Earnshaw's | November December 2015

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Noelle Heffernan Publisher

14 On a Mission AWj^hod M_b[o WdZ CWha @[od[i h[l[Wb ^em HeYa_dÊ 8WXo m_bb ZedWj[ W gkWhj[h#c_bb_ed f_[Y[i e\ Ybej^_d] je a_Zi _d d[[Z$

Audrey Goodson Kingo Editor in Chief

26 Best in Class >[bf ki Yed]hWjkbWj[ ekh >Wbb e\ <Wc[ h[Y_f_[dji" _dZkijho j_jWdi IjWdb[o AWo[ WdZ j^[ [n[Ykj_l[ j[Wc Wj =_]]b[$ 28 Honor Roll 7 hekdZ e\ WffbWki[" fb[Wi[" \eh j^[ (&'+ ;Whd_[ 7mWhZ m_dd[hi" m^e mee[Z lej[hi m_j^ jef#dejY^ ijob[ WdZ i[hl_Y[$

FASHION 16 Glory Days <_[hY[ c[[ji \kd m^[d Ifh_d] Ê', jh[dZi Yebb_Z[ _d 8heeabod$ 6 Editor’s Note 8 JWba_d] Fe_dji 9 >ej Fhef[hj_[i 10 <h[i^ <_dZi 12 Ed Jh[dZ 36 8[^_dZ j^[ I[Wci 40 I^ef JWba Malibu Sugar tie-dye tee, Mini Rodini leggings and hat. On cover: Bang Bang Copenhagen coat, Eddie Pen shorts, Someday Soon tee and hat, Happy Socks knee-highs, Adidas slides, Molo sunglasses.


Photography by Zoe Berkovic. Styling by Mindi Smith/Sarah Laird & Good Company. Hair and makeup by Vivi Lapidus/Tricia Joyce Inc.

Nancy Campbell Trevett McCandliss 9h[Wj_l[ :_h[Yjehi ;:?JEH?7B Ann Loynd Senior Editor Laurie Cone 7iieY_Wj[ ;Z_jeh Kirby Stirland 7iieY_Wj[ ;Z_jeh 7:L;HJ?I?D= Caroline Diaco =hekf FkXb_i^[h Jennifer Craig If[Y_Wb 7YYekdji Manager FHE:K9J?ED Tim Jones :[fkjo 7hj :_h[Yjeh FheZkYj_ed CWdW][h Mike Hoff Webmaster

9EDJ79J ?D<E Sales/Editorial Offices ), 9eef[h IgkWh[" 4th floor D[m Oeha" DO '&&&) J[b0 ,*, (-.#'++& <Wn0 ,*, (-.#'++) WZl[hj_i_d]6/j^h[WZi$Yec [Z_jeh_Wbh[gk[iji6 /j^h[WZi$Yec Circulation Office :[XX_[ =h_c (,(&( :[jhe_j HeWZ" )&& M[ijbWa[" E> **'*+ J[b0 **& .-'#')&& Y_hYkbWj_ed6/j^h[WZi$Yec 9EHFEH7J; /J^h[WZi (,(&( :[jhe_j HeWZ" )&& M[ijbWa[" E> **'*+ J[b0 **& .-'#')&& Xen Zapis" 9^W_hcWd Lee Zapis" Fh[i_Z[dj Rich Bongorno" 9<E Debbie Grim" 9edjhebb[h

EARNSHAW’S INFANTS, GIRLS AND BOYS WEAR REVIEW ISSN 0161-2786 (USPS-320-090) The business and fashion magazine of the childrenswear industry is published 10x a year by Symphony Publishing NY, LLC, 36 Cooper Square, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10003. The publishers of this magazine do not assume responsibility for statements made by their advertisers in business competition. Periodicals postage is paid in New York, N.Y. and additional mailing offices. Subscription price for one year: U.S. $48; Rates outside U.S. available upon request. Single price copy, $5. Copyright 2011 by Symphony Publishing NY, LLC. Postmaster: Send address changes to Earnshaw’s Infants, Girls and Boys Wear Review, P.O. Box 8548, Lowell, MA 01853-8548. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photos. Any photographs, artwork, manuscripts, editorial samples or merchandise sent for editorial consideration are sent at the sole risk of the sender. Symphony Publishing NY, LLC will assume no responsibility for loss or damage. No portion of this issue may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Printed in USA.

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Four Little Monkeys,

Celebrate Innocence

Jump for Joy!

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editor’s note SO I’VE HAD a pretty wonderful time in bed lately. =ej oekh Wjj[dj_ed5 :edÊj mehho$ ? fhec_i[ j^_i b[jj[h _idÊj ]e_d] je jWa[ W iehZ_Z jkhd$ J^[ h[Wb_jo _i WYjkWbbo fh[jjo ckdZWd[0 ? h[Y[djbo fkhY^Wi[Z W if_\\o d[m X[Z \hWc[" cWjjh[ii" Zkl[j WdZ i^[[ji$ M^[d j^[ gk[[d#i_p[ X[Wkjo mWi Z[b_l[h[Z je ekh Zeeh" ? YekbZdÊj mW_j je j[Wh _dje j^[ Xen[i$ Co ^kiXWdZ" m^e mWi jWia[Z m_j^ Xk_bZ_d] iW_Z X[Z" mWi kdZ[hijWdZWXbo b[ii [dj^ki_Wij_Y$ Kbj_cWj[bo" m[ fW_Z iec[ed[ je fkj j^[ \hWc[ je][j^[h \eh kiÆWd kdfh[Y[Z[dj[Z Z[Y_i_ed _d ekh ^eki[^ebZ$ 7j \_hij _j mWi Z_\\_Ykbj je b[j ]e e\ ekh ]k_bj WXekj fWo_d] iec[ed[ je jWYab[ W jWia m[ m[h[ f[h\[Yjbo YWfWXb[ e\ Yecfb[j_d] ed ekh emd$ Co ^kiXWdZ WdZ ? Wh[ Xej^ \W_hbo \hk]Wb$ 7dZ m[Êl[ cWdW][Z je Z[Y_f^[h ?a[W _dijhkYj_edi X[\eh[" m^_Y^ ? X[b_[l[ [Whdi ki Wd ^edehWho Z[]h[[ _d [d]_d[[h_d]$ 8kj _j mWi i_cfbo W cWjj[h e\ j_c[$ 7i _d" m[ ^WZ ded[$ 7dZ m[Êh[ dej Wbed[$ J^_i cedj^ The New York Times fkXb_i^[Z Wd Whj_Yb[ j_jb[Z" ÇIjh[ii[Z" J_h[Z" Hki^[Z0 7 FehjhW_j e\ j^[ CeZ[hd <Wc_bo$È Ceh[ Y^_bZh[d j^Wd [l[h X[\eh[ Wh[ X[_d] hW_i[Z _d \Wc_b_[i m^[h[ Xej^ fWh[dji meha \kbb#j_c[$ 7dZ" j^[ Times h[fehji j^Wj Ç+, f[hY[dj e\ Wbb meha_d] fWh[dji iWo j^[ XWbWdY_d] WYj _i Z_\\_Ykbj" WdZ j^ei[ m^e Ze Wh[ ceh[ b_a[bo je iWo j^Wj fWh[dj_d] _i j_h_d] WdZ ijh[ii\kb" WdZ b[ii b_a[bo je \_dZ _j WbmWoi [d`eoWXb[ WdZ h[mWhZ_d]$È E\ Yekhi[" _j ]e[i m_j^ekj iWo_d] j^Wj m[ bel[ ekh ied je j^[ ceed WdZ XWYa$ 8kj" b_a[ cWdo d[m fWh[dji" _jÊi jek]^ je \_dZ j_c[ je Ze [l[hoj^_d]Æ meha_d]" fWh[dj_d]" Yeea_d]" Yb[Wd_d]" Xk_bZ_d] X[Zi¾ Ie m^Wj [nWYjbo Ze[i j^_i ^Wl[ je Ze m_j^ Y^_bZh[dim[Wh5 M^[d ? j^_da XWYa je co ceij h[bWn_d] [nf[h_[dY[i _d j^[ fWij \[m cedj^i" ? h[YWbb j^[ j_c[i ? Xhemi[Z Xekj_gk[i _d co M_bb_WciXkh] d[_]^Xeh^eeZ$ 7j F_da Eb_l[" ? if[dj W bel[bo (& c_dkj[i Y^Wjj_d] m_j^ j^[ iWb[i WiieY_Wj[" m^e ^[bf[Z c[ fkj je][j^[h W X[Wkj_\kb YWh[ fWYaW][ \eh W \h_[dZ$ 7j M_bZ MWi CWcW" ? b_d][h[Z _d j^[ ifWY_eki Zh[ii_d] heec" jho_d] ed i[l[hWb Zh[ii[i$ ? meh[ j^[ ed[ ? i[b[Yj[Z" Xo :ej[" je j^[ ;Whd_[i$ 7j IceeY^_[ 8WXo" ? a[fj h[jkhd_d] je j^[ Wbb#jee#j[cfj_d] i^e[ i[b[Yj_ed X[\eh[ f_Ya_d] kf W fbki^ \en WdZ W fW_h e\ 7ffWcWd im[WjfWdji$ 7j Wbb e\ j^ei[ ijeh[i" j^[ _dYh[Z_Xbo ademb[Z][WXb[ ijW\\[hi _cc[Z_Wj[bo ^[bf[Z c[ \_dZ m^Wj ? d[[Z[Z" WdZ ? mWba[Z ekj \[[b_d] b_a[ ? cWZ[ W \h_[dZ" Wi m[bb Wi W fkhY^Wi[ j^Wj mekbZ cWa[ b_\[ W b_jjb[ [Wi_[h$ :_Z ? fWo W b_jjb[ ceh[ j^Wd ? mekbZ ^Wl[ Wj W X_]#Xen i^ef5 M_j^ekj W ZekXj$ MWi _j mehj^ [l[ho f[ddo5 7Xiebkj[bo$ M^_Y^ Xh_d]i c[ XWYa je co X[Z$ <eh]_l[ c[Æ?Êc W d[m cec$ 7bb ? Zh[Wc WXekj _i ib[[f$ ? ^WZ W ]_\j YWhZ je W dWj_edWb Z[fWhjc[dj ijeh[ Y^W_d j^Wj i^Wbb ]e kddWc[Z je fhej[Yj j^[ _ddeY[dj " ie j^WjÊi m^[h[ ? m[dj je f_Ya ekj co Zkl[j$ J^[ X[ZZ_d] i[Yj_ed mWi kdeh]Wd_p[Z" j^[ iWb[i ijW\\ ded[n_ij[dj WdZ j^[ i^[[ji m[h[ beYWj[Z" _dZ[Y_f^[hWXbo" d[nj je j^[ bk]]W][$ J^[d" je co ikhfh_i[" ? Z_iYel[h[Z j^Wj j^[ Y^W_d de bed][h fhel_Z[i YWi^_[hi _d [WY^ Z[fWhjc[dj$ ? ^WZ je bk] co c[hY^WdZ_i[ Wbb j^[ mWo je j^[ \hedj e\ j^[ ijeh[ WdZ ijWdZ _d W bed] b_d[$ MW_j W c_dkj[" ? j^ek]^j$ ?idÊj j^_i [nWYjbo j^[ iWc[ \ehcWj Wi [l[ho e\\#fh_Y[ c[hY^Wdj5 Ie m^Wj cWa[i j^Wj Z[fWhjc[dj ijeh[ Z_ij_dYj \hec W Ae^bÊi eh J$@$CWnn5 J^_i _i m^o ? ZedÊj Z[ifW_h \eh j^[ \kjkh[ e\ _dZ[f[dZ[dj h[jW_b$ ?Êbb jWa[ j^[ f[WY[ WdZ jhWdgk_b_jo e\ W X[Wkj_\kb" j^ek]^j\kbbo#YkhWj[Z Xekj_gk[ Wdo ZWo el[h Wd _cf[hiedWb" kdeh]Wd_p[Z h[jW_b X[^[cej^$ ?d Wd _dYh[Z_Xbo Xkio mehbZ" j^ei[ Xekj_gk[i fhel_Z[ Wd eWi_i e\ YWbc j^Wj de edb_d[ l[dZeh eh cWii c[hY^Wdj YWd [l[h h[fb_YWj[$ ? adem m^[h[ ?Êbb X[ ^[WZ_d] \eh co ^eb_ZWo i^eff_d] j^_i o[Wh$ J^Wj _i" W\j[h ? ][j iec[ ib[[f$ >[h[Êi ^ef_d] Wbb oekh im[[j Zh[Wci Yec[ jhk[ _d (&'," jee$

Sweet Dreams What do today’s busy parents want— besides more sleep? Serene shopping.



6 ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C D E L ; C 8 ; H % : ; 9 ; C 8 ; H ( & ' +

Representing over 40 of the best brands in the industry, including:

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Points In a Flash


Sites like Gilt and Zulily are here to stay. What does that mean for a rapidly changing children’s industry?

