“Our expertise revolves around high-quality research and development work, hydrology and the assessment and monitoring of eutrophication and water quality.”
Professor Anna-Stiina Heiskanen
Environment Institute (Syke)
Our research-based water management solutions builds on over 100 years of experience in hydrological monitoring. Heavy rain and extremely snowy winter in 1899 caused serious floods which leaded to the establishment of the Hydrographical Bureau in 1908.
Our findings and outputs are regularly published in various Finnish and international scientific and professional journals, and reports. A great share of our publications have been written in collaboration with colleagues from other Finnish and international organisations.
Today, hydrological monitoring and modelling are the backbone of the versatile water service offered by the Finnish Environment Institute.
Our international friends call us Syke which is our Finnish acronym.
Syke is a multidisciplinary research and expert institute with over some 700 highly educated and skilled experts, research professors and academic researchers. They operate in Helsinki and three other cities in Finland.
Syke offers the following services
• Hydrological services
• Flood and drought risk management
• Water quality modelling
• Decision support in water management
• Sustainable management of mine waters
• Expertise on lake restoration and catchment management
• Expertise on stream management and restoration
Throughout our existence, we have invested in network-like cooperation and co-production in Finland and abroad.
Find out more about our service portfolio, tools, research methods and references on following pages! Contact us and we are happy to help you in designing a project with you.
Do you need hydrological services such as support with hydrological information or modelling, flood forecasts or flood risk management? We can help you.
Syke produces up-to-date hydrological information and forecasts for different management and decisionmaking contexts. Comprehensive and accurate observations without outages are valuable for the development of communities. Hydrological observations are used for the validation and calibration of hydrological models and remote sensing results, too. We have developed modelling applications for water regulation, flood and drought forecasting and risk management, as well as river basin management planning.
We offer the following services
• Hydrological forecasting
• Flood modelling, mapping and risk assessment
• Evaluation for impacts of climate change on hydrological variables, floods and lake regulation
• Evaluation for river basin management
• Courses on Hydrology
We can support you in designing
• Hydrological monitoring network
• Data management and data quality control
Would automatic flood, drought and snow warnings help to adapt to hazardous unexpected weather situations?
Syke has developed a unique and comprehensive watershed model system, WSFS, to simulate and forecast hydrological variables such as the water levels of lakes and rivers, river discharges, soil moisture, ground water levels and snow water equivalent. The system has also been developed to provide nutrient load simulation (WSFS-VEMALA) from land areas to the Baltic Sea. The model was originally developed for flood forecasting in Finland’s varying weather conditions both in river catchments and and large, lake-rich watersheds. It can be modified according to the needs of other climatic areas. Syke has been developing the model since the 1980s.
The WSFS hydrological model simulates the water cycle in catchment areas. It is used for flood forecasting, real-time monitoring by simulation and
climate change research. Hydrological water balance maps on model simulation are created in real time. Forecasts are made on a daily or hourly basis for over 500 discharge and water level observation points. Forecasts are used for lake regulation planning, flood forecasting and planning of damage prevention and as information for the public and authorities. Most importantly, flood forecasts save property losses and even lives and improve total safety.
The VEMALA water quality model simulates nutrient leaching, retention and loads from watersheds on the national scale. The VEMALA model is used operationally. For example, the model can be used to assess the transport of nutrient loads and harmful substances in accident situations. Successive versions of the model have been developed leading to a more process-based nutrient load and carbon leaching model.
Would flood risk management enable the identification of possible flood prone areas and assist in land use planning, rescue and communication?
Flood risk mapping is a prerequisite for effective flood risk management. Hydraulic models and flood maps offer tools to simulate a flood, dam break and the transport of harmful substances in water systems. Syke has long experience in flood modelling and mapping. We are capable of producing solutions to challenging, exceptional and extreme floods, taking into account uncertainties related to modelling. We can customize comprehensive training on flood modelling and mapping or, if desired, focus on a single work phase only.
