2 minute read

Hannah Jeffrey, HJ Accounts Management

Photo ©Sasfi Hope-Ross

Interview with Hannah Jeffrey


Gill: First, tell us about you and your business.

Hannah: I set up HJ Accounts Management just over four years ago, to offer a friendly, approachable accounting solution for small business owners. My husband, Mike, has since joined the business, and together we work with our clients to help them keep on top of their business fi nances.

Gill: You are now sponsoring the Awards for the third year; why do these Awards mean so much to you?

Hannah: The SWIB Awards are a fantastic celebration of women’s achievements in business. It’s not often that we have the time to take stock of how far we have come, or how much we have achieved. Even the process of fi lling in the application for a SWIB Award is a way of doing so.

Gill: How have they made a difference to you and your business?

Hannah: Sponsoring the SWIB Awards for the last three years has given us the opportunity to fi nd out more about local businesses. Reading the applications has given us insight into how hard business owners work to build their businesses, and how success cannot always be measured in pounds and pence.

Hannah: We plan to continue to grow our business, while maintaining our approachable, family-run business ethos. We really enjoy working with small business owners and being part of their journey, and look forward to continuing to collaborate with other SWIB members to offer clients additional benefi ts.

Gill: Tell us three things you think our readers should consider when setting up a new business.

Hannah: Finding a business mentor or support person you can bounce ideas around with and seek guidance from is really important when starting a new business. Preferably not a family member, but someone who is able to give honest, impartial advice.

Also, having a solid, well-researched business plan to work from is a good starting point. Having measurable goals and budgets will keep you on track and allow you to identify which areas are working well.

Finally, I think fi nding your ‘tribe’ of like-minded, small business owners for support is essential. Running your own business can be lonely, but having a safe environment to be able to talk through issues you are facing (and also celebrate your successes!) is invaluable.

About HJ Accounts Management

Find out more about how HJ Accounts Management can help you with your small business fi nance, by getting in touch toady.

info@hjaccountsmanagement.co.uk Hannah: 07837 389036 | Mike: 07415 130813

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