CSL Annual Report 2012

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Our world needs leaders and change makers who have the commitment, courage and skills to drive positive change. The Centre for Sustainability Leadership empowers emerging sustainability leaders to realise their goals for a better future by providing them with tools, networks, knowledge and support. Be part of a switched on network dedicated to creating a sustainable future.

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Chair’s Report CEO’s Report CSL Programs Fellowship Program Alumni Stories Leadership Rewired Facilitators’ Review Fellows’ Review CSL Alumni Melbourne Fellows 2012 Sydney Fellows 2012 Speakers and Mentors Bob Brown on Leadership CSL Team Volunteers CSL Board Partners Governance and Credits

2012 annual review

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Chair’s report

As I sit here writing this review of the last 12 months, my thoughts are drawn to the idea of time and space, both of which are precious commodities in our rapidly changing, supercharged, fast-paced world. Giving myself some time and space has allowed me to reflect on why my CSL experiences have been so valuable. Back in 2007 I graduated from the Fellowship program - nine months of stimulation, education and connection. It also gave me a rare opportunity to think about what is really important, what defines sustainability and what leadership means. CSL was the springboard for me to co-found the company Republic of Everyone. This has created many opportunities to explore sustainability’s role in business and society, as a way to benefit all. Along the way we have employed and worked with many CSL Fellows, and together we have lived and breathed the lessons learnt during our time at CSL. In 2011 I was delighted to join the highlytalented CSL board and to play a part in shaping the organisation’s future direction. So what does the future look like for CSL? Our plan is to keep attracting passionate people who share our values and who are determined to meet the challenges associated

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with sustainability leadership. We know through experience that we can empower these people with learning opportunities, inspiration and support. Connect them with one another and a network of sustainability leaders from across the community; and equip them with the resources to develop brilliant new projects and address our biggest sustainability challenges. Our goal is to connect with and empower 20,000 sustainability leaders by 2020, through the Fellowship Program, our online platform Leadership Rewired, new short courses and custom programs delivered into communities and organisations. Whilst this is a big ambition, I am looking forward to working with the wider CSL family in 2013 to continue the process of reaching our goal. Most importantly, I am excited by the prospect of helping to provide more emerging leaders with the time and space to create their own vision for a sustainable future. In November, I took over as Chair of the CSL board from the brilliant Fergus Green. Fergus has stepped down to take up a post graduate study at the London School of Economics as a John Monash Scholar. I would like to thank Fergus for all of his diligent hard work and insights. We wish him well.

Whilst we lose one excellent alumni and lawyer, we welcome another. Michael McKiterick joins the board as Company Secretary and replaces long serving member, Alison Dodd, to whom we also give our warmest thanks. We are fortunate to have some incredibly talented and passionate people working with, and supporting, CSL on many levels, and none more so than in our outstanding management team, led by CEO, Andrew Foran. I would like to thank Andrew, Kate, David, Alesha and Sandi for once again delivering two very successful Fellowship Programs – our eighth in Melbourne and our fourth in Sydney – adding another fifty sustainability leaders to our 300 plus Alumni group. The team has also helped to grow our Alumni program and to extend our services to blended learning courses for corporate clients, short courses for members of the public and to our e-learning program, Leadership Rewired, which has opened our training program to the world. CSL would not be possible without the support of our mentors and speakers who provide us with incredible guidance, who demonstrate leadershipin action and share our passion for a more sustainable future.

One such inspiring presence is Jason Clarke, cofounder of CSL. I had the great pleasure of being taught by Jason, and we all offer him our utmost gratitude for his unforgettable and ongoing contribution to the training and mentoring of our sustainability leaders. The work we do would also not be possible without the generous support of our partners and sponsors, listed on page 62. On behalf of CSL I’d like to thank all of them for their contributions and partnerships, which are greatly valued. Thank you,

Matt Perry Chair, Centre for Sustainability Leadership.

CEO’s Report

There is no doubting the importance and urgency of the task that lies ahead as we strive to build a sustainable 21st century, a future based on social and economic prosperity within the environmental limits of our planet. In the words of CSL alumnus, Mikey Leung, our goal is “nothing less than the well-being of our society and the future health of our planet.” There is much to be done and as quickly as possible, and at CSL we’re aiming to exponentially increase our efforts to support emerging sustainability leaders, to help them step up and influence and lead positive change in their workplaces and communities. As CSL chair Matt Perry writes: “we’re planning to build the leadership capacity of 20,000 people by 2020. We’ll achieve this through the Fellowship Program and the online program Leadership Rewired, through new short courses, and through custom programs delivered into communities and corporates”. So why are we doing this? CSL has developed some incredible and powerful learning and development tools and networks. We’ve empowered hundreds of successful leaders who are doing amazing things; making their businesses and communities stronger and more successful. The success of these efforts is highlighted by

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CSL alumni being awarded three of the past four Young Australian Environmentalists of the Year. Further confirmation of this success include the many other awards won, the nominations received and scholarships gained. We have also seen new companies started, existing companies improved, CSL projects delivered in workplaces and communities, new policies developed and articles written. The case studies in this publication attest to the outcomes of investing in the next generation of leaders for sustainability, so imagine the impact that 20,000 empowered, committed and connected people will have toward creating a more sustainable future! For those readers who are not familiar with CSL, the words in our title are indicative of who we are and what we’re about. The Centre is all about people - we’re a hub connection of a fantastic and expanding network of emerging and existing sustainability leaders. At our heart is peer-to-peer learning and collaboration, combined with mentoring and knowledge sharing between generations. As a word, sustainability has been devalued in recent times through uncertainty and overuse. At CSL we view sustainability through the lens of prosperity within limits - growing social and economic prosperity within the environmental limits of our planet.

What does that look like? Well that’s where we hand over to CSL alumni, who are out there right now developing and delivering on their visions of a sustainable future and how we can get there. As for leadership, there are many facets to consider and develop, from collaboration to communication, but at its simplest we see it as considered action; about seeing a problem or opportunity and stepping up to do something about it. The Fellowship Program is the pinnacle of what CSL does, it’s our DNA, and its testament lies in the positive impact CSL alumni are having in their workplaces and communities - creating change, delivering great projects and inspiring others to take up the cause of a better future. In 2012 we were excited and proud to welcome a new cohort of amazing leaders and change makers (who you can read about in the following pages) into the over 300 strong CSL alumni group. We expanded the CSL alumni program with a series of professional development Masterclasses and Think & Link social events, as well as the convening of an alumni steering committee to guide and support the program into the future. CSL also began working directly within corporations, government and communities to help develop their emerging leaders, and hosted

events with global leaders such as Sara Parkin OBE, founder of the Forum for the Future, and New York Times best-selling author, Bruce Piaseki. All of this was made possible by the fantastic efforts of the whole CSL family – our exceptional staff, dedicated volunteers, amazing CSL alumni, the highly talented CSL board, our brilliant mentors and speakers, and our generous partner organisations. In particular we say a fond farewell and thank you to CSL alumnus Sandi Middleton, who leaves the role of Sydney Program Manager after two amazing and inspiring years. You can read about Sandi on page 34. Many thanks to you all for a great year in 2012, and I’m looking forward to working with you as we go about the task of creating a better future.

Andrew Foran CEO, Centre for Sustainability Leadership.



CSL works with individuals and communities, corporations and government to develop the skills, knowledge and networks of emerging leaders. From short courses, Masterclasses and the online platform Leadership Rewired, to the transformative in-depth Fellowship Program, all CSL programs are based on an award winning curriculum and approach.

The transformational, seven-month Fellowship Program is an action based leadership development experience that combines peer to peer learning with workshops, retreats, coaching, mentoring, inspiring speakers and hands-on projects. Run in Sydney and Melbourne, over 300 alumni have completed the Fellowship since it began in 2005.






REWIRED: An e-learning training program, networking platform and matching service, covering proven leadership methodologies, tools and models. Rewired Plus offers a blended learning experience combining online modules, webinars and face-to-face workshops.

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NEW PROGRAMS: A suite of shorter courses ranging from the two-day Leadership in Action workshops to the 3 x 3 day Leadership Fast Track, available for individuals, communities, corporates and government. CSL also offer tailored courses and deep dive workshops for community groups and organisations.

Throughout the seven-month program, our fellows participate in weekly workshops, retreats, sustainability projects and networking opportunities. They also receive coaching and mentoring, and enjoy ongoing peer-to-peer learning and community building through our online platform and forums. The curriculum is underpinned by 12 key leadership competencies.






























Fellowship Program: Our flagship seven-month program for 25 participants, in both Sydney and Melbourne each year. A transformational action-based leadership learning experience combining workshops, retreats, coaching, mentoring, hands-on projects delivered by inspiring speakers.







Alumni program: Stay connected with CSL and each other, and continue their leadership development beyond the Fellowship Program. Think and Link events encourage social connection, while Masterclasses provide advanced learning opportunities.


Alumni come out of the program with a finely calibrated leadership compass, clear goals and a strong sense of direction. Working on projects, participants gain experience in leadership, working collaboratively and delivering real-world outcomes. Graduates also have a large and ever expanding network of peers, supporters, mentors and enablers.

Each year CSL recruits 25 emerging leaders in both Sydney and Melbourne. Coming from a wide range of backgrounds, lawyers to engineers, artists to educators and from across all sectors private, government and not-for profit, they all have three things in common, the passion, potential and commitment to create sustainable change.

2012 annual review


Alumni Program

leadership rewired

The Fellowship Program is the beginning, not the end, of the alumni’s leadership development and connection with CSL. Through our Alumni Program we provide opportunities for our graduates to stay connected with each other, stay engaged with CSL and continue their leadership education.

Leadership Rewired is an online learning and community platform built around 12 modules that explore everything from leadership styles, emotional intelligence and communication to building teams, problem solving and entrepreneurship. There are interviews with sustainability leaders from around the globe, case studies, principles and tools, and quizzes and links. Rewired is designed to use by yourself or as part of a group. You can also use it sequentially as a course, or as an online tool kit, and go straight to what interests you.

Our alumni are our greatest ambassadors. The calibre of Fellows we attract, and what they go on to achieve, are the greatest testaments to our Fellowship Program. It is for this reason that we bring them out at any opportunity. Our formal alumni ambassadors are selected each year and represent CSL at conferences, promotional events and talk to potential partners.


A webinar series including CSL and guest speakers exploring the practical use of the tools and principles in Rewired. Free to all Rewired members, it will launch in 2013.






Alumni steering committee in both Melbourne and Sydney work with CSL to plan and implement the Alumni Program, and to advise on CSL’s strategic direction. They engage alumni, determine themes and topics of Think and Link events, advise on topics for Masterclasses and provide input at CSL board meetings




Yearly weekend retreats allow our alumni the opportunity to reconnect with fellows from their year, as well as from other years. An outof-town setting also enables them to disconnect from the busy work-a-day world and reconnect with themselves and with nature, to reflect and reset goals and objectives. Alumni also choose a theme or specific learning context for the retreat.

We offer 6 Masterclasses in Sydney and Melbourne each year, providing moderate to advanced level exploration of a relevant leadership topic; from public speaking and social media, to creating shared value and negotiating and influencing. Masterclasses are delivered by high-calibre presenters in an engaging, interactive style with practical, realworld application.

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Think and Link events have a social focus, but generally include a leadership or sustainability component, such as a relevant speaker, film or activity. Alumni only, Alumni + Friends and open events provide an opportunity to catch up, expand networks, and learn something at the same time.

BLENDED LEARNING: CSL has created a complete leadership development program with the addition of face-to-face workshops, coaching and webinars to the Rewired platform.

project: Many people and groups use Rewired as a project tool kit where they can learn about and apply the fundamentals of project planning, use problem-solving and decision-making tools and employ the IDEA-tion framework to develop and implement their project.

NETWORK: Through the Rewired forums and webinars you can share ideas, ask questions, collaborate and assist others with their projects and their leadership journey.

2012 annual review

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facilitators’ 2012 REVIEW CSL Fellowship Programs, Sydney & Melbourne

As facilitators of the Sydney and Melbourne Fellowship Programs respectively it is somewhat humbling for us (Kate and David), to look back together on the incredible year that has been. After an intense eight months, now is the time when we finally get a chance to stop and reflect. This is when the most profound insights and learning realisations occur for both the Fellows and for us. We’ve chosen to look at this year’s Fellowships, the seventh year of the Program, as a voyage. The ‘journey’ metaphor is much overused and, in any case, a voyage is more appropriately purposeful and adventurous with an implied hint of risk. We plan and prepare extensively for our voyage with excellent navigation charts; the curriculum, showing us where we want to go and how best to get there. We bring aboard the finest crew; Fellows, speakers and mentors, as well as the best equipment in the form of the best leadership-learning tools, ideas, techniques and pedagogy. Despite the best-laid plans, we know that on any voyage there is an element of the unknown. Now, more than ever, leadership requires the courage and capacity to embrace uncertainty and work within complex adaptive systems. At best, it must be able to influence but never to fully control. Our crew must work together to bring out the best leadership qualities in each other to keep the ship afloat in varied conditions, often

from within the very the eye of the storm. By the end of any voyage of note some degree of transformation has usually occurred. Not everyone, not all the time, but most of us are not the same person at the end of the voyage, that we were at the beginning. To change the world, we first need to change ourselves. Finally, some key excerpts from the Captain’s logs from the two vessels, Melbourne Fellowship and Sydney Fellowship, which leave from different ports but head in the same direction, with the same spirit, in tight convoy and end up at the same destination!

