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Charity & Community News

Brownies need members and helpers

Storrington Brownie pack is looking both for new members and additional helpers to keep the pack going. Brownies have a great time, and next term there are plenty of fun activities planned. The pack is also urgently in need of adult volunteers, as without more there is a good chance the group will cease to exist. If anyone could be interested please call Nicky on 01903 532413.


London Marathon for Liz and Layla

Local friends Liz Davis and Layla Andrews are running the London marathon in April to raise funds in memory of close family they have both recently lost.

Layla, running for the Alzheimers Society, lost her paternal Nan to dementia and says “I watched the disease take a little bit of her away every week I visited. My mum was diagnosed in 2019 aged

64. She is so young and we know what is to come. There is no cure, research is vital and that’s why I am putting myself through this gruelling training.”

Liz told us “I am running in aid of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, in memory of my amazing Mum who lost her battle with the disease two years ago. I want to do everything and anything I can to help support this amazing charity.”

You can support Liz and Layla by donating to their respective Just Giving pages via their QR codes or by searching for them at www.justgiving.com

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