3 minute read
What is a Superfood Diet?
Superfoods such as broccoli, blueberries, salmon, quinoa and bananas are rich in dietaryfiber, protective anti-oxidants and essential fatty acids that will improve your health.
The popularity of the term superfoods grew when medical publications featured endorsements from doctors who linked them to improvement in conditions like diabetes,hypertension and celiac disease.

It is of benefit to plan a superfood diet in which you incorporate superfoods into your current eating habits. By picking foods rich in healthy nutrients which also have disease-preventing effect, you'll enhance wellness and keep away sickness.
A superfood diet is rich in all categories of nutrients. You can easily plan a superfood diet toinclude whole foods, fruits and vegetables. This will ensure an ideal balance of all dietary requirements, including macro- and micro-nutrients.
By combining multiple superfoods, you will also make sure that vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are necessary for optimal health will be available in adequate quantities in your diet.
While you make your shopping list, be aware of what you're adding to it. Take care to addsuperfoods like avocados, spinach, chia seeds, eggs, salmon or broccoli. When you payattention to the nutritive quality of your food, you'll enjoy rich benefits.
Yes, superfoods really work to boost your health and wellness while providing you with enough nutrients, antioxidants and fiber to help prevent disease and sickness.
But with all the song and dance surrounding the use of the term 'superfoods', it is natural to wonder if it's all just marketing hype.
So, are superfoods really good for your health? Experts almost universally agree that they are.
Superfoods have high vitamin and mineral content along with antioxidants. These protect cells against inflammation and damage from free radicals. In turn, this reduces the risk of developing cancer and other diseases.
Many superfoods have grown popular because you can consume them in diverse and different ways, and still enjoy health benefits. Juice them, saute them, eat them in a salad, or use them in more elaborate recipes - it's up to you.
This versatility combined with the multiple health advantages mean that superfoods really work - in more ways than one.

Charlene Carter's bestselling book is a great starting point to explore Superfoods!
What To Do Next?
There are 29 more questions answered in the ULTIMATE Superfoods FAQ.
You'll learn ever more about superfoods and how they can transform your health and your life - in Charlene Carter's fascinating book
SUPERFOODS 101: The Top Superfoods List For Clean-Eating To Beat Diabetes, Heart Disease & Cancer
Order your copy from Amazon.com
Oh, and don't miss a visit to the Superfoods Blog at Guydz.com/superfoods/
Invite your friends and family to pick up a copy of the ULTIMATE Superfoods FAQ.