Earnshaw's | February 2013

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Tween Instinct

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1/22/13 9:10 AM




1/21/13 2:35:25 PM

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EARN_1 1

Glow-in-the-dark styles!

1/21/13 2:49:41 PM

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EARN_2 2

1/21/13 2:36:03 PM


Noelle Heffernan Publisher


Jennifer Cattaui ;Z_jeh _d 9^_[\ Nancy Campbell 9h[Wj_l[ :_h[Yjeh ;:?JEH?7B Angela Velasquez <Wi^_ed ;Z_jeh Lyndsay McGregor 7iieY_Wj[ ;Z_jeh Maria Bouselli 7ii_ijWdj ;Z_jeh Megan Fernandez ;Z_jeh_Wb ?dj[hd 9H;7J?L; Trevett McCandliss 7hj :_h[Yjeh Tim Jones I[d_eh :[i_]d[h

FEATURES 28 Twinkle, Twinkle ImWhelia_ ;b[c[dji WZZi ]bWcekh je j^[ K$I$ Y^_bZh[dim[Wh cWha[j$

9EDJH?8KJEHI Michel Onofrio Ijob[ :_h[Yjeh

32 Oh, Canada 9WdWZ_Wd cWdk\WYjkh[hi jWa[ WZlWdjW][ e\ j^[ fkhY^Wi_d] fem[h e\ j^[_h iekj^[hd d[_]^Xehi WdZ ÓdZ W ]eeZ Ój _d j^[ K$I$ m_j^ j^[_h ;khef[Wd# _dÔk[dY[Z WdZ fh_Y[#YediY_eki XhWdZi$

7:L;HJ?I?D= Caroline Diaco =hekf FkXb_i^[h Sarah Sutphin Broglie 7Zl[hj_i_d] CWdW][h Alex Marinacci 7YYekdj ;n[Ykj_l[ Jennifer Craig If[Y_Wb 7YYekdji CWdW][h Steven Hemingway 9bWii_\_[Z IWb[i

36 Keep it Moving M_j^ jWXb[ji WdZ icWhjf^ed[ ki[ ed j^[ h_i[" h[# jW_b[hi Wh[ h[#`_]]_d] j^[_h m[Xi_j[i WdZ ijhWj[]_[i je WZZh[ii j^_i ]hem_d] iWb[i i[]c[dj$

7:C?D?IJH7J?ED Laurie Guptill FheZkYj_ed CWdW][h Melanie Prescott 9_hYkbWj_ed CWdW][h Mike Hoff M[XcWij[h

FASHION 38 Wild Thing Jm[[d ]_hbi \Wi^_ed _i [gkWb fWhji fbWo\kb WdZ Yec\ehjWXb[" ^[[Z_d] j^[ YWbb e\ j^[ m_bZ m_j^ Wd_cWb fh_dji WdZ cej_\i$

9EDJ79J ?D<E Sales/Editorial Offices ), 9eef[h IgkWh[" *j^ \beeh D[m Oeha" DO '&&&) J[b0 ,*, (-.#'++& <Wn0 ,*, (-.#'++) [Z_jeh_Wbh[gk[iji6 /j^h[WZi$Yec

This page: Stella McCartney Kids raglan, Tractor grey animal print jeans, T.U.K. shoes.

Circulation Office (' >_]^bWdZ 9_hYb[ D[[Z^Wc" C7 &(*/* J[b0 .&& /,*#+'+& <Wn0 -.' *+)#/)./ Y_hYkbWj_ed6/j^h[WZi$Yec 9EHFEH7J; /J^h[WZi (,(&( :[jhe_j HeWZ" )&& M[ijbWa[" E> **'*+ J[b0 **& .-'#')&& Xen Zapis" 9^W_hcWd Lee Zapis" Fh[i_Z[dj Rich Bongorno" 9<E

Cover, from left: T2Love grey sweatshirt worn over Malibu Sugar fishnet tank top, Tractor floral jeans; Wildfox Kids musical note tee, DKNY black skinny jeans.


Photography by Katrina Tang; styling by Michel Onofrio.

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 26 51 52

;Z_jehÊi B[jj[h IdWfi^ej JWba_d] Fe_dji Fresh Finds >ej Fhef[hj_[i D_d[ J^_d]i Ed Jh[dZ Ifejb_]^j Ed j^[ 8beYa ?d <eYki 8[^_dZ j^[ I[Wci 9Wb[dZWh H[c_n

EARNSHAW’S INFANTS, GIRLS AND BOYS WEAR REVIEW ISSN 0161-2786 (USPS-320-090) Vol. 97 Issue 2. The business and fashion magazine of the children’s wear industry is published monthly (except bi-monthly April/May and Nov/Dec) editions by Symphony Publishing NY, LLC, 36 Cooper Square, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10003. The publishers of this magazine do not assume responsibility for statements made by their advertisers in business competition. Periodicals postage is paid in New York, N.Y. and additional mailing offices. Subscription price for one year: U.S. $48; Rates outside U.S. available upon request. Single price copy, $5. Copyright 2013 by Symphony Publishing NY, LLC. Postmaster: Send address changes to Earnshaw’s Infants, Girls and Boys Wear Review, P.O. Box 8548, Lowell, MA 01853-8548. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photos. Any photographs, artwork, manuscripts, editorial samples or merchandise sent for editorial consideration are sent at the sole risk of the sender. Symphony Publishing NY, LLC will assume no responsibility for loss or damage. No portion of this issue may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Printed in USA.

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1/22/13 9:56 AM

Call of the Wild

It’s a jungle out there in Fall ’13 tween fashion.

WE SHOT OUR February tween issue not in the African savannah but in the urban jungle of Greenpoint, Brooklyn. E D I T O R ’ S L E T T E R Photographer Katrina Tang set up a denim background, while models donned leopard and floral print jeans, animal graphic tees and funky headgear like cat headbands and wire-framed bunny ears crafted by prop stylist, Alexandra Egan. While the denim is still skinny, tops ranged from shrunken to billowing to off-the-shoulder. Everything is stretchy, comfortable and fashionable, made for an on-the-go lifestyle. This hard-to-pin-down segment is gaining steam fast—their market power clear on the floors of January’s ENK Children’s Club show. As a counterpoint to casual, in “Twinkle Twinkle” we spoke to Executive Vice President of Swarovski Professional, Reinhard Mackinger, to see what makes the party scene sparkle. The tween market, for all of its Bat Mitzvahs and birthday parties, is key in the business of all that glitters. We also checked on the vintage inspired market, namely sitting down with Bonnie Matthews, the designer behind the growing brand Blu Pony Vintage, about selling Americana both in and out of the States. Speaking of going global, in “Oh, Canada” we get the scoop on our Canadian neighbors whose brands are making waves in the American market, for their boutique European designs coupled with competitive pricing.

Pricing is a big driver of sales in the U.S. market, and with increased use of smartphones and tablets in the shopping continuum, apps that can find the best price, product reviews and more information is changing the way retailers do business. In “Keep it Moving” we delve into the mobile shopping phenomenon and give tips on how retailers can position themselves for the swell of tablet and smartphone shoppers on the horizon. Several points that come up time and time again for brick and mortars is to know your advantage, keep your product unique and deliver an experience. We feature a retailer taking heed to such advice, Hiho Batik in Brooklyn, NY, who has built a DIY crafting area into its store, broadening customer awareness and underscoring its brand. With the increased competition and globalization afoot, it’s time to make sure you know your unique place in the market and ensure your brand identity and point of difference shines through in each aspect of everything you do. Enjoy the issue!

JENNIFER CATTAUI jennifer.cattaui@9threads.com

Offspring 1385 Broadway, Suite 1800 NY, NY 10018 212-279-4150 Mark Zelen Northeast Bill & Sandie Ellsworth 781-326-3999 Southeast Paul Daubney 404-577-6840 Caribbean/Latin America/ South Florida Rolando & Ana Hidalgo 305-266-8745 West Coast Teresa Stephen & Krystal Crooymans 866-723-KIDS Midwest Richard Finkelstein & Al Zaiff 800-935-0236 Texas/Southwest Annette Cardona-Stein 214-637-4446 International Nathan A. Mamiye 212-216-6008 See us at The Kids Show, Bally’s, Las Vegas, Feb. 18th-20th and The Children’s Club, NYC, Mar. 10th-12th

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1/22/13 9:16 AM

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EARN_5 5

1/21/13 2:36:34 PM



The intersection of dependence and independence is a hallmark of this growing demographic. MEET FASHION’S NEW power players. According to the report, Tween Sensibility, Spending and Influence, produced by EPM, a division of Business Valuation Resources LLC, there are 21 million kids in the U.S. aged 8 to 12 representing $43 billion of personal spending power and influencing an additional $150 billion of their parents’ purchases, according to American Express data cited in the report. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts growth in this segment, projecting that 39 million children will be between the ages of 5 to 13, the age bracket encompassing the broad spectrum of pre-tweens, young and older tweens by 2015,

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1/22/13 9:52 AM

and that this number will steadily increase 9 percent by videos, and communicate with friends about brands, 2025. Suffice to say, this is a growing market that retailers stores and properties they love via word of mouth. Laura and manufacturers should keep their eyes on. Groppe, president of Girls Intelligence Agency, a marIra Mayer, president of EPM, notes that “there is an keting organization that offers in-home experiences for astonishing amount of diversity” in the tween market, and girls to personally connect with products and brands to that due to the broad definition of family and the fact that feedback for manufacturers, notes: “Technology is “TECHNOLOGY get the U.S. population is shifting, manufacturers and retailtheir currency.” ers have both challenges and opportunities within this But, reminds Groppe, despite tweens’ technological IS THEIR market segment. But there is a commonality, and that is sophistication, they are still very innocent in their point CURRENCY” in spending. “Money burns a hole in their pockets,” Mayer of view of the world. She sees the challenge for manufacsays. “Kids in this segment like to go to the mall and like to turers as speed to market, and notes a great opportunity spend money, but they need an adult to drive them there for companies to develop creative customizable experiand often times need someone to buy things for them.” This juncture of ences where “friends can hang out with one another, sampling, designdependence and interdependence gives rise to a notion of “family maring and styling.” Her advice for retailers and manufacturers pursuing keting,” a phenomenon of the last decade, Mayer says, adding it’s particthis demographic: whatever is done, is done digitally as well. Apparel ularly important for brands to appeal to both tween and parent simultais a favorite place for girl tweens to spend their dollars, and Nordstrom neously. and Justice count among favored shops in Groppe’s experience. “As [the This market segment is increasingly tech savvy, independent and tween girl] is going through this evolution of experimenting with whom informed. They watch the media (and according to EPM spend 24 hours she is today, tomorrow and the next day, she is playing around with her a week watching TV), play games on their tablets, upload and record ijob["È =heff[ dej[i$ 7dZ j^Wj" i^[ iWoi" YWd jhWdibWj[ je iWb[i$

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1/22/13 9:52 AM

talking points

What the fiscal cliff deal means for you bonus depreciation on capital purchases and expense Section 179 expenditures (for equipment, office furniture and other material goods) to a $500,000 allowance and a $2 million investment limit. SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS could face a higher tax bill after Washington’s last minute deal to avoid the fiscal cliff. Simply put, the compromise involves a series of tax increases and spending cuts over the next decade that will theoretically lead to $7 trillion circulating through the economy. Income taxes: Business owners who claim business profits on their personal income taxes will see taxes rise to 39.6 percent from 35 percent on personal income above $400,000. Payroll taxes: Self-employment tax goes back up to 15.3 percent of net earnings and the employee rate to 6.2 percent. Business tax incentives: Through 2013, businesses will be able to claim 50 percent

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Tax credits: Tax Code Section 45 production tax credits were extended for wind energy, biofuels and energy-efficient appliances. In addition the research, work opportunity, new markets and empowerment zone tax credits and incentives were extended through 2013, along with an employer wage credit for hiring military reservists. Estate taxes: A 5 percent jump in the federal estate tax rate to 40 percent from 35 percent. Healthcare: Small business owners now have just 12 months to prepare for new rules under the 2010 healthcare overhaul law. The law requires employers with 50 or more full-time equivalent workers to offer health insurance by 2014 or potentially pay a penalty. —Lyndsay McGregor

GREEN WITH ENVY GLOBALLY RENOWNED COLOR corporation Pantone has named emerald green as the official color of 2013, replacing tangerine, last year’s chosen hue. The company states that Pantone 17-5641 Emerald symbolizes “renewal and prosperity,” promotes healing and, as a shade of green, is often associated with nature and rejuvenation. The Duchess of Cambridge wore it on a recent visit to the Natural History Museum in London, while designers such as Tracey Reese, Nanette Lepore and Michael Kors incorporated the lush tone into their Spring/Summer 2013 collections. J.C. Penney will debut Pantone Emerald bedding, accessories, pillows and towels this month, and a 2013 Color of the Year collection will appear on cosmetics vendor Sephora’s shelves in March. —L.M.

