INDONESIA-SWEDEN Excellence Seminar
GREETINGS & PROGRAMME SACF Welcomes You The Swedish Academic Collaboration Forum (Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linkรถping University, Lund University, Stockholm University and Uppsala University) is honored to be hosted by RistekDikti and AIPI at Universitas Gadjah Mada. During our joint seminar top researchers from Sweden and Indonesia will have the opportunity to meet and discuss possibilities for future cooperation and joint research projects in topics of interest to both countries. Universities play an important role in educating the next generation of researchers and decision makers and to meet the challenges that our society faces today through innovative and excellent research. Addressing these challenges in collaborative discussions and research activities, we are able to find solutions for them together. We would like to express our gratitude to the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT), for their generous grant, which made this Indonesia-Sweden Excellence seminar possible. It is our hope that everyone will enjoy these days of discussions and meetings and that there will be a fruitful exchange to build upon. The Vice Chancellors of the SACF universities wish you a good seminar!
3 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar
Monday 14 March 2016 at Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel 17:30-18:00 Registration 18:00-20:00 Welcome & Networking dinner
Tuesday 15 March, SACF seminar at UGM 08:00-08:30
Bus transfrer from the hotel to UGM
08:30-09:00 Registration 09:00-09:30 Opening Ceremony - Remarks from rector UGM - Swedish embasy - Swedish Academic Collaboration Forum (SACF) - Ministry for Research, Technology and Higher Education 09:30-10:00 Group photo and coffee break 10:00-11:00
Funding session
Development of Science and Technology Park (STP) in Indonesia
11:15-12:15 Research and collaboration discussions in prallel sessions 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00
Research and collaboration discussions in prallel sessions, cont.
Coffee break
Research and collaboration discussions in prallel sessions, cont.
17:30-18:00 Summary report from the parallel sessions Moderator: Leif Kirsebom, UU 18:00-18:30
Closing ceremony - Key note speech - Closing remark - Speech of appreciation
Time for prayer/mingle
Conference dinner
Bus transfer to the hotel
In parallel
Student event on campus (whole day event)
Excellence Seminar
PARTICIPANT PROFILES Maritime development and marine technology
Urban planning
Local resilience and Disaster management
Renewable Energy
Civil society
University management
2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar
Session 1
Maritime development and marine technology
Fredrik Grรถndahl (KTH Rolyal Institute of Technology) Karin Andersson (Chalmers University of Technology) Sebastian Axbard (Uppsala University)
Session 1
Maritime development and marine technology Position: Professor University (or other affiliation): Chalmers University of Technology/ Department of Shipping and Marine Technology Title of presentation: Keywords: Marine Technology, future marine fuels, marine energy systems modelling.
Karin Andersson
Mail: Karin.Andersson@chalmers. se Web: http://www.chalmers.se/en/ Staff/Pages/karin-andersson. aspx
Background and research interests: Karin Andersson is professor in the division of Maritime Environment and Energy Systems. Her academic background is in Chemical Engineering (M Sc), Nuclear Chemistry (Ph D) and one year of studies in Archaeology. After working as a consultant in environmental systems analysis for seven years, she founded the research group for Environmental Systems Analysis at Chalmers. This group has been active in developing and teaching environmental /sustainable development courses at Chalmers and was a driving force in the development of research within Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Sweden. This led to the start of a national competence centre, CPM with participation of more than 10 large Swedish companies. After a period as vice president at Chalmers, her present research interests focuses on decision support relating to environmental impact and resource use caused by technical systems in shipping using Environmental Systems Analysis tools like life cycle assessment (LCA). Examples of present research projects are “future marine fuels from a life cycle perspective” and “marine energy systems modelling”. The research is connected to the maritime competence centre Lighthouse. Position: Ph.D. Student in Economics University (or other affiliation): Uppsala University Title of presentation: Income Opportunities and Sea Piracy in Indonesia Keywords: Economics, Income Opportunities, Piracy, Fishing, Satellite Data
Sebastian Axbardnköping
Mail: sebastian.axbard@nek.uu.se Web: www.axbard.com
Background and research interests: Sebastian Axbards research investigates the determinants of illegal activities, such as crime and corruption, in in developing countries. He looks both at external factors that influence individuals’ decisions to enter into criminal activity as well as at policies aimed at mitigating illegal activities and under what specific circumstances such policies are most effective. Current projects include studying the fight against corruption in the Philippines, the relationship between crime and the mining industry in South Africa as well as the determinants of sea piracy in Indonesia.
9 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar Position: Associate Professor, Head of Department University (or other affiliation): KTH Royal Institute of Technology Title of presentation: Seaweeds for a biobased society – farming, biorefining and energy production (SEAFARM) Keywords: Kelp cultivation, aquaculture, Macro algae, Micro algae, Sustainability Assessment, Energy assessment, Blue Biotechnology, Biorefinery
Fredrik GrĂśndahl Mail: fgro@kth.se
Web: www.ima.kth.se
Description of Research Interests: The overarching goal of this project is to develop a sustainable system for the use of seaweeds as a renewable resource in a future, biobased Swedish society. The transdisciplinary research approach includes techniques for cultivating seaweeds to be used as raw material in a biorefinery for the production of food, feed, biobased materials and bioenergy. Seaweed farming circumvents several disadvantages related to land-based biomass production, e.g. the need for fertilizers and irrigation, and does not compete for valuable arable land. In addition, seaweeds grow fast and their farming counteracts coastal eutrophication. A holistic approach will be used where utilization of the resource is maximized in each step of the cycle. Seaweeds will be cultivated at the Swedish west coast and methods suitable for preservation and storage will be evaluated. The obtained biomass will subsequently be fractionated in an integrated biorefinery. The different fractions are thoroughly characterized and recovered for production of biochemicals, polymers, and food/feed additives. The residues from the biorefinery are utilized for production of biogas and biofertilizers. In parallel, a general multi-process sustainable assessment method will be developed to analyze the overall sustainability of the system. The multi-disciplinary research team will collaborate closely with a set of state agencies, commercial enterprises and other stakeholders in the different tasks of the project.
