Summit Spring 2009 Magazine

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Spring 2009

Ad multos annos

10 Mary Brinkmeyer To many years – of love, and grace, and wisdom.

16 The New Toddler Program Does a classic children’s story get it wrong?

Faculty Children


What it’s like to be a student under the omnipresent watch of mom or dad.

TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES 10 A Legacy of Trust: Mary Brinkmeyer Retires 16 The Order of the Toddlers 20 Galapagos 30 Celebrating Summit Service 22 Faculty Children 49 New Scholarships 9

The Middle School Unplugs

26 It Takes a Village: The Flaherty’s Journey 33 Parent Ambassadors 48 Remembering Marc Bohlke

THE SUMMIT Editor Carol Boyd Associate Editors Gina Kirk Susan Maxwell Design & Art Director Nancy Van Epps ’77 Proofreaders: Steve Penticuff Lisa Eccles Conky Greiwe ’61


From the Head of School


The Summit Mission in Action

36 Athletics 45 Donors and Benefactors 54 Alumni News 61 Class Notes

Pictured at left: Matthew Schiess, Grace and Sophia Anderson, Brianna Scott, Gus Schlomer, Gabriel Scott, Jake Schneider, Anna and Jamison Penticuff, Alexis Fee, Luke Schneider

Back cover photo: Mayor Charlie Luken, Mary Foss Brinkmeyer and Lawrence H. Kyte at Opening Day Mass, 1990.

From the Head of School


Dear Mary,

Ad mu

ltos annos. For many years you have loved The Summit. You loved her before you knew her. Amelia Foss saw to that. It was in many ways your first love, as The Summit becam e the embodiment of you r family, as it should be. Ten derly at three, you loved her because she embraced you , as the Sisters embraced you, and made your learning and faith formation person al and primal. For the next 15 years The Summit loved you and embedded its missio n of goodness and greatn ess on your lips, in your head, and in your heart. Ad

multos annos. For many yea rs you have continued to love The Summit. Life took you to Washington, D.C. and Chicago, Illinois, but it was never far enough to separate you from your lov e. You loved her as a class alumni representative and memb er of The Alumni Board. And when you came home the love only deepened, as you gav e to The Summit your own children, Lauren and Joseph. As The Summit loved them you continued your service to her. You ser ved the children as a Monte Association as a volunteer ssori teacher, the Summit , and the community as a Parents member of the Board of Trustees.

Ad multos

annos. For many more years you have continued to lov presence left us, you made e The Summit. When the sure their spiritual presen Sisters as a physical ce would guide and inform the school as its Assistant us in perpetuity. When ask Head, you accepted. You ed to serve r leadership has made Credo a Summit distinctive and and our leaders of charac point of pride. ter program Ad multo

s annos. For many years you have preached and practic Scholarship delivers the virt ed the Christian ethic of ues of a Summit education giving. The Foss to a deserving student eac a life of service in educat h year. The virtues that led ion are the same ones tha you to t led Lauren to Princeton, care leadership, and Joe the University of Michigan, to the leadership ranks of and health the Un ited States Navy. These virt time through the Brinkm eyer scholarship. The Bishop ues are now extended for all ’s Parlor, where students regularly to celebrate, con and staff, families and frie nect, and reflect, was ref nds, gather urbished and recast throug includes a generous gift to h your generosity. Your est The Summit you have lov ate plan ed so fully. A 31-year veteran of The Summit, himself a pillar of all our school stands for, to love The Summit.” You told me recently, “Mary tau have taught us all, and qui ght me how etly, gracefully demanded generation of Silver Knigh that we do the same for ts. Deus caritas est. God is the next love, and so are you, Mary. Congratulations on an ext You have been an angel raordinary career of service by our side. . We won’t let you down. Love,



On Thursday, February 19th, second grade students made their Sacrament of Reconciliation. All second grade students, both Catholic and non-Catholic, participated in this very special ceremony. The non-Catholic students performed The Gospel of the Prodigal Son for the students, parents and friends in attendance. Following Reconciliation, each child attached a handmade cross to the large cross on the altar. Finally, teachers washed and dried the children’s hands as an act of cleansing.

Summit Student Leads Mission Work Hats off to Sophomore Tori Kranz, who organized a mission through the Church of the Redeemer in Hyde Park, which she attends. Volunteers spend the first Saturday of each month rehabbing homes in low-income neighborhoods. Tori also wrote a grant request to the church which resulted in $5,000 to defray the group’s expenses.

Amanda Davidson

Seventh Grader Heads to National Spelling Bee Congratulations to Tino Delamerced who was the winning speller in the Summit Middle School Spelling Bee and went on to compete in the WCPO/Scripps Region II Spelling Bee. Twenty-five students in grades four through eight participated in this year’s Summit Spelling Bee. Eighth grader Emily Hogya came in second and sixth grader Nick Montag was third. Tino won the Region II Spelling Bee in February! The Regional Bee was challenging as he competed against 171 spellers in over nine rounds. He is now preparing for the National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. this spring. 3


Sacrament of Reconciliation


Front Row, L to R: Alexandra Kasckow, Christine Schiefer, Christopher Champlin, Kelayne Wilson, Sophie Cox, Kylie Lipa, Nyasha-Victoria Myrick, Tess Eckstein Back Row, L to R: Eleanor Kelly-Swift, Andrew Clement, Mary Spahr, Joseph Wernke, Frank Bertsch, Katherine Burrington, Ashley Hite (Not pictured: Anna Ottlinger and Abigail Weech)

Seventeen Seniors Recognized by National Merit Scholarship Corp. The National Merit Scholarship Program annually honors individual students who show exceptional ability and potential for success in rigorous college studies. It is widely regarded as one of the highest honors possible for high school students in the United States.

Front Row, L to R: Kelly Maier, Tess Akgunduz, Margot Dale, Alexandra Dober, Megan O’Brien, Melinda O’Brien; Second Row: Megan Peaslee, Michael Van Sant, Andre Rouillard, Elizabeth Edwards, Alexandra Sharp, Elizabeth Hoffman, Kelly Kear, Kelsey Frenck; Third Row: Christine Smith, William Judd, Debha Amatya, Evan Dunnmon, Mary Hart, Bradley Evans, Bradley Bedacht, Corinne Nelson, Ariana Dietrich; Fourth Row: Anna Albi, Katherine Mahon, Kristin Zabrecky, Lauren Miller, Eric Stretcher, Ryan Clark, Alexander Priede, Andrew Olding; Back Row: Christopher Daniell, Timothy Eschenbacher, Christian Bruns, James Yuschik, Tennant Argyres, Christopher Inglin and Kyle Gundrum.

Summit Country Day Inducts 42 Juniors into the National Honor Society On February 18th 42 Summit juniors were inducted into the National Honor Society. The ceremony took place in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel. The National Honor Society is an academic honorary for high school juniors and seniors that recognizes and promotes character, scholarship, leadership and service. 4

Montessori students reenacted the story of the Nativity for their classmates on December 11th outside of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel. Montessori teacher Linda Moeggenberg introduced the Holy Family, shepherds and kings as they gathered in the manger. Fourth grade students from Mrs. Uckotter’s religion class took turns telling the story of the Nativity. Rev. Philip Seher blessed the crèche. The children closed the program by singing and signing “Silent Night, Holy Night.”

Upper School Students Perform “Our Town” The citizens of Grover’s Corners came to life on the stage in Kyte Theater as Upper School students performed “Our Town” in November. The Pulitzer Prize winning drama by Thornton Wilder was directed by drama teacher Carolmarie Stock. Her assistant director was Summit senior, Victoria Myrick. Cast members included Christine Schiefer, Caroline Clark, Nick Clark, Kelsey Frenck, Chris Inglin, Mark Samaan, Allison Ranieri, Andrew Clement, Margot Plum, Kaitlin McMurry, Peter Hoffman, Maya Marlette, and Chris Quinn.

Third Graders Learn about Democracy Students in Stacy Remke’s third grade social studies class prepared for Election Day by studying democracy through several lessons. Mrs. Remke and her class came up with two fictional candidates and issues for them to vote upon. After discussing the candidates’ platforms, the class headed to their precinct, signed in and cast their votes for the candidate of their choice.



Montessori Students Reenact the Nativity


Eighth Graders Visit Washington, D.C. Eighth graders made the annual pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. to visit our nation’s capital. The 74 students and their chaperones spent three days touring the historical sights and were in awe of the history. The most memorable moment came on their last day when they visited Arlington National Cemetery and were granted the honor to lay a wreath at The Tomb of the Unknowns. Christine Cassidy, Keegan Conway, Oscar Pullan and Lauren Tassone were selected to represent The Summit based on their presentations on the memorials and monuments of Washington, D.C.

Middle School Students Donate Toys for Needy Children Middle School students collected toys, books, games and clothing for children in need this holiday season through their annual Giving Tree Project. The items were given to the organization CAIN (Churches Active in Northside) and benefited 175 children in the area.

Sixth Grader Vying for State Finals of National Geographic Bee Sixth grader Nicolas Montag won The Summit Middle School competition of the National Geographic Bee. He has already completed the next stage of the National Geographic competition; taking a written exam which, if his excellent scores continue, will earn him a slot among the 100 Ohio state middle school finalists. 6

“Katrina and I got back from D.C. yesterday – it was an awesome experience and we had such a great time. The line-up of speakers at the event was just incredible – Desmond Tutu, Colin Powell, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Lisa Ling, Eric Weihenmayer (a blind man who has climbed the highest mountain on every continent) and Al Gore. … The energy was overwhelming! People were crying, most were screaming and jumping up and down. Everyone was clapping and chanting, ‘Yes we can!’ together. I’ve never seen so many people in one place in my life; and I’ve never felt such unity. …” Sara Kate Wiser Sara Kate pictured right with Katrina Hounchell

Summit Places Second at Academic WorldQuest Academic WorldQuest is the collaboration of the World Affairs Council and Xavier University. This year’s team took second place, winning over 20 other area teams. Team members included Summit junior Nico Posada and seniors Frank Bertsch, Frank Kane, and Michelle Nieberding.

Middle School Students Prepare for Grandparent’s Day Mass Middle School religion classes worked for weeks preparing for Grandparent’s Day Mass. Individual classes took on projects such as preparing a slideshow, choosing the music and practicing the performance, and selecting the readings. Eighth graders served as Eucharistic Ministers. Patti Kenney’s fifth grade class created the beautiful altar cloth and stole. The students created the design, cut out the pieces and learned how to sew so they could stitch it all together. Rev. Philip Seher held a special ceremony with the students and Mrs. Kenney to bless the altar cloth before the mass. 7


Inaugural Ball


Students Inducted into National Junior Honor Society Forty-three eighth grade students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society, Round Table Chapter. The National Junior Honor Society is an academic honorary for Middle School students that recognizes and promotes scholarship, leadership, service, character and citizenship. The initiates are Rachel Argo, Amara Barakat, Elliot Bostick, Christine Cassidy, Adam Chow, Ellie Cooney, Audy Dahl, Brian Dean, Sara DesMarais, Cameron Dunn, Ben Emery, Sheila Eustace, Amna Fazlani, Lisa Ferone, Megan Funk, Laura Geracioti, Warren Hill, Emily Hogya, Alex Houle, Sami Joseph, Sandi Kammerlohr, Mandy Keelor, Fouad Khoury, Christina Lauck, Jacquie Lee, Christian Lipa, Meg Mathile, Rhetta Maynard, Regina Merrill, Emily Nunlist, Annie Peters, Oscar Pullan, Gen Rahill, Ben Russert, Melissa Saele, Isabelle Saldana, Katie Sanders, Madeline Stine, Lauren Tassone, Elizabeth Williams, Samantha Winzenread, Katie Woodall, and Abby Wu.

Middle School Students Learn about the Holocaust from Survivor’s Daughter and Her Music In December, Mrs. Sylvia Samis, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Assistant Concertmaster Emeritus and the daughter of Holocaust survivors, visited the Middle School for a special presentation. Sixteen violins were found in German concentration camps and restored by an Israeli violin maker. One of the violins is currently on loan in Cincinnati and Mrs. Samis had the privilege of playing it. Mrs. Samis shared the story of her parents’ lives in the concentration camps and played music composed by prisoners in the camps on the violin that survived the Holocaust.


Soccer Teams Earn NSCAA Team Academic Award Both Summit’s boys’ and girls’ soccer teams have been awarded the prestigious National Soccer Coaches of America (NSCAA) Team Academic Award under head coaches Mike Fee and Barnard Baker.

The award is given annually to teams who demonstrate exemplary performance in the classroom during the current academic year. Qualifying teams must produce a minimum 3.25 grade point average for the entire academic year. Summit is one of only 56 schools throughout the nation to receive honors for both their boys’ and girls’ teams. 8

Middle School Advisement

A TIME TO UN PLUG by Kevin Boyce ’15 and Alex Winzenread ’15 For a Middle School student, advisement is one of the most important times of the day because it is a time for students to interact and grow. Whether they are playing games, talking about emotions and character, or simply doing homework, like always, they are being enriched inside and out. The advisement period takes place from 2:45-3:15 p.m. every day, and we do different things on different days, incorporating all five pillars of The Summit mission. Two days are devoted to character education, where we talk about our own emotions and problem issues such as low self esteem or lack of responsibility. We have long, deep discussions about character, respect, and improving ourselves the way Jesus taught. This discussion time is very important because it helps prevent emotions from bottling up inside. Two of the days are for study hall, where we can check on missing work or complete assignments. Beyond the obvious academic pillar, this time supports the social pillar of our mission too, because we also tutor each other on unclear assignments and studies. To wrap up the week we relax and unwind with game day, where students talk, play games, and sometimes demonstrate the artistic pillar, by singing along and dancing to radios and CD players sprinkled throughout the building. Sometimes teachers will play games with students or dance along with us. To students, this program is essential in that it gives us time to wrap up our school work and our school day.








