Centre for Sustainability Leadership 2010 Annual Review

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ABN 78 123 195 488 Our world is in need of leaders who have the commitment, courage and skill to drive positive change. The Centre for Sustainability Leadership delivers programs that build the skills, knowledge and networks of future leaders to help them realise their goals for a sustainable future.

Empowering the people who commit to the challenge.

Level 7 225 Bourke Street Melbourne Vic 3000 Australia T: 03 9639 9863 E: info@csl.org.au W: www.csl.org.au

Overview The year in review Our programs Fellowship Program Online Program Our leaders Alumni snapshots Fellows-Melbourne Fellows-Sydney Our people Volunteers Speakers and Mentors Leadership team Board Sponsors and donors Governance

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Throughout 2010 we have witnessed a growth in the push for true sustainability leadership, stemming from the idea that if society is to have any hope of flourishing now and in to the future, we need to embrace different thinking, values and systems upon which to build our communities. To do this, we require a generation of leaders and social innovators in every sector of society that have the courage and skills to pave the way. The general disappointment that arose following the Copenhagen climate change conference in December 2009 reflects a growing desire for leadership that drives real and meaningful change. The more people who are engaged in training like ours, the faster we will see the changes we so desperately need. Let us hope we do not need to witness more frequent and severe natural, economic and social disasters before true sustainability leadership takes hold on a wider and bolder scale. This year, 46 diverse and highly talented emerging leaders completed our flagship offering, the Fellowship Program.


Centre for Sustainability Leadership

Like intrepid adventurers, they delved into intensive self and world inquiries and developed inspiring visions and projects for themselves and their communities. They honed their skills in our curriculum competencies, such as systems thinking, creative problem solving and the mastery of communication, in order to develop themselves as leaders with a mission – to serve society, our environment and future generations. The Centre for Sustainability Leadership (CSL) exists to develop a courageous movement of people focused on enabling a truly sustainable world, and the launch in early 2011 of the Leadership Rewired e-course and online platform will allow core aspects of our training to reach many thousands of future leaders around the world. The impact of our training is clear. Throughout this review you will find stories of how these diverse hand-selected emerging leaders are creating inspiring and potentially transformational change in our society.

We invite all our many supporters and partners to celebrate their success as your own. It is because of you that CSL, our participants and alumni have achieved as much as they have. We would like to give special thanks for the generous support of our partners and sponsors, including the following organisations as well as all those listed on p.61: • NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water • EPA Victoria • William Buckland Foundation (managed by ANZ Trustees) • Qantas Foundation • Myer Foundation • British Council • Federal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities In 2010 we said farewell to our founder Larissa Brown, who left to pursue a new path as a talented sustainability advocate. Without her vision and pure determination we

would not be here, and we cannot thank her enough for dreaming big and standing tall. Thanks also to Ariana Bourke, our Innovation Director and a Fellowship Program alumna, who supported and guided the team between Larissa’s departure and the arrival in late 2010 of our new CEO, Andrew Foran. Our passionate staff, board members and incredibly generous volunteers have been busy right through the year to ensure solid foundations from which to leap in future years, improving and refreshing everything from our recruitment processes to the philosophies and curriculum that underpin our programs. As you read this year’s review, please join us in celebrating what it means to be someone who steps up to the challenge of creating a sustainable future. We hope you join us as a Fellow, sponsor or partner in the years to come. From all the team and board at the Centre for Sustainability Leadership.

Annual Review 2010 • Overview


our programs



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Personal effectiveness: effectively managing time, prioritising competing demands and maximising wellbeing.



Personal development and self-inquiry: identifying your personal strengths and weaknesses that underpin your unique leadership style; creating and executing strategies to build your leadership capacity.



Creative thinking: building capacity to tackle challenges and find creative solutions.


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Teamwork and relationship building: building interpersonal skills to improve relationships and maximise collaborative team outcomes.



Emotional intelligence: understanding yourself and others and optimising interpersonal relationships.



Communications and advocacy: making a positive impact with presentations and utilising the media to convey effective sustainability messages.


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Making things happen: developing, implementing, evaluating and learning from practical sustainability initiatives.



Thinking strategically: developing strategic thinking capacity.



Dynamics of change: understanding different theories of change and their application and relevance in sustainability.



Sustainability leadership: understanding the success and diversity of the world’s most effective sustainability leaders and developing a vision and plan for yourself as a sustainability leader.



Philosophy of leadership: gaining an improved understanding of key moral and philosophical aspects related to leadership.







The Fellowship Program curriculum is underpinned by key competencies that have been identified as fundamental skills for successfully addressing the challenges faced by leaders who are tasked with facilitating the emergence of a sustainable future.

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Throughout the seven-month program, our Fellows participate in weekly workshops, retreats, sustainability projects and networking opportunities. They also receive individually tailored support through our coaching and mentoring programs and enjoy ongoing peer-to-peer learning and community building through our online platform and forums.




Each year, we offer up to 26 places in each of the Melbourne and Sydney programs, attracting people who are passionate about building a sustainable future and developing their skills, knowledge and networks to be effective in making strides toward their vision for sustainability.

Mentorship /// Envisioning sustainability /// Changing hearts, minds and behaviours /// Networking /// Understanding societal and political structures /// Being a sustainable individual and societal change agent /// Accessing financial and other resources /// Career development


The Centre for Sustainability Leadership’s Fellowship Program supports the emergence of key influencers across a broad range of sectors. Over the past six years, we have produced more than 200 graduates working in business, law, science, engineering, communications, finance, health, government, social entrepreneurship and the arts.


Annual Review 2010 • Our programs 11

FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM REVIEWS SYDNEY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM What another amazing year it’s been in Sydney. Admittedly, it was with some trepidation that I started off this year’s interviews. How could there be more passionate, capable, driven and strategic beings out there that care for our planet after having so many amazing Fellows in 2009?

MELBOURNE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM With so many notions of ‘sustainability’ being explored in our current environment, its leadership can often seem either abstract or debased. What’s more, with recent Australian elections bringing moments of agony and ecstasy in equal measure, it seems our world is disillusioned with traditional leadership of any type. Rising to these challenges are the 24 emerging sustainability leaders taking part in the 2010 Melbourne Fellowship Program. The group contains a wonderful combination of backgrounds and talents: lawyers, a comedian, engineers, the founder of Cool Australia – all are passionately involved. Which ones would you throw off the desert island? The answer is ‘none of them’ – if the Fellowship Program shows nothing else, it shows that our collective future relies on leadership of all talents. The 2010 Melbourne Fellows are an incredibly grounded and focused group. The projects they have developed during the program are all about clever leveraging to drive real change now and into the future. Greening carparks and unused space. Growing medium-scale solar. Online collaborative thought leadership forums. Promoting sustainable food purchasing. The greening of sport and the media. Reconnecting kids to nature. One might say a sharp new realism marks their collective leadership focus. Even so, it is the vision and passion of each that fires the individual leadership journey. 12

Centre for Sustainability Leadership

This energy has also inspired the many top-class speakers, mentors, coaches and alumni – all leaders in their respective fields – who have given so generously of their talents this year. We sincerely thank you all. Special thanks to Jason Clarke of Minds at Work who has been a feature speaker and trainer for the program since its inception. He continues to enlighten and inspire us all.

So it was wonderful to see so many applicants who were inspiring, driven visionaries, determined to put things into action. And thus the 2010 group of Fellows was formed. As part of our workshops, I often ask the group to come up with one word that best articulates how they feel in that moment. If I was to ask myself to perform the same exercise – to come up with one word that best describes this year’s journey and the Fellows that created the experience – the word I would choose is ‘diversity’.

We’re extremely grateful to the Melbourne Fellowship Program’s major sponsor EPA Victoria, which continues to support this transformational program and this year so wonderfully hosted our weekly workshops at its spanking new facility at 200 Victoria Street, Carlton – a real facilitator’s delight.

The shared values and passion of this group of people is phenomenal. Their raw energy has blown away the speakers who walk into our workshops and experience interacting with them face to face.

Many thanks also to our corporate, philanthropic and government partners who sponsored places on this year’s program, enabling more individuals to step up to the challenge of creating a sustainable future.

But their values, their vision of how they want to create change, the sector from which they come and their understanding of the other are often very different. This has presented an opportunity for challenge and thoughtful, empathic collaboration amongst our Fellows, one which is not always comfortable. And I’m thrilled.

We hope life on our desert island beyond 2010 will be all the better for our combined efforts. Kate Nicolazzo and Jon Anstey, Melbourne Facilitators.

This is one of the main objectives of our Fellowship Program. In order to truly face the problems we share as a global society and as a people who walk in this Earth, we will need to work together – no matter what country or religion we hold dear or even whether we believe in climate change.

This is an opportunity for us all as a community – and that’s why I’m not only in awe of this year’s Fellows for their passion and determination but also for their breaking down of barriers that have previously been road blocks to profound, systemic change. The path is now clearer for these inspiring individuals. We would be naive to think that there will not be ongoing roadblocks along the way to trip us up. But I’m heartened by the knowledge that the 2010 Fellows now have greater clarity, are better equipped to deal with these future challenges and have friends to walk the long road with. Thank you to you all for your courageous leadership in facing diversity – may you continue to flourish and succeed. I also wish to thank the many people who have supported this year’s program and all the Fellows along the way. To the wonderful speakers – who are all too amazing and numerous to mention – I only wish you truly knew the impact that your stories have on us all. To the mentors who have been specifically chosen to support the Fellows’ development, a big thank you for sharing your time and expertise so generously. To my volunteers in Sydney – Jacqui Lumsdaine, Hala Yousef and Helen Farrer – your efforts behind the scenes are of a magnificent support to me and all the participants. To all our sponsors for which, without your fundamental support, none of this would have been possible. And so the 2010 program ends ... and while I don’t know what the theme will be for the year ahead, or which amazing people will come together, I certainly look forward to finding out. Kate Harris, Sydney Director

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LEADERSHIP REWIRED Rewiring our society to think and act more sustainably

At CSL, our vision is to build a movement of people focused on creating a sustainable future. This requires a lot of passionate and resourceful people putting their hands and minds toward creating positive and intelligent change throughout society. But who are these people and how do we support them to connect and collaborate on sustainability initiatives? These are questions the online team has been addressing through the development of Leadership Rewired, an online learning and community platform designed to build the capacity and influence of sustainability leaders.

The development of Leadership Rewired has involved many people and we are very grateful to everyone who has shaped the program so far, including our sponsors; • • • • • • • • •

Qantas Foundation Myer Foundation Federal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities The Ian Potter Foundation The British Council of Australia auDA Foundation The Fred P Archer Charitable Trust managed by the Trust Company Limited Starbucks Foundation managed by Give2Asia Canon

The course helps participants define how they can be a force for good in a way that builds on their passions and strengths. It enables them to address real and pressing sustainability issues.

Early 2010 saw the CSL office become a film production studio as we edited many hours of footage from our trip to Copenhagen in December 2009, where we were privileged to film the stories of dozens of leaders from around the world, including Agastya Muthanna, a passionate economics student who runs a conservation project in Africa, peace prizewinner Vandana Shiva and Karl Henrik from Natural Step. The footage will be used to inspire our Leadership Rewired participants through tangible case studies of real people creating real change.

Participants embark on a journey where they explore the complexities and opportunities faced by society. In doing so, they clarify their own vision for a sustainable future and apply different theories of sustainability thinking.

These elements - a proven leadership curriculum, consolidating and inspiring videos and an ambitious vision, backed up by great technology, execution partners and sponsors - will be online in March 2011 at rewired.org.

Leadership Rewired is very hands on, with each individual tasked with finding their own solutions and pathways forward with the help of proven tools, inspiring videos, personal reflection, independent research and dialogue with their peers.


