Mods: MAT KEVENY & GREG ―the couch surfer‖ Photos: D’Oshai
ORDER your hand crafted wrist wear today. Many different material from vinyl, metals, leathers and more.. Request themes, different charms, colors and sizes. If the world is a fashion show, you might as well have style. Shop at ETSY or email to inquire for special custom pieces. .By:D’OSHAI Inquire at : 212doshai@gmail.com Located in UPLAND CA. 91786
One of a kind hand crafted wrist wear
4,5 RL.CRAFTS f/ Artwristacrafts DOSHAIMAN
6,7 INDEX POETRY To Someone Who sees me lMariVl
10,11 TALKaboutIT FOOD DICTATORSHIP….lMariVl 12,13 H2Ono! lMariVl
NativexoxKisses FFaattaallxxS Siinnzz DOSHAIMAN
44-48 MUSIC WORLD jill scott on tour DOSHAIMAN
49-51 TV JUNKIES must see tv 52-56 IMVU HOTspots places to visit w/ QueenAshantee, DOSHAIMAN
58,59 (con)TALKaboutIT 14,15 theMORNINGcup The Writing Is on the Wall DOSHAIMAN
17-19 IMVUintro 20,21 IMVU pimpin the avatar? (Credit resale/tax info) CeoDiamondCouture, NativexoxKisses, SelinaSharday
23 EARN CREDITS 24,25 (con) IMVU pimpin the avatar? 26-29 Virtual Closeup. 3d at a glance Shared by: SelinaSharday 30,31 SWERVEmagazine group page 32,33 IMVUBP theUBPassociation
AMERICAS obesity problem DOSHAIMAN lMariVl QueenXLoveable 60 WEAPONSofCLASS destruction(a blast in
Baltimore?”) 61-65(con)TALKaboutIT This Land is your land? This land is my land? Palestine/Israel lMariVl ritsha
68-71 STATE/COUNTRY(featured) canada w/ Sade3757
72,73 theHOUSEofPOETRY SWERVEgroup members
78 CALIonIMVUQueenXLoveable
Guest_lildeebobble (Bobble X)
34-37KANEVA 3d world DKLA 38,39VIRTUAL ADDICT? Sade3757
“First they came for the communists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew Then they came for the homosexuals and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a homosexual Then they came for the immigrants and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t an immigrant. Then they came for the Muslims and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Muslim. Then they came for me. And no one was left to speak up for me‖????….
7 SWERVEmagazine 2015. EDITORS NOTE:
What are we about: Well, I have been asked this question a thousand times and I probably have had a thousand and one answers. We are about life. We are about a virtual world discussing the ever changing journey of this thing we human beings have dubbed as real life. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not so good. Our mission is to bring you a side of the information that main stream media might not give you. We call it a lie when it’s a lie and we call it gold when it’s real gold. In every story we bring you our poetic Swerve and tons of links to assure accurate information that you can easily ―click‖ on. We are the unorthodoxies, honest and NOT so politically correct. Our topics are based on the interests and input of our virtual communities and current events. If you’re looking for a virtual magazine full of pretty pictures, that’s not us. If you are looking for trashy gossip, reality TV or fake famous people tabloid, catch the next Kim train West. As of 2015 we will be vamping our magazine and reaching even more for those REAL stories that matter and leave an impression on our virtual and real lives. For those that don’t partake in the world of news we will make it our duty to keep information relevant and impactful as well as entertaining and interactive. Through all of our writings our main objective is to bring you information in a way that the ―have nots‖ can comprehend. As Plato once said ―I bring you two messages, one for my students and one for the elite‖. Well, in this case my Urban brothers and sisters are the ELITE. Feel free to contact us, share your ideas or correct any information that you might find inaccurate. We are always in search of clever, thought provoking articles from both our virtual and real life followers. swervemagazine22@gmail.com IMVU@ DOSHAIMAN KANEVA@ doshai DKLAdesigns Join IMVU SWERVEmagazine group Follow magazine ISSUU SWERVEmagazine
9 are opposed around "For we
the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, and no secret is revealed." JFK
As we all know, to have control of natural resources is power. And this government is well aware of what is put onto the tables of our average households. When we sit down to our meals and pray over them for their nourishment of our bodies what are we really praying over? Is it a blessing from ―God‖ when man manipulates the vegetation’s sole purpose of nourishing our bodies and souls by only allowing what he feels is necessary for sustenance? Are we encouraging these individuals to recreate what God has already ordain is good for us? When you open grapes what do you see? We always prefer seedless as a way to enjoy the food without the hassle of spitting out seeds, but is that right to except what is unnatural?
It is good to remember that although hybrids have been 'naturally' manipulated, their genes are stable. But their successive seed will be either sterile or revert back to a parent's tendencies. Some hybrids have been around a long time and you will even see some sold as organic. Hybrids keep big seed companies in business, as you must buy the seed each year. Genetically modified seed on the other hand, is manipulated in a laboratory. Foreign genes are 'forced' into a plant which causes other unintended gene changes as well. Then the plant is cloned. Many times the genes are unstable and can jump to other plants, contaminating whole fields. And since GM seed is patented, if you are found with a GM plant on your field, that you did not buy that year as fresh seed, you can be sued. As so many farmer's can already attest to. Monsanto has a huge budget just for investigating and prosecuting farmers for patent infringement. Although Monsanto has yet to release genetically modified vegetables into the market, they spend almost 2 million dollars a day on research and development,** so GM vegetables are probably not very far away. Monsanto currently holds the technology for more than 90 percent of the world’s genetically engineered crops. And it holds thousands of U.S. seed patents.*** If you see PVP (Plant Variety Protection) listed, that means the seed or plant carries a U.S. patent.‖
AMERICAS obesity problem pg.58 Pg…
We can’t even grow our OWN gardens without the fear of corporate hit men down our necks for their cut of the profit of our hard work. We try to live clean lives to help elongate our life span only to find out that even foods that are listed as ―helpful‖ are also manipulated to cause problematic health issues due to laboratory manipulation. For these companies to spend millions of dollars on just the investigating and prosecution of people using their product as means of commerce sends a chill down my spine about the true agenda of health. True wealth is not measure by what you have in the bank or how much you own as far as materialism, but is measured by what you invest in and the residuals of the kickbacks. You have to learn this agenda was set in place hundreds of years ago and it is now that propagation of illusions has made conglomerations of the selling of those illusions. In conclusion, we have to take back our control of what is real and what is an illusion. What is good to you may not be good for you and the miseducation of believing that the government has the best interests of its people as a priority is certainly a misleading concept. We have been steered away from the truth for so long that we really don’t care about if we are being lied to. We gave up our inalienable right as a human being to be informed of all information hidden by just simply saying ―May God bless this food in His name‖ . God would not want you to bless what He did not have His Hand on creating. That is Ludicrous!! Let’s make more a conscious effort in wanting to know all the facts and demanding a better quality of living. Because at the end of the day, don’t you want to look at yourself in the mirror and say you gave your life your best shot?
