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ON THE MENU July/August 2022 ISSUE NO. 234 Published and copyrighted 2022 by AC Business Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechani cal, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. Food Logistics (USPS 015-667; ISSN 1094-7450 print; ISSN 1930-7527 online) is published 6 times per year in January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, and November/December by AC Business Media, 201 N. Main Street, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Food Logistics, P.O. Box 3605, Northbrook, IL 60065-3605. Subscriptions: U.S., one year, $45; two years, $85; Canada & Mexico, one year, $65; two years, $120; international, one year, $95; two years, $180. All subscriptions must be paid in U.S. funds, drawn from a U.S. bank. Printed in the USA. www.FoodLogistics.com10 COVER STORY Trucking Industry Drives Forward Despite a driver shortage, here’s how the trucking industry turns woes into wins. COLUMNS FOR STARTERS 04 Company Culture Key to Comebacks The trucking industry is set to make the comeback of all comebacks, says Editor-in-Chief Marina Mayer. DEPARTMENTS06 Farm To Fork 08 Food on the Move WEB EXCLUSIVES • Supply Chain Network Virtual SCNSummit.comSummit • The L.I.N.K. to Global Supply Chain • Supply SOFTWARE & TECHNOLOGY Robotics, Wearables in the Cold Chain Discover how the industry is implementing automation and visibility across the cold chain. 32 PACKAGING Reclosable Packaging Benefits Reynolds Consumer Products talks benefits of reclosable flexible packaging technologies. 34 20 FOOD SAFETY AdvantagesTraceability’s enVista outlines traceability’s competitive edge. 35 3PL / COLD CHAIN 3PLs & Foodservice in 2022 The foodservice industry’s transformation and bounceback presents new challenges for 3PLs. 16 WAREHOUSING Tackling TransformationDigital Dematic details why the right digital transformation approach is necessary in seeing productivity improvements. 28 TRANSPORTATION New Rail Technology Better Tracks Cargo TransmetriQ explains how rail technology providers expand and package the solutions better. 30 JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 3

4 FOOD LOGISTICS | JULY/AUGUST 2022 FOR STARTERS FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK DETAILS WWW.FOODLOGISTICS.COM Published by AC BUSINESS MEDIA 201 N. Main Street, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 (800) 538-5544 • Print and Digital Staff Group Publisher Jason DeSarle Sales Associate Brian Hines Account Executive John Specht Account Executive Paul Pettersen Editor-in-Chief Marina mmayer@ACBusinessMedia.comMayer Managing Editor Brielle bjaekel@ACBusinessMedia.comJaekel Associate Editor Hannah hgooch@ACBusinessMedia.comGooch Senior Production Manager Cindy crusch@ACBusinessMedia.comRusch Art Director Willard Kill Audience Development Manager Angela Franks ADVERTISING SALES (800) 538-5544 Group Publisher Jason DeSarle (440) 476-9526 | Sales Associate Brian Hines (647) 296-5014 | Account Executive John Specht (513) 379-8999 | Account Executive Paul Pettersen (516) 252-8020 | Circulation & Subscriptions P.O. Box 3605, Northbrook, IL 60065-3605 (877) 201-3915 | Fax: List Rental Sr. Account Manager Bart Piccirillo | Data Axle (518) 339 4511 | Reprint Services Brian Hines (647) 296-5014 | AC Business Media Chief Executive Officer Ron Spink Chief Financial Officer JoAnn Breuchel Chief Digital Officer Kris Heineman Chief Revenue Officer Amy Schwandt VP of Operations & IT Nick Raether VP of Audience Development Ronda Hughes Director, Demand Generation & Education Jim Bagan GM Online & Marketing Services Bethany Chambers Content Director Marina Mayer Published and copyrighted 2022 by AC Business Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. Marina Mayer Editor-In-Chief A t the time of building Food Logistics’ editorial calendar, the topic “Transportation Trends & Technologies” seemed so grand. The topic was broad enough to cover all aspects of the trucking and transportation sector. However it evolved post-pandemic. Fast forward to present day and it has become a “where do I begin?” moment.Thedriver shortage. Increased wages. Rising fuel prices. Rising cost of goods. Ingredient shortage. Supplies shortage. Canada-border protests. Increased shipping costs. The list just. Keeps. Going. While some companies have adopted automation and technolo gies designed to future-proof their supply chains, others are bracing for what could become another setback for an industry still recov ering from a global pandemic. According to a survey, over half (51%) of carriers polled are looking to change jobs in the next 6-12 months even though 32% of respondents are making 50-74% more money. Most carriers surveyed (96%) believe improvements made possible with the infrastructure bill will positively impact the freight transporta tion industry, while 28% believe improvements will come from an increase in new drivers under apprentice programs. At the end of the day though, it’s the drivers, fleet, warehouses and software/technologies that really keep today’s supply chains in line. According to the handful of folks interviewed for this issue’s cover story (see page 10), there are high hopes to turn the industry around, recruit new drivers, implement better safety measures, enforce a work-life balance and more. And, building a company culture is key to overcoming some of the many bottlenecks challenging businesses nationwide. This year’s winners of Food Logistics’ annual Top 3PL & Cold Storage Providers award (see page 20) are prime examples. These winners maintain the drive for collaboration and continuous improvement. They’ve collaborated on all facets of their operations to achieve full visibility, complete forecasting, end-toend leverage and the ultimate in sustainability.Despitethe challenges, the bot tlenecks, the setbacks, the list that just keeps going, there is hope and concrete plans for the trucking and transportation industry to make the comeback of all comebacks.

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FARM TO FORK NEWS FROM ACROSS THE FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN Daily Updates at 6 FOOD LOGISTICS | JULY/AUGUST 2022 @gargantiopa/ ImagesGettyAdobeStock_138662933buenafoto ImagesGetty
Hot Trends in Frozen Foods
The Climate of the Supply Chain Climate change has introduced new risks to the supply chain. The supply chain must prepare for the possibility of new obstacles presented by climate change by planning ahead, utilizing predictive technology and learning more about climate change risks. However, a Gartner survey shows that less than half of respondents understood the potential supply chain risks associated with climate change based on previous events. The survey also showed a mere 19% of respondents were using digital technology to better understand climate change risks.
Tech CompaniesKeeps on Track
McDonald’s shareholders are pledging sup port for a green initiative introduced by As You Sow. The non-profit group filed a res olution with McDonald’s to reduce plastic waste and gained 41% of the shareholder vote. The switch to ecofriendly packaging has been a controversial issue in the fast food market as it was costly to restaurants that thrived on offering customers low prices. However, new innovations and broader popularity of sustainable initiatives have lowered the price of adopting greener packaging. Scan the QR code to learn more.
According to data presented by the Diesel Technology Forum, diesel fuel is the fuel of choice in commercial trucking. Of the nation’s nearly 15 million Class 3-8 com mercial trucks, 76% use diesel fuel. This is in stark contrast to the less than 1% using electric power. Even with new technology being introduced into the world of fuel, it seems that diesel fuel will remain a top choice for commercial truckers. Scan the QR code to learn more.
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Fuel for Thought
In the aftermath of the pandemic, consum ers changed their shopping habits. Now, the supply chain is working overtime to meet this new, New Normal. For example, sustainability and visibility have become dealbreakers for many consumers, putting pressure on the supply chain to meet these expectations. Made4Net’s VP of sales Dan Waters outlines the Top 6 warehousing trends in the cold chain.
The pandemic brought with it a sudden surge in frozen food purchases. Coupled with the high price of gasoline, frozen foods allow customers to stock up on gro ceries in fewer grocery store trips. To meet consumer demand, companies look to automated storage solutions in warehouse facilities. According to Westfalia Technol ogies’ president Dan Labell, automation in warehousing can result in energy cost savings, company growth and higher pro duction rates.
The ArchesGoldenGoGreen
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When talking about sustainability in the cold food supply chain, food waste chal lenges are not to be overlooked. Luckily, today’s technology helps the supply chain reduce food waste. Everstream Analytics’ chief strategy officer David Shillingford names predictive analytics, data sharing and track-and-trace technology as ways to stay in front of food waste problems before they arise. The catch? These solutions rely on visibility at every step in the supply chain. JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 7 FARM TO FORK Daily Updates at OneCharge@GoldenSikorka-stock.adobe.comForklifts to Go Electric in 2026 The California Air Resources Board (CARB) proposed a ban on all new sales of non-zero-emission forklifts starting in 2026. The regulation has yet to take effect, but aims to phase out internal combustion forklifts in the coming decade. Industries that utilize forklifts should be ready for a nationwide transition to zero-emis sion forklifts following California’s implementation of the new regulations. Maxim Khabur, marketing director at OneCharge, goes into specifics on exemptions and allowances of the regula tion proposal. Scan the QR code to learn more. Tomorrow’s, Today Grocery stores have balanced the adoption of new technolo gies while maintaining consumer expectations of what makes a grocery store a grocery store. Online grocery stores have brought along new problems such as packaging and inventory manage ment. Treacy & Company’s principal Xiaohang Liu emphasizes the importance of making the right investments to meet these challenges. Scan the QR code to learn more. FOOD AND BEVERAGE • PARCEL SHIPPING AUTOMOTIVE • MANUFACTURING HEALTHCARE • CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS RETAIL/CONSUMER PRODUCTS ELECTRONICS • PAPER PRODUCTS Lighten your load and your worries. Partner with Syfan for drama-free shipping delivered with the highest level of reliability. Over 370 professional team members strong, Syfan Logistics and asset-based Syfan Transport ship coast to coast, as well as Mexico and Canada. Count on your trusted partner. Because when we make a promise, we deliver. | Gainesville, GA 855.287.8485 | 770.287.8485 Every hour. Every day. We ship loads of confidence. Honored to be recognized as a 2022 Top 3PL & Cold Storage Provider for our reliable service and delivery.

