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Alison Edgar, The Entrepreneur’s Godmother

An interview with Alison Edgar Gill Donnell talks to Alison Edgar aka ‘The Entrepreneur’s Godmother’

“Blending sales and psychology, I share my methodology developed over 25 years as an awardwinning salesperson and helping some of the UK’s most promising entrepreneurs develop their businesses”


Alison Edgar

Gill: What made you want to start your own business working with entrepreneurs?

Alison: To be honest, I didn’t. I always thought I would have been an employee. It was only when the company I worked for and I had different opinions on how things should be done, I looked for a new path in my life. I had always been a top sales performer in Blue Chip organisations, and I knew from my time working with small businesses and start-ups that selling was their downfall. So after a phone call with my friend Loraine, I

“If you don’t sell, you don’t have a business” About Alison Edgar

Alison Edgar has worked with some of the world’s top thinkers. From Dragon’s Den entrepreneurs to The Apprentice winners, and the biggest names in business including The Discovery Channel, NHS, WHSmith and Sky. Alison uses her years of experience from working in large corporates to becoming ‘The Entrepreneur’s Godmother’ to motivate, inspire and teach new skills to teams around the globe.

decided I was going to do something to help them, and my company was born.

Gill: Do you think women always understand their worth in business?

Alison: Some do and some don’t. When I refl ect on my journey, it was riddled with imposter syndrome and selfdoubt. It was only when I complained to my husband that he was not supporting me and his response was that I was only playing at it, I realised that I was! That gave me the shockwave I needed to take things seriously, and since then I’ve known my value and can price accordingly.

Gill: Based on your experience, what’s the one thing entrepreneurs could do differently to create a better chance of success?

Alison: Learn to sell! Of course I’m biased, but sooooo many entrepreneurs get it wrong! They don’t know sales processes and they don’t make money in their business. Additionally, it’s all about having a strong plan, knowing how to price goods and very importantly knowing your numbers. You only have to watch Dragon’s Den to see how many people fall down at that hurdle.

“It’s all about having a strong plan, knowing how to price goods and very importantly knowing your numbers”

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