr. Trevor A. Fernandes from Bahwan Healthcare Centre and Mr. Kim Jasper C. Alviar from Projects and Interior Design Division won prizes for best poetries in English. Ms. Amal Bahwan presented the certificate and prizes to the winners. On the same occasion, Ms. Amal Bahwan also announced the winners of the “best-decorated company competition” held among the Group’s business units and support divisions encouraging team spirit and the joy of National Day celebrations. Bahwan IT, Bahwan Travels, Bahwan International Properties from business units and Finance and Accounts and HR and Administration from support division won the awards for creatively and beautifully decorating their respective units. Later, the winning divisions were awarded by the VCP.

SUHAIL | Corporate news

Idealmed Delegation Visits Muscat A high-level team from IdealMed Group, consisting of Mr. Jose Alexandre Cunha, Chairman of the IdealMed Group, Ms. Dania Alsammarae, Chief Executive Officer, IdealMed Group, along with senior members and representatives from Oman Brunei Investment Company recently visited Muscat and met our Vice Chairperson Ms. Amal Suhail Bahwan. The visiting delegation discussed the progress of the upcoming IdealMed Muscat Hospital with Ms. Amal Bahwan.

joint venture in partnership with Suhail Bahwan Group, Oman Brunei Investment Company and Idealmed Group, Portugal. The new hospital once completed will be a medical hub offering international quality medical and surgical services with the core focus on maternity, pediatrics, cardiology and ophthalmology centres of excellence along with an advanced level diagnostic services.

Ideal Muscat Hospital is being developed by Al Afia Healthcare Development and Investment Company as a


Portugal’s Natural Energy Company Chief Visits Oman Mr. Rodrogo Costa, Chairman and Chief Executive officer of Redes Energéticas Nacionais, SGPS, SA, (REN) recently visited Oman and met our Vice Chairperson Ms. Amal Suhail Bahwan. Mr. Costa briefed Ms. Amal Bahwan about REN’s business activities in Portugal and the private sector’s participation in industrial sectors such as natural gas and electricity. In Portugal, REN operates the main transport infrastructure and undertakes the overall management of the National Electric System and the National Natural Gas System. Ms. Amal Bahwan presented a memento to Mr. Costa

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


VCP Takes Part in National Day Celeberations at DHL Office The 47th Oman National Day was widely celebrated across DHL offices in Oman. Ms. Amal Suhail Bahwan, Board Member of DHL, visited the Muscat DHL office and joined the employees to celebrate the National Day. It was a happy occasion for all employees as Ms. Amal Bahwan conveyed her wishes to all the employees and handed over awards to the “best performing employees” of the year. Mr. Roy Scaria, Country Manager, thanked Ms. Amal Bahwan for joining them to celebrate the occasion, which is a great motivation for the employees. Later she interacted with several employees.

Comments from DHL Employees “Ms. Amal Bahwan is really a motivating example for us, especially for women employees. She is a role model giving us a real boost to succeed in our career as well in our family life. We are proud to be part of SBGH,” says, Nada Sultan , Credit Controller, DHL Oman “We are really proud to be part of Suhail Bahwan group and Ms. Amal Bahwan is a great entrepreneur and a great motivation factor for us as she overcomes all challenges to bring the group to be among the top companies in the Sultanate as well as in the Middle East region,” says Salim Al Husaini , Air Export Manager (DHL, Oman).

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


October-December 2017 | Issue 15


Omani Women’s Day Celebrated with a Motto Our Group has been marking Omani Women’s Day as a special occasion every year celebrating it with joy and pride. This year the Omani Women’s Day was celebrated with a motto “Be the woman of Power, Purpose and Passion.” Ms. Amal Suhail Bahwan, Vice Chairperson, joined her Omani colleagues to celebrate the joyous occasion with the cutting of a cake followed by a lively interaction with the employees. Ms. Amal Bahwan said, “Omani women have certain unique qualities within them; one of them is the power of positivity, to face every hurdle with a positive approach. Whatever we do, whether at home or in the office, we should do it with a definite purpose and execute them with passion. If you approach everything with these three principles, I am sure we all can reach greater heights and prove ourselves.” The Omani women have received the attention and care of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said and they currently play a prominent role in the Omani society. In appreciation of the Omani women’s participation in the growth and development of the Omani society, 17 October every year has been dedicated as a day for Omani women.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Corporate news

Al Rawaq Blood Donation Camp a Big Success Suhail Bahwan Group Holding Group (SBGH) organised a blood donation camp at Al Rawaq headquarters recently. The drive is part of the Group’s corporate social responsibility and encourage individual’s act of helping each other. The camp was held in association with Central Blood Bank, Department of Blood Services, the Ministry of Health. It was an encouraging sight to see employees queuing up early in the morning to donate blood enthusiastically. Many employees from other companies/tenants at Al Rawaq came forward and donated blood. Volunteers from Bahwan Healthcare Centre and staff members from Central Blood bank ensured that donors were taken through the process of basic medical check-up and blood collection in a seamless manner. BHC had also made arrangements to serve light snacks to the donors after blood collection.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Corporate news

Vice-Chairperson Reviews Construction Progress of Bahwan Tower Dubai Our Vice Chairperson Ms. Amal Suhail Bahwan visited Dubai recently to inspect and review the progress of Bahwan Tower, the upcoming Suhail Bahwan Group’s iconic project in the Burj Khalifa District, Dubai. She was received by Mr. Pradeep P. Navre, Chief Executive Officer, and Mr. N Pandalai, Chief Operating Officer, who briefed her on the progress, took her around the project and showed her the model apartment ready for prospective customers to view. The project undertaken by our Group’s Utmost Properties is the first freehold offering and is fast approaching completion. Situated in the heart of Dubai, in the Burj Khalifa Community, the Tower is just 5 minutes’ walk from Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall.