Captain Kate Harris, Sydney, 23rd March. Final crew chosen; 25 clever, compassionate, courageous men and women ready to embark on this leadership learning adventure together.

Captain David Seignior, 12th May, 2012 We call the first phase of the voyage, ‘Going Within’ because the crew spend a lot of time seasick in their cabins; self-reflection time. They ask themselves “Who am I? Why am I here? What are my strengths and weaknesses? How can I find and enable others to complement my skills? How do I lead myself so that I can best lead others?”.

KH, June, 2012 Into phase two of the voyage, ‘Stepping Up’. Open water and the chance to fully unfurl our sails. Crew putting their leadership skills into

action with real, sustainability-focused group projects. Learning by leading, leading by learning! But maybe not all smooth sailing, dark clouds on the horizon…

DS, July, 2012 Sirens attempt to lure unsuspecting projects onto the rocks. Pilot, Jason Clarke, clambers aboard in the nick of time to help groups navigate the treacherous straits. They learn from him how to turn ideas into action and know what to keep and what to jettison. Roster of lookouts in crows nest keeping an eye out for icebergs and pirates.

KH, August, 2012 Excitement as Sydney prepares to rendezvous with Melbourne. The first chance both crews get to meet for a week of intensive media training. Serendipitously, amazing journalists found as stowaways have agreed to provide training in exchange for rum.

DS, October, 2012 After a short time languishing in the doldrums, we are now in the final phase of ‘Stepping Out’. Have replenished our supplies and welcomed aboard a fresh crew of speakers and mentors to help us on the final leg of our journey; preparing for a life of leadership beyond the confines of the Fellowship.

KH, November, 2012 The crew has now taken over the running of the ship and decided on its final destination. Proud to say that all crew will arrive exhausted, exhilarated, but safe and sound, happy to be back on dry land. Each is now a leader in his or her own right, compassionate, wise, humble and courageous; ready to undertake their own leadership voyages and chart the uncertain waters of our future.

Postscript We’d like to thank our First Mates - Program Coordinators, Sandi Middleton and Alesha Younghusband, without whom we would not have stayed afloat. We also bid Sandi a fond farewell; she began her CSL voyage as a Fellow in 2010 and has been an amazing Fellowship and Program Alumni Coordinator for the past two years. We wish her, Bon Voyage and all the best for the many new and exciting adventures she has ahead of her. Thanks to all 2012 Fellows, speakers and mentors, staff, board and volunteers for making it another great CSL year. Sincerely, Kate Harris, Director Learning and Development David Seignior, Director Melbourne Fellowship Program 2012 annual review

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Fellows’ REVIEWs 2012

CSL Fellowship Programs, Sydney & Melbourne

Emily Dunstan - Melbourne Fellow I knew this CSL thing was good. I knew it was challenging. I had heard all sorts of wondrous tales of this fellowship program from others who’d gone before me. CSL was all of those things. And yet surprised me immensely. I was able to set aside the time to think about those questions I assumed I had answered (and realised I had not): What sort of leader do I want to be? What do I need to develop within myself to make a difference? What gives me meaning? Being surrounded by diverse and inspirational individuals, and watching many of them come to life and grapple with the same challenges, was both a joy and a relief. I was immersed in ideas and projects so diverse and yet all somehow were helping to point the world in a better direction. For me, I have recognised that there are paths more open to me than I first thought. I have gladly learnt that knowing everything about everything isn’t what makes me the authority on that subject. Through our project, I have realised that the way we communicate these issues is not working.

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Garrett Stringer - Sydney Fellow We are not a rational species - most decisions are made out of habit, conformity or because they are the least disruptive. Taking a rational approach to a non-rational species just isn’t…. rational. We want to find out what it takes to orchestrate an experience, to cultivate a moment that is so profound that it allows an audience to feel the issue, rather than to just think about it. Inspired by a CSL speaker who had had a profound experience floating in Port Phillip Bay surrounded by dolphins during a thunderstorm, our group has begun trying to create a similar moment. We want to build an experience that places people in a different mindset – because not everyone can have a dolphin-electricalstorm-epiphany; we would need a bigger boat. Because of CSL, I have answered some of the important questions I came with and added some new ones. I’ll never have all the answers, but I’ll have some, and that’s an empowering thought.

It’s quite easy working in this space at times to feel cynical and pessimistic. The sustainability challenge is a terribly complex and diabolical problem that requires truly systemic change, and yet we often find ourselves adapting to, or adjusting, the system in incremental ways. As Albert Einstein famously said,“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” CSL offers hope, not only by connecting and empowering those who participate in the program, but by creating a model for how the false barriers within our siloed society can be overcome, for how individual motivations can be temporarily suspended and for how we can challenge one another’s perspectives to shape a fuller and fairer view of the world. I remember an alumnus telling me to buckle down for what would be a profound and lifechanging experience. I really had no idea what I was in for. Yes, CSL has an amazing cross-sectoral network, access to incredibly influential thought leaders, a solid grounding in philosophies of leadership and change, as well as a seamlessly curated and well balanced program of workshops, retreats

and practical projects (thanks Kate and Sandi!). Yet, all of this is just the platform for a much deeper, personal inquiry, that gives all those who participate in the program a great sense of clarity on how they fit into the sustainability leadership puzzle. Above all, CSL is a space to play, to explore, to think big. The group forms an invaluable sounding board and a source of constructive criticism; correcting assumptions, broadening considerations, and uncovering solutions not yet considered. It is a space for prototyping and piloting, for making “smart mistakes” and for refining our individual and shared visions for a more sustainable world. While the end of many other programs would see its participants part ways, the passion and commitment of this group - the honest and supportive environment we’ve created and the structure provided through the program’s alumni network - will undoubtedly see our continued collaboration well into the future. As the words I cut from a magazine on the first retreat read: Watch this space.

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In November we welcomed the 2012 Melbourne and Sydney Fellowship graduates into our Alumni group, which is now nearly 300 strong. Our aim is that the Fellowship Program be the beginning and not the end of the CSL journey for our graduates. Through our Think and Link and Masterclasses we endeavour to ensure that the professional development, leadership learning and connecting opportunities extend well beyond the seven-month fellowship program. Our expanded Alumni Program this year was a resounding success, and the three ‘Communicating for Leadership’ themed Masterclasses, as well as our four Think and Link social events, were very well attended in both Sydney and Melbourne. One highlight was hosting Sara Parkin, MBE, co-founder of Forum for the Future and author of “The Positive Deviant” (a book that aligns strongly with our own leadership philosophy) as a guest speaker at the highly popular Melbourne and Sydney alumni events. Our relationship with alumni is reciprocal, and in the spirit of JFK’s famous quote, we “Ask not

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[just] what CSL can do for you, but what you can do for CSL.” To this end, we are always creating opportunities for our alumni to give back to CSL, whether as speakers, volunteers or mentors. This year we launched committees to help steer the direction of our alumni program. We thank both our Sydney and Melbourne Committees for their hard work. In 2012 we have again seen our alumni do amazing things. From hanging out with the PM like OurSay, to cycling around Australia collecting sustainability stories like Greg Foyster, each of our alumni in his or her own way is striving to lead change and to make the world a better place. Once again our alumni have won awards and made headlines; two of our alumni, Linh Do and Clare Prascevic, delivered TED Talks, whilst three of our alumni, Greg Foyster, Jessica Miller and Eliza Muirhead, featured in the Age or Sydney Morning Herald’s 100 Most Influential People. Here are nine of the many amazing CSL alumni stories for 2012. 2012 annual review

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David Gravina Determined to Do Good

Two defining traits, determination and entrepreneurial flair, have helped David Gravina establish not one, not two, but three social enterprises; Digital Eskimo, Do Gooder and the Compost Revolution. A Sydney 2010 alumnus, David learnt about determination the hard way, as a youngster at the bottom of a muddy pack of footballers on freezing Saturday mornings in Melbourne, and he has the trophies to prove it. “I didn’t quite score a Best and Fairest but I consistently took home the ‘Most Determined’ award!” David says. “Being overly determined can be a double-edged sword admittedly, but in my experience, with complex projects involving many stakeholders, determination is a critical ingredient in getting a good outcome.” His unwavering entrepreneurial spirit was also evident early on. David has been imagining and launching enterprises since he can remember; early endeavours, such as raising the Titanic at age 8, proved too much, but he successfully

lobbied his local council for a BMX track at age 11. He also turned a “fair if not 100 % legal profit” running his local high school footy tipping system, utilising software he wrote himself. All early signs that he’d not be donning a suit and tie and heading for the corporate world in the future! In 2001, “I finally aligned my long standing interest in social justice and deepening concern about climate change with my natural inclination to build businesses. It occurred to me that we could fast-track social and environmental progress if we creatively harnessed the tectonic forces of technology and business through the design process,” he says. Digital Eskimo, the strategic design agency he founded to do just that, co-creates sustainable business strategies, behaviour change campaigns, community engagement programmes and communication platforms. Well known Digital Eskimo social change campaigns include; “Your Rights at Work” for the ACTU, and the NSW small bar reform campaign, Raise the Bar.

Lesser known is its work for innovative startups, like the recently launched Pitt Town Water, a local recycled water utility that Digital Eskimo helped with its business, service and brand strategy and the highly acclaimed “Black Fella Facebook”, a unique social network for the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence. Moving from a service business into products, Digital Eskimo recently launched two more social enterprises; Do Gooder, which allows anyone to build rapid response campaign websites in minutes, and Compost Revolution, a worm farming and composting e-learning platform for councils to deliver to their residents. For his efforts David has received a number of awards, including being named in the SMH’s Sydney Magazine’s Top 100 most influential people in 2008 and again in 2011.

“I took on a lot that year and CSL really stretched me. I was humbled by the generosity of human spirit that radiated from Kate Harris and my fellow CSL ‘flockers’. CSL helped me to find my leadership, niche and to reinforce my growing suspicion that I’m best when I act as an enabler of others who are far more talented than me. As for the future; “I want to see us all do a little less talking and a lot more acting on climate (and social) change. Nothing short of a hyperlocal, relentlessly creative and urgent global revolution is required. I aspire to play my small but determined role,” David says. No doubt he will! www.digitaleskimo.net

David says CSL helped him explore his limits. 2012 annual review

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Greg Foyster pedalling an important message

The most important lesson Greg Foyster learnt during his 2011 Fellowship Program was in the back of an ambulance. The Melbourne participant had committed to cycling to the Program’s three retreats and the last one was held on a hot November day. After pedalling up a steep mountain range, Greg arrived at the retreat suffering from severe dehydration. He collapsed and had to be rushed to hospital - following the very same route he’d ridden up hours before. ‘Because I pushed myself too hard, I literally returned to where I’d started. The experience taught me that rushing towards a goal can sometimes stop you reaching it.’ Not that Greg gave up cycling; a year later he was pedalling up a mountain range in tropical north Queensland, having ridden 5000 kilometres from Hobart to Cairns for a book about simple living. The difference was that this time he and his partner, Sophie Chishkovsky, who also completed the eight-month cycling odyssey,

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took it slow and steady. ‘We averaged about 60 kilometres a day, travelling between small towns and camping as we went. It was a long process, but in the end we made it all the way up Australia by bicycle,’ says Greg. Along the way, the couple met a variety of people leading simple lives: a philsopher who resided in a backyard shed, an architect who designed ‘tiny houses’, and a Buddhist monk walking from Townsville to Sydney - barefoot. Greg also interviewed some well-known names in sustainability, including permaculture cofounder, David Holmgren, academic, Clive Hamilton and Gardening Australia host, Costa Georgiadis. A blog of the couple’s journey attracted national press coverage, and Greg was included in The Age’s annual list of Top 100 Melburnians for 2012. A book about the experience, titled Changing Gears, will be published by Affirm Press in September 2013. Greg says the CSL

Fellowship Program was crucial to his success. ‘The first editor who asked me to write the book heard about our bicycle trip through someone at CSL. I also asked CSL contacts to help me track down interview subjects. I don’t think it would have happened without the help of that alumni network.’ Greg started his career as an advertising copywriter, but after learning about the ecological impact of the products he was promoting he switched to journalism. As part of the 2011 Fellowship Program, Greg worked with Melbourne participants Katherine Walsh, Lara McPherson, Julie O’Brien and Nicole Maher to deliver a crash course in writing opinion pieces for the mainstream media. ‘We realised that when it came to debate on the environment, generalist columnists had greater public influence than specialist experts.