OceaNS Bridge Express Opens West Coast Markets
The Container Comeback Container prices have steadily begun to rise since May at an average rate of 5.4%. While China’s lockdown has kept container costs low, that is likely to change once the lockdown fully lifts, according to Container xChange. As the supply chain heals, new and more efficient processes have allowed containers to make it to their destinations on time. This has brought with it a global price jump in containers. Scan the QR code to learn more. Wiliot 3PLs or 4PLs? Third-party logistics (3PL) and fourth-par ty logistics (4PL) service providers have increased in demand as the shippers nav igate the supply chain’s many issues. ATA Freight’s COO Matt Goker dives into the differences between 3PL and 4PL service providers, future industry trends and how to go about choosing which logistics pro vider is right for a company’s needs. Scan the QR code to learn more.
The Wiliot Reusable Transport Item (RTI) solution allows businesses to continu ously track their reusable shipping assets by attaching Wiliot’s IoT Pixels to plastic crates. Wiliot’s cloud services are then able to track the containers. The IoT Pixels are self-powered and can wirelessly communi cate a range of physical and environmental conditions with the Wiliot cloud. Scan the QR code to learn more.
A first-of-its-kind service, OceaNS Bridge Express expedites shipping from the East Coast to the Western United States. OceaNS Bridge Express encompasses the Norfolk Southern Corporation, Ha pag-Lloyd, Union Pacific Railroad and the Port of Virginia. The partnerships aim to help shippers reach West Coast markets. Scan the QR code to learn more.
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navee/ Corp.SouthernNorfolk Kocheva/stock.adobe.comMelanie
The National Retail Federation and Hackett Associates report that Shanghai’s lock down has begun to lift. Imports from China are on a path of growth with the relaxation of the lockdown. However, support from the Chinese government will be needed to help China’s supply chain reach normalcy before it can function smoothly once again. In addition, major retail container ports are expected to see near-record volumes in imports this month in light of increased consumer demand. Things Look Up after Shanghai’s Lockdown
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Telematics could be the key to giving your fleet a much-needed edge in the industry. Electronic logging devices (ELDs) and telematics technology offer companies the ability to benchmark comparable applica tions against competitors, identify areas of improvement, gain access to the newest technology features, stay organized and review driver performance on an individual level. Verlen Larsen, solution architect for Transflo, details why companies taking advantage of telematics are reaping major benefits. Scan the QR code to learn more.
Let’s Talk Telematics Keep it cold? Keep it fresh? We Homeyoukeepcovered.deliveryrefrigeration solutions. The livelihood of your home delivery business depends on getting food there at the perfect temperature. You need to know—not just hope that your refrigeration equipment is up to the task. Frozen, fresh or anywhere in between, Thermo King has you covered with a complete line-up of temperature control solutions for small vans and trucks. Units feature quiet, multi-temperature operation, with electric standby options available. We continually test and innovate our products so your business can STAY ON THE MOVE Learn More at: JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 9 FOOD ON THE MOVE Daily Updates at Gas, GovernmentTaxes, Gas prices have been emptying the pockets of Americans in the past few months. However, it’s the trucking industry that seems to be taking the biggest hit. In response, President Biden has called on Congress to temporarily suspend the federal gas tax. The suspension would provide relief of up to 18 cents per gallon of regular gas and up to 24 cents per gallon of diesel. The downside comes in the form of the Highway Trust Fund. Federal gas taxes contribute to project capital under the Highway Trust Fund. Scan the QR code to learn more.
Rates in Drayage According to Book Your Cargo, the past year has seen a 32% increase in national drayage rates and will only continue to rise. Over the course of Q3 of 2022, the rate is expected to increase by an additional 17.1%. The Northeast and Southeast regions have both increased by 15% since April compared to last year’s drayage rates over the previous three months. Savannah, Los Angeles, Long Beach, and NYC/NJ are the most congested ports. However, ports in the U.S. regions are expected to see a surge in drayage rates across the board throughout 2022. Scan the QR code to learn more.
In the wake of skyrocketing diesel fuel costs, the deployment of lowviscosity lubricants can help deliver significant fuel economy benefits over a given vehicle’s lifetime. However, previously held notions on low-viscosity lubricants have stopped many companies from looking into the fuel alternative as a more efficient option. Greg Matheson, commercial lubricants product manager, Lubrizol, suggests having the discussion with oil marketers and refrigerated unit OEM suppliers. Scan the QR code to learn more.

For many Americans, filling up at the gas tank can be some what daunting. But, for the more than 3.5 million truck drivers in the United States, the frustration at the pump is more complex. In June, President Biden called on Congress to temporarily suspend the federal gas tax to give U.S. drivers “just a little bit of breathing room.” This would amount to savings of about 18 cents per gallon of gasoline and 24 cents per gallon of diesel through the end of September. But, how will this tax break impact the Highway Trust Fund, which finances most federal government spending for highways and mass transit? Revenues for the trust fund come from transportation-related excise taxes, primarily federal taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel. This means that reducing the federal gas tax could possibly impede on projects specifically tied to the Highway Trust Fund. “With our deficit already down by a historic $1.6 trillion this year, the President believes that we can afford to suspend the gas tax to help consumers while using other revenues to make the Highway Trust Fund whole for the roughly $10 billion cost. This is consistent with legislation proposed in the Senate and the House to advance a responsible gas tax holiday,” a White House press release states. Yet, President Biden is also calling on Congress to make sure that the gas tax holiday has no negative effect on the Highway TrustHowever,Fund.
The transportation industry has experienced its fair share of ups and downs the past couple of years. Industry experts outline the woes and wins. TO WINS: Industry Drives
Jim Ward, president of the Truckload Carriers Association, says that “implementing federal or state gas tax holidays would significantly starve the Highway Trust Fund of much-needed financing and directly undermine industry and policymakers’ ability to implement the newly-won infrastructure law. Trucking, an industry directly reliant on fuel, unequivocally
Forward Despite Driver Shortage @am -

American Trucking Associations (ATA) president and CEO Chris Spear calls the plan “a gimmick,” and wants leaders to get serious about lowering energy prices and reducing inflation. “After months of touting the passage of the well-funded Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act—a much-needed investment in our nation’s roads and bridges—the Biden Administration wants to cut that same highway system’s primary source of funding with a suspension of the federal fuelFederaltax.” gas taxes aside though, the trucking and transportation industry has been plagued by a series of supply chain challenges. The driver shortage. Increased wages. Rising fuel prices. Rising cost of goods. Ingredient shortage. Supplies shortage. Canada-border protests. Increased shipping costs. The list just. Keeps. Going. But, it’s the driver shortage creating the biggest impact. Curbing the driver shortage ATA estimates that in 2021 the truck driver shortage hit a historic high of just over 80,000 drivers, and if trends remain the same, the shortage could surpass 160,000 in 2030. And, women make up just 7% of all drivers. “Because there is no single cause of the driver shortage, that means there is no single solution,” the ATA study says. safety technologies, and the plan is to begin working with students in their sophomore year of high school with a basic Class C driving class with an emphasis on trucking.“Juniors would begin learning the basic operation of a truck involving how to shift a 10-speed transmission as well as proper identification of vehicle parts. Then seniors would not only be elevating and perfecting their skill building but would also take on a leadership role in assisting in the training of the underclassmen,” Trent adds. For those fleets directly impacted by the shortage and having to restructure every route as a result, despite its promising goals, the TAP has a long way to go before an impact will be made, says Brent Hutto, chief relationship officer at
“The apprenticeship program has garnered 10,000 applications for drivers. That is a good start but covers just 12.5% of the need for drivers. We will have a better idea of the effectiveness of the apprenticeship program a year from now,” he adds. “The emphasis on TAP will help but it will take years to build the necessary infrastructure. Due to the time needed to appropriate and build, federal and state-owned rest areas are not the solution. Additionally, there are safety issues that must be constantly monitored. The best solution, in our mind, is for the federal government to work with the The driver shortage is said to create the biggest impact across the trucking industry. Fleet Advantage introduced a program in the transportation industry to help corporate truck fleets certify their green house gas emissions output.
Case in point: A survey found over half (51%) of carriers polled are looking to change jobs in the next 6-12 months even though 32% of respondents are making 50-74% more money. JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 11
In response to the ongoing driver shortage, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Labor launched the Trucking Action Plan (TAP) “to increase the supply of truck drivers by creating new pathways into the profession, cutting red tape to expand high-quality training through Registered Apprenticeship and laying the foundation for improving job quality to keep people in the“Truckprofession.”drivers earn well above the national average making it a career that ensures the ability to feed a family and pay the bills. For young people just starting out, it could mean a real opportunity to enter the skilled workforce,” says Lindsey Trent, president and co-founder of NextGen Trucking.“TheNext Generation in Trucking Association—a newly formed trade association—is establishing high school programs across the United States to meet this huge need. There are only nine high schools in the U.S. that offer CDL driver programs. One of those is Patterson High School in Patterson, Calif., which was created by teacher and former truck driver, Dave Dein in 2016, and has steadily grown over the last four years. Dave helped create Next Gen Trucking, which can provide turn-key curriculum and partnerships for free and discounted resources. Next Gen also helps foster key partnerships for advisory boards and apprenticeship programs,” Trent says. Students are exposed to technological advances such as autonomous trucks, alternative fuel vehicles and advanced understands the cost of rising fuel prices, however we do not support short-term solutions at the sacrifice of long-term progress toward a better-funded and more reliable national infrastructure network.”
“The Highway Trust Fund is already facing expanding structural deficits and needs greater investment moving forward—instead this policy would erode the funding we need to rebuild our nation’s roads and bridges,” Ward says.

