TRAFFIC by Alma Reyes “WE, THE PEOPLE” NEEDS MORE WORK IN JAPAN Something remarkable happened on November 7, 2020. While many non-Americans view the victory of President-elect Joe Biden (or defeat of Donald Trump) as an isolated triumph solely for America, I believe this sentiment to be significantly erroneous. While listening to and watching Biden address his country so proudly with his powerful message of unity, dignity, respect and human values, I admit to have fallen to a gripping emotion, feeling the profound impact of his humble
proclamation particularly on the immigrants (whom the current President have often belittled), who comprise nearly 45 million of the national population. It was a clear reminder of reawakening to the world that needs to abhor violence, prejudice, and misjudgment by race, gender, religion, status and disability. “Character Matters.” Biden’s words poignantly echoed in the ears of billions of people across the globe. Yet, while these simple words have long been grappled with by every citizen of any country, they continue to be disproportionately abused in more ways than permissible—from political and religious wars to racial prejudice. I felt deep empathy especially for the African-Americans who, not just by the past months’ display of inexcusable brutality that resulted to BLM (Black Lives Matter) protests, but by the mortifying scars of racial injustice they have awoken to and slept with for too many centuries, wrestle relentlessly in despair for human recognition. Still, it is a despair shared by all minorities in every part of the world. That weekend event provoked me to contemplate on this matter as it applies to Japan. I have been living in this Asian country with my Asian roots for over twenty years, yet the