Swervemagazine dec2015

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HEY HEY HEY and how goes the day? Wake up grab that cup of morning, look outside, grab a little positivity out of the sky and know the blessing it is to just be able to once again say “HEY HEY HEY.” This morning I sit on my balcony overlooking the pool catching the glimmer of the early sunrise. It’s a little frosty out but being that its California I would probably be laughed at by those that have the pleasures of experiencing all four seasons in their most intense states. So in respects to that, I guess I would have to say it’s a beautiful morning, all is well (thus far) and in this moment I now declare every minute as an auspicious occasion. I recently ran across a YOUTUBE video featuring Anthony Anderson and a comic kid (a young girl) as the dialectic sidekick. I only say dialectic in the since the two were back and forth in the assertion of their opinions, in this case the debate was over the word “success.” Though in my opinion it was a hilarious commercial it was putting forth a very important message (again, my opinion). “The issue was the word “success” and its dictionary and social definition in reference to wealth.” There is a petition circulating the internet to get the definition of “success” changed in all new public text and rendered void in old dictionaries and text. Instead of associating success with wealth their characters come to an agreement that success should be measured by the quality of relationships you create while you’re here. When you think about the many conditions that are created both mentally and physically surrounding the “success” of the individual you realize many of us are so systematically prone to suggestion of word that we actually throw ourselves into depression over not being successful” i.e. the word “wealthy”. What if the first time you ever heard the word “success” it was associated with “quality relationship?” Simple, you (we) would value your live and your “quality relationships” more than you2would your career, and your extra marital affairs.

Anthony Anderson

Everybody in the world has this one thing in common and that is this word “success”. Whether you believe it or not, if the first time you heard the word “success” it was associated with “ice cream”, we would then fight over strawberry or Neapolitan and somehow figure out a way for everything we do to surround and depend on good ice cream….Soooo in respect to the coming of a new year and a fresh morning filled with a cup of positive vibes, I say to you all, create the best relationships you can, tell somebody you love them and create a successful environment conducive to love (or as best you can). Listen up now! (lol) I am not by any means, shape or form endorsing “selected” broke life style. I say, do what you have to do to do what you have to do with the understanding the truth is relationships are the only things that remain after all things are done. O ye and ice-cream…”NOW imma sip this coffee.” Good Morning and HEY HEY HEY! DOSH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm6Nv4aCRtY


MORNINGcup members Comment

GROUPreviews: Loved the issue Dosh!! Love the fact that even though we are within the context of the virtual world..we are surrounded with real life issues everyday..love the balance and the flow of the magazine.. not to many magazines within the imvu world that bring forth issue that affect all of us, whether it be physical, emotional, or mentally.. I want to say thank you to Doshaiman and lildeebobble for the creative efforts of the And Still I Rise Black History Art Gallery advertisement. For myself it was a great undertaking that started has something small and became bigger an extensive more than I can hope for. So with due respect, not only for the opportunity, but also to the magazine SWERVE that does offer some great articles based in realism. I love your creativeness, I look forward to seeing each magazine. amazing issue...Great Job once again DOSH!!!

SWERVEmagazine: HEY HEY HEY calling all SWERVEmagazine members... PLEASE stop through the group page and ring in on new topics, contest and giveaways. I thank you all for hanging in there, and hope to see you at our new upcoming events...PLEASE let us know if you would like to join our writing staff....Plus if you are a designer please stop in and tell us what you have going on so we can promote and do some giveaways...Thanks, and again hope to see you all... Enjoy the day SWERVEmagazine group..[www.imvu.com] LETS GET ACTIVE!





Of the HEY HEY HEY! YOU know who it is! Lol,, Welcome to yet another venture into the informational world of Swerve magazine and its Real Life businesses in the virtual.” Known to the IMVU community as MsQueenieGreene she has taken her real life love and packaged it in a way to share with the avatars roaming the virtual highways. Equip with her virtual office her assistance and links to assure you have a way to tune in to her live show I assure she will never disappoint. Coming to you out of Chicago every Friday at 8pm, she takes you on a journey through urban topic from hip-hop music, fashion, urban politics, health care and more.

SWERVEmagazine bringing you a “little reality in a virtual world” TUNE IN you won’t be disappointed.

UBM Jamz 24hrs. -Visions of the GreeneTune in to MsQueenieGreen.

Direct tune in:

Friday nights 8pm central LIVE from CHICAGO.

Live out of



LIVE talk radio FRIdays 8-9pm LISTENING to VOG is like sitting around having an open conversation with good friends. Good time SWERVEmagazine will be hosting a room that is dedicated to VOG. We will tune in to UBM one hour early for greetings and urban varieties jams as we prepare for a LIVE feed of MsQueenie and the VOG. We will have a short comment session afterwards, which will be used for follow up conversations, group threads, and magazine topics. Room shows will be RSVP only, so reserve your spots as soon as you see event dates. Only a limited amount of PEOPLE will be pulled into the locations. LOOKING for a few IMVU citizens to host and co-host Fridays. PLEASE inquire within our group thread. Thanks in advance. Dosh

On air #:(312) 754-4333 9


Subscribe to VOG YOUTUBE: Follow VOG FACEBOOK: TUNE IN LIVE FRIDAYS 8-9: ON AIR #: (312) 754-4333 EMAIL: visionsofthegreene@gmail.com MSQUEENIEGREENE (IMVU):


VOG: members Comment


Editor note: DOSH

In 2008 I ran across the whole virtual world of 3D chat. Though I truly can’t recall how or why I came across it, I found myself like many others, signing in and engaging in virtual realities on the regular. After a short while I became acclimated with the scene and the many virtual assets that could be combined with real talents to create “real life in a virtual world.” Within my first year I created a very small group of friends that enjoyed writing and sharing, which in turn gave birth to my first venture the very successful “theHOUSEofPOETRY.” With the immediate success of the HOUSE I then began to create virtual books filled with the many different poets that attended our poetry events. SWERVEmagazine: I first began creating SWERVE as a 3d trigger product to de read in the comfort of your chat room. Wanting to capture a broader audience outside of IMVU I started to play around with many different programs pertaining to creating a magazine. I played around on different sites for a while, thus creating my first few magazines. Again, by chance, I ran across a site called “issuu” which I enjoyed creating with. We released our first “issuu” in 2011, though it was not our first magazine it was the new beginning of a new beginning. SWERVEmagazine group: I am a very private person, whenever my group gets over 100 people; I quickly start to weed out the space fillers. I am not interested in the quantity of my group; I am more concerned with the quality of work we produce. Thus, the quality of the people.


MAGAZINEtalk Editor note: DOSH

HEY HEY HEY! and how goes the day? Welcome to another issue of SWERVEmagazine, where we write life into a virtual, world in fact, since 2008 our slogan has been: “a little reality in a virtual world.”