While these plans are great for the long term, there are more immediate ways to help small carriers, says Guillermo Garcia, CEO and co-founder of SmartHop.
the recently launched Truck Action Plan, part of the Infrastructure Bill, is focused on ‘getting Americans working in better trucking jobs.’ Newer, reliable trucks with advanced safety features is a central place to start in improving the quality of these jobs.”This piggybacks on the 90-Day Trucking Apprenticeship Challenge, which was created to get more well-trained drivers on the road. The challenge asked employers to commit to accelerating the development of new apprenticeship programs and help expand existing ones through new employer and labor partnerships to support recruitment, retention and return on investment in the trucking industry.
“The DRIVE Safe Act creates a two-step apprenticeship process to ensure these individuals are safe and prepared. Recent research shows that the average wage ($79,000) for foodservice distribution delivery is far higher than the average high school graduate’s annual salary of $38,00051,000 starting salary for the average college graduate and it comes without the average $33,000 in college loan debt,” according to the International Foodservice Distributors Association (IFDA). Despite companies’ best efforts to provide more incentive for driver recruitment and retention, higher wages from last year will not help ease the driver shortage for 2022. An IRU survey shows the industry will see a surge in the shortage this year by 40%, caused by tight labor markets and high demand. Additionally, the gap between old and young workers continues to grow. We d e l i v e r a w a r d w i n n i n g , t e m p c o n t r o l l e d LT L a n d c o l d s t o r a g e s o l u t i o n s . Fixed, point-to-point middle mile logistics is a natural fit for an EV’s range and charging infrastructure. Gatik
“They help focus on the areas where “It is harder to attract younger drivers to the profession, which reinforces the need to build a fleet replenishment plan around shorter trade cycles whereby trucks are increasingly spec’d for newer, advanced safety features that keep drivers safe while returning them home to their families more frequently,” says Brian Antonellis, SVP, fleet operations, Fleet Advantage. “The DRIVE Safe Act, part of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill President Joe Biden recently signed into law, should help pave the way for drivers under 21 years old to enter interstate trucking. It requires transportation organizations to utilize industry-leading technology, including active braking collision mitigation systems, forward-facing event recording cameras, speed limiters set at 65 mph or less and automated manual transmissions. These requirements further illustrate the need to spec for newer trucks. What’s more, trucking industry and private owners to develop to the need of the industry. The driver shortage could also be alleviated by reducing wait times at the docks, which leads to another 6% loss in capacity. The removal of manual processes and adoption of automation will help, allowing freight to runMeanwhile,faster.”
bipartisan lawmakers in both the House and Senate introduced the DRIVE Safe Act to promote opportunity and enhanced safety training for emerging members of the workforce and bring younger drivers into the industry.
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The transportation industry has experienced its fair share of ups and downs the past couple of years. Here’s a snapshot of some of its wins and woes. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Association revealed a total of 45 projects in 32 states, totaling more than $368 million to improve rail infrastructure in the United States. The Russia/Ukraine invasion has impacted supply chains worldwide in a number of ways, including loss of life/vessels, exacerbation of crew crisis, trade disruption, sanctions burden, cost increases and availability of bunker fuel. In fact, 54 large ships worldwide were lost last year. Total losses are down 57% over the past decade, according to Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE (AGCS). Imports at major retail container ports should see near-record volume again this summer as retailers work to protect against potential disruptions at West Coast ports, according to the monthly Global Port Tracker report released by the National Retail Federation and Hackett Associates. A Container xChange report shows that container prices are finally on the rise. May was the first month the average price of containers grew month on month, and with an average of 5.4%, jumping from $2,207 to $2,330. However, after two months of lockdown in China, container prices remain low there.
The U.S. business logistics costs in 2021 were elevated by 22.4% to $1.85 trillion, representing 8% of 2021’s $23 trillion GDP, according to the 2022 State of Logistics Report, produced for the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) by Kearney and presented by Penske Logistics. Business inventories dropped to near historic lows, but the costs associated with storing, handling and financing these items rose considerably. Efforts to increase multi-shoring are expected to accelerate. Last-mile delivery volume is trending upward.TheOcean Shipping Reform Act will crack down on skyrocketing international ocean shipping costs and ease supply chain backlogs that are raising prices. JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 13

The electric vehicle sector is driving demand for lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technology, with an estimated global demand to reach over 1.6TWh by 2026, representing a 5-year CAGR of 27.9%, according to Interact Analysis. In fact, the share of shipments to electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers will remain stable, standing at 75.9% of the total, but expect growth in demand from the energy storage system (ESS) sector, with shipments forecast to total 312.4 GWh, accounting for 19.2% of all battery shipments, a 5-year CAGR of 40.9%. CE battery shipments are expected to total 81.3 GWh over the 5-year period, with a CAGR of 4.4%.
In recent weeks, several motor carriers have announced their intentions to add electric trucks to their fleets. “There has been an increasing amount of press coverage romancing the idea that a plethora of start-up truck companies can quickly revolutionize the industry and deploy a convoy of long-haul trucks built with EV battery technology,” Antonellis says. “However, these companies have so far failed to deliver on their promise because of a simple fact that EV battery technology remains elusive in its quest to accomplish the realities of balancing battery weight, necessary vehicle range, and payload requirements especially for over-the-road Class 8 equipment.”
DSW DISTRIBUTION CENTERS, INC. A Thayer Group Company 8858 Rochester Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Mailing: P.O. Box 1269, RC, CA 91729-1269 Phone: (909) 483-5841, Ext. 117 Fax: (909) 483-1792 • AT DSW, WE’VE EARNED THE TRUST OF BECAUSEMANY...WE HAVE MADE COMMITMENTTHE TO APPRECIATE THE NEED FLEXIBILITY,FOR COSTEFFICIENCY AND SUPERIOR CUSTOMERQUALITYSERVICE. • Over 3 Million Cubic Feet of Racked Multi-Temperature Controlled Space Located in the Distribution Hub of Southern California • Cold, Air Conditioned and Dry Storage for Dairy-Deli, Ready-to-Eat Meals, Juices & Smoothies, Milk and PlantBased Beverages, Yogurts & Spreads, Pharmaceuticals, Alcoholic Beverages, Food Ingredients & Packaging, Baking & Confections and CPG Goods • Organic & Natural Food Products • Flexibility, Cost-Efficiency and Superior Quality Customer Service • Full-Service Transportation Services Managed In-House • Wide Array of Value-Added Services Total Logistics Management • Complete Product Monitoring with 24/7 On-Line Access. EDI, CSV, FTP, XLS, AS2 • ISO Class 8 Cleanroom • SQF Level 2 GFSI Certification with Costco ADD • State Board of Pharmacy Licenses • International Language Labeling • Alcoholic Beverage Licenses, 14/17
Fleet Advantage suggests bridging today’s clean-diesel technology into tomorrow’s alternate energies to obtain an appropriate ESG strategy, Antonellis adds.
“Until a national network of truck chargers is created, companies will need to install them in their delivery stations or DCs. On top of the cost of charging stations ($25,000-100,000), an EV typically costs $325,000-360,000, compared to a diesel tractor ($125,000-150,000). Combined with the charging station costs, it would be difficult to make up those upfront expenses over the first five years,” Antonellis says. Fixed, point-to-point, middle-mile logistics is also a natural fit for an electric vehicle’s range and charging infrastructure, truckers struggled the most—job quality and training. But typically, these plans benefit private fleets and publicly traded companies looking for drivers. There are more immediate ways the government can help small carriers. For example, they can provide support for small trucking companies by subsidizing fuel tax for companies with less than 10 trucks until fuel prices come back down; offer contracts to small trucking companies so they can haul government freight at quality rates; and make low-cost loans available to owners of small fleets and independent trucking companies who are struggling through this looming recession, continued inflation and a decreasing spot market,” Garcia adds.

