Swiss Agenda June - August Issue

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swiss agenda 瑞士文化 活动日历

6月—8月 june— august 2016

As an ode to Swiss design, we will feature a Swiss designer on the cover of each issue of this agenda, by designing it in his/her spirit. 每一期的瑞士文化活动日历,我们都将介绍一位瑞士设计 师,并以其作品为灵感设计封面,以向瑞士设计致敬。

Hans Neuburg This issue is dedicated to the Swiss mod­ernist graphic designer Hans Neuburg, one of the pio­ neers of the Inter­na­tional Typo­graphic Style. He created a stunning compilation of work that in­ cludes posters, magazine and book covers and other graphics. His works usually characterized by usage of bold geometrical shapes, diagonal lines and collage techniques. Apart from designing, Hans Neuburg was the ed­ itor of several graphic design magazines (includ­ ing Neue grafik – New Graphic Design); curated exhibitions in Europe; in 1963, he was Vice Pres­ ident of the International Association of graphic Icograda. He also authored well-regarded books on graphic design — Graphic Design in Swiss Industry (1965), Publicity and Graphic Design in the Chemical Industry (1967) and Conceptions of International Exhibition (1969).

© Hans Neuburg

© Hans Neuburg

本期的《瑞士文化活动日历》我们选择了瑞士现代主义设计 大师、国际字体风格(又称瑞士风格)的先驱者之一Hans Neuburg。他创作过大量令人瞩目的海报、杂志和书籍封 面等作品,并以其独特的设计风格,例如运用大胆的几何形 状、斜线以及拼贴手法而广为人知。 设计之外,Hans Neuburg还是著名的平面设计杂志(例如 《Neue Grafik杂志》)的编辑、欧洲各展览的策展人、国 际平面设计协会的执行主席、并撰写了如《瑞士工业中的平 面设计》、《化学业中的出版与平面设计》和《国际展览的 构思》等重要的平面设计书籍。

june 六月

page 6

Alberto Giacometti Retrospective

Till 31/07

page 8

APAC Innovation Summit 2016 series 亚太创新峰会2016系列

02/06 – 03/06

page 9

Preparatory Workshop & Alumni Summer BBQ


Patrick Furrer and Academy Symphony Orchestra Patrick Furrer


Film Screening: The Circle

12/06 16/06

Exhibition: West Lake Story

13/06 – 23/06

Accordion Virtuoso Richard Galliano and Geneva Camerata

15/06 17/06

page 14

Swiss Graphic Design 瑞士平面设计展

16/06 – 30/06

page 15

Here is it somewhere else? A sense of déjà vu

17/06 – 25/06


赴瑞留学行前说明会 校友夏季烧烤会

page 10


page 11


page 12


page 13

手风琴大师理查·盖利亚诺与日 内瓦室内乐团音乐会

身在别处 似曾相识

page 16

Beatrice Berrut Piano Recital

17/06 – 26/06

Swiss-Chinese Friendship Day in Shenzhen

20/06 – 21/06

Lars Müller BOOKS Analogue Reality

24/06 – 07/08

Film Screening: Katzenball at ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival



