to register for the conference and receive e–MAIL updates, VISIT
First COSE Member
First Non–COSE Member
Each additional attendee (COSE or Non–COSE Member)
Includes breakfasts, lunches, networking reception and the COSE Ten Under 10 Awards.
COSE, Northeast Ohio’s largest small business support organization, strives to help small businesses grow and maintain their independence. Comprised of more than 15,000 member companies – 75% of those with between 1 and 10 employees – COSE has a long history of fighting for the rights of all small business owners, whether it’s through group purchasing programs in healthcare, workers’ compensation, payroll services or shipping, or advocating for specific changes in legislation or regulation. COSE also produces more than 150 networking and business education events each year – all focused on connecting our members to each other to increase their productivity and sales.
The Greater Cleveland Partnership (GCP) is a membership association of more than 15,000 Northeast Ohio companies and organizations and one of the largest metropolitan chambers of commerce in the nation. Working with its small business partner, the Council of Smaller Enterprises, the GCP mobilizes private-sector leadership, expertise and resources to create jobs and leverage investment to improve the economic vitality of the region.
BILL R ANCIC Business Entrepreneur & Winner of The Apprentice
True entrepreneur, business author and television personality, Bill Rancic founded the successful company, Cigars Around the World 12 years ago. Today, it is a thriving multi-million dollar national operation. Since parlaying his business savvy into becoming Donald Trump’s original Apprentice, Bill can be seen regularly on the A&E series, We Mean Business, using his expertise to assist struggling entrepreneurs. See him for yourself and get a fresh perspective on your business with tips and proven advice from Rancic’s own rise to success.
WARREN BROWN Inspir ational Entrepreneur & F o u n d e r o f Ca k e L o v e
Lawyer turned accomplished entrepreneur, Warren Brown has a motivating message to share. Now the owner of CakeLove and Love Café, cookbook author and host of Sugar Rush on the Food Network, Brown switched gears and raised eyebrows when he left his career in law to pursue his passion and open a cake bakery. Trusting his instincts, Warren followed his dream and became more successful than he ever imagined. Be inspired by his story and revive your entrepreneurial spirit!
SALLY HOGSHE AD B r a n d I n n ovat io n C o n s u lta n t
Nine seconds. That’s the length of the average attention span today. People become distracted by the next product, the next ad, the next option. How can you possibly hold your customers’ interest long enough to shape their opinion? How can you break through the clutter to nail your next sales call? You need a new way to communicate, and Sally Hogshead has it. A highly respected, nationally recognized advertising expert, Hogshead will leave you buzzing with innovative new ideas to propel your business onward and upward.
d ay 1 - w e d n e s d ay, o c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 0
7:30 – 8:30 am 8:30 – 9:45 am
9:45 – 10:45 am 10:45 am – 12:00 pm 12:00 – 12:30 pm 12:30 – 1:45 pm 1:45 – 2:45 pm 2:45 – 4:00 pm 4:00 – 4:15 pm 4:15 – 5:30 pm 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Registration and Continental Breakfast Welcome/Keynote Speaker: Bill Rancic, Business Entrepreneur and Winner of “The Apprentice” Exhibit Hall Break Concurrent Workshops Exhibit Hall Break Lunch and Ten Under 10 Awards Exhibit Hall Break Concurrent Workshops Break Concurrent Workshops Exhibit Hall Break and FREE Networking Reception
d a y 2 - T H U R S DAY , o c t o b e r 2 1 , 2 0 1 0
7:30 – 8:30 am 8:30 – 9:45 am 9:45 – 10:45 am 10:45 am – 12:00 pm 12:00 – 1:00 pm 1:00 – 2:15 pm 2:15 – 2:30 pm 2:30 – 3:45 pm 3:45 – 4:00 pm 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Registration and Continental Breakfast Keynote Speaker: Sally Hogshead, Brand Innovation Consultant Exhibit Hall Break Concurrent Workshops Lunch in Exhibit Hall Concurrent Workshops Break Concurrent Workshops Break Keynote Speaker: Warren Brown, Inspirational Entrepreneur and Founder of CakeLove
d ay 1 - w e d n e s d ay, o c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 0
1 0 : 4 5 am – 1 2 : 0 0 pm
2 : 4 5 pm – 4 : 0 0 pm
Elevate Your Elevator Speech ROOM 14
Yes, You CAN Market Your Business with Public Speaking! ROOM 15
Creating Your Most Unique and Powerful Competitive Edge ROOM 15
Bringing Sales and Marketing Together = Business Survival ROOM 7
Email Marketing Tactics & Strategy for a Successful Campaign ROOM 7
Successful Marketing Techniques for Tradeshows ROOM 13
Branding Your Business: Getting Your Message Right ROOM 13
Start the Cash Flow/Access to Capital ROOM 26
Effectively Monitor Your Cash Flow ROOM 26
Emerging from the Recession ROOM 22
The Workplace Investigative Process ROOM 18
Hiring the Right Person for the Job ROOM 18
The Right Way to Interview ROOM 17
Is Your Employee Handbook Working For You or Against You? ROOM 17
Disciplining or Terminating a Workers’ Compensation Claimant and Other Employees with Medical Issues. ROOM 12
Building a Positive Culture: Maximum Impact Collaborations – Powering Business Success ROOM 14
TECHNOLOGY for small businesses
End the Spending Roller Coaster – Fixed Cost Business Computing is Here ROOM 19
Don’t Get Lost in the Cloud – InternetBased Solutions for Growing Your Business Safely ROOM 19
Stop Settling and Start Achieving the Extraordinary ROOM 20
Flipping the Switch: How to Get Out of Your own Way ROOM 20
The Most Popular Social Media Tools ROOM 16
Developing a Strategic Plan Around Social Media ROOM 16
Maximize Your Media: Do you Need a Social Media Plan ROOM 21
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) & Building Commissioning ROOM 24 Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District: Once Gray Now Green ROOM 23
NEOSA: Selling to the “C” Level ROOM 25
Lighting Innovations ROOM 24 Implementing Energy Efficiency in an Economic Downturn ROOM 23
NEOSA: Lead Generation and New Media Advertising ROOM 25 Arts Network: Branding and Communications for Artists ROOM 21 Home Business Network: Time Management for the Home Business Owner ROOM 22
These small business workshops are designed to offer practical, intensive and interactive information, strategies and ideas that can be immediately applied to your business. COSE Business Networks sessions are open to anyone, but they are specifically designed to enhance Network members’ experiences. COSE is proud offer the 6th Annual Ohio Energy Education Conference as a part of the 2010 COSE Small Business Conference. COSE Small Business Conference attendees are welcome to attend any workshops that are included as a part of the Energy Education Conference. 4 : 1 5 pm – 5 : 3 0 pm
Networking 301: Taking Your Skills to the Next Level ROOM 14 High Performance Sales Strategies ROOM 15
How to Develop a Successful Marketing Plan ROOM 7
How to Build and Manage Your Bank Relationship ROOM 13 Keep the Cash Coming/Credit and Collections Practices ROOM 26