In other words, the people who knew the least about sustainability had the most say. “Our project aimed to address that balance,” says Greg. The team produced a 40-page booklet and ran a course for experts, resulting in published opinion pieces in The Age and ABC Online. Greg says these two CSL-supported projects stemmed from a single passion. ‘Through it [the Fellowship Program] I discovered my niche, which is to communicate concepts to different audiences. Often people reject a new idea because it’s not framed in their language. With both the opinion course and the book, I see myself as a translator, rendering complex or radical ideas in simple language so a mainsteam audience can understand them. CSL helped me realise this.’ www.simplelives.com.au 2012 annual review

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KATERINA KIMMORLEY Creating a Clean Energy Future

Katerina Kimmorley admits that she is one extremely busy bee. After completing the Sydney Fellowship Program in 2010, she then headed to the UK on a scholarship to undertake a Masters of Environmental Economics and Climate Change at the London School of Economics. Whilst there Katerina launched Upside Down Under - an online video interview series featuring economists sharing good news sustainability stories. Now, she is in India setting up Pollinate Energy; an NGO providing families with renewable electricity. Andrew Foran caught up with Katerina for a chat recently during her brief trip to Sydney. AF: What drives you? KK: My dad used to ask me, “What happens when everyone in India decides they want to turn on a light?” My vision and the work of Pollinate Energy, to help the Indian families who live in energy poverty leapfrog to renewable electricity, is a response to that. The way I see it, providing renewable energy solutions can change norms of electricity supply from the bottom up without denying people the chance to develop. I like to think of our work like that of Fred Hollows

and his family (lovely Emma Hollows was in my CSL group); we can’t fix all of the problems for even one community, but we do have the skills to provide sight at night, hopefully for millions. AF: What are the most important things you’ve learnt in the last couple of years? KK: I thought I was going to LSE to learn about economics - instead I learnt about taking risks. I am 25 and feel like I have another 10 years to actually do what I want and pave my own way before I have ‘responsibilities’. It is petrifying taking the path less travelled, but I feel really lucky to have the support of my friends and family, much of which has come from CSL, to be able to do it. AF: How did the Upside Down Under come about, and what’s the feedback about it been like? KK: When I left Oz there was a definite feeling that the carbon price was going to make the sky fall in. I arrived in London to find everyone in the space raving about how awesome it was and what great opportunities lay ahead for Australia. I decided I needed to share the message. An

interview series with expert economists seemed like a good way to explore ideas about how Australia is dealing with sustainability issues, and in particular to focus on the positive side of the situation. The series has had 1000 weekly online views, which is very exciting.

In practical terms, this means that we want to be operating our model in five South Indian cities in 2013, so that we can provide solar light for up to half a million people while removing the equivalent of 3100 Aussie cars on the road in emissions reductions.

AF: What are your goals for Pollinate Energy?

AF: How has your CSL helped you?

KK: As one of my brain crushes, Lord Nicholas Stern, has said, “The two great challenges we face are overcoming poverty and managing climate change. If we fail at one, we will fail at the other”. For us, providing sustainable energy solutions for the 390 million people who live in energy poverty in India is a direct way to work on both of those challenges.

KK: Without CSL I would not have been brave enough to go to LSE, or to start the Upside interview series or Pollinate Energy. I guess you could say CSL turned me from a worker bee into a queen bee of my own life (hehe). The CSL crew are on the top of my must-see list of people whenever I am back in town, which is always a telltale sign for me.

We have two simple goals. Firstly, to eradicate energy poverty in India through energy solutions and to inspire a generation of leaders acting as social entrepreneurs.

pollinateenergy.org 2012 annual review

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LINDSAY SOUTAR Bringing voices of change together

It takes a special kind of person to be awarded Australia’s Young Environmentalist of the Year; Someone with vision, passion, dedication and the ability to inspire others. CSL Sydney 2009 alumna, Lindsay Soutar is one such person, joining CSL 2009 Melbourne alumna, Ellen Sandell and CSL founder, Larissa Brown as winners of this prestigious award. Lindsay is the founder and driving force behind the 100% Renewable campaign. The campaign joins 100 local groups from around Australia in a strategic and cohesive voice, to advocate for renewable energy. It also provides training, networking and capacity building. To date it has had a major win in pushing for the carbon price to deliver an outcome for renewable energy – their lobbying helped influence the Government to create a 10 billion dollar renewable energy finance, body which will fund renewable energy projects.

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Bringing 100% Renewable to fruition was a formidable task! In 2009, Lindsay quit her job and worked unpaid developing the campaign’s strategic vision, whilst also meeting local grassroots groups to garner support. Not having any prior campaign or not-for-profit experience, Lindsay had to learn everything from scratch. Three years on, she is now the full-time head of the organisation with a small part-time team and network of volunteers. 100% Renewable has its roots in Lindsay’s CSL Fellowship project: ‘We did an early iteration of the campaign that I currently work on. I do partly blame CSL for turning this project into something much bigger than I ever anticipated!’ Not only did CSL give Lindsay the confidence to pursue 100% Renewable, but it provided her with formal mentoring: ‘I was lucky enough to be mentored by a very experienced community

organiser and campaigner, James Whelan of The Change Agency, through the Program, which was hugely valuable’. So where does her drive and passion come from? Whilst studying geography at university, Lindsay had the opportunity to travel to South East Asia to explore the impacts of hydropower development on the livelihood of locals in the Mekong region. It was there that she saw the direct relationship between the environment and peoples’ well-being. Environmentalism became a tangible social justice issue that required action. In 2011, Lindsay was named Australia’s Young Environmentalist of the Year. For her, the award was special, not only because it acknowledged the work she has done, but because it recognised the power of grassroots campaigning.

The future is bright for Lindsay and 100% Renewable with the campaign currently focussing on three areas - lobbying for Australia’s first solar-thermal plant to be built; working to extend and expand the Government’s renewable energy target; and setting up a solar citizens’ arm of the campaign to give a voice to homeowners with solar panels – all 1.5 million of them! Lindsay is proof that no matter what age, you can make real environmental change: ‘A lot of people have great ideas but it’s another thing to turn them into a reality if you believe in something and can see that something needs to happen – it’s not easy to do new things but with persistence and determination you can get there!’

www.100percent.org.au 2012 annual review

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Louise Rhodes Helping businesses become sustainable

Louise Rhodes, CSL Sydney 2011 Alumna, likes a challenge - the bigger the better. That’s why she’s made it her mission to help businesses become more sustainable. The bigger the business, the bigger the difference she can help them make. Needless to say, as the first ever Group Manager of Sustainability at Metcash, one of Australia’s leading grocery wholesale distribution and marketing companies, Louise has already made a significant impact. Before joining Metcash, Louise was more familiar with natural food chains than grocery supply chains, and with bush regeneration than refrigeration. Growing up in the bush north of Sydney she spent her childhood riding bikes and horses to school, and has always felt much more at home in the natural world than in the fluorescent-lit aisle of a suburban supermarket. Whilst studying environmental management at Sydney University, Louise took every opportunity to go bush. She joined the local Green Corps and even won a scholarship to revegetate the Grand Canyon with the US Forestry Service. Back in Sydney, Louise worked in environmental officer roles with various local government organisations before having an epiphany. “Working with 12 Councils and various community groups to improve the water quality of the Cooks River, Australia’s ‘most polluted waterway’ was rewarding and challenging. But after that I was looking for a new kind of challenge”. Then in 2008, the Metcash position came up. “Not knowing anything about distribution or the grocery industry, I had some research to do. I came to the interview with a one year business

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plan outlining what I could achieve and I got the job,” Louise says. Three years later, Louise had pretty much achieved everything on her plan and a whole lot more. In recognition of her achievement as a sustainability leader in her sector, she’s received several awards including; The Frank Vale Award 2011 - RWTA
and the Tor Hundloe Award: Young Environmental Professional of the Year 2009 – EIANZ. Louise was also shortlisted for a prestigious WME Magazine 2012 Leaders Award. It was around this time that Louise sought out her next challenge and applied, and was accepted into CSL. “CSL really helped me to re-focus on my own leadership skills, and to gain exposure to a range of people who are all interested in sustainability, but who approach it from different perspectives,” Louise says. “It also helped me to be true to myself and to draw on my own leadership style. It reinforced my belief that even though I work for a corporation I can still speak as myself. In fact it’s the only way to be an authentic leader and it is now reflected in how I perform and am viewed at work!” Louse is now invigorated to continue the great work she is doing at Metcash. She now has an executive champion who is really supportive, and a network of five state sustainability champions who are also doing amazing things. “I’d also like to help encourage more women into leadership roles,” Louise says. 2012 annual review

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Promoting responsible investment for sustainable growth

No one can accuse 2010 CSL Melbourne alumnus, Peter Lunt of not seeing the forest for the trees. With a double-degree in forestry and economics, and a Masters in Environment, Peter Lunt has dedicated his working life to promoting sustainable growth, both ecological and economic. As a young forester, Peter set off to Canada, then the perceived world leaders in forest management. “You get flown in a helicopter into the middle of nowhere and you have to carry a bear banger, a first aid kit and get to run around the bush all day measuring trees.” On one particular day, Peter was proudly informed that “you can see this clear-felled area from space,” He knew then that more research and engagement was needed to shift to sustainable growth. After forestry, Peter began researching the environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks relating to Australian listed companies, then moved into the superannuation environment

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where he has been an advocate for implementing the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). “I believe that flows of capital can help society get onto a sustainable track.” As a director of Regnan Governance Research & Engagement Pty Ltd for five years - overlapping a successful career at VicSuper where he is currently Portfolio Manager Equities - Peter has worked to promote soundly researched and responsible investment. “I can work upwards in the organisation and try to sell ideas around how to consider ESG issues more systematically. I get to ask questions of investors such as, “are you a signatory to the PRI?” How do you consider these (ESG) issues? What does that mean in your investment decision?” Since joining VicSuper in 2005, Peter has helped the organisation make major shifts to build its ESG research capacity and to engage

with companies to include ESG into VicSuper’s property investments. He has also helped them to initiate an investor group on climate change, and to put money to work in clean technologytype investments while moving away from market capitalization weighted index style investments that do not rate well on ESG factors. Peter quietly acknowledges; “I’m told that our peers offshore look at VicSuper to see what we are doing.” After completing his Masters, Peter sought out CSL so he could further explore the concept of leadership, refresh his knowledge about sustainability and gain new skills around time management, emotional intelligence and communications, whilst expanding his sustainability networks.

built something and what they did to achieve their goal.” At CSL, Peter worked with Fellows, David Hershan, Cassidy Prent, Luke Muir and Georgie Smith to develop a business plan to commercialise medium-scale solar. Subsequently, the business plan was presented to Energy Matters, who went on to further develop and commercialise the project. Peter is exploring new project ideas with CSL alumni in the “energy space.” Then again, a recent trip to India has piqued his interest in a new direction. “I’m also trying to figure out how to mobilise to get fossil fuel-based plastic bags out of society?” If anyone can make it happen, Peter can.

“At CSL, you meet some pretty inspirational people…It’s more about their stories; how they 2012 annual review

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Reuben Finighan Creating a Clean Energy Future

From an early age, Reuben Finighan, CSL Melbourne 2010 Alumnus, has had two powerful motivators: an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a strong social conscience. The former saw him take an exceptionally inter-disciplinary approach to his education, with neuroscience, philosophy, biochemistry and psychology being just some of the diverse subjects he undertook, studying Arts and Science at Melbourne University. The latter drove him to focus his polymathic perspective where it could make the most meaningful contribution to the quality of human life: helping to create a global clean energy revolution by designing and developing effective policy solutions. “My core interest is accelerating energy technology innovation, in the context of issues such as climate change. Key issues include

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the balance between R&D, commercialisation support and large-scale deployments in bringing cost reductions, as well as fostering international collaboration,” Reuben says. “When I started at CSL I certainly didn’t think I’d end up where I am today,” Reuben says with characteristic modesty. Where he has ended up is the prestigious Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, no less. Furthermore, he got there as the inaugural recipient of the Fulbright Climate Change and Clean Energy Scholarship, enabling him to complete his Masters in Public Policy, specialising in energy and climate policy. Reuben gives CSL no small credit for helping him get to Harvard. “CSL gave me the space, the support and the prodding to think big, develop the clarity of my ideas and communicate them

in a compelling way.” Reuben says. “CSL’s week-long intensive Communications Retreat was invaluable,” Prior to leaving for the US, Reuben was already making his mark on intellectual leadership in the public energy debate. Whilst working as Project & Research Manager at The Climate Group, he led and coordinated the research and production of international reports such as “Lighting the Clean Revolution” - a report on trials run by The Climate Group and major world cities including New York, London, Beijing and Sydney. At Beyond Zero Emissions he co-wrote and presented a policy paper titled, “From Laggard to Leader” with fellow 2010 alumnus and former CSL Chair, Fergus Green – a thought experiment in maximising Australia’s impact on the global emissions trajectory that evolved out of their CSL Group Project.

As for his time in Boston? “Building on the skills and connections I have developed through CSL, the Masters course will provide the analytical tools I need to pursue my research goals, will grow the management skills I need to lead teams and projects, and will further develop my capacity for influence and building political momentum,” Rueben says. “I see a future where energy - the foundation stone of our economy - is abundant, everlasting and clean. I want to use the gifts and opportunities I have been given to bring this vision to life. “

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Tamara (middle) with two of the New Joneses

If you happened to pass through Melbourne’s Federation Square in October you might have witnessed a milestone in the changing culture of consumerism. Two ‘thirty-somethings’, wearing nothing but their ‘smalls’, moved into their temporary homes – sustainable, pop-up dwellings – confronted with the challenge of acquiring everything they needed without buying anything new. ‘The New Joneses’ is the brainchild of Tamara Di Mattina, PR practitioner at her company Trumpet PR, founder of Buy Nothing New Month and 2010 CSL Melbourne alumna. The aim was to show passers-by just how easy it can be to make the swap to second-hand and still be fashionable. ‘Hopefully that then gets them thinking about other areas of their lives where they can change their approach to ‘stuff’,’ Tamara says.

