The Observer Issue 3

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THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014





THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014

Tamer Özgen Editor-in-Chief

Nilgün Güleç Editor-in-Chief

Alperen Gezer Can Altunkaynak Deniz Parmaksız Ece Bozkurt Ece Güray Ekin Karaveli Isıl Gürmen Tunç Öztemir Umut Alp Aktas Vasfiye Ece Karagören



e know we just finished the third day, already got tired of by the last nights rocking party and today’s hoped-to-have-past resolution papers which were followed by your debates for the seconds topics. Yes, unfortunately we’re coming to an end, but it’s not the end yet so yaaaaay we have more time to have fun all together! Fun as in we have the Murekkep event for the night, probably will bring some hangovers to tomorrow morning.

By the way’ we heard some post-Christmas wishes today in the morning. Yupp, it was long ago, we recently had Valentine’s behind, which means that the birthday of Jesus is history, yet there are some delegates (and others) missing the scent of pine tree and the joy of gifts and everything. Well, in behalf of all those lovely wishes, The Press Team wishes you a belated Merry Christmas, and irrelevantly wish you a killing party tonight ;) TAMER & NİLGÜN

THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014


e had a chance to interview with our director-general Fatih Göktuğ İpin and secretary-general Pınar Bölükbaşıoğlu. They organized everything for the delegates and here are their opinions.

How was the preparation process? P: Team has been formed for 8 months ago and they’re working actively for 6 months. Of course it’s exhausting but seeing the appreciation is really good. F: I think, I’m going to cry again, if the closing ceremony will be emotional . With the good and bad things, I hope everyone will be pleased after the conference. How do you feel about when you’re at the stage? P: When the placard was late, it can be so tensional. F: Standing at the stage without rehearsal can be so tensional too.

Are you pleased with your team? P: Even though I am the youngest one, there is a good harmony which I am really happy to see. F: Always. And I am the shortest one in the team but it doesn’t make any problems. What should be in a ‘perfect conference’ according to you? P: Academic and operational quality makes the conference perfect. F: Both academic success and entertainment make the conference perfect.

We know you have a lot of things to do, but can you still have fun at the conference? P: At the meetings there has been a lot of entertaining moments. F: Director meetings brings so much fun. What do you think about HASALMUN? (They both answered the same) HASALMUN 2012, first annual session of HASALMUN, was our first conference. We have grown up during these conferences; they have improved us a lot.

Have you got any extra comments? (Again, they both answered the same) The conference is at a high level now. Academic Team, operations Team and the Press Team are working so hard. We hope that our next generation will be able to make the conference better in the future.





THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014 Press Team: Describe yourself in 3 words. Cem Özmen: Professional, perfectionist and fun. PT: What is it like to be the head of the PR Team? CÖ: It’s a lot of fun; PR is a creative job. It’s a job with a lot of responsibilities because you have to plan everything before you do it. And without planning you will be lost.


PT: Who is your spirit animal*? (saying something or someone is your spirit animal is a statement that said person or thing is a representation of you or what you want to be) CÖ: I have one person. She’s very well known in the MUN world, I will not give her name. She is one of those who taught me how to get started with MUN.


e’s amusing; he’s conscientious. He’s a face we all see and know. Here is an entertaining interview with the head of the Public Relations department, Cem Özmen

PT: We’re in an MUN conference, where everybody is tackling various issues. So, if you could wave a magic wand, what ill in the world would you solve and why? CÖ: AIDS. AIDS because we see that many people die because of this illness; we have seen different cures, but still, they haven’t had the chance to catch up on feasible solutions. PT: You are on your deathbed, for what do you want to be remembered? CÖ: For how an exciting life I had, what a great family I had and how my friends are always with me. PT: If you could live wherever you wanted, what would your choice be and why? CÖ: England, because I’m used to the perfectionism and planning in Switzerland. It’s pretty much the same in England and I love the people there. They are very enthusiastic about people who come from other countries and live there.


THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014



ife in MUN doesn’t always consist of hard work. You have to be a great dancer as well as a great speaker or a resolution writer since the parties are the best place to be social and being social is one of the fundamental ingredients that make someone a great leader. So, crank it up and dance!!! Yesterday evening, right after the first four sessions of the committees with caucuses, lobbying sessions and heated debates, the buses finally arrived and the delegates were taken to our first conference venue: Hypnos. Considering that it takes, overwhelmingly, a lot of time to go to a conference venue, the duration of the journey was quite short. Basically, the briskness in the committees has continued at a great speed

level in the very Nightclub Hypnos which is located in Beyoglu. Having left their stuff to the vestiary, delegates entered the nightclub with a great eagerness. They were surely right to be excited, seeing those red neon lights and the amazing decoration. In fact, they were so eager that within an hour little movements became jaunty dance moves. So did it go on like that with people having more and more fun every single minute. I hope that everyone had been a little bit discharged before the second day of the conference, since today is the day in which the formal debates start in GA Committees and the day the discussions are going denser in other ones.



THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014



What have you done yesterday at Hypnos? a.

I’ve danced non-stop


I just hung around with my friends


I didn’t do a thing

What do you think about the social event? a.

What? Only two???

b. I will go to both of them c.

Maybe I’ll go

What would you wear in the party? a.

My neon party outfit for sure

b. Just my jeans and a t-shirt c.

Formal attire, as usual

Which kind of music do you like? a.

Club / Pop Music


Slow music

c. Music???

Which one attracts you the most? a.

Disco ball


Alcohol bottles

c. Books and Study Guides Which one attracts you the most? a.

Disco ball


Alcohol bottles

c. Books and Study Guides

Check the 9th page for the results ;)

THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014



THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014




esterday, the Security Council resumed debate on the issue of the African Horn. Two newsletters were handed out; one covering the topic “US Troops in Somalia” and the other titled “Piracy Resume on Somalia Again”. After examining these newsletters, the Security Council engaged in a stream of unmoderated caucuses. After a long period of exchanging ideas, the house was divided into two parties: The first one, led by China and Russia consisted of the majority of the Security Council and called for UN Intervention. The second party’s leaders were France and USA who said that since they already have bases and troops in the area, they should be the ones to intervene. They were supported by South Korea and Djibouti, whom a secret resource in the UNSC called “merely a puppet state”. Australia and Djibouti were actually a whole other story since they were in favor of no intervention at all.

Working paper 1.1, submitted by USA, called for the implementation of the North Atlantic Treaty to secure the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. The working paper also had other clauses regarding piracy along. USA also called for the generation of a mission for an intervention to stop terrorist groups. The construction of safe havens for people in need of security was also solicited. The expansion of the mandate of UNSOM (United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia) was advocated as well. It was also requested in the paper that investigations of arms led by neutral organizations such as Amnesty International be done. It was also proposed that peacekeeping forces confiscate some arms to decrease their amount. The delegate of Russian Federation introduced working paper 1.2 which also brought up the issues of security problems in the Gulf of Aden, piracy and prompted the creation of control centers in the harbors. As for the intervention, it was commended that volunteering countries cooperate with AMISOM (African Union Mission in Somalia) and that the number of soldiers be determined. The halt of financial support to terrorist groups was also endorsed. The last working paper submitted by Eritrea prompted the lifting of embargos weighing on the horn to allow economical growth. It also advised that means be given to national armies to fight against both terrorist groups and protect their population.



morning, three working papers were introduced to the UNSC.


ne of the most hardworking committee’s I have ever seen, GA1 committee DISEC has started the third day of the conference fast. Previous day, delegates have separated into 3 groups, which specializes the agenda items. Chairmen reminded that there should be at least 2 draft resolutions about every topic and it seemed that warning has worked as; the committee had interesting alliances just to write the resolutions. Israel and Pakistan were working on a resolution about nuclear weaponry at the second of the conference. Lots of delegates are working but some of the delegates preferred using whatsapp instead of sharing their ideas. Yesterday, the first resolution, which has submitted by International Atomic Energy Agency, has voted ad passed. Delegate of Ukraine seemed to be pleased with that voting. We could be able to see some amendments before the voting and delegate of Armenia didn’t agreed fully to the thoughts. Earlier of the 3th day, another resolution has presented and the

main submitter was Russian Federation. France is so against to this resolution and it seemed there are two sides at the committee on this topic. As long as the committee has finished their first resolution and its voting procedure, chairmen have rewarded the committee with reading daily gossips. Well, even I won’t share all of the gossips now; I can say that one of the delegates has fallen in love with Zimbabwe delegate. Is there love in the committee? We will see soon.

THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014


What were your expectations about HasalMUN 2014?How do you feel about your committee?


Orçun: Our committee is one of the most crowded committees so a room full of 72 delegates excited me at first.



esterday lobbying sessions were far too fruitful that through the end of the fourth session there were five resolutions which have been approved by the board. Chairs then went on with an icebreaking game. Each participant of the committee, including me, themselves and the admin staff, had to give three facts about themselves, one of them had to be a lie and rest of the house had to guess which one was that lie. As for the conclusion we learned there were sisters in our committee, a delegate who doesn’t like girls (unfortunately he did not specify in which ways ), a delegate who is French, English and Turkish at the same time, a delegate who has got 6 cats and even more… Today started with introduction of the formal debate procedure in THIMUN. Russian Federation took floor to introduce her resolution. It was an utmost pleasure for both board and me to see that each delegate was eager to take part in debate, especially the delegates of India, Russian Federation and United States of America. Rest of them in the committed will go on analysing the resolutions of the delegates of South Africa, USA, United Kingdom and Turkey. And here is the interview with our board; beloved member of the Cici Boys (Orçun Doğmazer) and Yağmur Şapçı.

Yağmur: Also our agenda items are really challenging even for the UN’s itself .I was wondering what could the delegates come up with but they didn’t disappoint Orçun and me. In contrary we are proud of their accomplishments until now! What was your first reaction when you had learned that you were accepted as chairs? Yağmur: I felt really happy and I actually screamed when I learned that Orçun was going to be my president chair.

Orçun: I thought I was really lucky to have Yağmur as my co-chair, a successful delegate and a close friend of mine at the same time. What do you think about the whole organization?

Yağmur: HasalMUN is becoming even better every year. Both academic team and organisation team are easy-going and helpful towards us, this is also motivating us. Orçun: Organization is awesome; everybody involved in this conference is close to me just like a family.

PARTY ANIMAL OR NANNY? If A’s are the most: Party Animal

You’re totally a party animal my friend. They always call you when there’s a party. Your life is full of fun and your motto is “Why not?”. You are the wanted one in all groups. And by the way, saw those moves last night. ;) If B’s are the most: Group Player You love being with friends and totally are a group player. Although you’re not an unsociable person you don’t like to go here and there and talk to everyone around that much. Your motto is “No sweat!” There is no sense to be sweaty-wetty and after all. If C’s are the most: Grumpy Granny

Unfortunately, if you’re reading this, I don’t have good news for pal. You might be a pretty good resolution writer and an award winning delegate, but you’re not that active on the dance floor. Your motto is “Sitting and Knitting”. Sorry, but you certainly have to be more energetic. But don’t worry. We still have one more party tonight.


THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014




elcome to the fastest committee in this conference. I haven’t been able to spend a lot of time in other committees but as far as I heard NAC is the fastest proceeding committee and that is why there are always updates coming, representatives coming and that is really changing the member states’ opinions. For example yesterday after the updates this committee decided to recognize Syrian National Council as the legitimate government and that was literally shocking. Moreover, with the second update Russian Federation made it clear that they will protect Syrian Government under any circumstances, and today, this morning a Russian Representative came to the committee and explained the situation and then agreed to take questions. Russian Federation told the committee that they will never accept any kind of military intervention. In addition to that, with the second update we learned that Syrian officials had found US labelled weapons from the dead members of rebels. However USA, as expected, did not accept those claims. Furthermore, Working Paper 1.1 was finally approved after a long process of writing, checking and fixing. I believe the hidden and the most important question is: Whether a military intervention is needed? For now any of the delegates wish that kind of an intervention but in the future, with the upcoming updates they may have to. Consequently, this question will be the only thing that the member states will not be able to agree upon and the delegates will have to decide. To sum up I have to say even though it seems like there is a perfect collaboration, this committee will have to split into two sides and then will have to re-unite to come up with a common solution. For this reason it will get excited, especially for me.


