WordWorks 2023

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Literary Magazine Volume 7 Spring 2023

Editor-in-Chief: Brendan McEachern, Sixth Grade Language Arts

Graphic Design & Page Layout: Megan Joachim

Student Editor: Sabrina Diaz

Special Thanks to the Following Faculty Members for Guiding Our Students in Writing & Art:

Hilary Carvitti, Third & Fourth Grade Art

Meghan Cole, Fifth Grade Language Arts

Megan Druffel, Third Grade Language Arts

Samantha England, Fifth & Sixth Grade Art

Allison Finkleman, Third Grade Language Arts

Katy Gallagher, Seventh Grade Language Arts

Megan Gardner, Third Grade Language Arts

Frances Keller, Fourth Grade Language Arts

Paula B. Yarnell-Sundermann, Fifth & Seventh Grade Art

Welcome to our seventh issue of Wordworks. This magazine contains one piece of writing from students in grades three to seven. This issue contains our largest amount of student writers with a grand total of 259 writing pieces. Each student showcases his or her writing ability in a variety of prompts ranging from describing art, biographies, book reviews, fiction, to original poems. In order to demonstrate the steady writing progression by grade, our staff has attempted to keep the author’s voice as authentic as possible without too many editorial changes. Many of these pieces were condensed to “an excerpt” for the sole purpose of fitting into this magazine. I hope this snippet with give you a strong sense of the author’s intention. The ultimate goal of Wordworks is to show student writing talent across five grades at The Summit. Congratulations to all of this year’s writers.

Enjoy our seventh issue!

Wordworks 1
The Summit Country Day School 2 Authors Jacob Adams 15 Macey Adams 5, 62 Parker Adams 4 Henry Ahouse 30 Will Ahouse 14 Sterling Allen 34 Anna Baker 28, 60 Jack Baker 37 Christian Basler 6 McKenzie Bell 43 Michaela Bell 6, 63 Olivia Beltran 40 Colton Bettcher 25 Lexy Beyerbach 39 Chelsea Beyerbach 20 Eileen Bolan 20 Daniel Borman 46 Ava Boyer 36 Emma Boyer 46 Beckett Brinkman 15 Brielle Bryant 46 Liam Buckius 41 Madeleine Burns 18 James Busch 54 Logan Butler 52 Connor Butler 8, 58 Anna Cafardi 5 Nick Cafardi 46 Natalie Campbell 33 Manuel Cantillo 24 Hadley Carlson 12 James Carlson 40 Quinn Carlson 9 Beckham Carrasquillo 49 Cannon Casey 38 Knox Casey 16 JJ Castellini 55 Callie Chadwell 8 Griffin Charville 45 Finley Chavez 19 Gabrielle Chavez 47 Declan Clements 52 EJ Clements 31 Forrest Cloran 5 Ryan Conte 25 Emery Cosgrove 11 Sebastien Cox 40 Maeve Curley 13 Sophie Daniher 22 Wes Davis 16 Darcy de Lacy 30 Kit Devendorf 51 Tommy Devendorf 44 Van Devendorf 21 Blake Diaz 9 Kiersten Diaz 12 Sabrina Diaz 26 Tristan Dona 40 Kayla Dwyer 26 Santi Dwyer 41 Iggy Dwyer 32 Olivia Elfenbein 22 Hannah Erbeck 17 Jack Erbeck 28 Lily Ewald 28 Bennett Fager 50 Lily Fecher 54 Sophia Filatova-Ash 44 Liam Fildes 10 James Finkleman 8 Lily Finkleman 30 Annabelle Fleming 12, 56 Elliot Fox 32 Evan Fox 42 Will Fox 14 Miles Friedman 22 Joey Frodge 10 Kalle Gatewood 36 Kyan Gatewood 50 Ava Geers 9 Jack Geers 51 Caroline Gehring 8, 56 Marianna Gehring 15 Tyler Gier 17 Jendaya Gillispie 22 Kanai Gillispie 38 Evan Gockerman 16 Elise Goebel 42 Patrick Goebel 16 Asela Goico 38 Eloise Goico 23 Grace Golden 23 Aidan Grant 19, 56 Easton Griffin 25 Houston Griffin 44 Eliana Hafner 17 Alaya Hamilton 18 Kaliyah Harris 24 Anna Hartmann 52 Mabel Hartmann 52 Addie Haury 14 Ruby Hayes 26 Hunter Heekin 33 Jake Heekin 18 Tuula Hicks 14 Alexander Hill 4 Skylar Hill 20 James Hodge 24 Benjamin Hofmann 20 Matthias Hofmann 29 Gael Huguet 49 Aurelia Humphreys 19 Rory Hussey 47 Annabelle Huttenbauer 50 Baer Huttenbauer 53 Marguerite Jackson 28 Nathan Jackson 32, 63 Sammy Jacobs-Ramey 51 Nikhil Jain 21 Christopher Jefferies 11 Charlie Jenkins 21 Luke Jenkins 37 Levi Jewell 14 Blake Johnson 41 Robert Johnson 29 Quentin Jones 12, 61 Emerson Kaeppner 49 Mallory Kaeppner 31 Stefen Karageorges 7 Vivie Kate Keeney 54 Liam Kenney 29 Cameron Kline 14 Colin Kline 35 Vivienne Kline 41 Bennett Kreeger 7 Abby Kroner 21 Kathryn Kroner 11 Piper Kropp 19

Cover Art

Wordworks 3 Anna Krulcik 47 Samuel Krulcik 45, 62 Amber Kuehnel 43 Sebastian Kumar Gonzalez 39 Maren Lafley 13, 56 Isaac Lam 9 Caroline Lavelle 42, 57 Colin Lavelle 51 Owen Lee 6 Sophia Lei 15 Evelyn Lorensen 12 Connor Love 42 Josie Lyons 49, 60 Dylan MacDonald 23 Peyton MacDonald 16, 63 Ava Maly 44 Sarai Manuel 23, 62 Carter Marsh 5 Claudio Matos 16 Emma McCormick 7 Collin McGuire 50 Ella Miele 54 Olivia Miele 34 Austin Miller 42 Landon Miller 27 Lila Miller 11 Anne Marie Misrach 27 Hannah Mitchell 26, 56 Dean Mohan 34, 59 Dominic Montaque 55 Victoria Montaque 31 Robert Montgomery 17 Graham Moore 30 Malcolm Moore 32 Maris Moore 17, 61 Lauren Mueller 39 Alex Mulvihill 24 Lincoln Mulvihill 43 Estelle Neyer 25 Edward Neyra 4 Avery Northern 48 Micah Northern 4 Gracie Obiora 45 Immanuel Obiora 48 Genevieve O’Brien 6 Hadley O’Brien 10 Nolan O’Brien 33 Stella Ocariz 9 Lulu Odonwodo 45 Ethan O’Dwyer 39 Mackenzie O’Dwyer 27 Blake Owens 28 Alicia Palacio-Vega 8 Nicolas Palacio-Vega 13 Luca Pancheri 23 Sofia Pancheri 48, 64 Dallas Parker 38 David Patino 4 Evelyn Paulsen 27 Luke Paulsen 38 Andrea Pérez Sánchez 24 Rebeca Pérez Sánchez 32 Victoria Plattner 41 Zoa Pratt 38 Sophia Pressey 47 Crosley Price 36 Emilio Pruneda 19 Giuliana Rassi 18 Nicholas Rassi 55 Enya Renfrow 34 Caroline Reynolds 51 Millie Rich 47 Madie Richard 45 Landen Richter 36 Cole Rinehart 21 Emma Rinehart 7 Jack Roberts 29 Nolan Roberts 10 Nina Robinson 30 Russell Roth 13, 64 William Russell 48 Carrigan Sams 52, 57 Sebastian Scharf 33 Valeria Sebastian 48 Rayhanna Sen 35 Madeline Shadoin 13 Alejandro Sharp 53, 57 Cléa Sinno 48 Ambrielle Smith 35 Kayden Smith 53, 59 Ivy Sousa 7 Emilia Spreen 43, 60 Benjamin Sprengard 11 Samuel Sprengard 4, 56 Winston Steele 15 Gwendolyn Suder 41 Brian Sullivan 55 Molly Sullivan 54 Sebastian Swan 23 Arianna Trimm 22 John Trokan 31 Bennett Uy 46 Louis Uy 6 Lucia Viveros Valdepeña 5 Natalya Wangler 44 Mia Warden 37, 56 Jack Wendling 15 Janie Wendling 10, 58 Alaina Williams 37 Charlie Williams 9 James Williams 12 Amelia Wilson 46 Anna Wiltshire 50, 56 Liam Wiltshire 7, 59 Frankie Wirtz 43, 58 Hailey Wise 40, 61 Quinn Wood 31 Teagan Wood 34 Molly Workman 55, 56 Lilly Yarnell 35, 56 Tucker Yarnell 53
Darcy de Lacy Van Devendorf Olivia Elfenbein Caroline Gehring Elise Goebel Houston Griffin Hunter Heekin Anne Marie Misrach Blake Owens Emilio Pruneda Jack Roberts Valeria Sebastian Mia Warden Anna Wiltshire Lilly Yarnell

Acrylic Paint

Micah Northern, Gr. 4

The painting Our Town was created by Kerry James Marshal in 1995. Our Town is a piece that was made on a stretched-out canvas made with acrylic paint. I saw that the trees were darker than they normally are, more like a dark green. There are many patriotic items, a red and white ball on the floor. The little girl’s clothes are red, white, and blue; the little boy’s bike is red, and his shirt is white, and his pants are blue, and there is a red, white, and blue fire hydrant. The artist used acrylic paint which made it look more vibrant and a little gloomy. The artist used patriotic colors a lot. Since the artist used acrylic paint, he made it look better.

Adventures at Camp

Parker Adams, Gr. 6

The next morning, I woke up and finished eating my leftover goldfish from the previous last night. Since no one else was awake I got a few clothes and went into the bathroom to change. When I got back, everyone was awake. Mr. McEachern took us to the dining hall where we ate our last breakfast at camp. We then went outside for the amazing race. I was in the mayonnaise team; the teams were mayonnaise ketchup and mustard. We went all over camp doing activities. Our team ended up winning the amazing race. We had lunch and it was our last meal at camp.

After a Long Life

Edward Neyra, Gr. 6

I have finally passed away. Now I can unite with God. I helped people better know God. Also, I instructed people about French. I have fulfilled my purpose on now I will go to heaven a happy woman. I hope people will recognize my teachings as an awakening.

Aghor - an excerpt

Samuel Sprengard, Gr. 7

In conclusion, the Aghor tribe is an interesting and religious group. The tribe often wears beads around their necks and in their hair for decoration. (aincient-origins.net) They also paint their faces in all assorted colors and designs. (aincient-origins.net) The tribes’ most known ritual is cannibalism They do not kill people just to eat them, they dig up bodies, eat their flesh, and drink their blood. The flesh is often eaten raw but occasionally is cooked. (aincient-origins.net) They are a religious group, while taking praying, fasting, and rituals very seriously. (aincient-origins.net)

Alex Morgan

David Patino, Gr. 4

I think you should make a stamp about Alex Morgan because she is one of the best women’s soccer players in U.S. history. She won the Women’s World Cup in 2011, 2015 and 2019! In the 2012, London Olympics she scored the last-minute goal against Canada and won the U.S. Female of the Year and FIFA player of the year finalist. And that’s just 3 out of 40 awards that she has won!!! Now you know why I think you should make a stamp about Alex Morgan.


Alexander Hill, Gr. 5

Alexander. Smart, kind, athletic. Lover of video games, God, and basketball. Who feels tired when he plays Madden for 6 hours straight with no breaks. Who wonders why people are so tall. Who fears heights. Who cares about God, his peers, basketball, and video games. Who is able to use his left hand in basketball. Who dreams to be in the NBA.

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All About Cats

Anna Cafardi, Gr. 3

Finally, I’m going to teach you about how cats communicate. Cats communicate in diverse ways. They meow and move their tail in certain ways too. Cats make different sounds depending on their emotions or how they feel. Cats also use their ears to communicate. By bending them back it means that they want to be alone and can get angry if you don’t listen to them. Cats use their tail to show how they feel and if their tail is up, it’s very relaxed and happy.

All About Dogs

Carter Marsh, Gr. 3

The first thing I am going to tell you about is what types of dogs there are. The first type of dog is a Bernedoodle, which I have. Bernedoodles love to play but beware, they will try to bite you if you are mean to them. They really love having their bellies rubbed. Bernedoodle puppies should get at least 17 hours of sleep. Did you know that they can get up to 70-100 pounds? The next dog I am going to tell you about is a Golden Retriever. They are the cutest things in the world. They love to go for walks and play. They can get up to 60-90 pounds. The last dog I am going to tell you about is a Bulldog. They love to eat, sleep, and drool. They can get to 65-90 pounds. They love to chew on things, even couches.

Amelia Earhart

Macey Adams, Gr. 4

I think you should put Amelia Earhart on a postage stamp, here is why: First, she is one of the most famous American pilots. She was the second person to fly solo across the Atlantic nonstop, the first person to fly solo nonstop across the United States. She inspired many people to chase their dreams. Next, she was the first women to fly an autogiro. Earhart set the first autogiro altitude record and made two autogiro cross-country tours, which were marked by three public crashes. Finally, she was the first woman vice president of the National Aeronautic Association. Earhart became the first woman vice president of the National Aeronautic Association which authorized different official records and races.

Animal Equality

Lucy Viveros Valdepeña, Gr. 6

Animal equality is very important. All animals should have the same rights regardless of human’s opinions of them. It is fine to have opinions, but you shouldn’t take away other animals’ rights. All animals can benefit with good things, so there really isn’t a better animal than another; that is an opinion, because like I said, they all benefit with good things. In conclusion, all animals matter and are good.

Another Civilization

Forrest Cloran, Gr. 7

One of our explorers from the civilization of Gefennett has now just discovered another civilization which seemed impossible because we are so far from any other place in the world. The name of the civilization L.F.C. The explorer has just arrived, the great explorer Frank Even has just arrived home. When he first arrived there, he was very confused that there were so many different things. The strangest thing to him was that there were not as many people back home because there were only 20,000 people and his home country was full of about 2 billion people. But something he found that was like home was the Fact they worship the same god there. But when he was confused there was brick laid out on the ground but then after exploring more, he discovered it was their road system. The usual road system was tar and concrete at home.

Wordworks 5


Genevieve O’Brien, Gr. 3

The first thing I am going to tell you about is the animals! One animal is the koala bear. Most koalas have heavy sharp claws to help them climb on to the trees and walk on the ground. Did you know some koalas sleep longer than sloths? Another animal is kangaroos. Most of the time kangaroos sleep in the middle of the day! If you are in the wild and you wake the kangaroos, they might try to kick you. Whenever you go to Australia be careful. The snakes in Australia might be poisonous. They could try to bite you–especially in tall grass!

Baby Robins

Michaela Bell, Gr. 4

Baby robins are hatching. Bunnies and deer frolic in the bushes and forest. I know rain is coming because a wet and sweet smell fills the air. Flowers are blooming in every corner of the forest. Sparrows are chirping and a crazy cardinal bangs into the windows. The warm golden sun is drenching my whole body. Crystal clear water laps at my feet. The beautiful blue skies are filled with clouds. Big juicy pieces of fruit bursting with flavor are just sitting in a bowl, tempting me to take a little bite. Leafy trees are looming over me, shading me with their full beautiful branches.

Bacon Heist

Christian Basler, Gr. 7

He was chased away by the cops, dodging bullet after bullet. He buried himself in a trash can. After five minutes, he gathered enough courage to poke his petite head out of the can. He looked around for a few more minutes, and then eventually made his way over to the Sus Ball Airport. He stole someone’s purse at the airport, cleaned it out, and stealthily placed it back. The best he could do was a $150 flight to Berlin, Germany. Luckily, he had stolen $200, so he still had extra for other necessities. His flight would leave in 10 minutes, so he concealed himself in the bathroom until then. At last, he boarded the plane. He could not wait to arrive, knowing he was out of harm’s way.

Bared - a poem

Owen Lee, Gr. 5

There once was a name named Bared

Who fell on his butt so hard

And now he was crying so light

His life is so plight

The fall left Bared so scarred


Louis Uy, Gr. 6

I have been playing basketball since the 3rd grade. I would play left forward or left wing. My favorite team was the warriors, but I played for the summit country day school. My first season I would not score any baskets but two seasons (fifth) later I scored at least two points per game. Now I am in sixth grade and still playing. I quit in 4th but came back. More people should play basketball around the world.

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Be You - an excerpt

Bennett Kreeger, Gr. 7

As You navigate this crazy world

You meet so many diverse people

Friends, Colleagues, Enemies And like an artist forms its clay

These people form You

The world’s everchanging

But through thick and thin. You know You. So be... YOU.