Toshiba Senior Management from Egypt Visits SBGH A three member delegation from Toshiba El Araby Visual and Appliances (TEVA) marketing Company in Egypt consisting of Mr. Rihito Sato San—TEVA Managing Director, Mr. Arahata San- General Manager-TEVA and Mr. Mohamed Aly Mohamed El Sayed El-Nagar, Director-TEVA vsited Oman in November. The team, accompanied by Mr Kasim,MMM, Acting General Manager, Bahwan Electronics, met with our Vice Chairperson Ms Amal Suhail Bahwan and discussed general business scenario as well as explained the new structure of Toshiba Egypt. TEVA is a joint venture company of Toshiba handling Middle East and African markets. TEVA also supplies Toshiba LED TVs to Bahwan Electronics.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Corporate news

loyees of the Month

December 2017 1] Sreejith M. Sadanandan, Estimation Engineer, Bahwan Furnishings and Trading LLC | 2] Ajil Ali Shaban Al Raisi, Helper, Bahwan IT LLC | 3] Uzair Asghar Hussain Al Balushi, LV Driver, Bahwan Projects & Telecom LLC | 4] Sambandam Kathirvel, Senior Production Engineer, Bilad Oman LLC | 5] Sulaiman Rajab H Al Araimi, Sales Executive, Bahwan Steel and Trading Company LLC | 6] Khatoon Safer Rahmat Al Balushi, Jr. Officer-Ticketing, Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC | 7] Chidambaram Narayanan, Manager, Internal Audit Division | 8] Ibtisam Mubarak Al Wahaibi, Officer-Human Resources, HR and Administration Division | 9] Talal Ali Khamis Al Saidi, Custom Clearance Agent, Bahwan Logistics LLC | 10] George Varghese, Accounts Executive, Finance and Accounts Division | 11] Badar Juma Rahiya Al Zadjali, LV Driver, Bahwan Electronics LLC | 12] Chandra Shekhar Prasad, Network Engineer, Information Services Division | 13] Dawood Sulaiman Hamdan Al Hooti, Watchman, Bahwan International Properties LLC.


SBGH Bids Farewell to Long Serving Staff Member Mr. Abu Bakr Ibrahim, Assistant Manager, Legal department, retired from service after working for about 34 years in the Group. Abu Bakr’s responsibilities included registration and renewal of agencies and companies, registration and renewals with MOCI, OCCI, Tender Board and other government bodies, follow-up legal cases and handling of imprest in a highly professional manner without giving room for any delay penalties. Ms. Amal Suhail Bahwan, SBGH Vice Chairperson, appreciated his unconditional integrity and reliability during the course of his long service that has earned him great respect among colleagues and superiors, and wished him a happy and healthy retired life. She also presented him with a memento.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Corporate news

Distinguished Emp

October 2017 1] Rajesh John,Ticketing Executive, Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC | 2] Mahesh Govindan Assari, Carpenter, Bahwan Furnishings and Trading LLC | 3] Mohd Juma Ramadhan Al Shihi, Heavy Duty Driver, Bilad Oman LLC | 4] Sartaj A Razzaque, Foreman, Bahwan Steel and Trading Company LLC | 5] Ramalingam Chelliah, Asst Foreman, Bahwan Logistics LLC | 6] Qassim Mohammed Said Al Shabli, Hardware Technician, Bahwan IT LLC | 7] Naif Abdullah Haboob Al Balushi, Sales Officer, Bahwan Projects and Telecoms LLC | 8] Shifa Hilal Issa Al Yahmadi, Sr. Assistant - IT Support, Information Service Department | 9] Hemant Kumar Vilasa, Deputy Manager - Sales, Bahwan Electronics LLC | 10] Rafat Ali Khan, Deputy Manager - Sales, Bahwan Building Materials LLC | 11] Ganesh Babu M N, Assistant Manager, Bahwan Healthcare Center LLC | 12] Juma Said Hamed Al Wardi, Junior Officer-Internal Audit, Internal Audit Division | 13] Wilson P C, LV Driver Cum Helper, Al Asala Manpower and Services LLC | 14] Faiza Hamood Al Zakwani, Officer-Accounts, Finance & Accounts Division.


November 2017 1] Mohamed Mohamed Nasser Al Mamari, Officer Ticketing/Reservation, Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC | 2] Nasser Said Saif Al Sharji, Sales Rep., Bahwan Steel and Trading Company LL | 3] Madivala P N, Group Leader-Fabricator, Bilad Oman LLC | 4] Alagar Samy S, Site Engineer, Bahwan Projects and Telecoms LLC | 5] Vishnu Prasad, Microsoft Consultant, Bahwan IT LLC | 6] Khalid Nasser Mohamed Al Riyami, Public Relations Officer, Legal Department | 7] Muhammad Shabbir Khan, Watchman, Bahwan International Properties LLC | 8] Chundayil Madhavan Murali Madhavan, Manager-Sales-New, Bahwan Building Materials LLC | 9] Brian Aloysius, Senior Accounts Assistant, Finance and Accounts Division | 10] Boby Mathew, Executive-Sales, Bahwan Healthcare Center LLC | 11] Zubair Ahmed Shaikh, Site Engineer, Bahwan Furnishing and Trading | 12] Syed Khaja Moinudin, Senior Sales Engineer, Bahwan Electronics LLC | 13] Javed Alam, Audit Assistant,Internal Audit Division | 14] Abdulredha Abdulmajeed Abdulrahim Al Zadjali, LV Driver, Bahwan Logistics LLC | 15] Praveen Hanyalu Shivaramaiah Raju, Senior Software Developer, Information Service Department | 16] Abdul Samad Nabi Bakhsh Firbakhsh Al Balushi, Admin Executive, Human Resources and Admin Divisoin.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Know your colleague

as it has supported me to complete my graduation course despite tight work schedule.

Which project or assignment has given you immense job satisfaction? The initial days when I joined, the vehicle division was not in order and over the years I along with our team members and manager streamlined the fleet management. Handling vehicle servicing queries was bit challenging and with my experience and support from the manager we are managing it in a much more efficient manner. Apart from all this, I was also part of a team in orgainsing the SBGH soccer tournament.