Compensation Packages that Make Sense ROOM 18 How the New Health Care Law will Affect Sole Proprietors ROOM 25 Performance Management – Driving Results through Improved Communications, Success Planning and Performance Feedback ROOM 17 Workers’ Compensation Group Safety Training Part I: General Industry ROOM 21
TECHNOLOGY for small businesses
Save Your Business Continuity Backup, Recovery and Security ROOM 19
Multi-Generational Workplace ROOM 20
Use Blogging to Increase Your Business’ Brand Awareness and Brand Image ROOM 16
Renewable Energy in Ohio: Wind and Solar Energy ROOM 24
Create and Sustain an Organized and Efficient Office Space ROOM 22
Compressed Air ROOM 23
d a y 2 - T H U RSDAY , o c t o b e r 2 1 , 2 0 1 0
1 0 : 4 5 am – 1 2 : 0 0 pm
1 : 0 0 pm – 2 : 1 5 pm
Building a Strategic Plan - Hope is Not a Strategy ROOM 14
Growth Triage - Selling Strategic Value to Produce Sales Growth ROOM 14 Four Keys to Small Business Advertising Success ROOM 18
Using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ROOM 15
Effective Lead Generation and Follow Up ROOM 15
Optimizing your Web Site ROOM 7
Developing Your Marketing Strategy in a Technology Driven World ROOM 7
Big Business Marketing on a Small Business Budget ROOM 13
Optimizing your Media Coverage ROOM 13
IRS Updates for Small Businesses ROOM 26
Access to Credit ROOM 26
Growth Through Global Trade Part I ROOM 22
Succession Planning for the Small Business Owner ROOM 21
Motivating Employees with NonMonetary Rewards ROOM 18
Are You Ready for the Workers’ Compensation Changes? ROOM 17
Ten Legal Tools Every Small Business Owner Needs to Survive ROOM 17 Business Ethics Initiative ROOM 12
TECHNOLOGY for small businesses
Telecommunications Solutions - Voice, Data and More ROOM 19 Windows 7 Upgrade Strategy – Why and How? ROOM 22
Business Resiliency Planning Achieving Core Objectives Under All Conditions ROOM 19
Seven Critical Mistakes That Stop You From Being a Great Leader ROOM 20
Delegation - An Underused Skill ROOM 20
Leverage Social Media to Increase Brand Awareness and Brand Image ROOM 16
Mastering LinkedIn ROOM 16
Electric and Gas Use and Procurement ROOM 24
Green IT as a Business Driver ROOM 23
Chilled Water Systems ROOM 23
Energy Monitoring and Management ROOM 24
NEOSA: Finding the Voice of Your Business ROOM 25
Arts Network: Intellectual Property Law for Artists in Business ROOM 25
Managing the Stress of Producing Under Pressure ROOM 21
2 : 3 0 pm – 3 : 4 5 pm
Sales Techniques in a Challenging Economy ROOM 14 Doing Business with the Government ROOM 15 Growth Through Global Trade Part II ROOM 22
Market Research 101 ROOM 7
Invest Like a Pro: Avoid Bear Markets and Catch a Bull ROOM 26
Liability Issues from Hiring to Firing ROOM 18 Integrating Diversity Into Your Workplace ROOM 17 How the New Health Care Law Will Affect Employers ROOM 21
TECHNOLOGY for small businesses
Analytic Software - Helping Small Businesses Grow ROOM 19
A Little Known Secret…for Reducing Healthcare Costs ROOM 13 The Art of Follow Up ROOM 20
Video - The New Application for Social Media ROOM 16
It Pays to Go Green…State & Federal Energy-Efficiency & Clean Energy Financial Incentives, Funding, Grants & Tax Credits ROOM 24 Branding for Sustainability ROOM 23
Home Business Network: Wellness & Stress Management for the Home Business Owner ROOM 25
B u siness -t o - B u siness Trade S how W e d n e s day, O c t o b e r 2 0 | 9 : 4 5 a . m . – 6 : 3 0 p. m . T h u r s day, O c t o b e r 2 1 | 9 : 4 5 a . m . – 4 : 0 0 p. m .
More than 75 solution providers featuring the latest innovations for small businesses – all in one place! The Exhibit Hall is the official trade show of the 2010 COSE Small Business Conference. Explore products and services from a wide range of companies and connect with vendors and resources that will help grow your business.
C on t in u ing E d u ca t ion C redi t s ( C E C s ) Gain continuing education credits by attending the COSE Small Business Conference! Specific conference workshops have been approved as continuing education accredited workshops for human resources professionals, CPAs and lawyers.
S ocial M edia L earning L ab Struggling to introduce your business to the wide world of social media? Our experts will show you how to start marketing your company through popular social media channels. Stop by the lab during the conference (first come, first served) and one of our specialists will help you build one (1) social media profile for your business – a Facebook or MySpace page, a Twitter account, a LinkedIn profile, or a YouTube account.
O HI O E NE R G Y C O NF E R E N C E COSE is proud to offer the 6th Annual Ohio Energy Education Conference as a part of the 2010 COSE Small Business Conference. These workshops will take place on both days of the conference and will include 12 unique and informative sessions dealing with energy, energy efficiency, and sustainability for businesses of all sizes. Spend time learning how to take advantage of opportunities to save money and improve your bottom line. COSE Small Business Conference attendees are welcome to attend any workshops that are included as a part of the Energy Education Conference.
E nergy R eso u rce C en t er Electric, natural gas, energy efficiency and sustainability - the ERC will introduce you to everything COSE members can take advantage of that helps conserve resources, save money and benefit from being green.
Ne t wor k ing R ece p t ion W e d n e s day, O c t o b e r 2 0 | 5 : 3 0 – 6 : 3 0 p. m .
This reception provides an opportunity to meet and socialize with your fellow conference attendees. Join us in the Exhibit Hall for food, music and networking with other small businesses in Northeast Ohio.
B U S INE S S B oo k s t ore W e d n e s day, O c t o b e r 2 0 | 9 : 4 5 a . m . – 4 : 1 5 p. m . T h u r s day, O c t o b e r 2 1 | 9 : 4 5 a . m . – 4 : 0 0 p. m .
Looking for the latest books to help motivate, challenge and energize your small business? Really enjoy one of our keynote speakers and want to read one of their books? Joseph-Beth Booksellers will be on site to make those books readily available.
C yber C af é Stay in touch with your business in our Cyber Café! Check your email, download files or surf the net on one of our laptops located in the Café and keep connected.
R o u nd t able D isc u ssions In the spirit of , this interactive learning environment is specially designed to enhance your conference experience. You can benefit from one of our experts - the MindSpring experts - by participating in a roundtable discussion on a variety of topics such as search engine marketing (SEM), strategic planning and sustainability. Sessions are first come, first served, so stop by the COSE MindSpring tables located in the back of the Exhibit Hall.
DAY 1 - 1 0 : 4 5 am – 1 2 : 0 0 pm The Workplace Investigative Process Track: HR & Legal | Level: Intermediate/Advanced How do you ensure that your employees are handling things on the up and up? From drug use to embezzlement, there are times when monitoring your employees, may be necessary. This workshop will help you understand the investigative process, what you can and can’t do, and how to enlist the services of a professional firm. Jack Kluznik, Deirdre G. Henry, Timothy R. Obringer, Weston Hurd LLP and Shannon Gilfillan, FirstEnergy Corp.