They learn about changing hearts and minds and other leadership skills needed to influence a changing world. Participants can explore the modules both individually and with their peers on the course, sharing and collaborating within the Leadership Rewired community.

Centre for Sustainability Leadership

Annual Review 2010 • Our programs 15

our leaders

ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS The Centre for Sustainability Leadership’s Alumni Program aims to provide lifelong professional development, support and inspiration to our Fellowship Program graduates as they strive to play lead roles in the realisation of a sustainable global society. Over the last six years, more than 200 people have graduated from our Fellowship Program – below are snapshots of what some of them have been up to. On the following pages we look in greater depth at the impressive results being achieved by a selection of alumni.

Jai Allison (2008) is travelling across South Asia as a Field Officer with Engineers Without Borders, working with community, government and social enterprises to improve the lives of those in poverty through collaboration with Australian organisations and appropriate technologies.

Mark Dingle (2007) manages the Bushfire Infrastructure Improvement Program for the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, which delivers capital works projects to help protect Victorian schools from bushfires. He is also a proud dad to Lucas and Isla.

Bojun Bjorkman-Chiswell (2005) is a freelance journalist, documentary filmmaker and PR manager in the environment/sustainability sector. In 2010 she established the Melbourne Cycle Chic project, a social enterprise that aims to inspire Melbournians to use bicycles as an everyday, easy and fun transport option.

Daniel Epstein (2007) was recently admitted to the Victorian Bar as a barrister. He continues to encourage Melbournians to use biofuels and compressed natural gas as sustainable fuel alternatives, and recently worked with school students on a three-day sustainability seminar.

Kathryn Bowen (2008) is continuing with her PhD investigating the links between global health and sustainability in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as working with AusAID and the World Health Organization on global health and climate change responses in developing countries. Oliver Costello (2009) is working as an Aboriginal Cadet Project Officer with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, where he has continued to introduce and develop Fire Sticks projects to help revitalise Aboriginal fire management practices. He is also enjoying being a first-time dad. Roland Dillon (2008) is in New York completing a Masters in Public Administration specialising in Environmental Science and Policy through Columbia University and the Earth Institute. Roland was awarded a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship to pursue these studies.


Centre for Sustainability Leadership

Aaron Fuller (2009) has started Shiftlock, a unique recruitment agency that offers candidates a one-year leadership program that nurtures their ability to think, question and solve. He continues to work on the Wipe It Out campaign which encourages people to use recycled toilet paper. Kam Ho (2007) is working with Wind Prospect on the development and construction of wind farms in Australia. He also teaches ICT Sustainability at Box Hill Institute and continues to run Forward Shift Environmental, which undertakes energy management projects. He recently started a PhD to investigate the economics of renewable energy in the National Electricity Market. Megan Holbeck (2007) is enjoying motherhood and continuing to spread the sustainability message through articles in Australian Geographic, GMagazine, Green Pages, Outdoor Australia, the Sun-Herald and Wild Magazine.

Pippa Howard (2009) is working on a PhD aimed at identifying how the design and construction of prefabricated learning environments can address issues of sustainability in Australia. Alex Houlston (2009) works with the Office of Housing and is currently managing the sustainability elements for the redevelopment of three housing precincts in Carlton, Victoria. He also recently instigated and negotiated the world’s largest pilot of Ceramic Fuel Cells. Meg Ivory (2009) manages the South Melbourne Commons, a project that addresses environmental, social and consumer issues through the creation of a community hub providing vital services, food security and social welfare, as well as a beautiful place for the community to come together. Dougal McInnes (2008) is based in Geneva, where he heads up CNRG CDM Consulting. Last year, he presented at COP15 and was part of a team that delivered the first national energy efficiency project in Mexico. Tamsin Olejnik (2009) is a Client Relationships Manager at EPA Victoria. She continues to volunteer in the animal welfare industry and recently secured a $95,000 bequest to help find a sustainable solution for the 250,000 unwanted pets killed in Australia each year.

inspired artworks in Melbourne City Square for the Seven Thousand Oaks festival. Nicola Rivers (2009) continues to work as the Policy and Law Reform Director at the Environment Defenders Office (Vic.), working with state and federal governments to improve environmental laws. She and fellow alumni Jen Rae and Amanda Wealands are continuing their CSL project to protect Victorian rivers. Nicky Scheltus (2009) was accepted as an Australian Youth Ambassador for Development and is currently spending a year in Bangkok with WWF Thailand working as a Climate Change Communications Officer. Dan Sturrock (2009) is working as a consultant, advising clients on renewable energy issues. He continues to work with World Education to implement clean energy loans and technology in South East Asia. Jacqui Taylor (2009) is continuing her dedication to obtain free advertising for climate action campaigns. So far, she’s achieved more than $1.2 million worth of pro bono advertising for billboards and online campaigns run by organisations such as ACF, GetUp and 1 Million Women.

Jen Rae (2009) is working on a PhD exploring the connections between public art and sustainability. Recently, she curated an exhibition of sustainabilityAnnual Review 2010 • Our change makers 19



Sending a good message

When Republic of Everyone was asked by popular ABC TV show Gruen Nation to develop an ad to ‘sell the Greens’ during the 2010 election, they knew they’d been given the perfect brief. Not only did their ad win the show’s The Pitch competition, it was also described by host Will Anderson as the best pitch the show had ever seen. Viewers of the show agreed – seconds after the ad appeared, social media channels such as YouTube and Twitter were alight with positive comments, spurring The Australian Greens to approach Republic of Everyone about using the ad in their election campaign. Unfortunately, because the concept was ‘owned’ by the ABC, the Greens did not get their wish. But smart thinking between the agency and the political party led to a PR and social media communication strategy that generated more than 200,000 views of the ad on YouTube, thousands of tweets, likes and blog posts, numerous print articles and interviews across national media channels in the lead up to the election.


The influential campaign is just one of many recent successes achieved by the self-described ‘sustainability agency’, co-founded by 2007 CSL Fellowship Program alumnus Matt Perry.

The name Republic of Everyone is ‘based on the idea that we’re all in this together and that everything we do affects everyone around us’, a point that really hit home with Matt following a trip to Central and South America in 2003.

‘Our vision is to create a company that significantly contributes to social and environmental good,’ Matt says. ‘We describe ourselves as a sustainability communications agency, not an advertising agency. It is about ultimately helping clients profit from sustainability through smart strategy, creativity and communications. Our clients always have to be doing some kind of good – environmentally, socially or ethically.’

‘I saw the world’s many social, environmental and economic problems are all connected; symptoms of one mounting sustainability crisis.’

Centre for Sustainability Leadership

After working in marketing and communications in London, New York and Sydney for major communication agencies such as M&C Saatchi, Matt came to Melbourne where he was accepted into the Fellowship Program,

an important step towards the creation of Republic of Everyone. ‘Becoming connected to a vibrant network of change makers, mentors and speakers who are leaders in their field transformed my sense of being overwhelmed and insignificant into a conviction that I really could make a difference.’ As well as working with not-for-profits like the Heart Foundation, Greenpeace and the Cancer Council, Republic of Everyone also develops branding and communication strategies for commercial clients looking to improve their sustainability credentials along with their profits.

‘We tie sustainability to the core values of a brand. And we want to prove that by doing the right thing you can still drive businesses forward,’ Matt explains. Importantly, Matt doesn’t see being sustainable as a limit on the success of his business. ‘Our single-minded passion for the promotion of sustainability and our collaborative approach is a beacon attracting innovators – corporations, SMEs, government, NGOs and employees – in their search for like minds and “smart thinking”. You can’t fake the intention to embed sustainability into every part of everything you do. Republic of Everyone’s continued success demonstrates the potential for sustainable business thinking.’ Annual Review 2010 • Our change makers 21



Investing for our future

Very few Australians would condone child labour, the illegal arms industry and the destruction of our old growth forests. Yet, every day, thousands of us support these actions without even realising it – through our savings, superannuation and financial investments. ‘Most people are unaware of the environmental and social impacts of their super or investments,’ says Justin Medcalf, founder of Green Equity Management (GEM), a profit-for-cause financial planning firm based in Sydney. ‘We’re trying to change that by helping people to make more responsible choices.’ In an industry sometimes known for its indifference, GEM’s aim is to help people invest their money in a cleaner, greener and more profitable way. They do this by applying pressure to superannuation funds, encouraging them to become signatories to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing (UNPRI), and influencing product providers to offer innovative funds that support a lowcarbon economy while still providing clients with a range of options that suit their shade of green. ‘We want to help everyday Australians move their money to achieve a better return for a better future,’ explains Justin. This approach is achieving big results. Not only has the average responsible investment fund outperformed the average mainstream fund over the last seven years , generating strong returns for GEM’s growing client base, but much-needed money is now being directed towards organisations making a positive impact on the world and away from those doing harm. But Justin’s quest to save the planet doesn’t stop there. GEM is also is big on education, engaging with companies to improve their ESG performance and encouraging shareholder activism on social and environmental issues. The company has strong links to a group of diverse and experienced professionals, all passionate about promoting environmental awareness and growing sustainability as a true profession.


Centre for Sustainability Leadership

For Justin, this means integrating sustainability into all aspects of the business. ‘It’s important at GEM that we practice what we preach. For example, we only use renewable energy and actively reuse, reduce and recycle. We catch public transport where possible, have a staff bicycle, purchase second hand equipment, utilise green IT and have a busy worm farm.’ Justin contributes his ability to grow GEM’s client base and portfolio to his participation in the CSL’s Fellowship Program in 2009. ‘The support and inspiration I gained from my peers, the speakers and mentors at the Fellowship Program enabled me to develop a collaborative approach, which has been key to our success,’ he says. ‘I also gained the confidence and practical skills to express my innovative ideas. This allowed me to build my strategic networks in my sector, and gave me the know-how to position GEM as a credible organisation. These skills are simply not offered in university programs.’ The skills and knowledge Justin gained through the Fellowship Program have enabled him to help other organisations improve their sustainability credentials. GEM is now certified by the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia, the peak industry body for professionals working in responsible investment in Australia and New Zealand, and is about to release a recognition for SME’s that offer a cleaner, smarter super fund for their staff. Most recently, GEM was announced as a finalist in the 2010 Sydney Business Awards. But for Justin, building up his business is not about the accolades, but rather about making positive change for the future. ‘GEM is the expression of my vision that by cleaning your money you can create a better tomorrow, today.’

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RACHEL LOWRY Conservation as a catalyst for change

Rachel Lowry has always been interested in animals. And it’s this passion, combined with the belief that she can make a difference, that has fuelled her journey for change. As the Community Conservation Manager for Zoos Victoria, Rachel was already pursuing her vision of using education as a tool for conservation. However, her efforts at promoting conservation awareness took a big leap forward following her participation in CSL’s 2008 Fellowship Program.

‘The most common reason for deforestation in Indonesia is for palm oil use,’ Rachel explains. ‘This is destroying the habitats of the orangutan and costing the lives of an estimated 50 orangutans each week.’ The project has achieved astonishing results. In just one year, more than 130,000 people have signed a petition through Zoos Victoria calling for the mandatory labelling of palm oil.

‘The Fellowship Program expanded my potential to realise the changes I want to see in the world,’ Rachel explains. ‘By becoming connected to a network of committed change makers, mentors and speakers who are leaders in their field I’ve developed relationships and enduring friendships with many like-minded people with expertise in a broad mix of areas beyond my own. I regularly access these resources to empower my campaigns with expert input on things like marketing, legal and artistic advice which would otherwise cost a huge amount that I don’t have in the not-for-profit world.’

In addition, five of the six major palm oil producers have publicly promised to switch to sustainable palm oil by 2015, while retailers Woolworths have expanded their commitment to identify palm oil in their private label products.

During the program, Rachel was particularly inspired by a presentation by Dan Adams, the founder of the ‘Make Poverty History’ campaign.