2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar
Session 2 Urban planning
Erik Andersson (Stockholm University) Christer Gustafsson (Uppsala University) Albania Nissan (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Anders Petersson (Linkรถping University) Sebastien Rauch (Chalmers University of Technology) Sebastian Stichel (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Marie Thynell (Chalmers University of Technology) Viktor ร wall (Lund University)
Session 2
Urban planning Position: Associate Professor in Sustainability Sciencer University (or other affiliation): Stockholm University Title of presentation: Urban green infrastructure for human wellbeing and urban resilience Keywords: Spatial planning, Green infrastructure, Ecosystem services, Social-ecological systems, Stewardship, Biocultural dimensions, Resilience and sustainability
Erik Andersson
Mail: erik.andersson@su.se
Background and research interests: Erik Andersson holds a PhD in natural resource management and systems ecology. His main research interest is in multifunctional landscapes and the spatial framework that influences human interactions with nature. Dr. Andersson’s main research interests include the spatial reality of ecosystem service generation, landscape management and resilience. First, this includes the potential of green and blue infrastructure to perform multiple functions and deliver benefits to society, while also supporting biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives. Second, the realization of this potential requires a more advanced understanding of human and ecological processes. Within this broad, transdisciplinary field Dr. Andersson studies how different factors (e.g. perception and value of benefits, scale of decision making, biodiversity patterns and processes, governance arrangement including sectoral arrangement with distribution of responsibilities, as well as the spatial and socioeconomic distribution of benefits) can (and must) be aligned to enable the multifunctionality of green and blue infrastructure. Position: Full Professor In Conservation, Department Of Art History University (or other affiliation): Uppsala University Title of presentation: Integrated Conservation in Times of Smart Specialisation Strategies Keywords: Cultural Heritage, Conservation, Urban Development, Urban Resilience, Sustainable Growth, Cultural Capital, Creativity, Innovation Strategies
Christer Gustafsson Mail: christer.gustafsson@konstvet.uu.se Web: http://www.konstvet.uu.se/ kulturvard/
Background and research interests: In his research he is investigating the trading zone between cultural heritage, economic growth and sustainable development. He has been responsible for several major conservation projects in Europe. One in the Baltic Sea region was nominated for the World’s best project at UN World Summit in Johannesburg 2002 (“Kyoto protocol summit”) on the theme Bridging the Brown Agenda to the Green. He is Secretary-General for ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Economics of Conservation. He is member of the European Commission’s expert panel for a European Agenda for research of cultural heritage and innovation, which is responsible for the research strategy of the European Commission. He is one of 13 member of the panel of experts for European Heritage Label (the European Commission), which makes decisions to the European version of Unesco World Heritage List. Today he is occupied with the establishment of a China – EU research center for conservation and sustainable development. He is professor (hon.) at Nanjing University in China and visiting professor at IULM University in Milano as well as research fellow at IPMI Business School, Jakarta.
13 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar Position: Associate professor University (or other affiliation): KTH Royal Institute of Technology Title of presentation: Vulnerable road users, accessibility and traffic safety Keywords: Transport and Urban Planning, Traffic behavior, unprotected road users, (Pedestrian and bicycles), Parking and traffic safety and Intelligent Transport Systems
Albania Nissan Mail: bibbi.nissan@abe.kth.se
Background and research interests: Albania Nissan (Bibbi) is Associate Professor at the division for Transport Planning, Economy and Management.at the Royal Institute of Technology. Her main research interest lies in the intersection between transport and urban planning, Traffic behavior, unprotected road users, (Pedestrian and bicycles), Parking and traffic safety and Intelligent Transport Systems. She was a manager of the TEMPUS IV project. Title: Highway Design and Management: Curricular Reform for Russian Federation - Design and Implementation of Higher Education Master Courses in Russia. She is currently manager of the TEMPUS IV project. Title: Highway and Traffic Engineering Curricular Reform for Mediterranean Area :HiT4Med. She is a member in the British Women in ITS (WITS) and present and the Swedish women in ITS, member in the post Graduate School in ITS, member in the European organization “ITS EduNet”, “Intelligent Transport Systems Education Network”, member in ITS -Sweden, member in the Nordic Traffic Safety Academy, NTSA and member in the Traffic Association. Position: PhD, Senior lecturer University (or other affiliation): Linköping University Title of presentation: Planning of public transport, railway and other traffic Keywords: Traffic modelling, Traffic planning, Railway, Public transport
Anders Peterson Mail: anders.peterson@liu.se Web: http://kts.itn.liu.se/ trafiksystem?l=en
Background and research interests: Peterson is associated with the Division of Communications and Transportation Systems, belonging to Department of Science and Technology at Linköping University. He has a Master of Science in Information Technology (2000) and a PhD in Infra Informatics (2007) from that university. His major research interests are in the area of quantitative methods for analyzing traffic and transportation systems, traffic modeling, traffic forecasting and simulation. Model types includes both macro- and micro level; on strategic, tactical and operational level. Applications are found within several travel modes, where the research is carried out together with stakeholders and funders from industry and society. Peterson is an active lecturer in undergraduate and graduate education, where he teaches mathematical modeling, optimization and traffic systems. Ongoing research projects are in demand responsive public transport, timetable construction for railway and micro simulation of larger interchange stations. He is currently the assistant supervisor of three PhD students.
