REWIND Magazine Winter 2022

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SUSTAINING LOVE The pandemic’s

affect on marriage



Happy Valentine’s Day 18 REWIND / Summer 2014

INSIDE IS MARRIAGE LIKE 08 A BOX OF CHOCOLATES? Making Valentine’s Day and this season of love special, based on unconditional love. BY TERRANCE & TAMARA HUNDLEY

PANDEMIC’S 10 THE AFFECT ON MARRIAGE Statistics that prove couples’ happiness in the midst of a pandemic BY TAMARA HUNDLEY.



An inside look at how couples survived and continue to thrive through the pandemic. BY TONY & NICOLE HINTON


An inside look at how couples survived and continue to thrive through the pandemic. BY GIOVANNI & MAGDA CASTELLANOS



Can you save living paycheck to paycheck? BY ZELMA ALLEN


Reader’s Corner Restore, Empower, Win, Improve, Nourish and Develop Marriage

NO CHAOS ALLOWED A Practical Guide To Effective Church Administration defines and looks at the Biblical origin of church administration. It explores the characteristics of good church administrators and leaders by pointing out key qualities mandated by scripture. Additionally, it examines the issue of “Is it a church or is it a business” — and dispels the myths showing how both the spiritual and business aspects work together. Further, NO CHAOS ALLOWED emphasizes the fact that administration starts at home with anyone working in administration or leadership. If chaos is constant in an individual’s life, it does not disappear because he/she takes on a leadership role in a church. Last, but not least, this book highlights “the basics” in relation to successful church administration — offering vital suggestions on the dos and don’ts for church administrators and leaders.



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Strengthens your love for each other Builds intimacy Keeps you humble Makes forgiving easier Ephesians 4:2-3

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Restore, Empower, Win, Improve, Nourish and Develop Marriage

Editor’s Corner Greetings,

With all that has transpired over the past couple of years as it relates to the pandemic, we want to remind and encourage you to maintain the sacred bonds of your marital convenant. In turn, you will reaffirm your “I Will” and “I Do” — Covenant Partners for live... May God continue to bless each of you, Terrance & Tamara Hundley We advise anyone considering marriage to seek biblical pre-marital counseling.

than a good marriage. Martin Luther

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REWIND / Winter 2022

IS MARRIAGE LIKE A BOX OF by: Terrance & Tamara Hundley It’s February and love is in the air with reminders in every store… pink and red hearts, balloons and valentine cards everywhere you look… people in greeting card isles of grocery and drug stores grabbing whatever is left on the shelves – but not every couple is excited about this time of year. Some couples struggle with the reality of getting through the pressures of Valentine’s Day when their relationship is everything but romantic. Wouldn’t it be great if marriage were like a box of chocolates everyday — the excitement of not knowing what will happen today, but knowing that something great and exciting would happen in each and every moment, just like that delicious box of chocolates with a sweet surprise in every bite? Yes, this type of excitement and anticipation does exist in marriage and in most cases, has existed in every marriage at some

8 REWIND / Winter 2022

point. However, the reality is many couples allow their marriages to become stagnate and stale for many reasons. As a result, these couples hate to see Valentine’s Day or any day that places pressure on romance in unromantic realities. But the great news is all of it is fixable! How? Glad you asked! THE ANSWER This may sound quite simple but the answer is purely LOVE. It’s the love that goes beyond a feeling, an emotion and even a day that society demands our actions as a way to prove our love. This love is the love that Christ demands and expects from us in our marriages. The biblical narrative of marriage is love is unconditional. Love starts with God 1 John 4: 7-19 “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born

of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 13 This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on

the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 19 We love because he first loved us.” Love Is Giving John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Again, the biblical narrative of marriage is an unconditional, allin love. So, if things are great and you welcome this special holiday season centered around love; or even if your marriage is not at a place that you desire it to be — use this holiday season as an opportunity to honor your spouse. It does not matter if you think the honor is deserved or underserved, what matters is we love our spouses and respond to them based on Christ’s example, which is an unconditional love.