Before day would dawn on that fall September morning in 1955, before the stately campus would welcome students into the new school year, before Sister Ann Carolyn Blackburn, SNDdeN would greet her class of first graders, Mary Foss knew about life at The Summit Country Day School. Her mother, Mrs. Amelia Hamberg Foss ’24, had told many stories about how the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur had instilled within her a love for music, the arts,

and an abiding sense

of social responsibility


for Mary Foss ’67,

would be the setting,








affinity for teaching,


leading. Mary w o u l d



necessary for earning


acumen Bachelor’s




and the


Washington University and her Master’s degree in Montessori Education, as well as her administrative certifications as a principal, assistant superintendent, and superintendent, from Xavier University. Ultimately, Mary would return to The Summit to give a lifetime of vibrant, palpable, and immutable service.


“The Summit has given so much to me,” muses Mrs. Mary Foss Brinkmeyer ’67, as she reflects upon and evaluates her professional life. The gift of place, the sense of belonging, and the value of work have given purpose and meaning to Mary’s duties and responsibilities at The Summit.

journey toward Mary’s later designation as Assistant Head of School. These were the steps along the way that provided her the welcomings that only a home can give. Regardless of title or task, Mary focused her committee work on activities that would produce the optimal results for the students, faculty, and staff—in short, The Summit Family. Mrs. Alane Schloemer Shoemaker ’68, teacher, tutor, and former President of The Summit Mothers’ Association (SPA) and The Summit Alumni Association, commented that “Mary made committee work fun. Even though the topics were serious, her lively energy allowed the members to feel good about themselves.”

Mary keenly felt this sense of place upon her return to The Summit, in 1974, as an alumna and a new member of the Montessori faculty. Mary was at home in this teaching environment which allowed her students to become confident, independent thinkers, capable of exploring challenging ideas and experiencing the joys of discovering new concepts. Her teaching philosophy provided the furnishings for each child to be “respected, cared for, and given the opportunity to make his or her life more kind and noble by reaching his or her full potential.” Having experienced this same type of nurturing as a student, Mary knew that the school’s mission was not merely words crafted on bonded stationery. Mrs. Brinkmeyer saw her students develop; years later, she would meet them as adults who were taking responsibility for their world. Regardless of the occasion, “The Summit Connection” was there.

“Mary has loved the school fully and lived our mission c o m p l e t e l y. S h e h a s b e e n o u r

This gift of place is so valued by Mary that she, in her role as Assistant Head of School, has created The Summit’s Mentor Program. Remembering the mentoring comfort and encouragement she had received from her teaching colleagues and her Xavier Montessori professor, Hilda Rothschild, Mary has crafted a curriculum that provides avenues for all new faculty and staff to experience a sense of oneness with The Summit community. Mary assigns a mentor to each new employee, conducts orientations, schedules informal luncheons, issues monthly memos, and, most importantly, keeps an open-door policy. These strategies promote what Mary has sought—an atmosphere that encourages new employees to share in the school’s mission and to allow that mission to give further definition to their lives.

memory and conscience.”

Mary’s “lively energy” was in full force during her organizing of and planning for the centennial event. Always a researcher at heart, Mary’s gathering of data was extensive. Other schools that had organized celebrations were contacted, their plans scrutinized, and then, after careful deliberation, best practices were implemented by Mary and her many committees. Although warned that the tasks would be formidable, Mary’s spirit was indomitable. Whether she was sleuthing for the cornerstone or the original calligraphic school motto, brainstorming for The Centennial News Letter, reviewing each of the celebratory day’s details, or pleading with meteorologists to magically prevent the predicted inclement weather, Mary’s enthusiasm and energy remained undaunted. She was rewarded, however, for her tireless efforts by “having everyone there, from

Although Mary resigned from the Montessori faculty in 1978, she never “resigned” from the life of The Summit. Mary’s sense of place merely moved into a myriad of other schoolrelated activities. Her memberships in The Summit Alumni Board, The Summit Mothers’ Association Board (now the SPA), The Summit Board of Trustees, and the chairing, with her husband, Joe, of the Blue Caribbean Knight in 1989, as well as her chairing of The Centennial in 1990, marked the




students, to parents, to alumni, to faculty and staff, friends and neighbors. We had the spectacular Rozzi fireworks, a centennial cake, a centennial quilt, a model of the school. Oh! We had such fun!” The gathering and support of The Summit community had determined the event’s success.

or the renovation of the main building, Ed Tyrrell maintained that “Mary was the consummate perfectionist. Ninety-nine percent was not enough in terms of a finished project. She was always so careful, so conscientious, so dedicated to the ideal and not to just the idea. Whether we were working on a specific policy, developing guidelines, or crafting a mission statement, Mary would look at every word, analyze each word’s intent, and scrutinize how each word best represented The Summit’s philosophy.”

As Assistant Head of School, from 1992-2009, Mary maintained her collaborative style. Mr. Edward C. Tyrrell, retired Head of School, observed that “Mary could move among many constituencies. She was a person who understood students, alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and administrators. She was full of energy and was such a good thinker, a person of trust who shared her thoughts and was graceful in how she helped to craft programs and ideas.” Whether Mary was researching the data for the co-educational Middle School, the housing of the Lower School and the Montessori School under one roof, the continuing viability of The Summit’s Grandin Road setting,


Mary has fostered faithfully the school’s mission. The Summit, for her, “is more than buildings and people.” The mission has an intangible essence that has a captured life but is not captured by life. As Alane Shoemaker notes, “Mary has played such a strong leadership role in shaping the school. As an alumna, she has the knowledge of the traditions and the historical past of the school. She knows what is held sacred.



Mary, however, is always forward thinking. She knows how to encompass the new ideas while merging them with the traditions. Mary, as an alumna, teacher, parent, trustee, and administrator, understands all facets of The Summit.”

programs throughout the country, specifically from Dr. Tom Lickona’s work on character formation, highlights the import of Mary’s wistful reflection that “we didn’t have Google, then. I haunted the libraries, explored the teeming stacks, found Dr. Lickona’s data, dissected it, and, working collaboratively with Summit’s administrative team, I wrote the program.” The CREDO strategies and position statements underscore the theme that “the quality of a Summit education is measured not only by what one accomplishes but also by the character of life to which one aspires.”

Nowhere is Mary’s dedication to The Summit’s mission more evident than in her research for and development and implementation of CREDO, The Summit’s Educating for Character Program, a nationally recognized beacon for its clearly defined approach to character development. Two years of gleaning ideas from numerous character education





Sister Rose Ann Fleming ’50, SNDdeN, former Executive Head of The Summit, recalls a telephone conversation she had with Mary about the program. “I could tell from her voice how excited she was to implement the program. Mary invited me to a dinner held in Saint Cecilia Hall where the program was to be described to Summit parents. I arrived to find the hall filled with Summit parents eager to hear about what would be provided for their children by the Summit faculty under Mary’s leadership.” Involving all members of The Summit community is paramount to Mary’s leadership style. Mr. Richard K. Davis, former Summit parent and 20002002 Chairman of The Summit Board of Trustees, clearly attests to Mary’s leadership skills: “You are the perfect leader and role model for your passionate development of CREDO, and I am very proud of you and very honored to know you.”

the Foss and Brinkmeyer families, the Amelia Hamberg Foss ’24 Upper School Scholarship honors a student whose actions reflect the CREDO message. The essence of Mary is CREDO. As observed by Sister Elizabeth Marie Bowyer, SNDdeN, former Provincial of the Ohio province of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, “CREDO is a total experience of Catholic education. It touches everyone in the school and it creates a whole atmosphere. It is the heart’s response to valued behavior, and Mary was able to develop and design CREDO so that it was a holistic Catholic education because of her background at The Summit and at Trinity Washington University.” These insights give the dimensions for the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur’s selection of Mary as their 2007 recipient of the Educating for Life Award. Dr. Patricia McGuire, President of Trinity Washington University, further defines Mary’s “educational leadership” as “[having] ensured the centrality of Notre Dame values through these years, emphasizing character education and the importance of caring for each individual student.”

The efficacy of the program, which Mary continually analyzes and assesses, is highlighted through the CREDO publications. The 2008 fall semester edition captures Mary’s vision of what this program could achieve and what, ultimately, it has achieved. Meaningful liturgical celebrations, empowering initiative projects within and across all divisions of the school, and the selection of this year’s theme, “Justice and Peace,” fuel Mary’s belief that “CREDO is not a curriculum. It is a lifestyle.” Sister Ann Carolyn Blackburn, SNDdeN, recalling a visit to The Summit, verifies the visible effects of Mary’s belief. “I saw it in the students. The students were so very polite and happy. It had to come from the CREDO program. They wanted to share; it was spontaneous.” Fittingly, and symbolically appropriate for

Mary Foss Brinkmeyer’s devotion to The Summit’s mission is a reality. As affirmed by Mr. Jerry Jellig, Head of School, “Mary has loved the school fully and lived our mission completely. She has been our memory and conscience.” Mary’s legacy is the treasured trust she has kept. Mary is pictured at left in her office with this year’s Foss scholar, Tommy Kreyenhagen.




THE ORDER OF THE TODDLER by Nancy Van Epps ’77

As charming as Madeline’s adventures are, in real life much of Bemelmans’ classic children’s stories

could make an enlightened 21st century parent squirm. Set in a Paris boarding school, the “twelve little girls in two straight lines” shepherded by Sister Clavel sleep in parallel beds in one big room, “break their bread” wearing identical lobster-eating-sized bibs and “come rain or shine leave the house at half-past-nine” in matching hat and coat ensembles every day. They inspire delightful illustrations. But in practical terms, how beneficial is this level of routine, particularly for two-year-olds? “Even very young children crave predictability and order,” says Phyllis Schueler, Director of The Summit Montessori program. Order is a basic principle of the Montessori environment, and anyone who has seen the peaceful, industrious Summit classroom can witness order in action. The work on the shelves is placed in a deliberate, thoughtful manner and divided into science areas, sensorial, language, practical life and so on. The cycle of choosing work from the shelf, placing it on a table or mat, learning the activity and then replacing it in its spot on the shelf with the mat or chair put away is consistent. The sequence of activities in the classroom is the same every day. After 6 weeks in the classroom, several 2-year-olds stopped their work and lit up when Mrs. Meder played her transitional tune on the xylophone. “It’s circle time!” they whispered excitedly just before she announced the beginning of their group lesson. Here is where we part from the Madeline model. “Of course, we always want children to do what they are asked to do,” says Michelle Meder, the lead Toddler Montessori teacher, “ but we try very hard to teach them to make good choices. We give them as many opportunities as possible to make choices rather than constantly being told what to do and what not to do. “

Toddlers thrive in a peaceful & stimulating environment custom-designed to their learning style.

Case in point: in the second circle time, which occurs every school day

before snack and outside time,

the children have a group lesson.


Today, they are introduced to the use of new art materials that encompasses where to retrieve this work and how to put it back. They are shown how to wet the plastic noodles, how to stick them together or on the paper and where to put their art to dry. Then the material is put away on its assigned shelf, and the toddlers move on to graham crackers and water. For a toddler who attends three days a week, the first opportunity to try this work would be at least two mornings later. At that time, they would have to see the noodle bowl on the shelf, remember how to use the materials and then decide whether they wanted to do that work or choose something else. “We give the children group lessons, but whether they choose that work is up to them,” says Mrs. Meder. In this way, the seeds of independent thinking and initiative are sown— amazingly with children who are often brought to school in the morning as babes in arms. This process may be viewed in sharp contrast to the practices of the fictional Sister Clavel where a classroom of children are directed to sit at a table together. They obediently follow instructions drawing identical images of indistinguishable lions. Davida Gable, mother of two Summit Montessori students, noticed this preference for order with her toddler. “I had a feeling that things were going well in the new Toddler room after Novella’s first two days of school. It was Novella’s first break day. I had just dropped her sister off at the Primary entrance and had done the turnaround by the Toddler door. Novella saw the entrance from the back seat and cried, ‘Me, school! Me, school!’ She already knew that she should be dropped off after her sister. “ With order and routine established in the room, the teachers are free to give personalized attention.“We will observe a child and decide when to take him to the next step. Once a child is ready for say, sandpaper letters, we’ll


All of my brothers attended The Summit,

so I knew that they had strong academics. My son, Jackson, has a nanny and has been in gymnastics and music since he was 6 months old. I wanted him to attend the Montessori Toddler Program for social reasons. I know that boys tend to be behind socially. Jackson is laid back with a short attention span and I knew that kindergarten would be tough on him if I hadn’t prepared him for it.

A few weeks after he started in The Summit Toddler program, I was eating cereal at the breakfast table. Jackson saw me and instead of running over and jumping on my legs as he usually does, he sat across from me at the table and said, ‘Can I have a turn, Mommy?’ I laughed and gave him a spoonful of my cereal, which he ate. And then he said, ‘Can I have another turn, Mommy?’ This was the first time I’d heard him talk about turns, so he must have learned it at school. — Melanie Chavez


introduce them one box at a time. We may have two or three children ready to move on, so I would give a small group lesson,” says Mrs. Meder. “I wouldn’t want to show a sandpaper lesson to the entire group because not all the children are ready to learn the sounds at the same time.“

“My husband and I are amazed at what they are capable of doing when given the right environment and teachers, “ says Kristen Jambor, mother of two Montessori students. Her son Max attends The Summit’s three-day toddler program. A large part of the toddler curriculum falls outside of academics. Children are taught sharing, getting along with others, taking turns and using their words.

Teachers are a personalized resource for the parents as well as the students. “At any school that they’ve attended, my children have always had loving caregivers. However, The Summit teachers really understand the science behind what they are teaching,” says Novella’s mother. “I see clocks in the boutique toy stores, and Blues Clues is teaching time, and I think — oh my gosh, is this something I should be doing? So I speak to her teachers and they explain the way children learn first with sequence, then the symbols that go with the numbers, then the quantities that go with the symbols. I found out that time is quite a complex concept and so is something to study down the road.”

Parents, teachers and administrators are equally enthusiastic about the new program’s progress. “Max’s facial expression when he comes out of school makes me feel proud because I can see that he is so proud of his accomplishments,” says Mrs. Jambor. “The speed at which the toddlers have acclimated and what they have achieved already has just been magical!” says Mrs. Schueler. “This new program is the best thing we’ve ever done.”

“The speed at which the toddlers have acclimated and what they have achieved already has just been magical! This new program is the best thing we’ve ever done.”


One Step to a Fire by Karen Cruse

The Toyota International Teacher Program selects teachers from the United States to personally engage global environmental and conversation issues. Ms. Cruse was one of 30 teachers selected from nearly 1,000 applications to partake in this oncein-a-lifetime professional development opportunity.