page 17


page 18

纸间现实 拉什·穆勒最爱的书

page 20


Katzenball page 21

Lucerne Symphony Orchestra China Tour 琉森交响乐团中国巡演

28/06 30/06



page 22

Swiss dance group Cie zeitSprung in China 瑞士舞团Cie zeitSprung

18/07 – 03/08

Four pianos — Gershwin Piano Quartet

20/07 – 24/07


page 24


august 八月 page 26

Swiss Military Small Band Asia Tour

31/07 – 01/08

Swiss National Day Celebration



page 28


new publication 新书发布 page 30

Grid Systems in Graphic Design by Josef Müller-Brockmann 新书发布:《平面设计中的网格 系统》

Till 31/07

Shanghai / 上海 — Yuz Museum Shanghai / 余德耀美术馆

Alberto Giacometti Retrospective 阿尔贝托· 贾科梅蒂回顾展

The 250 masterpieces on display range from 1917 to 1966 and trace the remarkable life-long career of the extraordinary artist, from his early years to the cubist and surrealist period and all the way to the 1960s’ prolific period. One of the greatest sculptors and artists of the 20th century, Giacometti is widely regarded as the embodiment of the spirit of modernism. His signature and most iconic image is the “walking man”, a towering life-size lone man in cast bronze, depicting the postwar human psychology and the humanistic spirit of the 20th century. 上海余德耀美术馆举办的、全球最大规模瑞士雕塑家、画家 阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂(1901-1966)回顾展自3月份向公众 开放以来赢得了无数好评。一系列公众和教育项目也在持续 进行。 展出的 250 件杰出作品由贾科梅蒂于 1917 年至 1966 年间 创作完成,回顾了这位出色的艺术家长达一生的非凡艺术生 涯,包括贾科梅蒂的早年创作、历经立体主义、超现实主义 到1960年代杰作多产期等不同阶段。 作为 20 世纪最伟大的雕塑家和艺术家之一,贾科梅蒂被广 泛视为现代主义精神的化身。他最具标志性的作品为《行走 的人》——真人大小的耸立的孤独的人物形象,因对战后人 类心理和 20 世纪人文精神的刻画成为艺术史上的经典不朽 名作。


exhibition 展览

The world’s largest retrospective show of Swiss sculptor and painter Alberto Giacometti (19011966) at the Yuz Museum Shanghai has won tremendous acclaims among visitors since its opening in March, with a number of ongoing public and education programs.

Š Estate Giacometti (Fondation Giacometti + ADAGP) Paris, 2015

02/06 – 03/06

Hong Kong / 香港 — Hong Kong Science and Technology Park / 香港科学园

summit 峰会

APAC Innovation Summit 2016 Series 亚太创新峰会2016系列

© APAC Innovation Summit

Under the aim of providing a platform for exchange on the trends of technology sectors and ready-for-market innovations, the APAC Innovation Summit adopts a thematic approach covering different major technology areas with a series of events spreading over the year at Hong Kong Science Park. Swiss robotics experts Thomas Michael Bohnert, Ekkehard Zwicker and Michael Schindler will elaborate on their specific research fields including cloud robotics, scalable robotics, and robotics for inspection and maintenance in the energy sector.


为向专业领域和面向市场的创新发明提 供交流发展趋势的平台,本届亚太创 新峰会采取主题讨论的方式,本年内 在香港科学园举行不同科技领域的系列 活动。本次有关机器人技术的大会将有 三位来自瑞士的专家参加,即 Thomas Michael Bohnert、Ekkehard Zwicker 和 Michael Schindler。 他们将重点阐述自己涉足的研究领域和 课题,如云端机器人、可扩展的机器人 以及机器人在能源领域的勘察和维护。


Beijing / 北京 Swiss Embassy in Beijing / 瑞士驻华大使官邸

Preparatory Workshop & Alumni Summer BBQ 赴瑞留学行前说明会 校友夏季烧烤会

gathering 校友会 © Zhao Pengpeng

An excellent workshop which gives students preparing to study in Switzerland in the fall a preview of their studies, a taste of the country’s cultural diversity, tips for job hunting and networking, and strategies for adjusting to life in Switzerland! Alumni from Swiss universities will also join the perspective students and share their experiences and reconnect with former students.

精彩的说明会将为今年秋季前往瑞士留 学的中国学生介绍在瑞士的学习情况、 文化、在瑞士求职和社交技巧以及如何 适应瑞士生活。瑞士大学的校友也将受 邀参加活动,分享他们的经历,与其他 校友重聚。


08/06 19:30

Hong Kong / 香港 — Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts / 香港演艺学院演艺演奏厅

Patrick Furrer & the Academy Symphony Orchestra / Patrick Furrer

concert 音乐会


© courtesy of Patrick Furrer

Switzerland’s guest conductor of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Symphony Orchestra, Patrick Furrer, will conduct a concert with graduates of the academy in June. Besides his collaboration with famed orchestras in Europe, Patrick Furrer has also worked with renowned opera houses and conducted about 150 performances in 40 different opera productions.


