In Tribute: The Marc Gerald Fragge '83 Memorial Scholarship

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IN TRIBUTE The Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship


The Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship The Summit Country Day School

In Tribute | The Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship Published by The Summit Country Day School 2161 Grandin Road Cincinnati, OH 45208 April 2019 Edited by Nancy Berlier Contributors: Sandy Champlin, Laura Johnson, Mark Osborne and Nick Robbe Š 2019 The Summit Country Day School All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission from The Summit Country Day School.



As I turned the pages of this book, two words came to mind: Inspiration and Impact.

The tragic death in 1988 of their son Marc inspired Dr. and Mrs. Fragge to fund The Summit’s first endowed scholarship in memory of Marc. Since then, they have continued to donate to this fund which now stands at $669,708 as of February 28, 2019. It is our fifth largest endowed fund. Since 1988, the generosity of the Fragges has inspired 61 donors subsequently to endow scholarships at the Summit. Today, those scholarships are valued at $15,996,876 and provide $603,400 each year to support the education of worthy students. The selection criteria for the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship mirrors Marc’s passions for academic achievement, athletic engagement and spiritual growth. During the 25th anniversary of this scholarship we celebrated in 2013, several of Mark’s classmates testified to Marc’s passions. Gregg Becker ’83 reminisced: “Marc was always about improving himself in every way – mentally, physically and spiritually. He was an inspiration to all of us. Marc was an ‘aim high’ kind of guy before we had the aim high slogan. He pushed us all to aim high. He would drag you, push you, pull you – whatever it took – to bring you with him.” In life Marc inspired everyone he met. In death he continues to inspire Summit students who benefit from his scholarship, hear his story, and seek to live their lives according to his ideals. The Fragges, through their foresight, have inspired and

continue to inspire others to endow a scholarship at the school. The return on the investment in a child’s education is beyond any investment in material things. This book is also about impact. To date, 45 students have benefitted or currently are benefiting from the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship. But the impact doesn’t stop there. As an endowed scholarship, worthy students will continue to benefit from it long into the future. Through this scholarship, Dr. and Mrs. Fragge have left their mark at The Summit and a living legacy forever. The impact of the scholarship doesn’t stop with these students. Just read what these Fragge Scholars have accomplished so far in their lives. Reflect on the impact these men and women are having on the world. If we want to make the world a better place, providing a Summit education to more children is the way to do it. All of the Fragge Scholars are not only living productive lives, but they dedicate a part of their lives to helping others who are less fortunate. Our senior character trait is gratitude. In the following pages, these Fragge Scholars express their gratitude to the Fragges for the doors this scholarship opened for them. They are leaders of character, as Marc was, out to improve the world they are inheriting. To Ron and Betty, I offer my thanks for the inspiration and impact this scholarship has provided. Rich Wilson, Head of School


IN GRATITUDE The Fragge Scholars Christopher Kenney ’94 Stephanie E. Long ’06 Georges Saba ’14 John P. O’Brien ’97 Melinda (Curran) MacDougall ’06 Philip McHugh ’15 Adam R. Keslosky ’98 Kenneth C. Jeffries ’06 Sydney C. Beckmeyer ’16 Brandon J. Sheckels (attd.) Mark E. Dato ’06 Connor J. Shaw ’16 Frank P. Albi ’01 Michael Bruns ’08 Connor McMurry ’17 Christopher L. Sheldon ’01 Cathryn A. Bishop ’08 Catherine Marx ’18 Candace Smith (attd.) Joseph F. Wernke ’09 Howard H. Schertzinger ’18 Jeffrey M. Roth ’02 Alyssa M. Dunn (attd.) Harrison H. Schertzinger ’18 Megan D. Browder ’02 Bradley A. Evans ’10 Matthew Warden ’20 Lauren Manning ’02 Elizabeth (Edwards) Ford ’10 Aidan Lindy ’20 Steven M. Stickle ’02 Elizabeth J. Meininger ’11 Jake Simpson ’20 Timothy D. Keck ’04 Nicholas J. Pacitti ’11 Sophia Young ’20 Lisa M. Cosgrove ’04 Rachel L. Fladung ’12 Carter B. Bibler ’22 Carrie (Jantsch) Leonard ’05 James M. Williams ’12 Parker T. Bricking ’22 Joseph Kreyenhagen ’14 Nicholas T. Ciaccio ’22 Andrew P. Donovan ’05

Christopher Kenney’94 Christopher Kenney ’94 Cincinnati College: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Villanova University Career: Business Development Consultant specializing in the design, development, and installation of energy conservation projects for federal installations throughout the world. My Summit Family: Siblings Emily (Kenney) Miklavcic ’95; Allison Kenney ’96 and Philip Kenney ’99 I remember meeting you 29 years ago at Summit during the reception for scholarship recipients for The Summit Country Day School class of 1994. I was a young and nervous eighth grader that evening, as I was meeting a room full of new people and embarking on a new journey. Meeting and talking with you that evening calmed those nerves and helped light a fire that I could go out and conquer the world! A fire that still burns today. I was, and will forever be, honored to be given the opportunity to receive the first Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship. Academic achievement, athletic involvement, and spiritual growth are the core tenets of the scholarship, and have remained a personal focus that I strive to impart in my own children as we continue down life’s beautiful path. St. Augustine used the phrase solvitur ambulando - translated from Latin, “it is solved by walking.” This phrase has become a bit of a personal motto, and I think embodies the goals of the scholarship...all problems can be solved by practical experiment (academic achievement), getting out and walking/being involved (athletic involvement), and journeying on the ever changing paths of life (spiritual growth). I thank you for providing me the opportunity to attend The Summit. Please know that Marc and your family are always a part of my thoughts. Thanks!

I truly believe in the tenets of the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship and recognize that one of the most important attributes of the scholarship recipient is that they exhibit spiritual growth. It is easy to quantify academic achievement. It is perhaps even easier to record athletic involvement. The longer lasting quality is the individual’s spiritual growth. It is not easily measured but can certainly be witnessed by the individual’s strength of character, belief in a God that guides their life, and a commitment to gently pass that to the next generation by leading through example. That is where the true value of a Marc Fragge Scholar lies and therein lies the success. I believe in the Marc Fragge Scholarship so much that it has now become the recipient of my Summit donation when remembering those who have died.

– Christopher Kenney, Class of 1994

– Patti Kenny, Mother of Christopher Kenney ’94

John P. O’Brien ’97 John O’Brien ’97 Cincinnati College: B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Kettering University; M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan Dear Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, We are the parents of John O’Brien, a 1997 graduate of The Summit Country Day Upper School, and one of the recipients of the scholarship established to honor your son Marc. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks for your lasting gift to our son and the many other recipients of this award. Not only did Summit provide John with an excellent academic foundation, but the opportunities to participate in multiple sports, and a Catholic environment where he could interact with students of multiple other faiths. We still sing praises of The Summit. Where else could you find teachers like Carole Fultz and Farrell Ackley? Where else could a scrappy 140 pounder play football for four years? We can still remember our son John proclaiming after his first football game, “This is the best day of my life!” He remains close to his former team and classmates. Once again, thank you for your lasting gift that has transformed the lives of so many young men and women. --Dennis and Patricia O’Brien, Parents of John O’Brien’ 97

“All of these dedicated teachers and coaches taught us how to respect others as well as ourselves; how to show good sportsmanship; how to push ourselves beyond our comfort zones and what we thought we could do; how to not give up; and, in general, how to grow up to be responsible, creative and caring people. I believe Marc was a product of this same wonderful and caring faculty spirit. While I never knew Marc, in a way, I met him every day I was lucky enough to be part of The Summit family.” – John O’Brien ’97

Adam Keslosky ’98 Adam Keslosky ’98 Boulder, CO College: B.S.E. in Systems Engineering, 2002, University of Pennsylvania; M.B.A., 2010, University of Chicago Career: Upon graduating college, I began my career at Susquehanna International Group in Chicago. Here, I learned the ins-and-outs of options trading while working on the exchange floors of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, and The Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In 2009, I took a significant leap and decided to branch out on my own as a commodities derivatives trader, concentrating specifically on the agriculture markets (e.g. corn, wheat, & soybeans) in Chicago. After uprooting from Chicago and moving out to Colorado in 2017, I remain self-employed executing the bulk of my trading activity from behind a desk in my home office. My Summit Family: Brother Michael Keslosky ’95 and nephew Drew Reder ’21. The Summit Advantage: I owe so much to my days at The Summit. Of course, I received a top-shelf education. But perhaps what proved to be more important, however, were the multitude of ways that Summit allows students to develop a sense of independence and grow as a leader. Whether it was in the classroom or on the ball field, Summit really gave me the confidence to compete as I set out for college and beyond.