transportation Go to to learn read more about transportation trends and technologies. PERSONALIZED SERVICE...ALWAYS Delivering unmatched personalized service to our customers for over 65 years. We offer advanced, comprehensive solutions to optimize the entire supply chain and meet the demands and requirements of our customers. 800.276.2719 WAREHOUSING & DISTRIBUTION E-COMMERCE FULFILLMENT TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT CO-PACKAGING & VALUE ADDED SOLUTIONS REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 15
Another game changer is real-time visibility of freight. In response, NorthStar Digital, in partnership of Radaro, developed F8Focus, an integrated driver mobile application geared toward real-time visibility of assets and freight for client, real-time“Transportationtracking. requires more digitization in ways that other industries have adopted for scheduling and capacity. With today’s supply chain challenges, shippers need carriers to share their capacity transparently in order to give shippers the opportunity to set their delivery expectations appropriately,” says Dave Brajkovich, chief technical officer, NorthStar Digital Solutions. Driving ahead While some industry experts predict a calmer 2023, others still remain cautious. “Entering 2022, food distribution companies continue to deal with a host of challenges carrying over from 2021, including driver shortages, logistical changes due to a fluctuating pandemic environment and asset management hurdles that continue to impact organizational bottom lines,” says Antonellis. Gatik’s partnership with Georgia-Pacific and KBX will automate part of the GeorgiaPacific-KBX on-road
drivers, work with lawmakers to improve infrastructure and safety measures and keep sustainability in mind along the journey. network in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, delivering goods 24/7 across a network of 34 Sam’s Club locations. While filling up the gas tank may be cumbersome for some time, the trucking and transportation industry is forging ahead with plans to attain and retain according to Richard Steiner, head of policy and communications, Gatik. That’s why Gatik introduced electric autonomous box trucks, designed with an all-electric powertrain, providing an energy-efficient autonomous solution to optimize freight movement on the middle mile. “Helping our customers meet their ambitious emissions targets is a key pillar of our long-term strategy. Our electric autonomous box trucks are defining a new frontier in sustainability, while continuing to offer the cost reductions and shorter delivery times our autonomous solution is known for,” says Gautam Narang, CEO and co-founder of Gatik. “The B2B shorthaul market is ideally suited to electric technology thanks to the route lengths involved. Trucks can charge while they’re being loaded, enabling continuous service during operational hours.”

Another interesting trend in the industry is the growth of grocery retailers adopting foodservice features inside stores, likely due to customers getting accustomed to takeout during lockdowns and a higher demand remaining post lockdown. This means 3PLs are responsible for controlling shipments of industrial fresh ingredients to stores in addition to restaurants and cafeteria. Last year, a study from the USDA Expenditure Series showed that food sales were exponentially increased, due to pent up demand and planned celebrations, up to $166 billion in July of last year.
Today, COVID-19 concerns are even lower. While spending was down to $158 billion in September 2021, that figure still represents a 22% year-over-year increase. Additionally, plant-based and natural products are more popular in dining, adding significant pressure to perishable shipping. Consumers now care more about the social and environmental ethics in relation to the food they consume as well, which means supply chains need to keep in line with this while handling this greater demand at the sameThistime.makes temperature control much more important. “Reefer trucks are being used in creative ways; protecting product from freezing during winter and from overheating during summer,” says Elizabeth Goulding, director of CTM operations, Coyote Logistics. “Proper temperature control is critical for many food products, and it’s something we work closely with our customers and network carriers to maintain through the shippingTemperatureprocess.”control is key for not only food waste and product loss but also for food safety. “Bugs and pests are an ongoing variable when it comes to food safety,” adds Goulding. “On occasion, we’ll see product and even trailers being disposed of if there’s even a small potential of infestation. This is primarily done to reduce the risk of spreading that infestation throughout a receiver. On the temperature control side, temp tales are used to track that refrigerated products remained within the appropriate temperature range for the duration of the transit. These steps can help maintain food safety throughout the shipping process.”
F oodservice is not exactly a completely different industry post-COVID-19 lockdowns, but many new behaviors, concepts, trends and features are embedded in the sector. These changes, which happened in a much faster succession than evolving trends in an industry usually happened due to the pan demic, require third-party logistics (3PL) providers in this area to act differently when it comes to operations and planning.
Heading into the second half of 2022, the foodservice industry sees relief from COVID-19-related restrictions and demand is up, according to a report from International Foodservice Distributors Association (IFDA). However, due to inflation, menu prices are higher than ever, and with a possible recession looming, this high demand may slow. In addition, disruptions in the supply chain still continue to cause shortages in various food sectors. And according to a survey from Carl Marks Advisors, supply chains are unlikely to stabilize until at the earliest, the first half of 2024.
Changes in capacity 2022’s first quarter, three of the largest foodservice distributors saw strong sales in addition to positive hiring. According to Foodservice Equipment and Supplies, SYSCO saw 43.6% sales increase up from same time in 2021, while US Foods increased 23.9% in net sales and Performance Food Group jumped a total of 82% in net sales. The growth that the foodservice industry sees means a change in processes and in capacity for 3PLs and their transportation companies. “We’ve seen two major changes,” Goulding continues. “The first is that we no longer have 4-plus pickups on loads to limit the time any product is on any given trailer. We’ve also seen that reefer LTL carriers have increased their max weight and cube capacity in order to service more freight. This has been critical in the tight marketHowever,today.”numerous “black swan” events limited capacity in the past two years, while at the same time an expert column from Sleek Technologies’ VP of sales Mike Paul shows that refrigerated truckload frigerated truckload capacity load-to-truck ratio has actually decreased from 12:1 to 8:1 year-over-year, confusing thins even more. Reasons for this are due to production capabilities in key refrigerated markets. For instance, Paul cites the Florida citrus production cut by 3 million boxes and the pork industry in the

The third-party logistics industry in the foodservice area adopts a few other new trends, according to experts from Food Service Direct, including differences between broad players and pure players. “Traditional broadliners focusing more and more on core SKUs, while Pure players balance the operator needs by closing the gap on the slower moving, long tail SKUs,” says Mete Gumus, CEO of Food Service Direct. “These slower moving SKUs are processed and shipped centrally from pure player warehouses through parcel or LTL shipmentsAnother interesting popular trend arising in this industry is the growth of business-to-consumer (BTC) type of experience into the business-to-business (BTB)“Operatorsspace. are used to benefit things like loyalty programs, personalized suggestions, superior customer experience from their personal shopping experience,” Gumus adds. “These benefits are now being offered in B2B environment.”
It is programs like this that can drive strong partnerships, which is vital in the shipping environment of today where numerous disruptions continue to appear and cause unexpected problems. Gumus also believes that these disruptions push strong growth numbers for centrally operated and flexible pure players, as well as food manufacturers working closer with pure players than three years ago.
Partnership cultivation
@bnenin - traceabilityTech-enabled Food culturesafety New business models and modernization Smarter tools for outbreak prevention Is your organization prepared for the FDA's New Era of Smarter Food Safety? Visit our New Era resources page for useful articles and insights to help you navigate the future. Learn more by scanning the QR code. Contact us: Follow us @Controlant on Twi er and LinkedIn JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 17
United States down by 65 million pounds. At the same time, the beef industry is likely to see a jump in production by 195 million pounds. This only confuses the reefer 3PL market even further due to problems with planning and location.
New trends in foodservice mean new trends for 3PLs to pay attention to.

The past 18 months have been a tumultuous time for U.S. fleets. From Canada-border protests and increased shipping volumes to other kinds of supply chain disruptions, the cold food chain continues to face bottlenecks that require fleets to retool and pivot accordingly. But, it’s the drivers, the fleet, the warehouses and software/ technologies that really keep today’s supply chains in line. These third-party logistics (3PL) and cold storage providers have collaborated on all facets of their operations to achieve full visibility, complete forecasting, end-to-end leverage and the ultimate in sustainability. And our annual Top 3PL & Cold Storage Providers award celebrates those companies making magic happen behind the frontlines.Theglobal 3PL market is expected to reach more than $1.75 trillion by 2026, registering a growth rate of 8% during the period (20212026), according to Mordor Intelligence. The e-commerce boom coupled with advanced technologies and a focus on timely delivery management continue to drive the 3PL market. However, lesser control of manufacturers on logistic service and delivery process may adversely impact 3PLs in the near “Shippersfuture.are continuing to leverage what 3PLs offer, allowing them to optimize the supply chain, minimize costs and create value and align expectations as a key to achieving success for both parties. The high-end technology integration by 3PLs, industry expertise and cost reduction are some reasons why outsourcing services are increasing. This outsourcing of services clearly indicates that the demand for 3PLs is on the rise and is driving the market,” the report says. “Mobile technology is revolutionizing 3PL. Many 3PL companies have already begun using mobile devices and apps to improve agility. Devices fitted with radio frequency identification (RFID) chips are not only capable of transmitting their location, but they also have the potential to hold data about themselves so that they can be instantly tracked and identified. Using mobile apps installed on their mobile phones, customers can order, process and track freight shipments at This year’s winners are in position to answer the call for that increased demand in outsourcing of services.Case in point: This year’s winners manage fleet sizes ranging from zero to 2,000-plus and vary in revenue from $5 million to over $3 billion. They plan to invest in GPS, managementrobotics,automation/warehousesystems (WMS) and transportation management systems (TMS), cloud-based solutions, software solutions, drones, track and trace and more. These 3PLs provide air cargo, customs brokerage, direct-store delivery, freight forwarding, fuel savings programs, intermodal, last-mile, rail/truck transload and more, while the cold storage providers offer blast freezing, cross docking, inventory management, kitting assembly, public refrigerated warehousing, storage and more. And, they all maintain years of experience and the drive for collaboration and continuous improvement Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Top 3PL & Cold Storage Providers award. Here are a few standouts.
This year’s winners are in position to answer the call for that increased demand in outsourcing of services.