作为香港演艺学院的客座指挥,瑞士 指挥家兼作曲家 Patrick Furrer 将会 执棒演艺学院毕业生的音乐。Patrick Furrer 曾同欧洲知名的交响乐团作, 并同著名歌剧院同台演出,目前已在 40多部歌剧中指挥演出150多场。

Beijing / 北京 12/06 - 19:00 — Two Cities Café & Lounge / 双城咖啡 16/06 - 19:00 — Crossroads Center / 北京交差点艺文空间

12/06 16/06

Film Screening: The Circle


film 电影放映 In Zurich in the mid-1950s, young teacher Ernst Ostertag joins LGBT publication The Circle and falls in love with a drag performer. He often finds himself torn between his bourgeois lifestyle and homosexual identity. As repression against homosexuals intensifies, Ernst and his partner decide to fight for their love and for LGBT rights. Directed by Swiss filmmaker Stefan Haupt, this docudrama reveals the true, dramatic stories that emerged from one of Europe’s pioneering LGBT communities.

19 世纪 50 年代中期,苏黎世: 羞涩的 年轻教师Ernst Ostertag成为了同性 恋刊物《圈子》的一员,并爱上了一名 变装演员。然而,Ernst常常受困扰于 自己的资产阶级身份和自己对同性恋团 体的承诺。当苏黎世对同性恋群体的压 抑越来越严重时,两位年轻人决定一起 争取他们的爱情并共同为同性恋群体争 取权利。

纪实影片由瑞士导演Stefan Haupt执 导,展现了欧洲最早的同性恋解放团体 真实而又戏剧性的故事。


13/06 – 23/06

Hangzhou / 杭州 — China Academy of Art / 中国美术学院南山校区

Exhibition: West Lake Story

exhibition 展览


© Nicolas Delaroche

Since 2014, Swiss artist Nicolas Delaroche has been using the cartoon character Wile E. Coyote in his creations. Coyote, known for his ill-fated attempts to catch the Roadrunner, often plays the role of a “counterfeiter” while the artist questions his practice and research experiences through small-scale black-and-white paintings. The West Lake Story exhibition is about the amusing adventure of the Coyote in China. Subjects such as language barrier, urban development, literature and art collection are explored through a series of 30 paintings, sculptures and antique furniture. 12

瑞士艺术家 Nicolas Delaroche 自 2014年起就开始运用《兔巴哥和快乐 旋律》动画系列中的“歪心狼”这个形 象进行创作。“歪心狼”作为一个滑稽 的角色,经常在捕获猎物的过程中适得 其反。在 Delaroche 的作品中“歪心 狼”则是一个山寨造假者,艺术家在小 幅黑白画作中通过这一形象探讨自己的 创作和经历。 即将展出的《西湖故事》讲述的是“歪 心狼”在中国的有趣经历,其中包括语 言障碍、城市进程以及当地的文学和艺 术收藏。展览将由 30 余幅小幅黑白绘 画、雕塑、古董家具组成。

Beijing / 北京 15/06 - 19:30 — National Centre for the Performing Arts / 国家大剧院 Shanghai / 上海 17/06 - 19:30 — Shanghai Oriental Art Centre / 上海东方艺术中心

15/06 17/06

Richard Galliano and the Geneva Camerata

手风琴大师理查·盖利亚诺与 日内瓦室内乐团音乐会

concert 音乐会 © courtesy of Geneva Camerata

Maestro David Greilsammer will conduct the Geneva Camerata with prestigious French accordionist Richard Galliano for two shows in China. Audacious and innovative, the Geneva Camerata comprises virtuoso soloists from the young generation. The ensemble performs music of all periods and styles. Richard Galliano is considered one of the greatest accordionists of his age. With his “new musette” style, he has managed to breathe new life and bring vitality into his performances on stage.

指挥大师大卫·格雷萨默将执棒日内瓦 室内乐团和法国手风琴大师理查·盖利 亚诺在中国进行两场演出。乐团由才华 出众的年轻独奏家们组成,被媒体誉 为“最大胆创新的室内乐团”。盖利亚 诺则凭借自己鲜明的特色和风格,为手 风琴演出注入新的活力。


16/06 – 30/06

Hangzhou / 杭州 — China Academy of Art / 中国美术学院

Swiss Graphic Design

exhibition 展览


© courtesy of Ding Yi Studio

Since the late 1950s, Swiss graphic design has been internationally renowned for its high quality that has won over audiences worldwide. This exhibition, which earned huge acclaim at the 2016 Shanghai Art Design earlier this year, presents an overview of 121 works from 77 Swiss contemporary designers. Come and discover a wide range of different design approaches and techniques from Switzerland. Collecting the different motives and influences, the exhibition also offers insights into the pursuit of perfection and refined craftsmanship that goes into creating visionary new designs. 14