1/22/13 11:16 AM

TOY FAIR, HELD at the Jacob @Wl_ji 9[dj[h _d D[m Oeha" <[X$ '&#')" _i Y[b[XhWj_d] _ji ''&j^ Wdd_l[hiWho m_j^ '"'&& e\ _ji Ybei[ij [n^_X_jeh \h_[dZi$ CWh_Wd 8eiiWhZ" Jeo ?dZkijho 7iieY_Wj_ed l_Y[ fh[i_Z[dj e\ c[[j_d]i WdZ [l[dji" ijWj[i" Ç7do [l[dj m_j^ ceh[ j^Wd W '&&#o[Wh ^_ijeho ^Wi fb[djo je Yecc[cehWj[" Xkj m[ X[b_[l[ j^Wj \eh [WY^ o[Wh jeo f[efb[ ^Wl[ ]Wj^[h[Z _d D[m Oeha" j^[ _dZkijho ^Wi ^WZ

iec[j^_d] if[Y_Wb je Y[b[XhWj[$È <eh (&')" j^[ i^em \eYki[i ed [ZkYWj_edWb effehjkd_j_[i \eh [WY^ e\ _ji ijWa[^ebZ[h ]hekfi m_j^ Ykhh_Ykbkc j^Wj Yel[hi b_Y[di_d]" cWn_c_p_d] ded# jhWZ_j_edWb ifWY[" WdZ mWoi je [d]W][ Y^_bZh[d edb_d[$ L_i_jehi YWd Wbie [nf[Yj je i[[ Wd [nfWdZ[Z i^em \beeh Wbh[WZo Wj )-("&&& igkWh[ \[[j WdZ Yb_cX_d] WdZ Wd _cfhel[Z bWoekj$ —Angela Velasquez

Industry seeks long-term deal on ports as deadline nears

DOCKWORKERS AT CONTAINER fehji \hec 8eijed je >ekijed YekbZ ]e ed ijh_a[ _\ W Z[Wb _idÊj h[WY^[Z X[jm[[d j^[ ?dj[hdWj_edWb Bed]i^eh[c[dÊi 7iieY_Wj_ed WdZ j^[ K$I$ CWh_j_c[ 7bb_WdY[" W ]hekf j^Wj h[fh[i[dji i^_ff_d] b_d[i" j[hc_dWb ef[hWjehi WdZ fehj WiieY_Wj_edi" Xo <[X$ ,$ J^[ ijh_a[ mekbZ Ybei[ YWh]e fehji ed j^[ ;Wij 9eWij WdZ j^[ =kb\ e\ C[n_Ye je YedjW_d[h i^_fi WdZ YekbZ Yeij YecfWd_[i ' X_bb_ed W ZWo$ Ç7 YeWij#m_Z[ fehj i^kjZemd _i dej Wd efj_ed$ ?j mekbZ ^Wl[ i[l[h[ [Yedec_Y hWc_\_YWj_edi \eh j^[ beYWb" dWj_edWb WdZ [l[d ]beXWb [Yedec_[i WdZ mh[Wa ^WleY ed j^[ ikffbo Y^W_d"È DWj_edWb H[jW_b <[Z[hWj_ed Fh[i_Z[dj WdZ 9;E CWjj^[m I^Wo iW_Z _d W ijWj[c[dj$ 7i h[Y[djbo Wi :[Y$ (. Xej^ i_Z[i h[WY^[Z W]h[[c[dj _d fh_dY_fb[ ed ed[ e\ j^[ ij_Ya_[h fe_dji _d j^[_h d[]ej_Wj_edi" _dlebl_d] heoWbjo fWoc[dji je bed]i^eh[c[d \eh [WY^ YedjW_d[h j^[o kdbeWZ" WdZ jWbai m[h[ [nj[dZ[Z Xo ed[ cedj^ _d ehZ[h je h[iebl[ ej^[h ekjijWdZ_d] _iik[i" _dYbkZ_d] m^Wj j^[ YecfWd_[i iWo Wh[ Wdj_gkWj[Z meha hkb[i$ ÆL.M.

RETAIL EXPO NRF’S 102ND ANNUAL H[jW_b 9ed\[h[dY[ WdZ ;NFE jeea fbWY[ Wj j^[ @Wl_ji 9[dj[h _d D[m Oeha ed @Wd$ ')#',$ J^[ [l[dj fhel_Z[Z h[jW_b[hi j^[ effehjkd_jo je b[Whd" d[jmeha" jhWZ[ _Z[Wi WdZ \_dZ ekj WXekj d[m iebkj_edi je Yecced h[jW_b fheXb[ci$ DH< Fh[i_Z[dj CWjj^[m I^Wo a_Ya[Z e\\ j^[ [l[dj m_j^ W a[odej[ if[[Y^ j^Wj fkj Wjj[dj_ed ed j^[ eh]Wd_pWj_edÊi _d\bk[dY[ _d MWi^_d]jed :$9$ WdZ h[Y[dj ikYY[ii m_j^ j^[ H[jW_b C[Wdi @eXi YWcfW_]d$ BWj[h" KD I[Yh[jWho =[d[hWb Ae\_ 7dWd ifea[ WXekj Xk_bZ_d] ijhed] dWj_edi" dej_d] j^Wj m_j^ j^[ _dYh[Wi[Z ]beXWb_pWj_ed e\ h[jW_b" h[jW_b[hi ^Wl[ j^[ Zkjo je [cfbeo beYWb ikffb_[hi WdZ h[iekhY[i$ 7j j^[ iWc[ j_c[" ^[ dej[Z" h[jW_b[hi ^Wl[ j^[ effehjkd_jo je ^[bf icWbb Xki_d[ii[i WdZ Yh[Wj[ `eXi _d [c[h]_d] Yekdjh_[i" h[ikbj_d] ed W fei_j_l[ ieY_[jWb _cfWYj$ 7 ^eij e\ dejWXb[ fWd[b Z_iYkii_edi Yedj_dk[Z el[h j^[ \ekh# ZWo Yed\[h[dY[" b[Z Xo W hWd][ e\ jef b[l[b h[jW_b \ebai \hec YecfWd_[i b_a[ 9eYW 9ebW" MWb#CWhj WdZ 7cWped ed jef_Yi b_a[ j^h_l_d] _d j^[ ]beXWb Wh[dW WdZ h[jW_b[hiÊ heb[ _d j^[ 7c[h_YWd h[d[mWb" i^emheec_d]" j^_hZ fWhjo WZl[hj_i_d] WdZ Z_]_jWb j[Y^d_gk[i je \khj^[h [d]W][ W Ykijec[h XWi[$ 7Xekj (-"&&& fhe\[ii_edWbi \hec ceh[ j^Wd -& Yekdjh_[i Wjj[dZ[Z j^[ [l[dj$ D[nj o[WhÊi i^em m_bb jWa[ fbWY[ @Wd$ '(#'+" (&'*$ ÆJennifer Cattaui UN Secretary General Kofi Anan


Toy Fair Turns the Big 1-1-0

COFFEE & CONVERSATION AT PLAYTIME Join Earnshaw’s for a morning coffee chat about breaking into the U.S. childrenswear market. Touching on marketing, advertising, social media and regulatory best-practices, Earnshaw’s publisher, Noelle Heffernan, and editor-in-chief, Jennifer Cattaui, will give the low down on how to ready your brand for the market and turn retailers’ heads. Saturday, March 9, 8:15-9:00 a.m., Saint John’s Center, 570 Washington Street, NY, NY 10014. www.playtimenewyork.com.

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1/22/13 11:16 AM

fresh finds


a fashion-forward swimwear line created to fill the void in the junior marketplace for flattering, feminine swimsuits that cater to girls’ ever-changing bodies, minds and spirits. With a silhouette for every body type, the collection contains a bevy of prints and solid mix-and-match separates in a kaleidoscope of colors. Sizes range from 4 to 16 and wholesale prices range from $15 to $38. Visit www.squirtinibikini. com.


Tweens know what they want, and they want it now. And thanks to LET HER SHINE, a new jewelry line from the Bows Arts crew, they get instant gratification. No more waiting for weeks for monogrammed bows. These silver-plated and CPSIA certified charms pop on in seconds. Jewelry sets include one popper, one pendant and one chain, and wholesale for $7.50. Visit www.bowsarts.com.

is a fun, vintageinspired line of jackets for girls from outerwear company Mack & Co. The brand pairs classic fabrications like denim, seersucker and microfiber with 3-D detailing and unique trims. The lightweight jackets are machine washable and available in sizes 12M to 6X. Wholesale prices range from $23 to $40. Check out www.mackandco.com.

Mixing French chic with American sensibility, LITTLE PASTILLES uses the softest fabrics to offer a line of comfy clothing for boys and girls sizes 0 to 12. Every item is designed to last— buttons are double reinforced while extra care is taken to engineer high stress points—and elastic waistbands and armholes allow for easy on and off. Wholesale prices range from $8 to $92. Check out www.littlepastilles. com.


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1/22/13 9:17 AM

Kfed h[Wb_p_d] ^em gk_Yabo ^[h _d\Wdj ZWk]^j[hi m[h[ ]hem# _d] ekj e\ j^[_h Ybej^_d]" ;c_bo CYCWij[h Yh[Wj[Z MABO" W K$I$#cWZ[ b_d[ \eh Xeoi WdZ ]_hbi i_p[i )C je .%/ o[Whi$ J^[ h[ikbj _i W Yebb[Yj_ed j^Wj _i kd_gk[ WdZ YbWi# i_Y [dek]^ je X[ fWii[Z Zemd ][d[hWj_edi" Xkj i_cfb[ WdZ m[Wh# WXb[ [dek]^ \eh fWhj_[i WdZ fbWo$ M^eb[iWb[ fh_Y[i hWd][ \hec - je *&$ 9^[Ya ekj www. mabokids.com.


the hip sister to Fore!! Axel >kZied" XeWij_d] Yebeh\kb jefi WdZ \kd ia_hji" i^ehji WdZ Zh[ii[i _d fbWo\kb fh_dji WdZ \behWb fWjj[hdi$ >_]^b_]^ji e\ j^[ [Ye#\h_[dZbo ]eb\#_dif_h[Z Yebb[Yj_ed _dYbkZ[ W f_gk[ iaehj WdZ hk\\b[ febe" cWZ[ \hec W ie\j WdZ ikijW_dWXb[ XWcXee WdZ ifWdZ[n Xb[dZ \eh Yec\ehj WdZ celWX_b_jo" Wi m[bb Wi i_]dWjkh[ ^Wji WdZ ]_hbo ^W_h Xemi$ I_p[i hWd][ \hec )%,C je '( o[Whi WdZ m^eb[# iWb[ fh_Y[i hWd][ \hec '& je )'$ L_i_j www. foreaxelandhudson.com.

9ecX_d_d] \kd m_j^ \kdYj_ed" BAILEY BERRY _djheZkY[i \ekh#i^e[i#_d#ed[ m_j^ j^[ bWkdY^ e\ _ji 88 IjWhi Yebb[Yj_ed$ B_]^jm[_]^j WdZ fhe# j[Yj_l[" [WY^ fW_h e\ ded#cWha_d] i^e[i Yec[i m_j^ \ekh Z_\# \[h[dj ijhWf Z[i_]di j^Wj a_Zi YWd c_n WdZ cWjY^$ :[i_]d[Z \eh Y^_bZh[d W][i ' je ." j^[ Yebb[Yj_ed m^eb[# iWb[i \eh ('$ =e je www.baileyberry.com.

:[i_]d[Z m_j^ j^[ XkZZ_d] _dZ_l_ZkWb_ij _d c_dZ" PURPLE PIXIES _i W jm[[d Ybej^_d] b_d[ XWi[Z _d D[m Oeha 9_jo$ >_f ^eeZ# _[i" ikf[h#ie\j WdZ Yepo im[Wji^_hji" WdZ jh[dZo jkd_Yi _d i_p[i - je '," WlW_bWXb[ _d \kd fh_dji" ifWhabo h^_d[ijed[i WdZ YhemZ#fb[Wi_d] ijh_f[i" m_bb ik_j [l[ho c_d_#\Wi^# _ed_ijWÊi ijob[$ M^eb[iWb[ fh_Y[i hWd][ \hec '+ je (+$ =e je www. purplepixies.net$

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1/22/13 9:17 AM

hot properties

Babar Celebrates 80 Years in U.S.

Hang Ten Adds Licensing Partnerships SURF BRAND HANG Ten is teaming up with Andy and ;lWd WdZ BWcWd8bk je Yh[Wj[ W XeoiÊ WdZ ]_hbiÊ Yebb[Yj_ed$ ÇJ^[o [WY^ fheZkY[ _dYh[Z_Xb[ f[hiedWb fheZkYji j^Wj f[efb[ m_bb X[Yec[ [cej_edWbbo WjjWY^[Z je$ J^[o jhkbo kdZ[hijWdZ ekh XhWdZ WdZ m^Wj _j c[Wdi je ekh Yedikc[hi"È iWoi >Wd] J[d XhWdZ cWdW][h" FWkb A_c" e\ j^[ jme XhWdZi$ J^[ 7dZo WdZ ;lWd YebbWXehWj_ed m_bb ^Wl[ W ÇYWikWb bknkhoÈ \[[b m_j^ X[WY^ WdZ h[iehj _dÔk[dY[i" WYYehZ_d] je fWhjd[h WdZ Ye#\ekdZ[h e\ j^[ XhWdZ" ;lWd >WaWb_h" WdZ m_bb Yec[ _d i_p[i & je ',$ Ç? mekbZ \khj^[h Z[iYh_X[ ekh l_i_ed \eh j^[ fheZkYji Wi X[_d] m[bb cWZ[" [njh[c[bo Z[jW_b[Z WdZ ^_]^bo m[WhWXb[" m^_Y^ _i m^Wj ekh 7dZo WdZ ;lWd b_d[ ^Wi X[Yec[ ademd \eh"È ^[ iWoi" WZZ_d] j^Wj j^[ Yebb[Yj_ed m_bb X[ ik_j[Z \eh Xej^ mWhc[h WdZ Yeeb[h Yb_cWj[i WdZ m_bb _dYbkZ[ mel[d" ad_j" ]hWf^_Y j[[ WdZ im_cm[Wh f_[Y[i$ BWcWd8bkÊi Yebb[Yj_ed m_j^ >Wd] J[d m_bb \[Wjkh[ Zh[ii[i" i[fWhWj[i" ]hWf^_Y J#i^_hji" Yel[h#

kfi" hWi^ ]kWhZi WdZ im_cm[Wh" Wi m[bb Wi ad_j WdZ mel[d _j[ci j^Wj \[Wjkh[ YbWii_Y >Wd] J[d _cW][i$ Ç? h[c[cX[h m[Wh_d] j^[ eh_]_dWb >Wd] J[d XhWdZ Wi W Y^_bZ" QWdZS ?Êc ie [nY_j[Z je X[ Xh_d]_d] _j XWYa je b_\["È iWoi >ebb_ =_Xied" Yh[Wj_l[ Z_h[Yjeh e\ BWcWd8bk" WZZ_d] j^Wj _jÊi W ]h[Wj Ój \eh ^[h XhWdZ$ ÇM[Êh[ [nfWdZ_d] ekh i_p[ hWd][ WdZ cel_d] _dje ceh[ YWikWb WffWh[b \eh >Wd] J[d =ebZ" Xkj a[[f_d] j^[ YeWijWb b_\[ijob[ WffheWY^ je Zh[ii_d] m^_Y^ _i ie _cfehjWdj je Xej^ XhWdZi$È ?j m_bb Wbie Yec[ _d i_p[i & je ', \eh ]_hbi$ J^[ 7dZo WdZ ;lWd Yebb[Yj_ed \eh <Wbb%M_dj[h Ê') m_bb Z[Xkj _d CWhY^ Wj j^[ ;DA 9^_bZh[dÊi 9bkX _d D[m Oeha WdZ j^[ BWcWd8bk b_d[ m_bb bWkdY^ \eh Ifh_d] Ê'*$ 8ej^ Yebb[Yj_edi m_bb X[ WlW_bWXb[ Wj if[Y_Wbjo ijeh[i WdZ Xekj_gk[i Wi m[bb Wi X[jj[h Z[fWhjc[dj ijeh[i _d j^[ K$I$ WdZ 9WdWZW$ <eh ceh[ _d\ehcWj_ed ed j^[ Yebb[Yj_edi" YedjWYj 7dZo and Evan at info@andyandevan. com eh BWcWd8bk Wj customerservice@lamanblu.com.