H&M Bay, Inc. URL: Worthwww.hmbayinc.comNoting: H&M Bay is the country’s premier logistics provider commodities.refrigeratedless-than-truckloadfor(LTL)andfrozenConsolidation centers strategically located nationwide, along with a host of webbased systems for ordering and tracking, help customers manage all shipping needs. JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 21
Interstate Cold Storage, Inc.
URL: Worthtranservice.comNoting: For over 50 years, Transervice Logistics Inc. has provided contract maintenance, full-service leasing and logistics services to many fortune 500 companies throughout North America. Its “Full Disclosure and Gainshare” philosophy have helped secure several strategic partnerships, many that have been in place for over 20 years.
URL: Worth Noting: BM2 Freight prides itself on proactive communication. This led the company to establish a 24/7 in-house support team to have complete visibility and ensure that customers and carrier partners are receiving the support they deserve.
Transervice Logistics, Inc.
BM2 Services,FreightInc.
URL: Worthromarklogistics.comnoting: Despite the pandemic, Romark accomplished a great deal last year. For starters, Romark completed the expansion and upgrade of its Hazleton, Pa., distribution center. The facility grew in size to 712,026 square feet of space and the renovation included a conversion to a more flexible, very narrow aisle rack layout, building out the necessary infrastructure to infuse robotics and automation in the near future. Romark opened a 1.1 million-square-foot temperaturecontrolled distribution center in Bethel, Pa., to serve the needs of a primary customer and support their growing market demands in the northeast. Romark continues to expand its footprint in Texas and PA, with the addition of two warehouse facilities. What’s more is, its real estate division has another 850,000 square feet of warehouse space in the construction pipeline over the next 18 months to meet the needs of customers in warehousing, e-commerce, co-packing and other value-added services.
Syfan Logistics, Inc.
Romark Logistics
DSW Distribution URL: Worth Noting: In its 49 years, DSW Distribution Centers continues to offer extensive value-added services in multiple temperature-controlled facilities in Southern California. DSW maintains excellent GFSI SQF scores and is licensed and certified in pharmaceutical, alcohol, organics and specialized packaging.
URL: Worthinterstatecoldstorage.comNoting: Interstate Cold Storage has been family owned since 1973. That continuity, within the family, has become part of what makes it stand out. Customers come first. From sales being transparent about what programs are a good fit, to operations keeping customers informed of challenges and straying from program outline, to follow-up time, and driver respect, Interstate Cold Storage is honest, transparent and collaborative. From an employer perspective, the owners know every employee by name. Whether through coaching, donating time and effort to worthy causes or through the local church community, the Tippmann family gives back to the community. Employees are long-tenured and professional, with an average of 9 years’ experience. Further, the facility leaders have a combined 75-plus years of warehousing management running five facilities.
URL: Worthsyfanlogistics.comnoting: Syfan Logistics works with a variety of vendors, customers and carriers to create efficient solutions, invest in technology and find new ways to be innovative.
URL: Worthcorporatetraffic.comNoting: Corporate Traffic Logistics celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2022, and increased revenue to $151 million in 2021, up from $68 million in the previous year. It provides considerable support in the consumer packaged goods vertical and continues to grow and add capacity and services for its customers.

Air Cargo, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, LTL, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Capstone Logistics |
Dedicated Delivery, Drayage Services, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, LastMile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Drayage Service, Intermodal, LTL, Refrigerated Trucking, TL BlueGrace Logistics |
Air Cargo, Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Drayage Service, Intermodal, LTL, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Burris Logistics | LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Refrigerated Trucking, TL Capital Logistics |
Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Freight Forwarding, Full Truckload, Intermodal, LTL, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Elite Transit Solutions, LLC |
Cargo Barn | Continuous Moves, Drayage Service, Intermodal, LTL, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Contract Carriage, Drayage Service, Intermodal, LTL, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Covenant Logistics | Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Coyote Logistics | Direct-Store
Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Services, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Forward DIstribution, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Outsourced Transportation Management, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Air Cargo,Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, Last-Mile, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Air Cargo, Customs Brokerage, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking Echo Global Logistics |
Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Edge Logistics |
Direct-Store Delivery, Freight Forwarding, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Refrigerated Trucking, TL Hanover Logistics |
Americold | Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Atlanta Bonded Warehouse |
BM2 Freight Services, Inc. |
Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Last-Mile, LTL, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage East Coast Warehouse & Distribution
CJ Logistics America |
Direct Connect Logistix |
DSW Distribution Centers, Inc. |
Arrive Logistics
Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Managed Logistics, Rail, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Global 888 Trucking, LLC |
Air Cargo, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fuel Savings Program, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Easyfresh Logistics S.L. |
Direct-Store Delivery, Freight Forwarding Corporate Traffic Logistics |
Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Air Cargo, Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Drop Trailer, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/ Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
FreightPlus | Dedicated Contract Carriage, Intermodal, LTL, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
LTL, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL Genpro Inc, |
International Cold Storage Inc |
Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Fox Logistics Inc. |
Refrigerated Trucking Isla Frio Refrigeration & Cold Storage |
Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Drayage Service, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
FW Logistics |
Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Drayage Service, Fleet Leasing, Fuel ServiceManaged Transportation, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Becker Logistics
H&M Bay, Inc. |
Cold Storage Solutions |
Customs Brokerage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Intermodal, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Refrigerated Trucking, TL J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. | Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, LastMile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Liviri |
Freight Forwarding, LTL, Refrigerated Trucking JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 23 π READYCLEANTO COMPLETE CATALOG 1-800-295-5510 ORDER BY 6
Direct-Store Delivery, Last-Mile Lynden Inc. |
Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, LastMile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Matson Logistics |
Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, DirectStore Delivery, Drayage Service, Fleet Leasing, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, Truckload Brokerage
Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Freight Forwarding, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Lineage Logistics |
3PL Services KTI Ltd. | Dedicated Contract Carriage, LTL, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Lindner Logistics, LLC |
Lanter Distributing, LLC |
Drayage Service, Intermodal, LTL, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Körber |
Jarrett |
Johanson Transportation Service | Air Cargo, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Intermodal, LTL, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, Supply Chain Consulting, TL, Truckload Brokerage Kenco Logistics |
Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fuel Savings Program, Intermodal, LTL, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Knichel Logistics Inc. |
Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fuel Savings Program, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Metro Park Warehouses |
Kingsgate Logistics |
Customs Brokerage, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Rail, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fleet Leasing, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail/ Truck Transload, TL, Truckload Brokerage PM
Customs Brokerage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage MegaCorp |

