The Observer Issue 2

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THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014




THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014

Brought to you by: Tamer Özgen Editor-in-Chief

Nilgün Güleç Editor-in-Chief

Alperen Gezer Can Altunkaynak Deniz Parmaksız Ece Bozkurt Ece Güray Ekin Karaveli Isıl Gürmen Tunç Öztemir Umut Alp Aktas Vasfiye Ece Karagören

EDITORIAL Valentine’s Day has passed and the smell of love in the air slowly fading away. You might have realized the tension that has started to rise between the countries. The only thing we, as the editors may suggest you, would be maintaining political respect. In our daily lives, we’re facing so many problems we’re trying to pass our exams, we think about our crushes and so many other things. But while we’re living with our tiny problems the world continues to turn and every single day and countries’ policies, their plans for future and so many other things affects people even though they’re not responsible from the conflicts between countries. So you must

keep in your minds that you are the ones who can actually change the problems which you’re dealing with right now. It might not be at this proper moment but still the only thing you need is to have the courage to do it. It’s a great chance for you, being in here will make you a different person. HasalMUN 2014 will make you a person who can realizes, cares, researches and protests if it’s necessary. So realize, care ,protest and change the world! Because it’s your choice to be a part of the change. Good Luck! TAMER & NİLGÜN

THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014




pening ceremony has started at 3 pm. Speakers were professors, coordinators and people who had incredible knowledge about their professions. They have shared their most precious ideas with us. One of the most remarkable quotes in the ceremony has belonged to Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, “What you are doing is very important, even though you won’t change anything today. Nobody changes the world in a day.” That makes us think the future and what the future will bring. As MUNers, we want to see the world to reach a good level. For getting the world to a good level, there are some organizations and their projects. The vice governor of Rotary International 2420 Region, Mehmet Sabri Görkey has mentioned these kind of projects. Later on the ceremony, we would be able to see a video which is about Millennium Development


Goals and in my opinion, it really affects us deeply. Most of all have good conditions in our daily life but the majority of the world suffers from lack of resources. Another moment that we have realized this fact was during the Iraz Öykü Soyalp’s-the UNICEF Istanbul Office Social Policies Coordinatorspeech. She had followed answer-to-question technique. After the guest-speeches has finished, the secretary general of HASALMUN 2014 Pınar Bölükbaşıoğlu declared that the conference was officially started. Then the press video was shown and everybody has seemed impressed. The video pointed out that the world is not a perfect place once again. We hope this video has encouraged our delegates to reach their fullest potential as a future leader of the world.



he General Assembly commenced the session exactly at 4:44 PM 14/Feb/2014 on the previous day. What a Valentine’s Day miracle. Of course, it was right after the coffee break in which the Press Team has given friendly free hugs to our lovely delegates. It was sad to see that the most of them were quite shy to hug us, though. After an overly long Roll Call in the auditorium which reminded all of us that were in the GA, the ambassadors of the delegations


made their opening speeches in very diverse ways. One of them was the delegate of Iran who has started his speech as “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim” if this is the proper spelling; and the delegate of USA made it clear that it was not just any bird that he was holding yesterday; he said that it was rather an eagle. Having all of the delegations made their opening speeches at the GA, we will talk about more specific issues at this very day and the days that are soon to come.


THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014

what Is love?


What do you think is the most annoying aspect of Valentines Day? Foreign Affairs Council- Bulgaria: The fact that it exists. How does it feel to be single today? NATO- Germany:

If you had a Valentine, what would you give her/him as a gift?

I’m actually in love but we’re not together yet. I hope that she knows that I like her.

Security Council- PRC:

I would replace the flag and country name on my placard with my Valentine’s photo and name .

What’s your opinion on the mass destruction of lovers? Security Council-Chile Their love is not my problem; I’m just trying to avoid couples because I know that they will eventually break up.

What do you value the most in love? Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee- Switzerland: What is love? Baby, don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more!

Have you spotted a potential valentine so far? Disarmament and International Security CommitteeUSA: No. I’ve got my laptop and phone, though; I’m trying to decide between them.

THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014



THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014




eneral Assembly Forth Committee started their very first session with a big enthusiasm today. Chairs welcomed the delegates to the 3. HasalMUN Conference then made a brief introduction of THIMUN Rules of Procedure since there was great deal of participants who were not acquainted with THIMUN. Chairs expressed that the committee will be doing lobbying for the rest of the day. Floor was open for the first time with the policy statement of Russian Federation’s speech regarding the agenda items; honourable delegate addressed the committee with purposing an International Summit over the issues. Following Russian Federations

speech, India took the floor and reminded each participant the story behind the Kashmir dispute and question of Palestine. Delegate of Israel and United States of America drew attention to a crucial point, these conflicts were the longest on going items in both United Nations’ and European Union’s agendas. Process of policy statements went on with several delegates’ speeches: Pakistan, PR China, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Italy, South Africa, Saudi Arabia and more…Delegates pointed out the importance of peaceful solutions for a conclusion. Lobbying started as the policy statements were finished. It was obvious that each delegate was ambitious and enthusiastic when

they started to come together with their own resolutions and clauses. There too many groups in the committee room, sharing their ideas and merging their clauses into one resolution. Russian Federation (working with the delegate of India), South Africa, United States of America, Palestine, Italy (working with the delegate of Pakistan) were only some of the delegates who gathered their blocks together for a resolution. Three groups were working on a resolution for the Kashmir dispute, two groups were working on a resolution for the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine.




BC , for someone who is used to the classic MUN experience, can come as a surprise since each delegate speaks for himself rather than speaking for a country. Throwing tennis balls around the committee, representing your own ideas, neon coloured post-it’s and so much more. But in fact, beneath those fun stuffs, Project Based Committee of HASALMUN2014 is debating on a serious subject almost all of us have to deal with on a daily basis: The Education System of Turkey.

The Project Based Committee discusses many topics such as: -Is the system secular enough? -Is it fair to the Turkish students that Syrian refugees get in to universities without examination? -Should the teachers get tested regularly to see if they are qualified enough to teach? -Would the American transition exams to higher level education suit Turkey? -With the change of the government, education system changes too, why?

-And last but not least the most discussed topic was the government’s influence on the education and examination system. The debate continued with brilliant experts bringing light to the fact that politics are highly influential on Turkey’s education system. I believe in the following sessions, the wonderful experts of the Project Based Committee will bring light to many more issues concerning the educational policies of Turkey.


Common-like Security and Defence Expectations


he striking words were from The UK: “As you all know, the problems are getting bigger as we’re not eradicating them, and as you’d all agree we need to think about tomorrow.” Making the wakeup call, they have explained their worries and what’s on the hand, followed by further explanations by Luxemburg about the nuclear and other mass destructive treats. As France have stated, when it comes to such global affairs, The EU should be a “global and dominant actor” since it’s the most needed, further having explained some ideas to the problems. Yet the house was not satisfied. As the debate continued, every member stated had been delivered their worries, concerns and kept reminding what the causes to those are. Everyone one agrees that what FAC is

against right now is big and risky, but the house fails to come up with any potential solutions. The propose from Sweden was the most surprising, inviting all the member states of EU to valid cooperations and active partnerships especially on the military grounds to build up an strong military force within EU, however, this idea was opposed by The Czech Republic, mentioning that the EU funding might not meet the costs for such expenses as their excuse. Furthermore, when the debate switched upon the part where to decide the EU body to lead this soon-to-be-formed military force, The UK has proposed to form a new council by merging European Union Military Committee (EUMC) and European Union Military

Staff (EUMS), even added co-operating with NATO to it since the EU in order to make the results more efficient and long-lasting. Even though France remained silent - yet seemed disturbed - Portugal strongly stood against it, yet could not give a counter idea. Realising that the 2009 Lisbon Treaty no longer works for present day’s massive problems, France and The UK are trying to find a common sense within peace, but completely separate from each other even though they agree with one another at some points; leaving the Czech Republic’s efforts unseen deep within the shades. At least the delegates later started to meet in a common sense...

THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014



UN Security Council


fter the Opening Ceremony, the Security Council gathered as the GA committees proceeded on to their Plenary Session. The delegates were asked to introduce themselves and talk about their MUN experiences, followed by mentioning the craziest thing they have ever done. The delegate of Chad shared his memory of going to a Nordic Bath and inevitably suffering from hypothermia. The chair set strict rules: if the delegates are late they freakin’ dance. And then began the debates with great speed. Each delegate made a brief speech about their countries’ views on the issue of the African Horn before moving on to setting topics and beginning to tackle the issue. The decline of the Suez Canal was mentioned by Nigeria and the problem of “clan system” in Somalia was emphasized. Djibouti instigat-

ed focus on terrorism. Subtle tension was felt between USA and Russia, who urged: “Find solutions, not areas of profit.” and added: “Disarmament is quite impossible as terrorism in Africa is supported and fed by Western countries.” As USA implored that arms should be handled and investigated, Rwanda reminded that laws would not be sufficient to stop illegal trade. Australia, on the other hand, claimed that intervention is not the solution and undermined the importance of sovereignty. The quick spread of Islamist terrorist groups after the decline of the Barre Regime was mentioned and it was brought to delegates’ attention that now terrorists even have twitter accounts. Then, Russia motioned to start debate on the topic of “the influence of drought and