Mamiye Brothers Brings On Kensie

EVERYONE’S FAVORITE ELEPHANT 8WXWh _i jkhd_d] .& j^_i o[Wh" WdZ _i WZZ_d] b_Y[di_d] fWhjd[hi je ^[bf Y[b[XhWj[ j^_i c_b[ijed[$ 7dZh[m A[hh" ^[WZ e\ Yedikc[h fheZkYji \eh j^[ 7c[h_YWi WdZ 7i_W#FWY_ÓY Wj D[blWdW ;dj[hfh_i[i" YWbbi j^_i Y[b[XhWj_ed Çj^[ f[h\[Yj effehjkd_jo je h[#_djheZkY[ j^[ X[bel[Z a_d] e\ j^[ [b[f^Wdji je W d[m ][d[hWj_ed e\ Y^_bZh[d$È Ekj e\ Fh_dj" m^_Y^ ZedWj[i W Xeea \eh [WY^ fheZkYj iebZ" m_bb Y[b[XhWj[ j^[ Whjmeha \[Wjkh[Z _d 8WXWh Xo _dYehfehWj_d] j^[ Yel[hi e\ eh_]_dWb 8WXWh Xeeai ed W b_d[ e\ Z_ijh[ii[Z" ie\j[d[Z J#i^_hji" _d i_p[i ( je . Wj W h[jW_b fh_Y[ e\ (($ 9khh[djbo" Whjmeha \hec Babar Comes to America _i WlW_bWXb[" WdZ j^[ b_d[ _i WZZ_d] Xeeai Babar’s Little Girl and ABC de

THE ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURER is [nfWdZ_d] _ji l[djkh[ _dje jm[[d WdZ j[[d ]_hbiÊ m[Wh m_j^ A[di_[ @[WdiÊ d[m Yebb[Yj_ed \eh <Wbb Ê')" A[di_[ =_hb$ J^[ b_d[" m^_Y^ h[jW_bi _d fh_Y[ \hec '-$+& je **$+&" _dYbkZ[i del[bjo jefi"

Babar \eh Ifh_d] Ê')$ IY^obb_d] _i Wbie ed XeWhZ je Yecc[cehWj[ j^[ Wdd_l[hiWho Xo Yh[Wj_d] YbWii_Y meeZ[d WdZ j_d jeoi \[Wjkh_d] j^[ [b[f^Wdj" m^_Y^ m_bb _dYbkZ[ `_]iWm fkppb[i" j_d XWdai" W meeZ[d YWh" aWb[_ZeiYef[i" j[W i[ji WdZ W `WYa#_d#j^[#Xen$ J^[ _j[ci m_bb ^_j if[Y_Wbjo ijeh[ i^[bl[i _d <Wbb Ê') WdZ hWd][ _d h[jW_b fh_Y[ \hec ,$// je (*$//$ M^[d Óhij bWkdY^[Z _d bWj[ (&'(" j^[ b_d[i jWh][j[Z ^_]^#[dZ Z[fWhjc[dj ijeh[i" ikY^ Wi IWai <_\j^ 7l[dk[" if[Y_Wbjo ijeh[i WdZ _dZ[f[dZ[dj Xeeaijeh[i" Xkj _i [nfWdZ_d] \eh (&') je j^[ c_Z#j_[h WdZ cWii cWha[ji$ <eh _dgk_h_[i" i[dZ W c[iiW][ je D[blWdW ;dj[hfh_i[i Wj nelvanalicesning@corusent.com" Ekj e\ Fh_dj Wj amanda@outofprintclothing.com" eh IY^obb_d] Wj orders@schylling.com.

b_]^jm[_]^j im[Wj[hi WdZ ad_j jefi" WdZ ad_j WdZ mel[d Xejjeci$ A[di_[ =_hb m_bb Yec[ _d i_p[i - je ', WdZ m_bb X[ WlW_bWXb[ _d Z[fWhjc[dj WdZ if[Y_Wbjo ijeh[i$ <eh ceh[ _d\ehcWj_ed" YedjWYj >Wde_ =hkbbed Wj hanoi.grullon@mambro.com.

12 ;7HDI>7MI$9EC <;8HK7HO (&')

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1/22/13 3:27 PM

Come See Our New FW 2013 Styles KSA

Kids on 6

Doubletree by Hilton Culver City, CA

Embassy Suites South San Francisco, CA

Feb. 4 & 5


Feb. 12th - 14th

Feb. 9-11


Feb. 17-19

The Teaneck Marriott Teaneck, NJ

National Exhibition Centre Birmingham,UK

Toronto Shoe Show

Atlanta Shoe Market

Toronto Congress Centre Toronto

Cobb Galleria Centre Atlanta, GA

Feb. 23-25

Feb. 23-25

The Profile Show March 2-5

Toronto Congress Centre Toronto

pediped’s flexible footwear ranges from age 0 to 8 and has been awarded the seal of acceptance by the APMA.


EARN_13 13

1/21/13 2:36:40 PM


Glove.ly touchscreen gloves




Dickies denim messenger bag


Desigual scarf

Under Armour hat

TOMS canvas botas



Vineyard Vines belt



Wes and Willy necktie

Lacoste sunglasses


iHome headphones


Brands give a glimpse of stylish tween/teen boys’ accessories. By Maria Bouselli

14 ;7HDI>7MI$9EC <;8HK7HO (&')

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1/22/13 9:29 AM

THE INTERNATIONAL ISSUE MARCH ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS European Collections A round up of key trends and styles from the European childrenswear shows.

Seasonless As fast fashion takes hold, so does a market for timeless staples.

Fall/Winter Accessories Today keeping warm is in-style and the newest crop of hats, scarves, earmuffs, and buntings are up to the task, blending fashion and function.

Sportswear Spotlighting the latest and greatest in children’s sportswear.

Sleepwear Focusing on the newest styles to catch some zzz’s.

So much more… Inspirational, informative and insightful, Earnshaw’s magazine has been the go-to resource for children’s apparel retailers for the past 96 years.

Advertise in Earnshaw’s and place your brand message in front of 15,000 childrenswear buyers and professionals. Brand impression is everything today, and we can make sure your message remains top of mind within the industry with buyers looking to fill store shelves.

Space reservations: 2/11/13 Materials due: 2/14/13 PHOTOGRAPH BY FRANCES TULK-HART

Bonus distribution at ENK Children’s Club, Playtime New York, Regional Trade Marts, NYC Showrooms, KIDShow Miami.

er_02_13_ tween.promo_01.indd 15

Contact: Noelle Heffernan (646) 278-1531 noelle.heffernan@9threads.com for advertising rates, sponsorships and custom publication opportunities.

1/22/13 9:56 AM


Clockwise from top left: Noé & Zoë crown, Isaac Mizrahi hoodie, jeans by True Religion, Widgeon coat, Nununu one-piece


A recent study by a team of international astronomers found the rate at which new stars are born has profoundly dropped, and that 95 percent of all stars this universe will ever see have already been born. Well, thank our lucky stars for childrenswear designers who are picking up where the universe left off. From a constellation of teeny twinkles—similar to the dwarf-size bursts Dolce & Gabbana showed on their runway last year—to impactful supergiants, the celestial motif is set to illuminate infant and toddler fashion and bring in the star bucks this fall. —Angela Velasquez

1 6 ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C < ; 8 H K 7 H O ( & ' )

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1/22/13 11:57 AM


It has withstood the wear and tear of cowboys, bikers, rock stars and moms for more than 100 years. It is trending on ranches and catwalks simultaneously. It’s sailed the high seas and seen revolutions, but denim is put to the ultimate test when tween girls get their hands on it. Can old blue meet their demand for glitter, glitz and glam? Can designers make the gritty fabric twirl? And will denim ever stack up to their older sister’s trendy wedge sneakers and chic accessories? We think these items will surpass even tweens’ expectations. —A.V.

Clockwise from top right: Limeapple denim jacket, iLuv iPad case, Lucky Brand denim dress, Skechers wedge sneakers, Cliff Belts braided belt

( & ' ) < ; 8 H K 7 H O ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C 1 7

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1/22/13 11:57 AM


Wholesale: $16.50$22.50 Sizes: 2T to youth large

Boy Meets World Warrior Poet conquers new territory with an expanded Fall ’13 collection.

THE TALE USUALLY goes something like this: Once upon a time, a mom had trouble finding trendy, age-appropriate clothing for her children, so she decided to create a line of her own. The story of Warrior Poet breaks that tradition. The idea for the line of boys’ tees inspired by the legends of knights and samurai came from a dad of two boys. Tori Oekd] iWoi ^[ WbmWoi mWdj[Z je X[ _dlebl[Z _d \Wi^_ed ^[Êi X[[d ZhWm_d] Ybej^[i i_dY[ ^[ mWi '( o[Whi ebZ " Xkj kd[nf[Yj[Z WZl[djkh[i _dYbkZ_d] W Z[YWZ[#bed] ij_dj fronting a rock band, sidetracked him. It wasn’t until he heard his wife say how difficult it was to find cool and affordable kids’ clothes that he decided to make a foray into his first passion. 8o ]b[Wd_d] _dif_hWj_ed \hec ^_ijehoÊi ^[he[i" Oekd] iWoi ^[ ^Wi W Çb_c_jb[ii YWdlWiÈ e\ _Z[Wi$ ÇJ^[ b_d[ _i XWi[Z ed ijeh_[i WXekj _dZ_l_ZkWbi j^Wj m[h[ ijhed][h" icWhj[h WdZ XhWl[h j^Wd Wdoed[ [bi[ _d j^[_h j_c[ f[h_eZ$ J^[o m[h[ j^[ leaders. We’re taking a pop culture spin on those stories and making hip clothes that will hopefully encourage kids to b[WZ j^[_h emd mWo"È j^[ Z[i_]d[h iWoi$ J^[ b_d[" m^_Y^ Z[Xkj[Z Zkh_d] j^[ (&'' ikcc[h cWha[ji" e\\[hi bed]# WdZ i^ehj#ib[[l[ J#i^_hji m_j^ heoWb crests, coats of armor, regal lion graphics and trompe-l’oeil l[iji WdZ j_[i$ Iec[ e\ j^[ ceij fefkbWh Z[i_]di ^Wl[ X[[d _cW]_dWj_l[ j[[i m_j^ i^_[bZi eh ]k_jWhiÆW m_da je Oekd]Êi emd ^_ijehoÆed j^[ XWYa$ Oekd] [nfbW_di" ÇM[ jho je Xb[dZ whimsical designs that play off the name of the brand and it i[[ci je X[ ^_jj_d] W d_Y[ Y^ehZ m_j^ Xeoi$È ?d \WYj" fWh[dji e\j[d j[bb ^_c j^[o ^Wl[ je XWjjb[ je ][j j^[ j[[i e\\ j^[_h Xeoi$ ÇM[Êl[ ^[WhZ iec[ d_Y[ fei_j_l[ \[[ZXWYa" _dYbkZ_d] ^em j^[i[ i^_hji ]_l[ Xkbb_[Z a_Zi j^[ Yed\_Z[dY[ je ]e je iY^eeb"È ^[ WZZi$ Those heartwarming responses, along with placement in ceh[ j^Wd (+& ijeh[i" _dYbkZ_d] D[_cWd CWhYki" ^Wi ]_l[d Oekd] j^[ ]h[[d b_]^j je [nfWdZ j^[ <Wbb Ê') b_d[$ D[m ijob[i include raw-edge, slubyarn hoodies that the designer says ^Wl[ W Çl_ikWbbo d_Y[h beea WdZ j[njkh[È WdZ j^h[[ ijob[i e\ denim: a skinny cut, a distressed dark blue wash and a jean ijob[ m_j^ W heYa[h l_X[$ ?d j[hci e\ cWj[h_Wbi WdZ \_j" Oekd] claims no expense has been spared, but notes that Warrior Poet is still on the lower end of the price range. “People are ijea[Z WXekj j^Wj"È ^[ WZZi$ Plans are in the works for boys’ accessories including belts, shoes and hats, as well as baby one-pieces. “We see that moms dig our styling and they are eager to dress j^[_h XWX_[i _d _j"È ^[ iWoi$ 7dZ m^Wj Ze j^[ \Wj^[hi j^_da5 Oekd] iWoi" ÇJ^[o mWdj j^[ i^_hji \eh j^[ci[bl[i$È —Angela Velasquez