We offer the following services
• Hydraulic modelling (flow modelling, dam break and transport modelling with HEC-RAS)
• Calibration of hydraulic models and simulation of the desired scenarios (e.g. different flood probabilities), including uncertainty analyses
• Support for different phases of flood mapping (river geometry, modelling, calibration and simulation)
• Courses on hydraulic modelling and flood mapping as a whole or for individual phases
• Geographic information analysis and exploitation (ArcGIS, QGIS)
• Assessment for impacts and consequences of ice cover and ice jams in rivers
• Assessment for watershed regulation
• Flood damage risk assessment
• Flood risk management planning
Do you need to estimate changes in floods for planning purposes, for adaptation in dam safety or storm water management?
Estimating changes in floods is essential for adaptation in dam safety and planning. Also changing lake regulation rules and practices is an important way of adapting to climate change impacts.
Syke’s WSFS hydrological model can be used together with climate scenarios to assess the impacts of climate change on river discharges, water levels, floods and droughts as well on storm water discharges.
The WSFS-VEMALA (see page 5) model can be used to estimate how climate change may affect nutrient loading. The WSFS model is used to evaluate
how different regulation rules will function in varying future conditions using several climate scenarios.
We offer the following services
• Assessment of the impacts of climate change on discharges and water levels, floods and droughts
• Estimates of changes in floods for adaptation in dam safety and planning
• Estimates of how climate change may affect nutrient loading
How to identify the most cost-effective measures to achieve a good ecological status?
The effect of different combinations of measures on loading and the status of a waterbody can be assessed by the modelling tools developed by Syke (see page 5).
Models describe the most essential information affecting the nutrient cycle in the river basin, transport of nutrients from soil to the watershed and retention
in watersheds. In the process, the costs of river basin management can be evaluated as well as the benefits for recreational use from improving the water quality.
We offer the following services
• Assessing the status of a waterbody and the management practices needed
Do you need to forecast the influences of your operations on water flow or quality in rivers, lakes or coastal areas?
Syke offers modelling for calculating water quality and transport of substances, such as nutrients and chemicals in rivers, lakes and Finnish coastal waters. We support environmental planning by providing computational approaches for selecting the best choice among design alternatives. The application areas include the forecasting of influences of waste water, management of discharges by regulation, construction works and the environmental effects of aquaculture.
We have participated in numerous water risk management projects. The applicability of our tools ranges from high-resolution local models to large-scale
connected modelling systems, and can be augmented by custom code on a case-by-case basis. Ice formation and cover on lakes can also be included in the calculations.
We offer the following services
• Lake modelling using COHERENS WEB and MyLake WEB
• River modelling using SOBEK WEB and COHERENS
• Catchment/national scale hydrology and water quality: WSFS-VEMALA WEB
• Coastal modelling using WSFS-VEMALA and FICOS WEB
Could we help you in risk assessment concerning the influence of mining on natural waters? Do you need information about mine water balances?
The aim of sustainable mining is transparency, accountability and social acceptability. The environmental impact of a mine and related risks are well known. Sustainable mining is operated at a higher level than its permit requires throughout its lifecycle. We draw up guidelines and develop tools for environmental risk and impact assessment, for anticipation and management. We also provide information about water balances to set up or expand a mine and summarise all the environmental information from a mine site into an easily understandable form.
We offer the following services
• Management of water balances of a mine
• Assessment of the influence on the recipient of a mine
• Assessment of the methods for restoration of the recipient of a mine
• Water balance modelling
• Data management
Syke has developed a tool for the calculation of water balances and forecasts to support the operation of mines (mining site WSFS model). Using the model, inflow and outflow from one basin to another can be calculated, and the water levels in separate basins. The WSFS model predictions use real-time observations and weather forecasts and the model can be integrated with the systems used in mines.
