Sussex Living September 22

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77 Homes Extra Cover Stories 17 High Achiever Sara Whatley has been chatting to the international formative assessment expert, Dr Shirley Clarke 77 Green Heating With autumn approaching we have a few hints and tips to help keep homes warm this winter 85 Autumn Splendour Flo Whitaker chooses six of the best shrubs for autumn to bring some colour to your garden 131 The Fruit Preservation Society Bring a little burst of summer magic into the autumn with our fruit preserving recipes 143 Exploring Hudson’s Heritage On the centenary of his death, Professor Clive Webb looks back at the life of William Henry Hudson 9Features Page Turner Crime writing author Helen Fields has been telling us about her career and life in Arundel 25 The Good And Bad Of Gap Years Adele Trathan takes a look at the impact that a year out can make on students 35 What’s Your Skill Set? We look at the key attributes that make a candidate attractive to a potential employer 39 Love Your Local Library Exp ect the unexpected from your WSCC library 42 The Fun House A bold and tenacious reinvention of a former Turkish bath house in Hastings Edit or’s Comment 6 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Tel: 01273 835355 Email: /sussexliving @sussexliving Adele MANAGING EDITOR If you miss the latest issue of Sussex Living you can read it all online at and sign up for our newsletter Henfield and Ashurst Walk 153121 Money Matters 9 Helen Fields Back to school time! Children are preparing for the next stage of their education, and whether that be their first day at school, moving up to senior school or higher education, these are exciting times. We talk to Shirley Clarke, the teacher’s teacher about how children best excel when learning and look at what employers’ value when looking at the skill sets required for the modern workplace. We head to Henfield for a glorious walk and take a peek inside a fabulously fun house in Hastings – it’s a busy month inside September’s Sussex Living! Inside...

XX7September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVINGTel: 01273 835355 Email: /sussexliving @sussexliving Tel: 01273 835355 42 On HomeTheFront BloomingTimes hiddenisland from making the MOST of our islandmaking the MOST of sussex Make the most of Sussex by joining this free and exclusive club with benefits, vouchers, offers, competitions and more. Get involved today at 25 Gap Year 75 Getting The Best Result With Tisshaws Lisa de Silva discovers why this family law firm is held in such high esteem 90 Period Apartment Renovation Improving a three-bedroom apartment in a converted Victorian house in Hove 107 Boost Your Memory Four exercises to give the grey matter a workout 112 Tip The Scales Towards Better Health Some businesses can get a free wellbeing MOT 127 Tea With Christina A delightful sanctuary offering a quintessential English afternoon tea in Henfield 128 Henfield... Did You Know Just some of the things Henfield can shout about 141 The Positive Power of Reading An ESCC initiative to combat loneliness 149 Taylor-Made Dreams For Children How Suzi Mitchell’s charity brings dreams to life Reg ulars 31 The Wonder Years It ’s time to go back to school with the Whatleys 40 Puzzle Page 68 Spotlight Events Some fabulous events for September & October 111 New Season Update A s temperatures fall fashion trends are hotting up 117 Down Screens Adopting strategies to avoid screen fatigue 121 Henfield and Ashurst Walk A sp ectacular walk around the River Adur flatlands with Robert Veitch and his friend Lucy 138 It’s A Dog’s Life Teddy has been ruminating on all things... water 153 Money Matters Lisa de Silva explores the collectibles industry 160 Puzzle Page Solutions 166 If You Ask Me Flo Whitaker hails the power of kindness from ‘Ray of Light’ and emergency sandwiches Cla ssifieds 156 Love Local Directory 166 Contributors List 85 111 AutumnFashion

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Whenever I have tried to plan I’ve found the plot or characters have taken me off in a different direction



September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 9 Page Turner INTERVIEW

There is a reason Fields is an award winning crime writer; before becoming an author she spent 15 years at the bar working as a criminal barrister. As she became more senior she was working on very disturbing cases, often involving children, which made it difficult to come home to her own three young children. “I was working 60 hour weeks, then still working after the children had gone to bed. My quality of life wasn’t high, everything was suffering,” she said. So she stepped away from the bar and started working at her husband’s media company as producer, client handler and writing bits of scripts, fitting her working life around her home life. Then came a life-changing holiday. “David said, ‘If you could do anything, what would you really, really want to do?’ and I said I’d like to have a crack at writing a book,” Fields told me. That’s when he gifted her those precious six months, in which time Fields wrote

’d enjoyedalwayswriting, from the time I could read,” Helen Fields told me from her home in Arundel. So when her husband gifted her six months off work, childcare and domestic duties to try her hand at writing a novel, she gave it her all. “Had he not been that supportive and given me that space I don’t think it would ever have happened,” she said. And the rest, as they say, is history. On 1st September Fields’ eleventh crime novel, The Last Girl to Die will be published. Her bestselling crime novels have gained her global recognition and been translated into 22 languages. When talking about her new novel, Fields said, “It’s nice to step away from the usual series and do something a little different from police procedural. I’m excited about this one.” This new novel has some returning characters from her Perfect series, and some new ones as well. “The least I can do is put a couple of characters in so readers feel they’ve got that tie with other books,” Fields laughed, “and it’s kind of fun, a bit of an in joke when I’m writing it.”

Bestselling crime writer and former criminal barrister, Helen Fields talks to Sara Whatley about the psychology of evil, Scottish folklore and life in Arundel

Does she ever base characters or plotlines on

“It’s really tricky writing a long series, although there are some benefits,” Fields said. “You know the characters already, but you have to build enough interest within those characters to give them some longevity.”

“You expect it to look a particular way but it doesn’t, it’s an every day thing and you have no idea most of the time what people are capable of.”

Fields explained how smaller characters could afford to be loud and brash, extraordinary even, as those very strong personalities are only peppered through the books so as not to overwhelm them. The main characters, however, have to be much more human, fallible and breakable, with high points and aspirations. “They constantly have to be working towards something much bigger far enough in the distance that they have to change as they walk towards it,” she said. With so many twists and turns, I asked Fields how she plans her novels. “I don’t!” she laughed. “I wish from the bottom of my heart I did. Whenever I have tried to plan I’ve found the plot or characters have taken me off in a different direction anyway, so for me it’s a bit of a waste.” Instead, Fields likes to let the story unfold for her the same way


“Definitelycases?not cases,” Fields said. “People have long memories and the people I’ve defended and prosecuted are still all out there, but what I definitely have done is taken bits of personalities, like police officers I remember and their humour, or some defendant’s characteristics, and injected that into the characters.”

And that was it; Fields went to Winchester Writers’ Festival (now called the I AM Writing Festival), got an agent, and eventually, after another year, got a publishing deal. There is an undisputable link between Fields’ previous life as a criminal barrister and the subject matter of her novels, but how close are her stories to real life, I wondered.

These two characters endure with Fields and she says she often hears their voices over other long-term characters, such as the lead D.I Callanach.

10 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 and self published two fantasy fiction books. “I had no thought of becoming a professional writer, but wanted to see if I could start and finish a project,” she explained. Starting is the easy bit, it’s the finishing that is hard. “Most people falter somewhere in the middle, but I didn’t. I realised I had found the thing that I always knew in my heart I wanted to do.”

It’s not just the criminals in her book that are based on real life either; the relationship between characters Ava Turner and her best friend Natasha is based on the relationship Fields has with her close girlfriends – “That brutal love we have for our really good friends.”

Fields is obviously well versed in the process and timelines of such cases, and “how it is police officers pull little strands of things together.” But what sets her writing apart is the accuracy of the inner workings of the defendant’s minds, and what it is that drives them. “I was always struck by the normality of evil,” she said.

I realised I had found the thing that I always knew in my heart I wanted to do

In keeping with that unplanned discovery of writing, Fields says she likes to write with background noise. She frequents the cafés and coffee shops of Arundel, or works at home with music and her husband in the background, as he works from home too. That is, until the editing starts: “I prefer to be at my desk for that,” she said. “That’s a really focused thing because I like to do that fast.”

it does for the reader. This way she stays more passionate about it and fully enjoys the writing process, energies which she hopes are injected into her novels. She does suffer from a soggy middle though. “For me it’s always 30,000 words, and I’ll say to my husband, ‘I don’t know what’s happened, the pacing’s gone,’ and he’ll say ‘Are you at 30,000 words?’ Planners don’t suffer so much from that,” Fields laughed.

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 11

12 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Burwash, East Sussex, TN19 205846no.CharityRegistered2022.TrustNational©ButlerImages/AndrewTrustNationalPhotography© Visit the home of Rudyard Kipling to follow The Glory of the Garden poetry trail and taste home-grown produce in the tea-room. at PeacefulBateman'sstrolls and space to relax PETWORTH FESTIVAL THURSDAY 27 OCTOBER TO SUNDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2022 LITERARY WEEK Featuring AL MURRAY HUGH MICHAELBONNEVILLEPARKINSONNICCIFRENCHROBERTHARRISAndsomuchmore... Full programme and tickets

Fields has lived in Hampshire, Norwich, London, California, but never Scotland. Which is why she has set the majority of her novels there. “I need to write about somewhere I don’t live because it still has to hold magic for me,” she said. “Whenever I went to Scotland I fell deeply in love with it, then I came away so it never became every day or commonplace. I wanted to put that sense of the extraordinary into the books.” Scottish history fascinates Fields as well, particularly the way it is tied in with myths and legends and a “slight sense of gothic darkness”.TheIsle of Mull is the setting for Fields’ latest novel, chosen for its rich folklore.

“They think about the big picture – is the story arc right, is your pacing overall right, is it too long, too short, do they not like one of the characters, do they want to half all the chapters. All the big stuff.” Then comes line edit; looking at dialogue, pacing within the chapters and the authenticity of characters.

“What’s fascinating about Mull is when you look at the history of witchcraft and the tales they tell about witches there, the witches aren’t the bad guys. They were important figures, as important as the clan

I need to write about somewhere I don’t live because it still has to hold magic for me

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 13

Next is copy edit: typos, overused words – “the word ‘way’ is always something I do” – too many sentences starting with ‘and’, or too many characters frowning all the way through the book. The manuscript is then sent to the typesetter before coming back for a final proof read. “Even then I tend to send a good 250 miniscule changes,” said Fields. And the final stage of the process is a sensitivity read, particularly important for sensitive subject matters such as Fields writes about.


Once Fields has finished writing her first draft, she will go through it two more times to make sure the story and pace is right. Then it’s off to the publisher, who comes back with the first edit, the structural edit.




chief,” Fields told me. She continued to say as respected and admired women, they had made themselves important at a time when women still couldn’t be important in Scotland; witchcraft empowered them. That all changed however, with the witch trials when horrific numbers of witches were burned. “I think you chose the place to match the tone of the book,” Fields said. “It’s about deciding what story you want to tell then finding the place that is going to inspire you best when you’re writingMovingit.” to Arundel from Chichester a couple of months ago clearly agrees with Fields’ sense of place and creative flow. She enthused about the boutiques, sense of history and its unspoiled, old-fashioned community. “I walk every day along the river, around the lake, through the town, the Downs, the back of the castle – it’s an amazingly beautiful place. I couldn’t be happier,” she said. l

The Last Girl to Die by Helen Fields, Avon, £7.99 Published September

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 15 www. lj BOOK ONLINE NOW 01323 440622 L ux ury J ourneys E verytime Our holidays include · · · · · · · Tel. 01273 890383 | | Race times are all subject to change, please ensure you check before travelling Gates Open 11.50am • First Race 1:50pm • Last Race 4:50pm fromTickets£15 in(Kidsadvanceracefree!) 18Sept th ENTERTAINMENT Fun DerbyDogPettingFair,Farm,Competitions,Magician,FacePainting,HorseHoppers,InflatableSlide&AssaultCourse,ToddlersPlayPark

40 acres of fields and woodlands in Surrey St Pier's Lane, Lingfield, Surrey .01342 838153 Lingfield College is a vibrant and successful independent day school for ages 2 - 18. Blending academic excellence, supportive pastoral care and a rich programme of co-curricular opportunities to inspire, motivate and nurture every pupil. Specialist teaching with an individual approach Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards available Rated EXCELLENT in all categories. ISI 2017 Outstanding A level & GCSE results Saturday 24 September Senior School Open Morning Thursday 6 October Sixth Form Open Evening 10 - 14 October Prep School in Action Week

years, and has helped to change and improve the way children are taught, helped them be super learners but most importantly of all, she has helped children to believe in themselves and their ability to learn.

Dr Shirley Clarke is an international expert in formative assessment, empowering children to be confident learners who know how to learn. She also happens to be Sara Whatley’s auntie…

I spoke to Shirley at her home in the Ashdown Forest, where she has lived since 1991. “I couldn’t wait to get out the suburbs of London,” she said over coffee and croissants. “I was choking with it and I noticed every time we drove out into the country I could breath more easily. I love the forest, I can’t think of a better place to live.”



University of Greenwich (where she received her Honorary Doctorate in 2007). From there she launched into her teaching career, first in Tower Hamlets then Abby Woods where she stayed for seven years teaching music and maths. “We did a big Silver Jubilee concert in 1977,” she recalled.

Shirley became one of the school library monitors; “I loved putting the tickets in and stamping the books,” she said, and decided she wanted to be a librarian. Then her eureka moment came when her younger brother was at primary school and she went to help out. “That’s when I knew. There was nothing in particular, I just thought, ‘I want to do this, I want to teach, I want to be with these kids.’ And that was it; from 14 I knew I wanted to be a teacher.”

On a Saturday she would organise performances for her parents, making her siblings wear hats and dance while she played the piano, and she set up an alphabet club in a tent in their garden, charging the local kids a penny to come and learn the alphabet.

In 1982 Shirley became an ILEA [Inner London Education Authority] Primary Maths consultant, going from school to school. Then came her big break in 1989, “Out of the maths team of 32, they selected me to go forward into one of the first development agencies for the first Key Stage 1 SATS [Standard Assessment Tests].” This was a hugely developmental time in education; the National Curriculum had just been introduced and tests needed to be created to go with it.

Shirley works from her home office or travels around the country, and internationally. But it all started when she was a child in the 50s in South London. The eldest of three children, she was always making her sister and brother do pages of sums.

Next came teacher training college for Shirley at Avery Hill, now the

“My mum said she always knew I was going to be a teacher,” Shirley laughed.

18 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

Self-efficacy is the most important thing of all and is your belief in your ability to achieve


Everyone the best they can be ‘This is a kind school’ Ofsted 2022 ACADEMICTHESCHOOLVALUESBOTHACHIEVEMENTANDTHECHILDRENTHEMSELVESOFSTED2022Open Mornings: Mon-Thurs, Week commencing 3rd October and 10th October 2022. Please contact our reception team to book a place. Open Evening: 6pm Thursday 29th September 2022 If you would like to see the school in action, please do call to arrange a visit: 01273 890407 THE STUDENTS, STAFF AND GOVERNORS LOOK FORWARD TO WELCOMING YOU. It’s now all about feedback during lessons when you are in the momentgolden

“I was put forward for the seven year olds and I became the Writing Team Coordinator, working at the Institute of Education with a team of key people drawn from all over the country – the most fantastic two years of my career,” Shirley said. They eventually lost the contract, but Shirley had forged indispensible connections.DrBarbara MacGilchrist, who had been head of the ILEA, ran the Inset Department at the Institute of Education. “She remembered me and my classroom and said she wanted me working in her department to help teachers with this new world of assessment,” said Shirley. So began 10 years lecturing at the Institute and training teachers all over London.When the heat of the testing died off, Shirley entered an academic department where she started running courses, meeting up with the same group of teachers for 30 weeks. Guided by Shirley, they tried things out in their classrooms then came back the next week with

Welcome to Chailey School

Chailey School is a thriving secondary school of approximately 800 students from 11 to 16 years of age. Our vision is ‘everyone the best they can be’. We believe in traditional values and these underpin life in the school. The key personal attributes of kindness, independence, resilience, creativity, community and participation are encouraged and promoted through the formal curriculum and extensive extra -curricular programme. We have high expectations of students in both their work and behaviour and all students are known as individuals. Whatever a student’s talents or abilities, our reputation as an inclusive school ensures that all needs are met – for those who are gifted and talented and for those who need additional support. The true measure of our success is seeing a school full of happy, confident, independent young people, fully engaged their education.


September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 21 their findings. It was “really valuable,” work, which had come at the beginning of a period of huge changes in the way children were assessed.

“The testing regime was all a bit mad,” Shirley theresounworkable.”thatto“Teachersexplained.weretryingtrackeverythingmoved,itwasjustItwasunworkablethatweremassiveunion strikes and walkouts; it was also around this time that The Dearing Report was set up.

“Sir Ron Dearing said it was all nonsense, all this tracking, and to concentrate on children’s significant achievement. I grabbed hold of those words,” said Shirley, “and said to teachers on my courses, ‘what do you think significant achievement is? Go and find out.’” The response was talking about progress, what made a difference, what children said about their learning, giving children feedback – it started to get more formative rather than summative.

In 1998 two professors, Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam from Kings College, conducted a review of all the literature about formative assessment for the DFE (Department for Education). Academics had begun to realise the learning merits of formative rather than summative assessment. “It’s the most quoted article/review ever in the field of assessment,” Shirley told me. “They ended up writing a guide called Inside the Black Box, which every teacher in the land will have heard of.”

Research shows that doing marking afterwards has almost no impact on children’s progress, Shirley explained.

These findings were to further shape Shirley’s journey. “When I read this review I was gobsmacked!” she said. Suddenly she could put a name to her work, and quickly following this she wrote her first book on the subject, which was the book that made her name. “It was my raison d’être, and has been ever since.” With her practical, enjoyable and example-led writing style, Shirley got invited to talk all over England, and then abroad. Further books followed and a move to being freelance. She set up her own Learning Teams to continue her previous classroom research and feedback. “They are critical,” to her work, she said, and end up as formative assessment experts.

That is what it all boils down to: looking at impact. When you start looking at impact, what works and what doesn’t, what children respond to and what they don’t, that is when real learning can take place. And what does Shirley hope for the next generation of teachers? “I hope that it will be embedded that high self-efficacy is the most important foundation for all learning. And the other message: there is no point in doing anything unless learning is the most significant thing, that you are always thinking about what you want them to learn and how you want them to learn it. And looking at your impact!”

Having dedicated her life to education, Shirley is still absolutely passionate about it and believes learning is an incredible gift in and of itself. I may be biased, but I say top marks to that woman! l

She set up an alphabet club, charging the local kids a penny to come and learn the alphabet

Classrooms are not the silent places they once were; “There was a whole load of research in the 90s about teacher questioning and the importance of talk,” said Shirley. It’s much more common now for children to be asked to talk to each other and share their thoughts together, then share what they discussed with the class. “I’ve been instrumental in looking at the best way of doing talk partners,” Shirley told me. “The best way to get the most out of it turned out to be random talk partners that change weekly; so every child gets a huge range of cognitive and social experiences. It’s what teachers tell me is the game changer, because then you get permanent mixed ability.”

22 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

So, what exactly is formative assessment? “The centre of the universe is self-efficacy and self-regulation. Selfefficacy is the most important thing of all and is your belief in your ability to achieve,” said Shirley. She went on to say how many of the systems we have in schools seem to be deliberately set up to lower children’s self-efficacy; for example; comparative reward systems and ability grouping. The research about just those two things goes back 40 years showing how damaging they are, and yet it still carries on. “One big part of formative assessment is the importance of teachers normalising error, which is how we learn,” Shirley explained. And what happens when a mistake is admitted?

Children turn to each other for peer learning. “That’s another part of formative assessment; activating children as learning resources for each other.”

Learning intentions is another key part of the system; making sure children know what it is they are learning rather than jumping straight into planned activities. “It’s not just about knowing what you are learning, it’s knowing how it breaks down – what are the component parts?” said Shirley. Teachers need to be trying to find out what pupils are thinking all the time, and not make any recentlysignificanthasaboutassumptionit.Markingundergoneachangeaswell.It’s now all about feedback during lessons when you are in the golden moment rather than marking later when it’s all too late.


At Great Walstead Find out more at

24 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Validated by Part-time professional and hobby courses starting in September. The future is yours Celebrating the 200 year anniversary of the death of the poet Shelley, our exhibition Percy Bysshe Shelley: A Poet’s Journey continues until 24 September. A free family trail accompanies the exhibition where children must hunt for the shells to find clues to put together a poem. The museum is open Tuesday – Saturday, 10am-4pm with free entry to the museum and exhibition. For further information visit: or call: 01403 25459 9 Causeway, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1HE 01403 254 959 Visit Horsham Museum this September SLINDON COLLEGE KNOW THYSELF Register Attendance: 01243 814320 Slindon College is an Independent Day and Boarding school for boys aged 8-18 located in Sussex Slindon College provides a stimulating, broad and balanced educational experience for pupils of all academic abilities, taking into account their strengths and talents. Open Mornings Saturday 24th September 2022 Saturday 11th March 2023 Private visits available throughout the year. 9.30am-12noon

A gap year can offer a great opportunity to earn money in order to fund further studies



A gap year can offer a great opportunity to earn money in order to fund further studies. At a time when many young adults are feeling the pinch, setting money aside for future years can be a smart thing to do.

Having been in full-time education for well over a decade, many students feel they want to explore new horizons before delving back into their studies. At a time when their peers may be out working, earning moneyexperiencingand life away from books and lectures, the incentive to do oftentemporarily,else,somethingalbeitisstrong.

A gap year can expose them to new subjects, new people, new industries and new places, and this inspiration can often forge stronger ambitions as far as full-time employment goes.



Is a break from study worth the effort? With the start of the new school year looming Adele Trathan takes a look at the impact a year out can make on students as they decide their future options



Many prospective employers will look on a gap year as an indication that a student is keen to explore non-academic elements that can benefit them in full-time employment later. Volunteering work shows a commitment to others, which is commendable; though even paid gapyear elements can and should exemplify a desire to explore and experience things beyond the basics of education.

he trend of taking a gap year – in A-levelsbetween and a degree, or during avenuestoconsrecognisedbutthelargelyofaside.largelyofnowoverprominent–EducationHigherstudiesissettomakeareturnthenextyearthespectreCovid-19hasbeenputTheusefulnessagapyeardependsonindividual,herearesomeprosandwhenitcomesexploringotherforayear.

IMPROVING GRADES Some students may choose to top up their grades or improve their academic appeal by embarking on additional studies during a gap year, for instance, with a one-year A-level course, something that will serve them well as they move forward.

Many students make their way towards Higher Education without still really knowing what they want to do as far as their career goes.




Students who embark on a gap year ultimately meet a wide variety of new people and forge friendships for life, though stepping away for a period does mean they fall into the year group below, with existing friends then a step ahead and often in different places, academically and geographically.

Universities will look on an unfulfilled gap year in a negative light

Some students like the appeal of a gap year, but may relent on plans once it starts, and can feel lost when that happens. Universities will look on an unfulfilled gap year in a negative light. COST Some students find a gap year actually costs them more in the long run, and it may be that the most sensible route to employment and regular income is the one that gets studies out the way in the quickest possible time. l


26 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Visit our website: WWW.VARNDEAN.AC.UK/EVENTS OPEN EVENTS 2022 OPEN DAY SAT 24 SEPTEMBER 11am - 2pm OPEN EVENINGS TUES 1 & WED 2 NOVEMBER 6.30pm - 9pm • an opportunity to look around our beautiful and unique campus • find out about the courses we offer and our superb academic track record • talk to staff and students to discover what it is like to study at Varndean, the outstanding support we provide and our wonderful community atmosphere Plus INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA PRESENTATION TUES 11 OCTOBER 6.30pm - 7.45pm Doors 6pm Come and join us at one of our SUSSEX LIVING MAGAZINE (Sept 2022).indd 1 08/08/2022 12:48:26 THECONSRISK OF NOT RETURNING TO EDUCATION For some, a gap year offers a practical glimpse outside of academic study, and it can feel difficult to then return to the regimented processes of education. While this may mean moving into employment, the failure to finish studies may be something a person regrets in later life. For our jobs go

SECTION SUBJECT 28 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 EDUCATION EDUCATING SUSSEX EDUCATION SERVICES TO HELP YOU FIND THE BEST FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN IN SUSSEX Dance ConnectivityBringingClasses Happy Me Dance offer kids developprogrammesdancetoselfconfidence and teamwork. These include workshops with choreographersguest held in Crowborough, Uckfield and Tunbridge Wells. Contact New Art Courses from September with Roz Nathan Face-to-face in East Dean: Printmaking / Personal Projects Zoom: Landscape / Fungi / Collage Online: One-to-one and painting demos 07913roz.nathan@hotmail.comwww.roznathanart.com080061 The Piano Shop A fantastic selection of pianos for all levels, both upright and grand, new and restored. There are many restored Yamahas and a wide range of other great makes, such as Bechstein and Steinway, as well as digital pianos. We also have a workshop and offer restoration. Garden Design Courses in Woodchurch, Kent Join Jo Arnell in her garden and learn how to bring structure and long lasting colour to your garden borders. Be inspired to get the best from your garden through the seasons. Contact: 01233 861149 / 07923 969634 EducationSpecialist St. John’s School and environment.vibrantstimulatingdisabilitiesand/orpeoplechildrenBrighton)(SeafordCollegeandoffersandyoungwithautismlearningaandlearning Bag of Books, Lewes Children’s Bookshop Visit us in store or online where our expert staff can help you find your next perfect read. We also supply books to schools, for more information please contact us or visit our schools website. 1 South Street, Lewes BN7 2BT 01273 479320

THE BIRCH HOTEL (SUSSEX ROOM) LEWES ROAD, HAYWARDS HEATH RH17 7SF FRIDAY 9th & SATURDAY 10th SEPTEMBER & FRIDAY 21st and SATURDAY 22nd OCTOBER WATERCOLOURPAINTING Weekly Classes and Saturday Workshops starting again in September Some Vacancies JO HUDSON Professional Artist 01435 johudsonpaint@gmail.com867982

Hiring!We’re From Teachers and Support tothere’sCleanersWorkers,toNurses,apositionsuityou •Offering flexible working •New pay increases •Career progression and qualification support Young Epilepsy stands up for children and young people with neurological conditions St Piers offers an innovative learning environment set in beautiful grounds in Lingfield! For information please call our Recruitment Team today on: 01342 831 234 Or to apply online visit: and click on careers! Young Epilepsy is the operating name of The National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy Charitable Trust. Re gistered Charity number 311877 (England and Wales) Join the team at Young Epilepsy and St Piers School & College

CHILDREN September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 31

Term time beckons and Sara Whatley’s two little ones are getting their rucksacks out the cupboard again, ready for… SCHOOL AND NURSERY The long summer holidays are over and it’s time to slip gently back into the rhythm and routine of term time. I think most parents at this point in the year are somewhat relieved to pack their kids off into the safe hands of teachers again; jobs can be resumed, and five minutes peace can be enjoyed. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that! Still to this day I find the

don’t have to know it all at the beginning.”“Oh,”she smiled. “Ok then!” And everything was all right again. Sunny disposition resumed.Even as adults we feel like that sometimes, worried that we will look stupid because we don’t know everything from the off. But one of the most valuable life lessons I have ever learned is ‘fake it till you make it’. I wonder if they teach that in schools nowadays? Jarvis doesn’t have those sorts of worries yet. He’s back to nursery again and as long as he gets fed and plays with his friends, he will be more than happy. A little nap in the buggy on the way home then off to pick up his sister from school and to the park we go. I do love the easy nature of the holidays – the release from time pressures and Monday night film nights if we fancy! – but I notice how we all appreciate the return to our routine. As this term slides into autumn and we crunch leaves underfoot on our journey to and from school, I begin to look forward to the coming winter and all the lovely festive fun the children will be Kidsenjoying.honestly don’t know how good they’ve got it, do they? l

friends. As we pulled Mia’s uniform to the front of the cupboard again, I hoped she would form the same positive associations.Attheend of last term, a million years ago to these little school returners, Mia’s class met their new teacher for this year. She was a bit worried when I picked her up and as we chatted on the walk home it transpired that firstly, her new teacher had a tricky name and she was worried she would forget it (she has!), and secondly that she didn’t know enough to go into Year 1. “I don’t know everything they do!” she said to me quietly, a worried frown on her face. “But darling,” I soothed, “you will learn it all when you’re there. You Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that!