NO DISRESPECT but If you’re looking for a catalog of just pretty pictures, sorry you’re in the wrong place, if you’re looking for naked pixilated cartoon strippers, pregnant avatars and thug bosses that have no doubt confused virtual with reality, you are definitely in the wrong place. We are a magazine that operates out of a virtual world and NOT of a virtual world. Though we all love the role play aspect of virtual worlds We could give a damn about the next imvu pregnancy, I don’t give a damn about your pixilated marriage to some virtual friend real life stranger that may or may not de who that portrays (although it can be a beautiful thing). Our existence in the IMVU world is based on fun, game play, creating, designing, writing, entertaining and interacting with likeminded individuals. If you want to hear about politics, real life relationships, advice, world opinions, or the real life that exist inside of IMVU then we are the magazine for you. Although we are not above covering the basic IMVU atmosphere, meaning we may take the time to celebrate a creator of virtual design. We may even direct you to nice virtual chat rooms that defy the norms and dare to dive into intellectual and or worthwhile spectrums. If you’re ready to expand your mind, feed your soul, or just get involved in a descent conversation without having to swim through the virtual drama of folks that are much too old to still de conversing in the kiddy pool Then: welcome to the deeper end of the waters. “getchaSWERVEon!”

In ALL you do, don’t get mad get educated!


What makes a GREAT VIRTUAL magazine? Editor note: DOSH

3D office: SWERVEoffice by DOSHAIMAN MON-FRI 8am-5pm pacific bUSINESS ONLY PLEASE. magazine ADDS JAN 2016…10K.... ring "HELLO" for service... SWERVEmagazine office... Dbrandz 3D books... WORDart gallery WORDart gallery

STAFF/WRITERS DOSHAIMAN MsStarrMoreno: Sade3757: LaZhaDuBois:: lMariVl: SexyMamiiHBM: DarkAngelAluna: Guest_JAMAICAnDonn: ValKnight24: QUEENONY1WISDOM 14


What makes a GREAT VIRTUAL magazine?


What makes a GREAT VIRTUAL magazine? Virtual services

messageDOSHAIMAN for connection to all services. Promotions Magazine space, banners, group threads

Pulses Every 2 to 4 hrs 5k per day (FREE in ADD package)

PRIVATE messaging Send out Bulk messages and invites to our email list 5k

Add space Jan 2016 .STARTING 10k

3d books Books for your 3d room. Poetry, weddings, all occasions

Magazine tutorial (issuu) Learn the basics of building your own virtual magazine

Video Short video (camtasia).

Voiceboxes: DEESboxes Commercials, jingles, greetings. More 16


Assistance in Gimp (beginners) starting 7k

SexyMamiiHBM has been on IMVU 8years. She is a mother of eight(8) wonderful children a loving Grandmother of 2, a sister, aunt and a daughter. She spends her day recruiting men and women for her California Only group called Cali On IMVU. She helps out with other groups that she is a member of. She is also a Nurse Practitioner for pregnant women, her days are full on imvu and she loves what she does. She is a great friend to have. SWERVEmagazine promotions and communications

Freelance Writer, M.D Sade3757 is a freelance writer for Swerve Magazine. Studying at Innovation University (IU) @IMVU holding BA's in Photo Editing, Caribbean Studies (emphasis on Jamaican Patois), Theology and Doctor of Medicine. Been a member of the IMVU community for 5 years. Enjoy listening to music, DJing and great convo that invokes emotions on all levels, always keeping it positive and uplifting. Contact Sade3757 via INBOX.



: co-editor, writer and coordinator for

SWERVE Magazine. Co-founder and Chief Operations Officer (COO) for ~SL Southern Link Incorporated. Founder of the ~SL~ Battle of the Sexes. Model and writer for Designer's Showcase magazine. Accomplished mixologist and an aspiring developer. Proud member and Vice President of Omega Pi Sigma Sorority Incorporated:

ValKnight24: Model assistant, model, office assistant


Author of the column UBPassociation. I have been around IMVU for about two years now. I Love to write, research, learn, share, and converse on just about all things, (relevant to existence that is.) I am Always looking forward to the next day, and anyone with the next word of inspiration. When and IF you see me virtual on IMVU I’m probably writing something. BOBBLE X. Peace‌ REQUEST an invite to: UBP association. URBAN BLACK PROGRESS through SWERVEmagazine group thread or message me



Freelance Writer for SWERVE: My name is QUEENONY1WISDOM, most call me ONY. I started IMVU about four years ago~I started a modeling company some years ago, after modeling for one of the top agencies here~FSfashions. After that, I decided to work behind the scenes, preparing other ladies for runway, a modeling position here. At that time, I opened IMAGES which is a modeling company ~High End fashion design etc. Fashion has always been a big deal to me with fashion as my basis; I have always been a major art lover. I opened my first Gallery here consisting of selections of Black history, folk and renaissance art right after. I am an innovative person when it comes to fashion and just being different in general..So I wanted my gallery to be more of me..more outside of me..Unusually different as well as surreal..Paradise cove brings that flavor to IMVU. My focus here ~My Fam~My gallery, my modeling company IMAGES which is attached to my personal clothing line..And also My restaurant named ~STEAK N EGGS..My motto~Woman know thyself~..Ty ONY. 19


Your legal rights are affected whether you act, or don’t act. Read this notice carefully



LETS TALK ABOUT IT! With Ms.StarrMoreno & DoshaiMan We've all heard the term "Bad Bitch'. What does it mean to be a "Bad Bitch'? Does being a "Bad Bitch" mean you're different from being a "Good Woman"? What's the difference in the two? And more importantly, which are you or do you prefer, and why? Let's talk about it!

Many of today's men advertise that they are lookin' for a "Bad Bitch" with her "hair done, nails done and pretty feet". Many of today's men base their criteria for a woman based on someone that's gonna look good on their arm and make them feel good in bed.


Though the conversation started out on the topic at hand, “What does it mean to be a "Bad Bitch'.” Somewhere down the line we lost focus in a very good way and started talking about everything under the sun. Oct. 14th, 2015 MsStarrMoreno along with SWERVEmagazine (DoshaiMan) lent her virtual room to adult conversation, ideas, ideology and another night of SL BATTLE OF THE SEXES. Though there was no battle that particular night there was a diverse array of opinions, facts and new ideas that were worthy enough to be revisited in their own forums. *It is always a wonderful thing when you have male and female giving perspective on subject matters that are relevant to the ALL of us. DOSHAIMAN *My question is when did "BAD B*T*H" become the criteria that determined your status within society and your interactions with the opposite sex and the everyday walk of life. The term/label “B*T*H” is a derogatory term to label women, specific women who behave in an unpleasant manner, who are jealous, bitter, malicious and who are deemed very loose sexual, by fellow women and men alike. By adding “BAD” to the word has somehow change the meaning as stated above, making it an acceptable term used by all types and walks of life. As women we have fought to have the same benefits as our counterpart in all aspects within life, but yet we have come to accept and even praise the term/label “BAD B*T*H , WHY? SADA *The word bitch may be offensive and bad makes it seem bad, but it’s actually meant to be good. The term "Bad Bitch" originated most commonly by music artist.