18 ;7HDI>7MI$9EC <;8HK7HO (&')

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1/22/13 9:54 AM

Collector’s Item

The Glitz Factor

c_dZ _Yed_Y Ê.&i \Wi^_ed \hec cel_[i b_a[ The Breakfast Club, Yecfb[j[ m_j^ [bXem fWjY^[i WdZ \kd \bem[h fh_dji$ Ej^[h ijWdZekj Z[i_]di _dYbkZ[ W fbki^ Wiocc[jh_YWb fbW_Z `WYa[j Ykj \hec l_djW][ fWjj[hdi j^Wj ^Wha[d XWYa je '/+&i \_]kh[ iaWj[hi WdZ ie\j Ykhbo \Wkn \khi$ 8o _dYehfehWj_d] WZZ_j_edWb b_dWholesale: not finalized; Sizes: 12 months to 12 years _d]" 9h_l[bb_ iWoi j^[ \kh YeWj ^Wi X[Yec[ GERRI CRIVELLI CAN’T ][j W ÇmWhc" YkZZbo WdZ m[WhWXb[ [dek]^ e\ YeWji$ Ç? bel[ W ]h[Wj j[ZZo X[Wh$È F[Whbi WdZ i[gk_di YeWj$ ? h[Wbbo bel[ fbWo_d] _d j^_i m_bb b[dZ W jekY^ e\ ebZ#\Wi^_ed[Z Wh[dW"È iWoi j^[ Z[i_]d[h ademd ]bWcekh je W \[m ijob[i" Xkj \eh ^[h kfX[Wj CWYa 9e$ Yh[9h_l[bb_ iWoi j^Wj [l[ho YeWj _d j^[ Wj_edi$ <eh <Wbb Ê')" i^[Êi [nfWdZYebb[Yj_ed m_bb X[ cWY^_d[ mWi^_d] ^[h h[f[hje_h[ e\ ekj[hm[Wh WXb[$ ÇJ^[ Z[i_]di Wh[ fh[Y_eki" Z[i_]di m_j^ CW]f_[" W d[m YeWj Xkj j^[o ZedÊj h[gk_h[ fh[Y_eki b_d[ cWZ[ \hec ^[Wl_[h \WXh_Yi YWh["È i^[ WZZi$ WdZ m_j^ ceh[ _djh_YWj[ Z[jW_bi J^[ YecfWdoÊi fhWYj_YWb fe_dj \eh ]_hbi$ J^[ b_d[ _dYbkZ[i Z[i_]di e\ l_[m ^Wi ^[bf[Z cWa[ _j W Yedj^Wj 9h_l[bb_ WbmWoi mWdj[Z je Ze i_ij[dj X[iji[bb[h WdZ W h[Y[dj j^Wj Z_ZdÊj \Wbb _d b_d[ m_j^ j^[ ;Whd_[ 7mWhZ h[Y_f_[dj$ ÇM[ ^ef[ Z_ij_dYj beea ijhed]bo WiieY_Wj[Z je Xh_d] ed iec[ ceh[ \Wdi m_j^ m_j^ j^[ CWYa 9e$ XhWdZ$ j^[ d[m b_d["È j^[ Z[i_]d[h ijWj[i$ B_a[ j^[ b_d[Êi dWc[iWa[" el[h M_j^ ib_]^jbo Zh[ii_[h ijob[i WdZ j^[ o[Whi j^[ YeWj Yedde_ii[kh Z[di[h \WXh_YWj_edi" 9h_l[bb_ i[[i ^Wi Yebb[Yj[Z W jh[Wikh[ jhel[ j^[ b_d[ Wff[Wb_d] je h[jW_b[hi e\ fWjj[hdi" Ykbb_d] _dif_hWj_ed m^e mWdj je WZZ W X_j e\ lWh_[jo \hec `kij WXekj [l[ho Z[YWZ[ je j^[_h iWb[i \beeh$ M^eb[iWb[ WdZ ijob[ _Yed$ Ç;l[ho Z[YWZ[ ^Wi fh_Y[i ^Wl[dÊj X[[d \_dWb_p[Z" Xkj iec[j^_d] Z_\\[h[dj je e\\[h$ ;WY^ j^[o Wh[ b_a[bo je X[ ^_]^[h j^Wd _i \kd _d _ji emd mWo"È 9h_l[bb_ j^[ CWYa 9e$ b_d[ Zk[ je j^[ [nfbW_di$ 8o Xehhem_d] X_ji WdZ dWjkh[ e\ CW]f_[Êi YedijhkYj_ed f_[Y[i \hec c[cehWXb[ cec[dji WdZ cWj[h_Wbi$ Ç?jÊi dej ]e_d] je _d \Wi^_ed" CW]f_[ _i W j^hemXWYa X[ j^[ Y^[Wf[ij b_d[" Xkj _j m_bb X[ je W j_c[ m^[d j^[ Z[i_]d[h iWoi iec[j^_d] j^Wj fWh[dji Wh[ ]e_d] Çf[efb[ YWh[Z ceh[ WXekj m^Wj je mWdj je fWii Zemd"È i^[ ik]j^[_h YeWj mWi cWZ[ ekj e\ WdZ _ji ][iji$ J^[ Yebb[Yj_edÊi deijWb]_Y \_d_i^[i$È \[[b_d]Æed[ j^Wj 9h_l[bb_ b_a[di je CW]f_[Êi ^ecW][ je l_djW][ 7dj^hefebe]_[ÆWdZ Wjj[dj_ed je beeai _i i[[d _d W i_b^ek[jj[ ceZZ[jW_b _i dej [nf[Yj[Z je \Wbb ekj e\ [b[Z W\j[h W c[dÊi el[hi_p[Z el[h\Wi^_ed Wdoj_c[ ieed$ CW]f_[ m_bb YeWj 9h_l[bb_ Ye_d[Z" Çj^[ JWba_d] X[ Wj j^[ CWhY^ ;DA 9^_bZh[dÊi >[WZi YeWj$È J^[ YeWj YWbbi je 9bkX _d D[m Oeha$ — A.V.

SEQUINS ARE FOR life, not `kij \eh 9^h_ijcWiÆWj b[Wij j^WjÊi m^Wj `kd_ehiÊ b_d[ =ejjW <bkhj iWoi$ M_j^ i[gk_d jekY^[i" c[jWbb_Y i^_cc[hi WdZ d[ed fefi" j^[ 9^_de" 97#XWi[Z XhWdZ" W Z_l_i_ed e\ 9C[h_j KI7 ?dY$" Xemi Wd [o[#YWjY^_d] Yebb[Yj_ed e\ \bWji" id[Wa[hi WdZ ^_#jefi \eh <Wbb Ê')$ ÇM^Wj m[ h[Wbbo b[Wd jemWhZi _i je X[ kd_gk[ WdZ Xh_]^j WdZ ki[ Z_\\[h[dj cWj[h_Wbi j^Wj ej^[hi Wh[dÊj ki_d]$ J^WjÊi m^Wj m[ ^Wd] ekh ^Wj ed"È iWoi HeX[hj Ij[mWhj" Z[i_]d[h WdZ Z[l[befc[dj cWdW][h$ M_j^_d j^[ i[W e\ ifWhab[ Wh[ j^[ 9ed\[jj_" W '(#[o[ ^_#jef m_j^ ZekXb[#i_Z[Z Yebeh#Y^Wd]_d] i[gk_di" WdZ j^[ 9ed\ki[Z FbWicW >_]^" W Ykf ieb[ YedijhkYj_ed m_j^ c_icWjY^[Z d[ed fefi ed XbWYa ik[Z[ kff[hi$ ;bi[m^[h[ j^[ XhWdZ _djheZkY[i _ji fWj[dj[Z Efj_ed BWY_d] Ioij[c m_j^ j^[ ;f_Y D[ed" W ^_#jef j^Wj YWd X[ [_j^[h W ib_f#ed m_j^ [bWij_Y" eh \kbbo bWY[Z$ ÇIec[ e\ ekh Yecf[j_jehi ^Wl[ j^[ [bWij_Y Xkj oek YWdÊj bWY[ j^[ i^e[" jee"È Ij[mWhj fe_dji ekj" h[l[Wb_d] j^Wj j^[ fWj[dj mWi f[dZ_d] \eh W o[Wh$ ÇM[ ^WZ je Ze W jed e\ _bbkijhWj_edi je fhel[ ^em m[Êh[ Ze_d] _j Z_\\[h[dj Qj^WdS 9edl[hi[$È I_dY[ ^_jj_d] i^[bl[i _d (&&*" =ejjW <bkhj ^Wi cWZ[ _ji cWha Xo if_dd_d] j^[ iaWj[ i^e[ W[ij^[j_Y _dje W ]_hb_[h Z_h[Yj_ed m_j^ W f_dY^ e\ fWjj[hd" W ZWi^ e\ Yebeh WdZ W ][d[heki ^[bf_d] e\ hWppb[#ZWppb[$ El[h#j^[#jef _i j^[ XhWdZÊi Z[i_]d [j^ei m^_Y^ mWi a_Ya[Z kf W dejY^ bWij i[Wied m_j^ _ji [nYbki_l[ b_Y[di[ \eh Jm_ij C[" h[l[hi_Xb[ jed]k[i j^Wj e\\[h WZZ[Z ijob[ l[hiWj_b_jo WdZ bWij o[Wh j^[ XhWdZ ^_h[Z W ib[m e\ d[m cWha[j_d] ijW\\ je YWf_jWb_p[ ed ieY_Wb c[Z_W fbWj\ehci$ 7dZ _jÊi meha[Z0 Ij[mWhj h[fehji j^Wj _d (&'( iWb[i m[h[ kf ceh[ j^Wd (+ f[hY[dj el[h j^[ fh[l_eki o[Wh$ 8kj _j ^WidÊj Wbb X[[d iceej^ iW_b_d]0 >[ iWoi j^[ iekhY_d] YWfWX_b_j_[i _d 9^_dW" m^[h[ j^[ b_d[ _i fheZkY[Z" YWd fei[ fheXb[ci$ ÇOek \_dZ W cWj[h_Wb WdZ W l[dZeh j^Wj oekÊh[ ^Wffo m_j^ WdZ cWoX[ oek fkbb j^[ jh_]][h \eh fheZkYj_ed WdZ oek \_dZ ekj j^[o ZedÊj cWa[ _j Wdoceh["È ^[ iWoi$ 8kj j^[i[ Y^Wbb[d][i ^Wl[dÊj ijeff[Z j^[ XhWdZ \hec [nfWdZ_d] _dje d[m YedijhkYj_edi WdZ ijob[i" WdZ Ij[mWhj X[b_[l[i =ejjW <bkhj _i m[bb ed _ji mWo je X[Yec_d] W b_\[ijob[ b_d[$ Ç?Êc ^ef_d] _d j^h[[ o[Whi j_c[ Wholesale: j^Wj m[Êl[ Wj b[Wij ZekXb[Z m^Wj $16.50-$22.50 m[Êh[ Ze_d] dem WdZ ^Wl[ W bej m_Z[h Sizing: fh[i[dY[ _d j^[ cWha[j _d ][d[hWb$ Toddler 5 to 11, M[Êh[ `kij XWh[bo iYhWjY^_d] j^[ ikhkid 11 to 4, juniors \WY[ ed m^Wj j^[ XhWdZ _i h[Wbbo YWfW5.5 to 11 Xb[ e\"È ^[ iWoi$ —Lyndsay McGregor

The makers of Mack & Co. debut a line inspired by fashion’s finest.

Tweens get their glitter on with Gotta Flurt’s sparkly sneakers and shiny shoes.

( & ' ) < ; 8 H K 7 H O ; 7 H D I > 7 M I $ 9 E C 1 9

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D-I-Y Retail Hiho Batik adds a hands-on twist to their new flagship store. By Maria Bouselli

