TM News No. 2 - 2023 (ENG)

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Member of the HOMAG Group


no. 2 - 2023

Two and two make four:

Gabi-Jerczynscy ´ Spólka buys two more System TM lines

Read the full story on page 4-5

Thermoarena ­improves wood ­utilization with new System TM line The Estonian expert for exterior cladding and decking purchased an Opti-Kap 3003 optimizing cross-cut line, including Opti-Feed 6000 Vack and Opti-Stack 6000, as well as an integrated ­MiCROTEC quality scanner. Read the full story on page 2

Sägewerk ­Poschenrieder gains flexibility with ­bundling solution from ­System TM ‘The woodworkers’, as Sägewerk ­Poschenrieder call themselves, buy the third line from System TM within two years. Read the full story on page 3

New ­optimizing ­cross-cut line ­expands Cordes’ ­production ­capacity in Bremerhaven German company Cordes GmbH & Co. KG entrusted System TM to provide a complete cross-cut solution tailored to limited existing space available in their ­factory. Read the full story on page 7

optimization of staff and wood resources

Rain Piirsalu (Production Manager) with one of Thermoarena’s products in their facility in Estonia.

Well graded is half the ­battle: Thermoarena improves wood utilization ­ with new System TM line The Estonian expert for exterior cladding and decking purchased an Opti-Kap 3003 optimizing cross-cut line, including Opti-Feed 6000 Vack and Opti-Stack 6000, as well as an integrated MiCROTEC quality scanner. The new sorting line not only improves yield and efficiency, but also the quality of the end product. By Aislinn Esterle


Thermoarena Production Manager Rain Piirsalu is very happy with how the new System TM line ­performs:

‘‘Due to the level we have now – with ­automated ­material ­handling and ­scanner with cross-cut saw – we have i­mproved both yield and ­efficiency.”


This System TM solution consists of the following: • An automated feeding system, Opti-Feed 6000 Vack • A moulder • A MiCROTEC Goldeneye 301 ­Scanner • One optimizing cross-cut saw, Opti-Kap 3003 • An automated stacking system, Opti-Stack 6000 • Material handling


“I had worked with Thermoarena on a ­ifferent project before and was therefore d invited to discuss details for a new plant early in the process,” recalls Jaanus Salla of JS ­Inseneribüroo OÜ, System TM's Estonian distributor. The decision to award the ­project to System TM was influenced by a good reputation and many positive references from other Estonian customers. “The choice of System TM is a choice for peace of mind. Our clients know that they are being taken care of throughout the process and beyond," says Salla, who worked closely with System TM Area Sales Manager Peter Simonsen on the project. He adds: “In addition, System TM was willing to go the extra mile to satisfy the client's needs, making them feel secure and reassured that their project was in the right hands". The pursuit of continuous improvement This system solution was installed on site in Järva County, right in the middle of Estonia. A region rich in agriculture and ­ forestry, with many wood processing and ­ engineering ­ companies driving innovation and clean tech manufacturing. Among them is ­Thermoarena, one of the fastest growing companies in E ­ stonia. Per year over 28,000 m3 of thermally modified wood is produced from well-­ managed, sustainable sources (FSC® and PEFC certified) and about 90% of all products (cladding, decking and thermally modified timber) are sold to export m ­ arkets in more than 30 countries worldwide. ­Thermoarena’s mission is to contribute to a valuable and sustainable living e ­ nvironment. Resource-efficient operations, pollution and waste minimization, as well as other

­ nvironmental considerations, are therefore e a n ­atural part of the company's activities. They are also committed to m ­ odernizing technologies and implementing ways to make production more efficient. Well sorted under all circumstances The purpose of this optimizing cross-cut line is to grade and sort profiled work­pieces directly after the moulding machine for ­better wood utilization. The incoming planks – ­typically pine or spruce – are fed into the line one layer at a time by the Opti-Feed 6000 vacuum destacker, whilst the drying sticks are automatically removed. An operator then has the option of rejecting parts before they pass through the single-piece feeding system and into the moulding machine. After the moulder the workpieces pass through the MiCROTEC Goldeneye 301 ­scanner, for quality control and ­optimization, before being sorted according to the ­quality and optimization settings. The following sequence conveyor includes a workpiece ­ turning unit with the ability to turn ­workpieces if required. A special function allows the operator to remove workpieces from the chain by ­ ­manually activating a photocell/push-button. This ensures that pieces that do not meet quality standards can be rejected before ­proceeding to the Opti-Stack 6000 stacker or Opti-Kap 3003 saw. Quality optimization Most of the workpieces go directly to the Opti-Stack 6000 stacker, where they are stacked into full packs and made available for pickup. The remaining material that has not