Session 2
Urban planning Position: Professor, Urban Environments and Systems University (or other affiliation): Chalmers University of Technology Title of presentation: Sanitation adoption in developing countries Keywords: Sustainable urban development, Water and sanitation, Urban pollution, Emerging contaminants
Sebastien Rauch Mail: sebastien.rauch@chalmers.se Web: http://www.chalmers.se/en/ Staff/Pages/sebastien-rauch. aspx
Background and research interests: Sebastien Rauch’s main research objective is to provide a further understanding of the interaction between man and the environment, in terms of use of resources and contamination, and develop solutions based on this understanding. Because cities concentrate human activities, this research has largely focused on urban environments and systems. His research expertise lies within the areas of urban pollution, sustainable urban development, water and sanitation, as well as the development of analytical tools and methodologies. Recent research includes the study of sanitation adoption and wastewater management in developing countries with a focus on socio-technical systems analysis. In this research we study patterns and mechanisms of sanitation adoption, as well as the operation of wastewater treatment infrastructures, in order to suggest strategies for increased coverage and improved treatment. Sebastien Rauch is also the director of the Master Programme Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering at Chalmers. Position: Professor, Rail Vehicle Technology University (or other affiliation): KTH Royal Institute of Technology Title of presentation: KTH Railway Group – Centre for Research and education Keywords: Railway Technology, Rail Vehicle Dynamics, VehicleTrack Interaction, Wheel-Rail Contact, Train traffic planning
Sebastian Stichel Mail: Stichel@kth.se Web: http://www.kth.se/sci/centra/ railway
Background and research interests: KTH Railway Group is a multidisciplinary research centre. It consists of nine research groups, each of them representing one or more disciplines which together, in principle, cover all competencies in the railway area. The Railway Group is able to carry out major research programmes with a broad approach in collaboration with our partners, covering not only technical aspects but also commercial ones, e.g. market analysis. Throughout the years, KTH Railway Group has improved railway systems and carried out high-impact concept studies, like for example Gröna Tåget. All these projects aim to increase the efficiency of railway transport and the competitiveness of the railway industry compared to other means of transport.
15 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar Position: Associate professor University (or other affiliation): Chalmers University of Technology/ Gothenburg University, School of Global Studies Title of presentation: Sanitation adoption in developing countries Keywords: Sustainable Development, Global and Rapidly Changing Cities, Socio-Economic Relations and User Perspectives, Gender, Transport Policy and Equal Access, Air quality in Asian and African Cities.
Marie Thynell Mail: marie.thynell@globalstudies. gu.se Web: http://www.gu.se/ english/about_the_university/ staff/?languageId=100001&dis ableRedirect=true&returnUrl=h ttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.gu.se% 2Fomuniversitetet%2Fperson al%2F%3FuserId%3Dxthynm &userId=xthynm
Background and research interests: Associate Professor Marie Thynell has conducted research in global cities, urban infrastructure and transport development. She has extensive research experience in the area of sustainable transport in developing, as well as developed cities. She has carried out case studies in Tehran, Dhaka, Xì an, Ha Noi, New Delhi, Petrozavodsk, Skopje, Rome, Copenhagen, Brasília, Santiago de Chile, Jakarta and ongoing in Hong Kong, Beijing and Nairobi. Thynell studies challenges related to climate change in the area of development of sustainable cities, urban transport, air quality and social equity and gender perspectives. Thynell has experience from inter- and transdisciplinary approaches. Since 2005, Marie is an expert member to the Asian Environmental Sustainable Transport Initiative (UNCRD/UNDESA). Thynell is coauthor of the Bali Declaration, 2013, ‘the next generation transport systems’ (zero congestion, zero pollution and zero accidents). Thynell is an expert reviewer of the 5th report from the UNIPCC, 2014. Thynell is the co-author of ‘Access and Mobility in Cities’, 2014. Position: Dean, Professor University (or other affiliation): Lund University Title of presentation: From Farm to Fork Keywords: Food safety, Innovation, Health, Sustainability
Viktor Öwall Mail: viktor.owall@eit.lth.se Web: http://www.eit.lth.se/staff/ Viktor.Owall
Background and research interests: Viktor Öwall received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Lund University, Lund, Sweden, in 1988 and 1994, respectively. During 1995 to 1996, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department, the University of California at Los Angeles as a Postdoc where he mainly worked in the field of multimedia simulations. Since 1996, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. He is currently full Professor and since 2015 the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He was the founder of the Director of the VINNOVA Industrial Excellence Center in System Design on Silicon (SoS) which he headed until 2014. His main research interest is in the field of digital hardware implementation, especially algorithms and architectures for wireless communication and biomedical applications. He was co-founder of the start-up company Phase Holographic Imaging who develops microscopes utilizing digital holography.
2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar
Session 3
Local resilience and Disaster management
Marie Allen(Uppsala University) Eny Buchary (Stockholm University) Michel Chaudron (Chalmers University of Technology) Sofie Pilemalm (Linkรถping University)
Session 3
Local resilience and Disaster management Position: Professor in forensic medicine, molecular pathology and genetics University (or other affiliation): Uppsala University Title of presentation: Improved forensic individual identification after mass disasters Keywords: Disasters, Forensic analysis, Individual identification, DNA, DNA-profiling, Challenging samples, Next generation sequencing
Marie Allen Mail: marie.allen@igp.uu.se Web: http://www.igp.uu.se/ research/genetics_genomics/ marie_allen/
Background and research interests: Marie Allen received her Ph.D. in 1995 and became a full professor in 2010. Her research is focused on the development of assays to optimise forensic DNA analysis of samples with limited and degraded DNA amounts. This is typically seen among samples taken after mass disasters where the harsh environment affects the samples severely. Several new assays based on pyrosequencing, microarrays, real-time quantification, Sanger-sequencing and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) analysis have been developed. The use of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), short nuclear DNA targets and a highly sensitive target enrichment method, a very sensitive analysis of degraded samples as well as small input amounts from limited samples is allowed. In addition, visible characteristics as eye- and hair-colour, as well as ancestry information, can be inferred using this assay. The new technologies have been used successfully for forensic individual identification and also for analysis of DNA in historical research. Position: Early Career Academy Researcher (GEDB) and Affiliated Researcher (SRC) University (or other affiliation): Stockholm University Title of presentation: Understanding the linkages between land-use change, aquatic ecosystem and local livelihood and food security Keywords: Social-ecological systems, Small-scale fisheries, Aquatic ecosystem, Food security, Land-use change
Eny A. Buchary Mail: eny.buchary@kva.se Web: http://www.gedb.se/enybuchary
Background and research interests: Eny has a background in resource management and environmental studies with emphasis on fisheries ecology and fisheries science. Following the completion of her PhD in 2010 at the University of British Columbia, Canada, she had a two-year stint to work ‘on-the-ground’ with an environmental NGO in her native country Indonesia, where she worked at the interface between science and policy to help develop fisheries and marine-related policies with stakeholders and policy makers. In 2012, Eny moved to Sweden to join Stockholm Resilience Centre as a post-doctoral fellow working on the effects of global seafood trade to small-scale fisheries. From 2013 to date, Eny is with the GEDB carrying out a research that focuses on how global change may have affected local fisheries sustainability. Specific cases include a recent research on understanding the linkages between land-use change brought about by oil palm plantation development, aquatic ecosystem, inland fisheries, and food security.