NEOSA: Selling to the “C” Level Track: COSE Business Networks | Level: All Levels Engaging the highest levels in an organization is no easy task. They’re strategic thinkers with unique issues, challenges and views of their company. Positioning yourself and your company’s solutions requires an understanding of the C-level mindset. Our panel of C-level executives will expand on the presentation they made at the 2009 Small Business Conference with more detail on not only getting executive level attention, but closing deals too. Timothy Corman, Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co. LPA Kevin Weidinger, Weco Group Unlimited Christine Kuwamoto, Decision Point and David Hunt, Skylight Financial Group Elevate Your Elevator Speech Track: Sales | Level: All Levels You all have an “Elevator Speech” - your answer to the question “what do you do?” But, not everyone delivers it with focus, finesse and flexibility. You will learn how to do all that as we share “best practices” in this lively, interactive and content-rich session. Phil Stella, Effective Training & Communication, Inc.
Creating Your Most Unique and Powerful Competitive Edge Track: Sales | Level: Advanced This process teaches you how to create a plan to assess, score and realize the full value of your business relationships and tie that value to the accomplishment of your sales and growth goals. Three essential qualities are the cornerstones of the process - credibility, integrity and authenticity. Learn how they are critical components of sales success and longterm, sustainable growth for your organization. Roxanne Kaufman, ProLaureate Ltd.
Bringing Sales and Marketing Together = Business Survival Track: Marketing | Level: Intermediate When times are tough, most businesses passively retreat from marketing in an effort to save cash and weather the economic storm. Business survival demands an integrated approach, constant awareness of your surroundings, sensitivity to threats and nimble business reflexes. This point-counterpoint session explores the dialogue and interactions between marketing and sales that must occur to keep your business afloat. Mitch Slater, Visible Innovations and Pierre Bourgeix, Elevated Sale, Inc. Successful Marketing Techniques for Tradeshows Track: Marketing | Level: All Levels Tradeshows can help drive dramatic business growth if executed correctly. Unfortunately, many organizations don’t properly plan and execute and tradeshows end up a cost center instead of a profit center. Learn how to handle pre-tradeshow marketing, tradeshow setup, sales team support, tradeshow management and follow-up to increase your tradeshow success. Dennis Sommer, Executive Business Advisers
Start the Cash Flow/Access to Capital Track: Money | Level: Fundamental This workshop will provide an overview and how to on all financing options available to small businesses, including bank, SBA lending, government and foundation loans, grants and alternative/creative sources. Learn both the benefits and risks as you look to gain additional capital for your business. John Doucette, Westlake Capital Group, James Herron, Cuyahoga County Department of Development Nancy Jazwa, MP Star Financial, and Kate Kerr, Fifth Third Bank Get Off the Spending Roller Coaster – Fixed Cost Business Computing is Here Track: Technology for Small Business Level: All Levels Are you a SMB owner/manager that never knows from month to month how much your company will spend on computer issues? Does your business suffer from unexpected computer failures, idle staff and the resulting inability to serve your customers? Join us and learn how simple it can be to end the anxiety. Jay Mellon, AtNetPlus
The Most Popular Social Media tools Track: Social Media | Level: Fundamental Join us as we take a glimpse into the hundreds of Social Media tools available. The goal of this session is to explore the different venues, discuss demographics and learn how social media can boost and enhance your internet presence. Natalie Morris, Morris MC, ltd.
Stop Settling and Start Achieving the Extraordinary Track: Personal and Professional Development Level: Intermediate Whether you’re a business owner, a manager or an employee, everyone has a common objective… success (however you define it). What separates those that succeed from those that fall short? It’s simple - it’s the choices you make, it’s the thoughts you have, it’s the values you live and it’s the actions you take. Learn empowering motivational skills for overcoming setbacks, aligning with your purpose and achieving the extraordinary. Jeff Nischwitz, Think Again Coaching
The Right Way to Interview Track: HR & Legal | Level: Intermediate It’s important to be sure you are using the right methods when interviewing candidates for a job. What can and can’t you say? How much should you say and how much should you ask the candidate to share? In this workshop, we explore the methods that work the best for finding and hiring the best. Maria Gaeta, KAFF Partners, LLC
Emerging from the Recession Track: Money | Level: All Levels The recent downturn in the economy affected the way so many businesses operate. As our country emerges from the recession, learn how to adapt your small businesses to accommodate the changing economic climate and promote new growth within your business. Michael B. Murray, Frederick and Associates, An Ameriprise Financial Platinum Financial Services Practice Disciplining or Terminating a Workers’ Compensation Claimant and Other Employees with Medical Issues. Track: HR & Legal | Level: All Levels This presentation will address many of the issues that arise when considering whether to discipline or terminate an employee who is also a workers’ compensation claimant and/or is suffering from a medical condition. Covered will be the core concepts underpinning the employment relationship in Ohio, the workers’ compensation statute, the Americans With Disabilities Act and other laws potentially impacting employees with medical conditions. Lynn Schonberg, Ross, Brittain & Schonberg
DAY 1 - 2 : 4 5 p m – 4 : 0 0 p m Maximize Your Media: Do you need a Social Media Plan? Track: Social Media | Level: Intermediate As a business owner you have plenty of activities to fill up your day. And social media can seem like just one more thing to add to the list. You may ask, ”What’s the point? Is there enough value for to our company to participate and where? Is Facebook or Twitter worth my time?” Social media is not just one more hat to wear. It is a business game changer. Not participating could be your company’s worst nightmare. This workshop covers not only questions you should be asking, but also delivers tools and guidelines to determine how your company should engage in this arena. Tracy Smuts, Capstone Media
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) & Building Commissioning Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels Learn how and why to be certified and how to blend commissioning into a LEED project. Based on wellfounded scientific standards, LEED emphasizes stateof-the-art strategies for sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality. Commissioning ensures systems are designed, installed, functionally tested and capable of being operated and maintained to perform in conformity with the design intent. Bill Doty, Doty & Miller Architects
Hiring the Best Person for the Job Track: HR & Legal | Level: Intermediate/Advanced Is attitude or aptitude more important? What questions should I ask? What options are available to help me? Testing for the best “fit” or just simple pre-employment screening? Finding the right person who fits your culture can be challenging. Learn what you can do to make better hiring decisions during this interactive learning session. Sonya L. Weiland, PHR, President, WeilandWorks Consulting
NEOSA: Lead Generation and New Media Advertising Track: COSE Business Networks | Level: All Levels The next generation of the Web offers a plethora of marketing opportunities for the savvy tech firm. Interactive sites, integrated social media, targeted SEO, pay-per-click advertising, mobile marketing and other avenues are just a few of the options available. But tying these efforts into your company’s prospecting and sales system is the “golden ticket” to success. Learn how to do just that from a veteran, new marketer and from a local tech firm successfully implementing these strategies. Joel Goldstein, Goldstein Group Communications, Inc. and Ronald-Stephane Gilbert, Keithley Instruments Four Keys to Small Business Advertising Success Track: Sales | Level: All Levels
Energy Monitoring and Management Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels If you don’t measure it, you can’t control it. Many of us are controlled by our energy costs. Learn to take control of your costs. Energy monitoring and management is more than reading kilo-watt-hours. Demand and time of day are critical and will become more critical in the future. Equipment should only run when required and if something operates because it is not controlled, your energy, maintenance and equipment costs soar...not to mention unnecessary pollution generation to power unnecessary equipment. Monitor. Manage. Save! Mark Irvin and John Hladish, Schneider Electric
Do you use a “Ready-Fire-Aim” advertising plan? It’s nearly always a net loss, and eats into your retirement. Use these proven marketing principles to find and attract your best prospects so you can have profitable advertising, thrive in hard times, and retire on schedule. James Perry, James Perry and Associates
Yes, You CAN Market Your Business with Public Speaking! Track: Sales | Level: All Levels Public speaking skills are important to your businesswhether in formal sales presentations, networking events or presentations to employees. In this session, you will learn the three speaking strategies that successful business owners use to market their business and increase their sales.