What are your plans for the future? I want to continue working in the group and reach a respectable position. For this I want to equip myself with better qualification and so I am planning to pursue my post-graduation course in the near future.

How your parents have influenced you in life? My parents have encouraged me to be a better person in life. In fact it was my mother who encouraged me to take up graduation course and now she is encouraging me to pursue a post-graduation course. According to her, learning is a never-ending process and one should keep learning new things all through his life.

How do you spend your leisure time? I like to undertake outdoor camping activities, watch movies with my family and friends. I also like travelling and have visited many European countries. I also spend quality time with my family.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Know your colleague

Know your

Colleague ‘‘ Learning is a never-ending process and one should keep learning new things all through his life. ‘‘

Issa Humaid Said Al Siyabi

Please tell us about yourself. I was born in Muscat, but I am from Al Jiffnain. I am the last one among five brothers and eight sisters. My late father was working for Amiantit Oman. I am married and blessed with two daughters.

Brief us on your educational background. I completed my basic education from Fanja in Al Dakhiliyah region. Soon after my schooling, I worked as driver and as an attendant at a fuel station. Later, I joined the Modern Gulf Institute and completed certificate courses in English language, administration and marketing. I have also completed Bachelor of Business Administration from Mezoon College.

Brief us on your career so far. After completing the courses at the Modern Gulf Institute, I started working in the same institute as a receptionist in 2005. Over the years, I got promoted as office manager. However, I always wanted to work in a big corporate group. I was elated when the opportunity came in 2011 to join SBGH as an administration officer in the HR & Administration Department.

What is your functional role? I am working in the group’s vehicle division. Along with a team under a manager, I am responsible for allocating vehicles to employees, buying and selling vehicles, prepare work order for the employees’ vehicle servicing, among many things. I also coordinate with employees from all divisions and departments for their vehicle-related requirements.

How has been your work experience so far? After joining SBGH, I have learnt many new things on the job. Now I am capable of handling the vehicle fleet and the employees of different nationalities in a much better way. My manager and colleagues are also very supportive and that encourages performing in much more efficient way. The work culture in the group is very good. I am grateful to the company

October-December 2017 | Issue 15

Issa Humaid Said Al Siyabi Administration Officer, HR & Admin


SUHAIL | Corporate news

Human Resources Launches Automization of Sales Performance As part of the HR’s role to support our Group’s businesses, it has recently launched an automization process of the sales performance. Initiated by HR and developed in cooperation with HRMS team, the automization process will help the management to view/review the sales performance reports in a LIVE environment. The salient features of the process are that all division heads can track the sales performance of their teams and obtain accurate reports, while the employees can also get to know their actual performance on monthly basis that would in turn, help them to take corrective actions to achieve their set target well in time. Besides, this process saves lot of time for every individual in tracking sales performance and obtaining accurate data and reports. Launching the automozation process, HR conducted two orientation sessions- one for all General Managers, which was interactive that generated quite a few queries that were sorted out and the second one was attended by all secretaries and commercial teams of SBGH. All participants appreciated the initiative taken by HR for developing the process and getting it implemented and training the relevant people. Congratulations to HR team behind the successful initiative!!

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Corporate news

HR Conducts Microsoft Office Applications Training Courses In its ongoing agenda to upgrade and train SBGH employees with new skills, the Training Department of HR and Administration Division has conducted training sessions during the last quarter on various Microsoft OfficeÂŽ applications. The sessions focused on developing their skills on various Microsoft OfficeÂŽ applications that would help them expedite their day-to-day assignments and thereby enhance their work performance.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15



SUHAIL | Company news Outbound Travel Division: This division offers a great variety of holiday packages to destinations from Australia to Alaska across several modes of travel - air, train, coach, cruises and more. The division also specialises in exclusive holiday packages such as Halal tours, medical tourism packages, educational tours etc. It also markets popular travel brands like Thomascook Holidays, Cosmos Globus Holidays, Royal Orchid holidays and Rail Europe. Corporate Travel Division: A team of seasoned professionals provide cost-effective solutions to corporate customers - right from itinerary planning, visa processing and booking tickets at best prices to travel insurance, airport transfers, hotel reservations, car rentals, local transport, sight-seeing tours and guided tours. Needless to say this division is proud to have a very large corporate clientele in Oman – including all major banks, ministries, government organisations, embassies and private business establishments.

Car rental services: This division owns and operates a fleet of over 700 vehicles- from saloon cars, 4WDs to coaches. It also operates a travel counter at the Seeb International Airport providing car rental services to visitors 24/7.

Airline representation and visa services: The travel consortium is the official agent (GSA) for Thai Airways, Air Blue, Korean Air, Cathay Pacific, Royal Brunei Biman Bangladesh, Royal Moroc and Saudi Arabian Airlines. The division is also the official agency to process visas for Iran and China. The latest addition to the Bahwan Travel group,, was launched only a year ago and has quickly become popular among the online travel community due to its user-friendly website, ease of search, multiple choices. The comprehensive travel portal offers flights, hotels, holiday packages, sightseeing, transfers, travel insurance and other travel services from over a million inventories. Online portal launched to cater to the SME travel agency network and is growing rapidly.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

Know your

Company Bahwan Travel Consortium Your gateway to the world

As the largest travel combine in the Sultanate of Oman, Bahwan travel consortium has won a very large, happy family of customers by providing a spectrum of comprehensive travel services for over 40 years. The consortium comprises of three entities: Bahwan Tourism LLC, Sur Travel Agencies LLC (with a sub commercial name Bahwan Travel Services) and Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC. In addition, in 2016, they launched, Oman’s first online travel portal.

The divisions include: Inbound Travel Division: This division promotes the mystique and magic of Oman abroad as an all-round tourist destination. Through its representative offices in London, Paris, Milan, Shanghai and India and tie-ups with well-known travel partners across the world, backed up by a team of multi-lingual, certified tour guides and organisers, the division provides customised travel services throughout Oman. The division also handles Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE).