On September 16, 1835, Charles Darwin first set foot in the Galapagos at the western end of San Cristobal. Unflatteringly, Darwin began his description as “nothing could be less inviting than the first appearance…which shows little signs of life.” On November 25, 2008, I found myself setting foot on the same Enchanted Islands leaving a rather different impression. Recalling Darwin’s initial words, my eyes wandered over the sun’s rays striking the black lava rocks. The scene appeared fragile, yet beautiful as my eyes darted over the bustling signs of activity: the barking of patrolling bull sea lions, the scurrying crabs, the basking iguanas, the number of boats anchored in the surrounding water and the people leisurely strolling the dock and shops. The scene has changed since Darwin’s first steps, and I am forever changed by following in his steps.

problems. The best scientific approaches were required to manage the decision making process, monitor and evaluate goals, and meet the immediate needs of the Galapagos. Sustainability and conservation were also incorporated into educational reform to ensure future generations’ knowledge and desire to preserve the natural laboratory. Education will be the key to changing behavior in terms of water management, recyclable materials, managing human population numbers, and maintaining the wildlife populations. Currently, I am reworking lesson plans to incorporate specific organisms from the Galapagos to properly convey its story of survival through deductive reasoning and inquiry. Sustainability, conservation, and energy use are not simply problems that the Galapagos face, but international challenges. I encourage questioning and the building of a hierarchy of information linking topics from home and abroad.

The Galapagos archipelago is the product of one of the most volcanically active regions on the planet, a ‘hot spot’ situated about 600 miles west of the South American coast straddling the equator. I joined American and Galapagueno teachers as a participant in the highly competitive Toyota International Teacher Program to explore these islands and study environmental sustainability, stewardship, and the delicate balance of nature as wind and wave have cast an unusual collection of life along the shores.

For a biology teacher, evolution is an overarching concept in every unit. By addressing issues within the state of Ohio and providing examples from home as well as the Galapagos, the students have a real world connection beyond textbook definitions. Having witnessed the issues firsthand, I can bring the experience to life for my students through my experiences and storytelling. In this ever-changing and developing world of biology, it is imperative to stay abreast of the latest environmental concerns. New issues are surfacing on a daily basis. I want to be able to foster the love of biology in my students so one day they are the ones asking the questions, but more importantly having the skills to find the answer.

What initially impressed Charles Darwin still exists to amaze the visitor of the 21st Century. However, today’s visitor is faced with the observation that the Galapagos’ unique ecosystem is in jeopardy. A typical tourist simply focuses on the diverse and one-of-a-kind wildlife in this natural “zoo” without bars. However, looking beyond the barking sea lions on the sand, one notices that the sea lions are resting on fishing boats and boats owned by family businesses dependent on tourism. The islands are afflicted with an economic blessing and a biological curse. Overpopulation, both human and invasive plant and animal species, threatens the natural biological laboratory of the Galapagos. Setting foot on the islands brings the threat into focus.

“A mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited.” The Greek philosopher Plutarch eloquently put into words my view on education. Over the years, various teachers and colleagues have ignited my passion for learning that transcends textbook material. I was encouraged to ask questions, formulate hypotheses, design experiments, collect data, and draw conclusions. Many times a great idea would need to be rethought and redesigned, but this was part of the learning process. Within a few minutes of class, my students understand that learning is my sense of home. Acquiring firsthand knowledge as a participant in the Toyota International Teacher Program helps me demonstrate the relevance of biology in a student’s life, regardless of the destined career choice, and to awaken and reinforce a sense of curiosity about the world. In other words, take one step towards igniting a fire.

It was evident that the Charles Darwin Foundation has been instrumental in sustaining the beauty and diversity of the islands. Giant tortoises, land iguanas, and a variety of plants have been rescued from extinction, commercial fishing parameters have been established, the largest eradication project removing feral goats, pigs, invasive fire ants, and plants was successful, and a cohort of scientists and conservation professionals were assembled to combat



Contribute to Tradition of Excellence BY STEPHANIE CREECH



This year, Regina has already placed first among all the eighth graders in the district and has won the Director’s Award for the district. When she moves on to Regionals March 14, it’s probably a safe bet that she’ll progress to this year’s State finals at the College of Wooster in May.


When speaking with Regina about going to school with her Mom all these years, she makes one thing quite clear, “No favors.” In fact, Regina says sometimes she doesn’t even seek to do what the other kids do to avoid any appearance of “nepotism.” Clearly, Regina’s as savvy and as fair-minded as she is artistically and academically gifted.

TO MOM’S OR DAD’S WORKPLACE. FOR PLENTY OF OTHER PARENTS, HOWEVER, IT WAS NOTHING NEW. Such was the case for many of the children of faculty at The Summit. Like most private schools, The Summit extends to its faculty and senior staff members the invitation to have their children attend as members of The Summit student body. Mind you, the children must pass the same tests as any other student, and it is not an entirely free ride. Still, most will agree that this is a nice benefit. This feature aims to highlight just a few of the many outstanding children of The Summit faculty and staff.

Second Grader Alexis Fee It seems that the more pint-sized faculty children also have much to contribute to The Summit community. Second grader Alexis Fee, daughter of Middle School Counselor Mike Fee, is described as “sweet, caring and a great student.” And, that’s from her teachers, not her dad. Although, Dad is quite smitten with Alexis and admits openly, “It’s something special when Alexis stops in my office for a kiss on her way to French class.”

Eighth Grader Regina Merrill

By all accounts, Alexis is bright, hard working and always eager to help. She’s the sort of kid who lights up the room. She loves spelling, so much so that Middle School language arts teacher Rosie Alway seems to be already grooming her for the Scripps Spelling Bee by giving her the “word for the day” as they pass in the hallway. And, Alexis is loving it. In fact, Alexis was thrilled when she was given the opportunity to earn spelling test bonus points from her own teacher by simply spelling Mrs. Schlaudecker’s name correctly. Naturally, Alexis handled it with aplomb.

Theresa Merrill is Director of the Choral Music Department for the Upper School. Her daughter Regina, now an eighth grader, is a lifer. She’s been at The Summit since age three. Given the extraordinary musical talents of her parents (Dad is now the Chair of the Music Department and Director of Choral Activities at Xavier University), it should come as no surprise that Regina is also very musically gifted. Since the age of five, Regina’s been studying piano with Marina Dolgin at The Summit. As a seventh and as an eighth grader, Regina could have taken her mom’s choral class. “But I didn’t actually want her in my class,” explains Mom. While that may sound a little harsh, it’s probably in both mother’s and daughter’s best interest to maintain a little space between themselves.

Alexis enthusiastically immerses herself in whatever subject matter is being taught, and she does extremely well as a result of the many enrichment activities students at The Summit are given. Passionate about history and politically inclined, Alexis is completely absorbed in her current study of American presidents. She reads all their biographies, goes online seeking even more information about them and then writes about each of them.

Once she’s a freshman, Regina may actually join her mom’s Camerata class. For now, though, she learns the music at home and performs with Mom’s choral classes. “Occasionally, I let her sing,” Mrs. Merrill laughs. “If she has to come along on a Camerata gig, I’ve let her do a few things.” And, just in case piano and vocals weren’t enough, Regina is quite the standout with her alto sax, which she plays in The Summit band.

Although she’s not quite as addicted as Dad, who coaches the Upper School girls’ soccer team, Alexis is a good little soccer player. She also loves her gymnastics classes and plays the piano. It seems, like so many Summit students, Alexis is a good, well-rounded student.

For all that, however, Regina’s talents don’t stop with her music. She is an outstanding student and a recipient of a Trustees’ Scholarship to The Summit. She’s active in The Summit’s Latin program. Last year, Regina attended the National Latin Convention. This year, she is preparing to attend the State Latin Convention.

Mike Fee says knowing Summit’s faculty at such a young age has made Alexis look forward to the time when she can be in the Middle and Upper School teachers’ classes. “I remind her that the work gets harder,” says Mike, “but knowing what’s ahead for her just seems to be a motivator.”

According to middle school language arts teacher Rosemarie Alway, “Regina is an enormously talented writer.” As a seventh grader, Regina swept the Power of the Pen state writing competition. She won Best of Round at the district level and Best of Best at the regional level. At the State finals, Regina placed thirteenth for all of Ohio.

The Schmerge Quartet For Admission Associate Jane Schmerge, Summit is truly a home away from home. Jane brings all four of her children to school with her. All four, it would seem, are described as exceptional students, who exemplify The Summit mission. Alexandra Schmerge is a seventh grader in the Middle School. Noted for being fast on her feet, Alexandra plays for the girls’ Middle School soccer team. Equally skilled with her hands, Alexandra has also played the piano for eight years

Pictured at left, L to R: Dan Slater, Regina Merrill, Maverick Thurston, Natalie Pearl, Marisa Escudero, Paul Slater, Brendan Malone Next page, L to R: Alejandro Almaguer, Zach Kaegi, Abbie Almaguer, Anna & Ellen Schweitering, Maria Alway, Cameron Koch, Kylie Von Handorf, Brian Koch, Joshua Rademacher, Lily, Grace * Matthew Kaegi, Emma Rademacher, Brooklyn Meder, Keelin Rademacher


and competes in several piano competitions each year. This year, Alexandra was selected to participate in the Power of the Pen. The Summit’s seventh grade team finished second in the district tournament and Alexandra had an individual finish of 14th out of 102 writers from 21 schools throughout southwest Ohio.

The Summit, including her own set of twins. But then, The Summit’s in Sherry’s blood. Sherry, along with all six of her siblings, attended. “Having my kids attend The Summit is such a great experience. They even have some of my teachers.” Fourth grade twins, Kyle and Ryan, are avid readers, especially when it comes to the Harry Potter series. Of course, they do their own magic with LEGO®. It seems Kyle and Ryan bring LEGO® to robotic heights, engineering anything they can imagine. They are active Cub Scouts and love the outdoors, especially skiing, fishing and mountain biking. Ryan has played Summit K-6 football for two years, soccer for three years and baseball for four years. Kyle is a member of the art club. He has also played Summit K-6 soccer for five years, baseball for three years and looks forward to joining The Summit golf team when he gets to Middle School.

Next in the Schmerge line is Caroline, a fourth grader in the Lower School. Caroline plays soccer and basketball on Summit’s girls’ teams. She loves ballet, which she has studied for six years. She has played the piano for the past six years and competes in several piano competitions each year. Caroline loves running (she’s pretty fast!) and drawing, also. Twin Schmerges, Jack and Ben, are Lower School first graders. Jack’s been described as a “book man” who loves the Lower School librarian, Mrs. Finkelstein. Jack plays soccer and basketball on Summit’s K-6 teams. He loves all sports and has studied piano for three years. Jack loves to watch any Upper School sporting event, whether it’s football, basketball, lacrosse, soccer or field hockey. He loves it all and looks up to those Upper School boys.

Next in line is Jake Schneider. Also active with the Cub Scouts, Jake just participated in the Pinewood Derby. He loves camping, rock-climbing, animals and all things outdoors. He’s a good little athlete, playing Summit soccer for three years and baseball for one year. Next year is his debut in Summit football. But Jake also appreciates art. He’s always sketching and has learned a great deal from Mrs. Wiesner about the history of art, the artists themselves and the works they produced.

Like his twin brother, Ben also plays soccer and basketball on Summit’s K-6 teams. He, too, has played the piano for three years. In addition to loving all those athletic challenges, Ben really enjoys both drawing and painting. After Ben’s first encounter with Lower School art teacher Jan Wiesner, he went home to gather leaves and sticks and anything else he could find. He then brought all of his treasures inside to create a nature mosaic.

Four-year-old Luke Schneider is in The Summit Montessori program. Like his big brothers, he’s learning to ski and loves to go tubing. Luke simply can’t share enough of the many exciting details about his lizard. Animals in The Summit science lab, as well as those at home, seem to fare especially well under the care of the Schneider clan. Sherry’s classroom has a bearded dragon, a chubby frog and a fish. At home are a dog, fish and a leopard gecko. The boys dearly love and care for their critters and are passionate about wildlife preservation, for which Sherry credits The Summit and its science teachers.

As a Summit parent, Jane Schmerge says she has always been a passionate supporter of The Summit mission. But as an insider, she says, “I’m even more passionate about what goes on here. The level of dedication of our faculty is exceptional.” And, if you were to ask any of the Schmerge children how they feel about coming to school with mom, they’re quick to let you know, “We like having lunch together more often, and, we don’t have to wait in car-line anymore.”

Sherry also says that, thanks to Summit, her boys have “learned to love learning. Because of the way science and history are taught at The Summit, my boys are always excited to go to museums or libraries.” Whether it’s Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry or the Cincinnati Art Museum, the Schneider boys love it all. She sees nightly the effects of art teacher Jan Wiesner as the boys draw and sketch the day’s carry-over from school.

The Schneider Gang Not to be outdone by the Schmerges, Lower School first grade teacher Sherry Schneider ’81 has all four of her sons at


Those who know the Schneider boys find them to be “genuine gentlemen” who embody The Summit spirit.

A senior this year, Maria has been at The Summit since the middle of her seventh grade year. An exceptional student on all fronts, Maria is most widely known for her phenomenal artistic talents. She is a painter. In fact, Upper School art teacher Mark Wiesner says Maria, “paints feverishly.” A portfolio student for two years, Maria is currently enrolled in AP Portfolio. This year, she has been focused on the requirements of the College Board AP test in studio art. As such, Maria is required to submit 24 pieces of artwork for judging – twelve that revolve around a single idea and twelve that demonstrate a strong understanding of the principles of design while exploring a wider spectrum of ideas and media.

Austin and Jordyn Northern Holly Northern, Network Administrator for the Upper School, has her two children at The Summit. Seventh grader Austin Northern seems to be making his mark on multiple fronts. Quite the math whiz, Austin’s been bumped up a year and is taking eighth grade geometry. Austin’s also participating in this year’s Latin Convention. And, so far, he has all A’s for the entire year.