HEN FLASH SALE websites like Gilt and Pkb_bo \_hij YWc[ ed j^[ iY[d[ _d (&&- WdZ (&&. h[if[Yj_l[bo" j^[o m[h[ c[j m_j^ W \heijo h[Y[fj_ed \hec cWdo Y^_bZh[dÊi XhWdZi WdZ h[jW_b[hi$ E\\[h_d] Z[[f Z_iYekdji ed c[hY^WdZ_i[" Xh_Ya#WdZ#cehjWh h[jW_b[hi l_[m[Z j^[ i_j[i Wi Yecf[j_j_ed" m^_b[ XhWdZi \[Wh[Z j^[ YedY[fj mekbZ jhW_d Ykijec[hi je i^ef iWb[ _j[ci edbo$ E^" ^em j_c[i ^Wl[ Y^Wd][Z$ ÇF[efb[ _d_j_Wbbo m[h[ ie Wdj_#\bWi^ iWb[ÆeXl_ekibo j^[ h[jW_b[hi \_hij WdZ \eh[ceij" Xkj j^[ h[fi" WdZ [l[d iec[ e\ j^[ XhWdZi Z_ZdÊj mWdj je fWhj_Y_fWj[$ 8kj j^[ _dZkijho [lebl[Z"È iWoi Y^_bZh[dim[Wh YedikbjWdj 9Wb[j^W 9hWm\ehZ$ Ç?jÊi dej d[m Wdoceh[" WdZ dem j^Wj YecfWd_[i YWd i[[ ej^[h XhWdZi j^[o h[if[Yj Ze_d] m[bb ed j^[ i_j[i" j^[oÊh[ m_bb_d] je jho _j$ J^[ icWhj ed[i ^Wl[ ki[Z j^[ Yedikc[h \bWi^ iWb[i l[ho m[bb$È 7i \eh j^[ mWoi iWllo XhWdZi ^Wl[ kj_b_p[Z j^[ i_j[i" _jÊi Wbb WXekj e\\[h_d] bWj[#i[Wied eh bWij#i[Wied fheZkYjiÆYbej^_d] j^WjÊi de bed][h YWhh_[Z Xo j^Wj XhWdZÊi Xh_Ya#WdZ# cehjWh Yb_[dj[b[$ <eh AWf_jWb A <ekdZ[h WdZ :[i_]d[h If[dY[h Ik``WfehWc[ij" j^Wj c[Wdi e\\[h_d] c[hY^WdZ_i[ j^WjÊi Wj b[Wij '( cedj^i ebZ$ 7i Ik``WfehWc[ij dej[i" i_j[i b_a[ =_bj" Pkb_bo" >Wkj[beea WdZ Hk[ BW BW e\\[h W kd_gk[ effehjkd_jo je e\\beWZ el[hijeYa m^_b[ fhecej_d] j^[ AWf_jWb A XhWdZ$ Ç?d WZZ_j_ed je Wbbem_d] ki je e\\[h WdZ cel[ ijeYa _j[ci" [WY^ iWb[ ^Wi W Xk_bj#_d WZl[hj_i_d] WdZ cWha[j_d] Z[l_Y[ j^Wj ^[bfi fhecej[ WdZ [nfWdZ j^[ XhWdZ WmWh[d[ii je Ykijec[hi _d fWhji e\ the country and world where the brand does dej o[j ^Wl[ W fh[i[dY["È Ik``WfehWc[ij [nfbW_di$ ÇJe ekh [n_ij_d] Ykijec[hi" _j fhel_Z[i W i^eff_d] Y^Wdd[b \eh j^[ _j[ci eh i_p[i j^[o c_]^j dej ^Wl[ i[[d X[\eh[ eh [l[d je j^[ ijob[i j^[o cWo ^Wl[ \Wbb[d _d bel[ m_j^ Xkj dem ^Wl[ WYY[ii je W X_]][h i_p[ eh W Z_\\[h[dj Yebeh$È J^Wj [nfeikh[ _i ed[ j^[ X_]][ij X[d[\_ji \eh YecfWd_[i j^Wj feij fheZkYji ed Pkb_bo" iWoi @kb_[ @e^dijed" j^[ YecfWdoÊi LF e\ c[hY^WdZ_i_d] \eh a_Zi$ ÇM^[d W XhWdZ Z[Y_Z[i je fWhjd[h m_j^ ki j^[o Wh[ ]_l[d

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WYY[ii je \_l[ c_bb_ed beoWb WdZ WYj_l[ Ykijec[hiÆm_j^ .. f[hY[dj X[_d] h[f[Wj"È i^[ dej[i$ Ç8hWdZi j^Wj fWhjd[h m_j^ ki Wbie ^Wl[ WYY[ii je \h[[ cWha[j_d]" i_dY[ ekh ief^_ij_YWj[Z f[hiedWb_pWj_ed j[Y^debe]o [dikh[i h[b[lWdj Ykijec[hi i[[ j^[_h fheZkYj \hedj WdZ Y[dj[h" ed Wbb WYY[ii_Xb[ i^eff_d] fbWj\ehci" _dYbkZ_d] Z[iajef" ceX_b[ WdZ [l[d j^[ 7ffb[ MWjY^$È 7dZ j^Wj cWha[j_d] YWd Wbie Xeeij iWb[i Wj Xh_Ya#WdZ#cehjWh ijeh[i" Wi i^eff[hi X[Yec[ _dYh[Wi_d]bo \Wc_b_Wh m_j^ j^[ bWX[b$ ;l[d ie" 9hWm\ehZ dej[i" j^ei[ XhWdZi ^Wl[ je X[ YWh[\kb je ÇXWbWdY[ _j ekj"È Wi cWdo h[jW_b[hi ij_bb X[b_[l[ j^Wj \bWi^ iWb[i X_j[ _dje j^[_h Xejjec b_d[$ J^WjÊi m^o 9hWm\ehZ WdZ ^[h Xki_d[ii fWhjd[hi 9^h_ij_d[ CY9Whj^o" WdZ CWh_bod WdZ :[ddo Ab[_d e\ J^[ Ab[_d =hekf" Wbb j[Wc[Z kf je bWkdY^ <bkjj[h IWb[i" W 8(8 cWha[jfbWY[ j^Wj Wbbemi XhWdZi je i[bb j^[_h el[hijeYa [nYbki_l[bo je h[jW_b[hi$ 7j fluttersales.com" XhWdZi b_ij c[hY^WdZ_i[ \eh W (& f[hY[dj Z_iYekdj" m^_b[ j[cfehWho \bWi^ iWb[i Wbbem j^[c je e\\[h _j[ci \eh *& f[hY[dj e\\ eh ceh[$ ?jÊi W m_d#m_d \eh Xej^ XhWdZi WdZ h[jW_b[hi" 9hWm\ehZ cW_djW_di$ CWdk\WYjkh[hi ^Wl[ j^[ effehjkd_jo je cel[ el[hijeYa without alienating their loyal brick-andcehjWh Xko[hi$ C[Wdm^_b[" h[jW_b[hi ^Wl[ the benefit of buying discounted items je \_bb _d bWj[#i[Wied _dl[djeho ]Wfi$ Ed[ [nWcfb[5 Ç?d iec[ Wh[Wi e\ j^[ Yekdjho" j^[ bWij Yekfb[ e\ m_dj[hi h[Wbbo jeea h[jW_b[hi Xo ikhfh_i[ WdZ j^[o h[Wb_p[Z j^[o m[h[ i^ehj ed m_dj[h ]eeZi"È 9hWm\ehZ dej[i$ Flutter Sales also offers retailers the chance to try out a new line without comc_jj_d] je W \kbb Yebb[Yj_ed$ ÇJ^[ ed[ j^_d] ?Êl[ X[[d ^[Wh_d] ceh[ WdZ ceh[ _i j^Wj" ed ed[ ^WdZ" ijeh[i WbmWoi d[[Z d[md[ii$ 8kj" ed j^[ ej^[h ^WdZ" j^[oÊl[ X[[d h[Wbbo" h[Wbbo skittish about bringing in new brands and ]_l_d] ZebbWhi je j^[ kdademd$ Ie _\ j^[o YWd ][j j^[_h ]eeZi _d W b_jjb[ ceh[ _d[nf[di_l[bo" j^[o YWd X[ W X_j ceh[ XhWl[ m_j^ Wj b[Wij W Y[hjW_d f[hY[djW][ e\ j^[_h ef[d je Xko"È i^[ Yedj_dk[i$ M^WjÊi kdZ[d_WXb[ _i j^[ Yedj_dk[Z Yedikc[h _dj[h[ij _d \bWi^ iWb[i$ Pkb_boÊi d[j iWb[i jejWb[Z '$) X_bb_ed _d j^[ bWij '( cedj^i" @e^dijed fe_dji ekj$ 7i WbmWoi" XhWdZi i^ekbZ X[ ikh[ je a[[f kf m_j^ j^[ Y^Wd]_d] cWha[j$ 7i 9hWm\ehZ ikci _j kf" Ç?\ oek ijWdZ ij_bb" oek m_bb X[ b[\j X[^_dZ$È —Audrey Goodson Kingo


Baby Brit

Laura Ashley launches an infants’ collection. English lifestyle brand Laura Ashley and children’s clothing and accessories company Cudlie Accessories have joined forces to create a collection of newborn and infant apparel and accessories. The line—slated to launch in Spring ’16 at department and specialty stores—will include 0-to-24-month clothing as well as diaper bags, blankets, girls’ sweaters, handbags, backpacks and luggage. Wholesale pricing ranges from $11 to $16 for apparel and $30 to $40 for bags. Made of sumptuous fabrics like pima cotton, Laura Ashley’s iconic paisley and floral prints appear on the apparel’s classic silhouettes, complete with novelty trims, crochet laces, dimensional flowers and ruffle details. “An affection for the Laura Ashley brand has been passed down for generations,” explains President Penne Cairoli. “We felt that Cudlie shared a sincere appreciation for our rich heritage as well as the expertise to craft a collection that will surely delight mothers and grandmothers alike.” For more information, visit lauraashleyusa.com. —Ann Loynd

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Go Ask Alice

10/6 London steps through the looking glass with the Alice in Wonderland license.

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170 collections Fashion Gift Home

illustration Anne Laval

Lewis Carroll’s timeless tale Alice in Wonderland celebrates its 150th anniversary this year and to celebrate, 10/6 London, a brand operated by U.K.-based textile manufacturer Cotton World, is partnering with the British Library for a licensed collection of children’s products. The line will initially be exclusive to the library’s retail shop, but Cotton World aims to secure international distribution to key markets soon. “There is significant appetite for Alice in Wonderland across a number of international markets,” says Gary M. Holley, managing director of Cotton World. “Our licensing deal with the British Library allows us to support one of the U.K.’s greatest national treasures whilst benefiting from its seal of approval.” The collection includes T-shirts, pajamas and a bedding set featuring renderings of Sir John Tenniel’s iconic artwork. All items are made of 100-percent organic cotton, for children ages 2 to 12 years and will wholesale for $9.80 to $36. For more information, contact enquiries@106london.com. —Kirby Stirland


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Jeans Scene

On the hunt for sophisticated denim for little dudes? Enter Rowen Christian. The brand’s line of jeans, denim shorts and T-shirts for boys ages 2 to 7 offers a twist on traditional style with bold stitching, pleating, leather detailing and custom coin logos. For Spring ’16, look for new denim bow ties, vests and blazers, along with a knitted denim jogger jean and a rock ‘n’ roll inspired biker jean, plus expanded sizes for ages 1 to 8. The line wholesales for $22 to $28, and a portion of every sale goes to the Roundup River Ranch in Colorado, which seeks to help children with serious illnesses. Check out rowenchristian.com to learn more.

Statement-making style takes center stage this spring. Prep Talk

Bernadette Jeudy thought purchasing snazzy special occasion duds for her 7-year-old nephew would be a breeze. But after visiting three stores to piece together one outfit, she knew she wanted to create a comprehensive collection offering tailored looks for boys. So Jeudy teamed up with partners Darnie Tranquille and Roxanne Walton to create Préparatoire (meaning “beginner” in French). The brand launched this past March at Charleston’s Fashion Week and includes coats, jackets, pants, vests, shirts, shorts and suits for boys ages 3 to 10. Fabrics span Italian wool, plaid and cotton twill. The complete collection wholesales for $25 to $175. Visit preparatoireusa.com for more information.

Bling Ring Herbal Remedy

The name says it all: Toronto-based Natureroots is committed to making environmentally friendly kidswear for children ages 6 months to 4 years. Fittingly, the company only employs all-natural herbal dyes and organic fabrics. But preserving the environment doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style, says Founder Sapna Vimal, who holds a degree in fashion and textile design. Vimal’s collection includes simple tops and bottoms in an ecru palette with eye-catching details. Graphic tees feature cassette tapes, cameras, clouds and whales, while dresses sport leaves and flowers. Meanwhile, boys look spiffy in waistcoats and bow ties. The line made its U.S. debut at Playtime New York this August and wholesales for $12 to $30. Visit natureroots.com to see the full collection.

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Miranda Frye has been crafting her namesake women’s jewelry line for five years, but now the designer is offering her classic creations for the younger set with the launch of MFGirls. For girls ages 4 and up, the collection of five necklaces and one bracelet, available in gold or silver, borrows from the adult line with pint-size versions of proven bestsellers, such as initial charms that make Mommy & Me jewelry pairing a snap. Wholesaling for $15 to $35, mother and daughter collections are both designed and manufactured in the U.S. Visit mirandafrye.com to learn more.

The Cat’s Meow

Hat Check

Little flappers and dapper young dandies take note: Lewis & Lola Fun with Hats offers headwear inspired by the 1920s—when men wore fedoras and women wore cloches—for children ages newborn to 12. In addition to vintage styles like newsboy caps and bucket hats, the brand offers chunky knit beanies and slouchy hats intended for winter sports. For girls, accessories span floral garland headpieces and hat clips including flowers and bows. For Spring ’16, look for straw fedoras with interchangeable bands, floral prints and floppy sun hats inspired by tropical beaches. The entire collection wholesales for $5 to $15. Visit lewisandlolahats.com to learn more.

If YouTube videos aren’t quite scratching your itch for feline fun, check out Renkitten Clothing Company. The brand’s Spring ’16 collections, dubbed Fancy Kitty and Playful Kitty, debuted at Dallas KidsWorld in October. Fittingly, Fancy Kitty is a linen line encompassing earthy tones, pumped up with embellishments like lace and contrasting trim. Playful Kitty, on the other hand, offers striking graphics designed by textile artist Margarita Yepes on pima cotton silhouettes. Both lines span dresses, tops, T-shirts, shorts, capris and pants for children ages 2 to 9 and accessories include bows, bow ties, necklaces and friendship bracelets. Fall ’16 will bring the Hip Kitty collection for tweens ages 10 to 14. Wholesales prices range from $11 to $20. See renkitten.com for more info.

It’s OK

Omamimini is expanding: The Los Angeles–based brand is adding a baby collection to the mix for Spring ’16. Offerings will include onepieces, rompers, bibs, beanies and blankets. Look for special finishes, such as dip-dye and ombré washes, on mostly unisex designs in comfy cotton and jersey fabrics. Also, an updated polka-dot print (“OK” is written within some of the dots) serves as whimsical encouragement for new moms. Available for newborns to 2-year-olds, the line will be designed and manufactured in the U.S. and wholesales for $9 to $24. To see more styles, check out omamimini.com.