With the model it is possible
• to predict real-time water balances when designing, licensing or operation a mine
• to design dams, pumping stations and water basins, as well as to examine alternate structural or water management options; and
• to be prepared for changes in the water discharges and floods, as well as to ensure the adequacy of the water
Do you need to find out the distribution of load in the recipient?
Would you like to assess the impact of water load when changing mining activities or different scenarios? Does the run-off from tailing ponds or waste rock heaps need passive purification?
Syke has developed a modelling tool that can be used to assess the distribution and concentrations of an emission, including the harmful impacts on water organisms. The tool is suitable for Environment Impact Assessment (EIA).
We offer the following services
• Estimation of direction and distribution of an emission
• Evaluation of the impacts on a river basin: Concentrations, effects on living organisms
• Evaluation of the stratification risk due to an emission.
Syke offers its know-how for finding solutions to purify waste waters at their source. Syke can evaluate the best restoration method for a basin that is stratified or otherwise in poor condition. The evaluation can be carried out with the help of analysing samples or with environmentally safe in situ tests.
Do you need expertise for lake restoration projects and catchment management?
Preparation of a restoration project includes the choice of physical, chemical and biological measures and catchment area management techniques to be ap-plied in the target. A multi-criteria assessment method helps in the comparison of cost-effective options and in stakeholder participation in the planning phase. Water quality and biological monitoring before and after restoration gives information on how the goals of the restoration have been attained.
We offer our expert services on developing catchment management
• Wetland and catchment restoration
• Waste water control and treatment
• Erosion and sediment control
• Methods for soil nutrient balance retention
We offer our expert services on developing lake restoration
• Nature-based shoreline management tools
• Chemical methods for sediment nutrient retention
• Food web management tools and biodiversity improvement
We offer support for the evaluation of alternatives and the significance of impacts in environmental planning. We offer courses and a counselling for restoration, management and monitoring.
Would Syke’s expertise on management measures and scientific knowledge for rivers, streams and brooks benefit your restoration project?
We have knowledge from small forestry brooks to large hydropower streams and we can offer deep ecological understanding with profound hydrological modelling capacity. The special areas of our expertise include improving ecological status and using scientific knowledge in restoration.
Preparation of a restoration project includes the choice of physical, chemical and biological measures and catchment area management techniques to be applied in the target. Ecological flow implementation and a range of ecological compensation options are used for hydropower mitigation. A multi-criteria assessment method helps in the comparison of costeffective options and ensures stakeholder participation in the planning phase. Water quality and biological monitoring before and after restoration gives
information on how the goals of the restoration have been attained.
We offer the following services
• Ecological flow implementation
• Hydromorphological assessment
• Assessment for constructing natural bypasses
• Assessment for ecological compensation in streams
• Hydraulic habitat modelling
• Back-to-nature hydraulic engineering
• Assessment for urban brooks
• Decision support in water management
• Education and counselling on restoration and monitoring
Do you have a complex decision situation with multiple stakeholders, objectives and alternatives, and need to support decision-making?
Syke offers services for applying decision analysis and valuation approaches in different management and decision-making contexts. The application areas include, for example, watercourse regulation, river basin management planning, ecosystem service assessment and environmental impact assessment. We support environmental planning by providing systematic approaches for identifying and structuring the problem, estimating the impacts and costeffectiveness of different measures and evaluating the overall desirability of the alternatives. We have applied Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in numerous participatory water resources management projects to
support participatory planning with the aim of finding solutions that balance economic, social and ecological objectives.
• Structured evaluation of alternatives and the significance of impacts in environmental planning
• Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and social acceptability of measures in water resources management projects
• Courses on structured decision-making and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
PRASDES-project in the Andes 2013-2016: Finnish experts helped countries in the Andes region to develop their water, climate and weather services. Syke participated in the project by training and supporting the countries’ hydro-meteorological institutes. Improvements were made to the information exchange and management practices of the authorities responsible for services, thus improving the countries’ preparedness to provide warnings on the risks brought by climate change.