..... lMariVl
We are composed of 65-70% of water, meaning that the supply of water is vital and primary to the livelihood of our existence. But what if someone told you that not only you are not entitled to the right of having water but you must pay to use it? Well it is documented that Nestlé’s Chairman, Peter BrabeckLetmathe, believes that ―access to water is not a public right.‖ Nor is it a human right. So if privatization is the answer, is this the company in which the public should place its trust? You say to yourself…this can’t be true; people cannot be this heartless as to believe that water access is not a human right. But this is factual. When you have corporate thugs that want to bully the mindless masses they capitalize on what is necessary and vital to the human race at large. We use water not only to drink but for so many other reasons that remains vital to the public. Today, at least 1.1 billion people (about one-sixth of the entire human population) do not have adequate access to clean drinking water, and 2.6 billion people lack proper sanitation—causing nearly 250 million cases of disease and 5 to 10 million deaths worldwide every year. And even though water is a renewable resource that can be managed sustainably and equitably, the global water supply is in fact rapidly declining
due to misuse, pollution and for-profit privatization gambits. Meanwhile, as the human population continues to grow, water consumption is doubling every 20 years, and other factors (like global warming) will also have major impacts on future freshwater reserves. With population experts projecting that two-thirds of the human race will live in water-stressed areas of the globe by 2025, political analysts speculate that wars will be fought over dwindling water resources in the coming decades. About 90 percent of the world’s freshwater stocks currently remain under public control, but privatization is becoming more common as revenue-strapped governments increasingly cannot afford to maintain and repair crumbling municipal water purification and delivery systems often built decades ago. Historically, however, in places where privatization has been established, it has proven to be another cause of—rather than a solution to—chronic water shortage problems. That is, because corporations are (by their nature) more concerned with making money than serving people’s and communities’ best interests, water privatization has led to corruption, lack of corporate accountability, loss of local agency, weakened water quality standards, and steep rate hikes that eliminate poor people’s access to water. So we are caught in a huge dilemma. We are at the mercy of the municipal water purification companies only for the reason of mass production. We have to supply fresh drinkable and usable water for the masses but at what cost of the public’s submission of these corporate thugs? With Nestle bullying their weight throughout the US depleting Aurora, CO of their wetlands and city’s watershed to replenish their plants to drive 120 miles to a bottling plant in Denver, and fill millions of plastic Arrowhead Springs water bottles to be sold in the western US. Also, water privatization now has a firm foothold in Mexico, thanks to President Vincente Fox’s PROMAGUA initiative, which uses a $250 million World Bank grant to promote privatization of the country’s water resources. This program, now operational in 27 of Mexico’s 30 states, encourages cities with populations of 100,000 or more to sign their water concessions over to corporations for contracts lasting between five and fifty years. This has allowed Vivendi and Suez, two major players in the water game, to partner with smaller companies to turn one-fifth of Mexico’s municipal water systems into profit-making businesses. However, in the process of making massive amounts of money from Mexico’s formerly public utilities, these multinational corporations have drastically raised rates, cut service to customers who can’t pay their bills, weakened water quality, and skimped on making essential infrastructure improvements. These are just the few examples of what the privatization of water has wreaked havoc on the citizens of the lands from where they operate. It goes to show you that when corporate greed mixed with the overwhelming need of total control is in place devastating results will incur. We must not support these greedy individuals only because it is convenient to the US consumer. We must not allow them to drive out our entrepreneurs and deplete the land of its nutrients. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. lMariVl
HEY HEY HEY and how goes the day. This is the section that we Wake up sip a steamy cup of java (or whatever you prefer) and share a little brotherly/sisterly love. Soooooo! Wake up and let’s get this world (both real and virtual) to SWERVE back on track.. Open the window let the sunshine in, let the breeze (unfortunately smoggy) float through , grab a pen (well grab a keyboard), turn your brains on and let us see if we can create a positive story in respects to our near futures. ―sipping from my coffee cup‖ Today let’s write something positive as oppose to what the worlds media sources keep force feeding us. Let us pretend for one moment in time (what ever time is) that everything we write has a direct effect on what we experience. Imagine every story, image, movie, book, thought, and all things that play out as mental stimuli affecting us all. Imagine. If were the case, would you be more careful in your words? Would you take note to NOT spread lies, rumors or useless rhetoric? Would you take it upon yourself to assure a world of equality, spiritual freedom, individuality, and most of all a world of people with a since of being satisfied with themselves? Well, I say to all of us, it’s time to start writing and recognizing the enemy constantly puts his writings on the wall for all to see. It’s time to counter write. Its time to write productive. It’s time to be clear and precise in message, target and objective. ―History is written by the victor‖ Winston Churchill…
On a path that appears small but bigger than it appears. Bigger than the eye can see. With the help of a loved one so true, so dear, so near. A path of success nothing but good things along the way. There's a beautiful tree what a calmness, so I sit against the tree I relax, think, concentrate, breathe in out in out I meditate. I begin to dance like a praise dancer with my head up to the heavens. For GODS LOVE and gift it dwells deep, deep within me. I am an over comer my breakthrough is through my praise. My Breakthrough. QueenXLoveable
Love is likened to an unearthed gem.... Raw, uncut but it waits. With the right tools used within the skilled hands.. emerges a masterpiece - a many faceted stone... FAITH, BELIEF, LOYALTY & TRUST as the search for its owners' ensues... Love is a condition - a state of mind.. attached by the strings of the evocative heart.... Love minds the heart between the two - whilst... Respect binds the feelings that seals it all! Sharing the love - we build the foundation... unfurling loyalty & trust Reaching, touching, we play, we yearn,... as the love between us grows Trusting the faith with belief in the love - Connects and binds these seal Respect of the seals; Love is held firm by the Compromising Acceptance of Differences. QueenAshantee
Also READ: Issue:Sep 2013. Article: You Are What You Tweet Pg:25
The modern American holiday 16 of Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in Grafton, West Virginia Through any celebration you must understand our pagan society has created them all with intention we have altered. Never the less we celebrate our occasions as “our” occasions So for those that do take the time to celebrate these events I say enjoy and be blessed in all that you do. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.. Sunday, May 10 2015. DOSH Mother's Day is a modern celebration honoring one's own mother, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Father's Day and Siblings Day. The celebration of Mother's Day began in the United States in the early 20th century; it is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration (originally a celebration of the mother church, not motherhood).[1][2][3][4] Despite this, in some countries Mother's Day has become synonymous with these older traditions
M-O-T-H-E-R ―M‖ is for the million things she gave me, ―O‖ means only that she’s growing old, ―T‖ is for the tears she shed to save me, ―H‖ is for her heart of purest gold; ―E‖ is for her eyes, with love-light shining, ―R‖ means right, and right she’ll always be, Put them all together, they spell ―MOTHER,‖ A word that means the world to me.
When it comes to re sellers a plan should have been conceived that made them fit into the budget to adjust to the needs of the weaker vessels that are in place as well as enhance the wealthy vessels. Go back and re read the policies it overall states we(mvu) have every right.. you the (people) have really non..zero rights.. They bid you to come make them have the largest virtual catalog in the world. Earn them real wealth and say you have no rights no legal grounds.. no ownership.. no fair wages.. according to cost of living expenses..and zero usage coverage's. I can cut you off at any time for any reason. Regardless to your long term uses, mental, emotional virtual and physical damages. Regardless to how much we have profited off your backs.
DoveGStarryI believe that the resellers could have collected the personal information as well as IMVU is...IMVU is using the IRS as a way to stop others from making money...So that IMVU has a monoply on the credits. Am I wrong in thinking this? why werent the resellers given this option? All i see is greed on imvu's part Its a question i keep asking myself...am I wrong? …………………………………………………………………………. FallnAng3l wat do we do about it? What can we do about it? Do we just sit here and take it or we leave this place that we grew to like so much? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… NativexoxKisses IMVU made this site a money making Monopoly because we are getting screwed 5 or more ways and they are coming out on top! They control everything we do including our profits with too many restrictions. If a product sell they are going to get their portion wither we make money or not. Including from those who are disabled (they are making a profit). Most can't do anything but let their accounts sit and make them money on their terms and not ours. What they did was like taking candy from a baby and squeezing fresh oranges for juice when they need it. (we are the oranges ).. I’m still getting credits but I decided to do random acts of kindness with them. Such as random gifting strangers, friends, or let users work in my public rooms to gain free gifts. I'm all about helping people on here especially youngsters looking to enjoy themselves after School. It just makes me feel good to give to those who deserve it. …………………………………………………………………………. SelinaSharday: This is great I really love it thanks for posting Native..and thank you too DOSHAIMAN for adding the thread. also FallinAng3l. for the comment..This is very outrageous we have been looking the other way over so many things they have been doing repeatedly for years and from updates to un needed changes and kicks to the curve we have been virtually getting what feels like raped and abused. And now here comes this..I want to share a dream I had recently almost a week ago. I was at home trying to reboot my computer to log into imvu. I could see my avatar floating into this higher outer zone of imvu like wayyyyy out from the imvu room scene. It was outer darkness I was forced to leave it there nothing was working. I was trying to figure out how to fix it and get the avatar back down where it should be but couldn't. The next scene I was looking at was this old rocky town barely anything left in it. Looked like some kinda imvu desert. Nothing colorful or lavish just a few avatars tossed to the side. Lying around lifeless like. And I seen this floating cloud going by in the shape of words that read R.I.P. it was like TO THE AVATARS..and quite a scary feeling. Lifeless atmosphere there. Dark gloomy outer zone that lead to this area and there wasn't a lot of avatars left there. But when I came online and began reading what is going on..I began hearing users say R.I.P and talk of leaving imvu was surreal. I could see that dream image so clearly again. I have been trying to catch up on reading the postings. This is the end of imvu as we know it, and I hope we don't lie down and just die and take more and more abuse
CeoDiamondCouture: My thoughts on this is IMVU stopping the resale sites and getting your personal tax information... when I started IMVU in 08 it was way different then it is now. I saw it as a get away from the things I was going through in rl.I started creating just as something to do to relax. I knew nothing about the resale sites until I had been on IMVU for about a year or so the resale sites have been great for the most part but as with anything there is always some bad apples. Allot of people have been ripped off by some of the fake credit resale sites that were hacking IMVU accounts and selling the credits.(IMVU gets calls from 1000's of people about them being ripped off or hacked so they started the credit pend to try to catch the persons doing it case in point allot of account getting disabled )I don't agree with that because there are many people that may not have known that the resale site was a group hacking people. Fast forward the came up with the VIP creator program to prevent bogus creators from stealing from the shops and making a profit. Smh but that just made file sales bigger and now IMVU wants in on that income too. Fast forward IMVU brought another virtual site in October which is why the IRS is now looking into how IMVU is able to buy another site. Where is the money coming from? Now the IRS wants answers. Granted yes for people that are from other countries that IMVU is their only income it's going to mess them up big time, since they don't have ss numbers so their cash payout is less. I myself think IMVU is trying to weed and seed ... If you’re not sure what that is it's when a company cuts out the middle man (resale sites & creators) to make a bigger profit. Those that stay and ride it out will cont. to make a income legally and those that stop (disabling your account or hiding it) will die out. Honestly when you do that it was a waste of all your hard work and IMVU can and will still make their money. Because what everyone never thinks about is every product that is ever made will be created off of a IMVU base. You are just a 3rd party. So you see IMVU is looking at it like this I have given you a way to make money while making they make theirs from sales, new players, VIP,credits,ads on social media and disabled account products. So mark my words all the protesting will not change what IMVU is about to do.! They own this site we are replaceable. I'm not saying this because idk I really do care and as much as I hate the way things have changed over the years. Just think of it like this 6 months ago IMVU won't buy their own product back, they are giving those that don't have a job outside of IMVU a way to file taxes next year and get a tax refund. I know that .40 cents is not even 50% of what we make from 1000 credit but alot of resale sites haven't paid you that .30 cents on that same 1000 credits. Some sites your selling 100,000 for $31.00 and they sale it to someone else for 42.00 to 50.00.So they are making a profit too. I’m saying I love to look in the shop and see some of my fav creators have made. I don't want to see you go. Fyi that cash option may not be not be for everybody but those that choose to take it you need to do it before IMVU changes it again and makes you pay a fee to change your credits to cash or makes the .40 cent payout less. Then you’re stuck with income that is worth nothing but in game. I have made allot of money since I have been on here and it has been a great help with my rl life bills and caring for my family. I will cont. to use this as a extra income even if I'm being taxed. That’s more money for me later. I’m not happy about the .40 cents I think it should be more and hopefully later it will be.