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Tamara’s message is all about ‘stuff’ and how we can reduce waste by being more conscientious consumers. A stylish, vintage-fashion queen herself, she’s been spreading the good word since October 2010 when she launched the inaugural Buy Nothing New Month. Attracting major media attention and partnered with Brotherhood of St Lawrence and Sacred Heart Mission, the annual campaign shows they’re not called opportunity shops for nothing. One of the strong tenets of Buy Nothing New Month, which has now spread to the US and Europe, is the empowering notion that individuals can have a wider impact by changing what and how much they purchase. Tamara believes consumer behaviour change is critical and wants people to know that ‘we have great power to make change happen faster than governments can, by using our spending dollar to vote for the world we want’.

With so much innovation in collaborative consumption – renting, lending, swapping etc – there hasn’t been a better time for Tamara to be giving voice to attractive alternatives to the old model of material accumulation. There’s also a greater sense of community, which has become important for Tamara personally too. ‘The best thing for me about CSL is that I found my tribe, people who are passionate about creating change. It has given me an incredible network of friends to draw on for ideas, support and laughs,” she says. “It’s far better for our happiness to accumulate relationships than stuff.” ‘I felt very despondent about how on earth we would get people to change their behavior around wasteful consumption,’ Tamara explains as her motivation for taking part in the Fellowship Program and founding Buy Nothing New Month. ‘I wouldn’t have pulled it off without the encouragement, support and knowledge from CSL.’

Consumption is a crucial and often controversial issue when discussing what a sustainable world looks like. Clive Hamilton, one of Australia’s preeminent public intellectuals and one of many supporters of Buy Nothing New Month, defined the term ‘affluenza’ as an unsustainable infatuation with material growth and a ‘bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the Joneses’. Thanks to Tamara, who was a Futuremakers Finalist at the WWF People’s Choice Awards 2012, we’re one step closer to having sustainable Joneses to inform our aspirations.


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Sandi Middleton Helping others to be their best

Few people can say they’ve been able to get their sustainability message out to 1.5 million people in a single hour. But that’s exactly what happened when MasterChef aired their sustainability themed, episode featuring Kylie Kwong and filmed on location at Joost sustainable restaurant in Sydney in 2011. The idea had been pitched by a 2010 CSL Sydney project team, including Sandi Middleton, who was on set to enjoy the fruits of her team’s labour. Sandi collaborated with CSL colleagues, Belinda Fairbrother, Emma Hollows and Sally Benham, to raise consumer awareness about the environmental impact of fresh food choices, and to encourage retailers to increase the sustainability of fresh food production and distribution. “The highlight was meeting Kylie Kwong, who helped us gain access to MasterChef and a significant mainstream audience,” Sandi says. One of Sandi’s leadership strengths is her great capacity for nurturing, connecting and enabling other leaders. “I am passionate about helping people to connect to their passion and achieve their potential,” Sandi says. She has been able to put this into practice as Program Manager and Assistant Facilitator of the Sydney Fellowship Program for the past two years. “As well as being an excellent project manager and facilitator, Sandi has also highly developed coaching skills and is able to help others identify their strengths and weaknesses. But mostly, I am constantly amazed by Sandi’s heart, courage and wisdom. This is leadership in action for the 21st Century! ”says Kate Harris. “Sandi really epitomises what CSL is all about; we want our alumni to remain connected and involved with CSL, whether as speakers, mentors, board members or staff.” says Andrew Foran,

CEO of CSL. To have an alumna like Sandi come back and help shape and deliver the Fellowship and Alumni Programs, and nurture the next cohort of emerging leaders, is a great outcome for everyone.” Sandi began her sustainability journey whilst studying Science/Law, becoming a campaign officer at The Wilderness Society and then taking on an Environment Officer role at Newcastle University. Later, working with the Institute for Aboriginal Development in the Northern Territory, she learnt the importance of connecting to community and to country. “This experience also showed me the power of story telling to share knowledge and inspire change,” Sandi says. It was whilst working at the then Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water that CSL came across Sandi’s radar and since then she hasn’t looked back. “I wanted to find new ways of reaching out to people and instigating real, broad scale change instead of just “preaching to the converted”. I wanted to learn from and be inspired by other people’s stories and grow a supportive network. I achieved all those things,” Sandi says. Sandi will be leaving her CSL role in 2012 to undertake her next big adventure. A keen traveller, Sandi is off to Africa to pursue her love of music and dance, to share her wisdom and to learn from others about new ways of living sustainably. We’ll leave the last words to her close friend and colleague Kate Harris, “I will miss Sandi deeply; her smile, her passion and her care, but I am excited for her and know that many others will be touched and inspired by her love of life, her innate belief in people and her ability to help them be the best they can be.” 2012 annual review

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Victorian Child and Nature Connection Connecting Kids with Nature

Imagine a forum where you get to take off your shoes and socks for a spot of barefoot networking on the soft grass. Then you find yourself making a sandcastle alongside a government minister, a scientist, and a community leader. You chat about your childhood experiences in nature and how they helped shape the person you are now, and come away inspired to help get more children out into nature. This inspiring scenario actually happens on a regular basis thanks to the Victorian Child and Nature Connection (VCNC), a project that emerged out of the 2010 Melbourne Fellowship Program. The VCNC team consists of; Cecile van der Burgh, Dimity Williams, and Sanne de Swart - all CSL alumni - and Christine Joy from the Royal Botanic Gardens have now run four such forums, on nature play, health, urban planning and natural collaboration. The aim of the Project is simple; re-connecting children with nature to improve the health of both children and nature. “We decided the

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best way to enable more children to engage with nature was by supporting, connecting and inspiring the people who facilitate the process of connecting children with nature,” says Cecile, who is completing a PhD in Landscape Ecology and Conservation. Dimity, a GP, sees firsthand the detrimental effects of children not engaging with nature. “As a doctor I see how children live today and the changing nature of childhood, including an increase in mental and preventable lifestyle illnesses. Much of this is due to less time spent in nature.” The wider environmental impacts are equally concerning; without an early connection with nature, how can we expect our children to value it and fight for its protection as adults? Or as Cecile puts it, “ If you don’t love it, why would you care for it?” Although they share a love of nature, each team member has her own individual perspective on the

Project; Cecile is passionate about conservation, Sanne, an International Development professional is interested in the community and social justice benefits and Dimity in the interface between human health and environment. “The fact that we were all from different backgrounds, but that we came together around a common passion, and also had a personal connection was very powerful,” says Cecile. It is the child-centred approach that appealed to environmental educator Christine Joy. “The power of this project is that[…]it’s about enriching children’s lives, and through that the environment will be protected. This is an extremely exciting and refreshing approach” says Christine. The team credit CSL with helping kick start the Project. Jason Clarke has also helped facilitate their forums. Project mentor “Maree Davidson,

helped us to see that there were lots of people out there doing amazing things, but that there wasn’t necessarily a good connection between them all and that’s where we saw we could fit,” says Sanne. VCNC has big plans “We want all children to have every opportunity to experience love and look after nature every day. When that happens we can stop working,” says Cecile. Next year VCNC will run two events for children, including a big nature play day and a campout. “I think ultimately this will grow bigger than we are, that’s our hope anyway,” says Cecile. “And CSL gave us the space, the confidence and the networks to do this!”

www.victorianchildandnatureconnection.org 2012 annual review

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MELBOURNE FELLOWS 2012 Aislinn Martin

Emily Dunstan

I have worked with Melbourne’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community for the past twelve years, since completing my honours degree in anthropology at Monash, specialising in Australian Indigenous Studies. My vision is to continue to work with and learn from Aboriginal people about sustainability, to improve the lives of all Australians, now and into the future.

The natural world inspires me: 3.8 billion years of research and development at its best. To save ourselves, we need to save nature.

Senior Consultant, Indigenous Social Research. Enabling sustainability for all

I am particularly interested in sustainability in community development settings, animal welfare and personal sustainability through the use of alternative therapies. As well as working as a Senior Consultant at an Indigenous social research firm, I work part time as an aged and palliative care massage therapist. CSL inspired me to focus on my personal sustainability, to ‘green’ my home and also to pursue opportunities, which I would not have otherwise thought possible. Support from CSL peers has enabled me to continue working in a challenging sector. I have been inspired, re-invigorated and challenged by the 2012 fellowship.

Candyce Presland

Sustainability Victoria, Values Leadership. Embracing the unknown CSL has helped transform me into the ‘leader’ I always wanted to be, and helped steer me away from becoming the ‘manager’ others wanted me to be. The most critical lesson I’ve learned from CSL is the importance of being myself – standing by my values and beliefs, and seeking out leaders with similar values and beliefs. I know that when I am authentic, honest, empathetic and ‘real’ (in other words when I speak from the heart) others listen and want to follow. CSL has helped me to become a leader within my own organisation, to seek inspiration from others, embrace diversity and differences of opinion and learn from my mistakes. I am no longer afraid of the ‘unknown’, in fact I look forward to seeing what exciting things the future holds for me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Che Biggs Strategic Catalyst & Creative Provocateur. Facilitating catalytic societal disruptions My vision for change is a world where we are conscious of the values that underpin our actions, where we celebrate the humble acts of courage that make our world a better place, encourage others to expand their horizons, and where communities take back responsibility and control over what is important to them. I want to leave this world a better place as a result of the actions I have taken and choices I have made. I will continue to find ways to cultivate my capacity to envisage and communicate positive futures, and become better at enabling and facilitating needed change. I will seek ways to nurture the good in others and be a passionate heartfelt follower of humble leaders. As a result of CSL I am now confident of my own ability to nurture leadership in myself and to celebrate and enable it in others.

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Community Conservation General Manager at Zoos Victoria, Swing Dancing Zoologist. Fighting extinction-including our own

I want to see a world in which humans pare back their control on nature, recognise their impact on it and its importance to them. A world where society halts the current rate of species extinction and realises that who and what we are now, does not have to be the way we are later. I’m hoping to inspire people to action through emotive experiences, creating some momentum and make sustainability the norm. CSL has allowed me to see beyond my daily life. It has connected me to a huge network of others heading in the same direction, on different paths. It has challenged me and given me the confidence to voice issues I had been quietly passionate about. It has allowed me to see myself as capable of great changes in this world.

Eliza Muirhead Director of Fair Projects – Media & Communications for Change. Think, Feel, Act My vision for change is simple: get clear on what you believe, question it, reform it, live it and lift those around you to do the same. I believe that we live in a world where the loudest voices come from businesses and corporations that are trying to sell us something for their own benefit. I think we live in a time of huge opportunity and change, which means that those voices that have traditionally been muffled can now be heard. My organisation, Fair Projects, offers media and communications to those individuals and groups speaking for other people, the environment and the animals that we share this planet with. The 2012 CSL Fellowship Program has allowed me to question and develop my own personal goals and visions for what I believe a sustainable future looks like. The program has pushed me to take more risks and engage and collaborate with others to work towards a shared vision.

Esther Kennedy

Small Business Owner, Arts Agency. Optimistic, Realistic, Inclusive I look forward to a day when there are no ‘greenies’ because the behaviours associated with that tag have become the norm. Sustainability does not equate with expense, conscious and ethical consumption is not an opt-in trend and concern for the environment is nonpartisan. We have a unique opportunity and responsibility to be good humans. The world is changing rapidly - and not all for the better. The future is always an unknown but it’s becoming apparent that worst-case scenarios are more likely to be driven by human impact than self-aware robots or an extra-terrestrial army. Luckily the future is not in Will Smith’s hands, but our own. The Fellowship Program is one of the best things I have done for my personal growth. I’ve been able to shed bad habits and pick up a few good ones. I’ve had my mind opened and my vision honed. The future looks good. 2012 annual review

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Janie Maxwell

Lilli McCubbin

I am a medical doctor and am committed to combining my medical experiences with my passion for a sustainable and equitable society. The links between the environment and health are inextricable, yet political and public discourse insufficiently highlights these links.

I want to live in a world where we are not consuming more resources than the earth’s natural systems can replenish, nor producing more waste than the earth’s natural systems can process, and where there is social justice and equality.

Medical Doctor. Enabling better health for humans and our planet

As an advocate I realised I needed to focus my message; sharpen my public communication skills and understand the influential four: government, business, community and the media. CSL helped me to do this and explore, ‘What is the best way to create change?’ It also offered me the space for reflection, challenge and honesty. I learnt that to remain resilient, life requires more balance. CSL helped me to articulate my values and vision: as a leader, to be humble, articulate and compassionate. I have since been on radio, given community speeches and am researching a GP’s role in communicating health and sustainability. The future? In the spirit of CSL: connection, collaboration, inspiration and action.