‘The majority of processes threatening wildlife are driven by human behaviours. I honestly believe that the only way we’ll be able to save our biodiversity from processes such as habitat loss, pollution and climate change is through community action,’ she says.

‘His youth and determination to let nothing stop him inspires me to persevere when it is invariably difficult to make change happen. Dan didn’t sugar coat how difficult it is to create something new and visionary. Meeting him at the right time continues to give me strength and determination when I face obstacles in my work.’

However, Rachel is not resting on her laurels. She’s currently putting other conservation projects into action by utilising the skills, networks and media know-how she’s gained through her association with CSL.

So what does the future hold for Rachel? One thing is for sure: she’ll continue to drive change to ensure a brighter and more sustainable future for us all – animals and humans alike.

Rachel’s first project, developed during the Fellowship Program, was ‘They’re Calling On You’, a mobile phone recycling program aimed at protecting African Gorillas from the impacts of coltan mining. She has since initiated several other animal conservation projects, including the widely publicised ‘Don’t Palm Us Off’ campaign, which strives to support orangutans by weakening Australia’s link to the palm oil crisis in Indonesia.


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MIYUKI JOKIRANTA The growth of a change maker

Miyuki Jokiranta has always supported the environment. As a young girl she snuck into her neighbours’ gardens and ‘seed bombed’ to promote growth. Years later, far away in New York, she taught an environmental science class and a passion to promote practical, sustainable change began to sprout. Upon returning to Australia, Miyuki searched for an education that would feed her passion and strengthen her professional resolve. The diverse practical work and intimate mentoring included in CSL’s Fellowship Program immediately caught her attention. On orientation night in 2008, Miyuki was the last person to offer an introduction and admits to feeling intimidated. After listening to ‘hardcore’ lawyers, business executives, successful entrepreneurs and architects articulate their grand plans for the future, she felt small in comparison. Today Miyuki is the founder of Seven Thousand Oaks, a not-for-profit online portal that provides support to artists, green arts suppliers and the sustainable arts movement. Seven Thousand Oaks shares its name with a famous work of public art created by the German artist Joseph Beuys who, in 1982, arranged a mountain of basalt stones into the shape of an arrow. After planting an oak tree at its head, he announced that each stone was bound to the tree and should not be moved unless placed alongside a newly planted oak tree. At the time, Beuys’ message influenced thousands of people worldwide; with today’s technology, this powerful idea has the potential to capture the minds of millions. Over the course of just two years, Seven Thousand Oaks has promoted over 50 well-known artists, such as Phillip Samartzis, who uses finely tuned audio equipment to capture the sound of ice melting and cracking in Antarctica, and Tim Craker, who creates stunning living walls using wild plants.


Centre for Sustainability Leadership

‘The Fellowship Program was fantastic,’ remembers Miyuki. ‘I felt like a fish out of water at first, but the atmosphere was very supportive and it wasn’t long before everyone forgot about their CVs.’ During the Fellowship Program Miyuki received mentoring from RMIT Professor Linda Williams, who specialises in Art, Environment and Culture Studies. She also had the privilege of meeting representatives from influential organisations, such as the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and EPA Victoria. ‘At the end of the Fellowship Program we all felt a strong sense of personal accomplishment. Our mentors and the program operators had given us great advice and introduced us to powerful contacts, but we always felt like we were the ones doing the work.’ Miyuki’s most memorable moment was asking Joseph’s widow, Eva, for permission to use the ‘Seven Thousand Oaks’ name. She didn’t know what to say as the phone rang because Australia used to have one of Beuys’ oaks, but the basalt stone was mistakenly thrown away and Joseph furiously ordered the oak to be removed. ‘She was a lovely woman and I was so happy when she gave me permission. It felt like Australia’s redemption.’ In 2010 Miyuki organised the inaugural Seven Thousand Oaks festival. This highly successful event featured over 20 well-known professional artists and speakers that created compelling music, visual arts, performances, installations and round-table discussions over six weeks. At the end of the festival Miyuki joined a crowd of young and old to complete a rural Plant Out with Landcare Education staff. While she has grown tremendously over the years, she always likes to go back to her roots.

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Because democracy is not a spectator sport

When former Victorian Minister for Planning and Environment Tom Roper addressed CSL’s Fellowship Program in 2009, little did he know that he would inspire a web platform aimed at making Australia’s leaders more accessible to the public. Developed by a team of five young Australian’s – three of whom are alumni of the 2009 Fellowship Program – OurSay attempts to bridge the gap between the increasingly active political collectives already using social media and the leaders they seek to influence. ‘We want to connect young people in Australia with people who make decisions about the issues they care about most,’ says co-founder Matthew Gordon. Using the slogan ‘democracy is not a spectator sport’, OurSay combines social media and participatory democracy by hosting guest politicians and community leaders in a ‘hotseat’ format. Site users are encouraged to create questions aimed at the guests, vote for other users’ questions and promote the issues through other social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter. The most popular questions, determined by the most votes, are then answered by the guests. 28

Centre for Sustainability Leadership

Following its launch in August 2010, the site hosted two candidates for the seat of Melbourne – Australian Greens’ Adam Bandt and Labor’s Cath Bowtell – in the run up to the 2010 federal election. The results were encouraging, with the site receiving more than 5,000 hits in its first ten days alone. Linh Do, co-founder and site community manager, believes OurSay is an important step forward. ‘Using new media to increase engagement in new forms of political and civic involvement makes perfect sense in today’s environment. Politicians respect the power of this space,’ she says. Matthew, Linh and co-founder Eyal Halamish credit the networking skills they gained through the Fellowship Program for helping them bring OurSay to life. As Eyal

says, ‘I think the real essence is that CSL teaches you to really come together with other people, with other leaders, to drive change and so we could actually drive something to completion.’

‘The passion comes from having faith in what we’ve decided to create, and a lot of that faith comes from the support that we’ve gotten from people who have broken down the idea and helped us rebuild it,’ Eyal says.

‘CSL’s been an amazing support network. One of the biggest things that I got from CSL is the network of young leaders you can connect with and bounce ideas off so you can shape those ideas until they’re perfect to be launched in public.’

Using an organic approach, OurSay is designed to grow as user participation demands a new, direct and effective line of communication to decision makers. The team aims to expand OurSay to include communities in every major city in Australia and eventually in regional areas, allowing each to have their say on local issues.

While the development of OurSay has not been without challenges, Matthew, Linh and Eyal pay respect to the Fellowship Program’s strong emphasis on building and sustaining supporting relationships within the team, enabling them to combine their individual strengths to deliver OurSay’s promise.

As Eyal concludes, ‘It’s the people who actually get online and use OurSay and get excited about the idea and reinforce the idea – without them, it just wouldn’t happen. We built it, but we need them to come.’

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Greening the legal sector Three years ago, driven by a desire to solve problems, Melanie Szydzik committed herself to a legal career. Today she is a barrister and part of a growing voice calling for greater accountability and sustainability in the legal sector. Legal professionals have long amended Australian law to ensure strict standards of sustainable workplace practice are maintained. Ironically, however, the prevailing structure of the legal sector has made it difficult for legal firms to achieve similar sustainability targets in their own places of work. ‘Many outside the law don’t realise that most law firms are partnerships, not corporations,’ explains Melanie. ‘This means there are few opportunities for law firms to benchmark themselves because there are no public reporting obligations.’ While companies are held accountable under corporate responsibility laws, partners are contractually compelled to act together and are jointly liable under the law. Benchmarking sustainability and accountability measures is difficult because individual partners often have very different resources and limitations. To address this issue, Melanie has worked with colleagues from the legal sector to create the Australian Legal Sector Alliance (AusLSA), an organisation ‘by the profession, for the profession’. Based on the Legal Sector Alliance (LSA) that was founded in Britain in 2007, AusLSA aims to empower members to collaborate on the creation of tools, resources and guidelines to record, report and improve sustainability practices across the legal sector. The power of collaboration in bringing about change really hit home for Melanie when she participated in CSL’s Fellowship Program in 2009 and was connected to other sustainability advocates. ‘I was keen to make the most of the networking opportunities created by the Fellowship Program,’ remembers Melanie. ‘For me, sustainability is about achieving the best possible results with the resources available, and I believe contacts play a crucial role in achieving this.’ 30

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When the time came for Melanie to choose a project for the program, the idea of an organisation that set sustainability standards for law firms to aspire to and to report against inspired her. ‘At the time, I was coordinating a project through the Law Institute of Victoria called Green Practice with a CSL alumnus, Roland Dillon,’ Melanie says. ‘Green Practice focuses on educating, networking and training lawyers interested in sustainability. Green Practice is ongoing and does excellent work, but I noticed a gap in the ability of law firms to benchmark themselves due to the absence of reporting. Benchmarking is a key driver for measurable change.’ Melanie’s first step was to contact a number of other CSL

alumni and participants including Alison Dodd, Roland Dillon and Ronnie Lake. The team then approached Charlie Knaggs from the sustainability consultancy firm Net Balance, who had been instrumental in the successful formation of the LSA. Melanie’s mentor, renowned environmental lawyer Simon Molesworth, founder of the Environment Defenders Office and non-executive chairman of Greenpath Energy Limited, also provided fantastic insight and access to sustainability experts within the legal sector.

the project team have successfully encouraged some of Australia’s biggest law firms to affirm their support for AusLSA’s principles by becoming foundation members. These firms are developing benchmarking and other tools that will be available to the Australian legal profession when AusLSA is launched on 17 February 2011. AusLSA truly is a reflection of the team’s hard work and the opportunities provided by CSL’s Fellowship Program. They have made the most of their resources and created a movement with the position and clout to create change.

‘The Fellowship Program is a capacity-building experience,’ notes Melanie. ‘When you work on a project with other like-minded people you feel a valuable sense of shared purpose that drives you to work hard and succeed.’ Today, with the assistance of Net Balance, Melanie and Annual Review 2010 • Our change makers 31

2010 FELLOWS-MELBOURNE ALYSSA FRENCH – Enabling place making Senior Policy Officer, State Government Drive: During my first year as a journalist, I realised I wanted to be part of the story, not the reporter writing it. Working in public policy enables me to imagine the way the world should be and design a solution to make it happen. Vision: I’m passionate about creating places where people want to live, work and play. I believe that cities, and the built environment that supports them, are a key part of the sustainable solution. I want to help connect business, government and the community to drive transformative and sustainable change. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has given me the courage and connections to propel me along my sustainability journey. I particularly enjoyed working with my mentors and the others Fellows, who have inspired me to translate my passion and skills into a rewarding vocation. BETH WORRALL – Driving enterprises for good Head of Development, School for Social Entrepreneurs Drive: Experience has taught me how short life can be and that we have no time to waste. With the skills I’ve learned from CSL, I will now act on ‘being the change I want to see’ on a daily basis! Vision: I believe that businesses can be a force for good. I see a world where both for-profit businesses and social enterprises are ethical and sustainable, and are successful in delivering social and environmental benefit. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has given me a fantastic opportunity to explore sustainability from a professional and personal perspective. Having lived in the UK for many years, it’s been a chance to rebuild my professional networks and make new friends. During the program, I moved cities and stepped up to start a new job in the not-for-profit sector. CASSIDY PRENT – Scaling up green change Commercial Lawyer, Infrastructure Projects Drive: We don’t have time to convince every Barnaby Joyce in the world that climate change is real. We need to make it easy to live sustainably – and that means creating change on a large scale. Vision: I can see a future where stewardship is sexy and living sustainably doesn’t mean sacrificing things we like. That means running on 100% renewable energy and having an endof-life use for everything. More fundamentally, it means rethinking our values and measures of wealth. Achievements: My project team has been working towards establishing the business case for medium-scale solar. We’re aiming to get Australian businesses and communities to switch to solar (on a larger scale) by demonstrating that it makes commercial and environmental sense. This is still a work in progress but it’s been a great opportunity to develop practical leadership skills and see some tangible outcomes. CECILE VAN DER BURGH – Creating value-shifting experiences PHD Student, Environmental Science Drive: I’m fascinated by the diverse natural and cultural systems that have sustained life for thousands of years. It’s unthinkable for us to continue to erode this magnificent fabric the way we have for the last 200+ years. Vision: I want to help build a global society that values, celebrates, protects and strengthens our world’s diverse natural and cultural fabric. I see a future where our global economy works to sustain wellbeing for all life, not to accumulate wealth for few at the cost of too much. Long-term decision making will be the norm and natural assets and cultural heritage will be protected public assets in perpetuity. 32