Now that we have that settled, let’s take a look at some out of the “box of chocolate” ideas of how to make this holiday and season of love special for your spouse. A FEW PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS: Time — one of the most valuable assets we can offer to one another is our time. Set aside time to totally devote to your spouse and give your undivided attention during that time. Have a discussion, watch a movie, do something outdoors together or just do nothing together — whatever you decide to do, make it all about your spouse and giving that allotted amount of time and attention totally to them.

cause you should, but let the gift line up with what you know about your spouse. Make it personal to fit their wants and desires. You should know better than anyone the types of gifts that would make your spouse feel special. Take time and think about the gift before making the purchase. These are just a few ideas — most importantly be creative and have fun celebrating your love!

Love Note — Instead of running to the store and grabbing the last of the many left over cards, make it more personal by writing a note, a poem or even a song specifi-

cally for your spouse.

The Right Gift – Knowledge should play a big role when deciding on the right gift. Don’t buy any gift just beREWIND / Winter 2022


10 REWIND /Winter 2022




Statistics show that couples are just as happy in their marriages during the pandemic as they were before the pandemic hit. By: Tamara Hundley


COVID-19 has hit hard, reshaping all aspects of life, including marriage and how married couples adjusted and continue to adjust to the mandated changes in cohabitation. For many, adapting to spending 24 hours a day together created a challenge. However, based on research, many couples successfully met that challenge head on. According to married couples are just as satisfied, if not more, with their relationships as they were before the Coronavirus outbreak. Still, as of October 2020, married couples were just as likely to say they are satisfied with their relationship as they had been before the outbreak.

Despite stay-at-home orders and other pandemic-related restrictions that might have put a strain on many relationships, 53% of married adults said things in their marriage or relationship were going very well in 2020 – virtually unchanged from 54% in 2019. As of today, those numbers remain consistent. Satisfaction in marriage is not based on getting away from each other. On the contrary, many couples rediscovered each other during the pandemic. Yes, we know the saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. While that may have some truth to, it is not necessary for marriage to grow and remain strong. What is necessary is the ability for couples to adapt and adjust to any and every situation with mutual respect and love. This pandemic and the results of these statistics prove this point. See two testimonies from couples in this issue on how they survived and are continuing to sustain through the pandemic.

REWIND / Winter 2022 11

Marriage Matters


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12 REWIND / Winter 2022




By: Tony & Nicole Hinton


s we know, the pandemic impacted people globally. It has greatly affected the quality of life for many as well as the quality of marriages, causing changes as well as added new or additional stressors to many marriages. It intensified issues that already existed, which provoked many couples to face what we like to call “marital parasites”. These parasites sought to eat away at couples’ happiness and the joy they once felt simply being in each other’s presence. Survival during these times as married couples could be difficult if the quality of your marriage, prior to the pandemic, was not where you desired it to be. Imagine adding the uncertainty of the state of the world and not knowing if you will have a job to make ends meet on top of having to be in isolation with someone you no longer know — because you didn’t always effectively communicate or work to develop deeper levels of intimacy. As a couple, there were and still are many things we can focus on during these trying times. We choose to focus on God and our love for one an-

other. This is what has sustained us through the stress of the pandemic. We often reminisced on a period of time in our marriage where we were able to stay home all day, watch movies all night, get up late and do the simplest things — like eating breakfast together in the morning during the week. In that season, we were both in transition with our jobs and were able to spend six months of uninterrupted time with one another. During our pillow talk, we’d often express how exciting it was just being together, although it came about due to unfortunate events. Being able to do it again would be wonderful, but of course we did not see how it would be possible. I mean — someone has to work and pay the bills…Lol! Although, the pandemic isn’t what we had in mind when we shared these thoughts, we decided not to waste the time we had, regardless of how it was given to us. We chose to further invest in each other in ways we were not able to due to work and the busyness of our schedules.