自1950 年代后期,瑞士平面设计以其 高质量闻名于世,备受全球观众的瞩 目。本次展览今年年初在上海艺术设计 展展出大获好评。展览汇集了瑞士 77 位现当代平面设计师的 121 幅作品, 介绍了瑞士当代设计师设计手法、技巧 和媒介的多样性。 展览也将展示设计师们在创造全新视觉 效果过程中对工艺的精益求精,展现瑞 士平面设计的源动力和影响力。

Shanghai / 上海 Museum of Contemporary Art Pavilion/ 上海当代艺术馆艺术亭

17/06 – 25/06

Here is it somewhere else? A sense of déjà vu 身在别处 似曾相识

exhibition 展览 © courtesy of Benoit Billotte

Benoit Billotte is interested in topics such as architecture and urban planning. His research in these fields led to his residency at the Swiss Institute of Rome in 2013. His residency at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) Shanghai has allowed him to continue his research within the geographical framework and a cultural context of Shanghai. The concluding exhibition of his residency Here is it somewhere else? A sense of déjà vu will be presented at the MoCA Pavilion from June 17 for a week.

Benoit Billotte 对建筑与城市规划等 话题很有兴趣,并曾于2013 年在罗马 瑞士学院进行过驻留。此次在上海当 代艺术馆驻留期间,他将继续城市建筑 等方面的研究,但大背景换作了上海, 这个地理框架与文化脉络都与罗马迥异 的大都市。Benoit Billotte 此次驻留 的成果《身在别处 似曾相识》将于6月 17 日在上海当代艺术馆艺术亭台向公 众展示一周。


19/06 – 25/06 www.

Chongqing / 重庆 19/06 — Chongqing Guotai Arts Centre / 重庆国泰艺术中心 Tianjin / 天津 24/06 — Tianjin Grand Theatre / 天津大剧院 Linyin / 临沂 25/06 — Linyi Grand Theatre / 临沂大剧院

concert 音乐会

Beatrice Berrut Piano Recital 碧翠丝•贝瑞特钢琴独奏

© Dyod Photographers_Artonov

Described by the international press as “a revelation, an exceptional pianist” whose “transcendent playing revels in multiple layers of genius and beauty,” Beatrice Berrut is a highly talented pianist. She has had numerous concerts across Europe and the US and performed as a soloist with ensembles including the Orchestra della Svizzerra Italiana and the North Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. During her tour in China, the pianist will delight the audience with her marvelous interpretation of Schubert’s “Piano Sonata G major D894”, Heinz Holliger’s “Elis” in addition to “Après une Lecture de Dante” and two ballades from Liszt. 16

被国际媒体誉为 “ 天赋秉异的钢琴家 ” , 碧翠丝 · 贝瑞特以她“充满美感的卓越 演奏”被公认为同辈中极具天份的艺术 家之一。贝瑞特曾在欧洲和美国举办独 奏会,也曾同世界知名交响乐团如瑞士 意大利区交响乐团和北捷克爱乐乐团共 同演出。中国巡演期间,贝瑞特将为观 众带来经典名曲的精彩演绎,包括舒伯 特的《第十八号G大调钢琴奏鸣曲》、 海因兹·霍利格尔的《伊利斯》以及李 斯特的《但丁读后感》和两首叙事曲。

20/06 – 21/06

Shenzhen / 深圳 Intercontinental Hotel Shenzhen / 华侨城洲际大酒店

Swiss-Chinese Friendship Day in Shenzhen 深圳瑞中友谊日

festival 友谊日 © Consulate General Guangzhou

This annual event is being held in Shenzhen for the first time. Featuring events including a classical concert, photo exhibition and seminars, Swiss-Chinese Friendship Day is a great opportunity for Chinese to discover Switzerland as a leading country in innovation and technology, a nation that embraces diverse cultures and its touristic attractions.