Developing a Strategic Plan Around Social Media Track: Social Media | Level: Intermediate Social media is the newest craze allowing businesses to reach customers quickly, effectively and creatively. Learn how to create and implement a social media strategy and plan to optimize your exposure. Diane Helbig, Seize This Day Coaching
Maia Beatty, Maia Beatty & Associates
Email Marketing Tactics & Strategy for a Successful Campaign Track: Marketing | Level: Intermediate Email marketing is a cost-effective way to add frequency to your customer and prospect communications. Review tips and tricks for the best email marketing campaigns. Learn best practices for design and content, how to use email marketing services, how to avoid the spam bucket and how to get your email opened. Kristy Amy, OnMark Solutions
Branding Your Business: Getting Your Message Right Track: Marketing | Level: Intermediate Learn how to create a powerful marketing message and an image to match. Master the core components of an effective branding strategy, including how to implement it across all your company’s marketing materials. Benjamin and Halle Barnett, media schmedia
Flipping the Switch: How to Get Out of Your Own Way! Track: Personal and Professional Development Level: All Levels If anyone spoke to you the way you speak to yourself, there would probably be a fight. “Flipping the Switch” focuses on your thoughts and words and how YOU are often the only reason you have not accomplished something you say you want. Changing your vocabulary can change your life. This is an interactive and honest presentation about removing your selfimposed labels and getting out of your own way. When we put down our stop signs, we thrive! Robin Sacks, WAY Coaching
Is Your Employee Handbook Working For You or Against You? Track: HR & Legal | Level: All Levels Do you even have an employee handbook? If you do, is it comprehensive enough and legitimate? How do you know what should be in a handbook? In this workshop we’ll explore the basic areas that should be included in a handbook as well as what you can and can’t say. This session will also review the new social media policies that should be included. Elizabeth Crosby, Licata & Toerek
Effectively Monitor Your Cash Flow Track: Money | Level: Fundamental This session will teach you the best strategies for record keeping and planning, separating personal finances from business finances, forecasting, budgeting and managing cash flow. Learn how to use the most effective financial reports to help you best run your business. Joanne Montager-Hull, Your Bean Counters Inc.
Don’t Get Lost in the Cloud – INTERNET-Based Solutions for Growing Your Business Safely Track: Technology | Level: All Levels Interactively learn the methods, advantages and pitfalls of implementing Cloud (Internet based) solutions and creating a virtual working environment. Find out what different virtual solutions exist and how they can help your business grow. Also learn the dangers that exist and how to protect yourself and your company as you change from a traditional method of business to the new virtual paradigm. J. Kenneth Fanger, MBA, and Charlotte Feldman, Solar Systems Networking, Inc.
Arts Network: Branding and Communications for Artists Track: COSE Business Networks | Level: All Levels Branding and communications are important areas to consider when trying to both understand and reach your customers, clients, art consumers and the general public alike. Two of our region’s experts will lead a discussion examining how to build and leverage a brand, create a comprehensive communication strategy and relate the personalized story of your arts business to the world. Noelle Celeste, Branching Out LLC and Carolyn Jack, The Genius Group LLC
Lighting Innovations Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels
How the new Health Care Law will affect sole proprietors Track: HR & Legal | Level: All Levels
Energy efficiency efforts can produce significant cost savings and have even been shown to increase worker and business productivity. Lighting technology is changing at an explosive pace due to many of the factors affecting the present day conditions throughout the world. We will provide you with information on the custom options available for small businesses looking to become more efficient and sustainable. Among the topics discussed will be our new Lighting Retrofit Program. We will concentrate on the “green environment” as well as new developments having impact on exterior lighting and how LED technology is bringing about major changes. You will learn how to receive a lighting evaluation, COSE preferred vendors who can carry out the retrofit, how to secure financing for the upgrade, and how to receive rebates for your investment through the government’s EPAct program.
Since the passage of the reform bill in March, COSE has been dedicated to producing resources to guide you through the short and long-term impact on your business. This session will help COSE members learn more about the potential impact to their business from health care reform, and to have an opportunity to ask specific questions in person. This seminar is targeted toward sole proprietors.
Jeff Lyon, Eco Engineering and Kurt Allerman, Lighting Services, Inc. Implementing Energy Efficiency in an Economic Downturn Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels This workshop will present proven strategies for the identification, evaluation, and implementation of energy efficiency projects in the face of the current economic downturn. Facility owners and vendors/contractors alike will benefit from this session. Information will be included regarding financial incentives available from the FirstEnergy business energy efficiency program to support project implementation. David Gibson, PE, LEED
Patty Starr and Brian Paul, COSE Networking 301: Taking Your Skills to the Next Level Track: Sales | Level: All Levels This session will cover strategies of networking for both the beginner and the expert that can be utilized right away. Michael will empower you by sharing different techniques based on your personality. An interactive approach will answer your toughest questions. Michael Struk, Buz-Land Presentations
High Performance Sales Strategies Track: Sales | Level: Intermediate/Advanced Whether your sales force is one person or a team of many sellers, it’s important to implement solid strategies that spell out specific tactics and the metrics for how they’ll be measured. Learn how the development of a sales strategy with specific step-by-step plans for execution can enhance your sales efforts and dramatically increase your business performance. Joe Mayer, Mayer Business Group
HOME BUSINESS NETWORK: Time Management for the Home Business Owner Track: COSE Business Networks | Level: All Levels Together we will explore time management concepts and skills required to increase personal and professional productivity. You will discover the true definition of productivity, where your time goes, the four quadrants of time, and how to set goals and write action plans to accomplish those goals. You will have the chance to assess your current situation and also look at what you might want instead. Darla Klein, LeaderSHIFT, Inc.,
How to Develop a Successful Marketing Plan Track: Marketing | Level: All Levels With so many tools available to marketers today, how do you develop solid strategies to grow your business? In this session you will learn a prescribed logical sequence of events designed to mitigate risk and create and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy. Whether you are marketing a product, service, businessto-business or retail, having a disciplined approach dramatically increases your chance of success. Jack Leary, The JPLeary Group
DAY 1 - 4 :1 5 pm – 5 : 3 0 pm Benefits Packages That Make Sense Track: HR & Legal | Level: Intermediate In all organizations there are guidelines to what should be in a benefits package. It’s great to offer the moon unless you really can’t afford it. In this workshop we explore the various options that can be added to a benefits package and how to know which options make sense for your company. We’ll talk about how you can add options as the company grows as well as how that addition can be an incentive for your staff. Rob Rogers, Findley Davies
How to Build and Manage your Bank Relationship Track: Money | Level: Fundamental/Intermediate It is vitally important to your business to have a great relationship with your bank. Keep them in the picture at all times. Ask for advice, explain your plans and make them feel ultra comfortable. Learn the best strategies for developing a solid relationship with your bank or banks to allow you to feel secure in your investment decisions. David Merkel, Chase Business Banking, East Region RM Channel
Keep the Cash Coming/Credit and Collections Practices Track: Money | Level: Intermediate
Worker’s Compensation Group Safety Training Part I: General Industry Track: HR & Legal | Level: All Levels
Reducing your receivables is one of the best ways to improve cash flow and increase profitability. This interactive presentation will help small companies learn how to collect their receivables more effectively.