Benefits of a Dog

Stefen Karageorges, Gr. 6

I want to write about the benefits of having a dog because I have a dog myself, and my life is better. I have had my dog Riley for about a decade and have had so many good experiences with him, so much that he feels like a member of my family. Caring for a dog has made me used to responsibilities like walking him and feeding him daily. He is also very social and walks around people looking for pets. For my dog Riley, it’s very clear that he cares about us, he puts his head on our lap when we are sitting down and if I’m doing my homework in our living room, he sits next to me and waits till I am done.

Bertie Faye

Ivy Sousa, Gr. 4

Bertie Faye should be on a postage stamp! She was the youngest of 18 children and got a lot of hand me downs. Later in life, she was a hairdresser and chipped her way to being half owner of the salon. Lastly, she and her husband got divorced and her son had to move from school to school. She went through a lot of tough phases and ended up helping everyone she knew.

Best Field Trips

Liam Wiltshire, Gr. 3

If you have ever been on a field trip you might think they are fun. But some people like me think FIELD TRIPS ARE THE BEST! Field trips can be educational. Did you really think you would go somewhere picked by the school and NOT learn something? One time I was at a farm for a field trip [weird I know] and came back and knew way more about vegetables! Field trips can also be fun. Just riding on the bus can be fun. You can see random tires on the road, you can start chants that make your friends cry from laughter and have a whole lot of fun!

Best Friend

Emma McCormick, Gr. 5

Lastly, I am very thankful for my best friend. First, I can always count on her to be there when I need her. Second, I can always talk to her about anything. Finally, she is extremely respectful to everyone she knows. In conclusion, my friend is something so critical to me so I believe that everyone should be thankful for her.

Best Part of Me

Emma Rinehart, Gr. 5

Of my many awesome features, my best one is my eyes. Sure, I may need glasses, but my gorgeous eyes are so much more than vision–after all, some people are blind! My eyes can smile, frown, and show emotions like pride, fear, anger, anxiety, joy, and love. I also have long, beautiful black eyelashes, wonderful brown eyebrows, and a sparkling dark brown color that complements my hair. In conclusion, my eyes are my best feature.

Wordworks 7

Better Lunch

Connor Butler, Gr. 4

Food is fuel, and students need to get fueled up to do well at school. In the Middle School, students get a warm cooked meal with plenty of options for everyone. In the Lower School, students get cold food and zero options. They also make students try food they don’t want to try or eat. The food in the Lower School often feels like it is the leftovers from yesterday’s lunch. There needs to be a change in what the Lower School cafeteria provides for lunch. I believe that Lower School students would do better in school if they were fueled up with better food.


James Finkleman, Gr. 5

One blessing in my life that I am thankful for is my education. One reason I am thankful for my education is t it will help me find what career path best suits me and what college will nurture that more. Another reason I am thankful for my education is Summit does a great job of setting you up for success and preparing you for the real world. One last reason I am thankful for my education is, Summit gives me a lot of scholarships so I can go here. In conclusion therefore I am thankful for my education.

Blue Star Families Capstone Speech - an excerpt

Caroline Gehring, Gr. 7

My dad was in the Marine Corps and while he was deployed my mom had me. I did not meet my dad until I was around 6 months old, so my mom had all that time of just me and her. As being the only parent home to care for me for such a long time, she felt like her caring and welcoming community helped her a lot. Military families go through so much, and it is so hard on everyone in the family. From someone being deployed in their family, to changing bases every few years. This can take a toll on everyone in the family. It is a lot for them, and a welcoming community helps with all the changes. Whenever my mom needed a helping hand, people were there for her. It is not that way everywhere in the U.S.A.

Boba Tea

Callie Chadwell, Gr. 5

I feel as if I am a boba tea drink. I can be as sweet and fun as the flavor of boba tea. If you pop the boba it bursts into juice just like when I burst into tears. I am popular but not SUPER popular like boba., and my personality. I am not everyone’s favorite, but to some I am. I would be a small cup though because I am not the tallest kid. I make some people happy, sometimes though I make people upset.

Book About Tennis

Alicia Palacio-Vega, Gr. 3

In tennis, you will need a tennis racket to hit a tennis ball. Also, you play on a tennis court. What you try to do in tennis is hit the ball over the net without letting your opponent hit it back at you. Also, in tennis, the ball can only bounce once. When you play doubles, there are tiny rectangles in the court, those count but only if you are playing doubles. In tennis, there are tournaments like the U.S. Open and the Australian Open. In tennis, the first two points that you get are 15 and the rest are ten when you get to 40 you get a point just like getting a touchdown in football.

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Blake Diaz, Gr. 4

There are many dog breeds in the world. In fact, there are over 100. Some breeds of dogs like to run like the greyhound. They are very fast. Other breeds just like to relax and sit in your lap like the Maltese and Pomeranian. German shepherds are working dogs that help the police and military, Dalmatians help firefighters, and bloodhounds can track and find people for search and rescue. With all of the different breeds of dogs in this world you can find one that is just right for you.

Brothers, am I Right? - an excerpt

Stella Ocariz, Gr. 7

So even when you’re sad, remember how much you have: a family who will love and a sister who will try not to shove.

Building Community

Charles Williams, Gr. 5

This year, through capstone, activities, and classes, I have been more collaborative, communicative, respectful, empathetic, and inclusive as I went through the year. Last month during capstone, I was removing leaves from the pond, carrying a heavy trash bag and helping to move rocks. We were respecting each other by letting each other work. We were being communicative by talking to each other. Through Capstone, I have really helped to build community at the pond, it was fun, but was a lot of work.


Ava Geers, Gr. 3

Bunnies Are The Best Animal and I’m going to give you three reasons why. Bunnies make a great pet. I’ve never had a bunny as a pet, but from what I’ve seen they are really fluffy and cute. They are also playful and hop around. That’s why bunnies are the BEST animal!

Bunny at Fallfest

Quinn Carlson, Gr. 3

I pulled an envelope out of the box and got candy. After I got candy, Darcy came, and we went to the petting zoo. First, we pet the bunny under the stool. It was so fluffy I could not even say anything, I was just daydreaming in space. The bunny felt like a cloud, or I should say cotton candy. Darcy screamed “So fluffy!”


Isaac Lam, Gr. 6

We went to Camp Campbell Gard. We thought it would be fun, but we ended up eating soggy uncooked food. The gaga ball pit had dry wood that made your knuckles bleed horribly. The best moment we had was the bus ride home.

Wordworks 9


Hadley O’Brien, Gr. 4

Our Town is an acrylic painting on an unstretched canvas created by Kerry James Marshall. He created it in 1995. It is an interesting painting because there are lots of graffiti like lines beside dark tree. When I looked at this painting, I saw two African American kids one is running, and one is biking there is also a dog running beside them. And I see birds carrying ribbons in their mouth and there are ribbons on the tree too. The colors are mostly light colors, but the kids are not. And the lines are outstanding by the tree. The graffiti lines are also by very dark colored trees. There are a lot of red, white, and blue colors like the houses and the fire hydrant and the kids’ clothes too.

Cathy Boeing

Joey Frodge, Gr. 4

My first reason is Cathy was an experienced doctor. She worked at three different hospitals as a doctor for 27 years. My second reason is Cathy is a strong human being because she has survived several surgeries, cancer, and Covid in her lifetime. My third reason is she always tries for her family, especially her grandchildren (sisters, my cousins, and me). When we are bored, she will take them to do something. When one of us is sick she will make sure we will get better or if one of our parents is out of town, she will come to take care of us. Now you know why I think you should think Cathy Boeing deserves to have a stamp in her honor.


Nolan Roberts, Gr. 3

The first pet I am going to tell you about is a cat. Cats are fun to have. Cats are either calm or super crazy. Cats are playful. For example, when I had a cat we said her name was Jumping Gia because she was super playful and jumped a lot. Cats are an excellent pet to have.


Liam Fildes, Gr. 5

Throughout Lions of Little Rock, Kristin Levine tells us that some people must overcome some challenges. Marlee talked in the early chapters Marlee does not talk at all and then Liz told her to do the project with her and then after that Marlee started to talk “cake please I said formally, and I realized I spoken” (161). Liz to stop talking since Liz went back to her old school, she was yelling at people they were being mean like saying mean things to friends and skipping her when they pass out things, so Marlee had an idea to count the nine times tables, but it did not work out, so they decided to use a notebook and that worked so she just wrote in that now. Mrs. Dalton did not stand up to her husband but once when Marlee and her mom and dad came over she said let us look in Red’s trunk and they found what they were looking for.


Janie Wendling, Gr. 3

The first type of dog is a chihuahua. Chihuahuas are small but feisty. I wouldn’t mess with them. They can weigh up to 35lb! Next is a golden retriever. Golden retrievers are loyal and fun to play with. They can fetch, shake, spin and mostly do any trick if you teach them. Next is a bulldog. For example, I have a bulldog. They have short and stubby necks and tails. They are so cute. They can trick you into anything with their puppy eyes. They love to play. They have so much energy, they can play all day. Next is dalmatians. Dalmatians are white with black spots on them. They can be used for fires and firefighters. Frenchies are cute, much like bulldogs. But Frenchies are smaller, and they sleep for hours. Pugs are another cute dog. They are small, and have big round eyes. They have unstoppable puppy eyes. They can even move their eyes in different directions!

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Chimney Trouble

Lila Miller, Gr. 6

Santa is in real trouble. He is too fat to fit in any chimneys! He is exhausted from working out and trying to lose weight. He is also being replaced! So many mall Santas are just 70-year-old men dressed up in stupid costumes that do not even look like the real Santa. Santa’s digestion system is so messed up as well from not eating cookies for every meal. Santa is not a magician so he can’t just magically lose weight. Santa is in real trouble, and he needs to figure something out soon.

Civil Rights

Kate Kroner, Gr. 5

I was excited as the school came near but inside the protesters made me fear

I was the first, the first of my time. I was the one leading a line 1954 that was the day. I knew I was paving the way

I was the symbol, the symbol of change

Soon the whole country would start to rearrange

But some were mad at their civil right

They thought they were better, that they had more might

I was a kid and I stood strong

So more strong people would soon come along

Civil Rights

Benjamin Sprengard, Gr. 5

Black or white, Asian, or African, Civil Rights are for everyone. Ruby Bridges was six years old, going to an all-white school, was scared, worried, brave, and strong. As she walked into the school people were chanting threats as they pulled their white child out of school. The next year the chanting was gone, and school was filled with kids, white and black.

Cool Wind

Emery Cosgrove, Gr. 4 cool wind blowing across my face fresh flowers growing all around picking fruit from the backyard with my grandma running through the icy cold sprinkler splashing in the heated pool throwing water balloons at my sister green grass and tickling my feet

Creamy Whip

Christopher Jefferies, Gr. 3

Creamy Whip ice cream is the best. They serve soft serve ice cream and that’s my favorite. Why does their blue raspberry ice cream taste so good? I’ll tell you the secret ingredients ice, whipped cream, vanilla extract and blue food coloring. I’ve told you all about why Creamy Whip tastes so good. You should try it out for yourself.

Wordworks 11

Creepy House

Quentin Jones, Gr. 6

Grogu went to a creepy house that was an auditorium. When he came in, he saw the play The Candle. He thought the play was the best play, so he looked at the script and wanted to make his own play, so he listened to an audiotape about plays for 5 hours. Soon Grogu held auditions for what he called The Great Escape. He did everything in his power to get the play sold out. The play got incredibly honest reviews and one was unpredictable. A famous person named Elon Dusk saw his play and said it was the best thing he ever saw. He called it an audiovisual. Dictators saw his play and said it was a masterpiece. His name was in the dictionary for life.

Crow - an excerpt

Kiersten Diaz, Gr. 7

A crow sits, cawing on a gnarled branch in the woods. The haunted woods. Many say a monster lurks there, prowling the woods and gobbling up the poor animals that live there. The crow has heard this from the humans, but he ignores this. ‘Humans are silly creatures,’ he thinks. This will be his fatal mistake. The crow hears a noise behind him. He dismisses it as one of the few animals who dare venture into the woods. He continues his cawing. Suddenly, he hears a low, guttural growling noise right next to him. Before the crow can think or fly away, a monstrous claw snatches him from his branch and silences him. Blood splatters the trees. The woods are silent once more, the monster lurking in the shadows, waiting for its next victim.

Delicate Arch

James Williams, Gr. 3

The Delicate Arch is in Moab and is the most well-known naturally made arch in the world. In addition, it has millions of visitors each year. Some interesting facts about the Delicate Arch is it is about 2,000 years old and was around when Jesus was living.


Annabelle Fleming, Gr. 4

In the book, The Jewel Kingdom by Jahnna N. Malcolm, the character Demetra is nice and kind. I know this because she is always respectful and kind to everyone she meets. Her father told her, “If you are mean, you will bring madness or sadness everywhere.” Demetra listened to her father’s words and was good, respectful, and kind to everyone in the kingdom. If another character said something mean, Demetra always reminded them of her father’s words. She was so kind that when the queen died, Demetra became the Queen of the Jeweled Kingdom.


Hadley Carlson, Gr. 6

One I got off the boat I was so happy we finally reached our destination. The sisters and I got our stuff and walked around the city. We all saw so many people and such great buildings. We were all so hungry because we had not eaten in the past 2 days. The sisters and I went to get the finest food in the city. It was delicious. Then we got to work. I met many kids and was so excited to teach them.

Discovery of Lucy - an excerpt

Evelyn Lorensen, Gr. 7

The discovery of Lucy is especially important to the history of humankind. Lucy was an ape called an austropithecus which means “southern ape.” Her skeleton is 3.2 million years old and was found in Ethiopia by Donald Johnson and Tom Gray. Lucy was found with 47 out of 207 bones and is our missing puzzle piece between humans and apes.

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Maren Lafley, Gr. 7

Many religions other than Hinduism celebrate Diwali. Jainism and Sikhism are the other religions that celebrate it. For these religions, Diwali also marks the beginning of a new year (National Geographic). In Jainism, Diwali is dedicated to celebrating the enlightenment of Mahavira (Britannica). During this time, Jainism also celebrates the cycle of life and death, which is called samsara (Britannica). The diyas and candles are used to represent Mahavira’s holy understanding (Britannica). In Sikhism, it is mostly celebrated in the city of Amritsar. It is the anniversary of the guru Hargobind returning to Amritsar (Britannica). Sikh’s light the diyas to welcome Hargobind. Many Buddhists in India celebrate it as the day the emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism (Britannica). In conclusion, Diwali is a diverse festival that many religions celebrate.


Madeline Shadoin, Gr. 3

Dogs are animals. There are different types of dogs like Golden Retrievers, Pugs, and MORE. Dogs can also have puppies. Puppies are baby dogs. Dogs drink water and eat dog food. Their treat is called a dog bone. If you are going to get a dog you need water, dog food, dog bones, toys, a leash, a collar, a bed, and a name tag with your phone number. Dogs and puppies have fur to keep them warm. They don’t even need a blanket. Dogs are very playful. You can teach them tricks like spin, jump, shake, lay, sit, AND MORE. Hope you learned something.

Dogs All Over the World

Maeve Curley, Gr. 3

Did you know that there are no existing number of dogs in the world? Puppies are super cute and snuggly but don’t leave things out. They sure know how to chew things up! When you feed your dog always give them the food they need. Never give them chocolate it will kill your dog. Always give your dog the food it needs!

Dogs are the Best

Nico Palacio-Vega, Gr. 6

Dogs are better than cats as I have already mentioned because they don’t wipe out bird population, they help the police, and because they can also be service dogs. There are over 500,000 service dogs in the U.S. alone. Service dogs help disabled people in many ways like becoming their eyes and ears, smelling out diseases in people. They become the hands of people with mobility issues, and they help with depression and anxiety. People with blindness can use dogs because they are highly trained and can help blind people with almost everything. Dogs have noses so good that they can smell diseases in people including some types of cancer, and infections. This helps because they can diagnose cancer and can save lives by treating it early.


Russell Roth, Gr. 4

I woke up on Sunday March 22, 1943 feeling a sense of dread and nervousness. World War II was spreading its wrath, and Hitler’s army was marching north destroying everything in its path. Everyone felt fear and worry about what was coming and the months ahead. Deep down, I could tell something was about to happen and today was not going to be a good day.

Wordworks 13

Dream Team

Levi Jewell, Gr. 4

The dream team was the best olympic basketball team of all time. Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and David Johnson are a few of the NBA players on the team. In each one of their games, they outscored their opponents. Most team did not even want to play them. The team ended up winning the gold medal in the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona.

Education Programs

Will Fox, Gr. 7

The United States lacks satisfactory education programs compared to other countries in the world. When one examines the schools in the USA, it may seem like the schools are good, but many schools have poor education systems. All children in the USA and around the world deserve to have a proper education. Although this may seem expensive and difficult to achieve, this is not that hard because there are schools all over the country. If more people are better educated, it will help them so much for the rest of their lives. Children deserve proper education because bad quality of education leads to students struggling later in life. Many students in impoverished countries are not getting proper, if, any education. If people start to get an education at an early age, then it will help them in life.


