CSL 2014 Annual Review

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“I change myself, I change the world.� -Gloria Anzaldua

2014 Annual Review Centre for Sustainability Leadership 1

“The most common feedback from those who do our programs is: ‘It changed my life’... that sort of transformation is incredible to be a part of.” -KATE HARRIS, CEO

ALUMNI ...................................................................6 CHAIR REPORT ......................................................14 CEO REPORT .........................................................16 PROGRAMS ...........................................................17 -MELBOURNE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM ...................18 -SYDNEY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM ........................22 -MAY INTENSIVE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM .............28 -AUGUST INTENSIVE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM .......32 -RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERS PROGRAM .......36 -SLDP ILLAWARRA ............................................42 -SLDP NORTHERN RIVERS ..................................46 ALUMNI PROGRAM ................................................50 SPEAKER FEATURE : COSTA ..................................52 SPEAKERS AND MENTORS ....................................53 LEADERSHIP REWIRED PROGRAM .........................57 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ...........................................58 STAFF ...................................................................60 2 Annual Review 2014

“In 2014 we made great strides... we have come a long way to move our organisation from a very lean start up to a solid and capable institution.” -MELISSA FIELD, CHAIR Centre for Sustainability Leadership 3


CORE CAPACITIES Collaboration (leading and following) Communications and advocacy

CSL’s vision is to help create a sustainable future by expanding the influence of people who care about sustainability. We do this by building the knowledge, skills and networks of emerging leaders and social change agents. Each year, we select participants from a wide range of backgrounds and sectors who best exhibit the PASSION, POTENTIAL and COMMITMENT to make change for sustainability. We believe tomorrow’s leaders are going to need a unique combination of skills and knowledge to effectively create change. Extensive research indicates that these ‘core capacities’ can help provide a platform for navigating the complex challenges of the 21st century. They help guide the design and delivery of our programs and are an important part of the way we measure success.

Creative and innovative thinking Critical reflection Influencing and enabling others Leadership for sustainability Making things happen (vision, action and evaluation) Negotiation and conflict resolution Philosophy of leadership Resilience Self-inquiry and awareness Systems thinking Theories and dynamics of change Understanding of sustainability Values and ethics

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TOM QUINN, ASTHA BATRA, CRAIG IRVINE, & FELICITY FORD The belief that business could drive positive change, but lacked an effective voice was why the Future Business Council (FBC) was formed by CSL Alumni Tom Quinn, Astha Batra, Craig Irvine (2011) and Felicity Ford (2013).


In 2014, the team have elevated the FBC to a new level, securing a group of founding business members, a cross-industry Advisory Board and a galvanized network of supporters and partners who share their ambitious vision.

“There’s a hunger in the business community to have a say in driving reform that supports the future economy - our vision is for Australia to lead the world in creating innovative businesses that will define a resilient and sustainable economic future. The CSL fellowship program has been critical in shaping the leadership journey for myself and our directors. While our team met as part of the intensive program, the rich network of alumni and supporters remain firm allies of FBC.” Executive Director, Tom Quinn. Now set up for their official launch in early 2015, the Future Business Council will represent forward-focused businesses, from startups to innovative corporations, and provide a voice for their interests to set a new reform agenda. Does your business have an eye to the future? www.futurebusinesscouncil.com

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Working in the field of sustainability we are faced with a daily barrage of bad news stories about the seemingly unstoppable destruction of our planet. And so it is not surprising there are a growing number of sustainability professionals, passionate about addressing social and environmental issues, who are suffering from burn-out and other stress related symptoms. As the great Aldo Leopold said, “one of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds”. This was certainly how I felt. After many years working in the industry, I was exhausted and tired of “sustainability”. I questioned why I was torturing myself for what appeared to be of little joy and consequence. Fortuitously, this questioning led me to CSL.

In 2011 I took part in the Sydney Fellowship Program and underwent what I now know was a transformative and lifechanging experience. Not only did I find answers to many of my questions and an amazing group of like-minded individuals who were facing similar challenges, but most importantly, I found hope and inspiration. Two years later I began working for CSL as a facilitator for the Sydney program and Head of Learning for Sustainability. In these roles I began to ask questions such as - how do we do what we do to help “transform lives”? This has now become the focus for the next phase of my journey – research, exploring how we (i.e. CSL and the broader community) might support transformative learning and leadership for sustainability. To say my journey since 2011 has been a transformative one is a bit of an understatement. My wish for the future is to continue developing and facilitating programs with the love and compassion that provide the “magical” conditions for transformation to occur for our future leaders.

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The Welcome Dinner Project connects newly arrived people and established Australians in a safe place - around the kitchen table.


Penny Elsley founded joiningthedots in 2010, a non-profit charity, operating as a grass-roots movement for social change. From years spent with isolated and disadvantaged communities across the globe, she developed the view that what’s needed is a “great re-awakening” to our inter-connectedness. CSL has helped her act on that idea, creating meaningful change in the community. One day she heard from a group of Sudanese women who, in five years living here, had never been invited into an Australian home. In the same week, several CSL colleagues asked Penny if she could introduce them to some recently arrived people - expressing a desire to connect but not being sure how. Penny realised she had to do something and, in her words, “felt that fire in my belly ignite!”. So in March 2013, the Welcome Dinner Project was born. Welcome Dinners are now held nationally, breaking down stereotypes and forging connections. “The CSL Fellowship led me to understand my role as a leader and perfectly positioned me to get my vision off the ground. My perspectives about the deep and wide work required to affect sustainable change were really nurtured and the networks I made continue to provide me with so much encouragement and support.”

“Awakening interconnections for meaningful and sustainable living”


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PHASE 1 - GOING WITHIN Participants identify development and growth areas that they will explore throughout the program with the Team, the Fellows and a selected Mentor. They also define goals and strategies to make changes within themselves. This phase covers much of the theoretical underpinnings of the program.


PHASE 2 - STEPPING UP Participants translate vision into action; in groups, they create a prototype project designed to test some of the theory learned in Phase 1. Participants see the power of collaboration unfold as they work with others as a team member or leader to create change.

PHASE 3 - STEPPING OUT Here, the final skills are added to the tool kit and prior learning is reinforced; participants are prepped to create real change as a sustainability leader. In particular, there’s a focus on harnessing communications skills, further reflection and deeper learning.





PHASE 4 - CONNECTING IN The CSL experience and leadership for sustainability journey doesn’t end with the conclusion of the program. To continue the development of knowledge and cutting edge thinking CSL offers access to residential retreats, online learning programs, additional coaching, support, and opportunities to engage with the CSL community online and in person.

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In 2014, the Centre for Sustainability Leadership worked in partnership with a number of great organisations. Thank you for your ongoing support.

As a Board, we are custodians of the proud legacy of CSL and also responsible for its future. In 2014 we made great strides. We consolidated our fundamental programs, continuing to focus on our core strengths. We also added new regional and intensive programs, increasing our reach and allowing participation from anywhere. The Centre for Sustainability Leadership will see 10 years in 2015. We have come a long way to move our organisation from a very lean start up to a solid and capable institution. Over the past 18 months we have had to move from a reliance on funding from the philanthropic sector to becoming more economically self-sufficient. While it has been a challenging period, we feel confident these changes are preparing us for a bright future. Thank you to the CSL team and the other board directors who continue to support our mission. We invite you to help us become a sustainable force as we seek to build an evermore sustainable business model. Partnership, sponsorship and organisational leadership training are critical to our success in this next phase. I’d also like to thank the many legacy partners who have supported CSL along its journey and throughout this year of transition. In no particular order – Fujitsu, Minds at Work, National Australia Bank, Boeing, Australian Communities Foundation, Ian Potter Foundation, George Alexander Foundation, Hamer Sprout Fund and Talent Nation. 2015 will mark the 10th year of CSL as an organisation and we plan to celebrate and showcase our world, reflecting on the ten-year legacy of CSL and the emerging plans for the CSL of the future.