Well Covered

Bibs may be practical, but they need not be boring—so says Sarah Faison, the president of New Jersey–based Bibs Plus. Faison was unimpressed by the bibs her great niece and nephew wore, so she created her own, offering everything from traditional bibs to bibs with attached skirts for extra coverage for babies ages 6 weeks to 18 months. Features include liquid-resistant liners, terrycloth backing for additional absorbency and nickel-free side closures. Patterns comprise zebra print and florals, for example, but Spring ’16 will bring a black, white and red colorway collection. The brand debuted at ENK Children’s Club this past October, and also offers coordinating head wraps and pacifier clips. Wholesaling for $12 to $27 for a matching bib and head wrap, Faison sums up her line: “Let the bib make the statement.” To learn more, visit bibsplus.com. ( & ' + D E L ; C 8 ; H % : ; 9 ; C 8 ; H ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C 1 1


René Rofé Baby two-piece set

Helene’s Closet leather soft-soled shoes Pop Cutie necklace

Huggalugs leg warmers

Jessica Simpson

Submarine bathing suit Bébémonde dress

1 2 ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C D E L ; C 8 ; H % : ; 9 ; C 8 ; H ( & ' +


BooginHead PaciGrip

Lemon Loves Lime dress with built-in bloomers

KicKee Pants layette gown and hat set

Bon Bébé three-piece set

Little Me long-sleeve T-shirt

Pippa & Julie dress

Akshu & Ing bloomers

The words “adorable” and “insect” don’t usually go hand-in-hand, but the description definitely fits the colorful array of bold, beautiful butterflies flitting their way across a range of kids’ products this spring. The winged wonders were a hit on the runway at Spring ’16 New York Fashion Week, taking flight on designs by DVF, Alice and Olivia, Clover Canyon and Blugirl, so it’s no surprise children’s designers are embracing monarchs in lieu of the long-reigning ladybug. Look for the noble critter to land on everything from strollers and pacifier clips to moccasins and swimwear, appearing in various iterations—simplified with embroidery or boldly graphic alongside leopard print. Whether your customers prefer them pretty or vibrant, butterflies are sure to soar. —Laurie Cone

Fly Girl

Bugaboo stroller and bag

Q& A

On a Mission

When President Kathryn Wiley purchased Rockin’ Baby in 2012, she had no idea the baby sling brand would one day be the first to offer one-for-one children’s apparel, helping kids in need across the globe. But thanks to the expertise of Vice President Mark Jeynes, the company is on track to donate a quartermillion pieces of clothing in its first year alone. Here, Jeynes reveals how. BY AUDREY GOODSON KINGO

MARK JEYNES WILL never forget the day he met Kathryn Wiley. “I was in a booth across from her at Children’s Club,” he recalls. (At the time Jeynes, a London native, was leading @e@e CWcWd 8 X Êi K$I$ [nfWdi_ed$ ÇI^[ mWi `kij j^_i l[ho bekZ" XhWi^ 7c[h_YWd mecWd" m^e a[fj ijWdZ_d] _d j^[ c_Zdle of the aisle and asking, ‘Hey, have you heard of Rockin’ 8WXo5Ê ?j mWi Zh_l_d] c[ _diWd[$È ?j cWo dej ^Wl[ X[[d j^[ ceij Wkif_Y_eki e\ _djheZkYtions, but it wasn’t long before Jeynes and Wiley were chatj_d]" bWk]^_d] WdZ [nY^Wd]_d] [cW_bi$ Ç? ZedÊj Yec[ WYheii cWdo f[efb[ m_j^ co [d[h]o b[l[b WdZ YhWp_d[ii"È ^[ WZc_ji with a laugh. “She’s like an American, female version of me.” 1 4 ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C D E L ; C 8 ; H % : ; 9 ; C 8 ; H ( & ' +

M_b[oÊi f[hi_ij[dY[ cWa[i i[di[ _d b_]^j e\ j^[ Y_hYkcijWdY[i$ I^[ ^WZ h[Y[djbo fkhY^Wi[Z j^[ YecfWdoÆademd \eh _ji Yebb[Yj_ed e\ ijob_i^ h_d]i" mhWfi WdZ fekY^[iÆWdZ _j mWi HeYa_dÊ 8WXoÊi \_hij \ehWo _dje m^eb[iWb[$ Fbki" Wi W cec e\ i_n" i^[ mWi W X_] X[b_[l[h _d j^[ X[d[\_ji e\ XWXom[Wh_d]$ And the brand’s one-for-one mission meant that for every sling Wiley sold at the show, a mom in Haiti would receive a ckY^#d[[Z[Z ib_d] Wi m[bb$ Beea_d] je ^[bf ekj W\j[h j^[ Z[lWijWj_d] [Whj^gkWa[ _d >W_j_" M_b[o h[Wb_p[Z j^Wj ib_d]i mekbZ Wbbem j^[ _ibWdZÊi ceci je m[Wh j^[_h XWX_[i m^_b[ meha_d]$ Ç? if[dj )"&&& ed j^Wj Xeej^" WdZ ? mWi bWi[h#\eYki[Z$ ? mWi Z[j[hc_d[Z je ][j j^Wj )"&&& XWYa"È i^[ h[c[cX[hi$ Ç? knew that I had a strong vision, but I needed to get it out there. Mark calls standing in the aisle of Children’s Club ‘button-hol_d]$Ê >[ mWi ]e_d] dkji$ 8kj _jÊi `kij m^e ? Wc1 ?Êc j[dWY_eki$È And while Jeynes was observing Wiley, she was similarbo jWa_d] ijeYa e\ @[od[i" W i[Wied[Z iWb[icWd m_j^ (+ o[Whi e\ [nf[h_[dY[ _d j^[ Y^_bZh[dÊi _dZkijhoÆ _dYbkZ_d] (& o[Whi Wj @e^d B[m_i" ed[ e\ 8h_jW_dÊi jef Z[fWhjc[dj ijeh[i" m^[h[ ^[ meha[Z ^_i mWo kf \hec i^e[ \_jj[h je j^[ ^[WZ e\ Xko_d] in childrenswear. “I was watching him sell, and the guy can i[bb b_a[ YhWpo"È M_b[o iWoi$ Ç>[ d[l[h ]ej kf \hec ^_i Y^W_h$

;l[hoXeZo YWc[ je ^_c$ ? j^ek]^j" É? YWd jWba je j^[i[ f[efb[ kdj_b ?Êc That’s amazing! What’s the response been like so far? Xbk[ _d j^[ \WY[" WdZ ^[Êi `kij i_jj_d] el[h j^[h[ jWa_d] j^[i[ cWii_l[ M[Êl[ X[[d Xbemd WmWo$ ? meha[Z ^WhZ _d j^[ \_hij i_n cedj^i je h[Yhk_j ehZ[hi$Ê Ie ? ijWhj[Z j^_da_d]" É? d[[Z W CWha @[od[i$ÊÈ Wi cWdo Z_ijh_Xkjehi WhekdZ j^[ mehbZ Wi feii_Xb[ je ^[bf ifh[WZ j^[ ?j mWidÊj bed] X[\eh[ j^[ jme j[Wc[Z kf" m_j^ @[od[i i[hl_d] Wi c[iiW][$ 8o CWhY^ (&'," HeYa_dÊ 8WXo m_bb X[ _d (- Yekdjh_[i" _dYbkZ# j^[ YecfWdoÊi l_Y[ fh[i_Z[dj$ >[ bel[Z j^[ ed[#\eh#ed[ Y^Wh_jWXb[ _d] 7kijhWb_W" D[m P[WbWdZ WdZ 9^_dW$ M[ m_bb X[ WZZ_d] 8hWp_b WdZ W Wif[YjÆj^[ XhWdZ ^Wi ZedWj[Z '&"&&& ib_d]i WdZ _i ed jhWYa je ZedWj[ XkdY^ e\ Iekj^ 7c[h_YWd Z_ijh_Xkjehi je j^[ c_n Wi m[bb$ M[Êl[ ]ej ^k][ Wdej^[h +"&&& Xo @WdkWho$ 7dZ" ^[ h[Wied[Z" j^[ ikYY[ii e\ YecfWd_[i _dj[h[ij _d @WfWdÆie ckY^ j^Wj m[Êl[ `kij h[Yhk_j[Z W \kbb#j_c[ cWdW]# b_a[ JECI fhel[i j^Wj i^eff[hi bel[ _j" jee$ Ie m^o m[h[dÊj Wdo XhWdZi [h j^[h[ je ^[bf ikffehj c[$ ;l[hom^[h[ m[ ]e" \hec icWbb Xekj_gk[i je e\\[h_d] ed[#\eh#ed[ a_ZiÊ Ybej^_d]5 D[l[h ed[i je b[j Wd effehjkd_jo bWh][ h[jW_b[hi" f[efb[ mWdj je Xko j^[ XhWdZ$ <_hij WdZ \eh[ceij" j^[o ]e je mWij[" @[od[i WdZ M_b[o gk_Yabo X[]Wd cWa_d] fbWdi je bWkdY^ W WYjkWbbo bel[ j^[ Yebb[Yj_edÆj^[ \kd Yebehi WdZ Z[i_]d$ M^[d ? j^[d j[bb ed[#\eh#ed[ WffWh[b Yebb[Yj_ed$ j^[c WXekj m^Wj m[Êh[ Ze_d] m_j^ j^[ Y^Wh_jo" j^[o Wbceij h_f co Whc Kj_b_p_d] M_b[oÊi YedjWYji _d f^_# e\\ m_j^ [nY_j[c[dj$ M[Êl[ X[[d iWo# bWdj^hefo I^[ Xhek]^j _d 9^_bZ<kdZ _d] Wbceij Wi W cWdjhW" ÉM^o mekbZ UP CLOSE WITH ?dj[hdWj_edWb" W --#o[Wh#ebZ ded# W cec dej Xko ekh J#i^_hj m^[d i^[ fhe\_j XWi[Z _d H_Y^cedZ" L7" je ademi j^Wj iec[ed[ [bi[ _i ]e_d] je ^[bf Z_ijh_Xkj[ j^[ YecfWdoÊi Ybej^# ][j W J#i^_hj Wi m[bb5Ê _d]$ WdZ @[od[iÊ h[iekhY[i _d Z[i_]d" fheZkYj_ed" Z_ijh_Xkj_ed WdZ h[jW_b" Speaking of design, how would you What’s your favorite way you forget Matt Damon’s not j^[ jme bWkdY^[Z j^[ YecfWdoÊi describe the Rockin’ Baby aesthetic? to spend a free afternoon? actually on Mars. \_hij ed[#\eh#ed[ WffWh[b Yebb[Yj_ed ?d jhkj^" m[ Wh[ W ;khef[Wd XhWdZ" That’s easy. Walking my dog _d Ifh_d] Ê'+" e\\[h_d] W \kbb hWd][ e\ X[YWki[ [l[d j^ek]^ HeYa_dÊ 8WXo Henry on the beach. What are you listening to Xeoi WdZ ]_hbi WffWh[b WdZ WYY[iie# _i XWi[Z _d 7c[h_YW" ceij e\ j^[ f[e# right now? The new Janet h_[i kf je i_p[ '&$ Je iWo j^[ b_d[ ^Wi fb[ meha_d] ed j^[ XhWdZ Wh[ 8h_j_i^" What’s the best movie Jackson album. It’s really X[[d ikYY[ii\kb mekbZ X[ Wd kdZ[h# WdZ AWj^hod WdZ ? WbmWoi mWdj[Z _j je you’ve seen recently? good! ijWj[c[dj0 8o CWhY^ e\ d[nj o[Wh" beea WdZ \[[b b_a[ W ;khef[Wd XhWdZ$ I’m a sci-fi/dystopian future HeYa_dÊ 8WXo m_bb X[ WlW_bWXb[ _d (- ? adem \hec [nf[h_[dY[ j^Wj beea# fanatic. I saw Martian What three items would Yekdjh_[i$ @kij b_a[ JECI" @[od[i _d] ;khef[Wd ^Wi ]h[Wj YWY^ m_j^ recently, and I absolutely you bring to a deserted ^ef[i HeYa_dÊ 8WXoÊi Y^Wh_jWXb[ c_i# j^[ 7c[h_YWd cWha[j$ M[ mWdj[Z je loved it. It’s so well filmed island? My partner, my dog i_ed WdZ Xh_]^j" ;khef[Wd#_dif_h[Z cWa[ ikh[ j^Wj m[ Wh[ \kd WdZ Xh_]^jÆ and beautiful to watch that and my iPhone. Z[i_]di m_bb h[iedWj[ Wj W m_Z[ hWd][ j^Wj ceci" a_Zi WdZ h[jW_b[hi Wbb bel[ e\ h[jW_b Y^Wdd[bi$ _j$ Oek j^[d ][j W X[Wkj_\kb Xkj fhWY# Ç?jÊi j^[ ijh[d]j^ e\ ^_i fheZ# j_YWb XhWdZ j^Wj beeai l[ho Z_\\[h[dj kYj WdZ ^_i ]_l_d] c[iiW][" WdZ \hec m^WjÊi ed j^[ cWha[j$ M^[d f[e# j^WjÊi m^o ^[Êi _d h[jW_b[hi j^Wj hWd][ \hec JWh][j je 8beec_d]ZWb[Êi"È fb[ jWba je ki" ? mWdj j^[ XhWdZ je ijWdZ kf m_j^ekj Wdo cWha[j_d] eh ^[ iWoi e\ JECIÊ fh[i_Z[dj 8bWa[ CoYeia_[$ Ç? j^_da m[Êl[ i[[d j^[ Y^Wh_jWXb[ c[iiW][ WdZ ij_bb i[bb h[Wbbo m[bb" WdZ ? j^_da j^WjÊi meha[Z$ iWc[ a_dZ e\ kfjWa[$ M[Êh[ i[bb_d] je ^kdZh[Zi e\ Xekj_gk[i WYheii j^[ F[efb[ Z[\_d_j[bo bel[ j^[ XhWdZ \_hij WdZ \eh[ceij" WdZ j^[ Y^Wh_jo X_j ijWj[i" Xkj ed j^[ ej^[h ^WdZ m[Êl[ ]ej 8WX_[i ÇHÈ Ki ]_l_d] ki cWdo _i Wd [njhW Xedki$ Zeehi _d j^[ C_ZZb[ ;Wij WdZ @WfWd$ Oek YWdÊj _cW]_d[ W ceh[ Z_l[hi[ hWd][ e\ h[jW_b[hi$È How important are seasonal trends when designing the collection? E\ Yekhi[ j^[o _d\ehc j^[ Z[i_]d fheY[ii" Xkj m[ ZedÊj mWdj je X[ W XhWdZ Tell me more about the one-for-one clothing donation. How does j^Wj `kij \ebbemi jh[dZi$ M[ m_bb WbmWoi _dYbkZ[ ]beXWb j^[c[i b_a[ dWk# it work? j_YWb" Xkj ceh[ _cfehjWdjbo" ? mWdj je _d`[Yj \kd _dje j^[ Z[i_]di WdZ 7j j^[ [dZ e\ [WY^ i[Wied" m[ YWbYkbWj[ ^em cWdo kd_ji m[Êl[ iebZ" cWa[ ikh[ f[efb[ Wh[ ic_b_d]$ >em[l[h" ? Wc '&&#f[hY[dj Yecc_jj[Z je WdZ j^[d m[ j[bb 9^_bZ<kdZ ?dj[hdWj_edWb j^WjÊi j^[ gkWdj_jo j^[o YWd cWa_d] ikh[ m[ a[[f Y^Wd]_d] j^[ j^[c[i WdZ Yebb[Yj_edi [l[ho i[Wied$ ZedWj[$ M^Wj m[ ZedÊj Ze _i ]_l[ Wd _Z[dj_YWb _j[c" X[YWki[ j^Wj mekbZ ? ZedÊj mWdj ki je beea ijWb[$ J^[h[ m_bb X[ de X[iji[bb[hi m[Êl[ a[fj _d X[ \_dWdY_Wbbo _cfeii_Xb[$ ?\ m[ iebZ W meeb YeWj WdZ ]Wl[ WmWo W meeb j^[ b_d[ \eh j^h[[ o[Whi$ ?jÊi ]e_d] je X[ \h[i^" \h[i^" \h[i^ [l[ho i[Wied$ YeWj" m[ÊZ ]e Xkij$ ?dij[WZ" m[Êl[ Yh[Wj[Z W i[b[Yj_ed e\ XhWdZ d[m Ybej^# _d]" YWbb[Z ekh >[he Yebb[Yj_ed" j^Wj _dYbkZ[i [l[hoj^_d] \hec hecf# So where does Rockin’ Baby sit in terms of pricing? [hi je i^ehji je Zh[ii[i$ ?ji cWZ[ _d i_n bel[bo" Xh_]^j Yebehi" WdZ Yec[i M[Êl[ ]ej J#i^_hji \eh d[mXehdi ijWhj_d] Wj '& m^eb[iWb[" WdZ ekh ceij _d W ikf[h#ie\j Yejjed$ <eh Ifh_d] Ê', m[Êl[ iebZ ')&"&&& f_[Y[i" m^_Y^ [nf[di_l[ f_[Y[ _i ekh X[Wkj_\kb ;ic[ Zh[ii" WdZ j^WjÊi edbo ))$ ?\ oek _i WcWp_d]$ 9^_bZ<kdZ ?dj[hdWj_edWb m_bb dem Y^eei[ ')&"&&& f_[Y[i ^WZ je YecfWh[ ki" m[Êh[ Z[\_d_j[bo _d j^[ J[W 9ebb[Yj_ed" @e@e CWcWd e\ Ybej^_d] \hec j^[ >[he Yebb[Yj_ed" WdZ j^[o YWd Y^eei[ Wdo _j[c" 8 X WdZ B_jjb[ @ekb[i XhWYa[j$ 8kj _jÊi ^WhZ je YecfWh[ ki X[YWki[ m[Êh[ i_p[ eh Yebeh j^[o mWdj$ M[ j^[d ]e je W Z_\\[h[dj \WYjeho" cWdk\WYjkh[ Ze_d] W XWXo Yebb[Yj_ed _d d[mXehd je (* cedj^i" Wi m[bb Wi Wd ebZ[h j^[ i[b[Yj_edi \eh j^[c WdZ j^[o i^_f _j WhekdZ j^[ mehbZ je d[Whbo )& Yebb[Yj_ed j^Wj ]e[i kf je W][ '&" m^_Y^ m[ Z_Z Z[b_X[hWj[bo$ Z_\\[h[dj Yekdjh_[i" m^_Y^ Wbie _dYbkZ[i j^[ K$I$7$ J^[o Wh[ Ykhh[dj# bo \eYki_d] ed M[ij 7\h_YW" i_dY[ ie cWdo j^ekiWdZi e\ cej^[hi WdZ Why did you decide to go up to size 10? \Wj^[hi ^Wl[ Z_[Z \hec ;XebW" WdZ j^WjÊi b[\j j[di e\ j^ekiWdZi e\ Y^_b# ? adem \hec j^[ \[[ZXWYa ?Êl[ h[Y[_l[Z \hec h[jW_b[hi j^Wj j^[h[ Wh[ Zh[d ehf^Wd[Z$ 8o j^_i j_c[ d[nj o[Wh" m[Êh[ ed jWh][j je ^Wl[ ZedWj# ie \[m XhWdZi cWa_d] oekd]#beea_d] Ybej^[i _d X_]][h i_p[i$ ?Êc dej [Z W gkWhj[h#c_bb_ed f_[Y[i e\ Ybej^_d]$ ]e_d] je b_[1 ? ZedÊj h[Wbbo j^_da m[Êh[ i[bb_d] je W '&#o[Wh#ebZ1 ? j^_da >38