19 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar Position: Professor, Head of Software Engineering Division University (or other affiliation): Chalmers University of Technology Title of presentation: Research and Teaching in Computer Science and Software Engineering in Gothenborg Keywords: Software Engineering
Michel Chaudron Mail: michel.chaudron@cse.gu.se
Background and research interests: Michel Chaudron is Professor at the Dept of Computer Science and Engineering (joint between Chalmers and Gotenborg Univ) in Sweden. He is Head of the Software Engineering Division. His research interests are in: software architecture, software design, software modelling, software measurement and empirical studies in software engineering. Previously, he worked at Leiden University and Eindhoven University (both in the Netherlands). He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree from Leiden university. Position: Research Director of Centre for Advanced Research in Emergency Response (CARER) University (or other affiliation): Linkรถping University Title of presentation: Developing the incident site of the future: reorganizing and equipping the emergency response system Keywords: Emergency response, ICT, Cross-sector collaboration, Civil citizens, E-government
Sofie Pilemalm Mail: sofie.pilemalm@liu.se Web: https://www.liu.se/forskning/ carer/en
Background and research interests: Dr Sofie Pilemalm is Associate Professor in Informatics and the Director of Centre for Advanced Research of Emergency Response (CARER), residing at the Linkรถping university, Sweden. She received her PhD in 2002 and has since worked as Researcher and Consultant for the Swedish Defence Research Agency before returning to the university in 2011. She is currently working with establishing a new research environment in terms of new actors, new collaboration forms, new structures new forms of e-government and new methods and ICT support in emergency management. Sofie Pilemalm has many years of experience in user-centred systems development and has led several systems development projects and design groups in such areas as non-profit organizations, the Swedish Defence, crisis management and response systems. She is an active researcher in the security arena both at national and international level and has a great number of publications and review assignments in related scientific journals and conferences.
2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar
Session 4
Renewable Energy
Claes Niklasson (Chalmers University of Technology) Erik Ahlgren (Chalmers University of Technology) Eva Alberts (Chalmers University f Technology) Magnus Genrup (Lund University) Stanislaw Gubanski (Chalmers University of Technology) Sabine Henders (Linkรถping University) Ulf Landin (Business Region Gรถteborg) Peter Lindblad (Uppsala University) Joseph Samec (Stockholm University) Semida Silveira (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Session 4
Renewable Energy Position: Professor in Energy Systems Technology University (or other affiliation): Chalmers University of Technology, department of Energy and Environment Title of presentation: Energy systems analysis – methods and applications Keywords: Bioenergy, Energy systems analysis, Energy planning, Energy policy, Energy-Economy Modelling
Erik O. Ahlgren Mail: erik.ahlgren@chalmers.se Web: http://www.chalmers.se/en/ Staff/Pages/erik-ahlgren. aspx
Background and research interests: Professor Erik O. Ahlgren studied engineering physics at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. He moved to Risø National Laboratory to work on solid oxide fuel cell materials and got his PhD 1994 from the Technical University of Denmark. He continued as postdoc at Kyoto University, Japan, working on hydrogen energy before joining Chalmers University of Technology in 2001. His current research is employing energy-economy modelling to address linkages between energy systems, economy, and the environment, and is mainly focussing on local systems issues of bioenergy and biofuels, district heating, energy for development, and energy and climate policies. Position: PhD in Biotechnology, Associate Professor in Industrial Biotechnology University (or other affiliation): Chalmers University of Technology Title of presentation: Bioenergy and biotechnological research in Industrial Biotechnology at Chalmers University of Technology Keywords: Bioenergy, Industrial Biotechnology, Algal biotechnology, Microbial physiology, Bioprocessing, Mathematical modelling, Bioethanol
Eva Alberts Mail: Eva.albers@chalmers.se Web: https://www.chalmers.se/sv/ personal/Sidor/Eva-Albers. aspx
Background and research interests: Eva Albers is researcher in industrial biotechnology and her main research interest is to study metabolism and microbial physiology as an effect of culture conditions for mainly algae but also yeast, during standard laboratory conditions as well as conditions relevant for industrial processes. This is achieved by applying a wide range of approaches from classical microbial and biochemical to systems biology and mathematical modeling. In addition, bioprocessing of algal biomass (seaweed and microalgae) in a biorefinery context is studied, with a focus on using enzymes and bioprospecting for novel enzyme activities. She has also a long experience in research on bioethanol production by yeast. She collaborates with several researchers at other Universities and Research institutes. She teaches courses in biochemistry and biotechnology.
