SYKE´s strategy 2021–2025
VISION 2030: SUSTAINABILITY TRANSFORMATION! MISSION STATEMENT The Finnish Environment Institute supports the building of a sustainable society with research, information and services.
VALUES Global responsibility and respect for the intrinsic value of nature Ethical conduct, inclusion, fairness, and equality Eagerness for innovation and experimentation Courage to succeed, but also to fail
IMPACTING OBJECTIVES 1. We enhance climate change mitigation and adaptation. 2. We advance the transition to a sustainable circular economy and bioeconomy. 3. We support urban areas on their way to becoming forerunners of sustainability. 4. We promote well-being through nature-based solutions and prevent biodiversity loss. 5. We develop new approaches for reaching a good state of the seas and inland waters and achieving sustainable use of water resources.
ENABLING OBJECTIVES 1. We are pioneers in developing the whole value chain of environmental information. 2. We sharpen our strategic management, provide efficient support services, and focus on the quality of our operations. 3. We diversify our financial base and emphasise proactive financial management. 4. We invest in the well-being and internationalisation of our staff and in skills management. 5. We highlight effective and constructive multi-channelled communication.
We follow the principles of open data and open science. We increase understanding and develop solutions through national and international collaboration and networking. We observe systems holistically, accounting for their multiple interlinkages. We are proactive in maintaining our high level of expertise, improving our operations, and managing our operational risks. We are forerunners in developing and applying new research methods and opportunities presented by digitalisation. We minimise the environmental impact of our operations.
Sustainability is cross-generational and fair. Sustainability transformation is more than the sum of individual changes. It is a shift leading to reforms in systems of our society. Transformation does not appear by itself but requires proactive intervention. It requires extensive cooperation and research-based knowledge and understanding. Transformation also involves combating some changes but adapting to others.
SYKE’s strategy is for 2021–2025. Development areas and necessary actions have been identified in order to achieve strategy’s objectives. Implementation Programme for our strategy is evaluated and updated annually.
@SYKEint @SYKEinfo
SYKE is a multidisciplinary research and expert institute. Our most important task is to solve questions that have an impact on the environment.
Finnish Environment Institute SYKE | | | HELSINKI, FINLAND, 11/2021