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Tourism Takes Part in BSM Christmas Fair Bahwan Tourism took part in the recently held Christmas Fair by the British School Muscat (BSM). Representatives from Bahwan Tourism set up a Holiday Counter at the fair displaying and explaining various travel packages, flights and hotel accommodations for both inbound and outbound travels. The British School Muscat has been one of Bahwan Travels long-term customers.


Germany’s Travel Partner Visits Oman Mr. Peter Franzisky, owner of the Bedu Expedition, Germany, visited Oman in November to get updates about the new and existing properties and infrastructure in Oman, which would help them to promote in a much larger scale and better way . He also held detailed discussions with Bahwan Travels officials to finalise 2018 season. Bedu expedition is one of the largest tour operators in Germany supporting Bahwan Tourism in the business for the last 10 years.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

Biman CEO Visits Airline Office

The Biman Managing Director and CEO Mr. Mosaddique Ahmed paid a visit to Muscat recently. He was accompanied by Mr.Shakil Meraj, General Manager, public relations for Bangladesh’s national airline. This was Mr. Mosaddique’s first visit after appointing Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC as its General Sales Agent in the Sultanate of Oman in June 2017. Mr. Mosaddique Ahmed was greeted by the Biman country manager Mr. Irteza and Mr. R.B Vaidya, Head GSA sales, Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC, along with Mr. Showkat, Biman station manager. Later, they toured the GSA office and met the frontline team and reviewed the operations and expressed his satisfaction. Mr. Gururaj, General Manager, Bahwan Travel Agencies LLC, welcomed the distinguished guest and offered them mementos on the occasion and provided an overview of business and way forward for 2018.


Bahwan Travels Opens Biman Bangladesh Airlines’ Sales Office in Hamriya Bahwan Travel Agencies, the newly appointed exclusive General Sales Agent (GSA) for Biman Bangladesh Airlines, the national airline of Bangladesh, opened a new sales office in Hamriya recently. HE Md. Golam Sarwar, Bangladesh Ambassadorto the Sultanate, formally inaugurated the new office in the presence of a large number of dignitaries from the Bangladeshi community in Oman. Mr. Sarwar appreciated the new association between Bahwan Travel Agencies and Biman Bangladesh Airlines while the Bangladesh community dignitaries assured their support. The sales office is strategically located in Hamriya area where huge number of Bangladeshi nationals are living and working.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Holiday’s Sohar Roadshow Promises New Business Bahwan Holiday recently organised a travel roadshow at Radisson Blu Hotel, Sohar, to offer exciting holiday package options to visitors. In addition, a workshop was organised for the representatives of several travel agencies operating in Sohar. Detailed presentation on was made by Mr. Mubashir Mehraj encouraging them to register as partners. Mr. Varun Salwan, Business Development Manager – Middle East, Globus Family of Brands, Globus, also made a presentation of travel packages offered by Globus in association with Bahwan Travels.


Bahwan Electronics Warehouse Sale a Huge Success Bahwan Electronics’s annual warehouse sale is one event that everyone at SBGH waits to be announced. This year the three day mega sale was held during the last week of December. The products on sale included split Acs, TVs, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, home appliances, cooking range, watches and several other items. Hundreds of employees and their families rushed to the Old Ghala warehouse to pick up their choice at fabulous prices.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Tourism Showcases Oman’s Attractions at Wtm Expo in London Bahwan Tourism recently launched a series of special travel packages showcasing the unique attractions of Oman at the World Travel Mart (WTM) expo in London. Her Excellency Ms. Maitha Bint Saif Al Mahrouqi, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Tourism, received the first set of the special itineraries from Mr. Gururaj, General Manager, Bahwan Tourism at the WTM. The Bahwan Tourism is part of the Oman Pavillion at this most popular travel trade show. The packages include Culture and Culinary, Adventure, Hike and Bike, Diving, hidden Treasures of Oman among others. The special travel packages have been specially designed for niche and discerning travelers looking for something more than the ordinary.


Saudia General Manager Visits Oman Saudi Airline general manager for UAE and Oman Mr.Ayman Al Kahthani, visited Oman for business review and to meet trade partner in the Sultanate. Bahwan Travel General Manager Mr.Gururaj S.A and DGM Mr. Soumava Mukherjee along with GSA Manager Mr. R.B. Vaidya appraised him on the market trends. He also met key trade partners in Muscat.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Know your colleague Thankfully, I have gained enough experience to solve HRMS problems and found ways and alternatives to improve the system for easier use. I also aspire to learn more and more in the field of IT to gain more experience to manage major responsibilities in future.

Which project or assignment has given you immense job satisfaction? I encountered some difficulties in the beginning when I was installing the BITDEFINDER software on all computers of the group’s companies. With the help of my colleagues, we were able to set up the software in a short time despite encountering challenges such as some old devices and old systems. We changed hard disks and did formatting on some devices. This work gave me great satisfaction; we worked as a one team that made me feel confident among my managers.

Are there any suggestions to improve the working environment? We definitely need more IT training courses to learn new things and skills as well as seek solutions and alternatives to problems relating to IT.

What are your plans for the future? Since I am still in the beginning of my career, I aspire to improve myself and also to develop and refine my skills in the field of information technology. My current plan is to complete my studies in the same specialization so that I reach my goal that I am aspiring to and move up in senior positions in my field.

How your parents have influenced you in life? Without my parents’ support, I would not be the one I am now. They are my main supporters who have constantly encouraged me and supported all my needs. May God bless them and provide them with good health and wealth.

How do you spend your leisure time? I spend my leisure time in reading self-development books and novels, in addition to watching television, surfing the internet and spending quality time with my family.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Know your colleague

Know your

Colleague ‘‘ I believe determination is the secret that drives you to the first step on the path to success ‘‘ Reem Bint Khalfan Said Al Nadabi Please tell us about yourself. I was born in Sorour in the Wilayat of Sumail in Al Dakhiliyah governorate, but I currently live in the governorate of Muscat. I am the fourth sibling in our family of three brothers and six sisters. My father works in the Ministry of Defence.

