2 minute read

Which Superfoods Are Right For Me?

Which superfoods are right for me?

It's often hard to know which superfoods are right for any individual. Broadly, superfoods have some things in common.


They provide nutrients, contain antioxidants and micronutrients like vitamins and minerals, and improve health while preventing disease.

Many foods could be labelled superfoods.But many of them won't pass any stringent or strict quality checks to justify this title.

Among the superfoods most likely to be right for you are:

• Dark green leafy vegetables like kale, collard greens and spinach

• All kinds of berries

Charlene Carter's book SUPERFOODS 101 is a great start to learning more about superfoods

• Garlic with manganese, selenium and Vitamin B6

• Green tea, which is rich in antioxidants

• Nuts and seeds that contain fiber and healthy fats

• Eggs which provide protein and vitamins

• Legumes or pulses, which provide nutrition and preventdiseases

• Olive oil with MUFAs (mono unsaturated fatty acids)

Try them out to see which ones are best suited to include in your diet for the long term. All have similar advantages. So it's all up to you to decide which ones to eat.

Superfoods are your secret superpower

What To Do Next?


There are 29 more questions answered in the ULTIMATE Superfoods FAQ.


You'll learn ever more about superfoods and how they can transform your health and your life - in Charlene Carter's fascinating book

SUPERFOODS 101: The Top Superfoods List For Clean-Eating To Beat Diabetes, Heart Disease & Cancer

Order your copy from Amazon.com


Oh, and don't miss a visit to the Superfoods Blog at Guydz.com...


Invite your friends and family to pick up a copy of the ULTIMATE Superfoods FAQ.

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