As a result of the high rising cases of Covid-19 we were now home together all day, every day, but now with our smaller children. Thank God we still had sustainable income and the children were already being homeschooled, but everything was shut down. We had plenty of time, but there would be no date nights out and no exotic vacations or as they call it today when couples take trips, “baecations”. We could go on as others across the globe were experiencing a state of devastation. So, couples have to ask themselves, “Was the inability to attend events or places for a date night going to determine the value of their relationship?” or “Is being with one another and your children daily a burden or is it really a blessing in disguise?” It was never the places we went or the things we ate or did that gave our marriage worth. Yes, it’s lovely to create experiences with one another, but it is our love and genuine desire for one another that helped sustain us. Going through


REWIND / Winter 2022

SUVIVING THE PANDEMIC cont... this experience only showed us how blessed we are to have one another. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says, “Two are better than one… for if they fall, one will lift up his fellow.” This scripture not only speaks to marriages, but it is befitting —we looked at what many called our “new normal” and made a decision not to waste the time we were given. We had to look at life as we knew it and our relationship from another perspective. We were fully aware of what was happening in the world around us — we were in it ourselves — but we also understood that we didn’t have to go through this experience alone; we had each other. We had and continue to have the strength, encouragement, help, prayers, comfort and concern of one another. In life we can become so busy that we fail to take time to recognize what we need — something that may have been missing. Most couples and families are used to being apart from one another for a great part of the day. The children (if you have them) are in school, one or both spouses are at work, and when everyone is home there is only time for homework, a few good conversations, baths, dinner, prayer, intimate time with one another, sleep and then you have to be ready to do it all again the next day. We live our lives waiting for the weekend unless you work on weekends as well. Instead of being frustrated about not being able to go to the places we were used to going, seeing family and friends, and even church family — we made a decision to pour into our spirits the word of God as well as focus on continuing to pour into

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our marriage in other ways. This included date nights in the house while the kids were sleeping and also spending more time with them as a family, but what was most important to us was our faith and the future that was revealed to us concerning our lives and marriage. We always try to keep in the forefront our minds that we are together for a great purpose and our love for one another and God will keep us through anything that life brings. We married with intention and were ready to experience all of what life would bring us — the good and the bad. Surviving the pandemic as a married couple speaks to the strength, word, and foundation our love is built on. Living through this experience has been a reminder to us of why God put us together, so we had to focus on a few key things that we believe are essential and achievable — even in the times we are currently in. One major key was and is prayer. It has been the key component to stabilizing our minds individually and together. While there was a lot of propaganda of marriages falling apart due to couples being in the home together more than usual, we know the uncertainty of

the future and other factors played a huge part as well. Even the healthiest marriages are not exempt from stress and the pressure one or both feels can spill into the marriage. We believe that prayer and having an understanding of God’s will for our lives removed the stress and anxiety that we very well could have experienced. Another key was not allowing the events of the pandemic to overshadow the love we have for one another. Prior to the pandemic we prayed together and we were intentional about spending quality time together — even if that meant sacrificing sleep or putting the kids to bed and having a date night in the kitchen. There are some events that happen outside of your marriage that you will never be able to control, but you are in control of what you experience within your marriage. Marriage is what you make it and your decisions determine the state of your relationship. The choice is always yours and our choices are not only for us to survive through the pandemic, but also for our love to thrive.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 (NIV)

Marriage Matters

SURVIVING THE PANDEMIC OUR STORY How we met challenges and overcame obstablces during this pandemic. Also, our advice to other couples on how to best overcome some of the same challenges.

16 REWIND / Winter 2022


uring our 25 years of marriage, our love has overcome many challenges and obstacles. Without a doubt, the pandemic brought one of the toughest challenges to our love so far — distance. Allow me to provide some context, my husband, Giovanni (Gio) serves as a Warrant Officer for the U.S. Army. Naturally, being a Military family brings additional challenges to any marriage or relationship. Back in 2019, Gio received assignment orders to move to West Texas. After prayer and seeking God’s wisdom and guidance, we decided that Gio should move by himself while the kids and I stayed in Maryland. Gio’s Texas tour was going to be 24 months, and we were

Giovanni and Magda Castellanos —2022

six months into his tour when the pandemic hit. Before the pandemic, the plan was to see each other often, either by me going to visit Gio in Texas or Gio coming to see the family in Maryland. Well, little did we know that travel would be banned for Gio; additionally, he was not able to receive any visitors due to COVID restrictions established by his command. By God’s faithfulness and grace, our love was able to overcome emotional, spiritual, and financial challenges. There were many times during our two-year physical separation in which I felt emotionally drained, living through unprecedented times and not knowing when there would be an opportunity to see my husband again. However, the Lord provided a way to strengthen me in a way that by my own strength would not have been possible. The physical separation was also tough on our spiritual journey, as we were deprived of our prayer partners and best friends — each


Giovanni and Magda Castellanos — 25 years ago

other — always available to rely on when needed. Nevertheless, praise the Lord for technology and platforms such FaceTime and WhatsApp, which brought some comfort to us by allowing us to communicate daily.

made and you know that you are within the will of God, that provides a sense of peace — you know that every uncertainty and difficulty encountered is part of the divine plan that in the end will work for your good.

