Tuesday March 8th brings International Women’s Day and what better way to celebrate by showcasing the women who have shaped and improved the world we live in through their admirable talents and ambitious mindsets. We have set aside a range of woman which differ in age and culture but all have the same thing in common: they have inspired others. From the life changers who made history to the celebrities which use their high status’ in good vain. The world we live in would not be the same for women if these ladies had never stepped out of the norm and made historic stands which would last forever.
LIfe CHaNGers
Emmeline Pankhurst Because she…
formed the Women’s
Social and Political Union (WSPU) in 1903 whose members were later dubbed ‘the suffragettes’ in support of women’s suffrage and the right to vote. If it wasn´t for Pankhurst heading the movement and organising demonstrations, hunger strikes and even arson attacks, it is unlikely that women would be entitled to the same equal voting rights as men.
Rosa Park Because she… is a civil rights activist regarded as an international symbol of dignity, bravery and strength. Her refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955 helped global efforts to end the segregation of public facilities in the US. Supported by a young Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Parks boycott lasted over a year and helped to end black/white segregation.