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Achievements: I’ve been involved in unique collaborations to protect threatened forests, woodlands and cultural heritage in Western NSW. As part of our CSL project, we’ve been working with community leaders to build Victoria’s child and nature network. We share a vision for all children in Australia to have the chance to experience, love and look after the bush. DAVID HERSHAN – Commercialising alternative technologies General Manager, Solar Energy Industry Drive: While working as a commercial lawyer, I became increasingly frustrated by inaction on climate change. I now implement existing environmentally sustainable technologies, helping to re-engineer the way we operate around proven clean solutions. Vision: I want to see Australia move away from its reliance on mining and financial services by finding new industries that will provide mass-employment opportunities in a de-carbonised global environment. I want to change the way we generate electricity, build buildings, transport ourselves, produce agriculture, plan our cities and value the environment. Achievements: Over the last year, I’ve been instrumental in developing key strategies and initiatives to grow the solar company I work for. Along with other Fellows, I’ve also planned for and successfully operationalised the company’s new medium-scale solar division as part of our CSL project. DIMITY WILLIAMS – Communicating our health’s dependence on the natural world General Practitioner & NGO Founder Drive: I’m driven to ensure my children grow up with an ecologically safe future. I believe our health is completely dependent on Earth’s ecological systems and that moving from our current state of consumerism to one of balance will make us healthier, happier and more connected to each other and the natural world. Vision: I want to see individual health viewed in the context of the whole, considering not only the physical, mental and spiritual self, but also the health of families, communities, countries and the planet. Under this view, climate change would be seen as a threat to our personal and collective wellbeing. I want to see us reconnected to our place within nature. Achievements: During the Fellowship Program, I’ve worked with a diverse team on a project to reconnect children to the natural world. I’ve also learned of the value in having a mentor, both personally and for our project. Gaining insights into others from diverse backgrounds has been inspiring for me. FERGUS GREEN – Rethinking the role of government Lawyer & Writer, Environmental Policy Drive: I’m deeply frustrated at the inability of our political institutions to respond adequately to complex sustainability challenges. However, I’m also excited by the possibilities for dramatic improvements in governance and political participation resulting from new ideas, models and technologies. Vision: I want to see a transformation in governance and political culture. Governments would be adept at measuring, valuing and improving the natural world and human welfare, informed by science, ethics and a long-term outlook. Education would be the most prized and best managed public service. Self-aware, rationally and emotionally intelligent, empathetic and responsible citizens would engage eagerly in public decision making and service delivery. Politics would be both more localised and more globalised. Achievements: This year I’ve produced papers for a leading think tank, national newspapers and online forums, and been interviewed and profiled on radio and in legal sector publications. I’m also involved in a project aimed at raising the voices of young thinkers in public debate.

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2010 FELLOWS-MELBOURNE GEORGINA SMITH – Guiding moments of change Project Manager, State Government Agency Drive: My drive is simple: I want a rambling house, with some chooks and veggies, grandkids running around in the shining sun and clean air and the sounds of conversation and laughter coming from my friends and family. Until the planet is healthy and our societies function sustainably, I can’t enjoy my little home, so that’s why I do what I do. Vision: My vision is for the human race to continue to evolve, breed, try, fail, succeed, explore, grow, contract and generally do what it does, in the context of logical and sensible balance with the natural world that enables our existence. Achievements: Through the Fellowship Program, I’ve clarified my role in creating change and learned how to better manage interpersonal relationships. I’m now know I’m good at weaving different perspectives together into a unified whole, great at forming teams of experts to achieve things and a dab hand at explaining ideas to crowds. JAMES ALLSTON – Challenging boundaries to change Marketing Manager, Technology and Engineering Drive: I grew up in Tasmania, where there’s a constant battle between nature and institution. For me, nothing illustrated this struggle more than seeing a clear-felled logging coupe contrasted against the surrounding forest. However, Tasmania’s environmental problems are just the beginning – around the globe, we continue to draw down an ecological debt from which we might never recover. Vision: In my vision, we’ll have remote and undisturbed places indefinitely and future generations will enjoy our planet’s natural beauty as we have. In this vision, humanity sees Earth as a home, not a resource, and works to restore and grow ecosystems rather than tear them apart. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has given me confidence to take on more ambitious projects, such as coordinating a public forum for 300 delegates called the Energy Efficiency Academy. I’ve also been active in a project to green Melbourne’s car parks and have a much stronger determination to see through my goals. JASON KIMBERLEY – Inspiring a grounded shift CEO Cool Australia, Information and Education Drive: My drive comes from a desperate need to fill the void that currently exists between the science and our understanding of how this impacts our environment and us, both now and into the future. Without knowledge, we cannot understand and without understanding we cannot create the change required to pass on a healthy environment to future generations. Vision: My vision is to have stewardship of our natural world as a given in everything we do. Environmentalists of the past will be looked upon in the same way as the early settlers are today – they did the hard yards that everyone now takes for granted. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me realise a massive rethink and reorganisation of what Cool Australia does. It’s helped take us to a clearly defined organisation with strong targets, goals and benchmarks. JULIE FRASER – Facilitating new opportunities and ideas Lawyer, Government Legal Sector Drive: Growing up, my parents always talked about being a ‘good neighbour’. I was encouraged to try new things, to have confidence in myself and in the world’s ability to be changed. As my family moved around a lot, I met people from different backgrounds and places, which led me to value diversity and interconnectedness – and made me wonder why we don’t apply the good neighbour concept globally. Vision: My vision is for the law to operate, and be used, to empower people. I want to learn from, advocate for and educate people in their rights so that the protection and choice the law offers them is meaningful and real.


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Achievements: Participating in the Fellowship Program has given me greater self-awareness and confidence. It’s also encouraged me to take a longer term view (including the 500 year view!) and to be more purposeful and strategic. Being a Fellow has reinvigorated my passion for people and change, and reaffirmed my chosen path. KATERINA GAITA – Communicating sustainability meaningfully Mother & Director, Ethical and Sustainable Living Drive: I believe the only thing preventing us from achieving sustainability is people’s inability to imagine an alternative and how we get there. I want to foster that imagination in the general public and motivate them to join in. Vision: In my vision, climate change will be something that’s studied in history class. I want to see society’s sustainability journey favouring wellbeing over growth, time over money, community over corporation, meaningful activity over materialism and betterment over success. Achievements: This year has been about better understanding myself and what is needed so I can work out where I best fit in the sustainability sector. I’m now unravelled and ready to rebuild. The Fellowship Program has given me the tools, skills and courage to do that, as well as a network of supportive friends to help me through the next stage. KELLY HEFFER – Reinventing food production Resource Efficiency Program Manager, State Government Drive: Despite the urgency and enormity of the challenge of living within our planet’s limits, I’m motivated by seeing more people dedicated to living sustainably and businesses emerging that are genuinely committed to sustainability at the core of their business strategies. Vision: I want to see a revolution in our relationship to food and where it comes from. I envisage a time where we’ve redesigned our food systems to produce affordable, fresh, healthy food within our local communities and where these systems actually have a positive impact on our natural environments. I look forward to a major shift in the way we view ‘wastes’ so they’re valued as resources with many uses - fuel for energy, heating, transport, nutrient-rich fertilisers and carbon storage. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me clarify what I’m truly passionate about. It’s also exposed me to new ways of thinking and challenged me to develop new skills. In particular, I’ve applied training in communicating ideas and facilitating others in my work managing a resource efficiency program for businesses. LUKE MUIR – Building a compelling case for change Communications Manager, International NGO Drive: I’m driven by equality. I believe climate change will further inequality, with the world’s poorest feeling the worst effects having done little to cause it. We’re living on an environmental credit card with no clue of who will pay it and how. However, I’m inspired by our potential to create a sustainable future. Vision: I want to see a green revolution occur, driven by a recognition of the natural environment as underpinning everything we do. In this vision, environmental costs and benefits will be the first entry on the balance sheet, and individuals and companies will always consider how their actions can benefit the environment. Achievements: Our CSL team is developing a medium-scale solar project, creating the tools and products we need to sell panels to businesses in large numbers. We’ve submitted a proposal to Sustainability Victoria to develop a solar hub in Port Phillip. This project is teaching me about the importance of scalability and commercial viability in creating change.

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2010 FELLOWS-MELBOURNE MELISSA CROTTY – Enabling the change journey Producer/writer/performer/activist, Media and Entertainment Drive: I’m driven by a sense of personal responsibility to enable solutions to address the climate crisis we face. Vision: I see a world where we appreciate the interconnectedness we have with each other and all other life forms and where, by working together in our common interest, we can prosper and enjoy life. Achievements: I’m working to increase public awareness of the climate crisis we face and the solutions we have to achieve the transition to a zero-emissions economy and a just world. Among other things, this involves producing a weekly radio show Beyond Zero on 3CR, working with our project team to create mainstream media opportunities, creating arts and public events and developing a climate solution comedy documentary. Through the Fellowship Program I’ve connected with a wide range of individuals to learn, document and inspire the continued growth of the climate movement to bring about social and technological changes for a sustainable world. Due to the program I’m now aiming higher than ever before. MICHAEL MCKITERICK – Empowering communities to act Manager, Community Legal Sector Drive: Working in the community sector, I see firsthand how a lack of access to basic services and rights creates disenfranchisement and exclusion within society. This in turn creates a society that lacks action, particularly with regard to issues such as climate change. Vision: I want to help create communities that are sustainable on all levels by changing apathy into empowerment. I believe we can achieve this by encouraging people to think about what they’re doing and why, and by helping them feel included in the community they live in and the environment they’re part of. Achievements: Through the Fellowship Program, I’ve learned not only how much a leader can achieve but also how much discipline and determination is required. I’ve seen the power of connections with like-minded people for creating change. I’ve learned the importance of setting goals and developing a vision and remaining faithful to these. OSCAR MCLENNAN – Energising the redesign of almost everything Technology and Deployment, Transport Industry Drive: I’m driven by a sense of equality and a love for the people and places around me. I’m entrepreneurial, self-aware and hungry to learn. I have a love of humour and communication, an insight into the technical, and an enthusiasm for challenge, invention and getting things done. Vision: I see the threat of climate change as an opportunity for a virtual redesign of everything – and this is both daunting and exciting. My vision encompasses a world of holistic prosperity, where people do the things they love with the people they love, without stuffing the planet. A crucial shift in attitude will see challenges turn into opportunities and people shape the world they want, rather than accept the world they’ve been given. Achievements: I’m proud to be part of a team that is delivering affordable, convenient, zero-emission driving to the world. Through the Fellowship Program I’ve got closer to clarifying what’s important to me and realised that being myself is one of my greatest assets. PETER LUNT – Cultivating multi-disciplinary solutions Head of Investment Research & Governance, Superannuation Drive: I’m motivated by many things: reducing inefficiency and inequality from a social equity perspective, overcoming short-termism in investment decision making, creating opportunities for business to drive sustainability solutions, and reducing communication barriers between disciplines that result in substandard action. Vision: I want to see a virtuous world of up-cycling, which mimics the Earth’s natural processes. In this world, the avoidable detritus of human civilization is processed into products of economic value with, at worst, a net zero environmental and social impact. 36