2016年上半年的瑞中友谊日将在充满 经济发展活力的“创新之城”深圳市举 行。友谊日活动将包括经典音乐会、回 望中国时代发展变迁的黑白摄影展及三 场推广瑞士最新投资、旅游和教育环 境资讯的精华研讨会, 借此帮助中国观 众了解瑞士作为创新科技方面的领先国 度、拥有多元文化的国家以及瑞士众多 旅游景点。


24/06 – 07/08

Shanghai / 上海 – Power Station of Art /上海当代艺术博物馆

Lars Müller BOOKS Analogue Reality 纸间现实 拉什· 穆勒最爱的书

Lars Müller once said, “a book is special when I’ve succeeded in harmonizing its content with its design, and both are good. Nothing is worse than weak content concealed by good design.” It clearly shows his attitude towards book design and publishing. He also has a strong conviction that “there is no digital replacement in sight for the book and its comforting physicality, its formal variety, and the sensuality of its perception.” The Power Station of Art museum invites visitors to walk around the world of books and ponder on how the book fits into our world today, and which way it is trying to face towards the future. In addition to the exhibition, Lars Müller will also lead a workshop on book cover design with 24 students and young artists from June 21 to 23 at the museum.

© courtesy of Power Station of Art


exhibition 展览

The exhibition features 100 classical books published by the internationally renowned Swiss publisher and designer, Lars Müller. Since 1983, the graphic artist has been presenting books on architecture, design, typography, photography, and social issues that are of high design quality, as well as state-of-the-art style and materials.

© courtesy of Power Station of Art

本次展览展出的100本经典著作均由世界知名瑞士出版商、 设计师拉什·穆勒出版发行。自 1983年起,拉什·穆勒便 致力于出版建筑、设计、字体、摄影、以及社会问题等为主 题的著作。出版物设计出众,风格和出版材料均为业内最高 水准。 拉什·穆勒曾表示,“只有我成功地将一本书的内容和设计 做的和谐一致,并且两方面都很好的时候这本书才算特别。 没有比用出众的设计掩盖薄弱的内容更差劲的了。”这些话 清晰地表达出了穆勒对于图书设计和图书出版的态度。此 外,穆勒坚信实体印刷的书本不会被数字化潮流所淘汰,因 为实体印刷的书本拥有令人舒适的实体感、多变的出版形 式、以及特有的感官体验。 上海当代艺术博物馆邀请参观者进入一个书籍的世界,帮助 大家思考书本如何能够在当今社会中找到自己的地位,以及 如何面对不断发展的社会与未来。 展览之外,穆勒本人将于6月21日至6月23日开展“书籍封 面设计”的工作坊,同24名设计学院的学生和年轻设计师在 在设计与创意中邂逅与学习。



Shanghai / 上海 — Café Sambal Shanghai / 桑芭桑芭咖啡厅

film 电影放映

Katzenball at Shanghai PRIDE Film Festival 上海骄傲电影节放映: Katzenball

From June 17 to 26, the ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival will be celebrating LGBT culture with film screenings, panel discussions, and other events. Katzenball by Swiss director Veronika Minder explores lesbians in Switzerland over the past 70 years through five women’s personal accounts about their relationships and search for an identity and meeting places.


6 月 17 日至 26 日 , 上海骄傲电影节将 通过电影放映、专题座谈会和其他相关 活动讨论性别的所有形式。瑞士导演 Veronika Minder执导的《Katzenball》影片通过五位女同性恋者讲述自 己的恋爱关系、对身份认同和聚集地的 找寻回顾了瑞士过去 70 年里这一少数 群体的状况和发展。

Shanghai / 上海 28/06 — Shanghai Oriental Art Centre / 上海东方艺术中心 Xi’an / 西安 30/06 — Xi’an Concert Hall /西安音乐厅

28/06 30/06

Lucerne Symphony Orchestra China Tour 琉森交响乐团中国巡演

concert 音乐会 © Christian Flierl

As Switzerland’s oldest symphony orchestra, the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra’s concerts have long featured internationally renowned soloists. A dynamic ensemble, the orchestra best understands how to leverage creativity within tradition and innovation. The orchestra will be joined on its China tour by talented pianist George Li, a highly acclaimed soloist and accompanist.