[blog.imvu.com] Look out its been since 2010 since they went higher in the prices base Is it that time again..
TALK ABOUT JUNE POLICE THUGGERY? Put your swerve on the climate of our POLICED STATE? Is it a problem or our imagination?
VIRTUAL ADDICTION does or can imvu and other virtual worlds cause a disruption and or disconnection from the real world and duties? When does the line of virtual and reality become blurred and how many hours per day creating a virtual world does It take before one is considered an addict? [NOTE] if we could get a few different perspectives that would be wonderful......
*VIRTUAL/RL LOVE....Has the virtual relationship replaced the need to find love in the real world....Has or will virtual dating sites replace the need to go to clubs or singles bars? Is an online relationship healthy or just more drug to further indulge in your virtual addiction? or is it JUST all in fun and NOT to be taken serious?... ***CYBER BULLY OR VIRTUAL PUNK put your SWERVE on an issue that is quickly growing and causing problems all over the world wide web. Who’s responsibility is it to assure safe web worlds, or could it be parents have NOT taught the kids the BULLIES have been around for life......when i was young i lived by what the older generation taught, so maybe the PARENts have once again DROPPED the ball. "STICKS AND STONES MIGHT BREAK MY BONES, BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME" Soooo, question, when did we become so soft that words became sharp enough to kill?..... swervemagazine22@gmail.com Inbox: imvu doshaiman Kaneva doshai SWERVEgroup members FOLLOW ME Facebook Twitter Instagram
EARN MO CREDITS, MO CREDITS, MO CREDITS. NO credit card, NOT a creator well If you have the time there is a legal way to earn a few real credits by simply watching videos. After you have watched all of the videos simply REFRESH your browser and do it all again.. A few thousand credits per day cant hurt. Stop being lazy,, GET TO CLICKIN‌.
Congratulations! For watching a video, you've earned 30 credits. For more opportunities to earn credits and products, please click here.
Shared by:NativexoxKisses: Let me share this bit of info to everyone they hired "Pamela Kelly" who used to work for the SIMS GAME COMPANY! Just before they hit us with this terrible news.. [news.morningstar.com]
IMVU®, Inc. Appoints Pamela Kelly to Senior Vice President, Marketing Position Print CommentRecommend (0)Bookmark and Share 4-7-15 10:27 AM EDT | Email Article IMVU®, Inc. Appoints Pamela Kelly to Senior Vice President, Marketing Position IMVU®, Inc. today announced that it has appointed digital consumer branding expert Pamela Kelly to the position of Senior Vice President, Marketing for the company. Ms. Kelly has been selected for this newly created position to further expand the IMVU 3D, avatarbased, social network across mobile and desktop platforms. ―IMVU was founded and continues to thrive on the power of community and creativity,‖ said IMVU, Inc. CEO Brett Durrett. ―Pamela has a proven track record of building major consumer technology and entertainment brands built on those same key tenets. Her proven ability to tap into what is essential to the user experience, then successfully monetize products based on those findings will be critical in continuing to build IMVU’s business in 2015 and beyond.‖ Pamela Kelly’s tenure in digital entertainment includes serving as Vice President, Global Marketing for The Sims Brand at Electronic Arts. In this role, Ms. Kelly aggressively expanded The Sims audience through innovative marketing programs and platform expansion. Most recently, Ms. Kelly was brought on as head of marketing to grow Speck Products, readying the mobile device case maker for its successful acquisition by Samsonite® in 2014. Ms. Kelly has also held senior level, brand management and marketing positions at LeapFrog, Mattel Media, SEGA, New Line Cinema. Ms. Kelly holds a B.A. from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). ―To say that there is something for everyone in IMVU is an understatement,‖ said Pamela Kelly, Senior Vice President of Marketing, IMVU, Inc. ―Our independent, digital ecosystem; vibrant marketplace boasting more than 16 million user-generated items for sale; fully 3D environments including customizable, 3D avatars; as well as the option of anonymity have created a rich, deep online social experience that is truly in a class by itself. I am thrilled to now be a part of the IMVU community and team as we continue to advance the network and grow our community through new platform expansions, feature offerings, as well as ongoing technological advancements.‖
Dear IMVU Users,
About IMVU, Inc.: Available for desktop and mobile devices, the IMVU experience combines the people connection and sharing attributes endemic of social networks with 3D character avatars and fully 3D environments consistent with a virtual reality game world. IMVU’s ever-expanding, virtual marketplace boasts more than 16 million, user-generated 3D items ranging from stilettos to stun guns and diapers to disco balls. Serving more than 130 million registered users, IMVU, Inc. was voted best place to work in Silicon Valley. Led by CEO Brett Durrett and located in Mountain View, CA, IMVU, Inc. is now hiring! Check out the latest job listings here: [www.imvu.com], IMVU Inc. is backed by venture investors Menlo Ventures, Allegis Capital, Bridgescale Partners and Best Buy Capital. Join the IMVU community here: IMVU for iOS: [itunes.apple.com] IMVU on Android: [play.google.com] IMVU Desktop: www.imvu.com PieriPR Liz Pieri, 626-818-7580 liz@pieripr.com
Due to the sudden announcement by IMVU with regards to the impending termination of their IMVU credit reseller program, we are unable to accept any more incoming deposits of IMVU credits after April 14th, 2015. All incoming credits will be returned to the sending avatars instantly, and IMVU will be charging a 6% reseller tax for this movement back out. As such, please do not send our reseller avatar firstmetaexchange IMVU credits anymore. •Only content creators and GASR artists who already have open withdrawal limits with us can place limit sell orders to be completed by buyers, with the credits that are already deposited inside their FMX wallets before April 14th, 2015. •IMVU credits to Second Life L$ conversions will no longer be possible •Accounts without prior open withdrawal limits will be unable to place sell orders for IMVU credits •We will no longer issue out withdrawal limit increase requests for the accounts without currently open withdrawal limits. As such, this group of users will not be able to place limit sell orders for IMVU credits, and will need to withdraw their IMVU credits back to their avatars. The limit sell orders of IMVU Credits will be left intact until they are cleared by users who are buying IMVU Credits. Users can still buy IMVU credits from the uncleared orders that were placed prior to the announcement. The buying of Second Life L$ is unaffected by this and will continue as per normal. Buyers who have not received their credits due to the email verification with IMVU, please kindly get the recipient avatar email verified with IMVU and contact our support ASAP. After May 13th, we will be unable to send out any more credits from past delivery failures. Please stay tuned to our Facebook / Twitter / blog for further updates on this. We thank you for your kind understanding during these uncertain times for IMVU content creators, GASR artists, fellow authorized IMVU credit resellers, and all other IMVU users . Team FMX
Shared by: MasterAceWiztech by way of: SelinaSharday Wow! have you guys read this post on page 42 discussion 8 (IMVU) MasterAceWiztech wrote.... MasterAceWiztech wrote:: facebook spent $2 billion to buy Oculus VR, the maker of the Oculus Rift 3D goggles that are still in process of development and not yet ready for retail sale. Because facebook is now behind the 3d goggles, it is expected they will be selling for a much lower price than other goggles on the market, and this will mean more consumers will be able to get them. With more consumers with 3d goggles on the market, this means more people can get a part of true 3d worlds. Facebook, Second Life, and High Fidelity, once the Oculus Rift officially hit the market, will be getting a lot more people who want to experience this true 3d world. These people will be leaving IMVU. so... in this time before people will be naturally leaving the old style 3d world where you can't even move around like a video game, and moving to a true 3d world where you can see everything around you with lower cost 3d goggles, IMVU decides to do all this and push people away even faster.
1. Is IMVU making any plans to make use of 3D goggles? 2. When the 3D goggles come out and are easily available to most people, how many people will be staying with IMVU? 3. when many people have 3D goggles, and access to many 3D worlds that allow movement instead of just clicking on dots, what kind of target audience will be left on IMVU to spend money on credits or on VIP or on any of the other things?
I think it is a very smart business decision to drive customers away before the business starts dying, so they can make as little money as possible. Having resellers does not mean the IRS wouldn't get information. it could be resellers who are responsible for the money made by selling credits. If the resellers are responsible and not IMVU, then IMVU doesn't need to provide any information. If people aren't giving information about income they make, and the resellers aren't supplying the IRS with that information, then IMVU does not need to be involved. Was IMVU paying the resellers US Dollars for the sales of credits? if so, then I can see how IMVU and tax information is connected. But if IMVU was not paying resellers, and the resellers are where the money came from that is given to the people who sold credits to them, then it is the resellers who should have been responsible for the tax information. People went to reseller to buy credits. Resellers paid real money to the ones who dev'ed or earned credits. IMVU was not part of the money side of the transactions for the sales of credits, and so therefore, IMVU had nothing to do with the credits turning into cash. the way I see it, the responsibility of reporting information for the sale of credits that get turned into money fell with resellers, so claiming that the IRS is forcing IMVU to close resellers is completely bogus. But if IMVU does not allow resellers, and only allows devs to earn real money, then that means IMVU will be forced to keep all that information, and this creates a liability. if IMVU ever does get hacked, all that information about people's information will be stolen, and so the lives of devs who get money from IMVU will be ruined by thieves who do identity theft. This wills in turn that IMVU will be held responsible, and can be sued in a "class action" lawsuit. Instead of leaving things as they were, IMVU is driving away many people so that IMVU profits get lowered, devs earn less because people won't be buying as many credits, and will therefore be buying credits less often since credits mean more. Which means IMVU profits and dev profits will be about 25% to 50% of what they were before, and that is just before the 3D goggles come out. Oculus Rift is not the only brand. I have found half a dozen brands of 3D goggles in the works about to be released soon.