William Ahouse, Gr. 3

Did you know that field trips can be educational and fun? Have you ever gone on a field trip so fun you still remember? I know I have. Going to new places is fun and the best part is spending time with your friends. Going on the bus is one of the best parts! For example, when we went to the zoo, we told jokes until snot fell out of our nose. It was weird and definitely memorable!


Cameron Kline, Gr. 6

Eliza says. “Bale I think we are going to have a baby rabbit.” “That’s great but there is no doctor here in Tanglewood.” Said Bale. They decide that they are going to have to go to the neighboring town Hangwood. They start the walk towards Hangwood but since Eliza’s pregnancy they have to take a lot of rests. When they are getting tired they decide to rest for the night. The next day they continue their journey and finally get to Hangwood. When they get there they find out that everyone in Hangwood treats them rudely since they are from Tanglewood.


Tuula Hicks, Gr. 5


Kind, smart, encouraging

Who enjoys singing, animals, and the ocean

Who feels happy when she is climbing a tree in her backyard

Who wonders what kind of book she is going to read next


Addie Haury, Gr. 6

Sports have entertained the world for many years. Sports entertainment can help people find things in common. Some people have noticed that humans are joining sports after watching a game. Sports also help people join an activity. Many people hold lots of parties due to sports games. Plus, sports are fun! Sports have benefited lots of people’s lives positively. Sport helps with physical health, socialization, and entertainment. I encourage people to try a sport for a week to see how it goes.

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Everyday Gym

Winston Steele, Gr. 4

We should have gym every day because it’s a great way for kids to get exercise and go outside. It is also proven the more you get outside the more focused you are. Also, gym makes you more confident and it helps with heart health and increased energy. It even improves sleep, memory, and developing skills. Some studies show that students that have daily P.E. get the exercise they need. Plus, physical activity has been found to reduce stress and anxiety. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that kids and teens get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day.

Experiential Learning

Jacob Adams, Gr. 3

Going to a new place is exciting. You get to take a break from class and you’re still learning. Spending time with friends on the bus and outside of school is fun, too. For example, one time I sat with Will and Liam. We started a chant that went like this: Ay Oy Ay ay ay ay oy ay oy ay ay ay ay oy. It was cool.


Sophia Lei, Gr. 5

One gift in my life that I am thankful for is my family. My family supports me, when I chose to play the violin, my parents supported me. My family helps me, if I need help with my homework or need some advice my family helps me. My family loves me, my parents gave me a good life, and if I am miserable my family shows compassion. In conclusion, I am thankful for my family.

FASO Ted Talk - an excerpt

Beckett Brinkman, Gr. 7

Poverty is a problem that is prevalent in a lot of different communities, but I will be focusing on the Philippines where 17% of the population lives in poverty. The Non-profit organization that I have selected is the Filipino American Association of Southwest Ohio (Faso). They help people in 2 places that I care about greatly: the Philippines and Cincinnati. Faso built a school in the Philippines to meet the educational needs of kids living in poverty. Faso also helps Filipino Americans celebrate the diversity of the Philippines culture by having different events and activities. Faso would use the money towards building the Filipino culture up or sending the money to their homeland of the Philippines.

Feeling Safe

Marianna Gehring, Gr. 5

One gift in my life I am thankful for is my family. My family is supportive of everything I do and are the motivation to do so many things in my life, they also always find a way to make me happy. For example, my mom and dad let me play soccer even though I had lacrosse and play rehearsals going on. My mom and dad always keep me safe by locking the doors and asking if I feel comfortable staying home alone. In conclusion, I am grateful for my family.

Field Trips

Jack Wendling, Gr. 3

Do you like going on field trips? I know I do! Field trips are exciting, and you get to spend time with friends on the bus and outside of school, which is fun. But did you know that field trips can teach a lot of things? For example one time we went to Sharon Woods and we got to find fossils like bryozoans. Getting to see fossils in real life is much more exciting than to look at pictures of them. I hope you now agree with me that field trips are important for kids to go on.

Wordworks 15

Flower Buds

Peyton MacDonald, Gr. 4

Flower buds blooming with wonderful scents

Crickets chirping beautiful songs

The warm sun lightly touching my face

The quiet spring air lightly blowing in on my hair

The gloomy rainy days

And the warm sunny days

Kites flying so high

You can barely see it

The fresh fruit bursting in my mouth


Evan Gockerman, Gr. 4

The smell of flowers filling the air, bees buzzing and birds chirping, sweet juicy fruit, flower petals rubbing between your fingers, cool grass under your feet, trees swaying in the wind, that is Spring.

Food from Camp

Claudio Matos, Gr. 6

Monday, we were just introduced to camp. We had chicken and fries for lunch and pasta, carrots, and banana pudding for dinner and then had smores. We did low Ropes, enchanted forest, ants on a log, a game where you try to go in order by birthday on a log without talking. We played group games which were where we had to follow what the counselor said. Lastly, we had cabin time where we just chilled in our cabin until the end of the day. Monday was very exciting, and we played a lot of games.


Knox Casey, Gr. 3

The quarterback and the wide receiver are the two most important positions in the NFL. A “QB” is a quarterback who throws the ball to the wide receiver. The wide receiver catches the ball. There is a running back who runs the ball. If the defense is not ready, then you can get a touchdown. You get six points for a touchdown. You get one extra point if the kicker kicks in between the goal posts.

Football Points and Rules

Robert Davis, Gr. 3

There are two teams and a field that is 120 feet long and 53 1/2 yards wide. The offense has to try and score a touchdown which is six points. You have three or four tries to pick up ten yards. The defense has to try and tackle them. If you get stuck on 4th down, you can punt the ball and if you are close enough then you can kick a field goal which is three points. The defense can also intercept the ball if the quarterback throws it, and the defense catches it. Then, it is the opposing team’s ball.

Football Positions

Patrick Goebel, Gr. 3

Do you know about football positions? Well, I do and I am going to teach you all about them. A quarter back is someone who catches a snap (or takes it) from the center. Then, they pass it to a wide receiver or tight end or hand it off to the running back. A wide receiver is someone who waits until the quarterback snaps the ball then runs a route and if the quarterback passes him the ball, then he catches the ball and runs toward the end zone. There are usually three wide receivers on the field. The wide receivers also block for the running back.

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Fourth Grade Beatitudes

Hannah Erbeck, Gr. 4

Blessed are those who teach others for they will be praised. Blessed are those who include others, they will be treated fairly. Blessed are those who listen to others, they will be treated kindly. Blessed are those who stand up for each other for they will have loyal friends. Blessed are those who set a good example, others will follow them. Blessed are those who do the right thing for more people will do the same. Blessed are those who help each other for they will receive praise. Blessed are those who lead each other for they will live a happy life.

Frankie and Oliver

Maris Moore, Gr. 3

My cats, Frankie and Oliver, are the best cats. They always snuggle with me and play with me at nighttime. They give me kisses when I have to go on a trip that’s long away from home. They were easy to train when it comes to the bathroom and escaping. They always wait for me at the stairs in the morning. They let me go first down the stairs because they know how much we love them. They sit with me on my chair when I’m eating or doing homework. Even though they eat my food when they are not supposed to, they are still the best cats and the best pets I could ask for!


Eliana Hafner, Gr. 5

I would describe myself as a vanilla bean Frappuccino with caramel drizzle. I am like the vanilla bean powder and crème mixture at the bottom because I am kind and happy and give warm hugs. The whipped cream and I are similar because I have great sarcasm and a little sassy in me. The caramel drizzle reminds me of my sweetness and energy because it has a sweet and energetic feeling. I think I am a vanilla bean Frappuccino with caramel.

Free Time

Tyler Gier, Gr. 7

Always make the most of the free time you get For when the time comes, and your free time is through You don’t want to be sad or turn quite literally blue

You can be happy and glad you did all that you did

You can smile and think about when you do it again


Robert Mongomery, Gr. 5

Friendship is one of the themes in Lions of Little Rock. Liz and Marlee’s Friendship is what the book is mostly based around, Marlee will always be by Liz’s side even when Liz is not who she seems and when they are separated, they were friends from the third chapter to the end of the book. They also did dangerous things for each other, they took risks and lied to keep their friendship. J.T. and Marlee had known each other since pre-school and eventually Marlee developed a crush on J.T., but when it was discovered that Liz was black, J.T. said horrible things about Liz and Marlees did not like J.T. anymore. When Marlee met Red things changed, and she could see where J.T. got the horrible words used against Liz from and eventually she forgave him, and they became friends. Daddy and Paster George were friends even though Daddy was white, and Pastor George was black, and even when their children were putting everyone’s lives in danger by bein friends, they still stuck together.

Wordworks 17


Giulia Rassi, Gr. 5

In Lions of Little Rock, it gives a theme of friendship. Marlee and Liz build a big friendship when doing their school project and just in general. “I think a friend is someone who helps you change for the better. And whether you see me once a day or once a year if it’s a true friend it doesn’t matter. (289)” I also think Nora and Marlee build a good friendship when they agree that Sally can be bossy and rude. I think Little Jimmy and Marlee have a good friendship when she gives him the peach pit, and on the float when Little Jimmy doesn’t tell about Liz and Marlee still being friends. I think that Liz and Marlee have the strongest friendship. The author’s message in friendship I think is that it doesn’t matter what race you are anyone can be friends.

Fun Day

Jake Heekin, Gr. 6

One day, my RELATIVES and I went to Kings Island. When we got there, I got on the beast. I went up and down over and over again. At one point, we entered this CAVE. It had bats and screams, it looked like a RITUAL. When that ride was done, I went to the tallest ride in Kings Island. The Orion. I can’t DEFINE how scared I was going down the big slump. My stomach turned and whirled. The MAJORITY of the rides made me sick. So, my last ride was the race. That was when 2 roller coasters COMPETE to get to the end. You win nothing but it’s worth the competition. In the end, I went to get something to eat. I got Skyline Chili. When I asked for cheese, they gave me a MAJOR amount of it. It was good. When I got home, it was late. So, I got in my P.Js and watched the new Mandalorian. I saw Grogu sitting in his basket. When I finished the episode, my stomach started to hurt. It felt like a VOLCANO went off in there. I thought it was from the roller coaster. But it was from eating all the candy and food I had there.

Fun Trip To The Beach

Alaya Hamilton, Gr. 3

“Can I play in the sand Mom?”I asked my Mom. “Yes Alaya” she replied. I started running out of breath to the water. I had my bucket in my hands and I went to the water to fill it. When I finished filling my bucket, I went to find an open space on the sand. I dumped the water on the sand, and it got smoother but a little too smooth and a little too watery. I found some seashells, but I didn’t pick them up because if I did my mom would throw them away because they would get all nasty and gross.


Maddie Burns, Gr. 5

Funny, athletic, caring

Who enjoys swimming in the ocean and finding cool creatures

Who feels happy when eating good food at a fancy restaurant with friends

Who wonders about how we will stop climate change for good

Who fears dying in a plane crash or perishing

Who cares about the planet and all of the living things on it

Who is able to play volleyball well

Who dreams about visiting Paris one day

The Summit Country Day School 18

Future Me

Finley Chavez, Gr. 7

My future sounds far away, but I get closer everyday. Do I still wake up for school at 7? And wish it was 11. I don’t know what I want to do in life. But definitely nothing to do with mice. Do I still love beach? The beach is like chocolate it always brings me happiness. The beach is the best and beautiful. I love the sky when it drops tears. I also love when their beautiful pastel colors in the sky. Remember to love your self. Remember to be happy. Remember to always try your best. Do not be worried about the little things in life. And hopefully do not strife.


Emilio Pruneda, Gr. 3

Have you played goalie? If you have not played goalie, I will teach you all about it. For example, the goalie is the only player on the team that can pick the ball up but just in the goalie box. The goalie stops the other team from scoring a point. When they dive the pads on thar shirt help them from getting cuts. Every team has 3 goalies, 2 backups and 1 starter. If 1 goalie gets hurt, you have another one.

Going to America

Aurelia Humphreys, Gr. 6

I am excited to go to America. I am going to Cincinnati to make a difference. At the convent I used to wash clothes, help dry them, iron them, and then put them back in the wardrobes. I am overly excited to go to America and make a difference. Although I am worried about speaking English and learning it. Luckily all the sisters are new to English, so I am not the only one. In conclusion America will be challenging but worth it.


Aidan Grant, Gr. 6

Grogu was in his house reading the dictionary when he heard a very audible scream from outside. It was 12 pm so he lit a candle so he could see better outside. He tried to predict what was going to happen next but when he opened the door, he saw a gnome. Grogu was a gnome hunter himself, so he chased the gnome. The unpredictable gnome led him to a haunted house. When Grogu entered the house, he went downstairs to the auditorium with no audience as he was exploring it, he found a secret door when he found an audiotape, he listened to it and there was a mysterious voice saying Grogu was in his house reading the dictionary when he heard a very audible scream from outside. It was 12 pm so he lit a candle so he could see better outside. He tried to predict what was going to happen next but when he opened the door, he saw a gnome. Grogu was a gnome hunter himself, so he chased the gnome. The unpredictable gnome led him to a haunted house.


Piper Kropp, Gr. 4

Girls should wear shorts or tennis skirts in gym instead of long boy shorts. This will allow girls to not roll their waist bands and not be uncomfortable. I think Mr. Daniel should let the girls wear Summit spirit wear shorts to gym because the other shorts are too long and too uncomfortable.

Wordworks 19


Skylar Hill, Gr. 3

Gymnastics is the best sport ever because you meet new people, you learn new things, and you have lots of fun. By doing gymnastics, you can meet people outside of school. For example, I met Recce and Mikayla and we have become good friends. In gymnastics I have learned how to do a backhand spring, a bridgekick on the beam. Gymnastics is fun, too. You get parties before State, and you get Medals for winning. And that is why I love Gymnastics.

Halloween Madness

Eileen Bolan, Gr. 6

It was a regular Halloween, nothing suspicious going on. The sound of little kids saying trick or treat was audible down the whole street. That was special for me, I needed a hearing aid. I don’t know why; I can hear fine without it, but my mom said that just because I can hear someone talking doesn’t mean I can understand. It’s fine but sometimes people predict that I am deaf. My auditory instructor had to come with me trick or treating to make sure that I didn’t pick up any sounds that were too loud for the hearing aid. She was dressed up as a zombie dictator that was killed in a rebellion against the government. I was dressed as a beautiful performer, ready to audition to get the lead role. It’s my dream yet somehow, I always get cut and stuck in the audience. I work up so much confidence walking into the auditorium, and nobody cares. My mom was dressed up as a dictionary. What a nerd! My dad was dressed as a judge ready to give a verdict. He’s always wished he was a judge.

Han Dynasty - an excerpt

Benjamin Hofmann, Gr. 7

The Han accomplished many cultural, philosophical, and trade achievements. During Wu of Han’s reign, the state adopted Confucianism, which became heavily integrated into Chinese culture. Confucianism also led to the adoption of merit-based appointments instead of hereditary ones. Scholars produced notable literary and historical works during the dynasty. Of these, the Shiji by Sima Qian provides were the first to provide description of the early history of China. The dynasty’s largest domain extent (during Wu of Han’s rule) reached even to modern-day Kyrgyzstan.

Hard Working

Chelsea Beyerbach, Gr. 4

The Steelworker was created by Kelly and Kyle Phelps in 2018. I see a tired hard-working steelworker feeling underappreciated. I can tell that he feels this way because of the expression shown on his face. He looks as if nobody ever tells him how important steelworkers really are. The Steelworker is created by clay, reclaimed pieces of metal and wood. The medium of this creation makes a difference because it creates the feeling that this was a real-life picture. The color of the background is important because the background creates the look of an American Flag but appreciating steelworkers and the importance of what they do. I think this was created to appreciate the underappreciated steelworkers and the important work they did for America. The expression on the man’s face looks underappreciated for all the important work he does every day. I like this artwork because it makes people realize how important, special, and not thanked steelworkers really are. It makes people realize something important that most people overlook. I think the man probably doesn’t enjoy being a steelworker because nobody ever tells him what an impact he is making in America.

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Hardships of Middle School

Abby Kroner, Gr. 7

When you go to bed every night

Think of the people who have helped you be yourself

Not the people who have torn you down

The people who have stood by you

Not the people who walk away

If you be yourself, you will find true friends

To build you up

To stand by you

And let you be yourself

So you can achieve your goals

Haunted House

Charlie Jenkins, Gr. 6

When they went deeper into the woods they stumbled across a haunted house where they believed General Grievous and Batman were being held hostage by a terrifying teacher. It turned out they were correct, and he was giving them a spelling test. He said Spell Audit, spell Audible, spell Diction, spell Dictator, spell unpredictable spell audiovisual, spell verdict. Darth Vader and Grogu quickly rescued him. They all lived happily ever after the teacher.

Heading to Camp

Nikhil Jain, Gr. 6

I remember getting on the bus, my bag was so heavy I had to go super slow. The bus ride took FOREVER and whenever we got there it was time for our first activity. The abbreviation for it was stop which stands for stop think observe and plan. The first activity went normally as we built a shelter but then we made campfires. After we had built probably the best fire ever, we were chilling by the fire until a spark came up and set Jack G on fire. Thankfully he was fine, but it did burn a hole in his shorts and burned him. After that we were ready for the next day.