Furthermore, the Lord’s faithfulness was manifested in a big way in our finances. Our finances were a big concern as we were going to be sustaining two homes and the expenses were going to increase. Yet, once again, the Lord did not disappoint. During the two years that Gio was in Texas, money was never an issue.

We have also learned that the Lord’s timing is perfect. He is never early or late! I have a testimony on God’s timing and provision that I would like to share. As mentioned above, our finances were going to be affected due to the increase in living expenses. So, I put it upon myself to find a new job — a promotion to compensate and cover the additional expenses. Well, my plans did not align with God’s plans! The Lord showed me that He is our provider and that we shouldn’t

You see, when you know you have prayed about the decision you have

think that the provisions come from a job or salary. As mentioned before, the Lord was faithful, and we were able to manage our budget and expenses just fine without the need for a new job or promotion. Now moving on to His perfect timing, during the two years that Gio was in Texas, I interviewed with my dream agency four times; unfortunately, I was not selected during the first three interviews. Finally, two weeks before Gio’s return, the door of my dream agency was opened to me. When the Human Resources representative called me to say that I was selected for the position, I couldn’t believe it. When I hung up and started thanking the Lord for finally opening that door, I felt the Lord say, “I am your provider. I am faithful and good and if you remain in my will, I will ALWAYS have your back.” Finally, we can testify to the Lords’ goodness, faithfulness and provision for His mighty hand has sustained us, transformed us, and kept us during the two years we were apart — now our love is stronger than before. By God’s grace, we have overcome distance and uncertainty. Gio moved back home at the beginning of September and three weeks later we celebrated our 25th anniversary by renewing our vows in front of our three greatest blessings — our kids. Lastly, while writing this, a scripture kept slipping into my mind and I would like to share it. Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” If there is something I would love to stress, it is to seek God’s will first and everything else (peace, finances, heath, family and relationships) will be added! Gio and I hope and pray that as you read our story you are encouraged knowing that the Lord is faithful and if He did it for us, He will do it for you as well.

For His Glory, Magda & Gio Castellanos REWIND / Winter 2022


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20 REWIND / Winter 2022

BY: Zelma Allen


ave you ever heard of the saying “robbing Peter to Pay Paul”? This refers to using one kind of credit to make payment on another kind of credit. There are many reasons why people do this, but more than likely it is because they are living paycheck to paycheck. Constantly living to make ends meet and running out of money before the end of the month can be very stressful. It feels as if there is never quite enough money to cover all of the bills, forget enjoying non-essentials. The focus becomes staying above water financially, and that seems to be getting harder and harder for those who have made “robbing Peter to pay Paul” a lifestyle.

There are a variety of reasons people find themselves in this situation. Using overdraft on bank accounts, making the minimum payments on credit cards, shuffling payments back and forth depending on which accounts have credit available are all a part of a dangerous cycle of never ending debt. In this cycle overspending, increased debt, and no savings to cover emergency expenses is guaranteed. If getting out of financial debt and saving money is ever going to happen, living paycheck to paycheck must stop. The first step in ending this cycle is figuring out why it ever started.

1 2 3 4

The conclusion has been drawn that debt is just a part of life. Don’t come to that conclusion, decide to be different. Credit cards and car payments are not inevitable.

Luxuries have turned into needs. Very expensive cell phone packages, eating out four times a week, not bringing lunch to work, Cable TV and so many other things we once considered “extras” are now viewed as necessary parts of life. In reality these are wants and not needs. The bad habit of overspending isn’t checked. Too often people are spending more than they make. Gaining control of what is spent and how it is spent is essential. All that is required to gain this control is a budget. Not having a plan. Not keeping track of money is how people end up spending their entire paycheck. The same thing happens every pay period because they have no idea where all the money went.