Brokerage Quality Custom Distribution | Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Direct-Store Delivery, Last-Mile, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Refrigerated Trucking Quality Distribution LLC | Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage R2 Logistics | Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Customs Brokerage, Direct-Store Delivery, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Ocean
Air Cargo, Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fleet Leasing, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Trucking, Logistics Inc. Contract Carriage, Drayage Service, Intermodal, Fulfillment, Packaging, Rail, Rail/ Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage, Warehousing
Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
SFL Companies |
Truckload Brokerage PRO Transportation Services, Inc. | Air Cargo, LTL, Refrigerated
Reverse Logistics, TL, Truckload Brokerage Red Classic | Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage ReedTMS Logistics | Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation,Continuous Moves,Customs Brokerage,Dedicated
Nolan Transportation Group
Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Intermodal, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, Retail Compliance, TL, Truckload Brokerage
TL, Truckload Brokerage Prosponsive Logistics | Air Cargo, Customs Brokerage, Drayage Service, Intermodal,
Perishable Distributors of Iowa (PDI), a Hy-Vee subsidiary |
Total Quality Logistics
Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, E-Commerce and Omnichannel Fulfillment, Fleet Leasing, Freight Forwarding, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Saddle Creek Logistics Services |
Carriage,Drayage Service,Freight Forwarding,Last-Mile,Refrigerated
States Logistics Services |
Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Drayage Service, Fuel Savings Program, Intermodal, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage T Transport, Inc.
Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Trucking, Last-Mile, Multi-Vendor Rail/Truck Trucking, Truckload Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, Contract Trucking,TL,Truckload Brokerage
Air Cargo, Drayage Service, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL Trinity Logistics
Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fleet Leasing, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, LTL, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Inc. Contract Carriage, Truckload Brokerage
RLS Logistics and Affiliate Companies |
Rail,Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated
Romark Logistics
Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Rail,
Ryder System, Inc.
ODW Logistics
TL, Truckload Brokerage StoneArch Logistics | Truckload Brokerage Sunset Transportation | Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, LTL, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Syfan Logistics, Inc. | Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage TA Services | Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fleet Leasing, Freight Forwarding, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, MultiVendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Rail,Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Taylor
Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding ,Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Trademark Transportation |
Transportation Insight, LLC
Transervice Logistics Inc.
Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Transload, Refrigerated
Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Customs Brokerage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, LastMile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Air Cargo, Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Fleet Leasing, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
LTL, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Air Cargo, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Fleet Leasing, Fuel ServiceManaged Transportation, Intermodal, LTL, Rail, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Freight Forwarding, Last-Mile, LTL, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage Shippers Group, The | Customs Brokerage, Drayage Service, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
TOP 3PL & COLD STORAGE PROVIDERS continued NewCold USA Services, LLC | Multi-Vendor Consolidation NFI | Air Cargo, Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Customs Brokerage, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Direct-Store Delivery, Drayage Service, Freight Forwarding, Intermodal, LastMile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Ocean Carriers, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Edge Logistics Capabilities, Fulfillment FW Logistics
Atlanta Bonded Warehouse | Assembly, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor DSW Distribution Centers, Inc. | Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Management, Fulfillment, Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, USDA/FDA Warehousing/Distribution
Assembly, Consulting,
Blast Freezing, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing,
Cross Docking, Storage, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Kitting Assembly, Packaging,Pick/Pack
Air Cargo, Drayage Service, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Americold | Assembly, Blast Freezing, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
East Coast Warehouse & Distribution
Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Warehousing/Distribution Management BM2 Freight Services, Inc. | Consulting, EDI Capabilities Burris Logistics | Blast Freezing, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Storage, Warehousing/Distribution Management Capstone Logistics | Inventory Management, Warehousing/Distribution Management CJ Logistics America | Assembly, Blast Freezing, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management Cold Storage Solutions | Blast Freezing, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Warehousing/ Distribution Management Corporate Traffic Logistics | Consulting, EDI Capabilities Covenant Logistics | Assembly, Blast Freezing, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management Coyote Logistics |
Bulk/Liquid Bulk Transportation, Continuous Moves, Dedicated Contract Carriage, DirectStore Delivery, Drayage Service, Fleet Leasing, Fuel Savings Program, Fuel Service-Managed Transportation, Intermodal, Last-Mile, LTL, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Rail, Rail/Truck Transload, Refrigerated Trucking, TL, Truckload Brokerage
Zipline Logistics |
Universal Pure | Cold Chain Logistics, Co-Packing, Cold Storage, HPP Werner Enterprises |
Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Warehousing/Distribution Management H&M Bay, Inc. | Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Fulfillment, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Storage,Warehousing/Distribution Management Hanover Logistics | Assembly, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/ Distribution Management COLD STORAGE JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 25 THE BM2 ADVANTAGE • When we accept a shipment, we service it. • Dedicated account managers. • 24-hour, in-office support. • 98% on-time delivery for all shipments. REEFER • Contracted carriers with reliable drivers who have lane-specific experience. • FSMA-compliant, food-grade trailers. • Temperature-controlled shipments are monitored hourly. FRESH PRODUCE • Large, optimized carrier network of over 1,000 partners. • Qualified staff with in-depth product knowledge within the U.S. and Canada. • TMS integrated with MacroPointTM and FourKites® tracking. DRY VAN • Single-source carrier partners. • Manage drop-trailer pools at shippers and consignees. • Reduced accessorial charges to ensure cost savings for clients. (800) 319-1115sales@bm2freight.www.BM2Freight.comcom
Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage,
Easyfresh Logistics S.L. |
Uber Freight LLC | Fuel Savings Program, LTL, TL, Truckload Brokerage

Liviri | Assembly, Fulfillment, Packaging Lynden Inc. | Assembly, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Pick/Pack Assembly, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Storage, Warehousing/Distribution
NewCold USA Services, LLC |
Interstate Cold Storage, Inc. | Assembly, Blast Freezing, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Consolidation, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/ Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Kenco Logistics Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Management, Kitting Assembly, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Warehousing/ Distribution Management
International Cold Storage Inc |
Metro Park Warehouses |
Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Multi-Vendor
Prosponsive Logistics
J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. |
Management Körber |
Perishable Distributors of Iowa (PDI), a Hy-Vee subsidiary Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Storage, USDA/FDA Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Assembly, Inventory Management, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Storage, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Consulting,Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage
New England Cold Storage, LLC |
Cross Docking, Fulfillment, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Pick/Pack Assembly, Reverse Logistics/ Recalls, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Assembly, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Cross Docking, Storage, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Isla Frio Refrigeration & Cold Storage | Consulting, Cross Docking, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Assembly, Storage,
Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management Nolan Transportation Group | Assembly, Consulting, Container Transloading, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Storage, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management ODW Logistics | Assembly, Consulting,
Storage KTI Ltd. Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Management, Packaging, Pick/ Pack Vendor Managed
PROVIDERS continued
Assembly, Consulting,
Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, USDA/FDA Inspection
Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory
Lanter Distributing, LLC
MegaCorp |
Quality Distribution LLC | Assembly, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly,
Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Storage, Warehousing/Distribution Management R2 Logistics | Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Reverse Logistics/Recalls ReedTMS Logistics | Consulting, Fulfillment, Inventory Management,Storage, Warehousing/Distribution Management RLS Logistics and Affiliate Companies | Assembly, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management 26 FOOD LOGISTICS | JULY/AUGUST 2022
Quality Custom Distribution
Cross Docking, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Warehousing/Distribution Management Logistics, LLC | Assembly, Blast Freezing, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Lineage Logistics | Assembly, Blast Freezing, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, HPP, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Matson Logistics | Assembly, Cross Docking, Direct-to-Consumer E-Commerce Fulfillment, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Foreign Trade Zone Services, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection
Consulting, EDI Capabilities, Import/Export Coordination, Inventory Management, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Warehousing/ Distribution Management
NFI | Assembly, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/ Pack Assembly, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Cross Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
| Assembly,
Jarrett | Consulting,Cross Docking,EDI Capabilities,Inventory Management,Fulfillment,Kitting Assembly,Multi-Vendor Consolidation,Assembly,Packaging,Pick/Pack Assembly,Reverse Logistics/Recalls,Storage,USDA/FDA Managed Inventory,Warehousing/ Distribution Management Transportation Service Cross Docking, Logistics/Recalls, Warehousing/Distribution
Knichel Logistics Inc.
Sunset Transportation |
TA Services | Assembly, Cross-Border Services, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Refrigerated Freight, Storage, Transportation Brokerage, Transportation Management, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Total Quality Logistics
Saddle Creek Logistics Services
States Logistics Services |
Romark Logistics | Assembly, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Assembly, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, MultiVendor Consolidation, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage,Warehousing/Distribution Management TRAFFIX | Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, Warehousing/Distribution Management Transervice Logistics Inc. | Fulfillment, Reverse Logistics/Recalls Transfix, Inc. | Brokerage Services, Consulting, Software Trinity Logistics | Warehousing/Distribution Management Universal Pure | Assembly, Beverage Co-Packing, Blast Freezing, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Kitting Assembly, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Warehousing/Distribution Management Vertical Cold Storage | Blast Freezing, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Kitting/Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Warehousing/Distribution Management Werner Enterprises | Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage Westfalia Technologies, Inc. | Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Warehouse Automation, Warehousing/Distribution Management JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 27
Ryder System, Inc. |
Taylor Logistics Inc. Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Storage, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/ Management
Assembly, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Trademark Transportation |
Assembly, Cross Docking, Customer Service, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Labeling, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/Pack Assembly, Public Refrigerated Warehousing, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Returns Procesing, Storage, Subscription Fulfillment, Warehousing/Distribution Management
Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Storage, Warehousing/ Distribution Management
Cross Docking,Inventory Management,Fulfillment,Public Refrigerated Warehousing,Reverse Inspection
Assembly, Consulting, Cross Docking, EDI Capabilities, Inventory/Cost Accounting, Inventory Management, Fulfillment, Kitting Assembly, Multi-Vendor Consolidation, Packaging, Pick/ Pack Assembly, Reverse Logistics/Recalls, Storage, USDA/FDA Inspection, Vendor Managed Inventory, Warehousing/Distribution Management

