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T TA AM MA AR RJ JE ER RU US SA ALLE EM MC CH HA APPT TE ER R President: Pauline Clein PB@Clein.net Bulletin Editor: Suzanne Pomeranz suzpom@zahav.net.il

January 2008

Tevet-Shvat 5768

TAMAR CHAPTER GENERAL MEETING MONDAY, January 21, 2007 – 10:00AM Beit Frankforter, 80 Derech Beit Lechem

Ethiopian Immigrants in Israel & The Ethiopian National Project Speaker: Nigist Mengesha Nigist Mengesha immigrated from Ethiopia to Israel in 1984. Since June 2003, she has been the Director General of the Ethiopian National Project. This meeting is sponsored by Hilda Clyman. If you would like to sponsor a meeting, please contact Peggy Frost, program chair at pfrost@netvision.net.il

FFRRO OM M O OU URR ~~N NEEW W~~ PPRREES SIID DEEN NT T… … Dear Friends, Tu B’Shvat is the birthday of the trees and a fresh beginning for nature. It is a fitting time for a new Board to begin its work. The past Presidents, Marge Feinstein and Phyllis Levinson and Board have done an outstanding job and set high standards for us to maintain. Most of the programs and activities are already in place until the summer. We have some interesting speakers and programs scheduled for our monthly meetings. Our summer International Luncheons have been very popular and we are hoping to now have luncheons all year round and not crowd them all into a short space of time. This will give more people an opportunity to participate both as hostesses and participants. I appreciate the guidance that I have received from our Past Presidents and their ongoing support. We have a dynamic, capable Board and I am looking forward to working with them and all of you. May we go from strength to strength. H Haavvee aa H Haappppyy T Tuu BB’’SShhvvaatt..

Pauline Cle in PB@Clein.net


H Ha ad da assssa ah h--IIssrra ae ell A An nn nu ua all C Co on nffe erre en ncce e T Tu ue essd da ay y& &W We ed dn ne essd da ay y,, F Fe eb brru ua arry y1 12 2& &1 13 3,, 2 20 00 08 8 Hosted by the Shaked Chapter, Rehovot th

Come celebrate the 25

anniversary of the Hadassah-Israel Organization & the conference theme:

AM YISRAE L CHAI! Two full days of lectures, activities, events, time to socialize and more… S Seep paarraattee ttrraacckkss ffoorr EEn ng glliissh h--ssp peeaakkeerrss aan nd dH Heeb brreew w--ssp peeaakkeerrss!! At the Ma’ale HaChamisha Guest House (on the hilltop above Abu Gosh) Only NIS410 (double occupancy) …including free use of the spa, heated pool, sauna & jacuzzi for those staying overnight SIGN UP NOW! CALL THE OFFICE 02-623-1411

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