23 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar Position: Professor in Thermal Power Engineering University (or other affiliation): Lund University Title of presentation: Flexible and CO2-neutral power production Keywords: CO2-neutral power production, gas turbine, steam turbine
Magnus Genrup Mail: magnus.genrup@energy.lth. se Web: http://www.energy.lth.se/ english
Background and research interests: Magnus Genrup started working within the field of gas- and steam turbines in -94 as an industrial R&D engineer in ABB, Alstom and Siemens. Genrup has been leading a research group at LU since returning to academia in 2008, mainly working within the fields of gas- and steam turbine aerodynamics, carbon capture (post-combustion and gas turbine OxyFuel), renewables in gas turbines, compressor aerodynamics, concentrated solar power and organic Rankine cycles. Genrups’ prime research focus is cycles for power generation and the involved turbomachinery components. One such example is the OxyFuel based CO2-neutral combined cycle, where the cycle is fairly well developed whereas the turbomachinery components still needs to be explored. High level of volatile renewable power production means (such as wind and solar) will call for either efficient storage systems or flexible back-up production systems. Genrups’ work has been on fuel-flexible gas turbines, ranging from combustion issues to turbomachinery components. Position: Professor University (or other affiliation): Chalmers University of Technology, department of Materials and Manufacturing Technology Title of presentation: Trends and challenges in the development of future electric power systems Keywords: High Voltage Engineering, polymeric materials, insulation systems
Stanislaw Gubanski Mail: stanislaw.gubanski@ chalmers.se Web: https://www.chalmers.se/ mmt/EN/research/highvolage-engineering/staff/ gubanski-stanislaw
Background and research interests: Stanislaw Gubanski is professor in High Voltage Engineering and leads a research group that seeks innovative solutions within applications of different processes and materials in electro-technical industry, where material characterizations, simulations, technology and measurements are in focus. Especially the activities related to applications of polymeric materials for insulation of high voltage apparatuses have been very successful. Professor Gubanski is strongly involved in the work of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE). He was awarded with IEEE Fellow grade in 2002 and received CIGRE Technical Committee Award in 2005. Stanislaw M. Gubanski authored and co-authored about 300 scientific publications with emphasis on insulation systems based on polymeric materials and methods for their diagnostics. He acts as coordinator of Graduate School in High Voltage Engineering, a joint graduate teaching initiative between Chalmers, Royal Institute of Technology and Uppsala University. Professor Gubanski was recently appointed as guest professor at Tsing Hua University in Beijing.
Session 4
Renewable Energy Position: Postdoc University (or other affiliation): Linköping University, department for Environmental Change, Tema Institute Title of presentation: Land use for food production – a domestic issue? The extent of deforestation for palm oil production in Indonesia driven by international consumption. Keywords: Land-use, Biofuel, palm oil, Forests, Land-based climate change mitigation
Sabine Henders Mail: sabine.henders@liu.se Web: http://www.cspr.se/ medarbetare?l=sv https://www.researchgate. net/profile/Sabine_Henders
Background and research interests: Sabine’s main research interest is land use and land use change, with emphasis on tropical deforestation, REDD+, and climate change policy. She holds a Master’s degree (MSc) in Tropical and International Forestry from Göttingen University, Germany, and a PhD in Environmental Sciences from Linköping University, Sweden, where she currently works as a postdoctoral research fellow. Her research focuses on international carbon leakage from forest conservation and the links between consumption and international trade to tropical deforestation. Before taking her PhD, Sabine worked for 5 years as climate change consultant at EcoSecurities plc (Oxford, UK), where she provided advisory services on land use projects in the voluntary and regulatory carbon markets, as well as strategic policy advice to bi- and multilateral organisations on climate finance strategies and opportunities in the land use sector (mitigation and adaptation). Position: Director International Relations University (or other affiliation): Business Region Göteborg AB Title of presentation: Triple Helix Keywords: Industry-Academy-Government Collaboration
Ulf Landin Mail: ulf.landin@businessregion.se Web: www.businessregion.se
Background and research interests: Many years in the international arena working as Vice President Sales & Marketing in management team responsible for Marketing and Sales and Information. Deeply involved in strategic planning and negotiation have given me an experience and knowledge. “I currently work as Director of International Relations at Business Region Gothenburg. This work provides me with many contacts and gives me a unique insight into how to achieve and maintain interaction, collaboration, and cooperation between Companies, Universities and Cities”.
25 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar Position: Professor, Microbial chemistry University (or other affiliation): Uppsala University Title of presentation: Design, engineering, and construction of photosynthetic microbial cell factories for direct solar fuel production Keywords: Cyanobacterial biotechnology, Genetic engineering, Metabolic engineering, Solar fuels, Synthetic biology
Peter Lindblad Mail: peter.lindblad@kemi.uu.se Web: www.kemi.uu.se/Research/ principal-investigators/peterlindblad/ www.kemi.uu.se/Research/ research-themes/microbialchemistry/
Background and research interests: Dr Lindblad, Professor in Microbial Chemistry 2009 (Professor in Biology 2000), explores the conversion of solar energy into biofuels, focussing on microalgal based H2-production/hydrogenases, and carbon-containing solar fuels, at applied, physiological, biochemical and molecular levels, >160 scientific publications. Different molecular and genetic techniques are used to address transcriptional regulation and regulatory mechanisms. More lately, his research group has developed a strong interest for Synthetic Biology and the possibilities to custom design and engineer microbial cells to carry out novel pathways and functions. Subsequent activities include proteomics and metabolomics - Systems biology - analyses of the constructed cells, followed by further re-design and re-engineering. Dr Lindblad is leading one of the research groups in the Swedish program on Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis, the coordinator of the EU/FP7-Energy/FET project CyanoFactory (www.cyanofactory. eu, 10 partners in 7 countries), and partner in the newly approved EU Horison2020-Energy project Photofuel (10 partners, coordinator VW). Position: Professor University (or other affiliation): Chalmers University of Technology Title of presentation: Bioenergy and Bioprocess Engineering research Keywords: Yeast fermentation, Bioethanol, Biogas, Modelling, Statistical analysis of experiments, Chemical Reaction Engineering
