Galería Metropolitana Santiago, Chile Galería Metropolitana, Felix Mendelssohn 2941, Felix Weingartner, 8460146 Santiago, Chile |
Galería Metropolitana is an independent, experimental and non-profit space for contemporary art, founded by Ana María Saavedra and Luis Alarcón in 1998 in the southwest periphery of Santiago de Chile, as an extension of their home. The project supports the production of contemporary art through two basic dynamics: the development of contextual works, and sustained work within the local social fabric as well as in the art world. GM has organised more than 400 exhibitions, workshops and seminars. Since 2011, GM maintains a residence in Laguna Grande, Concepción, in the Biobío Region. Galería Metropolitana presents Paula Baeza Pailamilla and Danny Reveco at Supermarket 2021.
Paula Baeza Pailamilla, ‘Fuera salmoneras’, photo record, action, 2018, photo: Danny Reveco and Paula Baeza Pailamilla Danny Reveco, ‘somos lxs hijxs de lxs hijxs’, mural, silkscreen ink on canvas, 300 x 350 cm, 2019, photo: Luis Alarcón Paula Baeza Pailamilla, ‘Mongeley taiń dungun (our tongue is alive)’, video, 5:15, 2018, video still Danny Reveco, ‘Portrait’, photo, 100 x 150 cm, 2019, photo: Paula Baeza Pailamilla