Hermes Issue 0

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The Official Newspaper of IELMUN 2013


welcome Duygu SĂśyler



would like to offer a heartfelt welcome to you all to IELMUN, where you will enjoy the session’s wonderfully heart-warming atmosphere, come up with alternative routes to resolve issues that have remained unresolved for decades, discover the brilliant Istanbul where colours, tastes, tongues and voices have conjoined to form an astounding harmony, and -last but not leastmeet us! While you are extracting tids and bits out of your gray matter during committee sessions or having an outright blast

in our social events, we, the HERMES Press Team, will be recording and delivering these special moments to you. We have prepared this first issue of our daily Journal in order to introduce ourselves and to establish some basis of information about our committees. Also, in the following issues of our Journal ,which will be distributed in the afternoon every day of the conference, you can find articles on the topics you are discussing, important news of the previous day and articles for your valuable entertainment. If you believe that you

possess information worthy of being included in the next iteration of our Journal, feel free to contact us by speaking with our journalists who will attend your committee sessions or by visiting us personally in the press room and making our day a little bit better. You can see the photos and videos taken during the conference and share your own on our Facebook page, which you can access at presshermes

wilkommen I

ch möchte Sie alle herzlich bei IELMUN willkommen heißen. Genießen Sie das wundervoll herzerwärmende Klima der Sitzungen, finden Sie neue Wege für Jahrhundertprobleme. Entdecken sie das einzigartige Istanbul, dessen farbenfrohe, sprachenreiche und kulturelle Diversität sich zu unachahmlicher Harmonie vereinigen. Und – last but not least – treffen Sie begeisterte Jugendliche aus aller Welt und uns, das Presseteam der IELMUN – HERMES. Während Sie Ihre graue Substanz bei den Sitzungen strapazieren oder sich während der social events amüsieren, werden wir für Sie diese besonderen Momente festhalten. Diese erste Ausgae unserer Tageszeitung

haben wir zusammengestellt, um uns vorzustellen und eine solide Informationsbasis zur inhaltlichen Arbeit der Gremien anzufertigen. Die nächsten Ausgaben unserer Zeitung sollen während des Nachmittags verteilt werden. Dort können Sie dann Artikel zu den gerade diskutierten Themen ebenso finden wie die wichtigsten Nachrichten des Vortages im Überblick. Natürlich werden wir auch so gut wie möglich versuchen, Sie zu unterhalten und zum Lachen zu bringen – der sensationellste Klatsch und Tratsch bei IELMUN soll Ihnen nicht vorenthalten werden! Wenn Sie also Informationen besitzen, die in dieser oder einer anderen Hinsicht wertvoll sind, kontaktieren Sie uns direkt,

indem Sie uns im Presseraum besuchen und uns den Tag versüßen. Die Bilder und Videos, die während der Konferenz gemacht werden können auf unserer Facebookseite eingesehen werden. Dort können Sie auch Ihre eigenen Bilder und Videos einstellen:https://





ELMUN’un renkli atmosferini keşfetmek, küresel meseleler üzerine gerçek birer siyasetçi gibi tartışıp çözüm yolları aramak, yeni arkadaşlar edinmek, bolca keyifli vakit geçirmek ve bizlerle tanışmak üzere; hepiniz hoşgeldiniz! Sizler oturumlarınıza katılıp gün sonu aktivitelerinde eğlenirken, HERMES Basın-Yayın Ekibi olarak biz de bu özel anları kaydetmek ve size sunmak üzere çalışıyor olacağız.

Günlük olarak çıkaracağımız gazetenin bu ilk örneğini sizlere komiteler hakkında genel bir bilgi vermek ve kendimizi tanıtmak üzere hazırladık. Öğleden sonraları sizlere dağıtılacak olan sayılarımızda ise bir önceki güne dair haberleri, tartışmakta olduğunuz konulara dair makaleleri ve eğlence köşelerini bulabilirsiniz. Gazetemizde görmek isteyeceğiniz her türlü bilgiyi Basın-Yayın odasına gelerek ya

da oturumlarınızı ziyaret edecek ekip arkadaşlarımız aracılığıyla bizimle paylaşabilirsiniz. Etkinlik boyunca çektiğimiz fotoğraflara ve hazırladığımız videolara ise www.facebook. com/presshermes sayfasından ulaşabilir, sizler de kaydettiklerinizi bizimle paylaşabilirsiniz.

table of contents The Battle of Women 3.0 Drug Related Problems Women At War A New Organisation? Eine Frage des Technologischen Fortschrittes

Der Angriff aus dem Netz Was wird behandelt in der Europäische Kommission?