Could it be a way of taken control over the word B*T*H, maybe in our minds we have come to realize things will never change/just go with the flow or it could be the lost of self-respect for our womanhood 22

PROs: (not necessarily the editor’s opinion, these are exerts from group comments: A bad bitch is one who is independent, a boss lady, H.B.I.C, does what she wants, when she wants and isn’t concerned with what others say or think about it. She has the highest self confidence and self esteem no matter what her size, shape but she also has pretty girl swagg and always stays fabulous with her gear. She dresses to impress and owns the room when she enters it! She's a Bad Girl with a Bad Bitch Mentality! She's a Boss! Within the context of the label “BAD B*T*H" you have those of whom see it in a positive light, one who has it all together, cooking, cleaning, nice body, smart and classy. This person knows how to take care of her man, the home and streets, being loyal to the game at which she plays, Totally mentally gifted and usually also fine as hell. Female who knows what she wants and knows exactly how to get it … Female who is always ready for anything physically, emotionally, and also intellectually(one being book smart as well as street smart)

Cons: A self awarded title which a trash bag gutterho with a bad attitude and poor social skills thinking it's a positive thing. A bad bitch is typically marked by an obscenity laden vocabulary, a penchant for fighting other women who breathe in their vicinity, an over-inflated ego, short shorts and cellulite, and poor education. Bad bitches are never to be confused with ladies.. You can usually find bad bitches dancing in videos with barely any clothes on, in your local strip club, or joining the groupie hoes when Wocka Rick Ross or Juicy J is in town The common theme I found was that it was centered on "MONEY, MATERIAL GAIN with no mention of inner 23 PEACE or LOVE

LETS TALK ABOUT IT! Although these were merely a few of the many comments and ideas on the subject I can

assure you there were more than enough to fill a page of any magazine or blog page. As I set there in the real world conversing in a virtual forum the opinions and ideologies were far from just virtual randomness. Everyone seem to have certain vitality to themselves, and in respects to the Urban life, they had much to say about, well, just about everything. I could get technical (well, actually it would be anal) and say we never answered the question at all but to say that would just be for the entertainment value of not getting a “direct finite answer”. I would venture to say we not only answered the question we found ourselves having to ask ourselves a related question: When it comes to the term “Bad Bitch” how much of a part do we as individuals and as a whole play in the perpetuation of the stigma? Are woman calling themselves “Bad Bitches” because certain factions of life have created what seems to be a demand for “Bad Bitches?” Do the videos spawn “Bad Bitches”, how about the wealthy artist that makes songs that literally say “I’m looking for a Bad Bitch?” Even further, what about the young ladies that make songs (obviously a direct result of the males action in song) reacting in what she may consider to be “a voice of strength” screaming, “I’m the Baddest Bitch.” We can all pretend as if celebrity and entertainment in general does not have a direct effect on 100% of life, that’s fine, it still doesn’t nullify the fact. Rappers have a bigger influence on your kids then you do (with few exceptions). Rappers make politicians buckle with watering eyes under the realities of knowing he could never move the masses that a radial musician could move. Your greatest president in history will never have as much influence as the world’s most famous rapper or musician in general (If he/she decides to use the power for good). In other words when the rich young famous “handsome” swagged out rapper screams he is looking for the for mentioned, then you can guarantee that poor window shopping gorgeous young lady with dreams of dating a “baller” and industry aspirations will always answer on all fours (literally.) The “Baddest Bitch” is the figment of the lyrical imagination that found a life with a feminist generation of woman that called themselves evening out the spectrum of equality in the face of men males that were enthusiastic to be titled “Dog ass Niggas,” i.e. the so called “Thug”. She is simply tangible object manifested by the lyrical demand .Dosh


MZSAG12:if more women understood their value and worth they would have chosen a different word. MrzSexyNikaD101: In my opinion a Bad Bytch the new age term for slut that’s a woman with the morals of a man. A bad bytch uses her body to get what she wants period. Don't care about herself let alone a man or anyone or thing that may stand in her way of her goals………if Bytches were truly bad the would accomplish more than self gain PearlEarth: I think it’s a defense attitude to be proud of being a bad bitch. It’s like saying Yes I’m a bad bitch and you just can’t compete and Ill take your man .To me being bad and being a bitch is just a negative term that should be put to rest MrzSexyNikaD101: Hello everyone I am MrzSexyNikaD101 aka Nika to my Fam and friends. In my opinion a Bad Bytch the new age term for slut that’s a woman with the morals of a man. A bad bytch uses her body to get what she wants period. Don't care about herself let alone a man or anyone or thing that may stand in her way of her goals. :

theMORINGafter review: w/Sade3757 Good Day to you all. I must say last night event was awesome. The subject matter discussed is one that first needed to be addressed to gain understanding as to why we have allowed so much negative light into our community. Hearing the different thoughts of those within the discussion help shed light at the bigger issues. You don't realize the impact this label has had on other issues at hand and how it all ties into the overall picture. We may not agree with others opinions, but it helps to give us a better understanding of what challenges each one of us face when it come to our lives and the psychological affects it brings to the forefront. One thing is certain...many dilemmas are present within the Black Community and as much as we air our grievances, without actually action, to back up the many solutions that we put on the table, will remain tabled!! meetingTRANSCRIPT open to group members 25

LETS TALK ABOUT IT! Many thanks to all that came out and participated! (Wrap up/final words from host)MsStarrMoreno While we never got a definitive response to the question of "What is a 'Bad Bitch'?", we did have some amazing dialogue about the symptoms and root causes of why this title has becoming increasingly popular. The conversation touched on so many issues that need to be addressed; I know we'll have many more topics in our "Meeting of the Minds" forum. More than just the dialogue, I'm looking forward to discussing steps we can take that would effect change around us and within our spheres of influence. Some things mentioned in the discussion: 1. Promoting Positive Black Images 2. Building strong self esteem in our youth 3. Addressing disproportionate numbers of women raising children alone 4. The influence of music and television over the image of Blacks people accept 5. Does the music reflect the culture, or does the culture reflect the music? These are just a few items that come to mind immediately. Truly a great night, with great company and conversation. Thank you again EVERYONE that participated!!




SEXES (Since 2011) Virtual room link: imvu://room/MsStarrMoreno/%7ESL%7 E+Battle+of+the+Sexes

Message Ms.StarrMoreno

for event dates join~SL~

Southern Link group: http://www.imvu.com/groups/group/S OUTHERN+LINK/


“Where the best poets come to show it” Join us SHARE short stories, poems, scripts, and imagination. Members:HOUSEofPOETRYthread JOIN-Located in: SWERVEmagazine group HOUSEof POETRY

magazine (issuu)

BEBOPpoetry night Vintage2013

3d VIRTUAL readings (BOOKS to read and share in your 3D rooms) In IMVU catalog: HOUSEofPOETRY..VL2 HOUSEofPOETRY..VL3 NEW HOUSEofPOETRY..VL4 (AP) VERTUALerotica SWERVEmagazine (3d room versions) Vintage editions 2011-2013 SWERVE1 AP SWERVE2 SWERVE3 SWERVE4

DOSHAIMAN’s IMVUcatalog --READ all GA material @ SWERVoffice (BOOKroom)—



support sticker 1k


Lord, why’d You Make Me Black? RuNett Nia Ebo Why did You make me someone the world wants to hold back ? Black is the color of dirty clothes ; the color of grimy hands and feet. Black is the color of darkness ; the color of tirebeaten streets. Why did you give me thick lips, a broad nose and kinky hair ? Why did You make me someone who receives the hatred stare ? Black is the color of a bruised eye when somebody gets hurt. Black is the color of darkness. Black is the color of dirt. How come my bone structure’s so thick ; my hips and cheeks are high ? How come my eyes are brown and not the color of the daylight sky ? Why do people think I’m useless ? How come I feel so used ? Why do some people see my skin and think I should be abused ? Lord, I just don’t understand ; What is it about my skin ? Why do some people want to hate me and not know the person within ? Black is what people are "listed", when others want to keep them away. Black is the color of shadows cast. Black is the end of the day. Lord, You know, my own people mistreat me ; and I know this just isn't right. They don’t like my hair or the way I look. They say I’m too dark or too light. Lord, Don’t You think it’s time for You to make a change ? Why don’t You re-do creation and make everyone the same ?