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Achievements: The Fellowship Program has exposed me to a wide range of ideas, thoughts, models, people and networks. It’s also given me an opportunity to think through the learnings and insights offered so I can apply them appropriately in order to shift fields of view and further develop my appetite for creating change. RAQIBUL HASSAN – Mainstreaming sustainability through sport Sustainability Officer, Tertiary Education Drive: Growing up in Australia means I’m forever grateful for the liberties, opportunities and freedom I’ve enjoyed. But along with this comes a sense of responsibility to do my bit to ensure an equitable and sustainable planet for all to enjoy. Vision: My vision is for a future that sees me out of a job – a world where sustainability is no longer a career, but where the pursuit for equity is ingrained in everyone’s thinking and everyone takes responsibility for ensuring a sustainable future. In particular, I am driven to see large-scale sporting events champion sustainability issues and use their broad cultural influence to educate and empower the public to achieve a sustainable future. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has provided me with knowledge and invaluable experience, empowering me with the self-belief and confidence to achieve my vision. It’s been exciting working with people in the sporting and related industries to detail the plan for how this can be achieved. REUBEN FINIGHAN – Redefining progress Consultant, Not-for-Profit Sector Drive: I’m inspired by the incredible potential of humankind – nature’s first and only creature with the conscious capacity to imagine, and then build, a better world. Vision: My vision has three elements: global empathy, where Sheila from Wagga Wagga finds the suffering of Abubakarr in Sierra Leone unacceptable and vice versa, and where this instigates meaningful action; a substantive discussion about what progress means, beyond ‘harder, better, faster, stronger’; and bio-mimicry, where human civilisation adopts the characteristics of natural systems including adaptability, resilience, diversity, interdependency and closed-loop operation. Achievements: This year, I was a contributing author to Beyond Zero Emission’s plan for a transition to 100% renewables by 2020, launched in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Hobart. I also produced a guide to help Victorian SMEs cut carbon emissions with The Climate Group. I’m currently working with another Fellow to build a supportive and collaborative network of progressive thinkers and communicators. The Fellowship Program has helped boost and define my ambitions and connected me to an amazing array of young leaders. SANNE DE SWART – Empowering community ownership Program Coordinator, Community Health Drive: I’m driven by an urge to foster equality, justice, respect and care for each other and our surroundings. I want to encourage people to see a love for nature as a value in itself and a necessity for our being. Vision: I want to see a world in which all diversity is celebrated and where people are not mere consumers but active participants and shapers of their communities. I want to help shift our mentality from our destructive, exploitative and unsustainable lifestyles towards a more connected way of being part of nature. Achievements: I’m currently involved in a peace activism and social justice initiative for refugees. The diverse backgrounds of the Fellowship Program participants have also helped me see sustainability issues from various angles and opened my mind to the possibility of the corporate world contributing to solutions, rather than just creating problems.

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2010 FELLOWS-MELBOURNE SUSAN LINDSAY – Inspiring connected living Project Manager – Sustainable Precincts, State Government Drive: Having travelled extensively and seen immense inequality in the world, I’m driven by the need to facilitate fairness and happiness into the lives of people through inspiring connectedness to their surrounding environment. Vision: My vision is for a society where people feel more connected to their natural environment and therefore have improved state of mind and contentment. I envision a shift away from manufactured constraints that are detrimental to nature and the adoption of more holistic systems. I see myself working with people who feel disconnected or marginalised because of location, income status, education or cultural differences. Achievements: This year has been a concentrated learning experience. I’ve become involved in technical committees, facilitated workshops, attended seminars and joined the green leaders at work. I’ve developed the confidence to act, think and speak up for what I believe in. TAMARA PRENDERGAST DIMATTINA – Taking green from mung bean to mainstream Director, PR and Marketing Drive: I’m driven to reduce the widening gap between humans and our home by encouraging a greater respect for, and a less wasteful approach toward, our finite resources. In Antarctica earlier this year, I experienced firsthand the impacts of climate change on our ecosystems. Warnings like melting ice caps and a crisis in the krill population (the foundation of our food chain) were major calls to action for me. Vision: My vision is for a better place where everyone is motivated by what’s good for all rather than individual benefit; where we think and act more conscientiously about the impact of our actions on future generations. Achievements: This year, I designed and implemented the first annual Salvos Stores’ Buy Nothing New Month, a national campaign to get Australians participating in conscientious consumption. The campaign received huge support from mainstream media. The support, encouragement and inspiration I’ve gained through the Fellowship Program have put me on the path to creating the mainstream behavioural change I’ve long hoped for. WARREN GUYMER – Rationalising sustainable development Associate Director, Property Industry Drive: I believe that sustainability makes good business sense and that most people will embrace it when the economic, environmental and social benefits (as well as the costs of inaction) are clearly explained. Vision: My vision is for a property industry that embraces urban regeneration for better environmental, social and economic outcomes, stops urban sprawl and develops with a longterm focus. I want to see better communication and collaboration between government, community groups and the private sector to make this vision a reality. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me to identify more clearly the ‘why’ in what I do and helped me to lead and deliver a national sustainability ‘up-skill’ initiative at my work. Our CSL team has also launched the Green Car Park Project, which engages with government and industry to encourage car park owners and operators to transition to a more sustainable future.


Centre for Sustainability Leadership

2010 FELLOWS-SYDNEY BELINDA FAIRBROTHER – Reconnecting people and actions Campaign Coordinator, Environmental Conservation Industry Drive: Travelling the world opened my eyes to what we stand to lose, but also showed me the power we hold to create change. I now know everyone can be part of the solution. I’m determined to reconnect the broken links and ensure we learn from our mistakes. Vision: Reconnection and interaction – that’s my vision. We live in an intricately connected system, yet the link between community, water, food, climate, nature, gender and justice is constantly being withered away. I want to re-establish positive interaction and connection between these elements and work towards shifting the whole system towards a sustainable, realistic future. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me develop personal courage by providing me with the skills and understanding to trust myself as a leader. Through my team project, I’ve taken a step towards my personal vision of reconnecting people with the origin of their food and their footprint on the Earth. DAVID GRAVINA – Co-designer of change Principal and Creative Director, Digital Design and Communication Drive: I believe that humankind has the creative potential to break from our destructive ways and nurture the planet we live upon. If we can harness and ignite our boundless creativity through design thinking, we can limit the damage we’re doing to our home, adapt to the new one we’ve created and begin to restore it to its former beauty. It is my life’s mission to contribute to that end. Vision: I see a world in which humanity is a creative and positive force upon the planet. In this world, we will have redesigned our own systems to work in harmony with the natural systems of the Earth. Achievements: Through the Fellowship Program I’ve learned that, just like the natural world, I have my limits and need to respect those and work within them! I’ve also made some fantastic contacts and learned the difference between management and leadership, as well as many other practical skills and insights. ELIZABETH MILLS CALDWELL – Reimagining opportunity Associate, Legal Industry Drive: I am motivated by the opportunities associated with society’s changing engagement with the environment. The potential for transformation of thought and action to deliver ecological benefits, equity and justice drives me to create change. Vision: My vision is to develop a world which integrates what we consume and produce. Using a systems-thinking approach, concepts such as collaborative consumption, radical transparency and waste recycling will revolutionise how we interact and develop. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has enabled me to seek out inspiration and given me the tools to reshape existing systems. EMMA HAMILTON-FOSTER – Inspiring responsible development Environmental Consultant, Construction Industry Drive: I’m driven to inspire positive change within the construction industry. I want to see the industry value our natural environment, designing and building developments that give back to the environment rather than demolishing and degrading it. Vision: My vision is to see us all valuing our environment, rather than taking away its resources. I see land ownership being a thing of the past and buildings as an element of nature rather than a separate entity. The economy and social structure will revolve around happiness and quality of life rather than monetary values.

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2010 FELLOWS-SYDNEY Achievements: My communication and leadership skills have improved out of sight, with confidence and competence following closely behind. I now feel 100% confident in standing up in front of an audience to discuss a topic. I’ve achieved a lot within the industry, although the program has also shown me how much more needs to be done and how much further I can progress. EMMA HOLLOWS – Advocating for ecosystems Project Officer, Environmental NGO Drive: I’m inspired by the incredible resilience, adaptability and ingenuity of the fragile and finely balanced ecological systems that underpin our existence. I’m driven to see human systems respect this dependency and interconnectedness. Vision: I see a world in which the health of Earth’s natural systems has been restored and people relish the interconnectedness of humanity and the environment. In this future world, human development has not extended across all boundaries and, while people reside in buzzing, dense hubs of communities, one can still get lost in the silence of an expanse of wilderness. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me acknowledge and appreciate my unique capacity to create change. It’s given me the confidence to move with confidence, as myself, along my own leadership journey. Importantly, I’ve learned the importance of taking moments along the way to stop and think about where you’ve come from, where you’re heading, and where you want to go.


Centre for Sustainability Leadership

JAMES BICHARD – Driving innovative development Commercial Property Project Manager, Construction Industry Drive: I’m inspired by the evolving sustainability and climate change agendas in both business and world politics, which are creating a landscape where opportunities for individuals and organisations (and the planet) are only limited by short-sightedness and lack of creativity. Vision: My vision is for a world where systems thinking and new economic models prevail and the true social, environmental and economic impacts of developments and policy are accounted for. Industry, governments and NGOs working together to achieve common goals has to be the right model for achieving real change towards a more sustainable world. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has given me the confidence to step up to a bold vision, both communicating it and managing the steps towards achieving it. The program has opened my eyes towards a world of greater collaboration and connectedness. JEREMY RUDGE – Connecting ideas, people and solutions Communications Consultant, FMCG Drive: I’m driven by the realisation that the most important thing in the world is the world. There is only one and if we destroy it there is no second chance. Vision: I want to live in a world where economy takes account of ecology, where our economic structures and targets are not self-destructive. I want to see shared knowledge, creative thinking and technology take hold of externalities and enable us to solve our problems on a daily basis. Achievements: I came to the Fellowship Program with an idea that will empower people to make sustainable purchasing decisions, but no team to develop it with. The program has helped me improve the idea, communicate it and connect with people that have expertise to share. I now have a clear proposition and plan and a network of like-minded people. The speakers we’ve encountered have enlightened us, blown away confusion and reinforced conviction.

FIEKE GEERTS – Empowering and connecting communities GreenHome Project Coordinator, Environmental Education Drive: I’m passionate about promoting sustainable communities that consider social justice, equity and environmental issues. In Sulawesi, I experienced communities living completely from nature. This opened my eyes to the impact of our materialistic consumption on the planet and our wellbeing. Vision: I strive to help create strong, empowered and connected communities that are able to develop their own creative solutions for a shared and lasting prosperity, paving the way for collective action to drive the change we need. It is only through collective action that we will be able to change our values and norms to make this world a more sustainable place. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me identify how to best utilise my strengths and which areas I need to improve on. It’s connected me with a supportive network of inspiring like-minded people across industries, breaking down silos and opening up the opportunity to learn from and with each other.

JESSE TALE – Energising impactful projects Head of Marketing and Strategy, Patent Information Drive: Life is amazing! Nature moves and inspires me and I get a buzz out of strategising, planning and creating. Vision: I want to see humanity become the guardians of a balanced and abundant planet by seeking to understand and appreciate Mother Nature, her cycles and systems and the organisms we share her with and by developing innovative and intelligent ways of living based on that understanding. Achievements: I’m involved in a marine participation and education project called Under Water Sydney and an eco-tourism and regional development operation in Papua New Guinea called ExplorePNG. The Fellowship Program has provided invaluable networks and strategic tools to support these. On a personal level, the program has facilitated a more balanced, healthy and connected approach to my life, whilst allowing me to meet dedicated and brilliant people who give me great confidence for the future of our planet.