During this busy and challenging time for Maria, Mr. Wiesner says, “Sleep is often a luxury for her.” She is currently tapping into her fascination with Surrealism, which has become her concentration theme. Maria’s paintings, according to Mr. Wiesner, “are rich in expression.” This is extremely important for any artist and Mr. Wiesner says, “Developing a personal voice . . . empowering your work to speak is ultimately a major goal of the AP Portfolio class.” Maria has certainly found her voice. This fall, she will attend The Art Institute of Chicago.

True to Summit form, however, Austin’s not all academics all the time. He’s also a very impressive athlete. Austin plays on the football, wrestling and lacrosse teams. Those who know him say Austin is very polite and, given his talents and accomplishments, rather humble. That is a quality all parents hope to see in their teenagers. Next in line at the Northern house is kid sister Jordyn. A fourth grader, Jordyn’s most often described as “happy go lucky.” It’s as if she hasn’t a care in the world. Jordyn is very active athletically, having participated in basketball, volleyball, soccer and cheerleading. But Jordyn keeps it all in perspective, insisting, “Winning isn’t everything.” Again, there’s the sort of balance that all parents seek.

Maria is the middle of three Alway children. Big sister Alex, who graduated from The Summit with a 4.4 GPA, is now a freshman at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, majoring in biology and history. And, the youngest in the Alway household is second grader, Catherine. Admiring the biologist and artist in both her big sisters, Catherine is contemplating how she might fashion the two into a career for herself. Biological illustration perhaps? Right now, however, Catherine is deeply fascinated with the legacy of Rosalind Franklin, who in 1952 was the first to photograph the now familiar double helical structure of DNA. Catherine is so fascinated, in fact, that Franklin was the subject of her recent biography bottle. No doubt Catherine will follow in the footsteps of her sisters and excel in which ever path she chooses.

Holly is quick to say how wonderful it is not only to work at The Summit, but also to be able to have her children near her during the day and “know they’re being well instructed and well cared for.”

Senior Maria Alway and Her Sisters Having moved to Cincinnati from L.A. is a “dream come true” for Middle School language arts teacher Rosie Alway. “By the time we reached Summit,” says Rosie, Maria had been in five schools in five different states.” The Summit was always a career goal for Rosie, but it seems also to be the spot where Maria was intended to flourish.

For additional photos of faculty members with their children, please visit our website under the heading “Magazine”.


Annabelle Manzler

IT TAKES A VILLAGE by Joelle Ragland It’s New Years Day of 2008. All the promise of a clean slate and bright beginnings have been washed away with one phone call. Funny how life can change so quickly. One moment you are hosting a New Year’s Eve party and laughing with friends; the next you are driving to the hospital to offer help to devastated parents.

line was “William 1.” The next e-mail was “William 2.” To date, there have been 129 emails. Each email recounted the day’s events, what the doctors said, what new medications had been prescribed and most importantly, how William was faring. Some days the news from the doctors was encouraging so the emails were funny and upbeat. Others were crushing. “We are surviving, barely,” Ann wrote in one email. “We have each cried about 10 times today. It was a tough day.” After one particularly grueling day Ann wrote, “Hug your babies.” Tears filled my eyes and not knowing the right thing to say, I simply wrote back, “It takes a village and we are your village.” I had no idea how true my words would be.

Ann and Dennis Flaherty, along with their two boys, Charles (6) and William (3), had flown to Boston for the holidays to be with family. As they were waiting to board their returning flight to Cincinnati, Ann noticed William looking a bit yellow. “Must be the airport’s fluorescent lights,” she thought. But, by the time their plane touched down in Cincinnati, it was clear something was seriously wrong. William’s eyes were yellow. The Flahertys called their pediatrician who told them to go straight to the ER.

William’s condition baffled doctors. An unknown assailant was attacking his liver. In fact, the liver enzymes being released into his blood stream were off the charts. Making the situation dire, William’s platelet levels were nearly non-existent. In the weeks that followed, little William would be subjected to a battery of painful and scary procedures that included open liver biopsy, spinal tap, PICC line placement, MRI of the brain, full body scan, Central line insertion and 24+ blood transfusions. At one point, Ann and Dennis were told that there was less than a 50% chance of William seeing his 4th birthday. A full 18 days after checking into Children’s Hospital,

They checked into the hospital on New Year’s Eve. And that’s when the Flaherty family would be changed forever. Feeling blindsided, confused, and confined to a tiny room at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, the Flahertys took to sending almost nightly e-mails to a distribution list of friends. This practice helped them to digest the day’s events and was, in a way, therapy. The first e-mail’s subject

Father Seher held a mass in William’s honor 26

the Flahertys finally received a diagnosis: HLH (Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis). According to the Histiocytosis Association of America, HLH is a rare disorder primarily affecting young children at a very early age. The human body contains many types of cells that help fight infection. One type of cell is called the histiocyte. Their job is to help destroy certain foreign materials and to fight infections. This is done in cooperation with other important cells.

drive and had Hoxworth’s mobile van come to the school. Students and parents alike stood in line waiting to donate.

Patients with active HLH have too many of these histiocytes, as well as lymphocytes (another kind of infection-fighting cell), both of which are so-called white blood cells that may cause inflammation (swelling, redness, heat, pain, and loss of function). These cells then begin to penetrate and accumulate in good tissue and can cause damage to a variety of organs.

Kathy Scott and Maggie Prinner, William’s morning Montessori teachers, visited the hospital every few days, bringing whatever William requested: A banana from the cafeteria, snacking pretzels from the classroom, homemade banana nut muffins. They brought him homework, get well cards, and a huge poster with photos of all his classmates. They made two books for him: one counting book with photos of his classmates, and one alphabet book with objects from the classroom. They made him a matching game by putting photos of his classmates on cards and laminating them. Maggie Prinner

Mirja Zeilstra, another friend of the Flahertys, took charge when it came to Charles, their first grader. Mirja was determined to keep Charles’ world as normal as possible. She organized school drop-offs and pick-ups and carpools to soccer practice so the weary parents could spend all their free time at the hospital.

It is approximated that histiocytosis affects 1 in 200,000 children born each year in the United States. The illness is so rare there is little research into its cause and treatment. HLH is referred to as an “orphan disease,” meaning it strikes too few people to generate government-supported research.

Offers to make meals for Ann and Dennis poured in. In fact, there were so many people unselfishly giving of their time that I quickly added a breakfast option on the sign up sheet.

But this is where the Flaherty’s story moves beyond medical jargon and enters into Divine intervention. While HLH is extremely rare, with only 12 documented cases in North America, it just so happens that Cincinnati Children’s Hospital is the leader in treating this disease. Patients from around the world are flown to Cincinnati. Most do not survive because by the time they are diagnosed they are too weak to sustain a bone marrow transplant. William is a very lucky little boy. He was diagnosed in time and right in his own backyard. Doctors started William on an aggressive steroid treatment to try to close down his malfunctioning immune system. Once the steroid treatments were finished William began half doses of chemotherapy and then underwent immunosuppressant therapy. With all the steroids, William started gaining weight and his personality changed. He became almost unrecognizable to those who knew him. His blond hair turned dark brown. The peach fuzz on his face started to turn thick and dark. His slight frame ballooned as the steroids did their work. Word of William’s life threatening illness spread quickly through The Summit community. Toys started filling his hospital room. I decided the best way I could help was to organize dinners for the family. Offers to make meals for Ann and Dennis poured in. In fact, there were so many people unselfishly giving of their time that I quickly added a breakfast option on the sign up sheet. So many people – some who had never even met the Flahertys – brought meals to the hospital.

even made two pillows: one for William and another for Charles, each with the other’s photo imprinted on it. Brooke Byam and Susie Buckley, William’s afternoon Montessori teachers, sent homework and get-well cards. All of the teachers left photos of William up in the classrooms so the kids could remember William and pray for him. Stan Mambort took videos of the kids at school singing songs to William and talking to him. Jerry Jellig brought in cakes from Busken with William’s favorite cartoon character: Diego. This is just a small sample of people who helped the Flaherty family. There are so many more - too numerous to name - in the Summit

Father Seher held a mass in William’s honor and invited all the little Montessori children to help pray. Through this event the students learned that when someone is sick you pray for them. Several families took the lesson one step further and incorporated prayers for William into their bedtime routines. Kate Devine, a friend of the Flahertys, organized a blood 27

community who showed compassion during the family’s time of need.

Superman hospital mask while he is at school but not much else has changed. He is still a rambunctious and sweet little boy with a huge zest for life. His hair has turned to a light brown and he has lost all of his “steroid weight.” To the untrained eye, one would say he looks like himself again. But, if you look closely, you will see in his eyes something that was not there before: wisdom.

As William became sicker and sicker, his team of doctors finally realized that the key to his survival was a bone marrow transplant. William was moved to the Children’s Hospital transplant floor and a feeding tube was inserted in his nose. He was placed in isolation and could no longer see his big brother, Charles.

As for Ann and Dennis, they have also been forever changed. Gratitude does not begin to describe what they feel. They will forever be indebted to the brilliant team of doctors at Children’s Hospital who saved their son’s life. And to the nurses who did their jobs with so much compassion.

On April 10th, William received his life saving bone marrow transplant. His donor was a perfect match…Charles. Charles is the true hero of this story. Not only did he show true bravery by agreeing to be the donor, but he also was willing to give his life for his little brother. Or, at least, that’s what he thought. Upon being wheeled into the O.R. for his part of the procedure, Charles whispered into his father’s ear, “Please make sure William remembers me since I won’t have any bones.” Incredibly, he had misunderstood his parents and doctors. Seven-year old Charles thought he would cease to exist after the operation and that the doctors would take all the bones out of his body and put them into William’s. And so Dad explained for the hundredth time that Charles would be fine when the operation was over.

Recently, Ann and I were recounting the past year. “Some people have their church,” she said. “Some people have their neighborhood. But for us, school is where we found help.” So, to all the Summit parents who fixed the Flahertys a meal, donated blood, helped with the laundry, stocked their refrigerator, helped with drop-offs and pick-ups, wrote an encouraging note, drove to the airport to pick up an out-of-town relative, prayed with your children or, just offered a hug or a smile…on behalf of the Flahertys, I would like to say “thank you.” Simply put, your actions embodied the grace of The Summit community.

On May 9th, William celebrated his 4th birthday. William insisted he was turning 11 since his bones were now 7 years old and he was 4. Phyllis Schueler sent a magician who delighted both boys as they ate a Superman birthday cake.

Perhaps Ann and Dennis said it best when they sent out one of their final emails (this time to the entire Summit community). “We could not have made it through without all of this help. You all are amazing. You all are a community. You all are our village.”

It has been nearly a year since William’s transplant and I am happy to report that he started back to school at The Summit in January. His little classmates cheered and his teachers were moved to tears on his first day back. The students were treated to a big cake and a party commemorating the special day. William wears a

Annabelle Manzler

Your actions embodied the grace of The Summit community. 28


Since its inception in 1890, The Summit has been known as a leader in education. In November we held an Early Childhood Education Symposium to share with the community what Summit does best: understand and educate children.

Topics included What

is a Montessori Education?

Summit is fortunate to be able to pull from its own pool of experts in the field. Twelve of Summit’s esteemed faculty and staff spoke in a day of break-out sessions in the Lower School. Four experts from the Cincinnati community were also invited to present during these sessions.

of Montessori Education.

We were delighted to host key-note speaker, Dr. Cynthia H. Geer, Xavier University Chairperson – College of Social Services, Health and Education, Childhood Education and Literacy. She opened the symposium by reminding us, “We are all teachers” and posed the question, “What can we do to promote life-long learning?”

literacy; how it is nurtured and supported in the classroom

The philosophy, methodology and the use of educational materials allowed parents to see first-hand the principles

Literacy Development,

presented by Lower School Director, Terry Malone, and Montessori teacher Lesley Kern, was intended to help parents gain a foundational understanding of the development of

and how families may foster and encourage development at home. How

Children Learn, presented by school

psychologist, John Ortman, addressed such themes as individual learning styles, developmental changes in how

Parents had the choice to attend one of three to four sessions in each block of time. The goal of each session was to present the material so that parents obtain a deeper understanding of the topic, along with an explanation of how Summit supports and nurtures the developmental areas specific to each child. Parents were also given advice on how to further this development in the home environment.

children approach learning, assessing learning progress and identifying key variables that impact a child’s ability to learn. Highlights of the symposium can be seen on The Summit web under the heading “News.”


Working with the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Associate training Making stationery Care center visits Adopting a Sister in the care center Performing concerts at the motherhouse

Organizing Special Events Unity Day Fun Days at Corryville Catholic Reading stories at inner-city schools

Enhancing Nutrition and Wellness Walnut Hills Soup Kitchen Meals on Wheels Canned food drives Los Angeles Skid Row Buffet

Serving as Board Members The Crossroads Center CLASP Cristo Rey School Michael Baney Music Fund

Dinners at St. Francis Joseph Catholic Home Dinners for the Drop In Center Interfaith Hospitality Network YWCA Battered Women’s Shelter Making baby quilts for a pregnancy center

Making Christmas Bright Toy Drives Coat Drives Food drives Caroling

Nashville Table

Parties at the Drop In Center Singing praise in churches 30

Mentoring and Tutoring Leadership Scholars John Parker School 4th Street Elementary Wesley Educational Center South Avondale Corryville Catholic Roselawn Condon Boy Scouts of America


Shoring Up Houses and Neighborhoods Urban Plunge Habitat for Humanity

Every week, Summit students, faculty and staff

People Working Cooperatively

donate time and talent to schools, churches,

Appalachian service project

hospitals, and other non-profits. Doing so is part of our mission

Formation Days

and legacy, and through it we solve problems, strengthen our

New Orleans relief efforts

communities, connect to others and transform our own lives.

Young Neighbors in Action During Catholic School’s Week in January, we were called to celebrate service – and so we are pleased to share just some of the ways we are beautifying schools and neighborhoods, building homes, cleaning up after disasters, mentoring

Working With the Sick

students, donating professional services, holding fundraisers,


and much, much more.