(God answered Why did I make you black ? Why did I make you black ? Get off your knees and look around. Tell Me, what do you see ? I didn't make you in the image of darkness. I made you in the Likeness of ME ! I made you the color of coal from which beautiful diamonds are formed. I made you the color of oil, the black-gold that keeps people warm. I made you from the rich, dark earth that can grow the food you need. Your color’s the same as the panther’s, known for beauty and speed. Your color’s the same as the Black stallion, a majestic animal is he. I didn't make you in the Image of darkness, I made you in the Likeness of ME ! All the colors of a Heavenly Rainbow can be found throughout every nation ; And when all those colors were blended well, YOU BECAME MY GREATEST CREATION. Your hair is the texture of lamb’s wool, such a humble, little creature is he. I am the Shepherd who watches them. I am the One who will watch over thee. You are the color of midnight-sky, I put the stars’ glitter in your eyes. There’s a smile hidden behind your pain that’s the reason your cheeks are high. You are the color of dark clouds formed when I send My strongest weather. I made your lips full so when you kiss the one you love they will remember. Your stature is strong ; your bone structure, thick to withstand the burdens of time. The reflection you see in the mirror... The Image looking back at you is MINE! 29

WE KNOW WHAT WE “THINK” WE KNOW I do not exist in mere feeble fables of superstitions wrapped in enigmas dripping with pseudo not so pseudo intellects passing traditions like that of the hat fields and macoys until no one really knows what they know only knowing that they don’t know. THEY will never let you know that they don’t know, to let you know would corrode their egos collapse their imagination’s imagination leaving sleepwalkers disconnected from there protected protocol. What then? To whom would you call? Would your existence cease to exist? Perhaps you would simply create a new knowing wrapped in the fear of someone knowing something that you didn’t. You cringe in truth and stand in the notion of none acceptance due to the lack of acceptance of any notion outside the notion potion regurgitated, evaporated and rained back down on new knowing generations. So in all your not knowing, we now know the next knows exactly what you didn’t know due to your ego thinking it knew without question, derived from suggestions that ignore the rational inclinations for family superstitions. Sorry I do not exist in mere feeble fables of superstitions wrapped in enigmas dripping with pseudo not so pseudo intellects passing traditions like that of the hat fields and macoys until no one really knows what they know only knowing that they don’t know. So what do you REALLY KNOW… I Will TELL you what you REALLY know; I will tell you what I know….WE KNOW WHAT WE “THINK” WE KNOW!!! Nothing more ….DOSH

Smiling Eyes_A Song for Yve Your eyes, your eyes...Looking down at me An’ every time I see,...those hazel brown....shining bright for me Makes me smile...Makes me cry...The lost potentiality You reach down....and pierce my soul....leads me to a parallel world Your smile, your smile...Lightens up my life Every time I see your face...A glow unfolds, within my Soul Mirrors my world...And reflects it back to me. Your face, your eyes, your smile....Picture framed within me And I breathe you in....As I hold you close...In my arms For all the times, I feared....i teared my hair....but oh those smiling eyes reaches out to me...and deep within my glow.... Reflected possibilities...Mirrors love of eternity. Tells me I can be...A future to be realized....Smiling, back at me. For all the smiles we shared....For all the times and for all times. (C) Queen Ashantee


REALIST BITCH?dy:DOSH She walked in skin almost white from black as night, her eyes were blue where they use to be brown, Her ghetto Barbie blond wig lace fronted her hair line as her black roots were left to wither and die under the toxins. Her gold coated vulture claws occasionally scratched the flakey scalp that now peeled under the concealed head of someone else’s foreign hair, yet she keeps screaming with conviction “I’m the realist bitch”. Perched upon her 5 inch red bottom stilettos her 40 inch plastic posterior set perky under a 24inch waist of hidden cuts and missing ribs. She brags on her six pack, big backs, perky silicone and reconstituted fat. O, but she’s the realist bitch. She dresses for the occasion in animal furs carrying her teacup puppy in a chinchilla bag, craving the cameras of the paparazzi and then complaining as if they are deviants that color her mad. Her pouty protruding Botoxxed duck lips stay glossy as they spit lies of self delusion from beneath her comedy zone that she now calls cheek bones that seems to have made themselves quite friendly with her eye socket. She squints with her newly tightened slits of vision and screeches in her fake poutiness “that’s right, I’m the realist bitch”. Tattooed Neck twisting, hands on her hilariously disproportioned hips, rhinoplasty barley able to sniff. She use to be a beautiful black girl, now she’s a pale image of an anorexic Asian with white girl features, an uptown appetite and 110th st. attitude. But she insists, “I’m the realist bitch”. Exert in “theRANDOMS”HOUSEofPOETRY vl.4 imvu 3d room product. She says she still loves her black skin all though the bleaching cream keeps coming in, she no longer hangs with Shanika, Tamika or Tionna, there too ethnic, that would ruin her persona Nothing more ….


Who in the world is civil? SPEAKonIT!:

QUESTION: WHAT DOES THE WORD CIVIL MEAN (to you) ...What was the reasoning behind the CIVIL rights movement? Is it fair to compare the BLACK plight with the LGBT plight? Are they the same or nothing alike? What if anything was accomplished by the CIVIL RIGHTS movement? IMVU group: JOIN 2016: READ OUR soap box:theUBPassociation

REQUEST an invite through SWERVEmagazine group thread


 



By definition: In order to understand what the word CIVIL mean, let’s take a look at the meaning of the word: -of or occurring within the state or between or among citizens of the state (civil affairs, civil rights, civil liberty) - applying to ordinary citizens as contrasted with the military -not rude; marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others (polite, cultured) The origin of the word Late Middle English, coming from Old French from the Latin civills, taken from civis "citizen"

By definition of opinion and research: When we think of CIVIL in the context of the question, one must attach the political and social aspect to the word, it's the ensuring of freedom and equal rights of the citizens regardless of his/her, sex, race or religion. It is established legal action that governments have created for the conditions of the citizens of that country. On the flip side of Civil Rights you have Civil Liberties which are the protection of citizens against government actions, which include freedom from torture, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, equal treatment under the law and due process and the right to a fair trial. These vary from country to country but one thing that happens always is, civil rights and civil liberties interchange with one another, at times pitting one against the other when it comes to justice for all citizens. Ask yourself..How well do I know my rights as a citizen, and do I fully understand how it impacts the way of LIFE! Sade3757 33

Who in the world is civil? lMariVl

The Civil Rights Movement was originally founded on the effort to establish the civil rights of the black people of America. Meaning that blacks were to get equal treatment and benefits as their Caucasian counterparts, i.e., business, familial, social, economic, political, and etc. With all the marches, written speeches, and picket signs, what has this “movement” really accomplished? The fights and degradations of our forefathers so many years ago are being swept away as a mere display of showmanship to publicize the violent treatment African Americans were receiving in previous unrecorded encounters. We have spokespersons that go up to podiums just to spew out eloquent politically correct words not to offend our oppressors. They must keep up the facade of appearing to be sympathetic to the daily treatment of our people while shaking hands and appearing to Galas in their three-piece suits that cost thousands of dollars to “smooth out” the contingencies of how the white supremacist power structure can maintain power while throwing a few crumbs to “black-owned” charities as to say “We Care”. There were 4 characteristics that were highlighted during the PostReconstruction period, which were: 1. Racial segregation. By law, public facilities and government services such as education were divided into separate "white" and "colored" domains.[8] Characteristically, those for colored were underfunded and of inferior quality. 2. Disenfranchisement. When white Democrats regained power, they passed laws that made voter registration more restrictive, essentially forcing black voters off the voting rolls. The number of African-American voters dropped dramatically, and they no longer were able to elect representatives. From 1890 to 1908, Southern states of the former Confederacy created constitutions with provisions that disfranchised tens of thousands of African Americans and U.S. states such as Alabama disfranchised poor whites as well.