The Ohio BWC requires all group rated employers that have experienced a workers’ compensation claim in the last two years to complete two hours of safety training from a certified safety professional. This course satisfies one credit hour of the BWC’s two hour mandate. Course certificates will be available for attendees immediately after the session.
Rob Lurie, Javitch, Block & Rathbone
Save Your Business with Business Continuity – Backup, Recovery and Security Track: Technology for Small Business Level: All Levels Would your business survive if your hard drive crashed, your laptop was lost or stolen or your office was destroyed by a fire or flood? What would you do during an extended power outage or loss of internet connectivity? What would you do if your email was attacked or hacked? This session addresses various aspects of business continuity planning as well as email, internet and computer security as they apply to small and home based businesses. Steve Giordano, TeamLogic IT
Use Blogging to increase your business’ brand awareness and brand image Track: Social Media | Level: Intermediate Learn how to effectively participate in blogs in order to promote your business. Learn how to establish your own blog, how to control the content and the participation level and the commitment required, in order to make the blog a revenue producing sales tool. Tiffany Lardomita, Inervu
Multi-Generational Workplace Track: Personal and Professional Development Level: All Levels Learn how to better understand people, your coworkers, and your boss in today’s workplace. We will show you a more current way to view behavior, being that this is the first time in history that there are four generations in the workplace! Leslie G. Ungar, Electric Impulse Communications, Inc.
Joseph Ventura Safety Controls Technology and Michael O’Donnell COSE Compensation Services Renewable Energy in Ohio: Wind and Solar Energy Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels Solar power in Northern Ohio? Absolutely! Learn what solar photovoltaic is, its applications, cost and net metering. Learn how to make hot water from the sun – whether it is for domestic hot water, process water or space heating. Also, solar means day-lightning. Learn how to harness the sun to light your building. Solar power opportunities are boundless, green and practical. Wind energy is the fastest growing energy production technology in the world. Is wind right for you? Learn why to consider wind energy. Learn how to implement a wind energy project. Learn how a wind energy project can benefit your bottom line, your corporate image and provide an energy inflation hedge against future price hikes and carbon tax legislation. Although we will discuss utility scale projects, this session is focused on end user applications. Glen Ginesi, Engineered Process Systems and Charles Newcomb, NexGen Compressed Air Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels Often referred to as the fourth utility, compressed air costs you more than you think. Are compressed natural gas vehicles viable? Yes. You will learn the energy costs of your air system, the pros and cons of oil-free systems, how new VSD technology is best applied, how to reduce air demand, air system control management and techniques of drying, storage, and piping as well as enhancing system air efficiency, quality and reliability. Energy savings and air improvements are only two of the many benefits you will learn about implementing a best practices compressed air program. Trey Donze, Air Technologies
Performance Management – Driving Results through Improved Communications, Success Planning and Performance Feedback Track: HR & Legal | Level: Intermediate
Create and Sustain an Organized and Efficient Office Space Track: Personal and Professional Development Level: All Levels
This workshop is designed to provide you with a platform for helping your employees improve their performance at all levels. You will enhance your communication and leadership skills and your employees will understand how to meet and exceed business objectives so everyone in your business can continue on a path to success.
Whether you work in an executive office, a cubical, or from home, this session will teach you tips to make you more efficient, effective, and productive. Other than a complete makeover, what organizational systems and procedures can you implement to help you better utilize your office space and workflow? Learn creative ways of organizing, filing, and leveraging what you have to better increase the organization of your office, cubical or department. You’ll learn tips for how to work more efficiently, productively, and cost effectively based on what works best for you.
Ron Rounick, Global Learning Partners T.L.C.
Tracey Kastelic, Organize My Office Space
DAY 2 - 1 0 : 4 5 am – 1 2 : 0 0 pm Motivating Employees with Non-Monetary Rewards Track: HR & Legal | Level: Intermediate In our current economy, employees everywhere are feeling overworked and underpaid, but how can you keep them focused on a bright future? You can use non-monetary rewards to make employees feel important and energize your workforce. It is important to continually revisit your recognition program and strategy to ensure they remain effective. Learn the differences between individual and team recognition, and how it can lead to higher profits for your company. Amy B. Shannon, Pinnacle Leadership Solutions
NEOSA: Finding the Voice of Your Business Track: COSE Business Networks | Level: All Levels Finding and projecting the authentic voice of your business across social media, email marketing, web PR and traditional marketing vehicles is essential to your sales success. Mastering these is no guarantee of success without a focused plan and the right talk track grounded in your business and clearly articulating your value proposition. Learn how to communicate with maximum impact through social media, email marketing, web public relations, video, audio and more as you zero in on your target audience. We will explore the differences between reaching end consumers (B2C) and other businesses (B2B) and the best methods for reaching each group. You will find the voice of your business that expresses the value and impact that only your products and/or services can deliver in words, sounds and images that capture the attention and the wallets of your target markets. Mitchell Slater, Visible Innovations and Ted Wallingford, Best Technology Strategy LLC Building a Strategic Plan – Hope is Not a Strategy Track: Sales | Level: All Levels The key to creating an integrated organization that is excellent at strategic development and deployment is following a process to ensure that everyone in the organization is working toward the same goals. This session will take your business through an activity that will help you in defining your organization’s vision, and then scoping out the necessary work for accomplishing this vision. Eric Kurjan, Six Disciplines
Using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Track: Sales | Level: Intermediate Understand how you can use a customer relationship management system to manage current and prospective customers. The proper approach can help you get there. Learn best practices and determine which method will work best for your business and your team to create a solid strategy. Mark F. Mizenko,
Optimizing your Web site Track: Marketing | Level: Intermediate Turn your Web site into a cash churning sales machine (lead generation and ecommerce) with search engine marketing. Learn the latest and best techniques to drive prospects to your site, including Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC). You’ll discover strategies for key phrase development, link building, content strategies, blogging and much more. We’ll cover campaign organization and strategy to landing page testing. You will leave this session with the tools needed to implement an effective and searchable Web site with a smooth conversion flow and an understanding of your best opportunities now. Business to Business (b2b) and Business to Consumer (b2c) will benefit. Leslie Carruthers, President, The Search Guru
Big Business Marketing on a small Business Budget Track: Marketing | Level: All Levels Tight budgets need creative marketing solutions. Learn clever, low-cost and even free ways to market your business. Learn how to use cost-effective marketing and sales automation tools to increase sales and compete effectively against bigger companies for name recognition and market share. Dan Cricks, Results Marketing, LLC
IRS Updates for small businesses Track: Money | Level: All Levels This session will encompass recent tax law and related procedural changes relevant to you, the small business owner. Anthony Palmer, Internal Revenue Service
