2 minute read
Lala Lopez de Leon / Jeepney Press
Walk with me: Pinto Art Museum, Antipolo
By Lala Lopez de Leon
April 18, 2023
Santorini? Nope, this is Antipolo’s unique contemporary art museum that is now fast gaining fame as an arts and culture, and in fact, a tourism destination.

Pinto Art Museum, within an awe-inspiring complex of art spaces and gardens, houses the collection of Filipino neurologist and patron of the arts Dr. Joven Cuanang, who began collecting works by Filipino artists in the late 1980s, and founded the museum in 2010.
Upon entrance into the first hall, I couldn’t help but letting out a clearly audible “Wow”! I’m gawking at a vast space with a concentration of works by purely Filipino contemporary artists, and I have never seen so many, all at once!

Many of the works exhibited exude the dark and sinister side of men and society. It was by no means intentional, as it so happened that we were still reeling from the political upheaval of the late 1980s.

Pinto Art Museum is, in my view, a fantastic venue to start to get to know the Filipino as an artist and perhaps see through their works the sentiments of the Filipino as an everyman: how he views his life past, present, and future.

Pintô | Your Door to Philippine Contemporary Art (pintoart.org)
Photos by Lala Lopez de Leon

Lala Lopez De Leon
Jeepney Press