Sussex Local Magazine Arundel - March 2020

Page 11

Schools 11

through the door

Amberley School Eco Council established

Terracycle into anything from a watering can to a playground. Purple bins are for air freshener, laundry and oral care plastic items and red bins are for crisp packets and biscuit and snack wrappers.

After an inspirational talk by Carrie Cort of Sussex Green Living, Amberley Primary School has established an Eco Council and has combined with local residents of Amberley Village to offer a single use plastic recycling facility at the school for the benefit of the whole village. Single use plastics have become a menace to the environment and often cause untold stress and harm to wildlife with for example plastic rings from cans of drinks becoming trapped around animals’ necks. The Eco Council has set up the single use recycling facility at the school and have already started to collect crisp packets from their lunch. I’m reliably informed that a number of teachers have been shamed by the number of crisp packets they have contributed personally! No more sending to landfill, no more damage to the environment and wildlife these single use plastics can be recycled by

Purple and red recycling bins in the playground

Arundel C of E School

Indoor athletics

Indoor athletics success Following the success of our year 5 and 6 children at the locality indoor athletics, where they won every event, the team recently represented ACE at the southern area finals. Their performance was, once again, outstanding; every single member of the team tried their best and as a result they won many of the races. Not only that, but the children showed true sportsmanship and good manners by congratulating their opponents and thanking all of the officials for their hard work. Overall we came 5th, which out of a total of 75 schools, is something we are very proud of. Year 5 visit The Littlehampton Academy (TLA) for an art workshop The boys and girls in our year 5 class were very fortunate to have the opportunity to visit TLA to work with

Children learning about recycling

The children have been amazed to discover how much can be recycled and the initiative has accelerated their interest in taking care of our planet. Amberley Primary already has an amazing outdoor classroom, The Nature Space and a thriving Forest School so the introduction of the recycling facility is another piece of our environmental strategy. Amberley Primary is so privileged to be situated in the heart of the South Downs National Park and our children have full access to the delights of nature and our environment. art specialists on a project linked to the book that they are currently reading, Skellig. The children had to design their own model Skellig and then use clay, paper, paint and wire to create their very own model. Thank you to the staff at TLA for their hard work and effort in organising such a Skellig workshop fabulous workshop for the children. Worship inspires Thomas Worship is an important part of our school day, and it is heart-warming when the positive impact it has on our children can be seen in their day-to-day lives. Master Thomas in Year 1 wasn’t feeling very well recently, but still managed to make a difference to others. Thomas decided, after hearing a story in Worship about looking after our environment, that he would make a difference to his local area by clearing up some of the litter left by others. Great work, Thomas, and just imagine the difference it would make if everyone carried out an act like this.

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