( & ' + D E L ; C 8 ; H % : ; 9 ; C 8 ; H ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C 1 5

Neve Hawk dress worn over The Mini Classy jumpsuit, Tia Cibani necklaces, Mini Rodini hat, Birkenstock sandals; Wolf & Rita top and pants, Tia Cibani vest, Cienta shoes; Mini Shatsu jacket, Molo tee, Tia Cibani shorts, Cienta shoes. 16

Bang Bang Copenhagen dress, Happy Socks knee-highs, Birkenstock sandals, stylist’s headdress. Opposite page: Molo camo button-down and shorts, Someday Soon baseball cap, Happy Socks socks, Birkenstock sandals; Appaman jacket, Derhy Kids jumper, stylist’s own socks, Cienta shoes. 19

Yporque tee, Sudo denim button-down worn around waist, Munster Kids swim trunks, Happy Socks knee-highs, Adidas slides, stylist’s own hat; Wolf & Rita dress, Sudo shirt, Molo socks and hat, Birkenstock sandals. 20


Soft Gallery jacket and leggings, Molo tee, socks and sunglasses, Birkenstock sandals. Opposite page: Anthem of the Ants top, Appaman shorts and socks, Cienta shoes, Siaomimi mask; Munster Kids sweatshirt, Tumble ’N Dry jeans, and socks, Cienta shoes, Munster Kids hat.

Munster Kids tee, Gardner and the Gang pants, Lemon Loves Lime necklaces, Cienta shoes. Opposite page: Sudo dress, stylist’s own socks, Vans sneakers; Mini Rodini jacket, Tia Cibani shorts, Someday Soon raccoon-tail keychain, Cienta shoes. Stylist: Mindi Smith/Sarah Laird & Good Company; Hair and makeup: Vivi Lapidus/Tricia Joyce Inc. 24


E AR N I E AWA R DS H A L L O F F A M E 2 0 15

Best in Class

This year’s Hall of Fame recipients, a seasoned salesman and an innovative retailer, earned a well-deserved nod from their industry peers for their positive impact on the childrenswear market. STANLEY KAYE, SHOW DIRECTOR OF ENK CHILDREN’S CLUB


WITH A 40-YEAR career in the children’s industry, it’s no surprise Stanley Kaye received a standing ovation at this year’s Earnie Awards Y[h[cedo ed EYj$ (&$ <eh AWo[" m^e h[j_h[Z \hec ^_i '+#o[Wh heb[ Wi i^em Z_h[Yjeh e\ Children’s Club earlier this year, it was a nos# jWb]_Y h[jkhd XWYa je ^_i ^ec[ jkh\$ 8ej^ W pioneer and veteran of the children’s trade Stanley Kaye show world, Kaye first began selling booth ifWY[ _d '/-/ \eh j^[ ?dj[hdWj_edWb A_Zi <Wi^_ed I^em X[\eh[ `e_d_d] m_j^ ;boi[ Ahebb je ^[bf Z_h[Yj ;DA 9^_bZh[dÊi 9bkX _d (&&&$ Ç? m[dj Qje ;DAS ceh[ \eh j^[ effehjkd_jo je meha m_j^ m^Wj ? Yedi_Z[h[Z je X[ Wd [nY_j_d] WdZ ZhWcWj_Y _dZ_# vidual in Elyse, who put on fantastic shows,” he recalls. ?j mWi ed[ e\ cWdo icWhj Xki_d[ii cel[i AWo[ cWZ[ el[h j^[ course of his time in childrenswear—a career largely influenced by his father, Harry Kaye, who worked as an outerwear manufacturer WdZ _dZ[f[dZ[dj c[dim[Wh h[f$ ÇCo ZWZ WbmWoi iW_Z je c[0 Oek never want to be the salesman that when you leave the store, the h[jW_b[h j[bbi ^_i WiieY_Wj[" É? YWdÊj mW_j \eh j^[ b_d[ je ]e YebZ" ie ? YWd j^hem j^[ I$E$8$ ekj"ÊÈ ^[ h[c[cX[hi m_j^ W bWk]^$ <eh AWo[" m^e Z[iYh_X[i ^_ci[b\ Wi Çceh[ e\ W iWb[i cWdW][h"È j^[ `eX mWi WXekj Z[l[bef_d] bWij_d] h[bWj_edi^_fi hWj^[h j^Wd i_c# ply selling floor space. And the strategy paid off in the wake of the _dZkijhoÊi ZhWcWj_Y i^_\j _d j^[ Ê-&i WdZ Ê.&i" m^[d bed]j_c[ ]_Wdji b_a[ >[Wbj^j[n" J_Zoa_di WdZ M[Wj^[h JWc[h X[]Wd je ]_l[ mWo je W newly emerging array of independent companies. Kaye was at the forefront of the shift, working in ad sales for Kids Fashion maga# p_d[ m^[d _ji fWh[dj YecfWdo" J^[ BWha_d =hekf" bWkdY^[Z j^[ ?dj[hdWj_edWb A_Zi <Wi^_ed I^em _dj[dZ[Z je ]_l[ j^ei[ icWbb[h XhWdZi W ifej je i^em e\\ j^[_h mWh[i $ ÇM^[d m[ ijWhj[Z j^[ i^em" m[ m[h[ fh[i[dj_d] j^[ Wdj_#[ijWXb_i^c[dj Y^_bZh[dÊi l[dZehi" m^e basically might have been laughable to the established ones—but there was a market out there and they caught hold,” Kaye recalls. At j^[ j_c[" c[cX[hi e\ j^[ XWXo Xeec[h ][d[hWj_ed ^WZ `kij ijWhj[Z having children and wanted unique options for their little ones, he WZZi$ Ç8o j^[ j_c[ ? m[dj je meha \eh ;boi[ (& o[Whi bWj[h" cWdo e\ those established companies were dinosaurs, and the market was ceh[ \[hj_b[ \eh _dZ[f[dZ[dj" \Wi^_ed#\ehmWhZ b_d[i$ 9edikc[hi cared less about the label and more about the strength of the prod# uct and the vision of the vendor.” J^[ b[iiedi ^[ b[Whd[Z \hec j^ei[ o[WhiÆje ]_l[ [l[ho XhWdZ W \W_h shake no matter the size—carried on throughout his career. As he puts _j" ÇOek YWdÊj WbmWoi ]_l[ iec[XeZo j^[ Xeej^ j^Wj j^[o mWdj" WdZ j^[o YWdÊj WbmWoi Ze j^[ Wcekdj e\ Xki_d[ii j^[o ^ef[ je Ze Wj W i^em" Xkj ? WbmWoi cWZ[ ikh[ ? jh[Wj[Z f[efb[ m_j^ j^[ iWc[ b[l[b e\ h[if[Yj$È