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What a wonderful year 2014 has been! We’ve seen the Centre for Sustainability Leadership grow from two programs to seven - with over 120 capable change makers who believe in our future and are committed to the challenge. It is truly inspiring to know that we are an integral part of this process.

We deliver our programs through a combination of retreats, workshops and web-based collaboration. We construct a supportive and collaborative learning environment that allows for self-reflection and deep engagement. The program also offers networking opportunities with alumni and guest facilitators and speakers who are leaders in their fields.

We have now delivered successful programs in regional and rural Australia and have seen participants travel internationally to be part of the Centre’s unique and highly regarded learning experience. 2014 has also been a challenging year, needing to maintain focus and motivation amongst an uncertain political and economic climate. There is still so much to be done, and the challenges for leadership are as great as ever. We are very grateful to have a wonderful community to achieve this with. We know that without them, we would not be here and we could not continue this important work. Thanks to our team of wonderful staff and volunteers. All our team contribute with head heart and hands and without this extra commitment, transformational change would not be possible. Thanks to all our sponsors, partners, speakers and mentors. Your greatly valued contributions have made the success of 2014 possible. Thank you too, to all our Fellows and Alumni who are out there in the world hitting new heights every year. It is a delight to see these individuals connecting, creating and collaborating across sectors and across the globe. We look forward to another exciting and challenging 2015.


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CLASSIC FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM The Fellowship Program is now in its tenth year and is our flagship program. • Duration: 8 months • Locations: Melbourne and Sydney INTENSIVE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM This intensive version of our flagship program was run in both Melbourne and Sydney for the first time in 2014. • Duration: 4 months • Locations: Australia-wide and International (retreats to be attended in Australia). SPONSORED PROGRAM: Rural Environmental Leaders Program (RELP) We partnered with Boeing to bring our sustainability leadership training program to the Northern Rivers. • Duration: 3 months • Location: Northern Rivers (NSW) SPONSORED PROGRAM: SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP PROGRAM – ILLAWARRA We partnered with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) to bring our Sustainability Leadership Development Program to the Illawarra region. • Duration: 3 months • Location: Illawarra (NSW) SPONSORED PROGRAM: SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP PROGRAM – NORTHERN RIVERS We partnered with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) to bring our Sustainability Leadership Development Program to the Illawarra region. • Duration: 3 months • Location: Northern Rivers (NSW) Centre for Sustainability Leadership 17


MELBOURNE PARTICIPANTS KATH ANGUS – Beyond Zero Emissions @kath_is “A stronger sense of place in where I’m at - and confirmation that I’m making the right choices.”

The Classic Fellowship Program is now in its 10th year and is an action learning-based leadership development program underpinned by the core capacities previously mentioned. Run in both Sydney and Melbourne, this CSL Flagship Program is based on rigorous academic research and industry best practice, and includes innovative and experiential pedagogy and leading-edge curriculum. During the eight month program fellows participate in weekly workshops, residential retreats, peer-to-peer as well as online learning, one-on-one coaching, professional mentoring and collaborative learning where real world sustainability projects are developed. The eight month format encourages slow and steady development of skills and integration of learning, along with time for personal reflection. It particularly suits those who are able to commit to weekly workshops held in central Melbourne or Sydney.

ALUMNI FEATURE: LINA PATEL “Through CSL, I’m more passionate than ever about collaborative consumption, as a sustainable alternative to how we consume and use things. I’m also clearer about my vision to make sharing, rather than owning, mainstream and to find ways of providing access to excess. In 2009, I was unhappy with the mismatch between my work and personal values. I drew up a list of skills and experiences I thought I needed, to move out of Banking & Finance and into Saving the World. The list guided my career decisions, professional development and personal projects. By 2012, even after ticking off everything on my list, I still did not feel ready to leave the business environment.

ROLF VON BEHRENS – Ecomplish Consulting Pty Ltd @rolfvb “I have experienced a lot of personal learning/growth, interaction with others and received great feedback on how I’m perceived.”

CAROLINE BUISSON – Australia Post @CarolineBuisson “I feel better aligned with myself, my aspirations and my day to day life.”

SZILVIA CSANYI – City of Port Phillip @Szilvia “Lots of new knowledge, new approaches and ways to see and think about things, systems thinking, and a network of like minded people.” KASSANDRA DEML – Wiggly Recyclers @kldeml “The guidance and support I needed to develop the leader within. Now I’m unstoppable.”

KRISHNA DERMAWAN – The Bendigo and Adelaide Bank “Very good friends. Sense of achievement from completing our project and ongoing development.”

Enter CSL. The Fellowship Program has emboldened me to start where I am and use what I have. This means I’m bringing concepts around sharing to the business environment. I’m starting with Good Space – a service where businesses can share their meeting spaces, with organisations and individuals who would otherwise not have access to good space. So let’s start sharing.” 18 Annual Review 2014

CAMERON ELLIOTT – Clear Horizon Consulting @CamDElliott “Self-doubt has held me back. CSL helped me believe in myself and take my power back.” Centre for Sustainability Leadership 19

RACHEL GREENE – Clayton Utz “An opportunity to reflect on my preferred approach and alternative approaches to leadership.”

ERICA GURNER – HumaNature Connect “CSL offered time and space to stop and reflect. CSL gave me a sense of hope.”

NATASHA HILDEBRAND-LOCKIE – Hume City Council @miss__magenta “Clarification of my strengths and self-acceptance of my weaknesses.”

SARAH HUNT – Communications Consultant @sarahuntress “Participation in CSL Program has helped me to build a community of fellow change-makers.”

JOHAN KARLSSON – Momentum Energy @johan_energy “Connection with some amazing people within the program and the exposure to amazing speakers and mentors.” RACHEL LAWS – Victorian Greens Australia @RachelLorinda “A realignment of priorities, perspectives I’d never considered before, and an inspiring network of friends.”

MERYL LEWIS – Enman Pty Ltd. “One of the key learnings from CSL- failing is not a bad thing. It means that I was able to learn and grow in the experience.”

ALVARO MAZ – Code for Australia @alvaromaz “Participation in the Fellowship Program helped me amplify my network and group of friends (a tribe).” 20 Annual Review 2014

SARAH AMY MCCONNELL – The Wilderness Society @smcconnell25 “Anyone has the power to change things, you just need to try.”

DAMON O’SULLIVAN – Thick @damonosullivan “A fundamental shift in the way I understand and relate to nature.”

LINA PATEL – National Australia Bank @linaXpatel “Excited about collaborative consumption, as a sustainable way to consume and use things.” HARRIET PILE –Coles Limited “Through CSL program I have taken out challenge perceptions, systems thinking and connectedness and sharpening of believe in mindfulness vs meaninglessness we stuff our lives with to fill a gap.”

MICHAEL (JACK) QUIGLEY – Wilderness Society “Connection with a community of change makers. An experience of empowerment and confidence.”

KATY REED – Green P’s @Reed1KT “The whole can be greater than the sum of the parts - CSL Alumni will change the world.”

JAY SMITH – Mount Alexander Shire Council @smithjay505 “I got clarity about where I want to head with my career in the sustainability space.” KIA SMITH – Outdoor Environmental Education Student, La Trobe University @kiasmi1 “An amazing people from a diverse background, interested in creating a sustainable world.” Centre for Sustainability Leadership 21


SYDNEY PARTICIPANTS KEVIN BATHMAN – Coalition of Mischeif @kevinbathman “Connections and reinforcing the lack of diversity in this space.”

KENDALL BENTON-COLLINS – Kindness by Design “CSL gave me the confidence I needed to put my ideas into practice!”