Detection of defects and quality before cross-cutting

been rejected or classified for stacking goes to an Opti-Kap 3003 cross-cut saw for further optimization to achieve more uniform workpieces of better quality. Once the saw has cut the remaining ­pieces to the correct dimensions ­according to the ­defect detection and optimization i­nformation from the scanner, they move to a sorting ­conveyor. Short offcuts will already have been sorted out in the saw, while long offcuts are removed on the sorting c­ onveyor. ­Finally, the optimized workpieces are ­manually stacked on stacking tables, ready to be made into more uniform products of better quality. “We are very satisfied with our System TM line”, says Thermoarena Production Manager Rain Piirsalu and adds “Due to the level we have now – with automated material ­handling and scanner with cross-cut saw – we have improved both yield and efficiency. Our yield has increased by ca. 17% and the efficiency rate evaluation depends on our orderbook as well.” Crisis-proof product management By acting as a total supplier, System TM has the advantage to react quickly and ­flexibly to changes and adjustments throughout the development process and after. Area Sales Manager Peter Simonsen worked closely together with Production Manager Rain Piirsalu to develop the line. “It was a very smooth and professional process, both during the project preparation phase and as well as later when the engineering department was involved,” says Jaanus Salla, who acted as project facilitator. Especially under the challenging conditions of the COVID pandemic, System TM has proven to be a reliable partner to design, ­manufacture and deliver a product that fully meets our customers' requirements. “It is very important that the whole team is on one page and can seamlessly work together,” states Peter Simonsen. Especially in times of uncertainty it is important to be a reliable force and weather the storm, as we are used to in Denmark and prove time and again by delivering outstanding production lines worldwide.


Automated feeding system


Optimizing cross-cut saw


Automated equipment for efficient flow of material

OPTI-STACK 6000 Automated stacking system

Overview: Overview: Production: Production:

Moulding Windows&&Millwork doors

Wood Wood species: species:

Softwood Softwood

Number Number of of operators: operators:


Sägewerk Poschenrieder ­ gains flexibility with bundling solution from ­ ­System TM

Sägewerk Poschenrieder processes around 70,000 m3 of wood each year on their 40,000 m2 of operating facilities in Grünenbach, ­Germany.

‘The woodworkers’, as Sägewerk Poschenrieder call themselves, buy the third line from System TM within two years. The latest addition to their factory is a ­fully ­optimized moulding and bundling line including an Opti-Feed 6000 Vack ­infeed ­system, moulder infeed, bundling system, multiplehead cross-cut saw and an ­Opti-Stack 9000 ­automatic ­staking system. By Aislinn Esterle From manual labor to automation to ­climate-friendly production. For one hundred and twenty-five years, the Poschenrieder sawmill has been evolving, and we are proud to be a part of it. With their new moulding and bundling line, System TM was able to deliver a functional, versatile and highly optimized plant that fits into the company’s existing 40,000m² operating facilities. Poschenrieder processes 70,000 m3 of wood per year and offsets the carbon footprint of 5,000 people/ year with the help of its products. This sounds a lot like a science fiction story such as "The War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells, which was published in 1898, the year the company was founded. But it is reality. From manual labor to automation The impressive company history of the Poschenrieder sawmill must first be put into perspective to make it tangible. When ­ System TM was founded in 1977, Poschenrieder was already heading for its ­ 80th ­ anniversary. In 1898, Schüttentobel – now in the m ­ unicipality of Grünenbach – ­belonged to the Kingdom of Bavaria. It is not until 51 years after the Poschenrieder family enters the timber ­business that the Federal Republic of ­Germany is founded. Today, Poschenrieder strives to produce in the most climate-friendly way possible, u ­ sing only raw materials from sustainable forestry. They process the entire log, while e ­ liminating

