Heart of Glasss

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Heart of Glass 09084952408

Heart of Glass


Conceptual idea mainly derived from the exploration of the city’s public space utilizations, as well as its culture and heritage. Rich cultural heritage and particular modalities of public space utilization in China were taken into serious consideration and the final design was substantially influenced by these facets of Chinese city life in general. One of the characteristics that are underlined is the spatial flexibility and the possibility of choice and deliberation by the users of these places. Every station can be easily altered to house a wide variety of functions (e.g. playgrounds, exhibition space, dance practice‌ etc.). Robust panels and construction ensure ease of use and a long lifespan of newly renovated stations. On a broader scale, the four chosen station are interconnected with consistent utilization of material and modular design, most prominent in pavement design, giving the whole area a new flavor and making it instantly recognizable in the wider city context.


900 600

R evitalizing th e L o c a l C enter of Q inhuangdao

_ Site Selection

A ct ivit y and Mat erial based Design

A M in im u m Re n o va t io n o f M a xim u m E ff e ct

_ Concept

_ Diagram


300 900


Renovation Procedure Rev ita lizing th e r ailwa y

Fl exi bl e St r uct ur es

Site selection was done in accordance with the competition brief, as well as the desire to put forth to concept of urban acupuncture, as one of the main

Public Activities in Qinhuangdao can be described as somewhat accidental

generators of active spatial usage and a possible catalyst for solving problems

event, since it is common for local residents to spontaneously create public

that are currently found on a broader scale of Qinhuangdao. Initial potential

spaces by bringing chairs, tables and other furnitures by themselves. Inspired

of revitalizing the industrial heritage of the city, as well as one of the main

by such characteristics, our proposal is to provide structures that can be

transitional lines of the railway made perfect combination of qualities that ought to

easily transformed into human scale furnitures by opening,flipping and folding

be explored additionally in concept development and architectural design. Adding

each panel units from the walls which are arranged based on human body

to the fact that other stations could be found in a linear railway configuration

1. Existing structure


added to the designed spatial quality and gave a decisive cue that the selected site could achieve maximum benefits for citizens, urban structure and city on a broader scale, with minimal interventions.

Selected stations Railway

Example of a common public activity - Water calligraphy

Greenery and public facilities Shopping area

2. Pillar Arrangement

3. Glass windows & Frames

Existing structure of the station is composed of concrete walls and

Preserve the original identity of the buliding by placing wooden pillar

Replace concrete walls with wooden frames with glass windows, which

iconic roofs, with few small windows. The aim of the renovation is to

tracing the arragement of openings in the former building.

are regenerated by merging unused glass fragments.

Creation of public space - Bringing in chairs for gathering

System Reuse of Local Gl ass Mat er i al

For P ede str ia n b a sed So ci e ty The governing bodies of Qinhuangdao are currently struggling to solve the traffic

Qinhuangdao has been famous for its contemporary glass Industry, introduced

congestions and illegal parking issues, caused by the development of an (over)

by the British in 1930s and ever since, the city has remained a major Chinese

motorized society, and tried to define urban strategies to mitigate such issues. The proposal site is not an exception when trying to solve these outstanding

center of the glass industry. The history of development of this industry can also

Deteriorated sidewalk

be seen in "Qinhuangdao Museum of Glass" which is located along Haiyang

issues; however, potential was found in providing an effective strategy by

road. Proposed design concept aims at reusing the glass leftovers produced from

connecting every individual abandoned railway stations by renovating them as a

the nearby glass factories, in order to reclaim them as glass panels that will be

center for local community, which will function as an infrastructure for pedestrian-

attached to the newly proposed structure. These glass panel not only represents

based society. Our future proposal advocates interconnection of such strategies on a broader scale, which will contribute in providing a strong foundation to realize attainable goals for a contemporary society.

Congested traffic Traffic situation around the site

the idea of attraction and flexibility, but also the ideal model of sustainability.

1. Door Openings Glass manufacture

Leftover glass for reuse

2. Pavement

3. Street Furnitures

Each walls can be flipped and folded just like doors corresponding to

Linear pavements invite local residents and pedestrians to the station

The panels composed of both glass and wood can be flipped in various

various activity and usage that occurs in the station.

from various direction, depending on the surrounding streets.

directions providing appropriate street furnitures for public activities.

