Sussex Local Magazine - Pulborough JULY 2022

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250 Local Councils

Bury Parish Council Bury nominated by MP for acoustic camera trial Edited extracts from draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 16th May 2022. Road safety. Members of the Road Improvement Committee (RIC) had a meeting with senior police officers on 26th April which was very encouraging and said the police were impressed with committee’s approach to tackling anti-social behaviour on the A29. Andrew Griffith MP was nominating Bury to take part in a trial for new acoustic cameras which was also being supported by County Councillor Tom Richardson, the Chief Inspector of Sussex Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner. The Parish Council was asked to help raise community support, which it did and received around 90 letters, as well as provide assistance on the location of the camera. Councillors also discussed introducing a 20’s Plenty Campaign on The Street and volunteers will produce signs.

Village Hall refurbishment. Victoria Holland has presented initial ideas for the design plans which are impressive. Councillors will be attending seminars on submitting grant applications. The bat survey would be conducted free of charge by a former resident and councillor. Pill Pond. A planning application for Pill Pond had been submitted which would cost £500 and that this would be the only expenditure the Parish Council would incur on the project. Footpath 761. The Environment Agency had rejected the Council’s request to build some steps as it could undermine the structural integrity of the bank. Tree maintenance and planting at the recreation ground. Queen’s Jubilee oak tree planting at the recreation ground is being assessed as Coates Common was no longer tenable. Refurbishment of fingerpost road signs. Primavera was suffering supply problems with lettering materials so there would be a delay.

Coldwaltham Parish Council

A29 issues - difficult to co-ordinate councils’ efforts

Edited extracts of draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 10th May 2022. Transport Issues. Members had questions with regard the many traffic issues raised by the parishes along the A29. There are lots of contributing factors which parishes cannot have any control over: routes suggested by sat-navs etc, However, possibilities are being investigated where parishes can make changes. Regarding the problems that large HGVs face negotiating Swan Corner, more information was requested on what measures could be taken and what their cost were. It was noted that Coldwaltham is different to the village of Bury, as there are many more homes which access directly onto the A29, which doesn’t allow for a concerted effort between the parish councils. Bury PC is very concerned about the number of motorbikes and speed of vehicles. Meanwhile it has been reported that residents in Fittleworth Parish are considering an action of civil disobedience in their fight against

the speed of vehicles through the village. It is not possible to verify these reports. Members were advised that the latest type of speed camera, an acoustic version, will soon be launched in this country. There are only going to be four of these which Sussex Police would have to bid for, so it is not guaranteed that this will happen. It was hoped that one would be used near Coldwaltham. It was suggested to investigate the use of average speed cameras to monitor the speed though villages. West Sussex CC & Sussex Police have launched an initiative to contact lorry companies. Members were asked for their support for a survey by residents, where they take a photo of lorries as they travel through the village, once this information is collated, the parish would write to the lorry company. If unable to get a company address, then a note of the registration is sufficient, the DVLA will assist. Members agreed to this idea, which will be posted on the website.

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