ALUMNI FEATURE: KEVIN BATHMAN “To me, sustainability is all about respect - respect for yourself, respect for others and respect for the environment. Fifteen years ago, I embarked on a career choice that I thought would showcase my creativity and make me a decent living - I got a job in the advertising industry. As much as I enjoyed the creative aspects of it, a part of it was killing my soul and day by day, I began to resent working in an industry that glorified mass consumerism. After some soul-searching, I decided I couldn’t be part of an industry that contributed to the destruction of the planet and humanity. I wanted to help create a world where there is equality, fairness and justice, where diversity is celebrated and our planet is cared for. Today, I choose to work and collaborate with progressive and socially-minded individuals, enterprises and businesses. When I started CSL, I knew that I would be joining a growing number of changemakers who value a healthy, sustainable, enriching, abundant and meaningful life. The course provided me with new contacts and inspiration to take my passions further. One of my passion projects, Carnival of the Bold, was born from the idea that the arts can be a powerful enabling force for social change. I want to champion and celebrate artists, organisations and initiatives for social change by inspiring, advocating, encouraging and building support networks and frameworks to help drive social change. ‘There’s nothing more dangerous than someone who wants to make the world a better place.’ - Banksy” 22 Annual Review 2014

STUART DARRAGH – Energetics “CSL has provided the motivation and inspiration to really uncover what it is that I want to do going forward and chase it. It has provided many of the tools (both personal and professional) required to make this change happen.” CLARE DONOVAN – Office of Environment and Heritage @Greenlady “I need to invest more in my personal sustainability to be a more effective sustainability leader and role model.”

CHLOE ENGLISH – Sustainability professional @ChloeJessicaE “Deep reflection throughout the Fellowship made me consider why I do things and whether they are aligned with my values. After I came out of periods of uncertainty I gained a sense of resilience.” JACQUI FETCHET – Office of Environment and Heritage @thebigpush14 “Listening to others and trusting myself, awareness of simple things in the world around me, believing I’m on the right journey.” Centre for Sustainability Leadership 23

LAUREN HAAS – Broookfield Multiplex “As Ghandi famously said, ‘Be the change that you wish to see in the world.’ CSL gives you the support, tools and networks to help you identify how to be.” CHLOE HICKS – NSW Trade & Investment @chloerosehicks “The people I met during CSL have given me a renewed hope in our collective future on this planet.”

SARAH LADYMAN – PPB Advisory @smladyman “Learnt that with my inner child beside me I can do anything I set my mind to and have fun along the way!”

LISA LANGMAN – MLC “I gained confidence to pursue my sustainability passion.”

CAROLIN LEESHAA – National Australia Bank @cleeshaa “I got clarity and confidence in what I bring to a sustainable world and gained a great network of inspiring peers.”

STEPHEN MATTHEWS – CanTeen Australia “A lasting peer network that is commited to enabling change.”

GRACE MIDDLETON – Stockland @granedesign “Sharing personal experience with others leads to increased awareness, compassion and infinite opportunity for change.” LLOYD NICCOL – BlueScope Steel @lloydniccol “CSL gave me clarity on my passions and purpose and the confidence, friendships and skills to create change.”

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DENIZ ORTAC – NSW Government “A fantastic network of passionate people and a lot of inspiration for the future.”

SASKIA PETERS – Office of Environment & Heritage @PetersSaskia “I connected with a supportive community & found my voice & energy.”

LAWRENCE RIMMER – Forests Alive “CSL helped me to find my childlike self once again. Without CSL I wouldn’t have re-discovered my passion for animating, making videos and storytelling. Creativity is key to a sustainable world.”

MEGAN SHARKEY – University of Newcastle “CSL helped me with communication, how to tell the story, problem mapping, and overcoming barriers.”

BREE SHARP – Aboriginal Affairs NSW “CSL gave me the tools such as Empathy, Courage & Drive to develop an understanding of myself, my peers and our path. It built both sides of my brain to make me a creative, methodical and ultimately an effective change maker.” CHARLOTTE SIMSAR – Kenitra Project @CharlotteSimsar “The CSL experience has been an opportunity for me to realise the importance of spirituality, of being grounded, relaxed and most importantly ‘present’.”

REBECCA SMITH – JLL “A clearer understanding of the long term impact I hope to contribute towards.”

THEA SOUTAR – Youth Food Movement “The best way I could describe it is a voice. A sense that it’s ok for me to have a different perspective and in fact that’s a strength.” Centre for Sustainability Leadership 25

IVANA SURDUCKI – Lend Lease @ivanasurducki “CSL helped me realise my big picture priorities, not to sweat the small stuff, and how to concentrate on playing the long game, and not using up all my energy on every short race.” NICOLE THORNTON – Environmental Scientist @nicthornton007 “I gained new friends. I develop a strong network with amazing people. My confidence in my ability to make effective change solidified.”

PETER WILLIAMS – BT Financial Group “I learnt to step up, and achieve goals by being courageous and determined, but at the same time engaging and friendly.”

JOYCE XU – Fuji Xerox Australia “CSL has made me a more open, caring and loving person.”

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INTENSIVE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM The Intensive Fellowship Program provides the same action-learning based leadership development experience as the Classic Fellowship Program but within a shorter four month period. Its format has been developed by popular demand, and is intended for those who prefer to undertake the program more intensively. It requires a high degree of time commitment with the bulk of theory being delivered over two week-long residential retreats. The online learning platform fosters a community of practice, enabling project collaboration with fellows, interaction with guest speakers through weekly online learning engagements, peerto-peer and facilitator-mediated discussions, webinars and range of other educational resources and activities. This program best suits those who have a project idea they would like to prototype, are not able to commute to Melbourne or Sydney for the weekly workshops, or are only able to commit for a four month period.

ALUMNI FEATURE: KIM SHORE The Fellowship empowered me by giving me the ideas, support and networks to re-enter my professional life with confidence, courage and commitment to craft a career in which passions and talents align. If you have ambition and good will, and dedication and commitment to apply yourself to a chosen area, people will help you achieve your goals. I care deeply about international cooperation, justice and averting a climate crisis, but I was unsure about practical steps to align my intrinsic values with my professional goals. The Fellowship helped me to work through this complexity by showing me that my vision was achievable; by giving me quality coaching and mentoring; by giving me a network of supportive peers with complementary views and skill-sets; and by pushing me to step off the path and change the world. After completing the Fellowship, I am now the Environment and Sustainability Coordinator at Global Voices, where I recruit, train and lead young professionals to international forums on climate and sustainability; and I am a B-Corp lawyer at Clearpoint Counsel, where I am enabling businesses that are helping to solve social and environmental problems. I am also a Climate Leader with Al Gore’s Climate Reality project and writer at The Verb. 28 Annual Review 2014

PARTICIPANTS (MAY) SPELA BERLEC – Banarra “I learned there are other like-minded people, who I now call my ‘CSL family’ that want to make a positive difference and this gives me confidence in myself and others to make this world a more sustainable and better place for us all.” JAMES BROOKS – Sustainability Professional “Greater confidence in my own ability as a leader, feeling supported now that I know there are other passionate people out there.”

MARIEKE DE GOEIJ – ‘Creative for Change’ (freelance, live illustration, storytelling, marketing ideas) @Marieke_deGoeij “Don’t ask what the world needs; ask what makes you come alive’ Do what you love & inspire!” SARAH FIESS – Sustainability Victoria @_Housee_ “Friendships, networks, support, encouragement, a safe-space.”

DANIEL HARRIS – NSW Office of Water @superdeelzee “I developed a trust in my inner-power, and the confidence to go out and start doing.”