Personal: I currently reside in Boulder, CO, with my beautiful wife Meg and two amazing children, Jack (3) and Anna (1).

I am eternally grateful for the opportunity provided by the Fragges. The gift of a Summit education was an incredible blessing, one that I truly believe provided a leg up as I moved beyond high school. I have always considered the distinction of being one of the first Fragge scholars as one of the great honors in my life. My sincerest thank you goes out to Dr. and Mrs. Fragge for their incredible generosity. –Adam Keslosky, Class of 1998

Frank P. Albi ’01 Frank P. Albi ’01 Chicago, IL College: B.S. in History with a minor in Spanish, U.S. Naval Academy, 2005; J.D. from DePaul University College of Law, 2016 Career: Office of Chief Counsel, US Customs and Border Protection; Chicago, IL (2013-present). As attorney-advisors to the largest uniformed law enforcement agency in the country, we provide advice on a host of issues ranging from labor and employment matters, to immigration and to criminal and commercial enforcement. My Summit Family: Siblings Luke Albi ’05 and Anna Albi ’10. The Summit Advantage: SCD provided a solid moral foundation and introduced me to the concept of servant leadership. I formed lasting friendships and benefitted from a dedicated and knowledgeable faculty dedicated to the holistic development of their students. Only slightly less important, I learned to read and write! Leadership and Service: Active Duty, US Marine Corps, including two combat deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (2005-2013); various reserve assignments (2013-present). Current rank: Major.

Left to Right: Frank, Anna and Luke Albi.

I applaud the Fragge family for engendering such ongoing dedication to service. Obviously, such service and dedication were cornerstones of Marc’s life. Through their endowment in his name, the Fragges have created a lasting legacy that will endure for generations as Summit students continue to grow in grace and wisdom and ultimately become outstanding leaders and citizens in the global community. –Frank P. Albi, Class of 2001

Toph Sheldon ’01 Christopher “Toph” Sheldon ’01 Madeira College: B.S. in Accountancy, University of Cincinnati Career: I am a self-employed CPA specializing in tax reduction and resolution for other self-employed people. This was a second career for me after trying to make a career as a pro golfer. After four years on The Summit’s Upper School golf team, which included three state championship appearances, I graduated from the University of Cincinnati and spent more than 10 years as a member of the Professional Golfers’ Association of America. Personal difficulty negatively impacted my game and forced me to find a new profession. It ultimately changed my life for the better. I realized the tremendous need for helping self-employed people who were experiencing financial and tax issues. I started my own business specializing in this area of practice and have found it to be extremely rewarding. I now work with self-employed clients all over the country and own the trademark, CPA for the Self-Employed®. The Summit Advantage: I was a lifer at Summit, but likely wouldn’t have had this opportunity without the Fragges. In eighth grade, my parents were seriously considering switching me to a different school for high school. By attending The Summit, I was able to play multiple sports and to accomplish a lot more academically and athletically than I think I would have at other schools. To this day, I keep in touch with many friends and families from The Summit and still have so many great memories from my 15 years as a student there.

Leadership and service: The Summit challenged me and never allowed me to be complacent. Being a team captain of several sports teams at The Summit gave me self-confidence. Now, I try and leverage my leadership skills by growing my business and helping my clients succeed to achieve their goals. Personal: I am married to the love of my life, Ashley. We are lucky enough to have three beautiful children (Mac, Rex, and Roz). Thank you, Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, for all you did to make my experience at The Summit possible. I have so many great memories from my time as a student and have met so many amazing people from The Summit family. I had such a great high school – experience and it would never have been possible without receiving the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship. –Toph (Christopher) Sheldon, Class of 2001

Megan D. Browder’ 02 Megan Browder ’02 Washington, D.C. College: B.A., East Asian Studies, Columbia University, 2006. J.D., Yale Law School, 2015 Career: Robbins Russell, Associate Attorney, Washington D.C.; Law Clerk to the Honorable James. E. Boasberg, Washington D.C., 2017-2018; Law Clerk to the Honorable Alyson K. Duncan, Raleigh, NC, 2016-2017; Arnold & Porter, Associate Attorney, Denver, CO, 2015-2016; United States Peace Corps, Narok, Kenya, 2010-2012; Lehman Brothers/ Barclays Capital, New York, NY, 2005-2009. The Summit Advantage: Attending Summit allowed me to grow both intellectually and spiritually. In addition to a love of reading and history, it also instilled within me a deep civic duty. Leadership and Service: I have served as a leader in both college and law school. In law school, I was on the board of both Yale Law Women and the Black Law Students Association. In between law school and college, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kenya for two years.

Thank you so much for your generous gift. Summit was a life-defining experience for me and opened many doors for my future. –Megan Browder, Class of 2002

Lauren Manning ’02 Lauren (Manning) Mikulak ’02 Littleton, CO College: B.A. in American Studies, minor in Education, Schooling & Society, graduated magna cum laude, University of Notre Dame, 2006. Masters of Urban and Regional Planning, graduate Dean’s Scholarship and Outstanding Graduate Student Award, University of New Orleans, 2010. Career: Planning Manager, City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department in Wheat Ridge, CO. My Summit Family: Sister Whitney (Manning) Raymer ’04 The Summit Advantage: I attribute my career in public service to The Summit’s service-learning approach. My path has been focused on service, social justice, ethics, responsible governance and smart development. Dr. Tom Monaco’s mantra of “respect, responsibility and civility” is foundational in my life and the values I bring to the community I serve. Leadership and Service: After graduating from Notre Dame, I wanted to live somewhere new, work outside and be productive. I served as a construction manager through AmeriCorps and as full-time staff for Habitat for Humanity (HFH) of Greater Baton Rouge after Hurricane Katrina. I wore a tool belt for two years and interacted with thousands of people teaching them to build and managing the construction of nearly 100 homes. More importantly, I worked side-by-side with partner families as they rebuilt their lives.

Through my time at HFH, I came to fully appreciate how much the built environment affects people’s lives, starting simply with a roof overhead. This led to my graduate studies in urban planning in New Orleans in the post-Katrina era. In 2010, I moved to Colorado and began work with the City of Wheat Ridge. I now lead the Planning Division in long range planning efforts, multimodal transportation projects, code amendments and development review. I am confident in my ability to lead, listen, learn, and serve and there’s no question that started with my time The Summit. Thank you for that gift, and thank you for your support in my development as a scholar and a person. As I now raise my own young children, I am hopeful for their future and hope to provide them with the same character and academic education from which I benefited. –Lauren (Manning) Mikulak ’02

Jeffrey M. Roth ’02 Jeff Roth ’02 St. Louis, MO College: B.A. in History, DePauw University, 2006; M.Ed. with concentration in Sports Administration, Xavier University, 2011 Career: I am a High School Admissions Representative for Lincoln College of Technology in Indianapolis, recruiting in Missouri and Illinois. This position allows me to offer options and opportunities to students who do not want to attend a traditional four-year college. My Summit Family: Brother John Roth ’00, niece Corrina Roth ’32, nephew Russell Roth ’31. The Summit Advantage: Upon reflecting on my Summit experience, I first think of the teachers and staff. I had some incredible role models as teachers and coaches. Summit’s teachers and staff are principled people with extraordinary talent and passion. They are the kind of people who you want to make proud by your actions and efforts. As an adult and parent myself, I still think of the example set by many of my teachers and coaches at Summit. Leadership and Service: I became active in coaching middle school athletics after graduation from college, with many seasons at The Summit. I continued coaching when my wife, Elizabeth, and I moved to St. Louis.