famine in piracy and illegal trade”. In his speech he remarked that the African Horn inhabitants have to engage into piracy and illegal trade due to poverty. “We should aid them, not prosecute them.” he said. Djibouti made a bold statement: “Old colonial governments actually don’t want to see this region thrive.” There were also inspirational messages from Chad: “We must not search for scapegoats, we must act.” “[Regarding the peace-bringing to the area]…We don’t need soldiers, we need volunteers.” But then things started to get a bit cliché when he said: “The word impossible itself says ‘I’m possible’.”

the courage and the knowledge to do so. Moreover, there is one more thing that you need to know about NATO: You have to reach a consensus and I truly believe that it is going to be a little bit hard, since different countries’ representatives have different opinions about what is needed to be done in the short-term and I guess that it is an uncommon situation for NATO owing to the fact that NATO is an alliance. Besides I saw something amazing in the coffee break, most of the delegates were still discussing, trying to convince others and this collaboration will definitely help this committee to unite and come up with a common solution. In addition to that, NATO had an update: Airstrike kills 51 people. That update showed all delegations that they should act

and act fast. That was the first update but I am sure there will be more. Delegates may even have to change their policies, or the way they express themselves in an international platform. After that update, a Syrian representative came to the committee and explained the situation according to their point of view. However it has not quite changed the opinions of the other delegates or the aggressive manner towards Syrian Government and Bashar El Assad.


Tension in NATO


AC was one of the committees that follow the University Procedures, so the debates began yesterday with a lot of enthusiasm. Chairs told the committee the function of NAC/ NATO and also spoke about the topic a little bit. It was most of the delegates’ first NATO experience so I guess they all learned that they should write a communiqué, not a resolution, which follows a different pattern. After that, the committee jumped directly to discuss the reasons and even suggest possible solutions. Furthermore, I have to say that NAC is a committee, in which most of delegates take part, as a result you can see half of the committee’s placards high if you were to come and observe NAC. In contrast there are delegates who choose not to speak and not to share their ideas even though they have


Partnership and Cooperation


fter the General Assembly yesterday the delegates started to talk about their specific agenda items. The first enthusiastic delegate that made a speech was the delegate of Egypt followed by the delegates of Australia and Belgium. What intrigued me the most about the

committee was the fact that almost all of the delegates were sleeping in the beginning of the session. After an hour, though, delegates started to raise their placards more often. Many of the delegates stated that the key to solve this issue is cooperation. After the last delegate, El Salvador made

In conclusion with well-prepared and constantly speaking delegates, with strict and the most talented chairs, with a hard-working admin; this committee is the best committee I have ever seen.

her speech, lobbying session started. Even though the delegates weren’t that experienced, they all attended the writing process of the resolutions in the first session. We hope that there will be great resolutions in the following sessions.


THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014




efore commencing to debate chairmen, admin staffs and press member -me- introduced ourselves at the first session of GA1 committee. When the introducing ended, rules of procedure and the process has reminded to the delegates. Then the agenda items have summarized and the debates have started immediately. Since my committee doesn’t have opening speeches, floor has opened and delegates had a chance to deliver their speeches when they wanted to. The first topic which every speaker has mentioned was nuclear weapons and its dangerous effects. Remarkable speeches have been spoken and every delegate has seemed to be agreeable. Even at the first few minutes, note passing has started and maybe

at the end of the day, we would be able to see the blocs. At the last thirty minutes, delegates have separated into 3 groups and started working on the 3 agenda items. I personally hope that every agenda item will have perfect resolution. Also, I had the chance to make an interview with the committee director Şahan Jazzar and learned his thoughts and guesses about the first and second day, How do you find the committee?

MR. JAZZAR: Actually, for the first session, we didn’t expect more than 10 delegates to make a speech about their country’s policy but surprisingly, there were more than 20 delegates who wanted to speak. I personally think it was a good start for a committee with having many first-MUN comers. What do you suggest to the delegates? MR JAZZAR : The delegates, specially the topic-related ones (for instance; Syria and Iran), have to be much more active in the committee.


Any comments about the Press Members? MR. JAZZAR : Both of the chairs appreciate the efforts of the members of the press team, lovely Işıl and Ekin. We already know them, we already love them and we believe they will do perfect as always they do.

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