SAYA LORBACK – Sustainability Professional “CSL opened doors but also my mind to new ideas, networks & possibilities – a better future!” Centre for Sustainability Leadership 29

KIRSTY MOEGERLEIN – Monash University @kmoegerlein “I got to realign with what I most value and redirect my path.”

TESS O’BRIEN – Wyndham City Council “I feel like I’ve been given the green light to finally be a leader.”

JILL ROBINSON – Port Phillip EcoCentre Inc. “CSL has provided me with the confidence to really explore my options and to mould a vision into a mission.”

LEISA SHELTON-CAMPBELL – Freelance Curator, Theatre Maker, Teacher, Researcher “Entering a community of other engaged, focussed and dedicated individuals pursuing diverse directions with purpose and clarity.“

KIM SHORE – Global Voices and Clearpoint Counsel @kimshore “I feel greater sense of ambition to work for the planet and a greater network of support to help me do so.”

TRACEY WARD – ACCIONA Energy “I learnt new skills and found support in becoming a sustainable advocate and mentor.”

ALESHA YOUNGHUSBAND – Centre for Sustainability Leadership @ayounghusband “CSL gave me clarity and confidence in the ‘superpowers’ I bring to creating a sustainable world.”

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PARTICIPANTS (AUGUST) JACQUELINE BONNITCHA – Edge Environment “I got an understanding of the many different types of leaders for sustainability that we need.” NADINE GRAY – Financial Services Council “CSL and my fellow CSL classmates played a role in creating a supporting and collaborative space to stretch my passions. The course guided and forced me to reflect on where I saw myself making a change in society.”

ALUMNI FEATURE: RANA KOROGLU “I love the great outdoors and I’m passionate about native wildlife in all its glorious forms. I’ve always believed that to live a good life, we need to be compassionate and respectful towards all the incredible life on our planet. CSL was a gulp of fresh air and renewed my optimism, which can often erode whilst working in sustainability. The CSL fellowship program buoyed my confidence in an experimental environment, in which I had the freedom to try new approaches to leadership. It has clarified my purpose and in so doing, CSL has given me strength and vision to continue working in environmental law. With an enlivened direction for my career in environmental law, I’m now keen to pursue new projects, such as local habitat restoration. There’s no reason not to make the high road a fun road, so I would like to explore more creative projects as alternative ways of sharing my vision of a healthy planet. In the face of powerful interests working against a sustainable future, the planet needs strong leaders to share their vision of hope and inspire others.”

SAM HARTMANN – Sustainability Policy Professional @samhartmann89 “The greatest thing I have taken is the realisation is that it is not that hard to actually to put things into action.”

MICHAEL HOTTON – Civil Engineer “I enjoyed meeting so many intelligent and motivated people who care.”

RANA KOROGLU – Environmental Defenders Office (Qld) Inc @rana_koroglu “Fresh personal and professional insights, clarity of vision and purpose.”

ALEX MARANGA – Consultant @Marangaalex “I got validation and networks to actualize my envisioned sustainability venture.” 32 Annual Review 2014

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DANE MOORES – Australian Government “I met like-minded sustainability professionals from across Australia, and they became my friends.”

MICHAEL MORAN – Origin Energy @mikemoran_mm “Realisation of purpose and direction as well as understanding of change and systems.”

KATE MUNRO – Oxfam “I was so energized and encouraged by all the people who participated or presented to us during my CSL course.”

VERONICA MUNRO – Bold Solutions @vswanberg “I learned the importance of being bold and gained heaps of confidence in my knowledge.”

MANON PIAZZA – Designer “CSL is really good for connecting with the real world, fresh ideas and getting you inspired by fantastic leaders.”

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RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERS PROGRAM CSL partnered with Boeing and promotional partner Southern Cross University to bring this program to a regional community for the first time in 2014. The Rural Environmental Leaders Program (RELP) provides a unique opportunity for up to 30 committed individuals from the Northern Rivers region who are passionate about environmental sustainability. The course utilises both online and in-person learning platforms over 14 weeks to enable participants to fulfil their potential as leaders for sustainability. The face-to-face element is delivered via two weekend residential retreats at the beginning and end of the program. Retreats aim to fast-track the processes of deep immersion, self-reflection in nature and collaborative learning. Between these two retreats, the course focuses on action-based learning via our online learning platform, Leadership Rewired.

NORTHERN RIVERS PARTICIPANTS ERIC BOLLEN –NSW DOE - Wollumbin High School “I got the skills and confidence to kick start Green Schools Australia.”

BRIAN CLARKE – Interpretive Communication Consultant “Connections with like minded people - inspiration - a way to move forward!”

CHARMASTER DOLPH COOKE – Biochar Industries @biocharproject “I can honestly say without CSL I would not be this far advanced in my Industry - it is all just marvelous.”

ALUMNI FEATURE: SCOTT HETHERINGTON “My passion for sustainability is founded in a genuine sense of optimism and belief in our ability to choose a healthy, positive future. The simple pleasures of working together, enjoying the moment, connecting with nature and being gentle on yourself and the planet provide such a fantastic opportunity to live a great life. Recognising that I can genuinely help and encourage others to make a difference is what inspires me to continually seek opportunities to develop my leadership abilities. CSL has supercharged my belief in the need for sharing stories and experiences and my confidence in myself to do this in a way that creates change. The program has given me a whole new network of amazing people, a heap of great new tools, many belly laughs and some delightful new connections.”

ROBYN CURTAIN – Southern Cross University “I was inspired and rejuvenated by the many amazing things people are doing to make change.”

JACKI DIRCKX – JJ United Foundation “Confidence in myself and a network full of beautiful caring and collaborating people!”

DEBBIE FIRESTONE – Tweed Shire Council @MoltenRockD “I learned that leadership is about the skills we have as individuals to do good.” 36 Annual Review 2014

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LISA FLOWER – Waste to Resource “Confidence and support to keep pushing ahead. Great connections that I think I will have for life. A whole of of new ideas and strategies to make a difference.” KERRY GIBSON – Sustainability Professional “I’ve made important connections and friendships with other passionate and committed people who are creating a sustainable future.”

ANAIS GSCHWIN – Future Leaders @anaisgschwind “I found a truly inspiring network of friends and supporters.”

SCOTT HETHERINGTON – Tweed Shire Council “The program has supercharged my confidence in using my skills to create positive change.”

KIRSTY JONES – Southern Cross Credit Union “Great friends and networks, inspiration and motivation, tools and skills to move toward my ideal vision and build a strong and sustainable future.”

SUMEENA KESHOW – Bush Heritage Australia “I’ve… found that the program has given me the tools to go forth with more confidence.”

AMANDA KING – Lock the Gate Alliance @gealgutahilli “The most important thing CSL program gave to me was confidence in asking questions and networking.” SHARON LEHMAN – North Coast TAFE @LeghamLemming “I made connections with similar-minded people that were positive, uplifting and supportive. The course showed me that there is no boundary. You will never know if you never ask someone!” 38 Annual Review 2014

RONNY LINDSAY – Southern Cross University “[CSL is] a reiteration of what is important and valued in my life.”

MARGARET LOUISE – Outside the Square Housing “I gained... the support of a strong and inclusive network of amazingly talented and committed colleagues, to help me translate my ideas into action.”

KIM MALLEE – Byron Shire Council “A whole new way of looking at my sustainability work for Council.”

CLAIRE MCGARRY – Southern Cross University “Recognising the importance of creating time and space for reflection and contemplation.”

NICOLA MERCER – Kyogle Council “An opportunity to grow to my best ability and move out of my comfort zone into more challenging and exciting roles.”

ALICE MOFFETT – Centre for Sustainability Leadership “Feeling of contentment and confidence in my profession as a sustainability educator and project manager.”

GLENN MORRIS – Fig Trees Organic Farms “Knowing my strengths and channelling my energy where it can be most effective.”