JOHN MART VP, software, Americas, Dematic ABOUT THE AUTHOR
No technology or process change by itself can be expected to solve today’s supply chain challenges. But combining technologies under the broad term “digital” is proving to deliver positive results.
SECTOR REPORT WAREHOUSING 28 FOOD LOGISTICS | JULY/AUGUST 2022 Go to to read more. Enterprise logistics are under more pressure than ever—the labor crunch, fierce competition, next-day (even next hour) delivery all challenging supply chain efficiency and resiliency. Companies are expected to ship goods on time without fail, requiring them have a firm grasp on what’s happening inside their facilities at every moment. As a result, companies are looking to digital tocanoroperations.intoincreaseproductivitythroughputdowntime,reducetechnologiesusingchallengestheirinitiativestransformationtosolvesupplychainbythelatesttounplannedimproveandandvisibilityday-to-dayNotechnologyprocesschangebeexpectedsolvethesechallenges by themselves. But combining technologies under the broad term “digital” is proving to deliver positive results. Still, with so many moving parts, companies must use a strategic, targeted approach to realize the benefits of digitization.Ratherthan “following the leader,” apply digital solutions to tackle the most meaningful challenges unique to your business.Asconsumers demand more and faster, it’s tempting to jump right into operationalizing systems to meet rapid delivery demands. However, the first step for most companies should be to perform an assessment of your facilities and operations to define desired business outcomes. The logistics space, especially for grocers and other foodservice providers, is crowded by competitors trying to deliver goods to consumers in record time. Determine which areas are most critical to address, then identify the right solution for your needs. For example, one company might have issues with unplanned downtime and need improvements in predictive maintenance, while another may have bottlenecks in their operations that limit their ability to ship products at certain times. Problems (and solutions) are myriad, so an initial assessment will ensure your investments areIneffective.general, most distribution facilities should start by addressing one of these two areas: • Modernizing operational networks and IT systems to improve cybersecurity and serve as the foundation for digital investments. • Implementing advanced analytics to optimize operations with efficient inventory management or predictive maintenance. Once you’ve identified what to digitize, resist the urge to do everything at once. Instead, start small and broaden the focus as you achieve success. Companies typically pursue one of two pathways for digitization. Apply digital transformation narrowly at first to address specific, high-value key performance indicators (KPIs) like grocery pickup and delivery time. And then apply it more broadly across prioritized aspects of operations over time. Or “go big” with next-generation facilities, for example, retailers building distribution centers for online grocery ordering where they don’t otherwise have a brick-and-mortar presence. Start with targeted business outcomes that are high-value and quick to implement, then focus on longer opportunitiesimplementationasthosebegintoshowresults.Knowwhentoleanontechnologyorwhen a problem might be better solved with human touch. Integral components of digital transformation like artificial intelligence, machine learning and the cloud have been around for years. What’s new is using the connectivity and intelligence of these technologies to allow smarter optimization decisions. With the right digital transformation approach, companies can expect to see annual productivity improvements of more than 5% in inventory, lead time, data collection, quality and more.

In the past, rail shippers would say, “Yeah, we have the data, but what do we do with it?” That’s where these new technology tools can increase the information you have about your shipments and make that information more useful. Using artificial intelligence (AI), these products can suggest optimization opportunities for shippers rather than simply alert to problems.
For example, often a shipment delay is not a major problem. It’s not knowing about a delay—or how serious it will be—that causes the biggest headaches. There can be a lot of pain points for shippers, whether you go by truck or rail. Individual pieces of information are not always helpful; you need to be able to look at the big picture in a way that is actionable for you. Of course, the No. 1 question from shippers is, “when will my shipment arrive at its final destination?”
GPS is great, but it won’t tell you what’s happening with a single railcar. That’s why shipment information products will tell you what is actually happening, how the railcar is being interchanged, if delays are anticipated and when product is predicted to arrive. Plus, continuous monitoring makes it possible to update as changes happen in near real-time. When you blend all this information together, you have a powerful tool.
Even though there are more than 600 railroads in North America, tracking rail shipments should be simpler—no jumping from one online system to another or analyzing hundreds of rows of data. The rail industry has been investing in machine learning and data sharing to enable shippers to better manage their freight rail operations. The goal is to create customized, accurate and near real-time data products with functionality such as shipment tracking, electronic billing and railcar repair status. Shippers and others dealing with the supply chain issues should have more information so they can make better decisions.
Modern freight railroads have extremely effective data gathering capabilities, and new technology is expanding the ability to track interline shipments and better predict estimated time of arrival (ETA). About 60-70% of individual freight rail shipments move across multiple railroads. You might have a shipment of frozen peas that leaves a processing facility in the Midwest headed for a distribution center in the Southeast. How do you track progress along the way—and anticipate delays—when the shipment moves from a shortline railroad to one or more Class 1s and then back to a shortline?

For example, a rail management system (RMS) gives rail shippers a one-stop shop to manage and analyze their operations.
• Enhanced shipment history
• Predictive equipment maintenance alerts
For more about our Temperature Control Division : CONTROLLEDTEMPERATURE ▪ DEDICATED MANAGEMENT TEAM ▪ ONLINE SHIPMENT INFORMATION 24/7 ▪ PRIORITY SERVICE SCHEDULES ▪ TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION WITH REMOTE TEMPERATURE CONTROL CARB-COMPLIANTREFRIGERATEDTRAILERSANDCONTAINERS 2017+2019 EXCELLENCE AWARD WINNER CERTIFIED MEMBER SINCE 2006 JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 31 Often, shippers don’t necessarily want a to-the-minute ETA—they just need it to be consistent. That has been a challenge for railroads in the past, and the one that is now the focus of intense work to resolve. Everything from weather to the railroads’ operational planning has the potential to affect a rail shipment’s ETA. Currently, many ETAs fail to account for the variety of possible operating conditions, including service days, differences in train types, consistent delay trends—and more—leaving customers with a less-than-optimal ETA.
• Near real-time visibility
• Improved shipment ETAs
The new technology takes the detailed shipment history and information for all railroads, then combines it with new AI and machine learning-powered analytics and insights to provide more consistent and better predictions.
• User-configurable dashboards to create your own insight capabilities
• Alerting and exception management
• The new technology supports:
• Map visualization of shipments
DANNY DEVER product TransmetriQ.manager, ABOUT THE AUTHOR A rail management system gives rail shippers a one-stop shop to manage and analyze their operations.
Multiple shippers from various verticals to establish the essential elements for RMS, as well as to plan future upgrades. This is just an example of how you can pair AI, machine learning and historic information. It allows you to model origin-destination pairs and deliver an ETA that accounts for complex operating practices. This lets shippers enable more precise inventory planning and streamline operations.Itgivesshippers information to make educated, efficient choices on where to interchange shipments between railroads. Plus, it reduces the risk of missed delivery, gives shippers more time to adjust to delayed arrivals and/or re-route other products, optimizes yard operations and eliminates the domino effect of unexpected supply chain delays. No matter what you are shipping, all companies need to maximize use of their facilities, assets, personnel and resources. To do that, you have to have the information readily available so that you can be proactive vs. reactive. The rail industry has the information shippers need. What rail technology providers do is expand and package the solutions better so shippers can make more intelligent and intuitive business decisions.
• Equipment status updates

In fact, according to Sunder Balakrishnan, supply chain analytics leader at Latentview Analytics, only 21% of supply chain professionals feel comfortable with the supply chain visibility their current ecosystem offers. “Plenty has been written about the impact of poor visibility on the supply chain,” Balakrishnan says. “So, it does make sense to look at what is possible starting with advanced technologies like Wearables and Robotics used within logistics and distribution. Leaders like DO ROBOTICS AND WEARABLES IN COLD CHAINS?
oday in warehouses, there are a multitude of different types of technologies powering operations. Some of the more obvious and future-seeming technologies are robotics and wearables. Robotics existed in warehousing for quite some time prior to the invention of smart-based technology we see today. But now, these systems are equipped with advanced automation technology among numerous hardware upgrades that transform today’s warehouses into something that used to be thought of as a science fiction novel. When it comes to wearables in the warehouse, the technology ranges from special exoskeletons that help workers lift heavier items without fear of hurting themselves to smart glasses that give employees step-by-step instructions for greater efficiency and accuracy. There are numerous up and coming innovations in this area, invented with worker optimization in mind. But right now, these are slow to catch on in the cold chain. “In my experience, there are very few users that have adopted wearables in the cold chain supply chain or the cold supply chain,” says Manik Suri, founder and CEO of Therma. “Most users in the cold supply chain tend to be folks working in manufacturing, logistics, and or transportation. These are environments where connectivity has often been challenging and where there isn’t as much in the way of big-budget technology spending. And so, you don’t have a lot of folks using wearables for business use cases. Most people, if they do have wearables are early tech adopters in their personal lives and happen to have something like a Fitbit or an Apple Watch.” However, the use of robotics in the cold chain is steadily growing, as the temperature conditions make it a difficult job for human workers. But because cold warehousing consists of so many legacy companies that have long histories, older companies are less likely to adopt new robotics systems. Growth in robotics in the cold warehouse exists primarily in new builds.Sophisticated robotics systems are now continually seen in new cold warehouses, where automation is top of mind from the design build process, rather than attempting to fit high-tech automation into an existing traditional warehouse. Suri explains that the growth of automation in newer cold storage facilities are due to increased labor cost and an emphasis on workplace safety. “The combination of trying to save on labor costs and safety issues has recently caused many cold chain developers to introduce robotics,” says Suri. “But that’s a tiny portion of all cold warehousesstorage and centers.distributionAndthere is not much in the way of robotics downstream in small box veryareMostrefrigeration.ofthoseassetsoldandstillrunmanually.” Safety efficiencyand For many, in addition to increased safety and work efficiency, the promise of greater visibility is a reason for an increase in automation through robotics and wearables. The focus on visibility in the supply chain is so ubiquitous now that the conversation exists as a major talking point of the c-suite in many organizations. Many even believe that the level of visibility within their current supply chain ecosystem is not enough.