FRANSCOIS MCHARDY – Driving accessible sustainability Business Development Director, Publishing and Entertainment Drive: I believe we have one chance – right now – to break the perpetual cycle of environmental degradation and social chaos that is our habit as a species. I love the thrill of helping individuals and organisations move from ignorance to enlightenment in matters of sustainability. Vision: I want leaders of all descriptions to understand the importance of doing things differently and to embrace a world view where prosperity without growth is a virtue. Practically, I see improving energy efficiency as the most important thing we can all do. If we don’t stop burning fossil fuels as quickly as possible, nothing else we do will matter much. Achievements: I’ve established a management consultancy that supports leaders to develop strategies for minimising the environmental impact of doing business. I’ve learned that it’s important to understand what drives people to behave the way they do before trying to impose my own view of the world.

JESSICA MILLER – Inspiring with creativity and fun Social Media Expert, Communications Industry Drive: I’m inspired by how exceptionally talented, creative, sensitive and wonderful people can be. Humanity has great potential to emerge, adapt and create – even when the adversity can seem overwhelming. Vision: My vision is for people to recognise their inherent value and that of everything that surrounds them and for unattainable dreams of ‘more’ to be realised by the reality and abundance of ‘enough’. I want to see a reimagining of popular culture where the tools of influence – media, marketing, advertising and PR – propagate ideas that are attainable and not destructive. Achievements: I’ve taken some really important steps toward further establishing my business. I’ve been shortlisted to represent the British Council at the Mexico Climate talks. GreenUps is going from strength to strength, the Angel St Permaculture Garden is thriving and my quiver of bikes has two recycled additions. Annual Review 2010 • Our change makers 41

2010 FELLOWS-SYDNEY KATERINA KIMMORLEY – Provoking economic revolution Renewable Energy Policy Officer, State Government Drive: Growing up on Sydney’s northern beaches I’d count the coal ships lining up for Newcastle. My Dad said the ships were mocking us because the coal they carried would one day ruin my childhood paradise. Whenever I need inspiration, I look to the horizon and imagine the day those ships are no longer there. Vision: My vision has 5 pillars: (1) equality and human rights within and between nations; (2) stabilised growth that ensures no excess consumption and encourages responsible business practices; (3) localised living and holistic connectedness to nature; (4) accessible renewable energy for all; and (5) unified international support for climate change mitigation, adaption and disaster recovery. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has empowered me by expanding my understanding of myself and my vision and enabling me with strategic tools. Practically, I’ve expanded my networks and career opportunities through my economic project, discussions with my mentor and the constant opportunities provided by CSL. KEILLER MACDUFF – Engaging through creative communications Media Advisor, Environmental NGO Drive: I’m driven by a desire to create positive progressive change in order to move society towards a fairer future. Injustice and inequality drive me, as does the rampant environmental destruction we see around us. Vision: My vision is to empower people with information and help them cut through the spin so they can use knowledge as power and take action. There is an asymmetry in the amount of resources being put into educating people about current environmental, social and economic issues and the real solutions we need compared to the seemingly bottomless pits for propaganda, ‘infotainment’ and faux sustainability. By merging communications with campaigning and utilising social media, we have a unique opportunity to level the field. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has pushed me to examine my goals, my focus and myself. It’s certainly built my self-belief and my potential as a leader. The program has encouraged me to channel my passion, my anger and my desire for change into a more strategic and collaborative approach. LOUISE CLIFTON – Harnessing the power of integrity Senior Project Officer (Communications), State Government Drive: Social injustice and inequality are key drivers in my need to create change. Driven by ethics, advocacy and seeing results, I’m motivated to put my life to good purpose. Vision: My vision is for a world where mutual respect, compassion and empathy are qualities that society holds precious, rather than profit and rationality. In this vision, we’re able to be truly honest with ourselves and others because we’ve nurtured our capacity to examine our feelings and motives and our empathetic ability, enriching our connections and relationships. Achievements: I’ve learned to ask myself ‘What would a leader do?’, muster courage and step up to be that person. I’m also more aware of others’ emotions and the reasons for their actions. I recognise that if I want compassion and empathy to be valued, I have to uphold those values in my life. Most of all, I’ve learned if I want something to change, I need to step up to make that happen.


Centre for Sustainability Leadership

MATTHEW KRONBORG – Redefining industry value Senior Advisor Environmental Improvement, Aviation Industry Drive: Many of the world’s companies are now larger than entire nations. However, with great power comes great responsibility. I’m determined to demonstrate to companies that value creation is not solely based on dollar units, but rather that the creation of community and environmental value can attract and retain significant long-term investment while opening the door for future generations. Vision: I see a world where industry has transformed its approach to business. Transparency and holistic corporate social responsibility are the cornerstones of sustainable competitive advantage, and social and environmental degradation is abandoned whilst social and environmental value creation is rewarded. In this world every person can sustainably experience life, liberty and freely work in the pursuit of happiness. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has provided me with many tools and resources needed to create real change. The inspirational speakers, captivating coursework and creative conversations have challenged and developed my thinking on both sustainability and leadership. Ultimately, the program has been a catalyst for positive change in my life. MEGAN CRAIG – Educating the next generation Sustainability Educator, State Government Drive: I’m driven to break down barriers preventing healthier, fairer and more vibrant communities. Exposure to diverse cultures has shown me the power of community in generating personal and societal wellbeing. While Australia has many advantages, there are opportunities to deepen community wellbeing through re-localisation projects. Vision: I want to support schools to become more engaged with their communities. Schools have the potential to provide students with skills for adapting to climate change, resource constraints and population growth by integrating sustainability into every stage of the curriculum. This will enable future generations to connect their knowledge of natural systems to real-world problem solving. Achievements: CSL has equipped me with a new lens for exploring many facets of sustainability. Through my work I’m supporting the development of school-community partnerships that are achieving fantastic environmental and social outcomes. I’m also supporting the expansion of the Live Local Foundation into new media outlets. It continues to amaze me how much can be achieved when people work creatively and effectively together. SALLY BENHAM – Redesigning food systems Water Engineer, Irrigation and Flood Management Drive: I’m driven to reduce food inequality and change the way our food is produced, transported and wasted. The area and quality of arable land is reducing and we need to adapt to climate change, population growth, a dwindling supply of inorganic nutrients and decreasing water availability. We need to address this highly complex issue while reducing the impact of agriculture on our environment. Vision: My vision is for sustainable food security: zero starvation, zero waste; tighter carbon, nutrient and water systems; and sufficient food grown, distributed and consumed with limited impact on our environment. Communities will become more connected through the food they eat and the value they place on production. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has given me the skills, knowledge, confidence and direction to turn my strong but unfocused passion into a firm plan of action. I’ll also treasure the relationships I’ve built with the amazing and diverse group of Fellows and all associated with CSL.

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2010 FELLOWS-SYDNEY SANDI MIDDLETON – Catalyst for connection Energy Efficiency Program Officer, State Government Drive: I’m passionate about creating awareness and connection within ourselves and with our world. I believe that climate change is fundamentally a result of our desire to find happiness in material things and our greed for more. The potential for us to take off our tainted glasses of greed and fear that disconnect us and really see the world from a fresh, new perspective is what inspires me. Vision: I want to be in a world in which we all understand what truly makes us happy and where we connect to our community (local and global) and our ecosystem in a balanced and respectful way. Achievements: CSL has helped me develop a new leadership direction for how I want to make change in the world. The friendships I have made with other Fellows are amazing. The ability to engage in conversation in the many different sustainability ‘dialects’ that we all speak is a skill I will take into the world and will continuously help me to understand others and others me.

SUSAN READ – Driving change through sector transformation. Home Power Savings Program Manager, State Government Drive: I’m passionate about expanding discussions on climate change and its solutions to help communities, organisations and governments better understand the complex connections between climate change, social capital and social and emotional wellbeing. Vision: I want to enable third sector groups and coalitions to raise awareness and influence governments on climate change issues. This will empower the sector and government to act and manage the potential impacts of climate change and will accelerate opportunities for collective and political action and behaviour change. Achievements: This year, I’ve led the development and implementation of a $63 million energy efficiency program to help vulnerable households cope with rising electricity prices. This has made me more aware of opportunities to help communities and organisations deal collectively with climate change. The Fellowship Program has provided an amazing opportunity to reflect on my vision and given me the tools, networks and courage to pursue it. I’m excited by the opportunities the program has helped me identify.

SHEENA WATT – Giving a voice to Indigenous peoples Community Wellbeing Campaigner, Union Movement Drive: I’m driven by the injustice and social inequity experienced by Australia’s Indigenous peoples. I only see beauty, diversity, strength and resilience in Indigenous Australia and aspire for this to be known and celebrated by all. Vision: I want to see the free, prior and informed participation and consent of Indigenous communities and peoples in decision making, particularly in matters of land, sea and climate management. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me become incredibly more acute to the drivers and motivators of people and their communities. I understand and more sincerely recognise the power and limitations of corporations for delivering real outcomes for Indigenous peoples. The program has allowed me to stop, take stock and clearly articulate my vision for Indigenous peoples of future generations.

VICTORIA ROSE – Inspiring businesses to step up Environment Manager, Built Environment Drive: I’m driven by a belief that organisations have the ability to influence individuals, communities and governments and I’m determined to drive the monumental change required to see organisations contribute positively to a sustainable world. Vision: I want to work towards utilising the size and power of business to create a sustainable world and to inspire organisations to embrace sustainability as being ‘just good business sense’. Achievements: This year, I’ve developed and delivered numerous successful sustainability improvement programs for government agencies and top ASX-listed organisations. The Fellowship Program has helped me tailor my leadership style to create greater change, supported me to understand different points of view and encouraged me to be a courageous leader. It’s given me the skills and confidence to have the difficult conversations and to develop the trust and understanding that comes with being a true leader.

SUE WHITE – Crafting authentic communication Freelance Writer, Print and Online Media Drive: I’m driven to use my access to mainstream media to help progress the movement towards a more sustainable world. I thrive on identifying where sustainability stories lie and ensuring they’re seen by people who need to know. Vision: My vision is to see a society where communities come together to solve pressing problems through lobbying, action and the belief that things can change. I’m also keen to see a world where the good news stories occasionally get traction! Achievements: The Fellowship Program has fed my inspiration and helped me step up my commitment to sustainability. I currently write on environmental issues for a range of publications and the CSL experience has broadened and deepened my knowledge across the board, given me access to excellent networks of contacts and pushed me to keep getting things done.


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our people

OUR VOLUNTEERS At the Centre for Sustainability Leadership, our volunteers are our life blood. Throughout 2010, a dedicated group of individuals has volunteered their time and expertise to ensure that we continue to deliver the highest quality training in sustainability leadership. Without these talented and inspiring people, many

ELINA WILSON Marketing Coordinator for the Fellowship Program Why did you volunteer? I’d relocated from Finland and was 20 weeks pregnant, so rather than look for a corporate job, I decided to volunteer. I was inspired by the smart angle CSL takes on sustainability. Biggest achievement at CSL? While working on the campaign for the Fellowship Program, we established a solid foundation for the future by examining the marketing function within the organisation and how it could be fostered. How has volunteering changed how you think about sustainability? I’ve learned it’s important to think and act BIG. It’s great to use canvas bags for shopping and avoid take-away coffees in paper cups but we also really need people who can act and lead on a larger scale – from local councils to multinational corporations.

critical functions of CSL simply would not exist. Our volunteers come from all walks of life – students, professionals and career-changers – and from many different nations, making CSL a very diverse and dynamic place to work with knowledge to be shared from all over the world. This year, our dedicated volunteers have been involved in running the Fellowship Program, film production and editing, bookkeeping, office management, marketing and communications, as well as all the other things that need to be done to keep the Centre running.