Claes Niklasson Mail: claesn@chalmers.se Web: http://www.chalmers.se/en/ Staff/Pages/claes-niklasson. aspx
Background and research interests: Claes Niklasson got his Master degree at Chalmers 1981 in Engineering Physics and PhD at the department of Chemical Reaction Engineering 1988 in the field of Heterogeneous Catalysis. Associated Professor in 1993 and a full Professorship at Chalmers 2000. Claes main research areas are heterogeneous catalysis in chemical reaction engineering and bioreaction engineering. More than 70 published research papers in international journals. Professor Niklasson has a great interest in teaching and pedagogical projects and has over 26 publications in this field. Under his supervision and examination 18 students have graduated with the degree of PhD. The present research has a focus on yeast fermentation, ethanol and biogas from biological waste
Session 4
Renewable Energy Position: Associate Professor “Docent” in Green Chemistry University (or other affiliation): Stockholm University and RenFuel Title of presentation: Lignin to Biofuels: From Academic Research to Commercialization Keywords: Biomass, Catalysis, Green Chemistry, Lignin, Start-up Companies, Innovations
Joseph Samec Mail: joseph.samec@su.se
Background and research interests: Bs Education, Ms in Chemistry¨ Dr in Organic Chemistry 2005; Postdoc 2005-2007, CalTech Grubbs group, Docent (Associate Professor) 2011 from Uppsala University; Working on C-O bond activation of alcohols by means of catalysis as a straight route towards biomass valorization. Funded a company, RenFuel, in 2012 that received funding to build a pilot plant in which lignin from the pulping industries will be converted to a bio-oil that can be processed in an oil refinery. Position: Professor Energy Systems Planning University (or other affiliation): KTH Royal Institute of Technology Title of presentation: Bioenergy challenges and opportunities Keywords: Bioenergy, Energy planning, Energy policies, Climate change, Energy efficiency, Urban sustainability, Energy access, Energy for sustainable development
Semida Silveira Mail: Semida.silveira@energy.kth.se Web: www.ecs.kth.se
Background and research interests: Bioenergy is the most used renewable energy source in the world today, yet large potential remains untapped. In our research at KTH, we look into ways for realizing the bioenergy potential in different countries and regions. Despite the different endowments, all countries can find ways to benefit from local biomass resources for energy provision and sustainable development. We look into policies, technologies, industrial synergies, and creative ways to foster collaboration towards the implementation of global and local social and environmental agendas. Concrete examples of bioenergy utilization and continued activities of research and development help understand and disseminate bioenergy solutions, improve technical expertise, managerial practices, policies and markets. Our work in Indonesia has evolved around opportunities for synergies in segments such as ethanol and biodiesel as a starting point for transport fuel substitution and electricity provision. The next step will be to further develop partnerships around joint studies and demonstration projects.
2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar
Session 5 Civil society
Anders Uhlin (Lund University) Hans Antlöv (Knowledge Sector Initiative, Australian Aid, Jakarta) Benedict O. Asamoah (Lund University) Henrik Berglund (Stockholm University) Magnus Dahlstedt (Linköping University) Eva Hansson (Stockholm University) Martin Klinthäll (Linköping University)
Session 5 Civil society
Position: PhD, Social Anthropology, Senior Policy Advisor University (or other affiliation): Knowledge Sector Initiative, Australian Aid, Jakarta Title of presentation: Keywords: Research policy, Decentralization, Local politics, Civil society, Community development
Hans Antlöv Mail: hantlov@ksi-indonesia.org Web: http://www.ksi-indonesia.org/
Background and research interests: Dr. Hans Antlov has over 30 years of leadership and analytical experience in complex fields of public sector governance, decentralization, civil society empowerment and community development, with the last 18 years operating in Indonesia. Before that, he worked 15 years as an academic in Sweden and Denmark, working on Southeast Asian society and history. He has published 7 books. He is presently a senior advisor at DFAT’s Knowledge Sector Initiative. Throughout his career, he has been committed to promoting greater public accountability, political participation, access to basic government services for underrepresented groups and using evidence in policy making. Position: Associate researcher, Public Health (Social Medicine and Global Health) University (or other affiliation): Lund University Title of presentation: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – The role of Public Health and Opportunities for collaboration. Keywords: Public Health, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, Maternal Health, Policy
Benedict O. Asamoah Mail: benedict_oppong.asamoah@ med.lu.se Web: https://www.researchgate.net/ profile/Benedict_Asamoah
Background and research interests: Benedict Oppong Asamoah is an associate researcher at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, and has been actively involved as a course leader in the Masters Programme in Public Health since 2011. He has PhD and MPH degrees from Lund University and a Pharmacy degree from KNUST, Ghana. His PhD dissertation was entitled: “Social determinants and the role of maternal health care services for equity in maternal health in Ghana from 1988 to 2008”. His research combines the fields of health systems, policy and epidemiology; with special focus on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), social determinants of health, and health service delivery. Since 2014 he has been involved in the Programme team for the SIDA funded multi-country International Training Programme (ITP) in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), for health practitioners, specialists at the ministries of health, and other experts working with SRHR in Africa and Asia.
30 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar Position: Associate Professor University (or other affiliation): Stockholm University Title of presentation: Civil Society in a Changing World Keywords: Democratization, Civil society, Social movements, Gender, India
Henrik Berglund Mail: henrik.berglund@statsvet. su.se Web: http://www.statsvet.su.se/ forskning/v%C3%A5raforskare
Background and research interests: Henrik Berglunds’ research areas include democratization, development, civil society, religion and nationalism, as well as issues of globalization. Since 1993 Berglund has been teaching at Stockholm University, mainly within the field of global development and politics. Berglund is a frequent contributor to various peer-reviewed international scholarly journals and currently the co-ordinator of the Forum for Asian Studies, Stockholm University. Berglunds’ book publications include both monographs and edited volumes such as: Hindu Nationalism and Democracy (Shipra Publications, Delhi), and Development and Regional Cooperation in Central Asia and South Asia) (Pentagon Press, Delhi).