Brief us on your educational background. I studied and completed my preparatory, primary and secondary education in Sorour primary school. Then I joined the Higher College of Technology in Muscat and specialized in the field of information technology. I also got trained in IT at Information Technology Authority (ITA) for three months and in the Military College and the Gulf College for two months. I also have attended several courses including SQL and a web-design course.

What is your functional role? I joined the Suhail Bahwan Group’s Information Services Department (ISD) on January 18, 2017 as an IT assistant. My work includes analyzing the quality of the HRMS system by testing and monitoring the system problems to be repaired by specialists.I also provide technical support for staff with HRMS problems.

How has been your work experience so far?

Reem Bint Khalfan Said Al Nadabi IT Support, Information Services Department

No doubt I gained more experience after I joined Suhail Bahwan Group as it is one of the largest and leading groups in the Sultanate of Oman.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

BHC and Medtronic Sponsor Surgeons’ Forum Continuing with its strategy of supporting industry initiatives, Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) and its major business principal Medtronic jointly sponsored the 20th Annual National Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgeons Conference and10th GCC Otolaryngology Head & Neck Society symposium held in Muscat in November 2017. BHC’s effort was appreciated by Dr. Rashid Al Abri, President, Oman ENT society.


American Spine Center Marks World Spine Day with Free Consultation The American Spine Center (ASC) offered free consultations for neck and back pain management. The initiative was part of its corporate social responsibility and to mark the World Spine Day. This year, the World Spine Day (WSD) theme was “Your Back in Action”. Employees of the Suhail Bahwan Group, citizens and expatriates alike thronged the centre to get their back and neck examined by specialist doctor at the American Spine Center, Ghala. Specialised physiotherapy and ASC’s exclusive Intervertebral Differential Dynamics (or more simply IDD) Therapy treatment and the Stimawell Dynamic deep wave therapy were offered to clinically deserving patients. During consultations, ASC highlighted the importance of physical activity and improving posture as part of good spinal health and prevention of injury.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan Healthcare Centre Organises Blood Donation Camp The Bahwan Healthcare Centre in association with the Central Blood Bank, Department of Blood Services, Ministry of Health, conducted a blood donation camp at the Bahwan Medical Centre in Al Khuwair. Ms. Amal Suhail Bahwan, Vice Chairperson of Suhail Bahwan Group, inaugurated the camp in the presence of Dr. Zainab Al Araimi, Director, Blood Services and other officials from the Ministry of Health. On the occasion, Ms. Amal Bahwan also honoured Mr. Ahmed Al Kharousi and Fael Al Saadi, who have donated blood more than 100 times, with a memento in appreciation of their selfless act. The Directorate of Blood Services made excellent arrangements and several volunteers visited the camp and donated blood during the day. The initiative is an annual activity to help the community in need of blood Volunteers from Bahwan Healthcare Centre and staff members from the Central Blood bank ensured that donors were taken through the process of basic medical check-up and blood collection in a seamless manner. BHC had also made arrangements to serve light snacks to the donors after blood collection.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan It Conducts Seminar on PowerIntegrated Security Solutions Bahwan IT, in association with McAfee and Seclore, conducted an end-user seminar in December titled, “Together is power” -Integrated security solutions for the enterprise. Top officials from various ministries and private corporates attended the event. The workshop covered latest and advanced information security technologies for endpoint protection and highlighted the integration capabilities of McAfee with various third-party solutions/vendors. McAfee’s security innovation alliance (SIA) partner Seclore that provides information rights management solution (RMS) jointly hosted the event. The event was well received and most of the customers wanted to explore more about McAfee solutions.


BIT Discusses Smart Parking Management System with Park Assist Team Senior officials of Park Assist, BIT’s partner for ‘Automated Parking Guidance Systems’, with whom it works extensively for an ‘Internet of Things’ based Smart Parking Management System, visited the Bahwan IT office recently and held discussions with BIT management. The Park Assist team consisted of Mr. Gary Nelf, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Joe Ruggero – VP of Global Development, and Mr. Adam Fitzgerald – Regional Account Manager, MENA.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

BHC Medical Device Team Organises Workshop for National Heart Center Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) Medical Device team organised a Trans Cather Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVI) workshop at National Heart Center at Royal Hospital in November 2017. TAVI is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that repairs the valve without removing the old, damaged valve. Instead, it wedges a replacement valve into the aortic valve’s place. BHC’s strategic business partner Medtronic supported the workshop by sending their product specialist & Proctor Dr. Fadi where Dr. Mohamed Al Mukhaini, Deputy Director, National Heart Center, conducted the TAVI procedure. This workshop will help to identify more TAVI patients and build physicians’ confidence for further procedures. National Heart Center management appreciated BHC support.


BHC Sponsors Cardiac Cath Lab Scientific Day Continuing with its strategy of supporting industry initiatives, Bahwan Healthcare Centre (BHC) extended its support to the fourth Cardiac Cath Lab Scientific Day organised by National Heart Center & Oman Heart Association in December. BHC received a memento from Dr. Salim Al Maskari, Director, National Heart Center & Dr. Mohammed Al Mukhaini, Deputy Director, National Heart Center.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan IT and HPE Aruba’s Customer Event Reviews Latest IT Scenario Bahwan IT along with HPE Aruba organized a customer event in Muscat in October. Aimed at providing an update of current technological scenario, representatives from BIT and HPE Aruba examined how mobility, the cloud and IOT impact enterprise access networks, and what steps network managers and business leaders need to take to ensure the right level of performance, security and extensibility to ready their networks for the digital revolution. The event was attended by many CIOs, network managers and network architects from across the country.