32 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Battle . Bexhill . Eastbourne . Polegate . Seaford . St. Leonards . Uckfield BACK To SCHO0L! . Is your child due a sight test? . Can they see to learn? . Children don’t always know what ‘normal’ vision is. THE OPTICIANS | WWW.BARRACLOUGHS.UK EASTBOURNE phone: 01323 819 050 email: • We offer students all year round – You’ll get the opportunity to host a steady stream of students of various nationalities and ages • 50 years of experience – As the world leader in international education we have vast experience organising host programmers. We match students to hosts based on the needs of both parties • Prompt weekly payments – Payments will appear on your ‘My EF’ personal hosting webpage, so you are always up to date • 24-hour support – If issues arise, our team comes directly to you to help Become a host for E F The world is waiting… Main colours to be used 100%. 80, 60, 40% tints In the heart of Sussex lies an inviting and diverse landscape of untold hidden gems, just waiting to be found! To be included and to promote your business call us now on 01273 835355 or sales@sussexliving.comemail LOOKING ADVERTISINGFORWITHSTAYINGPOWER?LOOKNOFURTHER

Located in the heart of butterliesButterflyCommon,DitchlingTheGardensisatropicaloasisfulloffreeflyingfromallovertheworld. Within the tropical flight area we have created an environment which is carefully controlled and monitored to ensure perfect conditions for our live butterflies. The lifeeggs.andforcreatedandtemperaturehumidityisnotonlythehundredsoftropicalbutterflies,buttoalsosustainthetropicalplantsflowersneededtoenablethebutterfliestofeed,breedandlaytheirThehabitatofthebutterflieshasbeenreconstructedatourbutterflyfarminsuchawayastoallowvisitorsaninsightintothefascinatingwayofoftheseamazinginsects.MIDDLETON COMMON FARM, DITCHLING, BN6 8SF Tel: 01273 054996 www.sussexbutter 10% DISCOUNT on ENTRANCE FEE WITH THIS VOUCHER £6 Adults  £4 Children Under 5’s go free ButterflyButterflyTheGardensTheGardens ButterflyButterflyGardensGardens Gain an insight into the fascinating life cycle of these beautiful butterflies

34 SUSSEX LIVING | Septenber 2022 Call our gobbledygook-averse Richard Long now on 07831 196534 or email SOLUTIONSABSOLUTE Do you want help with technology? Telephone & RemoteavailableSupport SUPPORT FOR: • PCs, anddigitaltablets,laptops,smartphones,devicesmedia • Software, Microsoft,databases,networks,Apple • Security, backups, data protection • The Cloud, connecting all your devices, flexible access, work from anywhere 01273 487840 | 10 Cliffe High Street, Lewes BN7 2AH Your Local Independant Outdoor Retailer Over 15 Experienceyears WalkingSpecialistFootwear Intensive Courses These courses are expertly suited for first time swimmers, as well as those who are looking for extra training, to develop invaluable life skills, confidence and water safety. Our popular five day courses of swimming lessons are available again during the upcoming school holidays: Monday 19 thto Friday 23rd December Monday 13th to Friday 17th February Call us now on: www.mxtswimschool com T: 01903 202700 M: 07903 731370 Teaching Sussex to swim since 1990. Monday 24th to Friday 28th October Accredited courses and workshops in Complementary Therapies and Sports Massage. All taught to a highly professional standard, delivered in a beautiful studio in Hove. 07906 140674 SUSSEX SCHOOL OF NATURAL THERAPIES


COMMUNICATION On a similar ebb, the ability for employees to be able to communicate with people across different mediums – face-to-face, email, phone, video messaging – has become a real asset, and one that can make the difference between a project starting and stalling.


TEAMWORK Any business looking to navigate a path through testing or uncertain conditions must have solid teamwork at its heart, otherwise the whole mechanic can fall apart. Good teamwork in 2022 means more than working together to get a job finished – it’s about ideas generation, empathy, structure. It’s also about understanding the limitations, as well as the talents, of those around you.

considered work in a different sector, the rulebook has largely been ripped up. However, no matter what industry you work in, the one thing that links all employers is a need to get people on board who can get the job done, and truly contribute to the work environment they find themselves in. With that in mind, here are seven main qualitiesemployersprospectivearelookingforin their staff in 2022.

The last couple of years have changed the face of employment and what prospective employers look for. Adele Trathan explores the key attributes that make a candidate attractive to a potential employer in 2022


ockdown has made mechanicsthe by which we go about our jobs different to anything we knew previously. Whether working reduced hours, remotely, or perhaps having

CONFIDENCE Any successful team needs positive forces to move to the front if there’s a chance of success. Employers love confidence and charisma as they are qualities that permeate through a

1 3

ADAPTABILITY Adaptability in business is about more than whether someone goes into an office or works from home. These days it’s the talent to adopt new resources or software; it’s managing unforeseen circumstances, and it’s taking on new roles and responsibilities. This skill may also incorporate a willingness to change shift patterns or stay behind late in order to get a job finished. While this is nothing new in business, many companies see their margin for flexibility as being lower than ever before, so they expect that same dedication from staff.

SKILLSDECISION-MAKING When the pressures of work in changeable scenarios are present, it pays to have people on the ground who 6 will grab hold of and ride through an idea. Companies love to see staff who have the courage of their convictions, even if that means making mistakes along the way. In summing up, while employers will always look for qualifications and talent on its staff, so-called ‘soft skills’ have really come to the fore in light of the Itpandemic.isnowjust as much these skills that job candidates should be focusing on and highlighting in applications, as we enter a new era of employment that, while not having the structure and security perhaps of the past, is certainly abundant with opportunity for those willing to seize it. l

36 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 | 01444 812 388 | • Asbestos surveys and remediation • Energy Performance Certificates • Retrofit assessments • Hazardous and deleterious material testing • Fire risk assessments • Water risk assessments • Training SCHOOLS COMMERCIAL DOMESTIC Peace of mind at school, work and home We protect pupils, staff and families across Sussex – and beyond –by making buildings safe. What’s more, we don’t cut corners, because your safety is too important. We do it right – because it matters business, resonating not just in its people, but its products and services too. As a note of caution, prospective employees need to realise there’s sometimes a thin line between confidence and arrogance, and true assertiveness should always come with a whisper of humility. PROACTIVITY Having someone on board who can bring proactivity to the table is a real win for a business. In 2022, the phrase ‘don’t wait for me’ has never rung truer, and the empowering of those to take their own initiative forward is real. RESILIENCE Employers are dealing with many more pressures in 2022 than they were previously, and having a group of battle-hardened staff who are happy to confront incoming threats and dangers is a huge and valuable resource. To show resilience to trouble is to prove a desire to walk through walls to get the right result.

If you would like to explore everything from consciousness to conspiracy theories; from spirituality to quantum science; ancient civilisations to alternative healing; the environment to evolution; ETs and UFOs to EMFs and 5Gs . . . you are not alone!

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 37 ShowDog Haywards Heath Town Day Victoria12pm-9pmPark,South Road FunAnimatronicsforallthefamily! Saturday 10th September PerformancesStalls MusicBands FairgroundRidesCircus Skills Food FireShow Where Science meets Spirituality. Where Open Minds meet Open Hearts. INDIGO UMBRELLA If you would like to explore everything from consciousness to conspiracy theories; from spirituality to quantum science; ancient civilisations to alternative healing; the environment to evolution; ETs and UFOs to EMFs and 5Gs . . . you are not alone! Come and join like-minded people for wideranging, open discussions on all of the above and more. Informal meet-ups, presentations and workshops explore the whole spectrum of Science meets Spirituality in the context of the world around us, at every level. Judy Sharp 07597 020 If you would like to explore everything from consciousness to conspiracy theories; spirituality to quantum science; ancient civilisations to alternative healing; the environment to evolution; ETs and UFOs to EMFs and 5G… you are not alone! Come and join like-minded people for wideranging, open discussions on all of the above and more. Informal meet-ups, presentations and workshops explore the whole spectrum of Science meets Spirituality in the context of the world around us, at every level. STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 23 August 2022 4:25 pm OUR FILENAME: Sep22 Judy Sharp 1-4 Where Science meets Spirituality. Where Open Minds meet Open Hearts. INDIGO UMBRELLA

Come and join like-minded people for wideranging, open discussions on all of the above and more. Informal meet-ups, presentations and workshops explore the whole spectrum of Science meets Spirituality in the context of the world around us, at every level.

Judy Sharp 07597 020

38 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Burgess Hill BUSINESS PARKS ASSOCIATION Burgess Hill Means Business – the biggest business expo in Mid Sussex, brought to you by Burgess Hill Business Parks Association (BHBPA). Local MP Mims Davies will be officially opening the show at 10am and will spend time meeting with the 60 exhibitors. There will be a unique mix of businesses large and small, with a wide variety of sectors represented. These include viticulture, manufacturing, facilities management, finance, legal, marketing, training, telecoms, hospitality and many more. This event embraces the community spirit of our organisation, it’s a chance to catch up with local businesses and it’s a great networking opportunity. Visitors are expected from scross Sussex. Richard Cox, BHBPA’s CEO, said, “Every year, the Burgess Hill business community grows and with it, the diversity of our association increases. It’s a very exciting time and I’m very much looking forward to seeing what’s new at this year’s exhibition.” Burgess Hill Means Business Back again after popular demand Friday 16th September, from 10am to 3pm at the Kings Centre, Victoria Road, Burgess Hill Richard Cox, Chief Executive Officer, Burgess Hill Business Parks Association | 07393 728688 By Train: it’s just a short 15 minute walk from Burgess Hill train station By Car: the venue has a car park reserved for visitors Free entry with a business card!

offer the opportunity to take every publication in the world home with you. Did you know that if you live, work or even study in West Sussex you can join any of the 36 libraries for free? A tale as old as time, the library has long been thought of as a quiet place with nothing more than books on offer. That couldn’t be further from the truth…


LOVE YOUR LOCAL to your heart’s content with our E-Library service called Libby, you have access 24/7, 365 days a year to every story ever told.




While we firmly believe that inspiring the human imagination through reading can bring to life some of the best stories, we also encourage readers to explore far beyond the Inbooks.addition to a number of engaging events and activities, make the most of your unlimited access to our digital resources from anywhere in the world.

• Make some noise! Shh no more! Long gone are the days of keeping quiet, we are more than just your local library. We are the meet-up point for you and your friends, our Knit and Natter groups have also become the coffee and cake spot for a catch-up and even the Dungeons and Dragons host for the battle of the century – the shared space is yours to enjoy.

• Reminiscence packs With over 60 subject titles such as old-fashioned kitchen gadgets and food labels, containing various items to help stimulate those withSodementia.whatare you waiting for? Sign up now to get your library card, either online or through your local library and receive a monthly newsletter to tell you all that’s going on. l For further information

T his andevents,somecharacteristicslibraryconventionalbreakSeptember,freefromandexploreofthehundredsofactivitiesforallages,digitalresourcesthat

• Take home toys Books aren’t the only thing available to borrow. Your child can take home up to three toy bags (for up to three weeks, with no late fees) from any one of our library locations, so playtime doesn’t have to end at home time. Our Rhyme Time events are always popular.

• Events for everyone With everything from family-friendly toddler time to business events, board games, employment clinics and author evenings, there With access to more than you can imagine, you can expect the unexpected from your local library writes Jo Steele from the West Sussex Library Service is an event for everyone at our•libraries. Ready, steady, read Action adventure, classic or comedy, we have an enormous selection of books on rotation in 36 locations across West Sussex. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Want the latest release? No issue. Order in any book with a simple request.

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 39

• Discover digital With apps for everything, you can bring the whole library home. Whether you want to catch up on the latest issue of Vogue, listen to your favourite book or read We also encourage readers to explore far beyond the books

PUZZLES 40 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 #008 General Knowledge Crossword 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Across Clues: 1. Lack of healthy red blood cells (6) 5. Reject responsibility (6) 10. 8 straight sides (7) 11. Disease carried by mosquitos (7) 12. Temperature increasing (6) 14. To get off a computer (6) 15. Worse (3) 16. Globe (4) 19. Hero (4) 20. Gruesome (7) 21. PH less than 7 (4) 23. Operates a computer (4) 27. Home for wild animals (3) 29. Hare (6) 30. Fear (6) 33. Feathers (7) 34. Everlasting (7) 35. Modifies verb (6) 36. Capsule (6) Down Clues: 2. Logical (7) 3. Attracts (6) 4. Sister of parents (4) 5. Moist (4) 6. Pink fleshed (6) 7. Military leader (7) 8. Spider net (6) 9. Constitutional (6) 13. Broken (7) 17. Fluffy pet (3) 18. Smooth curved line (3) 21. Sudden (6) 22. Travelling to destination (7) 24. Device used for injections (7) 25. Uncommon (6) 26. Climax (6) 28. Shaking effect (6) 31. Plants with flavour (4) 32. Waistband (4) Word Ladder Make your way from FISH to GOAT by changing one letter on each step to make a new word! GOATFISH

ANSWERS:(FISH,DISH,DOSH,DOST,DOAT,GOAT) Each number in the grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. You have some letters on the grid to start you off. Use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go


in the missing squares. As you get the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid. Check off the alphabetical list of letters as you identify them. Any letters that are not used have been crossed out on the control grid of letters. A simple process of logic is all that it takes to solve each puzzle in this game. Put the numbers 1 to 9 in each vertical column and each horizontal line. Each number must appear only once in each column and line and in each of the 3x3 boxes in the grid.Sudoku - #007 SUDOKUWEB • First select a number/operator and than apply it to a sudoku cell. 64 3 4 7 8 9 8537 67 51 42 82 3 91 7 532 468 48 5 6 91 43 76218539478 QUICK CROSSWORD PUZZLE PAGE SUDOKU This month’s solutions can be found on page 160 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1142153164175186197208219221023112412251326MIGR 1 2 3 4 4 5 2 5 4 6 7 6 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 3 2 9 10 7 9 11 6 3 4 11 8 3 11 12 11 11 5 11 11 12 3 2 6 7 13 3 2 9 11 12 12 11 7 10 7 14 15 2 10 7 6 3 16 7 2 5 17 7 18 11 19 7 13 20 7 12 18 4 20 15 8 6 2 16 12 21 16 7 15 20 15 2 6 8 10 17 11 5 2 20 7 18 12 7 5 7 8 2 12 2 8 4 16 7 2 16 3 15 7 16 M I R 123456789101112131415161718192021 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Each letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number shown in the grid, with the first few entered for you. #008 Codeword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 171819201314151612 I GR M ✕ ✕✕ ✕ ✕ ✕✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ M R G I DCLUES DOWN 2. Logical (7) 3. Attracts (6) 4. Sister of parents (4) 5. Moist (4) 6. Pink fleshed (6) 7. Military leader (7) 8. Spider net (6) 9. Constitutional (6) 13. Broken (7) 17. Fluffy pet (3) 18. Smooth curved line (3) 21. Sudden (6) 22. Travelling to destination (7) 24. Device used for injections (7) 25. Uncommon (6) 26. Climax (6) 28. Shaking effect (6) 31. Plants with flavour (4) 32. Waistband (4) CLUES ACROSS 1. Lack of healthy red blood cells (6) 5. Reject responsibility (6) 10. 8 straight sides (7) 11. Disease carried by mosquitos (7) 12. Temperature increasing (6) 14. To get off a computer (6) 15. Worse (3) 16. Globe (4) 19. Hero (4) 20. Gruesome (7) 21. PH less than 7 (4) 23. Operates a computer (4) 27. Home for wild animals (3) 29. Hare (6) 30. Fear (6) 33. Feathers (7) 34. Everlasting (7) 35. Modifies verb (6) 36. Capsule (6)

We are here to help Rachel and her team have helped over 8,000 clients of all ages, to lose weight with the highly successful Metabolic Weight Loss Programme. Many come to her as a last resort and are delighted to have achieved and successfully maintain, the weight they want to be.

Feeling and looking better

It can be soul destroying when you just can’t lose your unwanted weight, no matter what you do. If you have reached the stage where putting on any more weight is simply not an option for you, then read on!

Motivating weight loss

The expected average weight loss of The Metabolic Weight Loss Programme is 7-14 lbs a month. As you can imagine, this kind of weight loss is very welcomed, especially those who have struggled with the factors that can slow down weight loss. Clients often comment on just how impressed their doctors /consultants and other medical professionals are with their weight loss. One reported that their doctor said, ‘All my lady patients on thyroid medication are struggling to lose weight, but you’ve lost 2 ½ stone despite being on thyroxine – well done!’

One-to-one support Face-to-face or phone consultations are available every 7 days, with daily email support as needed. Time and again, clients comment that they couldn’t have lost their weight without the non- judgemental and caring support of Rachel and her team. For those who are not able to visit, a successful remote support service is provided throughout the UK and overseas. No matter how hard you have tried in the past, The Metabolic Weight Loss Programme could be the answer to losing your weight and keeping it off once and for all!

The Metabolic Weight Loss Programme is designed to get you from where you are, to a slimmer, healthier version of yourself.

There is nothing faddish about the programme, no diet pills, diet shakes, meal replacements etc. just healthy foods.

Rachel Ricketts Personal Weight Loss Consultancy

This successful, tried, and tested programme is straight forward to follow and more importantly, it works!

Factors, such as, an under active thyroid, pregnancy, menopause, medication, lack of sleep, physical or mental stress or simply just ageing, can all slow down the weight loss process!

Step-by- step, we help you make any necessary changes to your eating and lifestyle habits. Alongside this, you will be eating food in specific quantities and combinations, to help increase your metabolic rate and give you the best opportunity for losing weight. The four stages of the programme are planned to stop you from having cravings and always feeling hungry.

As the weight falls off, time after time clients remark how their health, selfesteem and confidence has improved. Not being happy with the way one looks in clothes is no longer an issue! Many health reports are received which include improvements in fitness, energy, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and aches and pain.

CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION : 01342 327396 | Is your weight affecting your health? Company Promotion

It is a long term solution to losing weight and keeping if off!

The Metabolic Weight Loss Programme

The Parkers’ bold vision and tenacity helped them transform a derelict grade-II listed space in Hastings into the ultimate family playground

42 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 HOME FRONT


September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 43

44 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Why not replace your existing polycarbonate or glass conservatory roof with a new tiled and insulated roof and transform your conservatory into the garden room you deserve. Call now for a free, no obligation quote on 01323 844944 33 South Street, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 4UP There’s more to a new roof than you can imagine Keep a cool head on your conservatory  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 22 August 2022 9:42 am OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Diane Hutt 1-4 95a High Street, Uckfield TN22 1RL 01825 766440 BESPOKE PICTURE FRAMING Diane Hutt Art Gallery Fine Art & Limited Edition Prints Our 1st Anniversary in our New Store! Thank you for your support. Tilsmore Court, 89 High Street, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 8JA T: 01435 862000 Unit 5, Bell Lane, Bellbrook Industrial Estate, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1QL T: 01825 766422 Your Local Independent Carpet & Flooring Retailer YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT CARPET & FLOORING RETAILER FREE CUSTOMER PARKING Tilsmore Court, 89 High Street, Heathfield TN21 8JA 01435 Huge Range of Carpets and Flooring  Competitive, Friendly and Professional Service  Family Run and Successfully Trading since 1982  Fully Trained Fitting Staff SALENOWON 1st Anniversary in our New Store! Thank you for your support. Court, 89 High Street, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 8JA T: 01435 862000 Lane, Bellbrook Industrial Estate, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1QL T: 01825 766422 Your Local Independent Carpet & Flooring Retailer YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT CARPET & FLOORING RETAILER FREE CUSTOMER PARKING Tilsmore Court, 89 High Street, Heathfield TN21 8JA 01435 862000 | Huge Range of Carpets and Flooring  Competitive, Friendly and Professional Service  Family Run and Successfully Trading since 1982  Fully Trained Fitting Staff Our 1st Anniversary in our New Store! Thank you for your support. Tilsmore Court, 89 High Street, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 8JA T: 01435 862000 Unit 5, Bell Lane, Bellbrook Industrial Estate, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1QL T: 01825 766422 Your Local Independent Carpet & Flooring Retailer Our 1st Anniversary in our New Store! Thank you for your support. Tilsmore Court, 89 High Street, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 8JA T: 01435 862000 Unit 5, Bell Lane, Bellbrook Industrial Estate, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1QL T: 01825 766422 Your Local Independent Carpet & Flooring Retailer

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 45

T he bijou frontage of Laurie and Solomon Parker’s house, set on a quiet street a few roads back from the seafront in Hastings, gives little clue as to what lies within. Stepping inside the property, visitors are transported to a magical land of fun and wonder. The couple have painstakingly transformed the former Turkish baths into a playground for children and adults alike and it now features a vast open-plan living space, bedecked with original fairground

THE OWNERS: Laurie and Solomon Parker live with their son Eli THE PROPERTY: A converted Turkish bath house, built in 1864

LOCATION: Hastings, East Sussex



The building looks compact from the front, belying the huge square footage inside

This day trip prompted ‘Zoopla addict’ Solomon to look at property for sale in the area, which is when he came across a former bath house that had been on the market for ten years. The grade-II listed building was built in the mid 1800s and started life as a Turkish bath house, before being converted into a swimming pool for a local school during Victorian times. After a brief spell as a church, it was then used as a glass factory before lying empty for a decade. “The previous owner wanted to make it into It was going to take a huge amount of vision and a sizable fund to turn the building into a home

A love of all things carnival is in the blood for Solomon, who has Romani ancestors

46 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 signs, arcade games and a full-size vintage bowling alley.“We were renting in south-east London and found the house completely randomly after driving down to Camber Sands with the dog,” remembered Laurie. “We ended up following the road along the coast to Hastings, got out, saw all the antique shops and thought it was a marvellous place.”

V. R. FLOWERS & SON 1-3 Station Approach, Seaford (opposite the railway station) 01323 892040 Free car parking Local family business - established nearly 75 years Expert advice - vast choice - free local delivery Spoilt for choice Sofas, recliners, beds, tables, chairs, carpets & flooring 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 FLOORS of FURNITURE

48 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 a family home for his daughter and already had planning permission in place, but then he ran out of money,” said Laurie. “It was just getting more and more derelict – the roof had fallen in and trees were starting to grow through the walls.” It was going to take a huge amount of vision and a sizable fund to turn the building into a home. “The old owner showed us around. We The grade-II listed building was built in the mid 1800s and started life as a Turkish bath house

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 49

50 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 3 December 2020 10:57 am OUR FILENAME: Oct20 Helme&Hallett Local Builders in Mid Constructing solutions for our clients with care HELME & HALLETT LTD We specialise in the alteration, refurbishment and extension of houses of any age, matching the materials and the style of your home from period to modern. Members of the National Federation of Builders Sarah Breeze Architects t 07920 520 360 | e | @breezearchitects

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 51 90%SOLD Tranquil living surrounded by beautiful open space with specially designed Conservation Area, children’s play areas, community hall and a supermarket. A COLLECTION OF 2, 3 & 4 BEDROOM HOMES 5 star homewinningawardbuilder Marketing Suite & Show Homes open daily 10am - 5pm by appointment only Kings Way, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 0TH 0333 321 8908 |

52 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 hiddenisland from making the MOST of our islandmaking the MOST of sussex hiddenisland from making the MOST of our islandmaking the MOST of sussex Havewww.moreradio.onlineyoudiscovered Hidden County? If not, you are missinghiout!ddenisland from making the MOST of our islandmaking the MOST of sussex Hidden County is our excusive online listeners and readers membership club. If you love Sussex then you will love Hidden County and what’s more, all the benefits are completely FREE! HIDDEN COUNTY MEMBERS ENJOY: Exclusive Competitions Discount Vouchers & Offers Exciting Online Events Fascinating Features FREE Online Magazines So, what’s not to like? – sign up today at: STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 16 March 2022 5:50 pm OUR FILENAME: April 22 Sussex Stoneworks 1-4 ❖ Specialists in the supply and fitting of Quartz, Granite and Marble worktops ❖ New local showroom in Hurstpierpoint ❖ Full design and renovation package available 30 High Street, Hurstpierpoint, BN6 9RG 07379 373339 ❖ SUSSEX STONEWORKS ❖ Local friendly team ❖ Free honest advice ❖ Best prices around Granite, Marble & Quartz Installation Specialists STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 22 August 2022 10:37 am OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Parker & Son 1-4 • NEW BUILDS • EXTENSIONS Call us on: 01424 892933–RESTORINGTHEPASTNEW BUILDS • ALTERATIONS & CONVERSINEW BUILDS • ALTERATIONS & CONVERSIONS • RESTORATIONS • EXTENSIONS GARAGES • GROUNDWORKS • ROOFING SERVICES • BATHROOMS & KITCHENS SURVEYING • LISTED PROPERTIES • COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 01424 892933

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 53 walked in and both knew we needed to live in it, which is weird because it didn’t look like a house at all,” saidTheLaurie.couple secured a developer’s mortgage and bought the house in 2013. The previous plans weren’t really usable so they set about getting new planning permission to convert the space into a threebedroom home. What followed was a torturous three-year process. “We were constantly caught in the middle between the

planning and conservation departments. We were reconditioning a building for a new purpose so there were lots of things that we had to do as per the planning regulations, but they would always conflict with what the conservation department wanted,” explained Laurie.

“Also, managing the developer’s mortgage was really stressful because you get your money in stages, but we kept running out and having to find cash from otherTheplaces.”couple added a staircase and converted the roof space into a master bedroom with en suite, while downstairs they created a stunning openplan kitchen/living area and mezzanine, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. While the original Victorian pool

I love sourcing old things reconditioningandthem –and then working out how and where I can use them

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 55 42 Years of continuous trading 01892 661858 01892 661858 Insulation Services Home Improvements 45 years continuous trading 01892 661858 01892 661858 Visit our showroom or call for a FREE no Obligation Quotation Vision House, Crowborough Hill, Jarvis Brook, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 2EG Company ID 16253 • ‘A’ Rated PVC-U Windows as standard • Front and Back Doors • Timber, Aluminium, PVC-U and Composite Windows and Doors • Conservatories • Orangeries • Replacement Conservatory Roofs • Replacement Fascia, Soffit and Guttering KITCHEN The kitchen carcasses were bought online and the couple used a carpenter to custom-make the doors from pallets

sits under the floorboards of the living space and is used for storage, the other portion of the basement has been turned into a cinema room and utility Luckily, agent Solomon and counsellor Laurie kept their rental property in London while the work was being done. “That was a

The mezzanine features comfy leather chairs and a light-up drinks cabinet

56 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 57 cost effective A compact kitchen can cost as little as £995 to spray, front doors from £225 Quick to complete A typical sized kitchen can be completed in 5 days, a ‘composite’ type front door only a few hours Saves on waste Renewing rather than replacing, sending less to landfill Transformational, lasting results Tough, durable finishes that last Thousands of colours available Choose from Farrow & Ball, Little Greene, Dulux, RAL etc or let us colour match your sample East Sussex windowskitchen,Transformyouroldupvcanddoorsforafractionofthecost

Tel: 01342 321303 Email: Web: The Whitehall, London Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1AP Create your perfect stylish bedroom! ar tell M’s DEPARTMENT STORE

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 59

privilege and a luxury but it was the only thing that kept us from going insane,” recalled Laurie.

The couple welcomed son Eli, in September 2015 and in November the following year, the project was complete and they moved in. “It was meant to be a weekend place as we had planned to buy a flat in London, but after having Eli, life

The bowling alley offers plenty of opportunities for family fun

60 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Specialists in wire-free smart alarms INTRUDER ALARMS • Design & Installation • Maintenance of new and existing systems (Monitored and Audible) Upgrade to a Hybrid system CCTV • Design & Installation • Maintenance of new and existing systems • IP & Analogue systems, combined with our Hybrid DVR’s ACCESS CONTROL • Design & Installation • Maintenance and repair FREE OBLIGATIONNOON-SITESURVEYS SECURITY DOESN’T COST – IT PAYS! T: 01444 241666 E: 24 Royal George Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9SE INSURANCE APPROVED SYSTEMSSECURITY Driveway and Surfacing Contractors Nicholls Bros Sussex Ltd 01424 838 350 Haselden Oast, Battle Road, Dallington, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 9LG ALL ASSOCIATED GROUNDWORK Prolong the life and enhance existing surfaces with Hot Tar and Gravel Red and Black Tarmacadam

62 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 just seemed to sort of carry us down here,” said Laurie.