Telecommunications Solutions – Voice, Data and more Track: COSE Business Networks | Level: AllLevels What communications solutions make sense for your business? This session will address how you can satisfy this essential business requirement most efficiently, without over-buying or spending more than necessary. Ryan Shorts, Warwick Communications
Leverage Social Media to increase brand awareness and brand image Track: Social Media | Level: Intermediate Learn the differences between the various social media sites and how to use each site to leverage your brand and increase sales. Get ideas on how to construct effective copy and how to keep your content current without becoming a slave to your site. We will discuss setting up a Fan Page on Facebook that will increase your business. Andy Halko, Insivia
Seven Critical Mistakes That Stop You From Being a Great Leader Track: Personal and Professional Development Level: All Levels Do you ever feel like this? You’ve done a superb job of building your business, and you’ve gathered a great group of people around you who get the work done and serve your customers well. But as the company grows, you are noticing that not everyone is on the same page, morale is down, and recently your turnover has increased. This session will review some of the biggest mistakes that business leaders make – and teach you how to overcome them so you can better motivate and inspire your employees. Learn what you can do to improve communication, build loyalty, and increase trust in your organization so people want to come to work for you – and stay. Jim Smith, The Executive Happiness Coach
Ten Legal Tools Every Small Business Owner Needs Track: HR & Legal | Level: Intermediate/Advanced This presentation provides small business owners with tools they can use to protect themselves and their businesses from liability, protect their assets, and save money. It emphasizes preventative, proactive steps a business owner can take to avoid legal challenges. Louis J. Licata and Sharon L. Toerek, Licata & Toerek Succession Planning for the Small Business Owner Track: Money | Level: Advanced You’ve spent a lifetime building your business – now find out how to continue to benefit from your business after you stop working in it. Also, learn financial planning strategies you should put into place early on to get the most out of your succession strategy. This session should also address any changes to small business taxation that may affect a retiring business owner. Charles Conrad, Szarka Financial Management and Charles F. Adler, Esq., Schneider Smeltz, Ranney & LaFond Electric and Gas Use and Procurement Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels Develop adaptive strategies in an ever-changing global environment and prepare for the end of 2010 and more electricity “re-regulation.” You can choose to be a proactive participant or a reactionary victim. Natural gas prices have been fluctuating wildly in recent years. What can businesses do to mitigate the impact? Learn how to effectively manage your energy costs by getting an in-depth look at the many products available that can be customized to your business objectives. • NYMEX – what is it, how it fluctuates and what it means to you • Natural gas market drivers to pay attention to • An in-depth look at the variety of pricing products, such as triggers, caps, collars, floors and others • Matching the benefits of various products to your specific operational and energy requirements Michael D. Spacek, Engineered Process Systems and Randy Bitsky, CNEG
Chilled Water Systems Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels Chilled water, whether for space conditioning or process applications, is more than just temperature. Providing the necessary cooling requires more than an output temperature. Clean water at the proper flow is as important, if not more so, as water temperature. You will learn the secret to efficient, reliable production at the appropriate temperature of your chilled and process water requirements. Introduction of TurboCor compressor technology will show you a minimum of 30% energy savings and provide you a methodology to obtain an environmentally friendly refrigerant change-out without loss of system capacity AND energy savings. Don’t miss this if you use 100-tons or more of chilled/process water. Felix Theys, PE
Business Ethics Initiative Track: HR & Legal | Level: All Levels The United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Ohio, the Cleveland Clinic and the Greater Cleveland Partnership are coming together to educate business leaders on preventing questionable business practices from occurring. This session will explain what pitfalls to avoid when bidding on jobs, present best practices used by companies to insure they and their workers are following the law and share practical tips for small- and mid-sized companies about what you can do to stay out of trouble. Robert Gilmore, Kohrman, Jackson & Krantz, Stephen M Dettelbach, US Attorney Northern District of Ohio and David W Rowan Cleveland Clinic Windows 7 Upgrade Strategy – Why and How? Track: Technology for Small Business Level: Intermediate Windows 7 is the latest operating system release from Microsoft. It is regarded as a major improvement over Vista, but there are always difficulties involved in migrating to a new release. Should you take the plunge? Tim Moeller, Cornerstone IT
DAY 2 - 1: 0 0 pm – 2 :1 5 pm Building a Positive Culture: Maximum Impact Collaborations – Powering Business Success Track: HR & Legal | Level: Intermediate/Advanced Culture is one of the key components to a successful – or unsuccessful company. We’ll talk about the elements of a positive culture and the steps to ensuring you have one. We’ll explore what a positive culture looks like and how anyone within the organization can impact that culture. Christine Zust, Zust & Company, Lynne Meyer, A Way With Words, Barbara Oney, LLC, Dr. Rachel Talton, Synergy Marketing Strategy & Research, Inc., and Arlene Watson, Möbius Grey LLC
Arts Network: Cover Your Assets! - Intellectual Property Law for Artists in Business Track: COSE Business Networks | Level: All Levels Copyright and Intellectual Property are two pressing topics for anyone working as a creative professional. There are many tools available to protect you and your artistic work (copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, licensing and contracts) and this session will provide guidance on each and how to utilize them in your respective arts field. Sharon L. Toerek, Licata & Toerek
Growth Triage - Selling Strategic Value to Produce Sales Growth Track: Sales | Level: Advanced In this transformed economy, customers only care about the value you can produce for their business. They want you to help them make money rather than taking it. Customer-partnered selling positions you as a trusted advisor rather than as another vendor, differentiating you from your competitors and earning your customers’ trust. This process builds enduring customer relationships and generates sustainable business growth.
Access to Credit Track: Money | All Levels It is vitally important to your business to have a great relationship with your bank. Keep them in the picture at all times. Ask for advice, explain your plans and make them feel ultra comfortable. Learn the best strategies for developing a solid relationship with your bank or banks to allow you to feel secure in your investment decisions. Matthew Wyner, KeyBank
Achieving Core Objectives Under All Conditions Track: Technology for Small Business Level: All Levels Business Resiliency Planning brings your essential functions together so you know how each area affects your business’s ability to withstand adverse events. Learn ways to align these areas, what to watch for, and how to better prepare to keep you open for business regardless. Ted Kozenko, TPComps LLC
Bob Schultek, GrowthPointe Group Mastering LinkedIn Track: Social Media | Level: Intermediate Effective Lead Generation and follow up Track: Sales | Level: All Levels You know how to get your foot in the door. Learn best practices to take your lead generation to the next level. Identify new techniques, and gain insights into what works and what doesn’t. Matthew Minarik, Hi-Q group
Developing Your Marketing Strategy in a Technology Driven World Track: Marketing | Level: Intermediate Web 2.0 has leveled the playing field for many organizations. It’s no longer about the size of your marketing budget, or how many impressions you can generate. It’s about how intelligent and innovative you can be in adopting emerging online technologies like blogs, forums, optimized press releases and social networks. By concentrating on the activities that build inbound links, drive Web site traffic and convert visitors into leads, your organization can grow smarter and faster than the competition. Jim Tabaczynski, JPT Group, Inc.
