Typography in terms

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typography and vise versa




descender height


dagger The dagger is usually used to indicate a footnote only when an asterisk is already used. A third footnote employs the double dagger.

Asterisk is a typographical star symbol (*) used as a reference mark in cross referencing, referring to a footnote or endnote, or in calling attention to a point.

specific The symbol (£) for a unit of currency, especially the pound sterling. The symbol derives from a capital “L”, representing libra, the basic unit of weight in the Roman Empire.

generic The currency sign (造) is a character used to denote a currency when the symbol for the particular currency is unavailable.

At sign The at sign (@), which is shorthand for the word “at,” has become widely identified around the world due to its use in Internet e-mail addresses. Officially known as an “asperand,” the at sign separates the recipient’s name from the domain name; for example, jsmith@abc.com. In 1971, Ray Tomlinson of Bolt

Degree The degree sign is a typographical symbol that is used, among other things, to represent degrees of arc (e.g. in Geographic coordinate systems) or degrees of temperature. The symbol consists of a small raised circle, historically a zero glyph. In the case of degrees of arc, the degree symbol follows the number without any intervening space. In the case of degrees of temperature there should be a space between the number and the degree symbol, as in 10 째C.

Um ex expernatur, ut est, officias conectem aut expero qui veleser ovidios tiosapi duciatur sequi dolora quis eos dolorit eturepudae velitio que corem delitatem re parcil idust omni cor seditecerum


The minus (hyphen) is used to hyphenate compound words and between noncontinuing numbers, e.g., phone numbers.


The en dash is used to “connect continuing, or inclusive, numbers, dates, time, or reference numbers.”


The em dash is used “to denote a sudden break in thought that causes an abrupt change in sentence structure.


Hyphen is a short horizontal mark of punctuation ( - ) used between the parts of a compound word or name or between the syllables of a word when divided at the end of a line.

Either or both of the upright curved lines, used to mark off explanatory or qualifying remarks in writing.

are mainly used to enclose explanatory or missing material usually added by someone other than the original author, especially in quoted text

!+?=Interrobang Expresses both question and exclamation or rithorical question sometimes.

Irony mark

The prime symbol , double prime symbol, and triple prime symbol, etc., are used to designate several different units, and for various other purposes in mathematics, the sciences, linguistics and music.

The comma is a punctuation mark which is used to separate parts of a sentence. It has the same shape as an apostrophe or single closing quotation mark in many typefaces, but it differs from them in being placed on the baseline of the text. Some typefaces render it as a small line, slightly curved or straight but inclined from the vertical.

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The backslash is a johnny-come-lately to the family, a gift of the modern computer. Most commonly it can be seen as a separator character in a Microsoft Windows command line file path.




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Its a fraction bar; with a superior and inferior digit it is used to construct fractions on a line that look more like fractions and not like two digits and a slanted mark strung together.

The virgule serves a variety of uses. Not only does the mark form the fraction bar when all glyphs in a fraction share the baseline (known as a level fraction) but it serves a separator in certain contexts, such as between files and folders in a Unix filesystem path, or between lines of verse when typeset as prose.

Curly brackets – also called braces (US) or squiggly brackets (UK]) are sometimes used in prose to indicate a series of equal choices:[citation needed] “Select your animal {goat, sheep, cow, horse} and follow me”. They are used in specialized ways in poetry and music (to mark repeats or joined lines). The musical terms for this mark joining staves are accolade and “brace”, and connect two or more lines of music that are played simultaneously. In mathematics they delimit sets. In many programming languages, they enclose groups of statements.

curly bracket

curly bracket

• a bullet can be round • a bullet can be square • a bullet can be composed of small pictures or icons such as those found in dingbat or symbol fonts

Semicolon: the punctuation mark (;) used to indicate a major division in a sentence where a more distinct separation is felt between clauses or items on a list than is indicated by a comma, as between the two clauses of a compound sentence.

the apostrophe The apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to mark omissions and possessives of nouns and pronouns.


cross stroke

Two or more letters combined into one character make a ligature. In typography some ligatures represent specific sounds or words such as the AE or ĂŚ diphthong ligature.

Serif axis


kerning tracking Sans serif

A sign that serves as an abbreviation of the word number. It is comprised of a capital letter N with a lowercase l#etter o, the latter typically superscript and sometimes underlined.

the rest of the paragraph


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h. = widow


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A ‘font-family’ is a group of fonts that exhibit similar characteristics.

Um ex expernatur, ut est, officias conectem aut expero qui veleser ovidios tiosapi duciatur sequi dolora quis eos dolorit eturepudae velitio que corem delitatem re parcil idust omni cor seditecerum, consequam, odit undae liciis aut eumentur aligeni di dolupie ntincta eperspelent earchicient

Either of a pair of punctuation marks used primarily to mark the beginning and end of a passage attributed to another and repeated word for word.

Guillemets Either of a pair of punctuation marks used in some languages, such as French and Russian, to mark the beginning and end of a quotation and for quotation inside of quotation.

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