High Ropes at Camp

Van Devendorf, Gr. 6

We got strapped onto the course and started climbing the tall ladder to the first level of obstacles. I weaved through the challenges on level one with ease, so I climbed up the tall, rope cargo net to reach the second floor. On level two, I had some more trouble navigating through the thick jungle of rope and wood, but I still made it out alive. I thought; “I need more of a challenge”, so I climbed up the thick cargo net again to make it up to the third floor. At this point, ropes and wood starts looking like a thick haze of ropes and unidentified floating objects instead of normal challenges obstacles. I thought this floor was extremely hard because the obstacles can now move freely on one rope and just hang there, so when I stand on the footholds, the ropes start swinging and going haywire. The toughest obstacles for me were the dangling ropes with no place to put your feet on.


Cole Rinehart, Gr. 3

If you want to play hockey, you need gear. First, you need a helmet. The helmet helps protect you from hurting your head all the time. Second, you need gloves, so you don’t get frostbite. Third, you need a hockey stick so you can score goals. Also, you shoot the puck in the goal using your stick. Fourth, you need chest pads. The chest pads are so you don’t get a bloody chest or the wind knocked out of you. Fifth, you need shoulder pads, so you don’t get a broken arm.

Wordworks 21

Honker and Tonkers

Miles Friedman, Gr. 7

I reached into my pocket to look for my cheese to feed my rumbling mini mouse stomach but when I reached into my pocket there was nothing there! Then I remembered it from the start. Tonker and I were just walking in the sewers and then this great smell came to my nose. It was cheese! Tonker and I ran up the sewer on the street and we saw a giant piece of cheese. So Tonker and his big appetite for cheese said, “Ooh Honker do you see that cheesese, it smells so good.”

Hot Chocolate

Jendaya Gillispie, Gr. 5

I would describe myself as hot chocolate with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. I can make a good first impression of me like chocolate syrup. I can fit in like whipped cream when it tastes like hot chocolate. I can make people’s mouth burn when I make them mad like when hot chocolate is too hot. I can be bittersweet depending on the time like hot chocolate depending on the brand. I am full of flavors like how hot chocolate taste. In conclusion I like hot chocolate.

Hot Chocolate

Arianna Trimm, Gr. 5

I would describe myself as a hot chocolate. All my chocolate is my sweetness, my marshmallows are my sassiness, the whipped cream is my silliness. All my flavorful components create an enjoyable drink! I am like a hot chocolate because my main flavor is sweetness, but I can also sprinkle in other toppings like sassiness, and silliness to make me even more flavorful. All my flavors make me, me!

Human Rights

Olivia Elfenbein, Gr. 5

Civil rights are human rights

We should not have to start fights

Civil rights are rights we get when we are born

We should all have the same opportunities

I believe we should all live in unity

It is not fair that we treat others differently

When we all are human beings, yearning to be treated the same

Hurricane Season

Sophie Daniher, Gr. 6

Fig, or Finola, lives in New Jersey, and is terrified of hurricane season. She just wants to get it over with, because her father sometimes goes out in the middle of storms and listens to the sounds, lost in his thoughts. One day, during art class, Fig must figure out something to paint, so her art teacher gives her a big book of famous artists and she can copy one of their paintings. While reading the book, Fig comes across an artist who she recognizes, Vincent Van Gogh. She knows him from his famous art piece, Starry Night. She does some research on him, and realizes her father is just like him, and she is just like Theo Van Gogh. She began to panic, knowing that Van Gogh went crazy. Luckily, their new Neighbor is good at calming her father down. He convinces her father to see a doctor, and he begins to get better. One day, her father took her to a museum to see the real Starry Night. Before this, she thought the Starry Night was boring and overrated, but when she saw the real one, she was amazed. After this, her father begins to get better.

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I Have a Family Who Reads to Me

Sebastian Swan, Gr. 7

I had a family who read to me. I had a mother who read to me the stories of a man, who sailed the sea, a sea with a gold and silver tree, she read to me the stories of a treasure better than any tangible treasure the treasure of the tender care that she provided me.

Ice Cream Day

Sarai Manuel, Gr. 3

“Mom”, I yelled across the wooden stairs.’ “Yes’?” she replied. “Can we get ice cream?” I asked. “Yeah sure. I have to go to Kroger, also”, she replied. I said, ‘’ok’’. Then I slid on my shoes and watched Disney+ on my iPad and my screentime turned OFF!!!!! ‘’URGHHHH!” I scream in my head. My mom grabbed her keys, and I opened the garage and sat in the car. I helped my sister get in her seat. We waited; it seemed like forever. Then finally my mom came out of the garage door and she turned on the car and off we went.

Ice Pop Prime

Dylan MacDonald, Gr. 5

I would describe myself as an ice pop prime. I need 2 because I play a lot of sports. I also need ice in it because I often get headaches and it helps to put ice in it. Once I get to the end of it, I become mad and turn into nothing just like what’s left. That’s why I am an ice pop Prime.


Eloise Goico, Gr. 3

Finally, I’ll tell you the meaning of luminaria. The reason people celebrate luminaria is because it shows God with us. Luminaria is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of Advent. We light candles so they can light up our street because God is the light of the world, and the light that guides us through the darkness.

Italy is the Best Country

Luca Pancheri, Gr. 3

One reason Italy is the best country is because they have the best food. My dad is currently in Italy, and he is having the BEST FOOD and I am jealous. Since they have the best food, many people are attracted to go to Italy! Also, Italy is shaped like a boot kicking two stones and that makes sense since their soccer team is one of the best in the world having won 4 world cups (1934,1938,1982, and 2006). The only 2 teams to have won 2 consecutive world cups are Italy and Brazil!

Jackson’s Story - an excerpt

Grace Golden, Gr. 7

Jackson was 13 when the anxiety became a real problem for him. It was around 14 when he started struggling in school and started having panic attacks. When he was 15, he was put on meds. At 16, he got in a serious car crash and had to say goodbye to football. He had a best friend, Maya, to whom he could tell everything, and she would understand. Maya was diagnosed with an eating disorder at an early age. It was awfully hard on her and her family. Jackson and Maya grew up together just like siblings because their moms were best friends. She would get made fun of for her weight and had to skip a lot of school for hospital runs and check-ins. The worst part of it was Jackson could not do anything. But at the time, Jackson was going through bad anxiety and his car crash. But little did Jackson know; his whole world was about to turn upside down, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Wordworks 23


James Hodge, Gr. 5


Sporty, Kind, Funny

Who enjoys, Basketball, sports, and doing new stuff

Who feels, Passion to make it to the NBA

Who wonders how to get better at basketball

Who fears, not being good enough

Who cares about, My family

Who is able to do anything

Who dreams of making it to the NBA

Josef From Refugee - an excerpt

Kaliyah Harris, Gr. 7

Josef, a young Jewish, refugee who lived in Berlin, Germany, decide to leave Germany on the Ms. St Louis ship, along the journey he became a strong, mature man. He had to flee from his home because of Adolf Hitler and the Jews being discriminated. When he left, the year was 1938 and his dad had gone to a concentration camp. Josef’s father decided not to go to his bar mitzvah, later he saw Renata and Evelyne and they asked him to do something for them, he soon realized that having a bar mitzvah didn’t make him an adult, “being responsible did.” (Gratz 79) Josef has changed a lot from being a refugee, by having a bar mitzvah and learning to be a young man.


Andrea Pérez Sánchez, Gr. 5

Creative, kind, smart

Who enjoys going to new places

Who feels peaceful when doing something I enjoy

Who wonders about life under the sea

Who fears death

Who cares about family and all life

Who is able to be calm when angry

Who dreams about traveling the world.

Later Start

Alex Mulvihill, Gr. 4

I believe that school should start later because it would improve students’ performance. There are many studies that show that a later start would be a good thing for students. It would increase focus, mood, and overall behavior in class. Making a small change to start school an hour later will be better for our students and community.

Latin Convention Hiaku

Manuel Cantillo, Gr. 7

He loved Thisbe

Love like how a lion eats prey

Love so pure like water

The Olympians

Twelve Greek gods and goddesses

The most powerful

The Summit Country Day School 24

Leaders of Character Speech - an excerpt

Estelle Neyer, Gr. 5

We need the spokes for the wheel to work, just like how we need the attributes to be a community. Definitions and Examples of each attribute: The definition of collaborative is to work effectively with others to accomplish goals. The 5th grade has been doing this for the past 5 months, by working on our capstone to meet these goals of what we see needs to be changed. So far, those goals are being met with the pond and William’s field locker rooms. To be communicative is to express oneself clearly, confidently, and concisely. To work collaboratively you must be able to communicate clearly and effectively to reach goals that were set. The 5th grade continues to do this throughout our capstone and being communicative with each other is helping us reach those goals.


Colton Bettcher, Gr. 6

My book is called Malala by Malala Yousafzai who the book is about. The book starts with a young Malala who is going to school unlike most girls because they live in Pakistan which is a very strict religious place. Malala loves her life and especially her school and family. After a couple of years, a man on the radio starts to get people under his influence and has the Taliban come and enter the city to partner with him. Through it all young Malala still goes to school and starts to speak out against the Taliban. The Pakistani army fights back against the Taliban and retake back the city. The Taliban ferociously bomb schools around the country and Malala goes and speaks out against it. Malala is going to school one day and is shot 2 times and taken to a hospital in England. She is awarded the children’s peace award for her actions. They choose to reside in England because clearly the threat from the Taliban is not through.

Level Up

Ryan Conte, Gr. 4

John charges on the court. The game starts. His teammate passes to him, and he dribbles up-court he shoots a three-pointer. Swish, he scores! He steals the ball from the other team he sprints up-court. He shoots another three-pointer and scores again. John intercepts the ball and dribbles back down the court. He dunks and scores! He does it again. John is on fire. They cannot stop him. He does it repeatedly. He is like Lebron James! The game is over. John wins and moves on to the next level. One step closer to escaping the game.

Life in Namur

Easton Griffin, Gr. 6

I woke up and went outside to feed the animals again. I started by milking the cows and then I slaughtered my pig Twinkle Toes then I milked Calvin the goat and he was being a feisty fellow, so I had to try really hard but eventually I got the milk. I collected eggs from Demetrius the chicken, Quan dale the chicken and Turkey the chicken. When I gave all the milk to my sister’s they slurped it right up. After breakfast we went horseback riding for a couple of hours and Humbelina fell off Giraffe the horse and broke her leg.

Wordworks 25

Life isn’t the same without you

Gr. 7

Dear the person I miss most, When you left, it might seem like a day ago to you, but to me it was more than a few; You’re over 1,000 miles away and I think about you everyday; I call you so many times, but you answer sometimes; I miss your laugh, I miss your smile, I miss you; I miss our late-night movies, that were so groovy; Even though I want you back here, you have accomplished so much there; Your tennis is going well, and In college it will help you play swell; I want to wake up one morning and know you are back here, I want to know that you will never have to leave me again; when you left, I didn’t realize how hard it would be without a sister but now I know.

Lions of Little Rock Theme Analysis - an excerpt


One theme in The Lions of Little Rock is overcoming personal challenges. At the beginning of the story, Marlee is afraid of talking to others about what her opinion is and is very passive. Throughout the book, she becomes more comfortable talking to people, including random strangers about assorted topics, from the weather to racism. At another point in the story, Marlee faces more fears along with Liz, such as heights and crawdads. Marlee climbs a tree and finds it to be very nerve wracking. She said she “gripped the tree tighter and wrenched my gaze away from her saddle shoes.” (pg. 185) Once she looks up and sees the view from above the tree, she realizes that it’s beautiful and therefore conquers her fear of heights; it’s not terrifying or sinister anymore, it’s simply enthralling! Liz is afraid of insects and crawdads, so Marlee helps Liz conquer that fear by taking her to the creek and showing her how fun it is to catch them. Soon enough, Liz has a fantastic time and isn’t afraid of crawdads anymore. Another example of overcoming fears in Lions of Little Rock is JT’s mom, Mrs. Dalton. She joins the WEC, the Women’s Emergency Committee, to help open the schools again. A little bit later, Mrs. Dalton finds out that her husband is part of the Klu Klux Klan, yet she still attends the WEC meetings. She showed true bravery by doing so, because if her husband found out, he might kill her. Overall, the message Kristin Levine was trying to convey to us is that anything is possible, and even though it might not be easy, it’s rewarding. In conclusion, many characters in The Lions of Little Rock overcome personal challenges and face their fears.

Listening Child

Hannah Mitchell, Gr. 7

I had a mother who read to me many days and ways, No matter what book or nook; While eating a snack, From my backpack; I had a mother who read to me in the sunlight rays And sometimes it could be for days; My mother gave me hugs; Especially when we saw bugs. I had a mother who read to me the tales of a man who lingers, With 11 fingers. I loved the books you read to me, Because reading made me feel free.

Longer Recess

Ruby Hayes, Gr. 4

Do you want kids to pay attention more? Well then read this. Kids need breaks during the school day to improve their level of focus. In addition, studies have shown that fresh air leads to better academic performance and ability to concentrate. More outdoor recess time will help students stay on task during class. Teachers, what do you think? Better classroom environments with students working hard. What teacher doesn’t want that? All you need to do is provide more recess time.

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Evelyn Paulsen, Gr. 5


Loyal, smart, and tiny

Who enjoys reading and taking care of lots of plants

Who feels serene, curious, and aware

Who wonders if the helium in the atmosphere causes the green flash seen at sunset, where sarcoptic mange came from, and if the Kb allele mutation came from mating domestic dogs

Who fears wolves and other animals going extinct and poaching

Who cares about collecting soda cans and wolf conservation

Who is able to read for hours, identify plants, and write books

Who dreams of being a wolf biologist, stopping global warming, and going diving with great white sharks

Lucky Tales Persuasive Essay

Landon Miller, Gr. 7

Euthanasia for healthy animals is terrible and can easily be prevented with monetary support. Animal euthanasia should stop. By eliminating euthanasia, it will save thousands of animals lives each day. This will help people’s health, both physically and mentally, because the animals can calm or even save their owners. This would also save countless human lives because animals can reduce many types of disease, or even detect them. Thousands of innocent animals are being killed every day. These animals could be used in hospitals, or have been used for therapy, but were killed instead. These animals could have been pets for people, but instead were killed. Animals that could have saved lives were killed, with no thought for the impact that killing them might have. Animals are constantly being killed for no good reason, and it can be stopped with minor amounts of public help, and more attention than the little it is currently given.


Mackenzie O’Dwyer, Gr. 7

Mahmoud, a 12-year-old boy, struggles because he fears being a refugee. He lives in Aleppo, Syria with his father, mother, his brother Waleed, and his sister Hana. When his family’s apartment blew up because it got bombed, they decided to leave Syria and to go to Turkey to try and get away from the violence. After their apartment blew up, they needed “to get out” (Gratz 50) of Syria to head to Turkey. Mahmoud becoming a refugee caused him to find hope and push through even when it was tough and scary.


Anne Marie Misrach, Gr. 6

The topic of my book is mammals. In the book it covers what mammals are, and other features like paw prints, the shapes of tails, fur types and patterns, and their homes. There are also many pages that cover personal animal details such as a chapter called nine lives, it talks about cats, and how they grow up. I already knew a bit about mammals, but I learned some new things too. I learned some ways animals protect themselves, and how slowly a cat grows up compared to insects. One interesting fact was about Thylacines is the last thylacine died in 1936 at the Hobart Zoo. Thylacines have a tan fur color, with a straight pointy tail, and brown strips that come down from the lower back and all the way down the tail. This fact is a reminder that if we do not take care of the earth and the animals living on it, a lot more animals will become extinct.

Wordworks 27

Many Animals

Lily Ewald, Gr. 4

There are are many animals in the world. Cats, hamster, fish, gerbils, Guinea pigs, lizards, and snakes can all be a family pet, but the one animal that you really want is a dog. Dogs are friendly, loving, and protective. There is a dog breed out there for everyone. There are small dogs and large, working dogs and lap dogs, energetic dogs and dogs that like to relax. Dogs are fun to train and play with. They get you out to exercise. Dogs can cheer you up when you are feeling sad. Out of all the pets there are, dogs are the best.


Jack Erbeck, Gr. 6

Marie was sitting in the courtyard of the convent, when someone said, “Sister Anne quit the order! She said that she had fallen in love with the round dough with cheese on top and slices of pepperoni man, and that she will never return!” “Oh, that’s a shame.” replied one of the sisters “Want to go beat some Christianity back into that thick skull of hers?” said another sister. A more respected sister said, “Now is that what god would want us to do?” “No sister Xavier” they all said in unison “Good now pack your bags.” “Why?” said sister Marie “I’ll tell you later, just go!” replied sister Xavier.