Optimizing your Media Coverage Track: Marketing | Level: All Levels Seeing your story in the news requires more than sending a press release. Learn how to effectively communicate with the media to generate attention for you and your business. Carolyn Jack,
Take your use of LinkedIn to the next level. Learn to utilize LinkedIn for business development. Review groups, events, applications and more. Learn the steps to optimize your profile to reach the top of LinkedIn search results and manage and build relationships online through LinkedIn. Teresa Simons, LISTEN UP LLC
Delegation- An Underused Skill Track: Personal and Professional Development Level: All Levels As we are asked to do more with less, there is little room for, “If you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.” Learn to determine when delegation is appropriate, how to implement the necessary steps, and avoid the pitfalls of delegation. Amanda Hershberger, Assist NOW, the EAP Division of Recovery Resources
Are You Ready for the Workers’ Compensation Changes? Track: HR & Legal | Level: Intermediate/Advanced No matter what your firm does or how many employees you have, there are aspects of the Workers’ Compensation system that you should be aware of, including ways to reduce your rates. From a drug free environment to safety programs, you can implement programs that create a safer, better work environment and decrease the odds of having a workers’ comp claim. In this workshop we’ll discuss the discounts available to you as well as programs you can implement to ensure you receive the lowest rates. Rebecca Kopp, Port Wright Morris & Arthur LLP
Managing the Stress of Producing Under Pressure Track: Personal and Professional Development Level: All Levels Different facets of our business day bring different types of stress. Learn how to assess how much of your stress is self-imposed rather than externally imposed. This session includes a self-assessment of your levels of perfectionism and procrastination and a differentiation from your personality type. Carol Ball, C.J. Hendry & Associates, Inc.
Growth Through Global Trade PART I Track: Sales | Level: All Levels Economic growth in emerging markets presents a significant opportunity for American businesses. In today’s high-tech, high-efficiency world, customers across borders can be reached just as easily as customers next door. This seminar will give you the tools needed to think beyond borders and reach the global market place. You will learn how to recognize and reduce risk, ways to identify new international business opportunities, resources to locate suppliers, buyers and other overseas partners, tools to avoid customs errors and delays, efficient ways to manage export inventories, and techniques to increase your business reach through improved search-engine rankings. Jim Beach and Chris Hanks, The Entrepreneur School
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District: Once Gray Now Green Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels Over the next 30 years, the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District will invest billions of dollars in infrastructure improvements to protect our great natural resources and public health. Learn about these innovative, multi-million dollar green infrastructure projects – and what opportunities exist for small businesses – as the Sewer District goes green. Kellie Rotunno, Director of Construction & Engineering, NEORSD and Tiffany Jordan, Contract Compliance Manager, NEORSD Green IT as a Business Driver Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels Creating a more Green IT Department is not simply an environmental decision. We will discuss how Green IT solutions can cut your utilities, and streamline your business operations. Jack Wilson, Enterprise Architect, Amerisure Mutual Insurance Company and Peter Ledger, IT Professional at Open Systems of Cleveland
DAY 2 - 2 : 3 0 pm – 3 : 4 5 pm Liability Issues from Hiring to Firing Track: HR & Legal | Level: Intermediate/Advanced When it comes to dealing with employees, there are actions you can and cannot take. Find out where you may be at risk from a legal standpoint and how to handle situations correctly. This workshop will address how to protect yourself, your employees and your business. Tim Dimoff, SACS Consulting and Investigative Services
HOME BUSINESS NETWORK: Wellness & Stress Management for the Home Business Owner Track: COSE Business Networks | Level: All Levels Home business owners often don’t have a traditional end of day because you are always at your place of business – your homes. You often feel “burnt out.” This is not good for your productivity or health. This workshop will provide you with a wide range of activities to choose from to reduce stress and improve your health. Moderator: Maia Beatty, Maia Beatty & Associates, John Kim, Kim’s Martial Arts, Nancy Schuemann, Schuemann Enterprises, LLC, Michael Hall, Personal Trainer, Cindy Yoakum, LightWorks Medical Intuition and Healing. Sales Techniques in a Challenging Economy Track: Sales | Level: All Levels This workshop will review the realities of selling in a tough economy and explore why people buy, where those prospects are, how to find them and how to close the deal. Learn specific strategies to grow your business as we emerge from the recession. Thomas Scully, Sandler Training
Doing Business with the Government Track: Sales | Level: Intermediate The federal government is currently spending billions of dollars in contracts to small companies as well as large. Learn the ins and outs of government procurement. This workshop will review the procurement process, business certification, proposal preparation and what happens once you get the bid. John Renner, U.S. Small Business Administration
Market Research 101 Track: Marketing | Level: All Levels Gain an understanding on how to target industries for new customers, market for a new product or new market entry of an existing product. We will also review the best way to create a prospect list to increase sales and how to learn more about a potential customer for increased sales or a competitor for strategy formulation. Erica Cikanek, Strategic Marketing Initiatives, LLC
A Little Known Secret…for Reducing Healthcare Costs Track: Personal and Professional Development Level: Fundamental What do you do when the boss tells you to reduce healthcare costs… but DON’T switch insurance providers? Come and explore how humorous advance directive wellness programs will decrease emotional and financial costs in your company. Lisa Newburger, Discuss Directives, LLC
Integrating Diversity Into Your Workplace Track: HR & Legal | Level: All Levels Learn how to begin practicing diversity and inclusion within your office environment or workplace. This workshop will discuss appropriate strategies and the many benefits of embracing diversity within your small business. Eric Lutzo, Plexus, Chamber of Commerce for the LGBT Community and Allies
Invest Like a Pro: Avoid Bear Markets & Catch a Bull Track: Money | Level: Fundamental
How the new Health Care Law will affect employers Track: HR & Legal | Level: All Levels
You work hard. If your investments don’t, you’re not getting ahead. Come meet with an active Registered Investment Advisor, and we’ll show you nine free internet indicators that will help you save your nestegg in the next meltdown.
Since the passage of the reform bill in March, COSE has been dedicated to producing resources to guide you through the short and long-term impact on your business. This session will help COSE members learn more about the potential impact to their business from health care reform, and to have an opportunity to ask specific questions in person. This seminar is targeted toward employers.