Business Development & Operations Risk Officer. Educating Beyond Poverty

State Government Program Manager, ECO-Buy. Taking practical action

I am passionate about taking practical action towards a sustainable future. Delivering a workshop or a presentation, or having a conversation that spurs people to take action gives me inspiration. Through my actions, I aim to inspire others. CSL has helped me gain clarity of my values, beliefs and why I do what I do to establish a core foundation. I can draw upon this when faced by challenges or setbacks to work towards my vision for a sustainable society. I can now harness my key strengths to work with organisations to reduce environmental impacts and improve social outcomes, as well as set ambitious goals to continue to reduce my own personal footprint.

REIKO YAMADA Senior Corporate Sustainability Analyst. Creating big change through small & local

My vision is to educate and empower individuals and businesses to embrace long-term strategy as a model for sustainable growth. I admire leaders who lead for the minority and influence the majority, through an authentic vision.

The Fellowship Program has been a challenging and transformational journey that gave me an opportunity to go deep into myself. It provided the tools to help me understand and identify my unique vision, and the skills that I can contribute towards sustainability.

Through sharing positive and creative stories and, linking my existing networks with new networks developed as part of the CSL program, I hope to model to others how to be an authentic leader. The program has allowed me to connect with many young leaders, be mentored by inspirational leaders and allowed me to get smart about complexity.

My anxious desire to create change was given a clear sense of direction. Most of all I have been given a boost of confidence to step up and step out and make a difference. I see myself continuing to work towards influencing sustainability amongst businesses and would love to one day see sustainability become a norm.

As a result of this program, I have been able to better define my potential, self-evaluate what is important, understand why authenticity is vital for sustained success and the importance of passion for inspired leadership. I hope to be an authentic influencer rather than a leader, as the program highlighted the power of humility.

The Fellowship Program has also allowed me to realise the importance of nurturing my own culture and sharing my personal stories to contribute to creating a society where diversity is embraced. CSL has also empowered me to become more active in my local community and to really become part of ‘the power of small and local’.

Mahima Kalla

Madeliene Wilson

My personal vision for change is that of accountability: a scenario where every person takes responsibility for their own actions, and does their part to ease pressure on the earth’s resources. I see real sustainability as encompassing social, economic and spiritual sustainability of individuals. I envision sustainability change makers as people who have full self-acceptance, positive assertiveness and are devoid of judgements of others, including the ‘bad guys’.

My vision for change is to make sustainability easier and more accessible, to acknowledge and act on the finite nature of natural resources, and to encourage a thoughtful and more compassionate way of being.

Human potential inspires me. Curiosity keeps me going. I am on a quest to explore the co-relations between spiritual fulfilment, world peace, and environmental sustainability.

The Fellowship Program has given me the confidence, tools and networks to acknowledge the scale and complexity of all that needs to be done, and to jump in anyway. I’ve discovered my leadership niches include policy and legislative change, lobbying and hiding sustainability messages in detective fiction. I now know that change depends on relationships to ourselves, the natural environment, and each other.

Graduate Engineer – Environmental Planning and Assessment Founder and Co-author – Stories for Change, Connecting sustainability & spirituality

During CSL, I was exposed to many eye openers related to my life’s purpose, personal sustainability, and skills I have overlooked or been unaware of. I have been able to tap into a large network of change-makers, writers and professionals. The program has opened up many doors and collaboration opportunities for my project, Stories for Change.

Senior Policy Advisor, Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency. Pursuing change through policy

Being a leader in sustainability doesn’t require just one type of personality or skill set. We can be leaders by being self-aware, by first identifying and then living by our values. And we can be leaders through small and personal acts of bravery, kindness and discipline.

Matt Wicking

Richard Evans

My vision is for a world in which people are honest about what we are facing. Whether we are ‘saving the planet’ or not, we are at least able to face our reality openly and truthfully.

I get to interact with inspirational people who are motivated by making a positive difference to the world. Being able to connect people to catalyse change is a big driver for me and, as a father of three, I have a vested interest in ensuring that the environment that we live in is preserved for future generations.

Sustainability Leader, Musician. I offer myself

We are a part of nature; embodied animals, imbedded in an infinitely complex web that we can never truly understand. But we are lost in a maze of statistics, reports and data and blinded by a misguided sense of self-importance. Applying passion and creativity, integrity and humility, I aim to chart a different course. This has been a big year. CSL has strengthened my resolve to follow a unique path and has accelerated my progress along it.

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Managing Director, Talent Nation. Connecting and guiding future leaders

My vision is for a sustainable ecosystem where we only use what the planet can sustain. I would like society to reject the current notion that the more you have, the more successful and happy you are. I see a future where individuals, organisations and government take responsibility and are accountable for their actions. CSL has been an amazing exercise in self-awareness. It has enabled me to crystallise, and connect with, the values that underpin my new business and to realise my ability to assist major corporates in embedding sustainability as a value creation opportunity. 2012 annual review

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Sandra Capponi


I have hopes for a future where people are more genuinely connected to one another and the world around them; where everyone has the same opportunities in life; where different perspectives, cultures and environments are admired, celebrated, respected and protected; and where people care and are cared for.

My vision is of a world where we connect altruistically and act locally – building resilient and supportive communities, inclusive of diversity. Within this vision, communities collaborate, share and learn globally to address the earth’s sustainability challenges.

Manager, Indigenous Finance & Development, Banking & Finance. Connecting and strengthening people and places

Learning from and connecting with people, especially family and friends, has driven me to aspire for a better future for us all. This feeds my passion for social responsibility and making a sustainable contribution to communities in need, in particular, Indigenous Australia. I want to lead positive social change with courage, perseverance, integrity and generosity, balancing hard work with optimism and fun. CSL has deepened my connections and developed my understanding of sustainability issues. It has inspired me to continue to challenge myself and challenge the status quo, standing up for what I believe in and defending those that don’t have the same opportunities.

Researcher and Technical Writer International Development. Growing & connecting communities

I am inspired by different cultures: their knowledge, perceptions and aspirations. I am passionate about facilitating the connection and shared learning of different cultures around the world: helping the sharing of sustainable practices; allowing new ideas to emerge; and to help build a sense of unity. I‘ve had the opportunity to reflect on myself as a leader, refine my vision and gain confidence. I am now connected to a network of inspiring people. I feel empowered to take bigger risks and motivated knowing there are many great fellow leaders acting on their unique visions. I plan to start connecting to my local communities and look for opportunities to collaborate with communities overseas, in the countries where I work.

Mark Stacey


My vision is for a community that values, respects and protects our natural landscapes. Everyone will understand that our well-being is entirely dependent on the well-being of our environment. Decisions won’t be made on their short-term financial returns, but on their long-term impact to our social and environmental capital.

My vision is that everyone sees sustainability as a way of thinking and doing, rather than just a cost or a behaviour change. Sustainability is a compromise and it’s a case of understanding where and why you have to compromise. This is achievable through education for sustainability.

I’m inspired by the complexity and beauty of our natural environment, and I’m passionate about science and the knowledge it provides. I’m working towards the protection and rehabilitation of our river and wetland systems. The solutions to improving our natural environment are in making decisions based on scientific evidence. I want be a big part of those solutions, providing informed, credible and trusted advice that is fundamental in improving the management of our water landscapes.

I’m driven by understanding that we humans and the planet are all interconnected; if you do something here, it will have an effect there. People act as if there is no such cause and effect. I believe in being the change that I wish to see. To inspire others, I’d ask them this: are you a part of the cause or are you a part of the solution? It’s a simple choice, to act or not to act.

Waterway Scientist, Alluvium. Using science to create healthy landscapes

CSL showed me the true characteristics of being a leader. It gave me the personal courage and inspiration to embrace the leadership characteristics within, and change my path as a future leader.

Sustainable Design Officer, Local government. Communicating for sustainability

CSL has helped me to face my weaknesses, realise the value of clear communication and given me confidence to act rather than just contemplate.

Ryan Foote

Sonya Rand

I am working to inspire, educate and initiate change in the fashion, art and design worlds. My vision is to empower the creative community to become more sustainable, both environmentally and economically, through my organisation, Creatives Change.

My vision for change has its heart in community. It is centred on feeling connected, both to others and also to this fragile planet which we all share. Nurturing sustainability within my young family, I can feel the enormous responsibility that we have to them and that they in turn have to future generations.

Artist, Philosopher, Social Entrepreneur. Enabling sustainable art

During CSL I was encouraged, uplifted and challenged, motivated, educated, faced with hope and despair, given confidence, comradeship and time to reflect: and that was just in the first retreat! As a result, I now have a clearer view of the world at large and how I fit into the global sustainability landscape. CSL has equipped me to deal with all the challenges I will face as leader today and tomorrow. I am now ready to combine all my skills as an artist, designer, lecturer, philosopher, social entrepreneur and now sustainability leader. I also have a range of new tools and networks that will help Creatives Change succeed.

Chandra Sundareswaran

Coles Ethical Sourcing Manager. Inspiring business & education partnerships

I’m inspired by the emergent possibilities from embracing respect and compassion. I’m driven to substitute apathy and convenience with participation and understanding. I am passionate about creating communities whose members are informed and acknowledge their individual power to make a difference, through conscious choices and actions. The program has inspired me to question preconceived ideas about my own leadership capabilities. It has opened my mind to an enormous scope of ideas, thinking and points of view. It has renewed my conviction that following with passion is good, but leading with purpose is better.

Sustainability Advice Specialist - Not for Profit. Business not as usual The CSL Fellowship Program has made me more media-astute and connected me to a great network of minds that are part of the extended CSL family. Over the course of the fellowship, I have learnt to understand the importance of a network of leaders to help prop up any good idea. My fellow-Fellows were an inspiring, intelligent, diverse and creative bunch of leaders-in-waiting who, I’m confident, will play a part in great things to come. The CSL mentorship was very valuable to my current and prospective future involvement in social enterprises. When I signed up for the fellowship, I went in with an aspirational goal of working towards a new approach to sustainable development. I’ve come out of the fellowship with the skills to help develop this plan; a road map for an alternate approach to business as usual; and the links to an assembly of great minds to help make it a reality 2012 annual review

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Mikey Leung

Sustainability Co–mmunications Advisor, La Trobe University. Communications for positive change

Director, Digital Storyteller.me Industry: Digital Production. Digital storyteller and sustainable traveler

My inspiration comes not from a great detailed imagining of a better planet, painted to our ideals, but in the natural response of our instincts, which are innate and humane in their reactions. I’m inspired by the unconscious desire of humans to improve the conditions of our planet without thought or reason, but simply because it is a predisposed quality we all possess.

I envision a fairer, equitable and just world, where global citizenship trumps consumerism and our concrete world of juggernaut growth is replaced by a new myth of non-material abundance. I passionately believe that stories provide the roadmaps we need to achieve this vision.

My achievement is learning to understand the inherent positive nature of people and their inherent capacity in light of challenges and in the face of change to do good. I now realise that we can all be one of those people. Empowerment for me is the step after vulnerability and this year has been one of immense vulnerability, courage and trust. It’s empowering to know that a great deal of strength can be gathered from these three things, each of which I have had to experience deeply this year.

Simon Kuestenmacher

In Bangladesh, I experienced deep inequalities and injustice and discovered climate change ground zero. My simmering rage is thankfully balanced with a deep optimism for the future, inspired by the resilience and adaptability in the human spirit I witnessed. Through storytelling, I will inspire people to become heroes of their own personal journeys of self-actualisation. During CSL, I took a step towards realising this vision at TEDxDhaka where I spoke on my sustainable travel work in Bangladesh. For years I have travelled bumpy roads of self-discovery apart from society; CSL has opened a door to how these discoveries could inform my community if I first gave them permission to do so.

Andy Marlow

Urban Geographer, University Sector. Efficiency and self-awareness enabler

Architect. Designing a better future

I want as many people as possible to be self-aware, compassionate and appreciative of the complexity of all systems we are part of. Leaders like this will, by default, act sustainably at all times.

I always knew I wanted to contribute to the environmental sustainability of our cities, yet at the completion of a Masters of Architecture I still lacked a career pathway. The Fellowship Program connected the dots between behaviour change, social sustainability and the built environment.

I grew up with recycling, solar heating, triple glazed windows, commuting by bicycle and public transport, and urban medium density housing being the norm rather than the exception. Having come to Australia from Germany I was blown away by unsustainable buildings, poor traffic management and general inefficiency in urban planning. Wanting to change the unsustainable management of Australia’s environment and cities I felt overwhelmed by the many challenges ahead. CSL allowed me to discover the niche in which my energy is best used. This new sense of direction, paired with the wonderful connections made during this program, made CSL the most rewarding and worthwhile course.

A deeper understanding of personal motivations along with guidance from mentors and colleagues has permitted long-term strategic decisions to drive my next steps. The realisation and acceptance that there is no one path has been my greatest lesson of 2012. I was recently awarded a Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarship. The project, Engaging Communities: Shifting focus from building to urban scale, will examine community participation processes in Seattle, Vancouver and Chicago to understand how Australian cities can translate successful strategies to the Australian context. This research project forms the next step in my aim to improve the liveability of our cities as we move towards a changing future.

Chris Munnings

Brad Pace

For me the CSL is all about the people. The opportunity to meet, discuss and share knowledge is why I came to CSL. Needless to say, I haven’t been disappointed.

