Construction Technology Certificate
Construction Technology Certificate
Construction Technology Certificate General information The official name of the certificate program is: Certificate Building Design & Technology (Graduate School) The program is given in English. The group aimed at are the Master students of the Department of the Built Environment. Students can sign up for the certificate program by means of a registration form available at the Education Office on the 2nd floor of Vertigo. Students must also sign up for separate courses by using OSIRIS. The program is held under the responsibility of the Department of the Built Environment. The certificate program has an extent of 15 ECTS, 5 ECTS will be additional to the regular master program of 120 ECTS. So, this certificate is supplementary to the regular master program. Content The Construction Technology certificate focuses on independently designing and developing production processes for the construction of buildings by using materials, equipment and labour as optimal as possible. The learning objective of the first course ‘Time, Costs, Methods and Equipment’ (5 ects, Q1) is managing the supply and transport of materials to and on the building site. Subjects which will be discussed regard modelling the supply and transport of quantities of materials, data for the management, relations subcontractor and customer, purchase (function) of the contracting firm, the builder’s specifications and the branch models for electronic communication. The second course is still under development, ‘Construction Research Skills in the Built Environment’ (5 ects, Q3) it will mainly focus on different research methods of construction and production technology. This course will be developed in close collaboration with stakeholders in the building sector. In the master project ‘Innovation on Site’ (5 ects, Q1) students are full time on a building site during one week and study a real problem in the construction process. For this problem they develop an innovative solution. During the rest of the quartile the students will be executing further research on adaptive subjects, in order to interpret and solve the found problems on the building site.
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student obtains extra knowledge and skills in the field of construction technology: the construction of a building. The stress falls on independent designing and developing of a production process for the construction of a building by using materials, equipment and labour as optimally as possible. The certificate program is focused on working methods and construction techniques, dimension quality control, process and product development and information, making a scale model and simulation. The certificate program helps the student: • to enlarge knowledge and strengthen skills in the field of malleability, dimension quality tolerance and dimension quality control • to gain profounder knowledge of and improve skills in the field of building methods and making choices in the building process • to learn independently how to translate a building design in a thorough construction scheme • to learn independently how to design a production process and the development of that process by using means of production, building timing and building costs. The certificate program includes: • 7RC80 - Time, Costs, Methods and Equipment (Semester A, Quartile 1, 5 ECTS) • 7RC40 - Construction Research Skills in the Built Environment (Semester B, Quartile 3, 5 ECTS) • 7RC50 - Master Project Construction Plan (Semester B, Quartile 4, 5 ECTS)
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Construction Technology Certificate
7RC80 Time, costs, methods and equipment General information Class planning:
Semester A – Quartile 1 – Timeslot E
prof. dr. ir. T.A.M. Salet (responsible lecturer)
Prior knowledge:
For this course no specific prior knowledge is required
Provided by:
Department: Built Environment Sub-department: Unit Structural design
prof. dr. ir. T.A.M. Salet – VRT 9.B08 – Study association SUPport – VRT floor 2 –
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Content During the course the following subjects will be given: • Vertically and horizontally concrete works • Construction of high-rise buildings • Formwork and regulations, Cranes • Optimal Site Transportation • Logistics Process Analysis • Logistics in the façade-, roof- and finishing phas • Construction site planning and accessibility • Composition of a Transport Plan • Calculating Construction costs and General Site Costs • Logistics in urban locations In this course the student learns to develop a complete and coherent construction method for a designed building: • The ability to analyse a building task and choosing the possible construction methods for making the structure, façade, finishing. • The ability to design and control of material flow, equipment, waste and labour workers, and to the construction site. • In all phases of construction choosing the right equipment. Adequately design a site facility, taking account of environmental factors and preconditions for building efficiency and safety.
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Construction Technology Certificate
7RC40 Construction Research Skills in the Built Environment General information Class planning:
Semester B – Quartile 3 – Timeslot t.b.d.
ir. A.D.C. Pronk (responsible lecturer) prof. dr. ir. T.A.M. Salet (co-lecturer)
Prior knowledge:
For this course no specific prior knowledge is required
Provided by:
Department: Built Environment Sub-department: Unit Structural design
ir. A.D.C. Pronk – VRT 9.D18 – Study association SUPport – VRT floor 2 –
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Content This course combines guest lectures with an assignment. The assignment is to write a scientific paper about a construction method, for instance PPVC. This will be done in groups and with help from the guest lectures and teachers. All the guest lectures will be given by people with experience within a variety of different companies. Each lecture will discuss a different topic, all lectures together will help the student to create view from multiple angles to the general assignment. After following this course the student: • Will be able to gather the needed measurements for regulating the dimensional control aspects of building materials and knows how to handle this in the further engineering of the details. • Has knowledge about the latest developments about construction automation and will be able to visualize the construction process. • Has the proofed knowledge to translate the requirements of energy low building methods (like Active and Passive Housing, Zero Energy housing) into the construction aspects of producing the details. • Will be able to design a construction process with the incorporation of integrated quality control, system engineering, quality assurance and quality control during engineering, preparation and realization. • Has improved research skills by learning and using new analysing technics and research methods for solving construction challenges. • Has proofed to process all the demands in the final assignment in a proper academic project document, with logical content and structure, clearly written, visual well prepared and where the students shows that the presented theory, tools and literature is used to work out the final assignment.
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Construction Technology Certificate
7RC50 Master Project Construction Plan General information
Class planning:
Semester B – Quartile 3 – Timeslot t.b.d.
ir. A.D.C. Pronk (responsible lecturer) prof. dr. ir. T.A.M. Salet (co-lecturer)
Prior knowledge:
For this course no specific prior knowledge is required
Provided by:
Department: Built Environment Sub-department: Unit Structural design
ir. A.D.C. Pronk – VRT 9.D18 – Study association SUPport – VRT floor 2 –
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Content During a week students are full time doing research on a building site and study a real problem in the construction process. For this problem in the field of construction technology or building technology they develop an innovative solution. The focus lies not only in finding the optimal technical solution but also on the most added value in time and costs. During the project the students will be executing further research on adaptive subjects, in order to interpret and solve the found problems on the building site. The outcome will be a fully academic paper, report and a time/costs estimation of the added value of the designed and chosen solution. This course is given in corporation with study association SUPport and Bouwend Nederland it also holds a competition element in it. The most innovative idea will win the contest. The reports of the best five groups will be judged by a jury (formed by outstanding people from the building industry and TU/e assistant professors) and they will be present their idea in the great final happening at the end of the course. In the course the student learns to apply constructional and structural knowledge when solving a specific problem that occurs in a building under construction. During this process the student learns: • to analyze a problem in terms of cause and effect • to think in added value and optimizing related to time and costs • to generate various solutions for this problem and time/costs estimations • to compare these solutions and to motivate the subsequent choice • to work out and to pitch and present this solution • to write an fully developed academic paper about the subject
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