STACY OLENEACK – Byron Bay English Language School “New friends and gained confidence to move forward and make change happen.” Centre for Sustainability Leadership 39

TANIA PAXTON – Southern Cross University “CSL gave me a sense of confidence that I was capable and has helped me to focus my direction.”

KAMALA ROSE – Dream of Eden Organic Farm “A greater understanding of leadership. Connected to others interested in sustainability education via the creation of a local ‘green school.’”

JOSEPH SPARKS – Environmental Science Student “Meeting people with similar interests and that are already established and working the fields that I want to has been great.”

NEIL TAYLOR – Extraordinary Management “CSL has provided with great leadership tools, confidence and connected me with positive productive people.”

KODI TWINER – Contemporary Music Student “I have learnt the extent of my energy and how to best harness it. Finding balance was also a big theme for me throughout the whole course.”

40 Annual Review 2014

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SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM With the support of funding from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) CSL was able to offer a new program – the Sustainability Leadership Development Program (SLDP) - to the Illawarra region. The SLDP provided an opportunity for 19 passionate emerging leaders to develop their leadership skills while developing a community of practice with like-minded individuals from the region. A combination of face-to-face workshops and an online learning platform, this three-month program helps participants address a broad range of sustainability challenges including developing environmental and social justice projects specific to the Illawarra. Participants are given access to inspirational speakers and mentors, and a network of the best and brightest minds in the local area.

ILLAWARRA PARTICIPANTS BEN ANDERSON – Illawarra Environmental Education Centre “Connecting with and helping the vibrant and diverse crew of participants.”

EMMANUEL BAKENGA – Green Connect “Got confident and understanding of Environmental, Social, Economics sustainability.”

JENNA CONRAN – Wollongong City Council “I got the confidence to create chance within my workplace and to stand up to those with more power.”

ALUMNI FEATURE: ALANA TWEDDLE “I am a passionate advocate of resource efficiency and waste minimisation. I truly believe that businesses can solve social problems while making a profit and that realising a more sustainable world requires new attitudes, approaches, skills and new ways of going about our business. The CSL Journey was a transformational experience, like nothing I have been involved before. It was some of the most powerful months of my life: surrounded by radical thinkers, with game-changing ideas, all bound by a common goal of doing things better. It was intense. It challenged the way that I think. It provided me with new tricks of trade. The program was innovative, the people were diverse, the change eternal. I want to continue demonstrating that the commercial and sustainability imperative can exist hand in hand and that sustainable procurement can be as a vehicle to simultaneously improve the bottom line and improve environmental and social outcomes.”

42 Annual Review 2014

DANIEL DALY – Sustainable Buildings Research Centre “My heart and hands were given strength that there are people who care and that we are changing things.”

WARWICK ERWIN – Stanwell Tops Technical Services “The footprint I leave needs to be smaller and I am not alone trying to make it smaller.”

ELAINE GLOVER – Wollongong City Council “CSL has made me feel like I have made valued new friends that I look forward to keeping in contact with in the future.“ Centre for Sustainability Leadership 43

DANIEL JONES – UOW and Fire & Rescue NSW “My heart and hands were given strength that there are people who care and that we are changing things.” NEIL MCLAREN – Break Thru People Solutions @NeilAMcLaren “I realised that others see my leadership skills that I am not aware of and I need to step into the opportunity to be a leader for sustainability.”

LEILANI PEREZ – Sustainability Professional “I am more in depth with myself and I saw myself getting more involved and contributing my thoughts.”

Climate Girl – PARRYS RAINES @climate_girl “A clearer description of leadership, its styles and roles.”

LEIGH REIS – Social Anthropologist “Increased confidence, clarity of purpose & commitment to act on passion for paradigm change.”

MALCOLM SALMON– TAFE NSW “The ability to realise that I can actually make a change.”

Shellharbour City Council – CAREN TAYLOR “CSL has inspired me to start blogging about what we do as a family to reconnect to earth and lessen our environmental impact.”

STEPHANIE TOOLE – Unversity of Wollongong “I realised that I could actually be that person that ‘does something’ about ideas or issues they care about.”

ALANA TWEDDLE – BlueScope Steel @AlanaTweddle “I developed an awareness of just how much change is already happening and the incredible support networks that are available to help me make change happen.”

ADAM WOODS – Conservation Volunteers Australia @wetlandwanderer “[CSL]...built my confidence to network with other Sustainable Leaders.”

RENAE RIVIERE – Conservation Volunteers Australia “CSL connected me with a new network of people who inspire me to keep working towards my goals - I feel empowered to dream big.”

KELLY RYAN – Little Branches Big Trees @LittleBranches “Lot’s of tools for implementing successful projects and an invaluable group of wise new allies, peers and friends!”

PENNY SADUBIN – Artist, facilitator, gardener “I gained renewed confidence in my own abilities as well as the support of a great new network.” 44 Annual Review 2014

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SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM With funding support from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), CSL was also able to offer the Sustainability Leadership Development Program (SLDP) to the Northern Rivers region for the first time. Similar to the SLDP in the Illawarra, this program provided an opportunity for 20 individuals who are passionate about creating change for sustainability around renewable energy in the Northern Rivers region. A combination of face-to-face workshops and an online learning platform, this ten-week program helps participants explore and come up with some local and innovative solutions around the big complex issue of renewable energy. Participants are given access to inspirational speakers and mentors, and a network of the best and brightest minds in the local area.

NORTHERN RIVERS PARTICIPANTS ANDREW CAMERON – Possum Creek “CSL gave me alignment with other people and tools to work towards a better future.”

DAMION CAVANAGH – BMT WBM Pty Ltd “The opportunity to reflect and crystallise my reasons for creating better outcomes for our world.”

PAUL CREBAR – Free Your Food “I obtained powerful tools to simplify processes and make effective and powerful decisions with confidence.”

ALUMNI FEATURE: HANNAH FORRESTER “Sustainability wasn’t a word I was born knowing, however the concept was natural right from the beginning. Ultimately it’s about being connected to our earth and knowing the partnership we share. Sustainability isn’t only about our environment; it’s about how we interact between one another, and ensuring that we are evolving positively. It gives me purpose and helps to explain my desire to change our world for the better. My passion has been strong all along. However CSL has assisted me in focusing and directing my passion to set and achieve goals. Through CSL I have gained valuable tools and structure, which has given me the confidence to be the leader who I naturally am. I would like to cultivate a more sustainable culture within our organisation which will empower the people to put their dreams into action, and grow more food for the community. I would like to inspire more people to be involved in community gardens and find the diverse values that they hold within.”

46 Annual Review 2014

CHANTELLE CRUICKSHANK – Epicentre Environmental “ I wanted to gain more knowledge and insight about sustainability. I would like to harness my leadership skills in order to use my knowledge to educate and guide people.”

TOM DUNCAN – Entire network solutions @tom_duncan7 “I gained a sense of purpose that aligns my activities in a new way with sustainability leadership.” PETER ENRIGHT – Sustainability Professional “I rekindled my desire to be a force for sustainable change in the world and I was able to meet some great people who are also passionate about sustainability.”

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HANNAH FORRESTER – Mullumbimby SEED “I have the will and the passion, but CSL gave me my legs and feet to get there.”

ALEXANDRA GRANTHAM – Set Up Success @setupsuccess “I walked away believing I can make a difference and I know what I stand for. I can make change happen.”

PATRICK HALLIDAY – Juno Energy “The course has allowed me to experiment with leadership styles and has connected with a number of interesting people in my region who are passionate about energy and other issues.”

PARIS HATZINICOLAOU – Home Energy Efficiency assessor “I received the support and tools to explore and develop my leadership style and potential.”