NESTLED IN THE FWha Ibef[ d[_]^Xeh^eeZ _d 8heeabod" DO" >_^e 8Wj_aÊi ÔW]i^_f ijeh[ _i e\\[h_d] Ykijec[hi W ^WdZi#ed [nf[h_[dY[" je Z[i_]d j^[_h emd j[[i" XW]i WdZ ceh[$ 9e#emd[hi HeXod IjobcWd WdZ @kb_W =ehZed" Wbie j^[ \ekdZ[h WdZ Yh[Wj_l[ Z_h[Yjeh e\ >_^e 8Wj_a" ef[d[Z j^[ ijeh[ _d I[fj[cX[h (&'( m_j^ c_dZ je Yedd[Yj m_j^ j^[_h Ykijec[hi ceh[ Z[[fbo Wj j^[ d[m h[jW_b ifWY[$ ÇJ^[ XhWdZ ^Wi W \ebbem# _d] _d j^[ jh_#ijWj[ Wh[W WdZ j^[ ijeh[ ^Wi h[Wbbo X[Yec[ W Z[ij_dWj_ed \eh f[efb[ Xko_d] >_^e 8Wj_a"È =ehZed iWoi$ Ç?j ]_l[i j^[c Wd effehjkd_jo je i[[ Qj^[ XhWdZS b_l[ WdZ fWhj_Y_fWj[ _d _j$È J^[ '",&&#igkWh[#\eej ijeh[ _i Z_l_Z[Z _dje j^h[[ cW_d Wh[Wi0 W h[#

jW_b ifWY[" W ÇcWa[#oekh#emdÈ Wh[W WdZ j^[ fheZkYj_ed ped[ \eh >_^e 8Wj_a" m^_Y^ _i Wd ef[d a_jY^[d ijob[ Wh[W m^[h[ Ykijec[hi YWd YWjY^ W ]b_cfi[ e\ Z[i_]di \eh kfYec_d] Yebb[Yj_edi Wi j^[o ]e j^hek]^ j^[ XWj_a fheY[ii$ =ehZed Z[iYh_X[i j^[ ijeh[ Wi Ç[dj[h_d] j^[ >_^e mehbZ"È m^[h[ Z[i_]di WdZ Y^WhWYj[hi \hec j^[ Wbceij#(&#o[Wh#ebZ XhWdZ b_d[ j^[ mWbbfWf[h WdZ j^[ Ykhh[dj Yebb[Yj_edÊi Xh_]^j fefi e\ Yebeh Wh[ j^[ \eYWb fe_dj$ ÇQJ^[ ijeh[S _i h[Wbbo Z[i_]d[Z je ^_]^b_]^j j^[ Ybej^[i" Xkj _d W l[ho fbWo\kb mWo"È i^[ iWoi$ J^[ cW_d WjjhWYj_ed Wj j^[ 8heeabod ijeh[" ^em[l[h" _i j^[ ÇcWa[#oekh# emdÈ Wh[W" m^[h[ Ykijec[hi \hec a_Zi je WZkbji" YWd Yh[Wj[ j^[_h emd Ykijec#cWZ[ >_^e 8Wj_a fheZkYji$ Ç7 bej e\ f[efb[ mWba Xo j^[ ijeh[" i[[ j^[ ÉcWa[#oekh#emdÊ Wh[W _d j^[ \hedj m_dZem WdZ Yec[ _d WdZ jho je Ó]# kh[ _j ekj"È IjobcWd iWoi$ Ç?j hW_i[i W b[l[b e\ _dj[h[ij _d ekh XhWdZ" WdZ Y^Wd][i j^[ mWo f[efb[ f[hY[_l[ ki$ M[Êh[ W h[jW_b ijeh[ WdZ Wd Whj ifWY[$È 9kijec[hi YWd Y^eei[ j^[ Z[i_]d j^[o mWdj ed j^[_h f_[Y[" \hec >_^e 8Wj_a YbWii_Yi ikY^ Wi fh_dY[ii WdZ ifWY[ _cW][i je j^[_h emd ^WdZ# ZhWmd Z[i_]d$ J^[o j^[d ki[ W mWn f[d je jhWY[ j^[ _cW][ ed W ijWfb[" ikY^ Wi W i^_hj" XW] eh f_bbem" j^[d fW_dj j^[ _j[c m_j^ lWh_eki Zo[i WdZ Y^eei[ j^[ Yebeh e\ j^[ XWYa]hekdZ$ J^[ Ykijec[h YWd j^[d f_Ya _j kf _d Ól[ je i[l[d ZWoi$ ÇA_Zi bel[ _jÆj^[o ][j ie [nY_j[Z"È IjobcWd iWoi$ ÇM^[d j^[o Yec[ je f_Ya _j kf" j^[o h_f j^[ fWYaW][ ef[d h_]^j _d \hedj e\ ki" WdZ iec[ [l[d fkj Qj^[_h i^_hjiS ed h_]^j j^[h[$È J^[ cWa[#oekh# emd _j[ci Yeij ed Wl[hW][ *& je *+" m^_Y^ _i W ijWdZWhZ fh_Y[ \eh j^[ XhWdZ" m_j^ icWbb[h _j[ci ikY^ Wi XWXo YWfi Wj (&$ J^[ Wh[W _i Wbie WlW_bWXb[ \eh fWhj_[i$ =ehZed X[b_[l[i j^_i fheY[ii Xh_d]i Ykijec[hi [l[d Ybei[h je j^[ XhWdZ WdZ [ijWXb_i^[i Wd [cej_edWb Yedd[Yj_ed m_j^ >_^e 8Wj_a$ Ç7\j[h j^[o ]e j^hek]^ j^[ cWa[#oekh#emd [nf[h_[dY[" QYkijec[hiS adem ^em ckY^ m[dj _dje j^[ i^_hj$ J^[o adem m^Wj mWi X[^_dZ _j" WdZ j^[ f[efb[ m^e m[h[ X[^_dZ _j$ ? j^_da j^Wj cWa[i _j iec[j^_d] j^Wj _i W b_jjb[ Z_\\[h# [dj j^Wd oekh jof_YWb cWii#fheZkY[Z" cWZ[#_d#9^_dW XhWdZ"È i^[ iWoi$ IjobcWd WZZi je j^_i i[dj_c[dj" WdZ [dYekhW][i ej^[h h[jW_b[hi eh XhWdZi je jho W ^WdZi#ed WffheWY^ _\ j^[o ^Wl[ Wd _ddelWj_l[ _Z[W" _d b_d[ m_j^ j^[_h XhWdZ _Z[dj_jo" je ijh[d]j^[d j^[ Ykijec[h#h[jW_b[h h[bWj_ed# i^_f$ Ç?jÊi h[Wbbo d_Y[ X[YWki[ oek ][j je _dj[hWYj m_j^ oekh Yecckd_jo WdZ Ykijec[hi _d W l[ho Z_\\[h[dj mWo$ J^[oÊh[ f^oi_YWbbo _d j^[ ijeh[ WdZ ][j je adem ki" WdZ m[ ][j je adem j^[c"È i^[ iWoi e\ j^[ ÇcWa[#oekh# emdÈ ifWY[$ Ç?\ _j mehai \eh oekh XhWdZÆ_\ _j ÔemiÆ? j^_da _jÊi h[Wbbo \kd$È J^[ emd[hi ^Wl[ Wbie X[[d h[WY^_d] ekj je j^[ Yecckd_jo je ][j j^[ mehZ ekj WXekj j^[ FWha Ibef[ ÔW]i^_f Xo Wjj[dZ_d] lWh_eki iY^eeb \W_hi WdZ fWhjd[h_d] m_j^ ej^[h beYWb ijeh[i" ikY^ Wi W cWj[hd_jo h[jW_b[h$ ÇCeci#je#X[ Yec[ _d WdZ cWa[ j^_d]i \eh j^[ b_jjb[ ed[i"È IjobcWd iWoi$ I^[ Wbie dej[i j^Wj W X_] \eYki \eh (&') _i je fWhjd[h m_j^ \[bbem c[cX[hi e\ j^[ Yecckd_jo" Xkj j^Wj mehZ e\ cekj^ WdZ fhecej_ed j^hek]^ \h_[dZi" \Wc_b_[i" beYWb Xbe]][hi WdZ d[mib[jj[hi ^Wl[ ^[bf[Z j^[ ijeh[ cW_djW_d ikYY[ii i_dY[ _ji \Wbb ef[d_d]$ ÇM[Êl[ h[Wbbo ]ed[ XWYa je ]hWiiheeji"È i^[ WZZi$ >_^e 8Wj_a" m^_Y^ ÓdZi _dif_hWj_ed _d fef#Whj WdZ cWa_d] h[jhe Z[i_]di ceZ[hd" Wbie h[jkhd[Z je ;DA 9^_bZh[dÊi 9bkX j^_i fWij o[Wh WdZ m_bb [n^_X_j j^[_h <Wbb Ê') Yebb[Yj_ed Wj j^[ i^em _d CWhY^" m^_Y^ IjobcWd iWoi m_bb _dYbkZ[ d[m Yebeh iY^[c[i WdZ Z[i_]di" Wi m[bb Wi iec[ Ykijec[h Z[cWdZi$ ÇM[ ^Wl[ f[efb[ mWba_d] _dje j^[ ijeh[ Wia# _d] Z_h[Yjbo" É:e oek ^Wl[ j^_i" eh j^Wj5Ê J^Wj cWa[i ki j^_da cWoX[ m[ i^ekbZ QYWhho j^ei[ f_[Y[iS" WdZ m[ h[WYj je j^Wj"È i^[ iWoi$ I^[ dej[i j^Wj j^[ XhWdZ _i beea_d] je [nfWdZ _ji m^eb[iWb[ Xki_d[ii Wi m[bb$ ÇM[Êh[ h[Wbbo [nY_j[Z je meha m_j^ ej^[h f[efb[ m^e m[ \[[b Wffh[# Y_Wj[ QekhS kd_gk[ gkWb_jo$È I[WiedWb Yebb[Yj_edi \eh >_^e 8Wj_a kikWbbo hWd][ \hec '& je '+ Z[i_]di ed lWh_eki ijob[i WdZ Yebehi _d i_p[i , cedj^i je '( o[Whi$ 7bb XhWdZ fheZkYj_ed Wbie jWa[i fbWY[ Wj j^[ FWha Ibef[ ijeh[$

20 ;7HDI>7MI$9EC <;8HK7HO (&')

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1/22/13 9:30 AM

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DON’T MISS A SINGLE EDITION OF E-SHAW’S. Catch Accent! on Wednesdays, brought to you by NYIGF, for new accessory introductions. E-shaw’s offers retailers a daily dose of essential information on products that can maximize profits.

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1/22/13 11:58 AM



Today’s paper dolls are more than just a pretty face and frock. Eeboo keys into girls’ hobbies and talents with musician- and artist-themed sets by mixing Bohemian fashion with guitars, T-squares and a pet parrot for inspiration.

MODERN FAMILY Dolls have upgraded to contemporary digs decked out with pendant lamps, solar panels and manicured shrubbery. And with multigenerational living on the rise, this three-story home by Hape offers plenty of space for the entire family.



Trendy gourmet food trucks haven’t just started culinary trends—they’ve inspired a feast of pretend street food. From kebabs to Melissa & Doug’s felt taco and burrito kit, play food has an on-the-go, ethnic flavor.


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1/22/13 9:21 AM

Fun Forecasted


For tots with big city dreams, skyline-inspired blocks by Wonderworld encourage kids to combine their own masterpieces with famous architectural feats. And just like the city, the blocks glow in the dark.


ON TARGET The mechanics have remained relatively unchanged since Colonial America, but thanks to Seedling’s Design Your Own Paddle Ball kit, kids can update the classic toy with doodles and declarations of BFF.

WHEREAS APPAREL RETAILERS are accustomed to readjusting buying strategies each season to meet the latest fashion craze, Toy Fair trend specialist Adrienne Appell says toy trends tend to evolve. Just take a stroll down memory lane (a.k.a the toy aisle) and you are likely to spot some familiar faces, except today Barbie runs the world from her sleek tablet and Elmo’s voice echoes from a toy smartphone. “That’s what is fun about this industry—nothing really fades out. Dolls might get an update to meet the current styles, or a new twist to a game makes it fun again,” she describes. In fact, Appell expects to see a return to the classics in 2014. “One of the most exciting trends at the upcoming show (Feb. 10-13 at New York City’s Javits Center) is vintage toys and nostalgic character licenses,” she says, noting that many oldies but goodies from as far back as the 1920s and 1930s are reemerging. Brand new toys are being influenced by retro designs, too. Loaded with nostalgia, these toys are expected to tug at the heartstrings of holiday shoppers this year, catching the attention of kids and adults. As Appell puts it, “Kids can embrace the same toys that their grandparents loved.” Since 2011, Appell says building toys have been on the rise as companies have developed creative ways to make the simple concept toy feel modern and fresh. Plus, she adds, “It’s a fun category that crosses ages and genders.” For example, take Tegu and its addictive magnetic blocks, or Lego, which has found a more mature fan base thanks in part to licenses with blockbuster films such as Star Wars and The Hobbit. “Licensing is an important category because it gives brand extension. Kids can read the book, watch the movie and play with the characters,” Appell states. Or, as children’s apparel retailers know—dress like them.

Parks & Recreation APPLE PARK’S FRUITFUL beginnings didn’t take shape until untraditional toy sellers fell under the spell of the eco-friendly infant and toddler brand. As Apple Park Global Vice President of Marketing and Sales, Susannah Searson, recalls, “We thought we were a toy company, but we didn’t find a lot of traction until children’s clothing stores and educational institutions brought us in.” Since launching in 2010, Apple Park has been offering organic toys in giftable packaging that are described as “green to the core” with 100 percent cotton inside and out—a trait that Searson notes is unique as many green companies still fill toys with polyester. The line is based on stories about a group of cuddly animals that touch on topics like the environment and friendship. Each character is offered as a plush toy, puppet, blankie and book. In 2013, the company plans to step closer to becoming a lifestyle brand with organic towels, lunch bags, backpacks and pajamas. “What we’ve seen is that consumers are no longer satisfied with an attractive product. They want safe, eco-conscious items with some kind of give back program,” Searson reports. (&') <;8HK7HO ;7HDI>7MI$9EC 23

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Advocate for Fun DURING THE LAST holiday shopping season, Joanne Farrugia overheard a girl who was no more than 10 years old enthusiastically ask her mom to check out some Playmobil sets. The mom replied with, “You’re too old for those toys.” Comments like that make Farrugia get on her soapbox. “She was probably the perfect age for those toys but because we’re pushing kids out of childhood at a younger age we’re leading them to believe that they can’t play with anything other than video or computer games,” she explains. As the owner of JaZams in Princeton, NJ, Farrugia believes no one should outgrow fun. In fact, fun, or the lack there of it, was the reason JaZams went from one location in 1996 to four and back to one in 2000. “The fun kind of left the job,” she recalls. “I was in an offsite office all day dealing with staff issues, orders and inventory. I wanted to be in the store and with the customers.” The crop of 15-to-30 year old employees (many with creative backgrounds including tattoo art) convene before each buying season to share their wish

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lists of items they would like to see on the store’s shelves. Top finds have included some unconventional items like Tattly tattoos and a fashion alphabet book intended for adults, but Farrugia notes the classics do well, too. “As an independent, I can’t say we really have a best-selling item. All of our customers want something individual,” she explains. The store’s buying strategy is to go broad and not too deep on any one item. “We’re a pretty well-rounded store,” Farrugia notes, adding the store works with more than 500 vendors (including books), which is unheard of in the independent toy business. The store’s eclectic selection, combined with its dynamic displays and décor offer customers an experience that the business owner believes can’t be recreated at big boxes or online, although the store does have a small e-store and a blog where fans can track the staff’s adventures. Modern mobiles hang from the 40-foot-ceiling, a giant skylight casts a natural spotlight on teddy bears and the creative staff transforms chalkboard signage into masterpieces. And as a fixture in the community, the brick-and-mortar has become a venue for block parties, fundraisers, book signings and most recently, an event geared towards rekindling tweens’ and teens’ love for toys. Farrugia says building ties in the community is essential, especially as more Target and Wal-Mart stores populate the area and more customers treat brick-and-mortars as showrooms for their online purchases. Recently Farrugia was shocked when a woman wanted to open a toy xylophone to see if it was worth ordering from Amazon. “I don’t know how to combat this, but as a store that invests in its staff and training, I can’t offer Amazon-like prices,” she explains. Plus, interaction with the community is what makes selling toys fun. As she notes, “I love everything about my job, but especially the part when kids come in and discover something new.”