Küçülen Dünya, Büyüyen Sorunlar


The Battle of Women 3.0 CSW




ne of the special committees in the IELMUN 2013 Conference is the CSW (Commission on the Status of Women), a subsidiary committee of the ‘EKOSOS’. Three very important topics concerning the overall life standards, health issues (Controlling the spread of HIV/ AIDS and their negative effects on the female population in Sub-Saharan Africa) and education opportunities(Women’s access to primary education and their societal role in Southeastern Asia) are going to be tabled and debated in the following days. Although each of these matters is crucial and unique, we chose to elaborate the topic “Equal treatment of women in underdeveloped and developing countries” for all of the delegates, especially aiming to give an insight to those who are the members of other committees. Gender discrimination is an issue that dates far back in history and even though many improvements

were made in the past century, these advancements have been limited to the Western and modernized world. The situation in underdeveloped and developing countries is, unfortunately, not so bright. In these states women are entitled to significantly less ECSs (economic, cultural and social rights) then men. They are illiterate, unemployed and when they do work they have to put up with inhumane conditions, underpayment and inferior positions compared to their male colleagues. The inequality starts at (or even prior to) birth since it is very common to abort or murder girl babies just because of their female identities. As opposed to the petty problems of the first world teen, girls live with the threat of being forced to prostitution when they become adolescents in these countries. They live with the knowledge that if they are raped, they will be punished for it. They endure physical violence on a daily basis. Many countries alongside with

the UN, which stated gender equality as a Millennium Development Goal and runs a project named UN Women, are concerned with this misanthrope approach to women in the Third World; they are working together to promote gender equality by urging the implementation of women’s rights in constitutions and to transform the people’s mindsets and cultural biases towards women. Conventions and declarations (such as Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women aka. CEDAW) are made, platforms for action are held and the policies of every country are monitored. All of the foundations connected to the UN and all sentient states have one goal: to see women all around the world treated equally and humanely, the way they deserve to be.

Drug Related Problems ctc


atin American and Caribbean Countries are the ones which come to our minds when we think about drugs and drug related issues. These top drug producers face lots of difficulties; not only about the health of their citizens but also they deal with high crime rates, judicial corruption and even political unrest. It is known that Latin America has been playing a major role in illicit drug markets with a great amount of drug crop cultivation and drug production for decades. These countries also experience high drug trafficking and drug consumption rates; even though nowadays more narcotic substances are consumed in the USA, Canada and Western Europe. According to the data from UNODC (United Nations Office on

Drugs and Crime) there has been an increase in drug usage in trafficking routes like Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, Haiti and Jamaica. Major drug cultivator and producer countries face extreme poverty and the citizens deal with poor living standards. Listed conditions increase crime rates and violence. There is a strong connection between drug trade and poverty as in these regions drug cartels have great power and authority. Justice doesn’t work equally as drug cartels are usually not even punished whereas insignificant crimes are heavily punished. Compared to the rest of the world, Latin American and Caribbean countries have the highest crime rates. Homicide and other violation rates have

also been increasing significantly. Accordingly, high crime rates are monitored especially in drug trafficking routes and major cultivation areas. During IELMUN 2013, the delegates of Counter Terrorism Committee should work in co-operation in order to develop useful solutions to this ongoing issue. Therefore it should be kept in mind that especially the delegates of Latin American and Caribbean Countries should be very careful about the amended clauses as it is known that sometimes the solutions made to this issue create even bigger problems.