I really enjoy the venue of athletics for teaching students lessons like hard work, integrity, honesty and sportsmanship. Summit’s inclusion of “physical” in its five pillars has inspired me to use athletics as a tool for developing the whole student. Thank you to the Fragge Family for your continued generosity to Summit and the students it serves. Many students, myself included, could not have experienced a Summit education without your gift. Marc’s name and spirit will live on forever at Summit. God bless you. – Jeff Roth, Class of 2002

Steven M. Stickle ’02 Steve Stickle ’02 Greenwood, IN College: B.A. in Economics, Davidson College; M.B.A in Finance Business Analytics, Indiana University Kelley School of Business; S.J.D., Wake Forest University School of Law Career: Business Development Project Manager at Indiana University Health, Indianapolis. Financial Leadership Development Intern, Digital Business Group, New York City. Data Analytics Senior Specialist, Consilio, Chicago. Data Analytics Associate, Huron Consulting Group, Chicago. Attorney, Synergy Legal, Chicago My Summit Family: Sister Kathryn Stickle ’04

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, I look back very fondly upon my education at The Summit. I made some incredible friends, learned from wonderful teachers, and received an unparalleled education. Because of your generous support, my parents were able to help finance part of my continued education, which has landed me in a position where I can give back. I now work in corporate development for Indiana University Health, Indiana’s largest not-for-profit health system. It is our mission to help make Indiana one of the healthiest states in the nation and to do so by treating everyone, no matter their color, creed, or their ability to pay. I obviously did not know Marc, but from what I’ve heard and what I’ve read, he was an amazing young man who touched the lives of all those around him. I’m sure much of this was due to you, his parents, who helped instill his values and build his character. My family and those of all the other Fragge Scholars throughout the years thank you for everything you’ve done for us and for The Summit. –Steven Stickle, Class of 2002

Timothy D. Keck ’04

Mrs. Betty and Dr. Ronald Fragge are joined by some of their beneficiaries in a 2013 celebration. L to R, students are Joey Kreyenhagen ’14, Connor Shaw ’16, Sydney Beckmeyer ’16, Connor McMurry ’17, Philip McHugh ’15 and Georges Saba ’14.

Lisa M. Cosgrove ’04 Lisa M. Cosgrove ’04 Washington, D.C. College: B.A. from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy and International Affairs. Fellowship with the American Cairo University Center for Arabic Study Abroad Career: International Affairs Professional My Summit Family: Brothers Pat Cosgrove ’01, Dan Cosgrove ’07; nieces, Rowan Cosgrove ’27 and Emery Cosgrove ’31

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, When I was in eighth grade, my parents and I had an agreement that I could attend high school at The Summit if I got an academic scholarship. Thanks to you and your generosity, I was able to receive an amazing Summit education, which paved the way for me to graduate from Princeton with a degree in Foreign Affairs and to join the Foreign Service. I have had the chance to picnic in Lawrence of Arabia’s headquarters from the Great Arab Revolt in World War I and have had my campsite raided by free-range camels who had a bold manner and an inexplicable taste for hot dog buns. I have been to a ranch at the end of the world that is so densely populated with penguins, the whole island looks like potholes filled with them, and I have hiked through Mordor and learned that the way down is much harder than the way up. It is a good thing the hobbits got airlifted off the mountain by eagles in the Lord of the Rings, or they would have had to make a fourth movie just to cover the nearly interminable descent. I have had an amazing life filled with unique experiences, and I wish from the bottom of my heart that Marc could have had them too. I will be forever grateful to your family for giving me the opportunity to attend The Summit, which enabled me to pursue this path. –Lisa Cosgrove, Class of 2004

Andrew P. Donovan ’05 Drew Donovan ’05 Cincinnati College: B.A. in History, DePauw University. M.Ed. with concentration in Sports Administration, Xavier University. Career: Nine years working in professional sports, including FC Cincinnati last season. The Summit Advantage: My time at Summit has led to lifelong friendships that are still a large part of my personal life. Summit also opened many doors for me and has allowed me to have a fun, fulfilling career to this point. Leadership and Service: One of the most enjoyable experiences I have had has been as a Big Brother in Big Brothers Big Sisters. I was matched for just over four years, and this past April, my “little” and I graduated the program. Shortly after, I got to watch him graduate from high school! I would have never been able to attend The Summit without the help of your family. I cannot thank you enough for the opportunities you provided to me and for helping me learn that success is doing more for the world than the world does for you. The two of you have clearly taken that to heart, and your kindness and generosity has inspired me and lives on through all of those who you have helped. –Drew Donovan, Class of 2005

Carrie (Jantsch) Leonard ’05 Carrie (Jantsch) Leonard ’05 London, United Kingdom College: B.A., Boston College; J.D., Loyola University Chicago School of Law Career: Litigation Finance Portfolio Advisor, Orchard Global Asset Management, London, United Kingdom. I manage the litigation finance strategy for Orchard Global Asset Management, a leading alternatives assets manager with more than $5 billion under management. Previously, I represented clients in complex commercial litigation as a lawyer at Squire Patton Boggs LLP. My Summit Family: Sisters Lauren (Jantsch) Britton ’07 and Megan Jantsch ’09. The Summit Advantage: The Summit experience, which is grounded in a commitment to develop well-rounded individuals, provided a foundation for intellectual curiosity and personal development that I continue to cultivate in my adult life. The academic rigor, in particular, prepared me to succeed in higher education and to meet the demands of a challenging career. The Summit experience also introduced me to a group of incredible women who forged their own unique paths and have become lifelong friends. Personal: I currently live in London with my husband, James, and daughter, Elise.

Dear Fragge Family, My sincere thanks for your generosity and support of my education. I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended a school that demands academic excellence while also allowing students to explore personal, social, athletic and spiritual endeavors. My Summit education provided a strong foundation for my personal development in higher education and beyond. In my adult life, I remain dedicated to academic achievement, athletic involvement, and spiritual growth, qualities I know Marc exemplified in his own life. I strive to pass these on to my children as my husband and I build our family. Thank you again for your kind gift. All the best. –Carrie (Jantsch) Leonard, Class of 2005

Mark Dato ’06 Mark Dato ’06 Philadelphia, PA College: B.A. in Art History, Columbia University. Career: Program Director at SYPartners, a design and strategy consultancy that helps leaders transform their organizations, their teams and themselves. I’ve been lucky enough to work with Weight Watchers, Google, AARP, and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. I love mission-driven work with top business leaders – working together to build creative solutions to really tough problems. The leaders I admire most fully embody Doc Monoco’s mantra of “Respect, Responsibility, and Civility.” Summit gave me a great foundation to learn what makes a great leader of character. My Summit Family: Sister Katie Dato ’05. The Summit Advantage: Summit taught me a lot about optimism and assuming the positive intent of others. In a nutshell, being a gay kid in a Catholic school in Cincinnati wasn’t a cake walk. I felt judged and dismissed in many ways and struggled to fully be myself. That said, I loved the many parts of my Summit experience. It gave me the courage not only to stand up to, but see past, hate. It helped find love for people I disagreed with – and not to pigeon-hole them as representatives of certain ideologies. It instilled me with a strong sense of social justice and service. I’ve worked across nonprofit, tech, consulting and design sectors and always gravitate to work that is doing good in the world. The Summit fostered and fueled my curiosity. Amazing teachers, like Kelly Cronin, helped me see past my limits. AP Euro blew my mind and opened so many doors.

many doors. It’s a big reason why I majored in Art History. Summit gave me lifelong friendships. I still have very close friends from Summit that I know will be with me, no matter what, through the years. Leadership and Service: I started my career at New York Cares where I engaged corporate employees in volunteer service around NYC. It was amazing to connect with nonprofit leaders, understand their needs and help volunteers meet the needs. Now, I volunteer as an SAT tutor and clinic assistant to raise access to healthcare for low-income people. Thank you Dr. and Mrs. Fragge for your generosity and kindness! Investing in education is such a beautiful way to honor your son. I hope it brings you peace and joy to see what everyone is up to these days. We wouldn’t be who we are without our Summit experience. –Mark Dato, Class of 2006