CLAIRE HEWITT – Local Land Services, NSW “I realised that widely disparate people can work together to create positive change.”

TSHINTA O’DWYER – Sustainable Waste Management “Confidence in my ability to make a positive and effective contribution to creating a more sustainable society.”

KARIN OCHSNER – National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), Let’s go surfing Byron Bay “I developed trust in my own ability to pass on the importance of connection to the natural world.”

SHANE SCHMIDT – Gold Coast City Council, Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) “The CSL program helped push me a little further into the sustainability and gave me more tools and networks to help change the world.” ANDREA VICKERS – The Greens @Andrea1Vickers1 “I got that initiating positive change is easy and supported by many around me.”

ANDREW YEOMANS – Passionate about Resource Efficiency “Working with a supportive group of knowledgeable, like-minded people.”

TIMOTHY HODGSON – Light Touch Electrical “CSL refined my values and provided great opportunities for networking. My next project is to create a community owned renewable energy project.”

RACHAEL JENNER – Ballina Shire Council “I gained confidence, knowledge and network to make the world a better place through sustainability.” LAKSHMI KERR – Sustainable Food and Farming @lakshmi_kerr “The course enabled me to tap into a great network of sustainable development leaders, provided a safe space to reflect on my own leadership journey and motivated me to continue making change.” 48 Annual Review 2014

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ALUMNI PROGRAM CSL graduates form a Steering Committee both in Melbourne and Sydney, and closely collaborate with CSL on the implementation of the Alumni Program. Graduates advise on CSL’s strategic direction, decide themes and topics for Think and Link events, and contribute to CSL Board meetings.

CSL understands that completing one of its programs is not the end but just the beginning. The Alumni Program aims to provide lifelong professional development, support and inspiration to all graduates. The program offers graduates the opportunity to: stay connected with each other, stay engaged with CSL and continue their learning and leadership development.

Think and Link events are social events that focus on a leadership and/or sustainability theme (including guest speakers, alumni shout outs etc.). These events are often open to friends of alumni for further learning and networking opportunities. CSL believes that its alumni are its greatest ambassadors. The merit and excellence of the alumni and what they go on to achieve are the greatest testaments to CSL’s programs. Formal alumni ambassadors are selected each year and they represent CSL at conferences, promotional events and to potential partners.

Sydney Steering Committee: Ben Ward Clare Tucker Craig Hayman Garrett Stringer Gina Lopez Imogen Schoots Jai Allison Jen Halldorsson Julia Adamski Laura Reed Shubha Young

50 Annual Review 2014

Melbourne Steering Committee: Brent Masters Candyce Presland Georgina Morrow Lilli McCubbin Matt Wicking Sarah Fiess

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SPEAKER FEATURE: COSTA I love being involved with CSL and 2014 has been a year where I have seen CSL really stretch it wings and deliver to regional centres across the country. Taking the course outside of the city centres of Melbourne and Sydney reflects a real time growth and movement to where a whole new layer of graduates not only awaits but are perfectly located to immerse into the very frontline of change: to places where the food system and rural landscapes provide us such valuable ecosystem services and resources but yet need leadership support right now, on the ground.

It was a pleasure to be present in Mullumbimby for what was a very moving Northern Rivers Program graduation and then to follow this up in late November with the graduation of the second regional program in Wollongong. Both these graduations are releasing local talented change makers loose on the issues that face their local areas, yet at the same time equipping them with a network of fellows who can support any and all of their visions, hopes and dreams for a more sustainable planet in the big picture. I truly believe in what CSL is doing because I am constantly working with graduates or better still swimming in the slipstream of CSL inspired change across communities everywhere I go. 2014 has been a cracker of a year and I cant wait to see how CSL embraces and delivers in 2015.

52 Annual Review 2014

SPEAKERS AND MENTORS Without the generous support of all our guest speakers and mentors, CSL’s programs would not happen. We thank you greatly for the invaluable contribution you provide our fellows and alumni. Adam Blakestar - Starfish Initiatives, Executive Director & Community Entrepreneur Alasdair Smithson - Munch Crunch Organics, Organic Farmer Alex Fearnside - Smart Snacks, Co-Founder & Chief Happiness Officer Alex First - Media and Presentation Training Pty Ltd, Managing Director Alex Graham - Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW), Senior Team Leader - Sustainable Households Amanda Cahill - Centre for Social Change, Director Andrea Pape - The Give Grid, Australian Council of Social Service, Project Manager Angharad Wynne Jones - Arts House, Creative Producer Angus Hervey - Future Crunch, Co-Founder Anna Skarbek - ClimateWorks Australia, Executive Director & Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Board Director Anthony Ogilvie - Goodman Fielder, Environment Manager Ben Ward - GreenUps, Co-founder Brent Masters - Masters Media, Managing Director Brett de Hoedt - Hootville Communications & www.jobville.com.au, Mayor of Hootville Carolyn Wilson - Better World Arts, Founder/Director Cate Faerhmann - Sea Shepherd Australia, Board Chair Cath Blakey - Wollongong City Council, Green Team Project Officer Catherine Camden-Pratt - University of Western Sydney- School of Education, Academic Carl Scrase - Empathy at Work, Founder Costa Georgiadis - Landscape Architect & Environmental Educator Claire McGarry - Marketing and Events Officer, Byron Shire Council Claire Tucker - Banarra, Consultant Craig Copeland - Department of Primary Industries (NSW), Manager of the Conservation Action Unit Craig Irvine - Future Business Council, Director Dale Renner - Iconic Consulting Pty Ltd, Director David Jordan - Department of Primary Industries (NSW), Principal Research Scientist David Pointon - Freelance Facilitator & FAST Meetings Co., Managing Director David Seignior - Centre for Sustainability Leadership, Learning and Innovation Lead Debbie Firestone - Tweed Shire Council, Sustainability Program Leader Deborah Preston - The Green Building Centre & Painted Earth, Director Deon De Saldanha - iAccelerate Start, General Manager Dexter Dunphy - University of Technology Sydney, Emeritus Professor Diana Renner - Metta Leadership | Not Knowing Lab, Director & Principal Consultant Don Henry - Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute- University of Melbourne, Public Policy Fellow for Environmentalism Emily Dunstan - Zoos Victoria, General Manager Community Conservation Emma Mayhew - Office of Environment and Heritage, Project Officer Eyal Halamish - OurSay, Chief Executive Officer Centre for Sustainability Leadership 53