WITH BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL mer# Y^WdZ_i[ WdZ \kd#je#i^ef ijeh[i" h[jW_b Y^W_d =_]]b[ jhkbo b_l[i kf je _ji Y^[[h\kb dWc[Ædej je c[dj_ed _ji cejje e\ Çijob# ish products for healthy, happy babies.” <ekdZ[Z Xo 7b_ M_d] _d (&&)" j^[ Yec# fWdo ^Wi ]hemd \hec W i_d]b[ ijeh[ je i_n Xh_Ya#WdZ#cehjWh beYWj_edi _d D[m Oeha" 9^_YW]e" =h[[dm_Y^" IWd <hWdY_iYe WdZ Bei 7d][b[i" Wi m[bb Wi W d[m YedY[fj ijeh[ Beth Guastella in Manhattan’s Soho neighborhood. Add je j^Wj Wd _cfh[ii_l[bo ed#XhWdZ [#Yec# merce site and innovative app, and it’s easy to see why customers return to the rapidly growing retail chain year after year. J^ek]^ =_]]b[ _i dem b[Z Xo 9;E 8[j^ =kWij[bbW Wi m[bb Wi 9h[Wj_l[ :_h[Yjeh :_Wd[ LWigk[p" m^e WYY[fj[Z j^[ >Wbb e\ <Wc[ 7mWhZ ed j^[ company’s behalf ), what hasn’t changed is its company’s commitment je _ji Ykijec[hi$ ÇM[ Yedi_Z[h ekhi[bl[i W jhkij[Z X[ij \h_[dZ \eh d[m fWh[dji"È =kWij[bbW [nfbW_di$ ÇDej edbo Ze m[ e\\[h j^[c W j[hh_\_Y Yeb# lection of the latest and greatest products, but our customers know that we are very selective in the brands and products we carry.” ?jÊi W X_] h[Wied m^o XhWdZi mWdj je meha m_j^ j^[ h[if[Yj[Z h[jW_b# [h" i^[ WZZi$ Ç=_]]b[ ^Wi X[[d WdZ Yedj_dk[i je X[ ed[ e\ j^[ ]h[Wj influencers in the market place. We have credibility and trust with Yedikc[hi$ M[ YedijWdjbo ^[Wh \hec Yedikc[hi j^Wj _\ =_]]b[ YWhh_[i it, it must be cool. So, brands always want to have their products sold Wj =_]]b["È i^[ Yedj_dk[i$ ÇDej je c[dj_ed" m[ Wh[ `kij d_Y[ f[efb[ È 7i_Z[ \hec _ji jef#dejY^ i[b[Yj_ed e\ ikY^ WffWh[b ^[Wlom[_]^ji Wi CWoehWb" PkjWde WdZ J[W 9ebb[Yj_ed" j^[ ijeh[ Wbie ijWdZi ekj m_j^ Wd innovative omnichannel approach that seamlessly fuses mobile, web WdZ Xh_Ya#WdZ#cehjWh i^eff_d] WdZ [dYekhW][i Ykijec[hi je fhel_Z[ \[[ZXWYa$ Ed[ [nWcfb[5 J^[ =_]]b[ XWXo h[]_ijho WdZ i^eff_d] Wff" m^_Y^ =kWij[bbW dej[i Ç_i kd_gk[ _d j^Wj _j fkji ki[h#][d[hWj[Z Yed# j[dj \hedj#WdZ#Y[dj[h WdZ i[Wcb[iibo cel[i f[efb[ X[jm[[d Yedj[dj" Xhemi_d]" fkhY^Wi_d] WdZ WZZi je h[]_ijho X[^Wl_eh$ J^_i _i gk_j[ Z_\# ferent from most apps that take you either directly into the shopping pages, or directly into a branded content silo, with no clear connection between the two.” Plus, she adds, the app is one of the first retail apps to incorporate Apple pay directly into the checkout process. Kf d[nj _i W d[m b_d[ e\ =_]]b[#XhWdZ[Z fheZkYji j^Wj m_bb e\\[h *+& IAKi WYheii \_l[ a[o YWj[]eh_[i0 bWo[jj[" XWj^ WdZ ifW" jeoi" X[ZZ_d] and nursery décor, as well as a baby skin care and cleaning line. All of j^[ _j[ci" =kWij[bbW fhec_i[i" Wh[ _d a[[f_d] m_j^ j^[ YecfWdoÊi c_i# i_ed$ ÇM[Êl[ Zed[ Wbb j^[ h[i[WhY^"È i^[ fe_dji ekj$ ÇM^[d Ykijec[hi shop with us, they are choosing from the most healthy, innovative and stylish products in the marketplace.” —Audrey Goodson Kingo

26 ;7HDI>7MI$9EC DEL;C8;H%:;9;C8;H (&'+

cheers! Thank you for voting us BEST BABY GEAR two years in a row!

... And a warm congrats to our partner giggle on their Earnshaw’s Hall of Fame induction.


must-haves made better


Honor Roll

Retailers are notriously tough customers, so what does it take for children’s companies to earn top marks? Just ask this year’s Earnie Award winners, who received an A+ (and thousands of votes at earnieawards.com) for their fresh designs and stellar customer service. Kudos to the following brands for rising to the top in 2015!

Company of the Year: Mud Pie

Best Showroom: Summer Place (Atlanta)

An industry leader for nearly 30 years, Mud Pie is a one-stop resource for apparel and gifts. That grab-and-go selection and affordable style sealed the win for Mud Pie’s Company of the Year Award, the brand’s third. (It was named Best Gifts in 2012 and Best Customer Service in 2011.) But what really sets the company apart is its dedication to its loyal buyers, says CEO Marcia Miller. “Every Mud Pie employee—our design team, sales and marketing division, customer service and international distribution center—is committed to serving the needs of our retail customers,” she explains. And this year, Miller and her team upped the ante by expanding Mud Pie’s offerings for kids and baby across such categories as novelty apparel for boys and girls, layette, blankets and nursery décor. The company also launched a collection of stylish diaper bags for mom. Look for even more new styles in the coming year, including one-pieces featuring conversational prints (boasting phrases like “Today I eat cake”) and tops sporting embroidered animal appliqués. New gift items include banks, plush toys and frames, plus a first-ever collection of coordinating tunics for “moms and minis.” And, Miller adds, Mud Pie will have plenty of space to show off its wares thanks to its new location at AmericasMart Atlanta on the sixth floor of building two. —Ann Loynd

When Summer Place Showroom celebrates its 10th anniversary in January, President Brittany Harrell will have plenty of reasons to party. Not only were sales up by an astounding 30 percent in 2015, the showroom also snagged its first-ever Earnie Award. One big reason for the phenomenal year? The showroom’s recent expansion. Harrell first set up shop in Children’s World at AmericasMart a decade ago in a 1,100-square-foot space. When her next-door neighbor announced she was leaving in 2013, Harrell jumped at the opportunity to purchase the space, knocked down the wall and effectively doubled the size of Summer Place. “Certainly, a lot of the growth can be attributed to a couple of lines we were able to add with the expansion that have just performed so well,” she adds, pointing to brands like The Beaufort Bonnet Company and Gretchen Scott. Plus, the added space provides a better showcase for consistent bestsell[hi" b_a[ ImWZZb[ :[i_]di$ It’s just one of many reasons retailers love stopping by—aside from top-notch customer service and the use of custom scanning technology that allows for efficient and accurate ordering. Plus, with 40 lines under one roof, Harrell points out, “One of our biggest differentiators is that we are a ‘one-stop-shop’ and really offer a wide mix of products that fall underneath the Children’s World umbrella, including baby gifts; apparel for babies, children, and teens; accessories and décor; products for pregnant women and new moms and more.” —Audrey Goodson Kingo

28 ;7HDI>7MI$9EC DEL;C8;H%:;9;C8;H (&'+

Best Swimwear: Snapper Rock

“It” Item of the Year: Chewbeads

<_hij#j_c[ ;Whd_[ m_dd[h IdWff[h Rock has come a long way since its trade show debut at Children’s 9bkX _d (&&+$ ÇM[ ^WZ je WYj_l[bo j[bb h[jW_b[hi m^Wj K$L$ im_cwear was, and explain how and where you use it,” recalls CEO Liz ;]b_djed$ Dem" ^[h YecfWdo _i j^[ \_hij K$L$ im_c XhWdZ je jWa[ ^ec[ W jhef^o \eh 8[ij Im_cm[Wh$ Beginning with just three styles _d (&&)" jeZWo IdWff[h HeYaÊi KL +&! _j[ci _dYbkZ[ [l[hoj^_d] from traditional sunsuits and rash guards to bikinis, board shorts, hats and kaftans for children ages d[mXehd je '* o[Whi$ “Retailers wouldn’t have voted \eh IdWff[h HeYa _\ m[ Z_ZdÊj provide what their customers want year after year, at the right price,” Eglinton says, pointing to the XhWdZÊi gkWb_jo" _ddelWj_ed WdZ ed#jh[dZ ijob_d]$ Fbki" j^[h[Êi [dek]^ _d j^[ b_d[ je Wff[Wb je [l[hoed[$ ÇM[ Z[l[bef j^[ fheZkYj hWd][ m_j^ Z_\\[h[dj cWha[ji _d c_dZ"È ;]b_djed Yedj_dk[i$ ÇM^Wj Ykijec[hi mWdj _d j^[ >Wcfjedi _i gk_j[ Z_\\[h[dj je m^Wj m[ Wh[ i[bb_d] _d <beh_ZW$È ?d (&'+" j^[ XhWdZ WZZ[Z W bWh][ WhhWo e\ \h[i^ ijob[i J^_hjo f[hY[dj e\ j^[ fheZkYj hWd][ mWi d[m$ WdZ [nfWdZ[Z _ji i_p[ hWd][ kf je '* o[Whi$ 7dZ (&', m_bb Xh_d] Wd [l[d X_]][h Wiiehjc[dj el[h /& ijob[i " including new digital prints and metallic foils, as well as neoprene fabric and additional after-sun options ranging from kaftans to beach fWdji WdZ `e]][hi$ ?d j^[ c_Zij e\ ikY^ ikYY[ii" ;]b_djed ^WidÊj \eh]ejj[d j^[ ^[Wbj^ e\ ^[h b_jjb[ Ykijec[hi" eh ÇIdWff[h HeYa[hi"È Wi i^[ YWbbi j^[c$ ÇM[ Wh[ ]beXWbbo ^[bf_d] je fh[l[dj C[bWdecWÆWdZ j^Wj \[[bi ]eeZ"È i^[ iWoi$ ÆLaurie Cone

Fashion is a fickle business, even in kidswear, so being labeled an “It” item by Earnies voters three years running is de [Wio jWia$ 8kj 9^[mX[WZi <ekdZ[hi ;bWdW IY^kbcWd WdZ Lisa Greenwald have mastered the recipe to staying relevant: ÇM[ WbmWoi jho WdZ a[[f j^_d]i fresh with new necklace styles and continuously expand our line beyond necklaces,” IY^kbcWd [nfbW_di$ Ç? j^_da ekh retailers appreciate our quality and newness—and that we try and keep the products chic and _ddelWj_l[$È The duo introduced their line of stylish infant teething jewelry for moms in 2009, and the dishwasher-safe silicone ijhWdZi gk_Yabo X[YWc[ W ^_j$ Even though their brand has now won four Earnies (including Best 7YY[iieh_[i " IY^kbcWd WdZ =h[[dmWbZ fbWd je Yedj_dk[ Xk_bZ_d] ed _ji ikYY[ii m_j^ ceh[ ckij#^Wl[ fheZkYji \eh cec$ ?d (&'+" j^Wj included a new Chewbeads Baby collection, offering pacifier clips WdZ ijhebb[h jeoi$ 7dZ _d (&'," 9^[mX[WZi m_bb bWkdY^ jme ceh[ Yedcept lines: CB Go, a line of travel bath products and other necessities, WdZ 98 ;Wj" W b_d[ e\ i_b_Yed[ X_Xi$ No matter the new product, one thing will remain the same, IY^kbcWd fhec_i[i0 ÇDej edbo Ze m[ W_c je cWa[ ijob_i^ fheZkYji \eh cec WdZ XWXo" Xkj j^[ gkWb_jo e\ ekh fheZkYji _i ikf[h _cfehjWdj$ M[ mWdj je cWa[ ikh[ ekh Ykijec[hi Wh[ ][jj_d] j^[ gkWb_jo j^[o ^Wl[ Yec[ je [nf[Yj \hec j^[ 9^[mX[WZi XhWdZ$È —A.G.K.

Best Hosiery: BabyLegs by United Legwear 8WXoB[]i _i Z[\_d_j[bo Ze_d] iec[j^_d] h_]^j$ 7i_Z[ \hec idW]]_d] _ji \_\j^ ijhW_]^j ;Whd_[ _d j^[ 8[ij >ei_[ho YWj[]eho" j^[ YecfWdo" ademd \eh _ji b_d[ e\ X[bel[Z XWXo b[] mWhc[hi" Yedj_dk[i je ]hem$ 7\j[h W Z[YWZ[ in the industry, this year brought particularly exciting news—the brand bWkdY^[Z W m^eb[iWb[ fehjWb dem WlW_bWXb[ je Wbb h[jW_b[hi$ Ç?j Wbbemi ekh partners to order all of our children’s products at any time, online, withekj ^Wiib[ eh Z[bWo"È [nfbW_di ?iWWY 7i^" fh[i_Z[dj WdZ 9;E e\ Kd_j[Z B[]m[Wh 7ffWh[b 9e$" j^[ fWh[dj YecfWdo e\ 8WXoB[]i$ Ç;Wi[ WdZ Yedvenience are very important to specialty stores, and we are sensitive to the need to quickly fulfill replenishment orders or open new accounts,” ^[ Yedj_dk[i$ J^[ '&&#f[hY[dj Yejjed" bWj[n#\h[[ mWhc[hi h[cW_d fefklar for their ability to keep baby warm, but also for their convenience— they won’t interfere with changing a diaper because they don’t cover the idWfi ed W ed[#f_[Y[$ In line with the gender-neutral trend gaining steam in childrenswear, j^[ YecfWdo m_bb _djheZkY[ ceh[ kd_i[n ^k[i _d (&',$ Ç>[Wj^[h[Z#]hWo and oatmeal are doing very well, whereas four years ago, patterns, animal fh_dji WdZ ]hWf^_Yi m[h[ ceij fefkbWh"È 7i^ [nfbW_di$ —L.C. (&'+ DEL;C8;H%:;9;C8;H ;7HDI>7MI$9EC 29


Best Tween Collection: Malibu Sugar

Best Licensed Apparel & Accessories: Carter’s by Rashti & Rashti

<eh d[Whbo \_l[ o[Whi" Malibu Sugar has been outfitting tough-tofb[Wi[ jm[[di _d jh[dZo ijob[i$ E\\[h_d] j[[i" b[]]_d]i" ia_hji WdZ Zh[ii[i" Fh[i_Z[dj WdZ CEO Jil Garcia points je j^[ YecfWdoÊi ^_]^# gkWb_jo" \Wi^_ed#\ehward designs as a big reason for its win. Take j^[ XhWdZÊi Ifh_d] Ê'+ ed[#f_[Y[ im[Wjik_j$ Ç=_hbi ijehc[Z j^[ ijeh[i je ][j _j"È =WhY_W iWoi$ 8[i_Z[i e\\[h_d] _hh[i_ijWXb[ ijob[i" CWb_Xk Ik]Wh Wbie a[[fi _ji h[jW_b Yb_[dji ^Wffo m_j^ W Yecc_jc[dj je [nY[bb[dj Ykijec[h i[hl_Y[$ ÇM[ ijh_l[ je Z[l[bef bed]#bWij_d] Xki_d[ii h[bWj_edi^_fi" WdZ e\\[h f[hiedWb_p[Z i[hl_Y[ _d Wd [l[h#Y^Wd]_d] cWha[j"È =WhY_W dej[i$ 7dZ Ykijec[hi WdZ h[jW_b[hi Wb_a[ bel[ j^Wj j^[ XhWdZÊi c[hY^WdZ_i[ _i cWZ[ _d Bei 7d][b[i$ Ç? ^Wl[ WYY[ii je iekhY[i \eh \WXh_Yi" Zo[ jh[Wjc[dji WdZ [cX[bb_i^c[dji j^Wj ? mekbZdÊj ^Wl[ ej^[hm_i[" WdZ ?Êc WXb[ je el[hi[[ j^[ [dj_h[ fheY[ii"È =WhY_W [nfbW_di" WZZ_d]" ÇCWdk\WYjkh_d] co b_d[ Zec[ij_YWbbo _i _cfehjWdj" Wi ? \[[b ? Wc WXb[ je e\\[h co Ykijec[hi W gkWb_jo fheZkYj j^Wj ?Êc fhekZ e\$È —L.C.