Latvia 2015: Syke developed a hydrological simulation and forecasting system for Venta, Lielupe and Gauja river basin district and a hydraulic model for Lielupe River (Jūrmala) and Babite lake flood risk areas. During a training course the results of the hydraulic model where used to compile flood hazard and risk maps. The compilation of flood maps and flood map service were done together by Finnish and Latvian Personnel. A new project to build same kind of system and compilation of flood maps for Daugava River is going on in 2021.
Georgia 2012-2014: Syke’s water experts helped the Georgian National Environmental Agency (NEA) to improve the status of waters and minimize the negative effects of climate change in Georgia. Syke provided overall project management, preparation of standard operating procedures for sampling, arranging laboratory proficiency tests between Finnish and
Georgian water laboratories and capacity building on for example environmental monitoring, quality assurance and flood risk management.
Watershed forecasts and flood warning system in Finland: Syke has developed the national flood map service together with the regional environment authorities (Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment), which are responsible for fluvial flood risk management planning in Finland. The flood map service contains flood hazard and risk maps for river, lake, and sea floods in Finland. Maps are available for over 100 most vulnerable river and lake flood risk areas and for the whole coastal line.
Tuloma river in Russia, Murmansk Oblast: Syke has built up a forecasting model to Tuloma river at Murmansk area. This was moved to a PCcomputer and the ready system were given to Russian water authorities at Murmansk to use the model for forecasting purposes.
The WSFS model together with climate scenarios can be used to assess climate change effect on hydrology and water resources in Finland. Several projects have used WSFS to assess needs for adaptation due to climate change in lake regulation rules and flood protection measures.
HEC-RAS and flood mapping trainings: Syke has arranged numerous for the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, universities, consultant companies, and municipalities.
Turun Seudun Vesi Oy: Syke modelled the transport and evolution of aquatic contaminants from an upstream waste water treatment plant through a network of lakes and rivers to the water intake for an artificial ground water processing plant. A 3-D hydrodynamic transport model was used for the lake sections and a 1-D hydrodynamic transport model for the river parts.
Jyväskylä Energy Group: Syke carried out the assessment of counter-flow induced risk to water quality of Lake Tuomiojärvi in Finland. A 3-D hydrodynamic model was set up to assess the water balance between two small lakes that are connected by a narrow, free-flowing channel. One of the lakes, with better water quality and normally slightly upstream of the other lake, is a source for municipal drinking water for the city of Jyväskylä. Syke examined in which environmental conditions the flow between the lakes is be reversed.
Regional Council of South Karelia: Syke created water flow and quality scenarios for improvement of Lake Saimaa water quality by pumping solutions. Using a 3-D hydrodynamic and water quality model, Syke simulated the flow and water quality changes in Lake Pien-Saimaa if a new channel and pumping station is built between the lakes Saimaa and Pien-Saimaa.
Ramboll Oy: A high resolution, nested 3-D hydrodynamic model of Lake Näsijärvi was used to simulate the exchange of water in the waterways of the new Hiedanranta district being built on artificial islands in Lake Näsijärvi.
Mine waters
Kainuu Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment: The effect of sulphate emission of Terrafame mine to stratification of Nuasjärvi Lake, 2017. Syke used a modified 1-dimensional MyLake model where the density description was modified to take into account the effect of sulphate. Syke studied the occurrence of spring and autumn turnover under emission from Terrafame mine.
Egypt 2017-2019: Syke worked with The General Authority for Fish Resources Development (GAFRD) of Egypt to improve the environmental status and aquatic monitoring of Lake Manzala. They planned more environmentally friendly dredging operations, prepared a COHERENS 3D model to monitor the water quality and based on it, guidelines for sustainable dredging and planned joint operational monitoring and data management system and recommendations for its implementation prepared.