4. does anyone think that driving away customers at this point, when as I have mentioned above that ending resellers is not a requirement of anything, ... does anyone think that driving away customers like this now before people will be wanting to leave anyway relatively soon... does anyone think driving customers away like this now is a good idea? Anyone? Anywhere? IRS is not a valid reason for saying resellers had to be cut since IMVU had nothing to do with the money side of transactions between resellers and those they gave money to. The only reason to kill off the reseller program is to squeeze more money out of people, which in turn drives away customers and causes profits to lower instead of increase. 5. So... who benefits from everyone losing profit, and people leaving IMVU? Seriously, I am curious about this. Who benefits from loss? 6. How long before this bonehead decision bites them in the tush and IMVU disappears?
Development Kit 2 $350.00
The Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 is the latest development kit for the Oculus Rift with a low-persistence OLED display and low-latency positional head tracking
Oculus Rift DK2 Project Viewer Now Available in “SECONDlife” by
Linden Lab on 10-13-2014 02:02 PM
We’ve integrated the DK2 with Second Life, and today are releasing a new Project Viewer so that virtual reality enthusiasts with the DK2 can use it anywhere in Second Life, just as DK1 users can.
join in helping make SWERVE magazine IMVUS number one read.... REAL LIFE IN A VIRTUAL WORLD. writers, host, monitors, promoters, models assistants, reporters, fashion gurus, photographers, editors.
Much love to all the mothers here and above HAPPY MOTHERS DAY From SWERVEmagazine Sun may 10 2015
DOSHAI virtual WORDart in IMVU catalogs. Inbox for custom orders “Where ART has the last WORD”
VIRTUAL JOBS: *NEED SOMEONE TO REPORT ON ALL CALI LIFE EvENTS, PICTURES AND SUCH...PLEASE INBOX OR REPLY ..THANKS IN ADVANCE.... inbox DOSHAIMAN *Someone to report on weekly IMVU and other virtual life SWERVEweekly news NEWSlink [doshai.wix.com]
Written by: lilbobbledee
“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself…. Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.” -I L L Mencken, 1880-1956
I have two messages one for the regular students and one for the elite…
If you DON’T know the symbols, You WONT know the signs….
Minstrel still A Show THE WORLD IS A STAGE and we were made the entertainer. If you have ever watched a Minstrel Show, a Jim Crow show, a movie from the 20s featuring Coons, Mammies, Pickaninnies, Sambos and uncle toms. If you ever seen the pitch black face made up man with the painted on white lips, shukkin and jiving, doing the hambone as he flashes that ridiculously over the top smile. If you have ever seen ―Birth of a Nation‖, then there is a possibility you understand systematic programming, maybe. We are everything that media created and continues to create. WE should begin to realize we are not individuals; instead we are no more than a bombardment of over the top negative stereotypical images compiled by the very people that mock us. Our image has been recreated through the media yet we keep running to them with some strange diluted hope that ―it will change‖ it might decide to tell the real stories. It has been changing stories for over 5oo years telling it the exact way they want it to be told. When do we realize we are NOT a part of the story? We are the rearranged. Everything we know, everything we have been shown about us has been rearranged to best suit the suitor. A man’s vision can soon become another man’s reality and we have definitely drank the koolade and walked the vision. Use your celebrity, your voice, your music, your poetry, your writing, your creativity. Use it to make sure those that had to play maids, slaves, jigaboos and uneducated niggas don’t have to spiritually wonder around purgatory in discuss of how we have made a mockery of everything they were trying to overcome. Historically ART IS THE FINAL WORD IN EVERY EMPIRE…SPEAK NOW and FOREVER HOLD YOUR PIECE,,,BOBBLE X
XXXXX1967 says > kaneva dead this morning XXXXXX james says > lokks like kaneva dieing a slow death gXXXX1967 says > 84 on this morning
Dear KANEVA, whenever an avatar enters your world and there are only 86 people in the entire world in your city ummmm it might be time to demolish the city. Perhaps send Miley Cirus on her wrecking ball to swing through, as empty as the streets are no one should get hit. Seriously though, I have been a member of kaneva for 6 years and I have often wondered is there a chance that the company running kaneva isn’t as interested in its players, or is it that the players are not interested in Kaneva? I have a few accounts across the virtual world and unfortunately kaneva seems to have the fewest amounts of players participating even though it seems to be one of the first of its now many kinds. Is it the features, or lack thereof, maybe it’s the graphics? Orrr is it the fact the city has looked the same for its 11 years on the virtual map. The avatars are dull and still mostly all look the same; there are still EMPTY buildings and plenty of off limit scenery and the same old ―new stores coming soon‖ signs hanging on dilapidating buildings. For some reason after 11 years Kaneva is still in Beta when its competition dropped Beta within 5 to 6 years. Kaneva has the potential to be a very fun site; it just doesn’t seem to be a priority world for its makers. Just as most sites you have to pay a Vip and Ap fee, but the truth is when you enter the world (any world) and only see a handful of players it really makes the decision for you pretty easy. Since I have been around for a while, when I enter the Kaneva cities I can quickly find my comfort zone designing clothing in the creators area, which I find to be one of the few plus side features. I also find the in world video feature to be one of the best in the virtual worlds and super fun to operate in a virtual party scenario (Imvu should take a video note from Kaneva). Building is the most entertaining feature by far. I will say Kaneva offers a great virtual building experience that can be fun (and funny as it sounds) educational in a joyful way, most sites don’t offer this feature and only allow you to decorate catalog created rooms. With saying that you would think I would have moved out of the city long ago. But, Hey, like I said I do find virtual joy in the designing aspect (although retail mark up is a mess lol) and there are some cool people in the city…..4/10 can reach 6 on a good day.
DGroove Ok, we've all seen it....Kaneva has gone through an exodus of longtime members as well as others and seemingly nobody except for us faithful members has noticed. I say that because you would think that going from thousands of daily users to now some days struggling to reach one hundred those who run Kaneva would have not only noticed it but try to do something to stop it. Neither has happened which begs the question..........Why? This may be an exercise in futility yet maybe, just maybe this will bring about dialogue to turn that around, to give hope to those who have fled to not only return but to again recommend Kaneva to others. So....If and when you do log in let’s do a member count by the hour and try to cover the entire day to give them in black and white how little Kaneva is being populated these days. Again, surely they MUST know this yet seemingly it goes without mention.......Time for that to change. Wordofmouthiskillingthisplatformyetitseemsthosewordshaven’tfoundahomeinGeorgia. JustSumGurl Kaneva is not new... its not unheard of. To have Under 1,000 people logged in at any time is unacceptable! Especially if Kaneva says there are over 1 million subscribers. Where did these millions of people go then if this was the truth?.... was the truth stretched? Did all these people leave and never return?.... its left up to the observers to determine their own truths and observations here I guess. Kaneva is FREE.... SL is more expensive. Why aren't people over populating Kaneva and taking advantage of FREE?...... I'm telling you its the lack of quality. Free or not... if the quality isn't there nobody wants it. We need a proper build and import mode to develop this virtual world... not games... Games should be the last thing to add. There was a time when Kaneva was the virtual world of choice (at least for me) and there were loyal players that played faithfully keeping the city streets full. There were designers that became virtually famous and seeing them in the city was like seeing a virtual star. We were all bright eyed adults enjoying oneofthefirstvirtualworldsaround.Now,you’reluckyiftheoriginalcreatorsarestillcitizensandit’sa gooddaywhenthecricketsdon’toverrunthecity. Doshai
DON’Ttakeourwordforit,TRYITFORYOURSELF Sometimes FUN is what you make it..
http://forums.kaneva.com/showthread.php?25962-Daily-Count-of-Members-in-World KANEVA FORUMS http://blog.kaneva.com/
shop kaneva DKLA by:DOSHAI
http://www.kaneva.com/community/ProfilePage.aspx DOSHAIMAN kaneva profile http://www.kaneva.com/community/install3d.kaneva
download KANEVA
DS MENU D inventory
Ask yourself‌ Sade3757 Let's be real, virtual sites can and do cause disruption and disconnection from the real world..Many will say, this is my get away from the pressures/stresses of real life, REALLY!! Has this become the only option, or you choose it because here you can be whoever, whatever you want to be knowing it does not have to be real and without the guilt and having those around you point and question your mindset.
South Korea Expands Aid for Internet Addiction
Once you have become more concern with the going on's in this world or others like it, that can be or is a problem. The amount of time, work and effort you have put into these virtual sites, virtual marriages, virtual/mesh children etc... you have given that time and energy to another entity that is not of the real life. How many times have you heard or seen some say.. "I keep it 100%", or "Keep it Real" rewind!! YOU have control over the truths or lies you share with others.. hum.. I did say CONTROL. Yes you may say that you have made some real life friends that you have contact with, Yes that in itself is awesome and it takes out the need to be within the virtual world to maintain those real life relationship, but then why do you still feel the need to be a part of the virtual world? that is deemed by many fake, a sexual playground, misguided, evil and full of drama!! can you really separate real life from the virtual when you allow your emotions to become part of the fantasy? Have you channeled so much energy into this fantasy that you begin to think it is real life...check out the taglines of those whom play, "Your my life", "Love you to the moon and back", "every breath I take I love you more", my husband/wife my life you are everything to me", tell me what you think??...It all comes down to CONTROL!! YOU control every aspect of the virtual fantasy world at your fingertips..What an adrenaline rush!!! Isn't that what we all want to have, CONTROL!!! or has the world of the Virtual have control over YOU!! The moment you let entity take precedence over your life with that amazing adrenaline rush ask yourself this... AM I an ADDICT??
by: Dosh I AGREE 100% For those that choose to judge and or dictate the grounds for that which creates a virtual addict can only decide by an individual constitution. Exactly as stated in the previous article by Sade3757 One must first propose the question to one’s self. Although we Do know if we arevirtualaddictsornot,itsweatherwechoosetoadmititwithouta“wellI’mnotinthe3d worldthatmuchoridon’tvisit3dsites”.Yes,I will also include those that Do not visit virtual worlds (3d sites). The same questions that SADE presented to the 3D worlds can also be applied to those that do hours of work, days of research, troll YouTube, blog blogs about blogging and simply (again as SADE stated) rush to read endless emails while visiting the latest social networks. O, lets not forget about Skype type sites (say that 3 times fast). You cansay“WellSkypearerealpeople”yes,butitstilltakesplaceinavirtualenvironmentof one’sownhomewhichgivesacomfortingfeelofsafetyallowingmosttodoandsaythings they would not have the courage to act out in the real world ...