REWIND / Winter 2022




Money is just too easy to spend. Sometimes using credit cards and debit cards don’t feel like real money. Swiping and signing doesn’t hurt as much as using cash, so overspending happens before it’s even realized.


There is a serious spending problem. This lack of self control when it comes to spending needs to be addressed because it can be related to a shopping addiction. No matter where people find themselves on the list above, it is not too late. If improving money management, saving and not living paycheck to paycheck are goals, listed below are steps to reach those goals: 1. CREATE A BUDGET: A budget is an outline of how much income, savings, and expenditures are expected over a set period of time. It is one of the most basic and important tools used to manage money. When creating a budget, a snapshot is being created of your income and expenses with the goal of having more income than expenses each month. In order for a budget to be successful, it must take into account all sources of income and all expenses, even if they come at quarterly or annual intervals. 2. TRACK YOUR EXPENSES: Get a handle on you expenses by collecting all receipts and bills over the month and categorizing them. This creates a snapshot of how money is being spent and assists in identifying non essentials. Additionally, include seasonal expenses like back to school shopping, vacations, gifts and taxes in the budget. 3. CUT BACK ON SPENDING: Once a budget is established, begin to cut back on spending. This frees up money that can now be used to get out of debt and to start an emergency savings account. For example, if transportation has gotten expensive, look into carpooling with a work buddy or taking public transportation; if you are eating out is the culprit, then cultivate cooking skills. 4. STOP USING CREDIT CARDS: Stop using credit cards until living from paycheck to paycheck is no longer a reality.

22 REWIND / Winter 2022

Stop even if the credit card’s rewards appear beneficial. This helps to control and monitor spending habits while the budget helps to find the extra money needed to put towards debt each month. The emergency fund helps pay for unexpected expenses and ends the dependence on credit cards to get out of tight situations. 5. MAKE ADJUSTMENTS TO YOUR BILLS: Be open to rethinking bills because making the right adjustments can free up $20 or more per month to go toward savings. Shop around for better deals on car insurance. See the qualifications and apply for low-income assistance programs for gas, electricity or water bills. Ask the landlord about renewing rental leases for six months or a year to lock in current rental rates. Homeowners should think about refinancing mortgages for a lower interest rate and to lose the mortgage insurance premium. Get a cheaper cell phone plan or find out if cancelling the landline will save money. Ditch the cable bill and look for a cheaper subscription service, such as Netflix or Hulu. Cancel unused gym or club memberships. 6. SAVE WHAT YOU CAN, WHEN YOU CAN: Start saving anything, even if it is just loose change. Saving $1 each day equates to $365.00 a year. It will make a difference. As the emergency fund grows, keep it off limits. It will be tempting to pull some money out of the fund when cash is low, but it will cost you in the long run if borrowing to cover emergencies becomes the only option. When the emergency fund is actually used for an emergency its value will become clear. Consequently, rebuilding it after an emergency becomes a priority. After reaching the first $1,000.00, saving will become a habit that makes a $2,000.00 goal possible. Whether you save several hundred bucks per month or just a little spare change, eventually it all adds up. 7. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TAX RETURNS: When living from paycheck to paycheck, refuse to blow tax refunds on vacations, cars, electronics and other big ticket items. Sure, a special treat may be in order, but placing a large portion of it into the emergency savings account or paying off some debts will have long term benefits.

8. LOOK FOR FREE ACTIVITIES: Take advantage of free activities and services. The library is a great place to get books and DVDs. This can save money from movie rental. Most cities offer free outdoor concerts in the summer or outdoor movies that are a lot less than going to a movie theater. Spending time outside like hiking, and swimming at the lake or the beach can save money on entertainment and workout costs at the same time. This is some of the options that can be fun, and reduce the amount spent to have a good time. Budgets are hard and sticking to them is even harder. The entire point of having a budget is to keep money under control instead of being under the control of money. Therefore, a budget will be needed every month for life. The sooner a budget is adopted, the sooner financial freedom is accomplished. It inspires confidence and financial responsibly. Just remember it is possible to have an emergency savings account even when living from paycheck to paycheck by depositing small amounts consistently. The budget makes that possible. Mastering these steps will lead to financial victory.