ars are destructive and disastrous in nature. Military conflicts and operations endanger all that surround them. The innocent victims are the civilians who are compelled to face the unbearable violence. Regrettably, women and children fare the worst in war zones. Now, the General Assembly gathers to resolve the most severe problems women and children confront during armed conflicts worldwide. To start off, a recent UN report states that every day, thousands of children are seriously injured, permanently disabled or brutally murdered. Also, children are used deliberately as targets; and they face mental, physical and sexual abuse from corrupted soldiers. Another related study from the Economist reports 6,766 cases of rape in eastern


Congo between June 2007 and June 2008.Among these cases, a shocking 43% involve children. In a different perspective of analyzing children, armed gangs exploit boys and girls for different purposes. Detaining little boys and giving guns in their tiny clumsy hands, armed gangs intend to turn them into child soldiers, in turn transforming them into cold blooded killers. On the other hand, girls either offer “service” to the troops or become the young “wives” of the commanders. Moving on with the women, they suffer most of the world’s greatest medical and social injustices at times of conflict. Countless women are forced into prostitution in order for survival and protection from the horrendous world of war around them. Furthermore, sexual violence towards women is still a com-

mon practice in such zones. As a result, women and especially girls of young age are sexually assaulted, impregnated and exposed to various potentially terminal STD’s. In addition to the physical distress, women and children often deal with the depressing physiological problems. It’s crucial to take a stand and put an end to the severe violations of the fundamental human rights. I’m calling upon all the delegates of the General Assembly to take this matter at hand in full detail, resolve this matter in a long-lasting fashion and secure the well-being of women and children in zones of armed conflict.

A New Organisation? UNCIO 1945


et’s go on a journey back in time and have a look at our calendars. Year 1945. A global war is just about to come to an end and the devastating effects of it can be seen and felt everywhere. World’s great powers have been fighting since 1939 in the deadliest conflict of the human history. In order to understand the need of establishing a new judiciary organ in 1945, we should take a look at the history of this issue. As a result of Paris Peace Conference which ended the First World War, an intergovernmental organization, the League of Nations was founded. This was the very first international organization aiming to preserve world peace. The Permanent Court of

International Justice, which is also called the World Court, was an international court linked to the League of Nations. It was created in 1922 and was located in the Hague, the Netherlands. In the beginning, the Court got good reactions from the states and in its first decade of operation many cases were submitted to it. However, because of the high tension around the world in 1930s, the Court was used with a decreasing regularity. During 1930s, League of Nations failed its most important aim: keeping the world peace. Germany, Japan, Italy, Spain and many more countries started to leave the league. As you can already imagine, the Permanent Court of International Justice

had lost its popularity long ago. Now, the effects of a massive war are everywhere. The world needs a new judicial organ as the Permanent Court of International Justice is incapable of filling its duty. It is delegates of United Nations Conference on International Organization 1945’s job to find a solution to this explained issue.




Eine Frage des Technologischen Fortschrittes

ktuell schien sich die Lage zwischen Nordund Südkorea wieder beruhigt zu haben. Doch das ewige Wechselspiel zwischen Kooperation und Provokation kann auf lange Zeit gesehen nicht zu einer Lösung führen. Der Sicherheitsrat(SR) der Vereinten Nationen hat bereits eine Sanktion verabschiedet, die die DVR Korea zu Kooperationen aufmuntern soll. Der SR hat wiederholt Änderungen an dieser Sanktion durchgeführt um Korea zur Kommunikation anzuregen, doch Die DVR Korea grenzt sich weiterhin vom Sechs-Parteien-Treffen ab, erklärt sich selbst zur Atommacht und erklärt Südkorea den Krieg. Die Lage in Korea wird durch die Unwissenheit über den tatsächlichen technischen Fortschritt der DVR Korea


noch verschärft. Es ist nicht durch Außenstehende bestätigt, dass die DVR Korea über atomare Waffen verfügt, die wirklich einsatzbereit sind. Aktuelle Tests Nordkoreas weisen darauf hin, dass die Kriegs Techniken zwar weiter entwickelt sind, als gedacht, aber noch nicht vollkommen funktionstüchtig. Der Sicherheitsrat bei IEL MUN bearbeitet als zweiten Tagesordnungspunkt die Rekapitulation der Maßnahmen gegen DVRK bezüglich der nordkoreanischen technologischen Entwicklung. Dabei sollte besonders darüber debattiert werden, inwiefern die humanitäre Lage des Landes verbessert werden kann, ohne die Aggressionen in Nordkorea zu schüren. Außerdem sollte man versuchen die tatsächliche Gefahr der DVRK zu analysieren und eine Kommunikation

