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SWOT Analysis
from IFP
- Well-established program, has been offered at
UGA since 1988 - Only program of its kind in the nation - HOPE and other scholarships apply - Program is open to any student, and allows them to earn full semester of course credits in an eight-week period - Allows students to be interactive and experience hands-on education - Students get an “outdoor classroom” while camping, hiking and exploring national parks, monuments, and cities - Open to students from other universities, and offers them in-state tuition prices OPPORTUNITIES - Testimonies and pictures from students who have been on the trip available for advertising purposes - Ability for students to receive 14-15 hours of credits in a eight weeks - New addition of creative writing course - On-campus presence offers large reach and the chance to interact directly with current and prospective students - The use of media outlets, particularly social media, can boost awareness across campus
- Weak social media presence - Low awareness of the program on campus - Similar program cost to other study abroad programs; can be off-putting to some who think traveling domestically should come at a lower cost - May be considered less glamorous than most study abroad programs due to level of physical activity that is involved - Although offered to all students, IFP is most appropriate for underclassmen who need to
complete core credits
- Other similar programs and clubs are better known by the student body - Students may have other obligations such as
Greek life, jobs, internships, etc. - Expense of the program may not be obtainable or realistic for some students - Studying abroad can seem more appealing than studying domestically due to exoticity and cultural opportunities