AllArtNow Damascus, Syria / Stockholm, Sweden AllArtNow, Almansha street, 14136 Damascus, Syria
Älvkarleövägen 6 BV, 115 43 Stockholm, Sweden |
In an upside-down World
In the wake of the Pandemic, the world turned upside-down, and people expressed panic in many of their behaviors.
In the beginning, we isolated ourselves and endured social distance and lockdown and sometimes the loss of loved ones.
But later, we started to think about how we could continue our lives and support each other despite this complicated time.
During 2020/2021, we tackled different projects and programmes related to the current situation.
Today we select a few artworks from several projects we produced at AllArtNow during this period.
Nisrine Boukhari, ‘Mind Time’, kinetic painting, Düsseldorf Germany, 2021