作为瑞士历史最为悠久的交响乐团,琉 森交响乐团的音乐会一向采用国际知名 独奏家。作为一个活力团体,乐团十分 了解如何在平衡传统与创新中发挥创 意。此次乐团中国巡演将与青年钢琴独 奏家黎卓宇合作。黎卓宇才华横溢,独 奏合奏均获极高评价。


18/07 – 03/08

Taiyuan / 太原 18/07 —Shanxi Vocational University of Arts / 山西艺术职业学院 Beijing / 北京 23/07 — Tianqiao Performing Arts Centre / 北京天桥艺术中心

The Cie zeitSprung dance group was founded in Zurich in 2013 by Meret Schlegel and Kilian Haselbeck, distinguished dancers and choreographers who have performed on the international stage. In July, the duo will perform at dance festivals in Taiyuan, Beijing and Shanghai, bringing their award-winning pieces To be or Orthopädie and Komplizen to Chinese audiences. They will also hold workshops during their stay in China.

© courtesy of Cie zeitSprung

来自瑞士的 Cie zeitSprung 由知名舞蹈家、编舞家 Meret Schlege l和 Kilian Haselbeck于2013年在苏黎世成立, 两人之前多次在国际舞台上演出。今年 7 月,两位艺术家将 在太原、北京和上海举办的舞蹈节上亮相,为中国观众带来 他们的获奖作品《To be or Orthopädie》和《Komplizen》。他们也将在中国演出期间举办工作坊。


dance 舞蹈

Swiss Dance Group Cie zeitSprung in China 瑞士舞团 Cie zeitSprung中国巡演

Beijing / 北京 24/07 — Paper Tiger Theater Studio / 纸老虎工作室 Shanghai / 上海 29/07 - 03/08 — Shanghai International Dance Days / 上海国际舞蹈日

WeChat: pro_helvetia

© Peter Kadar


20/07 22/07 24/07

Guangzhou / 广州 20/07 — Xinghai Concert Hall / 广东省星海音乐厅 Beijing / 北京 22/07 — National Centre for the Performing Arts / 国家大剧院

Four Pianos Gershwin— Piano Quartet

Four talented Swiss pianists on four grand pianos will play, arrange and improvise some of legendary US composer George Gershwin’s most popular songs and orchestral works, such as “Rhapsody in Blue,” “An American in Paris,” and “I Got Rhythm.” In its new program, the quartet – Mischa Cheung, André Desponds, Benjamin Engeli and Stefan Wirth – also expand to Gershwin’s contemporaries, including Igor Stravinsky’s Petrushka and Maurice Ravel’s La Valse. A lively concert poised to entertain every concertgoer.

© Mona Neubauer


concert 音乐会


Shanghai / 上海 24/07 — Shanghai Oriental Art Centre / 上海东方艺术中心

© Andreas Zihler

四名才华横溢的钢琴家将在四架平台型钢琴上演出、改编和 即兴创作美国传奇作曲家乔治·格什温最为知名的作品和交 响音乐,包括 《 蓝色狂想曲 》、《巴黎的美国人》以及《我 把住了节奏》。此次中国演出,Mischa Cheung, André Desponds, Benjamin Engeli, Stefan Wirth 四位艺术 家还将演绎格什温同期的音乐家之作, 如伊戈尔·史特拉汶斯 基的《彼得鲁什卡》和莫里斯·拉威尔的《华尔兹》。一场 为所有演唱会爱好者带来惊喜的活力音乐会。


31/07 – 01/08

Beijing / 北京 — Swiss Taste / 瑞道瑞士餐厅

Swiss Military Small Band Asia Tour

exhibition concert 音乐会 展览


© courtesy of Swiss Military Small Band

Upon the invitation of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the Swiss Military Small Band, consisting of 14 finest young military musicians, will be touring Seoul, Beijing, Manila and Singapore from July to August. Besides performing at the Swiss Embassy for the National Day Celebration on August 1, the ensemble will also have a public performance at the Swiss Taste restaurant on the evening of July 30, and share the stage with the military band of China’s People’s Liberation Army during their stopover in Beijing. The repertoire of the band includes not only traditional songs like “L’Inverno e passato” (“The Winter is over”) and various Swiss marches, but also all the national anthems of the host countries and favorites such as “River Dance” by Bill Whelan or classical pieces such as the “Toccata in d minor” by Johann Sebastian Bach. 26