My vision is to create a world where the smartest people in the room are the most listened to; eliminating the current environment where great ideas are constantly drowned out by agendas and distortion of the truth.

Research Scientist, Fuel Cell Technology, CSIRO. Having a go and finding out

The strength and inspiration that the speakers, trainers, facilitators and fellow participants have given me has been phenomenal. My career path has always focussed on finding what I enjoy and linking it to what I am good at, which is great. I love my job but this year was about finding the next level, the next gear. This year was about finding what I care about, defining what I want to be remembered for, drawing the lines that I won’t cross and finding the best path not the easiest path. Am I a leader? Will I help save the world? I’m not sure on either but I’ve got about 50 years left to give it a crack and find out.

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Sustainability Consultant, GHG Auditor, Consultant & Writer. Challenging for big change

I’m inspired by those fighting the good fight, despite what barriers may be in their way. The program has helped me to clearly define what really matters to me in terms of sustainability, global matters and personal life. It has given me a catalyst to lead from the front on these matters.

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Max Van Biene

Jessica Robertson

My vision for the future is one in which organisations that have a lasting positive impact on human society are given a voice over those that simply have the greatest financial resources. It is one in where all businesses, no matter what their size, can identify and act upon a purpose for their existence beyond profit alone; where all employees, no matter what their level, can feel as though they are making a difference; where mission statements become a reality.

My vision is that people are connected with what they use and consume by production coming closer to home, processes being visible and skills being shared; allowing personal engagement with its creation. This will foster more responsible and just practices, and provide a better alternative to the current system.

Sustainability Communications Strategist. Demistifying the corporate sustainability message

I remain truly passionate about the power of a perfectly crafted message in creating lasting behavior change. I aim to help organisations identify their sustainability path, and harness the power of communications to create change internally and drive business externally. CSL has made me appreciate the vast complexity regarding issues around sustainable business, and has provided me with the tools to allow me to assist corporate decision makers in overcoming barriers to change.

Kirstin Proft

Biodiversity Conservation Officer - National Parks Association of NSW. Honesty and self-discovery This year spent in the CSL Fellowship Program has been a fantastic journey in honesty and self-discovery. The program offered a chance to meet and learn from people and situations I’d never have encountered otherwise. I’m truly grateful to the CSL team and my amazing fellows, who saw qualities in me that I didn’t. They gave me a safe place to drop my neatly arranged and labelled self, and play at different characters. Now I see myself differently. I’ve found a more authentic voice, a more three-dimensional version of Kirstin. I’m more confident in my passion for this beautiful planet, and the people who inhabit it. I’ve realised that I can be of more service in the world if I bring my creativity and heart into my endeavours, along with my head. I still don’t have all the answers, but that won’t stop me from having a go!

Lars Chresta

Cycling Project Officer Government Catalyser/Organiser. Inspiring responsible generosity Meaningful change springs from strong personal relationships grounded in curiosity, humility and generosity.

Slow Textile Designer and Artisan Food Producer. Social Entrepreneur and Modeler. Connection through creation

I am passionate about incorporating traditional artisan skills into our contemporary lives. The connection and satisfaction of creating something not only brings people closer to what they have created, but also to the materials they are using and people they have created it with, or for. I model this in my life and motivate people by providing opportunities for people to learn and share these skills. My potential has grown through the CSL Fellowship Program significantly in the communication of my vision. I now feel confident and equipped with the skills to motivate and inspire change towards my vision for a sustainable future.

Ellen Lenczner

Group Sustainability, Westpac. Influencing sustainable change I currently work as an advisor in the Group Sustainability team at Westpac. As part of my role I coordinate Westpac’s internal and external sustainability reporting, improve systems and process and contribute to the implementation of the sustainability strategy. Prior to working at Westpac, I was employed as a sustainability consultant at Banarra where I helped organisations to develop their sustainability values and purpose, improve their sustainability policies and procedures and implement their sustainability strategies. The CSL Fellowship Program helped me to develop the skills and confidence necessary to be a leader, and inspired me to believe that change is both possible and something I can influence. In the future, I plan to continue contributing to the sustainability of the local and global community through my personal and professional actions and influence.

Laura Reed

Corporate Sustainability, Stockland. Communicating the value of sustainability My vision is to see large businesses realise the potential of sustainability to drive innovation and efficiencies in their products and services and to help shift their way of operating into the next era, sustaining them over the long term.

I’m inspired by a deep affection for my fellow humans and an unshakeable belief that we are capable of being good for each. I want to help others build self-respect and a stronger sense of community and show how better ways of existing on this earth can be achieved.

I’m a sustainability professional with a passion for communicating how sustainability creates value for businesses and their customers. I’m inspired by those that have created places for sustainability to grow and take root in organisations and plan to follow in these footsteps.

CSL has honed my ability to sort the wheat from the chaff, to leave behind what hinders my personal development and obscures my sustainability goals. I have made invaluable connections during my time in the program, which I plan to bring to bear in rekindling dormant skills and experience and expanding the scope of my sustainability goals; from small-country Switzerland, to small-population Australia, massive-challenge-butopportunity China.

Being a part of CSL this year has helped me to understand the power of networks, to be more aware of which parts of leadership I’m good at and which bits I should seek to partner with others on and, most importantly given me the courage to become a stronger and more effective influencer, which I believe will help me harness my passion to deliver my vision.

Rachel Haley

Leah Henderson

Project Officer Government Catalyser & Organiser. Enabling systemic change In order to have deep systemic change, I believe that people need to be empowered to create and own their sustainability pathway. I am in awe of our environment and its complexity. I’m driven to preserve what we have left, and to help replace what we have damaged in order to make the world a better place. CSL has helped me grow both professionally and personally. I have new tools to help me with my leadership, strong supporting networks and professional media and presentation skills. I’m now more confident in my own abilities and realise I can make a difference.

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Environmental Professional Government, Thought Leader. Fostering resilient communities I believe our natural ecosystems require protection in order for them to restore their natural balance. I believe this involves respecting the intrinsic value of our environment. I am driven by the urgent need to protect the environment and improve social equality in our communities. I seek to understand what drives and motivates people to behave in a particular way and I feel compelled to speak up when I am confronted by injustice. I have a new-found confidence due to the supportive environment of the CSL Fellowship Program. I feel more courageous in my ability to challenge the status quo and I have learnt to trust myself and my intent. 2012 annual review • 47

Paul SullivaN

Solicitor, Legal Practice. Legal Sector leading the change with an ‘umbrella’ view I see a world where we re-examine what is important to us and what really matters. This vision requires prosperity and progress to be redefined to capture drivers that increase our happiness and prolong the life of our planet. I am driven by a belief that the current system is flawed. We are blessed to have the capability to fix it. We are capable of acting together for the benefit and prosperity of all life on earth, and we will. Understanding that leadership comes in many different forms allows us to re-evaluate who society’s leaders really are. The Fellowship Program and its participants have instilled this understanding in me and as a result I am capable of differentiating between the true leaders and the posers. I also hope, with the inspiration of, and learning’s from, CSL that I am able to adapt my leadership style and employ the different techniques that my fellows have exhibited.

Kerry Dreyer

Operations and Education, Transition Bondi. Facilitating passion Every human being, given the right education and set of tools, has the potential to be a change agent for a better future – thus I endeavour to educate people about environmental issues, and provide them with tools to become leaders of their own passions. I have a deep respect for the natural planet we live on, and believe we’re interconnected custodians of our land, that we and should leave it in at least the same, or better, condition than that in which we found it. All life - animal, plant and human - should be cherished. With tools learnt at CSL, I endeavour to spread this message. My confidence in communication, oration and speaking to the media has greatly increased. I’ve built a strong relationship with the environmental team at Waverly Council; and single-handedly set up and run a successful fundraiser evening for Transition Bondi. I have a far clearer vision for my future in sustainability as a result of CSL.

Anique Vere

Arts Producer, Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, Co-Founder Rekindle. Conscious healthy communities From a stumble to a stride, CSL has changed my life. In these short seven months I have envisioned a future for myself and our planet, mapping out the various ways I intend to contribute towards conscious and healthy communities. In my personal and professional life, CSL has offered me opportunities to grow, which I have gratefully embraced; stepping into unexpected positions of privilege that nurture my creativity and passion whilst challenging enough to push the boundaries of myself and industry norms. With an ongoing commitment to reflection, resilience, relationships and reverence, I now immerse myself in the present and its opportunities, always with a connection to the possibilities ahead. CSL has enabled me to voice sustainability in my own way and I am eternally thankful. For I believe sustainability is the nurturing of each part, bolstering the healthy exchange of the many, for the benefit of the whole.

Bridget McIntosH

Managing Director, Carbon Bridge Pty Ltd. Environmental markets, fostering respect, care and value I would like to live in a world where we truly respect and value our natural and human resources: only with respect will we be able to correctly value our living systems and therefore willingly participating in decisions that enable us to maintain their intricate balance on our planet. I am passionate about the incredible beauty of the world we live in and doing what I can to make sure future generations can experience that beauty too. CSL helped me re-connect with the my own potential. Years of self-doubt and low self esteem had dissipated my passion, drive and energy – and along with it, my belief in my own ability to make a difference in the world. The speakers, fellow peers and CSL directors inspired me to take action and seek professional help – I am now centred and at the core of myself and my passion, and thereby able to again work towards making a difference.

Michael Burnside

Food Security Officer, World Food Programme, Ghana. International Aid and Development. Encouraging conversations about our future I look forward to being part of a global community where every individual is acutely aware of themselves and the tremendous potential of their everyday actions. Then we’ll be empowered to work together to shape the kind of world we all want to live in. I believe extreme poverty is a terrible injustice and humanity’s saddest failure. However, it is also a solvable problem. I’m determined to continue to make everyone I will ever meet aware of this, whilst finding ways to use their collective brilliance to put an end to this nonsense. CSL has provided me with clarity, direction and renewed determination to shake the system and make exciting, positive changes for the benefit of the world and it’s inhabitants. Most importantly, though, the program and the 2012 fellows have filled me with the self-belief that I actually can (and will) do all the things I want to do.

Harkirin Narulla

Lawyer, Environmental Defenders Office. Harnessing human energy Those called to this area feel the gravity of the challenges we face, and often hold ideas just as big as those challenges. CSL has allowed me to grab hold of my care, desire, and vision, and distill it into functionality. I’ve found ways to articulate myself, settings to influence, peers, and social projects in the sustainability space. When internal frustrations at the state of the world are nurtured constructively, their energy can be focussed outwards as the power required to shift thinking, and encourage change. I have taken one area of concern - social attitudes, engagement and apathy, and with the help of other fellows created a project (Pubocracy) that hits the mark. The challenge now is to keep up with the possibilities, which keep extending. My personal leadership vision is clear, I’ve mapped out the next steps on my journey, and begun to connect with those in public life who are leading change.

Sabrine Elkdohr

Jesse Steinfeld

Pharmacist, CEO and Founder The Paper Bag. Advancement with conscience

Director and Engineering Manager, Buildings Alive. Accelerating energy efficiency

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”

I see a future where sustainability just makes good business sense; where environmental resilience is seen as naturally aligned to the success of society and the economy.

For me CSL epitomises this saying by Ralph Waldo Emerson. I began at CSL unsure of myself and of what to do with my life. Several months later, I’ve established The Paper Bag, a budding social enterprise centered around sustainability and social justice as well as developing a deeper understanding of myself and my place in this world. My vision for a sustainable world is one where society adds to the world rather than detracts from it. A world that believes in advancement with a conscience. I’m working to this end by promoting the concept of resource maximisation and zero waste. Helping go from having no idea which to path to follow, to having a clear vision and purpose within a few short months, is a testament to the power CSL.

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Sustainability, clean energy and energy efficiency is such a new and exciting field, always cutting edge and adding significant value to business as usual. Where the built environment has the largest potential for low cost emissions abatement, I’m passionate about implementing innovative technologies and developing more motivated, informed and competent operators of buildings. CSL has been a hotbed for innovative and exciting new ideas, new learnings and new friends. It’s exciting to be part of a group with such diverse skills but with such aligned passions.

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Garrett Stringer

Communications Manager, Independent Climate Research Organisation, Communicator, Catalyser. Facilitating creative collaboration With courage, vulnerability, honesty and an openness to challenge one’s assumptions we can work collaboratively - across disciplines, sectors and cultures - to find innovative and equitable solutions to today’s sustainability challenge. I’m inspired by our collective knowledge and the bringing together of diverse and disparate perspectives to challenge the way we and others see the world. I believe the merging of unexpected disciplines and the use of creative approaches forms a catalyst for innovation and positive change. The program has provided me with an invaluable space for reflection and an opportunity to illuminate my own leadership strengths. It provided a safe space - a testing ground - where failures were embraced as much as successes. The encouragement, support and critical feedback has provided me with the courage and confidence to continue down this path.