Ronald McDonald House Respite Care Center Nursing home visits Eucharistic ministers Reading to the blind


Supporting Missions and Schools in Other Countries Making Holiday Cards, Door Hangers, Halloween Bags and Cookies

South Africa

Homeless people




Nursing home residents


Meals on Wheels


Chile Mexico

Darfur Peace Corps (2) VISTA

Supporting Individuals in Other Countries Help to a Guatemalan family Support for a Mexican child Adopting a Brazilian child, Roberto (third grade class project)

Taking Care of the Planet

∞Paying for his education ∞Sending birthday cards and letters ∞Keeping his photo in the third grade prayer room

Summit Recycling Center

A Partial List of Summit Faculty, Staff and Student Beneficiary Organizations Alzheimer’s Association

Interfaith Hospitality Network

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

Anderson library

Jewish Hospital

Skid Row Buffet

Big Brothers

John P. Parker Elementary

South Avondale Elementary

Big Sisters

Keep America Beautiful

Special Olympics

Boy Scouts of America

Keep Cincinnati Beautiful

St. Columban

CAIN (Citizens Active in Northside)

Knox Presbyterian Church

St. Elizabeth’s

Catholic Worker Home

Leadership Scholars

St. Francis DeSales Food Store

Center for Respite Care

Lebanon Correctional Facility

St. Francis Soup Kitchen


Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

St. Joseph School

Christian Appalachian Project

Make a Wish Foundation

St. Vincent DePaul

Cincinnati Cooks

Meals on Wheels

Stepping Stones

Corryville Catholic

Nashville Table

Suicide Prevention Hotline

Crossroads Hospice

Our Daily Bread

Swim Ministry

Diabetes Association

Peace Corps


Dressed for Success

Peaslee Neighborhood Center

Tender Mercies

Drop-In Center

People Working Cooperatively

The Contact Center

Dupree House Meals on Wheels

Pregnancy Center East, Inc.

Valley Interfaith Shelter

Families Moving Forward

Red Cross

Visionaries & Voices

Fourth Street Elementary

Reds Rookie Success League


Free Store Food Bank


Walnut Hills Soup Kitchen

Good Shepherd Church

Ronald McDonald House

Washington United Church of Christ

Habitat for Humanity

Respite Care Center

Welcome House

Hamilton County Justice Center

Roselawn-Condon Elementary

Wesley Meals on Wheels

Head Start

Rothenberg Elementary

Wesleyan Cemetery

Hope Emergency Center

Rumpke Recycling

West End Emergency Center


Salvation Army

Wiz Kids


Santa Maria Community Center

Young Neighbors in Action

Interfaith Camp

Scarlet Oaks Retirement Center

YWCA Battered Women’s Shelter



By Allison Schumacher

Pictured l to r: Lisa Nicholson, Jennifer Keelor, Michele Nagle, Kathy Carselle, Kelley Schiess, Kathryn Harsh, Kerry Mongelluzzo, Annie Bergeron, Kristin Lamarre. Not pictured: Vanessa Bessler, Tonda Carden, Kim David, Becky Edwards, Cecily Fassler, Polly Hart, Julie Hudepohl, Paul Hudepohl, Karen Huelsman, Kim Hunt, Susan Kelley-Fernandez, Lisa McSwain, Lisa Murtha, Amy Russert, Kathy Schertzinger, Susan Shelton, Nancy Smith, Judy Toebben, Candy Thurner, Nadine Whitsett. They may not qualify for special sanctions or immunity, but parents in the new ambassador program are true diplomats. As head advocates of the school, members of the Parent Ambassador Program strive to educate prospective families about the strengths of the Summit community, while aiding in the transition of families to the next level of the Summit experience. Spearheaded by Kathryn Harsh and Kelley Schiess, this program was designed to create a network group dedicated to recruiting, educating and selling the value of The Summit. Parent ambassadors have made phone calls to prospective families, hoping to answer concerns or questions that new families may have about The Summit.

This new venture showcases The Summit’s long-standing commitment to a strong network of parents, whose roots are deep and cross many generations. It is no surprise that many of these families were eager to share their love for the school and offer great insight on the many aspects of being a Summit family. Currently 28 ambassadors (seven representatives per school) have graciously donated their time to activities such as Preview Days, Open Houses, Montessori Interviews, The Early Childhood Symposium, Bridging Parties for kindergarten and eighth grade parents and a pizza party for the Class of 2013. These are just a few of the many admissions activities that have been


supported by the parent ambassadors this year. The volunteers underwent two days of training with the various directors of each school. They are organized by city locations and area of expertise. They meet on a regular basis with Mrs. Schiess to brainstorm and find ways to reach out to prospective families and to discuss upcoming admissions programs and events. This program, in its first year, continues to grow to support the admissions staff and to reach out to new families. They are already beginning to plan some exciting events for next year! For more information about this program, please contact Kathryn Harsh.

Lakeside by Andrew Clement

A FIRST FOR THE SUMMIT The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is the nation’s longest-running, largest, most prestigious recognition program for creative teenagers in visual and literary arts. This year nearly 4,000 entries were submitted regionally. Andrew Clement, a member of Mark Wiesner’s AP Portfolio class, captured the gold in the portfolio competition ­— a first in The Summit’s history. Summit Upper School students Clay Stein, Megan Peaslee and Chris Tappel received Gold Keys for work in respectively, photography, drawing and computer art. Six Silver Keys and seven Honorable Mentions were also awarded to Summit Upper and Middle School students. Portfolio winners and Gold Place winners travel to New York for a national judging.


Clay Stein, Jack Drury, and Brad Bedacht for the Show Opening at the Marx Gallery in Covington Andrew Clement with his work at the Scholastic Art Show

Katherine Mahon and her piece, Vipers


As the magazine was going to press we learned that Chris Tappel had received a National Gold Medal Award that will be presented at Carnegie Hall on June, 4 2009. Iguana by Katherine Mahon





C.J. Collins and Shamar Hester received scholarships to play football at the University of Charleston. Last fall the two football teammates were cowinners for their coaches’ “Offensive Players of the Year” Award. C.J. is a four-year letter winner at Summit and Shamar a two-year letter winner, arriving at Summit his junior year. C.J. was MVC first team this past fall and Shamar received MVC Honorable Mention. Dan Dwyer signed his letter of intent to continue his soccer career at Houston Baptist University. Dan has a long list of awards received while playing soccer here at The Summit: 4-year Starter / 2-year

“My years at The Summit have

captain, two-time Cincinnati Enquirer All Star,


three-time 1st Team All MVC, two-time 1st Team All Southwest Ohio, two-time 1st Team All Ohio, 2008 Southwest Ohio Player of the Year, 2008 Cincinnati Enquirer Player of the Year, and Adidas/ NSCAA All-Midwest Region.


great. me






physics, was by far the teacher who influenced me the most. We built rockets in teams my junior

Tennis star Gabby Steele will play tennis for Ohio State. She is nationally ranked (Top 10 in Midwest,

year, calculating how far they

Top 20 in USA). She was 2007 Ohio state champ

would go out on the football

and state runner-up in 2008. She was also 2008

field. That’s when I realized how

Player of the Year in the Miami Valley Conference and twice- named Female Tennis Player of the Year by the local Women’s Sports Association.

exciting science could be.” — C.J. Collins ’09

Photo on right, from l to r: Dan Dwyer, C.J. Collins, Gabby Steele, Shamar Hester.



The boys’ basketball team wrapped up the season by winning the Gray Division of the Miami Valley Conference. The home season finale was “Senior Night” in a battle for the conference crown against Cincinnati Country Day. Down by 16 points in the first half, the Summit Silver Knights came back to tie the game in the fourth quarter. With the game tied at 44, freshman Tommy Kreyenhagen hit a three-pointer off a pass from senior Khiry Hankins to win the game and the conference title with only five seconds left in the game. This marked the sixth consecutive victory for Summit over CCD. All season long, the team has been led by senior captain Khiry Hankins. As a top player in the MVC Conference, Khiry is averaging 17 points and 5 rebounds per game. Pictured at left: Khiry Hankins




Coach Hoyt has organized a “Leaders of Excellence” program within the basketball program itself. It consists of all varsity players receiving an 80-page notebook with motivational quotes and stories about The Summit basketball program’s 16 “core values.” Each week Coach Hoyt uses one of the core values as an emphasis and a “quote of the day” at the beginning of each practice to keep the team motivated and focused on what they need to emphasize on that particular day or week. The players also use their notebook as a reference for practice and game times, to write notes about upcoming opponents and reminders about their own X’s and O’s. In addition, back in November, as a team, each player wrote out the “team mission statement” and “team goals” for the year (one of which was to win the MVC title). Also, each player in the program is required to fill out a goal sheet in November that encompasses the “four areas of life – faith, family, academics, and basketball.” These goal sheets are used by our coaching staff to help assist the players in their development and in achieving their goals.



The 2008-09 Girls’ Basketball season has brought many milestones and firsts for the team. The team received a number one seed for the sectional tournament, ranked ahead of 11 teams in the Division III section. Ashley Hite became the all-time leading scorer in the history of Summit basketball on January 31, 2009. She surpassed Sarah Williams (1990-94), who previously held the record of 1182 career points. On December 13, 2008, Ashley reached the 1000 point mark and was presented the game ball. She finished her career at The Summit with 1,261 points. Kyli Parker is the third leading scorer in Summit history scoring a total of 1,014 career points. Coach Beth Simmons, in her eighth year of coaching basketball at The Summit, reached a milestone of 100 wins after a victory at New Richmond on January 8, 2009. Ms. Simmons was named Southwest Ohio “Coach of the Year” for Division III. A highlight of the season was when Summit upset arch-rival Seven Hills on the home court. The game ended after Kyli Parker made a court-long pass to teammate Ashley Hite, who got fouled, then sunk the winning free throw to win with a score of 52-51. The Summit Girls’ Varsity Basketball team is lead by four returning seniors: Ashley Hite, Kyli Parker, Audrey Powers and Addie Dowling; junior Brianne Ward; and sophomore Brittany Williams. Strong contributors to the varsity team are sophomore Jenna Joseph and freshmen Jen List and Rachel Fladung. Summit Girls’ basketball competes in the Miami Valley Conference Scarlet Division, finishing their 2009 season with an 18-5 overall record. Pictured top left and right: Ashley Hite ’09 Pictured bottom left: Kyli Parker ’09








The Summit Swimming team may not be high in numbers, but they make their splash in the pool, turning in high scores. There are only 11 team members on the co-ed team, coached by Robin Murphy. On February 7, 2009, The Summit Swim Team participated in both the Southern Ohio Swim League (SOSL), and the Miami Valley Conference (MVC) Championship Meets. The boys placed 6th in the SOSL, and 4th in the MVC League. With only five boys competing that meet, Summit was able to capture first place in an amazing 5 out of 11 events in the SOSL Championship Meet. A first place finish went to the Summit 200 Yard Medley Relay team of John Patterson, Mason Mechler, both sophomores and juniors Bradley Bedacht and Bryan Bedacht. John Patterson also placed 1st in the 100 yard backstroke, while Bradley Bedacht placed 1st in the 100 yard breaststroke. Bryan Bedacht captured 1st in both the 200 yard I.M., and the 500 yard freestyle. In addition, Logan Eyer placed 6th in the 200 yard freestyle. Bryan Bedacht was named “Swimmer of the Year” in the Miami Valley Conference. Brian went on to place fourth in the state swim meet in the 200 I.M. and eighth in the 500 freestyle, winning All-State honors. In the girls’ division, The Summit, with only five girls competing, finished fifth in both the SOSL and the MVC League. Sophomore Hannah Krone led The Summit girls by finishing 2nd in the 200 yard I.M., and third in the 500 yard freestyle in the SOSL. Competing in the New Richmond Meet on January 6th— Bryan Bedacht set a new pool record in the 200 I.M. with a time of 2:00.36. Another highlight of the season was competing in the Southwest Ohio Swimming and Diving Classic Meet. Summit was among 112 schools and over 2,700 athletes participating. The Classic has been deemed the largest high school invitational in the country. Out of the 112 schools, Summit Country Day, with a roster of only 11, placed an amazing 18th overall, scoring well ahead of schools more than double in size. The Summit Swimming team has no seniors, so next year will return another strong team. Coach Robin Murphy looks forward to more swimmers joining the team next year to give the team more depth and more opportunity for success. Brian Bedacht ’09 pictured above and at left.



The Summit Bowling Team, coached

The Summit boy’s team first victory

for Summit. The boy’s team finished the

by Ed Escudero, is in its second year of

was an exciting one, with their match

season 4-7 with victories over Norwood,

competition, offering boys’ varsity, girls’

against Norwood ending in a tie. A tie is

Purcell-Marian, and Clark Montessori.

varsity, and boys’ JV teams. The season

extremely rare after bowling 14 games

began with a roster of 22 boys and 10 girls.

and was the first ever at Stone Lanes.

The girls finished the season 6-6. Their

Ties are broken by having one bowler

victory over Norwood was the first for a

The home alley is Stone Lanes on

from each team bowl the ninth and

Summit girls’ team. They have recorded

Montgomery Road. The team played a full

tenth frames. Summit senior Ian Morton


season of competition and then went to

bowled strikes in both the ninth and

Montessori, Purcell-Marian, and North

the Sectional playoffs. They also practiced

tenth frames, shutting out the Norwood

College Hill.

every Saturday at Madison Lanes.

bowler and winning the inaugural match




WRESTLING Summit Country Day School has put

The Summit Wrestling team has a strong

Dan has been an inspiration to Paul

together a strong Middle School Program

leader, Dan Slater, who for much of the

and the other members of the team.

in these four years. On Saturday January

2008-09 season, has been ranked #1 in

Not only does he achieve success on the

31st, the Middle School Wrestling team

Divisions II & III in the City of Cincinnati

wrestling mat, he is a varsity football

took part in the Middle School MVC

for the 171 pound weight class.

player and he extends that hard work and success to the classroom. Both

tournament. For the first time in Summit history, the Middle School wrestling team

From 2002-2004 The Summit took a

Dand and Paul qualified for the District

won the MVC tournament two years

break from wrestling, but the program


in a row. It was a decisive win where

was reinstated four years ago. Dan was

seven Summit wrestlers took home first

only a freshman that year, finishing his


place, four took second, and one

season 4-21 with 4 pins. In contrast, at

Wrestling team are: junior A.J. Olding;

took third.

this date in his senior year, he’s 23-6

sophomores - Mark France, Alex Nourse

with 18 pins. Although he stands as the

and Paul Slater; and freshman Reid

The first place finishers include: John

lone senior on the team, he is also the

Jefferies. The Wrestling team is coached

Stagaman, Billy France, Stuart Seltman, Gordy

ultimate team player. He would much

by Kyle Wirthwine and Adam Coffey.