Bahwan IT and MITECH Employees Enjoy a Day Out with Cricket Enjoying the cool weather, Bahwan IT and MiTech employees recently spent a day out playing a game of cricket at Mabelah grounds along with their families. There were four teams and was played with 10 oversa-side on a round-robin basis. The Blue team won the winners’ cup and the Red team won the runners cup. Mr. John Ramesh was bestowed with the man of the match title.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

MITECH Business Partner SITA Reviews Projects Mr. Paul Bartle, Programme Director & Director of Software Development of SITA - a global solutions and services provider for airlines, airports, aircraft, ground handlers, air cargo, aerospace and air navigation, recently visited Muscat and met the MiTech management. The meeting held a detailed discussion on the ongoing project and future strategic relations and joint expansion in the GGC countries. SITA has collaborated with MiTech to provide the state-of-the-art eVisa and Visitor Management System for the Sultanate of Oman.


Finland Energy Experts Visit SQU Bahwan IT (BIT) and Bahwan International Properties (BIPL) are jointly involved in an initiative to optimise energy at the Sultan Qaboos University campus. As part of this project, energy experts from Finland, Mr. Mika Virkki, Director, Building Performance Optimisation, Smart Buildings Division-Granlund, Mr. Ihasalo Heikki, Professor, Aalto University and Mr. Adam Fitzgerald – Regional Account Manager, MENA, Park Assist, visited SQU along with Mr. Anil Kumar, General Manager, BIT and Anil P. Kumar, General Manager, BIPL. The team held discussions with SQU team consisting of Mr. Hadj Bourdoucen, PhD, SMIEEE, Dean, College of Engineering, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University. Mr. Saleh N.J. Al-Saadi, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Building Energy Systems, Architectural Engineering Programme Coordinator, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering Sultan Qaboos University.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

Finance and Accounts Division Enjoy a Day-Out With nice and balmy winter weather prevailing in Muscat, our Finance and Accounts division decided to have day-out recently. Over 40 staff members and their families enjoyed a fun-filled day at a farmhouse in Halban near Barka playing games such as dodge ball, quiz programmes, memory games, tambola etc. An elaborate buffet lunch was served while kids had a whale of a time enjoying the open space of the farmhouse. Credit goes to Mohammed Khamis Al Wahaibi and Sameera Al Zadjali for excellently organizing the day-out proving the SBGH motto ‘One team‌ One Family.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

Bahwan IT Celebrates Festival of Lights Bahwan IT and MiTech celebrated Deepavali, the Indian festival of lights, recently. Dressed up in resplendent traditional attires, employees and their family members celebrated the day with dance, music programmes, games and competitions bringing alive a real festive atmosphere. It was a fun-filled evening epitomizing the bonding with all fellow colleagues and their families.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Know your colleague

them the basics. It is worth mentioning here that strongly believe in self-confidence and it should be the principle of all workers.

What have you learnt on the job so far? During my years at BFT I learned from my superiors that when I gain experience in any field, I should not stop and feel enough but should continue developing it and teaching it to others. We at BFT work as a team, supporting each other and working to raise the efficiency and quality of our work.

Any suggestion to improve the work environment? As I said earlier, this work requires precision and concentration. Also, training courses should be provided to increase the efficiency of the worker. In this way, the worker will have self-confidence to perform at the best of his skills and abilities. I would like to add that officials should encourage workers and give them incentives when work is completed.

What is your ambition in life ‌ future plans? My ambition is to further develop in the field that I am currently working on. At the same time, I want to gain new experiences to move up in my career. While I thank Suhail Bahwan Group for giving me this opportunity, I would like to reach a better position in our company.

How have your parents influenced your life / career? After the credit to God, my parents’ prayers are the reasons for what I have reached today and I owe great credit to them. I remember my father told me that I should always try as much as possible to develop my abilities and not to allow anything to disturb me and never feel despair. I also do not forget my mother’s advices. I pray God to provide them with long life and good health.

How do you spend your leisure time? I spend my free time by going out on trips with family and friends, as I also love walking. I also visit my relatives whenever I find time.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Know your colleague

Know your

Colleague ‘‘ Self-confidence must be the principle of all workers ‘‘ Asad Salim Saleem Al Hajri Please tell us about yourself and your educational qualification. I was born 1974 in the Wilayat of Al Qabil in the north of Al Sharqiah, but now I live in the al-Muhdairib, also in Al Sharqiah. I have six brothers and two sisters. I completed my elementary and preparatory school studies at Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi School in Al-Mudairib and then completed my secondary education in the Wilayat of Ibra in al-Mutanabi secondary school.

Can you brief us on your career in SBGH so far? After completing my secondary education, I spent two years looking for work. After that, I got the opportunity in 1998 to join Suhail Bahwan Group’s Bahwan Furnishings and Trading Company in Rusail Industrial Area . It was then called the Arabian Company for Furniture and Trade. I started as a worker in the company, but over the years I learned many things and gained sufficient experience and today I am a machine operator.

What is your functional role? My work in the company involves cutting of wood, manufacture and design of furniture structure and decorations,. The job requires full attention because as it has be very precise according to measurements. The structures are sent directly to the carpenter after manufacture. By the grace of God, I have completed twenty years in this field and gained enough experience.

How has been your work experience so far?

Asad Salim Saleem Al Hajri Machine Operator, Bahwan Furnishings and Trading LLC

Despite certain difficulties of my job I like it as I know many workers cannot withstand the burden of this job and become tires. Thankfully many times I become a supervisor for them , when I train and teach

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

BPT Employees Attend Gitex Technology Week in Dubai Two employees from Bahwan Projects and Telecoms (BPT) Mr. Deepak Kumar from Telecom OSP Division and Mr. Mohammed Faiyaz from Office Products division were deputed to attend the 37th GITEX Technology Week event held in Dubai in October 2017. The purpose of the visit was to explore new business opportunities, identify new technologies in core telecom and enterprise domain and add new solutions to BPT’s portfolio. During the event, they met representatives and senior officials from NEC, Cisco, Avaya, Huawei, Oxygen, Planet Technologies, Fanvil, Nantex, MITTCO and Anritsu. In view of the expanding FTTx scenario in Oman they also met a senior official from Cobinet Germany, a prime FTTx telecommunication & data network components provider and held detailed discussions over BPT’s requirements.