The couple share the same taste in interiors and are drawn to eclectic vintage pieces. “During the build, we put a rule in place that we would only buy things that we both loved. We ended up buying enough to fill a storage container and at the end we didn’t remember what was in there! But somehow it just all came together and worked. Even the sign alongside the bowling alley was the perfect fit but we had bought it in five pieces with no idea where we were going to put it,” explained Laurie.

The finish is a delightful mix of fairground nostalgia – inspired by The master bedroom features a hidden shower and WC behind a wood partition, while a copper bath sits to the side of the bed

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 63 GUEST EN SUITE Moody blue walls offer a pleasing contrast to the patchwork tiles

64 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Brighton • Eastbourne • Worthing • Haywards Heath • Tunbridge Wells Fully insured, eco-friendly removal services with attentive, professional teams at competitive rates ➜ Packing Services ➜ Storage Services ➜ Home Removals ➜ Commercial Removals Based in Sussex, we provide services in Brighton, Hove, Worthing, Eastbourne, Tunbridge Wells and Crawley. Relocating people UK wide and through our on-site quoting portal, we can collect and move your possessions from properties across the UK. Our modern low-emissions fleet is especially suited for London removals. At Beemoved, we offer comprehensive packing services. Whether you need fragile items packed or a full packing service, our team is here and ready to help. YOUR TRUSTED LOCAL REMOVALS & STORAGE COMPANY | GET A FREE QUOTE NOW! DON’T MISS OUT! 10% OFF for all Sussex Living readers 01273 204098 | | BEEMOVED.COM STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 16 December 2021 12:52 pm OUR FILENAME: Jan 22 Bee Moved 1-4 9 North Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 1DQ Tel: 01323 844555 email: We are a friendly husband and wife run business with an excellent team of helpful staff supplying beautifully handmade custom designs at very competitive prices Curtains, valances, pelmets, cushions, bedrunners • Tracks, poles and accessories • Roller, venetian, vertical and conservatory blinds Free measuring • Fitting service available • Extended showroom with over 10,000 soft furnishing fabrics • Hundreds of blind fabrics and contract fire retardant fabrics Made to measure flyscreens and doors Soft furnishing specialists catering for all budgets including bespoke, custom made and readymade STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 23 August 2022 10:27 am OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Creative Curtains 1-4 We specialise in motorised products, awnings & shutters 01273 843566 I 07833 607182 I 07814 196328 I A Professional Service from Start to Finish ■ Covering areas of Hassocks, Brighton, Haywards Heath, Lewes and Burgess Hill, as well as the surrounding West Sussex area JRH ROOFING ROOFING SPECIALISTS All types of pitched roofing ■ lead and metal roofing flat roofing ■ roof repairs


The finish is a delightful mix of fairground nostalgia – inspired by Solomon’s carnivalworking ancestors

Photography: living4media/Richard Gadsby

Solomon’s carnival-working ancestors – midcentury style, industrial chic and Moroccan flair.

“The house really brings everyone together. The kids don’t just go off and play computer games because we can all be in the same room doing different things” said Laurie. “It’s great on a Sunday when we sit round enjoying a big family lunch and then the children play around us afterwards while we sit back and relax.”

Living in such a unique space is the realisation of a long-held dream for Laurie. “As a kid, I loved exploring derelict buildings, photographing and drawing them. I have fulfilled a life-time ambition being able to convert and live in one. The conservation officer told us that we’re just custodians of the building and we are here to pass it on to the next people and now I finally understand what she meant.”

Words: living4media/Amy Maynard

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 65

While on paper the house seems like the ultimate party pad, in reality it makes the perfect family home. The couple often have Solomon’s sons from a previous marriage, Louis and Miles, to stay and they dote on their little brother Eli.


Terms and Conditions apply. Green Space UK, Unit 8 BH24 1PD, Registered No. 8542786, as shown on FCA authorisation, trading as Green Space UK, is a credit broker and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Subsidies are limited by area and not guaranteed. Putting off your enquiry could reduce the potential subsidy available to you.

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“The conservatory is now used throughout all seasons of the year and is far more comfortable to sit in whatever the weather outside.”

“This is the best thing we have done in this house. Used to run with condensation and now zero.”

“It’s the best home improvement we have ever made. Our conservatoryis now our dining room in the garden.”

Mr & Mrs Barber, Wells WARMER IN WINTER “There is no doubt that the conservatory is much warmer than previously, and no, the room is not darker either!”

INSTALLED IN 1 DAY “What a difference a day makes as the saying goes, and yes, that’s all it took to install.”

Carol Doyle, Surrey REDUCES ENERGY BILLS “I’ve already turned the underfloor heating down. Lovely job guys, thank you!” Anne Bird, Bristol

Mr & Mrs Bailey-Webb, Warsash with Green Space UK’s insulated roof panels

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Enjoy your conservatory all year round Transformed in one day

Mike Millis,Middleton On Sea 0422

Karen Thomas, Chippenham COOLER IN SUMMER “You could have fried an egg on the table in there in the summer, I now look upon the conservatory as a new room. It is quiet, restful and cosy.”

QUIETER IN BAD WEATHER “For the first time in 10 years we do not have to close the door to the conservatory when it rains, as the noise is minimal and before I found it difficult to hear the TV over the loudness of the rain on the old roof.”


SLE 0522SLE 0822SLE

Mr & Mrs Gibson, Portishead

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 67STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 16 August 2022 10:12 AM OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 KSD 1-2 Autumn is just around the corner...Let’s get it sorted! of all waste 96recycled% Cheapest skips in Sussex! ›› 4 to 16 Builders’yardSkips ›› 16, 20 & 40 yard Roll on/off Skips ›› Hazardous Waste Accepted ›› Road ArrangedPermits ›› Same Day Service ›› Waste StationTransfer Visit our new website to book online or call Email: 60871101273 SERVICES LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES D GROUP Hire a skip from KSD and it’s all so easy We offer a ‘no hassle’ service throughout Sussex. Not only will you be saving time and money, but you’ll also be helping the planet. Our target for this year is to recycle 99% of all waste from our skips on your behalf, so you can relax at the end of the day with an easy conscience. from£170only SKIPS ESTABLISHEDCOMPANYLOCALOVER30YEARS • Largest Mercedes fleet in Sussex • Quality vehicles at competitive prices • Comprehensive 25 item safety inspection carried out before each hire • 24 hour 365 day Mercedes breakdown cover • No mileage charge • FREE evening collection (subject to availability) • Ample free parking Newhouse Farm, Cuckfield Road, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex BN6 9LL Also available are sack trolleys & ratchet straps for hire North Street, Rotherfield TN6 3LY 01892 852286 | • Ford Authorised Repairer incl. Warranty • Free Ford Roadside Assistance in UK & Europe with every Ford Vehicle Serviced (See website for full details & T&Cs or call for more information) • Free Collection & Delivery Service • Service, MOTs & Repairs on ALL Vehicle Makes & Models EST:1946 WITH OVER 200 YEARS MOTORTRADE EXPERIENCE ON HAND Kennedy Bros “We care enough to care for you” ‘Cheaper than a Main Dealer’ NEW & USED CAR SALES Ford Servicing fromlabourFord–£227Genuineparts,&VATincluded Service

Weekends of the 24th & 25th September & 1st & 2nd October, 11am to 6pm In this delightful wooded setting overlooking the South Downs, twelve Sussex artists come together for the first time to show their work. This carefully curated exhibition is displayed in the bright modernist interior and gardens at Oakbank. This exhibition hopes to amuse, delight, and possibly challenge! Why not come and see for yourself? There will be refreshments available and there is ample free parking at the venue. 10% of the proceeds of sales will be donated to St Barnabas Hospice in Worthing. Oakbank, Chantry Lane, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 4BU Contact John Mulligan Sat 3 to UNO22 NINE Artwave 2022 Saturday 3rd to Sunday 18th September, 10am to 4pm (Sun: 12 to 3pm) September and with it Lewes District Artwave Amongst the in Seaford Gallery Uno, UNO22 NINE. As with they be The Gallery Seaford BN25

24 / 25 Sep & 1 / 2 Oct Wed 7 to Sat Sept17


festival of visual art,

Remember Mindfulness: Transform How You Feel for the Better 8-week Mindfulness Course (MBSR) with a Free Taster Session Do you feel stress, anxious, irritable or restless? Are you struggling with unwanted thoughts? Well, that’s ok. Life is challenging and it’s very common at


will be

fifteen venues opening



the twenty-ninth

the other fourteen venues


warmly inviting you in and taking enormous pride in showing you their extra special “kaleidoscopic” selection of art, craft and design for the occasion.

Uno, 14A High Street,

Pashley Manor Gardens

Collective have been a part of Artwave ever since 2005 winning the coveted Best Venue prize twice when exhibiting in and around Lewes and Seaford.


home of the Sussex Arts Collective with their exhibition



the moment. So, would you like change how you

Artists at Oakbank

Sun 18 Sept 8 coursesweek

Wednesday 7th to Saturday 17th September Throughout late summer the gardens at Pashley are ablaze with colour, provided by thousands of dazzling dahlias. Over 80 varieties of this diverse perennial are planted throughout the garden complemented by the second flowering of roses, late flowering perennials and other annuals. During ‘Dahlia Days’ Bloms Bulbs will be at Pashley with a display of cut dahlias, giving advice and taking orders and Pashley’s gardeners will be giving dahlia themed walks. The café, with terrace, serves delicious cakes, scones and light lunches; the shop has gorgeous gifts and plants, and there are exhibitions of garden sculpture and floral art. w comww.pashleymanorgardens./01580200888 feel? Would you like to join a small group of like-minded people (maximum 6) on a local mindfulness cvourse (MBSR) that is scientifically proven to help improve your well-being and to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain and much more. You can do this in Burgess Hill, Haywards Heath and Uckfield starting in September. Topics include mindful-eating, -communication and -self-care. Perhaps you’ve heard about mindfulness but you don’t really know what it’s all about. That’s ok. Debbie offers a noobligation consultation to go through all your questions. Book this now! Debbie Horney (BA. MSc Dev Psy, MBCT / MBSR & BAMBA

Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September, 11am to 5pm The Beautiful & Useful craft fair features some of the country’s finest designermakers set in the spectacular gardens of Sussex Prairies, just north of Brighton. The line up this year includes Rosa Harradine with her beautiful, contemporary handmade brushes and brooms, Papershades’ original collage lamp shades (some inspired by Brighton and Lewes), handcrafted leather goods by MW Makes, and award-winning Brighton-based ceramicist Silvia K. Tea, cake and delicious lunches will also be on offer, as well as live music on both days to help everything go with a swing. We hope to see you there!

The Thursday Murder Club. The latest title in the series is The Bullet that Missed which will be published just before the festival. This is bound to be a sell-out event and tickets will fly. Ticket bookings for Friends of Cuckfest open on 1st September and to the general public on 4th September. details on website Cuckfield Book


Festival SPOTLIGHT EVENTS Thur 6 to Sun 9 Oct Sat 17 and Sun 18 Sep 13ThurOct Thursday 13th October Join local charity Hospices of Hope for an evening of elegance at their Emerald & Ruby Gala Dinner. Taking place at the Leonardo Royal Hotel St. Paul’s in London, guests will experience the venue in all of its beauty, whilst being able to take in the views of the stunning St. Pauls Cathedral. Enjoy an evening of excellent food and wine with first class musical performances from a variety of professional entertainers including a classical pianist, a soprano and ballroom dancers. Tickets are just £125 per person or £1,250 for a table of to25SunSeptSat3Sun18Sept O’LearyConor©Photo

The River Show at Star Brewery Gallery

Sunday 25th September, 10.30am to 4.30pm

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 69

Saturday 3rd to Sunday 18th September


This delightful visual art gallery situated in the centre of Lewes, became the Star Brewery Gallery when Neeta Pedersen took over the space in February 2020. This multifunctional space has shown not only traditional and contemporary art but also photography, sculpture and installations. The Gallery has staged a range of exhibitions by various established artists as well as up-and-coming artists. As a part of the Artwave Festival, the Gallery presents ‘The River Show’ - an exciting exhibition of works by artists celebrating the beauty of rivers and highlighting their importance in a climate change era. Free admission, please check website for opening Starwww.starbrewerygallery.comtimes:BreweryGallery,CastleDitch Lane, Lewes BN7 1YJ 07932 500 952

Cuckfield Book Festival will be packed with lots of authors and a special one-day event for children. The organisers of this event are particularly thrilled this year to welcome Richard Osman, who was brought up in Cuckfield, and is the author of the best-selling series

Our birth charts are as individual as we are. So are our voices. They are both based on frequencies, of the planets and our vocal tones. A former electronics engineer turned astrologer and complementary therapist, Phil explores both astrology and this unique system of voice analysis sound healing. Why does astrology work at all? What about transits? What does the chart of the UK have to tell us? Using sophisticated software that he himself devised, Phil combines and analyses both sets of data to pinpoint issues at mental, emotional or physical levels. Your voice tone pattern reveals much about your overall health and wellbeing - and feeding the missing tones back into your body can literally bring your body back into harmony. Tickets £20 Tickets & booking: Judy Sharp 07597 Astrology and Voice Analysis Sound Healing with Phil Sterling at Newick Village Hall Hospices of HopeEmerald & Ruby Gala Dinner Beautiful & Useful at Sussex Prairies

70 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 8 - 11 September Hever Castle&Gardens TN8 7NG Purchase direct from some of the very best makers in the UK Putting the WOW back into craft fairs *See website for discount details 9.30am – 5.30pm Daily (Garden open until 6 pm daily) Craft Fair entry included in normal Garden admission charges *Offer codes valid for adults on dates of craft fair only. BOOK ONLINE AND SAVE* Special Offer £12 booking tickets online using discount CRAFT2022*code CIF_Hever_Sept_130x190.indd 1 15/07/2022 10:20

72 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 CALL US TODAY ON 01825 872576 PocketWatchesSilverGoldWatchesDiamondsEmeraldsRubiesSapphire and much more Located in Lewes, George and Sons Antiques is a family-run business offering antique garden furniture, furniture, jewellery and clocks to the people of Lewes. Buy withConfidence Guarantee Highest Prices Paid All welcome at our Dementia Cafe Come along to the Ballard & Shortall Dementia Café, on the last Friday of ever y month at The Swan, Forest Row. All welcome, free to attend. The last Friday of every month from 11am For more information please contact Pippa at Ballard & Shortall, Forest Row 01342 822120 &BallardShortall Funeral Directors Mornings&CoffeeCake

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 73

The Ship, Ship Street, East Grinstead RH19 4EG 01342

16FriSep FromSepmid Fri 9 Sep 9SunOct Thur 15 Sep & Thur 6 Oct

Come to The Ship Inn - your favourite Youngs pub to celebrate Youngs 191st birthday!

This beautiful quintessential pub has recently undergone a transformation, now bringing you elegant, light filled spaces, grand decor and newly refurbished outside spaces. Youngs 191st Birthday

Chef’s ThursdayTable6th October, from 7pm Come along to the Autumn Chef’s Table with Head Chef Hugh, indulge and enjoy a delicious menu with an influence on game. All perfectly paired with a wine flight from Berkmann Wine. Join other like-minded foodies or get a group together for a special evening. Limited availability so be quick to book your seat.

The Crop Circle Mystery with Andy Thomas at the Bluebell Railway, Sheffield Park Special Events at The Bottle of Hastings The Bottle of Hastings, is a new, independent wine shop from The Royal in St Leonards. They are launching the events programme in mid-Septemberlook out for tastings and special events that will showcase some of the 300 wines they have instore and online, including special events as part of Hastings Natural Wine Week. The Bottle of Hastings offers free local delivery to many East Sussex areas as well as wine on tap and by the glass at the shop. Come along and discover this wonderful world of wine! More details online at w Bonkers For Conkers at Langham Brewery Sunday 9th October, 1pm to 6.30pm Are Langham Brewery Bonkers? Yes… For Conkers!They’re reaching out to all serious sports men, women, families, children (and their dogs!) to be part of their annual daredevil contest of skill and danger: Bonkers For Conkers. Also expect an excellent bar with award winning ales, traditional fare from the Cocking Farm Shop, plus games, fabulous stalls and more. Join the event at this beautiful ‘brewery in a barn’ on the Cowdray Estate, it’s free, but please give generously to the collection for Chestnut Tree House Hospice Care Sussex.

Arthritis Action Open Clinic: helping you manage arthritis

The Ship Inn, East Grinstead

Thursday 15th September, 12 to 11pm

Friday 16th September, 10.30am to 12.30pm Andy is the world’s most prolific writer on crop circles and produces the annual crop circle round-up for Nexus magazine. He is also a leading researcher into unexplained mysteries and cover-ups, author of many books. He explores the extraordinary phenomenon of the circles; their cultural impact and the mindset of their long-time researchers. The patterns still defy total explanation: a testament to their enduring presence.Withstunning images Andy reveals the fascinating history of crop circles, explores the amazing designs and the many, varied and imaginative theories put forward to explain them. Tickets £12 from: Judy Sharp 07597 020512

Friday 9 September, 9am to 5pm If you live in or near Eastbourne, please visit Arthritis Action’s Open Clinic at Gather in the Beacon Shopping Centre on Friday 9 September from 9 am to 5 pm. Arthritis Action’s dietitian, Martin Lau, will be there to talk about how best to manage your arthritis: from advice on pain management, improving movement to dietary and weight support. This is a free session and there is no need to book. Visit Gather at The Beacon, Eastbourne BN21 3NW You can find free resources on managing arthritis

When your first home feels so mortgagewe’lluntouchableunlockyourfullpotential UCKFIELD & Cranwell Wealth Solutions Limited is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website We know. It’s cooooomplicated. But let us explore all your options and avoid all the pitfalls, maximising your borrowing potential and fighting your corner every step of the way to your new front door. At last. Book a mortgage appointment today; 01825 767 568 Or visit our high street branches in Uckfield or Heathfield. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. We o er a comprehensive range of first charge mortgages from across the market that are made available to mortgage intermediaries for which we are paid a procuration fee by the lender.

In recognition of their commitment to outstanding client service, Tisshaws are delighted to have been shortlisted for several awards this year, including the Resolution Resilience Award, Lexis Nexis Business Continuity Award, Sussex Chamber of Commerce Equality Trailblazer Award and Gilva was highly commended as Sussex Female Lawyer of the Year. “I am so proud of my hard-working team,” said Gilva. “Our focus is always on getting the best possible outcomes for our clients and their families and the team always go above and beyond to ensure a positive result.” l Tisshaws Family Law Solicitors 3 Hazelgrove Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 3PH 01444 cover everything from what happens if you can’t agree, to explaining what collaborative law involves. There is also a new online payment system, for added client committedTisshawsconvenience.remaintohelping as inclusive a range of people as possible and the firm continues to offer new clients an initial one-hour meeting for a fixed fee of £50 (incl. VAT) with no obligation.

“Just as the law around divorce has recently evolved to No Fault Divorce, we’re strengthening our commitment to helping clients resolve issues arising from family breakdown out of the courtroom. Going to court is stressful, costly, and time consuming, so we help our clients to reach an agreement out of court,” GilvaToexplained.avoidthecourtroom, the practice offers mediation, collaborative law and arbitration services and the team includes two mediators and four collaborative lawyers. The company has also refreshed their website, which now includes 24 short videos on the legal aspects of divorce and separation to help people understand the process. The videos The new website includes a series of videos on the divorce process


The firm’s reputation for empathy and compassion, mean many cases involve issues of coercive control, alcohol or drug dependences, poor mental health, and physical disabilities.

As Tisshaws enter their second decade, Lisa de Silva chats to Gilva Tisshaw to discover why this family law firm is held in such high esteem with Tisshaws

F resh celebratingfrom their 10th Tisshawsbirthday,Family Law Solicitors are delighted to announce they have retained the Law Society’s Lexcel recognisedTisshawservice,suchandstandardsattainingawardedaccreditation,tolegalpracticesthehighestinbothclientcarepracticemanagement.TocontinuallymaintainhighlevelsofclientdirectorGilvahasalwaystheneedforthe firm to evolve.

While Tisshaws also has experience in dealing with the planning of families, surrogacy, and co-parenting law, particularly within the LGBTQ+ community.

A strong supporter of the local community, Tisshaws recently awarded £50 vouchers from local businesses to three unsung local heroes, as part of the Tisshaws Community Champions Award Scheme, set up during the pandemic. The firm also continues to support many local charities and run an annual Sussex Photography Competition.


At the other end of the spectrum, Tisshaws’ legal expertise mean they are regularly instructed in complex financial divorce cases involving multiple properties, investments, pensions, and businesses, for high-net-worth individuals.

This allows people to make an informed choice in deciding the right way forward for their family.

It may still be warm and outside,sunny but now is the perfect time to think about andtemperatureinfeelWecomingyouroptionsheatingforhomethiswinter.allwanttowarmandcosyourhomesasthedrops,tosnuggledown

Use windowsplasticfoamself-adhesivestripsorstripsonanddoors as well as a brush draught excluder at the bottom of the door. Select a sealed letterbox and keyhole cover. Make sure you have well fitting curtains made of material heavy enough to stop draughts leaking through. Fill gaps around the edges of floors and skirting, and also where pipe work enters the building, with silicon or expanding polyurethane foam. Seal loft hatches with foam strips.


on the sofa with a good book or gripping drama on television. However, there are two very pertinent things we need to be considering: the rising cost of energy and the climate. With energy bills skyrocketing we need to look at more affordable ways to heat our spaces, and our water. And with our climate in crisis, it is imperative we consider the greenest heating options we can. One of the best places to start is making sure our homes are as efficient and well insulated as they can be.



INSULATION Loft insulation can reduce around a quarter of heat loss. This can be a DIY job. Cavity wall insulation – filling in the cavity between two layers of brick – on houses built after 1920. This is a professional undertaking where small holes will be drilled into the outer wall and insulation injected into the cavity, then the holes filled. With autumn approaching Sara Whatley has a few tips to help keep our homes warm and draught free, from the costeffective end of the spectrum through to modern alternative greener heating options

78 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 3 Station Road, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 8LD • 01435 868686 •  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 10 January 2022 9:57 AM OUR FILENAME: Feb 22 Woodstock Fires 1-2 The Esse availableCookstovesWoodburningECOareinthreesizes,Ironheart,BakeheartandWarmheart The Esse All Electric 1000 Cooker is now available in six colours, two sizes and two styles Woodstock Fires is a well-established, HEATAS registered company with over 40 years’ experience in the trade, selling and installing a wide range of stoves, range cookers and chimney linings and we now provide a chimney sweeping service As well as a large range of stoves we sell a range of maintenance products, accessories, log baskets, firelighters, logs, in fact everything that your stove needs! For more information or to arrange your visit & FREE quotation call our showroom Woodwarm Stoves – An example of British Excellence. Many different sizes and models available including the new Eco Range Solid wall insulation can be done professionally either outside or inside the walls. Or for a DIY option you can install internal thin wall insulation. Underfloor insulation is another professional job, unless you are a skilled DIYer. UPGRADING Replace old doors and windows to instantly reduce heat loss and increase noise reduction. This is a more costly option, but the effects will be felt immediately.

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 79 • Heating and Plumbing • Oil Heating Systems and Tanks • Installation, Repair & Maintenance • All Boiler Types & Heating Systems • Renewable Energy & Solar need to make for: 01825 891720 Your Local Family Run Business, serving our community for over 35 years EXPERT & RELIABLE For a FREE quote | Oak Tree Barn, Blackboys East Sussex TN22 5JL • Heating and Plumbing • Oil Heating Systems and Tanks • Installation, Repair & Maintenance • All Boiler Types & Heating Systems • Renewable Energy & Solar need to make for: 01825 891720 Your Local Family Run Business, serving our community for over 35 years EXPERT & RELIABLE For a FREE quote | Oak Tree Barn, Blackboys East Sussex TN22 5JL • Oil Heating Systems and Tanks • Installation, Repair & Maintenance • All Boiler Types & Heating Systems • Renewable Energy & Solar 01825 891720 Your Local Family Run Business, serving our community for over 35 years EXPERT & RELIABLE For a FREE quote | Oak Tree Barn, Blackboys East Sussex TN22 5JL • Heating and Plumbing • Oil Heating Systems and Tanks • Installation, Repair & Maintenance • All Boiler Types & Heating Systems • Renewable Energy & Solar need to make for: 01825 891720 Your Local Family Run Business, serving our community for over 35 years EXPERT & RELIABLE For a FREE quote | Oak Tree Barn, Blackboys East Sussex TN22 5JL • Heating and Plumbing • Oil Heating Systems and Tanks • Installation, Repair & Maintenance • All Boiler Types & Heating Systems • Renewable Energy & Solar The only call you ever need to make for: 01825 891720 Your Local Family Run Business, serving our community for over 35 years EXPERT & RELIABLE For a FREE quote | Oak Tree Barn, Blackboys East Sussex TN22 5JL • Heating and Plumbing • Oil Heating Systems and Tanks • Installation, Repair & Maintenance • All Boiler Types & Heating Systems • Renewable Energy & Solar The only call you ever need to make for: 01825 891720 Your Local Family Run Business, serving our community for over 35 years EXPERT & RELIABLE For a FREE quote | Oak Tree Barn, Blackboys East Sussex TN22 5JL • Heating and Plumbing • Oil Heating Systems and Tanks • Installation, Repair & Maintenance • All Boiler Types & Heating Systems • Renewable Energy & Solar The only call you ever need to make for: 01825 891720 Your Local Family Run Business, serving our community for over 35 years EXPERT & RELIABLE For a FREE quote | Oak Tree Barn, Blackboys East Sussex TN22 5JL • Heating and Plumbing • Oil Heating Systems and Tanks • Installation, Repair & Maintenance • All Boiler Types & Heating Systems • Renewable Energy & Solar The only call you ever need to make for: 01825 891720 Your Local Family Run Business, serving our community for over 35 years EXPERT & RELIABLE For a FREE quote | Oak Tree Barn, Blackboys East Sussex TN22 5JL • Heating and Plumbing • Oil Heating Systems and Tanks • Installation, Repair & Maintenance • All Boiler Types & Heating Systems • Renewable Energy & Solar The only call you ever need to make for: 01825 891720 Your Local Family Run Business, serving our community for over 35 years EXPERT & RELIABLE For a FREE quote | Oak Tree Barn, Blackboys East Sussex TN22 5JL • Heating & Plumbing • Oil Heating Systems & Tanks • Installation, Repair & Maintenance • All Boiler Types & Heating Systems • Renewable Energy & Solar STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 10 August 2022 2:43 pm OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Bolney resized 1-4 Chesneys of London Fire Surrounds, Quality Stoves & Baskets Bolney Stoves Ltd, 10 The Farmers Stores, Gatehouse Lane, Goddards Green, Hassocks, BN6 9LE 01444 871815 Bolney Stoves, the local shop for Chesneys disappointmentORDERNOWtoavoid BE EFFICIENT Use your boiler efficiently – don’t heat the water for any longer than is necessary.Adjust thermostat;yourturning it down by only one degree will reduce energy use by around 10%. Start with setting your thermostat at 18°C and see if that works for your family and home. Adopting smart technology can help bills and emissions; smart thermostats learn our heating requirements, take the weather into consideration and can be controlled remotely.Nowyour home is as energy efficient as it can be, lets look at some different heating options available, stepping away from the traditional gas boiler. It is a costly undertaking to upgrade a heating system but by looking to the alternatives you will not only be reducing your carbon footprint and saving on your energy bills in the long run, you will be future proofing your house and adding value to it too.

HEAT PUMPS Heat pumps are basically fridges in reverse: they work by absorbing the natural heat from a cold space (the air or ground) and releasing it into a warmer one (our homes). They are extremely efficient and reliable heating systems, and although the initial outlay is costly (funding help may be available), the savings on your energy bills in the long run just makes sense. It is also a very planet friendly option with no greenhouse gasses being emitted.Tomake your heat pump even more efficient you could also invest in a heat

It is imperative we consider the greenest heating options we can

battery. These store the heat produced by the heat pump for later use, or can be heated up by electricity, taking advantage of cheaper overnight tariffs.