The length of the partnership between Rashti & Rashti and Carter’s is proof of its success. 7\j[h '. o[Whi" HWi^j_ Yedj_dk[i je fheZkY[ jeoi j^Wj [cXeZo j^[ gkWb_jo WdZ Ykj[d[ii 9Whj[hÊi _i ademd \eh$ 8kj _jÊi HWi^j_Êi new additions to its Carter’s Yebb[Yj_ed j^Wj h[Wbbo h[iedWj[Z m_j^ h[jW_b[hi _d h[Y[dj o[Whi WdZ ^[bf[Z j^[ YecfWdo idW] _ji \_hij ;Whd_[" iWoi Fh[i_Z[dj Charlotte Rashti. That includes j^[ YecfWdoÊi Ib[[f Iebkj_edi b_d[ e\ ijk\\[Z Wd_cWbi j^Wj ieej^[ b_jjb[ ed[i m_j^ bkbbWX_[i" iekdZ" b_]^j WdZ l_XhWj_edi" Wi m[bb Wi W hWd][ e\ jeZZb[h ]_\ji" b_a[ 8bWda[j FWbi" W Yebb[Yj_ed e\ Wd_cWb# WdZ cedij[h#i^Wf[Z XW]i j^Wj Yec[ m_j^ YeehZ_dWj_d] XbWda[ji$ ?d (&'+" HWi^j_ _djheZkY[Z j^[ Ieej^_d] IekdZi BWcX m^_Y^ fbWoi \ekh Z_\\[h[dj iekdZi " j^[ Ieej^_d] L_XhWj_edi ;b[f^Wdj m^_Y^ ][djbo l_XhWj[i WdZ j^[ H[YehZWXb[ Ceda[o Ieej^[h m_j^ j^[ efj_ed je h[YehZ W f[hiedWb c[iiW][ $ ÇM[ b_ij[d je ekh h[jW_b fWhjd[hi WdZ ekh jWb[dj[Z j[Wc mehai l[ho Z_b_][djbo je Xh_d] d[md[ii _d fheZkYji j^Wj Wbie ^Wl[ W fkhfei["È HWi^j_ iWoi$ ÆL.C.

Best Outerwear: Appaman BWij o[Wh _j mWi \_[hY[ \kh WdZ j^_i o[Wh" a_bb[h ifWhab[ \eh ]_hbi WdZ ijob_i^ YWce \eh Xeoi$ M^[d _j Yec[i je m^Wj a_Zi mWdj je m[Wh" 7ffWcWdÊi Z[i_]di ^_j j^[ cWha i[Wied W\j[h i[Wied" iWoi <ekdZ[h WdZ :[i_]d[h Bodd >kikc$ 7dZ h[jW_b[hi Yb[Whbo W]h[[" h[mWhZ_d] j^[ XhWdZ m_j^ j^[ 8[ij Ekj[hm[Wh jhef^o \eh j^[ i[YedZ o[Wh _d W hem$ JWa[ j^[ fWij o[Wh" \eh [nWcfb[0 >kikc h[fehji ij[bbWh iWb[i WdZ h[# ehZ[hi e\ j^[ XhWdZÊi [o[#YWjY^_d] YeWji" [if[Y_Wbbo j^[ ed[i cWZ[ m_j^ \kd del[bjo \WXh_Yi" b_a[ j^[ W\eh[c[dj_ed[Z YWce" ifWhab[ WdZ hW_dXem# ^k[Z \Wkn \kh$ 8kj _jÊi dej `kij ed#jh[dZ ijob_d] j^Wj cWa[i j^[ XhWdZ ijWdZ ekj$ 7i >kikc fe_dji ekj" ÇJ^[ outerwear is both fashionable and functionable. We use high qual_jo Zemd WdZ cWa[ ikh[ j^[ YeWji ^Wl[ [dek]^ je a[[f j^[i[ b_jjb[ f[efb[ mWhc WdZ Yepo$È Ç? j^_da Wi bed] Wi oek a[[f j^[ Ykijec[hi ^Wffo" j^[o m_bb h[jkhd je j^[ XhWdZ o[Wh W\j[h o[Wh beea_d] \eh j^[_h \Wleh_j[ ijob[i WdZ m^Wj[l[h d[m _Z[Wi j^[ XhWdZ ^Wi Xhek]^j je j^[ jWXb["È i^[ Yedj_dk[i$ Ie m^Wj d[m _Z[Wi Wh[ _d ijeh[ \eh (&',5 >kikc _i ijWo_d] ckc" Xkj fhel_Z[i j^[ \ebbem_d] ^_dj0 ÇM[ ^Wl[ iec[ jh_Yai kf ekh ib[[l[ j^Wj m[ Wh[ h[Wbbo [nY_j[Z WXekj$È —A.G.K. 30 ;7HDI>7MI$9EC DEL;C8;H%:;9;C8;H (&'+

Best Infants’ Collection: Kissy Kissy <eh A_iio A_iio <ekdZ[h WdZ Emd[h HenWdW 9Wij_bbe" j^[ i[Yh[j je ikYY[ii _i i_cfb[0 H[if[Yj h[jW_b[hi$ ÇI_dY[ m[ edbo i[bb j^hek]^ ekh h[jW_b fWhjd[hi" WdZ dej Z_h[Yj je Yedikc[hi" m[ h[Ye]d_p[ j^Wj ekh ijeh[i Wh[ ekh [o[i WdZ [Whi" ie m[ h[Wbbo b_ij[d je j^[_h ik]][ij_edi" WdZ m[ jho je _cfb[c[dj Wi cWdo Wi feii_Xb["È i^[ [nfbW_di$ ?jÊi de ikhfh_i[ h[jW_b[hi h[jkhd j^[ \Wleh m_j^ ;Whd_[ m_di o[Wh W\j[h o[Wh \eh j^[ X[bel[Z F[hkl_Wd f_cW Yejjed bWo[jj[ XhWdZ$ J^_i _i j^[ i[l[dj^ ijhW_]^j WmWhZ \eh A_iio A_iio$ ?d (&'+" j^Wj c[Wdj i[jj_d] iW_b m_j^ Wd [nfWdZ[Z dWkj_YWb ]hekfing for spring and adding luster to j^[ b_d[ m_j^ W d[m i_bl[h YebehmWo$ 8kj j^[ XhWdZ ^Wi [l[d X_]][h d[mi _d ijeh[ \eh (&',0 A_iio A_iio _i [cXWha_d] ed _ji \_hij#[l[h b_Y[di_d] fWhjd[hi^_f m_j^ W l[ho if[Y_Wb \h_[dZ" Ief^_[ bW ]_hW\[" Xo fheZkY_d] W bWo[jj[ b_d[ \[Wjkh_d] j^[ X[iji[bb_d] Y^WhWYj[h ed el[h '&& fheZkYji$ ÇIef^_[ bW ]_hW\[ _i X[bel[Z WdZ W h[]kbWh ed XWXo h[]_ijh_[i [l[hom^[h[$ Ceci WdZ XWX_[i adem ^[h WdZ bel[ ^[h"È 9Wij_bbe dej[i$ Ç7dZ m_j^ ekh bWo[jj[ Yebb[Yj_ed" j^[oÊbb X[ WXb[ je b_l[ j^[ Ief^_[ bW ]_hW\[ b_\[ijob[$È —A.G.K.

Best Sleepwear: KicKee Pants Cozy remains key for KicKee Pants—snagging its second straight Earnie in the Sleepwear category. “KicKee Pants was created with the comfort of our littlest customers in mind,” explains CEO, Designer and Co-owner Aerin Nicole. Since launching in 2007, she and Nick Cloke, co-owner and CFO of the brand, have stuck to their initial recipe for success: incredibly soft, flexible fabric, playful designs and punchy colors on pajamas, coveralls and swaddling blankets (launched in 2014). “Our swaddling blankets have become very popular and have brought attention to the brand in a relatively new area for us,” Nicole says. Not to mention, KicKee Pants recently introduced training pants, underwear, headbands, socks, bibs and even women’s sleepwear to help round out its offerings. While the new additions certainly help retailers rack up sales, it’s the special details, like fleece pads on the inside of footies, that make the brand stand out. “While our designs aim to be fashion forward and pleasing to parents, our customers are the babies and children who wear our clothing, and our dedication is to creating a line that appeals to their need to play and dream,” Nicole notes. —L.C.

Best Dresswear: Biscotti by Biscotti, Inc. There aren’t many childrenswear companies who have racked up over a dozen Earnies—13 to be exact—in three different categories, no less. But that’s exactly the case for Biscotti, Inc. Last year, the company snagged Best Swimwear for its Kate Mack line, and this year it earned a Best Dresswear nod for its namesake collection. Launched in 1986, the company continues to deliver the “wow factor” consumers have come to rely on, says Bernadette Reiss, design director and owner of Biscotti, Inc. “Biscotti is particularly known for gorgeous, romantic dresses, which are a wonderful mix of delicate embroideries, wispy nettings, charming three-dimensional flower trims and sparkling sequins,” she adds. But it isn’t all about special occasion dressing for the company: “As the lifestyle of the consumer has changed to be more casual, the Biscotti brand has evolved as well, incorporating comfortable and very versatile knit fabrics into our collections,” Reiss explains. That ability to adapt is a big reason why retailers keep returning to the brand, rewarding it with bigger sales and Earnies trophies year after year. “Some of our bestselling pieces are simpler silhouettes in unique and original prints that can’t be found anywhere else,” notes Reiss. —L.C.

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Best Denim: Levi’s

Best New Brand: Jak & Peppar

An industry leader for more than ',& o[Whi" _jÊi de ikhfh_i[ j^Wj B[l_Êi h[Y[_l[Z _ji d_dj^ ;Whd_[ 7mWhZ j^_i o[Wh \eh 8[ij :[d_c$ 8kj _jÊi dej `kij ]eeZ `[WdiÆfkd _dj[dZ[ZÆ that make the denim giant stand ekj$ ?ji kdmWl[h_d] Wjj[dj_ed je Z[jW_b" Yec\ehj WdZ ZkhWX_b_jo has made it an industry leader \eh Z[YWZ[i$ 7dZ >WZZWZ 8hWdZi" Y^_bZh[dÊi b_Y[di[[ \eh B[l_Êi" _i Z[Z_YWj[Z je XWYa_d] j^[ XhWdZÊi Wkj^[dj_Y_jo m_j^ ef[d [Whi je m^Wj h[jW_b[hi WdZ Yedikc[hi mWdj$ Ç7j >WZZWZ" m[ fh_Z[ ekhi[bl[i _d [nY[bb[dY[ _d Z[i_]d"È iWoi Fh_dY_fWb IWc >WZZWZ$ Ç?d B[l_Êi fWhj_YkbWhbo" m[ jWa[ i[h_ekibo ekh Yecc_jc[dj je Z[b_l[h_d] b_\[ijob[ iebkj_edi j^Wj _dif_h[ Wkj^[dj_Y i[b\#[nfh[ii_ed \eh ekh c_d_#\Wdi$È That means creating a collection e\ [l[hoj^_d] \hec ][dk_d[ Z[d_c `[Wdi" `WYa[ji WdZ el[hWbbi je Yeh# Zkheoi" `e]][hi WdZ b[]]_d]i j^Wj Wff[Wbi je a_Zi m^_b[ Yedl[o_d] j^[ m[bb#cWZ[ W[ij^[j_Y ]hemd#kf \Wdi ^Wl[ Yec[ je jhkij$ —A.L.

“After designing Mustard F_[ 9bej^_d] \eh \_l[ o[Whi" ? mWdj[Z W Yebb[Yj_ed j^Wj mekbZ Wff[Wb je Wbb cWha[ji m_j^ W ceh[ Xe^e%]ofio \[[b"È iWoi @Wa F[ffWh \ekdZ[h Shannon Rihm. Mission WYYecfb_i^[Z0 7\j[h `kij jme i[Wiedi" @Wa F[ffWh YWd Wbh[WZo X[ \ekdZ _d Wffhen_# cWj[bo (+& Xekj_gk[i WYheii j^[ K$I$ J^Wj kd_l[hiWb Wff[Wb _i `kij ed[ h[Wied j^[ XhWdZ dWXX[Z j^_i o[WhÊi ;Whd_[ 7mWhZ \eh 8[ij D[m 8hWdZ$ =[Wh[Z jemWhZ jm[[di WdZ j[[di Xkj e\\[h_d] i_p_d] Zemd je (J" H_^c bWkdY^[Z j^[ b_d[ W\j[h ^[h ZWk]^j[hÊi jWij[i i^_\j[Z WmWo \hec j^[ hk\\b[i e\ CkijWhZ F_[ WdZ Ybei[h je W ceh[ \h[[#if_h_j[Z ijob[" [cXeZ_[Z Xo @Wa F[ffWhÊi [cXhe_Z[h[Z jefi" YheY^[j WYY[iieh_[i" bWYo jkd_Yi" XhW_Z[Z ^[WZXWdZi WdZ \bemo ia_hji$ Fbki" j^[ c_n#WdZ#cWjY^ dWjkh[ e\ j^[ Ybej^_d] Wbbemi h[jW_b[hi je YkhWj[ j^[_h emd Yebb[Yj_edi" H_^c dej[i" WZZ_d] j^Wj Ifh_d] Ê', m_bb e\\[h [l[d ceh[ h[Wied \eh h[jW_b[hi je Xko j^[ b_d[" _dYbkZ_d] j^[ XhWdZÊi \_hij XeoiÊ WdZ _d\Wdj Yebb[Yj_edi$ ÆA.L.