Where do you think the Weed comes from?


fter the roll call, SOCHUM started to talk about the Illegal Immigration in the Americas which was submitted by the delegate of Egypt in the first session. The delegate approached the podium and presented the resolution which proposes solutions to eliminate illegal immigration and the smuggler issues on the borders of the United States of America by giving amnesty, raising public awareness, creating databases and securing and fencing the borders of the United States in the light of Human Rights. The delegate stressed in her opening speech of the resolution that the United States is like a puzzle; and that if we don’t complete the puzzle, the pieces which are not in the right place will suffer. Right after the ending of the opening speech of the delegate of Egypt, the chair set the speaker’s time on the resolution as an hour and ten minutes. Many delegates have supported the resolution. However, after thanking all of the delegates who have written the resolution, the delegate of the Vietnam stated that the illegal immigration is also beneficial for the United States considering that it has benefits for the country’s economy and the job opportunities of the domestic workers. The first amendment was given by delegate of India to strike the sub-clause which is about setting apart an amount of money from member countries’ government budgets for fighting against illegal immigration. Jordan supported the amendment and said that many countries have their own problems and they are mostly economic. Russia drew attention that this is an international problem and that’s why every country need to what it takes to solve the issue which was supported by the committee and caused the failure of the amendment. Right after the voting, the delegate of USA encouraged the delegates to vote in favor of the resolution and pointed out that the “Weed” comes from the Americas and that’s why the illegal immigration is a problem for the Republic of India, as well.

THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014




To exam or not to exam P

BC started the day with the first ever participation of our lovely Secretary General Ms. Bölükbaşıoğlu in the committee. During that time the discussion topic was high school entrance exams. For the last 10 years many changes have been made in the examination system. Whether it was LGS, or OKS, or three years’ worth of SBS, or even the newest and the current examination system TEOG, it was never satisfactory. The first issue that has been discussed by our experts in the Project Based committee was the matter of age. Many formats of nationwide high school entrance exams have been experimented on students; age range is 11 to 14. During the SBS era, students took their first exam that would add up to their total point to enter a high school when they were in the sixth grade. One of our experts supported the idea that a student who is 11 years old cannot fully comprehended the importance of such an exam, therefore should not be obliged to take one. On the other hand, studying for one single exam to determine the high school you are going to attend for the next four or five years is a much more stressful process. This system has also been experimented with but no longer a valid format since 2007. But there was one suggestion that was approved by many of the experts in the committee: What if we could equalize the quality of education throughout the country so that the students wouldn’t have to go through such an unpleasant experience at a young age?

Met the halfway


he temper rose high levels in earlier sessions, especially when France’s request for a united order in CSDP and its future functioning took an opposing reaction by The UK’s strong words such as “We hope France is not supporting a system of hierarchy in this” and actually received a reply by France themselves. The proposal of requesting aid and other means of help from NATO in order to enhance The EU’s military powers had divided the room into two, One side strongly supported the idea of having a helping hand from a more experienced body just to skip the rockiness of being a new starter, others were strongly opposing the idea by claiming that asking for such help would decrease The EU’s authority and efficiency. Even after such challenging and long debates, the room has gathered all their ideas to form a brand new and promising Common Strategy within around four hours in total. Majorly got together by France, Germany, Poland, Portugal and the the UK, all member states of the council had something to put in as they did. Such ideas as creating Public Awareness Programme for Security and Defence in Europe (PAPSDE), founding a body named Common Intel of the European Union, strengthening the EU Maritime Security and other improving and enhancing proposes, The Council has adapted the Common Strategy with no opposition.


THE OBSERVER - Official Newspaper of HasalMUN 2014

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