Marguerite Jackson, Gr. 6

Sister Marie was on the deck of the Eliza Thornton looking toward the small strip of land that was America. It was a sunny day, and many birds were flying overhead. This was the end of the sisters’ journey and Sister Marie was happy that she was going to be on land within a couple of hours. The journey had been incredible except for the fact that she was homesick. On her journey, Sister Marie had seen fish, dolphins, whales, and even sharks. Even though Sister Marie was fearful of what America would be like, she was happy to know that she would make a difference.

Maztatlan, Mexico

Blake Owens, Gr. 3

When I stepped outside of the airport it was extremely hot! I was surrounded by palm trees with coconuts on them. My family and I had tickets for a bus and we all got on. The bus would take us to the resort that we were staying in. As the bus drove off, I looked out the window and saw a lot of trash everywhere I looked. I felt terrible and remembered how I lived in a country that was clean and had fresh water we could drink. When we arrived at the hotel it was beautiful. Outside they had peacocks (in cages of course) and on the inside there was a gorgeous fountain with mini palm trees next to it. I said “Wow, so this is Mazatlán, Mexico. How exciting!”


Anna Baker, Gr. 5

I would describe myself as a strawberry milkshake. A twist of strawberry because it is sometimes sweet and can turn sour too. On top a pile of whipped cream because it gives you sugar or energy. I am a regularly active person. I participate in two sports, basketball, and swimming. Finally, a strawberry on top for the funky flavor it adds to the milkshake.

The Summit Country Day School 28


Jack Roberts, Gr. 7

A boy, a character that wears clean shoes, nice clothes, and slick hair, gets on the busy subway to see a relative in prison. He is seen by Milo who imagines him with butlers, house cleaners, a moat, and a castle. When Milo gets off the subway, he gets in the line for the people visiting their relatives in prison. Milo thinks, “Maybe you can’t really know anyone just by looking at their face” (De la Peña 26). The boy changes Milo’s interpretation of people because he got in line to see his relatives that are in prison which is different than what he imagines.

Missing Animals

Liam Kenney, Gr. 7

Have you ever been driving somewhere, and you see a poster on a telephone pole for a missing cat or dog and that brings down your mood? Have you ever encountered a stray animal on the streets and hoped there was a loving home for them? There are hundreds of homeless cats and dogs roaming the streets of the Greater Cincinnati area. These helpless animals are dying due to disease, hunger, thirst, and exhaustion. They are in pain due to the cold temperatures in the winter and the heat in the summer. This is a very serious issue that must be brought to the attention of the community and fixed before it gets out of hand.

Mixed Media Sculpture

Matti Hofmann, Gr. 4

The Steelworker, created in 2018, by Kelly and Kyle Phelps is a mixed media sculpture. Kelly and Kyle created The Steelworker in a wooden box which looks like an elevator. When Kelly and Kyle chose colors, they made it seem gloomy, like instead of bright green they chose brown and gray. In this artwork, there are many lines in the background which looks like the American flag when paired with the steel and the gear. This artwork represents the importance of steelworkers in America as well as the hard life that steelworkers have.

Mom Poem

Robert Johnson, Gr. 5

My mom is great

She is just like a snake.

She is always helping

While I am yelping

She is caring, and so, daring

She is so nice, like mice

She is a bright star

She likes to drive in a car

I love my mom, she is the bomb

Wordworks 29

Mom Sonnet

Lily Finkleman, Gr. 5

My mom means everything to me

She is my shining sun

Without her, I could never be

A kind and nice person

She wakes me up every day

We go to school in her car

We watch YouTube on the way

We travel very far

I’m always happy when school concludes

And I can go to her class I don’t know about other dudes

But my mom is first, not last

I love my mom to the moon and back I know for sure that is a fact

Monster Energy Drink Poem

Graham Moore, Gr. 5

I would describe myself as a Monster Energy. I am like Monster Energy because Monster Energy gives me a lot of energy and I also have a lot of energy. Monster Energy helps me get through the day if I’m tired or not motivated, and I help people get through the day by giving people compliments. Monster Energy has a strong taste, and I’m also strong. Monster Energy is sweet, and some people call me sweet because I’m nice to people. Once I’ve lost all my sweetness, I can be a little bitter. [Not usually though.]

More Field Trips, Please!

Nina Robinson, Gr. 3

Kids should have more field trips in the school year. Field trips are important because you get to spend time with friends and you actually learn a lot! Spending time with friends on the bus and out of school is fun. Every time my class goes on the bus we sing a song: The Wheels on the Bus! It also gives you a chance to get to know someone. Field trips actually teach a lot of things. For example, when we went to Sharron Woods we learned about fossils and pioneers. That’s why kids should have more field trips in a year!

Morning Routine

Henry Ahouse, Gr. 6

I woke up and went downstairs. I picked up the newspaper then walked back inside bored out of my skull. I had done the same thing yesterday, the day before that, and the day before that, you get the point. Then I went to make breakfast for the others. It was the 167th time I had made breakfast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Nothing had changed since then.

Mowed Lawns

Darcy de Lacy, Gr. 4

Freshly mowed lawns. Green buds covering trees. Sweet smelling flowers in a bouquet. Birds singing a song. Soft breezes blowing in your hair. Fluff white clouds filling the sky. Laughter filling the air.

The Summit Country Day School 30

Murder in the Orient Hotel - an excerpt

John Trokan, Gr.


Mark stared glumly out of his apartment window. The gray unforgiving day reflected his feelings. On the television, the dry monotonous voice of a reporter droned on about the Orient hotel collapsing unexplainably in the German city of Wiesbaden. Mark had no sympathy for those dead, he was head of a construction company, and it was his fraudulent practices that had led to this incident. Mark constantly cut costs on buildings; bypassing safety regulations necessary by law. Now he was concerned about an investigation that could reveal his dishonest building habits. Worse for him, he had ordered all the permits and blueprints scuttled, something that was sure to draw attention to him. He was not concerned though, he had always evaded justice. Today he would have to fly to Wiesbaden to try to heed investigators and reassure the people. Right then, his exceptionally clumsy and slow secretary waddled into the room, her stride resembling a duck rather than that of a human.

My Drink

Victoria Montaque, Gr. 5

I would describe myself as a Cherry Coke with ice on a hot summer day. If you shake me up, I might explode. When I am first opened, I am bubbly and kind. I am very refreshing and can cool you down. I have a nice and sweet aftertaste. I am fizzy and taste good, but after a while the ice can melt, and my taste will fade a little. These are the reasons that I am Cherry Coke.

My Letter - an excerpt

Mallory Kaeppner, Gr. 7

Sometimes an ask is never enough. Sometimes an answer is always more tough than nothing at all. I don’t want to risk you feeling that pain, so don’t be in vain when there’s nothing. Your voice is like that of no other, no sister or brother had ever bothered to speak to me, but now you see, you did. Your hair was like a waterfall of color, it slips through the hand, and is never still. But still, I asked you to stay this way, but anyway. I couldn’t stay and I couldn’t leave. So that’s why I just followed the breeze. It blew me away, but it left you to stay, so please, don’t go following me. One step. And then another. As you grew smaller, my tears fell for longer. As your voice became unable to hear, I wanted to scream for your sound again. But my life steered one way, and yours did another.

My Mom is the Best Mom in the Universe

Quinn Wood, Gr. 3

She takes us to Coney Island and Kings Island all the time. Like if it is a hot and sunny day and we are so hot she is just like you want to go to Coney Island or Kings Island? Then we go to the pool part. She picks out the most funniest most kindest nannies in the world like Elena and Annie! And all of that proves she is the best mom in the universe and hopefully you agree with me!


Edward Clements, Gr. 5

Smart, funny, happy

Who enjoys video games, snow, and eggnog

Who feels peaceful when he’s in the snow

Who wonders how to code javascript

Who fears of black holes

Who cares about his mom

Who is able to ride a bike

Who dreams of flying a plane

Wordworks 31


Rebeca Pérez Sánchez, Gr. 5

Smart, creative, kind

Who enjoys books, pizza, and hiking

Who feels happy and excited while snorkeling near a coral reef

Who wonders what life is like under the sea

Who fears that we are destroying coral reefs

Who cares about animals losing their homes

Who is able to climb trees and hills

Who dreams of traveling the world


Nathan Jackson, Gr. 3

There are many super stars in the NBA. The Timberwolves and the Heat lead the NBA in free throws. Steph Curry (the Warriors shooting guard) leads the NBA in threes. The Brooklyn Nets traded three players in the last two years! They traded Kyrie Irving, Kevin Durant, and James Harden. Damean Lillard and Gainnis Antetokounmpo are great at dunking.

Need to Recycle

Elliot Fox, Gr. 4

In a 2014 survey of American adults 72% say they consistently recycle. A lot of people know it is important to recycle so they do it, and you should too! Unfortunately, the number of adults that recycle is still too low. One major reason to recycle is the energy saved from one aluminum can could power a TV for 3 hours. Only about 2/3 of aluminum cans are recycled. Another reason to recycle is that it can reduce greenhouse gases like methane. Recycling is more expensive than putting the same material into a landfill. However, as I previously said, recycling can save energy. It may cost more money but in time it will waste more resources if we do not recycle. In conclusion, that is why recycling is so important.

New Dog - a Capstone Speech excerpt

Malcolm Moore, Gr. 7

When my family and I got our first dog only one dog came to me, and that was the dog for our family. I have been happy with our decision ever since I first saw him. We strive to understand him every day. Sometimes we are successful and sometimes we are not. In the end we are becoming family so with the Save the Animals Foundation (STAF) every dog can have a chance.

New School Day

Iggy Dwyer, Gr. 7

As you set foot on the schoolgrounds, respirate, meditating on the fact that it is a new day has hatched, like chickens emerge from their eggs. As I maneuver my legs. The doors of an educational facility open their arms with a creak. An aroma of cleaning product fills the air, Stinging your nose, pulling at your hair. The rainwater-soaked floor, taunts for a slip, As I traverse the stairwell and lean to the handrail for grip. I open the latch to my locker. And everyone else becomes a mocker. A new day has begun.

The Summit Country Day School 32


Sebastian Scharf, Gr. 3

There are different models of Nintendo game consoles. After Nintendo was the Super Nintendo and then Nintendo 64. Another console is the Zega Wii U. The Wii and the Wii U were both created by Zega, which is another game company owned by Nintendo. If there wasn’t a Wii U there wouldn’t be a Nintendo Switch. The Wii U is like the Nintendo Switch, but the controllers do not come off.

No Homework

Natalie Campbell, Gr. 6

Homework should no longer exist. Since Kindergarten we have been burdened with homework. Every year we have more classes with more homework. In fourth grade we did not have a ton, but we immediately transitioned to piles and piles of homework. Fifth grade should have had a gradual increase in homework, but it did not. Most kids have after school activities which makes homework even more challenging to manage. Homework can also cause severe mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, and much more. Homework takes away from our lives and causes stress.


Hunter Heekin, Gr. 3

I was in my room watching videos on my phone and all of the sudden I heard a bang on my window! I flinched because it was so sudden, and I did not know where it came from. I went back to watching my video and after a couple of minutes I heard another bang and I flinched again! I looked out of the window, and I saw nothing, I got really scared. I yelled to Bebe, but I got no response. Then I got even more scared. Somehow, I got enough courage to go down the stairs. I got up and slowly walked down the stairs. I saw nothing out the window where my bedroom was up top then I got a gargle down in my stomach but I kept walking really slowly down the stairs then I walked through the hallway. I got to the door and I slowly twisted the knob. Then I saw my sister throwing little rocks at my window. I was so mad I yelled. I surprised her and we both started laughing a lot and went back inside.


Nolan O’Brien, Gr. 5


Sporty, kind, helpful

Who enjoys playing golf, basketball, chocolate chip cookies, loves dogs

Who feels happy when I have no homework

Who wonders what happens when you go on the moon for three years

Who fears that there might be more life on other planets

Who cares that my family and friends are always safe

Who is able to play most sports

Who dreams about getting sleep

Wordworks 33

North Pole

Enya Renfrow, Gr. 6

Santa is in real trouble. He accidentally took a kid to the north pole with him, well two kids. “Uhm, Santa, you might want to see this.” Said his boss Elf, Sugar. Santa stood up from where he was sitting reading a book he’d snatched from a person’s home. “Can I suggest that it wait till morning?” He asked. “No.” Sugar replied. “This is a huge problem!” She exclaimed. Santa knew elves did not lie so Sugar must be right, it must be a huge problem. Sugar led him to the room where his sleigh was cleaned out and he saw two toddlers, only two or three years old. “What are those?” Santa asked Sugar. “Human toddlers, Joey and Violet Cooper, their adoption was just finalized, and they were spending Christmas with the new family.” “WAHHH!” Screamed the boy called Joey, Santa winced and covered his ears. Violet seemed unfazed. “Violet’s deaf just so you know sir.” Sugar said. “Must be nice so she doesn’t have to listen to him scream.” Santa muttered. “You have to take them back home sir.” Sugar said. “Can I digest all the cookies I ate first?”

Not Dangerous

Dean Mohan, Gr. 4

Most sharks are not dangerous to humans. They do not hunt and attack people as part of their regular diet. In fact, sharks hardly ever attack people. Sharks also know the smell of human blood and do not associate the smell with food. They prefer to eat fish and other sea creatures. There are more than 300 species of sharks and only about 10 of those species have been recorded for attacking humans.


Sterling Allen, Gr. 3

Do you know how interesting the ocean is? I will tell you about three things. I will tell you about sea creatures, coral, and volcanoes. First, I will tell you about sea creatures. Sea creatures can be fierce, but others are harmless. Fierce ones are like stingrays that have a tail that can kill people. Harmless ones are sea horses. I bet you think they are horses that live under the sea. But NO, they are tiny creatures that can be yellow, red, blue.

Oreo Cookie Milkshake

Teagan Wood, Gr. 5

I would describe myself as an extra-large Oreo cookie milkshake from UDF. I can be sweet like the Oreo cookie parts in it, but when I’ve eaten them all I can be like the plane taste that is left. The plane taste can change when I add toppings just like how I can change sometimes with different people. The last Oreo cookie that you did not know was there like my own special personality. At the end of the day when I have eaten all the shake is like how I get tired at the end of the day. I am extra strong even though I appear small like the extra milkshake part when I get an extra-large shake. In conclusion that is why I am like an Extra-large Oreo shake from UDF Extra-large Oreo shake from UDF.

Orpheus and Eurydice

Olivia Miele, Gr. 6

Orpheus wept around the world, searching for an entrance to Hades. Finally, he found one, and went to the king of the Underworld. His gentle voice moved the iron gates of Hades, And tamed the three-headed dog Cerberus. It even touched the heart of Hades. Hades agreed to let Orpheus have his young wife back, but on the way, he must not look back at her. He agreed, but he was tempted to look back, thinking Hades had deceived him. When he could hold it no longer, he turned back and saw his beautiful wife, but only for a moment, because Hermes took her back to Hades.

The Summit Country Day School 34

Our History

Rayhanna Sen, Gr. 5

Whether you are Black or white we should have the same right. We should not think of life as a burden because we have not been heard. We should learn about our history because it is part of you and me. From the civil rights movement to poetry, it is in our human body, we should learn about our heritage, and about our life, we should know who we are in this world, so we, my people, we should learn about our history from the Little Rock Nine to the world’s economy we should learn about the way this world works so learn about your history.

Our Town

Colin Kline, Gr. 4

In the painting, Kerry James Marshall uses color to engage the viewer and share his message. The tone of brown of the children’s skin is almost black. With that tone of skin, Kerry James Marshal is trying to make a statement and draw attention to the boy and girl. The yellow ribbons tied on the trees represent loss and freedom. What also means freedom is the birds flying in the sky. They look like they could be in a Disney movie. The birds and the sun rising in the background give the feeling of a beautiful, blissful town. There is a variety of color in this picture. First, there is all the red, white, and blue colors. This is a very patriotic theme found in the blue sky, the white houses with red roofs, those white flowers, red bike, and the red-white and blue colors on the children’s clothes. On closer inspection, things seem to contradict this happy image.

Out of the Dust

Lilly Yarnell, Gr. 7

Billie lived in Oklahoma, but the dust bowl and great depression was going on in many other places. Billie and the others in her small town are suffering from the great depression and dust bowl. On top of the great depression the dust bowl came and made the town dry, and water was very scarce. A lot happened in the town that year then one day Billie’s father left a pile of kerosene (fuel oil) next to the stove top. Billie’s mother thought it was a cup of water and accidentally spilt it on the stove while making hot tea. The area burst up in flames while Bille is running out of the house to tell her dad to come back to help. Billie starts to fall into a great depression also and a bunch of people start dying in her town. Billie learns to find a way to distract herself, to find a way to leave what has happened behind. Billie and her father begin to have a relationship again and reunite as a family.

Out of Uniform

Ambi Smith, Gr. 4

Students should be out of uniform every Friday because Friday is the end of the week and plus it would make the day more fun! Also, uniforms are really uncomfortable. Most of all, it might convince more kids to come to the Summit! One reason that students should be out of uniform every Friday is that it would make the day more fun. For example, when the Lower School was out of uniform, we had lots of fun because it was different, and we could wear whatever we wanted. Lots of people liked that!