© courtesy of Swiss Military Small Band

应瑞士联邦外交部的邀请,由14名优秀乐队音乐家组成的瑞 士军乐团将于7至8月份期间在首尔、北京、马尼拉和新加坡 四个城市访问演出。军乐团在北京停留期间除了八月一日在 瑞士驻华使馆为庆祝瑞士国庆日的演奏外,还将于7月31日 晚在北京的瑞道餐厅公开表演,并同中国人民解放军军乐团 同台演出。 军乐团的演奏曲目不仅包括传统歌曲如《冬日已结束》以及 瑞士各地的进行曲,还包括所在访问国的国歌以及爱尔兰作 曲家Bill Whelan最受欢迎的曲目《大河之舞》以及巴赫的 经典曲目《d小调托卡塔与赋格》。

© Estate Giacometti (Fondation Giacometti + ADAGP) Paris, 2015



Beijing / 北京 — Swiss Embassy in Beijing / 瑞士驻华大使官邸 Guangzhou / 广州 — Grand Hyatt Hotel / 广州富力君悦大酒店 Upon invitation

Swiss National Day Celebration

festival 国庆日


© Consulate General Guangzhou

In celebration of the 725th anniversary of the founding of the Swiss Confederation, the Swiss Embassy and the Consulates General in Shanghai, Guangdong and Hong Kong will host a number of events to mark this historic day. The Swiss Embassy in Beijing will host the Swiss Military Small Band, which will play both traditional and modern music. In Guangzhou, a Swiss feast along with lively folk band performances will give visitors an unforgettable Swiss National Day. Meanwhile in Shenzhen, a soiree will be held on the eve of the big day. Swiss communities in Shanghai and Hong Kong, including the Swiss Club Shanghai and Swiss Association Hong Kong will also organize celebrating events for Swiss citizens, Chinese and other expats who are interested in knowing more about the Swiss tradition. 28

为庆祝瑞士联邦成立 725 周年,瑞士驻华使馆和在上海、 广东、香港的领馆将举办盛大活动庆祝这一具有历史意义 的一天! 在北京的大使官邸,来访的瑞士军乐团将演奏瑞士传统、现 代和地方特色歌曲。国庆日当晚在广州举办的晚会将有欢快的 民俗表演,为观众留下难忘的回忆。国庆日前夜即7月31日, 在深圳的瑞士团体亦会相聚在一起,度过一个特别的夜晚。 在上海和香港的瑞士团体包括上海瑞士俱乐部和香港瑞士人 协会也将组织庆祝活动,向瑞士公民和有兴趣了解国庆日传 统的当地人群和其他国家的外国人士开放。

© Zhao Pengpeng

© Estate Giacometti (Fondation Giacometti + ADAGP) Paris, 2015 © Zhao Pengpeng

New Publication

Shanghai People’s Fine Art Publishing House / 上海人民美术出版社

Grid Systems in Graphic Design by Josef MüllerBrockmann

A guidebook for graphic designers, typographers, and three-dimensional designers by acclaimed Swiss graphic designer Josef Müller-Brockmann is now available in Chinese. Published by the Shanghai People’s Fine Art Publishing House, this book provides a comprehensive overview of grid systems, guidelines and rules for the function and use of systems and the three-dimensional grid. Müller-Brockmann (1914−1996) studied architecture, design, and art history in Zurich. He also worked as a graphic designer and teacher, introducing the concept of grid systems to the industry. His work is recognized for its simple designs and clean use of fonts, shapes and colors. Pro Helvetia will host workshops on grid system and Swiss graphic design in September in Beijing and Shanghai. Follow Pro Helvetia on WeChat (pro_helvetia) and stay updated. 由瑞士知名平面设计师约瑟夫 • 米勒-布罗克曼著作的、堪 称平面设计师、印刷师和三维立体设计师指导手册的《平面 设计中的网格系统》一书的中文版于近期出版发行!中文版 本由上海人民美术出版社出版,全面介绍了网格设计、网格 设计的指导原则和对其作用的规定以及网格的应用和三位网 格的设计。米勒-布罗克 (1914−1996) 曾在苏黎世学习建 筑、设计和美术史,担任平面设计师和老师。他首次在设计 领域引入了网格设计的理念,他的作品也以简洁的设计和对 字体、形状和颜色的清晰运用而知名。 瑞士文化基金会将在 9 月份在北京和上海举办网格设计和瑞 士平面设计的工作坊。关注瑞士文化基金会微信(“瑞士文 化基金会”)获取有关最新信息。