Internet Addiction It has become so obvious to me, It's as clear as day that I can see, You've got an internet addiction! You've succumbed to this affliction. Into its web you've been trapped, Tightly wound in its grip, the Net has you wrapped. It used to be that you would go, Online just once, maybe twice or so. Connections that had begun periodically, Suddenly increased more frequently. You had become hooked by its deceptive bait, Which now determines your imminent fate. Occasionally you would check the news, Observe the stocks and other people's views; Now you've gone beyond the norm, Dating and porn sites are now your platform. It's encroached upon your social life, And have led to lust, deceit and strife. It's a habit that can quickly spiritually corrupt, And one which can leave you emotionally bankrupt. That is apparently how addictions begin, A subtle temptation leading to a lifestyle of sin. It's a force that's dynamic, though temporarily fun, Which can only be broken by faith in God's Son. ©2008 Michelle Antoinette James
choose any or all. thanks to NATIVEXOXKISSES for sharing this list..... [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com] [avatars.imvu.com]
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If you haven’t been KISSed by the good life then you haven’t been KISSed NativexoxKisses Deep down in the sunny urban/suburbs of IMVU lies a sweet little town full of beautiful scenery, amazing towns, and wonderfully quaint little stores that allow for shopping until your heart is content. Stop by her Starbucks Food Court as you virtually rush through the Native created streets adorned with detailed center islands, sidewalks and lush greenery. Take a break at one of her many fast food franchisesLittle Caesars Megapolis Burger Joint or maybe Real McDonalds Add On. Then head on over to a Movie Theater 3 Add On right before a charging spree at Giorgio Armani .. Karl Lagerfeld .. Tiffany & C.. or Dolce Gabbana R.. just to name a few. Are You the mayor of a new town? Well this is the place to build your place. Create a world from top to bottom with spacious SIMS type rooms to load with her realistic buildings that will definitely be the rave of the virtual scene. Stop by her real estate office, her catalog or call in for your special custom buildings. One KISS and the world is yours (well the virtual world)…DOSH ROOMS PORTAL ROOMS ADD ON ROOMS FOOD COURTTS CUSTOM ROOMS And more………5/5
shop: NativexoxKisses
Shop: FatalxSinz
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Ready for some grown folks music. Well get ready for the always entertaining, vocally blessed Ms. JILL SCOTT. Jill Scott Announces Summer 2015 Tour Tickets will go on sale to the public on May 15th TOUR DATES New single: Fools Gold
Jill Scott’s Summer Tour Dates: 7/13/15 – Pittsburgh, PA @ Heinz Hall 7/15/15 – Newark, NJ @ NJ Performing Arts Center, Prudential Hall 7/16/15 – Wallingford, CT @ Toyota Presents the Oakdale Theatre 7/18/15 – Baltimore, MD @ Pier Six Pavilion 7/19/15 – Bethlehem, PA @ Sands Bethlehem Event Center 7/22/15 – Brooklyn, NY @ Kings Theatre 7/25/15 – Cincinnati, OH @ Paul Brown Stadium (Cincinnati Music Festival) 7/26/15 – Atlantic City, NJ @ Borgata Spa & Resort – Event Center 7/29/15 – Vienna, VA @ Wolf Trap for the Performing Arts/The Barns 7/30/15 – Durham, NC @ Durham Performing Arts Center 8/1/15 – Birmingham, AL @ BJCC Concert Hall 8/2/15 – Atlanta, GA @ Chastain Park Amphitheatre 8/4/15 – Memphis, TN @ Orpheum Theatre 8/5/15 – Nashville, TN @ Ascend Amphitheater 8/8/15 – Hollywood, FL @ Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino 8/9/15 – St. Petersburg, FL @ Mahaffey Theater 8/11/15 – Jackson, MS @ Thalia Mara Hall 8/12/15 – Houston, TX @ Bayou Music Center 8/14/15 – Grand Prairie, @ TX Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie 8/15/15 – Austin, TX @ ACL Live at the Moody Theater 8/19/15 – Los Angeles, CA @ Greek Theatre 8/22/15 – Oakland, CA @ Fox Theater 8/23/15 – Saratoga, CA @ The Mountain Winery 8/25/15 – San Diego, CA @ Humphrey’s 8/28/15 – Phoenix, AZ @ Comerica Theatre
(Source: Billboard) ERYKHA BADU: JUNE 27th. 2015 Club Nokia, Los Angeles, CA, US (map) Musiq Soulchild: concert dates
Editors choice:
Crazy, hot, different, social, political, just how I like an artist.
DOSH Raised in South Central Los Angeles by her grandmother and lately moving to Atlanta after hooking up with Babyface. V. Bozeman first took notice to her God given gift of voice through singing in choirs. Her voice is so powerful it could shift you backwards like the wind on the windiest day of the year.READ MORE
V. BOZEMAN v.bozman videos: what is love BLACK & BLUE
Billboard entertainment news with The Juice RSS
R&B and Hip-Hop: Erika Ramirez Pours. You Drink. @3rika
TOP RADIO SONGS (AMERICA) Week of May 9, 2015
topRAPaccording2Itunes 1.M - Single – BIGBANG 2.If You're Reading This It's Too Late - Drake
1.Earned It (Fifty Shades Of Grey) The Weeknd 2.Love Me Like You Do Ellie Goulding 3. Uptown Funk! Mark Ronson Featuring Bruno Mars
3.Love Story - Yelawolf
4. Sugar Maroon 5
8.Barter 6 - Young Thug
4.To Pimp a Butterfly - Kendrick Lamar 5.Fly International Luxurious Art - Raekwon 6.The Album About Nothing - Wale 7.2014 Forest Hills Drive - J. Cole
9.Dark Sky Paradise (Deluxe) - Big Sean
5. Style Taylor Swift 6. Somebody Natalie La Rose Featuring Jeremih
10.Original Soundtrack from Season 1 of Empire (Deluxe) - Empire Cast
7. Shut Up And Dance WALK THE MOON 8. Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran 9. Want To Want Me Jason Derulo 10. One Last Time Ariana Grande DOSHAIMAN: question, whats
the number one song out in
IMVU MUSIC GIVEAWAY 2 free tracks… submit your favorite new artist and short bio. 1st 5 entries: group members ENTER
Lebanon? DOSHAIMAN: english song lol Ritsha: mmmm Ritsha: worth it Ritsha: fifth harmony Ritsha: ft: kid ink DOSHAIMAN: is that r and b Ritsha: ummm..... Ritsha: Electro-R&B Ritsha: dance Ritsha: pop DOSHAIMAN: o ok Ritsha: Electro-R&B · Dance-pop Ritsha: and : maroon 5 : sugar Ritsha: and: love me like you do Ritsha: and rihana : bitch better have my money DOSHAIMAN: ha ok got um Ritsha: :) DOSHAIMAN: who is love me like you do by DOSHAIMAN: maroon 5? Ritsha: no DOSHAIMAN: ? Ritsha: ellie goulding Ritsha: the song of fifty shades of grey
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. See You Again (feat. Charlie Puth)
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Now That's What I Call Music Vol. 53
Even in the the virtual world, music is nothing without BEATS. .443C Headphones-Beats By King
TV. JUNKIES (must see tv) 49
Wednesday 9:00 PM on FOX When a music CEO learns he is seriously ill, his sons and ex-wife begin battling for his throne. Musical drama starring Terrence Howard, Bryshere Gray, Jussie Smollett and Taraji P. Henson…locate tv
“’The Cosby Show’ was the first — and last — television series starring an AfricanAmerican cast to become a worldwide hit, notes The Hollywood Reporter. Empire is now sold out in virtually every major territory worldwide. Big terrestrial broadcasters like Germany's ProSiebenSat.1, Network Ten in Australia and France's M6 — networks with market positions similar to Fox's in the U.S. — have acquired the series. In the U.K., where U.S. shows of any kind have a hard time getting on major networks, it went to E4, Channel 4's smaller digital pay TV outlet. Fox International Channels, which is a smaller pay TV player in most foreign territories, has picked up the show for multiple global markets including Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and South Africa. The Hollywood Reporter Empire has even conquered Asia, a notoriously difficult market for U.S. shows, with deals for such key territories as China, Japan, Korea and Hong Kong. Read more at http://www.eurweb.com/2015/05/empire-breaking-racialbarriers-overseas/#eBzmd42jPCkhH8a3.99
Original Soundtrack from Season 1 of Empire (Deluxe)
TV. JUNKIES (must see tv)
mon 8/7c on FOX
Official web site Gotham is an American crime-drama television series developed by Bruno Heller, based on characters appearing in and published by DC Comics in their Batman franchise, primarily those of James Gordon and Bruce Wayne. The series stars Ben McKenzie as the young Gordon, while Heller executive produces along with Danny Cannon, who also directed the pilot. As originally conceived, the series would have served as a straightforward story of Gordon's early days on the Gotham City police force. The idea evolved not only to include the Wayne character, but also to tell the origin stories of several Batman villains. The first season order originally consisted of 16 episodes, but was later extended to 22. Gotham premiered on Fox on September 22, 2014. en.wikipedia.org
IF FISH decides to leave will it make a difference? Will YOU still watch?