Biomass consideredis a carbon heatingneutralsolution

80 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022


A renewable and sustainable heat solution, biomass boilers burn natural materials such as wood chips, pellets or logs to provide heating for the whole house and to power hot water boilers too. A stove, on the other hand, can be used to heat just a single room, using the considered a carbon neutral heating solution, as the C02 released during burning is the same as was absorbed by the growing tree. Just remember to source your sustainable fuel locally. The installation and upkeep can be costly and a bit time consuming, and will require professionals to do the job, but the initial outlay is more than justified by the returns they offer. l

Imagine a sunny winter day when the sun warms your face but the air around you is crisp. That is what infrared heating panels do; they warm objects rather than empty spaces. The idea is they heat the thermal mass (the walls, floor and ceiling) of a room, which then radiate the heat out. You never get the stuffy hot air feeling, just comfortable heat. The panels can be attached to ceilings and walls and are ultra slim and non invasive. They run off electricity and can be easily fitted yourself at home. There is some initial outlay, but it is small in comparison to some of the other alternative heating methods.

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 81 138 Preston Drove, Brighton Mon–Sat 9am–5pm dispensaryretail Your local destination for unique furniture, interiors and vintage We are a specialist supplier, stove stockist and installer of woodburning, gas or electric stoves and fires. We have a showroom offering a full range of services including flues, cowls, bespoke hearths and/or surrounds, beam designs, and any associated building works. Chimney sweeps for stoves and open fires, cowl fitting and general chimney and stove maintenance. Garden fireplaces and firepits supplied and/or fitted. Contact us for an appointment.  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 15 August 2022 9:38 am OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Ifitfires 1-2 TELEPHONE 01444 215116 | MOBILE 07738 169011 / 07903 076162 | EMAIL ✓ Experienced Staff ✓ Expert Advice ✓ HETAS Registered ✓ High Quality Stoves

82 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 12 August 2021 2:36 pm OUR FILENAME: Sept 21 M & S Carpet and Flooring Do you want to finish your room with style and flair? Then pop in and see the professionals for a friendly and reliable service that gives you peace of mind Specialising in professionally fitted high quality flooring at affordable prices CARPETS ■ VINYL ■ AMTICO ■ LAMINATES ■ WOODS Visit one of our 3 branches Free Quotations | Expert advice & fitting | Domestic & Commercial 63 Gales Drive, Three Bridges RH10 1QA 147 High Street, Banstead SM7 2NT 10-11 The Market, Wrythe Lane, Carshalton SM5 1AG CRAWLEY BRANCH BANSTEAD BRANCH CARSHALTON BRANCH 01293 512782 01737 360776 0208 641 3340 CARPET AND FLOORING LLP Innovative garage door solutions from a local family firm you can trust RollerDoorsWoodEffectDoors SectionalDoorsElectricDoors Full installation service • Garage door repairs Electric conversions • Senior citizen discounts Call us for a free quote SOUTH EAST GARAGEDOORS 01435 277998 01323 287990 Your Local Stable & Timber Building Manufacturer Established 35 years • Based in Ashdown Forest Base construction and groundworks now undertaken Call: 01342 824117 I would like to say how delighted I am with the quality of the stables, I think they look really excellent Mrs SussexRichards, LEVADE SYSTEMS ourWearesoproudofonlinereviews,thankstoallwhoposted • Bespoke framing and a large selection of mounts and ready-made frames • Mirrors made to order • Textile, Tapestry and 3D Framing Open: Tuesday - Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-1pm (Closed Monday) . Easy Parking Discovery Way, Horam . tel: 01435 812075 LARGE SHOWROOM AND GALLERY OFFERING • Bespoke and Ready-made Framing • Hundreds of Mounts and Mouldings • Local Artists' Gallery and Mirrors • Textile, Tapestry and 3D Framing Canvases, prints & original artwork for sale ORCHARD FRAMING BESPOKE FRAMERS Open: Tuesday - Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-4pm (Closed Monday) . Easy Parking Vines Cross Road, Horam TN21 0HB . tel: 01435 812075 . NEW LOCATION We have moved to: Unit 4, Merrydown Business Park, Discovery Way, Horam (Entrance opposite village hall)

The TREND Transformations range of replacement tiles and glass mosaics take the fuss out of installing while modernizing the design to your kitchen. They can be fitted directly on top of existing tiles, minimising the install time significantly, and allowing the team of skilled in-house fitters to fit your splashbacks to an impeccable standard. Worn out worktops will be long gone! TREND Transformations offer a range of stunning surfaces and, with their exclusive ‘top that fits on top’ service, beautiful high-grade work surfaces are fitted directly over existing worktops, eliminating the need for removal, shortening the project timescale and reducing costs. After 22 years in the industry, and with hundreds of showrooms worldwide, this team of elite design consultants, showroom hosts and inhouse fitters are the people to go to for all of your renovation needs.

A new look for your old kitchen –reface, Thereplace!don’ttopthatfitsontop

If your tiles are looking tired, your worktops are worn out, or your door fronts are drab, it’s high time your pots, pans and all of the other components of family life were given the storage space they deserve! The great news? With over 1 million installations under their belts worldwide, TREND Transformations are the industry-leading kitchen renovators with a difference! With their vast range of replacement worktops, doors and tiles, you’re only ever hours away from achieving your dream kitchen and, better yet, it means there is no form of demolition. Say goodbye to tired tiles! If your splashbacks have seen better days, TREND Transformations can help! Ripping out sections of tile is a lengthy, costly and messy job so instead of replacing, reface!

THE HEART OF THE HOME Our worktop and door replacement service means up to 75% less waste will be going to landfill! We create kitchens that not only look good, but make you feel good too.

– the smarter way to renovate

With the responsibilities of everyday life constantly evolving and around 1.5 million of us working from home, this multifunctional space now houses so much more than a few pots and pans!

Don’t settle for drab door fronts

For a free consultation call or visit: EASTBOURNE SHOWROOM: 01323 886 511 Hillier Garden Centre, Hailsham Road, Stone Cross, Pevensey, East Sussex BN24 5BS

apply.Conditionsand*TermsCompany Promotion

Most kitchens have the foundation of a great, working space. You may find you have ample storage solutions but have grown tired of the design or feel of the room. In recent years, pine and formica cabinetry has fallen in popularity, in favour of more contemporary, matte and gloss designs in cool, classic tones. Switch up your pine panelling for a dove grey shaker-style look, like the TREND Transformations door fronts in Matte Stone Grey. Our unique installation method allows us to re-utilise existing structures and resurface existing spaces. By choosing to reface your kitchen cupboards instead of ripping out the old ones, you’re sending less to landfill as well! How great is that?

84 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Tel: 0800 699 0522 • 07957 156467 RESIN BOUND • TARMAC BITUMEN & NATURAL GRAVEL YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATORY, ORANGERY & GLAZED EXTENSION SPECIALISTS LOCAL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS WITH OVER 25 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Visit our large display centre at: Blackbrooks Garden Centre, Lower Dicker, Hailsham, BN27 4BJ Monday – Saturday: 9am – 5pm Sunday: 10am – 4pm Including; •Insulated Home Offices •Solid Roof Conservatories •ReplacementConservatory Roofs •Sheds, Summerhouses & Find us on Facebook & Instagram( 01323 441616



Euonymus has deciduous foliage in a bonfire blaze of colours Summer’s on the run – but there’s still plenty of colour to be had in the garden. Flo Whitaker chooses six of the best shrubs for autumn

Hydrangeas papery blooms are a quintessential part of autumn, but Hydrangea quercifolia goes one stage further, bearing unusually large wideandsubstantialplantsshades.redinshapedoak-leafleavesglowingandrussetMaturereachasizeareoftenasastheyare


T he cornus family is a diverse, extensive tribe, containing varieties such as ‘Midwinter Fire’ and ‘Anny’s Winter Orange’. With names like that, you don’t need to be familiar with the genus to realise that no autumnal border is complete without them. Some varieties can become large, so, if space is limited, choose types, (such as the above), that tolerate being cut back hard, (about 5cms above soil level) in spring. An annual haircut will keep them under control and also maintain the best stem colour.

tall, (approx. 2 keephardyHardworkingmetres).fuchsiaswillonblooming until the first frosts and undemanding,are although moist soil in light shade is their preferred location. Elegant ‘Hawkshead’, with slender white flowers lights up a dull corner, whereas ‘Mrs Popple’, (an old Victorian variety) bears plump flowers in jewellike ruby and purple. Hardiest of all fuchsias are the tall ‘hedging’ forms. They make sizeable bushy plants with goodlooking autumnal foliage and live practically usedbecause‘Spindle’,Euonymus,forever.or(so-calleditswoodwastomakethread

86 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Qualified Call today to arrange a free, no obligation quote. Let us do the hard work this autumn ready for you to sit back and enjoy your lawn for the whole season next year ◆ Weed Control ◆ Seasonal Organic Feed ◆ Moss Management Book your Scarification, Aeration, Overseeding, Top Dressing or Lawn Renovation NOW! 01273 832624 IT’S NEVER TOO LATE IN THE YEAR TO START YOUR LAWN CARE JOURNEY! Qualified STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 19 August 2022 3:17 pm OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Grass2Lawn 1-2 spindles) is a star of autumn, with deciduous foliage in a bonfire blaze of colours and extraordinary winged fruits on fine, trembling stems. Euonymus makes a large, multi-stemmed plant or small tree and is indigenous to northern Europe –you may notice the native form growing in Sussex hedgerows. There are also many garden varieties to choose from. Cotoneaster horizontalis is considered old-fashioned these days, but please ignore such nonsense. Its visually-arresting stems make herringbone patterns, fanning upwards and outwards, with tiny leaves in darkest green. Come summer, dainty, Hydrangeas papery blooms are a quintessential part of autumn nectar-rich flowers attract every bee in the neighbourhood. Late autumn brings a fiery display of berries, as the foliage reddens and falls, revealing a wintry skeletal outline. It really is a plant for all seasons. Members of the cotinus family, often regarded as a boring municipal planting choice for soulless car parks and traffic islands, have much to offer. Given good, moisture-retentive soil, cotinus thrives for years and offers a long season of interest. An open, sunny spot will produce the best leaf colour. Some forms reach substantial proportions, but they respond well to cutting back in spring – if you’re a keen flower arranger, an annual prune also has the advantage of keeping the leaves smaller. Known as ‘Smoke Bush’, cotinus produce eye-catching plumes of flowers in summer, but autumn is when they really sing, with foliage in shades of coppery brown to deep plum; nicely complimenting other autumn lovelies such as dahlias and chrysanthemums. l

Our polywrapped timber framed geodesic dome is made in Sussex and ideal for all your growing needs Basic kit £2,500 + VAT Self assembly, all parts included, diameter 4.5m, height 2.8m OPTIONAL EXTRAS Air extraction fan • Cedar wood • Irrigation system • 4mm polycarbonate Power station • Raised bed base • Solar panels Contact Carl on 01444 230023, 07957 304379 or Paynes Place Farm, Cuckfield Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 8RG * Limited time only, does not include delivery or assembly, costs upon request INTRODUCTORY OFFER*

88 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 01825 840390 Dower House Farm, Blackboys, Uckfield TN22 Star Plant Ltd Providers of Surfacing Solutions including Tar and Chip, Resin Bond and Tarmac for associatedapplicationscommercialresidential,andpublicincludingallgroundworks. RESIN&TARMACBONDSURFACEDRESSINGTAR&CHIPSURFACING SOLUTIONS Fully insured - free quotations WHO ARE WE? We are a family business based in the heart of Sussex that helps both households and businesses across the South East of England. We provide a range of services; building new sewage systems, property surveys, servicing treatment systems and emptying tanks. We have years of experience and qualifications within the industry allowing you to know that you’re in safe hands. To find out more and how we can help, visit our website or give us a call DON’T GET MAD, GET MOODY Call: 01825 890 294 Visit: We build & install all types of sewage treatment systems We service & repair all types of sewage treatment systems Need a new system or want one checked before buying a home – we can help Liquid waste removal service for both households & businesses STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: OUR FILENAME: March 22 Moody Sewage 1-2 Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. CALL US TODAY ON: 01273 068 035 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS garagefifor£895From*afullyttedelectricdoor. *O er valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override.


As the days and evenings cool and we see wetter weather, start bringing the height of the cut down to 1inch/2.5cm. Collect the clippings to prevent possible disease problems in damp weather and avoid mowing in wet or frosty conditions, as this can damage the grass.

Email: If you would like advice on any aspect of lawn care

You may be familiar with these unwelcome visitors to your garden and the damage they can do to your lawn. In cold winters, they tend to sit lower in the soil so you may not notice damage until spring. In mild winters, the larvae feed through the winter and can be large enough to cause significant lawn problems by late winter. They are best treated when they are small, early autumn, so if you have had problems with them before or have relatively new turf, take preventive action early on…or it could be too late.

There are times, even with best endeavours, that your lawn does not meet your expectations. It might be decades old, or the dry weather has meant it’s become a patchwork of coarse weed-grasses. We offer a range of seeding options, all at a fraction of the cost of returfing. Need some help? We offer a range of lawn care treatments and packages to suit all needs & budgets. In

Aerate for better root development

Need a New Lawn?

It’s been a tough summer for lawns. With the summer months drawing to a close, now is a great time to give your lawn some extra TLC. Follow these simple tips to get your lawn into good shape before winter sets in and ready for spring next year.


Seed bare patches where the lawn has not recovered (or has given up!). Apart from looking unsightly, thin, and bare areas invite moss, undesirable grasses & weeds.

Attend to bare areas

All soil types can become compacted, especially in periods of dry weather. Compaction prevents free drainage of water, hinders microbial activity, and affects root development, all of which means a thinner, weaker lawn and more than likely, more moss. Hollow tine aeration removes small cores of soil, thereby reducing compaction and improving the overall health of your lawn. In Mid Sussex/Horsham/Crawley

Company Promotion

Apply a fertiliser to help prepare the lawn for Autumn and Winter. Our nutrient-rich fertiliser slow releases for 4 – 5 months and our selective herbicides will take care of any weeds which have popped up towards the end of the summer. Scarify to allow fresh growth

Late Summer Feed

If your lawn has suffered from the dry weather this summer, feels spongey underfoot or has excess moss, it may need scarifying. Scarifying removes excess thatch enabling the better flow of air, nutrients, and moisture to the roots, resulting in a healthier lawn, and creating space for new fresh grass to grow through.


90 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 HOME FRONT LIVING ROOM The fireplace was here before and a slimline woodburner was installed which needed a 16m chimney liner to reach through the tall building

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 91

ApartmentPeriod Renovation

Julie and John Rignell made their home work hard with an energy efficient design and a change of layout

92 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 23 Station Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9DE A local, family run business homestyle Made-to-Measure Blinds and Curtains, Plantation Shutters and Patio Awnings  All types of blinds supplied and fitted  Competitive prices  Free, no obligation home visits and quotations  Free fitting on all blinds  Stunning showroom (and easy parking in public car park at rear) Barge Tiles SaturdaysMon-FriOpeningShowroomHours:9-5pm9.30-4pm Tel: 01342 833470 | • Ample free parking • Newchapel Road, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6BJ Pick up some Inspiration for your next Tiling Project. Wall and Floor tiles, You’ll be Spoilt for Choice! STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 20 May 2021 4:09 pm OUR FILENAME: June 21 Silverdale Flooring 1-2 CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 01342 891408 CARPETS • LUXURY VINYL FLOORING • WOOD • LAMINATE • BESPOKE RUGS 84 London Road, East Grinstead RH19 1EP • Stunning range of carpets and flooring on display

ulie and John Rignell were relieved and delighted to find this period apartment just ten days after the property they were expecting to buy fell through between exchange and completion. It was a hidden gem among the twelve other disappointing viewings – and rather“Weunexpected.weregoing to buy an eco house but when we had to start our search again, most of the properties available in our chosen location of central Hove were flats,” said Julie. “We quickly realised how much we loved the character of the older buildings, like our previous Edwardian home, and that we definitely wanted a garden.”

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 93


THE OWNER: Julie and John Rignell, both retired psychotherapists. THE PROPERTY: A three-bedroom apartment in a converted Victorian house built in 1875 with a side extension to the end-of-terrace was added in 1898 TRUTHS


The Rignells were classic downsizers but haven’t moved far. The ground floor apartment is in a converted Victorian house near to Hove’s beach and local shops, and benefits from a rear extension opening onto the garden. Situated at the end-of-terrace, the apartment has the added appeal LOCATION: Hove, West Sussex

94 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

Julie and John have a knack for space KITCHEN Carpenter, Robert Hill, came up with a bespoke kitchen design that slots discreetly into the large open-plan room. The natural finish of the birch ply is like furniture, surprising guests who don’t immediately notice the room is a kitchen

“We knew we wanted to put the kitchen into the dining area because we’ve always had a big family kitchen,” said Julie. “We also decided to split the third bedroom into a bathroom on one side and our en suite on the other.”

We knew we wanted to put the kitchen into the dining area because we’ve always had a big family kitchen of a Victorian side extension – a wing for the bedrooms – making the ground floor living space twice as wide as the apartments above and below. The property seemed to tick most of their boxes, but not “Theall.configuration didn’t suit us though,” Julie explained. “We had a lovely open plan dining-living room but the kitchen was in the back extension and the third bedroom only had a rooflight.”Thecouple hadn’t intended taking on a renovation project but had experience because they’d tackled a major conversion of their holiday home in France a few years before. After consulting a surveyor about the changes they hoped to make, they put in an offer and had it accepted.

Berwicks of Horsham Karndean Inspire Studio Berwicks of Horsham, 35-39 Springfield Road, Horsham, RH12 2PG 01403 265418 | GET INSPIRED AT BERWICKS OF HORSHAM KARNDEAN INSPIRE STUDIO The largest and most comprehensive display of Karndean samples in the south east. Offering prices that are competitive to internet prices (supply only) with 35-year warranty Now open at BerwicksHorshamof Discover a new way to fall in love with your perfect Karndean floor. Karndean Inspire studios are a brand-new concept in flooring showrooms, offering a unique shopping experience Berwicks of Horsham, 35-39 Springfield Road, Horsham, RH12 2PG 01403 265418 | An essential visit for anyone considering Karndean flooring – Free samples and brochures

96 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 14 March 2022 1:09 pm OUR FILENAME: April 22 Assured Roofing 1-2 MOSS REMOVAL FIND AND REPAIR A LEAK WE DO NOT USE PRESSURE WASHERS YOUR HOME BECOMES OUR IMPORTANCE FROM £325 FROM £380 Hard wire brush only for tough areas Anti-Moss and Algae treatment Gutters cleaned outlets unblocked Clean and effective moss removal New Roofs and Roof Repairs - Assured Roofing has it covered! Whatever roofing work you require, our team of qualified, experienced roofers work to the highest standards every time. EMERGENCY CALL OUTS 24/7 Office - 01903 910135 • Mobile - 07961609811 Give your roof a new look Safe ladder access installed All moss cleaned by hand Soft hand brushes used • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Flat Roofs • Gutters & Facias • Chimneys FREE QUOTATIONS • FREE INSPECTIONS • NO CALL OUT CHARGE We are proud members of Approved Roofers which is the premier roofing trades association in the UK. All new works carry our fully insured 10-20 year back up MOSS REMOVAL FIND AND REPAIR A LEAK WE DO NOT USE PRESSURE WASHERS YOUR HOME BECOMES OUR IMPORTANCE FROM £325 FROM £380 Hard wire brush only for tough areas Anti-Moss and Algae treatment Gutters cleaned outlets unblocked Clean and effective moss removal New Roofs and Roof Repairs - Assured Roofing has it covered! Whatever roofing work you require, our team of qualified, experienced roofers work to the highest standards every time. EMERGENCY CALL OUTS 24/7 Office - 01903 910135 • Mobile - 07961609811 Give your roof a new look Safe ladder access installed All moss cleaned by hand Soft hand brushes used • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Flat Roofs • Gutters & Facias • Chimneys FREE QUOTATIONS • FREE INSPECTIONS • NO CALL OUT CHARGE We are proud members of Approved Roofers which is the premier roofing trades association in the UK. All new works carry our fully insured 10-20 year back up MOSS REMOVAL FIND AND REPAIR A LEAK WE DO NOT USE PRESSURE WASHERS YOUR HOME BECOMES OUR IMPORTANCE FROM £325 FROM £380 Hard wire brush only for tough areas Anti-Moss and Algae treatment Gutters cleaned outlets unblocked Clean and effective moss removal New Roofs and Roof Repairs - Assured Roofing has it covered! Whatever roofing work you require, our team of qualified, experienced roofers work to the highest standards every time. EMERGENCY CALL OUTS 24/7 Office - 01903 910135 • Mobile - 07961609811 Give your roof a new look Safe ladder access installed All moss cleaned by hand Soft hand brushes used • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Flat Roofs • Gutters & Facias • Chimneys FREE QUOTATIONS • FREE INSPECTIONS • NO CALL OUT CHARGE We are proud members of Approved Roofers which is the premier roofing trades association in the UK. All new works carry our fully insured 10-20 year back up MOSS REMOVAL FIND AND REPAIR A LEAK WE DO NOT USE PRESSURE WASHERS YOUR HOME BECOMES OUR IMPORTANCE FROM £325 FROM £380 Hard wire brush only for tough areas Anti-Moss and Algae treatment Gutters cleaned outlets unblocked Clean and effective moss removal New Roofs and Roof Repairs - Assured Roofing has it covered! Whatever roofing work you require, our team of qualified, experienced roofers work to the highest standards every time. EMERGENCY CALL OUTS 24/7 Office - 01903 910135 • Mobile - 07961609811 Give your roof a new look Safe ladder access installed All moss cleaned by hand Soft hand brushes used • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Flat Roofs • Gutters & Facias • Chimneys FREE QUOTATIONS • FREE INSPECTIONS • NO CALL OUT CHARGE We are proud members of Approved Roofers which is the premier roofing trades association in the UK. All new works carry our fully insured 10-20 year back up Horsham: 01403 458170 Haywards Heath: 01444 682996 Worthing: 01903 372987 Crawley: 01293 92299 East Grinstead: 01342 612013 FROM £285 FROM £250 We’re completely thrilled with our apartment. It’s such a warm, comfortable place to live and the insulation has hugely helped our energy bills The original sash windows were reconditioned and the whole room has been brightened and lightened in pale shades of greens and greys with punches of turquoise and yellow

“We didn’t realise that over half the apartment is under a flat roof, and the

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 97 FREE CONSULTATIONSDESIGN We're a family-runfriendly,independentbusinesswithtwodecadesofexperience

planning and could see the old bathroom would be best split into a utility room with a coat cupboard next to the front door. The loo would be turned into the pantry so fewer cupboards would be needed in the kitchen. The Rignells played around with their ideas but didn’t move forward until later in the year. By then it was winter and they realised how cold the apartment was and how much they were spending on heating.

98 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 01444 248292 FREE SITE SURVEYS AND QUOTATIONS Established in 1995, Frontline Automation specialise in the design, manufacture and installation of automated gates, barriers, & access control. Whether you require new gates, or have existing which need repairing/updating, we can help Reputable for price, reliability and workmanship. Best roofing materials for longevity, a legacy of quality service. Flat RoofingPitched& Telephone: 01273 486110 • Email: • Approved contractor to numerous local authorities • Award winning projects undertaken Quality Domestic • Heritage • Commercial • Education • Industrial All advice is free and without obligation: Trades Undertaken: RICHARD SOAN ROOFING SERVICES - Slating & Tiling MembranesBituminousReinforced - Mastic Asphalt GRP Roofing Single Ply - Liquid ShinglingCoatings - GreenLeadworkRoofs UPVC, Fascias & Soffits Richard Soan-A4 Ad-2022.indd 1 25/07/2022 09:52 YOUOURFIRST-CLASSSERVICAWARDWINNING|E FREE SURVEY & COST COMPARISON

The art deco 1930s cocktail cabinet is a treasured piece

Pale greens and greys meld into the aqua blues in the living area echoing the colours of the seaside location

“When the building contractors took off the side extension roof they discovered one of the main structural beams under the flat above was rusted,” Julie explained. “That’s when we discovered the downside of owning a leasehold property.”

The couple had no experience in energy efficient design so they sought out a designer with expertise in this area. He suggested replacing both flat roofs with a warm roof construction; and remodelling the rear extension with internal and external wall insulation, new windows and insulation under the floors. Since the Victorian building is in a Conservation Area, planning had to approve all the external changes. Their application was submitted in March and a few months later they had consent. During this time, the designer put a project specification together for building contractors to quote on and the couple accepted a contract with Minton Young. Work began almost straightaway with their designer taking on the role as project manager. The couple moved into a rented flat close-by and put their belongings into storage. The builders advised an end date of August but almost straightaway they ran into problems as is often the case in older buildings where there are unknowns.

• Dropped kerbs and • Block paving • Groundworks • Tarmacadam rear extension is sat on a platform with cold air flowing underneath,” Julie explained. “We decided to make some significant energy efficient changes and this was where we spent most of our money.”

• Resin Bound Hot

& Bonded •

The couple had to negotiate with the freehold management team to get the beam replaced but


Bitumen & Gravel

100 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 101 @KentDesignStudio/KentDesignStudioLtd@KentDesignStudio t: 01444 715069 e: w: Call into our Burgess Hill Showroom Unit 15, Sheddingdean Business Centre, Marchants Way, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 8QY STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 14 February 2022 9:38 am OUR FILENAME: March 22 Sussex Trade Kitchens 1/4 The kitchen you want at an affordable price Retail kitchens at trade prices We decided to make some significant energy efficient changes and this was where we spent most of our money OFFICE The rear extension had been the kitchen before and was remodelled into a warmer space with external insulation and internal wood fibre insulation

102 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 because it was going to cost £14,000, the process needed a two-month consultation period. They didn’t want to lose their building contractor to another project so they decided to pay for the beam themselves on the assurance the other leaseholders would pay them back. “All the risk was ours,” Julie said. “But we got our money back and it’s good that it came to light as otherwise the room above might have collapsed onto our flat.”

They discovered one of the main structural beams under the flat above was rusted

Work continued: the leaking master bedroom bay window was replaced and all the original sash windows were reconditioned. The rear extension was made more structurally sound, stuffed with insulation and fitted with new double-glazed windows and a new door to the garden. The Rignells couldn’t fault the energy efficient changes and the quality of the designer and builders’ work.

MASTER SUITE The master bedroom is situated alongside the en suite which has a sliding wall opens to the dressing room

The couple pressed on and didn’t hesitate to ask back carpenter, Robert Hill, to make their kitchen having been delighted with projects he’d done for them before. They wanted a pared back finish to look more like furniture in the elegant space and he suggested birch ply cupboards. The separate work stations provide clear food preparation areas and allow plenty of circulation around the table. Pale greens and greys meld into the aqua blues in the living area echoing the colours of the seaside location and pulling the open plan space together.

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 103 our premises and to your needs, We have a large for you to choose not make an appointment our showroom If you’re looking to be revived then We also offer an restoration service life to your much-l For your free, no obligation estimate, call us 01444 482 011 or email us at t Sussex • RH16 2LX tel: 01444 482 011 or 07867 301 713 email: Sussex • RH16 2LX tel: 01444 482 011 or 07867 301 713 email: Nyworkerstoall t Sussex • RH16 2LX tel: 01444 482 011 or 07867 301 713 email: STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 3 August 2022 12:15 pm OUR FILENAME: Sep22 Fine Furnishings 1-2 Fine Furnishings &WorkshopShowroom tel: 01444 482 011 • email: • Bespoke furniture, recovery & restoration, Somnus Beds Monday to Friday: 8.30 to 17.30. Saturday: 9.00 to 17.00 1 College Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 1QN Tel: 01444 416644 (Forecourt!LAUNDRY WITHOUT THEEASY!EFFORT? We can launder your shirts, sheets and duvet covers, or you can bring them in from home freshly washed. We specialize in pressing Egyptian cotton; sheets, linen tablecloths and pillow cases. We press them to a superb, crisp finish, ready to be collected. Impressed? You will be! Sarah LaceyDry Cleaning

104 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Bespoke Kitchens & Cabinet Making Design, Build & Installation Thomlinson’s Sawmill, Slugwash Lane, Wivelsfield Green RH17 7RQ | | @hqwfurniture | 07737 877551 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 17 May 2022 9:32 am OUR FILENAME: June 22 HQW Furniture 1-2 | 01435 867089 | TRUSTWORTHY WORKMANSHIP TO THE HIGHEST STANDARDS STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 28 July 2022 12:34 pm OUR FILENAME: Sep22 CR Construction 1-2 ■ New Build ■ Renovations ■ Extensions ■ Plumbing Call or Text: 07515 461324

GARDEN The rear extension has been remodelled sympathetically in line with the Victorian building

FAMILY BATHROOM The family bathroom is a cosy size so Julie chose the same tiles to run across the floor and up the walls to pull the room together and emulate the look of a sauna

Writer: Jane Crittenden

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 105

SECOND BEDROOM The second bedroom is in the Victorian side extension but doesn’t have original sash windows

Photography: Bruce Hemming

Green appears again in the en suite, this time in a darker Art Deco shade to match the 1930s lighting and mirror sourced from local antique shops.

