5 minute read

What’s On - February/March 2023

Event organisers please enter your event details on www.sussexlocal.net/events-add/ We regret that we cannot accept submissions by email. We take the details from our website for the magazine listings which can appear in up to all eight editions distributed to over 54,000 addresses. Charity, community and non-profit events are free of charge (subject to space). Commercial events can be listed from just £25 plus VAT which includes promotion through Facebook & Twitter. Deadline for March events to be put on website - 4th February



18/03/2023 2:00 PM 4Sight Vision Support Fundraising Wellbeing Walk A fundraising Walk around Horsham Town Centre £10 £5

Fundraising Team 01243 828555 fundraising@4sight.org.uk www.4sight.org.uk

25th & 26th Mar 9:00 AM Arundel Castle Abseil Abseil down the side of the 180-foot tower for St Barnabas Hospice to be knighted with your bespoke castle medal. Arundel Castle BN18 9AB events@stbh.org.uk stbarnabas-hospice.org.uk/ events/arundel-castle-abseil


13th - 17th Feb 9:30 AM Paint a Bird Flowerpot in half term at Squire’s Garden Centres Keep the little ones entertained this half term with Create & Grow activities Squire's Garden Centre Washington RH20 2BP £6.50 to paint a birdshaped flowerpot - free to go on a bird treasure hunt A24 Washington Tel: 01903 893902 www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk

15th - 17th Feb 10:00 AM 'Family Fun Week' in Bognor Regis Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN Hazel hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk www.alexandratheatre.co.uk 01243 867676


2nd & 9th Feb 1:30 PM Chalkpath Community Theatre Group A local adult community theatre group for beginners and upwards, learning skills and making friends St Michaels Church Hall

Amberley BN18 9ND £12.50 Vicky Paine

7799260621 chalkpaththeatre@gmail.com

03/02/2023 6:45 PM Graphic novel book club Comic book club looking at graphic novels aimed at adults Private house Barnham PO22 0EF Paul Wilson paulw21erin@gmail.com

04/02/2023 10:30 AM Parkinson's Support Group in Washington for people with Parkinson's Washington Village Memorial Hall RH20 4AP £2 01903 746871 gillian.chard@btinternet.com

06/02/2023 8:00 PM Felpham Singles Social Club Social club for mature singles. The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL Anne 01243 821530 anniecook555@yahoo.co.uk www.felphamsingles.yolasite.com

07/02/2023 2:00 PM Pulborough Computer Club AGM, social event & panel for Q&A's at Pulborough Village Hall RH20 1LP £2 / £3 £3 chrissie@wisborough.com pcclub.org.uk

07/02/2023 2:00 PM The Arts Society West Sussex in Fittleworth ‘Travels with a Trowel’ Fittleworth Village Hall RH20 1EJ Visitors £7 theartssocietywestsussex.org 01903 411086 westsussex@theartssociety.org

13/02/2023 7:30 PM Pulborough Meadows WI

February Meeting Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF 07920 326000 mary.walker50@gmail.com

16/02/2023 7:30 PM Storrington Camera Club

Speaker Evening Chris Philipson talk on USA Road Trip Chesswood Room Thakeham Village Hall RH20 3GW Janet www.storringtoncc.org.uk chair@storringtoncc.org.uk

21/02/2023 2:00 PM West Chiltington Floral Club - February Demonstration Monthly floral demonstration by an Area Demonstrator West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ Visitors £5 01798 813608 wchiltfloralclub@gmail.com

22/02/2023 2:30 PM Storrington Flower Club

Monthly demo Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP £6 1903742102 chrissyldesmond@gmail.com

23/02/2023 7:00 PM

Sugar and Spice, Sugarcraft Club in Washington Sugarcraft club with workshops and demonstrations Washington Village Memorial Hall RH20 4AP £25 annually Sue Rudge i.rudge@sky.com 01903 695700

04/03/2023 10:30 AM Parkinson's Support Group in Washington Washington Village Memorial Hall RH20 4AP £2 Gillian Chard 01903 746871 gillian.chard@btinternet.com

- please contact event organisers to check for changes

06/03/2023 8:00 PM Felpham Singles Social Club Social club for mature singles The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL Anne 01243 821530 anniecook555@yahoo.co.uk www.felphamsingles.yolasite.com

Every Mon, Wed & Fri Various times West Chiltington Table Tennis Club West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ hosts Table Tennis Club Iain and Coral McLaren 01403 731341 iainandcoralmclaren@gmail.com

Every Wed 11:30 AM Wednesday Lunch Club Weekly lunch club for the over-55’s with social activities before lunch Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF £5 Louise Kaiser louisekaiser4807@gmail.com

Every Wed 7:00 PM Worthing Short Mat Bowls Club West Park School Worthing BN12 4HD Betty Potts 01903 260218 bobetty_highsalvington@yahoo.co.uk worthingshortmatbowls.weebly.com/#

Every Sun 11:00 AM West

Chiltington Sunday

Badminton Club West

Chiltington Village Hall

Pulborough RH20 2PZ

Vivian Jones vmjones18@hotmail.co.uk


17/02/2023 6:30 PM Worthing Climate

Engagement & Action Meetings for those concerned about the environment XR Worthingtwice monthly meetings CREW Worthing BN11 3AL xrworthing@protonmail.com

25/02/2023 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast

Community Event in Chichester Keith Varney talks about Mission Aviation Fellowship Chichester Park Hotel PO19 7QL £9.50 Peter peter@ppsutton.co.uk immanuelchichester.com/ community/mens-breakfast/ 07813 024585

17/03/2023 6:30 PM Worthing Climate

Engagement & Action Meetings for those concerned about the environment XR Worthingtwice monthly meetings CREW Worthing BN11