NETFLIX binging:
ORANGE is the BLACK Season 3 on June 12 A privileged New Yorker ends up in a women's prison when a past crime catches up with her in this Emmy-winning series from the creator of "Weeds." More Info
TV. JUNKIES (must see tv)
A few hours a week might be ok but don’t Let TV raise your family. WATCH IT DON’T LIVE IT. Know what your kids are watching.
And Still I Rise..." search under my name QueenAshantee. It is open 24/7/365 - a room packed with memories depicted through art. It is a GA room so minors are able to visit also. You will not want to leave when you enter. Do enjoy the experience and send a review to my inbox, which is open so I can share your pleasure with others. Thank you.
..." 1st Black History Art Gallery was conceived out of necessity, due to the non-responsive activity of recognizing the Greats who had gone on b4 us and left us legacies so we too can leave for our children. So i waited for the outpouring of celebrations in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (19th Jan)- nothing came....I waited for the celebrations for USA's Black History Month (1st 28th Feb) nothing came. I was amazed, because celebrations run throughout the year - New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, Mardi Cras, Easter, Independence Day, Memorial Day, HALLOWEEN, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Then u have the personal celebrations - Birthdays, Weddings, Engagements, - Social Interests Cancer etc... So what happened to OURSTORY - when did it come to rest that it no longer had any significance to be acknowledge in a community such as IMVU. Yes notably some magazines ran a mention but is it such a private affair privy only to the few....??? So i say to you all, it is TIME now to set aside you and give back to and for tomorrow's generation less they become no more than the same struggle our ancestors had to bare. It is that time so they too, can reach their highest potential so instead of being 1% - they will become 100% in believing anything is possible thru the route of education, not the needle, not the gun, not that last tipple in the bottom of the bottle....EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO UNLOCK THE DOOR TO YOUR POTENTIAL TO GROW. Our parents sought it out and fought for it. They paid the price so our seeds may grow. ~ Queen Ashantee ~
This is a GREAT place to visit, I LOVED it from the moment I virtually loaded into the room. I was on my laptop and still didn’t have a long heavy load, smooth ride and well worth the visit. BOBBLE X. 5/5
Historical Overviews of The Black Arts Movement.. Kaluma ya
Salaam Black Arts Movement (wiki) The Black Arts Movement, Black Aesthetics Movement or BAM is the artistic branch of the Black Power movement. It was started in Harlem by writer and activist Amiri Baraka (born Everett LeRoi Jones).[1] Time magazine describes the Black Arts Movement as the "single most controversial movement in the history of AfricanAmerican literature – possibly in American literature as a whole."[2] The Black Arts Repertory Theatre is a key institution of the Black Arts Movement
WHAT place is a must visit in your IMVU world? Swervemagaazine22@gmail.com
theJAVA420lounge, (AP) Located on the virtual block of Mary and Swisher st. in the city of IMVU 90420. California’sfinestherbal 3D chat lounge.
where HIGHsociety comes to herbalize. Search rooms: DOSHAIMAN
Hello, Hello again, this is lMariVl with the newest show @ DisClosure. We hide behind avatars to live out fantasies or dreams we may want to achieve. But this show is to reveal the true you, the you that may not totally be accepted, but it’s the truth you live. DisClosure Presents Doing Me, a revelation of the real You. For additional info for participation and/or performance, please contact lMariVl via inbox message.
by:: DOSHAIMAN In the early 80s there were less than 5 overweight children in an entire school. Now there seems to be at least 2 to 3 in every class room and the number continues to increase. I’m from an era when children actually lived the fun life outside and participated in it (physically), and the parents were a little more involved. I’m from the world that parents made their children go outside and play with friends and sign up for sports and even participate in active activities even at times when the child didn’t feel like participating. I am also from the era where the schools issued what was called the ―Physical Fitness Test‖. The PFT was held every year without exception and without excuse and the child was not allowed to be exempt from the test. In the case you did not reach your physical standard you were given a few months and then the test was reissued. It was not a test meant to measure your girth or to embarrass you, but to see if your physicality and respiratory system were at least minimal and in proportion to your body weight and height: i.e. running a mile, a few sit ups, push up, pull ups, things of that nature. Now days in school, you’re lucky if a lot of your teachers even care if you show up to school at all. Let’s never misunderstand the fact, there are real medical and sometimes physical issue that causes obesity that cannot be controlled with simplicities; although does It appear society no longer seeks to create the independent healthy business career man or woman, its more interested in dependant, unhealthy, out of shape worker bees. In other words, no real measures are taken to reverse or address the issue. Where are the parents and how do they feel about this issue? I will tell you where a lot of the parents are, they are at the fast food stand sipping on a fancy hot coffee whip cream caramel coffee nibbling on a six dollar biscotti while the child is busy filling up on a boxed meal full of empty nutrients while face forward, slumped over mind numb, internet deep. I don’t say this to sound rude; I say this because I have seen this more than once, more than twice, every day. Though at times I may give you my opinion mixed with facts, there can be no disputing the numbers and those things that actually are realities. At all times you have every right to dispute my opinion, you have every right to hate me, but please do loose the message because you dislike the messenger
PRIME SUSPECT: banned in other countries, based on research showing toxicity and hazardous health effects, especially with respect to adverse effects on children’s behavior. For example, as reported in the featured article: “Boxed Mac & Cheese, cheddar flavored crackers, Jell-O and many kids’ cereals contain red 40, yellow 5, yellow 6 and/or blue 2, the most popularly-used dyes in the United States. Research has shown this rainbow of additives can cause behavioral problems as well as cancer, birth defects and other health problems in laboratory animals. Red 40 and yellow 6 are also suspected of causing an allergy-like hypersensitivity reaction in children. The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that some dyes are also “contaminated with known carcinogens.”” Top 10 Countries with Highest Obesity Rate in http://topinfopost.com/2013/07/10/10-american-foods-that-are-banned-in-other-countries the World in 2014 Top 10 Countries with Highest Obesity Rate in the World in 2014
The59 rising rate of obesity in America's kids may be causing more than just physical harm. Research indicates that the childhood obesity epidemic may also threaten the academic success of millions of students……..read more @
Obesity may hold back America's kids at school
"Get up and go outdoors," urged Education Secretary Rod Paige. "Swim, hike, ... dribble, slam-dunk. Do whatever, just move your body." How do you know if your child is overweight? Using their height, weight, and age, you figure out their body mass index (BMI) using a:
BMI Calculator BMI Formula BMI Table
And then plot their body mass index on a BMI growth chart.
Do you think the government should be involved in the health/obesity issue in the American child?
Teaching kids to cook may make them eat healthier
lMariVl AnoldsayingwhereI’mfrom goes…”Whateveryoustart,youshould betheonetofinishit.”Thisisnotan issue of America being involved; this is America being held accountable for their overwhelming neglect. Why you say is it neglect? You have the public school systems cutting the budget on extracurricular activities while they push fast food and vending machines in elementary schools. Yes with Obama in office they try to raise the awareness of good health and well-being, but this is a little too late. We have the fattest country on the planet advertising a chicken burger (two slabs of boneless chicken breasts with bacon and cheese placed in the middle), like doing this is being conscientious of the American people. We must demand that the American government be held liable for profiting off of our pain, but we must not totally blame them. This government was founded on capitalism, so they seek to profit from your inability to make healthier choices. So the real question weshouldbeaskingis“Willthe American government become involved inourchildren’shealth/obesity?” QueenXLoveable I think its a good for them to be involved because its helping expose all the hidden toxins and steroids they're putting in our foods. It also helps people with nutritional facts. Especially for people that stuff their kids and make them obese then have to face the public with getting bullied and teased.
Seeking solutions
―The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states in a new report today that they were ―horrified‖ over the use by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) of a powerful mass-psychology weapon against unsuspecting American citizens yesterday in Baltimore, Maryland, which caused these people, who were mostly school children, to erupt in a crazed frenzy of rioting, burning and looting‖
They never found the weapon of MASS destruction. They were in in Baltimore. NSA “Sonic-Wave” Weapon Use In Baltimore Horrifies Russia ―And in order to ensure that all of these ―test subjects‖ were kept in the ―target area‖, this SVR report says, once these students received the NSA text ―purge‖ message and left their schools‖, all of the public transportation systems they relied on to get home were shut down. 1. Todd Giffen
says: 29/04/2015 at 1:53 am
This is a light NSA psycho-tronic weapon. They have fully approved acoustic, electromagnetic, and hologram devices for use on Americans and people abroad. Their deployment is not always local, but in space, and over the horizon radar, that can hit a target or an entire town all at once from very far away. Learn more.. They have actually brain reading, brain altering radar systems and brain link of agents and police officers on the ground, which they covertly communicate with direct into their brains. Civilians are usually targeted for death, torture, paranormal, supernatural, ghost, god, and mental health simulations, or just discredited and abuse with it..http://www.obamasweapon.com/ http://www.drrobertduncan.com/
Israel and Palestine? Is it a real situation from years of turmoil or is the propaganda mostly from fuel being tossed in from as outside source (as some have implied)? The ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is both simple to understand, yet deeply complex. At the heart of this conflict is a basic idea that both sides believe: The Israelis believe that they are entitled to the land now known as Israel, while the Palestinians believe that they are entitled to the land they call Palestine. Unfortunately, both sides claim the same land; they simply call the land by different names. For religious Jewish Israelis and religious Muslim Palestinians, the belief is deeper still, for both sides believe that God (called Jehovah by the Jews and Allah by the Muslims), gave them the land, and that to give it away or to give it up to another people is an insult to God and a sin. This is where the real trouble began between the Jews, who began calling themselves ―Israelis‖ after their old name for their ancient homeland of Israel, and the Arab population of the area who came to be known as ―Palestinians,‖ after the old Roman and Greek name for the area. In the two thousand years after most of the Jewish population was killed off by the Romans or forced to leave, Arabic-speaking Muslims became the dominant ethnic group. According to records of the Ottoman Empire, which ruled Palestine for several centuries, in the year 1900, the population of Palestine was 600,000, of which 94% were Arabs. While many Arabs were willing to sell land to the incoming Jews, many other Palestinian Arabs were worried about becoming a minority in a country they considered their own. In the 1930s, the Great Arab Revolt took place against the British, who ruled Palestine after 1918. The Arab Revolt was directed at both the British and the growing Jewish population. It should be noted that while large numbers of Jews moved to Palestine in the 1940s, a movement called ―Zionism‖ began in the late 1800s, which influenced many Jews from around the world to move to Palestine to reclaim their ancient ―homeland‖ of Israel. Thus, by the 1930s, the numbers of Jews had risen to a point that alarmed many Palestinian Arab leaders. The British put down the revolt with the help of Jewish militias, but the fighting and hostility never really ended between the Jews and Arabs. From that point on, both the Jews and the Palestinians formed militias and other military units to fight each other and to prepare for the day when the British would leave.