Wordworks 35

Packing for Camp


Boyer, Gr. 6

On Sunday afternoon before I left my mom asked, “Do you have all your stuff for camp packed?” “Yes!” I responded. As I looked through my bag, I was starting to feel good about the trip. My packing was surprisingly good. Getting ready on Monday morning thinking about not having my phone for 2 days was a bit awkward. I was very worried about leaving my parents and dogs for 2 days!On this day we did incredibly fun activities. On the night hike we were giving crayons and paper. We were told to carefully examine the crayon to find out the color. We were also giving a “moon rock” to bite, and it sparked! We heard a pirate story about why they wear an eyepatch, and it was interesting. The last activity we did on the night hike was an echo location game where people would tell you if you were close to them. Your goal would be to tag someone while you had your eyes closed. The night hike was exciting.


Crosley Price, Gr. 4

In the painting Our Town created by Kerry James Marshall in 1995 I see a girl and a boy, and they are running with their dog. I think that the boy in the painting is the brother of the girl who is running next to him while he is riding the bike. The sister and the dog are running up next to him playing and trying to keep up with him. I also see a person in the background of the painting waving to them. I think that the lady in the background is the mother or neighbor of the children. She waving them on while they go on their long journey of being an African American. I think all the bows, birds and the bright colors are to represent hope and love. Another thing is there is lots of red, white, and blue which I think is to represent America.

Pancreatic Cancer Ted Talk - an excerpt

Landen Richter, Gr. 7

Imagine losing someone you loved a ton at 4 years old. When I was 4 my grandpa died. At that moment I was just so shocked I did not realize what had happened. Some of you have probably lost your loved ones and there was nothing anyone could do to help. Pancreatic Cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. My agency is PanCan, PanCan provides research which can help save lives. Losing my grandpa to this cancer motivated me to come closer and try to help my organization. When he was first diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer it was too late and they could not do anything about it.

Papa’s Parrot

Kalle Gatewood, Gr. 4

In the beginning of Papa’s Parrot, by Cynthis Rylant, Harry enjoys spending time with his father. He loved visiting the candy store after school and playing there. As he got older, he became embarrassed by his father, and he stopped going to the shop. He wanted to play video games with his friends instead. When his father got a parrot, Harry was even more embarrassed. The worst thing was that Mr. Tillian, Harry’s father, talked to the parrot. After Harry’s father has an accident and needs to stay in the hospital, Harry realizes that his father misses him, and he brought the parrot to keep him company while Harry was away.

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Part of Samurai

Jack Baker, Gr. 7

Religion was a huge part of the Samurais and Japan it shaped it out today and was fought over many times. Buddhism was introduced by China around the 1180s. (world history) The Genkei was, which was from 1180- 1185, was a war for control over the Japanese state, the Taira and the Minamoto fought for this. (World history) The Yajan empire, which was Mongolia, started attacking Japan but two hurricanes destroyed their fleets and killed them. (Kings and Generals YouTube) After beating the Mongols, they were weak and a rebellion began, it was led by Ashikaga Takauji. (World history) In 1338 the Ashikaga Shogunate came to power (Kings and Generals YouTube). But Minamoto won, and the leader established a government in Kamakura and made the Kamakura shogunate. (World history) European traders introduced firearms to the Japanese. (Kings and Generals YouTube) You might think that they think the guns were dishonorable, but they thought they were impractical. (Kings and Generals YouTube) A samurai fight broke out for Kyoto with the Hosokawa VS. Yamana in 1457. (Kings and Generals YouTube)


Luke Jenkins, Gr. 4

At school Jimmy asked everyone to come to his birthday party, but no one wanted to come. When he got home that day, he told his mom that no one was going to come to his party, and she thought he was kidding. Jimmy got really mad and went to his room. That night at dinner, he just pushed his food around with his fork. He didn’t even want dessert. The next morning was his party, and he realized that even if no one showed up to his party. He didn’t really need a big party. Jimmy had his family, and it ended up being the best birthday he had had.


Alaina Williams, Gr. 6

Pauline was cleaning the convent devastated because soon she had to go to America. She was a very curious person and really did not want to go to see all the horrid sights in America. Pauline wanted to have school all around the globe and change kids’ lives and make the world not only a better place for them but for everyone. She was extremely disappointed that she had to go to America. Pauline decided she was going to find a way to make the trip to America more exciting. When she was alone, she started making board games like Monopoly, Sorry, and Snakes and Ladders.


Mia Warden, Gr. 7

Many people need help and do not have the right people and support for their needs. 4 Paws for Ability helps people in need by training and guiding service dogs to help them. Most service dog organizations do not provide service dogs to people who are “not in need enough” or are in “need too much.” 4 Paws for Ability is not that way, they provide trained and controlled service dogs to anyone that needs help. Raise your hand if you have a dog. As many of you dog owners know, dogs are there for you to take care of them and play with but to some people dogs are way more than that. Dogs can create a sense of comfort and guide someone who is struggling. Service dogs provide assistance to people with walking challenges, blindness, and even people with anxiety. Service dogs know how to guide people and create a sense of comfort.

Wordworks 37


Zoa Pratt, Gr. 3

Peppermints are my favorite type of candy. They help your tummy feel better if it’s hurting. Once when I had a stomachache, and the nurse gave me a peppermint, and I felt a lot better! They are red and white which look good together and are two of my favorite colors. That’s why peppermints are the best candy!!

Persuasion Essay

Asela Goico, Gr. 6

One reason you should visit your doctor yearly is it can help your physical condition. It can help your physical condition because over time your vitals might change so then you would need to check in with your doctor, so your doctor knows what to change your vitals too. There could also be something bad happening to you and if you do not catch it early on then something bad could happen. You also go to the doctor yearly to check up on any allergies, health diet, or amount of water you intake. This is why seeing a doctor can help your physical condition.

Persuasive essay - an excerpt

Kanai Gillispie, Gr. 7

This data shows that taking classes to help prevent suicide is very important because it’s overlooked or not believed but actions are in progress in helping these suffering teens. If all our teens are dying, then where is the next generation coming from? Taking these classes teachers will feel more connected with their students. If students are already aware by “signing up for mental health services,” shouldn’t adults see this difference. The kids should be heard and listened to because they are the next generation, so they know what needs to happen. When the teachers, adults, and parents understand and put forth action, the future is filled with bright life not depressed adults.

Pokémon is Educational

Dallas Parker, Gr. 6

One example that Pokémon is educational is how some moves can teach you how to spell. Moves such as guillotine, psychic, amnesia, and synthesis could help older kids. Other moves like double-edge, egg bomb, aurora beam, and dynamic punch could help younger learners. Other moves like grudge or knock off could help if you are learning how to spell certain types of words. Grudge and knock of both have a spot that could help spellers remember that grudge has a dge a knock off has a kn.

Problems for Grogu

Cannon Casey, Gr. 6

Grogu was still hungry but there was no food more than a mile away from him. Grogu had a major problem but Grogu had full confidence in himself. Until he found the cheese Dun Dun Dun!! But sadly, Grogu was pulled over by police. The police said he had the right to remain silent. Grogu is in big trouble. Grogu after being released finally got food but it was Skyline. Grogu ate it then got a cavity Oh NOOooo.



Luke Paulsen, Gr. 3

PS 5 is the best Play Station! It has a game for everyone! It has sports, fighting and more! It has the best screen of all the play stations. The PS 5 has more detail than the PS 4 and a web browser. That is why the PS 5 is the best play station!

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Puppet Book Report

Sebi Gonzalez, Gr. 6

Ben Ripley is the main character in my book, and there are many ways I can describe him. Ben Ripley has a genuinely nice personality, he always cares about his friends if they are in trouble, or they need help. Ben Ripley is also very smart; he can always figure things out and is one of the best spiesin-training. Finally, Ben Ripley is extremely cautious, He will always be cautious of double agents, enemies, or bad people in general. In conclusion, I can describe Ben Ripley in many ways.

Queen Bee

Ethan O’Dwyer, Gr. 5

My Mom Is the Bomb

You are like a queen bee

Without you I would not have a lot of things

Even though you can still beat me in basketball

I still love to verse you

You are a fun coach

I love when you push me to be better than I am

You are there when I am feeling sad or I am struggling

You also stayed up late to work on our new house so we could move in sooner

My mom is da bomb

Rabbits’ Future

Lexy Beyerbach, Gr. 6

One day Carrot, the white rabbit, and Oreo, the black rabbit, were playing like they always do, when Carrot said “Oh, Oreo! I am so tired! We need to sit down!” Oreo replied, “Ok, Carrot.” Two minutes later Carrot had to rest again. But this time Oreo noticed that Carrot’s belly was way bigger than before. “Carrot!” Oreo exclaimed, “Are you pregnant?” “I think so!” replied Carrot, “Let’s go tell everyone the good news!

Rachel Carson

Lauren Mueller, Gr. 4

Rachel Carson deserves to be honored on a US stamp. The first reason is the world doubted her, but she proved her point. The next reason is she was kind she cared about animals. She was hardworking, she worked for many years and was very compassionate about animals. The last reason is her research and effort made the use of DDT illegal. The toxic liquid killed bugs, but Rachel Carson believed that it was harmful to humans. She was right and saved many people’s lives because exposure to DDT increased the risk of getting cancer. In 1962, Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring which made the US government think twice. In 1970 DDT was banned. She helped make the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) which did things like help get people clean water. Rachel Carson was an amazing person and deserves a stamp in her honor.

Wordworks 39

Racism and how it affects people

Sebastien Cox, Gr. 7

Hello, my name is Sebastien Cox and today I will be talking to you about racism and what a negative outlook it has on people of color. To understand my topic, you must understand what racism is, racism is discrimination against a person by a community or by one person. There are many types of racism. How do I spot someone being racist? You will know if someone is being racist by if they do not include you because of your race and if they say harsh things about you and others like you. The two major kinds of racism are overt and covert, overt racism adheres and perpetuate people, and covert racism is racism done in secret or done behind someone’s back. The agency I have used to support my case is called Health Gap. This agency strives to help people who have trouble fitting in and feeling different because of their race and ethnicity.

Rain Drops

Olivia Beltran, Gr. 7

You look at the rain drops on the car’s window. Waiting for one to finish to the other side. But the end is not what you want. You want to keep the little joys that funnel happiness into your life. The way you don’t judge people because you don’t know stereotypes. The way you obsess over your favorite things because they make you happy because you don’t care about other peoples’ opinions. Because you like yourself the way you are. You do not have insecurities because you do not look in the mirror. So, before you wish to look at pandora’s box know that you are enough. Know that obsessing over your obsessions is enough. Know that you can choose to look at the mirror. Know that you are enough. So, when you watch the raindrops on the car’s window do not hope for it to end.

Rainy Season

James Carlson, Gr. 4

Spring is the rainy season, the best part of year. For in this season, you do not see any tears. I love this season because of the leaves, and I always make cards for people to receive. Especially the teachers because they are the best, and I know they love spring because they get rest... That’s why I love Spring!


Hailey Wise, Gr. 4

When you ask a child what their favorite part of the day was, the child usually is quick to reply, “recess”. You might believe that this is because it is the “most fun”, part of the day, but it is actually a important. Recess time is important physically and mentally for kids. Recess and little breaks can improve a child’s mood and help them to do better in school. Having longer recesses or more of them would increase focus and school performance.


Tristan Dona, Gr. 4

Some people think that kids do not need recess, some think one is enough, and others believe that kids need multiple recesses. Kids need multiple recesses. Recess helps kids stay on task in class, and they produce better work. Another reason is that students can make their own decisions at recess. This teaches kids how to solve problems and bounce back from their mistakes. In addition, having multiple recesses helps with overall student behavior. Kids that have more than one recess misbehave less. Finally, taking breaks during the school day helps youger children process information better and maintain focus in the classroom. I hope you agree that kids need more than one recess.

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Vivienne Kline, Gr. 4

Recycling should be a requirement not a choice. Everyone will toss a can or bottle into a recycling bin, but many people do not take the time to recycle all of the items that can be recycled. Only 72% of adults report recycling regularly. In addition, about two thirds of the garbage Americans produce ends up in a landfill. Recycling also saves energy. In fact, the energy saved by recycling one can can power a television for 3 hours. Recycling comes with a cost for collecting, sorting and transporting, but it is worth the price. To make sure that items get recycled, I believe that there should be a fine for people that do not recycle. ONE GOOD THING CAN MAKE THE WORLD A MUCH BETTER PLACE!

Red Pandas

Tory Plattner, Gr. 3

The second thing I’m going to tell you about is how the Red Panda blends in. During winter Red Pandas blend in really well. They blend in so well because of their white stripes. Red Pandas also blend into trees. They have great camouflage. Red Pandas must find a good spot, so predators do not eat them.


Liam Buckius, Gr. 7

Isabel, a 11-year-old Cuban girl, is forced to leave Cuba because of famine and riots with her friends and family. She shows compassion when she trades her trumpet, her prized possession, for gasoline for their raft to escape. Isabel is determined to keep fer family together. She refuses to go back because “they would arrest Papi” (Gratz,101). Her time as a Cuban refugee taught her to embrace those close to her.


Blake Johnson, Gr. 7

Remember you are not perfect

Remember are not always right just like everyone else

Remember it’s ok to be wrong

Remember your mistakes because they make you stronger

Remember your family and all you have done with them

Remember your old friends and the memories you had and let them speak to you

Remember all your life even the bad

Required Recycling

Gwen Suder, Gr. 4

In the world we live in today, we have problems affecting the earth such as pollution, littering, and endangering animals to name a few, but with help starting with each person it will make a difference. One way to make a difference is by making recycling a requirement. Each year, about one third of the trash produced in America is recycled. This is far too low and leads to more pollution, more climate change, more landfills, and more animals becoming endangered. All these things impact us.


Santi Dwyer, Gr. 5

I feel that I have grown community in respect. I show respect with simple tasks like holding the door. It is the little things in life like helping someone up if they fell. Another way to build community is to help people if they are struggling. In conclusion, this is how I built community this year.

Wordworks 41


Evan Fox, Gr. 4

Roblox is an awesome and fun game. It is easy to play, engaging, and best of all, it has a lot of different games and things that are free. One of the best things about Roblox is that are so many games you can play. You can even make your own. In Roblox you can also play with friends which is really fun to do. Finally, Roblox is free. You can play without spending any money. There are things you can buy, but you do not need to purchase anything to start playing. If you haven’t tried Roblox before, you should. It is fun and free!

Ronaldo is Better Than Messi

Austin Miller, Gr. 6

Why Ronaldo is better than Messi is he has the better celebration. The celebrations in professional soccer are a huge deal, and one of the most popular ones is the “Sui,” Ronaldo’s signature celebration. The “Sui” is a better celebration than Messi’s because it has been more influential in the soccer community, on and off the field. It is also better because the celebration has a whole word that goes with it, “Sui,” which is where it gets the name from. Last, it is better than just pointing up at the sky, which is what Messi does. Messi is also the only one who does it, “SUUUUUUIIIIIIIIII.”

Root Beer Float

Connor Love, Gr. 5

I would describe myself as a root beer float with extra ice-cream and whipped cream. The extra ice-cream and I are similar because I am sweet to some people. I am also like root beer, very salty at first but people get used to it over time. I work hard to get better at some things like whip cream working to stay standing. Sometimes I am bland like the ice-cream inside the drink, and sometimes salty like the root beer.

Ruby Bridges

Caroline Lavelle, Gr. 5

Integration, she heard the crowds yelling, even screaming at her because she was black. No white and black kids together, never ever together. But she did not care, she believed. They say it’s illegal to have segregated schools, no one listened or cared. That’s how she felt, no one listened or cared. Ruby went to white schools, and she was only 6, and truly cared about integration. Now Ruby is a public speaker, and is an activist, and still fights for rights.

Ruby Bridges Poem

Elise Goebel, Gr. 5

Miss Ruby Bridges as you well know, had went to a school long ago. She was chosen in a group who would take an exam, to be in that school, holding her mom’s hand. She remembered looking out the window when a black car came, with people chasing after it and yelling some names. Her teacher was Miss Barbara Henry and was for integration, and would happily teach her multiplication. They both new a lot and learned new, but none of them missed one day of school. The following year she attended school, but for the first time everyone was new. 54 years later at William Frantz school was Ruby Bridges with a statue of her too. She said at the ceremony that we need to honor kids, and we need to encourage them in every little thing. She continues to help other people like you, and she always was an activist helping us through.

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Frankie Wirtz, Gr. 3

Safety is important because you can hurt yourself without safety. You can hurt yourself doing things that are not safe and it can cause injuries, so look at what is safe before doing it. I will tell you about 3 places to consider safety- the car, the kitchen, and on your bike. The car can be dangerous for all ages. First, you should always buckle your seat belt. You can get very injured in a wreck if you are not buckled. If you are under the weight for the front seat of the car, do not sit there. Kids can be injured in a car crash because of the airbag, so follow the rules that your parents or guardians say. This is why kids cannot sit in the front seat. Those are just the basic rules of the car.