The project was completed by midNovember, tying-in with the end of the couple’s six-month rental and ready for a family Christmas. Julie said that although the renovation was arduous at times, they have learnt a lot from the experience and would happily recommend their building contractor.


“We’re completely thrilled with our apartment. It’s such a warm, comfortable place to live and the insulation has hugely helped our energy bills. We wanted somewhere we could live forever and we have exactly that.”

RETIREMENT APARTMENTS FOR SALE YOU DONATE!*WEVISIT *T&C’s apply. Visit our website to find out more. JOIN US AT OUR MorningCoffee Bring along some friends and join in the fun In aid of Macmillan Cancer Support Thursday 22nd September at Allingham Lodge 10.30am - 12pm Open Tuesday - Saturday, 10am - 5pm Call us on 0800 084 6947 to RSVP EASTBOURNE Southfields Road BN21 1BU Friday 23rd September at McIndoe Lodge 10.30am - 12pm EAST GRINSTEAD Garland Road RH19 1FU Wednesday 28th September at Neville Lodge 10.30am - 12pm PEACEHAVEN RoweBN10Avenue7PD


WELLBEING September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 107

Just as you’re ready to go to sleep, think over what you did that day from the time you got up until you got into bed. Follow your entire day step-by-step, visualising each and every step. Don’t worry if in the beginning you can’t remember much detail – you’ll probably move rapidly from task to task or think of the day in larger, broader sections. It’s important to really try to slow down and remember as much as you can, and with time and practice, you will soon start to notice significant improvement in your recall of events and details.

 Help


 Boost

 Aid

 Help

EXERCISE 3: NON-DOMINANT HAND Testing the efficiency of tasks with your ‘wrong’ hand is a great way to get brain activity increasing as it aims to focus harder and find solutions to what are, in fact, regular jobs. Moving your brain out of its comfort zone in this way is a great way to stimulate it, all the while encouraging it to reach out further in the pursuit of other tasks, at other times.

HOW BRAIN EXERCISES HELP YOU: your memory your ability to visualise things improve your concentration perceptiveness at every point throughout the day powers of observation stress us live in the moment you fall asleep faster because your mind is exercised

Physical exercise is known to improve your health and wellbeing but as Adele Trathan explains, giving your grey matter a workout can help improve brain power

Perhaps the most satisfying task of them all! Experts say the brain is at its most challenged when in a social or party situation, particularly when around strangers. In simple terms, the more we interrelate with others, the better. l

Your brain may not in fact be a muscle, but it does work in much the same way as those in your body – the harder you work it, the stronger it gets and the better it Hereperforms.arefourexercises that you can carry out over a four-week period – try them and see if you start noticing the results.

 Improve

 Reduce

 Help

EXERCISE 2: MAP ATTACK On a piece of paper draw a small square for where you live, and begin to add in roads around you. Gradually build a map of your square mile until you reach the edge of the paper. This is a great exercise as it promotes an ability to picture an environment, factoring in scale and perspective, and boosting rapid recall of memories attached to places. Compare side-by-side to a real map and see what you included and missed.

 Improve


108 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 National care provider Shaw healthcare offer a variety of care services across West Sussex We are welcoming New Admissions Care and the individual are at the very heart of each of our services, where wellness, happiness and kindness are the core values embellished by our staff each day. We are Open for Admissions Burleys Wood Crawley 01293 Hillside554660Lodge Pulborough 01798 877700 Mill River Lodge Horsham 01403 227070 The Martlets East Preston 01903 788100 Our care fees are dependent on care requirements so please call to discuss or visit:

J. Atkinson Not connected to Safe Hands Plans – We are independent family owned Funeral Directors

To find out more call 01903 741444 or email: The Forge, 38 West Street, Storrington, RH20 4EE Tel: 01903 741444 |

“I’m always happy to sit and chat and take time to listen to your story, your thoughts and wishes, so that we can plan together a truly memorable and fitting funeral. Whether that is a full traditional

cremation or burial, a natural burial, a private cremation with no mourners attending or something completely different such as a service in a barn or woodlands or at our chapel here at Safe Hands.

Company Promotion

last thing you need on top of that is the worry of how you will afford to pay for the funeral. A private cremation costs £1,495 fully inclusive of all fees. But rest assured there will be no compromise on care, with everyone receiving the same level of professionalism, respect and gentle care, regardless of the type of funeral.”

“I try to keep my costs as reasonable as I can, after all, if you have just lost someone you love and care deeply for, the

Your Loved One’s Funeral is in Safe Hands

Safe Hands’ Forge chapel can accommodate up to 20 people, it is fully air-conditioned with a TV screen for displaying a slideshow of favourite photographs.

Penny wanted to make the premises calm and relaxed, and doesn’t wear a uniform (apart from when conducting a funeral) as she wants people to feel comfortable when they come in. She prides herself on offering a fresh, open and caring approach to funerals. Penny explained how she became concerned at the increasing (and often hidden) costs to the bereaved. “I’m more about people than profit,” she said. “I want to make a difficult time as easy as possible, and treat everyone with kindness and compassion. Price is important, but the service they are getting is even more so. A funeral has to run smoothly and be a fitting farewell for the individual.

"We have a large choice of coffins, from our standard elm veneered to eco-friendly cardboard, bamboo, seagrass, willow and even woollen! Being able to help people when they are going through a diffcult time in their lives to ensure they have a funeral that is personal and right for them and their loved one.” Penny is happy to go out to people’s homes to discuss arrangements and is able to offer pre-paid funeral plans through Golden Leaves, a trusted funeral plan provider.

Safe Hands is an independent, funeral directors covering Sussex which opened its doors in Storrington two and a half years ago. Owner Penny Strachan is pleased to offer families choice whilst being mindful of costs, but still ensuring care without compromise. Situated in The Forge on West Street, Penny has created a warm, welcoming environment, complete with its own service chapel. “We can’t rate Penny and her team highly enough. From start to finish of what was a desperately sad time for our whole family, Safe Hands took care of everything with a wholly professional and deeply personal approach.”


110 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 FDA171 Brighton Road Worthing BN11 2EX 01903 234490 Book your session today Our autumn collections are arriving, offering co-ordinated ranges in rich, warm autumnal colours. With styles chosen for their comfort and versatility from brandsAutumnincluding:Collections are arriving at

(hurrah!). As well as the staple long cardigans, jumper dresses and Aran jumpers, cosy twin sets are also big news. Just add pearls for a truly sophisticated take on theNowlook.toour feet. Shoes seem to step into two categories this coming season: sensible or party! On the sensible side of things you will find comfortable trainers, pretty pumps, preppy loafers and fashion wellies. And on the party side of things indulge in mega high platform or flatforms, everything adorned with buckles, fun heels (think angled towards the toe or novelty shaped), and pantaboots. What on earth is a pantaboot? Well, let me explain. A pantaboot is a pair of trousers and boots all in one, a bit like waders but much sleeker. Wear for the ultimate in leg lengthening looks. Just remember to keep them clean, as there is no taking your shoes off at the door. If a pantaboot is a little farfetched (I don’t blame you) then knee or thigh high boots are also a thing this season. Keep your legs warm for winter and look the part too. Happy styling! l

with everything. If a new coat is on your shopping list, take to the skies and make it a bomber jacket.



Padded, silk, leather, whatever your fancy, this jacket is an autumn season must. Oversized is a key trend this season, which is in evidence across a broad variety of items: baggy jeans, oversized tailoring and blazers (make sure they have razor sharp shoulders though), and maxi length skirts and dresses. Summer is always a time to flash a bit more flesh, but this trend is carrying on into the colder season too. Bodycon dressing sees sheer materials, sexy cut outs and skin-tight designs taking centre stage. In direct opposition to this scant style is the annual lust for knitwear A pantaboot is a pair of trousers and boots all in one, a bit like waders but much sleeker

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 111 FASHION

F ashion excitingfeelsthis time of year. The new season is upon us and autumn/winter clothes and shoes are stacked up in the Thereshops. are a few key trends to get on board with if you want to be a fashionista, but there are also tried and tested staples that I’m sure are already in your wardrobes. To be on trend does not always need a massive splurge; sometimes a few well considered updates will bring your current collection bang on point. Let’s start with a staple basic, but one that seems to be everywhere: the white

As the temperature drops welcome in

tank top. There might already be one in your T-shirt draw but if not they are easy to come by and inexpensive too. Wear with wide jeans, tailored trousers, maxi skirts, blazers and knits – basically a white tank goes


Employees and employers across Mid Sussex can benefit from a free Wellbeing MOT, as Adele Trathan discovered when she met Julia MeckaelJennings from the Mid Sussex Wellbeing Team

The MOTWellbeingisopento all employees with the only exceptions being those who are pregnant, have a pacemaker or an internal medical device who cannot use the Tanita scales but can still attend.

The andawarenesspromotesconsultationongoingofhealthwellbeing

To find out more about a workplace Wellbeing MOT contact the Mid Sussex Wellbeing Team on 01444

112 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 COMMUNITY

B usinesses in Mid Sussex can access this nonclinical providedservice,bythe Mid Sussex Wellbeing Team, to help promote general good health and wellbeing for their staff.

For an individual who feels they could benefit from additional support to help achieve any lifestyle changes, the Wellbeing Team offer referrals to other support services within the Mid Sussex Wellbeing Team. Whether this be an individual health check (for those aged 40-74), weight management, alcohol reduction or smoking cessation, these services are designed to help support an individual meet their health and wellbeing goals. There is no pressure from the Wellbeing Advisors to make changes and they respect an individual who would rather make their own decisions. Wellbeing Advisors are warm, friendly and supportive and have a positive outlook towards achieving better health and wellbeing. It’s possible to arrange a follow up appointment a month later, during which achievements or struggles can be addressed. As Julia explained, “The Wellbeing Team is proactive in supporting the journey to better health and wellbeing for the Mid Sussex area.”

Julia explained, “The Wellbeing MOT is a free service available to small and medium businesses across the Mid Sussex area and the team of advisors offer appointments in the workplace.”

The promotesconsultationongoingawareness of health and wellbeing for each individual and any personal details remain confidential. The intention is to identify and give guidance to areas of lifestyle that might be improved for better overall health. Julia said, “It starts with a body composition analysis. We operate Tanita scales, which use electrical resistance and signals to create a complete breakdown of body composition, while taking into account individual gender, age and height.” The information recorded from the scales includes fat percentage, muscle mass, total body water percentage, bone mass, basal metabolic rate, metabolic age, visceral fat and body mass index. The information is much more detailed than a traditional BMI reading, which is just a height to weight ratio. For example, an individual with high muscle mass and low body fat percentage might give a high BMI score, but is actually healthier than a high body fat and low muscle mass percentage. In addition, the visceral fat rating refers to fat stored around the internal organs. A score above 13 would indicate that making dietary and lifestyle changes could benefit the individual. A combination of these readings provides a metabolic age, which might be higher or lower than your actual physical age. This can be a good motivator either way; to know that you are in good shape, or that some lifestyle changes could help reduce the reading. The Wellbeing Advisor discusses the results with each individual, offering information on both the positive data and where there are areas of concern. Other details such as exercise, general activity, alcohol consumption and smoking are also discussed to give an overall picture of the individuals health and wellbeing. Help and advice on lifestyle improvements that can make a difference will then be offered.


SECTION SUBJECT September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 113 If you own a motorhome, camper van or caravan or horse box and need mechanical work on your vehicle, Leisure Vehicles Sussex in Hickstead is the company to call. We offer the servicing of motorhomes and campers – under the bonnet and under the vehicle, and we also provide the fitting of accessories, including wi-fi, satellite TV, and power supplies such as solar panels and split charging Motorhome,systems.Caravan, Camper Van & Horsebox Mechanical Services • Leisure Vehicles Sussex, Hickstead Works, London Road, Hickstead, RH17 5LZ Vans & horseboxes 01273 464 363 Motorhomes 01273 567833 LEISURE VEHICLES SUSSEX LTD • Caravan awnings • Servicing and repairs • Solar panels • Split charging • Tow bars • Habitation checks • LED lighting upgrades • Damp checks • Pre purchase inspections • Satellite and wi-fi fitting STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 24 January 2022 2:07 pm OUR FILENAME: Feb 22 L V Sussex 1-2 •Outdoor patio dining •Ample parking •Amazing food •Relaxed and friendly environment •Everyone welcome Situated in the heart of the East Sussex countryside you will find a hidden gem Whether you are wanting to play golf on either of our two courses, practice your golf game on our floodlit driving range, enjoy a spectacular meal in our clubhouse restaurant or terrace, catch up with friends in the bar or rest your head in one of our luxurious lodge rooms, we have it all for everyone to enjoy. Sedlescombe Golf & Country Club Golf & Much More… Kent Street, Westfield, Battle TN33 0SG • 01424 871700 •

I think joinpeopleseetonight,outshouldwecheckthecinemamaybeifanyotherwanttous?

But first, get earsyourcleaned!TheUK’sbest-ratedHearingandEarCarespecialist: Absolute precision and safety delivered by our use of surgical, binocular microscopes to carry out the microsuction procedure. One of the many reasons we have over 3,500 reviews across our five clinics. Because ear wax is the most common cause of hearing loss. 0203 747 Hearologywww.hearologyforestrow.ukhello@hearology.uk4615ForestRow,Castle House, The Square, Lewes Road, East Sussex, RH18 5ES Visit:Book:Email:Call:

Too much screen time can affect our mental as well as our physical health. Sleep can be affected; lack of movement can lead to stiffness, neck and back pain and obesity; depression and anxiety can surface. Living life with a phone in your back pocket can leave us feeling like we are constantly on alert, expected to be connected, to reply immediately and to keep up to date with all the latest news.

Although the convenience and Getting back to face-to-face meetings or simply adopting a weekend airplane mode setting can make all the difference to screen time fatigue, says Sara Whatley benefits of connectivity are great, life certainly was simpler with less screens!

Put it down. Step away. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. It feels good doesn’t it?

WELLBEING 116 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

Do you remember a time when screens were limited to one small television set per household, trips to the cinema and the few and far between very modern families who had a computer?

It’s hard to imagine that today –indeed you might even be reading this article on a screen. Technology has advanced at a phenomenal speed over the past decade and now the average person might spend much of their day locked to a screen. Work and play are both conducted through screens, which sometimes makes it very hard to put themButdown.tryit.

Limiting screen time daily is generally considered a good idea, especially before bed. Not only does this help us to be wholly present in the moment but it also frees up time to spend engaged in other fun activities instead; playing with our children, reading, cooking, talking, being creative, getting outside to play and exercise or simply letting our minds be still.

Being away from screens and devices might be difficult at first but with practice it becomes easier. Setting a no screen day can be helpful, or creating a cut off time for devices before bed. Keeping track of usage can subsequently help reduce it, as can creating ‘no screen zones’ like the bathroom or the dining table. Try leaving your phone behind sometimes, or at least put it on silent and tuck it away. If all else fails, pick up a new hobby and hopefully you will forget all about technology for a while! l Keeping track of usage can subsequently help reduce it, as can creating ‘no screen zones’ like the bathroom or the dining table


Recently I visited Monks House at Rodmell near Lewes, where Virginia and Leonard Woolf lived from 1919 until his death in 1969. The guide told us how they spent their days; writing in the mornings, reading and walking in DOWN the afternoons and in the evenings they would sit by the fire and either read or listen to the gramophone. Visitors often came and they would talk for hours discussing politics, art, culture and life in general.Granted, life was smaller then, but creative thinking was arguably greater.

And satisfaction? Personally, I know how bad I feel when I fritter away time on a screen looking at things which don’t serve me, and how good I feel away from that.

Finding the time and space to think about your health and wellbeing can be difficult. Mid Sussex Wellbeing’s 12-week programme is designed to give MEN support to make changes working towards a healthy lifestyle. Each week will include 45 minutes healthy lifestyle discussion followed by a 45 minute exercise session. Are you feeling a bit out of shape? Join MEN (Motivation, Exercise and Nutrition) for FREE Bentswood Hub Haywards Heath

Unsightly gaps in your smile can be replaced by dentures, bridges or implants tooth implant

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 119 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 2 October 2020 9:45 am OUR FILENAME: Nov 20 Excellence/Oakmead (tooth implants)1-2 01342 325363 How can I replace a gap in my smile? Practical Benefits of Implants include: • Enhanced Usability – dental implants offer ‘set and forget’ convenience (unlike removable dentures that must be removed/replaced each day) • Enhanced Levels of Oral Health – where necessary, the procedure involves building the surrounding bone and soft tissues (halting and reversing any deterioration) • Enhanced Speech Delivery – dental implants are embedded into the bone and do not move/slip when speaking (eliminating mumbled speech) • Enhanced Mastication (ease of chewing) – dental implants are fixed into the bone and do not slip or move around when eating food Psychological Benefits of Implants include: • Enhanced Self-Esteem – dental implants can create a smile that results in greater self-confidence during personal interactions • Enhanced Visual Appearance – dental implants have the visual appearance of well looked after natural teeth (resulting in peace of mind that people will not realise the teeth are prosthetic) • Enhanced Comfort – dental implants do not agitate the gums (e.g. removable dentures may cause friction issues) “O ther dental practices have treated me as just another patient; that is not the case with Oakmead Dental Care. They have made me feel like a valued individual, with every visit being a welcoming experience. A huge step forward from dreading a visit to the dentist! Proposed treatment plans, including potential options, have been discussed with me as an educated adult, rather than being presented as a fait-accompli. All stages of treatment are fully explained during and after, which makes me feel involved in my own well-being. I am very reassured in their hands and am sure I will continue to be so for many years to come.”

Contact us today at East Grinstead for Oakmead's

guide STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 22 August 2022 5:09 pm OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Tamarind 1-4 Give your body an MOT We are experienced specialists in Clinical/Sports/Remedial Massage as well as providing Relaxation Massage, Hot Stones, Thai Foot and Indian Head Massage treatments. ✾ Our Massage treatments start from £35 up to £85 ✾ Get in touch to book - You deserve it! 43 Silverdale Road Burgess Hill t: 07971 866787 bodywithanita MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 6.30pm Zumba/Fitsteps Mix Birchwood Grove School, Burgess Hill THURSDAYS 9.30am BodyBarre Kings Centre, Burgess Hill FRIDAYS 9am Fitness Pilates 10am Zumba/Fitsteps Mix Kings Centre, Burgess Hill Get in touch to BOOK YOUR PLACE £7 per class Live Zoom classes also running as well as pay-as-you-go classes accessed via the website TimetableAutumnLaser Therapy for Foot – Knee – Hip – Back Shoulder – Neck – Elbow Clinical Foot Consultant Qualified Chiropodist • Corns – Callus • Nail Problems • Heel Problems • Athlete’s Foot • Fallen Arches Foot Treatments With Manipulation and Laser Therapy • Strained Ligaments and Tendons • Skin Problems • Heel Spurs • Enlarged Joints • Morton’s Neuroma Dorothy Dickson D.S.Ch., M.Inst. Ch.P., Dip.I.I.H.H.M. 87 Dunstall Avenue, Burgess Hill Tel. 01444 870429

120 01273 492555 WWW.SOUTHDOWNSBUTCHERY.CO.UK  Team GB Butchery  Sustainability, meat within 30 mile radius  Dry ager  In house gourmet sausages and burgers  Tues- Fri 8.30AM - 5.30PM, Sat 8.30am - 3PM Sun & Mon Closed SOUTH DOWNS BUTCHERY, NORTON MEWS, COOPERS WAY, HENFIELD BN5 9EQ Warm, Welcoming and Experienced Butchers SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 beechcroft landscapes hard & soft landscaping garden maintenance fencing & hedge trimming a family business based in Henfield with over 20 years experience Richard Blower 01273 493953 07808 857 019 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 12 August 2022 10:33 am OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Beechcroft 1-4 w: e: 01273 495127 | 07799 136240 • Bespoke kitchens from a refresh through to a refit • Handcrafted, made to order furniture to suit any need • Enquire instore or contact us on the details below for a free consultation • More information can be found on our website, Facebook or Instagram High Street, Henfield, BN5 9HP STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 11 August 2022 2:55 pm OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Bespoke Interiors 1-4 THE POST HOUSE CAFé l Locally sourced produce l Breakfast and brunch served all day l Lunches and fresh daily salads available l Locally roasted & barista made coffee l Fully licenced for alcohol l Dog friendly with a large garden - Lots of great walks in henfield! l No booking required, just pop in and see us Clarence house, high street, henfield bn5 9da mon-fri 9am-4.30pm / sat 9am-4pm / sun 9am-3pm friendly café in henfield Email: STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 1 August 2022 11:11 am OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Post House 1-4



F rom the Coopers Way car park, walk to the High Street, then turn right and walk north. Cross at the pelican crossing then turn left into Church Street. After crossing a succession of side roads it’s worth pausing at Church Lane for the view of St. Peter’s Church. Church Street evolves into Upper Station Road, which evolves into West End Lane as the pub and Downs Link is passed.After this the pavement runs out and the houses become less frequent as


Eatons Bridge

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 121

The grassy track that rises up to the levee of the River Adur and the first glorious view metal 6-bar gate and 2-step stile. Beyond this it’s about 100m along the grassy track that rises up to the levee of the River Adur and the first gloriousTurnview.right at the 3-way fingerpost and head northeast alongside the river for 200m before turning left and crossing Eatons Bridge. Note the memorial plaque to Brian Turrell at the top of the arch. Just across the field is a 2-step stile then across the far side of the next field is another 2-step stile. The next field contains three fingerposts, but the best way-marker is the giant oak

The tarmac becomes gravel as the route slips gently downhill towards the

St. Peter’s Church, Henfield

As the summer days begin to fade, we sent Robert Veitch and his friend, Lucy, to enjoy the lovely views of the South Downs on a spectacular walk around the pretty scenery of Henfield and Ashurst

the greenery of the hedges take precedence. Keep to the right and walk towards any oncoming traffic. 350m beyond the red post pox, the road swings sharply left, and 100m after, turn right into the ‘Private Road’ by the 2-way fingerpost.

skeleton on the way to the gates. Bear right, walking towards and then under the power lines and continue in the same general direction to the 2-step stile and 2-sleeper bridge. Once through the trees and across another 2-sleeper bridge follow the periphery of the field alongside the drive, then around to the left and the junction with the B2135 via the rusted 6-bar gate. Turn right and walk carefully for 50m along the verge, before crossing the road into Golden Lane. Follow the lane through the The 12th century St James Church is a small but distractioncharming

St James Church, Ashurst Spot the Honey bee Swanning along the River Adur

122 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022


Keep to the right in the field beyond and walk to the 2-step stile, after which the path continues between the stock proof fence and hedge, leading gently downhill to a 2-sleeper footbridge. At the 3-way fingerpost, keep going in the same general direction, over another 2-sleeper footbridge, then along the right side of the adjacent field to the junction with the drive. Bear right and continue for a few paces to the junction with Spithandle Lane. Turn left and follow the tarmac for just over ½ mile to the junction with the B2135 for the second time of the day. Cross over with care to the ‘Public Bridleway’ sign and follow the drive on the left. Follow the tarmac past the decaying oaks on one side and telegraph poles on the other. After ½ mile, the route swings 90° right and soon after, 90° left, during which the tarmac degrades to gravel. The walk continues, over a brow, then gently downhill towards the summits of Devil’s Dyke, Newtimber Hill and Wolstonbury Hill, lining up

Lookingragwortsouthwest, across the River Adur towards Chanctonbury Ring chicanery of the 90° right and 90° left corners, then over the stream, and around the 90° left bend into Church Lane. Continue for just over ¼ mile to the 12th century St James Church, which is a small but charming distraction. In 1989 local resident Sir Laurence Olivier’s funeral was held here, and his ashes were later interred in Westminster Abbey. Continue along Church Lane for almost another ¼ mile to the traffic island with the black and white banded signpost. Bear right into Pepper’s Lane, then after 200m look for the gap in the hedge and 2-step stile.

Opening times to suit your lifestyle Opening times to suit your lifestyle

Beyond the pair of closeset metal gates, it’s a short hop to the gate that opens onto the Downs Link and StrethamNostalgicBridge.visions of yesteryear are easy to imagine… Smoke rising from the chimney as the 5:15pm from Bramber to Horsham steams through.

