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YOMU Editorial by Dennis Sun
editorial by Dennis Sun A Stormy Start
読む よむ “YOMU” means to read in Japanese
“There is a saying in Tibetan, 'Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.' No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster.” - Dalai Lama
I must confess, with the dawning of a year drenched with a continuing cataclysm of natural disasters, tragedies, conicts, deaths, and a new virus outbreak, I did not know where to start. How do I even begin writing this article with a more positive note? But no matter how horrible things are now, I know things will change for the better. Life isn’t permanent.
It’s now February and 10 more months to go for the year. In the face of catastrophes and conicts, it’s daunting what this year and the decade will bring upon us.
Let us manage it one day at a time. Our number one enemy is stress, exacerbated by a hyperconnected world. Start and end your day with mindfulness exercises instead of Facebook and LINE. When you wake up, do a few minutes of deep breathing or if you have the luxury of time, 30 minutes of meditation. This will increase your focus and prepare you for challenges ahead. End your day with a nice bath. The old tradition of community baths is actually a great time to meditate and let go of bad thoughts and fake news you have consumed from social media, while enjoying the healthy benets of the ofuro. You will sleep better, and be recharged for another round of life challenges to face and tackle the following day.
Suering is real. But so is hope. We cannot change the past. But we can change and choose to do good for ourselves, and the world. We must remember: life can be good again!