new publication 新书发布

新书发布:《平面 设计中的网格系统》

© Courtesy of Shanghai People’s Fine Art Publishing House


venues 地点

Beijing 北京

Swiss Embassy in Beijing 瑞士驻华大使官邸

3, Dongwujie, Sanlintun, Chaoyang district 朝阳区三里屯东五街3号

Two cities Café & Lounge

46, Fangjia Hutong, Dongcheng district 东城区方家胡同46号

Crossroads Center


18, Dashiqiao Hutong, Jiugulou Dajie, Xicheng district 旧鼓楼大街大石桥胡同18号

National Centre for the Performing Arts

2, West Chang’an Avenue, Xicheng district 西城区西长安街2号

Tianqiao Performing Arts Centre

Building 9, Tianqiao Nandajie, Xicheng district 西城区天桥南大街9号楼

Paper Tiger Theater Studio

A1, Tuo Yuan Art District, Tuofangying Road, Chaoyang district





朝阳区驼房营路甲 一号驼院艺术区

Swiss Taste

Room 101, Bldg 18, Central Park, 6 Chaoyangmen Waidajie, Chaoyang district 朝阳区朝阳门外 大街6号新城国际公寓18号 楼101室

Power Station of Art

200, Huayuangang Road, Huangpu district 黄浦区花园港路200号


Shanghai 上海


Shanghai 上海

Yuz Museum Shanghai

35, Fenggu Road, Xuhui district

Shanghai Oriental Art Centre

425, Dingxiang Road, Pudong New district 浦东新区丁香路425号

Café Sambal Shanghai

Jiashan Market, Block A, No 37, 259 Jiashan Road, Xuhui district





徐汇区嘉善路259弄37号 A栋

Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) Pavilion

Gate 7 People’s Park, 231 Nanjing West Road, Huangpu district

Hong Kong Science and Technology Park

Shatin, New Territories

Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

1, Gloucester Road, Wanchai

Xinghai Concert Hall

33, Qingbo Road, Yuexiu district 越秀区二沙岛晴波路33号

Grand Hyatt Hotel

12, Zhujiang Xilu, Tianhe district 天河区珠江西路12号

黄浦区南京西路231号人民 公园7号门内

上海当代艺术馆艺术 亭台

Hong Kong 香港

新界沙田香港科学园科技大 道西2号




Guangzhou 广州



venues 地点

Hangzhou 杭州

China Academy of Art

218, Nanshan Road, Shangcheng district 上城区南山路218号(近涌金门)

Linyi Grand Theatre

Crossroad of Lanling Road and Fuzuo Road, Beicheng New district

中国美术学 院南山校区

Linyin 临沂


Shenzhen 深圳

Intercontinental Hotel Shenzhen

9009 Shennan Road, Overseas Chinese Town, Shenzhen 华侨城深南大道9009号

Chongqing Guotai Arts Centre

1, Jiefangbei Linjiang Road, Yuzhong district 渝中区解放碑临江路1号

Xi’an Concert Hall

Yannan Yilu, Qujiang New district

Tianjin Grand Theatre

58, Pingjiangdao, Hexi district 天津市河西区平江道58号

Shanxi Vocational University of Arts

95, Bingzhou Dongjie 并州东街95号


Chongqing 重庆

北城新区兰陵路与府左路 交汇处


Xi’an 西安


Tianjin 天津


Taiyuan 太原




Embassy of Switzerland in China


3, Sanlitun Dongwujie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600, P.R. China

中国北京朝阳区三里屯东五街3号 邮编:100600

tel / +86 10 8532 8888 fax / +86 10 6532 4353


Lava Beijing /




Embassy Weibo 瑞士驻华大使馆微博

Consulate General Shanghai Weibo 瑞士驻上海总领馆微博

Embassy WeChat 使馆微信:SwissChat 别样瑞士

Consulate General Shanghai WeChat 瑞士驻上海总领馆微信

Consulate General Guangzhou 瑞士驻广州总领馆网站

Consulate General Hong Kong 瑞士驻香港总领馆网站

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