Kenneth C. Jeffries ’06

Stephanie E. Long ’06 Stephanie E. Long ’06 Dillon, CO College: B.A. in English, Boston College. Studied abroad one year at Charles University in Prague, Czech Cinema, Philosophy, Contemporary Culture, Language Career: Director of Owner Support, Evolve Vacation Rental Network, Denver My Summit Family: Siblings Jessica (Long) Bare ’05, Augustine A. Long ’08 and Caroline A. Long ’10 The Summit Advantage: My experience at The Summit cultivated my love of leadership and learning. I held athletic and academic leadership positions while at Summit, and they helped prepare me well for higher education, my career and for life. The strengths I exemplify today were shaped by the tenets of a Summit education: learning, strategic thinking, responsibility, intellection, and relationship building. I find deep satisfaction in maintaining a sense of curiosity in daily life and working with others toward a common goal. Leadership and Service: I joined Evolve Vacation Rental when it was a very early stage startup. I found my niche supporting property owner clients and had the opportunity to advance into a leadership position. I developed and grew the Owner Support team from four to 40 team members in three years and Evolve has grown into the second largest vacation rental management service in the U.S. We strive every day to work in partnership with vacation rental property owners to help them build their small business. It’s an amazing challenge

to work in such a rapidly growing industry and by making vacation rental easy, the world becomes a more accessible place to travel and experience. To share my passion for reading and learning, I have volunteered for two years with a fantastic organization called Reading Partners. Their goal is to serve students who are below grade level in reading and help them improve through one-onone tutoring from volunteers. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I have always felt extremely honored to receive the Fragge scholarship and am sincerely thankful for my experience at Summit. I am also grateful for this opportunity to reflect specifically on all those who played a role in shaping my experience there. Thank you for honoring me in Marc’s name with an education that laid the foundation for my continued growth and love of learning. –Stephanie Long, Class of 2006

Melinda (Curran) MacDougall ’06 Melinda (Curran) MacDougall ’06 Ann Arbor, MI College: B.S., Psychology and Statistics, Central Michigan University. M.S., Biostatistics, University of Michigan Career: I am a Senior Programmer at Arbor Research Collaborative for Health located in Ann Arbor, MI. I have been at Arbor Research since I completed my master’s degree at the University of Michigan in 2012. I initially started as a research analyst before transitioning to a programmer role. I feel my time at Summit pushed me to never settle and to break out of my comfort zone. That has helped me in my professional life to seek out new challenges and discover what truly interests me. I am often trying to find new and creative ways to promote efficient solutions and work together across teams to deliver the highest quality product to our stakeholders. Ultimately, our work helps shape the quality of care patients receive in healthcare settings across the country. The Summit Advantage: My time at Summit provided me the opportunity to grow both academically and athletically. I was able to take a wide variety of Advanced Placement courses and earned over a year’s worth of college credit. This allowed me to graduate college in only three years, including completing my senior honors thesis in behavioral psychology. During my time at Summit, I played field hockey for the first time, eventually becoming a goalkeeper. This led to the opportunity to pursue a dream of mine to play college athletics at the Division 1 level. At Central Michigan University, I was able to fulfill this goal and compete as a student-athlete.

My time at Summit taught me how to manage my time well and be successful in both the classroom and on the field. I was named to the NFHCA All-Academic team (2007-2010), Academic All-MAC team (2009), First-team All-MAC (2009), MAC tournament team (2008, 2009), and member of Chi Alpha Sigma (National College Athlete Honor Society). Without the opportunities that Summit provided, I likely would have stayed closer to home for college and may not have been willing to venture out of my comfort zone as much. The opportunity to play field hockey has also introduced me to many people from different countries that I never would have met otherwise. These experiences have helped broaden my circle of friends and gain perspectives on issues that I may not have considered before. I would like to sincerely thank you for your support of my education at Summit. I have often thought over the years about how being a Fragge Scholar has impacted my life and the many ways my life would have been different without that support. When I applied to Summit, I never thought it would be attainable for me to attend because of the financial burden. The support of being a Fragge Scholar made that a possibility for me. My time at Summit also cultivated a desire to seek out new challenges and never settle for just running through the motions. This has served me well in my career as I found my home as a programmer at a company committed to improving the quality of care for patients in healthcare. Thank you again for your support in helping me attend Summit and grow as person through the opportunities I received there. –Melinda (Curran) MacDougall, Class of 2006

Cathryn Stacey Bishop ’08 Cathryn Stacey Bishop ’08 San Diego, CA College: B.S., Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Webb Institute. Career: Project Manager/Engineer, Marine Group Boat Works, San Diego, CA. Previously worked for Bollinger Shipyards in Lockport, LA, as a project engineer and naval architect. My Summit Family: Brother Kevin Bishop ’11. The Summit Advantage: The Summit gave me the skills and motivation I needed to be more self-reliant in my education and career. It ultimately led me, directly or indirectly, to a great job in a city I love with a new family of my own. The education I received at Summit was the backbone of it all. Leadership and Service: The better part of my career has been focused on leadership, mainly within the shipbuilding industry. I have yet to branch out beyond this narrow focus

but am hoping to move into more public service oriented roles within the next few years now that I’m not moving around so much. On a daily basis I manage projects, people and general research that requires me to use the skills that places like Summit and Webb have taught me. Even when I’m not managing anyone, I try to set a good example in my career and my life in general, to encourage those around me to be more positive, optimistic, motivated, and sympathetic to those around them. More than the education, which is vital, I think the biggest influence on me during my time at Summit was the teachers’ enthusiasm for their subjects and their encouragement of their students, pushing us in healthy ways to achieve more and be better people.

Thank you, Fragge family. Without this scholarship I wouldn’t have been able to attend Summit. I will be forever grateful for that opportunity. –Cathryn Stacey Bishop, Class of 2008

Michael Bruns’08 Michael Bruns ’08 Washington, D.C. College: B.S. Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Tulsa. J.D, University of Virginia School of Law. Career: I am an associate (though only barred in California) at the law firm Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein, & Fox in Washington, D.C. My practice focuses on patent litigation. My Summit Family: Christian Bruns ’05, Daniel Bruns ’14. The Summit Advantage: The Summit experience was formative. Without it, I would have never discovered my passion for chemistry. The science staff and program was phenomenal. My chemistry teacher, Mr. Escudero, sought to demonstrate every theoretical teaching we learned in class with a real-life demonstration. I loved learning and seeing something new every week. It led me to pursue chemical engineering in college. Yet, an engineering career did not appear to give the same frequency and opportunity to encounter new ideas and technology that I loved at Summit. So I became a patent attorney, where I meet with experts and Nobel laureates to teach me about new technologies every year so that I can litigate effectively. Personal: Summit truly set the course of my life. I would not be where I am now without it. Even though I’ve traveled all over the world and lived in more than five cities, I still keep

in touch with the close friends I made there. I had my wedding at Summit, with Father Seher presiding. I was the best man at my brother’s wedding, which was also at Summit. The opportunities to explore my talents (and lack thereof) through theater, music classes and art classes were plentiful and helped me discover the professional life I wanted to live. I try to live every day following Christ’s example and showing an everyday sort of love and charity. I am extremely thankful for the Fragges’ generosity. Without it, I would not have been able to attend The Summit Country Day School. And without The Summit, I would not have the life I have (which is excellent) or be as happy as I am (which is very!). My hope is that one day I am successful enough to show someone else the charity that the Fragges showed me. The Fragges have profoundly affected my life. Thank you. –Michael Bruns, Class of 2008

Joseph F. Wernke ’09 Joe Wernke ’09 Cincinnati College: B.S., Psychology, University of Notre Dame Career: After graduating from Notre Dame and working a few years I realized I wanted to change my path in life. I enrolled at Northern Kentucky University and am currently finishing a second degree, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. I believe my time at The Summit was instrumental in giving me the courage to change course, go back to school and follow a dream I once thought impossible. The Summit Advantage: The Summit experience began for me when I heard Dr. Monaco speak at the Open House I attended in the eighth grade. His description was of a place where I would not only be challenged academically, but also of a place where I would be given the opportunities, discipline and individual attention needed to discern the talents God gave me. My teachers pushed me to think and question, and showed me I was capable of achieving much more than I thought possible.

Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, Please accept my sincerest thanks for honoring me with the scholarship memorializing your son, Marc. The financial assistance you provided allowed my parents to send me to The Summit. The education and guidance I was given there allowed me to provide my parents the distinct privilege of watching their son graduate from the University of Notre Dame. Thank you again. –Joseph Wernke, Class of 2009 Dear Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, We cannot thank you enough for honoring our son, Joe, with the scholarship you founded in memory of your son Marc. From what we know, he must have been a beautiful and special young man. The fact that you saw those same qualities in our son has touched us deeply. Through your generosity, Joe has been given opportunities we’d never dreamed possible. Thank you again for turning what must have been unbearable grief into an opportunity for so many young people to achieve what they might otherwise have never thought possible. Thank you again. –Russell and Jerri Wernke, Parents of Joseph Wernke ’09

Elizabeth (Edwards) Ford ’10 Elizabeth (Edwards) Ford ’10 Berkeley, CA College: B.A., Hispanic Studies, pre-medicine concentration, Davidson College; M.P.H., public health, George Washington University Career: I’m currently working as a Senior Operational Analytics Associate at Clover Health in San Francisco, CA. I have been in the healthcare space with emphasis on understanding social determinants of health, developing interventions to address disparities and healthcare quality measurement. My Summit Family: Brother, Will Edwards ’07. The Summit Advantage: The Summit experience catapulted me into a future where I was trained to proactively seek hard work and challenges. It gave me the space to practice leadership from an early age and provided me with a community of folks who are nothing less than family to me. Living across the Words fail to adequately capture my gratitude for your generosity that street for most of my time at Summit, there was no separation in space for me. Summit was my playground, my place of supported my time at The Summit. It was an unforgettable opportunity that sent me forward with a foundation of hard work, resilience and study, my place of practice and sport, but it was also home. leadership that I carry with me as I move through the world. Thank you for recognizing the life-changing nature of The Summit and for Leadership and Service: I have been privileged to work in having the vision to share it with fortunate kids and families like my healthcare spaces that support marginalized communities – own. from LGBTQ healthcare and HIV to seniors. My focus is looking for opportunities to work in and serve spaces with –Elizabeth (Edwards) Ford, Class of 2010 potential for social impact.

Bradley Evans ’10 Bradley Evans ’10 Oakland, CA College: B.S., Chemical Engineering, Howard University Career: Leadership Compensation Associate, Google, San Francisco, CA. I spent the first four years after college working at Goldman Sachs in New York City as a project manager. The Summit Advantage: The Summit was a priceless high school experience for me for a number of reasons. The small class sizes and invested teachers created a great learning environment that really caused me to push myself academically. Athletically, I had opportunities to build relationships with my teammates and compete against some impressive athletes around the city. Overall, it was a great experience where teachers, coaches, parents and classmates were all very welcoming. Leadership and Service: I’ve taken the opportunity to volunteer and mentor children through programs that both Goldman and Google offered. These included field trips with at-risk children, cleaning homeless shelters and helping maintain sustainable gardens used for food banks. I’ve also tried to keep the competitive spirit alive by participating in basketball leagues at both companies as well.

I want to give a big thank you to the Fragges. It is very likely I wouldn’t have gone to Summit at all if I didn’t receive this scholarship. You have definitely positively affected the lives of all of the recipients. It opened a number of doors for me personally and for that, I’m forever thankful. –Bradley Evans, Class of 2010

Elizabeth J. Meininger ’11 Libby Meininger ’11 New York City, NY College: B.A. Art History, Columbia University, 2015. M.S. Childhood Education and Special Education, Touro College, 2017 Career: Currently, I am the lead fourth grade math teacher at an all-girls Charter School, Girls Prep Lower East Side Elementary, in Manhattan. I lead the fourth grade math team and teach both general education and special education students. This is my fourth year teaching fourth grade. I spent the last three years teaching at a charter school in East Harlem. My Summit Family: Sister Anna Meininger ’06, brothers Christian Meininger ’07, Henry Meininger ’09 and Jack Meininger ’13. The Summit Advantage: The Summit experience shaped me as a student and a young woman. Summit’s academics are rigorous, but what I think is unique to The Summit experience is the focus on character development and service. As a teacher, I try to foster these same qualities in my students. Leadership and Service: I feel lucky that my career is service-oriented. I teach low income students of color at a public all-girls charter school and am grateful to work with and serve so many amazing families.

Dear Fragge Family, Thank you for including me as a Fragge Scholar. I know Marc was an amazing son, friend, student and athlete. It is clear that he was so special to The Summit community and was caring and kind to everyone he knew. I feel so honored to be a part of the Fragge memorial scholars. All my best. –Libby Meininger, Class of 2011

Nick Pacitti ’11 Nick Pacitti ’11 Nashville, TN College: B.S., Commerce and Business Administration with a double major in finance and economics, Magna Cum Laude, University of Alabama; M.S. Finance, University of Alabama Career: I work for Elliott Davis, a top-40 full-service accounting firm based in the southeast, as a senior consultant in the forensic, valuation, and litigation support group. I have lived for the past three-plus years in Atlanta and have just relocated to Nashville. My Summit Family: Brother Noah Pacitti ’20 The Summit Advantage: At The Summit, my teachers, the staff and my fellow students helped mold me into the person I am today and provided me with a wonderful platform from which to launch headlong into college and a career away from home. Because of The Summit, I felt like I had the necessary knowledge, skills and support base to venture away from home to pursue an exciting college experience at The University of Alabama and a stimulating career based in Atlanta and Nashville. I have become a more well-rounded person throughout my ventures in new parts of the country by meeting new people (including my girlfriend, Erin) and experiencing new cultures and ideas.

Leadership and Service: The service pillar has always been very important to me, and I have continued my service to others through the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Georgia as a wish-granting volunteer and treasurer of the Young Professionals board. Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, I sincerely appreciate your support of my education! Without your support, I would not have experienced the wonder that is The Summit, which will continue to positively impact my life forevermore. As well, my experience at The Summit attracted my brother, Noah, to also attend! –Nick Pacitti, Class of 2020

Rachel L. Fladung’12 Rachel L. Fladung ’12 Columbus, OH College: B.S., Animal Sciences with Biosciences Specialization and Biology Minor, The Ohio State University, 2016. Pursuing Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University, expected graduation May 2020 Career: I work part time at a local farm taking care of show and retired horses. I have had many student jobs throughout my time at Ohio State, including working as a fitness instructor at Ohio State’s recreational center and as a student mentor and volunteer coordinator for the Office of Student Life’s Department of Social Change. All of these opportunities allowed me to grow as a person, and I would not have been able to balance a difficult academic curriculum with multiple jobs and student involvements without the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. Fragge through my experience at Summit. My Summit Family: Sister Cheryl Fladung ’14 The Summit Advantage: Summit was a challenge as a student, but it helped me learn how to balance a lot of school work with other things that I wanted to do, such as participate in student organizations, work and spend time with family and friends. I have been able to develop a work-life balance that is realistic for my future as an aspiring equine vet. Leadership and Service: I was treasurer and secretary of OSU’s College of Agriculture Student Council and a member of SPHINX, the first student organization established at OSU.

I developed an Animal Sciences curriculum for local elementary and middle schools in the inner city of Columbus. I am volunteer coordinator for the After School All Stars program, class of 2020 student representative for Zoetis Pharmaceuticals in veterinary medicine and president of the Equine Club. Thank you, Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, for supporting me throughout my time at Summit, and for allowing me to receive the best education possible prior to going on to continue my dream. I have wanted to become a veterinarian since the age of 5, and with your help, I am only one year away from that dream becoming a reality. I cannot thank you enough for your support, kindness, and generosity as a young and impressionable person. I wouldn’t have been able to stay at Summit without your support, and I cannot thank you enough for everything you gave me during my time in school at Summit. I wish you all of the best, and I can only hope to one day support and help someone else the way that you supported me. Thank you for everything! –Rachel Fladung, Class of 2012

Max Williams ’12 Max Williams ’12 Columbus College: B.A. in Peace, War, and Defense from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Class of 2019--graduating in May. Career: In October 2019, I will be starting as an associate at Frost, Brown, Todd, a law firm in Cincinnati. I am excited to come back to Cincinnati. The Summit Advantage: I would not be where I am today had it not been for The Summit. As I am about to graduate and come back to Cincinnati, I realize just how much The Summit prepared me to go out and take on the world. The friends I made in high school are still my best friends to this day. The sense of community that I felt at Summit is something that I will forever be grateful for and one of the main reasons why I am excited to come back to Cincinnati. Leadership and Service: Volunteered at John Ivory Boys and Girls Club, Durham, N.C. Student Congress, Carolina Student Legal Services Board Member.