or re-processing as much of the waste as possible. By ensuring better use of raw ­materials, the solution provided by S ­ ystem TM plays a small part in this. Fully optimized for high performance This compact moulding and bundling line is a fully optimized system for high c­ apacity and flexibility. It starts with an Opti-Feed 6000 Vack infeed that lifts layer by layer onto a chain conveyor. Drying sticks are automatically removed. The layers then ­ move to the moulder infeed, where each piece passes through the planer one at a time. The workpieces then exit the planer at a speed of up to 120 m/min. Before entering the ­bundling station, poor workpieces can be sorted out by a sorting flap. Strapping down on flexibility This system is also a double system and can be operated in two different modes: One is in "bundle" mode, where the good workpieces are passed on to the bundling system, where they are buffered until they reach a stop. This stop can be adjusted to the width and height of the bundle. As the bundles are built, a clamping system holds the bundle in place. When the bundle is ready, up to four straps can be applied. The finished bundle then moves on to a multiplehead cross-cut saw where it can be trimmed as needed. ­Finally, the finished bundles are stacked into

a package by the Opti-Stack 9000 stacker and made available for pickup. However, there is also the option of a "no bundle" mode. In this mode, workpieces pass through the bundling system without being bundled and strapped. Faster from tree to product The System TM planer and b ­ undling s­ olution is perfectly adapted to the ­ available space and completely tailored to ­ Poschenrieder's needs. It can be used for raw lumber directly from the sawmill, but also for finger-jointed lumber, giving the e ­ ntire line a highly flexible profile. "This p ­ articular bundler - developed by System TM - is very v­ ersatile," says Area Sales Manager Per ­Jensen, ­adding, "It gives Poschenrieder the freedom to use it flexibly for both lamellas and beams." F ­unctional, versatile, and highly optimized are three ­ words that best describe this ­ special line, which in the long run will result in better wood utilization, higher capacity and thus shorter time to market. And Poschenrieder is already seeing the first results and potential for the future: "In addition to the enormous increase in output per shift compared to the old line, the full automation of the lamella bundling also offers us a high improvement in workplace quality in the planing mill. In our eyes, this will be an important competitive ­factor in the future," says Timo P ­oschenrieder, ­Managing Director.


‘‘The project ­management and the cooperation with S ­ ystem TM, e ­ specially with Per Jensen, was smooth as usual. Our unique space c ­ onditions in an ­existing hall were ­handled ­individually and ­flexibly in the p ­ lanning - the ­final ­solution fits ­perfectly.”



Automated stacking system


OPTI-FEED 6000 VACK Automated feeding system


Automated equipment for efficient flow of material

Overview: Overview: Production: Production:

Sawmill Windows & doors

Wood Wood species: species:

Softwood Softwood

This System TM solution consists of the following: • An automated feeding system, Opti-Feed 6000 Vack • An automated bundling • A moulder • A multiplehead cross-cut saw • An automated stacking system, Opti-Stack 9000 • Material handling



Managing Director Timo Poschenrieder is ­satisfied with System TM's project ­management:

Number Number of of operators: operators:


At Gabi’s factory, five high-­ performance System TM automated stacking systems stack up to 150 workpieces per minute.

Two and two make four: Ga buys two more System TM

True to their motto "what counts is quality and innovation", the Polish furniture manufac They purchased their third Opti-Kap 5103 cross-cut line and their first Opti-Joint V-8 fing By Aislinn Esterle


Marcin Mazurek, ­coordinator in the project for Gabi Bis Jerczyńscy:

‘‘We have decided to buy the next line from System TM, which is the best ­recommendation, if you ask me.”

Since its foundation, Gabi has evolved into a well-known furniture brand with ­success in the domestic and foreign markets. To respond to market demands, they are c­onstantly ­striving to optimize their p ­ roduction, investing both in the development of human resources and in the modernization of their production lines. In the Wiecbork plant, where both new System TM lines have been installed, Gabi produces furniture components from softwoods such as pine and spruce. Environmentally conscious and unique furniture Founded in 1991 in Piaski, Poland, GabiJerczyńscy Spólka's mission is to produce functional and durable furniture that meets the needs of its customers. The company employs over 1,100 people in its factories and subsidiaries, who are the key to its ­success. Gabi's goal is to produce in harmony with the environment, for example by using sawdust granulate to generate renewable energy. In addition, making better use of their raw material enables the furniture makers to produce more consistent products of higher quality with a minimum of waste. High performance from the start “Gabi purchased its first System TM op-