BPT Inks Partnership Deal with CCT Global Counterfeit Combat Technology (CCT global), an US- based security solutions company, with a Middle East office in Turkey, joined hands with Bahwan Projects & Telecoms (BPT)as a strategic partner for its range of security products and solutions in Oman. CCT utilises the most advanced barcoding systems, RFID, Blockchain technology, telecommunications and cloud computing to secure documents and products, enabling real-time verification and authentication to combat forgery and counterfeit. The system enables traceability, tractability and control by the issuing institute. The partnership agreement was signed between Dr. Mohammad Jilani, Chief Executive Officer, and Mr. Abdurrahman, Chief Operating Officer, CCT, during their visit to BPT office in November 2017. They also held a workshop and showcased their range of solutions which are most suited for Banking, ministries such as finance, housing, health, education and foreign affairs. The workshop was attended by Mr. Ghassan Baz, Chief Information Officer and his team, Mr. Anil Kumar, General Manager, Bahwan IT and his team and Mr. Satish Surla, head of MiTech long with BPT team. BPT will also have internal marketing arrangements with Bahwan IT and will work out a joint strategy to reach out potential customers and secure business.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

BPT Manager Attends HBL’s ME Partners Meeting HBL, one of Bahwan Projects and Telecoms (BPT) main business principals, invited BPT to attend its Middle East Partners’ Meet held in October 2017 at Vishakapatnam, India. Mr. Ravinder Raina, Assistant General Manager, BPT, attended the event along with other Middle East distributors. The participants were given a presentation on HBL’s product range by senior HBL officials and were taken on a tour of their two state-of-the-art factories that produce international quality products. The products are being exported to Europe, USA, Middle East and several other countries. BPT was also presented with a Certificate of Excellence by HBL.


BPT Trains ROP on Garmin Products Bahwan Projects and Telecoms, the authorised distributor for Garmin products in Oman, organised a workshop and hands on training for Royal Oman Police (ROP) on Garmin’s GPS instrument, MONTANA 680. Senior technical staff from ROP’s telecommunication department, who uses this product extensively in the deserts and sea, attended the workshop. Mr. Waleed Moosa Al Baloushi and Rasheed Said R. Al-Dahawi from BPT explained the various functions and technicalities of Montana 680. ROP is continuously using such products for its surveying needs all across Oman.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

BPT Conducts Demo of Mobile Mapping System for Clients Bahwan Projects & Telecoms (BPT), the exclusive distributor for Leica Geo-systems products in Oman, recently conducted a demo of Leica’s latest product - Leica Pegasus II Mobile Mapping system. The product was demonstrated at Al Rawaq training centre as well as at the Batinah Expressway project site managed by Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) at Khatmatmahla- UAE border. Mr. Bora from Leica Partner, Turkey, along with Mr. Sukumar and Mr. Yasser Abbas from BPT conducted the demo for their clients that included Mr. Jean Elchalouhi, Surveyor Manager at Batinah Project, CCC, Mr. Hussam Riad, Civil Engineer, RASO, and Mr. M. Abusharkh, Civil Engineer, RASO. The Leica Pegasus II mobile mapping solution uses one or several laser scanners in combination with GNSS receivers, IMU and a DMI. Acquire accurate and precise spatial data with six to eight cameras on any vehicle capturing full 360° spherical view imaging.


BPT Holds Class and Field Training on Utility Detection Radar for Clients Bahwan Projects & Telecoms (BPT) organised a field training of Leica DS2000 Utility Detection Radar for its key clients recently. Around 25 engineers from BPT’s clients such as PDO, Al Turki Enterprises and Bahwan Engineering attended the training conducted on site by Mr. Colin Tickle and Mr. Matthew Bunting from Blue Hat Services, UK, professionals in Leica DS2000 system along with Mr. Soanghun Oh, Special Projects and Monitoring Segment Manager, Leica Geosystems Dubai. The customers were explained about the operations and various applications of the equipment. Later, hands-on field training was provided to check oil pipe lines laid around the PDO area. The participants were able to detect the pipelines accurately and were very happy about the performance of the equipment. The DS2000 is part of the complete Leica Geosystems detection and underground mapping solution used to locate and identify various objects underground such as live and dead electric cables, metal pipes, plastic pipes, fiber optic cables, concrete pipes and also find out the depth of objects lying up to 4 – 5 metres.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

BPT Holds Demo and Training of Utility Detection Radar Bahwan Projects & Telecoms (BPT) organised a demo and training of Leica DS2000 Utility Detection Radar – a new product Leica Geosystems, one of BPT’s major principals. The detection radar is used to locate and identify various objects underground such as live and dead electric cables, metal pipes, plastic pipes, fiber optic cables, concrete pipes and also find out the depth of objects lying up to 4 – 5 metres. Around 20 participants including BPT staff and Leica partners from the UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon participated in the training. Mr. Colin Tickle and Mr. Matthew Bunting from Blue Hat Services, UK and Mr. Soanghun Oh, Special Projects and Monitoring Segment Manager, Leica Geosystems Dubai conducted classroom training and field demo in Muscat areas. One of BPT’s major clients, PDO has already placed orders for the product and several other companies have expressed interest in the product.