Thank you for your generosity and for giving me the chance to attend such a great school like The Summit. Choosing to attend The Summit was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and none of it would have been possible without your help. –Max Williams, Class of 2012

Joseph Kreyenhagen ’14 Joey Kreyenhagen ’14 Loveland College: I will be graduating from the University of Cincinnati in May with degrees in accounting and finance with a business analytics minor. Career: I will be starting my full time career with Ernst & Young doing management consulting in Chicago. My Summit Family: Tommy Kreyenhagen ’12 The Summit Advantage: The Summit experience had a huge impact on my life. It not only shaped my core values and beliefs as a person but helped prepare me to handle any challenge that comes my way whether in college or beyond. It built a foundation on which to lean during tough times by providing me with lifelong friendships and a strong sense of faith. The Summit provided role models for me that I still look up to today, and I would not be the person that I am today without the Summit experience. Leadership and Service: My passion for community service was sparked at The Summit, and has continued to grow throughout my time in college. During my time at UC, I have served on the executive board of the University of Cincinnati Dance Marathon, was the philanthropy chairman for my fraternity and was a project leader for the Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations club, an on-campus group providing pro bono consulting services for local nonprofits.

I have been able to use the foundation built at The Summit to continue growing my leadership skills and continue my passion for service at UC and will continue to do so after graduation.

I can’t thank the Fragges enough for allowing me to have the opportunity to attend The Summit. It not only prepared me to succeed in college, but played a key role in making me the person I am today. I have only great memories of my time at The Summit and owe the countless memories, lifelong friendships and success in college to the Fragges’ generosity. – Joey Kreyenhagen ’14

Georges Saba ’14 Georges Saba ’14 Los Angeles, CA College: Attending University of California Los Angeles. Career: Have worked a bevy of places around the entertainment industry from Comedy Central to Nickelodeon to Universal. Currently, I am an Office Production Assistant for the Russo Brothers (Avengers, Arrested Development) at AGBO Films in Los Angeles. My ultimate goal is to become a working screenwriter. My Summit Family: My parents, Peter Saba ’83 and Regina (Baluyot) Saba ’84; my sisters, Monica ’16, Isabella ’19 and Margeaux ’21; aunts, Molly (Baluyot) Donath ’95, Grace (Baluyot) Kerr ’82, Maria (Saba) Markesbery ’79 and Lisa (Baluyot) Rowitz ’89; uncles Glenn Markesbery ’80, Craig Rowitz ’89, Alexander Saba ’76 and Paul Saba ’86; and cousins Robert Kerr ’18, Nina Richard ’12, Maxwell Rowitz ’18, Owen Rowitz ’21 and Natalya Wangler ’31. The Summit Advantage: The Summit is unique in that it has all the accessibility of a larger school and all the one-onone attention of a smaller school. That kind of environment definitely gave me the confidence to pursue my pipe dream of a career and make it more attainable. Leadership and Service: I help organize events with my company to aid the Los Angeles homeless population.

Thank you, Dr. and Mrs. Fragge for an invaluable opportunity. I’m certain without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today. This scholarship is a launchpad for the influencers and leaders of the next generation, and thus, touches the lives of not only the recipients but also the whole world. –Georges Saba, Class of 2014

Philip McHugh ’15 Philip McHugh ’15 Boston, MA College: Enrolled in Boston College, expects to graduate in 2019. Career: Incoming Venture for America Fellow. My Summit Family: Brother Patrick McHugh ’23 The Summit Advantage: The Summit experience not only gave me an excellent education, it gave me purpose for that education. How can I use my education to improve the world I will inherit? I pondered this question during my time at Boston College as I began to think about career expectations and life plans. Ultimately, I was able to combine my love for understanding business and my love for making an impact through the Venture for America (VFA) program. VFA is a selective two-year entrepreneurship fellowship that serves to create economic opportunity in American cities. VFA Fellows commit to spending two years working at a high-growth company in an emerging startup ecosystem. I see it as a perfect opportunity to live out the challenge instilled in me at The Summit. Leadership and Service: At The Summit, I was challenged to think of service as something integral to who I am, not just something I did on the side. I followed that insight and joined an organization on campus called 4Boston Volunteers. In 4Boston, students commit to spending four hours per week at various placements, serving the most marginalized in our society. Through my four years, I have learned and grown immensely through the organization. I now serve on the 4Boston leadership team – combining my leadership abilities

with my passion for service. It’s inspiring to be on a team that coordinates volunteer experiences for over 500 students (4Boston is the largest student-run service organization in the country) and helps them to develop this passion for service. Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, Thank you providing me with the opportunity to attend The Summit. Four years removed from my Summit experience, it has become apparent to me just how much The Summit influenced my development. I was challenged to be a student for life, always listening, learning, and questioning. More than that, I was encouraged to be my full self and to develop fully all of my God-given gifts and talents. I know that would only be possible at a place like The Summit. Thank you for making that a reality. The gift of education is a gift that will last a lifetime. –Philip McHugh, Class of 2015

Sydney Beckmeyer ’16 Sydney Beckmeyer ’16 Harrisonburg, VA College: Currently a junior at James Madison University (JMU), majoring in kinesiology with a minor in Pre-Physicians Assistant studies. I plan to apply to graduate school to become a physician’s assistant (PA) in 2019. I currently play lacrosse for JMU, and my team won the Division I national championship in 2018. My Summit Family: Father William T. Beckmeyer BMS ’75, aunt Annie (Beckmeyer) McSwigan ’84, uncle Mark Beckmeyer BMS ’77, cousins Victoria Plattner ’32 and Ellie Plattner ’33. The Summit Advantage: I was a Summit “lifer.” The Summit was and still is my home. It prepared me for the academic rigors of college by challenging me every day to think critically and prepare for examinations. Summit also provided me with friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime. The Summit also gave me the opportunity to pursue my athletic career at the next level, providing me with support along my journey to choosing the right university to play lacrosse for. Leadership and Service: At school, I volunteer as an emergency medical technician (EMT) for my school’s health center. I also volunteer for the local rescue squad (Bridgewater Rescue Squad) as an EMT. These are both unpaid positions but help me to gain the “patient contact hours” that I will need to apply to PA school. I have been an executive member to the Pre-Physicians Assistant Club for three years in a row. I pursued this opportunity as a freshman, by asserting my abilities of public speaking,

confidence, teamwork and creativity to be elected by my peers to the board. Now this role has become a valued part of my life, as it has provided me with the opportunity to reach out to speakers within the community and lead the club through various service works. Dear Fragge family, Thank you for aiding me in my time at The Summit. The Summit has provided me with multiple gifts that I have utilized to better myself as a person now and in the future. I hope to continue to grow and embody the talents of academic achievement, athletic involvement, and spiritual growth the way Marc did. Thank you again for your support, and God bless. –Sydney Beckmeyer, Class of 2016

Connor J. Shaw ’16 Connor Shaw ’16 Clemson, SC College: Currently, I am in the process of completing my Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University. Career: Because I have not yet completed my degree I am not employed full time, however, I do work as a co-op student for BorgWarner, a tier 1 automotive supplier, in Seneca, SC. I am in my second rotation of work and have gained experience in assembly manufacturing and product engineering. The Summit Advantage: The Summit experience taught me to pursue my passions and become involved in serving others. I have become involved in the Formula SAE Club where I put my engineering knowledge to work by designing and helping build the chassis for the Clemson formula car. Additionally, I am a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers which I hope will help with networking for job opportunities after college. Leadership and Service: I served as philanthropy chair for my fraternity where I led my chapter to raising more than $15,000 for the B+ Foundation, which provides financial support for patients and families going through the burden of pediatric cancer.