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cially with the recent launch of the newest Lego property, Legends of China, which has been met with overwhelming consumer demand right out of the gate. One of our most sought after 2012 lines, Skylanders, is also set to have enduring success in 2013 thanks to its strong fan base of kids and avid gamers who love the unique way the property incorporates toys into immersive video game play. Additionally, we expect new introductions from nostalgic properties like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to continue to resonate with children—and the adults who grew up with them—especially as Nickelodeon continues to grow the brand. Which categories have stayed relatively unchanged and classic? While toy trends do tend to change from year to year, especially with new advancements in technology and the introductions of new brands, science toys and sets, construction toys, baby dolls, dollhouses and kitchen sets are among the categories that remain fairly unchanged. For example, telescopes top the charts as a historically popular science item, and they still are today.

Toy King AS A SPECIALTY toy retailer in 36 countries worldwide, Toys“R”Us has a unique insight into what kids want. The toy mecca has supplied every generation of kids since the Boomers with the must-have games, characters and (more recently) the electronics of their era. Richard Barry, Toys“R”US executive vice president and chief merchandising officer, chats about the steps the company is taking to appeal to the 21st century consumer and to ensure the “fun” lives on. What do you see trending in toys for 2013? We expect classic construction playthings like Lego to maintain popularity, espe-

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And which are entirely different from when Toys“R”Us opened? One category that looks completely different is electronics. Not only has it seen a massive evolution, but each year we consistently see groundbreaking gadgets that push the category even further. Over the past five years alone, we have witnessed a dramatic influx of manufacturers combining technology with toys. What have been some of the biggest changes in toy selling? How quickly we can deliver has become an imperative to stay ahead of the game. We are acutely focused on identifying ways to continually expand our service offerings to improve our customers’ in-store and online experiences, making it easy for parents to shop with us at their own convenience. For busy parents, especially, recent enhancements to our omnichannel offerings (including “Ship to Store” and “Buy Online, Pick Up In Store” services) have made /$+,,%*#ƫ3%0$ƫ1/ƫ!2!*ƫ! /%!.ċƫđ

1/22/13 9:22 AM

blu pony vintage


AMERICANA ABROAD Heirloom style and Gold Rush era detailing, hallmarks of Bonnie Matthews’ nostalgic brand Blu Pony Vintage, attract a global audience. By Jennifer Cattaui

BLU PONY VINTAGE—a quiet, soft and refined yet impactive line—has a global appeal, evidenced by its recent entry into the Japanese market, through an alliance with market rep H.P. France. The full-service representative that has showrooms, shop-in-shops and art installations, approached Blu Pony Vintage at the Fall ’12 ENK, and Spring ’13 will be the brand’s first entry into the Japanese market. “I think they were attracted to our Americana look, the fact we’re made-in-the-U.S.A. and our attention to detail. I use a lot of antique brass, mother of pearl and cotton lace. I don’t use synthetics, even down to my buttons,” says Bonnie Matthews, designer of the line. Her lifestyle vision of the company, complete with a story behind every piece and plans of furniture and women’s clothing down the line, is consistent with the Japanese fashion sense, Matthews says. “When they wear a look, they wear it as an environment—as a statement, instead of just throwing on clothes,” she says. The Fall ’13 collection is wrapped around the theme of Vaudeville, with styles inspired by three girls—the leading lady, the ingénue and the rising star—and two boys—the everyman and the strong man. Although Matthews says Blu Pony Vintage has been picked up by a handful of international stores in the past, this large move into the Japanese market is a major step for the brand. “I think the Japanese market is such a perfect size. I can work on distribution and large volumes with H.P. France, and can handle all of the line items involved in doing that, knowing that I have an excellent partner who will help me with the details of this.” She expects the fashionforward positioning of her line to make way into other international markets. Matthews entered the children’s fashion world on a lark. After graduating from Cornish School of the Arts in Seattle, WA, with an acting degree, she landed some films and headed to Los Angeles for pilot season. When she turned 30, she decided to change gears and move into something that offered greater stability: manning spreadsheets and working out logistics for a fashion photographer. She later launched her own production company, Red Ant Productions, where her work often involved arranging "smiley, green grass, blue sky" campaigns for children’s collections of big box retailers like Target and Kohl’s. In 2010, when the economy was faltering and many accounts were bringing production in-house, Matthews spotted a gap in the child-

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1/22/13 9:07 AM

Founder and designer of Blu Pony Vintage, Bonnie Matthews.

h[dim[Wh cWha[j$ Ç? dej_Y[Z j^Wj" ej^[h j^Wd W icWbb i[b[Yj_ed e\ Y^_bZh[dÊi Ybej^_d] Wj M^Wj =e[i 7hekdZ 9ec[i 7hekdZ m^_Y^ mWi Wbb ,&i WdZ -&i " j^[h[ h[Wbbo mWidÊj Wdo l_djW][ Ybej^_d] ed j^[ cWha[j \eh Y^_bZh[d$È CWjj^[mi" m^e ^WZ Yebb[Yj[Z l_djW][ Y^_bZh[dÊi Ybej^_d] i_dY[ Yebb[][" ik]][ij[Z je \h_[dZ WdZ Yebb[W]k[ HeX[hj :[kjiY^cWd" je Ze W i^eej j^Wj \[Wjkh[Z ^[h l_djW][ f_[Y[i WdZ W \h_[dZÊi CeZ[b J _d W mWo j^Wj h[WZ HWbf^ BWkh[dÊi HHB b_d[ c[[ji The Little Rascals$ Ieed W\j[h f[efb[ m[h[ YbWceh_d] \eh b_d[ i^[[ji" WdZ" i^[ WZc_ji" i^[ Z_ZdÊj [l[d adem m^Wj j^[o m[h[$ 8kj i^[ \_]kh[Z _j ekj WdZ Yh[Wj[Z ^[h emd Yebb[Yj_ed _dif_h[Z Xo ^[h l_djW][ ijob[i" m^_Y^ i^[ i^em[Z je iec[ i^emheeci Wj j^[ B$7$ CWhj$ Ç? mWi jebZ j^Wj j^[o m[h[ e\\#i[WiedÆj^Wj j^[ cWha[j mWi Wbh[WZo ed je j^[ \ebbem_d] i[Wied$È Dej Z[j[hh[Z" i^[ fkj je][j^[h W ]hekf e\ \_l[ je i_n f_[Y[i ^Wha[d_d] je j^[ :[fh[ii_ed [hW _d bkn[ \WXh_YWj_edi" _dYbkZ_d] ^[h i_]dWjkh[ 7b\h[Z ;$ 9el[hWbbi" WdZ h[]_ij[h[Z \eh j^[ CWhY^ (&'& i^em Wj ;DA _d D[m Oeha$ Jme o[Whi _d" i^[Êi X[[d ]hem_d] ij[WZ_bo" _d Xej^ j^[ hWd][ WdZ Xh[WZj^ e\ j^[ b_d[ WdZ _ji h[WY^ _d j^[ cWha[j$ J^[ icWbb XhWdZ Yedi_iji e\ edbo W ^WdZ\kb e\ f[efb[Æ CWjj^[mi _i Wii_ij[Z Xo ^[h fheZkYj_ed cWdW][h" e\\_Y[ cWdW][h" Wi m[bb Wi \ekh je \_l[ YedjhWYjehiÆWdZ" i^[ iWoi" ^[h fheY[ii _i dej jof_YWb$ Ç? ZedÊj ia[jY^ Wi ckY^ Wi ? Ykj WdZ fWij[$ ?jÊi W j^_hZ ]hWZ[ WffheWY^"È i^[ bWk]^i$ EdY[ j^[ iWcfb[ _i cWZ[" CWjj^[mi Yec[i m_j^ ^[h XW] e\ l_djW][ jh_ci WdZ Xkjjedi WdZ mehai ed WZZ_d] j^[ if[Y_Wb jekY^[i je [WY^ f_[Y[$ <eh <Wbb Ê')" i^[ iWoi" ^[h ceij ijWdZekj f_[Y[" W b_c_j[Z#[Z_j_ed i^[ edbo cWZ[ /& e\ j^[c ]ofio YeWj Xk_bj \eh j^[ Çh_i_d] ijWhÈ \[Wjkh[i W gk_bj[Z \WXh_Y WdZ bWY[ _d j^[ \hedj WdZ XWYa el[h W Z[b_YWj[ emb WdZ Xkjj[h\bo Z[i_]d$ <eh Ifh_d]%Ikcc[h Ê')" CWjj^[mi ^Wi i_p[Z j^[ b_d[ kf je jm[[d" W Z[Y_i_ed XWi[Z ed \[[ZXWYa \hec ^[h WYYekdji WdZ j^[

5 QUESTIONS WITH H.P. FRANCE H.P. France, a creative leader in childrenswear in Asia, with more than 500 employees and more than 80 retail spaces throughout Japan, tells us why Blu Pony Vintage was a good fit and how a brand finds global success. 1. What attracted you to BPV? Even at first glance, it's easy to be charmed by the vintage-inspired world of Blu Pony Vintage. H.P. France began introducing global kids' brands to the Japanese market last year. Blu Pony Vintage’s aesthetic is similar to our own, so it was a natural match. 2. What makes H.P. France unique? H.P. France is the creative leader in Japan and Asia. Our spirit is creativity for how people live.

bWYa e\ Y^e_Y[ i^[ dej_Y[Z _d j^[ cWha[jfbWY[$ Ç?jÊi WcWp_d] j^Wj j^[h[ Wh[ Wbb e\ j^[i[ Ybej^_d] XhWdZi ed j^[ cWha[j WdZ j^[d [l[hoed[ ^ece][d_p[i$ ?jÊi Z_\\_Ykbj je h[i_ij ^ece][d_p_d]$ Oek ][j \[[ZXWYa \hec i^emheeci m^e iWo" ÉM^o Wh[dÊj oek Ze_d] b[]]_d]i5ÊÈ CWjj^[mi ademi j^Wj ^[h ikYY[ii ^_d][i kfed ijWo_d] jhk[ je ^[h XhWdZ _Z[dj_jo$ J^[h[ m[h[dÊj b[]]_d]i _d j^[ (&i je *&i"È i^[ WZZi$ Ç8[i_Z[i" j^[h[ Wh[ fb[djo ed j^[ cWha[j Wbh[WZo$È CWjj^[mi iWoi i^[Êi WbmWoi X[[d [dWceh[Z Xo j^[ \bWff[h [hW _d 7c[h_YW Wbj^ek]^ i^[ WZc_ji _j mWi W ^WhZ b_\[ j^[d WdZ bWk]^i j^Wj ^[h \Wleh_j[ Z[YWZ[ h[cW_di j^[ .&i $ J^[ ^WhZ meha [j^_Y Zkh_d] j^[ [Whbo (&j^ Y[djkho hWd] \Wc_b_Wh je CWjj^[miÊ emd Y^_bZ^eeZ$ ÇCo \Wc_bo Xk_bj ekh ^ec[$ ?j jeea ki \_l[ o[Whi" WdZ m[ Xk_bj _j e\\ j^[ bWdZ"È i^[ iWoi$ ÇEd m[[a[dZi ? mekbZ f[[b be]i$ 7i W a_Z ? WbmWoi ^Wcc[h[Z dW_bi WdZ \[Z j^[ Wd_cWbi ed ekh meha_d] \Whc$È <eh W f[hied iY^eeb[Z _d fheZkYj_ed WdZ Z[Z_YWj[Z je K$I$ cWdk\WYjkh_d]" j^[h[ _i de Y_jo ceh[ 7c[h_YWd j^Wd :[jhe_j" WdZ CWjj^[mi Yed\_Z[i j^Wj ed W h[Y[dj jh_f j^[h[ i^[ l_i_j[Z >[dho <ehZÊi fbWdj WdZ \[bj W Z[[f Yedd[Yj_ed$ Ç? ^Wl[ W l_i_ed Zemd j^[ heWZ m^[h[ ? mWdj je ef[d kf W \WYjeho _d :[jhe_j$ ?ÊZ bel[ je Xh_d] cWdk\WYjkh_d] XWYa Qj^[h[S$È I^[ Yedj[dZi j^Wj j^[ Y_jo _i h_f[ \eh W h[ikh][dY[$ ÇJ^WjÊi co \_l[#o[Wh fbWd \eh 8bk Fedo L_djW][$ Dej edbo \eh co YecfWdo Xkj \eh ej^[hi" m^[h[ j^[ \WYjeho YWd X[ \eh d[m Z[l[befc[djÆd[m Z[i_]d[hi m^e mWdj je Ze iec[j^_d] IjWj[i_Z[$È

Although fashion is our focus, we are more inspired by culture and art. With patrons who are also interested in what is different rather than what is commercial, we appeal to the idiosyncratic. H.P. France started with a single boutique in the fashion district of Harajuku in Tokyo. Nearly 30 years later, it's an established fashion leader—with many more stores, the organizer of the international trade events and Roomslink, a public relations division, art galleries, publishing ventures, and lots more. 3. How would you compare the U.S. and Japanese markets? There is a difference in the size of the market. As far as Manhattan and Brooklyn, the kids' market is booming. In Japan, the market is still young, but the same change is taking place. People are

moving away from the more commercial retailers to smaller boutiques with unique kids' brands, especially for foreign brands. 4. What is your outlook on the global children's market? It is very new. Therefore, there is potential in any direction. We want to help the market grow in Japan. 5. How does a brand prepare for a global expansion? A brand has to understand what people are interested in abroad. It is less important to understand trend than aesthetic preference. At the same time, understand who you are as a brand and what position you want in the market. Do you want the large, commercial store or that unusual boutique? ( & ' ) < ; 8 H K 7 H O ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C 2 7

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1/22/13 9:07 AM

Q & A

Twinkle Twinkle

Swarovski Elements is collaborating with a range of childrenswear designers, adding some optimism and glamour to the U.S. fashion industry.