timizing cross-cut line already back in 2015. The goal was to increase production ­capacity, but also to avoid structural ­defects in the f­ urniture,” remembers System TM Area Sales Manager Peter Simonsen and adds “With their new Opti-Kap and Opti-Joint lines, they can expect even better results.” The ­advantage of buying well known ­equipment is that the learning curve is very flat and ­production can reach maximum capacity in a very short time. The set-up of the new line is very similar to its predecessors, where an operator ­ manually feeds workpieces into the line one by one. They then move to a planer/rip saw. A s­ econd operator can then remove bad ends with an attached trimming saw, before the work­pieces pass through the MiCROTEC Goldeneye 501 scanner, which measures and ­optimizes them according to their quality. Then they reach the Opti-Kap 5103 ­optimizing cross-cut saws, where a queue control divides the flow of boards between the two saws. Product quality that counts The side effect of quality grading your wood is a more consistent and better end product, as structural defects are e ­ liminated early in the production process. Once the work­ pieces have been optimized, the

­ pti-Kap 5103 saws cut them into fixed and O finger-­jointing lengths according to the data from the ­scanner. ­Finally, they move on to five high-performance Opti-Stack 3000 ­double s­ tacking systems, which can stack up to 150 workpieces or 12 layers per minute. The short off cuts are already removed inside the saw unit, whereas long waste pieces are kicked off by the first kicker on the sorting belt. Three more kickers are dedicated to fix lengths and finger-jointing pieces, which will be kicked onto a conveyor belt below, that brings the workpiece out for manual ­handling. Give waste a chance Gabi's goal is to make the best use of its raw material, in addition to e ­xpanding production to meet current and future ­ ­increased ­capacity needs at the same time. By replacing an ­ existing finger-jointing line with System TM's Opti-Joint V-8 vertical finger-jointer, they are taking a step forward in optimizing their p ­ roduction process. “The best argument for getting a finger-jointing line is clearly a better use of the raw m ­ aterial,” says Peter ­Simonsen, “because all the short pieces of wood, that would be waste, get a second chance.” The new life of otherwise unused lengths ­begins – in this case – with two operators


Optimizing cross-cut saw


Automated equipment for efficient flow of material

Overview: Overview: Production: Production:

Furniture Windows & doors

Wood Wood species: species:

Softwood Softwood

Number Number of of operators: operators:

MICROTEC GOLDENEYE 501 SCANNER Detection of defects and quality before cross-cutting


abi-Jerczynscy ´ Spólka M lines

cturer has once again invested in System TM equipment for their factory. ger-jointing line, the fourth line they have purchased from System TM in eight years. PRESS UNIT preparing and creating packages of workpieces on a compartment table. To make this process easier, a tilt plate will lift up for each cycle. A footswitch activates a revolving compartment chain that moves the conveyor belt one step forwards. The outfeed belt will then automatically feed the packages to the next belt. Two-channel system The batch is then automatically transferred to the first shaper, where the finger profile is cut into the entire batch, before it moves to an alignment plate and is transferred to shaper number two, which mills the finger profile on the opposite side. Glue is then ­applied to one side before the finished batch moves to the transfer station, where each workpiece is fed one at a time into the ­alignment ­station prior to pre-pressing. After pre-pressing, the finger-jointed length is pushed to the press section for final pressing. The press station is a two-channel system with cross-cut blade and hydraulic end pressing. Board length is detected by a length measuring laser sensor and cut accordingly. After that, the ­ finger-jointed lengths are pushed out to the chain carrier and finally hand-stacked by an ­operator.

A strong partnership and collaboration "We are very happy that Gabi has ­chosen System TM to supply these lines," says Area Sales Manager Peter Simonsen, "this is not something we take for granted. Our goal is always to build a strong partnership, based on trust between us and our customers.” System TM’s long collaboration with Gabi — since 2015 — has resulted in four S ­ystem TM lines and a significant ­ optimization of their staff and wood resources. “We have decided to buy the next line from System TM, which is the best recommendation, if you ask me,” says Marcin Mazurek, who was the c­oordinator in this project for Gabi Bis Jerczyńscy. As one of System TM’s ­largest Polish customers, Gabi has shown us once again that a good ­ relationship with our ­customers not only makes the whole project process easier but is also a great investment in the future.