Now the marches and meetings were “supposedly” organizing various socio-political groups to lobby and litigate against the White Supremacist power structure to plead on behalf of the broken and forgotten African Americans to allow them to take part of the proverbial American pie so they are able to partake in the nation they helped build. By seeing all of the characteristics listed in the above paragraph, you must ask yourself…Have all the efforts of the Civil Rights movement make a dent in the power structure that our forefathers fought so hard to break? We still have predominantly “minority” neighborhoods within major cities all across America. A lot of our Latino and African American brothers and sisters are still being wrongfully imprisoned and when “let out’ still cannot obtain a job or go to the polls to vote on a candidate that meets the needs of the individual due to a felony record thanks to the American Judiciary system. And let’s not mention the rampart unlawful violence that still encroaches our brown and black brothers and sisters that is being televised and recorded by the American public to expose the injustice while our judiciary system terminates the cases on “unsubstantial evidence”.

3. Exploitation. Increased economic oppression of blacks, Latinos, and Asians, denial of economic opportunities, and widespread employment discrimination. 4. Violence. Individual, police, paramilitary, organizational, and mob racial violence against blacks (and Latinos in the Southwest and Asians in California).


So the question is answered‌Nothing at all has been accomplished since 1865 besides allowing us to publically entertain the masses without so called persecution of their white counterparts. We must make more of an effort to exploit the political ugliness of the American government. lMariVl


Manumission Act of 1710 So-called black males and females where not meant to know and understand the issues clearly about the system of racism/white supremacy. The reason for this is because if you understand the problem thoroughly, then you can solve it. Therefore, the lack of knowledge leads to lack of answers. Consequently, the answers are unsolved. The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 are principles that controlled the thinking of socalled whites and blacks then and now. The school system is well aware of The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 by which racism/white supremacy functions, and does not want you to have a discussion about how they affect us today. The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 was a legal act of freeing a slave in exchange for his or hers "good deeds" as defined by the national public policy: 1.Saving a so-called white person's life 2. Protecting a so-called white person's property 3. Coming up with inventions in which the socalled white slave owner could profit financially and receive credit for the invention 4. Snitching on a revolt of so-called blacks THOSE WHO ARE IGNORANT OF THEIR HISTORY ARE BOUND TO REPEAT IT HOTEP! http://amenra.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-meritoriousmanumission-act-of-1710.html


Who in the world is civil? QUEENONY1WISDOM

If I may..with respect an agreement to a lot that has already been said..And the definitions that we have received here for the word civil..in a Governmental aspect as well as, civil relations pertaining to rights and freedom of law and equality..Most definitions given for the word..Again on a governmental level..Pretty much the same meaning... They tell us that the word civil..Derived from civilization..thus so for the people.. However there is another definition..that definition for civil being.. .(of time measurement or a point in time) fixed by custom or law rather than being natural or astronomical: Lets look at this...Fixed by custom or law... CUSTOM designed FOR?

I am a black woman..well educated and fully functioning in society..I do not believe in a Government that was not designed for myself or my people..Each law was built on circumstances that piggybacked previous law which again, was not designed or established for ME. It is just a piece of paper pre existing during a time that we were considered animals~not even recognized as human..we were not allowed to learn..to read or be educated..So to put shit on a plate and place roses around it, does not change the fact that you are still serving shit(excuse my mouth)..So CIVIL to..means living in a civilized manner, not believing in that government, but certainly respecting the things that I cannot change as an individual..Though I have a voice and will not make light of the fact that this Government is not mine..This country is not mine..Nothing of ownership and/or goods purchased by me or for me is mine..Taxes were not designed to keep our country from poverty or our state for that matter..But it was designed as another mechanism to stunt growth..Its deeper than paper and Black and White..

Your constitution begins ...WE THE PEOPLE~ of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Who is we? Does that include you?... If you have never really looked at the breakdown of the constitution..I challenge you to do so today..Please take a look at the word RATIFIED~sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid. Pay special attention to article lV..Which has a very minute breakdown of African Americans having the right to vote..


BOBBLE wrap up: The REALITY of CIVIL rights: Though we all have our opinion and some facts in respects to the word civil. Its physical REALITY is far from its public. Lawful or constitutional meaning. In the real game it plays out like this: CIVIL IS any distraction formed to take attention off one single group as to deny it (them) of individual gains (in all fairness)..civil detoured "black" rights with all due respects to those that "thought" they were fighting the good fight, CIVIL jacked "black" America of any rights it thought it might have been fighting for......some would venture to say civil is civilian, and they would be correct. Mexicans fought for "Mexican rights"... Jews stood and stand for "Jewish rights"... Asians always stand for "Asian rights" within the Asian communities... the so called "black American" is always detoured from black to an integration of "CIVIL" rights...thus we always get CIVIL’S rights. BOBBLE X..



MAN1:It’s easy to steal a race and culture if you have the time and patience. MAN2: Please, Do tell! MAN1:Disconnect yesterday from today. Twist it into tomorrow. Murder the last seven days. MAN2: But what if they start to ask questions? MAN1:That’s fine, We should only fear when the STOP asking questions. ONLY MAN RUNS TO HIS ENEMY FOR HELP! DOSH


racism (ˈreɪsɪzəm) or racialism n 1. (Sociology) the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by heredi tary factors and that this endows someraces with an intrinsic superiority over others 2. (Sociology) abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief ˈracist ˈracialist n, adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged

its a system that creates the believe of hate between two entities that would otherwise have no problem. Whoever pitted the so called "white" American against the so called "black American" is the root of racism in its pure real forum. Everything else is simply self defense created over years of one asserting its self upon the other.. AND MUCH MORE.......... NEW racism is loosely based on jealousy and the mis-education of EVERYBODY including those that are considered the educators. it seems to be a secret somewhere in the history of the races so HUGE that the mere conversation between the races would raise speculation of facts that would overnight turn the axes of the world and leave you clamoring for understanding of your own thought. I think that conversation would destroy every fiber in the being of the very existence. so someone has made sure the races DO NOT find enough common ground to agree to disagree with the system.. DOSH this is a comment from a YOUTUBER:

J. Forgione +Mister E. What's really ironic is that no matter how much you give these muluans a head start or advantage, they still can't measure up. Of course they will always blame "whitey" for their failures and poor judgement. As it stands now, they (with the help of their liberal white & Jew mentors), have fabricated historical events and other farcical facts which never happened that portrays blacks as the superior human and founders of all mankind's achievements. They also like to say all Whites were cave dwellers / ignorant cave people. Funny how us "simple-minded cave dwellers" made it into space and beyond while the "great black Africans" only contribution to humanity is buffoonery....