möglich machen. Der Sicherheitsreit beschäftigt sich im Laufe der Konferenzen zudem mit den ökonomischen Maßnahmen gegen die islamische Republik Iran und die Aversion eines möglichen heißen Krieges in der Region. Außerdem behandelt der SR sowohl aktuelle Themen des Konferenzgeschehens als auch einen Aktionsplan gegen den Konflikt zwischen Sudan und Südsudan.

s kv

Der Angriff Aus Dem Netz


s ist eine Horror-Vorstellung. Die Infrastruktur eines ganzen Landes von einer einzigen Person außer Gefecht gesetzt. Ist das nur eine übertrieben paranoide Darstellung der heutigen Zeit oder ist so etwas wirklich möglich? Eine solch asymmetrische Kriegsführung setzt viele Regel der Kriegskunst außer Kraft. Täter und Opfer sind schwer zu finden und die Behörden haben zu wenige Mittel zur Verfügung um sich ernsthaft mit dem Thema auseinander zu setzen. Cyberkriminalität und Cyberkriegsführung sind im Zeitalter der Technisierung eine eigentlich wohlbekannte Gefahr. Doch die Naivität vieler Menschen lässt diese Gefahren in den Hintergrund

rücken und das Augenmerk wird auf die Glanzseiten der globalen Vernetzung gelegt. Die Kommission für Verbrechensverhütung und Strafrechtspflege(KVS) befasst sich sowohl im realen Leben als auch bei IEL MUN mit der Frage, ob persönlicher und institutioneller Cybercrime als Bedrohung der internationalen Sicherheit gesehen werden muss. Staaten, Institutionen und zivile Personen bieten eine breite Angriffsfläche für Attacken aus dem Netz. Fehlende rechtliche Regelungen geben den Tätern viele Schlupflöcher und erschweren eine internationale Verfolgung. Die Vereinten Nationen haben am 21.12.2010 eine umfassende Studie zur Internetkriminalität und ihren

Auswirkungen in Auftrag gegeben. Zu klären ist nun, inwiefern die internationale Zusammenarbeit gegen Cybercrime gefördert werden kann und wie Opfern geholfen werden kann. Außerdem muss eine gemeinsame Koordination und Hilfestellung gegen Terrorismus aus dem Internet möglich gemacht werden. Die Frage, die es im Bezug auf Cybercrime und Cyberkrieg zu klären gibt ist nicht ob sondern wann ein Cyberangriff internationale Ausmaße annimmt. Die KVS beschäftigt sich während der Konferenzen in Istanbul außerdem mit der Rekapitulation der Maßnahmen gegen Menschenhandel.



Was wird behandelt in der Europäische Kommission?



ie Europäische Kommission, als Interessenvertreter der Europäischen Union, ist ein deutschsprachiges Gremium unter der Leitung von Sina Reisch und Martha Stolze. Die Kommission, bestehend aus 27 Mitgliedern, unterbreitet dem Europäischen Parlament und dem Rat der EU von ihnen entwickelte Rechtsvorschriften. Dieses Jahr gibt es drei Themen, über die verhandelt und diskutiert wird. Zum einen, die Beziehung der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten zu anderen Nicht-EU-Mitgliedern, wie der Russischen Föderation, bezüglich des Energiehandels, um auch weiterhin die Versorgung

der Bürger zu gewährleisten. Zum anderen wird über Maßnahmen zur Verringerung der Arbeitslosigkeit innerhalb der EU nachgedacht, wobei auch auf die Europa-2020-Ziele eingegangen wird. Der Punkt Arbeitslosigkeit spielt eine wichtige Rolle, da nach der Krise viele Menschen ihren Arbeitsplatz verloren haben und jeder fünfte EU-Bürger von Armut bedroht ist. Ein weiterer Punkt ist die Einwanderung in die EU-Staaten und der Beschluss einer gemeinsamen Position im Hinblick auf neue Migranten und Asylsuchende. Die Migrationspolitik ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil des europäischen Inte-

grationsprojektes, nicht zuletzt weil momentan etwa 28.861.974 Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in der EU leben. Vor der Erstellung neuer Rechtsvorschriften werden bereits Bestehende überprüft. Des Weiteren obliegt der Kommission die Überwachung beschlossener Rechtsvorschriften, sodass die Einhaltung der Vorschriften von EU-Mitgliedern gewährleistet ist.