Oman Broadband Hails BPT’s Project Work Oman Broadband (OBB), the telecom infrastructure company of Oman, organised a ‘Project Week’ in December to recognise and appreciate the work of its approved contractors. Bahwan Projects & Telecoms (BPT) has been working with OBB since its inception and is one of the major contractors supporting them to achieve their objectives. In a three day event, Mr. Said Al-Mandhari, CEO of OBB, along with his senior management team appreciated the work of contractors and presented them awards. BPT was given an award for executing the work with utmost quality particularly for the duct laying, chamber construction and FTTH network in Amerat. Other projects being executed by BPT for OBB in the last two years are construction of fibre cable system at Madinat Al Illam, Wadi Adai and various back haul projects in Muscat. OBB’s objective is to provide high speed broadband infrastructure reaching 50% of urban premises by 2020 and 95% of urban premises by 2030, while closing the rural connectivity gap by 2020 with basic broadband infrastructure.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Company news

BPT’s Strategic Business Partner Visits Oman Mr. Peter Reichle, Owner and Board member of R&M (Reichle & De-Massari AG), along with Mr. Samuel Godfrey, Area Manager, visited Oman in November and met Mr. Yasser Mohammed Kheir, General Manager, BPT, and his team to discuss business strategy and major ongoing and forthcoming projects in Oman. During the visit Mr. Alfred Tharwad, Head of Training and Data Center Consultancy, R&M, also conducted a training session for BPT employees on quality standards and procedures for site installation and commissioning. Tests were conducted and certificates were presented to participants. BPT is R&M’s strategic partner in Oman for the last two decades and markets its product portfolio in Oman to clients such as the Ministry of Defence, ROP, major telecom companies, hospitality, healthcare and Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) businesses. R&M has developed and produced cabling solutions for high-end communication networks since 1964 and is represented in more than 30 countries. With its high level of product quality and innovative, forward-looking system design, the company ensures that networks are future-proof and investments secure for the long term.


BPT’s Business Partner ZTE Launches 5G Innovation in Oman ZTE, a major business partner of Bahwan Projects and Telecoms (BPT), launched 5G technology in Oman recently. It also organised a workshop on ‘Leading 5G Innovation’ for Oman’s telecom operator Ooredoo. Around 24 senior officials from Ooredoo attended the workshop. ZTE Ooredoo Business Unit CTO Mr.Wang Xin, MENA CTO Mr.Wu Yi Cun ,Oman CEO Mr.Huang Jing and Bahwan P&T General Manager Mr. Yasser Al Kheir, AGM Mr. Ravinder Raina were present at the event. The workshop launched three major themes: 5G, Evolution of the core network, Bearer network typical programme, including the evolution of 5G networks of interest, the latest R & D progress of our 5G, the difference between the NSR and the SR, the capacity of the bearer network and the transmission distance. Ooredoo is one of BPT’s major customers for many years.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SBGH in the NEWS

SUHAIL | Kaleidoscope

Old ad -1974

New ad - 2017

Past and Present Our Group has been advertising four the past 50+ years. It is interesting to see how the advertisements have evolved over the period in tune with technology and trends. Here we present you a selection of some old and new advertisements that we published in newspapers.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15


SUHAIL | Kaleidoscope Types of stress Stress can be of different types: aCrises/catastrophes- e.g. natural disasters, etc. that throws the individual completely out of the control. aLife events- Change of job, change of place, marriage death of a loved one. aDaily Commitments - Meeting deadlines, making decisions, adjustment with colleagues. Depending on the type, persistence and our own ‘coping’ levels, stress can have deleterious effect on almost every body organ and function. Chronic stress can suppress your immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and speed up the aging process.

How to manage stress? We can manage sudden and non-persistent stress on our own; make a start with prayer, meditation and relaxation exercise. Remember watching TV is NOT relaxation exercise! High level of social support from friends and relatives can also greatly help improving depressive symptoms. The following simple ways can help one to greatly reduce stress.

Stress can also cause increase in blood pressure, heart rate, vascular tone and blood clotting thus abnormal rhythm of heart rate and increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI). It can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to irritability, anger, anxiety, sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunction and depression.

aKeep a positive attitude.

Anger appears to have a deleterious effect on the cardiovascular system while other common interfering signs are memory problems, Inability to concentrate, constant worrying, procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities, nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing).

aMake time for hobbies and interests.

aAccept that there are events that you cannot control. aExercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit. aEat healthy, well-balanced meals. aLearn to manage your time more effectively. aGet enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events. aDon’t rely on alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors to reduce stress. However, it is strongly advised that for persistent, overwhelming stress get a proper assessment with your physician, cardiologist and mental health professional.


SUHAIL | Kaleidoscope



DR. Bhagavathi Pillai Nagamany, MBBS, DNB General Medicine, DNB Cardiology, MRCP [UK] FRCP[EDIN], Senior Consultant Cardiologist, Bahwan Healthcare Centre and Dr. Vijay Ram Naresh, MBBS, Psychological Medicine, MD (Psych), FIPS. Consultant Psychiatrist, Bahwan Healthcare Centre

It’s no surprise that stress is one of the major health issues today than 10 years ago. So much so that stress is named as “health epidemic of the 21st century” by the World Health Organization. These days almost every individual encounters stress from time to time. However, stress is not always BAD. Positive stress or ‘eustress’ improves motivation and ability to perform our task. However, persistent and significant amounts of negative stress (distress) can be detrimental to physical and mental health.

What is stress? Stress is a feeling of “pressure” and the response of our body and mind to that pressure is called “Stress”. Stress is not always due to external environment, it can also be caused by ourselves such as ‘faulty’ way of thinking, i.e. ‘cognitive errors’ or our own personality.

October-December 2017 | Issue 15

‫ذاكرة ال تن�سى‪...‬‬

‫�شهدت جمموعة �سهيل بهوان‪ ،‬خالل خم�سون عاما من تاريخها‪ ،‬العديد من الأحداث‬ ‫واملنا�سبات واللحظات امل�ضيئة التي ال تن�سى مهما مرت عليها ال�سنني‪ ،‬وكثري من‬ ‫تلك الأحداث مت ت�صويرها واحلفاظ عليها لتكون نربا�سا للأجيال القادمة‪.‬‬ ‫ويف هذا العدد من جملتنا نقدم لكم عددا من ال�صور النادرة لرئي�س جمل�س �إدارة‬ ‫املجموعة ال�شيخ �سهيل بهوان �أثناء لقائه بعدد من ال�شخ�صيات العامة يف‬ ‫منا�سبات خمتلفة‪.‬‬

Down the Memory Lane…. During the course of Suhail Bahwan Group’s 50 years’ history, we have come across several events/ occasions and landmarks many of which have been photographed and preserved for posterity. In this issue, we present you with a set of rare photographs of our Chairman Sheikh Suhail Bahwan on various occasions.

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