Brill, Austin Northern, and Perrin March.

rather the entire team receive the recognition than have himself be the

The second place finishers included: Gus

focal point of all the attention.

Stewart, Colin Moser, and Jacob Bowdon. The third place finisher was Alex Debus,

Dan’s brother Paul is also on the team.

who had a very challenging weight class.

He says that Dan convinced him to

The Middle School Wrestling team is

come out for wrestling in 7th grade.

coached by LaDon Laney and Ed Lockett. 44





The Summit Annual Fund

SEE HOW ANNUAL FUND CONTRIBUTIONS ARE BENEFITTING THE STUDENTS… The Summit is very appreciative of all gifts made to the Annual Fund. These donations support the children of The Summit and provide them with the best educational experience. Visit the website and click giving and see how your contributions enhanced our school last year.

MAKING A GIFT TO THE ANNUAL FUND IS EASY… You can also continue to support The Summit by going to the website and click “Online Giving” to make your donation to the 2008-2009 Annual Fund. Please visit the Annual Fund page for a list of current donors.



$500 - $999

21st Century Club

$1,000 - $2,499

Presidents Club

$ 2,500 - $4,999

Summit Club

$ 5,000 - $9,999

Headmaster’s Club

$10,000 - $14,999

Millennium Club

$15,000 - $24,999

Trustees Club

$25,000 and larger

*Alumni who have not celebrated their 10th reunion and who make a gift of $250 will be recognized as a Silver Knight Club member. Give your gift to the Annual Fund today by going to the website and clicking “Online Giving”.

ANNUAL FUND CONSECUTIVE GIVING Last year more than 100 parents, alumni and friends were named on our Annual Fund 10+ year consecutive giving list and more than 140 on our 5-9 year list. The Summit is very appreciative of these loyal donors and each year we recognize these special giving circles in our Annual Report. Please join your fellow parents, alumni and friends by continuing to give to the Annual Fund. You can make your gift online by going to the website and clicking “Online Giving” or you are welcome to mail your check to us at the following: The Summit Annual Fund, 2161 Grandin Road, Cincinnati, OH 45208


MATCHING GIFTS Every year The Summit receives matching gifts from employers of parents, alumni and friends. When you make your gift to The Summit, your company’s matching gift will multiply your generosity. Here is a small sampling of matching gifts companies Avon Products Chiquita Brands International, Inc. Conrail Consolidated Rail Corporation David J. Joseph Co. GE, General Electric Foundation Grainger Fidelity Investments Fifth Third Bancorp KeyCorp LexisNexis Macy’s Inc. Merrill Lynch & Company Mitsubishi Electric and Electronics Mitsubishi International Corporation Norfolk Southern Corporation National City Corporation Starbucks Corporation Toyota Motor Sales U.S. Bancorp Wachovia Corporation Please note that corporate matching gift policies change. Confirm with your Human Resources Department that it continues to match philanthropic contributions and that The Summit is eligible. For more information contact Becky Brewer, Development Assistant 513.871.4700, ext. 240 or

The following names were inadvertently omitted or were incorrect on the list of donors for the 20072008 Annual Report. We offer our sincere apologies for this error and we thank them for their support of The Summit.

21st Century Club Mitchell Schrudder* Photo Composite Donations Class of 1985 Julia Stautberg ’85

Leadership Club Richard V. and Carol A. Wilson Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation**


REMEMBERING MARC BOHLKE The Summit lost a dear friend when Marc Bohlke passed away in January following a snowboarding accident in Canada.

with the direct responsibility for all of the corporation’s domestic and international sales. Head of School, Jerry Jellig said of Marc, “Marc was such a warm and passionate person, universally loved and respected. He was a thoughtful and deeply engaged trustee, only interested in serving the school’s mission and helping children. He gave it all- time, talent, and treasure, and we miss him dearly, but we learned from him. One can disagree without being disagreeable, and listen without ever being dismissive.”

Marc was a loving husband to Anna and father to Nicholas, Isabella, Sebastian and Tedy. He was a member of The Summit Board of Trustees, serving on the Buildings and Grounds Committee and chairing the Business Affairs Committee. Although Marc was educated as an architect, he grew up working in his family’s wood veneer business, founded by his father, Manfred Bohlke. Marc began his career in the company’s warehouse and log yard, and quickly became recognized internationally as an industry leader, culminating

While The Summit community mourns the loss of Marc, we remember and celebrate his life and the legacy he leaves in his four beautiful children.



In less than six months, three new scholarships have been established at The Summit. The spark for all this activity was a generous anonymous donor who stepped forward to offer a matching challenge grant. “The anonymous donor knows many of the families who have been a part of The Summit and wanted to help honor their involvement with the school,” said Head of School Jerry Jellig.

Nicholas Ragland III received Summit’s highest honor after graduation, the 2007 McKenzie-Sargent Award for his achievements in career, volunteer leadership in the community and service to The Summit. He has also served on the Board of Trustees and was one of the Chairs of the successful Dreambuilding Campaign. “This scholarship is a wonderful tribute to my father and a way for our family to give back,” said Nick Ragland IV BMS ’83. “Our whole family joined in this effort—my four brothers and my mother. It’s truly a family thing to honor him and everything he’s done for Summit.”

“Based on my conversation with this person, I approached members of these families and said, ‘There’s an individual who is seeking to honor your family member in this way. Would you be willing to match the gift?’ This is really the whole point of this donor’s great philanthropic model: It’s easy to give money away, but it’s harder to get people to join in that enterprise. What he did is invite people to be a part of that.”

Although guidelines have not yet been established for this scholarship, Mr. Ragland III has been involved in the Catholic


Giving to scholarships at Summit is a “wonderful way to honor families and individuals who have been instrumental in moving Summit forward,” noted Mr. Eric Steinman, Chairman of the Board of Trustees’ Development Committee. “There are a lot of really neat things that come out of these scholarships.”


The three newest scholarships honor individuals who have made significant contributions to The Summit community: Nick Ragland III SBS ’58; Mary Foss Brinkmeyer ’67; and Summit trustee, the late Marc Bohlke. “These are all families who have a deep relationship with the school,” said Mr. Jellig. “They all fundamentally value two things: faith-forming experiences and rigorous education.”

SELFLESS, GENEROUS PEOPLE.” Inner-City Schools Education Fund (CISE), which helps innercity students receive a Catholic education. “My guess is that it will be used for low income, underprivileged students,” said Mr. Ragland IV. 49

Mr. Joe Brinkmeyer is honoring his wife, Assistant Head of School Mary Foss Brinkmeyer ’67, with a scholarship. “She has given so much to The Summit, and The Summit has meant so much to her,” he said. “The important thing for us is to find a way to offer opportunities for students to be able to achieve excellence in the Summit tradition and to grow in grace and wisdom. In today’s world it’s very important for the school to continue to offer students the opportunity to grow in character—that’s important to Mary because of the character education program she developed.”

Mrs. Brinkmeyer attended Summit since the age of three, has taught Montessori at the school, and served on the Board of Trustees. As Assistant Head of School, she initiated Summit’s Credo, Educating for Character program. She is retiring at the end of this school year after 21 years at The Summit. The third scholarship honors the late Marc Bohlke, who served on The Summit’s Board of Trustees. It was established through donations from current and former members of the Board and a number of his friends and colleagues. Trustee


available to help. The opportunity to play as a freshman on the varsity basketball team is an experience he

Freshman Tommy Kreyenhagen typifies how endowed

could not have received at a large school. Hopefully this

scholarships create opportunities for young people to

will help him develop into a team leader as

grow in the five pillars. This year, he was awarded the

an upperclassman.”

Foss Scholarship, given to strong students who are wellrounded and have shared their God-given talents. After

“If it were not for the generosity of the donors of the

attending Cardinal Pacelli for grade school, Tommy was

Foss Scholarship, there is no way that Tommy would be

deciding between Summit, St. Xavier High School, Roger

attending Summit,” she said. “Financially, this school

Bacon, and Cincinnati Country Day.

would not have been an option for us. We constantly remind Tommy that he has been given a great

“I had a couple of scholarship offers from other schools,

opportunity and needs to make the most of it. So far he

but my parents were convinced that Summit was the

has stepped up to the challenge.”

best opportunity,” he said. “The scholarship was the only way I could have attended Summit. My family

Mrs. Kelley Schiess, Director of Admission, views

simply could not have afforded it otherwise.”

endowed scholarships as critical marketing tools to draw the best and the brightest students to The Summit. “The

So far he is enjoying his experience and is grateful for

scholarships made possible through the generosity of

the opportunity the scholarship has provided him. “I

our donors are tremendous recruitment and retention

have already played football and basketball for the

tools,” said Mrs. Schiess. “The distinct criteria developed

Silver Knights, and I also plan on playing baseball,”

by each scholarship family allows us to attract a variety

he said. In addition, Tommy is an active member of

of students.”

Summit’s Diversity and Inclusion Team.

Other endowed scholarships include the Fragge

“Summit has been a great fit,” he said. “I like that I am

Scholarship for high ability scholar athletes, the

surrounded and pushed by other students who have

Castlebury Scholarship that focuses on Lower School

similar academic and athletic goals. I have already met

students, and the Theobald Scholarship that focuses on

some great friends who I enjoy hanging around with

African American males.

outside of school.” When it comes time to select students as recipients of His mother, Jackie Kreyenhagen, is also grateful for the

major scholarships, “The Admission Office identifies

opportunity the Foss Scholarship is providing him. “We

current and prospective students who closely match the

feel that the education Tommy is receiving is second

scholarship criteria provided by the donor,” explained

to none,” she said. “He is surrounded by students with

Mrs. Schiess. “We do this using recommendations from

similar lofty goals, both academically and athletically.”

teachers and directors, and we also review a student’s academic record, test scores and extracurricular

“Tommy’s experience at Summit so far has been

activities. Once a pool of candidates has been identified

everything that we were looking for as parents,” she

for the scholarship, they are presented to a Scholarship

continued. “He is challenged every day in the classroom

Committee, which makes a final recommendation.”

and in athletics. The teachers are wonderful and always



development of society’s future leaders. “I want the next generation of scientists, lawyers, journalists, doctors, teachers, carpenters, architects, heads of school, to be

Out of all the non-profit organizations to which

people of faith and people of values,” said Mr. Jellig.

people can choose to donate, these families decided

“I firmly believe that within these walls there’s a much

to give to The Summit because they believe in the

greater chance of that happening than somewhere else.

education and opportunities it offers students. “Summit

There are things that we can do better than anyone else.

provides a wonderful well-rounded education, not just

One of them is to create tomorrow’s leaders, and we

academically,” said Mr. Ragland IV.

do that in a culture where they are marinated in all the right messages and value systems: hard work, discipline,

“Along with spiritual development comes character

respect, love of neighbor, and love of God. That’s a

education, which was one driving force behind Joe

critical service that we provide mankind.”

Brinkmeyer’s desire to give. “Summit has proven to be an institution that has been very successful in providing

“We get students of incredible capacity who want to

talented students with a wonderful education so that

do something significant with their lives. That does in

they can become leaders, not only scholastically but

fact distinguish them from other people. They want

also in other areas,” he said. “It’s important to provide

to achieve great things for themselves and mankind.

students opportunities to attend Summit so they can

What better place to hone their individual gifts, to

take advantage of the benefits of a Summit education.”

embolden those skills, to smooth the rough edges than

A values-oriented philosophy is central to both

in a community like this that values service, integrity,

the faith-based mission of The Summit and to its

and goodness?”


Cindi Fitton and her husband Robin Cotton decided to give to the scholarship “first and foremost to honor Marc because he was a wonderful person,” said Ms. Fitton. “We believe in the scholarship devoted to him; it’s a credit to him. Summit has offered my son the growth he needed. Robin and I both feel that we would like to offer other children the same opportunity to grow in the five pillars.”

into building this physical plant and this academic program. It didn’t just happen; it emerged through gifts and hard work. Financial gifts are obviously critical to our future, but gifts also take the form of volunteering time and talent.” Anyone can create scholarships, beginning with smaller gifts to create a fund and adding to the fund over time. Once the scholarship fund reaches the $100,000 level, the donor can help develop guidelines for the scholarship award.

Trustee Eric Steinman echoed Ms. Fitton’s intentions. “I thought it was a very good way to honor someone who I very much enjoyed personally and appreciated what he was doing for school,” he said. “I felt it was very appropriate that our family honor him.”

Beyond setting the scholarship’s guidelines, donors at the $100,000 level also play a role in selecting recipients. “Whenever the scholarship comes due, there’s a blind presentation of candidates that Admissions has selected for them to consider, and they get input into who would be the appropriate recipient,” said Mr. Jellig. “They get to decide a number of things. We have scholarships for students that are rich in character, rich in athletic ability, students of color, or students of no means. It just depends on the donor and his or her preferences.”


Of the money devoted to funding scholarships, the proceeds are used, not the principal. For example, an endowed scholarship of $100,000 would yield a yearly scholarship of $5,000 if the interest rate is 5%. If the investments of the scholarship money grow more than 5%, that additional money is added to the principal so that the scholarship amount can increase as tuition increases. Summit does not provide full scholarships. The school expects all parents to contribute to their children’s education.


“These are gifts that will last in perpetuity,” said Mr. Jellig. “These three families have decided that they want someone every year to receive the gift of a Summit education, which they’ve helped subsidize. So while all gifts are deeply meaningful, capital campaign gifts and scholarship gifts are an investment in the future as far as the eye can see.”

The importance of giving to Summit is rooted in Christian stewardship. “Giving is a part of Summit’s fabric,” said Mr. Jellig. “It is a Christ-like act, and the education students receive at this school is a gift that we give to our children, but not a gift that comes cheaply. A lot of sacrifices have gone


offerings, and the “loveable luxuries.” And the adorable dachshund puppy has found a new loving home! Thank you to auction chairs Julie Klosterman, Amy Russert and Ann Stromberg whose hard work throughout the year made for a fantastic auction. Sincere thanks also go to committee members Christine Browner, Julie Bristow, Trish Glass, Tracy Hartmann, Caroline Heekin, Beth Jantsch, Kate Nelson, Holly Seltman, Ann Thelen and Jodi Tobin who gave their time, talent, and treasures. A special thank you goes to Holly Northern, Network Administrator, whose behind-the-scenes work made your online bidding experience easy and fun.

