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Barnham & Eastergate Parish Council

Planning Applications

Edited extracts from draft minutes of Planning & Environment Committee meeting 13th Dec 2022. To consider new applications to Arun District Council: BN/163/22 Barnham Trading Post PO22 0ESNew Warehouse. Application in CIL Zone 2 (zero rated). Resolved to submit objection on grounds submitted on previous application at location. Concerns surround parking and access safety.


BN/157/22 Warwick Nursery Barnham Road PO20 3RT - Variation of conditions imposed under BN/153/20/PL relating to conditions 2-approved plans. Resolved to submit no objection. Comment about Tree Protection Plans. Damaged trees bordering Boweries development site with some removed. Requested Arun DC investigate BN/155/22 Boweries Barnham Road PO20 3RTVariation of condition imposed under BN/135/20/ PL relating to condition 2- approved plans. Resolved to submit a no objection. Comment about Tree Protection Plans. Damaged trees bordering Warwick Nurseries development site with some removed. Requested Arun DC investigate.

BN/153/22 78 Barnham Road Eastergate PO22 0ES - Single storey extension of existing Class E commercial premises to incorporate new kitchen facility to serve restaurant/cafe. Site in CIL Zone 2 (Zero Rated) and may affect setting of listed building. Resolved to submit a no objection providing environmental impacts given consideration, namely neighbouring properties.

BN/176/22 Land West of Fontwell Avenue Eastergate - Approval of reserved matters following outline consent BN/147/21/OUT for 7 No dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure. Application also lies in parish of Aldingbourne, is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL liable as new dwellings. Resolved to submit objection to proposed property designs. BEPC commented design doesn’t align with BEPC Design Guide and would like to see this considered. Resolved: Assistant Clerk be authorised to submit responses to Arun District Council as approved by the Committee. barnhamandeastergate-pc.gov.uk

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