124 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

behind the pinnacles atop Truleigh Hill. The track becomes a path, leading to a metal 6-bar gate, then up to the levee of the River Adur for the second time of the day. Turn right and walk atop the levee to the metal 6-bar gate, after which the path drops to the left, but continues alongside the river. Gently downhill towards the summits of Devil’s Dyke, Newtimber Hill and Wolstonbury Hill Henfield High Street Pretty in pink Looking southeast towards Truleigh Hill and Devil’s Dyke

Turn left, right,Bridge,Strethamcrossthenturnoverthe1-step stile and continue along the riverbank towards the power lines for 300m, before turning left and dropping down the steps and across the 3-sleeper bridge. Hug the left side of the adjacent field, then after 150m jink left and join the drive. Keep walking in the same general direction, past the 3-way fingerpost after ¼ mile then bear left at the next 3-way fingerpost just around the bend.Head north, towards the power lines, then over the 1-step stile at the end of the field. Turn right and follow the periphery of the field to the 2-step stile, then amble through the next three fields to the 1-step stile. Across the drive and over the wobbly 1-step stile, continue up the left side of the field to the first kissing

01273 525130 07824 595503 Richard Lucy MBA DipPFS W: E: FINANCE PLANNING mortgage & protection Residential and Buy To Let Mortgages Purchases and Remortgages Equity Release Advice Mortgage, Family & Business Protection Home Insurance Henfield: Thorndene, High Street, Henfield, BN5 9DA Inside Marcus Grimes Estate Agents

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 125 Distance: 9¼ miles Walk Time: 3½ - 3¾ hours Stiles: KissingGates:Bridges:1288Gates: 2 Footwear: Trainers should be fine at this time of year Top Tip: Take something to eat and something to drink if it’s a hot day Elevation Gain: 97m (319 feet) Calorie Burn: Approximately 910 kcal Map: Explorer OL11 Parking: Pay parking at the Coopers Way car park, BN5 9EQ © Crown copyright 2022 Ordnance Survey. Media 047/20 UPPER STATION ROAD HENFIELD BN5 9PJ 01273 492509 Follow our facebook page and website for up to date 18 September from 12pm LIVE MUSIC 24 September from 8.30pm OPENING HOURS Mon-Thurs 2pm-11pm Fri, Sat, Sun 12pm-11pm Brook House, High St, Henfield BN5 9DD 01273 495551 | Café opening times Monday- Saturday 8:30-17:00, Sunday 9:00-16:00 Bistro evenings Thursday-Saturday 18:00-22:00 Open to dine-in and takeaway, dog-friendly, walker and cyclist friendly with wheelchair access and accessible toilet facilities. We serve delicious, homemade, and locally sourced food for hungry tums. We have a full alcohol license (bonus!) and always offer vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options! We also offer bespoke event catering for those long-awaited parties and get-togethers. ​​Come​by​relish​in​Henfield​for​your​next​meal! relish.HENFIELDWESTSUSSEX GOODFOODGOODCOMPANY GOODLIFE EST. 2 019 relish.HENFIELDWESTSUSSEX GOODFOODGOODCOMPANY GOODLIFE EST. 2 019 GOOD FOOD, GOOD COMPANY, GOOD LIFE relish.HENFIELDWESTSUSSEX GOODFOODGOODCOMPANY GOODLIFE EST. 2 019 gate of the day. Trot between the horse paddocks, downhill to the last kissing gate of the day, then across the drive to the 2-step stile. Keep walking north, over the 3-sleeper footbridge and through the trees to the junction with the boardwalk.Turnright, then after 75m turn left at the 5-way fingerpost and endure the only incline of the day. Spring Hill is short and shallow in gradient, evolving into a track at the top that leads to the mainWalkroad.up the High Street, past period properties, back into the heart of the village. The odyssey is almost complete. All that’s left to do is enjoy the offerings and hospitality of this wonderful historic village. l Robert has tested the route personally, making sure it is suitable for walking. However, even he cannot guarantee the effects of the weather, or roadworks, or any other factors outside of his control. If you would like to send your feedback about a local walk, please email

126 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Stokes of Henfield Stokes is a village shop selling a variety of items. Everything from toys, gifts, helium balloons, makeup and cards to our much loved old fashioned pic ’n’ mix sweets and an ice cream parlour selling milkshakes, Slush Puppies and ice cream 1 Commercial Buildings, High St, Henfield BN5 9DE Tel: 01273 492032 | email: t 01273 491112 e w Certified Public Accountants & Tax Consultancy The Barn, Golden Square, Henfield, BN5 9DP Get some tax advice for your business. Book now for your FREE Consultation•Payroll•Bookkeeping • Self Assessment • Corporation Tax • Personal Tax Returns • Accounts Preparation

A standard three-tier tea is £22.50 per person, and arrives with a refreshing sparkling elderflower that gets things off to a very convivial start. “We only take pre-bookings, to ensure everything is just right Everything is freshly made each morning and wherever possible we use the best local produce and because everything is freshly made each morning,” explained Christina. “Each tea takes almost an hour to put together and wherever possible we use the best local produce.”Thesandwiches (salmon and cucumber, ham and mustard, egg and cress, and cheese and onion) absolutelyflavourscomplementarygenerouslyareplump,wellbalancedwith–delicious.Thecheesestraws and cheese scones are a harmony of cheese to tickle the taste buds. Christina’s plain and fruit scones are well textured, just add jam, clotted cream and enjoy. A lime and mandarin jelly cleanses the palette, before it’s time to tuck into the deliciously rich and indulgent cake. Tea is served in delicate china cups, alongside a 3-element timer to ensure the loose-leaf tea steeps for the desired amount of time necessary for the perfect brew. All that’s missing is the Queen and Paddington Bear! A traditional English tea in a memorable setting, it leaves you wanting more. Look at the Facebook and Tripadvisor reviews to see for yourself. Christina’s can be booked for special occasions; outside catering, takeaways and vouchers are also available. Cakes can also be made to order and there’s also a tempting range of Belgian chocolates.Christina worked in the old Wineham Tea Shop as a teenager, “there was always a dream in the back of my mind to open my own place... And here we are. Going out is an event, we want people to enjoy themselves in our relaxed setting, with very good food and our discreet yet attentive service.” What a gem of a place, what a well-kept secret – try it and spread the word. l


H enfield is forabecomingfasthavenfoodies and inside a 19th century building is a tea and gift shop run by Christina Hoad and Brian Clemenson, who have just celebrated the first anniversary of their opening. Inside is a boutique arboretum; a charming environment for customers to indulge themselves with a decadent afternoon tea. bringing“We’resome of the outside, inside,” explainedChristina’sChristina.has 17 covers, seated within three decorative arched birdcages, each gilded with greenery, birds and twinkling lights, each enclosing a dining table that provides a secluded setting for an afternoon tea. “Each birdcage has a name,” There’s something about afternoon tea that defies the ages and passing of time, as Robert Veitch recently found out when he visited Christina’s in Henfield

Tea with Christina’s High Street, Henfield BN5 9HN 01273

Christina told me, “Grace, Ivy and Bella, named after three girls in our family who share the same great, great conversation.thenevergetdays.aGlennDorisexemplifiedsoundcompletecutleryEnglishsanctuarydefineesotericnapkins,withTablesgrandmother.”aredecoratedfreshflowers,colourfulandoneortwotouchesthathelpChristina’sasaforquintessentialtea.Gleamingandfloralchinathepicture.InthebackgroundtheofeasylisteningisbyMattMonro,Day,JohnnyMathis,MillerandothersaddclassicessenceofbygoneIt’sjustenoughtoyouinthemood,butenoughtooverwhelmclinkofcutleryand

A stroll down Henfield High Street reveals plenty of shops to browse and many places to eat and drink, making it an excellent choice for a September stroll, some shopping and sustenance. Go on a Monday and try out the market in Henfield Hall, or visit the museum that’s also located within Henfield Hall and open six days a week. A warm welcome is assured in the village and there’s enough variety for even the fussiest to want to return another time. And if your choice is to never leave, let a local estate agent help you locate the perfect property.

The Downs Link

Henfield Scout Troop

Henfield Birdwatch was formed in 1998 by a group of enthusiastic people in order to take part in a bird survey the following year. From this grew an organisation that became the largest local community conservation project in the UK as more than 150 people submitted more than 40,000 records in the initial year-long survey. The resulting book was praised by major conservation bodies and the aim to publish surveys every five years was established. The 2010 edition received the Marsh Award from the British Trust for Ornithology. Since 1998 over 160,000 records have been collated, providing an encyclopedic record of Henfield birdlife since the millennium.

The Downs Link is almost 37 miles long and links St. Martha’s Hill near Guildford with Shoreham-by-Sea. It follows the old Cranleigh and Steyning railway lines which used to connect the North and South Downs until the Beeching axe fell in the late 1960s. The track bed is long gone, but it’s still easy to visualise how things used to be. The Downs Link can be accessed easily from central Henfield and a walk about a mile north to Betley Bridge or south to Stretham Bridge will offer fine views and generate a hearty appetite.


The High Street

Henfield Common Henfield Common, a grassed and wooded area, is where locals used to be able to graze their animals. The eastern end of the common is also home to one of the oldest cricket clubs in the world, founded in 1771, although they had already been bowling yorkers, flippers and googlys in the village for 50 years by then. In the formative days of cricket, it was one of the most important ground around the county. John Wisden who later created the bible of cricket, Wisden’s Cricketers’ Almanack played here, as did Henry Charlwood who went on to play two Test Matches against Australia.

The village of Henfield is a great destination to explore, so we asked Robert Veitch to find out a little more about some of the things the village can shout about

Henfield Birdwatch

The 1st Henfield Scout Troop, founded in the winter of 1907-1908, within a few months of Robert Baden-Powell’s initial camp on Brownsea Island, is recognised by the Scout Association as the ‘oldest in the world’. Major A.G. Wade had a sister called Audrey who had accompanied BadenPowell on a journey back from Africa. She evolved the boy’s hockey club over the winter by following Baden-Powell’s handbook, Scouting for Boys to train the boys in scouting. By January 1908 when the troop was officially launched, there were 30 boy scouts in Henfield.

128 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 COMMUNITY

Visit Hawthorn Vets in our purpose designed practiceVisit Hawthorn Vets in our purpose designed practice State-of-the-art equipment with friendly and personal care Henfield Surgery Hawthorn House, High HenfieldStreet,BN5 9DA Tel: 01273 495227 Partridge Green Surgery The Old Bakehouse, High PartridgeStreet,Green RH13 8HU Tel: 01403 710332 PRACTICEFAMILYINDEPENDENTRUNHEALTH PLAN HOME EXOTICVISITSPETS WELCOME KEYHOLE SURGERY FREE PARKING STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 16 August 2022 4:25 pm OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Hawthorn Vets 1-2 Henfield 01273 495220 Hurstpierpoint 01273 835104 Cuckfield 01444 451818 Leave us to Sell or Let your home… Marcus Grimes for Sales & Lettings FARM SHOP SH FARM SHOPRM SH SHO FARM SHOPGARDEN CENTRE Henfield’s Family run Farm Shop and Garden Centre Fresh and seasonal fruit and vegetables Stockist of Calor gas and local charcoal Large selection of colourful bedding plants and perennials Smallholding with donkeys, ponies, alpacas, goats and chickens Brighton Road, Henfield BN5 9RP 01273 494582 Open Monday to Saturday 8.30-6 Sunday & Bank Hols 9-4

Carr Taylor Vineyards


crisp and





Carr Taylor Vineyards Westfield, Hastings TN35 4SG Tel: 01424

GOLD Vineyard tour voucher Was £79 now £40 NO EXPIRY DATE “A guided group vineyard tour, tutored wine tasting and ploughmans’s lunch for 2 guests” GOLD VOUCHER BRONZE PLUS Westfield, Hastings TN35 4SG 01424 752501 OPEN DAILY 10am-5pm Bronze plus gift voucher now £30 Reduced from £49 “This is for a guided tour, tutored wine tasting NO EXPIRY DATE BRONZE PLUS FORAGING COURSES are the answer! East Sussex and Kent From 4 hr to 8hr courses EARLY BOOKING RECOMMENDED STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 10 August 2022 9:59 am OUR FILENAME: April 22 Fergus The Forager 1-2 Foraging For Inspiration …and fun, good food, creativity, resilience, nature connection? Look no further! For dates, times, and prices please visit | 07904 801047 Safely explore the magical world of wild plants and fungi. Discover their food potential, their medicinal use, their craft applications, and their historical uses, with Fergus The Forager. Providing highly engaging, creative, fun, and informative courses since 2003 Learn key identification skills, including use of id keys, historic, contemporary, and original recipe creation, preserving and storing techniques, and best sustainable foraging practice. With unique tasters! Also… New Fish Skin Tanning Course, see experience/1930 For this, private courses, and everything in between, connect with fruit, flowers, foliage, fungi, connect with food, connect with Fergus!


award winning

ENJOY ENGLISH WINE AT ITS BEST rich, juicy Cannonball just £89.00 FREE Guided Tours, Vouchers Wine Tasting at the Carr Taylor Vineyards.


130 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 We have three stunning private ‘Country Garden’ themed drinks/dining lodges in our garden that accommodate between 2-30 guests and are available for hire individually or as a group of three. With specially designed menus & party packages to choose from they are the perfect venue for any celebration you are planning, and can also be combined with our rooms for overnight stays. BUCKHURST PARK, WITHYHAM, EAST SUSSEX TN7 4BD 01892 770278 • • The Dorset Arms BUCKHURST PARK, WITHYHAM The Earl De La Warr & family welcomes you to The Dorset Arms, part of the Buckhurst Estate. A village pub offering an excellent dining experience with locally-sourced produce and a warm welcome.

ENJOY ENGLISH WINE AT ITS BEST Price Tickets for Vineyard Tour, Taylor Westfield, TN35 Taylor

Wine Tasting & Lunch in the Beautiful Sussex Countryside Normally £75 For 2 People with Hidden County Just £39 for 2 People Join via � LIMITED AVAILABILTY Carr

4SG 01424 752501 OPEN DAILY 10am-5pm An English Wine Experience for Two Bronze plus gift voucher now £30 Reduced from £49 NO EXPIRY DATE “This is for a guided tour, tutored wine tasting and cream tea for 2” Carr

still white wine is available in cases of 12 bottles for

and Free

INGREDIENTS 400g (14oz) blackberries (fresh or frozen) 200g (7oz) fine sugar 100g (3½oz) butter 3 eggs, whisked ½ lemon, juiced METHOD 1

juice you

he sun has shone down diligently on the crops all summer long and come September, the harvest should be beautiful and abundant. Eating fresh from the soil, tree or bush is an absolute joy and should wholeheartedly be taken advantage of, but there is a way to experience that burst of summer flavours all year long: preserving. Bottling, jams, jellies, chutneys, curds, pickling and fermentation are all excellent methods of preserving and can result in some truly special culinary delights. Here we look at three different fruits and three different recipes to make the most of a glut.

Bring a little burst of year-round summer magic to your taste buds with Sara Whatley’s fruit preserving recipes

2Put the blackberry juice, lemon juice, butter and sugar into the pan over a very low heat and stir until dissolved. Add the eggs and whisk continuously until the curd has thickened and is glossy. Transfer into jar or jars and keep in the fridge for up to two weeks.

FOOD & DRINK September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 131

These little shining clusters of deep purple berries appear in the hedgerows from August, but can carry on into September and even October. They are at their best earlier in the season however, so make sure you pick your way through the brambles and gather as many as you can to freeze for later use. Purple stained fingers (and mouths!) is a sure sign of a good haul. Look in sunny spots for large and early ripeners and more shaded areas for later fruits.


I try to fill my freezer every year then enjoy adding the frozen berries into smoothies or a good old-fashioned apple and blackberry crumble. This recipe takes blackberries to a new and wonderfully indulgent place, for a special taste of summer all through the year. Heat the blackberries then strain through a sieve, mashing with a spoon to generate all the can muster.




BlackberriesSocietyPreservation This recipe indulgentnewblackberriestakestoaandwonderfullyplace smoothieBlackberry 1 large or 2 small jars APPROXMAKES

5Store in a cool dark place for up to two years. 2022 Plum gin


1First sterilise the jars and lids (wash in hot soapy water then heat for 15 minutes in a low oven, 160°C or gas mark 3 and put the lids in a bowl of boiling water or run through a hot dishwasher cycle and keep warm ready for use).

INGREDIENTS 1kg (2lb 3oz) ripe plums, halved and pitted 250ml (8½fl oz) water 175g (6oz) sugar Lemon or cinnamon sticks METHOD

2Wash the plums, remove any really soft ones, cut in half and remove the stone. Add the sugar to the water in a large saucepan and bring to the boil to dissolve the sugar. Add in a few strips of lemon peel or a couple of cinnamon sticks if desired. Add the plums and let them bubble for 2 to 3 minutes then take off the heat, lid and leave for a minimum of 30 minutes or overnight.

132 SUSSEX LIVING | September

This recipe requires sterilised jars and screw on lids with a push button in the middle to create a seal. There are other types of seals, just make sure you seal correctly, or the fruit will spoil when stored. Depending on how sweet you want the syrup, add or reduce the sugar content, or use fruit juice instead. About 14 plums (28 halves) fit into a 1 litre jar (1.65 pints) or 7 plums into a 500ml jar (just under a pint). 1 x 1 litre jar or 2 x 500ml jars


4Screw on the lids then heat process to seal: place the jars in a large pasta pot with draining insert and fill with water, 5cms (2 inches) from the top of the jars. Bring to the boil then cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Raise the drainer, tighten the lids (carefully as they will be hot!) then leave to cool. The airlocks should all depress meaning they are fully sealed. If not, repeat.

F rom August to October plum trees drip with fruit, soft and forgiving in the hand. There are a large variety of plums and other fruits in the plum family, such as damsons, sloes and gages, some sweet and ready to eat, some tart and more suitable for cooking. The range of colours they come in varies from light green through orange and yellow to darkIfpurple.youhave your own plum tree in the garden all the better, otherwise these juicy fruits are readily available at grocers, farm shops, by the side of the road and at food shops too. Plums are divine when added to cakes, creating little explosions of moisture in the mouth, or for a more grown up take on this fruit, make a batch of plum gin to warm the cockles come winter.

3Spoon the fruit into the jars and ladle in the liquid (removing the lemon or cinnamon). Leave half an inch headspace.


September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 133 A host of places to enjoy a coffee, or bite to eat for breakfast or lunch at RIVERSIDE BRASSERIE, RIVERSIDE CAFÉ and BUBBLE & BAO Freshen up with a new look from THE BARBER SHOP - perhaps a quick haircut before new term time starts? ESPY TATTOO STUDIO - more than meets the eye… with cool clothing, artwork and great gifts and of course more permanent inkings. Lots of fresh produce from NOSE2TAIL for Autumnal feasts and home smoked goodies. FISH AT RIVERSIDE fresh daily caught fish and shellfish; always a treat. Cliffe High Street, Lewes, BN7 2RE AUTUMN AT RIVERSIDE Local Autumnal produce and a place to relax at RIVERSIDE Cottage Bakery 01825 722206 10 e Green, Newick, East Sussex BN8 4LB Speciality & Gluten Free Breads also available. Specialists in high quality, local, seasona BISHOP S B U TCHERS A traditional butchers at the top end of Uckfeld local 214 High Street, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1RE TEL: 01825 762820 StonehillDiningRoom Book a table on 01435 865691 please see our menus at or visit us on Facebook WITHIN HOLY CROSS PRIORY Holy Cross Priory, Lewes Road, Cross in Hand, Heathfield, TN21 0DZ Free PeacefulParkingGardensHistoricSettingOpen10am-4pmMorningCoffeeLunchAfternoonTea

134 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 21 March 2022 1:15 pm OUR FILENAME: April 22 Tom's Food A vibrant brunch and lunch menu with tasty takeaway options Homemade sweet & savoury treats Locally roasted coffee Indoor & outdoor seating Wednesday to Saturday 9.30am-15.30pm Sunday 10.00am-14.00pm Corner House, High Street, Cuckfield, West Sussex, RH17 5JX Tel: 01444 473 384 Stylish, cosy cafe in Cuckfield Old fashioned village pub sitting on the green Serving good home cooked food with a truly sincere attitude. Menus available on our website or by post – free parking front & back Horsted Keynes, West Sussex, RH17 7AS THE GREEN MAN Separate restaurant area centuriesFantasticoldfireplaceServinggreatbeers–Harvey’s, Timothy Taylors Landlord, Abbot Ale & St Austell Brewery Tribute Ale 01825 790656 SPECIAL FOOD OFFERS 2 courses for £12.95 Mon & Tues evenings Free bottle of wine with every 2 steaks Thurs evenings (NOT APPLICABLE on Bank Holidays e.g. Xmas Eve etc) Snowdrop Lane, Lindfield, West Sussex, RH16 2QE T: 01444 416 316 W: SnowdropThe Inn Lindfield At the Snowdrop we’ve worked hard to create a warm and welcoming pub environment, a place where you can feel at home and a place where you can disconnect from the world. Enjoy sipping a glass of wine by the wood burner in the winter, a tasty beer or a refreshing gin & tonic on our open terrace in the summer or indulge yourself with freshly prepared local produce on our homemade seasonal menus all year round. Come join Ellie & Chris at the Snowdrop STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 17 August 2022 2:57 pm OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 The Snowdrop Inn 1-2 OPENING TIMES FOOD AND TAKEAWAY SERVICE TIMES Wednesday to Saturday – 12pm to 11.30pm Sunday – 12pm to 9pm Wednesday - Saturday – 12pm to 3pm & 6pm to 9pm, Sunday – 12pm to 4.30pm Sweet treats and hot drinks will be available during food service times.

METHOD 1Put the apples in a large pan and half cover with water. Slowly bring to the boil and cook until the apples are soft, stirring occasionally.

6Fish out the large rosemary stalks (if used) but leave the loose leaves as they look pretty. Pour into warm sterilised jars, lid and let cool. Decorate with a label and store for up to 6 months. Apple pie


3Measure the juice in a large pan; for every 500ml (almost a pint) use 400g (14oz) sugar or 300g (10½oz) honey. Add the vinegar or lemon juice and either the rosemary or chilli and heat slowly until the sugar has dissolved. Then bring to a boil and cook until setting point is reached (about 20 minutes). Remove any scum on the surface.

2Line a large bowl or pan with a jelly bag or muslin and pour in the apple mix. Suspend the apples and let the juice drip (if you push it through the jelly will be cloudy) for at least 5 hours, or overnight.

4In the meantime, sterilise the jars (as for the plums) and put a plate in the freezer.

All summer long the children have been watching and waiting for the apples in the garden to be ready. A few casualties have been lost along the way with eager hands unable to wait, but as we turn the calendar to the month of September, it’s finally time for the harvest.

2kg (4½ lbs) apples, roughly chopped (not peeled or cored) About 1.2kg (2lb 10oz) sugar or 900g (2lbs) honey 3 to 4 tbsp cider vinegar or lemon juice (to make sweet apples a little tarter)

5To test if the jelly is set, drop half a teaspoon onto the cold plate and leave for about a minute. Push it with a fingertip and if it wrinkles it is done. If not continue boiling and test every few minutes.

4 x (1lb)450gjars APPROXMAKES

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 135

3 sprigs rosemary or 3 tsp chilli flakes

Apples are a very versatile fruit and lend themselves to being enjoyed in many different ways; fresh off the branch, squeezed into juice or cider, or softened into a pie or crumble. Apples mix well with many other flavours too, sweet or savoury or all manner of herbs and spices from the warm and comforting cinnamon and ginger to the spicy and exotic chilli and star anise. This recipe can be adapted by adding either rosemary or chilli, or any other herbs or spices that take your fancy. l Apples

136 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 20 June 2022 11:09 am OUR FILENAME: July 22 Handcross Butcher Handcross Butchers LTD Windyhills, High Street, Handcross, West Sussex RH17 6BN 01444 400396 /400622 PROMOTION ONLY AVAILABLE TO COME INSTORE AND COLLECT ONE TRAY...£6.50 THREE TRAYS...£16.95 FIVE TRAYS...£25.50  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 19 August 2022 10:57 am OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 Eight Bells 1-2 The Eight Bells,The Street, Bolney, Haywards Heath, RH17 5QW 01444 881396 ◆ ◆ ◆ Don’t forget our superb Sunday roasts ◆ pre book advisable! Brush PartyWednesday 7th September @ 19:00 The fabulous Dee returns to the Eight Bells to guide us through painting ‘Sunset Lake’. There will be the usual fun and laughter, drinks and cocktails and a lovely masterpiece to take home! Book now as places are limited – book BolneyEight BellsThe


Lewes Farmers Market For a sumptuous selection of the best of fresh, local Sussex produce. Plenty of seasonal organic vegetables, handcrafted goat, sheep and cow cheeses, artisan breads, homemade cakes, organic milk and yoghurt, eggs, free range meats, wild game, pork pies, sausage rolls, jams, pickles, kimchi, gin and craft beers, vegan and gluten free delights, wood and charcoal, wool for knitting and healthy dog treats! Open the first and third Saturday of every month from 9am to 1pm, at Friars Walk car park, one minute walk from the Lewes precinct. e FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD Order online Free local delivery Membership Club•Tastings & Events Wine on tap & wine by the glass A new wine shop from The Royal in St Leonards 91/,Hastings,TN34 1RL (opposite Morrisons)éintheheartofForestRow10/11HartfieldRoadForestRowRH185DN

FOOD & DRINK Cuckfish Celebrating 3 years in the heart of Cuckfield, the menu at Cuckfish includes all the traditional favourites that a quality fish and chip shop should offer. The fish is freshly cooked to order and includes Cod, Haddock, Huss, Plaice and Skate along with tasty chips and usual side orders such as mushy peas or a pickled gherkin. All customers are catered for with additional options such as pies, pasties, sausages and chicken. Come and enjoy great tasting food lovingly cooked and prepared just for you. Unit 3, The Clock House, High Street, Haywards Heath RH17 5JX 01444 414414


The Wheatsheaf, Henfield The Wheatsheaf is a vibrant and laid-back country pub, located near the village of Henfield. Serving delicious homemade food which takes a quality modern European approach, with a Brazilian twist. A social hub and friendly pub with a great atmosphere and freshly prepared tasty food using locally sourced quality ingredients. The Wheatsheaf Deli/Shop is now open Monday to Saturday 9am-4pm and Sunday 9am-1pm, serving coffee, breakfast, lunch foods local Wheatsheaf Road, Woodmancote, Henfield BN5 9BD 01273 492077

138 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 PETS

the wettest on record! I can’t say I’m keen on the wet stuff myself, other than to drink of course. I prefer the water in my bowl to be pristine and fresh so I’m averse to those communal water bowls provided by well-intentioned people in public places. I once went for a summer walk on the Ashdown Forest, and ‘Her Indoors’, thinking I’d be thirsty, took me after to the communal bowl at the Visitors’ Centre. The look I gave her was apparently equivalent Unless the weather changes very dramatically between my paws clacking on the keyboard, and your September copy of Sussex Living magazine gracing your autumnal coffee table, it’s been a particularly dry spell. I, personally, blame ‘Them Indoors’. Having moved to a new house in the spring, they planted lots of plants in our garden, and if that isn’t an invitation for a prolonged spell of drought, necessitating weary rounds with the watering can, then I don’t know what is. And it’s not even possible to use a hose pipe as that has been banned. At our previous house, we had the definitive collection of rainwater butts, including one so big that people used to think it was the oil tank – not the oil delivery driver thankfully – so rainwater has always been the preferred garden option. I think this autumn will see another mass installation of water butts so we will be better equipped for next summer, which should make it

to the look ‘Him Indoors’ would likely give if he was invited to drink from a bowl shared by other random members of theI’mpublic.nottoo keen on water in all its other guises either. Rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, and even the sea, are fine for a little dabble if it’s really hot, but I never go further than my paws. I’ve watched all those BBC Wildlife programmes and you don’t know what’s lurking beneath. The apprentice, Bear, got caught out earlier this year. We regularly walk in a lovely, shady wood that has several ponds, one of which is covered in green algae. Deceived by this, and the fact that a couple of moorhens seemed to be walking on it okay, Bear charged forward to investigate said moorhens at close quarters. She immediately found herself up to her fufee in brackish pond water, looking a bit surprised. She was even more nonplussed to find that her little adventure meant an unsympathetic dousing with clean water from a watering can, when she got home. She’s lucky there’s a hosepipe ban, or it could have been worse. Every cloud has a silver lining, but we haven’t seen many clouds, silver lined or not, during this particular summer. l

With it being the driest summer on record since ’76, Teddy has been ruminating on water


“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. JOANNA 5I

We are a small team of UKs leading inhome pet end-of-life specialists in Sussex. Say goodbye to your beloved pet in your arms at home with our gentle two-step euthanasia - safe & loving for everyone.

“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. JOANNA 5I in-home vet service “I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”.


shadow,xx”.my in came for xx”. Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005

Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from

Call 07962 423 567 Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home

Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005.

139September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING For the rescue and re-homing of unwanted & abandoned animals, wildlife rescue & rehabilitation 01825 830444 • Registered Charity No. 1143338 Kit Wilson Sussex Life (September) Advert 93x130mm_Layout 1 31/03/2022 09:36 P Breed standards Pet BathHandPuppystylesintrosstrippingandblow dry Walk in nail clipping All breeds welcome FOR PAWS BIG SMALL& 01444 676 020 CALL TODAY to book an appointment DOGwww.woozelbears.comGROOMINGALLUltrasonic

Call 07962 423 567 Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from

“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. e too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginningeasked surroundings. He

“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and you all for your compassion to animals and the people them

Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005.

Call 07962 423 Quality of life consultations dignified two-step pet euthanasia in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home

Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005.

“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless of Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005.

JOANNA 5I long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning

Call 07962 423 567

62 423 567 uality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home in-home vetImagesserviceabove are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from them xx”. We are a small team of UKs leading in home pet end-of-life specialists in Sussex. Say goodbye to your beloved pet in your arms at home with our gentle two-step euthanasia - safe & loving for everyone.

Call 07962 423 567 Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home them xx”. When ‘that’ time comes, there is so much pain and confusion. Our darling Winnie had to make her journey over the rainbow bridge and thank goodness we called Vets2Home. Dr Suzen was professional, compassionate and made Winnie’s passing so peaceful, I cannot thank her enough! Every stage was explained to make sure we understood and we were able to spend time giving Winnie lots of last cuddles. Winnie has left a huge hole in our lives and my heart is broken. Thank you Dr Suzen and Vets2Home for helping us through this very difficultLouise,time.Brighton Dr Suzen, Founder & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005.

Call 07962 423 567 Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home

140 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Your local online directory Scan the QR code or visit Search for a range of care, support and wellbeing services Up-to-date information Helping you stay independent Age Concern Hassocks, a small, successful, independent charity operating a Social Day Centre is looking for a new Day Centre Manager For further information please contact us by email at: call our general office on 01273 844461, or visit us at Dale Avenue in Hassocks, BN6 8LW We are offering 28 hours a week, to be worked flexibly, from Monday to Friday, with the occasional Saturday morning. The job entails managing a small team of employees, administration of the Day Centre operations and Sage accounting. The successful candidate must be able to work in an environment with elderly people and will report to the Trustees of the charity. Salary is negotiable. Situated in Worthing at the base of the South Downs National Park Residential or respite care All rooms en suite Pets allowed with priornutritiousHomearrangementcooked,mealsChapelonsiteSt. ResidentialMary’sCareHome 14 Westbrook, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1RF 01903 233 nicole.homewood@worthingcarehome.com530 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 10 August 2022 3:52 pm OUR FILENAME: Sept 22 St Mary's 1-4 A home from home

Jane told me, “Each week, Ruby and I choose a couple of extracts from the book we are reading to shape the starting point, but it doesn’t matter if people haven’t read the book or it’s their first visit. Our discussions often take a fascinating, meandering journey to something else, and that’s part of the appeal – there’s no agenda. It’s all about the conversation.”