Best Baby Gear: Skip Hop

Best International Brand: JoJo Maman Bébé

B_l_d] kf je j^[ YecfWdoÊi Yh[Ze" Çckij#^Wl[i cWZ[ X[jj[h"È Ia_f >ef snagged its third Earnie this year—the i[YedZ j_c[ _d j^[ 8[ij 8WXo =[Wh YWj[]eho$ 8k_bZ_d] kfed W heij[h e\ WmWhZ#m_dd_d] fheZkYjiÆ_dYbkZ_d] Z_Wf[h XW]i1 XWj^#j_c[" fbWoj_c[ WdZ c[Wbj_c[ WYY[iieh_[i1 WdZ bWo[jj[ WdZ dkhi[ho _j[ciÆi[l[hWb _ddelWj_edi i[j j^[ XhWdZ W^[WZ edY[ W]W_d$ <eh [nWc# fb[" W d[m IWZZb[ 8W] m^_Y^ e\\[hi additional storage on any stroller) and j^h[[#i[Wied <eejck\\ cWa[ b_\[ [Wi_[h \eh \Wc_b_[i ed#j^[#]e" WdZ j^[ XhWdZÊi X[bel[Z Pee Yebb[Yj_ed XhWdY^[Z _dje jeZZb[h m_j^ W b_d[ e\ fW`WcWi WdZ W d_]^jb_]^j" iWoi Ia_f >ef \ekdZ[h ;bb[d :_WcWdj$ ÇJ^[oÊh[ Wbb ckij#^Wl[i \eh fWh[dji" XWX_[i WdZ jeZZb[hi" Xkj m_j^ W Z[i_]d eh \kdYj_edWb jm_ij je Zh_l[ W X[j# j[h el[hWbb [nf[h_[dY["È i^[ WZZi$ 7dZ j^[ YecfWdo i^emi de i_]di e\ ibem_d] Zemd$ ?d WZZ_j_ed je _djheZkY_d] d[m Z[i_]di je j^[ bWo[jj[ b_d[ _d (&'," j^[ XhWdZ _i bWkdY^_d] W b_d[ e\ X[h#\Wi^_edWXb[ Z_Wf[h XW]i j^Wj b_l[ X[oedZ j^[ Z_Wf[h XW] ijW][$ 7bie _d j^[ mehai5 ÇEkh Kfb_\j 8ekdY[h _i jhkbo [nY_j# _d]"È :_WcWdj ^_dji$ Ç?j WZ`kiji je ckbj_fb[ ^[_]^ji je dWjkhWbbo WdZ iW\[bo _dj[]hWj[ XWXo _dje \Wc_bo cec[dji$È ÆA.L.

J^h[[ Y^[[hi \eh K$A$ cej^[h#WdZ# XWXo XhWdZ @e@e CWcWd 8 X \eh m_dd_d] 8[ij ?dj[hdWj_edWb 8hWdZ j^h[[ o[Whi _d W hem$ ?ji gk_hao Z[i_]di m_j^ W <h[dY^#dWkj_YWb jm_ij ^Wl[ X[[d ]beXWbbo h[demd[Z \eh ceh[ j^Wd (& o[WhiÆW h ikc j^Wj ^[bfi j^[ XhWdZ ijWdZ ekj m_j^ K$I$ h[jW_b[hi" [nfbW_di <ekdZ[h BWkhW J[d_ied$ ÇJ^[ K$I$ cWha[j _i \beeZ[Z m_j^ ^k][ XhWdZi WdZ f[ff[h[Z m_j^ [Yb[Yj_Y ijWhj#kfi"È i^[ fe_dji ekj$ Ç@e@e e\\[hi j^[ c_ZZb[ ]hekdZ0 j^[ Yh[Z[dj_Wbi e\ X[_d] =h[Wj 8h_jW_dÊi b[WZ_d] Xekj_gk[ cej^[h#WdZ#XWXo XhWdZ Wbed] m_j^ \h[i^ Z[i_]di j^Wj Wh[ `kij W b_jjb[ X_j Z_\\[h[dj \hec j^[ h[ij$È J^Wj _dYbkZ[i [l[hoj^_d] \hec 8h[jed#ijh_f[Z XWi_Yi je hW_dm[Wh" im_cm[Wh WdZ Yepo fW`WcWi \eh ]_hbi WdZ Xeoi kf je i_p[ i_n$ ÇEkh \kd XeoiÊ m[Wh mWi h[Wbbo m[bb# h[Y[_l[Z j^_i i[Wied"È dej[i J[d_ied$ ÇM[ b_ij[d[Z je ekh Ykijec[hi WXekj jW_beh_d] iec[ e\ ekh ijob[i" WdZ j^[ X[d[\_j ^Wi h[Wbbo fW_Z e\\$È FW_Z e\\ _j ^WiÆiWb[i \_]kh[i ZekXb[Z m_j^ cWdo e\ @e@eÊi h[fi el[h j^[ fWij i_n cedj^i$ 7ZZ_j_edWbbo" j^[ ef[d_d] e\ j^[ YecfWdoÊi d[m Z_ijh_Xkj_ed Y[dj[h _d D[m @[hi[o ^[bf[Z [nf[Z_j[ i^_ff_d] j_c[i WdZ h[ZkY[ fh_Y[ fe_dji" Xebij[h_d] j^[ XhWdZÊi K$I$ ikYY[ii$ Ç? j^_da ekh ]eeZ lWbk[" eh_]_dWb Z[i_]d WdZ gk_Ya" [Wio ehZ[h_d] _i j^[ m_dd_d] YecX_dWj_ed _d j^_i Ykhh[dj Yb_cWj["È J[d_ied WZZi$ —A.L.

32 ;7HDI>7MI$9EC DEL;C8;H%:;9;C8;H (&'+

Best Boys’ Collection: Andy & Evan Andy & Evan continues to shrink men down to size—well, men’s apparel down to pintsize boys’ clothing, that is. Known for its “traditionally whimsical” offerings according to the brand’s co-founder, Evan Hakalir, the company shows no signs of slowing down, especially after earning a third straight Earnie Award in the Best Boys’ Collection category. The brand has been so successful in the boys’ realm, in fact, that it launched a girls’ line for Spring ’15. And, Hakalir adds, “We really expanded our casual assortment this year. We did a lot of great printed tees, fun elbow patches, embroidered and


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intarsia sweaters, and accessories too.” It all adds up to a full, fun and refreshing line retailers and customers alike can’t resist. By popular request, next year Andy & Evan will increase its array of wash-and-wear casual styles—tees, sweaters and hoodies—and expand its sizing for boys and girls beyond newborn to 7 years to include the 8 to 14 set. “I like to say that we design for the moms and not for the margins,” Hakalir laughs. —L.C.

Best Girl’s Collection: Deux par Deux With a milestone birthday in 2016, Deux par Deux plans to party all year long—and winning an eighth Earnie is just one more reason to celebrate. In August, the brand marks 30 years of making timeless yet modern collections spanning snowsuits to dresses, and President and Chief Designer Claude Diwan chalks the longevity up to inspired patterns and refined silhouettes. “We’re acclaimed by the industry for our strong technical and aesthetic qualities, sophisticated cuts, vibrant colors and original patterns, but our collections are, above all, appreciated by the most uncompromising critics: kids.” Diwan credits her “powerhouse” design team and amped-up social media efforts as two reasons for this year’s Earnie win. “We also put great effort into producing simple marketing tools for our retailers,” she adds, pointing to holiday visuals and website-ready images the brand shared with retailers. “It is the fragile equilibrium between beauty and quality that make us stand out.” —L.C.

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Best Toys: Jellycat

Best Gifts: Little Giraffe

Launched in London in the late ’90s, Jellycat’s boutiquequality soft toys and books have been gelling with U.S. retailers since 2001. “In my opinion, trust is what put us over the top this year,” says President Danell Gibbins of the brand’s Best Toys Earnie Award. “In an unbelievably competitive retail climate, we stick firmly to our original recipe for success—first, great product design, and then protecting our specialty customers by ensuring MAP pricing and keeping distribution in specialty retail.” Crafted from ultra-soft polyester, the brand’s line of plushy animals, rattles, soothers and books is not only huggable, but also sits beautifully with apparel, offering retailers a “consumer-recognized gift category that merchandises well with their core business,” explains Gibbins. Next year Jellycat will launch what Gibbins calls “one of our biggest projects ever”—the brand’s first line of books, featuring padded covers based on its bestselling plush characters. “We cannot wait to see and hear the response,” Gibbins says. —A.L.

As put simply by President/ CEO Trish Moreno: “Little Giraffe is love.” Earnie voters certainly showed their love, awarding the brand with its fourth award and second-straight Best Gifts win. Known to many as the “shower wower,” Little Giraffe earned the name with its luxuriously soft baby blankets and plush toys that, Moreno says, “luckily, discerning parents and babies find very desirable!” Cozy introductions sealed that status in 2015, including new plush toys to round out the Friends of Little Giraffe collection, as well as exclusive new blankets in ultra-soft fabrications (like the Luxe Rib Stripe that sports a classic rugby stripe in a soft gray, blue or pink). This coming year, plans for a different kind of blanket are in the works (mum’s the word until January). Available in 2,000 independent boutiques and such larger retailers as Nordstrom, Bloomingdale’s and Barneys, the company plans to continue its push among mid-tier retailers. “Our goal is to make the Little Giraffe brand of comfort accessible to more babies,” muses Moreno. —A.L.

Best Footwear: Pediped In 2005, Pediped cofounders Angela and Brian Edgeworth were looking for soft-soled shoes for their baby girl, but could only find socks and moccasins. The duo designed a few prototypes and took them to a local store, which soon became Pediped’s first customer. Since then, the company has won a staggering 10 Earnie Awards, including this year in the Best Footwear category. Available in more then 50 countries globally, this past year the brand particularly concentrated on bolstering its specialty segment. “We made sure we had a great Originals [the infant soft sole collection] to offer, updated the Spring and Fall ’15 lines with new styles and focused our sales team on this opportunity,” explains Angela Edgeworth. “In short, we made sure to offer them a strong breadth of great styles for their customers.” Initiatives slated for 2016 include new technology, new products and expanded sizes. “Now that we’ve had a moment to enjoy our tenth anniversary, all the wheels are rolling,” Edgeworth says. —A.L.

Best Accessories: RuffleButts “RuffleButts is a celebration of childhood with styles designed to shower little ones with compliments,” says company owner Amber Schaub. This year, however, Schaub was the one receiving compliments when she took home the Best Accessories trophy, the brand’s first Earnie nod. With a name like RuffleButts and a product line that puts “cute ruffles on the booties of adorable kiddos,” it’s easy to see why the company stands out. “I believe our brand fills a unique niche for retailers in both accessories and gifts,” Schaub explains. “Our creations are designed to bring joy to others.” Happy accessories include everything from fedoras and beanies to birthday hats, headbands, bows, tights and the famed ruffled bloomers. This year, the company expanded its Everyday Collection with more leggings and tees priced from $16.50 to $19.50 wholesale. “The mainstays at the heart of RuffleButts include our sun protected swimwear, ruffled footless tights, and of course, our namesake RuffleButt bloomers,” notes Schaub. When asked if the company has big plans in the works for 2016, Schaub answers coyly, “Oh, do we ever!” —A.L.


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To our stores and parents for being voted “IT” ITEM OF THE YEAR 2013, 2014, and 2015! We are so proud and thank you for your continued support!



Queen for a Day

Bound by the Crown Couture offers styles made for the spotlight.


GREW UP in the Jackie Kennedy era,” laughs Susanna Paliotta, owner and lead designer of Bound by the Crown Couture, a.k.a. BTCC. “My mom always dressed me to the hilt, and I just really loved that,” she adds. It’s no wonder, then, that she wanted to bring some First Lady–inspired glamour back into childrenswear when she started her own line in 2014. Paliotta was already familiar with the manufacturing industry—her family has been making jewelry stateside since 1937, and she is especially passionate about producing her line locally. All of BTCC’s offerings are proudly made in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. “There are so many talented seamstresses who still have their sewing machines and make the best quality products,” Paliotta explains, adding, “We put them back to work.” BTCC offers two different lines: casual and couture for girls ages 4 to 18. The casual line spans varsity jackets, stretch pants with knee patches, printed rompers and tees with plenty of bling in the form of Swarovski crystals. Paliotta calls it the brand’s everyday collection, while the couture lines, dubbed Riding and Manhattan, offer sleek sophistication. The Manhattan Collection comes in a dramatic black-and-white colorway, featuring standouts like a houndstooth cape and a black raincoat with oversized stars. The Riding Collection, on the other hand, offers classics like blazers with leather piping and peplum jacket/short sets. BBTC also makes bow ties for boys, and the entire collection wholesales for $12 to $95. So why does Paliotta tend towards glitz and glamour when designing her pieces? One word: pageantry. “We started in pageantry because of my older daughter,” she says. “Victoria entered

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her first pageant five years ago at the age of 17 after having reconstructive surgery on her face following a teen bullying incident,” Paliotta notes. “It was very personal and she won.” Hence the name of her line: “I really feel that my whole family has come together through pageantry,” she explains. Paliotta’s younger daughter Isabella competed too, beginning at age 4, and Paliotta herself won Miss Rhode Island United States in 2014. Clearly, Paliotta doesn’t shy away from the spotlight. Along those lines, she’s embraced social media as a way to promote her brand. “Right now, your best asset is your client,” she notes. “I found that one mom posting a picture of her daughter in my product is just like an advertisement,” she says, adding, “Girls don’t just want to wear our clothes, they want to wear stuff that has our product name on it, which is essentially free advertising.” In fact, the “I’m a BBTC Girl” tee is the third most popular shirt in the line. And as her company grows, Paliotta knows just who to turn to for style advice. “We pick about 20 girls every season to come in and try on our samples,” she says—and she takes their feedback seriously. Case in point: “My daughter made a suggestion about a piece and it’s now our number two bestseller,” Paliotta laughs. So what’s next for the savvy entrepreneur? She’s already available in 27 U.S. stores and abroad in Germany, but she’s still strategizing. “I’m trying to decide if I want to expand my boutique division or if I want to go after big-box stores.” —Laurie Cone

Horses of the Wild offers apropos tween clothing with an exotic twist.