Heart of Glass 09084952408

1st Station - the Main Station -

Reconne cti n g th e C om m unity : Linear Lands c ape _ Ma s te r p la n 1 :2 0 0 0


This station is located in the intersection of the Hebei Road and

The four stations are positioned in a linear railway configuration. Each station can serve as a local public space to highlight the surrounding activities depending on

Jianshe Avenue, in front of the shopping center with an apartment

its nearby facilities. In addition to the modular design, the pavement is also designed to visually connect each station. The glass tiles embedded in the pavement

complex. Regarding the commercial situation, this station will

create a linear landscape that augments the cultural sustainability and also gives the local citizens a sense of unity and harmony.

facilitate functions pursuant to those of the main station, introducing various types of usage such as: farmer’s market, dance hall, chess


3rd Station - the Playground Station -

place and exhibition, providing a gathering place for public activities

Considering the proximity of the Qinhuangdao Wenbo kindergarten,

Furniture Typology

to the local residents.

this station incorporates small mechanisms that can entertain and help the mental development of children. Large revolving panels on the façade can be used as a play equipment for children to enjoy and sidelong panels can be used as multipurpose benches. Children may also regard this space as their secret hiding place.

Furniture Typology

Revolving doors

A long bench for reading

A bulletin board

Pop-up store

Chess place

Eating space

Exterior of the Main Station - Facilitating various activities

Exterior of the Playground Station - A secret base for children to play



e nu Av e he ns Jia

Playground Station plan 1:100

Main Station plan 1:100





Haiyang Road

Haiyang Road

Xigang Road






g an

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Gallery Station plan 1:100

4th Station - the Gallery Station -

Tobacco Factory Station plan 1:100

This station is close to a cultural complex, including the Jinzonglv International Cinema, Qinhuangdao Library and City Art Museum. To enhance these cultural activities, this station can be used as an outdoor exhibition space. Paintings and artworks can be put on the

2nd Station - the Tobacco Factory station -

large glass panels and tables. By moving the walls, the interior can

This station, located in front of a tobacco farm and factory, provides

be changed according to the content of the exhibition.

space for both smoking and resting. By moving the panels and using them as partitions, the interior space of the station can be physically

Furniture Typology

separated, which prevents the smoke in the smoking area to spread outside. This station can also turn into a kiosk to serve beverages and tobacco for passers-by.

Furniture Typology

Exterior of the Gallery Station - Visitors can enjoy temporary art exhibitions

Wall for paintings

Exhibition stand

Smoking partition


Exterior of the Tobacco Factory Station - Providing a small resting place for locals

D iverse Tr a n sfo r m a ti on : Abs orbing Public Ac tiv ities

Re la t io n sh ip wit h S u rro u n d in g s : I n vit in g P e d e st ria n s

_ A x o n o me tr ic

Heart of Glass 09084952408

_ Section & Elevation


Glass wall for exhibition panel


Newly designed pavement

Existing sidewalk

Jianshe Avenue



Cash Register for eat-in Access for Loading

Take out counter

Furniture Table for Display stand

Guiding visitors by Pavement

Public Cafeteria

Ver.02 _ Art Exhibition



Occasionally, the station will transform into



art exhibition hall corresponding to such events. The walls will be folded and used as panels to display the exhibits.

P ro vid in g S t re e t Fu rn it u re : Fle xib le S t ru ct u re

_ Detail

Reflection for Practice

wood shingle roofing

Ver.01 _ Food Market Adjacent to a large market complex,

Fold walls for spacious hall

the main station regularly functions as a food market,


blocking insulation

introducing shop zones and eating zones to the local visitors.

Ver.03 _ Dance Hall

Dance movement will blur outside

The station transforms into a "Dance hall", for the Chinese daily ritual of "group dancing". The residents can practice dancing using the glass reflection as a mirror.

primary (concrete) construction

drain pipe

Guiding Pavement The Guiding Pavement will not only function as a passage,


but also as a guiding line for several patterns of frame openings. The station can be transformed easily by following the pavement line assistance.

Chess tables for participants

protective board

secondary construction steel framing

+3.00 Window openings for audience

movable panels


Ver.04 _ Chess Place Chinese Chess, "Xiangqi" is one of the common tools for public communication of local citizens. The station provides table furnitures in various size for an easy chess match.


Small Reception for participants

double-glazed shatterproof UV stopping glass 5



- protective layer 0.6cm - PVC / - modified thermal insulation 10/16cm - vapor protection sheet / - equalization of water pressure condensation sheet 0.5cm - ceiling / pre-stressed steel 10cm - stiffening beam 16x16cm - dropped ceiling 40cm - thermal insulation 8cm - sub-costruction of dropped ceiling - gypsum board 0.6cm

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