Ruby explained why people should consider volunteering. “On a practical level it’s an excellent opportunity to learn transferable skills, and running a group is a great way to meet people in your community. After the last two years, it feels wonderful to be doing something with others that is fun, and it’s lovely to spend an hour laughing and chatting.”

Volunteers use reading, including books, magazines and newspapers, to spark a conversation and encourage participants to chat and feel less isolated. Groups currently meet at Eastbourne, Hastings and Seaford libraries, and volunteers also visit housebound residents through the Home Library Services.

Jane felt Reading Friends would be a great way to help others feel less alone. She said, “I love books and libraries, and I like the idea of getting people talking and helping them reconnect with their community throughRubyreading.”startedvolunteering after moving to Hastings in late 2021. She recalled, “We moved in the depths of winter, which is not an easy time to meet people and get involved in the community. I was keen to do voluntary work as I had regular time each week to give to a project. I love reading and wanted to do something that was community based, and Reading Friends seemed the perfect fit.”

l If you’d like to volunteer or join a group,

Jane and Ruby both volunteered recently to run the Hastings Reading Friends group.

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 141

If you enjoy reading and would like to help combat loneliness in your community, there is a new befriending service in East Sussex which could use your help writes Laura Hughes

Groups read all sorts of reading materials, from short stories, poems and novels, to song lyrics. However, people don’t have to read anything before or at the session and everyone is welcome!

Ruby added, “The participants have huge input and colour how the session is going to go and what the conversation is going to become. You can never predict where the conversation ends up, which is the magic of it.” If you are interested in volunteering or setting up a Reading Friends group, you would be supported every step of the way. By volunteering, you can really make a difference to people’s lives through sharing stories and socialising.


Jane added, “I would encourage anyone who enjoys reading and would like to help others to think about volunteering. Or if the time isn’t right to volunteer, then just come along and join in the conversation.”

I love books and libraries, and I like the idea of getting people talking

East Sussex Libraries is looking for volunteers to help grow its Reading Friends programme. Delivered in partnership with the Reading Agency, the reading befriending programme brings people together to read, share stories, meet new friends or just chat.

142 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 FIND OUT MORE, VISIT Your Career Starts ECL is the trading name of Essex Cares Limited, Registered in England and Wales VAT Number: GB 945649774 Company Number: 06723149 Office: Seax House, Victoria Road South, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1QH Plus £500 new starter bonus • Flexible guaranteed contracted hours • Fully paid induction at normal hourly rate • 45p mileage allowance • Travelling time paid between calls • Annual salary reviews and performance bonus • Healthcare support scheme • Ongoing training and career development paid for by ECL • Up to £1500 ‘refer a friend’ scheme available to staff £13.50 per hour Monday to Friday £15.50 Weekends (£27,000 Full Time Equivalent) Hiring Now!£13.50phweekdays£15.50phweekendsWe’re ReablementrecruitingSupport Workers in Bognor, Crawley, Horsham, Worthing, Chichester and surrounding areas Independent, family run funeral services 64 High Street, Heathfield, TN21 8JB | 01435 868844 Belmont Buildings, High Street, Crowborough, TN6 2QB | 01892 487435 FRIENDLY AND APPROACHABLE HARPISTMargaret Watson 01403 740102 • 07957 669504 “Music Speaks” Hans Christian Anderson Margaret has been playing the harp in care homes and hospitals for over 20 years. Live music has such a positive effect on the elderly and those suffering with dementia, so she uses the powerful and universal language of music to help improve physical and mental health. Communicating and relating with words can be a struggle whereas the language of music connects and motivates. STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 8 December 2021 2:23 pm OUR FILENAME: Jan22 Margaret Watson 1-4 Margaret also provides Zoom Concerts We need volunteers to maintain rescue shelter pens in their gardens. The pens would be provided by the Cats Protection Charity, which also covers the running costs. LEWES, SEAFORD & DISTRICT BRANCH Help Needed Please register your interest on 01273 813111 (Option 1), leaving your name and phone number so that we may contact you.


Seven thousand miles from where he was born, William Henry Hudson lies in his final resting place at Worthing’s Broadwater cemetery. On his death, The Times eulogised that he was ‘unsurpassed as an English writer on nature’. His many admirers included the likes of Virginia Woolf and Joseph Conrad, who exclaimed of Hudson that he wrote ‘like grass that the good God made to grow’. Yet Hudson only attained his reputation after long years of penury and obscurity and is today largely forgotten. This year is the one hundredth anniversary of his death, an opportune moment to remind ourselves of his contribution to literature and his important connections to Sussex. The son of an American couple who had settled as sheep ranchers in Argentina, Hudson was born on 4th August 1841 in Quilmes, near Buenos Aires. His formal education was limited. Instead he read his way through the books in the family farmhouse and wandered alone across the pampas where he cultivated his love and knowledge of the natural world, a life described in his autobiography Far Away and Long Ago (1918). Hudson endured many early hardships. He contracted rheumatic fever as a teenager, which left him with a weakened heart. His mother died soon after, followed a few years later by his father.Unfastened from the mooring of his family, Hudson trained with the Argentinian military before travelling to Patagonia. His interest in natural history also led to him collecting bird

William Henry Hudson may have faded from prominence, but on the centenary of his death, Professor Clive Webb from the University of Sussex reveals Hudson’s life and work still offer value and relevance to the Sussex landscape today Hudson trained with the Argentinian military before travelling to Patagonia


September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 143

Portraits show how he bore some of his earlier adversity. He stood over six feet tall, his back and shoulders stooped, the eyes in his bearded face melancholy. In the words of his friend and biographer Morley Roberts, ‘He

144 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022


| | Find out what we’ve

Sussex folk were ‘good-looking people, and good to live with’ skins for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. In April 1874 he took the fateful decision to sail to England. Settling in London, Hudson suffered years of poverty. For a time, he slept in Hyde Park before moving into a boarding house. In 1876 he married his landlady, Emily Wingrave. They were an unconventional couple. A former soprano, Wingrave stood only as tall as her husband’s elbow. Only after her death did Hudson learn she was more than a decade his senior. Although loyal to one another, theirs was a companionable rather than romantic relationship that bore no children.

William took up his pen, producing numerous books on natural history including The Naturalist in La Plata (1892) and Idle Days in Patagonia (1893). He also wrote novels, among them The Crystal Age (1887) and Green Mansions (1904). None, however, met with critical or

The Hudsons struggled financially. Emily became bankrupt but inherited another boarding house and taught music lessons to make ends meet.

Countr y Lodge Nursing Home Quality care in beautiful surroundings Has daily life become a challenge because of older age? Why not come for a trial stay in our cosy former farmhouse with views over the Downs little slice of paradise…wonderful room…beautifully landscaped garden…the food was amazing” – Sophie (Daughter of Resident) St., High Salvington, Worthing BN13 3EX 830 600 been up



It was only in these later years that Hudson found recognition. He was a founding member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in 1889, eventually serving as its chairperson. Friends also lobbied for him to receive a civil service pension in 1901, the year after he finally became a British citizen.

to recently at

commercial success until they were republished late in Hudson’s life.

Barchester is proud to bring a luxury new care home to East Sussex, providing bespoke care in beautiful surroundings. Hazel Lodge will be a place where people matter, where care is uncompromising and where every individual is valued as a true one-off. That’s why you’ll fi nd each menu will be an experience. Every meal will be an occasion. And our wide choice of activities and events will bring joy and happiness to the people we care for. These are the things that mean the most. And because they matter to you, they matter to us. 63 North Trade Road, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 0HW Luxury New Care Home in East Sussex MARKETING SUITE NOW OPEN Residential Care • Dementia Care • Respite Care & Short Breaks • En-suite bedrooms with garden access • Cinema Call 01424 315 458 to book an appointment.

145September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING looked like a half-tamed hawk which at any moment might take to the skies and return no Hudsonmore.’wrote not only about South America but also about the flora and fauna of his adopted homeland. Dressed in starched collar and tweed coat with field glasses in hand he roamed across the countryside, recording his encounters with wildlife in such work as Hampshire Days (1903) and A Shepherd’s Life (1910). Of particular interest to readers of this magazine are his impressions of Sussex in the 1900 book Nature in Downland

The naturalist knew Sussex well. He holidayed in Shoreham and wandered on foot across the entire county, his travels during the long, dry summer of 1899 the basis of his book. Hudson was enchanted by many of the villages in which he wandered around churches and cemeteries, admired old timber framed houses and drank the ale of local inns. Alfriston, Ditchling and South Harting were among the rural communities that won his affection. He was less enthusiastic about larger towns. The seafront at Brighton afforded him some pleasure despite the overpowering smell of fried fish. But he loathed Chichester. The city smelled so bad, he claimed, that it induced a sickness he described as a bad case of ‘the chichesters’. Even by the standards of a county whose inhabitants he believed were too familiar with the bottle, Hudson was appalled by locals’ ‘perpetual swilling’. What redeemed Chichester was its cathedral. For the modern rambler it is still possible to share with Hudson the panoramic view of the spire framed by Chichester Cathedral

Hudson claimed, ‘illegitimate children are as plentiful as blackberries’

A decade or so after the publication of Nature in Downland, Hudson’s wife, by then in declining health, moved from London to Worthing. Hudson remained in the capital but loyalty to Emily made him a regular visitor to the south coast until illness also left him bedridden. He died on 18th August 1922 and was buried alongside Emily, who passed away the previous year.

At a time when many people never left the places where they were born Hudson believed it possible to note the distinctive human characteristics of different counties. Sussex folk were ‘good-looking people, and good to live with’, he observed, though not so much as the population of Somerset. Hudson also admired their ‘stability of character, their sturdy independence of spirit, and, with it, patient contentment with a life of unremitting toil’. But the people of Sussex had their vices as well as their virtues. ‘In some of the villages,’ Hudson claimed, ‘illegitimate children are as plentiful as blackberries’. More plentiful still was the amount of alcohol they consumed, far more than in any other county. Thankfully they possessed ‘remarkably steady heads and carry their liquor well’. As much as he delighted in the abundance and diversity of Sussex wildlife, Hudson also despaired of its increasingly rapid decline. Hudson accepted the passing of the black oxen that pulled farmers’ ploughs across county fields.

the rolling South Downs, to see as he did how ‘it pulls the scene together, and gives it a unity and distinction which it would never have possessed if by chance men had not built that spire precisely where it stands’. Other cathedrals might be architecturally finer, he wrote, but none harmonised closer with the surrounding landscape.

One hundred years after his death the Sussex scenery through which Hudson walked would be familiar to him in some respects but unrecognisable in others. Our coast and countryside are still places of outstanding natural beauty. Yet climate change, urban development and intensive agriculture have had a profoundly negative impact. Birds beloved to Hudson such as the swift and wheatear are now endangered. In this centennial year we can best honour the legacy of this pioneering naturalist by supporting conservationists in protecting and promoting Sussex wildlife. Hudson’s writing is an important message from the past about the need to protect and promote the future of the natural world. l

For Hudson one of the most potent symbols of that loss was the stone curlew. Chancing upon a solitary bird as he strolled across the South Downs the naturalist lamented, ‘perhaps that wild yet human-like whistle is uttered in my hearing was its last farewell’.

Hudson wrote poetically but precisely about the plants and animals that populated the Downs. To read him is to see the colours and smell the scents of flowers from Viper’s bugloss to Wild scabious. It is also to learn in intimate detail of all sorts of animal life, especially birds. He afforded the same forensic attention to the farming communities who lived and laboured on the Downs.

146 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

But he was less sanguine about the decimation of birds that fell victim to the Victorian obsession with hunting, egg collecting and feather wearing. ‘It may be said, without injustice,’ he wrote, ‘that Sussex has distinguished itself above all counties…in the large number of native species it has succeeded in extirpating during the present century.’

The bird song that once filled the Sussex landscape had, Hudson observed, been sadly muted by the loss of so many species. Bustard, chough, and hen harrier were among the birds that had disappeared from the land and the sky.

Our highly trained care home teams are specialists in residential, nursing, dementia and respite care. With some of the highest care ratings in the UK, we’re trusted to help you and your family at every step of your journey. If you’re considering permanent or respite care for yourself or a loved one, call 0330 433 1739 to arrange a tour or one-to-one chat, or visit Trusted to care. localYourcarehomes Francis Court, Copthorne Heather View, Crowborough Martlet Manor, Haywards Heath Mill View, East Grinstead

At Angmering Grange Care Home, we don’t just provide residential, nursing and dementia care of the highest quality – we help our residents carry on enjoying the everyday routines we all cherish. From the delicious treats of the ice cream parlour to sights and sounds of the cinema or simply just chatting with friends in our landscaped gardens, it’s all about living life to the full within our community of care. To see for yourself what makes Angmering Grange a care home with a difference, go to, call our Customer Relationship Manager, Kate, on 01903 444110, or drop by for a visit at 11 Sea Lane, Rustington, BN16 2RD

Coming soon: a new ice cream parlour in Angmering


tick off his list and enjoy the precious time he had with his family and friends.

Laughter played a large part in Taylor’s life, with his comedy hero being the wonderful John Bishop. When he was very ill, he often watched John’s comedy videos with his family and Taylor’s laughter filled the air which created some memorable times and smiles. Taylor was lucky enough to meet John in Nottingham in 2010 when John kindly invited him and his family to his Sunshine show. It was whilst fulfilling Taylor’s list that Suzi decided


Taylor-Made Dreams enables children with terminal and life-limiting illnesses to achieve their dreams when time is so

Taylor swimming with a dolphin Suzi with Taylor-Made Dreams patron John Bishop

Dreams to Life

t was in 2009 that Taylor and his mother Suzi, watched the film The Bucket List ; a film about two cancer patients who write a bucket list of things they wanted to do before they die. After watching the film they decided to compile Taylor’s own bucket list. Then two dear friends of the family, Julie Little and Trudy Yardley, began a fundraising campaign named ‘Taylor’s Bucket of Wishes’ to help Taylor to achieve his dreams. Over the next two years, valuable funds were raised which meant Taylor could In 2008, aged 11 years old, Taylor Mitchell from Crowborough, son of TaylorMade Dreams CEO Suzi Mitchell, was diagnosed with a terminal condition that changed his and his family’s lives forever, as Adele Trathan discovered

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 149

It was whilst fulfilling Taylor’s list that Suzi decided she would one day set up a charity to do the same for other children she would one day set up a charity to do the same for other children with lifelimiting illnesses. It was in 2013 that Suzi put her plan into action and worked towards making her vision a reality. With help from a friend in the charity sector, her plan came to fruition in just under a year and TaylorMade Dreams became a registered charity in August 2014. Subsequently, John Bishop agreed to become the official patron of TaylorMade Dreams and they are proud to have his continued support towards Taylor’s legacy.

Tim withVineJosh

Dreams offer Medical Travel Grants of £250 to help families fund transport to appointments.Tohelpcreate precious memories, family portraits and individual photoshoots are offered and then gifted on a memory stick containing all the images with their favourite one digitally transferred onto a canvas as a memory of their experience. In 2021, Taylor-Made Dreams set up a technology loan library. The TLL provides hands-free communication aids for children who have limited or no verbal communication. Through the use of this special equipment, children and families are able to communicate, which is a very precious gift for all.

The Taylor-Made Dreams Sibling Support Service was launched in 2022, to provide a space to the brothers and sisters of unwell children. Bespoke workshops are offered to siblings so they can connect with other children who understand their situation and who face the same challenges. Workshops have included visiting and volunteering at Willows Bird of Prey Centre, enjoying a performance of The Lion King in London, attending an escape room and having afternoon tea at the Waldorf Hilton. Next stop Thorpe Park for a day of laughter and scary rides! The dragonfly is Taylor-Made Dreams’ symbol of remembering a lost loved one, so when the family say goodbye to their loved one they are presented with a silver dragonfly memory pendant with the name of their child engraved on the reverse as a precious keepsake.

Taylor’s legacy continues to live on through Taylor-Made Dreams, raising smiles in the eyes of children with terminal and life-limiting illnesses across Sussex, Kent and Surrey. l If you would like more information or to become an individual monthly donor or corporate supporter of Taylor-Made Dreams, please contact:–@TMDCharity–@Taysbucket–thetmdteamRegistrationNumber–1158174

John Bishop with Bobbie-Jean

precious. It starts by helping the children write a ‘Bucket List’ of things they would like to do, people they would like to meet and things they would like to own. Once complete the aim is to make the wishes a reality. There is never a promise or guarantee to fulfil everything on a child’s list although they do try their very best – luckily no child has asked to have tea with the Queen yet! To date the charity has gifted over 1,600 individual bucket list items or experiences, they have also sourced and financially supported holistic therapy and counselling sessions for children and their families. The treatments include reiki, osteopathy, holistic massage, hand massage and oneto-one or group counselling. So far more than 1,500 holistic therapy and counselling sessions have been funded across Sussex, Kent and Surrey. Taylor is still very much the inspiration for the charity, especially when it comes to providing and creating services. For example; Taylor was provided with a medical sheepskin fleece which gave him great comfort in his last months as it helps prevent pressure sores and helps with heat regulation, so the charity helps fund the provision of medical sheepskin fleeces. They also found taking Taylor to numerous medical appointments in London proved very costly Taylor-Madeso

David Walliams with Toby Olivia with her baby brother Sir BenwithAinsleyToby

150 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

To nd out more about how Signature at Eastbourne can provide total peace of mind for you and your loved ones, please contact our Client Liaison Manager today. 01323 306759 | | At Signature at Eastbourne we understand each individual’s journey living with dementia is di erent which is why the care we provide is bespoke to each resident to t around each of their needs, likes and dislikes. Our approach is to get to know our residents, be encouraging, supportive and reassuring enabling our residents to live well with dementia. A life lived well with dementia A truly bespoke approach to dementia care, the Signature Way 13 December 2018 ASSISTED LIVING | DEMENTIA CARE | NURSING | RESPITE

Since April it’s been possible for couples to apply for divorce without blaming the other. This is great news for me as hitherto clients would have to think up ‘unreasonable’ behaviour about the other when they’d just fallen out of love. Citing adultery was not without its emotional fall out. Also a the term adultery didn’t apply to same sex couples unless the adultery was with someone of the opposite sex; a silly discrimination. This is a brave new era, a new freedom.

Please call to discuss what might be the best process for you on 07780676212 or email

The holidays are arriving in December with Christmas, Hannukah and for Buddhists: Bodhi Day (Buddha’s Enlightenment) being celebrated/marked. Even if these religious holidays mean little to you, many of us will be having time off. The bank holi days fall on the Monday 27th and 28th December, so a 4-day weekend this year. Have you planned what you are doing already or are you thinking there might be another lockdown?

Child Inclusive Mediation does just that. It enables the child (with the consent of both parents and the child(ren) to have their views heard. It does not mean that the child will be asked where they want to live or how often they want to see each parent. Rather that they can send ‘messages’ back to their parents though the mediator. Usually the child will be 10 and older but often it is helpful to hear from younger children. In particular, they will skilfully (and subtly) be asked how things are, how are their parents, how are they? How do they see their family? What makes their mum and dad happy? What makes the child happy? What makes them sad? Whenever parents hear back from their children it is always emotional, sometimes surprising and very often positive. Research has shown that when young adults are asked what upset them most about their parents break up, it was that they didn’t have a voice. They don’t expect their voice to have affected the outcome but they would just have liked to have had the chance.


United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child… ’was agreed by governments (including ours) around the world in 1989. It says what they must do so that children grow as healthy as possible, can learn at school, receive protection, have their views listened to and are treated fairly. All the rights in the Convention apply to every child, no matter who they are or where they come from.’ (Pocket Book of Children’s Rights, UNICEF).

152 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

Couples break up and although it’s hard for everyone involved, it doesn’t have to be World War III. I work with couples and we sort things out, sensibly and in a future focussed way. Using my Workbooks, they gain insight into their relationship and the things they value. Either in mediation or as a solicitor neutral – we get results. And not too expensively.

Child MediationInclusive Giving children a voice New offices in withHorshamparking! HAVE YOUR FINANCES BEEN IMPACTED BY RECENT EVENTS? If you are concerned about the outlook for investments and what action you should take, we are here to help you. We are delighted to invite you to an investment seminar, where NFU Mutual Chief Investment Manager will give an insight into the investment market and how NFU Mutual are navigating it on behalf of our investment customers. For more information and to book your place, please call the team at Chichester and Horsham Agency on 01273 031898 or email NFU Mutual Financial Advisers advise on NFU Mutual products and selected products from specialist providers. When you get in touch, we’ll explain the advice services offered and the charges. Financial Advice is provided by NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited. Please remember the value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back what you put in. Chatan A Modi is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No. 111982). And an introducer to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited, a member of the NFU Mutual group of companies.

Please call to discuss what might be the best process for you on 07780676212 or email For more details about how I work visit

No fault divorce – sorting things out without the blame game

Article 12 – ‘Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.’

For more details about how I work visit

The holiday season can be challenging as a parent. It’s especially challenging when separated and not having quite sorted out the arrangements. I work with parents using a workbook called, ‘Our Family in Two Homes’ which really helps us think about what’s important and when. It creates an easy way of talking about where the children will be and when. So, when you instruct me as a lawyer or as a mediator you will get one of these workbooks charged at cost price. It’s priceless for both parents to be able to work/think families



During times of high inflation, investors often seek to diversify their portfolios by hedging their bets on commodities and collectibles, but there is no guarantee you will increase or safeguard your money. First and foremost, you either need to be an expert in your chosen field or have access to those with expert knowledgeexperience.andAlso,don’tdismisstheimpactofnostalgiaonanitem’s

• The initial cost of acquiring the collectible

• The need to store and care for collectibles to maintain their condition

Investors purchasing such objects need to stump up the initial asking price and then maintain the physical condition of the object, all in the hope that it will rise in value over time.

• The lack of income or dividends they generate during ownership



With rare Beanie Babies, Silvamoney?placecollectiblesinvestment,onappreciationreturningmobileandhandbags,designertrainersevensomeoldphonesallahealthytheirinitialareasafeforyourLisadeinvestigates

ollectibles fall into the category of investments,alternativewhichare assets not held in stocks, bonds, or cash. They differ from traditional investments because they can be difficult to sell or to convert into cash. These non-traditional investments can include a wide range of assets, some of the most popular being rare wines, fine art, vintage cars, jewellery, mintcondition toys, books, and handbags.

With diligent research, those with a genuine passion for a particular collectible can make a great return on their investments. Along with this, the main benefits of this type of investment




The best starting point is to choose an area that you’re interested in


• The potential destruction of the collectible owing to mishandling, natural or human disasters•Therisk of fraud – the market in fake collectibles is huge The lack of liquidity if you need your cash quickly

•include:Diversification of your financial portfolio•Portability of your investment, as physical assets collectibles can be transported and traded across the globe • Opportunity to benefit from a passion and enjoy owning your collectibles while waiting for them to appreciate

• The element of fun and collectiblessourcingchallengetheofyour can be just as rewarding as actually owning them WHAT ARE THE RISKS COLLECTIBLES?INVESTINGOFIN

• The ease with which anyone can start collecting, using online shopping auctions, flea markets and conventional retail outlets

While investing in collectibles can be more enriching and interesting than other investment vehicles, the drawbacks include:


Back in 2007 when they were first released, a pair of Nike SB trainers cost £91. Today, a new, boxed, and unworn pair will set you back at least £4,000. In July 2019, a pair of rare 1972 Nike Moon Shoe trainers sold for a colossal £350,000 and in April 2021, Sotheby’s sold Kanye West’s Nike Air Yeezy 1 Prototype, which he wore in 2008 during the Grammy Awards for £1.5m.Tostart investing in the trainers’ market, look out for limited edition launches and brand collaborations with fashion houses and celebrities. Keeping them boxed is essential but remember there are no guarantees of a hefty return, so only invest if you will derive genuine joy from them.owning l

154 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022                                           value. These ‘nostalgia cycles’ work on a 20–30-year loop. So, things that are popular today, may become valuable over the next couple of decades as people seek to reconnect with their past. Who knew that Beanie Babies would one day be a collector’s item? As a rule of thumb, most financial advisors would recommend that you do not hold more than 10% of your total portfolio or wealth in collectibles. So, where do you start? The best starting point is to choose an area that you’re genuinely interested in and start curating your own collection. Let’s take trainers, as an example, which are having a bit of a moment.

