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Walberton Parish Council

Highways. Playing Field area, Maintenance & General


Extracts from the minutes of the 6th December General Purposes Committee meeting


• Extra weeding of Walberton’s pavements and verges completed. Fallen trees and missing bridge planks Old Scotland Road reported to WSCC. Litter bin for Blacksmith’s Corner requested from Arun District Council; response awaited.

• WSCC Highways has been asked to add double yellow lines on both sides of Arundel Road, Fontwell west of the London Road junction.

Playing field area

• Quote requested for playing field for mini goal with side panels, cricket wicket and targets.

• The path around the playing field with interest and landscaping and to connect to the tennis court is being investigated. Planning permission requirements are being determined.

• Barrier post by playing field being replaced.

• Traveller incursion wastechippings being removed.

• Repairs to pond headwall completed shortly.

• Resurfacing of play area soft surface begun. The replacement swing has been ordered.


• Fontwell noticeboard completed shortly; Barrack Row board’s perspex to be replaced.

• Allotment fencing work has been completed.

• Jubilee archway/fencing repair quotes sought.


• Gardeners Club intend to expand Flower and Dog Shows by inviting other organisations and creating Summer Fayre. Music night may be held. Insurance cover for playing field to be confirmed.

• Concerns regarding soil quality and flooding on Fontwell Meadows estate allotments passed to developer. Old Bottle Store building demolished.

• A printed Neighbourhood News concerning the A27 Arundel Bypass further consultation is being hand-delivered to all Parish residents. www.walberton-pc.gov.uk

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