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, I want to thank you for your gracious scholarship that in the end persuaded me to attend The Summit. My time in high school was an invaluable experience that I would happily repeat again if I could, and I would do it the exact same way. I met lifelong friends at The Summit as well as mentors and teachers that shaped who I am today. Without your contribution, I do not know if I would have attended The Summit and thus would not have these memories and friendships. Thank you so much and I hope all is well! –Connor Shaw ’16

Connor McMurry ’17 Connor McMurry ’17 Cleveland, OH College: Pursuing a B.A. and M.S. in an integrated four-year program at Case Western Reserve University. Possible minors in mathematics, computer engineering and English. Career: Work-study for the Case Western University Office. Founded a student-run hedge-fund called Hesiod Financial, LLC with 16 other students. My Summit Family: Mother Kyndle McMurry ’82, cousin Kaitlin McMurry ’09 and uncles King McMurry BMS ’73 and Kyle McMurry BMS ’75. The Summit Advantage: Summit was an instrumental part of my development through middle school and high school as it is where I learned to speak professionally, write at a high level and interact with proper manners. I feel very prepared for college both academically and socially because of the values instilled in me at The Summit. Leadership and Service: I have taken some of the leadership qualities learned at Summit and translated them into my everyday life at Case Western. I am a leader in my fraternity and am a leader that others can look up to no matter what age. I have learned the important skill of how to learn from other great leaders and that is how I am able to lead today.

I dearly appreciate the Fragges and the scholarship they endowed upon me in my years at Summit as they were some of the people who made my education and life as I know it today possible. Without the Fragges, I would not be able to do any of the things that I have accomplished so far and would be on a totally different life path. I will be forever thankful. –Connor McMurry, Class of 2017

Cate Marx ’18 Cate Marx ’18 New Orleans, LA College: I am pursuing a degree in finance at Tulane University. My Summit Family: Brother, Michael Marx ’20 The Summit Advantage: Summit’s challenging classes and caring teachers helped to prepare me to succeed in college. Because of the close relationships I formed with many of my teachers at Summit, I know how to approach my professors. I am not afraid to ask questions in class or go to the professor’s office hours. The Summit experience extends far beyond the classroom though. Through Summit, I have gained another family. I have friends that I will have for life. I know that I can count on numerous people in The Summit community to support me no matter what. Leadership and Service: I am involved in a program called Swim 4 Success. Each week, I give swim lessons to children from low-income families in the New Orleans area. Swim 4 Success not only allows me to teach these children a life-saving skill, but also allows me to be a mentor for the children.

Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, Thank you for your contribution to my education at Summit Country Day over the years. I am very appreciative of your support especially now that I am in college. Because of the education I received at Summit, I am now prepared to succeed at Tulane. One day I hope to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me achieve mine. –Cate Marx, Class of 2018

Harrison Schertzinger ’18 Harrison Schertzinger ’18 Chapel Hill, NC College: Attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Member of the men’s lacrosse team. My Summit Family: Brother Henry Schertzinger ’18, sister Meredith Schertzinger ’14. The Summit Advantage: The Summit experience made me the person I am today; it helped set my values and introduced me to some of the most influential people in my life. The Summit instilled in me the self confidence to chase after my dreams and the skillset to execute them. I am so grateful for the lessons I learned in the hallways of The Summit. One of the greatest lessons I learned through the years is a simple one, but one that you find as you get to college is such a valued one, and it is knowing how to simply treat people right. The Catholic tradition may be at the heart of this, to love thy neighbor, and treat thy neighbor as you would want to be treated. That has really stuck with me. You can go a long way in life by simply being a nice person. Because of the opportunities my brother and I were given through this scholarship, and the gratitude felt with walking out on graduation one last time, we know how much we owe to this school and hope to one day give back just as The Fragges have. I want to help kids like us achieve dreams and unlock doors for them. That could not happen at any other place.

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, There are times in life when there is not a perfect combination of words that express the gratitude felt by what you have given to my brother and me. We are forever grateful and say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The Summit is our home, it is our foundation and is at the core of who we are today. We gave everything at that school and left with no regrets. Our gratitude for your family and The Summit will always be expressed by how we continue to carry out our lives. As men of service, love and with the continued expectation to always Aim High, it’s who we are and always will be. God knows how to properly price his most valued goods; we are thankful for your generosity and sacrifice. God bless you. –Harrison Schertzinger, Class of 2018

Henry Schertzinger ’18 Henry Schertzinger ’18 Chapel Hill, NC College: Freshman at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Plan to in business, a minor in entrepreneurship. Member of the men’s lacrosse team. My Summit Family: Brother Harrison Schertzinger ’18, sister Meredith Schertzinger ’14. The Summit Advantage: From a very young age, I had the privilege of being guided spiritually by a staff of teachers who really cared about the kids. For my brother and me though, it was about much more than just the teachers who positively impacted us. From the start, we were surrounded by kids who challenged us and wanted to see my brother and me be the best kids possible. We were taught all the important skills to lead people and inspire the ones who came after us. It is amazing when talking to others about their high school experiences to see how special a place The Summit is. Almost every day I find myself telling someone how amazing it was. Leadership and Service: Through sports, I have seen how important leadership is and know that a good leader does not just make his team confident but has the ability to take his team’s performance to the next level. Summit gave my brother and me the opportunity to play multiple sports. That is not something we would have been able to do at the other local all-boys schools. Playing soccer, basketball, indoor track, and lacrosse, Harrison and I challenged each other to lift our teammates up and challenge one another.

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, It is crazy how time flies. It feels like yesterday we were eighth graders going to meet our “scholarship donors.” Harrison and I talk daily about how much we love everyone at The Summit. The opportunity your memorial scholarship gave us is one we will be paying back for years to come. You both have inspired us to have dreams of giving back and have also been motivation to work harder, stay up later and wake up earlier to make the school proud. I wish Harrison and I could deliver this thank you in person, since the last time we met was a couple years ago. We appreciate you and cherish the gift you gave us. –Henry Schertzinger, Class of 2018

Current Fragge Scholars include, left to right, front row, Nicholas Ciaccio, Jake Simpson and Parker Bricking. Back row, Aidan Lindy, Matthew Warden and Carter Bibler. Not pictured, Sophia Young.

Aidan Lindy ’20 Dear Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Fragge, I am a recipient of an endowed scholarship that you have provided to The Summit. I am very grateful for your generosity in helping me achieve a great education. I am currently in 11th grade and came to The Summit in the ninth grade. The teachers and the classes that I am taking are very challenging and are preparing me for college. I plan to pursue law school after college as I have taken an interest in the field during my time at The Summit. I am on the soccer and track teams and proud that the soccer team won a state championship last year. It was a very exciting time and I am so blessed to have been given the wonderful opportunity to meet and share the field with a great group of guys. I love the school especially when taking time to admire the beauty of it. One little activity I have recently picked up was noticing small details in places that others may never think to look. It seems every time I go to admire the school, I find an engraving I have never noticed or an image on the stained glass window that surprises me. Thank you again for making it possible for me to attend The Summit. I am really appreciative of your support in helping me achieve a great education. –Aidan Lindy, Class of 2020

Jake Simpson ’20 Dear Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Fragge, I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for your generous support through the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship. I am a recipient of this scholarship for the 2018-19 school year and wanted to thank you for your caring and beneficent contributions to myself and other students at The Summit. You are helping me to receive one of the best educations possible, and I am incredibly grateful for that. I am currently a junior and am enjoying my physics and morality classes. I am looking forward to challenging myself and taking AP Chemistry and AP Psychology next year. I started attending Summit as a freshman, and have played golf all three years that I have been here. I made the varsity team my sophomore and junior years. Last year, I was our number four player and the team qualified for the state tournament, where we achieved a school record of fourth place. Luckily, I was able to qualify as an individual for the state tournament and had a great experience. My main goal for college is to go to the United States Air Force Academy. I am currently taking flight lessons to get my private pilot’s license before college and want to fly fighter jets in the military. The Summit, through its rigorous education and emphasis on leadership and character advancement, are doing a wonderful job of equipping me with the necessary skills for such a career. I would like to thank you again for your support. Without it, I would not have been able to attend The Summit and receive such a high quality education. I hope one day to aid my country, just as you have thoughtfully aided me and many others. –Jake Simpson, Class of 2020