Vertical finger-jointing machine

Overview: Overview: Production: Production:

Furniture Windows & doors

Wood Wood species: species:

Softwood Softwood

Number Number of of operators: operators:

OPTI-STACK 3000 Automated stacking system


This System TM solution consists of the following: • A MiCROTEC Goldeneye 501 ­Scanner • Two optimizing cross-cut saws, Opti-Kap 5103 • Five automated stacking systems, Opti-Stack 3000 • A vertical finger-jointing ­system, Opti-Joint V-8 • Press unit • Material handling


The new cross-cut solution from ­System TM was tailored to fit ­seamlessly into the existing floorspace.

New optimizing cross-cut lin ­production capacity in Brem German company Cordes GmbH & Co. KG entrusted System TM to provide a complete By Aislinn Esterle


Andreas Cordes, ­Managing Director of Cordes GmbH & Co. KG:

‘‘After the final ­adjustments, we were able to triple our ­production volume with the new s ­ ystem and significantly ­increase the yield. In addition, we were able to target new ­customer groups with specialized sorting and fixed ­quantities.”

System TM is looking back on a long ­istory with Cordes, or rather the Cordes h family, ­valued customers who have ­trusted us for many years. Area Sales Manager Per Juul Jensen is looking back: “The first line was an Opti-Kap line with an Opti-Kap 2000 and was sold back in 2003 to Bernhard Cordes (father to current managing director, Andreas Cordes) in Bremerhaven.” Following this, two more lines were sold to two Cordes family-owned companies: A band saw line to Krages Holzindustrie GmbH & Co. KG in Hamburg and another band saw line with infeed and stacking system to Osmo Holz und Color GmbH & Co. KG, located in W ­ arendorf. By then, System TM had built a strong relationship with the Cordes family, which ­ lead to the next project. A cross-cut line was sold to Lamico B.V. in Winschoten, Netherlands, to Andreas Cordes. This line would be the paragon for the latest optimizing cross-

cut system with MiCROTEC Goldeneye 501, two cross-cut saws type Opti-Kap 5103 and four stackers model Opti-Stack 3000. The place for all things wood Cordes GmbH & Co. KG is a ­provider of ­planning mill products to c­ ustomers worldwide, however, the company’s area of ­expertise is much more complex. ­Founded in 1980 as an import planing mill by ­Bernhard Cordes in Bremerhaven, the ­ company quickly developed into one of the largest ­ suppliers of wood and planing mill ­products in ­Germany. Today, they can be seen as a full-range s­ upplier of planed wood, ­offering a broad v­ariety of products ranging from planed timber, solid ­structural timber (KVH®), DUO+TRIO, glue laminated t­imber, timber beams, sawn timber, solid wood ­ panels, wood-based materials and ­ garden timber to wood briquettes and p ­ ellets. C ­ ontinuous

i­nvestment in ­ production ­ facilities - such as the Bremerhaven site, where the new ­System TM line is also l­ocated – ensures, that Cordes can meet high quality standards and fulfill individual customer requirements, ­always f­ ocusing on offering the best p ­ ossible pro­duct at the best possible price. Invest to make the best The new grading and cross-cutting ­system underscores the company's ­commitment to keeping its production facilities up to date. This ensures manufacturing of high-­quality products, while maximizing raw m ­ aterial utilization and improving capacity at the ­ same time. Packs of unprocessed wood are first transported and buffered in front of a tilt hoist, where the timber packs are unstacked layer by layer and continue to a separator. From there, they are transferred individually to a subsequent conveyor and buffered be-



Overview: Overview: Production: Production:

Moulding Windows & & Millwork doors

Wood Wood species: species:

Softwood Softwood


Number Number of of operators: operators:

Detection of defects and quality before cross-cutting


ne expands Cordes’ merhaven

The System TM cross-cut solution in Bremerhaven is part of Cordes’ glue lam board production.

cross-cut solution tailored to limited existing space available in their ­factory.