BY J ENNIFER CATTAUI IF THERE’S ANYTHING the children’s industry could use, it’s a dose of sparkle. Right on cue, Swarovski Elements enters the market through collaborations with key childrenswear designers for the Spring/Summer Ê') i[Wied$ J^[ fbWo\kb ^_Z[#WdZ#i[[a e\ b_]^j ][d[hWj[Z Xo \WY[j[Z Yhoi# tals is inevitably met with delight by the little girl lucky enough to don one of the collaborative creations. 7\j[h j^[ 9FI?7 bWm Y^Wd][Z _d (&&." j^[h[ mWi W Z[Y_Z[Z Zemdj_Ya in crystal embellishments as companies scrambled to make something that packed a punch without violating the regulation on lead which jeea [\\[Yj _d (&&/$ 7bb#j^Wj#]b_jj[hi fem[h^eki[ ImWhelia_ fhecfjbo h[#[d]_d[[h[Z _ji XWkXb[i je X[ Wbceij [dj_h[bo b[WZ#\h[[" Yecfb_Wdj m_j^ j^[ 9FI?7" je j^[ `eo e\ b_jjb[ ]_hbi [l[hom^[h[$ J^[_h Y^_bZ#\h_[dZbo formulation uses a patented “Advanced Crystal” standard, that Reinhard Mackinger, executive vice president of Swarovski Professional, says, ÇY^Wd][Z j^[ :D7 e\ ImWhelia_ YhoijWb$È J^_i c[Wdi j^Wj j^[ Y^_bZh[di# wear industry is about to see a lot more of this innovated product. J^[ \_\j^ ][d[hWj_ed YecfWdo ^Wi X[[d e\\[h_d] kf ifWhab[ je W hWd][ e\ _dZkijh_[i i_dY[ './+$ <ekdZ[Z Xo :Wd_[b ImWhelia_" j^[ YecfWdo mWi Xk_bj WhekdZ ^_i './( fWj[dj \eh W cWY^_d[ ^[ Yh[Wj[Z j^Wj YekbZ ÇYkj YhoijWb je f[h\[Yj_ed$È J^[ [Whbo YhoijWbi m[h[ ademd Wi ÇF_[hh[i JW_bb[[i Zk Joheb"È WYademb[Z]_d] j^[ 7kijh_Wd jemd _d m^_Y^ j^[o m[h[ cWZ[$ Ç7 firm belief in continual progress, in improving and perfecting what has gone before, however good, has been an integral part of the company’s philosophy, its history and heritage,” Mackinger says.

We got to talk to Mackinger about Swarovski’s recent entrance into j^[ Y^_bZh[dÊi cWha[j" fWhjd[h_d] m_j^ kfiYWb[ XhWdZi b_a[ 8edd_[ Oekd]" B_bo Fkb_jp[h WdZ C_ii 8bkcWh_d[" ed iec[ ifWhabo i^emijeff_d] \heYai$ What prompted these collaborations? Our activities to date in children’s fashion can be seen via several lead# ing European fashion capitals and has ignited enthusiasm and creativity Wced] Z[i_]d[hi$ J^[ Ifh_d]%Ikcc[h (&') hkdmWo i^em \[Wjkh[Z Wj D[m Oeha A_ZiÊ <Wi^_ed M[[a mWi W YebbWXehWj_ed m_j^ Y^_bZh[dim[Wh Z[i_]d# ers to really highlight their designs featuring Swarovski crystal. Swarovski ;b[c[dji fh[i[dj[Z W Y^_bZh[dim[Wh Yebb[Yj_ed Wj F_jj_ 8_cXe _d <beh[dY[ _d (&'(" ^em[l[h j^Wj Z[i_]d[h YebbWXehWj_ed h[\b[Yj[Z W ceh[ ;khef[Wd i[di_X_b_jo WdZ ijob[$ <eh F[j_j[FWhWZ[" m[ fWhjd[h[Z m_j^ _d\bk[dj_Wb Xek# tique brands that could afford to be more experimental and bold in their ki[ e\ YhoijWb$ J^[ h[ikbji Wh[ Yebb[Yj_edi j^Wj Wh[ ceh[ h[bWn[Z WdZ fbWo\kb$ Why did you decide to enter the market in this way? Swarovski is a company that’s constantly innovating—driving trends, its product range, applications and even its innovative formula, so we are able to add value to our customer’s creations. What’s the magic formula? ImWhelia_ ^Wi W bed]#ijWdZ_d] Ykijec e\ YWh[\kbbo fhej[Yj_d] j^[ i[Yh[Yo e\ _ji ^_]^#j[Y^ fheY[ii[i WdZ fheZkYji" W feb_Yo [ijWXb_i^[Z Wj j^[ j_c[

2 8 ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C < ; 8 H K 7 H O ( & ' )

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1/22/13 11:13 AM

T-shirt Shops


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Ooh La La Couture

Bonnie Young

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of the company’s founding in 1895. Swarovski Elements uses only the highest quality materials and strongly relies on the excellence of its crystal craftsmanship to produce its products according to the highest environmental standards of sustainability. These added values in terms of creation, technology, service and fulfillment embody the company philosophy as set down by Daniel Swarovski. They are also the very qualities that allow our products to be valued and coveted by our customers. In addition, Swarovski, in recognition of the potential of crystal, strives to unleash its intrinsic radiance through producing new cuts and shapes of poetic beauty that awaken emotion in the hearts of their owner. They include the highest crystal brilliance and clarity, the highest precision-cut quality, a great variety of colors and effects as well as an extremely high color consistency.

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ÄšÄŒĆŤ ĚƍĒƍ Ěƍ ĆŤ ĆŤÄ‘ĆŤ 2011 $5.00







JANUARY 2012 $5.00




Sail Away



THE EUROPEAN ISSUE Going Dutch: Claesen’s U.S. CEO Shares Her Holland Experience


La Dolce Vita: Our Pitti Bimbo Report


Group Buying: Deal or No Deal?

HIGH SOCIETY Tweens Reign With Sophisticated Knits and Layers

Breaking Blues Fall ’11 Denim Report Major League Inside the Franco Dynasty

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FEBRUARY 2011 $5.00

How did you decide which crystals to incorporate into the outfits? All of the designers involved in this childrenswear project embraced the challenge to work with Swarovski Elements to seek out the unexpected and to explore the infinite possibilities of this multifaceted medium. In each case, the design choices were up to the Miss designers themselves. Blumarine They interpreted their visions through the use of Swarovski Elements in creations that in turn highlighted the versatility of crystal. The extensive variety of shapes, colors and finishes in the Swarovski Elements assortment was a powerful source of inspiration that allowed them to achieve their goals. What sort of trends are you seeing in crystal embellishment? For Spring/Summer 2013, Swarovski Elements has responded to a genuine desire for a more positive vision of the future, a longing to embrace life’s simple joys with a sense of community and a respect for cultural heritage. This passion for the celebration of life with its deep desire for happiness based on the traditional values of simplicity, honesty and commitment underlies all four Swarovski Elements’ trends for Spring/Summer 2013: “Embracing Togetherness� (Classic), “Journey to the Moon� (Progressive), “Blowing Kisses� (Romantic), and “A Feeling of Freedom� (Glamour). For Fall ’13, Swarovski Elements identified globalization as the mega-trend, signaled by the move toward a neutralization of cultural diversity and national identity. But we are also seeing an emerging counter trend of “glocalization,� which is a move to embrace national heritage and local traditions. For Fall/Winter 2013/2014, Austria, with its folkloric charm, snow-capped peaks and picturesque scenery, has provided a rich source of design inspiration that reflects these values.

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What’s in store for the next collection? [We] always strive to move forward. We would like to continue to broaden our designer base and inspire them to generate new ideas for collections that use our products in line with emerging trends and consumer needs. It’s Swarovski’s ongoing desire to collaborate with exciting brands in order to fashion youthful dress styles that have crystal as the creative catalyst. We are already in discussions with brands regarding the developMischka ment of capsule ranges Aoki and also dealing with ad hoc requests. We will support designers for Global Kids Fashion Week in London and we also plan to re-visit PetiteParade in October 2013 in New York. Naturally, we will also engage in promotions and press activities throughout the year across the globe. You will be able to follow the progress of all these activities on our website. What makes this family-run company unique in the market? Swarovski is globalized crystal, available for all cultures and people. The current management includes fifth generation family members. All are direct descendants from the founder and all are shareholders of the company. Since 1895, the pursuit of a policy of using only the purest material and the highest quality craftsmanship has allowed Swarovski to become the world leader in precision-cut crystal, genuine gemstones and created stones. Swarovski’s passion for achieving a uniqueness, diversity and unmatched crystal capabilities allow it to constantly inspire designers who highly appreciate the contribution to the fashion industry, to further develop new forms of amazement for all. Furthermore the personal experience is constantly enhanced with various kinds of interactions through products, stores, designer collaborations and Crystal Worlds (their crystal museum in Austria). Swarovski adds sparkle to people’s everyday lives. How do you see your future in the children’s global apparel market? Swarovski has maintained a tradition of innovation for 117 years, continually striving to improve and produce products that reflect the zeitgeist and speak a poetic language that brings joy to their owners through crystal’s inherent beauty. Now that we have extended the crystallized lifestyle to the youngest among us, Swarovski Elements firmly intends to establish the brand as the essential component in the childrenswear segment. Swarovski crystal drives innovation and pushes boundaries, yet it is also very much a disseminator of luxury and design excellence, giving everyday objects a soul, bringing pleasure to the widest possible WkZ_[dY[" WdZ Yh[Wj_d] W \kjkh[ \eh _ji[b\$

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1/22/13 11:13 AM

Deux par Deux

OH, CANADA… Insiders give us the scoop on childrenswear in the Canadian market, its differences with the U.S., and why many manufacturers have made the move down south. by Maria Bouselli

SNOWY MOUNTAINS AND maple leaves might make the postcards, but for those in childrenswear, the country’s quality boutique collections featuring European styling and American pricing are the real take homes. Newer brands such as Stonz and Limeapple and favorites like Deux par Deux and Coccoli continue to make j^[_h cWhai ed j^[ K$I$ a_ZiÊ cWha[j m^_b[ ij_bb a[[f_d] sales solid back home. 3 2 ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C < ; 8 H K 7 H O ( & ' )

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Thinking about entering your U.S. brand into the Canadian market? Here are some tips from the locals. Think French, madame. As many of the big markets in Canada, such as Quebec and Montreal, are bilingual in French and English, Lisa Will of Stonz encourages U.S. brands to translate their website and other materials into the language.



9h[Wjeh WdZ Fh[i_Z[dj e\ B_c[Wffb[ :[XX_[ DWh[d iWoi j^[ 9WdWZ_Wd cWha[j i[[ci je X[ beea_d] kf \eh (&')$ Ç7\j[h o[Whi e\ Zeec#WdZ#]beec fhe`[Y# j_edi" 9WdWZWÊi WffWh[b _dZkijho _i cWa_d] W Yec[# XWYa"È i^[ dej[i$ ?d (&'& Wbed[" ef[hWj_d] h[l[dk[i _d 9WdWZ_Wd Y^_bZh[dÊi WdZ _d\WdjiÊ Ybej^_d] ijeh[i h[WY^[Z Wffhen_cWj[bo .&'$. c_bb_ed" WYYehZ_d] je j^[ 7ddkWb H[jW_b JhWZ[ Ikhl[o$ 7dZ j^[ Y^_b# Zh[dÊi cWha[j _d 9WdWZW Yedj_dk[i je ]hem$ J^[ ;kheced_jeh ?dj[hdWj_edWb h[fehj[Z j^Wj _d (&''" jejWb h[jW_b iWb[i e\ Y^_bZh[dim[Wh h[WY^[Z )$( X_b# b_ed" m^_Y^ mWi W ]hemj^ e\ ) f[hY[dj _d j[hci e\ Ykhh[dj lWbk[ WdZ ' f[hY[dj _d lebkc[$ <hWdYe_i LWY^ed" Cedjh[Wb#XWi[Z iWb[i h[f \eh 9eYYeb_" iWoi Xekj_gk[i ^Wl[ X[[d j^[ jhWZ_j_edWb ]e#je \eh 9WdWZ_Wd Ykijec[hi _d h[]WhZi je Y^_b# Zh[dim[Wh" WdZ j^Wj cWdo XhWdZi Wh[ edbo \ekdZ _d icWbb[h ijeh[i$ Ç;l[ho khXWd Y[dj[h ^Wi Yeh[ Xekj_gk[i j^Wj ^Wl[ X[[d j^[h[ \eh[l[h" WdZ l[ho hkhWb Wh[Wi ij_bb ^Wl[ j^[ i^ef j^Wj i[hl_Y[i QYki# jec[hiS ed CW_d Ijh[[j"È ^[ iWoi$ 7YYehZ_d] je