PRAVEEN VIJAYAN Bookkeeper Why did you volunteer? I found CSL through my university and began as an intern in April 2010 as part of a Skilled Migration program for my accounting studies. What have you gained from volunteering? I’ve taken quite a lot out of volunteering for CSL. There is no daily supervisor for the finance team, so I’ve had to be proactive and do research of my own. One of my projects was creating a bookkeeping manual for future bookkeepers, so that CSL will have better continuity. Upon completion of it, I certainly had a feeling of accomplishment. Any advice for potential volunteers? CSL is a really good place for international students and migrants to gain work experience, particularly if you haven’t worked in Australia before. The environment is very relaxed and friendly and it’s a great place to learn.

A huge thank you to all our volunteers for 2010 – we couldn’t have done it without you! KARL FOX Film Editor Why volunteer? I’d been working in a restaurant and felt my ability in editing was going to waste. By volunteering at CSL, I was able to continue working in post-production, which I’d studied at uni. Sustainability was also a topic I didn’t know much about, and I felt that it was an important issue for young people to be aware of. What have you gained from volunteering? The post-production facilities at CSL were excellent and allowed me to learn how to better utilise tools such as After Effects and Photoshop. I’m really proud of the contribution I’ve made to CSL’s Online Program, especially knowing that my work will potentially stir future change makers into action. Any advice for potential volunteers? I highly recommend that people fresh out of film school consider volunteering at CSL. Not only is it a great opportunity to hone your skills and get a start in the industry, but you’re also taking steps towards changing the world for the better.

DEBI FLEISCHER Communications Intern Why did you volunteer? I did a PR internship with CSL earlier in the year and, after it finished, I decided to continue volunteering. It’s been a great way for me to gain exposure to sustainability communications and to develop networks in the sector. Biggest achievement at CSL? During my internship, I helped develop a new brand charter that is now used to guide all of CSL’s communication materials and publicity, as well as to induct every person that joins the organisation. I’ve also planned and implemented a PR campaign and am in the process of pitching to high-profile trade media. I am currently completing an alumni research project to help improve the Fellowship Program Alumni Program. How has volunteering changed how you think about sustainability? I think it’s grounded my idealism about sustainability and shown that it calls for a lot of persistence and determination to create the world you want to live in. I’ve realised how important it is to surround yourself with others who are working towards the same vision because you need continued support and inspiration. 48

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Volunteers Aaron Goldberg

Elena Lario

Kate Machin

Ryan Colaco

Ben Wong

Elina Wilson

Karl Fox

Sahib Singh

Cameron Munro

George Colvin

Kim MacDonald

Sebastian Caus

Cheryl Shea

Gustavo Recaman

Kim Zoe Evans

Sheryl Hermoso

Clancy Whittle

Hala Yousef

Leo Djuhari

Sim Singh

Debi Fleischer

Hannah Saliba

Megan Hayne

Steffany Marquez

Denton He

Hans-Karel Fros

Nenita Berdin

Tehmina Khan

Divya Pawan

Helen Farrer

Patrick Gilligan

Tony Robertson

Duke Raliman

Hugo Cavalier

Philip Xiriha

Tram-Anh Dao

Edward Brown

Jacqueline Lumsdaine

Praveen Vijaya

Venla Nopanen

Eileen Bell

Kailin Chen

Richard Kennedy

Vigna Rajagopal

Other people we couldn’t have done without


Adeline Lee

Donna Lyon

Kim Mennem

Stephen Foxworthy

Angus Kinnaird

Erin Kuo

Kingston Group

Stephen McGrail

Beth Nelson

Fiona Ingram

Matthew Weston

Sylvia Guidara

Brendan van Maanen

Ivan Sikic

Max Bourke

Tanja Ledwich

Darren Ledwich

Jake Lowe

Murali Neelamegam

Yvette Hayes

Diana West

Kate Nicolazzo

Simon Duncan-Watt

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OUR SPEAKERS & MENTORS Throughout the Fellowship Program, our Fellows receive training, support, guidance and encouragement from numerous guest speakers and mentors, all of whom freely volunteer their time and expertise. Our guest speakers and mentors come from a range of high-profile backgrounds and professions, including government, academia, business, consulting and the not-for-profit sector, enabling our Fellows to draw knowledge and inspiration from some of Australia’s most influential and creative thinkers.

SANDY BLACKBURN-WRIGHT Head of Organisational Mentoring, Sustainability and Community Team, Westpac Sandy is an author, speaker and leadership expert. Currently, she’s responsible for building the long-term capability of Westpac’s Community Partners and the not-for-profit sector as a whole. This year, Sandy spoke to our Fellows about harnessing corporate social responsibility as a vehicle for change within big business without sacrificing personal values and inspired them with stories of her involvement in creating large-scale meaningful social change in South Africa. Above all, she empowered the Fellows to believe in their ability to influence despite seemingly overwhelming obstacles. Sandy was particularly impressed by the engagement of the Fellows and the questions they asked. ‘Leaders who understand the inter-relationships between sustainability, community, environment and business will be critical to the country’s future success,’ she says. ‘CSL is making an important contribution in helping to grow such leaders.’


Centre for Sustainability Leadership

CLIVE HAMILTON Professor of Public Ethics, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics As an economist and self-described public intellectual, Clive Hamilton is dedicated to challenging the way people think about the world around them by exploring how political, economic and social systems contribute to climate change. The former Executive Director of The Australia Institute (a progressive think tank that he founded), Clive has also held visiting academic positions at universities in Australia, England and the United States. He is widely published across a range of subjects, with his most recent book, Requiem for a Species: Why we resist the truth about climate change, exploring the reasons behind humankind’s tendency to ignore global warming, the consequences of this for our future and what we can do now. Clive is mentoring Sydney fellow Sue White. NIC FRANCES Founder, Cool nrg In 2007, Nic founded Cool nrg International, an organisation that designs and delivers mass scale emission reduction projects in an effort to reduce climate change. He is a frequent speaker on prestigious international platforms, including the 2008 World Economic Forum. In 2009, Nic joined the board of Cape York Partnerships for Welfare Reform, a partnership organisation that enables social and economic change for Australia’s most disadvantaged people. His book, The End of Charity, is published by Allen & Unwin.This year, Nic shared his personal leadership journey with the Fellows and his truly inspiring story resonated with many in the room. His honesty, integrity and courage are a clear demonstration of the leadership values espoused by CSL. GUY PEARSE Research Fellow, Global Change Institute, University of Queensland Guy is a former lobbyist, political adviser and environment policy consultant, whose PhD research on the influence of the carbon lobby in Australia was the basis of the 2006 ‘Greenhouse Mafia’ episode of ABC’s Four Corners. In 2007 he wrote High & Dry: John Howard, climate change and the selling of Australia’s future with Penguin. In 2009, he followed it up with Quarry Vision: Coal, climate change and the end of the resources boom, published by Black Inc as Quarterly Essay #33. Guy has written on the influence of the Australian coal industry in Sierra Magazine in the US and is a regular contributor to The Monthly, mainly on the politics of climate policy and the influence of carbon-intensive industries. Guy is mentoring Melbourne fellow Fergus Green and says ‘For the small time cost involved for mentors, it’s a great opportunity to have one’s ideas tested, and perhaps even sharpened by a rising talent.’

STUART B. HILL Professor and Foundation Chair of Social Ecology, University of Western Sydney Stuart has been involved in transformative agriculture and development projects all over the world and has held roles on numerous international boards and committees dedicated to furthering people’s understanding of social ecology. Driven by a belief that everything we do as individuals affects our shared communities and environments, Stuart helps people view themselves as part of the systems (both local and global) in which they live.

JUDITH SLOCOMBE Chair of the Animal Welfare League of Victoria & CEO of the Alannah Madeline Foundation. Judith is one of Australia’s leading business people. After implementing an innovative business model that saw her home-based business grow into the largest veterinary diagnostic group in Australia, Judith went on to head up the human pathology division of the Gribbles Group. She was awarded the 2001 Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year and the 2003 Centenary Medal and currently manages a portfolio of Board positions, including the Australian Red Cross Blood Service, Open Universities Australia and VicHealth.

This year, Stuart shared with our Fellows the power of creative thinking, giving them insight into the benefits of ‘thinking outside the square’. He argued that current challenges require a whole new way of thinking and encouraged the Fellows to step away from tired responses to environmental problems and to better equip themselves to move down a different path. Stuart left the Fellows with Einstein’s famous words: ‘Clever people know how to solve problems – wise people avoid them’.

Judith is mentoring Melbourne Fellow Dimity Williams, who says ‘Judith has helped me work out where I fit in the sustainability picture and to realise that I don’t need to be an expert – I can be the “glue” that brings different sectors together. She’s also helped me to understand the different ways in which organisations work. I’ve been delighted with the mentor experience and feel extremely grateful that such a busy, committed person has made time to meet with and help me.’

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Alan Finkel, Chief Technology Officer, Better Place Australia and Chancellor of Monash University Alex Fearnside, Greens Parliamentarian Allan Jones, Chief Development Officer Energy and Climate Change, City of Sydney Barry Kelly, Managing Director, LyondellBasell Australia Bill Davidson, Development Producer, FremantleMedia Australia Cassandra Goldie, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Council of Social Services Cate Faehrmann, Greens Parliamentarian Cheryl Batagol, Chair, EPA Victoria Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics Costa Georgiardis, Presenter, Costa’s Garden Odyssey Dan Atkins, Managing Director, Shaper Group Dexter Dunphy, Emeritus Professor-School of Management, University of Technology Sydney Gareth Johnston, General Manager, Australia and New Zealand Sustainability Circle Gary Veale, Associate Director, KPMG Geoff Zippel, Head of Deployment, Better Place Australia George Pappas, Chairman, Committee for Melbourne Guy Pearse, Author and Research Fellow, Global Change Institute, University of Queensland James Moody, Executive Director Development, CSIRO James Schultz, Director, Green Collar Climate Solutions Jenni Whitnall, Associate Director Sustainability, Climate Change and Water Advisory, KPMG Jenny McAllister, Director of Climate Change, Department of Environment, Climate Change & Water Jodi Newcombe, Environmental Economist, The Climate Group John Daley, Chief Executive Officer, Grattan Institute Judith Slocombe, Chief Executive Officer, Alannah Madeline Foundation Kate Harris, Sydney Program Director, Centre for Sustainability Director Lane Crockett, General Manager Australia/Pacific, Pacific Hydro Les Robinson, Behaviour Change Consultant Mandy Holloway, Leadership Trainer, Consultant and Speaker Maree Davidson, Managing Director, Davidson Consulting Mark Kennedy, Head of Strategy, Yello Brands Martin Doulton, Director, Monash Sport Mary Crooks, Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Women’s Trust Matt Perry, Partner, Republic of Everyone Megan Seneque, Program Design and Facilitation Consultant, Catholic Earthcare Australia Melissa Lee, Senior Program Manager, AusAID, Australian Embassy Jakarta Peter Cosier, Executive Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists Petrea Bradford, Manager Carbon Markets, Origin Energy Richard Bolt, Secretary Department, Department of Primary Industry Rob Kella, Chief Risk Officer, Qantas Airways Limited Rod McLellan, Project Director, Major Projects Victoria Romilly Madew, Chief Executive, Green Building Council of Australia Russell Fisher, Director, Sustainability in Mind Sarah Davidson, Planning & Development Manager, Responsible Business Practice, St James Ethics Centre