The Summit Country Day School’s online auction concluded on Saturday, February 28th after two weeks of steady bidding. The results were a success and it would not have been possible without the support of our many volunteers, donors, and at-home bidders. As we go to press our final numbers have not been calculated, however, our preliminary numbers indicate we were very close to reaching our goal of $75,000! All funds raised directly impact the classroom experience at The Summit. In a new format this year, our “Love Your School” auction was online only. However, some things stayed the same as we featured many items bidders have come to expect at Summit auctions including class projects, special Summit






your new baby announcement information and mailing address to receive a darling gift from The Summit. We now have pink and blue onesies with embroidered detailing for all of our Summit family additions. The offer is open to all alumni, parents and faculty/staff newborns.


ALUMNI Lessons and Carols: Alumni Reception

Lessons and Carols, a stunning celebration of the holiday season, was held in The Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel on December 17, 2008. The evening was a concert of sacred readings and joyful carols performed by the Middle School Chorus and Upper School Camerata. Nine scripture lessons were intertwined into the program and presented by students, faculty, administrators and alumni. The event was assembled and directed by Mrs. Theresa G. Merrill, Director of Choral Music.

Prior to the start of the program, many alumni were invited and welcomed back to campus for a reception featuring lots of holiday goodies and warm spirits. Reserved seating was offered in the chapel balcony for exceptional viewing. A magnificent time was had by all in attendance and the evening proved to be a jubilant commencement of the holiday season.


SERVICE The Summit Community has been a blessing to my family. It has celebrated with us in good times and has supported us in bad times. I have asked the Alumni Board to support the mission of The Summit through the Annual Fund. We alums, beneficiaries of The Summit’s gifts, have a duty to support it. For The Summit to remain the premiere independent school in Cincinnati, she must have our gifts of time, talent and treasure. The Summit has embraced alumni as never before and our participation and dedication can only strengthen that enduring relationship. All willing are encouraged to apply. Alums serve as coaches, mentors, faculty, staff, room parents, speakers, Admission parent ambassadors, event planners and more. The doors of The Summit are always open. Our economic stewardship is also necessary. The children walking in the doors of The Summit each day are our future. They are a bright future. The gift of a Summit education should be repaid. I encourage all alumni to make a contribution to the Annual Fund. Your participation, in any amount, is needed, valued and appreciated. This year we have established a reunion challenge that is linked to the Annual Fund. The class year with the highest Annual Fund participation percentage will be recognized both on Reunion Weekend and in the Annual Report. Our stewardship will help guide The Summit to new heights in the future.


Summit Alumni Board President

My service to The Summit is not a burden but an opportunity to meet many of you and to again see the work of The Summit first hand. Each day a better future is constructed for our community and we are lucky to be part of that future. Partner with us. I look forward to seeing you at the reunion and to working with you through many of our tomorrows.


Kristin (Fullen) Klien ’95

In an effort to boost alumni participation in the Annual Fund, last fall, Betsy (Grogan) Schmidt ’75, Annual Fund Alumni Division Chair and members of the Alumni Board hosted a phone-a-thon on campus. The purpose of this evening was two-fold. First and most importantly, to personally thank those alumni who have previously considered The Summit Country Day School when they made their charitable gifts. Their stewardship has been integral in continuing to advance the mission of The Summit. As you know, gifts to the Annual Fund immediately benefit the teachers and students. Secondly, though no less important, we are eager to increase alumni participation in the Annual Fund from 8% to 17%. This number is significant as 17% alumni participation is the national average for schools such as The Summit. Calls were placed to many alumni and a number of alumni made a gift. However, we’ve not yet reached our goal. Your consideration of a gift will help us reach this important benchmark. The Summit is a leader in education; our alumni are proof of that. Our goal is to be a leader of alumni philanthropy too. Your valued contributions immediately help extend The Summit’s margin of excellence and advance its mission of developing leaders of character. 55

Linda (Opp) Strietmann ’75




The spirited entrepreneur has parlayed his love of outdoor adventure into a highly successful film career that currently has him traipsing across the country as director of photography for the Discovery Channel’s new series “Wreckreaction Nation.” The program stars David Mordal and features perilously freakish and oddball recreational pursuits – such as alligator wrestling, catfish grappling and chess boxing – that appeal to daredevil adrenaline junkies.

assignment when the producer called him “out of the blue.” He credits his success to completing an eclectic range of assignments – from VHS shows to music videos and short films. He has worked with Kiss front man Gene Simmons and veteran rocker Ozzy Osbourne, chronicling his backstage life while on a Japanese tour.

Although mostly spared, the film crew can be in harm’s way, grabbing that money shot while dangling from trees or wading in swamps. When recently photographing the alligator segment, Mr. Thies saw danger firsthand when wrestling rookie Ines Hubler was bitten in the face a mere 15 feet from his camera. “The event was upsetting and I was filming it,” he said. “You put yourself in an automatic mode and when something like this happens, you’re snapped back into reality.” Fortunately the young woman was not seriously hurt or scarred and returned for an interview on the Discovery Channel’s website. The innovative filmmaker’s career was not entirely intentional. As a mountain bike enthusiast and mechanic for professional rider John Stamstad, Mr. Thies was an impressively young owner of Hyde Park’s Going Mobile bike shop when he journeyed to film Stamstad’s unofficial world record for cross country biking. Mr. Thies envisioned that the footage would be great fodder for a “someday” documentary. He sold a car he had rehabilitated to purchase equipment and truly apprenticed on the job. “The first few days I filmed like I was at a birthday party – very boring,” he said. “Then I started to visualize what a great shot would be – I call it my National Geographic shot – and began learning photography.” The assignment, which took him from Canada to Mexico in 18 days, became the documentary “Into the Divide.”

One early “break” developed when brother Bill (’86 alum) was working in the music business with country star Charlie Daniels, who rewrote the words to his song “In America” in response to the 9/11 attacks. Mr. Daniels was so moved by Mr. Thies’ video treatment proposal that he hired him for a project, even though he was a virtual “nobody” at the time. Today his company, TVAcom Film and Television, is based in Los Angeles and features short and long film production and editing, graphic design and camera and professional staff consulting and rentals.

In a brutally competitive business, Mr. Thies says “timing is everything,” explaining that he was extremely lucky to be available for his current

Mr. Thies was an industrious free thinker in high school where he networked with some of his schoolmates’ parents who owned successful businesses. He 57

absorbed valuable life lessons about discipline, respect, hard work and how to cope with life problems. “I thought the discipline was weird in the beginning, like any freshman,” he reflected. “I didn’t even know how to fix a tie on my first day.” He fondly remembers history teacher Jeff Stayton, who was his basketball trainer, and reciprocally, Mr. Stayton recalls the 6’6’’ filmmaker as “a good basketball player and a great kid” and has vivid memories of their extracurricular athletic escapades. “On Sunday mornings, Dave, Dave Marrs, and I used to meet in downtown Cincinnati to rollerblade,” he said. “We would skate for a few hours and literally go everywhere on streets, parking lots, alleys and there would be little or no traffic or pedestrians to deal with. I was twice their age and pretty conservative. The boys were real daredevils— lots of tricks and stunts that would have killed me. After graduation, the skating died off, but Dave and I still kept in touch. Dave’s mother remarried a man who was a pilot in WWII. He had an ex-schoolmate that flew for the Tuskeegee Airmen. Dave worked on a film depicting the men’s relationship and even arranged for both gentlemen to speak to the Upper School students. Eventually Dave moved west to pursue his film career.” Mr. Thies’ professional commitments now have him on the road for as long as seven months, which wreaks havoc on any type of normal family life. “I had to take my dog back to Cincinnati to stay with my sister,” he lamented. Family ties are important and Mr. Thies is thankful his parents supported his decision to leave the University of Cincinnati to follow his creative passions. “I would never recommend not going to college, but it wasn’t the right fit for me.” Thies’ humility, gratitude and sense of humor keep him grounded even when his career is flying high. Catch David Thies’ work on Wreckreaction Nation on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on the Discovery Channel.


Family, Summit inspire alum’s life of “service”

by Lisa Eccles While some adolescent boys may have been mesmerized by Kelly McGillis as the gorgeous tough flight instructor in the movie, Top Gun, one small boy was drooling over a different type of heavenly body – the fighter jets. Elston ToChip, ’97, was barely past kindergarten when the movie’s thrilling fighter pilot sequences ignited a passion for military defense. “I remember thinking ‘I’m going to be a pilot,’ but my eyesight weakened at a young age, so I thought if I couldn’t fly them, I would build them,” Mr. ToChip said. He joked that his parents “sabotaged” his dreams by making him read a lot as a youngster – but actually he credits his family and Summit – with instilling a noble sense of service, responsibility and hard work. His love of planes and engines endured into his adult life, partly to the early encouragement from an uncle working at GE Aircraft. His drive to use his talents to serve mankind seems partially inherited from a grandfather he never knew, who trained pilots in his native China and also operated a flying school that graduated many high ranking Taiwanese military officials. “My grandfather came to the United States for a brief period to receive training at West Point before returning to train pilots,” he said. Mr. ToChip remembers seeing an old photograph of him in a service uniform, and didn’t realize it was from West Point until visiting the academy’s museum as a grown man. Elston just completed a seven-year stint with Lockheed Martin Space Systems, working on classified U.S. Army projects that tested high altitude defense intercepts for missiles. He is

proud that his research assisted in eight successful tests that would destroy any incoming missiles, which is no small feat. “It is like hitting a bullet with another bullet,” Mr. ToChip explained, adding that it is gratifying to silence critics. “Some question why money would be spent on what experts said couldn’t be done,” he said. “I would hope that people will appreciate the contribution this makes to the safety of our country.” Working in defense required security clearance, a process Mr. ToChip said is “no slam dunk.” The Department of Defense investigated every detail of his life for the past ten years, interviewing friends, family, and associates. Still his level of clearance isn’t as impressive as the one currently held by his engineer brother Euell, an ’03 graduate, and Lockheed Martin employee. “He can’t even talk to you,” he quipped. Among his many Lockheed Martin accomplishments are leading a team to build hardware/software products, coordinating testing, working with lead researchers from MIT and other agencies to design software for implementing and testing advance models. He was recognized for outstanding effort as a senior electronic engineer for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), and received Lockheed Martin’s Inventor Award, Team Excellence Award and STARS Award for superior performance. Mr. ToChip’s patriotic roots run deep. He seriously considered joining the Navy after earning his engineering degree from Stanford University, but fate would play its hand. He interviewed with Lockheed Martin the day before the 9/11 attacks. “I was torn between the Navy and the job but, after speaking to many people, realized I could aid in protecting servicemen 58

and women.” His family’s service tenets were echoed at The Summit. “The school encourages you to get out into the community and do something useful,” said Mr. ToChip. “I learned early that I had a good life and that other people could benefit from my help. This is a great value to teach to students.” He recalls many teachers who welcomed him as a new freshman student. “I felt awkward. The teachers made me feel comfortable and encouraged conversation, even after high school. It‘s great to know that these people really cared about what you did with your life. They helped mold my character and develop me into the person I am today.” Mr. ToChip played tennis at The Summit and is active in the United States Tennis Association as a member and team captain. A self-proclaimed Ohio State football psycho fan, Mr. ToChip’s athletic interests also include flag football, basketball and running. Mr. ToChip is currently pursuing a Masters in Business Administration from the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, in response to his need for a deeper proficiency in management. “I am an engineer first, but wanted to improve my business skills. My family jokes when they ask me if this will be my last degree.” Joking aside, he looks to his family for inspiration for his next dream job – designing medical devices. His maternal grandmother had both hips replaced at aged 90 and walked out of the hospital. Today at 98 she must be told to “slow down” and her grandson is thrilled for her and enthralled by the opportunity to positively impact and elevate many lives as the country’s population ages.

As Summit Young Alumni returned to Cincinnati for a Thanksgiving feast with their families they also had the opportunity to re-connect with their high school friends and former teachers. On Friday November 28th many of them came together at RP McMurphy’s located in Oakley. The evening kicked off with alumni from the boys’ basketball team taking on the current varsity team. Organized by Mr. Rich Hoyt, boys’ basketball head coach, this game has become an annual tradition and a fun way to work off that second serving of turkey. Plenty of basketball alumni joined in on the contest so they were afforded the opportunity for lots of subs. (Splitting into multiple games and shortened quarters certainly helped too.)


Front Row, L to R: Joe Humpert ’00 and faculty member Second Row: Natalie Sammarco ’04, Evan Burke ’03, Will Lippert ’03, Chris Koepher ’01, Mike Schlomer, Faculty, Anne Sammarco ’02

After the game, more than 100 young alumni headed to a private party on the second floor of RP McMurphy’s. Faculty and alumni board members mingled with the alumni and provided them with an update on the current happenings of the school and alumni program. Everyone enjoyed the evening and the celebration continued well into the night.