Haggai 1:6 Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat. but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages , earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.


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Health & Fitness Marriage Matters

24 REWIND / Winter 2022


Let’s face it, 2021 was a crummy year for some. But now is not the time to focus on the negative, or the past. It’s a new year and in it let’s focus on a new you with a new start. Instead of making a resolution this year, let’s make a vow. The time is now! Let’s do it. by: Marcus Brown


o start this year fresh WE VOW TO:

1. Pray. We do this once we have been given a bad report, but let’s do this before the report. Ask GOD to give us the drive and the hunger to present our bodies as living sacrifices. It is his plan that we be in good health. Getting the results associated with his plan may require some sacrifices. Let’s commit to making them. 2. Slow down. We take on so much and neglect one of the most important things in our lives – our health. This is why we never reach our health goals. Let’s not over commit ourselves and remember it is ok to say no! 3. Get More Rest. We have to rest to have more energy and to stay focused throughout our days. Add to daily rest by getting a massage at least once a month.

4. Avoid fad diets. Healthy living is a lifestyle. As a general rule focus on the nutrients in food not the calories. 5. Take control of STRESS. Stress is a silent killer and it’s winning the fight against all ages. We can beat this with exercise, relaxation and removing toxic things from our lives. 6. Get Motivated. There are no short cuts to life and making a stand for health is no different. Remaining motivated first requires that we know who we are and what God created us to be. Next we must surround ourselves with others who lead healthy lifestyles and take time to invest in themselves. This will motivate us to continue to invest in our health – the best investment we could ever make. 7. Get Moving. Exercise is not just in the gym. Go roller skating or swim. Take dance, yoga or spin classes. Engage in any form of martial arts, or bike riding. Take long walks or go hiking. There is so much more we can do to get moving.

8. Be Consistent. This is the key to getting any results in life – education, work, exercise. For each there is a reward at the end. Focus on it and be unstoppable. 9. Be Accountable. It is great for married couples to hold each other accountable no matter what. Singles should find someone with whom they can be honest and who is committed to living a similar lifestyle. This makes the accountability mutual. 10. Stay positive. Don’t rush and don’t worry about the scale. Think of it this way, when we eat poorly we don’t see the change right away, but in due time what we ate becomes apparent. Reverse the process and stay focused. The change will be seen and our bodies will feel so much better. Don’t get depressed or down about how long it takes, but stay positive because our lives are changing for the “healthier”.

REWIND / Winter 2022





1 Choose to PUT GOD FIRST! Relationships and marriage are all about choices. The decisions each individual makes can make or break the marriage.

26 REWIND / Winter 2022

— When couples put God first they invite His presence into every aspect of the marital relationship, which ensures a strong foundation. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33).


effectively — This simply means learn to listen to one another. Many arguments stem from a lack of understanding and poor communication. My dear brothers

and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry (James 1:19).

3 Choose to EXPLORE INTIMACY TOGETHER — Being vulnerable,

open and honest with each other leads to true intimacy — which involves experiential intimacy, emotional intimacy, spiritual intimacy and intellectual intimacy.

4 Choose to BE KIND TO ONE

ANOTHER — Kindness makes your

partner feel cared for, appreciated and valued. Suggestions: smile at your spouse often; compliment your spouse at least once daily; do something nice every day — even if it’s helping with a chore or running a bath; listen to your spouse; and always extend grace. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you (Ephesians 4:32).


— Laughter is medicine! Life gets heavy…lighten up and laugh often together — not at each other’s

expense, but laugh together and reap the physical, spiritual and emotional benefits. “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).

6 Choose to CELEBRATE

EACH OTHER — Celebrating

your spouse shows your full support and genuine joy you feel watching them flourish. It dismisses any type of competitiveness or envy and cultivates a healthy relationship. “Therefore encourage one

another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

7 Choose to FORGIVE EACH

OTHER — Forgiveness is a MUST for marriage! It is only through forgiving that couples can continually build stronger bonds together. “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Colossians 3:13).

by: Tamara Hundley

REWIND / Winter 2022 27

30 REWIND / Winter 2022





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