Chip Henriss, Chief of Staff, Uniting Church in Australia Corinne Proske, Senior Manager – Community Finance and Development, National Australia Bank Dean Steele Bennett, Director, NSE Nominees Pty Ltd Dexter Dunphy, Emeritus Professor –School of Management, University of Technology Sydney Don Garden, Associate Professor, University of Melbourne Don Henry, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Conservation Foundation Emily Ross, Writer and media consultant, Bespoke Media Erin Simpson, Products and Services Manager, Department of Sustainability Services, VECCI Erin Cini, Director, Element Solutions Pty Ltd Eyal Halamish, Co-founder, OurSay Francois Faure, Chief Executive Officer, Ensemble Partners Gary Veale, Associate Director, KPMG Ian Penrose, River Keeper, Yarra River Keepers Ian Kiernan, Founder & Chairman, Clean Up Australia Imogen Schoots, Research Officer, Electrical Trades Union, Victorian Branch Jason Clarke, Founder, Minds at Work Jeff Angel, Executive Director, Total Environment Centre Joel Leske, Environment Advisor, Kmart Jon Dee, Founder & Chairman, Do Something Kelly O’Shannassy, Chief Executive Officer, Environment Victoria Les Robinson, Director, Enabling Change Lindsay Soutar, National Campaign Coordinator, 100% Renewable Liz Minchin, Saturday News Editor, The Age Luke Hockley, Director, Midnightsky Mandy Holloway, Leadership Trainer/Consultant/Speaker, Holloway Consulting Marcus Godhino, Chief Executive Officer, Fareshare Maree Davidson, Managing Director, Davidson Consulting Mark Diesendorf, Deputy Director – Institute of Environmental Studies, University of NSW Matt Gordon, Project Manager –Sustainable Solutions, EPA Victoria Melissa Marino, Specialist Writer, The Age Michael Cox, Program Manager, Sustainability Victoria Michael Docherty, Media Liaison, Uniting Church in Australia Michael Hall, Climate Change Photographer, Michael Hall Photography Michael Murphy, Director Qualitative Research, The Social Research Centre Pty Ltd Michael Wheelahan, Group Director – Industry Governance & West Region, DSE Murali Neelamegan, Founder, Dynamic Wisdom Nic Frances, Executive Chairman, Coolnrg Oliver Costello, Project Officer, DECCW Paul Gilding, Independent Writer, Advisor and Advocate, Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership Penny Mulvey, Communications Director, Uniting Church Australia Peter Cosier, Executive Director, Wentworth Group Peter Ellyard, Chairman, Preferred Futures Institute Petrea Bradford, Carbon Markets Manager, Origin Energy Rachel Lowry, General Manager – Community Conservation, Zoos Victoria Rebekka Squire, Network Services Manager, Genos Sandy Blackburn-Wright, Head of Organisational Mentoring – Sustainability and Community Involvement, Westpac Sandy Kaye, Journalist/Producer/Trainer, Kaye Media Sarah Davidson, Planning & Development Manager–Responsible Business Practice, St James Ethics Centre Stephen Shepherd, Chairman, Shirlaws Global Business Coaching Stuart Hill, Adjunct Professor & Foundation Chair of Social Ecology, University of Western Sydney Sue Langely, Master Trainer, Genos Tom Roper, President, Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council Tony Cutcliffe, Director, The Eureka Project Tony Spencer-Smith, Managing Editor, Eco Editors Tony Porter, Media/Writer/Editor/Actor/Presenter Tony Robertson, PR Specialist

2010 SPEAKERS Alex First, Managing Director, First Communications Alicia Maynard, Sustainability Manager, Mirvac Andrew O’Keeffe, Principal, Hardwired Humans Bernard Carlon, Divisional Director – Sustainability Programs, DECC Bojun Chiswell, Media Officer Cam Walker, Campaign Co-ordinator, Friends of the Earth Australia Cate Faehmann, Member of the Legislative Council/ Member of the The Greens, NSW Parliament Cheryl Batagol, Chair, EPA Victoria 54

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JON ANSTEY // Melbourne Fellowship Program Facilitator Jon is a driven professional who seeks to generate effective results and create strong leaders by understanding motivations. An active listener, he not only considers courses of action, but also how each course could be effectively tailored to a particular group or individual. Jon has 15 years of professional experience in sustainability law and management across the private commercial, public international and civil society sectors, including seven years with the United Nations. He has thrived in interdisciplinary, cross-cultural and multilingual team contexts in 20+ countries across Australasia, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America. Today Jon brings his collaborative and communicative approach to CSL’s Fellowship Program, guiding his charges when they seem lost and celebrating with them when the day is won. Above all, however, he makes sure they tread their own paths.

ARIANA BOURKE // Innovation Director Ariana is inspired by people pursuing and expressing their passions and initiating good change in society. Ariana began her professional life in advertising, branding and consulting and now uses these skills to follow her passion for effecting a sustainable future. A true greenie at heart, Ariana previously developed and managed London’s largest healthy living centre before starting her own green business and creating a 300page guide on sustainable living for the London market. Prior to joining CSL in 2009, she revisited her speciality field of branding and consulting, managing the rebranding for renewable energy company the RES group. In the past year, Ariana has been proud to lead and mentor many of CSL’s staff and volunteers in the areas of brand, innovation and culture.

KATE HARRIS // Sydney Fellowship Program Director Kate is passionate about the continued learning and development of both herself and others. This is achieved through engaging individuals with their own vision and creativity for sustainability and leadership. A former business coach, facilitator/mediator and performer, Kate’s style is supportive, motivational and innovative. Having completed a Master of Arts (Social Ecology), Kate is dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve positive and sustainable change throughout communities, organisations and across the world.

RUTH GRANT // Fellowship Program Manager Ruth’s decision to take her passion for sustainability and conservation to the next level was ignited by a trip to Borneo, where she witnessed firsthand the devastation caused by palm oil plantations. After completing a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Scientific and Natural History Illustration and a Foundation Degree in Tourism (Sustainable Practice), Ruth became involved in numerous projects, including teaching a module in Sustainable Tourism Management and project managing a sustainable transport initiative. Taking a sabbatical from her work in the United Kingdom, Ruth now manages the Fellowship Program. Her favourite part of this role is witnessing the journey of the Fellows as they work towards transforming their motivations and ambitions into tangible change with visible results, a process that she finds extremely inspiring. GABRIELA RAMOS // Marketing and Operations Coordinator Gabriela first discovered her passion for environmental issues while studying for a Bachelor of Marketing. She went on to complete a Master of Environment at Melbourne University, focusing on sustainability, environmental policies and environmental education. Looking for practical work experience with an organisation whose values and vision were aligned with her personal and professional goals, Gabriela volunteered at CSL to assist with the marketing of the Fellowship Program. In August 2010, she was appointed to the CSL staff and is now responsible for running the office, coordinating volunteers and contributing to the marketing for next year’s Fellowship Program. Gabriela loves being part of an organisation that is devoted to empowering people to make change happen now. She looks forward to working on projects that engage people in creating change for a more sustainable future.

Kate also believes that awareness of self, development and integrity of human values, communication and negotiation skills are all key factors in achieving success in the areas of leadership and sustainability.


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Cameron has been working to develop the Centre for Sustainability Leadership since 2006. As Chair, he has focused on developing the board, creating sustainable funding models and setting the strategic direction for the organisation. Cameron manages the Sustainable Solutions Unit at EPA Victoria. He participated in the Federal Government’s Australia–Korea Young Leaders Exchange Program in 2007 and was a recipient of a 2008 Future Summit Leadership Award.

James is the Executive Director for Principles for Responsible Investment, a joint project of UNEP Finance Initiative and the UN Global Compact. He has led the initiative since its inception in 2003 and was a member of the Global Reporting Initiative Working Group that developed environmental indicators for the finance sector. He has also completed a PhD in Economics at the University of Sydney on the effectiveness of shareholder engagement in changing corporate behaviour. James has a background in law, IT and environmental protection. He was recently selected as one of 200 Young Global Leaders in 2010 by the World Economic Forum.


Phillip is the CEO of Kingston Group and Managing Director of Voyance Capital. He is the author of The War for Eyeballs: An Introduction to Internet Marketing and is a regular speaker at internet industry and online marketing conferences and events. He holds a BComm and BSc from The University of Melbourne, and in 2009 completed the Foundations of Directorship course at the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is currently studying for a Graduate Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Adelaide and a Graduate Certificate in Psychoanalytic Studies at Deakin University. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and serves on a number of other private company boards. ALISON DODD // SECRETARY

Alison is a solicitor in DLA Phillips Fox’s finance and projects team. She has also practised in the areas of environment, planning and climate change law. Alison recently completed a role with the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, where she worked as a legal policy officer on Victoria’s Climate Change Bill 2010. One of Alison’s passions is climate change and, in particular, figuring out how the law, policy, business and the community can work together to effectively respond to the huge challenges that climate change presents. Alison is also involved in a number of other not-forprofit associations, and is Victorian Vice President of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ). MEGAN GOURLAY // TREASURER

Megan is Group Finance Manager of an ASX-listed Australian manufacturing company. She is a Chartered Accountant, is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and holds a Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) from RMIT University. Megan has a background in external audit, having worked for Ernst & Young and Arthur Andersen. At the Centre for Sustainability Leadership, Megan’s role is to make sure that, from a financial standpoint, CSL is beyond reproach.


Centre for Sustainability Leadership


Rachel is a sustainability leader who is passionate about wildlife and the need to conserve our world’s biodiversity. She is a trained Zoologist and is Community Conservation Manager for Zoos Victoria. Merging her conservation and education training, Rachel has developed award-winning education programs that tackle sustainability issues both locally and globally. One of these is a mobile phone recycling program that enables Australians to impact primate conservation as far reaching as the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rachel also initiated Zoos Victoria’s Don’t Palm Us Off campaign, designed to weaken Australia’s link to the palm oil crisis in Indonesia. Her more recent projects include Wipe for Wildlife, a campaign designed to increase the use of recycled toilet paper, and Beads for Wildlife, a program encouraging zoo visitors to support the Melako wildlife conservancy in Kenya. Rachel also sits on the International Zoo Educators (IZE) board and enjoys collaborating with others to create a future that supports the needs of all living species (humans included!). GLENN BARLETT // BOARD MEMBER

Glenn spent the first ten years of his career working in advertising and marketing for the likes of Saatchi & Saatchi, AMV BBDO, Nestle and Unilever. It was at Unilever, while pondering a pot of noodles, that everything changed for him. He became aware of the palm oil crisis, the fate of orangutans, and the deadly role of his seemingly innocent noodles. It didn’t take long for Glenn to realise this was only the thin end of the sustainability crisis wedge, and he set out to do something about it. Two years of exploration and study later, Glenn now realises it’s not a lack of knowledge that’s the issue, but a lack of leadership and communication. This realisation has Glenn heading back to the world of advertising, determined to use the dark art for good, by linking sustainability causes and brands for mutual benefit. In 2009, in an effort to better understand the business case for sustainability, Glenn wrote NAB’s Corporate Responsibility Report.

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Dennoch Fund

The Harold Moreland Oldham Perpetual Trust (Managed by ANZ Trustees)


Centre for Sustainability Leadership

Annual Review 2010 • Our people 61

GOVERNANCE The Centre for Sustainability Leadership is a registered, not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, governed by the Corporations Act. CSL is an Income Tax Exempt Charity with Tax Deductibility Status (DGR). CSL is not politically aligned. CSL places major importance on governance issues. Operation of CSL is overseen by a high-quality independent board. 2010 has seen a focus on building a strong foundation for the future and developing resources and procedures to support CSL’s growth and influence.

CREDITS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Ariana Bourke Kate Machin (Editor) DESIGNER Thuy Nguyen Elena Lario PHOTOGRAPHER Hugo Cavalier

WRITERS Cameron Munro Debi Fleischer Hannah Saliba Kate Machin Patrick Gilligan Richard Kennedy

Printed on 100% Post Consumer Recycled Paper

ABN 78 123 195 488 Level 7 225 Bourke Street Melbourne Vic 3000 Australia T: 03 9639 9863 E: info@csl.org.au W: www.csl.org.au

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