As more players come to the cold storage sector, while older players begin new construction in new areas, more automation will come to the industry. All organizations in the cold supply chain look to combat the numerous disruptions coming their way, that seem to never stop. Robotics and wearables may be the future that helps them navigate this everchanging industry.
Robotics offer a pathway to key visibility.
Many cold storage facilities are older legacy buildings that are slower to take on newer technologies. JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 33 Amazon have already implemented smart warehouses with automated vehicles used for warehouse operations like unloading, storage, picking, and loading. Last-mile deliveries using drones have also been tested. “In the cold chain space, IoT devices installed on assets have definitely improved traceability and visibility for products like food and pharmaceuticals. A major area of improvement is in product handling and that is where using wearable technology can help provide visibility and guidance on recommended actions to improve overall serviceBalakrishnanlevels.” believes that through wearables and robotics, organizations gain visibility to materials and assets at warehouses, distribution centers and in transit, driving a decrease in damage and wasted products. Between 5% and 10% of inventory end up stale or expired, a significant pain point for bottom lines. The automation provided by robotics helps drive efficiency while the providedlevelsignificantofvisibility through helpwearables managers gain full control over their cold chains. Cold chain of the future For the future, the demand for visibility will continue to grow, combined with the growth of available devices, more cold chain operations will incorporate wearables, as well as robotics. Once this takes hold and data volumes in the value chain reach a higher level, a connected view will be needed. A connected view is an intelligence layer that connects each data point together to create connected visibility and deliver insights for people, processes and systems to respond to disruptions, adds Balakrishnan.Additionally, the sheer volume of the refrigeration warehousing and logistics market opens a lot of opportunities for automationfordrivingadoption,visibility.possibilitiesautomationin the future of the cold chain. “I think we’re seeing the introduction of IoT Internet of Things devices; some are sensors, some are wearables, connecting assets and getting real-time data, and you know a lot more introduction in transit,” Suri adds. “So, trucks and shipping containers give up real-time data that can be tracked from anywhere in the world to ensure that there’s no spoilage and that the conditions are being continuously managed. “You see the introduction of automation in the form of robotics. You have everything from small, modest projects, like robotic arms that are shacked stacking shelves to massive undertakings like selfdriving trucks. But imagine self-driving cold storage trucks. That’s a form of robotics or automation at scale. You had a trucking fleet that was self-driving in 10 years. That’s interesting from the standpoint of how the cold chain could become way more automated. I think there’s a lot of work to bring these technologies into the cold chain. “The cold chain historically has been slow to adopt new technology. It’s one of the older sectors in the economy. Refrigeration has been around for over 100 years. Newer sectors of the economy that have been around for 10 or 20 years tend to adopt more technology faster because the assets are coming online today. But the stuff that’s been around for decades it’s often harder because you have to retrofit a lot of existing infrastructure. So I think we’re going to see that a lot of these technologies will come online with the future generation technology. The Next Generation of cold storage will have a lot of automation. The next generation refrigerator is going to have embedded sensors and embedded data science in it. But the stuff already in the world today will take a lot of effort to retrofit and a lot of capital, human and potential.”

The right closure can not only help prevent freezer burn and maintain freshness but pairing your closure with an easy-open tear bead design in lieu of perforation ensures the packaging is hermetically sealed. Lessen the risk cross-contaminationof Quality closures can not only help preserve the quality of raw chicken but also curtail potential leakage. When considering the risk of cross-contamination from raw chicken to ready-to-eat foods, proper closures give consumers a sense of security. If the packaging is not reclosable, consumers may attempt to securethemselvespackagethe or Wheninformation.andinstructionslikeinformationlossleadsolutionThistherepackagecompletelyproduct.cantotheofvitalcookingbrand
As a nutritious and more stablepriced item, chicken is positioned for growth better than many other proteins. Still, it is important for chicken brands and packagers to ensure that consumers have a positive experience, so they are more prone to make a repeat purchase.AWestRock survey found that consumers expect food packaging to keep their products fresh and safe while being functional and eco-friendly. Advancements in reclosable flexible packaging technologies can offer brands the benefit of reduced waste, increased product protection and a better consumer experience. Maintain product freshness and reduce waste Whether fresh or frozen, the right packaging substrates paired with the proper closure can help extend the shelf life of chicken products. Oftentimes consumers prefer to use food products over the course of multiple servings, especially when purchasing frozen or in bulk, so it is essential that buyers feel confident their products will maintain quality until the next use. Reclosable flexible packaging is ideal because it can provide a strong barrier against moisture and oxygen even after the package has been opened and reclosed. Reclosability is also beneficial for prolonged storage in the freezer. Regardless of the expiration date, freezer burn and a lack of confidence in a package’s resealability can cause consumers to toss their chicken products, resulting in waste that could otherwise be prevented. The Boston Consulting Group currently estimates that by 2030, annual food loss and waste will hit $1.5 trillion.
GIANNI HOLZEM commercialFresh-Lock sales director, Reynolds Consumer Products ABOUT THE AUTHOR ProductsConsumerReynolds Go to to read more.
consumers feel secure in the safety and quality of their product, they are more likely to stay loyal to your brand’s products.
Embrace sustainability WestRock’s survey confirmed that 82% of consumers found it important for brands to balance safety and concern for the environment when designing their packaging.Whenit comes to weight, reclosable flexible packaging is often lighter than the rigid alternatives. Rigid packaging options tend to use more and often denser material and take up more space. Whereas reclosable flexible packages can lay flat, contouring to the product, making them ideal for shipping and help in reducing a brand’s carbon footprint. Additionally, compatible combinations between sustainable films and closures are now possible. When films and closures are compatible, brands can maintain product quality and help drive a circular economy. Closures blended for compatibility with a wide range of PE recyclable films can deliver on your sustainability scorecard in this way where recovery chains are available. In some cases, PE closures can also increase production efficiencies. With a smaller carbon footprint and recyclable or compostable compatibility between films and closures, reclosable flexible packaging can keep brands in favor of environmentally concerned consumers. Despite how great the product is on its own, packaging for poultry products can play a sizable role in the consumer experience. When brands embrace reclosable flexible packaging, they make the choice to provide their consumers with an added-value experience.

When done properly, traceability can be a true differentiator, setting your business apart from the competition.
CAMERON BRINKS manager, supply chain strategy consulting, enVista ABOUT THE AUTHOR Go to to read more.
Why leverage traceability?
The risks. A product recall can have a catastrophic impact on a food organization. One example of the risk associated with lacking traceability is found in the story of a fast-casual food chain, which in 2015 experienced an E. Coli outbreak. The company lost $200 million in sales, incurred $25 million in regulatory fines and saw a 3% decrease in long-term sales as it struggled to regain its brand image and customer trust. The opportunities. Outside of the standard regulatory compliance and quality and safety risk mitigation, there are countless opportunities afforded by the ‘big data’ of traceability. The biggest opportunity is the potential for business insights. Data, at the granular level required for traceability, can help identify substandard partner operations and processes, add clarity and accuracy to existing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and add accountability to supply chain partners.
What is traceability? Ask 10 supply chain industry professionals what traceability means to them, and you may receive 10 different responses. The most important component of traceability is establishing a chain of custody for a product by means of both data exchange and physical identification application methods (barcodes, RFID tags, etc.) as it moves through the supply chain. The chain of custody only works if all parties that have a role in the production or movement of goods can verify how the product flowed through the nodes of the supply chain. This is accomplished by defining critical tracking events (CTE), which occur when a product is transformed, updated, shipped or received. It is important to capture each of these events to establish true end-to-end traceability. Unique, universal identifiers, such as SKUs or distribution center location IDs, are fixed, key data elements, consistent throughout all transactions in the network and enable the validation of CTEs. Key data elements may also be product or transaction-specific, such as the lot number corresponding to a manufacturer’s supply run. Combined, universal identifiers and transactional data points provide the complete picture needed for a universally verifiable chain of custody.
The complexity of today’s global supply chains has pushed more organizations to provide traceability of their products throughout the supply chain. While some supply chain leaders may view traceability only as a means to complying with government regulations or to maintaining a strong brand image and mitigating quality and safety risks, traceability is actually a great opportunity to create a competitive edge through a wealth of new data points.
All nodes in the distribution network can reap the lesser-known benefits of quality traceability data.
The 3 pillars of traceability With universal identifiers enabling CTEs and a series of CTEs establishing a chain of custody, an organization is positioned to adhere to the three pillars of traceability: Identify physical things like trade items (GTINs), physical locations (GLNs), assets and logistic units as well as logical items such as corporations or a service relationship between distributor and operator; capture the standardized identification in a common approach such as barcodes and/or EPC-enabled RFID tags; and share in a standardized format, ensuring data completeness and accuracy.
Conclusion When done properly, traceability can be a true differentiator, setting your business apart from the competition. It is the individuals themselves within these organizations that must seize the opportunity and capture the benefits of traceability sooner rather than later. JULY/AUGUST 2022 | FOOD LOGISTICS 35 SECTOR REPORT FOOD SAFETY

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