theBOBBLEview: This comment baffles me for many different inaccurate accusations. First let’s start with the last. For those that STILL think your great American space association somehow broke all physical and astronomical laws to place a man in space is a bit FUNNY to say the least. There is MORE than enough evidence to dispel that MYTH. Buffoonery says the man that brought us the ROMAN Helen Alexander paganism that "YALL" still fall for and over to this very day. WAIT! He also states the fabrication of HISTORY...On that point I will digress, as once again there is MORE than enough evidence that proves the real fabricator here. Now let’s just skip to "HEAD START or ADVANTAGE." Show and PROOVE one, not two just ONE program that the government created towards the uplifting of the so called "BLACK" culture (ill wait). Welfare? Statistically there are more single WHITE females that utilize this program then any. This is NOT a "BLACK" program. You want to discuss programs that HELP an individual race, let’s go back to the G.I. bill. The "Suburbs are a direct result of the MONEY "WHITE" families received to so call "Better their lives". Let’s talk about the many "WHITE" families that took on "INDIAN" names in order to take part in "retake" of INDIAN reservations. Let’s talk about the 4% of this casino money that goes to the "REAL INDIAN" and the rest to the "WHITES" with fake Indian names. When it comes to "cave dwellers" I actually have no opinion on who or WHAT was going on in caves, although Darwin did his damndest to assure the human ideology "FIT" the ideas of contributors (no money, no science). History always goes to the man that has the monies or the devious means to manipulate without concern. Unfortunately for people like Mr. J. we the people are no longer forbade to acquire knowledge from the same books you have acquired from. 40

Many times I read a comment of an individual and I quickly understand how easy it is to make comments from behind a keyboard, it is also a very good place to show your "TRUMPattude". I understand 9 out of 10 of the things people converse on in the social world, would NEVER see the light of a verbal debate. Fake facts unfortunately CAN and a lot of times DO become the REALITY of the sleeping masses. "The pen is mightier than the sword"... Though the LIE is an easy swallow, regurgitation can make you vomit. but WAIT....only when you look through the VOMIT do you find the NASTY truth. Mr. J should no step outside of his supremacy attitude of junk food and dine on a little RESEARCH... READING is FUNDEMENTAL, understanding is OVERstanding.. PEACE. False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil. SOCRATES (soul crates lol)



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Boko Haram Is 'Not A Priority'



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Second Lookgroup PROMOTIONS/ W OVER 3K mems. 42

The WHOS who in IMVU business

Introducing our SWERVEyellow pages all NEW 2016 “DOSHAIMAN” to list your virtual business LINKED in our 2016 issue (2month run) FREE .. Message:

For all of those trying to bring a little reality to a virtual world! getchaSWERVEon! 43




W/SexyMamiiHBM California Begins Here. Share a Day with Sacramento Sacramento is the star on the map of California, a state capital with a character all its own There is no shortage of things to do in Sacramento, California. With more than 230 days of sunshine annually, Sacramento is the perfect place to explore the outdoors, soak up the California sun, go wine tasting or attend sporting events. But the things to do here aren’t limited to the outdoors. World-class museums, performing arts groups and other family fun activities make every day unique in California’s capital. Sacramento365.com is our year-round events calendar for the Sacramento area. The easy-to-use calendar lets you sort by event type, date and venue for fun things to do in the region. Whether it’s your first time, a weekend whim aboard the train, or your 10th time on a trip to see friends and family, you’ll find plenty of things to do on your visit to Sacramento.

Annual Events Regardless of when someone books a visit, Sacramento has something going on. Several dining events scheduled throughout the year are topped only by the annual Farm-to-Fork Week, where Sacramento celebrates its agricultural bounty. Arts events, beer and wine events and Gold Rush Days – where Old Sacramento is transformed back into the Gold Rush era – round out some of the most popular events.


Dining Sacramento has more restaurants highly rated by Zagat than anywhere else in Northern California – including San Francisco. Sacramento is also America’s Farm-to-Fork Capital, with fresh seasonal food available year-round at a variety of restaurants for all budgets. Museums Almost 30 museums in the city showcase everything from Gold Rush history and aviation to the State Capitol museum, the Crocker Art Museum and the expansive California State Railroad Museum. Family Fun Families can find an authentic California experience in Sacramento, whether it be for an outdoor adventure or fun times together doing a variety of activities. Several pet-friendly hotels are scattered throughout the city, meaning even the furry family members are welcome. Arts and Culture Numerous professional arts groups call Sacramento home, and there are many art galleries and artistic events – from the Crocker Art Museum to the popular Second Saturday Art Walks in Midtown. Sports The National Basketball Association’s Sacramento Kings call the city home, as do minor league baseball’s River Cats and the new Sacramento Republic FC soccer team. For those who’d rather get out of a stadium seat and be sporty in Sacramento, there are more than 30 miles of paved bike trails, two rivers for rafting and many other opportunities for recreation. Wineries More than 200 wineries dot the countryside around Sacramento. Five wine regions are within an hour’s drive, and Sacramento is closer by car to Napa and Sonoma than San Francisco. and family, you’ll find plenty of things to do on your visit to Sacramento.





w/ SADE We are in for a surprise this December on the NBC Network, sooooooooo Get ready to “EASY ON DOWN, EASY ON DOWN THE ROAD”!! Many of us can remember seeing the 1978 feature film that was adapted from the Broadway musical in 1975 that was a R&B/soul interpretation based on the novel by L. Frank Baum “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The Wiz had an all African-American star-winning cast, Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Richard Pryor just to name a few. The Wiz Live will be televised December 3, 8 pm EST/7 CT bringing to life the Broadway musically and theatrically film for all to see. Like the all-star cast of 1978 this new adaptation on this classic children’s novel should delight all alike with it star performers from Queen Latifah (The Wiz), Mary J. Blige, David Alan Grier, Ne-Yo and Stephanie Mills the original cast from the 1975 musical and many more. I do hope this new interpretation of film stays true to the classic of 1978 and the Broadway musical of 1975. I look forward to seeing their spin on the Emerald City scene from the film with all the costumes, dances and music….. SADE

PREVIEW “Pick your left foot up When your right foot's down Come on legs keep movin' Don't you lose no ground You just keep on keepin' On the road that you choose Don't you give up walkin' 'Cause you gave up shoes, no”…… Ease on down, ease on down the road.... Don't you carry nothing that might be a load Come on, ease on down, ease on down the road…..” Lyrics by: Charlie Smalls


Can Missy make a comeback or is a generation far gone? 10million YOUTUBE views within a span of 48hrs. Every music blog talking about her new single. A video that hits like only a Missy video can hit! Is it enough to captivate a generation that might not necessarily know who she is?

MISSY: WTF (youtube) As an old skool hiphop fan/hip hop dance fanatic, I was more than excited to hear that Missy was dropping a new single; it was like a breath of fresh air within a hip-hop generation that had lost its creativity and was smothering. If you are or ever were a Missy fan then from first note you are immediately drawn back into the world of colorful sounds and m.c lyrics esthetically capturing the imagination as she always has. Personally, I loved the video as it was a great “throw back” feel and in respects to music suitable for kids, this might be the closest I have heard in a while. Some (well most) are saying this is simply not going to happen because in there feeble minds she is too old and no longer relevant. (Good music is made relevant by the radio personalities. NO MATTER WHAT IT IS) In other words IF the programmers want Missy as a comeback queen, she will be that. OR as some say: She just does not fit in with the Youngsters. Rap is for the first time in an era where it is old enough to have “veterans”, so what the problem with “comebacks?” Mick Jagger been making successful comebacks every since I was a child: and it seems to be the norm.

