Once upon a time, there lived three Bumble Nums Gruff. The smallest was named Stumble. -
- [Narrator] The middle-sized was named Humble.
- Yum!
- [Narrator] And the biggest was named Grumble.
- Yum!
- [Narrator] One day, the three Bumble Nums Gruff were on their way to have a picnic.
- [All] Yum!
- [Narrator] They knew the perfect place to set up their blanket, in the meadow across from the orchard.
The meadow was beautiful, and had a gorgeous view of the Caramel River.
- [All] Yum!
- [Narrator] The three Bumble Nums Gruff could not wait to get to the meadow and have their picnic!
So, the first Bumble Num Gruff started to cross the bridge. Bumble, bumble, bumble, bump.
- [Yeti] Who is that bumbling over my bridge?
- [Narrator] The little Bumble Num Gruff froze.
- Yum, yum?
- [Narrator] It was the big, horrible yeti who lived under the bridge!
- I am the yeti and this is my bridge.
Nobody is allowed to cross it.
Now, I'm going to gobble you up.
- Yum?
- [Narrator]
What could the
little Bumble Num Gruff do? He thought fast.
- Yum, yum, yum, yum.
- Oh, you say you're the
smallest Bumble Num Gruff, and there's another Bumble Num Gruff bigger than you?
- Yum, yum.
- Hmm, okay then. I'll let you go, and wait to eat the bigger Bumble Num Gruff.
- Yum.
- [Narrator] So, the smallest Bumble Num Gruff hurried away to the meadow, happy to have not been eaten.
A few moments later, the second Bumble Num
Gruff crossed the bridge.
Bumble, bumble, bumble, bump.
- Ha, who is that bumbling over my bridge?
- [Narrator] The second Bumble Num Gruff froze.
- Yum, yum?
- I'm the Yeti and this is my bridge. Nobody is allowed to cross it. I'm going to gobble you up!
- Yum, yum, yum!
- You will fill my belly very nicely.
- [Narrator] The second Bumble Num Gruff panicked.
- Yum, yum, yum, yum.
- What's that?
There's another Bumble Num Gruff even bigger than
- Yum.
- That big? Okay, okay, I'll let you go, and wait to eat the biggest Bumble Num Gruff.
- Yum.
- [Narrator] Just then, the third Bumble Num Gruff came over the bridge.
Bumble, bumble, bumble, bump.
- Who is that bumbling over my bridge?
- Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
- You are the biggest Bumble Num Gruff.
I'm going to gobble you up.
- [Narrator] The yeti ran toward the third Bumble Num Gruff. (yeti yells)
But the Bumble Num Gruff jumped over him.
- Where did you go? Come on, let me gobble you up.
(yeti growls) Boy, you're making me work very hard for my meal.
Oh, oh, what are you doing?
Oh, you're tickling me.
- Yum.
- Please, no, I'm so ticklish.
- Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
- You'll stop tickling if I don't eat you?
Okay, okay, I promise I won't gobble you up.
- [Narrator] And with that,
the third Bumble Num Gruff stopped tickling the Yeti.
- I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that I would eat you.
I always get greedy and wait for something bigger and
To be honest, I've never actually eaten anyone.
better to come along. Now that I think about it, I'd really rather eat with someone.
It's so lonely living under this bridge.
- Yum?
- [Narrator] From that moment on, the three
Bumble Nums
Gruff could cross the bridge and have a picnic in the magnificent meadow whenever they wanted.
With the Yeti. So how does it taste, Bumble Nums Gruff?
- [All Three] Yum.
- [Narrator] And Yeti?
- Yum.
- [Narrator] The three Bumble Nums Gruff and the Yeti all lived yummly ever after. The end.
(cheerful music) - [Child] Woo! English
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