Santa Story

Amber Kuehnel, Gr. 6

Chapter 3: Santa meets Frosty the Snowman

Now Santa was feeling better after he was working on the things for the kids. Santa was going in his memorial and rembers the one year in the past were an impossible wish was happening. But hopefully not this year! Santa goes alphabetic the list with the wishes thru, there he saw a wish where he was thinking is not possible. The child’s whish was that he gets the real frosty the snowman... But Santa was thinking about it, but there were 2 problems. First problem Frosty is verry musical and on the part of the earth were the child is living it is too warm for Frosty. But Santa had an idea...


Emmy Spreen, Gr. 4

You should plan your next vacation to Sarasota, Florida. There are so many things to do there like go to festivals, galleries, museums, the aquarium, and the beach. In my opinion, the beach is the best part of visiting Sarasota. The beaches are amazing. The sand is white which means that you do not burn your feet. Another wonderful thing about the beaches is that there are sand sculpting contests. The last time I was there someone was building a polar bear! Even if you do not want to build a sand sculpture, they are fun to look at. Sarasota is awesome. I hope to see you there!

Sauce Gardner

Lincoln Mulvihill, Gr. 4

Sauce Gardner is the best cornerback in the NFL today. He was picked fourth overall in the 2022 draft by the New York Jets. He is their main cornerback. He was the defense rookie of the year, and he also made the All-Pro team. The first time since 1981 that happened. Quarterbacks do not like to throw in his direction because of his skills. He is a great football player and even better, he played for the University of Cincinnati Bearcats.

Sea Life

McKenzie Bell, Gr. 3

The second thing I am going to tell you about is sea life. Sea life means animals in the ocean. One animal in the ocean is the dolphin. Dolphins are smart animals that live in the ocean and swim around. The dolphin can be pink or gray. The River Dolphin is pink as a baby and turns more gray as it gets older. Other types of dolphins are the Bottlenose Dolphin and the Amazon River Dolphin. The shark is another animal in the ocean. Sharks are big animals that swim and live in the ocean. Sharks eat smaller animals like fish and anything that can fit in their mouth and tastes good. Some types of sharks are the tiger shark, the sand shark and the great white.

Wordworks 43


Natalya Wangler, Gr. 4

I feel the green grass on my legs and the soft, pleasant fur of my plush ducks resting on my arms. I smell my delicious breakfast while I eat it with joy. I see the fluffy ducklings with their beautiful parents. I hear the amazing chirping of many birds, the sound making the most amazing melody I’ve ever heard.


Tommy Devendorf, Gr. 4

I stood on the hot sand waiting for my mom to be done putting sunscreen on me. As I waited, the ocean was calling my name. Finally, my mom is finished. I grabbed my goggles and snorkel and ran to the water. I looked down at a beautiful array of fish that swam past me as I searched for the coral reef. A bunch of gill passed me. I thought that it was strange, but I kept going. At the reef there were no fish around. Was it because of me? I looked for more fish, but instead of fish I found a neko shark. I was terrified and stunned and scared to move. I needed to hide, I thought, but there was nowhere to hide. I turned and swam as fast as I could. I finally made it back to shore and I ran like a wild man to tell my family how I barely survived a shark attack.

Sharon Woods

Sophia Filatova-Ash, Gr. 3

Sharon Woods is the best field trip – have you been? My favorite parts were getting to look for fossils and hanging out with friends. When we looked for fossils, we walked next to a shallow creek and I found a lot of fossils. It was exciting to look for real fossils that are different colors and shapes. Normally, I would look for fossils in the woods on my own and it’s really lonely. It was fun to get to do it with my friends. I liked the smell of the wild woods.


Ava Maly, Gr. 4

As I walked on the sandy wooden boardwalk, I was filled with excitement. I started running, and I could hear my feet patting against the hard wood. I stopped where the boardwalk ended. The sand looked soft and moist. It had just rained, and the air smelled sweet and fresh. I made my way slowly to the ocean’s edge. Then I stepped in the ice cold water. It was freezing but felt good. I got out, grabbed a bucket, and took off down the beach. Suddenly, I stopped. I had stepped on a little shell. The tiny shell had a small crack. I put sand in my bucket and then picked up the little shell. I lay it in my bucket. When I went home, the little shell went with me. Even though it was small and cracked, it was special and mattered to me.

Singing Birds

Houston Griffin, Gr. 4

Spring is the soft sounds of singing birds

Spring is cold juicy oranges being eaten in a park on a bench

Spring is leaves rustling in the warm spring air

Spring is a clear calm creek on a sunny day

Spring is the sweet smell of flowers blooming peacefully

Spring is bright green buds covering trees

Spring is baby deer running through the woods

Spring is playful bunnies hopping in your yard

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Sister’s Adventure

Samuel Krulcik, Gr. 6

Every day was the same. That’s right no change. The days and nights blurred together. In the morning, I got up, changed, and had crispy toast. I trudged slowly and quietly to my desk to begin my tedious work. I was a teacher. I began to start making the homework. After a long and painful day I had dinner and went to bed. That day repeated itself over and over. Then one day while I was eating a plain dinner, I was greeted by a pleasant surprise. We were moving! This meant I could finally see the world! I would finally be out of the loop. But wait, where exactly where we moving? I asked where we were going, and they said Ohio. Maybe the loop was not that bad.

Slow Down

Griffin Charville, Gr. 7

Stop! Slow down! Take your time because time will run out. Time will not stop for you, and you cannot stop it yourself. So, stop and listen to what I have to say. You may think you are young, But the time will come, when your time is done! Time is everything and without it you are nothing. We may have an hour; it is not a superpower. We may have a day, no one can say. We may have a week, if our blood does not leak. We may have a year, just hold on my dear. Hold on to whatever you’ve got. And for some of you, you don’t have a lot. So, all I have to say is stop! When your day does come, thy will shall be done. For you may try to stop, but time will not. So, if you stop and allow, we can leave now.

Slower Than the Rest

Gracie Obiora, Gr. 4

In the short story, Slower Than the Rest by Cynthia Rylant, the character Leo changes when he rescues a turtle. Leo had felt different, and school was a struggle. He had always wanted a pet, and he got his wish when he found the turtle. He named the turtle Charlie. When assigned a class project, Leo wrote about his turtle and brought Charlie to school for the presentation. Leo won something for the first time in his life. He felt proud, and for the first time in a long time Leo felt fast.

Smallest Island

Lulu Odonwodo, Gr. 3

What is the Smallest Island? The smallest island is an island called Hub Island. This island is not common. Hub Island is so small that if you and your friend stood on opposite sides of the island you would see each other. Hub Island is so small that only a house and a sprinkler can fit on it.

Smart Madie Richard, Gr. 5

Pretty, smart, fast, energetic, friendly, athletic

Who enjoys playing soccer, reading books, hanging out with friends and family, and playing with my dog Charlie

Who feels, happy most of the time, and calm when I read and play soccer

Who wonders, what is going to happen in the future

Who fears bugs, clowns, my basement, being in the dark alone

Who cares, about family, friends, dogs, and teachers

Who is able to, run very fast in a soccer field

Who dreams, about camping, and winning the world cup by myself

Wordworks 45

Smiling Sun

Daniel Borman, Gr. 7

When you wake up in the morning, and feel the sun smiling down on you, think about those who have no bed to wake up to, think of those who have no food to wake up to, think of those who have no family to wake up to. Think of those who when they wake up are as cold as the winter days. Things many of us need are the things many of us take for granted. Many people have to work hard for the things many people get handed. If a kid with no home or family, lived our lives for one day, they would be the happiest child. Many of us need to think of what is important in life, your family, your friends, your home. But instead, many of us spend time worrying about what others would think of them if you continue to take life for granted. Many of us will forget about time with loved ones, and in the blink of an eye, they could be gone. You will regret not being with them for 1 million years. Spend time with your loved ones as many of us forget about, feel the touch of their endless love.


Nick Cafardi, Gr. 3

Attack, or offense, in soccer is used to score. The three main positions in attack are left wing, right wing, and striker. A left wing is used to cross the ball, juke players, pass, and sometimes shoot. A striker makes a lot of shots and does headers when he gets crosses from wingers and wing backs. A right wing is used for basically the same thing as the left wing.

Soccer gear and positions

Benny Uy, Gr. 3

Soccer is played with eleven players. They have positions like striker and defense and goalie and more. Positions that are common in soccer are 1 2 1 4 3 and more positions. Gear is what you need to play soccer. There are shin guards, cleats, and goalie gloves. If you’re a soccer player on a team then you need socks and a uniform.

Soccer Midfield and Defense

Amelia Wilson, Gr. 3

Mid field is when you help offense, you are in the middle of the field but when offense is up the field, you will have to be up there helping them. When you play defense, you will have to be in the back guarding the goal. When everyone is up the field, you will be where offense starts the game. Make sure you are ready because the other team will come right to you so you will have to help your teammates.

Softball - How To Bat

Emma Boyer, Gr. 3

When you go up to bat, you want to keep your eye on the ball. Once the ball is close enough to you, you can hit the ball. When you hit the ball, you have the bat over your shoulder. Then you bring the bat over in front of your body. After you hit it far enough, you can start running to first base.

Speech: Protect 4 Paws - an excerpt

Brielle Bryant, Gr. 7

Animals are great companions and comfort animals. Maybe you or a friend has a animal at home who they care for. We all have some type of animal at home who needs love and care. You might not have an animal at home but sometimes you see them stranded on the street when you go on vacation or even on multiple videos that you see. Some animals do not have this type of access to loving and caring households or people. Other animals that don’t have access to these privileges might be on the street, injured, have medical issues, or even have needs not everyone can care for.

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Rory Hussey, Gr. 3

I am going to tell you about the different kinds of spiders. There is the Jumping Spider, the Black Widow Spider, and the tarantula. The Jumping Spider sits and waits for its prey, and if a fly lands next to it then it jumps on it and eats it. The Black Widow makes a web. When a bug lands on the web it gets stuck in it. The Black Widow has horrible eyesight, but it can feal the vibrations in the web and then feels its way to its prey. It injects its venom and wraps it up in the web and kills it. Another spider is the tarantula. The tarantulas are often found in the desert. If you are bitten by one you should call an ambulance and go to a hospital to receive anti venom. It costs a lot for one box which has four bottles.

Spring is

Millie Rich, Gr. 4

Friendly voices of neighbors coming to play. Rays of bright golden sun smiling down on me. Sweet chirps of a bird’s happy song. Colorful flowers budding and blooming. Rich dark soil falling through my fingers. Cool lemonade tickling my tongue. The woosh of warm weather coming in.

Spring Senses

Anna Krulcik, Gr. 4

I hear the rain tapping at the window and I hear the bees pass by my ear surfing through the air. I see little bunnies hopping around the yard happily and see them scattering in the park by passing bikers. I see the ice cream truck coming down our street with music as happy as the bunnies. I smell the scent of the fresh spring air and the freshly cut grass. I smell the flowers blooming and their wonderful fresh scents. I touch the warm sun glistening on the short damp grass. I eat cold wet strawberries bursting with flavor in my mouth.

St. George’s Island

Sophie Pressey, Gr. 4

Have you ever heard of a place called St. George’s Island? If you have great, if you haven’t today is your day. I am going to tell you all about it and why you should visit. St. George’s Island offers a ton of things to do like biking, exploring nature, shopping, dining in great restaurants, or spending time with your family. One of my favorite things to do is exploring the salt marshes in the state park on the island. It is a great place to look for wildlife, especially birds. If you are lucky, you might even see a baby sea turtle. This is just one of the great activities on the island.

Standing Up

Gabrielle Chavez, Gr. 5

Throughout the book Lions of Little Rock, Kristen Levine teaches us about the theme of standing up for one’s beliefs, and although many people didn’t do that, when they did it changed Little Rock. One example of this theme is Marlee. Marlee stands up so many times in this book, one is when she joined the WEC after her mom had just said no, another is when she stopped doing JT’s homework for him. Another example is Mrs. Dalton, she was quiet, but she acted, she was in the WEC while her husband was in the KKK! My last example is Marlee’s mom, she gave the most beautiful speech at the end, showing she didn’t care if the high schools integrated, and she just wanted Judy home. A quote that helps us understand what Marlee was thinking when she signed herself up for the WEC was the whole pg. 101. Kristen Levine’s message to this theme was if you really believe something, stand up and do it.

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Avery Northern, Gr. 7

Be there when I laugh, and be there when I cry, give me your smile, and I’ll give you mine, gone, gone, gone, without even a goodbye. I wake up every morning, wanting to say hi--but you’re not there. Never again will you be. I love you Pawpaw. Thank you for loving me.


Sofia Pancheri, Gr. 6

Santa is in real trouble, some burglars plan on stealing every charity, orphanage, and shelter in the world, and it is going to happen on Christmas night! Think about all those poor kids, some who are waiting to be adopted, no home, stuck in the hospital.... ok, now I’m sad. Now before I continue with the story there are a few things you must know. Santa lives in this magical parallel universe in the realm of elves. There are 6 different types of elves: Water, Earth, Weather/Air, Fire, Tinker, and Animal elves. Each type of elf group has their own leader, usually referred to a Goddess or God. Ok, back to the story, Santa couldn’t get the burglars himself because he ate too many cookies, and they would weigh him down. So, Santa decided to call 3 brave elves.


Liam Russell, Gr. 4

The Steelworker was created by Kelly and Kyle Phelps in 2018. This artwork is a mixed media sculpture. In this sculpture, there is a wooden box with red and white stripes behind the steelworker. The artists use the gear in the painting to represent a star. That makes it look like there is the American flag behind the steelworker. The artists use value in many ways. The different shades of gray, black, and white in the steelworker’s outfit. The rust on the steelworker’s face and different shades of tan on the steelworker’s face. The texture on this sculpture is incredible. It feels like you can jump through the picture and feel the steelworker’s face and clothes. It is amazing how the artists can make something so realistic and beautiful with clay and other objects.

Strawberry Lemonade

Cléa Sinno, Gr. 5

I would describe myself as a glass of strawberry lemonade. Strawberry, because strawberries are sweet, and I am kind. Lemonade, because it energizes me, and I am ready to do anything you want at any time. Ice, because it is cold and hard and sometimes, I am mean and tough. In conclusion, I would describe myself as a tall, cold, glass of strawberry lemonade.


Valeria Sebastian, Gr. 3

Summer is the best season for lots of reasons. One is because we have two months out of school. You can go to the pool or beach. You can also just relax. That’s why summer is the best season.


Immanuel Obiora, Gr. 5

My Family is always here to support me. My parents work really hard so that me, my siblings and my parents can have shelter, food, water and clothes. My family always support me in my athletics and always come to my games. They really love me and I really love them because my family makes me feel needed and important in my life and even when they’re away I know that they will always show affection for me.

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Taylor Swift

Josie Lyons, Gr. 6

Taylor Swift songs are the best. Some of her songs have made it on the top ten and top one hundred best songs. Her song “Anti-Hero” made it first on top one hundred. Her Midnights album made it first in best albums of 2022. Her Midnights album is about her ex. Her ex is Harry Styles. She put all her feelings in to all the songs. Taylor Swift is the best singer in the world.

Teaching at Summit

Beckham Carrasquillo, Gr. 6

The first school I taught at was The Summit Country Day School. I was amazed at how much I can teach in one day. I love teaching history because they were all captivated by it and loved it. I teach using mind games. I let the students do whatever they want but when I am teaching, they listen, and every 15 minutes I give them a 5-minute break. I already acquired teacher of the month and held the title until the end of the year. Before I start working in the classroom every morning, I pick up the kids in what they call The Busted Bus.

Team Mom Poem

Emerson Kaeppner, Gr. 5

So, you say your mom can’t be beat

Well, she’ll need to compete

You see, my mom is the best in the league

It’s not because of what she eats

It’s not because of her style

It’s her loving smile that can be spotted from a mile

It’s her big giant hug to the point where you can’t breathe

My mom is the one who’ll never be beat

She is the one who keeps me on my feet

My mom is the one who’ll never be beat

Ted Talk - an excerpt

Gael Huguet, Gr. 7

Can you imagine how many animals are becoming extinct because of how many people aren’t willing to help? Isn’t it awesome when you hear on the news that someone risked their life for animals? Well, that’s what awesome families do and have done several times. My mom had 12 dogs when she was around my age, so I wanted to choose this agency. All my family has had many pets, so I decided why not do something that my family loves. My agency’s name is Critter Haven. I chose Critter Haven because I liked how they described what they do with the animals. If the animals are hungry, they give them food; if they are thirsty, they give the animals water. Critter Haven has many stations all around the US to help the animals in different states. They have stages for varied species of animals to help more than one at a time.

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Annabelle Huttenbauer, Gr. 5

One thing I am thankful for is my family. My family is super supportive; my dad coaches my ice hockey team and my soccer team my mom and brother watch all my games. Another thing they do is help me with my homework when I need it. Finally, my family all loves each other no matter what. My family is the best! Another thing I am thankful for is my friends. My friends are very understanding. When I have a hockey game and they want me to come over they understand. Another reason is my friends are fun, we always have something fun planned when we come over to one another’s houses. Finally, my friends are athletic, most of them play a sport and they each are particularly good at them. My friends are a necessity in life.