You don’t get to choose when a queen comes back. SHE JUST DOES! Ps. THESE young girls are not ready to compete on a MISSY stage, not even the so called BARBIE generation. Perhaps Missy can get these ratchet females back to being strong females that can captivate with captivation and not as part of the sex, implant plantation. Let’s be honest, MISSY was one of the few female rappers (if not the only) to appeal to more than just rap fans due to her lyrics and songs, not her sexuality. THIS IS 5STAR rap/entertainment. DOSH COMING JAN 2016: How do you compile a list of the TOP rap artist in the world (at least according to america)? I have read several list in magazines and over the internet. It seems the internet is more compiled with rappers that individuals like as opposed to the "greatest". Even then, how would you rate a rapper considering its art, and art is totally left up to the individuals taste? In order to dig through the crates and find the worlds rap phenom we first have to understand what rap is and what rap was truly created for. WHAT IS RAP: Good lyrics? A nice drum line? What? None of the for-mentioned? What is the schematic for a good rapper? PUT YOUR SWRVE ON IT 52 Join SWERVEgroup page . GROUPmembers comment in THREAD


TV/MUSIC members Comment

When the ignorance of live insists on presenting its self in public forum, sOMEtimes you just have to clap your hands through them up in the air and say:

Example: When someone owes you money and they have the nerve to have an attitude when you ask them for the money. Submit your “IM OUT” for JAN 2016. Gifts and prizes to the best and most comical. Join SWERVEgroup page. GROUPmembers comment in THREAD

3ooc per answer..OVER 5K in credit giveaways MAIL: Doshaiman with # and answer ONLY first person to answer each question.


EITHER FILL IN OR COMPLETE THE PHRASE *LIVING SINGLE::THEME::in a ___kind of world.. *LIVING SINGLE::KYLE::Kyle darker has more juice then minute made. OVERTON::Ye and Overton has..................? *LIVING SINGLE::KYLE::watch dog__ *LIVING SINGLE::some one talking to Max:: ___ I'd like to put you on a ___ and sop you up with a ____ *LIVING SINGLE::MAX:remember that Public Enemy concert, i couldn't shake ____ for a week. *LIVING SINGLE::REGINA:When she says ride the Mavrick ___! *LIVING SINGLE::OVERTON: Stepping____like a wood pecker with a ____ 54

37*LIVING SINGLE:::same episode^^^Which word did Synclaire choose to use as an acting exercise to express all emotion? 38*LIVING SINGLE:::What was Synclaires hamster's name? 39*LIVING SINGLE:::Overton's sister and Kyle were caught doing what in the hall way, and what did Overton do? 40*LIVING SINGLE:::What state does Living Single take place? 41*LIVING SINGLE:::Where is Overton's character home state? Which football team does Overton have an emotional connection to? 42*LIVING SINGLE:::^^^What is this team now called in real life? 43*LIVING SINGLE::What college did Khadijah attend? 44*LIVING SINGLE::where did Synclaire move from? 45*LIVING SINGLE:: What color was Regina's one of a kind dress? 46*LIVING SINGLE:: what was Max's campaign slogan?

Open until all questions are answered Sign up to PLAY virtual TRIVIA theme nights with SWERVEgroup For credits, prizes, giveaways and virtual FUN‌.. Join: imvu SWERVEmagazine group


Model: VAL




PARADISE COVE GALLERY~ by QUEENONY1WISDOM IMAGE ART GALLERY@PARADISE COVE~FOR ART LOVERS~INNOVATIVE ART HERE, CONVENTIONAL,MODERN,URBAN and much more~CUSTOM FRAMING~Stop in and browse, have some wine on the house~.Relax and Enjoy..Please Rate~.TY ONY Paradise Cove Gallery is a fresh and new innovative art gallery located on the fringe of the ocean, with a mesmerizing sunset~quite a breath taking view. The art there carries an urbane yet contemporary vibe. I have many selections that capture the artist within. Each selection chosen from established, as well as local artist. Art is more than a name, style or design of a particular artistry piece, its more than colors and drawing, It’s brilliance is about feelings, an memories, the things that make us see the world differently, that tends to spill out of our souls and hearts. The vividness of what you capture in your heart and mind is totally yours. You write the story to each piece..What it means to you..What you see...How amazing is it to enjoy things where the beauty is created from your own eye..We all have the eye of an artist..I hope we all nurture our inner artist~It is one way to never lose sight of what is beautiful, meaningful and important to you...Blessings all..Ony 58


The Statue of Liberty 2015

The Statue of Liberty 201... By itzZane The Statue of Liberty New York 2015 - On October 28, 1886, the Statue made its debut as about 1 million New Yorkers gathered for the ceremony. Sculptor Auguste Bartholdi released a French flag that covered the Statue of Liberty's face.Oct 28, 2014


If you are into virtual role travel then my avatar has a great adventure for you this time around. For all of you that travel the pixilated skies of imvu you know there are quite a few themed adventures that can be stamped onto your GA passport from 80’s clubs, parks, business offices and more. Every now and again you run across something that is a little different, something that informs as well as entertains the virtual tourist. This particular room is one dedicated to the most popular lady to stand gazing over the New York horizon, the one and famous only “Statue of Liberty.” NOT only is the atmosphere perfectly lit for what seems to be a cool breezy afternoon (by the way the flags wave) it’s filled with information that has been cleverly incorporated into its 3d surrounding with products by XXX. As your virtual transport drops you middle position, to your right you can read the history of the Statue of Liberty by way of a silver plaque that narrates the story all so eloquently. Outside of the towering Statue is where you will find what I consider the jewel of the entire trip: a youtube player which videos a dedication to the Sep. 911 events. In closing I say, throw on your animated gear, grab that GA passport, hop a cartoon flight and make it a day of information and beauty. Drop in; pull up a bench or a nice grassy spot overlooking the ocean and skyline in a peaceful atmosphere. This is one trip to the big apple that will capture the imagination and at least make you sat “AHHH!” New York never looked better. We are always on the lookout for those “bringing a little reality into 61 a virtual world.” Dosh

10 Other exciting IMVU venues to stop in on: STEAK~N~EGGS by QUEENONY1WISDOM

The Best Steaks in Town..Cooked to perfection.Enjoy our side orders and deserts..24 hour Breakfast..Choice of Grilled,Fried,Sauted,Broiled...Soulful Meals. Coffee..Indoor/Outdoor Bar. Relax outside, Enjoy the Cozy, Family Vibe..All Welcome~Please rate:))

School of Performing Arts by itzZane

School of Performing Arts - Please come and enjoy some Live entertainment from some of the best Performing Artest on IMVU. This is a room is for the love of Music with Singing, Dancing and Live performances by Z-Team Productions. Thank you and enjoy

theJAVA420lounge AP by DOSHAIMAN

SWERVEmagazine: CALIFORNIAS finest HERBAL java lounge. oldskool, reggae,meditation music, jazz. join:SWERVEmagazine group.. silent security dj. JAMAICANDONN

80'S MEMORIES by xx3Jasmine3xx

Come In And Make Yourself At Home. For All The 80's Lovers. Playing All Your 80s Favorites, Dance or chill and meet new people. Leave All Drama At The Door..Please keep kbs under 3000, And Most Of All Have Fun!!