Ian Abbott, Abacus Financial Services, LLC
Analytic Software – Helping Small Businesses Grow Track: Technology for Small Business Level: All Levels Analytic software is an essential component in generating new sales growth for many small businesses. Utilizing analytics software has improved Web site conversion rates, direct mail marketing, email campaigns, cost reduction and much more. Learn what analytic software is, who provides this software, where can it be used in your business and how much effort and resources are required. Karen Haddad Ziton, Visualytic Solutions, Inc., Chris Serger and Andy Halko, Insivia
Video - the new application for Social Media Track: Social Media | Level: Fundamental This workshop will teach you the basics of simple video tools. Determine how to integrate video into your social media plan and identify video ROI. Kelley Hynds, Hyndsight Productions
The Art of Follow Up Track: Personal and Professional Development Level: Intermediate The success of any follow up is dependent on you making a great first impression. Learn questions to ask during your initial meeting that will create follow up opportunities. Learn how nurturing new relationships and being truly interested in others separates you from the crowd. Donald Wayne McLeod, LISTEN UP LLC
Patty Starr and Brian Paul, COSE It Pays to Go Green…State & Federal EnergyEfficiency & Clean Energy Financial Incentives, Funding, Grants & Tax Credits Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels Step-by-step public and private financial modeling, including local and federal grants. Learn about tax incentives and grants for private companies and public institutions. Discussions include the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREB), grants, House Bill 7, House Bill 264, and House 300 financing for colleges, universities, local governments and K-12 schools. Renewable energy credits and private venture financial modeling for public and private sectors. Randy Monhemius, Business Program Specialist, USDA and John Greenway, State of Ohio Department of Development Branding for Sustainability Track: Ohio Energy Education Conference Level: All Levels No matter what the size, every organization has a brand – and that brand is its most valuable asset. This workshop blends information on how to build a brand that stands out among the competition, particularly in this era of sustainable enterprise. Attend to see how companies are becoming sustainability brand champions. Courtney DeOreo, Common Wealth Services, Inc. and Rosemary Breehl, Breehl Traynor & Zehe – Brand Communications Growth Through Global Trade PART II Track: Sales | Level: All Levels Economic growth in emerging markets presents a significant opportunity for American businesses. In today’s high-tech, high-efficiency world, customers across borders can be reached just as easily as customers next door. This seminar will give you the tools needed to think beyond borders and reach the global market place. You will learn how to recognize and reduce risk, ways to identify new international business opportunities, resources to locate suppliers, buyers and other overseas partners, tools to avoid customs errors and delays, efficient ways to manage export inventories, and techniques to increase your business reach through improved search-engine rankings. Jim Beach and Chris Hanks, The Entrepreneur School
In the spirit of, this i n t er acti v e le a r n i ng en v i ron m en t is speci a lly designed to enh a nce your confer ence ex per ience . You can benefit from one of our experts - the MindSpring experts - by participating in a roundtable discussion on a variety of topics such as search engine marketing (SEM), strategic planning and sustainability, etc. Sessions are first come, first served, so stop by the COSE MindSpring tables in the back of the Exhibit Hall. Can’t make it to the sessions you’re interested in? Log on to for access to all of our experts anytime, day or night! is COSE’s peer-based virtual information portal where members meet, exchange ideas, share experiences and grow. Powered by relevant and timely articles, guest experts and practical topics, small business owners come here to connect to the tools necessary to start, maintain and grow a small business in Northeast Ohio.
Experts and times are subject to change. Additional experts and topics may be added. Visit or check your conference program book for updated listings. d ay 1 - w e d n e s d ay, o c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 0 9 : 4 5 am – 1 0 : 1 5 am
1 0 : 1 5 am – 1 0 : 4 5 am
Diversity Education
Succession Planning
Tameka Taylor of Compass Consulting
Chris Cooper of the Ohio Employee Ownership Center - KSU
Telecommunications for Small Business
Disaster Planning
Laura Leggett of DataVoice Connect
Ted Kozenko of TP Comps
Strategic Alliances
Selling Your Business
Diane Helbig of Seize this Day Coaching
Kipp Krukowski of Confidential Business Sale
Innovation in Technology
Marsha Powers of Powers Financial Group
Laura Pettit Rusick of OPT Solutions
Tracking Business Finances William Riccio of Riccio and Associates, Inc.
Customer Service and Retention Rachel Torchia of Gateway Title
Diversity Education Tameka Taylor of Compass Consulting
SEM and SEO David Goebel of The Goebel Group
d ay 1 - w e d n e s d ay, o c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 0
1 2 : 0 0 pm – 1 2 : 3 0 pm
1 : 4 5 pm – 2 : 1 5 pm
How to Work with the Media
Personal Evolution
Jeanne Bluffstone of Bluffstone PR
Joe Mayer, Mayer Business Group LLC
Employment Law
David Goebel of The Goebel Group
Rob Gilmore of Kohrman Jackson & Krantz P.L.L.
Networking Strategies
Marlene Herman of AAMCO Transmissions
Phil Stella of Stellar Presentations
Customer Service and Retention
Customer Service and Retention
Rachel Torchia of Gateway Title
Rachel Torchia of Gateway Title
2 : 1 5 pm – 2 : 4 5 pm
Lead Generation Matt Minarik of Hi-Q-Group
Alternative Sources of Capital John Doucette of Liquid Capital of Northeast Ohio
Leadership Advancement Roxanne Kaufman of ProLaureate
Employment Law Rob Gilmore of Kohrman Jackson & Krantz P.L.L.
d a y 2 - T H U RSDAY , o c t o b e r 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 9 : 4 5 am – 1 0 : 1 5 am
1 0 : 1 5 am – 1 0 : 4 5 am
Succession Planning
Disaster Planning
Chris Cooper of the Ohio Employee Ownership Center - KSU
Ted Kozenko of TP Comps LLC
Telecommunications for Small Business
Innovation in Technology
Laura Leggett of DataVoice Connect
Laura Pettit Rusick of OPT Solutions
Lead Generation
Networking Strategies
Matt Minarik of Hi-Q-Group
Phil Stella of Stellar Presentation
Medical Mutual of Ohio
Additional Resources Inc.
Microsoft Small Business
Ahola Payroll Services
The Minute Men HR System
The Alpha Group Agency, Inc.
Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
The City Mission
Cleveland Gladiators AFL
Ohio Commerce Bank
Point to Point
Crain’s Cleveland Business
Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP
Discover Card
Ross, Brittain & Schonberg Co., L.P.A.
eCollect of Ohio, Inc.
Safety Controls Technology
Eric Tolbert & Associates
Small Business Administration
First Energy Corporation
Today’s Business Products
First Energy Solutions
United Way of Greater Cleveland
Group Transportation Services
US Bank
Integrys Energy Services, Inc.
Visible Innovations
Vision Service Plan
Kent State University
Western Reserve Internet Services
Marketing Support Network Maximum Value Partners, LLC
First COSE member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FREE First Non–COSE member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499 Each additional attendee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 (COSE or Non–COSE member) LOCAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99
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Additional Attendees: 1. $75 2. $75 3. $75 Total $
Payment Information: Visa
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Cardholder’s Signature: Check Number (Check Attached): If paying by check, make payable to: Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE) Mail to: 2010 COSE Small Business Conference The Higbee Building | Suite 210 100 Public Square | Cleveland, OH 44113
Fax to: 216.621.4617
For registration questions, general information and conference updates, call COSE member services at 216.592.2222, visit or email Location: International Exposition Center (I-X Center) One I-X Center Drive Cleveland, OH 44135
All meals are included: Wednesday: Continental breakfast, Ten Under 10 luncheon and networking reception Thursday: Continental breakfast and lunch
Online conference registration: Register for the conference and the monthly e-mail online: Parking is free for all attendees!