Vanessa Koop

Advisor, Group Sustainability, Westpac Group. Mainstreaming social banking My vision for a sustainable world is one where companies are held accountable for the total cost of the production, sale, distribution, use and disposal of their goods and services. By total cost, I mean factoring in externalities such as social and environmental impacts on the communities in which they operate and on the finite natural resources that they deplete. Should this be enforced, organisations would be incentivised to transform their business models and to redirect resources into the research and development of innovative sustainable products, services and processes. The world needs to change dramatically and now! I will influence banks to embed environmental, social and governance risk analysis to ensure responsible lending and investment practices by demonstrating the business case of doing so. I now have the support, courage and unshakable determination to be a ‘Positive Deviant’ and make the changes that I want to see in the world.

Rachael Lindup

Engineer. Building a greener future As an engineer, I’ve always wanted to build a greener future. To work towards our buildings, cities and infrastructure improving our quality of life and maintaining resources for the future. I came to the fellowship thinking that green technologies could solve the problem of climate change. However, through connecting with my fellows, with their incredible breadth of passion, I’ve come to realise that real change needs to come from every level of our society. CSL has given me a voice to make my opinions heard and a support network, both professionally and personally. I’m committed to improving the sustainability of the projects I am involved in and promoting change at an industry and education level. 2013 will be a year of change for me, and CSL has equipped me with the skills and conviction to make it happen.

Alexandra Heaven

Communications Professional. Creating an ethical corporate future Before CSL, I knew that I wanted to be a part of creating a more socially and environmentally responsible economy. However, I was unsure how to get there, whether I could do it and whether it was even possible. CSL has provided me with the skills and confidence to believe I might just be able to make it happen! Career and project opportunities over the year have accelerated my experience in relation to my goals. Through our project, Pubocracy – conversation starting coasters, I have learnt the finer skills of stakeholder engagement, pitching, project management and conversation facilitation. Pubocracy has instilled a conviction in me that I will be able to upscale future projects to reach even wider audiences. My next step is a move to Canberra for a job that will see me gain experience in the influencing of government and public opinion. I am looking forward to using these skills to create an ethical corporate future. 2012 annual review

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SPEAKERS & MENTOrs As part of the CSL Fellowship Program, our fellows have the privilege of access to an amazing range of exceptional speakers and mentors. Throughout the program, fellows receive advice, support, guidance and encouragement from an array of outstanding leaders, all of whom freely volunteer their time and expertise as presenters, mentors, or both. Many have supported CSL over a number of years. Our guest speakers and mentors come from a range of backgrounds and professions, including government, academia, business, media, the arts, consulting and the not-for-profit sector, enabling our fellows to draw knowledge and inspiration, and to network with some of Australia’s most influential and creative thinkers and leaders. As always we are particularly indebted to Jason Clarke, founding father of CSL, and chief mind worker at Minds at Work, for once again giving so generously of his time, helping us to refine our curriculum and delivering his extraordinary workshops, which while opening our minds, don’t let our brains fall out. We thank all of our speakers and mentors for their generous support. Here is just a sample of four of our speakers and mentors this year. For a full list see pages 56 & 57.

Jason Clarke problem mapping

Prof. Stuart White, Director Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS. Stuart’s presentations on sustainability at the Sydney Fellowship Program are always much anticipated and extremely well received. As the Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures at UTS, Stuart heads a team conducting project-based research into creating change for a sustainable future. For twenty years Stuart has been at the cutting edge of sustainability program design, implementation and evaluation for government, industry and community clients, both nationally and internationally. His work with Dana Cordell in establishing the Global Phosphorous Research initiative, investigating peak phosphorous, won them a Eureka Prize for Environmental Research in 2012. This also saw them listed in the Sydney Morning Herald’s 2012 Top 100 Influential People.

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Cate Faehrmann, Greens, NSW MP It is a testament to Cate Faehrmann’s commitment to nurturing emerging leaders, that once again she found time in her very busy schedule as Greens Member of the NSW Legislative Council to mentor a Sydney CSL Fellow in 2012. Prior to joining parliament, Cate, an experienced environmental campaigner, was the Executive Director of the Nature Conservation Council of NSW where one of her many achievements was to establish Walk Against Warming. Cate has also served on the boards of online campaigning organisation, GetUp!, and the Environmental Defenders Office of NSW. Since becoming an MLC, Cate has continued to campaign tirelessly on a range of environmental and social justice issues including raising awareness of the dangers of coal seam gas, advocating for better bike infrastructure in Sydney and getting a debate on Voluntary Euthanasia onto parliament’s radar.

Amanda Sinclair, Foundation Professor, Management Diversity & Change, MBS Drawing on her considerable expertise in the areas of leadership and ethics, organisational culture and change and gender and diversity, Amanda’s presentation on embodied leadership was one of the most highly regarded by Melbourne Fellows in 2012. Amanda is Foundation Professor of Management Diversity and Change at Melbourne Business School. She has written several books on gender and leadership. Her most recent book, Leadership for the Disillusioned: Beyond Myths and Heroes to Leading that Liberates, challenges traditional assumptions about leadership, and explores alternative and more liberating ways of leading that promote well-being and growth. Amanda also generously acted as a mentor to Melbourne Fellow, Aislinn Martin this year.

Luke Hockley, Director, Midnight Sky Luke, Founder and Director at communications consultancy, Midnight Sky, has been a generous supporter of CSL for a number of years. An artist, consultant, teacher and storyteller, his strength lies in his ability to quickly get to the essence of a problem, to make complex things easy to understand and to tell a great story. More importantly, he is able to help others do the same. Luke provided exceptional public speaking training to Sydney and Melbourne Fellows at the communications retreat this year, creating sessions to help each of the fellows tell their own story in their own way. These sessions were inspiring, fun and full of surprises. Luke was also once again on the expert Dragon’s Den panel, along with Midnight Sky colleague, Kate Nicolazzo, providing sage advice to Melbourne Fellows on the content of their projects and how they pitch them. 2012 annual review

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bob brown on leadership Even by her exacting standards, 2012 was a big year for Eliza Muirhead. As well as undertaking the Melbourne Fellowship Program, Eliza had the unique opportunity to put her leadership skills into action as a member of the Sea Shepherd Steve Irwin’s crew. Also onboard were the likes of musician John Butler, businessman and activist Geoff Cousins and recently retired Greens Leader, Bob Brown. All were part of Operation Kimberley Miiniimbi, protesting the proposed gas hub development at James Price Point, the world’s largest humpback whale nursery. Eliza was invited along to film and photograph the journey and the ensuing documentary, which was launched in October to great acclaim. To top it all off, Eliza and her partner, Tim Watters, were listed in The Age’s Melbourne Magazine’s Top 100 Most Influential People for their work with their organisation, Fair Projects. In between filming, Eliza took the opportunity to chat with living legend, Bob Brown about leadership. It is hard to think of a better person than Bob, to share insights into the rewards and challenges, the tricks and travails of leading within a sustainability context. We thank Bob for his time and Eliza for seizing the opportunity. Here is a transcript of their discussion.

EM: What’s at the heart of leadership? BB: As the old saying goes, we’re losing every war except the war on environment. Leadership has been where my heart is, to advocate for the environment but we’re being overwhelmed by leaders who don’t have that heart at the centre of what they do.

EM: What have you learnt about leadership? BB: One of the things about being a leader is that you can’t afford to be down in the dumps, depressed or cranky. Being able to be strong, which is more often than not just being optimistic and determined and caring – all those things together – at this end of life, I’ve learnt that’s a pretty good mixture. On the other hand, I’ve learnt that leadership is about getting the best out of other people, letting them decide what role they want to play.

EM: What makes a good leader? BB: I feel that I am on the same level as everybody. I couldn’t kid myself into thinking

that I’m any different from any other person and I think that’s an important attribute as a leader. If people think that they’re more important, or that they’ve got something that others don’t have, that’s where they go wrong.

EM: What advice would you give to a young leader? BB: My advice for young people is think well of yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror every so often. Particularly when the going gets tough, because if you’re going to be successful, you’re going to cop it. You’re going to have people having a go at you and you can start to feel miserable and think you want to get out of it. I suggest you ask yourself what you’d say to a neighbour over the fence and take your own advice. Another thing is, don’t get anguished; if we haven’t got time for it, we haven’t got time. Take time out to look after yourself and your companions and friends and have fun. Emma Goldman from the social revolution way back in Chicago said, “I don’t want your revolution if I can’t have dance”. It’s important to be

able to have a joke and in a friendly way send each other up sometimes. But always look for a person who’s having trouble. If you find someone struggling ask them for a cup of tea. And if they say no, just say, well I’d like a cup of tea with you and try to find out about what’s causing them to feel out of sorts and very often that’s enough to fix things up. It’s important to look after one another.

EM: What would you say to a young leader who’s considering going into politics? BB: I think politics should be on everyone’s mind because we are in a democracy and you see, we have no alternative. The alternative is guns and violence. What we need now is a new leadership that has new principles, that isn’t economy driven. The money - first leadership of the last century is now not only out of date but it’s off the rails. I’ve been around long enough to know that prime ministers, ministers and

business leaders are just ordinary people. It’s very hard, because we live in a society which has glossy magazines with super people on the front cover. But they’re not. The environment and sustainability need strong, well-thoughtout voices – not green wash. Any politician, any business person can do that. But strong, wellthought-out sustainability for this planet is the only way to go for humanity. And if you can make a difference to that, then go for it.

Postscript As this goes to print, Eliza has embarked on another Sea Shepherd voyage to defend the whales of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and Bob Brown has joined the Sea Shepherd’s Board of Directors.

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John Thwaites • Chair, National Sustainability Council. Chair, Monash Sustainability Institute and Climate Works

Murali Neelamegan • Founder, Dynamic Wisdom

Jon Dee • Founder and Managing Director, DoSomething!

Nick Fury • Performing Artist

Jose Ramos • Editor, Journal of Future Studies; Owner,Action Foresight Julia Zemiro • Host, RocKwiz

SPEAKERS & Mentors 2012

Justin Medcalf • Director, The Emerald Club Karen Orvad • Trainer, Facilitator, Coach, Presenter, Consultant at Courageous Leaders Kate Harris • Director, Learning and Development, Centre for Sustainability Leadership Kate Nicolazzo • Director, Nicolazzo Consulting Kati Thompson • Sustainability Educator and Facilitator, Green Steps Training Coordinator

Alex First • Managing Director, First Communications Pty Ltd Alex Graham • Senior Program Development Officer, Regional Operations Group, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Alison Kelly • National Program Manager, CCRSPI/PIARN at University of Melbourne, co- founder Do it On the Roof Andrew Foran • CEO, Centre for Sustainability Leadership Amanda Sinclair • Author, Foundation Professor Management Diversity & Change, Melbourne Business School

Dougal McInnes • Strategic Analysis Team, International Division at the Federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Kerry Arabena • Professor and Director of Research, Monash University

Ellen Sandell • National Director, Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Lara McPherson • Founder & Director, Sustainable Fashion Australia

Emily Ross • Director, Emily Ross Bespoke Media

Lee Stewart • Principal Consultant, Fujitsu Australia Limited

Fergus Green • Director, Centre for Sustainability Leadership

Leigh Ewbank • Yes 2 Renewables Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Australia

Fiona Campbell • Manager Cycling Strategy at City of Sydney

Andrew Ure • Managing Director, Ogilvie Earth Australia

Francis Grey • Director, Research, & co-owner Transcap, and founder, Co-Owner, Economists@Large & Associates

Anthony Ogilvie • Environment Manager, Goodman Fielder Augusta Supple • Writer, Theatre Director

Francois Faure • Partner, Ensemble Partners Australia Gareth Johnston • Director, Future Ready Geoff Brown • Founder, Tangent Consulting

Bernard Carlon • Divisional Director Sustainability Programs, Regional Operations Group, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Gilbert Rochecouste • Founder & Chair, Village Well

Brett de Hoedt • Founder, Hootville Communications

Greg Bourne • Chair, Australian Renewable Energy Agency

Brian Gardner • Victorian General Manager, Donington and Harris Smith

Helen Seignior • Program Manager Haiti, International Development, Red Cross

Caroline Pidcock • Director, Pidcock Architecture and Sustainability

Ian Penrose • Commissioner, Victorian Environmental Water Holder

Cate Faehrmann • Member of the Legislative Council, The Greens, NSW Parliament Cathy Oke • Greens Councillor, City of Melbourne Cecile van der Burgh • Co-founder , Victorian Child and Nature Connection Chris Derksema • Sustainability Director, City of Sydney Chris Roche • Associate Professor and Chair, International Development, La Trobe University Clinton Squires • Senior Vice President, Interface - Australia Costa Georgiadis • Landscape Architect & Host, Gardening Australia Dan Atkins • Founder and Managing Director, Shaper Group Dave Gravina • Director, Digital Eskimo, Do Gooder Dexter Dunphy • Emeritus Professor, Centre for Corporate Governance, Faculty of Business, University of Technology, Sydney

Ian Porter • Chief Executive Officer, Alternative Technology Association Jamie First • Freelance Journalist Jane Holroyd • Journalist, The Age Epicure Janette O'Neill • Head of Sustainability, National Australia Bank. Jason Clarke • Founder, Minds at work Jason Kimberley • Founder & CEO, Cool Australia Jean Olgivie • Change & Program Manager Jen Halldorsson • Transport Project Officer, University of Wollongong Jeremy Baskin • Principal Research Fellow: Education for Sustainable Development, La Trobe University Jeremy Rudge • Creative Lead, Coca-Cola South Pacific Jessica Miller • Chief lace-tier, Goody Two Shoes Jodi Newcombe • Director, Carbon Arts

