1 minute read

Let’s discuss!

By Will Writer Emma Cohen MIPW

There is one thing in my line of work that comes up on pretty much a daily basis, it’s the conversation about death. So why is it, so many of us avoid having it?


When it is literally the only thing you can guarantee in life, why do we shy away from having these conversations. The subject of dying is one that is emotionally difficult to deal with, although we all know it will eventually happen, none of us really want to think of a world without us or someone we love being part of it, but in truth, that’s exactly the reason why we should be having these discussions.

It may seem awkward at first but discussing how life will be after your death gives everyone around you a better understanding of your wishes. Early-stage grief decisions like funeral preferences, can be discussed and thought through in advance. I can’t emphasise enough how much stress this can relieve at what is already an incredibly difficult time. Discussions about possessions, money, property and what you wish to leave in your Will, to whom and why. For parents with younger children, talks can be focussed around how life carries on if one of you was no longer around or what provision can be put in place if something unexpectedly happened to both of you.

These conversations aren’t about rubberstamping decisions and finalising every detail, they’re about being realistic with the inevitable and having a chat with your loved ones to express your thoughts and opinions. As you go through life, these decisions may change with your personal situation, so it’s worth revisiting them when you need to.

So, be brave! Have the conversation and see what you can learn from each other.

Please do get in touch with me on 01903 821010 or email: emma.cohen@nsure.co.uk

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