4 minute read
How Do Superfoods Work?
SUPERFOODS are nutrient-dense food full of vitamins and antioxidants, beneficial to overall general health.
What gives superman his powers? The ability to fly and save the world! So what makes superfoods so special?
Well, their high nutritional content, for one. They deliver enough healthy nutrients, without overloading you with calories.
Superfoods also have more minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. The last one helps neutralize free radicals that might otherwise wreak havoc on cells and biological systems.
While superfoods help prevent, arrest or reverse conditions like heart disease, stroke, emphysema, some cancers, arthritis and immune disorders, they are not magical 'cure alls’.
Superfoods work in the context of an otherwise healthy, balanced diet. They provide essential nutrients (macro and micro) that help repair damage, improve efficiency of metabolic processes, and strengthen the system to perform better.
In this way, superfoods help maintain ideal body weight, lower heart attack risk, and correct blood levels of bad cholesterol. Memory loss is prevented. So is bone loss after menopause.

Charlene Carter's SUPERFOODS 101 are a great introduction to this complex subject of superfoods.
You can certainly eat superfoods as they are available in nature, or by cooking them using any one of several superfood recipes.
Superfood powders can be added to smoothies or milkshakes. Even if they don't taste pleasant when consumed as powder, there's hardly any noticeable flavor when superfood powder is mixed with a fruit smoothie. And yet you'll enjoy all the nutrients and health benefits of superfoods.
You can also add a superfood powder in a juice. If you are already an avid juicer, then after squeezing or blending your fresh fruit or vegetable juice, simply stir in the superfood powder. This can also be done with packaged natural fruit juice you buy from a store.
Another way to use superfoods is to sprinkle powder over food. It blends in with the flavor of yoghurt, cereal or oatmeal.
These are just some ways to use superfoods. One of the attractive aspects of superfoods is that you can consume them in any format and still not lose any of the goodness they deliver.

Despite a flood of information about the health advantages of eating superfoods, there’s remarkably little detail on how much superfoods you should eat.
The most popular recommendation is to eat superfoods at least five times daily. This ensures all the nutrients will be absorbed. And the more often you eat superfoods, the better value you'll get from it.
Not only does 5 daily servings of superfoods maximize value, you'll also be able to compensate for any dietary deficiencies of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Superfoods are densely packed with antioxidants, healthy fatty acids, natural enzymes and other micronutrients that boost immunity, enhance health and prevent disease.
How can you get 5 servings of superfoods per day? It's easy. Just add superfoods to everyday recipes. Remind yourself to do this consistently, for all meals over the day. Is there any risk or danger from adding superfoods to every meal? It's very unlikely, just as long as you're guided by common sense and don't go overboard and consume unusually large doses.

What To Do Next?
There are 29 more questions answered in the ULTIMATE Superfoods FAQ here.
You'll learn ever more about superfoods and how they can transform your health and your life - in Charlene Carter's fascinating book
SUPERFOODS 101: The Top Superfoods List For Clean-Eating To Beat Diabetes, Heart Disease & Cancer

Order your copy from Amazon.com
Oh, and don't miss a visit to the Superfoods Blog at Guydz.com...
Invite your friends and family to pick up a copy of the ULTIMATE Superfoods FAQ.