RESTORE project (Rivers Engaging, Supporting and Transferring knowledge for Restoration in Europe) ran between 2010 and 2013. Syke was one of the six European partners in the LIFE+ funded project. The objective of the project was to make connections between river restoration professionals in Europe and join existing national efforts on river restoration. In RESTORE effective river restoration knowledge transfer was promoted, existing river restoration network capacity was build up and RiverWiki was established for long term river restoration knowledge sharing.
RiverWiki: Together with other networks and organizations Syke was involved in the creation of RiverWiki that is an interactive database for sharing river restoration knowledge. It was one of the key outputs from the EU LIFE+ RESTORE project. The aim of the database is to facilitate a shared resource from which we can all learn and develop our skills.
The Finnish Water Restoration and Management Network that was established in year 2012 is an open platform that promotes co-operation between administration, researchers, local actors, entrepreneurs, operators and financiers. Network disseminates up-to-date information of restoration issues and good practices and supports public-private partnership and voluntary activities.
ELY-Centres (Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in Finland): MultiCriteria Decision Analysis has been used in numerous water-related assessments including the development of sustainable regulation practices for the largest lakes and reservoirs in Finland. MCDA has been used as a “learning by analysing” tool, which has supported the identification and structuring of the objectives of stakeholders, and systematic evaluation of ecological, social and economic impacts of alternatives.
Georgia (2011–2013) and Moldova (2020–2021)
waters: Syke organized MCDA training courses and compiled MCDA guidance for supporting national water management.
City of Jyväskylä (2014): Multi-criteria evaluation of restoration alternatives of River Tourujoki in the City of Jyväskylä, Finland.
These are only a few examples of our many references. Please contact us to hear more. Syke is a reliable partner to support your needs.
Video introduction of the Watershed simulation and forecasting system (WSFS) WEB
Integrated use of weather, climate, water quantity and quality expertise in hydrological services in Finland PDF (17 Mt)
Brochure: Watershed simulation and forecasting system WSFS PDF
Article: A national scale nutrient loading model for Finnish watersheds – VEMALA WEB
Video: Hydraulic modelling and mapping services WEB
Watershed forecasts and flood warnings in Finland WEB
Flood Map Service WEB
Flood modelling, mapping and risk assessment WEB
Hydraulic modelling and flood mapping training packages offered by Finnish Environment Institute brochure PDF
Article: Severe Drought in Finland: Modeling Effects on Water Resources and Assessing Climate Change Impacts WEB
Project introduction: Winland (exploring future energy, food and water security in Finland) WEB
Article: Sediment diffusion method improves wastewater nitrogen removal in the receiving lake sediments WEB
Article: Contamination risk of raw drinking water caused by PFOA sources WEB
Article: Public health and economic risk assessment of waterborne contaminants and pathogens WEB
Article: The effect of local wind field on water circulation and dispersion of imaginary tracers in two small connected lakes WEB
Article: Effect of climate change and agricultural adaptation on the nutrient loading from Finnish watersheds to the Baltic Sea WEB
Mine waters
Final report of project WaterSmart: Management of water balance and quality in mining areas WEB
AMAP assessment report: Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic WEB
Introduction of INFACT project: Innovative, Non-Invasive and Fully Acceptable Exploration Technologies WEB
Introduction of project Watersmart: Management of water balance in mining areas WEB
Introduction of project HybArkt
- Passive hybrid treatment solutions to remove nitrogen and heavy metals from different types of waters in the arctic region WEB
Article: Tools to support participation and cooperation by citizens and authorities in water management WEB
Introduction of project SAVE
- Improving the quality of the Archipelago Sea by applying gypsum to agricultural fields WEB
Introduction of project RESTORE
- Restoring European rivers WEB
Finnish Water Restoration and Management Network WEB
Article: Experiences from an urban planning case WEB
Article: How to design and realize participation of stakeholders in MCDA processes? A framework for selecting an appropriate approach WEB
Syke is a national research institute that provides wide-ranging expertise. |
@SYKEint @SYKEinfo
*There are over 150 000 lakes in Finland larger than 500 square meters.