Matthew Warden ’20 Dear Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Fragge, I am a recipient of the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship. I am writing to thank you for your continued support and kindness and to update you on my high school progress. I am currently in the 11th grade and have had great success over the past year. I was named a captain of the football team and led the team to a great winning season. I am also a leader of the Latin club, which won the state Latin competition last year and this year. I am enrolled in three AP classes along with three honors classes, but I am both learning and growing as a student and enjoying my classes at The Summit. I also achieved a perfect score on the ACT and I am excited to continue my college search. As of now, my top schools are the University of Pennsylvania, Vanderbilt University, the University of Notre Dame, the University of Chicago, and Washington University in St. Louis. I plan to major in biology and follow the pre-med track while playing football at my selected college. The Summit has prepared me to challenge myself and find success at the college level and continues to guide me as I find the perfect school for my future. I plan to continue to lead the football team and Latin Club and to continue to challenge myself academically to prepare myself for college and the future. Without you, none of this would be possible and I could not have achieved the things that I have. Thank you again for supporting my Summit education and experience. You are extremely generous in your assistance and are the reason I have been able to reach my goals. –Matthew Warden, Class of 2020

Sophia Young ’20 Dear Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, I would like to once again express my gratitude for the opportunities which your generosity has provided me. The Summit is an excellent institution, as you well know, and I am certain I have become a more educated, ambitious and grateful person as a result of my experience here. I can never fully express in words my gratitude for enabling my development as an individual in all of the five pillars, so I hope that my actions now and in the future will manifest in the blessings you have given me. The Upper School theme of “to whom much is given, much is expected” resonates with me in particular because of how much I have been given. The excellence of education that I have received at The Summit is one that only a small percentage of people are able to experience, and I am well aware that without your benevolence, I would not be one of them. I value education highly, and wish to challenge myself and those around me to better ourselves, something I am able to do at Summit. I have teachers who know me personally and are devoted to expanding my horizons and the depth of my knowledge. I am surrounded by students who push me academically, hold the same value of knowledge and education, and with whom I can have interesting, and challenging conversations. In the athletic realm, I feel I am a part of something larger than just sports. We are pushed and encouraged to become great athletes as a result of our work, but we also have a camaraderie which makes participating in sports truly worth the experience. I love running because of the people who endure it with me, who push me to my limits as I push them and who lend a hand when I need it. I am taking on new leadership as one of the senior sprinters, and I will strive to continue the legacy of excellence and excitement which the leaders before set in place. Junior year has been the year where I truly feel I have pushed and developed myself most.

Earlier this fall, an article I submitted to the Cincinnati Enquirer was published, and in January, I won first place in the Purdue College of Liberal Arts annual Martin Luther King Jr. essay contest. I currently aspire to attend Ohio University’s honors tutorial college to study journalism. This summer, I hope to attend a two-week program hosted by the School of the New York Times in New York City to learn more about reporting and journalism in a major city. All of my aspirations for the future have been shaped by my Summit education. Without this experience, I doubt I would have half of the experiences I’ve had. I feel as though my time at this school has prepared me not only for college and life, but also to be able to accomplish anything I put my mind to. Thank you endlessly for the opportunity which your kindness has provided. You have forever made a lasting impact on my life, and for that I am eternally grateful. –Sophia Young, Class of 2020

Carter B. Bibler ’22 Dear Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Fragge, I am writing to express my gratitude for your support of the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship. I am honored to have been chosen for this scholarship, and am grateful for the opportunity for a great education. Your kindness is very much appreciated by my family and me. I am currently in ninth grade at The Summit, and I am new to the school this year. Math and science are the two subjects in which I am most interested, and I am currently taking honors classes for both subjects. I enjoy learning more about these subjects, and I love to try and work through a challenge. This summer, I am planning to attend science camps in order to explore different career choices and to spark my interest in something new. Hopefully, I will one day follow a career in forensic science. In my free time I participate in football and basketball, both of which help me learn how to withstand hardship and how to work as part of a team. These sports also give me a way to stay in shape and to be with friends. I love the uniqueness of The Summit Country Day School and all that it has to offer me academically and socially. Thank you again for making it possible for me to attend The Summit. Through this scholarship, you have allowed me to receive a great education and to meet people with whom I will have relationships for the rest of my life. It is impossible for me to express my gratitude for this amazing opportunity you have given me. I very much appreciate all you have done for me and I plan to make the most of this gift. –Carter Bibler, Class of 2022

Parker T. Bricking ’22 Dear Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Fragge, I am writing to show my gratitude for your generous support of an endowed scholarship that you have provided for Summit Country Day. I was happy when I was informed that I would be a recipient of the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship. Thank you for your generosity in helping me achieve a great education. Currently, I am a freshman at Summit and am active in many clubs, including Philanthropy Club and Ski Club. I am on the leadership board for Latin Club. I am a three-sport athlete, playing soccer in the fall, wrestling in the winter and running track in the spring. I also play select soccer all year with Cincinnati United. My favorite classes right now are Biology and Geometry. I am an “A” student and in the top 10 percent of my grade academically. I love Summit and all that this school has done for me to prepare me for college. Thank you again for your kindness. Because of you, I am able to have a great education. One day, I hope to provide for others as you have provided for me. –Parker Bricking, Class of 2022

Nicholas T. Ciaccio ’22 Dear Dr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Fragge, I am writing to you to thank you for your generosity and kindness in supporting me through the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship. I am very grateful to you for helping me achieve this amazing education at The Summit Country Day School. Currently, I am in the ninth grade. I am on Summit’s varsity baseball team, and I participate in Math Club events, such as a recent math bowl at the University of Cincinnati. I am really enjoying the math opportunities that Summit offers, including being able to take PreCalculus next year. This year, I am taking the most challenging classes that can best prepare me for college, including Honors Biology, Honors Geometry, and Honors Latin. In the first semester, I made the Honor Roll with all A’s, and I played soccer in the fall. I feel that all of the teachers want me to be the best I can be and to reach my highest potential. I really feel that Summit is preparing me for a very successful future in ways that I could not get at other schools. Thank you so much again for giving me this chance to learn and develop at The Summit Country Day School. I am very appreciative that you have provided me with this great opportunity. –Nicholas Ciaccio, Class of 2022

A Final Word of Thanks Dear Dr. and Mrs. Fragge, On behalf of The Summit Country Day School community, I want to sincerely thank you for your passion and support of The Summit by establishing the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship, making it possible for generations of students to grow in grace and wisdom across the five pillars. I have so enjoyed the opportunities over the years to sit down with you personally to learn about Marc and his experiences through The Summit and Dartmouth. His many gifts and talents are reflected today in the current and alumni Fragge Scholars, thanks to your generosity. We know that Marc certainly seized many opportunities that The Summit provided, and you have shared in detail how The Summit was an important part of his life in several ways. Combining a tremendous spirit with a strong commitment to his academics, faith, leadership, friends, teachers and love of athletics, Marc touched many lives and continues to do so today through his endowed scholarship. The Fragge Scholarship is such a blessing to many young men and women at The Summit. Your stories about Marc and those from his former teachers, classmates and coaches inspire us to identify and select very special students who we believe reflect Marc. Your scholars are carefully chosen each year to represent the spirit of Marc and are among the very best in our community. As a Fragge Scholar, they along with their families recognize the great honor and responsibility that come with this award. Every year during the annual Upper School Scholarship Reception, I have the privilege of observing their deep gratitude and joy as they receive their Fragge Scholarship in our Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel. A tremendous gift to our community, the Fragge Scholarship allows us to provide the lifetime benefit of a Summit education in the Notre Dame tradition. Your generosity to The Summit and commitment to the mission have inspired many benefactors to endow scholarships, assisting many deserving students and greatly impacting the growth of our program. We are forever grateful for the life-changing gift you have provided The Summit and our students through your son and the Marc Gerard Fragge ’83 Memorial Scholarship. With gratitude, Kelley Schiess Assistant Head of School for Enrollment Management and Community Engagement

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