WORD ARTgallery


MON-FRI 8am-5pm pacific bUSINESS ONLY PLEASE magazine ADDS 8K.... ring "HELLO" for service... SWERVEmagazine office... Dbrandz 3D books... WORDart gallery WORDart gallery


IMVU venues: Arabian Nights oops! days by RePeteOffender

A hot Room to chill out in Arabic Theme All infedals will be booted Co Owner (But Its not her fault)

Praia da Pipa - Brazil by Guest_GregVantini1

A Praia de Pipa ĂŠ uma famosa praia localizada no municĂ­pio de Tibau do Sul, ficando a 85 km de Natal, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. by GregVantini

Beauty of Africa by alter222

Here you will see nature and you enjoy with games .. It's a Zoo is a wonderful.

Sunshine from Africa by Tzooki

Welcome all ,Real African athmosphere and spirit, just relax or dance . We have animals, youtube player, play your mix, have fun. Will boot your a... if u make troubles :)

Otaku!City by Raisha

OVER 10,000 VISITORS!!! Tags: Anime, Avatar, Korra, Otaku, Kawaii, Japan, Inuyasha, Spirits, Ninja, magic, demon, roleplay, angels, dragons,elves, china, chinese, fun, naruto, geisha, asian, asia. Be sure to rate before you leave. C:


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(3d room)

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Model: VAL


NOTE:Because I love the members of my group I personally have chosen not to use the names of the individuals commenting on the subject at hand. Not because they asked me not to use their names, simply due to the ignorance of those that cannot understand the meaning of opinion and seem to become childish in their responses. Though this is to some a serious matter, to others not so much it is something that will no doubt have a profound effect on the very existence of humanity and every one of you reading this (or not reading this).

from wheaties to woman, what are your moral thought.. and don't let the world tell you , your opinion does not matter...morally you have every right to stand your moral ground, whichever way it falls. Dilemma or do as thow wilt? (SIDE NOTE: for those to young, or just are not familiar with Wheeties, Wheeties were an unsweetened cereal that really didn’t taste the best. BUT. We were a generation of children that looked up to the “wholesome “heroes that made us want to be successful and THEY were the ones that made it on to the box of “Wheaties” cereal.)

Courage is fighting for your country as a member of the Armed Forces or as Doctor, Nurse or Firefighter. Even the law enforcement that are doing their best to uphold the law. But Jenner? Group member


*if I am to believe the masses.. that would mean regardless to how YOU try to play around it, in your emotional self serving mind "god made a mistake" NOW if one does not believe in god then I guess there would be no moral dilemma ...group member. The greatest dilemma here is that this will all come down to a religious (not spiritual) debate that will flow through society creating new laws that alienate the heterosexual. Group member *As a parent of 4 sons and 1 daughter, this issue disturbs me. I was raised in a time when you made the best of the hand you were dealt, whereas today's children and young adults believe it is ok to just throw in the hand and ask for another. In the BRUCE Jenner situation, he threw in his hand and now the country is applauding his inability to handle the cards he was dealt. That just highlights more for me the problems in this country. Police are killing people in the streets by shooting, hanging and suffocation, and all of this goes unaddressed. Yet, Jenner is now some national hero because of the "courage" to make this change? GTFOH! Courage is fighting for your country as a member of the Armed Forces or as Doctor, Nurse or Firefighter. Even the law enforcement that are doing their best to uphold the law. But Jenner? Oh HELL NO! Group member

*Trying to wrap my mind and thoughts around Bruce Jenner being hailed as an hero is quite confusing!! The dynamics that are within the USA are mind blowing and ever changing. Moral dilemma affects every nation and country of the world but to hail a individual an HERO based on a choice to change the outer appearance due to underlying mental issues is absurd. Let's speak some truth here, was he not born a man YES, has he not live the life and reaped the benefits that come alone with being a man (POWER MONEY SUCCESS) YES, so years later of living in which he was born he got what: tired of being a man!?!? The prospects of being a woman seemed more appeasing and he could in his words identify with all aspects. Let's call it what it is...he is a man who enjoys cross-dressing and we already know the thoughts on that within a world that still holds on and believes the moral fiber!! Many will say I am showing/speaking hate, or I have to accept that things are changing, but nor do I have to accept and I have the right to my thoughts and opinions on this very subject or any subject matter. Acceptance of it was easy, due to the fact that he is a white male, ponder this thought had he been any other race would those of whom are so accepting of this have spoken up with such praise, hmmm!!! Group member


written by a born, Mind, Body and Soul Woman and her personal thoughts to Mr. Jenner saying that he "Identify as a Woman"..... Š Emilee Danielson I've heard you say you "identify as a woman". But I find that highly unlikely and insulting. You see, Mr. Jenner, there is more to being a woman than beautiful gowns and fake boobs. There is more to being a woman than makeup and pretty hair. This is something we mothers begin teaching our young daughters at an early age. As a woman of nearly 50 years, I can tell you what it is truly like to be a woman. You may be able to understand or even empathize, but you are definitely NOT able to "identify". For instance, you will never know what it is like to wake up every 28 days with searing stomach pain so bad it doubles you over, yet still trot off to work or school as though everything is fine. You will never know what it is like to have your car break down on the side of the road and when a couple men stop to help your prayer is that their intentions are good because there is no way on earth you have the ability to physically hang let alone overpower them. You have no idea what it is like to long to have a child only to have your third miscarriage, yet still manage to be able to share in the joy of all the other young mothers in your life. You will never know what it's like to get pregnant, gain 40 lbs (1/3 your total body weight), hurl all morning long for 4 months straight, yet still care for your other two toddlers, and not drive your husband to the brink. You will never know what it is like to give birth to a 10 lb. baby boy with absolutely no medication!!! You will never know what it is like at the age of 50 to be walking down the streets of Phoenix and popping in the Dairy Queen for a cool refreshing treat only to be gripped at that moment with your fourth hot flash of the day.

I have, in my life, met many women who have been widowed. For me to walk up to them and say I identify with them would be ludicrous. Like I said earlier, I can empathize with them, but I cannot identify myself as one of them because I don't know what that is like I can only imagine. And let's not even talk about women who have worked through their double mastectomy. No, Mr. Jenner there is more to being a woman than you could ever experience or even imagine. And lesson #1 for all true women is this botox injections, plastic surgeries, designer clothing, and public approval is NOT what makes a woman. A real woman is one who in spite of the stretch marks, age spots, dirt under her nails and tired eyes, and even with 1/2 plastic photoshopped supermodels as her competition, she has carried herself in such a way that her family, husband, and children, see her real beauty and find her far more valuable than rubies or diamonds and they rise up and call her blessed. .


Mr. Jenner you are a privileged white male living in the U.S.A. In fact, you are so free and so privileged, you can even spend your massive amounts of money to change your outward appearance to whatever you wish. That is NOT something most women around the globe are free to do even if they wanted. MOST women in our world don't even have access to a high school education. So, Mr. Jenner, I find your claim to identify as "a woman" disingenuous, uneducated, and honestly - quite offensive


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