fore being measured for moisture and cop. Workpieces with too much moisture are automatically rejected and those that need turning are automatically turned. They then move on to the planer, which has a maximum speed of 120 m/min and offers the possibility of splitting the boards into lamellas or retaining single workpieces. An operator then sorts the parts by visual ­inspection and has two options: On the one hand, he can operate two or more arms on the conveyor that can tilt up to facilitate the sorting of workpieces with knots, which then break and are automatically sorted out. On the other hand, it is possible to pull the pieces over the 0-edge so that they can be trimmed with a trimming saw. Small space and great improvements This complex, yet compact, solution has one big advantage: a storage hotel. This

makes it possible to send workpieces to an external storage area. In other words, if the line stops, the parts can be fed back into the line from the storage hotel. This gives the customer flexibility and capacity, while ­reducing the risk of production downtime, as the material is available in the storage area to maintain production. All good parts - either coming directly from the planer or from the storage hotel - then pass through a MiCROTEC Goldeneye 501 quality scanner at up to 300 m/min for ­optimization. The parts are then collected in a unit and distributed to the two Opti-Kap 5103 saws, one of the fastest cross-cut saws on the market supporting high production ­volumes. Here the parts are cut to the correct length and can be turned, if necessary, before ­being stacked for pickup by one of the line’s four Opti-Stack 3000 stackers. The finished

workpieces are then used for the glulam board production. Trust and experience We are very proud to count the Cordes family among our long-standing ­customers. It takes a lot of trust on both sides to maintain such a strong relationship. So ­ much so that Andreas Cordes didn't come to ­ Denmark to inspect the line in person, says Per ­ Jensen: "He said he trusted our experience c­ompletely and didn't see the ­ need to travel to D ­ enmark to test the line.” Every System TM line is built and tested with the customers materials in Denmark before being dismantled, sent and set-up at the customer’s site. We truly appreciate that our customers feel ensured by our know-how and expertise to know that we will always do our best to fulfill their wishes.


This System TM solution consists of the following: • An automated infeed to the ­planner • A planner • A MiCROTEC Goldeneye 501 ­Scanner • Two optimizing cross-cut saws, Opti-Kap 5103 • Four automated stacking systems, Opti-Stack 3000 • Material handling


Optimizing cross-cut saw

OPTI-STACK 3000 Automated stacking system


Automated equipment for efficient flow of material


Visit System TM at the following exhibitions: Mass Timber Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA................... March 26 - 28, 2024 April 16 - 18, 2024

Fimma Valencia, Spain.............................................................

May 14 - 17 2024


no. 2 - 2023

Exhibition recap

Evolution of System TM


Member of the HOMAG Group

NWFA, New Orleans, USA........................................................




LIGNA Since its establishment in 1977, System TM has grown from a f­ amily-owned Danish manufacturer to an international c ­ ompany, exporting 95% of our products to customers all over the world. We are excited about what the future holds.







The year 2023 was a busy one for everyone in the woodworking industry. ­ Not least ­ because one of the industry's most i­mportant trade shows returned ­after a four-year hiatus. It was LIGNA again from May 15 – 19, 2023 and ­ everyone was ­excited to see customers, ­colleagues, partners, and friends again in Hanover ­ after the i­ ­ nvoluntary pandemic break. Our ­ System TM team had a successful show with visitors from 45 countries that stopped by our first joint booth with ­partners ­Kallesoe Machinery and HOMAG. We showed our demo-line, including OptiKap 5103 – fastest cross-cut saw on the market – and a MiCROTEC Goldeneye 302 quality scanner. After a short stop at home in Denmark our demo-line travelled all the way up

to ­ Finland, where it stood at the ready for tests at our Finnish dealer Penope. ­After that it could be seen at their booth on ­ Puumessut in Jyväskylän between ­September 6 and 8, 2023, where System TM Area Sales ­Manager Allan Them met customer’s questions on how to optimize their staff and wood resources. Because after the fair is always before the fair, our Area Sales Manager Jean-Luc Croteau met customers of the hardwood lumber industry on the NHLA Annual ­Convention & Exhibit Showcase from ­October 4 – 6, 2023 Luisville, KY. T ­ ogether with Jim Stube of our US dealer Stiles Machinery, he addressed questions on ­ optimized system solutions for hardwood processing.

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