Fam Charko - Port Phillip EcoCentre, Community Engagement Manager Fergus Green - Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment (GRI) London School of Economics, Policy Analyst & Research Advisor to Professor Stern Francois Faure - Trans4me, Director & Ensemble (Australia),CEO Glenn Albrecht - Murdoch University in Western Australia, Professor of Sustainability Glenn Morris - FigTree Organic Farms, Holistic Farmer Glenn Bartlett - Step Change Marketing, Strategy Director Greg Bourne - Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), Chairperson Greg Foyster - “Changing Gears: A Pedal-Powered Detour from the Rat Race”, Freelance Writer & Author Hannah Du Plessis - Fit Associates, Principal Janette O’Neill - Vector Limited, Culture, Leadership & Transformation General Manager James Thier - Future Super, Board Director & Investment Committee Member Jason Clarke - Minds at Work, Founding Father Jason Kimberley - Cool Australia, Founder Jason King - Victorian Aboriginal Health Service Co-op, Chief Executive Officer Jean Ogilvie - Lend Lease, HR Integration Program Manager Jenny Gray - Zoos Victoria, Chief Executive Officer Joanne Jakovich - U Lab, Co-founder John Stewart - The Green School-Bali, Head of School John Talbot - Stormlight Consulting, Director John Thwaites - National Sustainability Council, Chair & Monash Sustainability Institute Chair JP Williamson - Randwick, Waverley & Woollahra Councils, Compost Revolution Commander-in-Chief Justin Medcalf - Bendigo and Adelaide Bank- Bendigo Wealth, Head of Innovation Kate Harris - Centre for Sustainability Leadership, Chief Executive Officer Kate Nicolazzo - Yarra Energy Foundation, Chief Executive Officer Kate Stevens - National Australia Bank, Community Finance and Development, Manager Kati Thompson - Monash University- Sustainability Institute, Green Steps Training Coordinator Katrina Shields - Byron Region Community College, Sustainability Education Coordinator Kaylyn Hawkes - Cultivating Community, Cafes Food Waste & Composting Worker Kelly O’Shanassy - Australian Conservation Foundation, Chief Executive Officer Kerry Arabena - University of Melbourne- Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, Director and Chair of Indigenous Health Kim Graham - Sustainability Officer, Byron Shire Council Kim McKay - The Australian Museum, Director & Chief Executive Officer Kirstin Woodward - City of Sydney, Environmental Projects Manager Konrad Marshall - The Age, Senior Writer Lachlan Feggans - Fuji Xerox, National Environment Manager Lauren Zell - Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW), Regional Clean Energy Coordinator North East NSW Lee Stewart - Fujitsu Australia New Zealand Limited, Principal Sustainability Lead/Head of Sustainability Les Robinson - Enabling Change, Creator Lisa Flower - Waste to Resource, Waste Warrior Lisa Miller - Hertz Australia, Director Sales Australia & New Zealand

54 Annual Review 2014

Liz Caldwell - Innovations for Poverty Action (Ghana), Project Coordinator Lloyd Niccol - BlueScope Steel, Building Products and Solutions Innovation Specialist Luke Hockley - Midnightsky, Founder and Director Max van Biene - Kinesis, Communications and Engagement Strategist Mark Caddey - Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW)-Sustainable Communities, Senior Project Officer Mark Boulet - Monash Sustainability Institute, Researcher/Education for Sustainability Marnie Kikken - Nature Conservation Council of NSW, Community Engagement Team Leader Matt Kronborg - United Nations Association of Australia, National Executive Director Matt Perry - Ikon Communications, Chief Strategy Officer Matthew Gordon - OurSay, Co-Founder Matthew Wright - Beyond Zero Emission, Executive Director Melissa Field - Mind Australia, Director & Centre for Sustainability Leadership Chairperson Michael Reid - Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW), Senior Manager Statewide Programs Households and Communities Michaela Lang - Think Eco, Owner Michelle Evans - Charles Sturt University, Senior Lecturer in Leadership Mike Ritche - MRA Consulting Group, Director Murali Neelamegam - Dynamic Wisdom, Founder and Principal Consultant Nick Lake - Sungevity Australia, Chairperson Nick Moraitis - Centre for Australian Progress, Executive Director Nick Ritar - Milkwood, Director & Permaculture Educator Oliver Costello - Nature Conservation Council of NSW, Firesticks Project Coordinator Pablo Berrutti - Colonial First State Global Asset Management, Head of Responsible Investment (Asia Pacific) Paul Cruickshank - Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW), Community Engagement Officer Paul Gilding - Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership- Core Faculty, Independent writer, advisor and advocate on sustainability Paul Metcalfe - United Way Worldwide, Director & Investor Relations South-East Asia and Pacific Creator Paul Smith - Australian Ethical, Head of Marketing and Communications Penny Elsley - Joining the Dots, Founding Director Peter Ellyard - Preferred Future Institute, Chairperson Peter Lunt - VicSuper, Portfolio Manager Equities Rachel Lowry - Zoos Victoria, Director Wildlife Conservation and Science Richard Boele - Banarra, Founder and Managing Director Sally Hill - Wildwon Projects, Impact Strategist and Co-Founder Samantha Graham - Stormlight Consulting, Director Samuel Alexander - Simplicity Collective, Founder & University of Melbourne- Office of Environmental Programs, Lecturer Sandra Capponi - National Australia Bank, Indigenous Finance & Development Manager Sarah Hunt - RMIT University, Media and Communications Teacher Sarah Phillips - Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Online Environment Editor Sarah Thyssen - Awesome Foundation, Trustee Saya Lorback - Sustainability Consultant and Project Engineer Construction & Bridging Lanka, Team Leader Scott Hetherington - The Tweed Shire Council, Biodiversity Senior Program Leader Centre for Sustainability Leadership 55

Sebastien Maupas - Symplicit, Experience Design Lead Sheena Watt - Federation of Ethnic Community Councils Australia, Policy and Advocacy Coordinator Shelley Meagher - Do it on the Roof, Chief Executive Officer Shubha Young - Investa Property Group, Sustainability and Environment Sophie Nicholls - Muurrbay Language and Culture Co-operative, Consultant Linguist (Southern Linguist) Stephanie Arrowsmith - StartSomeGood, Manager of Global Partnerships Asia-Pacific Lead Steve Burns - BREAZE, Director Stuart Hill - University of Western Sydney, Emeritus Professor Sumeena Keshow - Philanthropy Executive at Rainforest Rescue, Consultant Arts Management Susanna Carpi - Collaborative Community Wealth, Founder Tamara DiMattina - Trumpet PR, Chief Executive Officer & ‘Buy Nothing New Month’ and ‘The New Joneses’, Creator Tanya Strevens - World Business Council for Sustainable Development (Geneva), Manager Taryn Lane - Hepburn Community Wind Farm, Community Officer Tim Mansfield - Action Foresight, Partner Tom Dawkins - StartSomeGood, Co-founder Tom Quinn - Future Business Council, Executive Director Vanessa Lesnie - Lesnie Consulting, Principal Vanessa Zimmerman - Rio Tinto, Group Advisor Human Rights

VOLUNTEERS CSL could not exist without the support of dedicated volunteers – Individuals who so kindly lend us their time, their expertise, and their enthusiasm to help with almost every facet of our operation, from assisting at workshops, marketing and coordinating events, curriculum research, business analysis, to designing and writing the Annual Review.

Leadership Rewired is a practical web-based training program. It allows users to undertake their sustainability leadership training at their own pace, from anywhere in the world. Based on CSL’s flagship Fellowship Program, it provides a toolkit of case studies, interviews, activities and methods covering a range of subject areas from emotional intelligence and leadership styles to project management and entrepreneurship.

We are extremely grateful for the contribution of this wonderful group of people. We love having them around, but we also love to see them move on to their next big thing with the help of their CSL experience. A VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR 2014 VOLUNTEERS -Charles Gallagher -Kerny Lee -Emma Siqin -Peyton Hinson -Gordon Young -Traci Thomas -Joanna Kaflowski -Vivien Pollnow

56 Annual Review 2014

“Engineers Without Borders has used the Leadership Rewired program to prepare our leaders from around Australia to tackle important global challenges - from fighting poverty to shaping a cleaner, fairer future.” Centre for Sustainability Leadership 57

MELISSA FIELD, CHAIR Melissa has broad experience as both an executive in, and advisor to, the commercial sector, including as an Executive Director with Ernst & Young. She has particular expertise in finance, accounting and assurance and in planning and implementing strategic change in entrepreneurial organisations. She is a Chartered Accountant and has an MBA from Melbourne Business School. She is also a Director of Mind Australia and member of Mind Australia’s Finance and Risk Management committee and Strategy Working Group. She is also an independent member of the Surf Coast Shire’s Audit and Risk Management Committee.

ALEX GRAHAM, VICE CHAIR Alex is an alumna of CSL with 10 years’ experience in the sustainability sector working with businesses, government and non-government organisations including the Australian Conservation Foundation and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. Alex has a particular interest in the role that social and individual behavioural change can play in creating a sustainable future. She conducts research for government into the effectiveness of behavioural change interventions in an environmental policy setting. As a team manager delivering largescale and complex sustainability programs within community, Alex possesses a deep passion for innovation and adaptive management.