Position: Professor Social Work University (or other affiliation): Linköping University Title of presentation: Politics of urban unrest: Youth, agency and citizenship and multi-ethnic Sweden Keywords: Welfare, Inclusion, Exclusion, Democracy, Civil society, Citizenship, Governing, Migration
Magnus Dahlstedt Mail: magnus.dahlstedt@liu.se Web: http://www.isv.liu.se/remeso/ staff/dahlstedt-magnus/ presentation?l=sv https://liu-se.academia.edu/ MagnusDahlstedt
Background and research interests: Magnus Dahlstedt is Professor in Social Work at the Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linköping University, Sweden. He has an academic background in political science and cultural studies. Among his primary research interests are the politics of welfare change, inclusion/exclusion, citizenship and democracy. Currently, his research is mainly oriented towards the formation of citizenship and the struggles for defining citizenship, in the context of the multi-ethnic city, with a particular focus on activism among suburban youth. Dahlstedt has published several books, among others The confessing society: Foucault, confession and practices of lifelong learning, co-authored with Andreas Fejes (Routledge, 2013) and International Migration and Ethnic Relations: Critical Perspectives, co-edited with Anders Neergaard (Routledge, 2015).
Session 5 Civil society
Position: Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Coordinator (Forum for Asian Studies, Stockholm University) University (or other affiliation): Stockholm University and Södertörn University Title of presentation: Democratization, state-civil society relations and protest movements in Southeast Asia Keywords: Democratization/political regime change, State-civil society relations, Social movements, Human rights
Eva Hansson Mail: eva.hansson@statsvet.su Web: www.asianstudies.su
Background and research interests: Eva Hansson is a Senior Lecturer in political science and coordinator of Forum for Asian Studies (www.asianstudies.su.se) at Stockholm University. Her teaching covers international politics, development, human rights and democratization. Her research focuses primarily on why and how authoritarian political regimes change and/or are reproduced, in particular in the Southeast Asian context; state–civil society relations; and social movements, including protest movements, their political economy aspects and national and international dimensions. She is currently working on a project on the democracy movements in Vietnam and in Thailand (Organizing for democracy in Vietnam and Thailand). Position: Head of division, REMESO Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society University (or other affiliation): Linköping University Title of presentation: Immigrants’ Entrepreneurship in Sweden Keywords: Migration and labour market inclusion, Migration and entrepreneurship, Migration and health, Second generation migrants, Migration and demography
Martin Klinthäll Mail: martin.klinthall@liu.se Web: http://www.isv.liu.se/avd/ remeso/staff/klinthall-martin/ presentation?l=sv
Background and research interests: Martin Klinthäll is Associate Professor of Economic History and Lecturer in Business at Linköping University. His main research interests lie in the area of migration and labor market inclusion. He has published articles on temporary labor migration; exile and repatriation; migration, labor and health; income distribution and structural change of the labor market; the importance of networks in the labor market for young adults of migrant backgrounds; labor market and self-employment among migrants; and return migration in old age. Martin Klinthäll is Head of Division at the Division for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linköping University, Sweden, and project leader for an interdisciplinary research project on entrepreneurship among people with migrant backgrounds.
32 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar Position: Professor of Political Science University (or other affiliation): Lund University Title of presentation: Civil society: Understanding democratization, welfare systems, and regional governance Keywords: Civil society, Democracy, Democratization, Transnational activism, Regional governance, ASEAN
Anders Uhlin Mail: anders.uhlin@svet.lu.se Web: http://www.svet.lu.se/en/ anders-uhlin
Background and research interests: Anders Uhlin is Professor of Political Science at Lund University. He received his PhD in 1995 from Lund University on a dissertation examining the Indonesian pro-democracy movement under the Suharto regime. Uhlin’s main research interests include the development of civil society in authoritarian and post-authoritarian states, problems of democratization, transnational activism, and global and regional governance institutions. Recent publications include Civil Society and the Governance of Development: Opposing Global Institutions, Palgrave 2015, (with Sara Kalm) and articles in journals such as Journal of Civil Society, Democratization, Global Governance, and Third World Quarterly. He is currently working on a monograph analyzing civil society engagement with the Asian Development Bank and ASEAN. Uhlin teaches courses in the fields of development studies, international relations, and comparative politics. He has worked at Södertörn University College and been affiliated with Korea University, Monash University, National University of Malaysia and National University of Singapore.
2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar
University management
Leif A. Kirsebom (Uppsala University) Lars Holberg (Linkรถping University) Johan Kleman (Stockholm University) Klas Malmqvist (Lund University) Jรถrgen Sjรถberg (Chalmers University of Technology) Kay Svensson (Uppsala University) Eva Wiberg (Lund University) Ramon Wyss (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
University management Position: Director of International Affairs University (or other affiliation): Linköping University
Lars Holberg
Background and research interests: Lars Holberg has a background in journalism and science writing for the general public. He joined Linköping University in the 1980ies and from 1995 to 2010 he was Director of Communication and Marketing. From then on he has held his present position as Director of International Affairs with an overall responsibility for internationalization at Linköping University and with a special focus on building strategic long term relationships with international partners.
Mail: lars.holberg@liu.se Web: www.liu.se Position: Vice Chancellor’s advisor, international affairs, Director of the Biomedical Center Uppsala University, Professor in Biology (Microbiology) University (or other affiliation): Uppsala University
Leif A. Kirsebom Mail: Leif.Kirsebom@icm.uu.se Web: http://www.icm.uu.se/ chemical-biology/
Background and research interests: Leif A. Kirsebom, Professor in Biology and the Vice Chancellor’s advisor on international affairs at Uppsala University. He received his PhD degree in Molecular Biology at Uppsala University 1985. After a post-doctoral training 1986 through 1988 in Nobel Laureate Dr S. Altmans laboratory at Yale University, USA, he started his own research group at Uppsala University. His research interests are within the fields of RNA biology, mycobacteria among which the causative agent of tuberculosis belongs, and development of new antibiotics. During 1998 to 2011 he served as the head of the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, and since 2012 he is the director of the Biomedical Center, at Uppsala University. He is also involved in teaching classes in microbial genetics. Together with a collegue he started Bioimics AB, a small research company devoted to the development of new antibiotics.