Dimity Podger • Director and Principal, Barasa Consulting Group

John Daley • CEO, Grattan Institute

Dimity Williams • General Practitioner, Co-founder Victorian Child and Nature Connection

John Talbott • Owner, Stormlight Consulting

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Kelly O’Shanassy • Chief Executive Officer, Environment Victoria

Eden Brukman • Vice President, International Living Building Institute and Research Director, Cascadia Region Green Building Council

Andrew Sweatman • Manager, PE International Angharad Wynne-Jones • Creative Producer, Arts House

Katie Pahlow • Director Visitor & Community Development, Zoos Victoria

John Hepburn • Executive Director, The Sunrise Project

Nic Frances • Chairman & CEO, Cool NRG International Olivia Laskowski • Account Manager, Energy and Environmental Solutions, Siemens, co- founder Do it On the Roof Pablo Berutti • Head of Responsible Investment, Asia Pacific Penny Howarth • Veterinarian Peter Cosier • Executive Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists Paul Gilding • Independent Writer, Advisor and Advocate on Sustainability Peter Ellyard • Author, Chairman, Preferred Futures Institute Phil Kingston • Managing Director, Kingston Development Rachel Botsman • Social Innovator, Collaborative Consumption Rachel Lowry • Director Wildlife Conservation and Science, Zoos Victoria Rebecca Harcourt • Program Manager, Indigenous Business Education, Programs and Students Unit, Australian School of Business Richard Boele Banarra • Founder, Managing Director, Banarra Consulting Richard Geeves • Program Coordinator, Childfund Richard Widows • Sustainable Agriculture Advisor, Greenpeace Roland Dillon • Associate, McKinsey & Company

Liane Rossler • Artist & Designer

Sally Hill • Business Partnerships Coordinator, WWF

Linda Williams • Associate Professor Art, Environment & Cultural Studies, RMIT University

Sam Lynch • Social Enterprise at Wesley Mission Victoria

Lindsay Soutar • National Coordinator, 100% Renewable Community Campaign Linh Do • Community Coordinator, Australian Conservation Foundation Luke Hockley • Founder & Director, Midnightsky Madeleine Lyons • Manager, Carbon & Emerging Markets Policy Maree Davidson • Managing Director, Davidson Consulting Mandy Holloway • Leadership facilitator, executive coach and speaker at Courageous Leaders Pty Ltd Marianne Trinder • Writer, Performer, Director Marnie Kikken • Sustainability Programs Officer, Kuringai

Sandi Middleton • Sydney Fellowship Program Manager, Centre for Sustainability Leadership Sara Phillips • Online Environment Editor, ABC News Sarah Hunt • SBS Ambassador at SBS, Media and Communications Consultant at Go to Sarah Selena Griffith • Senior Lecturer, Co Ordinator Design Management, Co Ordinator NEXUS Lab, Co Ordinator DESIS, School of Design Studies, College of Fine Arts, UNSW Shelley Meagher • Writer, Researcher, Creative Strategist, Cofounder, Do it On the Roof Shane Wakelin • GM Commercial Operations, St Kilda Football Club

Martin Doyle • Physiotherapist, Doyles Physiotherapy

Siobhan Toohill • Principal - Sustainability and Placemaking Lead, Pure and Applied

Matt Jones • Executive Director, Social Alchemy

Steph Smith • Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Matt Perry • Partner, Republic of Everyone

Stephanie Campbell • Senior Analyst, Deloitte Access Economics

Megan Clement • Deputy Editor, Politics + Society at The Conversation Media Group, Journalist at OurSay Australia

Stuart white • Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology

Megan Seneque • Consultant

Sue White • Freelance Writer and Journalist

Melissa Field • Director, MavenQ Advisory

Tamara DiMattina • Founder & Director, Buy Nothing New Month and Trumpet PR

Michael Docherty • Journalist, Communications Consultant Michael Drake • Economist, ACCC, tutor the University of Melbourne Michael Mobbs • Environmental Lawyer, author, consultant, speaker, owner Sustainable House Michael Presland • Managing Director, Just Great Advertising P/L Miki Perkins • City Reporter, The Age Miriam Lyons • Executive Director of the Centre for Policy Development

Tim Cotter • Owner, Awake Psychology Tim Rayner • Writer and Philosopher, Consultant , Philosophy for Change Tom Roper • Senior Fellow of Melbourne University’s Australian Centre for Science, Innovation and Society and Chair, Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council Tony Robertson • Communications Director, Australia, Change.org Wayne Cartwright • Consultant , Prisma Partners Ltd 2012 annual review

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david seignior

Melbourne Fellowship Program Director David has extensive experience as an educator and communicator, with a focus on leadership for sustainability, including two years as CSL’s Melbourne Fellowship Program Facilitator. His own sustainability journey began as a young English and drama graduate when he landed the plumb role of Wobbly the Wallaby in a touring children’s environmental theatre production. He has never looked back…ever.

CSL team

Post-marsupial, David worked for ten years as a scriptwriter, producer and presenter with award winning science education television programs, STEPS and ScienceTrek. He then moved into a government communications advisor role, before becoming director of a small consultancy, overseeing the national community engagement program, Sustainability Street. He now draws on his diverse range of skills to help others to think creatively, work collaboratively and act courageously in tackling the serious challenges we face. He also runs his own consultancy, PlayThinkInc, fostering playful thought and thoughtful play.


Andrew is proud to be building on the great work done by CSL so far and is enjoying the process of growing its reach and influence, so that more emerging leaders can maximise their potential to deliver positive change.

alesha younghusband

Melbourne Fellowship Program Manager

Prior to CSL, Andrew worked in the business sustainability field, with organisations including ECO-Buy, Visy Recycling and World Vision. He was the founder and general manager of a successful aquaculture business, holds an MBA and a Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management and Planning, and is the president of the Melbourne branch of the Surfrider Foundation, a global environmental not-for-profit.

Alesha’s career changed from film and video production to sustainable lifestyles and leadership after her environmental light bulb moment, whilst watching ‘Who Killed the Electric Car?’ Since then she has been in action towards securing a safe climate for all species and all generations. This commitment has seen her be the Melbourne Fellowship Program Manager, drawing upon her training as a social scientist in the area of environmental and social sustainability, and gained experience across sectors including community groups, universities, NGOs, government and business.

Kate Harris

Director Learning & Development, Director Sydney Fellowship Program Kate is passionate about human potential and preparing ourselves for leadership of the future. Kate develops others through her abilities as a renowned facilitator, executive coach and group dynamic practitioner.

She also has extensive experience in personal and professional development of herself and others with a focus on leadership, team management and teamwork skills. Alesha is committed to all people knowing themselves as being demonstrations of the change they want to see in the world. Alesha has a Bachelor of Social Science (Environment) and Bachelor of Media Arts (Film and Video).

Kate’s role draws on her diverse background in organisational leadership and development, culture change, social ecology, performing arts and executive coaching, to help individuals, corporates and communities create solutions to complex problems. Specialising in innovation and strategic foresight, she is motivated to create positive change through supporting emerging leaders to articulate a vision, and then develop the capabilities and capacities to make that vision a reality. Kate has a Masters of Social Ecology, Certificate IV in Workplace Training & Assessment, a Diploma of Applied Science and is a qualified Executive Coach.

Sandi Middleteon

Sydney Fellowship Program Manager Sandi is inspired by our ability as humans to deal with change, thrive and adapt. She is passionate about helping people connect to their passion and achieve their potential. She is currently the Program Manager and Assistant Facilitator of the Centre for Sustainability Leadership Program, where she supports and facilitates leadership in emerging leaders in sustainability. Sandi is a professional and creative facilitator, coach and program manager with a Bachelor in Science and over 10 years experience working in government, community and private sectors. Being an Alumni herself she loves supporting the fellows through the Program and seeing them reach their potential in leadership for sustainability.

Volunteers “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss Quite simply, CSL could not exist without the support of its dedicated volunteers- individuals who so kindly lend us their time, their expertise and their enthusiasm to help with almost every facet of our operation, from assisting at workshops, to marketing and coordinating events, from curriculum research to business analysis, not to mention designing and writing for this annual review. We are extremely grateful for the contribution of this wonderful group of people. We love having them around, but we also love to see them move on to their next big thing, with the help of their CSL experience.

A very special thanks to our 2012 volunteers • Astha Batra • Brooke Galloway • Emily Crawford • Emily Wilson • Esther Kennedy

• Felipe Niño • Gustravo Recaman • Jonathan Stray • Justin Pilgrim • Katie de Roo

• Liz Steel • Rita Franca • Ssu-Hua Chen • Trystan Sykes • Vania Raquel Felix Manuel


CSL board

Director Janette O’Neill is a leading corporate responsibility professional with 16 years experience working both as a consultant and internally, with large multinationals in Australia and Europe. She is currently the Head of Corporate Responsibility for National Australia Bank. Her team manages CR policy, strategy, issues management, communications, stakeholder engagement, performance management and reporting. She works with the executive team to ensure that CR is truly integrated into business strategy, risk management, policies and processes, systems, culture and communications. Prior to joining NAB, Janette worked as a strategy consultant with Accenture and as a sustainability consultant with PwC UK.

matt perry


Matt Perry is a partner and co-founder of sustainability communications company, Republic of Everyone. A seasoned marketing and communications professional, having worked in London, New York and Sydney for agencies including M&C Saatchi, Matt moved to Melbourne and completed the Fellowship Program in 2007. His focus is on a single-minded purpose of making sustainability a part of everything we do by making it exciting, inspirational and relevant to everyone.

Brian is the Victorian General Manager for Donington and Harris Smith, a change and career consultancy. He has a particular interest in cross-cultural and virtual work team performance and engagement, after extensive work experience in the US, Africa, Europe, Australia and Asia Pacific. Brian is passionate about enabling people to live sustainable lives and develop sustainable careers, and has extensive multi-disciplinary management and leadership skills and experience, across diverse areas in a variety of industries.



Phillip Kingston is an interdisciplinary business professional who works with governments, IGOs, NGOs and companies to solve complex problems involving technology, people, policy and finance. He works in many countries through his global management consulting and technology services company Kingston, and is the author of The War for Eyeballs – An Introduction to Internet Marketing. Phillip is an experienced company director, sitting on a range of private company and not-for-profit boards in Australia.

Jeremy is a leading sustainability thinker and educator, working extensively on the design, development and delivery of learning programs on sustainable development. He is the outgoing Australian Director of Cambridge University’s Program for Sustainability Leadership and remains a senior associate. He is a Senior Fellow at the Melbourne Business School, and an Adjunct Professor at LaTrobe University’s Institute for Social and Environmental Sustainability. He is also a former adviser to the Mandela Government in South Africa.



Michael McKiterick is a Legal Supervisor at the Sunshine Youth Legal Service. Formerly a Senior Lawyer at PILCH Victoria, Michael has been a solicitor since 2005. He was awarded the Victoria Law Foundation Fellowship in 2011. He is the author of the VLF report on volunteering in community legal centres, and completed the CSL Fellowship Program in 2010.

Katie Pahlow is Director of Visitor & Community Development for Zoos Victoria. Katie has used her unique combination of talents – spanning zoology, conservation education and business entrepreneurship – to transform Zoos Victoria into a world leader in community education, whilst also driving major improvements across the organisation’s commercial operations. Before her career at Zoos Victoria, Katie was a secondary school biology teacher and cofounder of a successful business advisory firm.




Vice Chair


Director Fergus is a researcher specialising in climate change law and policy, and is completing a masters degree at the London School of Economics on a Sir John Monash Scholarship. Prior to moving to London, Fergus was a lawyer at Allens Arthur Robinson for more than three years, with expertise in climate change, water, energy and environmental law. He is also a writer and analyst focussing on the political and policy dimensions of climate change in Australia, and internationally, having published with the Lowy Institute for International Policy, Beyond Zero Emissions as well as in print and online media. He has also advised numerous environmental NGOs on climate policy issues. Fergus completed the Fellowship Program in 2010

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Melissa has broad experience as both an executive in, and advisor, to the commercial sector, most recently as Executive Director, with Ernst & Young. She has particular expertise in finance, accounting and assurance and in planning and implementing strategic change in entrepreneurial organisations. She is a Chartered Accountant and has an MBA from Melbourne Business School, and is a director of Mind Australia.

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In 2012 the Centre for Sustainability Leadership worked in partnership with a number of great organisations. Thank you all for your support

The Centre for Sustainability Leadership (CSL) is a registered, not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and governed by the Corporations Act. CSL is an Income Tax Exempt Charity with Tax Deductibility Status (DGR). CSL is not politically aligned and places major importance on governance issues and is overseen by a high quality independent board.

credits EDITOR AT LARGE David Seignior


Alesha Younghusband



Alesha Younghusband Brooke Galloway Mikey Lueng Emily Crawford


Andrew Foran David Seignior Esther Kennedy Katie de Roo Helen Seignior

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Level 13, 190 Queens Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia T: 03 9078 7378 E: info@csl.org.au W: www.csl.org.au ABN: 78 123 195 488

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