In 1948, the British did leave, and the Jews in Palestine declared the independence of the new State of Israel. The neighboring Arab nations of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded Israel to aid the Palestinian Arabs who were fighting to create their own nation. The Arabs lost that war (see Arab-Israeli Wars), and the Palestinian Diaspora began, as hundreds of thousands of Arabs fled the new nation of Israel and moved to neighboring Arab nations to live as refugees, awaiting the day when they could return to their homeland. This loss and the exile of these Palestinians is known in the Arabic world as ―al-Nakba,‖ or ―The Cataclysm.‖ The June 1967 Arab-Israeli war was a watershed in Israeli expansionism by force. During that war the Israeli military forces proceeded to occupy the remaining territory of what was Mandated Palestine (including East Jerusalem) as well as the Sinai region of Egypt and the Golan Heights of the Syrian Arab Republic. After "conquest", military rule was imposed as Israel sought to consolidate its colonization by annexation. By annexation, we mean an illegal act by which a State asserts its sovereignty over a territory previously outside its jurisdiction.
The war 63 had serious implications for the land and people in Palestine. In this cutthroat zero-sum game, what the Israelis gained, the Arabs lost. Indeed, the master plan of the Zionist movement for the establishment of a Greater Israel was fulfilled. Prior to the 1967 war, of the estimated total population of 2.7 million Palestinians, about 300,000 lived in Israeli territory, 1 million in the West Bank and 400,000 in Gaza. About half a million Palestinians left their homes during the war, and 1.2 million remained under Israeli control. The remaining 1.5 million Palestinians were forced to become refugees, many for the second time, having first fled in the war of 1948. Having occupied Arab territories, the Israelis embarked on a systematic and relentless process of dispossessing the Palestinians of their land and other properties. The illegality and coercive methods by which the Israeli authorities expropriated Arab lands, both private and public, for locating settlements, is no longer in dispute. Several studies, including in particular, the report of the Security Council Commission established under resolution 446 (1977), have concluded accordingly: "On the basis of the information received, the Commission is convinced that a number of settlements were established on privately owned land and not only on public land." The process of acquiring land for use by Israel in the occupied territories is by and large based on seizure and confiscation. In Israeli thinking, since the occupied territories are its colonies, it is assumed that arbitrary measures to confiscate land are a matter of policy. Spokesmen of the Government including the Prime Minister, have stated publicly that "Israel would never return to the pre-June 1967 frontiers".
Two significant parts of the old Palestine did not become part of the new Israel; a small, crowded coastal area around the city of Gaza, which came to be called the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. The West Bank is a section of the old Palestine on the west side, or bank, of the Jordan River. The Arab nation of Jordan sits on the east side, or bank, of that river. After the war ended in 1949, Egypt took over the Gaza Strip, while Jordan took control of the West Bank. In the 1950s and 1960s, Palestinians conducted crossborder raids into Israel, often with the aid of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. These attacks prompted Israeli military reactions, and the entire border area, especially around Gaza and the West Bank, was often the scene of violent warfare. (see Arab-Israeli Border Wars). The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians reached a new level of intensity and complexity on December 31, 1964, with the first al-Fatah raid into Israel from Lebanon. al-Fatah is a Palestinian political and military group formed in the late 1950s with the aim of retaking Palestinian land from Israel. Led by Yasser Arafat, the group joined the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in June of 1964.
"Contrary to Israel's allegation that the Jewish settlements [in occupied territories] constituted a private activity on the part of Israeli citizens, it was clear, from the many official statements on the matter, that it was in fact the policy of the Government. Its aim was the Judaization of Palestine through the annexation of [Arab] lands, the expulsion of the Palestinians inhabitants, and the containment and isolation of the remaining Palestinian agglomerations." Quoted by Kasuka Sinwinji Mutukwa,Minister Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative of Zambia to the United Nations This quotation, in summary, forms the underpinnings of Israeli settlement policies in the occupied Arab territories which have the effect of changing the political and legal status, demographic composition and geographical nature of the region. This problem has led to a serious crisis in international relations. The fundamental thrust of that policy, which is government policy, is the colonization of Arab territories that Israel occupied by force. Yet the acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible in international law and the Geneva Conventions on the protection of civilians and property in time of war.
64 "Settlements" are a euphemism for twentieth century colonies. The "settlers" are colonists. Taken as a whole, the phenomena of Israeli settlements in the occupied Arab territories represent a case of colonialism. It should be stressed that there is a general consensus among political groups in Israel in favor of Jewish civilian occupation of the Arab territories. Successive Israeli Governments have pursued this policy with varying degrees of intensity in implementation. The Likud regime took over from where the Mapai had left off. Israeli rulers appear to hold the view that theirs is a State with shifting and elastic frontiers. Golda Meir once said that "the boundary of Israel is wherever Jews are living, not a line on the map". This view negates all tenets of international law. A State without fixed boundaries does not fulfill the attributes of statehood in international law. The need to maintain Israel's security has been cited as the rationale for its settlements policy. An appraisal of the policy and its implementation proves otherwise. First and foremost, it has been demonstrated that the settlements policy is not a haphazard venture; rather it is an outgrowth of a careful master plan with its origin in the Zionist organizations. What was required in the implementation therefore was the opportunity to do so. It is not the occupation of Arab lands that created conditions for the settlements policy.
The second major line of argument is that, if Israel was able to protect its frontiers during its formation in 1948 and given the balance of forces in the region, there is no justification that occupation of Arab lands improves its security. Moreover, in modern warfare and particularly in aerial warfare, the extension of Israeli boundaries does not enhance its security. There is, therefore, more to this occupation than the security requirements of the State of Israel.
It is equally instructive to note that Israel has had as its priority the establishment of settlements in the most fertile and/or waterendowed zones of the occupied Arab territories. Statistics show that about 30 per cent of Israel's water supplies come from the occupied territories. The Golan Heights of the Syrian Arab Republic and the Jordan River valley are but a few examples of the most fertile regions that are fully exploited by the settlers. Two Jewish settlements had already been established in the Golan Heights within six months of the termination of hostilities. In 1968, eight settlements were erected in the Golan compared to only three in the other remaining occupied territories. The exploitation of the land, properties and resources, including water, in the occupied Arab territories, is a key motivation for Israeli occupation. The rationalizations so far advanced by the authorities are merely intended to legitimize the illegal annexation of foreign lands. Available evidence shows that, when a particular area has been earmarked for a settlement by the authorities, the usual routine has been for Israeli troops to arrive without warning. They demarcate and restrict the area and warn farmers to stay off the land. Often a formal notice is given after the fact which states that the land is needed for military purposes. A few weeks later, after the area has been bulldozed, the soldiers disappear and the stripped land is taken over. Sometimes the settlers themselves do the expropriation. The settlers also arrogate to themselves the right to expropriate more land in spite of usual protests by Palestinian owners. In the process, both private and public lands are seized in contravention of local laws of land tenure. In total, 27 per cent of the occupied territories have thus far been taken over by Israel for the establishment of settlements.
In Jerusalem, Israel established permanent settlements. The occupying authorities have also sought to transform that Holy City into the political capital of Israel with all its attendant consequences. In addition, the religious dimensions of the city are being changed constantly. Several ancient but venerated holy Muslim shrines have been demolished, profaned or mined through excavations, which also contravenes the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, of 14 May 1954.6/ On 21 August 1969, the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem was a target of arson. The violations of the basic human rights of the occupied Arab territories have been a subject of repeated condemnation by the United Nations and the international community in general.7/ In pursuit of its colonization policy, coercive methods have been used by Israeli authorities in attempts to impose its rule over the area. The following practices provide an illustrative example of Israeli conduct: (a) Expulsion and deportation of Palestinians; (b) Denial of their right of return; (c) Expropriations of property and destruction of houses; (d) Mass arrests and ill treatment of civilians; (e) Interference with religious freedoms and practices and family rights and freedoms; (f) Ill treatment and torture of persons under detention.
In summary therefore, the Israeli policy of settlements is a denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. It denies them even protection under the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949,8/ which states, inter alia, that, "the occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own population into the territory it occupies".
