Final DIA20003Folio-Interior Architecture Digital Communication 1 Teaching Periord: Semester 1 - 2022 Student name: Livie Do | 103164336 Tutor: Canhui Chen Tutorial time: Friday 8:30 am

Table of Contents Task 1 - Replicate Drawings of Precedent Task 2 - Building Development Documentation Task 2B - Renderings and Technical Drawings Task 3 - Drawings of Week 10, 11 and 12 251493

Task Replicate1 Drawings of Precedent 3






Task Building2ADevelopment Documentation 9

10 Week 4.2_Select an abstract form

Week 5.3 Exploration of abstract forms and digital Small Scale Week 5.3 Exploration of abstract forms and digital Medium scale Week 5.3 Exploration of abstract forms and digital – Medium scale Week 5.3 Exploration of abstract forms and digital – Large scaleWeek 5.3 Exploration of abstract forms and digital – Large scale Week 5.3 - Exploration of abstract forms and digital sketches Small LargeMediumscalescalescale 11

6.3 Abstract model on Weeksite 6.3 Abstract model on site Location 1 Week 6.3 - Abstract Model on Site Week 6.3 Abstract model on site Location 2Week 6.3 Abstract model on site Location 2 Week 6.3 Abstract model on site Location 2 Location 1 Location 2 12

Week 6.3 - Shadow Diagrams (Final Location) Week 6.3 Shadow Diagrams Location 1 (Final Location) February 9AM Week 6.3 Shadow Diagrams Location 1 (Final Location) November 2PM Week 6.3 Shadow Diagrams Location 1 (Final Location) June 4PM Location 1 - February 9AM Location 1 - June 4PM Location 1 - Novemeber 2PM 13

Non-teaching week.2 - Progress upload Non teaching week.2 Progress upload Overall Building Non teaching week.2 Progress upload North East Section Non teaching week.2 Progress upload Draft Floor Plan Non teaching week.2 Progress upload Draft Floor Plan Overall North-eastbuildingSection Draft Floor Plan 1 Draft Floor Plan 2 14

Task Renderings2B and Technical Drawings Extracted from the 3D model 15

0 5 50m20 1:1000 Livie Do / 103164336 Livie CommunityDo CenterDigital Documentation 1 3A - Renderings and Technical Drawings extracted from 3D model A3 Semester 1, 2021 Friday/08:30 Feds Square, Melbourne, Australia Site SHEETPlanSIZEDRAWN BY BUILDING DRAWING NO. TASKUNIT/CLASS DRAWING TITLE LOCATIONARCHITECTS SCALE 1 A101 Site1:1000Plan 16

S1 A302 A301 S1 S2 A301 A302 A303 E1 S2 50 10m1 Livie Do 1:200Feds Square, Melbourne, Australia Digital Documentation 1 Semester 1, 2021 Friday/08:30 Third Floor Plan Livie Do / 103164336 Community Center 3A - Renderings and Technical Drawings extracted from 3D model A3SHEET SIZEBUILDINGARCHITECTSLOCATION DRAWING NO. DRAWN BY TASK DRAWINGSCALE TITLE UNIT/CLASS 2 Third Floor Plan A201 1:200 17

S2 A301 S1 A303 S2 A302 S1 A302 A301 E1 51 10m0 Livie Do Livie Do / 103164336 Feds Square, Melbourne, Australia A3 Community Center Semester 1, 2021 DigitalFriday/08:30Documentation 1 1:200 3A - Renderings and Technical Drawings extracted from 3D model Fourth Floor Plan SHEET SIZEBUILDINGARCHITECTSLOCATION DRAWING NO. DRAWN BY TASK DRAWINGSCALE TITLE UNIT/CLASS A202 Fourth Floor Plan3 1:200 18 3.0 Fourth floor FFL Third floor CFL Fourth floor CFL First floor CFL First floor FFL Ground floor CFL Third floor FFL Second floor CFL Second floor FFL Ground floor FFL 1 50 10m Livie Do / 103164336 A3Livie CommunityDo Center 3A - Renderings and Technical Drawings extracted from 3D model Section 1 Feds Square, Melbourne, Australia Digital Documentation 1 Semester 1, 2021 Friday/08:30 1:200 BUILDING SHEET SIZE SCALE ARCHITECTS DRAWING TITLE UNIT/CLASS LOCATION DRAWING NO. DRAWN BY TASK Section 14 A301 1:200 19 Third floor FFL Second floor CFL Second floor FFL Fourth floor CFL Fourth floor FFL Ground floor CFL Third floor CFL Ground floor FFL 1 50 10m Digital Documentation 1 Livie Do / 103164336 3A - Renderings and Technical Drawings extracted from 3D model Feds Square, Melbourne, Australia Livie Do Section 2 Semester 1, 2021 Friday/08:30 Community Center 1:200A3 DRAWING NO. DRAWING TITLEBUILDINGARCHITECTSLOCATIONUNIT/CLASS SHEET SIZE DRAWN BY TASK SCALE Section 2 5 A302 1:200 20

10 10m5 1:200 3A - Renderings and Technical Drawings extracted from 3D model Digital Documentation 1 Livie Do A3 Community Center Livie Do / 103164336 Elevation Semester 1, 2021 Friday/08:30 Feds Square, Melbourne, Australia DRAWING NO. UNIT/CLASS BUILDING DRAWN BY SHEET SIZE LOCATION SCALE TASK DRAWING TITLE ARCHITECTS Elevation6 A303 1:200 21

Interior Render 22

Interior Render - Improved 23

Exterior Render 24

Exterior Render - Improved 25

Task 3 Week 10 - Textured site plan and textured elevation Week 11 - Textured section and exploded axonometric Week 12 - Diagram and Sectional perspective 26

Textured Site Plan 27

Textured Elevation 28

Textured Section 29

Exploded Axonometric 30

Program Diagram Foyer Computer Lab Study Room Multi-purpose space 1 Lecture Hall Multi-purpose space 2 Kitchen 31

Sectional Perspective 32