3AL xrworthing@protonmail.com

25/03/2023 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast

Community Event in Chichester Colonel Edward Armitstead CBE ex Coldstream Guards talk

Chichester Park Hotel PO19 7Q £9.50 Peter peter@ppsutton.co.uk immanuelchichester.com/ community/mens-breakfast/ 07813 024585 events


03/02/2023 9:30 AM Birding for beginnersWinter Wetlands at Pulborough Brooks Lean more about the winter visitors at RSPB

Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members /£25.50 Non-members. Lydia: 01798 875851 lydia.fletcher@rspb.co.uk events.rspb.org.uk/ pulboroughbrooks

6th & 13th Feb 10:00 AM WEA class in Chichester - Hearth and Home: Sussex

Vernacular Buildings 5 sessions with WEA tutor Geoffrey Mead on the history of housing locally. New Park Community and Arts Centre Chichester PO19 7XY £50 WEA (Workers Educational Association) 0300 303 3464 www.wea.org.uk chichester.branch@wea.ac.uk

11th & 21st Mar 8:30 AM Birdsong Masterclass at Pulborough Brooks Learn how to identify birdsong at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members / £25.50 Non-members. Lydia: 01798 875851 lydia.fletcher@rspb.co.uk events.rspb.org.uk/pulboroughbrooks

26/03/2023 9:30 AM Birding for absolute beginners at Pulborough Brooks If you’re new to birdwatching, this is the session for you. RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members /£25.50 for Non-members Lydia Fletcher 01798 875851 lydia.fletcher@rspb.org.uk events.rspb.org.uk/pulboroughbrooks

Every Wed 1st Feb - 22nd Mar 2:00 PM "Judge and Jury" WEA Course in Billingshurst The course will study the people, issues and outcomes of 10 trials from British History Billingshurst

Community & Conference Centre RH14 9QW £100 for 10 sessions David 0300 303 3464 david@daviddaley.plus.com


7th - 18th Feb 10:00 AM Ukrainian Renaissance. Unbowed. The Ukrainian refugees’ dozen will present their culture with handmade works. Colonnade House Worthing BN11 3DH paula.tollett@adurworthing.gov.uk colonnadehouse.co.uk/event/ ukrainian-renaissance-unbowed/ www.sussexlocal.net - please contact event organisers to check for changes

18/02/2023 2:30 PM 'Snowdrops - where you least expect them' Photography Exhibition

Denmans Gardens Fontwell Contact Lucy: 01243 572433 office@snowdroptrust.com


05/02/2023 3:00 PM Family friendly theatre

'My Family and Other Animals' in Lewes Join the Durrell's on a Mediterranean adventure this Winter in All Saints Centre Lewes BN7 2LE

£9.50 / £7.50 Lewes Drama Collective enquiry@dramacollective.com www.ticketsource.eu/lewes-drama-collective


2:00 PM

'Journey to the Stars' in Bognor Regis A blend of puppetry, storytelling, live music & comedy. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN

£8.50 Hazel Latus 01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk www.alexandratheatre.co.uk

25/03/2023 12:00 PM Point to Point Racing at Parham 6 jump races, stalls, fair and food. Enjoy a day out Parham Point to Point. Pulborough RH20 2ER Carolyn Gorman caroylngorman@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ p2patparham


19/02/2023 11:00 AM Spring Wedding Fayre at Avisford Park Hotel Ideas and options for your big day. Avisford Park Hotel Walberton BN18 0LS marketing@avisfordparkhotel.com avisfordparkhotel.com/


08/02/2023 7:30 PM

Rotary Film Night in Storrington

Fisherman's Friends One and All Starring

James Purfoy with Bar + Raffle Sullington Village Hall RH20 3PP £5 Ken 1903740745 kandjcoll@btinternet.com

09/02/2023 7:00 PM Worthing Twinning Association Foreign film evening The Worthing Twinning Association present a classic French film evening. West Worthing Baptist Church

BN14 7LU £5 Pam Bennett 01903 232196 pambennett8@btinternet.com


Open by arrangement from 16th Jan - 7th Oct for groups of 12 to 30 Tuppenny Barn. visit ngs.org.uk for information and booking details

Southbourne, Chichester Tuppenny Barn PO10

8EZ £5 Maggie: 01243 377780 contact@tuppennybarn.co.uk ngs.org.uk

Open by arrangement from Feb - Nov Mitchmere Farm Stoughton. visit ngs.org.uk for information and booking details Chichester Mitchmere Farm

Stoughton PO18 9JW £5 Neil & Sue Edden

02392 631456 sue@mitchmere.co.uk

Open by arrangement from 6th Mar - 12th Sept for groups of 6 to 20 6 Plantation Rise, Worthing. visit ngs.org.uk for information and booking details 6 Plantation Rise BN13 2AH Nigel & Trixie 01903 262206 trixiehall008@gmail.com

19th Feb, 5th & 21st Mar 2:00 PM Manor of Dean, Petworth - garden open for the National Garden Scheme Traditional English garden of approximately 3 acres Manor of Dean Petworth GU28 9AP £5 01483 211535 ngs.org.uk

23rd & 25th Feb 2:00 PM Beautiful snowdrops and daffodils on display Buddington Farm

Easebourne GU29 0QP open for the NGS £5 hello@ngs.org.uk ngs.org.uk

Every Thurs from 9th Feb 10:30 AM The Old Vicarage The Street, Washington open for The National Garden Scheme The Old Vicarage Washington RH20 4AS £7 hello@ngs.org.uk ngs.org.uk


03/02/2023 7:30 PM 60 Minutes of Classical Music in Bognor Regis Studio 1, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £6.50 Hazel: alexandratheatre.co.uk 01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk More events on www.sussexlocal.net

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