MICHAEL MCKITERICK, SECRETARY Michael McKiterick is a Legal Supervisor at the Sunshine Youth Legal Service. Formerly a Senior Lawyer at PILCH Victoria, Michael has been a solicitor since 2005. He was awarded the Victoria Law Foundation Fellowship in 2011. He is the author of the VLF report on volunteering in community legal centres, and completed the CSL Fellowship Program in 2010.

58 Annual Review 2014

JEREMY BASKIN Jeremy is a leading sustainability thinker and educator, working extensively on the design, development and delivery of learning programmes on sustainable development. He is the outgoing Australia Director of Cambridge University’s Programme for Sustainability Leadership, and remains a senior associate. He is a Senior Fellow at the Melbourne Business School, and an Adjunct Professor at LaTrobe University’s Institute for Social and Environmental Sustainability.

CSL BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRIAN GARDNER Brian Gardner is the Victorian Manager for Donington and Harris Smith; a change and career consultancy. He was a Director of Gardner Consulting Services and previously Chair of the Board of The Oaktree Foundation. He has a particular interest in cross-cultural and virtual work team performance and engagement, after work experience in the US, Africa, Europe, Australia and Asia Pacific, and is passionate about enabling people to develop sustainable lives and careers. He has extensive multi-disciplinary management and leadership skills and experience, across diverse areas in a variety of industries.

JANETTE O’NEILL Janette O’Neill recently moved to New Zealand to join Vector as the GM Culture, Leadership & Transformation. She was most recently the Head of Sustainability at National Australia Bank and has also worked as a consultant with Accenture and PwC. Janette also holds a board position with the PwC Foundation.

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CEO, Program Facilitator

Kate took the reins as CEO of CSL in June 2013, after her previous role as CSL’s Sydney Program Director and Director of Learning and Development. A former business coach, facilitator, and performing artist, she has completed a Master of Arts (Social Ecology) and is passionate about the continued learning and development of both herself and others. Kate works to empower individuals to achieve positive and sustainable change by engaging with their own vision and creativity for sustainability and leadership. Like CSL, Kate is all about passion and potential for the future.


Social Impact and Alumni, Sydney Fellowship and SLDP Illawarra Program Facilitator

Jen is inspired by people, nature and the connections in between. She has a diverse background in research, sustainable transport, languages, yoga and permaculture; and holds a PhD in materials science and nanotechnology. Having completed the Fellowship Program in 2011, Jen loves empowering others as changemakers, capable of bringing about their own visions of a sustainable, socially-just future. She delights in seeing people grow and flourish through operating from their heart, in line with their passions and values.


Intensive Fellowship and SLDP Illawarra Program Facilitator

Diana has designed and facilitated leadership programs in Australia and overseas, across the social, corporate and government sectors. A former lawyer and refugee centre manager, Diana brings to CSL a passion for building leadership capacity for social impact. She believes that leadership is an activity that anyone can engage in, regardless of position or status. She is committed to helping people develop the skills to lead through uncertainty and complexity. Diana is co-author of a book on ‘Not Knowing’ published by LID Publishing, London. Diana is a graduate of the ‘Art and Practice of Leadership Development’ at Harvard University. She was Harvard faculty member for the 2013 program.

60 Annual Review 2014


Learning for Sustainability,Sydney Fellowship Program Facilitator With over 10 years’ experience as a consultant, researcher, communicator, educator and facilitator in the field of sustainability, Jeremy’s experience extends across the corporate, government and education sectors. He has a Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing and Japanese) and a Masters of Environmental Management. After completing the Program in 2011, he is now exploring how creative practice and the arts can be used to more effectively engage people in sustainability as a basis for a PhD. He hopes to enable others to build their capacities for change in line with their own values and hopes for the future.

DAVID SEIGNIOR Learning and Innovation Lead, Intensive Fellowship Program Facilitator David is an educator, communicator and facilitator with over 20 years experience in the sustainability sector. His current work is at the forefront of transformative leadership education combining best practice face-to-face facilitation with cutting-edge online learning. He has previously held roles as a community facilitator, teacher, scriptwriter, performer and media producer. David is passionate about the interplay between creativity, innovation, collaboration and technology and in harnessing the power of people through story and play.

EMILY WILSON Programs Coordinator - August


First Follower, Founder

Program Administrator, Facilitator Jason has been with CSL since the very beginning, acting as a mentor and co-founder to Larissa Brown. A former ad man, teacher, lecturer and stage manager from the tribe of the theatre people, he now runs Minds at Work, a consultancy that “helps people think”. He is a provocateur with insight and perspectives on everything from leadership to culture change, problem solving to decisionmaking, creativity to innovation and he is invaluable in helping our Fellows create a future that works.

SANDI MIDDLETON Program Manager and Facilitator, Regional Environmental Leaders Program and SLDP Northern Rivers Facilitator Sandi is a professional and creative facilitator, coach and program manager with a Bachelor in Science and over 10 years experience working in government, community and private sectors. She has extensive experience in leadership training, collaborative facilitation, adult education, individual and group coaching of all levels of government and community sectors, program management, and strategic planning. She is skilled in building capacity in emerging leaders, stakeholders consultation and relationship management, innovative program design and implementation, organising events and workshops and writing reports.

Intensive Fellowship Program 2014 As Programs Coordinator for the August intensive fellowship program at CSL Emily supporrts CSL in the delivery of the leadership program which aligns with her own interest in and passion for sustainability. She is currently completing a Masters of Sustainable Practice at RMIT, building upon her particular focus on the sustainable management of community events and her undergraduate degree in tourism and event management. She is excited to be part of a collaborative, strategic and sustainable future and for the opportunities this future holds.

ALESHA YOUNGHUSBAND Operations, Melbourne Fellowship Alesha transitioned to the sustainability field from film and video production after being inspired by the the documentary Who Killed the Electric Car?, and has since been committed to building a career focused on securing a safe climate for all species and all generations. She has extensive experience in personal and professional development, with a focus on leadership, team management and teamwork skills and has worked with community groups, universities, NGOs, government and business. Alesha holds Bachelor Degrees in Media Arts (Film and Video) and Social Science (Environment).

MATT WICKING Melbourne Fellowship Program Facilitator For the past decade, Matt has worked as a sustainability consultant and facilitator specialising in change, strategy and communication. He’s worked with organisations and individuals from all sectors – business, government, the arts, education, science and more – helping them to green their practice, embrace sustainability and communicate clearly. He has a Masters of Environment, plus degrees in Psychology and Commerce. Matt has a particular interest in working with passionate people, and in applying his intellect and intuition equally in what he does.

ALICE MOFFET SLDP Northern Rivers Program Manager


Alice applies her passion for social justice, community empowerment and environmental regeneration to her work in business development, project management and public relations. She enjoys delivering sustainability education including engaging green cleaning workshops and consultations and is committed to community enterprise and wellbeing. In 2013, she worked with a community group to form a food cooperative for Byron Bay, CO*OP Kulcha. From having a chemical free home to changing the way we work as a society, you’ll love talking with Alice about sustainability!

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SYDNEY: MELBOURNE: www.csl.org.au 7 Blackfriars Street Level 13, 190 Queen St info@csl.org.au Chippendale NSW, 2008 Melbourne, 3000 +61 423 811 219 +61 3 9078 7378

The Centre for Sustainability Leadership (CSL) is a registered, not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and governed by the Corporations Act. CSL is an Income Tax Exempt Charity with Tax Deductibility Status (DGR). CSL is not politically aligned and places major importance on governance issues and is overseen by a high 62 Annual quality independent Review 2014 board.

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