Opinion out of Lebanon: From ancient time, land of Israel was a home for lot of people even before it was named Israel all of them are people of aria. Religions came after that and just divided all people. Once it was a home land of Jews and Arabs... Jews escaped their mother land beginningfromtimeofpharaoh’sthe Christianity then Muslims.. Most of the Jews found homeland in European countries and America and Arabic countries ... After 800 years they decided to take back the land with help of the UK. First it was an army aggression on Palestine people that were living there from time of Islamic country... The conflict never stopped. In my opinion if every nation want to take back what "belong" to them from 3000 years ago.. Then there will be no peace in every country of the world. USA actually belongs to aborigines... part of Portugal must belong to Spain ... Alaska to Russia.....lot of other countriesdidn’texistasnowweknow them... Wake up people. all what we see now inholylandit’sjustpoliticstryingto make us hate each other and forget about them. Ritsha
Grandiose plans have been intensified in Israel to increase and/or expand Jewish settlements in the occupied Arab territories. A reference has already been made to the 20-year plan of Sharon
If you want to read more on this issue: [unispal.un.org]
LOST As lost as yesterday, never to be seen like tomorrow. Lost Like the setting of today’ssun,nevertobe seen again. Lost underneath the mountains, disappearing into the trees submerging under the oceans that seem to have no shore. Lost DOSHAI
North of the border you will find the beautiful country of CANADA...I represent the T.dot better known as Toronto, Ontario Canada..Toronto ranked fourth in the world, as one of the most attractive places to live and work, with its stable political environment and overall quality of life. Within our city we have our own little island called Center Island. With a short ferry ride across Lake Ontario, there are so many things to do and enjoy, with its volleyball courts, baseball diamonds, lots of picnic areas and activities such as canoeing, kayaking or just going for a bike ride. Landmarks in Toronto include the CN Tower, the Air Canada Centre, Royal Ontario Museum, the PATH and Rogers Centre. The Path according to the Guinness World Records is the largest underground shopping complex, 19 miles of shopping arcades and has the largest underground sidewalk sale in the world. There is so much to do in the T.dot all year long...from skiing, ice skating and participating and enjoying the Winter Festivals during the winter months, to attending some of the best festivals and events from different ethnic groups, artist and entertainers from all over the world during the spring, summer and fall...
Upcoming events include Hot Docs International Documentary Festival( showcasing documentaries from Canada and around the globe) Scotia bank Contact Photography ( local, national and international artist showcasing the art of photography) As the weather gets warmer you can enjoy TD Toronto Jazz Festival(world’s greatest jazz musicians at a variety of venues ranging from concert halls to outdoor stage concerts free to the public. Feel like dancing..St. Clair Avenue West transforms to a two day Salsa street party, music, food and of course dancing in the street to the best salsa music... The world's renowned Scotia bank Caribbean Carnival showcases the Caribbean culture and is the largest festival in North America attracting people from all over the world in its 40 plus years. The music(Calypso, Soca, Reggae, Chutney, Steel Pan) will fill you and make your body sway along with culture and cuisine of the Caribbean. Toronto will be hosting the 2015 Pan Am/Para pan Am Games. We will host 7000+ athletes across the world in world-class competition in athletics. In 2016 Toronto will be hosting the NBA All-Star Game!!!! By:Sade3757
TELL US WHATS GOING ON IN YOUR TOWN? Enter your city for the featured city/country of the month. All welcomed to share.. Virtual compensation if we choose to feature your article. Credits ONLY valid for: IMVU Or KANEVA clients‌ group mem bers go to group THREAD
NONgroup members Swervemagazine22@gmail.com
contest CARABBIAN QUEEN. Picture Show us your best dressed Caribbean styled avatar. If you were in the parade on the adjacent page, how would you TURN IT UP!? Make it colorful, fun and unique. 3k and gifts to 1st place Gifts to 2nd and 3rd. send entries to DOSHAI inbox Or email
Swervemagazine22@gmail.com KANEVA or IMVU avatars ONLY Winners: JUNE 1st
IMVU members Support the HOUSEofPOETRY by purchasing our sticker in the IMVU catalog. THANK you… If you are against slave masters then there are no better. If you are against evil you do not choose the lesser between two evils. Anytime you choose between the lesser of the two evils you are compromising with evil. John Henrik Clarke
Ancestors rise up and take your bird of passage/ Make your stomping grounds in the soil of the Serengeti/ Gallop in the jungles of the Congo/ Glide down the River Nile/ Only to be whisked away to the coast/ Branded, shackled, and chained in the belly of the Jesus ship/ The permeated scent of feces enter into your lungs Contaminating them with the ferocity of ignominy/ Stagger on to the plank of unfamiliar territory/ And shoved on a cart like cargo, the walk goes on…/ Treading through the cotton fields of white with hands that bleed red/ Building a nation on the hides on our backs, we walk on…/ Fleeing from the plantation with the cry ―Anamenha‖ upon my tongue/ Exploring uncharted territory into an industrial wilderness, we still tread on…/ Making room on the train and the bus for my opportunity/ Sitting patiently as the wheels go round as I sit in the back/ We walk on the paved streets tainted with the venom of inequality/ Walking by with seething eyes beaming down on the back of my neck/ Uncertain of if I will make the walk alive, we still march on/ My children this is a long way back home, so I hope you have your walking boots/ Make a journey into your Sankofa and take flight on your bird of passage/ Cause the journey has only begun once we start to make that first
NOW WHAT? Some mornings I wake up, get dressed and put on my shoes. I don’tknowwhatimhopingfor, but I am hoping somehow these shoes start walking and I end up where ever it is I am suppose to be. Sometimes its tiring to be awake yet sleep seems to be a wasteoftimeandtheredoesn’t seem to be anything in between.
Check out our virtual poetry books and magazines, available for your 3D rooms.. Equipped with ―trigger‖ pages. Brought to you by DOSHAIMAN &SWERVE/DBRANDS virtual publishing.
She walked in skin almost white from black as night, her eyes were blue where they use to be brown, Her ghetto Barbie blond wig lace fronted her hair line as her black roots were left to wither and die under the toxins. Her gold coated vulture claws occasionally scratched the flakey scalp that now peeled under the concealed head of someoneelse’sforeignhair,yetshekeeps screamingwithconviction“I’mtherealistbitch”. Perched upon her 5 inch red bottom stilettos her 40 inch plastic posterior set perky under a 24inch waist of hidden cuts and missing ribs. She brags on her six pack, big backs, perky silicone and reconstitutedfat.O,butshe’stherealistbitch. She dresses for the occasion in animal furs carrying her teacup puppy in a chinchilla bag, craving the cameras of the paparazzi and then complaining as if they are deviants that color her mad. Her pouty protruding Botoxxed duck lips stay glossy as they spit lies of self delusion from beneath her comedy zone that she now calls cheek bones that seems to have made themselves quite friendly with her eye socket. She squints with her newly tightened slits of vision and screechesinherfakepoutiness“that’sright,I’m therealistbitch”. Tattooed Neck twisting, hands on her hilariously disproportioned hips, rhinoplasty barley able to sniff. She use to be a beautiful black girl, now she’sapaleimageofananorexicAsianwith white girl features, an uptown appetite and 110th st.attitude.Butsheinsists,“I’mtherealistbitch”. She says she still loves her black skin all though the bleaching cream keeps coming in, she no longer hangs with Shanika, Tamika or Tionna, there too ethnic, that would ruin her persona………..DOSHAIMAN
VeRTUALerotica1 AP Shop DOSHAIMAN for other publications.
CAUSE.. choose a cause YOU think the government is charioting as something positivewhenit’sreallynot.Ie.Truth about government institutes and there real objectives. Schooling, hospitals and health care,, gmos,Monsanto’s,corn,farming subsidizing,theconstitution.Ect…..
5k to 1st place 3k runner up Gifts and recognition for those that we think are worthy to be shared in our magazine june. SWERVE group members enter HERE Nongroup members Swervemagazine22@gmail.cm Winners JUNE 1st
Swervin into a new era of new information. DON’T get mad GET educated. SWERVE just got REAL (er)
In whatever you read or whatever you do. Don’t get mad Get EDUCATED. DOSH
HEY CALI FAM!!! LETS STAY ACTIVE!!!!! CALI LUV!!! Capital City: Sacramento Size: 158,706 square miles (3rd largest state) Population: 37,679,000 - highest state population * Nickname: The Golden State Motto: Eureka (―I have found it‖) Statehood: September 9, 1850 Largest Cities: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno * Border States: Arizona, Nevada, Oregon State Animal: California Grizzly Bear State Bird: California Valley Quail State Flower: Golden Poppy State Seal State Song: I Love You, California
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WRAP UP with DOSHAIMAN: purposely chose NOT to touch on the recent riots that have abused the streets, although the cover would lead you to believe otherwise. I use the picture simply because I NEVER want you to forget. Outside of the one verbal mention I chose to give you a few pictures. Sometimes we can converse a subject till it begins to take on NO meaning at all (we could have done a whole issue).Sometimesit’snotaboutwhatissaiditstartstobeaboutwhatisshown.Main stream Media shows and shows and shows every racially driven propagated visual they can deviously contrive and spin in there greedy little hands. They assure you just enough to create a split in opinion and in every since a racial divide. We fall for it every time. When you create stories that leave blame in a racial positionyoubegintodesensitizethemassesandsoonyoubegintohear“theregoesthosesoandso peopleagain”.Theyshowyouafewpictures while playing some random sad song with an empty patriotic meaning.WellIdidn’thavetimeforallofthefanfareandcharade.ThoughItrulybelievethe“riotsand unrest”deservecenterstage,IalsounderstandaBIGGERpictureofwhatisbeingcreatedforEVERYONE. If you have no clean water to drink, the strugglecan’tcontinuedehydrated regardless of race. If the food in schools kills more than a crooked cop, whatgoodistheconstantmarch?It’stimeforaREfocus.Yes, there is a racial fight, but there is a HUMAN war hiding in the shallow depts.Wedon’tseethewarbecause we are manipulatedintothe“higher”societiesfabricatedLITTLE struggles. Most times while WE are burning down our own cities, something WAY BIGGER is waging on the battlefields that most of us have no idea of. I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER MY PERSONAL STRUGGLE BUT MUST NEVER FORGET THE PUBLIC WAR.. Itisquitepossiblewehavemissedourgoldenchanceatthe“goodlife”butmustourkidsmeetthe samefate?DON’TGETMADGETEDUCATED. DOSH
Now that you know