36 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar Position: Vice President for strategic partnerships University (or other affiliation): Stockholm University
Johan Kleman Mail: kleman@natgeo.su.se
Background and research interests: Johan Kleman is an Earth scientist, in his own research focusing on the landforms of the planet, and the information they provide about Earth’s history and climate evolution. Kleman has been Dean of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Stockholm University, and also Director of the Bolin Centre for Climate Research (approx. 100 scientists and PhD students). As a professor, Klemans’ present teaching contribution is mostly in the fields of research philosophy and research methods. Kleman is presently combining active research with the Vice president position. In the latter, he contribute to the design of new university units at the interface between the university and society, often opening up new research fields or novel approaches to research communication. These new developments are partly funded by the private sector, companies and philantropists. Johan Kleman has a strong interest in efficient communication and have a background in journalism. Position: Professor, Head of division at Research, Collaboration and Innovation University (or other affiliation): Lund University
Klas Malmqvist
University management Position: Deputy Vice President and Chief Development Officer University (or other affiliation): Chalmers University of Technology
Jörgen Sjöberg Mail: jorgen.sjoberg@chalmers.se
Background and research interests: Dr Sjöberg is head of President’s Office, Senior Adviser on strategic operational issues and has overall responsibility for internationalization. He is chair of Chalmers management team committee on internationalization and the President’s delegate in strategic university networks. Futhermore, Dr Sjöberg is involved in several national initiatives for international cooperation and marketing. He is coordinating several complex development projects and overseeing the implementation of the results into regular operation. Dr Sjöberg is MSc in Chemical Engineering and PhD in Materials Science (Chalmers) and a former Board member of STINT.
Web: http://www.chalmers.se/en/ staff/Pages/jorgen-sjoberg. aspx Position: Deputy University Director – International University (or other affiliation): Uppsala University Background and research interests: Deputy University Director – International b. 1957
Kay Svensson Mail: Kay Svensson@uadm.uu.se
Deputy University Director - International Strategy since 2009–. Research and teaching at the Department of Theology 1986–1997. Director of Studies at the Department of Theology 1995–1997. Faculty Director of Studies at the Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Languages 1997–2005. Director, Uppsala University Education, 2005–2009, responsible unit for contract education. Coordinator of Erasmus Mundus Master on International Humanitarian Action and main coordinator of a thematic network on Teaching Religion in Secular and Multicultural Society. Coordinator of numerous other national and international projects. Master in Theology at Uppsala University 1984.
38 2016 INDONESIA - SWEDEN Excellence Seminar Position: Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor University (or other affiliation): Lund University
Eva Wiberg Mail: eva.wiberg@rektor.lu.se
Background and research interests: Professor Eva Wiberg is Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Lund University and has special responsibility for first-, second- and third-cycle education and associated quality assurance. She is also responsible for international affairs. Eva Wiberg is a Professor of Italian. Her research concerns second language acquisition and bilingualism, with a focus on Italian. Eva Wiberg has long experience of teaching and supervision. She is a Dame of Stella della SolidarietĂ Italiana (Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity) for her outstanding contribution to the development of Italian at Lund University. Eva Wiberg is the chair of the Education Board at Lund University, external member of the Board of Kristianstad University. Eva Wiberg is Executive Director of the global university network Universitas 21, member of LERU Rectors assembly and member of the steering group for the LERU Vice-Rectors for Teaching and Learning Community. Position: Vice President for International Affairs University (or other affiliation): KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Ramon Wyss Mail: wyss@nuclear.kth.se Web: https://www.kth.se/profile/ wyss/
Background and research interests: Ramon Wyss is a professor in theoretical nuclear physics at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Ramon Wyss worked for 9 years in industry at mechanical workshops prior to engaging in university studies. He started to study engineering physics 1981 and received the Engineering Diplom (civ.ing. - MSc) in 1985 and a PhD in 1990 within experimental nuclear physics. Ramon also serves as an honorary guest professor at Peking University. Ramon has served as vice president at KTH for international affairs since 2009. Prior to this position he served as vice president of KTH in charge of international education at KTH from 2002 to 2007 after which he became advisor to the KTH-President in 2008. Ramon Wyss has been instrumental for setting up the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) InnoEnergy consortium, the leading innovation facility of the European Union within the sustainable energy sector and was serving as board member of KIC InnoEnergy SE from 2010-2013. Ramon Wyss initiated agreements with universities in Indonesia 2005, where he visited among others ITB and University of Indonesia.
University management
Swedish Academic Collaboration Forum – SACF This Collaboration comprises a joint effort by six of Sweden's top universities to build new and strengthen existing international partnerships with five countries on two continents, through the promotion of research projects into issues which are of strategic importance to all parties.
Six top universities • With 140 000 students • 14 000 international students • Funding for research 2.5 billion USD, representing a majority of research funding going to Swedish universities • 2 600 full professors • 60 % of all PhD students in Sweden • All universities are in the top 500 according to ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities)
STINT, the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education promotes internationalization as an instrument to enhance the quality of research and higher education, increase the competitiveness of universities and strengthen the attractiveness of Swedish universities.
Scientific Committee
Mats Viberg (First Vice President), Chalmers University of Technology Eva Malmström (Deputy President), KTH Royal University of Technology Peter Värbrand (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Responsibility External Relations), Linköping University Olov Sterner (Dean Faculty of Science), Lund University Anders Karlhede (Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Science Academic Area), Stockholm University Leif Kirsebom (Vice Chancellor’s Advisor, International Affairs), Uppsala University
SACF Project Group
Åsa Valadi, Chalmers University of Technology Erica Buck, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Helena Balogh, Linköping University Sonia Coelho Sutton, Lund University Petra Moser-Noergaard, Lund University Elisabet Idermark, Stockholm University Ulrica Ouline, Uppsala University