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 155 Benford Accountancy Ltd Benford Accountancy Ltd offers bookkeeping, accounting services, payroll solutions and more. We serve small to medium businesses, traders, companies and partnerships in Burgess Hill, Haywards Heath and surrounding areas. Accounting VATservices Corporate&Bookkeepingaccountingtax PayrollSelf-assessment Taking care of all your accounting needs Call us today! 01273 569138 Monday - Friday 9am -5pm STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 18 July 2022 4:58 pm OUR FILENAME: Aug 22 Benford Accountancy A green alternative to a traditional cemetery Set in 15 acres of countryside you can be part of a new English wood that will be protected from development, within the South Downs National Park. Brighton Road, Clayton ,West Sussex BN6 9PD 01273 843842 Get in touch Dedicated areas for natural burial and scattering are surrounded by native trees for future generations to visit, remember and enjoy. KEYMER HASLAM & CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS & INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISERS Keymer Haslam & Co is a local accountancy practice with offices in Burgess Hill and Lewes We provide the high value service you would expect from a professional, qualified practice at a low cost, which you would not expect. ● ACCOUNTANCY ● TAXATION ● INVESTMENT SERVICES ● Call us for a friendly, personal and efficient service for all your business needs 4/6 Church Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9AE 01444 247871 Email:,, Website:

LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY 156 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Why not promote your business in our new online directory at 01273 835355 | | /sussexliving | @sussexliving LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY ❤ WEST DOMESTIC CLEANING SERVICES Who was Stella? To find out go to: Stella’s Sparkles Ltd • Tel: 01444 459130 For a homespotless–justlikeStella’s Fullyoperativescleaningtrained STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 20 May 2022 12:47 pm OUR FILENAME: June 22 Stella's Sparkles 4 Regularonline:BookorSpringClean andinsuredFullyDBSchecked Male erectile dysfunction tablets and female libido tablets. Call: 07719 546824 Free discreet p&p All methods of payment accepted Member of Your local decorating professionals solu t ionsbyidl@gmail co m ww w. idlaidlowdecora t ing s er vic es .c om Fully insured Fully Publishedqualifiedby Dulux Master Decorators (Est.1989) 075 1211 3893 01444 455 441 BEST PRICES PAID FOR TOP QUALITY VINYLS Give me a call on 01243 870375 or 07966 519247 and ask for Garry Or email me at (and include some pictures of your records) ● If you have a collection stored away or looking to make space then please give me a call. ● I offer a personal service where I come to you at a convenient time. ● Any sized collection considered even the HUGE ones ● 25 years experience and a friendly expert valuation given THINKING OF SELLING YOUR RECORD COLLECTION? STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 20 April 2022 6:22 pm OUR FILENAME: May 22 Junk Clear Skip Bags Ideal for restricted areas • Soil • Hardcore • • General waste • Just pay for what you fill 01293 538555 Available 6 days a week

September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 157To find out more please call 01273 835355 or email: £5million insurance & a Receipt Peace of mind that we’re a proper business. Timed Appointment You can track our arrival online Conservatories & up to 4 Storeys Tall buildings, schools,nursing homes and industrial units. or online 01273 929 914 Get an instant price Reviews5000+ Reviews5000+ Excellent4.96 Excellent  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 19 May 2021 4:35 pm OUR FILENAME: June 19 Tricodent 4unit BURGESS HILL ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC Suite 4, 1 Teknol House, Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9LH With over 25 years experience, Dr Alice Zhao offers treatments for: • 07735 083316 Opening Hours: Monday-Friday, 9.30am-5.30pm •Pain relief •••SciaticaSlippeddiscFacialAesthetics •Back pain ••••InfertilityDepressionInsomniaSkindisorders •••NeuralgiaNervepainTennisElbow Enjoy a relaxing break in a Shepherd’s,WESTSUSSEXShepherdhuts&cosyoffgridlodge.Setin8acresofbeautifulcountrysideApeacefulretreatwithexceptionalwildlife.Hopefullywatchthekingfisherdisplayonthelake! CLASS 4, 5 & 7 HOURS OF OPERATION Mon-Fri: 8-5.30pm Sat: 8-12pm Unit 18, SM Tidy’s Industrial Estate, Ditchling Common, Hassocks, West Sussex BN6 8SG Tel: 01444 Keeping Business Local! JOHNSONS Accident Repair Specialists All types of bodywork undertaken from a small stratch to large accident repair 29 Victoria Gardens, Victoria Industrial Estate, Burgess Hill RH15 9NB CALL US ON 01444 242777 Insurance claims (you have the right to the repairer of your choice) STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 28 July 2021 1:06 pm OUR FILENAME: March 21 Brook Street Garage 1-8 MOT • Servicing & Repairs • Tyres • Aircon • Brakes • Clutches • Batteries • Diagnostics • Exhausts • Engine Carbon Clean • 4 Wheel Alignment • Free Local Collections & Deliveries Car Repairs & DiagnosticsServicingMOTTestingVehicle&,SparksLane,Cuckfield,HaywardsHeathRH17 5JP THE SOUTH’S LEADING 01444 474516 www. mrbovenclean info@ mrbovenclean OVENSPECIALISTSCLEANING Christopher Jones Architectural Designer & Planning Consultant 01444 250374 07736 www.architectural.jones-projects.comenquiries@jones-projects.com589002 Preparation of RegulationsPlanning/BuildingDrawings • New Build • Extensions • • Loft Conversions • • Basements • Victoria Rumens • Garden design • Digital plans for all outdoor spaces • 3D Experience walkthroughsVideo • Outdoor furniture advice • Working closely with local trades to make it all info@valleyhouseinteriors.comwww.valleyhouseinteriors.comhappen 07591 121 329 Valley House Interiors and Landscape Design Book a FREE site visit today  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 19 August 2022 10:09 am OURFILENAME:Sept22TheValleyHouseInteriors1-16  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: April 7, 2017 10:35 AM OUR FILENAME: May17 Lewis decoration 2 unit LEWISTel.01444DECORATIONS233073 DECORATINGQUALITYSERVICES0144423307307446951109Established25years.CityandGuilds Qualified. LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY

LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY 158 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Unit 27, Mid Sussex Business Park, Ditchling Common, Ditchling, West Sussex BN6 8SE Email: Tel: 01444 254910 / 07788 Southdown580024Bodyshop• Accident Repairs • Trade / Retail / Dents / Scratches / Stains • Loan Cars Available • MOT Welding • Valeting • ICI Mixing Scheme – Low Bake Oven • Local Pick Up Service OF SUSSEX GRATE FIRES For friendly advice & Creators of beautiful Landscapegardens Gardeners Garden design & waterscapes Hard & soft landscapes Planting & tree work Paving & PondDeckingdriveways&fencingmaintenance ANNIVERSARY50 thth Est.1960 of Ditchling Ltd Est.1960 Creators of beautiful water and landscape gardens • Garden design & waterscapes • Hard & soft landscapes • Paving & driveways • Decking & fencing • Pond maintenance • Planting & tree work For friendly advice and a free quote, please contact: Landscape Gardeners 01273 843283 Web: • Handcarved house names • House numbers • Restoration carving > Installation of Up & Over, Roller and Sectional garage doors > Repair and maintenance > Professional tradesman > Trustworthy & reliable > Free quotations > Family run business 01342 311550 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: March 21, 2018 1:04 PM OUR FILENAME: April18 GM Garage doors 2 1 Local, coaches.holidayBusinessProfessionalExperienced,ChauffeurServicetravel,corporatetravel,airporttransfers,transferstotrains,cruiseliners,ferriesandAdultandchildstudenttravel,orjustafundayout.Reasonable,competitiveprices Please call/email for further info or a quote John 07881 belljohn@btinternet.com292669 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 14 March 2022 1:09 pm OUR FILENAME: April 22 Assured Roofing 1-2 MOSS REMOVAL FIND AND REPAIR A LEAK WE DO NOT USE PRESSURE WASHERS YOUR HOME BECOMES OUR IMPORTANCE FROM £325 FROM £380 Hard wire brush only for tough areas Anti-Moss and Algae treatment Gutters cleaned outlets unblocked Clean and effective moss removal New Roofs and Roof Repairs - Assured Roofing has it covered! Whatever roofing work you require, our team of qualified, experienced roofers work to the highest standards every time. EMERGENCY CALL OUTS 24/7 Office - 01903 910135 • Mobile - 07961609811 Give your roof a new look Safe ladder access installed All moss cleaned by hand Soft hand brushes used • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Flat Roofs • Gutters & Facias • Chimneys FREE QUOTATIONS • FREE INSPECTIONS • NO CALL OUT CHARGE We are proud members of Approved Roofers which is the premier roofing trades association in the UK. All new works carry our fully insured 10-20 year back up MOSS REMOVAL FIND AND REPAIR A LEAK WE DO NOT USE PRESSURE WASHERS YOUR HOME BECOMES OUR IMPORTANCE FROM £325 FROM £380 Hard wire brush only for tough areas Anti-Moss and Algae treatment Gutters cleaned outlets unblocked Clean and effective moss removal New Roofs and Roof Repairs - Assured Roofing has it covered! Whatever roofing work you require, our team of qualified, experienced roofers work to the highest standards every time. EMERGENCY CALL OUTS 24/7 Office - 01903 910135 • Mobile - 07961609811 Give your roof a new look Safe ladder access installed All moss cleaned by hand Soft hand brushes used • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Flat Roofs • Gutters & Facias • Chimneys FREE QUOTATIONS • FREE INSPECTIONS • NO CALL OUT CHARGE We are proud members of Approved Roofers which is the premier roofing trades association in the UK. All new works carry our fully insured 10-20 year back up MOSS REMOVAL FIND AND REPAIR A LEAK WE DO NOT USE PRESSURE WASHERS YOUR HOME BECOMES OUR IMPORTANCE FROM £325 FROM £380 Hard wire brush only for tough areas Anti-Moss and Algae treatment Gutters cleaned outlets unblocked Clean and effective moss removal New Roofs and Roof Repairs - Assured Roofing has it covered! Whatever roofing work you require, our team of qualified, experienced roofers work to the highest standards every time. EMERGENCY CALL OUTS 24/7 Office - 01903 910135 • Mobile - 07961609811 Give your roof a new look Safe ladder access installed All moss cleaned by hand Soft hand brushes used • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Flat Roofs • Gutters & Facias • Chimneys FREE QUOTATIONS • FREE INSPECTIONS • NO CALL OUT CHARGE We are proud members of Approved Roofers which is the premier roofing trades association in the UK. All new works carry our fully insured 10-20 year back up MOSS REMOVAL FIND AND REPAIR A LEAK WE DO NOT USE PRESSURE WASHERS YOUR HOME BECOMES OUR IMPORTANCE FROM £325 FROM £380 Hard wire brush only for tough areas Anti-Moss and Algae treatment Gutters cleaned outlets unblocked Clean and effective moss removal New Roofs and Roof Repairs - Assured Roofing has it covered! Whatever roofing work you require, our team of qualified, experienced roofers work to the highest standards every time. EMERGENCY CALL OUTS 24/7 Office - 01903 910135 • Mobile - 07961609811 Give your roof a new look Safe ladder access installed All moss cleaned by hand Soft hand brushes used • New Roofs • Roof Repairs • Flat Roofs • Gutters & Facias • Chimneys FREE QUOTATIONS • FREE INSPECTIONS • NO CALL OUT CHARGE We are proud members of Approved Roofers which is the premier roofing trades association in the UK. All new works carry our fully insured 10-20 year back up Horsham: 01403 458170 Haywards Heath: 01444 682996 Worthing: 01903 372987 Crawley: 01293 92299 East Grinstead: 01342 612013 FROM £285 FROM £250

LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 159To find out more please call 01273 835355 or email: • Over 70 quality used cars in stock • Renault & Kia specialists • All makes servicing & parts • MOT testing • Fuel station & shop • Sell your car Sales, service & parts 01444 Ditchling Road, Wivelsfield, Haywards Heath RH17 7RF We keep you on the road BALDOCKS ALL MAKES STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 20 June 2022 2:58 pm OUR FILENAME: July 22 Baldocks 1-8 SUSSEX LANDSCAPING AND GROUNDWORKS 07841 933997 Your local, time-served experts for landscaping services and all groundworks.associated chilli pepper tv TRANSFERSVIDEOAlltypesofvideostransferredtoDVD or MP4 file VHS VHS-C MINI DV DVCAM Hi8 Digital Hi8 Email: Call: 07718 368508  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 16 August 2021 12:18 pm OUR FILENAME: Sept 21 Chilli Pepper TV 2 This price also includes a free graphic design service to produce an eye catching advert to promote your business. For more info: Call 01273 835355 or email You could be advertising in this space for as little as per month for regular bookings £24 + VAT Hurst &CarsHassocks Long and Short distances Hurstpierpoint Hassocks • Burgess Hill Tel: 01444 25 33 28 Email: THE PEST MAN & WASP PESTLOCALMANCONTROLforSussex 07900 980 194 NOW IN STOCK • Draper Garden Tools • Garden Seeds • • Compost • BBQ Charcoal • • Sharpening Service • Key Cutting • • Dulux Paint Mixing • SodaStream Canisters • • Housewares • DIY • Tools • 8 Orion Parade Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QA Tel: 01273 843878 Friendly professional service STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 20 May 2022 3:45 pm OUR FILENAME: June 22 Hassocks Hardware 8 Use code 175 for discounts on selected products • Trade accounts available • DOG GROOMING BLOW & GO All breeds trimmed, shampooed, clipped with special attention to nails and ears 01342 323833 The Paddocks, Lewes Road (A22), East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3TD experience30Overyears STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 18 February 2022 3:22 pm OUR FILENAME: March 22 Dog Grooming 8

160 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Unit 1, The Old Brickworks, Station Road, Plumpton Green, East Sussex BN7 3DF A friendly and professionally run garage, with over 40 years experience in all aspects of vehicle repairs, old, new, classic, sports & prestige All Makes & Models • MOTs & Servicing • Repairs Diagnostic Specialists • Wheel Alignment • Tyres & Exhausts Clutches • Cambelts • ECU Remapping • Air Conditioning • Brakes Brake Disc Skimming • Welding & Fabrication • Vapour Blasting Petrol Injector Testing & Servicing • Performance engineering Diesel Specialists • Carbon Cleaning • Courtesy Cars Tel: 01273 891393 Email: STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 26 July 2021 11:36 am OUR FILENAME: August 21 Rw Motor Engineering 1-4 WANT TO BUILD YOUR BUSINESS? Advertise with Contact 01273 835355 I TL Plumbing & Heating  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 18 May 2022 1:17 pm OUR FILENAME: June 22 TL Plumbing Mobile: 07530 450984 Email: Puckamuck is a Registered Trademark. PUCKAMUCK • Shred on site so easy to handle and spread. • Fully aged by us so ready to use straight away. • 100% manure - no green waste, peat-free and no odour! A natural growth accelerator for plants and vegetables Puckamuck is a completely natural and organically sourced well-rotted horse manure. • Manual & power sweeping • Stove replacement parts • Cowls, bird-guards & Chimney pots • Bird nest removal 15+ Years Experience 01444 682882 Proudly ThroughoutSweepingSussex STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 21 February 2022 4:44 pm OUR FILENAME: Mar 22 Crisp & Co. 4 CROSS CODE A N E M I A D I S O W N C A A U A A A L O C T A G O N M A L A R I A B U N T P M L W W A R M E R D L O G O F F E A T B A D N R U B A L L C M A I D O L M A C A B R E A C I D T G C U S E R B N F D E N R Y A R A B B I T D T E R R O R U O N H B V I E P L U M A G E E T E R N A L T N L R L R G Y A D V E R B T A B L E T 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 General Knowledge Crossword Solution #008 Answers: Across: 1. Anemia, 5. Disown, 10. Octagon, 11. Malaria, 12. Warmer, 14. Logoff, 15. Bad, 16. Ball, 19. Idol, 20. Macabre, 21. Acid, 23. User, 27. Den, 29. Rabbit, 30. Terror, Plumage, 34. Eternal, 35. Adverb, 36. Tablet.Down: 2. Natural, 3. Magnet, 4. Aunt, 5. Damp, 6. Salmon, 7. Warlord, 8. Cobweb, 9. Lawful, 13. Damaged, 17. Cat, 18. Arc, 21. Abrupt, 22. Inbound, 24. Syringe, 25. Rarely, 26. Finale, 28. Reverb, 31. Herb, 32. Blet. CROSSWORD WORD LADDER FROM PAGE 40 Sudoku#007Solution SUDOKUWEB • First select a number/operator and than apply it to a sudoku cell. 762185394915436278348792516153274689824369157679518423296853741437921865581647932 SUDOKU 141 152 163 174 185 196 207 218 229 2310 2411 2512 2613U M S ECAV T B L I N D X H R Y O W G Z F P U Z Z L E J K P Q DOSHDISHFISHDOATGOAT LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY

LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 161To find out more please call 01273 835355 or email:  STUDIO PROOF Burgess Hill Glazing Limited STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 24 January 2022 10:46 am OUR FILENAME: June22 BHG 8 For All Your Glass & Glazing Requirements From Green House Glass & Balustrade Glass Replacement Misty Double Glazed Units to both Timber & UPVC All UPVC & Door Replacements Servicing the Whole of Sussex & Surrey No Job Too Small Call or Email Us Today For Your Free, No Obligation Andy: 07851 667136 SBIWT244.indd need shelter and shade?your outdoor living space SBI Ltd 0800 0742 721 Verandas • Glass Rooms • Awnings • Pergolas Carports • Solar Garage Doors & Shutters SBI Ltd 0800 0742 721 Enhance your outdoor living space Verandas • Glass Rooms • Awnings • Pergolas Carports • Solar Garage Doors & Shutters SBIWT244.indd 1 27/07/2022 11:26 Contact us for a no-nonsense quote: Tel: 01444 UNIT 12 & 13 SHEDDINGDEAN BUSINESS CENTRE, BURGESS HILL MOTS ONLY £40 EngineWeldingRepairsMOTDiagnostics TyresAirBrakesServicingCon Does your car need a Holiday check? STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: May 25, 2021 1:13 PM OUR FILENAME: June 21 Ellis Motors 1 hour and ½ hour bookings. Perfect for recall training, reactive and fearful dogs, rescues, puppies, or simply having fun in a safe area. ARE YOU IRONING BORED? Then let me take the boredom away I LOVE IRONING! I can collect & deliver to suit you. Also available for other Household Chores, Shopping, Cleaning etc. Call Diane on 07946 212889 or 01273 640671 STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 24 January 2022 11:08 am OUR FILENAME: Feb 22 Di's Ad 4 Based in Hurstpierpoint. Pick up and delivery within a 5 mile radius, over that a price can be arranged.

162 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Dixon & Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Local independent firm specialising in small businesses and personal taxation • Accounts – Tax Returns • Management Advice • Payroll Service • Debt Management Phone 01825 891034 for free consultation Unit C3, Bird in Eye Farm, Uckfield RHINO ROD Emergency Drain Clearance and Repair 07925 950133 | We’re confident we can offer you the very best prices Call or book online for a quote Est 1981 01825 712794 SERVING EAST & WEST SUSSEX SKIP-A-DEE-DOO-DAHSKIP-A-DEE-AYAMSKIPHIREcantakeitaway Why not promote your business in our new online directory at 01273 835355 | | /sussexliving | @sussexliving LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY ❤ EAST Tel: 01825 891122 Email: The Street, Framfield, East Sussex TN22 5NL Building • Property maintenance • Restoration • New build housing • Listed building work Decorating • Interior decorating • Exterior decorating • Domestic work • Commercial workAll work completed by our experienced team of dedicated, polite and considerate tradesmen Tel: 01323 870991 Books Wanted booksellersSexton’s,since 1910. Antiquarian & secondhand books purchased on all subjects including academic, sporting, military, literature, scientific, natural history, travel, polar regions and maps, documents, ephemera etc.

LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 163To find out more please call 01273 835355 or email: BUILDING CONTRACTORS With over 40 years of building experience • Conversions • Extensions • New Builds • Refurbishments • Improvements Telephone: 01323 841532 Website: Email: Bolneys Units, South Road, Hailsham BN27 3NU Bespoke Hardwood Gates and Automation Spalding Enterprises Ltd, Hailsham BN27 3JL T: 01323 847744 l M: 07761 961545 l hard and soft landscaping - garden design - turfingfencing/decking - patios/driveways - general landscaping works Please call now for a FREE quotation 01323 897873 / 07752 553939 Over 16 years’ experience RHS qualified designer BSC hons landscaper Fully insured. (01435)865453 for Discount Chemicals and Accessories Station Rd. Industrial Estate Heathfield, Sussex Open 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri Closed 1-2pm for lunch • Open Sat 9am - 1pm ❖ 54th Anniversary 1965 - 2019 ❖ forSOUTHERNPOOLSVisitthePoolShopVisitthePoolShopDiscountChemicalsandAccessories Station Rd. Industrial Estate Heathfield, Sussex Open 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri Closed 1-2pm for lunch • Open Sat 9am - 1pm MoleingImpactPondsExcavations/ LandscapingFoundationsDrainageClearance Tinkers Lane Hadlow Down MICHAEL STILLER 07717 280358 To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email 1 16 Sutton Road, Seaford BN25 1RU 01323 890685 G. F. Sinclair Ltd Interior Furnishers curtains - upholstery - blinds 20% discount on Villa Nova ‘Still Life’ fabric throughout July Curtains UpholsteryMaking•Blinds Track & Pole • Supply & Fitting 1-3 South Court Cottages, Morris Road, Lewes BN7 2AT 01273 SALE IN SEPTEMBER, REMNANTS OLD STOCK CLEARANCE This price also includes a free graphic design service to produce an eye catching advert to promote your business. For more info: Call 01273 835355 or email You could be advertising in this space for as little as per month for regular bookings £24 + VAT Our Team of dedicated Support workers, assist you to remain in your own home with tailor made packages of Care & Support All staff are fully trained, & DBS cleared, with many years exp 01424 213433 ALL Doors Hung New or Old, Any Quantity 07796 548391 Call Anytime All generalundertakencarpentry All gates and fencing works undertaken All areas covered

R.A. BLACKFORD est 1 936 Solid Fuel & Coal


TRADITIONAL HOUSE COAL 10, 20 & 25 kg Available for “Cash & Carry” or delivered locally* Long lasting smokeless fuel for all fires &

Bulk Bags (0.8m³) & Barrow Bags (0.3m³) Of Seasoned Logs Compost, Mulch & Soil Conditioner (40ltr)

est. 1936 Approved



Bulk Bags (0.8m³) & Barrow Bags (0.3m³) Of Seasoned Logs Compost, Mulch & Soil Conditioner (40ltr) Restaurant Grade Charcoal (12kg) R.A. BLACKFORD est 1936 Approved Solid Fuel & Coal Merchant

The Coal Depot, Cobdown Lane, Five Ash Down. Uckfield. TN22 3AR. Just off the A26 to Crowborough 01825 732183 run business for 85 years * Minimum delivery amount dependant on area

Bulk Bags (0.8m³) & Barrow Bags (0.3m³) Of Seasoned Logs Compost, Mulch & Soil Conditioner (40ltr) Restaurant Grade Charcoal (12kg) R.A. BLACKFORD est 1936 Approved Solid Fuel & Coal Merchant


Restaurant Grade Charcoal (12kg)

Down, Uckfield TN22 3AT. Just off the A26 to Crowborough 01825 732183 WANTED Model Railway & related items Hornby, Bachmann Wrenn, Triang etc Locomotives & Rolling Stock Any age or gauge considered Call 01580 200400 0777 335 1868 the NINA MURDEN t: 01273 470817 m: 07717 855314 Nourished Living Nutritional therapy can alleviate a multitude of health conditions, including digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, fertility issues, autoimmune conditions, energy and fatigue, long-covid etc. Contact Laura for a free 15 min chat to discuss how nutritional therapy can support you Nourish your body, transform your health 07909 OLD HAND TOOLS for the HOME-GARDEN & ALLIED TRADES Bought & Sold Also architectural ironmongery, including brass, locks, hinges, knobs, and handles 07966 176015 Peter Hanman (Tools) Heathfield Hire Unit 1, Browning Rd. Station Road Industrial Estate, HEATHFIELD Highgate Hill, HAWKHURST - 01435 864 144 (Heathfield) 01580 753 183 (Hawkhurst) SMALL PLANT & TOOL HIRE SALES & REPAIRS Plant Hire Tool Hire From diggers to dumper trucks From screwdrivers to wireless drills From lawn mowers to GardenshovelsMachinery DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE Fault Finding • Phone Points • Freeview HD • Freesat • HD TV Wall Mounting • 30 Years Experience • Fully Insured Installation, Repair & Realignment of all types of Aerials and Sky Dishes Freephone: 0800 8021791 Brighton: 01273 917736 Local TV Aerials & Satellites 20% forwitDISCOUNThthisadvertallcustomers We accept card payments too (Visa, Mastercard etc) OF SUSSEX GRATE FIRES

amount dependant on area

TRADITIONAL HOUSE COAL 10, 20 & 25 kg bags


The Coal Depot, Cobdown Lane, Five Ash Down. Uckfield. TN22 3AR. Just off the A26 to Crowborough 01825 732183 & Carry” Soil R.A. BLACKFORD Solid Fuel & Coal Merchant Coal Depot, Cobdown Lane, Five Ash Available for “Cash

delivered locally* Long

Available for “Cash & Carry” or lasting smokeless fuel for all fires & y * Minimum


or delivery locally* Long lasting smokeless fuel for all fires & appliances Bulk Bags (0.8m3) & Barrow Bags (0.3m3) of Seasoned Logs Compost, Mulch &

Conditioner (40ltr) • Restaurant Grade Charcoal (12kg) Family run business for 85 years * Minimum delivery amount dependant on area

LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY 164 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022 Puckamuck is a Registered Trademark. PUCKAMUCK • Shred on site so easy to handle and spread. • Fully aged by us so ready to use straight away. • 100% manure - no green waste, peat-free and no odour! A natural growth accelerator for plants and vegetables Puckamuck is a completely natural and organically sourced well-rotted horse manure.



The Coal Depot, Cobdown Lane, Five Ash TN22 3AR. Just off the A26 to Crowborough 01825 732183 delivery

Down. Uckfield.

Available for “Cash & Carry” or delivered locally* Long lasting smokeless fuel for all fires & appliances

LOVE LOCAL DIRECTORY September 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 165To find out more please call 01273 835355 or email:  STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 17 February 2022 9:26 am OUR FILENAME: March 22 TRP 2 • Central Heating & Boilers Serviced & Repaired • Homeowners & Landlord Gas Safety Reports • Fitted Bathroom Suites & Shower Rooms • Power Flushing Services T. Reygate MCIPHE RP Plumbing & Heating Engineers Tel: 01273 487714 Mobile: 07798 656867 Email: THE MOT TEST CENTRE FOR PETROL, DIESEL & LIGHT VEHICLES.COMMERCIALFREERETEST Mon-Fri 8.00am-5.30pm Sat 8.00am-12.30pm JUST MOTsJUST MOTs WE NOW DO CLASS 7 MOTS 01825 • CLASSMOTS4 & 7 • SERVICING • REPAIRS • DIAGNOSTICS Lancelot Unit, Squires Farm Industrial Estate, Palehouse Common, Nr Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 5RB all makes & models ... • TYRES • EXHAUSTS • AIR CONDITIONING • WELDING • COURTESY CARS Blackboys Service Station is a family-run business established for 50 years  STUDIO PROOF • Ceiling Renovations & Repairs • Skimming • Tacking • Free Advice & Estimates • External Rendering E.D.S Plastering Plastering specialist Call now for a free quotation 07780 701663 No job too big or small Find us on Telephone Neil Pearson : 01892 664004 Mobile : 07870 667932 Comprehensive Experience Fully Insured and Guaranteed A friendly professional service Satisfaction Guaranteed • Swimming Pool Installation • Repairs • Renovations • Maintenance New Liners, Heating, Filtration SPECIALISTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF HEAT RETAINING LINER POOLS STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 31 May 2022 10:51 am OUR FILENAME: July 22 Spencer Humphrey 4 NO FANCY ADVERT NO FANCY PRICES CAN’T FIND SOMEONE TO DO THAT SMALL PLUMBING JOB? NO JOB TOO SMALL SAME DAY RESPONSE 07968376815 24HR EMERGENCY CALL OUT 10% OFF WHEN YOU MENTION THIS AD Tel: 07721 774905 Web: Email: Homewood Communications are based in East Sussex and specialise in Home &business Networking, Wi Fi solutions, CCTV & Voip. We pride ourselves on ourflexability and offer a very high level of service and after Installation support. Contact us for a FREE site survey HAILSHAM Email: or Facebook STUDIO PROOF PROOF DATE/TIME: 7 April 2022 1:51 pm OUR FILENAME: May 22 Camera Centre 1/16 My shop is open again, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10am to 1pm At other times please contact me via email or Facebook. Passport, Driving Licence and Blue Badge photos taken. Camcorder and Cine films transferred to DVD. Plus a selection of Photographic items new and second hand.

Sussex Living always welcomes feedback, but if you do have any complaints which cannot be resolved by us please contact the Independent Press Standards Organisation, c/o IPSO, Gate House, 1 Farringdon Street, London, EC4M 7LG, or via For further information about IPSO and its regulators visit



This month, Flo Whitaker hails the power of kindness and emergency sandwiches

Part of The Total Sense Media group INCORPORATING MAGNET MAGAZINE


PROOFREADING Adele Trathan, Robert Veitch DISTRIBUTION Paul Lewery

D ue rail,travellingIfamilyongoingtoissues,amregularlybylongdistance between Sussex and ‘home’. When it comes to catering, the onboard vegetarian fodder does little to tempt the hungry traveller. Call me a pedant, but how can a ‘Vegetarian Choice’ be a ‘choice’ if there’s only one thing to choose from? The question is purely academic – often as not, there’s no veggie food at all. Racing to the rescue is Ray – my new best mate. Ray by name, ‘Ray of Light’ by nature –his moniker perfectly suits his sunny demeanour, as he efficiently

/sussexliving @sussexliving

MANAGING EDITORS Tanis Faulks, Adele Trathan

Whilst every reasonable care is taken with all materials submitted to Sussex Living we cannot accept r esponsibility for loss or damage to such materials. Opinions expressed in articles are strictly those of the authors. This publication is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. While every care is taken, prices and details are subject to change and Sussex Living can take no r esponsibility for omissions or errors. No responsibility is taken for unsolicited submissions or the return of submitted items. Please recycle this magazine

CONTRIBUTORS Adele Trathan, Amy Maynard, Bruce Hemming, Clive Webb, Flo Whitaker, Helen Stockton, Jane Crittenden, Jo Steele, Laura Hughes, Lisa de Silva, Living4Media, Richard Gadsby, Robert Veitch, Sara Whatley

PEFC/16-33-254 PEFC Certified This product is from managsustainablyedforests and controlled sources

Stephen King, Callum Tomsett, Jo Grey ADVERTISING Tanis Faulks, Anne Snelling


IF YOUask me... particular food items, in case he spots ‘regulars’ on board. As others gaze mournfully at the trolley,refreshmentI,nowelevated to ‘Frequent Flyer’ status, am surreptitiously passed a sarnie. It’s only cheese and pickle, but with all the furtive nodding and winking going on, a casual observer would assume we were crackI’vedealers.noidea how he feels about the recent rail strikes, but I’m guessing Ray supports industrial action, albeit reluctantly; doubtless regarding himself as an essential public servant. A quick Internet search of his pay grade suggests a maximum salary of £28,000. Compared with the whopping bonuses trousered by senior rail managers, it’s interesting to note the prevailing attitude in some political circles that a CEO is ‘rewarded’ for their brilliance, but if an ‘ordinary’ employee asks for a living wage, they’re just being greedy. So, here’s to you, Ray. You always go the extra mile… even when the train doesn’t.

OPINION 166 SUSSEX LIVING | September 2022

SUSSEX LIVING MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY: Sussex Living Ltd, Unit 4, Regent Business Centre, Jubilee Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9TL Tel: 01273 www.sussexliving.com835355


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