Running Free

HEN IT COMES to proper clothing, the battle between moms and tweens can be fierce. Founder and creative director Andie Wyatt hopes to ease the fray with her U.K.-based brand Horses of the Wild, a collection targeted toward trend-aware girls ages 8 to 14. Wyatt explains, “We create looks that combine innocence, maturity and fun.” As a veteran of the apparel industry and the mother of a tween, Wyatt knows a thing or two about designing for such a tricky demographic. “I noticed how my daughter’s taste in clothing was changing,” she notes. “She’s watching music videos and TV shows that inspire her to create her own looks.” Wyatt knew her daughter desired a more grown up look, but she wanted to be sure she still wore age-appropriate clothing. Thus, Horses of the Wild launched this past August at Playtime New York. And Wyatt brings plenty of experience to the game: “I have been a clothing designer for 20 years working for brands such as Levi’s and Fat Face, creating casual looks for women and children,” she explains. But, after all those years, she was ready to strike out on her own. “I wanted to see if I could tell my own story,” she says. For her, it all starts with the customer: Who is she? What does she do? Where does she go? What does she need to wear to feel great about herself? To that end, she sought to convey a taste of the exotic for her first collection in the hopes of pleasing her selective customers. With everything from embroidery trim to tie-dyed jersey to tropical patterns, Wyatt describes her inaugural offerings as “a journey through the Americas.” Dresses, denim, shorts, T-shirts, jackets, joggers and woven tops boast Aztec-inspired embroidery, crackle-wash treatments, Peruvian folk-style prints and vibrant colors borrowed from the carnivals of Brazil. The apparel wholesales for $25 to $88 and five percent of profits will be given to communities in India, where the line is made. “With sharing the profits, we didn’t want to wait until we hit a certain margin before we gave back,” Wyatt says, adding, “If we only make $1,000 this season, five percent will still go to the communities.” It’s a lesson she hopes to teach her kids: Sharing with neighbors and employees alike is vital to maintaining healthy living and working relationships. And it’s a lesson that’s proving successful—Wyatt’s very first collection is already available in three retail shops stateside. Horses of the Wild is leading the pack, right out of the gate. —L.C.


Q& A

continued from page 15

we’re selling to a large 6- or 7-year-old. The clothes are designed for the 6-year-old bracket, but we wanted to go up to larger sizes, because there’s a demand for it. And for Fall ’16, we’re adding a very delicate, sophisticated, couture-feeling dress collection to the line. We’re going to continue to grow the brand and listen to what our customers say they would like in the collection. Incorporating suggestions from your customers is really crucial to success in the children’s industry, but it seems like a lot of people neglect to solicit feedback. Someone once told me the best decisions in kidswear are made by the people in the industry who don’t have kids. I do actually get that because I don’t have kids. And I do see a lot of people who build a brand based upon what they want their kids to wear—and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. But I do think when you’ve got kids, it does slightly cloud your judgment. When I’m discussing the next season with the team, it’s always with a completely unbiased, commercial viewpoint. That being said, some of the bestselling Spring ’16 stuff has surprised me. We’ve got a jungle-themed story called Out of Africa, which is really bright and very cute. We’ve sold huge quantities of it, even more than our nautical collection, which surprises me. And we know parts of our collection will only appeal to parts of the country or parts of the world, but that’s why our collection is now three times bigger. It’s hard to get that right, the size of the collection. There’s a tipping

point. If it’s too big, it can be overwhelming for a retailer to buy. If it’s too small, you aren’t appealing to as many people as you could. We’re offering around 250 pieces per season, and that seems to be the magic number at the moment. What’s been the biggest challenge so far? Production. Luckily, it’s something I used to do daily at John Lewis, and it doesn’t phase me. And we are making the Hero collection in one large order in a different factory, with an absolutely incredible supplier we’ve got in Bangladesh, so it doesn’t affect our production line for our main collection. What’s a pain in this industry for all of us is trying to guess how many new stores, both big and small, you might get after you post your orders to the factories. That’s why trade shows are so important to us because we try to get as many people as possible to place their orders before we have to give ours to the factory. Of course, you always have to add a buffer, and you have to be careful it doesn’t overstock you or understock you. We’ve come up with a strategy to sell in the Southern Hemisphere, so that any stock left at the end of our season in the north then becomes stock we sell in the south. We’ve got distributors in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa and so on, and we’ve done that deliberately so we can extend our season for almost a year. It sounds like trade shows are a big part of your growth plan. For brands that don’t have a showroom like us, they are important,

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because that becomes our showroom. It’s a nice way for us to get our identity across to people who want to see what we look like as a brand. That’s why we’ve invested in a big booth that looks on-brand for us. By the end of this year, we will have attended 15 trade shows around the world. Since the charitable aspect is such a big part of your brand, marketing must be key to getting the message out, too. It’s a huge part, and it’s a very expensive part. Because we’re a new and relatively small company, relying on word-of-mouth is really difficult. That’s why we wanted to get out to as many countries as possible, because a really good distributor and really good established reps can do wonders for a brand. Our reps have great contacts in their databases, so they’ve done a huge part of the messaging for us. Our Dallas and Atlanta reps send orders in daily. Thanks to our reps, Rockin’ Baby is now carried in a part of the country I didn’t dream we would be in. I thought Rockin’ Baby would be an East- and WestCoast brand, but we’ve got more customers in the middle of the country than we have on the coasts. I love to hear that. Many new brands tend to focus on social media and celebrities to boost growth, instead of sales reps. Our distributors and reps are absolutely amazing, and we treat them as part of our team. Rather than sending them the lookbook and collection once every season, I visit them regularly and I email them every month. A lot of people aren’t bothered with reps at all. It’s a bad move. You can’t just rely on trade shows you attend yourself—you need support. However, we are working with two really good PR companies as well, one in the U.K., and one with offices in Los Angeles and New York. They’ve helped us a lot with celebrities; a lot of big celebrities’ kids are about to be seen wearing Rockin’ Baby, which we’re really excited about. And we’ve got lots of bloggers who are wearing us, sharing photos and tweeting about us. Any other plans for growth in the pipeline? For Fall ’16, we’re growing our outerwear and our knitwear collection. I think there’s a real gap in the U.S. market for really good outerwear and knitwear. Our Spring ’16 sales of swimwear and rainboots, which we introduced for the first time, really surprised us. So for Spring ’17, we’re going to really go for it on swimwear and rainboots. We’re also adding a lot more countries to the global network in the next six months. We’re going to be opening a store in Japan in March. But in truth, what we’re really doing to grow the brand is focusing on the main market, which is the U.S.A. I’ll be spending even more time in the U.S. with the reps and retailers to try and work out how we can grow. You’ve got 25 years of experience in childrenswear. What advice would you offer a new brand? You should never assume you know what people think of the brand. Ask them what they want, what they need and make it. It’s not rocket science. I think too many brands get caught up in what they want the brand to be. It might be beautiful, but if it doesn’t sell, it won’t be around for them to keep doing what they love doing. Make sure you get a fantastic supply base, and visit them regularly. And if you’re an established brand, keep looking at the competition, and keep seeing what people around you are doing. No matter what, keep listening to what people want. Don’t just give them what you think they want. Listen to your reps. Listen to your customers. Tweak your assortc[dj$ 9^Wd][ oekh XhWdZ YedijWdjbo$ 3 9 ; 7 H D I > 7M I $ 9 E C D E L ; C 8 ; H % : ; 9 ; C 8 ; H ( & ' +

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Distributed by Robo Kidswear www.robokidswear.com

PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT 1. Publication Title: Earnshaws’s Infants, Girls and Boys Wear Review. 2. Publication No.: 0320-0900. 3. Filing Date 9/18/15. 4. Issue Frequency: monthly, except for bi-monthly April/ May and Nov/Dec issues. No. of Issues Published Annually: 10. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $48. 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: Symphony Publishing, NY, LLC, 36 Cooper Sq. 4th floor, New York, NY 10003. 8. Complete Mailing Address of the Headquarters or General Business Office of the Publisher: Symphony Publishing, NY, LLC, 26202 Detroit Rd. Ste. 300, Westlake, OH 44145. Contact person: Debbie Grim, (440) 871-1300 ext. 103. 9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher: Noelle Heffernan, 36 Cooper Sq. 4th floor, New York, NY 10003; Editor: Audrey Goodson Kingo, 36 Cooper Sq. 4th floor, New York, NY 10003; Managing Editor: none. 10. Owner (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereafter the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock): Symphony Publishing NY, LLC; Leon Zapis, 26202 Detroit Rd. Ste. 300, Westlake, OH 44145; Maria Wymer, 26202 Detroit Rd. Ste. 300, Westlake, OH 44145; Donna Thomas, 26202 Detroit Rd. Ste. 300, Westlake, OH 44145; Renee Seybert, 26202 Detroit Rd. Ste. 300, Westlake, OH 44145, Richard Bongorno, 26202 Detroit Rd. Ste 300, Westlake OH 44145 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgages, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None. 12. (For Nonprofit Organizations - Does Not Apply) 13. Publication Name: Earnshaws’s Infants, Girls and Boys Wear Review. 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: September 2015 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation. Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months/ Actual No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date: a. Total No. Copies : 14,642/13,087 b. Legitimate paid and/or requested distribution: (1) Paid/ Requested Outside-County Mail Subscriptions:. 8,633/8,848 (2) Paid/Requested In-County Subscriptions:.0/0 (3) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, and counter sales:.0/0 (4) Requested copies distributed by other USPS mail classes:.0/0 c. Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 8,633/8,848 d. Nonrequested distribution: (1). Outside county nonrequested copies:.3,650/2,526 (2) In County nonrequested copies:.0/0 (3) Nonrequested copies distributed through other USPS mail classes:17/17 (4). Nonrequested copies distributed outside the mail: 2110/1500 e. Total nonrequested distribution:. 5,777/4,043 f. Total Distribution: 14,410/12,891 g. Copies not distributed:232/196 h. Total: 14,642/13,087 i: Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 60%/68% 16. This Statement of Ownership will be printed in the November/December 2015 issue of this publication.17. I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions and/or civil sanctions. Debra A. Grim, Controller, 9/18/2015

shop talk French Dressing “I came to the U.S. from France on an exchange program as a mod[hd ZWdY[h"È :ec_d_gk[ I_cedd[Wkn cki[i$ Dem j^[ emd[h e\ B[i F[j_ji 9^Wf[bW_i _d D[m Oeha 9_jo dWc[Z W\j[h W ^Wcb[j _d ^[h dWj_l[ 8h_jjWdo " i^[ i^_\j[Z \hec ZWdY_d] je YhW\j_d] XWXo Ybej^[i m_j^ ^[h \Wi^_ed Z[i_]d[h i_ij[h m^[d i^[ mWi [nf[Yj_d] ^[h Óhij Y^_bZ$ I^[ X[]Wd i^em_d] ^[h Yh[Wj_edi je Xekj_gk[i _d j^[ Y_jo" WdZ m^[d Wd emd[h h[l[Wb[Z j^Wj ^_i i^ef mWi h[beYWj_d]" I_cedd[Wkn ikXb[j j^[ ifWY[ _d (&&'$ D[ijb[Z _d CWd^WjjWdÊi Ie^e i^eff_d] Z_ijh_Yj" j^[ Xekj_gk[Êi i^WXXo#Y^_Y Z YehÆm_j^ j_d Y[_b_d]i WdZ

1. A winter essential for both boys and girls is the AI Riders on the Storm jacket. “This is a big bestseller because it zips all the way up the face and has built-in goggles. You can still speak and hear too.” (ai-storm.com)

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5. “I like how Go Gently Baby clothes are cut a little looser and wider. I’m a dancer so I understand that kids love to move freely in clothes. The line is all organic cotton, too. We have a huge range of collections that are organic cotton and fair trade.” (shop.gogentlybaby.com)


2. For cozy (and pretty) toes, she suggests socks from April Showers by Polder. “These are from France. I saw them at Playtime in Paris and thought they were beautiful.” (polder.fr)

6. “We never have enough Hello Shiso hair clips. They’re fun and cute; I constantly have to refill the case after selling them.” (helloshiso.com)

3. When customers want a trèschic tote, Simonneaux recommends Easy Peasy bags. “Its an eco-friendly French company. The bags have fun phrases like Bonjour and Bisou that express personality. We do really well with them.” (easypeasy.fr) 4. Chispum wall stickers are a go-to gift item. “The owner asks different graphic designers from all over the world to create the designs, and you can put them everywhere—on the floor, on the wall, on the chair.” (chispum.com)


7. Parents flock to Oli & Carol ducks for baby’s bath time. “These are from Spain and they are all-natural latex. It’s a classic toy that everyone knows, but these are made with natural materials.” (oliandcarol.net) 8. “Quality and craft are very important. I love Sonatina from Italy. They make beautiful bracelets and headbands.” (sonatina world.com)


Dominique Simonneaux’s shop provides plenty of style and charm.



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9. Petit Nord hats help little ones stay warm during New York’s blustery months. “These are great for winter. They come in 9 many colors, and I sell them to adults too.” (petitnord.com) 10. Another top-selling accessory? Pop Cutie necklaces. “It’s such a popular line—everyone wants these. The food shapes are so fun.” (popcutie.myshopify. com)

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