Katie Schneider ’05 and Philip Schneider ’02

Susan Koepher ’03, friend – Bonnie Wolfe, Julie Koepher ’03, Johanna Johnson ’03

Kristin Conners ’97, Caroline Connors ’99 and Lauren Conner ’01

Carrie Haas ’02

Ben Trautmann ’01 and Sarah Kelly ’01

Andrew Brun ’01 and Julia Burke ’02 Front Row, L to R: Tim Trautmann ’03, Rene’ Cheatham III ‘03, Mark Hoeck ’03, Dan Fry ’00 Row 2: Tyler Yarnell ’97, Tate Yarnell ’01, Dan Cosgrove ’07, Jeffrey Roth’ 02 Row 3: Ben Roy ’00, Dave Koepfer ’06, Chris Koepfer ’01 Row 4: Jack Deardorff ’02, Ben Trautmann ’01, Topher Sheldon ’01, Christian Meininger ’01 Row 5: Charlie Kazior ’08, Chris Wilson ’08

John Collier ’01 and Corey Battin ’01 59

COMPOSITES Alumni Composites on Display

Since the first class of two students, Anna McKenzie and Olive Sargent, graduated from The Summit in 1891, The Summit produced photo composites of each class. For many years these photos have hung in display cases in the hallway to the Chapel. Unfortunately, the sheer number of them prevented all but the most determined from viewing them. Through the generosity of a number of our alumni, we are now beginning to reframe and hang the photo composites of the Upper School classes, a few at a time, in the Upper School dining room areas where our students and our guests can see them every day. Each one will be reframed with archival glass and archival matting for $210 - $250 each. Consider reframing your own class composite, one that includes a member of your family, or even one of a friend. It is a lovely gift to you, your family and The Summit. If you are interested in helping us to get these historical photographs out of the box and onto the walls where we can all proudly view our heritage, please contact: Susan Maxwell, Alumni Relations Associate (513) 871-4700, ext. 245





Front Row, L to R: John Kohlman, Lawrence Camp, August Ventura, Stuart Kaiser, Paul Siemon, Tom Klinedinst, Joseph Schumacher, Alfred Weisbrod, Bill Moore, Thomas Coler, George Fee Jr., Edwin Barton, John Horton Back Row, L to R: Mr. Thomas Kane, Jim Gerwin, Paul “Peck” Kunkel Jr., Lawrence Mees, Joseph “Beau” Glassmeyer, John Keck, Thomas Schneeman, Tour Director, James Porter, Arlington Rewwer, Mr. Robert Moore, Thomas Gibson, Thomas Dusterberg, Mark Grote, Bus Driver

1950s Thomas Coler Jr. SBS ’56 was in Washington, D.C. for the Presidential Inauguration and while in town reminisced about his 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C. with The Summit School for Boys. He found this photo of the trip (see above) taken in April 1956 and wanted to share it with his classmates and friends. We hope it brings back a lot of great memories of your trip to Washington, D.C. with The Summit!

1970s Ingrid (Eckmayer) Parry ’75 has made sure The Summit is well represented at the Naples, FL Skyline Restaurant. Thanks to Ingrid, when snow birds and vacationers alike stop in for a little taste of home, they’ll see a Summit pennant displayed on the wall amongst other Cincinnati memorabilia!


Eileen (Steinle) Alexander ’76 was admitted to the University of Cincinnati’s College of Medicine in the Department of Environmental Health to pursue a PhD in epidemiology and biostatistics with a full scholarship and research stipend. Eileen’s children reside in Indian Hill and will be feeding themselves from now on, if anyone has an extra place at the dinner table. Ohio State Senator Eric Kearney BMS ’77 was the focus of an article in Cincinnati Magazine’s Queen City Frontlines section entitled “Being There: Eric Kearney” published in January 2009. State Senator Kearney discusses campaigning for President Barack Obama in Iowa, Indiana and Pennsylvania. Ellaine (Forristal) Herschede ’78 recently took a position as a marketing coordinator for an architectural/engineering firm, KZF Design, located in downtown Cincinnati. She also works parttime at the TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion in Montgomery. Ellaine serves on the Board of Directors of the Madeira-Indian Hill Joint Fire District, is involved with the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati, volunteers with the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Western & Southern Masters tennis events here in Cincinnati.

1980s Class of 1992

Last fall some members of the Class of 1987 gathered for a surprise birthday party for Annie (Buse) Bathalter ’87 at Hyde Park Country Club! These ladies remain great friends and get together often.

The Class of 1992 had an impromptu reunion in November of 2008 on The Summit’s playground. The five members of The Summit Class of 1992 (with their kids & spouses) are Lauren (Baumann) Hagin, Brett Heekin, Melissa (Sutphin) Marx, Kakie (Reynolds) McMillan, and Sarah (Rosebraugh) Brown.

Front Row L to R: Shannon (Fullen) Nelson, Gina (Gates) Misrach, Carrie (Dorger) Moore Back Row L to R: Rachel (Flannery) Bollinger, Annie (Buse) Bathalter, Monica (Gates) Flynn, Julie (Kelley) Back, Kelly (Mathes) Adair, Laurie (Thurner) Ritze Joan Harris-Graves ’87 and her daughter, current Summit student Kennedy, were among the winners in Evendale Recreation’s annual “Turkey Shoot” free-throw competition in November 2008. As winners, they took home a frozen turkey; however, Kennedy opted to donate their winnings to a participant of the YWCA’s Employment and Literacy Services program. Leonard Marquez ’89, Director, Government Relations – Federal Affairs of The MetroHealth System was honored as one of the rising stars in Northeast Ohio’s business community as he was named to the Forty Under 40: The Class of 2008 by Crane’s Cleveland Business. Leonard and his three brothers Edward ’92, Anthony ’97, and David ’01 are all Summit “lifers” and his mother Julie was once president of The Summit Mother’s Association (now known as the SPA). The Marquez clan spent 25 consecutive years at The Summit; Mrs. Marquez wishes to express her very heartfelt feelings of fondness for The Summit and the impact a Summit education had on her sons’ lives. 62

1990s Faris Ghani ’90 has moved to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and is working for the Dubai based bank - Emirates NBD as Head of Consumer Finance Unit. Kathleen Durkin ’93 will be wed August 1, 2009 in Dover, OH to Joshua Kleemeyer. The two met while performing in a community theatre production of “You Can’t Take It with You.” They will be married at the bed and breakfast where Josh proposed. Paul Miklavcic ’93 and his father started a small computer business called Primax. Primax provides design services, technology support and training for various accounts. Primax was spotlighted on CNN and Headline News in January 2009 as a “Small Business Success” segment. Paul, a graduate of Wittenberg University, is married to Emily (Kenney) Miklavcic ‘95. David Falk ’94 of The Boca Restaurant Group was distinguished as one of the Cincinnati Business Courier’s 2008 Forty Under 40 recipients. A 20-member panel of Forty Under 40 alumni chose this year’s class from more than 250 nominations. David was honored at a luncheon in September 2008. Leslie (Fitzgerald) and Mark Matteucci, both of the Class of 1999, were married on October 25, 2008 at the Chicago History Museum. Wedding party alumni included good friends Erica Baechtold ’99 and Michael Davis ’99. Leslie and Mark moved to Chicago last year from San Francisco. Since graduating from The Summit, Leslie earned her Bachelor’s Degree (2003) and Master’s Degree (2005) in Marketing and Communications from the University of Dayton. She now works as an Account Director with an advertising and branding agency in downtown Chicago. Mark earned his Bachelor’s Degree (2003) in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan. After working as a Senior Staff Engineer with E*TRADE Financial for four years, Mark decided to pursue an MBA. He is currently attending the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and will graduate in 2009.

June 2009. They will be wed in The Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel at The Summit. Annette earned her Master’s Degree in Education and her Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education from The Ohio State University. She is currently an intervention specialist at Mariemont Elementary School. Mitchell “Mitch” Duggins ’03 graduated from Northeastern University in May ‘08 with a degree in Music Industry. He was a pitcher on the Northeastern Huskies baseball team from 2003-2007, during which he participated in the annual scrimmage with the Boston Red Sox, as well as being named the starting pitcher in the Baseball Beanpot Tournament at Fenway Park. Mitch is currently working for the Los Angeles Dodgers as a Minor League Video Coordinator in Glendale, Arizona. Nick Kolentse ’03, graduated from Boston College in 2007 with a history degree, and from Whitworth University in 2008 with a master’s in teaching. In August 2008, Nick married Jessica Hertz and their wedding reception was held at Gonzaga University’s baseball stadium. Nick and Jess are now living in Ulsan, South Korea where they are teaching English and traveling the beautiful country! Marissa Bodnar ’06, a former Summit soccer star is a member of the Northeastern Women’s Soccer Team that won their first ever CAA (Colonial Athletic Association) Championship. Marissa and the Huskies ended their stellar season this fall when they fell to Boston College in the second round of the NCAA Tournament.

Marissa is the third from the right on the top row in the picture.

Births 2000s Annette Kersting ’00 is engaged to be married to Matthew McFarland in

Lindsay (Byrnes) Reynolds ’97 and her husband, Mercer ’95 welcomed their second son, John Henri Reynolds “Jack” on October 28, 2008. 63

Stephanie Whitaker ’01 and Marc Stemann, November 7, 2008

Jill (Byrnes) Hamblen ’99 and her husband Chris welcomed their first son Henry Christopher Hamblen on August 21, 2008. Henry “Ben” Schmidt ’95 and his wife Andrea had their first child on October 26, 2009, a baby girl named Stella McGrane Schmidt. Sean Smyth ’88 and his wife Molly had their third son, Stuart Heil Smyth on September 21, 2008. Erin (Arata) Rolf ’93 and her husband Bradley welcomed a baby girl, Grace Eileen Rolf on October 28, 2008.

Karen Uckotter ’04 and Mike Montgomery, July 5, 2008

In Memory ALUMNI Stanley G. Mathews, S.M. ’35, May 18, 2008. Nelson J. Ruddy Jr., SBS ’54, brother of Gail (Ruddy) Brockman ’55, November 9, 2008. S. Thomas Garber SBS ’57, father of Elizabeth W. Garber GMS ’89, December 29, 2008. Benjamin Freeman Leonard SBS ’63, brother of Robert Leonard Jr. SBS ’59, Renie (Leonard) Dohrmann ’64, Elizabeth (Leonard) Krum ’69, Charles Leonard SBS ’67, David Leonard SBS ’71, and Thomas Leonard SBS ’72, November 27, 2008. Robert “Andrew” Buse SMS ’04, son of J.B. Buse Jr. BMS ’75, brother of Barrett Buse SMS ’03, and current Summit student Sam Buse, grandson of J. Barrett SBS ’45 and Ann (Blum) ’55 Buse, December 13, 2008.

October 25, 2008

Kenneth R. Faller, husband of Susan (Grogan) Faller ’68, January 28, 2009. Rev. J. Raymond Favret, brother of William J. Favret SBS ’46, Richard SBS ’52 and Gayle (Richter) ’57 Favret, December 31, 2008. Ronald T. Girouard, father of Robin (Girouard) Grant ’99, October 31, 2008. Alice B. Glueck, mother of Joy (Glueck) Partridge ’55, Carol (Glueck) Berry ’58, Robert Glueck SBS ’57, and Mary Alice (Glueck) Pojanowski ’67, January 23, 2009. Marie Hagen, mother of JoAnn (Hagen) Sandro ’63 and Janice (Hagen) Faircloth ’65, December 26, 2008. John T. Morrissey, brother of Barbara (Morrissey) Stautberg ’53, January 18, 2009. Marlene A. Powers, mother of Dr. Thomas Powers Jr. ’77, December 24, 2008. John H. “Don” Rohde Jr., father of Mary Chris (Rohde) Hiance ’70, Margi (Rohde) Richmond ’74, brother of Lois (Rohde) Heister ’56, November 17, 2008. Jean C. Schroder, father of John ’78 and Mary Agnes (Walter) ’79 Schroder, December 19, 2008.

Weddings WEDDINGS HELD IN THE SUMMIT CHAPEL Karen Uckotter ’04 and Mike Montgomery, July 5, 2008. Stephanie Whitaker ’01 and Marc Stemann, November 7, 2008. WEDDINGS HELD ELSEWHERE Leslie Fitzgerald ’99 and Mark Matteucci ’99, October 25, 2008. Nick Kolentse ’03 and Jessica Hertz, August 2, 2008.


Leslie Fitzgerald ’99 & Mark Matteucci ’99,

Jane Druffel, mother of Michael Druffel ’76, January 25, 2009.

Marc Bohlke, husband of Anna (Cunningham) Bohlke (attendee), father of Nicholas (attendee), cuurent Summit students: Isabella, Sebastian, Francis and a member of The Summit Board of Trustees, January 10, 2009. 64

Nillson R. Kocher (attendee) and Thea Alexis Daniels, September 20, 2008. Mary Rachel Brinker ’97 and Michael H. Sedaghatfar, September 20, 2008.

Dear Alumni/ae: The mission of The Summit Alumni Association is to advance the interest and welfare of The Summit Country Day School by strengthening a lifelong spirit of loyalty and community among alumni; supporting the strategic initiatives of The Summit; encouraging alumni relationships with The Summit constituencies of parents, students, faculty, staff, grandparents, parents of graduates and friends; and encouraging alumni to support The Summit through its development efforts. As always, the Office of Alumni Relations is hard at work fulfilling this mission and providing service to all Summit Country Day School alumni - whether you are a graduate of the Upper School (both single sex and co-ed), Summit Boys School, or Middle School. One of those services is the publishing of a Summit Alumni directory, the first to be published in over a decade. We have aligned with Publishing Concepts out of Dallas, TX, one of the leading directory companies in the nation, to verify our data. This is a sanctioned project by The Summit Country Day School and we encourage you to verify and update your information and purchase a directory if you wish. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have. Secondly, we love reporting on what you are doing (weddings, births, awards, accomplishments, promotions, etc.) or if your class holds any special events (golf outings, Christmas parties, luncheons) so please keep us up-to-date. Also, pictures are always welcomed: look for them on the Alumni Portal,, or published in upcoming issues of the magazine. Finally, if you have any suggestions on how the Alumni Office can provide continual and creative ways for alumni to stay connected to The Summit, please don’t hesitate to write or call. We hope to inspire pride in your Alumni Association and encourage you to become more active in the upcoming year. We look forward to your calls and e-mails, and we welcome your visits. Warm regards,

Susan Maxwell Alumni Relations & Special Events Associate 513.871.4700 ext. 245

A L U M N I D AT E S TO REMEMBER Friday, May 15, 2009 Fleur-de-Lis Mass & Luncheon Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel & St. Cecilia’s Saturday, May 16, 2009 Reunion Mass, Alumni Awards, Tours of The Summit and Alumni Cocktail Party Friday, May 29, 2009 Alumni Senior Induction Luncheon St. Cecilia’s

Sunday, May, 31, 2009 McKenzie-Sargent Distinguished Alumnus Reception Alumni Parlor Reservations for the Fleur-de-Lis Mass & Luncheon and the Alumni Mass & Reunion may be directed to Susan Maxwell, Alumni Relations Associate at 513.871.4700 ext. 245 or All Alumni are welcome and encouraged to make plans to return to campus and rekindle their heartfelt friendships. We look forward to seeing you soon!



2161 Grandin Road Cincinnati, OH 45208 513.871.4700

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