Küçülen Dünya Büyüyen Sorunlar EKOSOS


u sene IELMUN’un resmi dili Türkçe olan tek komitesi Ekonomik ve Sosyal Konsey(EKOSOS), 3 ana konu üzerine çalışacak. Bu konulardan birincisi genetik bilimdeki gelişmelerin toplum ve birey üzerindeki hukuki kısıtlamaları, ikincisi bitki ve vahşi hayvanların doğal yaşam alanlarından yasadışı yollar ile çıkarılması ve bu sebeple oluşan ekolojik bozulmaların önlenmesi, üçüncüsü ise teknolojik gelişmeler ışığında uluslararası patent ve telif hukukunun revizyonu. Bildiğimiz üzere, genetik biliminin insanların besin olarak tükettiği hayvan ve bitkiler ile bizzat insan bedeni üzerindeki hakimiyeti son yıllarda ciddi bir artış göstermiştir. Bunun sonucu olarak hükümetler, kendi toplumlarına hukuki kısıtlamalar getirerek, genetik biliminin gelişimini denetlemek, belli bir düzene koymak ve eğer yapabilirse

kendi kontrolü altına almak isteyecektir. Üstelik bu bilim dalı üzerine hiç bir sınırlama konulmadan yapılan çalışmalar korkunç sonuçlar doğurabilir. Son zamanlarda büyük bir hızla gelişen internet kullanımıyla birlikte istenilen her veriye tek bir tıkla ulaşmak mümkün. Doğal olarak insanlar, albümlere, filmlere, kitaplara para vermek yerine çoğu kez yasal olmayan bir biçimde ücretsiz olarak internetten indirmeye başladı. Yazarların, film yapımcılarının, oyuncuların ve sanatçıların patent ve telif hakları kağıt üzerindeki bir kaç parça yazıdan ibaret hale geldi. Kısacası, sanatçıların fikri mülkiyet hakkının ve vatandaşların bilgiye ulaşma kolaylığının sağlanması sıkça tartışılır oldu. Son yıllarda birçok hükümet bu konudaki yasalarda revizyona gitme yolunu seçiyor. EKOSOS delegelerinin üzerine tartışacağı bir diğer

sorun ise bitkilerin ve özellikle bazı vahşi veya nadir görülen hayvanların doğal yaşam alanlarından yasadışı olarak çıkarılmasıdır. Doğal yaşam alanından zorla alınan bitki ve hayvanlar, getirildiği bölgedeki yeni yaşam koşullarına çoğu zaman uyum sağlayamayarak ölür. Diğer bir deyişle, bir hayvanı veya bitkiyi, kendine özgü yaşam alanından zorla çekip almakla onu ölüme mahkum etmek arasında çok da bir fark yoktur. Bütün bunlar bir yana, ekolojik bozulmanın en büyük sebebi gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte sayısı gittikçe artan fabrikaların doğaya bıraktığı atıklar ve oluşturduğu kirliliktir. Bu kirlilik yalnızca ülke sınırları içerisinde kalmadığı ve doğaya verilen zarar tüm insanları yakından ilgilendiren temel bir problem olduğu için, bu konuda ihlalleri olan ülkeleri tutumlarını değiştirmeye ikna etmek, hayati bir öneme sahiptir.


HERMES MEDIA TEAM Editress Duygu Söyler Layout Artist R. Tamer Özgen Video Editress Giz Belkaya 14

Journalists Deniz Parmaksız Merve Çolak Suzan Şan Gökberk Erdoğan Jeremias Knoblauch Runa Fälder Sarah Kubat

Special Thanks to Furkan Saygın Şener & Yiğit Akdemir for being awesome



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