First Chefs

Anna Wiltshire, Gr. 7

A year after the incident, the friends decided that they wanted to fulfill another big idea. Although it was hard for them, they said goodbye to their city and each other, and each made a long journey to explore the world in different directions and help people there. And, after many decades, each of their unique foods became the start of a different culture in each part of the world, although Dolly’s desserts were in every part. Their food inspired many things, and their dreams finally came true.

The Great Escape

Bennett Fager, Gr. 7

Annebel didn’t want to leave her friend behind, but she knew Samantha wasn’t going to come with her, so she left. Annebel was so excited she pushed the rock away and started to run towards freedom, another zookeeper noticed but it was too late. Annabel was already out of her exhibit but there was one problem for Annabel as soon as she left the exhibit veronica got a weird feeling and went back to the exhibit and then she was face to face with Annabel a 14-foot-tall giraffe running straight at her, and veronica was so frightened without thinking she grab a gun from her hip and POP. Annabel hit the ground, and Veronica ran up to her, and the bullet was lodged in her brain. The story of Annabel was over, and Annabel was dead.

The Library of Infinite Knowledge: Part I: Hexagons - an excerpt

Collin McGuire, Gr. 7

You reach your hand out to the ceiling and it bends down like a twisting muscle to greet your hand. You glide your fingers on the rough, dry surface and you feel a surge coursing through your veins. It feels like ice. For a split second all the knowledge feeds into your feeble human brain, immediately snapping away. You feel extremely confused. Stunned, you take a walk down the oddly familiar steps, evening glow bouncing happily off the railings.

The Tragedy of Child Homelessness

Kyan Gatewood, Gr. 7

My fellow classmates, look around. What do we all have in common? We all get to go to phenomenal school and have a comfortable home to go back to. Unfortunately, this is not the case for every child. According to Upspring, there are more than 8,000 homeless children in Cincinnati. That is the second worst rate in the nation! Many of these children are not able to consistently go to school or may have disadvantages when learning. Statistically kids experiencing homelessness are 2-3 years behind their housed peers. Many of these children are also unable to go to college, which can negatively impact their futures and keep them in poverty. This is called the cycle of homelessness. As a kid who is fortunate as I am, it’s hard to imagine the hardships homeless children endure. The hardships no child should endure.

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The Triads - an excerpt

Sammy Jacobs-Ramey, Gr. 7

When being initiated The Triads must swear 36 oaths to show their loyalty within the family. “After having entered the Hung gates I must treat the parents and relatives of my sworn brothers my own kin. I shall suffer death by five thunderbolts if I do not keep this oath.” is one of the oaths they say to entrust loyalty within the groups. In initiation the Triad member must execute an organized crime to show their skill in organized crime. Executing this crime could also show the grit and backbone to The Triads, more specifically the group. Initiates are taught codes, like hand signs, what different tattoos mean, and even the way they arrange plates and tables.

The Way Home Looks Now

Jack Geers, Gr. 6

My book is called The Way Home Looks Now by Wendy Wan-Long Shang and it is a heart filled story about a boy who loses his family but wins the championship. At the start of the book a boy named Peter Lee, his two siblings, Dad, Mom, and his stay home helper Ba were a happy family. In this book there were always problems. In the middle of the book one of siblings dies and his dad leaves. His mom stays home on the couch and gets sick. Peter almost got another one of his siblings killed because of a bus accident. He accidentally brought his little sister to the middle of the street. Peter is deeply in need of something good to happen. Then Peter joins the baseball team and Ba is his coach. At the end of the book his mom dies but they win the championship. This book is kind of sad but good at the same time. It also shows that even if something bad happens you can prevail.

The Wounded Knee Massacre

Caroline Reynolds, Gr. 6

The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred on December 29th, 1890, in Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota. This massacre involved the Sioux, Teton, and the United States. The United States Army troops slaughtered and killed 150-300 Lakota men, women, and children. This whole massacre was a reaction to a religious movement. The U.S. wanted to repress them and remove their leaders. The U.S. left the scene, and many troops got awarded medals for their acts. Today, people are complaining to Joe Biden about removing the medals awarded to the army troops because of how unfair it was to kill people and get awarded for it. This event is important to U.S. history because this massacre was the climax or peak of the U.S. Army’s efforts to hold back or restrain the Plain Indians.

Tough Sports

Colin Lavelle, Gr. 7

Though days are hard, and sports are tough, You can get through it all, with all your luck. Make school your focus, sports up their too, but don’t get ahead of yourself, like a penniless fool. Have fun with your friends, like you always do, just don’t get caught being out of the blue. Your health is important, you know that too. Take care of yourself, your mental health too.

Track At Summit

Katherine Devendorf, Gr. 3

We always start out with two laps around the football field, then we do warmups with my favorite, high knees. Then we do a special thing like more laps or batons that is a part of relays, then we do stretches. We pick four lucky people to pick one stretch then the next four will pick. Then... of course we wait to go home. Sometimes it is cold, for example 40 degrees or lower. It is fun and a great exercise! You even get to talk to your friends while you run and do other things! And you even get to bring a snack!

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Trash in the Ocean

Carrigan Sams, Gr. 4

Many people take water for granted. The ocean is the most important thing on earth! So... WE NEED TO KEEP THE OCEAN CLEAN! There is a giant island of trash in the ocean 2x the size of Texas! That is a lot of trash. Right now, people are developing a machine to clean ocean water so we can drink it. It is important to keep the ocean clean, not to have it polluted.

Trash Recycling

Declan Clements, Gr. 4

I think recycling should be required! About one out of every three tons of the trash Americans generate is recycled. That is not enough! In a 2014 survey of American adults, 72% say they consistently recycle, I think we should have 85% at least. Recycling comes with costs like collecting, sorting, and transporting and can often be more expensive than putting the same material into a landfill, plus it would cost more for a bigger recycle can. However, in the future the cost of recycling will be a lot more than money spent on recycling today. We need to recycle now because who knows how expensive it will be to care of our garbage in in the future.

Trip on The Eliza Thornton

Mabel Hartmann, Gr. 6

It was a long trip. The Eliza Thornton was enormous and had many compartments. There was not a variety of foods to eat. To spend the time, I drew, kept a journal of wat happened, and meditated. The trip was crazy, there were storms and many waves. I was always wondering about my family. After a week, it was hard to find things to do. But there was still a while left on the boat, so I had to find something to occupy myself.

Trouble for Santa

Logan Butler, Gr. 6

Santa is in real trouble. He cannot get the presents delivered because he is too heavy, he cannot even walk. Then his dog got rabies and bit Santa. He was in great danger. He was on life support for 54 years. But luckily he did not die. Then Junita came and said to her roaches “Go eat Santa alive!” The roaches did just that. And Santa was getting attacked. So, he sang the roaches a lullaby and the roaches came off him and then Junita was very mad. So, Junita came after Santa, but Santa leveled Junita. Then Santa was on his way to get his presents delivered but the thing is, he saw an extremely cute puppy. He wanted to adopt the puppy. So, he went and bought him at the adoption place. So, he got the puppy and was off to deliver.

Types of Dogs

Anna Hartmann, Gr. 3

There are many different types of dogs. Some shed and some do not. There are golden retrievers, cockapoos, golden doddles, sheep dogs, and German shepherds. Some dogs are on the farm. They herd the cows and pigs. Some dogs are city dogs. They take walks around the block. Dogs are very intelligent. Scientists say that dogs are smarter than dolphins. You can determine if a dog is happy or sad if his/hers tail wagging left or right. Some dog breeders cut the dogs tail off to make it shorter.You have to make sure you’re not allergic to dogs that shed. Some dogs are hypo-allergenic meaning they don’t shed. Here are some examples of dogs that don’t shed: cockapoos, soft coated wheaten terriers, and west high land tarriers. Dogs make your life better.

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Tyreek Hill

Tucker Yarnell, Gr. 4

Did you know that Tyreek Hill is one of the world’s fastest wide receivers? His speed is not the only thing that makes him inspiring, it is what type of person he is that inspires people the most. He is humble and he does not do mean or disrespectful celebrations when he scores. Tyreek is inspiring because he gives back to his community. For instance, when there was a tsunami, he gave money to the people to help them pay for the damage. When you go outside to play football be like Tyreek Hill and don’t give up and be humble.

United States Veterans

Baer Huttenbauer, Gr.


After retirement, United States veterans are promised healthcare, a job, and an adequate income. However, these are not always given. This leaves older veterans homeless, poor, and without medical treatment. Veterans fought for our freedom, now it’s our turn to repay the favor. United States citizens sign up to serve our great Nation. They choose to serve in the Marines, the Army, the Navy, the Coast Guard, or the Air Force. All of these branches are vastly different from each other, but they all have one thing in common; they are all dedicated to protecting and serving the United States of America. These soldiers risk losing their whole lives, their one life on Earth, in order to keep everybody else’s lives safe and prosperous from any dangers or opposing threats. They serve their very best, until they cannot any longer, due to age, injuries, or just feeling that they are ready to go home. Just imagine being a United States soldier, finally ready to retire after all of your service and heroic acts, and the Government just sends you off, with no help whatsoever to reclaim your previous life before your service.


Kayden Smith, Gr. 6

Baby Yoda got abandoned in a haunted house and everything seemed unpredictable inside of the house. Baby Yoda looked around the house and heard footsteps and a creepy audiotape was playing. Baby Yoda was scared and wanted to run away but could not because of a magical candle holding him back. In this haunted house there is an auditorium in the basement and there is an audience of Ghosts! But the ghosts did not see baby Yoda yet, so he stayed hidden.While baby Yoda was hiding the ghosts were having an audition. There was a mean dictator did not like any of the auditions. Baby Yoda thought this was wrong and baby thinks the judge is a verdict. So, baby Yoda goes down to the judge and says you are a verdict and all the ghost howled but the judge contradict the fact that he is, so they fight for a while and the Mandalorian comes to Baby Yoda and Mandalorian uses a dark saber to scare all the ghost away. They fly home safely.


Alejandro Sharp, Gr. 6

“There’s NO way an unbiased court could have rejected that!” exclaimed Nemo, “Now, we go on the offensive,” Then they went to Japan and learned to be samurai under Sensei Panda. When they returned, they infiltrated the High Court and found the files. “And here’s our answer,” whispered Bianca, “The jury and the Judge were all construction beavers!” “We need to make sure the people see this,” So then, with Badger, they snuck on top of the building, disrupted the signal by fidgeting with the antenna, breaking through the roof, crawling through the vents, and landing on the reporters, knocking them out. “OOF” grunted the reporters. Badger was still on top, and he reconnected the signal. “Hello animals of Forest Town and New Tree City. We have proof that our petition was rejected be a rigged and biased court made of the beavers we were petitioning against!” exclaimed Nemo *cue the gasp*

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What Caused The Boston Tea Party

Ella Miele, Gr. 4

To understand the cause of the Boston Tea Party, it helps to know about the Revolutionary War. The Revolutionary War was caused by the American colonists wanting their independence from Britain. One of the reasons the colonists were mad was because King George gave the colonists money to win the French and Indian War. This caused Great Britain to go into debt. So, King George started to tax the colonists and the colonists had no one to represent them in the government. The colonists’ motto was “No taxation without representation.” This caused the colonists to boycott British goods which led to the Boston Tea Party.

What Type of Drink Am I

Vivie Kate Keeney, Gr. 5

I am a Mango Peach Refresher with SMARTIES. I am a mango because I am sweet and upgoing whatever I do. I have peaches in me because I am very peachy and can start out in the morning sour but eventually will become sweet. I have smarties in me because I love candy and have many different emotions like the many flavors of smarties. I also am very smart like the name. I also really love mango and peaches.They make such a great refresher. It is so relaxing, and I love to relax. Together they make such a good combination. In conclusion I am a Mango Peach Refresher with Smarties.

Why Messi is better than Ronaldo

James Busch, Gr. 6

Messi has won more Ballon D’Ors and Golden boots than Ronaldo. Messi has won 7 Ballon D’Ors, while Ronaldo has 5 ballon d’ors. Messi has 5 Golden boots, while Ronaldo has 4 Golden boots. In 2022 Mbappe got the Golden boot, but Messi was 2nd place and almost got another Golden boot. While all of these are close, Ronaldo has played 1-2 more seasons than Messi and Messi still have 2 more Ballon D’Ors and 1 more Golden boot.

Wise Men Visit

Molly Sullivan, Gr. 5

The wise men came to Jerusalem to honor Jesus and warn Mary and Joseph about how they were suspicious of Herod. Herod was king of Judea, and he was startled by the visit of the wise men because he was scared Jesus would overthrow him and be better than him. Herod asked the wise men to tell him where the king is so he could honor him. The wise men finally found Jesus lying in the starlight. The wise men brought him gifts of gold, silver, and murre. They told Mary and Joseph that they did not trust Herod.

Witches at The Stand

Lily Fecher, Gr. 7

A beautiful woman walked up to the stand. The woman had long auburn hair that reached to the middle of her back and her shoes looked to be handmade for they had the most intricate patterns and dyes that no villager would sell in a million years. The woman also had a long ivory green dress with white puffed sleeves and on the dress, there were flower designs sewn in blues and purples to give the illusion of irises on a warm summer day. Someone shouted from the crowd “Hurry up already and stop stalling!” The woman then removed her blue clogs. Once the woman had stripped herself of the shoes, they were thrown in the mud.

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Working Together

Nick Rassi, Gr. 5

While we were reading Lions of Little Rock, Kristin Levine teaches us about friendship. Marlee and Liz develop a strong relationship by working together, showing kindness to each other, and sticking up for each other. Little Jimmy and Marlee become friends to they do not form a friendship like Marlee and Liz but a love relationship with each other they also form a little date at the pool over the summer. Another relationship is JT and Marlee when JT gets a black eye from Red Marlee and JT work together to bust Red. One quote that is in the book is “Friendship is more than skin deep” (cover). Kristin Levine’s message is Anyone can be friends no matter what gender or race.

World Cup

JJ Castellini, Gr. 6

I think the World Cup should be in Cincinnati with all the other cities. It is a wonderful place to have the World Cup. Cincinnati is near all the other venues. It is near New York it is also near other venues too. Not just New York, although other cities are good, Cincinnati will be a fantastic place to host.


Molly Workman, Gr. 7

The reason I picked this topic and agency is because I want to support my cousin Wynnie. She was born with heart block and had to get a pacemaker at 5 years old. She always stays positive, but it is hard to go to doctor and hospital visits regularly. It is hard for her to deal with this illness at such a young age. The Aubrey Rose Foundation has helped families who have kids with life-threatening illnesses like my cousin. If The Aubrey Rose Foundation were chosen, they would put the money towards helping children with the cost of surgeries, and doctors’ visits. Even though this agency has helped a lot of families already, with more help from us, they can help a lot more families in Cincinnati.


Dominic Montaque, Gr. 6

Sister Xavier is taking a break and was having a retirement party. She oversaw taking out the trash a day before trash day every week. The trash and recycle compacter might have forgotten to pick up the trash at the top of the driveway. She did sports, activities and saw the technologies, for example basketball steamship, the airplane. Her retirement was great. She saw the automobile, the radio, and the airplane. Yes, she missed teaching children very much and she loved teaching children. She traveled to Maine and Florida.

Yasuke Social Studies Paper

Brian Sullivan, Gr. 7

Yasuke was and African Samuri and the first known foreign Samurai. He joined the service of Nobunaga, another Samurai. Although not much is known about him, He has become a symbol of racial diversity in Japan.

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The Summit Country Day School 56
Aidan Grant, Gr. 6 Annabelle Fleming, Gr. 4 Caroline Gehring, Maren Lafley, Hannah Mitchell, Samuel Sprengard, Mia Warden, Anna Wiltshire, Molly Workman, Lilly Yarnell, Gr. 7
Wordworks 57
Alejandro Sharp, Gr. 6 Caroline Lavalle, Gr. 5 Carrigan Sams, Gr. 4
The Summit Country Day School 58
Connor Butler, Gr. 4 Frankie Wirtz, Gr. 3 Janie Wendling, Gr. 3
Wordworks 59
Dean Mohan, Gr. 4 Kayden Smith, Gr. 6 Liam Wiltshire, Gr. 3
The Summit Country Day School 60
Emi Spreen, Gr. 4 Josie Lyons, Gr. 6 Anna Baker, Gr. 5
Wordworks 61
Hailey Wise, Gr. 4 Maris Moore, Gr. 3 Quentin Jones, Gr. 6
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Macey Adams, Gr. 4 Samuel Krulcik, Gr. 6 Sarai Manuel, Gr. 3
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Michaela Bell, Gr. 4 Peyton MacDonald, Gr. 4 Nathan Jackson, Gr. 3
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Russell Roth, Gr. 4 Sofia Pancheri, Gr. 6

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