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Use Canadian resources. Bram Azran, brand manager of Petit Lem, advises U.S. brands to use distributors and a sales force in Canada in order to be successful. “You have to have the key players to do that job for you,” he says. “And you don’t know the Canadian market as much as the Canadian sales reps [do].” Consider the costs. Two things to think about when entering the Canadian market are the exchange rate and transportation expenses. While the Canadian dollar and the American dollar have been close to equal of late, transport costs are still something to greatly consider. “The territories are vast and you will have to ship from one end to the other,” says Michelle Villenueve, director of operations at Piccolo Bambino. The market is smaller than the U.S. With 10 times more people in the U.S. than Canada, American brands should manage their expectations. “If you set yourself up too much, you may be disappointed,” Villenueve says. “The market is smaller, narrower, and there’s a lot of competition as well.” Do your homework. Francois Vachon, sales rep for Coccoli, notes that there are small cultural differences to look out for, such as customer buying habits, that U.S. brands should learn about before entering the market. “Go to the [Canadian] cities, visit and meet with agents before you show up and spend your money,” he advises. —M.B. ( & ' ) < ; 8 H K 7 H O ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C 3 3

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Petit Lem Coccoli

fering. “When you go into Old Navy, you can buy a winter coat for '&$ QH[jW_b[hiS Wh[ ^Wl_d] W ^WhZ j_c[ WdZ Wh[ ^Wl_d] je ibWi^ j^[_h fh_Y[i"È i^[ iWoi$ 7i Y^_bZh[dim[Wh _i ^_ijeh_YWbbo W Xekj_gk[#XWi[Z _dZkijho _d 9WdWZW" Ykijec[hi ij_bb [nf[Yj f[hiedWb i[hl_Y[ WdZ Ykj# j_d] [Z][ ]eeZiÆjme WZlWdjW][i \eh icWbb[h XhWdZi WdZ h[jW_b[hi$ ÇOek i[[ j^[ f[efb[ b_a[ @e[ <h[i^ WdZ ej^[h X_]][h [dj_j_[i ]hem WdZ Q_ddelWj_edS ][ji W X_j beij"È iWoi B_iW M_bb" 9;E WdZ Yh[Wjeh e\ Ijedp$


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Girl & Co. by limeapple

Live. Love. Limeapple. www.limeapple.ca EARN_35 35

1.800.359.5171 1/21/13 2:36:47 PM



BY LY N D S AY M C G R E G O R IT’S WRITTEN IN the stats: The number of icWhjf^ed[i WdZ jWXb[ji _d j^[ Kd_j[Z IjWj[i now outnumbers the people living here, with analysts at IT research company Gartner esticWj_d] j^Wj .(' c_bb_ed m_h[b[ii Z[l_Y[i m[h[ iebZ _d (&'( Wbed[$ J^WjÊi W bej e\ effehjkd_ties for retailers to capitalize on itchy fingers and Poonam Goyal, senior retail analyst at 8beecX[h] ?dZkijh_[i" iWoi j^Wj Wdo h[jW_b[h j^Wj _idÊj fWhj_Y_fWj_d] _d c#i^eff_d] _i ÇWj risk of losing sales to competition.” Armed with a smartphone or a tablet, shoppers are leading the mobile revolution and retailers are forced to follow. According to Javelin Strategy & Research, consumers if[dj (&$- X_bb_ed bWij o[Wh m^_b[ i^eff_d] ed ceX_b[ Z[l_Y[i$ ?d \WYj" ?8C IcWhj[h Commerce reports that more shoppers than [l[hÆ,+$) f[hY[djÆ]ej W l_hjkWb `kcf ed 8bWYa <h_ZWo j^_i o[Wh" idWff_d] kf edb_d[ deals without so much as leaving their seats at the Thanksgiving Day table. Goyal reports that (* f[hY[dj ceh[ i^eff[hi l_i_j[Z h[jW_b[h m[Xsites on their mobile and mobile sales were at '- f[hY[dj" kf \hec '& f[hY[dj j^[ o[Wh X[\eh[$ ÇCeX_b[ i^eff_d] _i ^[h[ je ijWo WdZ ^Wl_d] a presence within the mobile app space is a ckij"È iWoi DehcWd <ed]" 9;E WdZ Ye#\ekdZ[h e\ 8koL_W" W fh_Y[ YecfWh_ied m[Xi_j[ WdZ app that shows tech deals, who notes that the trend is akin to having a website five years ago. Ç9edikc[hi ^Wl[ icWhjf^ed[i WdZ Qh[jW_b[hiS d[[Z je jWa[ WZlWdjW][ e\ j^_i$È 8`ehd >ebj[" \ekdZ[h WdZ 9CE e\ XCeX_b_p[Z" W D[m Oeha# based mobile startup whose do-it-yourself technology instantly converts any website into W Ykijec_p[Z ceX_b[#\h_[dZbo i_j[" W]h[[i$ ÇJ^[ trend is that everything you used to do with

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W F9 _i dem jkhd_d] ceX_b[$ <_hij _j mWi [cW_bi" j^[d XWda_d] WdZ d[mi" WdZ dem [#Yecc[hY["È ^[ iWoi$ ÇIf[Y_\_YWbbo \eh icWbb Xki_d[ii" ][jj_d] oekh dWc[ ekj WdZ Ykijec[h Wjj[dj_ed _i YhkY_Wb je ]hemj^$ ?j cWa[i i[di[ \eh QicWbb Xki_d[ii emd[hiS je jWa[ WZlWdjW][ e\ m^[h[ ]hemj^ \eh Yedikc[hi _i" WdZ m^[h[ j^[o _dYh[Wi_d]bo mWdj j^[_h ZWjW WdZ _d\ehcWj_ed je Yec[ \hec"È iWoi J[b[Yeci 7dWboij @ei^kW OWjiaem_jp e\ 8beecX[h] ?dZkijh_[i$


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How to capitalize on the mobile shopping boom Mobile shopping is expected to hit $31 billion by 2016, according to a Forrester Research report. Meanwhile, Google found that 75 percent of visitors to a mobilefriendly site would return, whereas 79 percent of people who find a site difficult to use will give up. Now is the time to optimize your store’s site and make it easier for customers who want to spend their money. “It’s essential to provide a good experience, make sure the app loads fast, places priority on users’ privacy and security, and has robust and detailed information about the company’s inventory, specials, coupons, etcetera,” says Norman Fong, CEO and co-founder of BuyVia. BUILD A USER-FRIENDLY SITE. “The main goal is to make the business web content accessible and readable on any device. This means that the links and buttons need to easily click on a small screen. The second important consideration is to make it simple for the user to contact you,” says founder and CMO of bMobilized Bjorn Holte. Better yet, build an app that customers can download onto their phone. OPTIMIZE YOUR CATALOG FOR MOBILE. Apps like CoffeeTable and Catalog Spree take retailers’ catalogs and optimize them for viewing on an iPad. Customers can buy products directly in the app and share their favorite products with their friends on Facebook. SEND EMAILS WITH DISCOUNTS AND COUPONS. Most consumers check their email on their phone rather than sitting down at a computer. Capitalize on this by sending discounts and sales announcements to your customers on a regular basis with links that take them directly to your online store. OFFER THE BEST PRICE. Price comparison sites offer a benefit to m-commerce customers by letting them scan a barcode and find its lowest sale price online. —L.M.

<;8HK7HO (&') ;7HDI>7MI$9EC 37

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1/22/13 9:25 AM

Wildfox Kids sweatshirt worn over Malibu Sugar fishnet tank top, Havoc Denim snakeskin jeans, Peace of Cake knit hat. 38

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1/22/13 12:43 PM

Stella McCartney Kids horse print sweater, Scotch R'Belle tie-dyed shorts Stella McCartney Kids horse print T.U.K. sweater, Scotch R'Belle tie dyeStella shorts worn over Limeapple leggings; shoes worn throughout; worn overhorse Limeapple Sportworn leggings; T.U.K. shoes throughout; Stella McCartney sweatshirt over Wildfox Kids worn T-shirt, Scotch Shrunk McCartney horse sweatshirt wornthroughout over Wildfox Scotch Shrunk grey jeans. Headpieces theKids storyt-shirt, by Alexandra Egan. grey jeans. Headpieces throughout the story by Alexandra Egan. 40

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Miss Me embellished grey T-shirt worn over Malibu Sugar crop top. 41

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Scotch R'Belle grey jacket and tutu, T2Love grey sweatshirt, Zara Terez pony print leggings. Opposite page: Wildfox Kids sweatshirt.

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Scotch R'Belle leopard print sweater, DKNY pleather snake embossed leggings; Miss Me grey hoodie, Tractor printed jeans. Opposite page: T2Love grey sweatshirt worn over Malibu Sugar fishnet tank, Obey beanie, Tractor floralElement jeans; hoodie, Lucky Brand cargo jacket, jeans by Levi's 511 Wildfox Kids musical note by Haddad Evos sneakers. tee, DKNY Brands, skinny jeans. 44

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Stella McCartney Kids tiger sweater, Kensie Girl black knit pants, Rolf Bleu zipper bracelet. Opposite page: Wildfox Kids T-shirt, Ralph Lauren skinny jeans, Zara Terez black metal ring. 46

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1/22/13 12:45 PM

From left: Chaser tee layered over Stella McCartney raglan, Appaman black jeans and charcoal beanie, Y-3 cleats; Appaman bomber jacket and Opposite page: Nukutavake jean jacket, Trunk Ltd. T-shirt, Hollyworld New York black skirt, spiked headband by Xser.

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Stella McCartney Kids tiger print T-shirt worn backwards, Peace of Cake striped armbands. Opposite page: Wildfox Kids cheetah print T-shirt, Levi's tiedyed jeans, Rock This wrapped bracelet. Style director: Michel Onofrio Hair and Makeup: Maria Seccia for Mariaseccia.com Props and Headpieces: Alexandra Egan 49

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Earnshaw's Marketplace maximizes small budgets for emerging infant and toddler companies. Tout your apparel

Bows Arts The Beautiful Bow

Immediate Delivery • Show Special

Atlanta Mart #13s-336a Chicago Gallery NorthBranch #306 Miami KidShow NY ENK #1327

BaltimoreMid-AtlanticShow Dallas #8076 LA Kids #A680 San Francisco #240 Seattle NWKids


er_02_13_marketplace_01.indd 50

1/22/13 9:23 AM

or juv


or juvenile product collections to retailers looking for new resources targeting newborns through pre-schoolers. Call (646) 278-1510 Alexandra.Marinacci@9threads.com



February 4-8


Kids Market NYC 34 W 33rd Street New York, NY www.nykidsmarket.net

Mid-Atlantic Children’s Apparel Sales Organization Doubletree Suites Hotel Plymouth Meeting, PA (215) 782-9853



Kids On 6 Embassy Suites San Francisco, CA www.kidson6.com


The Children’s Show at Deerfield Embassy Suites Deerfield, IL (847) 945-4500 www.midwestchildrensapparelgroup.com

er_02_13_marketplace_02_revise.indd 51

Children’s Great Event Shoe Show The Marriott at Glenpointe Teaneck, NJ (516) 225-7463 www.tcgess.com


KIDShow Las Vegas Bally’s Hotel and Casino Las Vegas, NV (305) 663-6635 www.kidshow.cc


Playtime Tokyo Belle Salle Shibuya First Tokyo, Japan +81 03-6418-2611 www.playtimetokyo.com


The Indy Children’s Show Embassy Suites Indianapolis, IN (317) 872-7700 www.midwestchildrensapparelgroup.com


Mid-Atlantic Children’s Apparel Sales Organization Embassy Suites Linthicum, MD (215) 782-9853

1/22/13 3:53 PM


Limeapple jean jacket, Ella Moss tee, Levi’s jeans, stylist’s own jewelry.

STYLIST: SADIE AGE: 11 HOMETOWN: NEW YORK CITY “Was 2003 really 10 years ago?” That’s what the Earnshaw’s staff asked when our guest stylist, Sadie, popped in. A former Earnshaw’s baby model, Sadie made her modeling debut in the 2003 infant and toddler issue as a 1-year-old dressed in western-inspired knits. She returned as a tween with an eye for trendy tops, denim—one of her favorite items because she “can pair jeans with anything”—and glittery accessories. As she noted, “I’ve learned that if you accessorize, you can make anything sparkle.” The tween is finessing her styling skills each morning by jazzing up her plain navy blue school uniform with pieces she picks up from the Upper East Side institution Lester’s and From the archives: Me.N.U. “I like to add necklaces, earrings, headbands or anySadie in Earnshaw’s thing that will make it a little more me,” she explained. July ’03 issue. And Sadie’s fun and fearless approach to her “relaxed but edgy” look is just like her fashion inspiration Katy Perry’s style. “Her style is unique and it adds an element of fun and surprise. It also really describes her attitude toward life and shows that she is very fun and outgoing.” —Angela Velasquez


Ella Moss eyelet blazer and ruffle tank, Levi’s jeans, Skechers wedge sneakers, stylist’s own jewelry and headband.


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1/22/13 9:31 AM

Jona Michelle New York Buzz Dannenfelser (212)695-5151 Los Angeles Teresa Stephen (213)623-8155 Dallas Greg Morgan (214)643-0100 Philadelphia Martin Arnold (609)471-6189 Seattle Carrie Martin (253)851-1418 Atlanta Paul Daubney (404)577-6840 Chicago Robert Centen & Associates (312)464-0999 Miami Miriam Devesa (305)261-5374


1/21/13 2:35:45 PM


Little Me

1385 Broadway Suite 1800 NY, NY 10018 212-279-4150 Mark Zelen

www.littleme.com Northeast Bill & Sandie Ellsworth 781-326-3999 Southeast Paul Daubney 404-577-6840 Caribbean/Latin America/ South Florida Rolando & Ana Hidalgo 305-266-8745 West Coast Teresa Stephen & Krystal Crooymans 866-723-KIDS Midwest Richard Finkelstein & Al Zaiff 800-935-0236 Texas/Southwest Annette Cardona-Stein 214-637-4446 International Nathan A. Mamiye 212-216-6008 See us at: KIDS Show, Bally's, Las Vegas Feb. 18th-20th The Children’s Club NYC, Mar. 10th-12th


1/21/13 2:38:43 PM

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